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SWF: You Know You Want To Give It One Star a.k.a. the Ballad of Big Smack Scott

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SWF Presents: Times of Trouble 2010




Date: June 13, 2010

Location: Atlanta, Georgia

Attendance: 30,000

PPV Rating: 4.02

Overall Show Rating: 87




[The show begins with the typical opening montage of clips from SWF; we are informed that the SWF is the worldwide leader in Sports Entertainment. We then hear the theme song for the Times of Trouble pay-per-view while we see the opening video showing us the various matches that are on the card tonight along with video clips of the participants of said matches.]




[As the video montage comes to an end, we are taken to the live shot of the arena. As the pyrotechnics go off we see an overhead shot of the inside of the arena. Peter Michaels welcomes us to Atlanta, Georgia which is the home of the 2010 Times of Trouble pay-per-view!


The camera then cuts to the announcer’s table where Peter Michaels, Duane Fry, and Anna Garcia give a rundown of tonight’s card. We are then taken up to the ring for the first match of the evening.]



http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/RandyBumfhole.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/ZimmyBumfhole.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/KidToma.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/AkimaBrave.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Streetz.jpg


The Amazing Bumfholes vs. The Samoan Wildboyz with Acee L. Lou






  • This was a very fast-paced match between these two teams.
  • Despite the shortness of this match, both teams managed to get in an equal amount offense.
  • Akima covered Zimmy for the winning pin but Zimmy managed to kick out at the last second.
  • This caused Acee L. Lou to grab a microphone and yell at Referee Ric Young that he was part of the white racist conspiracy against the Wildboyz, because he clearly counted slowly so that Zimmy would be able to kick out.
  • Acee then ordered his men to leave the ring because they were not going to be able to pick up the win because the racist SWF hierarchy would not allow them to pick up the win.
  • The Wildboyz complied with Acee’s orders and were counted-out in the process.


Winners by way of count-out: The Amazing Bumfholes

Time: 5:50

Match Rating: 76


[it is now time to go to the backstage interview area for the first time this evening where Sgt. Barrowman and the SWF World Tag Team Champions Electric Law, along with Dawn the Cheerleader, are standing by.]




Sgt. Barrowman: Brandon James, for the better part of the last decade you and I have had our problems. We’ve fought in bloody matches throughout this country. Tonight I predict we will be seeing the same thing.


You see Brandon; tonight you put something on the line that means something to you. The chance for me to challenge you for your North American Championship at Supreme Challenge Thirty next month. Ya know I didn’t really need much incentive to beat you because quite frankly I hate your cocky guts. But now you have given me yet another reason to beat you tonight and that is exactly what me and my boys here plan on doing, beating you and the Pain Alliance.


I want to teach you a lesson Brandon, I want to show you that you cannot bully my friends. Tonight we’re going to beat you and I am going to challenge you for the SWF North American Championship at Supreme Challenge and there ain’t a damn thing you or your boys are going to do about it.




Valiant: Big Smack Scott, Kurt Laramee, Brandon James why are the three of you dudes always so uptight? Why do you want to maim and destroy everyone in your path? You three need to take a chill pill, you need to stop harshing our vibes braghs.


Don’t worry be happy braghs. Tonight we’re going to help out our friend Sergeant Barrowman. You see my dudes me and Jack don’t care if we have to face the Pain Alliance at Supreme Challenge, cuz we’ve already beaten them so we know we can do it again.


No tonight is about the Sarge, tonight we plan on picking up the win so that our bragh here can get his shot at the North American Championship. Now that would be a far out and righteous thing to have happen.




Jack Giedroyc: Brandon, Kurt, and Scott I love the fact that we’re facing off with the three of you tonight mates. It gives me and me mates the chance to give the three of you a right proper trouncing.


As Valiant just said, tonight is not about us. No tonight is about us helping out a mate, making sure he gets his shot at fighting for the North American Championship and if in the process we get to kick the crap out of three useless wankers, well more power to us.


Big Smack Scott, you might not like my prissy Nancy-boy accent but that does not bother me mate because tonight the guy with the prissy accent is going to…brain you bro!




Dawn the Cheerleader: Emma if you try to stick your nose into this match I’m going to have to be aggressive, b-e aggressive with you.




Frederique Antonio Garcia vs. John Greed






  • John attacked F.A. as F.A. was handing his boa off to the ring attendant.
  • John continued his attack on F.A. for the first few minutes of the match, nailing F.A. with pretty much every move in his offensive arsenal.
  • John managed to get a couple of near falls in but he never did enough to put F.A. down for good.
  • The fans in the arena began chanting, “You go girl!”, this chant seemed to light a fire under F.A.’s ass and he began mounting his comeback.
  • F.A. and John were soon exchanging strikes in the center of the ring, for a minute there it looked as if John was going to be getting the better of this exchange.
  • However, F.A. kept on fighting back and soon John was staggering around the ring looking like his legs were made of Jell-O.
  • It was at this point that F.A. kissed his knuckles and nailed John with a Superman punch (A move F.A. is calling the Kiss of Death).
  • John staggers around for a few seconds more before he falls face first onto the canvas.
  • F.A. then picks him up and puts him back down with a Romeo is Bleeding, he then covers John for the pinfall and the victory.


Winner: Frederique Antonio Garcia

Time: 6:51

Match Rating: 73


[Emma Chase and her group are standing by in the backstage interview area.]




Emma Chase: Dawn the Cheerleader, I knew there was a reason as to why you hardly ever talk and what you said reinforced what I thought about you. Dawn you are nothing but a stupid blonde bimbo who has managed to set women’s lib back to the 1960’s. With your stupid cheerleading uniform…




Big Smack Scott: Hey Em I actually like that she wears a cheerleading uniform, it makes little Scott…


[Emma shoots Scott the nastiest off looks and Scott shuts right up before he can finish saying what he was going to say.]




Emma Chase: As I was saying, Dawn you disgust me. You are a disgrace to all women. You are not a role model, I am a role model. I am a successful woman who has real power here and I got to where I am by my intelligence, not be wearing some skimpy cheerleading uniform. So you can go ahead and try to b-e aggressive with me but if you lay a hand on me I shall sue your ass.


