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Crusader Kings 2


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So it turns out my favourite game EVER (sorry Adam) is getting a sequel and it comes out next week. For any history nuts/people who watch too much Game of Thrones/people who like running living, breathing countries full of utterly dysfunctional nobles this is a can't miss. Basically an Grand Strategy RPG and, from the demo, the best game I have played in yonks. Speaking of which:


http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?495150-Other-info-about-the-game-(previews-trailers-demo-etc.) (scroll to the bottom of the screen for download link)


It limits you too twenty years and four playable characters, but really helps you get a flavour for the game. Anyone else already preordered? :p

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Looks like something I might enjoy, gonna have to do some research on it.


In case I didn't make it clear, there's a link to the demo download at the link I posted above, along with extensive previews.


Oh, and watch these Monty Python and the Holy Grail-esque trailers:

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It looks a little like Medieval Total War 2, which I bought some years ago but never really got into it. Didn't want to put much time in it and it seemed to develop so slow. This looks quite the same. Can't blame a man for not liking TBS games, though I loved the shit out of Civilisation 4 :p
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It looks a little like Medieval Total War 2, which I bought some years ago but never really got into it. Didn't want to put much time in it and it seemed to develop so slow. This looks quite the same. Can't blame a man for not liking TBS games, though I loved the shit out of Civilisation 4 :p


Comparing this to Total War or any other Turn based game is doing it a disservice. It's a very different sort of game; the focus is very much on the strategic, and there's a big focus on character. And it's played in real time (though it can be paused whenever you so desire), with each day passing after a set number of seconds. Having said that, this is something of a niche game that takes a certain sort of person to enjoy - imagination is vital so you can flesh out the numbers that make up the in game characters. Sort of similar to a certain wrestling sim, come to think of it... :p


And BHK, anyone who played the original will love this. Bugs with war are gone - defensive countries can't gain land from the war (no more arabs rolfstomping you because the Pope made you crusade) - the UI is a billion times slicker (there's even a search for bride button... YESSS) and the feudal system is recreated in far greater detail - two new ranks of titles in Baron and Emperor, plus inter-vassal feuding not nesecarilly dragging the liege into the fray. Basically, this is everything I wanted in a sequel and more, and I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to sleep between now and release :D

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It looks a little like Medieval Total War 2, which I bought some years ago but never really got into it. Didn't want to put much time in it and it seemed to develop so slow. This looks quite the same. Can't blame a man for not liking TBS games, though I loved the shit out of Civilisation 4 :p


Civ 4 was awesome. I don't know why but I just haven't gotten into Civ 5 on that level.

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For anyone playing the demo who hasn't heard yet. You can play any character in the demo if you quickly click on the nation you want to play as on the map just after you press play.


Also on the paradox forum there is a way to get the demo to extend beyond 20 years, some might frown on that but Paradox have allowed the discussion on this to continue so it is allowed.


Had a great game as the Duke of Munster, my kids kept killing each other off, eventually formed Ireland. This game exceeds the original in every category. Disapointed paradox didn't develop this 3 years ago, who needs HOI3 and Vicky 2 when they're capable of this lol.

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Civ 4 was awesome. I don't know why but I just haven't gotten into Civ 5 on that level.


I've put a lot of time into 5, but I think 4 remains the best... I really wish I could take everything in 4 and give it 5's combat system. I love the "hexes" and complete removal of unit stacking and the more survivable, but slower to build, military units.


However, 5 lacks a lot of the better features of 4, and it annoys me. All nations only have the one leader per country, the AI is seemingly always in "RAWR WAAAAAR" mode, and the computer will freakin' cede their entire country over to end a war, even if you've only taken a couple of towns... on the middle to above averageish difficulties, to boot.


Oh, and I like the limiting of how much of a resource you have... that's very nifty in 5, and realistic. A country with five major iron resources should be able to pump out more swordsman than the country with just one, and it's a fun mechanic.


