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SWF 2014: A Family Fallout Creates Opportunity

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kaneso14: 4/6


SWF has announced signings of Roger Cage & Lassana Makutsi

John Greed has turned down SWF due to leaving only reacently

SWF has offered a contract to Danny Fonzarelli who's contract is coming up in TCW, also to Doctor Michael O'Haire,Des Davids & Joss Thompson.

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SWF has announced the signings of Des Davids & Doctor Michael O'Haire under developmental deals.


SWF Supreme live from Isaak Road Arena



Eric Eisen vs Jack Bruce & Remo


Marc DuBois & Scythe vs Vengeance & Tyson Baine


Jack Giedroyc vs Lobster Warrior vs Richard Parsons vs Squeeky McClean


Spencer Spade vs Valiant


Brandon James vs Edward Cornell


Enforcer Roberts,Jimmy Platinum & Dwayne Nelson vs Big Smack Scott,Grandmaster Phunk & Joe Sexy


(Results should be up Monday or Tuesday)

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SWF Supreme

Tuesday Wk4 February 2014


Live from the Isaak Road Arena




The Biggz Boyz vs "Your Heroes"

In an extremely short match, Your Heroes defeated The Biggz Boyz in 4:10 when American Machine defeated Bart Biggz by pinfall with an Old Glory.

(C+ 66)


Ant-Man vs Jungle Lord

In an extremely short match, Jungle Lord defeated Ant-Man in 3:01 by pinfall with a Jungle Jack-Jammer.

(C 60)


FAG & Laramee vs Gregory Black & Robbie Retro

In a bout that featured great action and average heat, FAG & Laramee defeated Gregory Black and Robbie Retro in 6:15 when Kurt Laramee defeated Robbie Retro by pinfall with a Switchblade Powerslam.

(C+ 66)


Main Show:


Jack Bruce comes out and taunts the fans saying he is the greatest World Champion in all of wrestling today and the greatest world champion there has ever been, Bruce rubs in the fact that he beat Lobster Warrior.

(A 93)



Enforcer Roberts, Jimmy Platinum & Dwayne Nelson vs Big Smack Scott, Grandmaster Phunk & Joe Sexy

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Enforcer Roberts, Jimmy Platinum and Dwayne Nelson defeated Big Smack Scott, Grandmaster Phunk and Joe Sexy in 6:59 when Enforcer Roberts defeated Grandmaster Phunk by submission with a R.C.T..

(C- 59)


Marc DuBois cuts a promo documenting his rise from being North American Champion to main eventing PPV's.

(B+ 86)


Brandon James vs Edward Cornell

In an extremely short match, Brandon James defeated Edward Cornell in 3:56 by pinfall with a Brandon Bomb Drop.

(C 62)


Post Match James grabs a mic and warns Eric Eisen that what he did last week was completley out of line and that Mr.Eisen has something planned for Eric in the main-event.

(B 80)


Lobster Warrior, Richard Parsons, Jack Giedroyc & Squeeky McClean are having an argument backstage and Richard Eisen happens to hear this and books a 4 way between all of them

(B 80)


Spencer Spade vs Valiant

In a bout that featured great action but not much in the way of heat, Spencer Spade defeated Valiant in 6:39 by pinfall with a Supreme Stunner.

(B+ 84)


FAG cuts a backstage promo saying how if "his" team was named Fabulous & Flawed Laramee would definatley but the Flawed because FAG is Fabulous.

(C+ 68)


Jack Giedroyc vs Lobster Warrior vs Richard Parsons vs Squeeky McClean

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Lobster Warrior defeated Jack Giedroyc, Richard Parsons and Squeeky McClean in 9:55 when Lobster Warrior defeated Squeeky McClean by pinfall with a Lobster Trap.

(B 80)


Richard Eisen flanked by members of security (including Des Davids & Pit Bull Brown) calls out Eric Eisen and tells him that in the main event he will be in a handicap match against Jack Bruce & Remo.

(C 64)


Marc DuBois & Scythe vs Vengeance & Tyson Baine

In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Vengeance and Tyson Baine defeated Marc DuBois and Scythe in 7:55 when Vengeance defeated Scythe by pinfall with a Six Feet Under.

(B- 74)


Vengeance & Baine continue the beatdown on Scythe, DuBois recovers and re-enters the ring (after being thrown out at the end of the match) with Scythe's scythe and Vengeance & Baine flee from the ring, Scythe looks up at DuBois, DuBois gives a smirk then walks up the ramp.

(C+ 71)


Eric Eisen vs Jack Bruce & Remo

In a bout that featured great action and great heat from the audience, Jack Bruce and Remo defeated Eric Eisen in 10:51 when Jack Bruce defeated Eric Eisen by pinfall with a New York Minute.

(B+ 86)


Overall Rating:

(B 79)

Show hurt popularity

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Danny Fonzarelli has rejected being approached by SWF, it is unsure whether he will resign with TCW.

Joss Thompson has been signed to a developmental deal, he joins future stars such as Brett Starr,Jay Chord & Quentin Queen in Rhode Island Pro Wrestling.