Now let us talk about the actual match. Thom, Valiant, and Jack I am not sure if the three of you realize exactly what you have gotten yourselves into. You see boys my men don’t just want to beat you so that the Pain Alliance can challenge Electric Law for the Tag Team Titles at Supreme Challenge. No, my mean want to destroy the three of you, they want to wipe you all off the face of the SWF map. Tonight that is exactly what they are going to do.




Brandon James: Thom Barrowman, I know you think you are some sort of soldier which is a joke. Doing Civil War reenactments does not make you a soldier; it just means that you are a pathetic loser. Tonight I am going to inflict so much pain onto you that even if you and your band of misfits happen to win tonight, it won’t matter because you will be in no condition to wrestle me at the Supreme Challenge.


You see Thom, I am the Supreme athlete. I am at the zenith of my career. You are not messing with that kid you used to fight in Bingo Halls. No not at all, tonight you are stepping into the ring with me the Supreme athlete and there is no telling how much me and my boys will shorten your career after all is said and done tonight.




Big Smack Scott: Dawn, Emma may not like your cheerleading uniform but I love it. It makes little Scott stand at salute…




Emma Chase: Scott nobody wants to hear about that!




Big Smack Scott: My bad Em. Tonight us three are going to brain Electric Law and Sergeant Barrowman be prepared for the Smack Attack bros.




Kurt Laramee: Nothing else needs to be said, let’s go brain some fools.


[To set-up the next match Peter Michaels explains what had happened to Robbie Retro and American Machine on last night’s Supreme Uprising show. We are then shown a video of Marat’s attack on both men. Peter then goes onto to say that while neither Robbie nor Am-Machine is anywhere near one hundred percent tonight both men have requested a match with Marat. The SWF Booking Committee has decided that both men will take Marat on in a handicap match.]




Robbie Retro & American Machine vs. Marat Khoklov






  • The match begins with both men attacking Marat; Marat uses his great strength to heave Robbie over the top rope and onto the arena floor.
  • Marat then focuses his rage on Am-Machine nailing Am-Machine with every move in his limited arsenal.
  • The Moscow Mauler lifts Am-Machine up and chokeslams him down onto the ring canvas.
  • It is at this point that Marat makes a pin attempt, which is broken up when Robbie reenters the ring and kicks Marat in the back.
  • Marat then gets up and he and Robbie start trading strikes in the center of the ring.
  • Robbie seems to be holding his own for a little while but he is soon not able to withstand the crushing blows from Marat.
  • Marat then nails Robbie with a Moscow Lariat but before he can pin Robbie, Am-Machine dropkicks the mighty Russian in the back.
  • This staggers the Moscow Mauler but does not bring him down, instead it enrages him and he turns his attention back towards Am-Machine.
  • Am-Machine goes on an offensive barrage nailing Marat with dropkicks, punches, and kicks to the leg but naturally Marat no sells most of it (Why would Marat sell for a couple of midcard guys when he refuses to sell for Christian Faith?), though some of the moves stagger.
  • Finally, Marat lets out what can only be described as a huge war cry and nails Am-Machine with one of the most vicious Moscow Lariats ever.
  • Marat then covered Am-Machine for the pin and the victory.


Winner: Marat Khoklov

Time: 8:57

Match Rating: 68


[We are now taken to a corridor somewhere in the bowels of the arena where Remo and Squeeky McClean are talking.]




Squeeky McClean: Remo I have to admit that I am none too pleased about having to tag with you tonight. After all I have been in the restroom with you in the past and I know for a fact that you do not wash your hands after you do your…um…business as it were. But I have to put your personal hygiene out of my mind for the time being and focus on the matter at hand…




Remo: Hey man Remo don’t want to be tagging with you either but it is what it is son. Remo going to do Remo and go down to that ring and take Art Reed out. Art Reed needs to learn a necessary lesson; you don’t hype yourself in Remo’s house.




Squeeky McClean: Well then, your lack of personal hygiene aside I do like the fact that you are driven to rid the SWF of Art Reed. You see I feel the same way about Joe Sexy.


To me Joe is the worst kind of person out there, he is a false idol. The fans worship and adore him despite the fact that he is a pathetic boozehound who likes to cavort with various loose women.


How is it that the fans allow their children to cheer for this man? I am a much better role model, I live a straight edge lifestyle there is no corruption in my life. I am trying to let these people see Joe Sexy for what he is and yet they seem to not care.


It is really starting to stress me out…




Remo: Remo don’t care about any of that crap. Remo just wants to take Art Reed’s head off and that’s that.


[With that Remo walks away from Squeeky. Squeeky calls out to him.]




Squeeky McClean: Uh Remo, would you mind using some hand sanitizer before our match. After all cleanliness is next to godliness.


The stipulations for the next match are as follows:


If the team of Brandon James and the Pain Alliance win the following match, then the Pain Alliance will challenge Electric Law for the SWF World Tag Team Championships at the upcoming Supreme Challenge.


If Sgt. Barrowman and Electric Law win the following match, then Sgt. Barrowman will challenge Brandon James for the SWF North American Championship at the upcoming Supreme Challenge.


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Guide_alt1.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JackGiedroyc_alt2.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Valiant.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/DawnTheCheerleader.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BigCatBrandon_alt2.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/KurtLaramee.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BigSmackScott.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EmmaChase.jpg


Sgt. Barrowman & Electric Law with Dawn the Cheerleader vs. Brandon James & The Pain Alliance with Emma Chase