On the flip side, I seriously miss the colony and vassal system. I LOVED setting up a bunch of German settlements on some other, recently discovered continent, and then have a day where they become a semi-independent country that still provides you with resources, research, and money. It wasn't as well done as it could've been, but it should've been fully expanded so you COULD have new nations forming while others collapse.


4 remains my favorite (and I loved the Colonies spin-off game... once you get the mod for ~12ish nations instead of just the default 4, it can be incredibly awesome fun), but 5 is a solid game in its own right. I just wish they could take 4, and throw in the hex map system, 5's combat (and make the AI smarter at it...), limited strategic resources, and minor nations. That would be the perfect civ right there.


And if you love Civ, I highly recommend you look up the similarly named (but unrelated) Galactic Civilizations series. GalCivII is fan-****ing-tastic. Sure, it's in space, but it's one of the best "empire builder" games I've ever played. Oh, and you have massive freedom to design your own spaceships. It's entirely time-consuming, but worth it when you've got your creations blasting some random aliens back to whatever Hell they believe in.





And this looks promising still, but I've got a test in thirty minutes. After that, I might snag up the demo and give it a whirl.

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Looking forward to this game being released as well. I've watched eagerly every week to see all the cool new stuff they've added. From the demo, it looks beautiful as well. Its sad, I just got SWTOR, and I've had more fun with the demo for this, then the few hours I've put in the a time sink MMO.
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Looking forward to this game being released as well. I've watched eagerly every week to see all the cool new stuff they've added. From the demo, it looks beautiful as well. Its sad, I just got SWOTOR, and I've had more fun with the demo for this, then the few hours I've put in the a time sink MMO.


I know... oh well, I'm sure I can balance my free time between both. Oh noes, I won't level my Trooper quite as fast.

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Had a great game as the Duke of Munster, my kids kept killing each other off, eventually formed Ireland. This game exceeds the original in every category. Disapointed paradox didn't develop this 3 years ago, who needs HOI3 and Vicky 2 when they're capable of this lol.


Quite. HOI3 and Vicky 2 felt like expansion packs almost, this... well, I love it lots and lots. Had a crazy game as Michael Doukas - I lasted even less long than he did historically before I got deposed by my little brother. Then Alexius Comenus (or whatever his Greek-iscised name is) rebelled too in a wonderful nearly-parallel to history, and I sided with him to pull off the Dynasty switch in 1084 and give me warm fuzzy feelings cos I'd recreated a historical event.


The ASOIAF mod for one was the best original CK mod I played. It's a different team working on this but the potential is massive, especially with the addition of Emperors/De Jure regions allowing you to correctly simulate Westerosi politics - Kings (of the North/Iron Throne/In Exile etc) are emperors, 'Lord of Casterly Rock' or equivalent as kings, 'Lord of the Dreadfort' or equivalent as Dukes and 'Lord of Griffin's Roost' as counts. They had to sort of bodge that on the first - the Kings and the Great Houses were on the same level, and that didn't really work.

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Well, having successfully gone through the demo (except the first combat one, which looks to be bugged... either that, are I'm just totally missing what it wants me to do after I set sail north of Scotland), I can safely say that this game both terrifies the hell out of me due to shear size and depth, and that I'm starting to get amped to actually get the whole thing (though my actual in-game demo time isn't much... but hey, baby steps).


I did, however, manage to marry a Norwegian princess, thus insuring the Alphaness of my dynasty.

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Downloading it now, as I'm a huge fan of these games (and Paradox in general, although tbh I've only actually played EU3). Regardless of whether or not I like the demo (although... grand strategy crossed with RPG? How can I not like it?!), I'll probably buy it once the Westeros mod is finished. :p


Can't buy it yet though, bit short on money and it'd be sods law that they release GW2 as soon as I buy another game...


When are they going to set the Westeros mod though? I mean, it sort of needs to be while most of the cool characters are alive. But at the same time, late enough so that you can play as some of the smaller, more minor houses. We Guard The Way!