Edd Stone has signed a contract with SWF, he will be eligible to compete in 2 weeks.


Yuichi Fukao has passed away at the age of 45, he died of drugs.

1969 - 2014



SWF Supreme live from Clover Fields


Champion vs Champion

Jack Bruce vs Jack Giedroyc


Lobster Warrior & Eric Eisen vs Marc DuBois & Scythe vs The Circle of Death


Richard Parsons vs Big Smack Scott


FAG,Laramee & Spencer Spade vs Enforcer Roberts,Jimmy Platinum & Gregory Black


Remo vs Valiant


Edward Cornell vs Jungle Lord


(Show should be up Thursday)

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Damn, was away all weekend and missed the last predictions.


SWF Supreme live from Clover Fields


Champion vs Champion

Jack Bruce vs Jack Giedroyc

I'm guessing JB will win or it will be some sort of double DQ due to shenanigans.


Lobster Warrior & Eric Eisen vs Marc DuBois & Scythe vs The Circle of Death


Richard Parsons vs Big Smack Scott

Squash, though BSS probably won't sell anything.


FAG,Laramee & Spencer Spade vs Enforcer Roberts,Jimmy Platinum & Gregory Black


Remo vs Valiant


Edward Cornell vs Jungle Lord


(Show should be up Thursday)

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SWF Supreme

Tuesday Wk1 March 2014


Live from Clover Fields (Mid South)




Joe Sexy vs Ant-Man

In an extremely short match, Joe Sexy defeated Ant-Man in 4:06 by pinfall with an One Night Stand.

(C 65)


The Biggz Boyz vs "Your Heroes"

In an extremely short match, The Biggz Boyz defeated Your Heroes in 4:29 when Brett Biggz defeated Captain Atomic by pinfall with a Biggz Up.

(C 65)


Robbie Retro vs Grandmaster Phunk vs Brandon James

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Brandon James defeated Robbie Retro and Grandmaster Phunk in 6:24 when Brandon James defeated Robbie Retro by pinfall with a Big Money Move.

(C+ 70)


Main Show:


Edward Cornell vs Jungle Lord

In an extremely short match, Edward Cornell defeated Jungle Lord in 1:35 by pinfall with a Black Lightning Bomb.

(C+ 70)


Duane Fry, Peter Michaels & Ana Garcia hype the champion vs champion main event

(B 84)


Remo vs Valiant

In an extremely short match, Remo defeated Valiant in 4:33 by pinfall with The Destroyer.

(B+ 85)


Jack Bruce comes down to the ring and says it is a disgrace to his name to have him face off against the North American Champion, Giedroyc comes out looking angry, just before Giedroyc can throw a punch at Bruce security flock the ring and the scene is broken up to a chorous of boos.

(A 90)


FAG,Kurt Laramee & Spencer Spade vs Enforcer Roberts,Jimmy Platinum & Gregory Black

In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Frederique Antonio Garcia, Kurt Laramee and Spencer Spade defeated Enforcer Roberts, Jimmy Platinum and Gregory Black in 6:45 when Spencer Spade defeated Jimmy Platinum by pinfall with a Supreme Stunner.

(C 64)

Post match Laramee hits FAG with a clothesline sending the Fabulous One down to the ground, Laramee leaves the ring smirking.


Richard Eisen,Brandon James & Squeeky McClean are standing backstage together, Eisen tells his son that he will reveal Eric's partner for Awesome Impact next episode of Supreme

(C+ 69)


Richard Parsons vs Big Smack Scott

In an extremely short match, Richard Parsons defeated Big Smack Scott in 3:02 by pinfall with a Bank Roll.

(C+ 71)


Pre taped interviews are played with Jack Bruce talking about the reasons why he turned on the fans and Giedroyc talking about growing up in England watching SWF hoping one day to become the SWF World Heavyweight Champion.

(B+ 84 Bruce)

(B+ 85 Giedroyc)


Lobster Warrior & Eric Eisen vs Marc DuBois & Scythe vs The Circle of Death

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Lobster Warrior and Eric Eisen defeated Marc DuBois and Scythe and The Circle of Death in 11:33; the order of elimination was Marc DuBois and Scythe first, and finally The Circle of Death.

(B- 76)


Another quick video plays hyping the upcoming main event of Bruce vs Giedroyc.

(B 83)


Eric Eisen is standing backstage and tells us how it dosen't matter who his partner is whether it's Ben Williams or Gregory Black he will defeat his father's team.

(C+ 70)


Champion vs Champion Match

Jack Bruce vs Jack Giedroyc


In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Jack Bruce defeated Jack Giedroyc in 19:03 by pinfall with a New York Minute.

(B 80)


Overall Rating: (B 81)

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kaneso14: 6/6


SWF Supreme got a 7.55 rating on it's debut on The Pop! Networtk, this is awesome compared to the numbers it is getting on UKBS which usually gets around the 1.52 rating.

SWF have comfirmed the signings of Ray Johnson, he will be working with the kids at RIPW

SWF has signed a PPV agreement with V-Corp in Europe, now all game world countries have SWF's PPVs available to them.