  • The match starts off with Scott and Valiant in the ring.
  • Both men get an equal amount of offense in a fact which frustrates Scott.
  • Scott tags Kurt into the match and Valiant tags Jack into the match.
  • Jack and Kurt exchange strikes in the middle of the ring, but Kurt gets the upper hand when Jack gets too close to the heels’ corner and Brandon nails Jack in the back with a vicious forearm.
  • For the next few minutes the heels stay firmly in control of the match by keeping Jack in their corner and a heavy amount of illegal tags.
  • Every time that it looks as if Jack is going to fight his way back to the safety of his corner, one of the heels manage to stop him.
  • Soon after one to many illegal tags, both Sgt. Barrowman and Valiant enter the ring and this time neither man allows Referee Shane Stones to hold them back.
  • Instead both men charge over to where Kurt is (who had just entered the ring via an illegal tag) and they begin attacking him.
  • This prompts Brandon and Scott to enter into the ring to aid their partner.
  • Soon the match breaks down entirely and all six men are bawling on the inside and on the outside of the ring.
  • On commentary Duane Fry notes that Shane Stones is being very lenient in calling the match as he has not even started his ten count, instead he is busy trying to restore order.
  • The highlight of this portion of the match was when Scott sloppily slammed Valiant onto the arena floor, causing a collective groan from the crowd.
  • Followed by the typical, “You can’t wrestle!” chant from the crowd a chant that seems to be heard at least once in every match that Scott is involved in.
  • Order is soon restored in the match and at this point it is Sgt. Barrowman and Brandon James in the ring.
  • Barrowman and Brandon exchange punches in the center of the ring, when Barrowman hits James with a punch the crowd cheers.
  • When Brandon hits Barrowman with a punch the crowd boos.
  • Soon Brandon gets the better of the exchange and he is able to take Barrowman down with his finisher the Big Money Move.
  • Instead of properly covering Barrowman, Brandon takes the time to showboat and he pins Barrowman with his foot on Barrowman’s chest.
  • Barrowman manages to raise his shoulders off the mat and it is at this point that Brandon gets onto of Barrowman and begins blitzing him with some ground and pound.
  • Somehow Barrowman is able to withstand this barrage and he is even able to break free of Brandon’s mount.
  • Barrowman then gets back up to his feet and begins fighting Brandon with reckless abandon, throwing ever thing he can at him from punches to kicks.
  • Brandon is having none of this and he quickly manages to make it back over to his corner and tag Kurt into the match.
  • While he is doing this Barrowman tags Jack into the ring.
  • Jack enters the ring and immediately takes Kurt down with a clothesline.
  • Jack then knocks Scott, who has just entered the ring, down with a dropkick.
  • Brandon enters the ring and comes charging at Jack, but Jack moves out of the way and Brandon eats a boot to the face via Valiant who had just entered the ring.
  • Emma, sensing that her boys were in real trouble, jumps up on the ring apron and tries to get Shan Stones attention.
  • She is unable to do so as Dawn the Cheerlead comes up from behind and pulls down Emma’s pants.
  • The crowd roars with laughter as they see that Emma is wearing granny panties.
  • A humiliated Emma quickly pulls her pants up and jumps off the ring apron and begins fighting with Dawn.
  • Back inside of the ring, Jack nails Kurt with his finisher Crashing On.
  • Jack then covers Kurt for the pinfall and the victory, which means that Sgt. Barrowman will challenge Brandon James for the North American Championship at the Supreme Challenge!


Winners: Sgt. Barrowman & Electric Law

Time: 11:47

Match Rating: 75


[Marc DuBois and Angry Gilmore are in the backstage interview area where they being to address the audience about their tag team match later on tonight.]




Marc DuBois: My career has taken a dramatic upturn over the last couple of months. A few months ago I was fighting in order to get a chance to wrestle on Supreme TV. Now I am in the semi-main event for an SWF pay-per-view!


The fans are witnessing the rise of the Prodigy. Soon I will not be labeled a future SWF World Heavyweight Champion. I will be the reigning SWF World Heavyweight Champion.


Tonight is just going to serve as a stepping stone to my future glory.




Angry Gilmore: You know Marc, even though both Lobster Warrior and Vengeance are nothing more than cartoon sport entertainers, we should not overlook them because every dog does have their day. Also, I have been on the receiving end of the Skull Krusher and let me tell you it was not a pleasant experience.


Ah…who am I kidding neither man poses any sort of threat to us because we are professional wrestlers and they are both talentless hacks who rely on stupid pallor tricks to get themselves over. I am just mad that I have to face them once again. I thought for sure my crusade to rid those talentless sports entertainers from the SWF roster would be over with by now but sadly that is not the case.




Marc DuBois: Trust me when I say this, neither of them will remain here in the SWF after we are done with them tonight.




Angry Gilmore: Yeah you’re right, because I am mad as hell and I am going to take that anger out on the both of them.




Art Reed & Joe Sexy vs. Remo & Squeeky McClean






  • Before the match begins Squeeky asks Remo to use hand sanitizer, Remo scoffs at such a notion telling Squeeky, “Remo’s hands are clean.”
  • Squeeky and Joe begin the match for their respective team.
  • They lock in a collar-and-elbow-tie-up which Squeeky soon breaks out of when he knees Joe in the stomach.
  • Squeeky quickly leaves the ring and goes over to the announcer’s table, where he put his hand sanitizer.
  • Squeeky looks utterly disgusted over the fact that he has just had to have contact with Joe.
  • Squeeky then squirts out a glob of hand sanitizer onto his hand and begins to rub it onto his hands.
  • Joe follows him to the outside of the ring and he attacks Squeeky right in front of the announcer’s table.
  • Remo soon comes to the aid of his tag team partner and the two men have a short two on one advantage on Joe while Art makes his way over to aid Joe from the other side of the ring.
  • Once Art comes to the aid of Joe, all four men begin brawling at ringside.
  • Squeeky gets the advantage over Joe after he takes the palm of his ring hand and rubs it into Joe’s left eye.
  • Joe becomes temporarily blinded by the hand sanitizer that was on Squeeky’s hand and due to this Squeeky is able throw Joe into the steel ring stairs.
  • Squeeky then picks Joe up and rolls him back into the ring as Art and Remo continue to brawl at ringside.
  • While Joe is on the mat, Squeeky begins kicking him in the back.
  • Squeeky then locks Joe’s head into a headlock and while Referee Shane Stones is out of position, Squeeky jams his thumb into the irritated left eye of Joe.
  • Squeeky seems to be getting some sort of sadistic thrill out of making Joe suffer and when he feels as if he has dealt out enough punishment to Joe, he pins him but Joe still has enough strength to kick out before Shane Stones can slap the mat for a third time.
  • A frustrated Squeeky tags Remo into the match.
  • Remo displays his awesome power as he lifts Joe up over his head and hold Joe there for about a minute, before tossing Joe onto the canvas.
  • Remo then picks Joe up and throws him into the face’s corner; Remo is so cocky that he yells for Art Reed to tag into the match.
  • Art does and he charges at Remo and begins to pepper Remo with stiff kicks and vicious strikes.
  • Remo was clearly not ready for this and he looks totally out of his element.
  • Soon Art manages to take Remo down to the mat and he then locks Remo into his Dread Lock submission hold.
  • Luckily for Remo he was right near the ropes and he was able to get out of the hold by putting his foot underneath the ropes.
  • Shane Stones stands both men up and this time Remo does not wait for Art to come to him.
  • Instead Remo clobbers Art with a vicious clothesline, knocking the dread lock superstar down to the canvas.
  • Remo then picks Art up several times and powerslams Art down onto the mat.
  • Remo then puts Art down with his finisher the Destroyer and before he covers Art for the pin, he goes over and knocks Joe off the ring apron.
  • Remo then covers Art and one three count later Remo and Squeeky are victorious in this match.