Plus, playing as House Stark any time post-Ned probably wouldn't be much fun. Your only viable character is a 15 year old cockbag with no heirs, personality, or chance of surviving long. :p

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No clue when they're setting the mod (though watch anything that might be a spoiler, D-Lyrium). I'd personally put it just before Jon Arryn bites it, or even before Robert's Rebellion, but not my call. Most certainly looking forward to it, even if it'll completely consume me.


As for the game itself... it's awesome. Figured out how to use the command console to play as a Norse pagan, and so far it's been jolly good fun.

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Damn this game is awesome...


I probably should've bought food instead, but... eh.


One thing I can't figure out though, is there anything you can do if two of your vassals declare war on each other? Can you support one of them, or get them to call it off or something?


And why can't you declare war if you've raised levies? Surely that's the point of raising them? ¬_¬


One more question: How do you become a King, if you don't start as one? Is there a certain number of vassals you need to have?

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Man, that last game was ridiculous. Also, I play this too much.


But seriously. Decided to try out one of history's most doomed-to-failure scenarios: Playing as Harold Godwinn. God damn, if anything the game is harder than history! :p


Decided to follow history to begin with and meet the Vikings at Stamford Bridge (or... near it, at least). That, um.. didn't go as well as the real one. So then I decided, with no army left at all, that I could at least still screw over the French, by bending the knee to Harald IV. So England became Norway's bitch.


Norway, however, had other problems. The war with Denmark wasn't going so well due largely to the unexpected victory in England meaning they were thrown headlong into a war with Normandy that they weren't particularly anticipating.


What he probably anticipated even less was a plot by his evil but brilliant son, Magnus, to take his throne away from him (impatient brat). To recap, at this point poor Harald - and by extension even poorer Harold - is now in a war on no less than four fronts: The Danes, the Swedes, the Normans and his own bloody son. I at this point rule over the mighty kingdom of Somerset and Dorset - the latter of which is under siege by the Normans. My son (the one I still like, Godwin of Godwin) has been granted Devon and Cornwall (too poor to create the Duchy of Cornwall :(). The other one I don't care about who hates my guts has taken the Duchy of Oxford, but that's besieged. I can't rightly remember what happened to Bedford, but I lost it somewhere.

Most of my vassals dislike me (unsurprising really). Useless Son is at -69 I think (Godwin of Godwin is at 98).


Anyway, with Harald's army stretched so thin, it's little surprise when Magnus wins and takes his throne. Harald is now reduced to merely King of England, and rules from York. Magnus is King of Norway, but in an ironic twist now has a tiny realm to govern because over half of modern-day Norway is now Danish. The Swedes seem to have stayed mostly in Sweden, and seem to be more interested in crushing the vile pagans to the north, even though they're technically in a war with England (not even Norway any more, their beef seems to have been with Harald).


The Normans now occupy every south-coast county east of Dorset (and are besieging that), and their occupation stretches as far north as Hertfordshire. Harald doesn't seem bothered by that at all. Randomly, the also occupy Gloucester. I think I defeated them in Somerset and they retreated there, then just laid siege to it.


That's where we are so far... England is Norwegian (except the South East, where the French have moved in), Norway is mostly Danish. Harald's son usurped his throne, but somehow Harald now has the bigger Kingdom. Gotta love this game.


I kinda want Harold to die soon, so that Godwin of House Godwin can rule Coirnwall and Devon, and possibly gain independence. Might see if the Welsh and the Bretons want to help with that...

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Started a game as Matilda I in 1066. She died in... I want to say 1120? I didn't write it down. She died with like 1500 gold in the coffers and over 1000 prestige. Then her son, heir to the Duchy of Tuscany, was assassinated by her 2nd daughter (who has been on an assassination bent since she was about 12). Right before he croaked, though, her 2nd son revolts and takes half the duchy with him. And me with a young girl, grand-daughter of Matilda, to defend everything, and about 500-odd soldiers soaking wet. I took back one of my demenses, but I was pretty much screwed.


:\ F*** you, Edda. I wish you'd killed the youngest one so he wouldn't revolt.


Then I forgot to save. So my only Matilda save is back when Matilda was still relatively young. Everything old is new again.

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