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SWF Supreme live from the Iowa State Fayre



Jack Bruce vs Richard Parsons vs Lobster Warrior


Scythe vs Jungle Lord


Jack Giedroyc vs Grandmaster Phunk


Brandon James & Squeeky McClean vs Dwayne Nelson & Ant-Man


Remo vs Edward Cornell


The Biggz Boyz vs The Circle of Death


Marc DuBois & Kurt Laramee vs FAG & Joe Sexy


Who is Eric Eisen's Hand Picked Partner? (Picked by Richard Eisen)


(Show up Sunday/Monday)

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SWF Supreme

Tuesday Wk2 March 2014


Live from Iowa State Fayre




Big Smack Scott vs Robbie Retro vs Gregory Black

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Robbie Retro defeated Big Smack Scott and Gregory Black in 5:34 when Robbie Retro defeated Gregory Black by pinfall with a Murder On The Dancefloor.

(C+ 67)


Roberts & Platinum vs "Your Heroes"

In an extremely short match, Roberts & Platinum defeated Your Heroes in 3:42 when Enforcer Roberts defeated Captain Atomic by submission with a R.C.T..

(C+ 71)


Main Show:


The show opens with a music video that hypes the main event of Richard Parsons vs Jack Bruce vs Lobster Warrior.

(B+ 84)


A video plays showing the rise & fall (into lonlyness) of Richard Parsons, it features comments about him from other SWF Superstars.

(B+ 87)


The Biggz Boyz vs The Circle of Death

In an extremely short match, The Circle of Death defeated The Biggz Boyz in 4:21 when Vengeance defeated Brett Biggz by pinfall with a Skull Krusher.

(C+ 69)


Marc DuBois appears on the Supreme tron as the Circle of Death are leaving the ring, DuBois tells of how at Awesome Impact he will defeat Tyson Baine and how Scythe will defeat Vengeance.

(B+ 88)


A video package airs of Jack Bruce highlighting the change of attitudes that the "One Man Rock Band" has gone through.

(B+ 88)

Brandon James & Squeeky McClean vs Dwayne Nelson & Ant-Man

In an extremely short match, Brandon James and Squeeky McClean defeated Ant-Man and Dwayne Nelson in 2:17 when Brandon James defeated Dwayne Nelson by pinfall with a Brandon Bomb Drop.

(D+ 53)


James & McClean hype up Richard Eisen's big announcment of who Eric Eisen's partner will be for Awesome Impact, they say that when the announcment comes out both men will feel the pain of the Eisen Empire.

(B 81)


Marc DuBois & Kurt Laramee vs FAG & Joe Sexy

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Marc DuBois and Kurt Laramee defeated Frederique Antonio Garcia and Joe Sexy in 9:06 when Marc DuBois defeated Frederique Antonio Garcia by submission with a Model Solution.

(B- 77)


Laramee grabs a mic and says that if FAG causes his team to lose the Tag Titles at Awesome Impact there will be hell to pay.

(B- 75)


Scythe vs Jungle Lord

In an extremely short match, Scythe defeated Jungle Lord in 4:03 by pinfall with a Choke Slam.

(D 43)


Scythe picks up Jungle Lord again and drives him through the mat again with another Choke Slam, Scythe stares into the camera and motions the slitting of Vengeance's throat.

(C- 59)


Richard Eisen comes out and says that it is time to announce Eric's partner for Awesome Impact, Valiant, Valiant comes out shortly followed by Eric Eisen, as both men are walking down to the ring they are jumped by James & McClean, Richard Eisen just stands in the ring laughing.

(C 64)


Remo vs Edward Cornell

In an extremely short match, Remo defeated Edward Cornell in 2:35 by pinfall with The Destroyer.

(C 62)


Vengeance & Tyson Baine are backstage together with action figures of Marc DuBois & Scythe, they talk about how these represent what will happen to both men at Awesome Impact, Baine throws DuBois & Vengeance throws Scythe into an open fire, the segment concludes with Vengeance saying both men will be sent down to the depths of hell.

(B- 76)


Jack Giedroyc vs Grandmaster Phunk

In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Jack Giedroyc defeated Grandmaster Phunk in 6:36 by pinfall with a Crashing On.

(B- 75)


Post match Spencer Spade beats down Giedroyc hitting him with the Supreme Stunner then holding the North American Championship above his head before placing it on the chest of Giedroyc.

(B- 73)


Richard Parsons vs Jack Bruce vs Lobster Warrior

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Richard Parsons drew with Jack Bruce and Lobster Warrior in 17:42 when all three men were counted out, it is announced that these three will face off again at Awesome Impact in a steel cage.

(A 90)


Overall Rating: 78

Show hurt popularity

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SWF Supreme drew a 6.90 rating on The Pop! Network and the previous episode drew 1.67 on UKSB.