Winners: Remo & Squeeky McClean

Time: 12:07

Match Rating: 73


[Jerry Eisen is standing by with Gregory Black in the backstage interview area. Conspicuous by her absence is Gregory’s girlfriend and manager Lisa Bowen.]




Jerry Eisen: Gregory, in a few short minutes you are going to be taken part in the biggest match of your career when you step inside the ring with the former SWF World Champion Runaway Train. Are you experiencing any pre-match jitters right now?




Gregory Black: Jerry I would be lying if I told you no. I mean as you just said, tonight I have to step inside the ring with a former SWF World Champion. It is going to be a huge challenge but I am up for it.




Jerry Eisen: Now I have noticed that Lisa is not here by your side tonight. Is there a reason for this?




Gregory Black: Yeah Lisa says that she refuses to watch the two men that she loves the most in this world fight each other. So she is going to stay in the back here and…these are her words…pray that we both come out of this fight with no injuries.


I’m going to be honest with you Jerry, at first I did not want to step in the ring with Mister Bowen, because I respect him and I love his daughter. Mister Bowen has forced me into this match and if by me beating him I get even an ounce of respect out of him…well this match will be well worth it.


[Just then Gregory’s music begins to play.]




Gregory Black: Now if you’ll excuse me I got a match to win…




Gregory Black vs. Runaway Train






  • The start of this match was very much a cat and mouse game with Gregory running around the ring and picking when to hit Train with strikes to the legs.
  • Things were going well for Gregory that was until Train managed to catch Gregory and it was at that point that Train used his considerable power to keep the high flying Gregory grounded.
  • Gregory would mount comebacks here and there, he even managed to get Train down a couple of time for some near falls, but nothing that Gregory did was able to get him back into the driver’s seat.
  • Train speared Gregory down onto the canvas and began peppering him with rights and lefts, causing a cut to open up on Gregory’s forehead.
  • It was at that point in the match that Lisa Bowen came running down to ringside.
  • Lisa pleaded with her father to stop battering Gregory, but Train paid no attention to his daughter because he was blinded by the rage he felt towards Gregory.
  • Train then propped Gregory up in a corner, as Lisa watched on with tears streaming from her eyes.
  • Lisa, knowing full well that her father was setting Gregory up for a Train Wreck, pleaded with her father on last time to not go through with the Train Wreck and just pin the defenseless Gregory.
  • Train looked out at his daughter and said, “Kitten, I’m sorry.”
  • He then ran towards Gregory and nailed him with a Train Wreck.
  • Train then covered the lifeless Gregory for the pinfall and the victory.


Winner: Runaway Train

Time: 11:43

Match Rating: 66


[it is once again time to go to the backstage interview area where Jerry Eisen is standing by with his brother the SWF World Champion Eric Eisen, Rich Money, and Enforcer Roberts.]




Jerry Eisen: Rich…




Eric Eisen: Whoa…hold up dear brother. I am the SWF World Heavyweight Champion. Therefore, I should be asked the first question as I am the most important member of this team.




Rich Money: Keep telling yourself that Eric, but everyone knows that I am the better wrestler and therefore I should be the first person to field a question.




Eric Eisen: If you are truly the better wrestler then why pray tell are you not the one holding the SWF World Heavyweight Champion?


How come nobody has called you the greatest SWF World Heavyweight Champion of all-time? Why has nobody proclaimed that 2010 is the year of Rich Money?




I shall tell you why, because you are not even close to being in my league just like the two Jamokes that we are facing tonight. I mean seriously Jack Bruce and Christian Faith…does my papa think that this is any sort of challenge for me?


I have beaten Jack Bruce time and again. The dude is o for life against me.


As for Christian Faith…my former mentor a man who was like an older brother to me. Well he is nothing but a shell of his former self. He is nothing but an old broken down fool with two shoddy knees who is trying to live on his former glory.


I am not at all concerned about my match tonight. In fact…Phillip…


[Eric turns and looks at Enforcer Roberts.]




Eric Eisen: I am going to go take a nap, could you please wake me up when it is time for my match?




Enforcer Roberts: Sure thing boss.


[With that Eric leaves the interview area, with Enforcer Roberts following closely behind him. Jerry looks at Rich with a confused look on his face and Rich just shrugs his shoulders. ]




Rich Money: He’s your brother…




Lobster Warrior & Vengeance vs. Marc DuBois & Angry Gilmore





Before the bell even sounds all four men begin brawling at ringside.