Predictions for SWF Awesome Impact 2014:

Live from the Lakeland Arena (New England)


Jack Bruce © vs Richard Parsons vs Lobster Warrior

SWF World Heavyweight Championship Match in a Steel Cage


Jack Giedroyc © vs Spencer Spade

SWF North American Championship Match


Scythe vs Vengeance


Tyson Baine vs Marc DuBois


FAG & Kurt Laramee vs Enforcer Roberts & Jimmy Platinum

SWF World Tag Team Championship Match


Eric Eisen & Valiant vs Brandon James & Squeeky McClean


Remo vs Robbie Retro


(Show should be up Friday or Saturday)

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Jack Bruce © vs Richard Parsons vs Lobster Warrior

SWF World Heavyweight Championship Match in a Steel Cage


Jack Giedroyc © vs Spencer Spade

SWF North American Championship Match


Scythe vs Vengeance


Tyson Baine vs Marc DuBois


FAG & Kurt Laramee vs Enforcer Roberts & Jimmy Platinum

SWF World Tag Team Championship Match


Eric Eisen & Valiant vs Brandon James & Squeeky McClean


Remo vs Robbie Retro

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Jack Bruce © vs Richard Parsons vs Lobster Warrior

SWF World Heavyweight Championship Match in a Steel Cage


Jack Giedroyc © vs Spencer Spade

SWF North American Championship Match


Scythe vs Vengeance


Tyson Bainevs Marc DuBois


FAG & Kurt Laramee vs Enforcer Roberts & Jimmy Platinum

SWF World Tag Team Championship Match


Eric Eisen & Valiant vs Brandon James & Squeeky McClean


Remo vs Robbie Retro

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SWF Awesome Impact 2014

Thursday Wk2 March 2014


Live from the Lakeland Arena




Big Smack Scott vs Ant-Man

In an extremely short match, Big Smack Scott defeated Ant-Man in 2:23 by pinfall with an Ego Trip.

(C+ 66)


The Biggz Boyz vs "Your Heroes" vs Edward Cornell & Gregory Black vs Joe Sexy & Grandmaster Phunk

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Edward Cornell and Gregory Black defeated The Biggz Boyz, Your Heroes and Joe Sexy and Grandmaster Phunk in 10:28; the order of elimination was Your Heroes first, then The Biggz Boyz, and finally Joe Sexy and Grandmaster Phunk.

(B- 76)


Main Show:


Brandon James & Squeeky McClean come down to the ring with Emma Chase & Richard Eisen, James & McClean tells the crowd that a miracle won't happen and the Eisen Empire will lay down the law on the foolish child Eric Eisen

(B 82)


Eric Eisen & Valiant vs Brandon James & Squeeky McClean

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Eric Eisen and Valiant defeated Squeeky McClean and Brandon James in 11:53 when Eric Eisen defeated Brandon James by pinfall with The Supremacy.

(B+ 86)


Remo vs Robbie Retro

In an extremely short match, Remo defeated Robbie Retro in 4:12 by pinfall with The Destroyer.

(C+ 69)


Remo waits for Retro to get back to his feet, when he does he is met with a spear followed by another Destroyer, Remo snarls at the camera then storms back up the ramp.

(B- 76)


Tyson Baine vs Marc DuBois

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Marc DuBois defeated Tyson Baine in 13:47 by submission with a Model Solution.

(B 83)


FAG & Kurt Laramee © vs Enforcer Roberts & Jimmy Platinum

SWF World Tag Team Championship Match


In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Roberts & Platinum defeated FAG & Laramee in 8:50 when Enforcer Roberts defeated Frederique Antonio Garcia by submission with a R.C.T.. Roberts & Platinum win the SWF World Tag Team titles.

(C 62)


Laramee as he promised on Supreme beats down FAG to the crowds approval, he grabs a mic and says that this is not over until there is only one of us left in the SWF.

(C 60)


Spencer Spade appears on the SupremeTron, he talks about his beatdown of Jack Giedroyc on Supreme and how tonight he will win his first SWF North American Championship.

(B- 76)


Scythe vs Vengeance

In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Vengeance defeated Scythe in 7:29 by pinfall with a Skull Krusher.

(B- 74)


Vengeance begins pouring lighter fluid on Scythe, when suddenly Scythe rises up and begins decimating the leader of the Circle, the lights go dark and when they come back on Vengeance is on fire in the middle of the ring and Scythe is nowhere to be seen.

(B 79)


Jack Giedroyc © vs Spencer Spade

SWF North American Championship Match


In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Jack Giedroyc defeated Spencer Spade in 14:50 by pinfall with a Crashing On. Jack Giedroyc makes defence number 6 of his SWF North American title.

(B 82)


A video plays hyping the upcoming steel cage match for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship.

(B+ 85)


Jack Bruce © vs Richard Parsons vs Lobster Warrior

SWF World Heavyweight Championship Match

Steel Cage Match


In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Lobster Warrior defeated Jack Bruce and Richard Parsons in a vs 1 Steel Cage match in 21:26 when Lobster Warrior defeated Richard Parsons by pinfall with a Lobster Trap. Lobster Warrior wins the SWF World Heavyweight title.

(B+ 85)


The cage lifts and confetti begins falling from the ceiling, most of the lockeroom enters the ring and lifts Warrior up on there shoulders, Fry says "A Young Boy's Dream has come true, Lobster Warrior is the new SWF World Heavyweight Champion".