  • Referee Ric Young desperately tries to impose some order but none of the combatants seem to be listening to him.
  • After about three minutes of intense brawling on the outside of the ring, Lobster Warrior and Marc DuBois make it inside the ring.
  • Lobby and Marc put together a nice little stretch of action where they would each counteract the other’s offense.
  • The “Prodigy” soon gained the upper hand on offense and he and Gilmore then managed to isolate Lobby in their corner so that he could not tag out of the match.
  • Gilmore and DuBois then went to work on Lobby’s back, using various moves and submission holds to do as much damage as possible to the back of the man from under the sea.
  • Gilmore kept taunting Vengeance by yelling various insults at him, Vengeance just stood on the ring apron the entire time with his head tilted to one side as he watched Gilmore inflict damage on his tag team partner.
  • It was at this point that a low chant of, “Here we go Lobby, here we go!” began.
  • As the chant grew louder Marc, from his position on the ring apron, implored the crowd to be silent.
  • This only made the crowd chant louder and this chant seemed to wake the Lobster Warrior up as he began fighting back.
  • Lobby soon took Gilmore down and he slowly crawled over to his corner, where he tagged Vengeance into the match.
  • Vengeance enters the ring and Gilmore runs over to his corner and tags DuBois into the match.
  • DuBois reluctantly enters the ring and Vengeance releases holy hell onto the “Prodigy”.
  • Vengeance hits Marc with a devastating clothesline that damn near decapitates the young Canadian wrestler.
  • After nearly taking Marc’s head off, Vengeance turns his attention over to Gilmore; he tilts his head to the side and stares at Gilmore for a moment before he slowly raises his hand and points directly at Gilmore.
  • Gilmore stands on the ring apron with a look of abject fear on his face; he then leaps off the ring apron and hurriedly walks back towards the stage where the wresters come out leaving his fellow Canadian at the mercy of Vengeance.
  • Vengeance then lifts Marc up and drops him back onto the canvas via his finisher the Skull Krusher.
  • Vengeance then covers the motionless Marc for the pin and the victory.


Winners: Lobster Warrior & Vengeance

Time: 15:49

Match Rating: 90


[it is now time to head to the backstage interview area for the final time this evening where Jack Bruce and Christian Faith are standing by. The interview starts out with Jack trying, and failing miserably, to do his best Frankie Valli impersonation as he begins to sing…]




Jack Bruce: Oh way night, the night that Christian and I kicked two rich boys asses from pillar to post. Oh what an ass kicking, oh what a night.


Eric and Rich I think the four of us are pretty familiar with each other due to the sheer amount of times we’ve been in the ring together over the past couple of months. So the two of you must know by now that Christian and I are going to be coming out tonight with are guns blazing.


This is not a simple tag team match tonight…no not at all. Tonight the four of us are in a war. Rich the bitch you want to whine a cry about how I always seem to be the one getting SWF World Title shots, well tonight is your chance to do something about it.


If you and Eric beat Christian and I, I am sure Mister Eisen will be very impressed with you. Maybe then you will stop being jealous of my career accolades. Granted the two of you are not going to beat us so that entire hypothetical situation I just brought up is nothing more than fantasy.


You can try but the two of you are not going to do it. Because tonight you are entering our house and our house might not be in the middle of the street but it is definitely not a place you want to be. Ain’t that right Christian?




Christian Faith: You’re damn right on that Jack. Eric you know that next month I’m coming for that there SWF World Title and there ain’t a damn thing you or your father is going to do about it. Well tonight is gonna be a preview of the pain you are gonna feel when you step into the ring with me at Supreme Challenge.


Now son I might be old, I might be broken down, my knees aren’t what they used to be. All of that is true and I reckon that saying otherwise would make me a liar. So you and Rich know all of my weakness, but the two of you forget that every time I go down to that there ring I have a determination to win.


Tonight I am very determined to beat the two of you. Rich you can bitch and moan about the lack of respect you get around here. But son just remember one thing, respect is not handed out to you on a silver platter son. Nah, it ain’t like that. Respect must be earned.


So son you want respect? You and Eric are gonna have to earn it by beating me and Jack. Trust me when I tell you this boys, beating me and Jack isn’t gonna be an easy task.




Jack Bruce: Before we head out to the ring Christian I was wondering if you and the city of Atlanta could do me a favor and answer a question that I have been dying to ask.


Christian…the Atl are you ready to rock?


[both the crowd and Christian yell out yes. Jack smiles and looks directly into the camera and says:]




Jack Bruce: Well then let’s rock!


[We are now shown a video hyping the main event of the evening. Various clips are shown of Bruce and Faith’s frequent battles against Eisen and Money. Once the video ends it is now time to go down to the ring for the main event of the evening.]


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JackBruce.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/ChristianFaith.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/RichMoney_alt1.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EricEisen_alt5.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EnforcerRoberts.jpg


Jack Bruce & Christian Faith vs. Rich Money & Eric Eisen with Enforcer Roberts






  • Rich and Eric stand in their corner arguing about who is going to start the match for their team.
  • Christian makes the decision for them as he nails Rich with a clothesline which sends Rich sailing over the top rope and onto the arena floor.
  • Christian and Eric begin trading punches in the ring and Eric quickly comes out on the losing side of that exchange.
  • Christian nails Eric with a wicked left and which causes Eric to stagger around like a drunk on Saint Patrick’s Day.
  • Eric swings wildly at nothing and then falls face first onto the canvas.
  • Enforcer Roberts pulls Eric out of the ring and slaps Eric in the face, in order to get the loopy World Champion out of his haze.
  • It works and Eric looks up at Referee Darren Smith and pleads for a timeout, the plead falls upon deaf ears and Darren begins to make his ten count.
  • Eric reenters the ring and makes a beeline over to his corner and he tags Rich into the match, Christian goes over and tags Jack into the match.
  • Jack and Rich go at it for the next few minutes of the match and it is pretty much a stalemate between the two men as neither man is able to take the other one out.
  • Both men manage to get in a couple of near falls during this stretch of the match with every near fall being broken up by either Christian or Eric.
  • Soon Jack gets the upper hand in the match and he tags Christian in.
  • Christian has full control of the match for the next minute that is until Rich pokes the Christian in the eye.
  • For the next few minutes Eric and Rich keep Christian in their half of the ring.
  • Both men work on Christian’s notoriously weak left knee.
  • At one point, Rich takes a moment to taunt the crowd by asking them, “Whose the bitch now?”
  • Much to the dismay of Rich, the crowd begins a “Rich the bitch!” chant.
  • Eric, who is standing on the ring apron, yells feverishly at Rich to pay attention to what is going on in the ring.
  • Rich is so worked up over the fact that the lower class fans dear to insult him, he does not see Christian make his way over to his corner and tag Jack into the match.
  • Jack runs over to Rich and begins nailing him with rights and lefts, he manages to back Rich up against the ropes and he then clotheslines Rich over the top rope and onto the arena floor.
  • Jack then does something that he hardly ever does; he leaps over the top rope and knocks Rich down to the arena floor.
  • While Jack and Rich are lying on the arena floor, Christian and Eric enter the ring and begin to fight each other again.
  • Christian and Eric soon join Rich and Jack on the outside of the ring and all four men begin to brawl at ringside.
  • Referee Darren Smith tries to restore order to the match but none of the combatants listen to him.
  • Soon Eric and Christian renter the ring and Christian gets the upper hand, he is soon able to get Eric down onto the canvas.
  • It is at this point that Christian climbs to the top of the rope, he then jumps off the top rope and nails Eric with a Leap of Faith.
  • Christian then pins Eric but Referee Darren Smith is preoccupied with Jack and Rich on the outside of the ring and so he does not notice the pin attempt.
  • Christian gets up and begins to walk over to where Darren Smith is, but before he can reach him Enforcer Roberts hits him in the back of the head with the SWF World Heavyweight Championship.
  • This staggers Christian and it presents Eric with the opportunity to take Christian down via his finisher the Supremacy.
  • Eric then draws Darren Smith’s attention in order for Darren to make the three count.
  • Despite not being the legal men in the match Darren Smith does count Eric’s pin, which means that Eric and Rich are the victors in this match.


Winners: Eric Eisen & Rich Money

Time: 17:31

Match Rating: 98


[The pay-per-view comes to an end with Eric standing over Christian (Jack and Rich are still brawling on the outside of the ring.), while holding his SWF World Heavyweight Championship high over his head.]





This damn thing took almost an hour and a half to post...


I would just like to thank everyone that has taken the time to predict, read, and post in this diary. With the results of the picks I am thinking that I probably did a terrible job booking this show. A lot of it was a case of people being too popular to lose to their opponents.


Here are the results for the prediction contest:


Jingo 7/8

michgcs 5/8

Zergon 4/8

TakerNGN74 3/8


Congratulations go out to Jingo for getting the most correct this time around! I actually have a prize this time that I think might be kind of cool. My next Supreme TV will be a Power to the People episode like they have on RAW (I will not be calling it that.). Anyway, I will be given all four of you the options to be the “people” if you were. You will decide what will go on in the matches on the next show.


I will list the options as soon as I figure out what I want those options to be (Yeah you can see I put a lot of thought into this…) and will post a preview of it soon. Jingo will get the Main Event match and michgs, Zergon, and TakerNGN will have the chance to decide what will happen in the undercard matches. If I can fit a fifth match onto the card I will allow the board to vote for that match.




Post Show Thoughts:


1. This was the ultimate filler Pay-per-view for me. I was not really sure what I wanted to do on this show because it is the PPV before the Supreme Challenge. Therefore, I stuck a bunch of tag team matches on this card and it became my highest rated PPV to date.


Of course that was down to the main and semi-main event of the show. The main event is the highest rated match thus far in the history of this dynasty and the semi-main ended up being tied for sixth place (With four other matches.) on the ranking list.


2. While I was surprised with the outcome of those two matches, I was disappointed with some of the lower card matches. The two that really stand out to me is the Greg Black/Runaway Train match and the Joe Sexy tag match. I thought for sure both would rank out higher but they did not.


3. I think the biggest shock for me was the opening match, even more than the main event. There was no way in hell I thought that match would pull that kind of rating. I was thinking that match would end up in the middle to high 50’s.


4. I know it would have made more sense for Sgt. Barrowman to pin Brandon James but Kurt is leaving soon so I figured he would take the pin. Plus I did not want to kill Brandon’s popularity that much by having him be the one that ate the pin (His popularity did take a hit as is.).


Kurt leaving actually screws up my planned Pain Alliance vs. Electric Law match at the Supreme Challenge. I was going to have the Pain Alliance win the titles but now that plan is out the window. The thing that really sucks is there are no tag teams that are even close to Electric Law’s level of popularity. I have no midcard guys that I want to throw together to take the titles away from them either so they will have the titles for a little longer.


5. With so many tag team matches on this card I have come to realize that I hate writing tag matches more than singles. Some of these match write-ups were far too long.


6. Believe it or not Eric has more popularity than Jack and Christian, which is why he and Rich won the match.


7. Gilmore and DuBois was never really an option for the win as DuBois is way too low on the popularity scale. He is an Uppermidcard guy but he is the lowest Uppermidcard guy on the roster and so therefore I could not have him beat two Main Event guys. I would have Gilmore do it because he is in the Main Event as well but had DuBois picked up a win here both Lobby and Vengeance would have took a pretty big hit popularity wise.


8. There were some promos on this card that flat out sucked. I really did not like the Remo and Christian Faith promos.

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1. Congratulations on the great show! It's amazing what happens when you put your Main Eventers and Upper Midcarders against their peers :p


2. I don't have much to add here but hey, at least Black-Train told a great story, and the Joe Sexy's match furthered the storyline... (at least Remo looked strong)


3. The audience popped big time because the match was so short :D


4. Bring back Angry Boys!


8. I didn't like the Barrowman-Electric Law promo much, but I thought the rest were fine.

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The SWF has announced via their website that the next episode of Supreme TV will be controlled by you the fans. Fans will be encouraged to vote on SWF.com so that they can have a say on what goes on, on Tuesday night’s episode of Supreme TV.


In the main event Christian Faith will step into the ring to face off against one of the following opponents:


A. Remo

B. Enforcer Roberts

C. Angry Gilmore


Fans (Jingo) let your voices be heard as you will decide who will face Christian Faith.


Being the son of the boss has its privileges, so Eric Eisen’s match tonight is not going to be against a main event caliber opponent. Instead he will be taking on a midcard talent in his match tonight. Who will earn the right to face off against the SWF World Champion in a non-title match?


A. Robbie Retro

B. Gregory Black

C. Jungle Lord


Fans (michgcs) let your voices be heard as you will decide who will face Eric Eisen.


Jack Bruce and Rich Money are being forced to wrestle together tonight as a tag team. Who should their opponents be?


A. Joe Sexy & Squeeky McClean

B. Big Smack Scott & Brandon James

C. Vengeance & Lobster Warrior


Fans (Zergon) let your voices be heard as you will decide who will face off against Bruce and Money.


Christian Faith will be fighting in tonight’s main event against an unknown opponent at this time. Richard Eisen wants to make sure that Christian is going to have a tough road getting to the main event at Supreme Challenge. Therefore, he has decided that the main event should have a stipulation. What will that stipulation be?