(B+ 85)


Overall Rating:

(B 80)

This show should have increased our popularity

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20LEgend: 4/7

BHK1978: 5/7


SWF Awesome Impact got a PPV Buy Rate of: 6.45

This past episode of SWF Supreme got a rating of 1.53 on UKBS.


SWF has confirmed the releases of Jungle Lord (Jack Marlowe) & Everest (Elmer Kelly)

SWF wishes them all the best in there future endeavours.

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SWF Supreme Wk3 March 2014

Live from the Oregon Gardens (North West)




Lobster Warrior vs Richard Parsons


Vengeance vs Marc DuBois vs Tyson Baine


Jack Giedroyc © vs Jack Bruce

SWF North American Championship


Valiant & Gregory Black vs Brandon James & Squeeky McClean


Enforcer Roberts & Jimmy Platinum vs "Your Heroes"


Remo vs Ant-Man


(Show should be up Monday or Tuesday)

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Lobster Warrior vs Richard Parsons


Vengeance vs Marc DuBois vs Tyson Baine


Jack Giedroyc © vs Jack Bruce

SWF North American Championship


Bruce is the logical choice here just based on popularity alone, but I just do not see him as SWF N.A. Championship material. Plus he just lost the main title so somehow Giedroyc is going to pull out the victory.


Valiant & Gregory Black vs Brandon James & Squeeky McClean


Enforcer Roberts & Jimmy Platinum vs "Your Heroes"


Remo vs Ant-Man

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Lobster Warrior vs Richard Parsons


Vengeance vs Marc DuBois vs Tyson Baine

Think DuBois takes the fall

Jack Giedroyc © vs Jack Bruce

SWF North American Championship

Expect maybe an odd finish here but can't think what

Valiant & Gregory Black vs Brandon James & Squeeky McClean


Enforcer Roberts & Jimmy Platinum vs "Your Heroes"


Remo vs Ant-Man

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SWF Supreme

Tuesday Wk3 March 2014


Live from the Oregon Gardens




Joe Sexy vs Robbie Retro

In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Joe Sexy defeated Robbie Retro in 9:30 by pinfall with an One Night Stand.

(B- 74)


The Biggz Boyz vs Big Smack Scott & Grandmaster Phunk

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Biggz Boyz defeated Big Smack Scott and Grandmaster Phunk in 6:29 when Bart Biggz defeated Grandmaster Phunk by pinfall with a Biggz Up.

(C+ 68)


Main Show:


Lobster Warrior comes out with the SWF World Heavyweight Championship and he talks to the fans and thanks them for sticking with him through his career, once Warrior is finished speaking he holds up the SWF World Heavyweight Championship, out of nowhere Richard Parsons enters the ring and decks the new champ, these two are scheduled for a match later on but it looks like Parsons wants an advantage.

(B+ 85)


Remo vs Ant-Man

In an extremely short match, Remo defeated Ant-Man in 1:15 by pinfall with The Destroyer.

(B- 73)


Like loads of previous matches he waits for Ant-Man to get back to his feet then Remo hits him with a spear that nearly broke Ant-Man in two, he then proceeds to hit another Destroyer before once again snarling and leaving, not saying a word.

(D+ 52)


Spencer Spade cuts a promo on how at Awesome Impact he came so close to becoming North American Champion, Spade promises however by the end of the year he will be holding singles gold of some form, because he is the "future legend"

(B- 72)


Jack Bruce is called into Richard Eisen's office (Eisen is flanked by McClean & James), Eisen in a foul mood gives Bruce a title shot, against the North American Champion Jack Giedroyc tonight on Supreme

(B- 74)


Enforcer Roberts & Jimmy Platinum vs "Your Heroes"

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Roberts & Platinum defeated Your Heroes in 6:54 when Jimmy Platinum defeated American Machine by submission with a Prudential Pain Plan.

(B- 73)


Eric Eisen comes out and taunts his father for picking such an underatted wrestler such as Valiant, Eisen says that he will destroy his fathers legacy and with destroy his father's Empire (McClean & James).

(B- 74)


Valiant & Gregory Black vs Brandon James & Squeeky McClean

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Squeeky McClean and Brandon James defeated Valiant and Gregory Black in 8:13 when Brandon James defeated Gregory Black by pinfall with a Big Money Move.

(B- 76)

Eric Eisen was commentating for the whole match and post match both James & McClean gave looks at Eisen, Ana Garcia says that Eisen needs to be careful as some people may not be willing to fight with him against the corporate machine behind SWF.


Jack Giedroyc © vs Jack Bruce

SWF North American Championship Match


In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Jack Giedroyc defeated Jack Bruce in 10:53 by pinfall with a Crashing On. Jack Giedroyc makes defence number 7 of his SWF North American title.

(B+ 86)


A camera goes backstage where Laramee & FAG are brawling, both men shouting at each other, the commentators point out that at the next PPV one man will be out of a job.

(C 62)


Vengeance vs Marc DuBois vs Tyson Baine

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Vengeance drew with Marc DuBois and Tyson Baine in 10:00 when the lights went out.

(B 80)


When the lights came back on all three men were down on the floor with blood running down there faces, all three get medical attention.