A. Steel Cage Match

B. I Quit

C. Bullrope Match


Fans (TakerNGN74) let your voices be heard as you will decide what type of stipulation the main event match will have.


Ooc: Okay there you have it this is the prize for this pay-per-view.


Jingo if you choose to do so you will get to pick who faces off against Christian Faith in the main event. You can either PM me your answer or post it in here.


Michgcs if you choose to do so you will get to pick who faces off against Eric Eisen. You can either PM me your answer or post it in here.


Zergon if you choose to do so you will get to pick which team faces off against Rich Money and Jack Bruce. You can either PM me your answer or post it in here.


TakerNGN74 if you choose to do so you will get to pick what the stipulation will be for the main event. You can either PM me your answer or post it in here.


I shall give you all a week to get back to me. If you do not get back to me by next Saturday morning (EST) I will make my own decision.


I know originally I said I would give you guys four matches for your choices. The thing is I have run out of matches that I would like to book for this show because talent wise I do not think anyone else could pull out a decent grade. Therefore, I have given Taker the option of deciding the stipulation for the main event.


I am not going to bother opening up a fourth or fifth match to the board so that they can have a choice as well. The way I look at it is, if they could not be bothered to pick in the diary, why should I give them the chance to determine something in my diary.





8. I didn't like the Barrowman-Electric Law promo much, but I thought the rest were fine.


I agree that was pretty bad as well. I am having a tough time with promos lately. I guess the fake characters are no longer talking to me.:p

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[The video begins with Jerry Eisen sitting alone in the SWF studios on a barstool type chair.]




Jerry Eisen: Hello fans and welcome to SWF Uncensored. One of the most frequently asked questions over the past couple of months has been what has happened to Steve Frehley. The last time the former SWF World Heavyweight Champion appeared on SWF programing was three months ago.


I interviewed Steve that night directly after his match against Paul Huntingdon. Steve told me that he wanted to take time off to figure out just why he was in the SWF and nobody has talked to him since. That was until Steve agreed to have a sit down interview with me at his home in Columbus, Ohio. The following video is my interview in its entirety with Steve Frehley. I hope you enjoy…


[As the video begins, Jerry and Steve are sitting outside on lawn chairs in what appears to be Steve’s backyard. Steve does not look all that comfortable sitting across from the son of his boss.]




Jerry Eisen: Steve you have not been on SWF television since I interviewed you three months ago. During that interview you said you need some time to figure out who you were and who you were in the SWF. Now that three months have gone by, have you figured out who you are?


[steve, who still looks uncomfortable, grins at Jerry for a moment before he answers Jerry’s question.]




Steve Frehley: I am twenty-six years old and I don’t think I can give you a good enough answer for that question. Because I am not sure I will ever totally figure out who I am.




Jerry Eisen: So does not mean your quest to better understand who you are and why you are in the SWF has been a failure?




Steve Frehley: No not at all. I know that I am a great athlete, I know that I am a dependable son, brother, uncle, and friend. I know that I am a former SWF World Heavyweight Champion and I know if I set my mind to it I can be an SWF World Champion once again.


I am just not sure where I fit in right now in the grand scheme of things in the SWF. After Vengeance beat me in that Portal to Hell Match at Nothing to Lose back in February, I lost my will to fight. I felt disappointed in myself that I could not help Vengeance fight the darkness that was inside of him. I could not make him see the light, I could not bring back my old ally…my old friend Skull DeBones.


Because of that failure I felt as if there was nothing left for me to do. For the first time since I joined the SWF, I was directionless. I did not know what I was going to do next. Sure I fought Remo for a bit but my heart was not in that war, even if he decided to attack me every chance he got.


I have to admit at that point I contemplated retirement but that was just a quick thought because I am too young to retire. So that is why I went on this hiatus, because I needed to find out who I am and why I am doing what I am doing.




Jerry Eisen: I am sure you have kept up with what has been going on here in the SWF am I right in that assumption?


[steve nods his head in agreement.]




Jerry Eisen: Well then I am sure you noticed that Vengeance has turned over a new leaf of sorts. Granted he is not the Skull DeBones of old but he is not the vengeful demon of hate that he used to be…




Steve Frehley: See I’m not buying what Vengeance is selling right now Jerry. I do not believe that he is fully good once again. I believe that, that evil…that bloodthirsty demon still lurks inside of him. I do not think that he has fully seen the light once again.


What shocks me is he seems to have the fans backing him now. That is something I do not get at all. Maybe he has the fans snowed just like everyone else.


That is another reason why I have stayed away from the SWF…




Jerry Eisen: Because of the fans?




Steve Frehley: Yeah man…exactly. You see the fans at times can be really gullible…


[Jerry looks shocked over this comment. Steve hold up his pointer finger and keeps talking.]




Steve Frehley: Let me explain what I mean by that Jerry before you draw any conclusions. I love the fans…I truly do. Without them I would not be getting paid to do what I love to do. However, the fans can be, at times, very gullible.


They tend to trust and cheer for the wrong people. Don’t get it twisted Jerry they are well within their rights to cheer whomever they want but a lot of the times the people that they cheer on are not exactly the best people.


Don’t get me wrong Jerry like I said before I love the fans…I truly do. I feel blessed that they like me and want to see me succeeded. But when they cheer for someone who is obviously evil such as Vengeance, I just have to question why they keep on falling into the same trap of cheering for evil villainous people.




Jerry Eisen: Well Steve my producer just told me I need to wrap this interview up. With that in mind, I would like to ask you one final question. Will the SWF fans ever have the honor of seeing you in an SWF ring ever again?


[steve smiles at Jerry and nods his head.]




Steve Frehley: I think the chances of that happening are good. But I’m just not ready to give you a timetable for when I plan on returning because at this time I don’t even know.


[both Jerry and Steve get out of their chairs and they shake hands.]




Jerry Eisen: Well Steve I would like to thank you for taking the time to talk to me and I am looking forward to seeing you back in the ring again.




Steve Frehley: No problem man.[/Quote]



I have to admit, great show. :D


Thank you!:D

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  • 2 weeks later...
Just giving this a bump 'cause it's been two weeks :D


I hope you get that writing itch again, buddy ;)


Well since you asked...