(B 80)


Lobster Warrior vs Richard Parsons


In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Richard Parsons defeated Lobster Warrior in 12:06 by pinfall with a Money In The Bank following a low blow that Darren Smith failed to see.

(B+ 87)


Overall Rating:

(B 78)

Show may have hurt popularity

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20LEgend 3/6

BHK1978 3/6


SWF Supreme drew a 6.99 rating on The Pop! Network and a 1.57 on UKBS

Randy Bumfhole has re-signed with SWF, it is most likely he won't be known as Bumfhole upon his return.

Kurt Laramee is getting lots of heat backstage as he is pulling pranks & arguing with several members of the SWF roster.

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SWF Supreme

Tuesday Wk4 March 2014


Live from The Cattle Market (Puerto Rico)




Lobster Warrior & Jack Giedroyc vs Jack Bruce & Richard Parsons


Scythe vs Tyson Baine


Remo vs Kevin Jones


Eric Eisen & Kurt Laramee vs FAG & Squeeky McClean


Roberts & Platinum vs The Biggz Boyz


Vengeance vs Gregory Black


Show will be up Friday or Saturday

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SWF Supreme

Tuesday Wk4 March 2014


Live from The Cattle Market




Joe Sexy vs Grandmaster Phunk vs Robbie Retro

In an extremely short match, Robbie Retro defeated Joe Sexy and Grandmaster Phunk in 4:43 when Robbie Retro defeated Joe Sexy by pinfall with a Murder On The Dancefloor.

(C+ 68)


Valiant vs Big Smack Scott

In a match that had some good action and average heat, Valiant defeated Big Smack Scott in 6:05 by pinfall with a V-Split.

(C 62)


Main Show:


The show opens with a video package showing Richard Parsons beating down Lobster Warrior then cheating to win in the main event.

(B+ 85)


Gregory Black vs Vengeance

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Vengeance defeated Gregory Black in 7:24 by pinfall with a Skull Krusher.

(B 81)


A video plays showing the mysterious attack on Vengeance, Marc DuBois & Tyson Baine.

(B+ 84)


Roberts & Platinum vs The Biggz Boyz

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Roberts & Platinum defeated The Biggz Boyz in 5:42 when Jimmy Platinum defeated Bart Biggz by submission with a Prudential Pain Plan.

(B 82)


"Your Heroes" enter the ring unbenounced to Roberts & Platinum, Machine throws out Roberts and then both men get to work on Platinum, he looks in severe pain and doctors come out from the back, "Your Heroes" leave the ring laughing at Platinum in pain, Roberts gets back in the ring to check on his injured partner.

(C+ 66)


A backstage promo airs where Richard Parsons tells why he beatdown Lobster Warrior and turned on the fans, he says because he had the match won but Warrior stole the victory, he says that he hates Lobster Warrior as people love him even though he wears a ridiculous outfit.

(B+ 86)


Eric Eisen & Kurt Laramee vs FAG & Squeeky McClean

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Frederique Antonio Garcia and Squeeky McClean defeated Eric Eisen and Kurt Laramee in 8:39 when Frederique Antonio Garcia defeated Kurt Laramee by pinfall with a Romeo Is Bleeding. During the match we also had Brandon James run in and attack Laramee.

(B 80)

Richard Eisen comes out and says if Eric wants a match against Brandon James & Squeeky McClean he must sign the contract in his hand that says that James,McClean & Mr.Eisen arn't responsible if Eric were to get injured.

(C+ 70)


A video hypes the 2 vs 2 tag match main event which will feature Lobster Warrior and Jack Giedroyc taking on there No1 Contenders Richard Parsons & Jack Bruce.

(B+ 87)


Remo vs Kevin Jones

In an extremely short match, Remo defeated Kevin Jones in 1:07 by pinfall with a Lumbar Puncture.

(C+ 67)


Remo again waits for Kevin Jones to get back to his feet then hits him with a rough spear then hits him with another Destroyer, Remo looks around, seemingly for his next opponent then snarling and storming back to the backstage area.

(B+ 84)


Scythe vs Tyson Baine

In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Scythe defeated Tyson Baine in 7:12 by pinfall with a Choke Slam.

(B- 73)

Scythe stands in the middle of the ring and lifts his arms up, the lights go out, there is a scream and a second later the lights were back on with a pool of blood in the ring but both Scythe & Tyson Baine where out of sight.

(B- 74)


Marc DuBois cuts a backstage promo on his confusion about how he didn't feel pain but was covered in his own blood, DuBois at the end that the "Can't Miss Prospect" is looking for a match at The World is Watching.

(B+ 86)

Spencer Spade walks in the two begin arguing, Spade saying that DuBois may be the "Can't Miss Prospect" but he is the "Future Legend", DuBois and Spade then begin brawling, security breaks up the scene before either man could be seriously hurt.

(B- 75)


Lobster Warrior & Jack Giedroyc vs Jack Bruce & Richard Parsons

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Jack Bruce and Richard Parsons defeated Lobster Warrior and Jack Giedroyc in 17:26 when Richard Parsons defeated Jack Giedroyc by pinfall with a Money In The Bank.

(A 90)


Overall Rating:

(B 78)

Show may have hurt popularity

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SWF Supreme got a 6.86 rating on The Pop! Network and 1.56 on UKBS

Kevin Jones has been released from his contract, the SWF wishes Mr.Jones all the best in his future endeavours.

SWF Supreme

Tuesday Wk1 April 2014


Live from The Dust Bowl (South East)




Jack Giedroyc vs Richard Parsons


Remo vs Kurt Laramee


Marc DuBois, Scythe & Valiant vs Spencer Spade & The Circle of Death


Enforcer Roberts & Gregory Black vs FAG & Joe Sexy


Eric Eisen vs Squeeky McClean


Brandon James vs Robbie Retro


(Show should be up Thursday or Friday)

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SWF Supreme

Tuesday Wk1 April 2014


Live from The Dust Bowl




The Biggz Boyz vs Big Smack Scott & Grandmaster Phunk

In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, The Biggz Boyz defeated Big Smack Scott and Grandmaster Phunk in 5:50 when Bart Biggz defeated Grandmaster Phunk by pinfall with a Biggz Up.

(C+ 70)


Main Show:


Jack Bruce, Lobster Warrior, Jack Giedroyc & Richard Parsons are all in the ring arguing, Richard Eisen comes out and makes 2 matches, Jack Giedroyc vs Richard Parsons tonight and Lobster Warrior vs Jack Bruce next week.

(B 80)


Brandon James vs Robbie Retro

In a bout that featured great action and average heat, Brandon James defeated Robbie Retro in 6:01 by pinfall with a Big Money Move.

(B 82)


James grabs a mic and says what you just saw is what James & McClean will do to Eric Eisen at The World is Watching.

(C 65)


Enforcer Roberts & Gregory Black vs Joe Sexy & FAG

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Enforcer Roberts and Gregory Black defeated Frederique Antonio Garcia and Joe Sexy in 7:04 when Gregory Black defeated Joe Sexy by pinfall with a Fade To Black.

(B 82)


"Your Heroes" come out and taunt Roberts about how Jimmy Platinum will not make it to The World is Watching because of the beatdown "Your Heroes" gave to him last week on Supreme, they then play an emotional video mocking Platinum, Roberts is visibly angry throught the whole segment.

(C+ 69)


Eric Eisen vs Squeeky McClean

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Eric Eisen defeated Squeeky McClean in 7:40 by pinfall with The Supremacy.

(B 79)


Eric grabs a mic and tells James & McClean that they may have the 2 on 1 advantage at The World is Watching but in the end Eisen's heart will win him the match.

(C+ 70)


Spencer Spade cuts a backstage promo taunting Marc DuBois saying it took DuBois 6 years to rise to the main event scene, it will take Spade 6 years to become a legend in this business.

(B- 72)


Remo vs Kurt Laramee

In an extremely short match, Remo defeated Kurt Laramee in 3:51 by pinfall with The Destroyer.

(B 78)


Remo waits for Laramee to get back up then he hits him with a spear, FAG comes out to continue the beatdown on Laramee, when FAG turns round he too is hit with a spear, Remo storms backstage.

(C+ 71)


Marc DuBois cuts a promo saying that he has something that Spencer Spade dosen't have, the support of the fans and at The World is Watching he won't disappoint and will defeat Spade.

(B+ 84)


Marc DuBois, Scythe & Valiant vs Spencer Spade & The Circle of Death

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Spencer Spade and The Circle of Death defeated Marc DuBois, Scythe and Valiant in 11:05 when Spencer Spade defeated Valiant by pinfall with a Supreme Stunner.

Midway through the match the lights went out and when they came back on only Spade & Valiant were left in the ring, the other men were nowhere to be seen.

(B- 77)


Jack Bruce taunts Lobster Warrior backstage by saying Warrior got lucky at Awesome Impact and that the fairytale will end soon.

Lobster tells Bruce that luck had nothing to do with it, he says it was his drive & determination that won him the match.

(B 82)


Jack Giedroyc vs Richard Parsons

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Richard Parsons defeated Jack Giedroyc in 14:45 by pinfall with a Dollars From Heaven.

(B+ 84)


Overall Rating:

(B- 76)

Show may have hurt popularity

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  • 2 weeks later...

<p><em>SWF Supreme got a 6.91 on The Pop! Network, it got a 1.54 on UKBS</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

SWF have signed John Greed & Slim V, they will be going to RIPW until they are ready to be called up.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>SWF Supreme</strong></em></p><p><em><strong>

Tuesday Wk2 April 2014</strong></em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Live from the Utah Park Reservation</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Pre-Show:</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Enforcer Roberts & Gregory Black vs Big Smack Scott & Grandmaster Phunk</strong></em></p><p><em>

In an extremely short match, Enforcer Roberts and Gregory Black defeated Big Smack Scott and Grandmaster Phunk in 4:54 when Gregory Black defeated Grandmaster Phunk by pinfall with a Fade To Black.</em></p><p><em>

(B- 74)</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Main Show:</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

A video plays hyping the main event of Jack Bruce vs Lobster Warrior it also hypes the fact that Bruce will face Giedroyc & Lobby will face Parsons at The World is Watching.</em></p><p><em>

(B+ 85)</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Kurt Laramee vs Dwayne Nelson</strong></em></p><p><em>

In an extremely short match, Kurt Laramee defeated Dwayne Nelson in 4:09 by pinfall with a Switchblade Powerslam.</em></p><p><em>

(D+ 50)</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Eric Eisen vs Joe Sexy</strong></em></p><p><em>

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Eric Eisen defeated Joe Sexy in 7:25 by pinfall with The Supremacy.</em></p><p><em>

(C+ 70)</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

James & McClean come down and beatdown Eisen, Valiant runs out with a steel chair and hits McClean, James dodges the chair shot, even though it is a handicap match it is unsure where Valiant will be at The World is Watching.</em></p><p><em>

(C+ 68)</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Jack Bruce comes out and taunts the fans and says it is a joke that the World Champion is a lobster, Warrior comes out and looks to strike Bruce, but Emmy is pulled in the way of the shot, Bruce runs free while Emmy lay in pain in the ring, Warrior stays with Emmy until the medical team come down to help her.</em></p><p><em>

(B+ 84)</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Baine & Vengeance are beating down Scythe with weapons such as baseball bats and steel chairs, Scythe has blood running down his face, suddenly the lights go out, there is a bell rung 3 times then the lights come back on, Baine & Vengeance are down covered in blood, Scythe has no blood on him and not a scratch on him.</em></p><p><em>

(B 79)</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Remo vs FAG</strong></em></p><p><em>

In an extremely short match, Remo defeated Frederique Antonio Garcia in 4:09 by pinfall with The Destroyer.</em></p><p><em>

(B- 72)</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

A video comes up showing all of Remo's post match attacks from previous episodes of Supreme, the video ends with "Who's Next?" the camera cuts back to the ring where Remo hits FAG with the spear, Remo hits another Destroyer on FAG, he snarls at the camera then says "Who's Next?"</em></p><p><em>

(B 78)</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Marc DuBois & Spencer Spade are in seperate rooms but have an argument as the screen is split in two, DuBois tells Spade how his focusing on him being a guarranted "Future Legend" as in wrestling nothing is preditermined, Spade says that DuBois's rise in the company resulted on Angry Gilmore & Marat Khoklov leaving and he was just in the right place to take over, Spade dosen't need to replace anyone as there has never been a "Future Legend" in SWF before.</em></p><p><em>

(B 78)</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>"Your Heroes" vs The Biggz Boyz</strong></em></p><p><em>

In an extremely short match, Your Heroes defeated The Biggz Boyz in 3:57 when American Machine defeated Brett Biggz by pinfall with an Old Glory.</em></p><p><em>

(C 64)</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Jack Bruce cuts another promo calling Lobster Warrior a woman beater, Bruce says he will still win at The World is Watching even if his "Mistress of Rock" can't be there.</em></p><p><em>

(B+ 84)</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Marc DuBois & Jack Giedroyc vs Spencer Spade & Richard Parsons</strong></em></p><p><em>

In a bout that featured great action and a good crowd, Spencer Spade and Richard Parsons defeated Marc DuBois and Jack Giedroyc in 16:04 when Richard Parsons defeated Jack Giedroyc by pinfall with a Money In The Bank.</em></p><p><em>

(B 83)</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Jack Bruce vs Lobster Warrior</strong></em></p><p><em>

In a match that had excellent in-ring action and great heat from the audience, Lobster Warrior defeated Jack Bruce in 12:56 by pinfall with a Lobster Trap.</em></p><p><em>

(B- 72)</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Parsons comes out while Warrior is celebrating, he hits him with the Money In The Bank then removes Lobby's mask, Lobby hides his face and Parsons gives an evil smirk while holding the mask, several backstage staff come out with a towel to protect Lobster Warriors identity.</em></p><p><em>

(B+ 88)</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Overall Rating:</em></p><p><em>

(B 78)</em></p><p><em>

Show may have hurt popularity</em></p>

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<p><em>SWF Supreme drew a 6.92 rating on The Pop! Network, SWF is drawing the second highest ratings in wrestling, TCW is drawing 16-17 ratings on GNN Sports.</em></p><p><em>

SWF has released Scott Sinclair better known as Big Smack Scott, SWF wishes him all the best in all of his future endeavours.</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Predictions for SWF The World is Watching 2014:</em></p><p><em>

Live from the Greenwalt Dome</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Lobster Warrior © vs Richard Parsons</em></p><p><em>

SWF World Heavyweight Championship Match</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Jack Giedroyc © vs Jack Bruce</em></p><p><em>

SWF North American Championship Match</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Marc DuBois vs Spencer Spade</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Scythe vs Vengeance vs Tyson Baine</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Enforcer Roberts & Gregory Black © vs "Your Heroes"</em></p><p><em>

SWF World Tag Team Championships Match</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

FAG vs Kurt Laramee</em></p><p><em>

Loser Leaves SWF Match</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Eric Eisen vs Brandon James & Squeeky McClean</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

Remo vs Joe Sexy</em></p>

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