Supreme TV Episode 22




Location: Salt Lake City, Utah

Ratings on C.A.N.N.: 6.49

Ratings on U.K. Broadcasting Secondary: 0.49

Overall Show Rating: 81




[The show begins with the typical opening montage of clips from SWF; we are informed that the SWF is the worldwide leader in Sports Entertainment. We then hear the theme song for Supreme TV while we see the opening video for the show.]


[We now see an overhead shot of the crowd as the pyrotechnics go off. Peter Michaels welcomes us to Supreme TV which is emanating live from Salt Lake City, Utah.]


[Just then Personal Jesus by Depeche Mode begins to play over the arena’s sound system. The crowd goes nuts as the number one contender for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship Christian Faith steps out from behind the backstage curtain. He slowly limps down to the ring, slapping the fans hands along the way. He gets a microphone from the ring announcer and he then enters the ring and looks out at the crowd.


A smile creeps across his face before he begins to address the crowd.]




Christian Faith: Y’all just made me remember why I love coming to Salt Lake City so much!


Last Sunday night was not a good night for me. Now I can complain about that bad refereeing in that match but the fact of the matter is Jack and I didn’t do enough to pick up the win.


Well Eric in one month’s time me and you are gonna face off again for the SWF World Heavyweight Championship at the Supreme Challenge and so I plan on doing everything that I can to pick up the win. I want to be the first ever five-time SWF World Champion, but more so than that…son I just want to beat you for the championship just to teach you a lesson.


I want you to realize son that just because I’m old, just because my knees are shot, just because I’m closer to retirement, doesn’t mean that I’m just gonna roll over and let you keep that there championship.


No son, by hook or by crook I plan on walking out of New York City as the first five-time SWF World Heavyweight Champion. And there ain’t nothing your father or your disrespectful ass can do about it.


Now some may say I am coming across as being cocky. Well that ain’t the truth, I just have faith. Faith in the fact that this old dog can still teach you a thing or two…


[before Christian can continue speaking, the voice of SWF Chairman Richard Eisen is heard over the arena’s sound system.]




Richard Eisen: Christian, Christian, Christian…normally I would view your run at one last championship as something to be admired. The old gun fighter going out for one last showdown to see if he still has what it takes to survive.


[Richard soon steps out from behind the backstage curtain and walks out onto the stage where the wrestlers come out.]




Richard Eisen: However, there is nothing admirable about it. It is actually kind of pathetic an athlete of your age should be thinking about retirement and not about winning the SWF World Heavyweight Championship. You probably think that the Supreme Challenge will be your George Foreman moment.


Well I have news for you; you have a better chance of winning the lottery than winning that title from my son. Christian, your career…much like our friendship…is over. You will not be walking out of the Supreme Challenge as the conquering hero. You will not become the first ever five-time SWF World Heavyweight Champion! You will not be heralded as the Sports Entertainment version of George Foreman. You will not destroy the legacy of my son! You will not destroy my legacy!


Christian, this next month is going to be the hardest month of your career. I will not allow you to walk into the Supreme Challenge unscathed. I am going to make sure that you enter into that match even more broken down than you already are.


I owe that to my son…I owe that to the legacy of the Eisen name!




Christian Faith: Wow Rich are you off your medication again son? Cuz you’re sounding like you booked a one-way trip on the crazy train son.


Look Dickie, you and I were best friends for the better part of twenty years so I know how much your legacy means to you. I know how much the Eisen name means to you. But dude we don’t have to have any conflict over this.


Why don’t you let Eric man-up for once in his life and fight his own battle? Wouldn’t you rather have the best man possible walk out of that match at Supreme Challenge Thirty wearing the SWF World Title?


[Richard walks back and forth on the stage for a moment, thinking about what Christian just said to him.]




Richard Eisen: No…no I would not; I want my son walking out of the historical thirtieth Supreme Challenge with the SWF World Title. That will be the crowning achievement of not only his career but mine as well. You had your chance in the sun Christian and it is now time to face the fact that you are no longer the face of my company.


Kevin do me a favor and turn Mister Faith’s microphone off, this conversation is making me bored and I have more important stuff to talk about.


[Apparently Kevin is someone in the sound truck because as soon as Richard asks for the microphone to shut off it is. Christian tries to speak but nobody can hear a word he is saying.


Richard smiles with glee and then he begins to speak again.]




Richard Eisen: Christian I want you to stay right there as what I am about to say pertains to you. Okay now to the matter at hand. As you know tonight’s Supreme TV is going to be totally interactive, I am allowing you the fans the chance to vote on what is going to happen on tonight’s show.


Now as I have said earlier I have decided to make Christian’s month as tough as it possibly can be. Therefore tonight he will be facing off against one of the three following opponents Angry Gilmore, Remo, or Enforcer Roberts. Said match will also have a stipulation tacked onto it. The match will either take place in a steel cage, be a bullrope match, or be an I Quit match.


As you can see Christian you are about to have a very rough night so I hope you are ready. My son on the other hand is going to have a comparably easier night because he will face three workers who are pretty much pushovers…guys who could not fight their way out of a paper bag.


So I hope you enjoy your hell month Christian, because by the time you enter that ring in New York City for the Supreme Challenge you are going to regret winning the Supreme Proving Ground!


[As Mister Eisen walks backstage we see a shot of an unconcerned Christian Faith. This man is a true battle tested veteran and nothing that Richard can throw at him is going to rattle him.]


[We come back from commercial break and we are given the…


SWF Fun Fact of the Week: Did you know that Supreme TV is the most popular show among women ages thirty-nine to seventy-three that have more than twenty-five cats?]




[We come back from the first commercial break of the show and we see Peter Michaels, who is sitting at the announcer’s table, with the rest of the Supreme TV commentary team (Duane Fry and Anna Garcia). The three of them begin to the possible matches we will see tonight.


Peter then reiterates the fact that tonight’s show will be run by the fans. Through the SWF website they will vote on certain aspects of every match on the show. The first such vote was just tallied up.]


[Duane Fry then informs us of exactly what the question for the first match was. The question was as followed, “Due to the fact that Supreme TV is only an hour and a half long a lot of our talented workers are not able to make it onto the show. Which two workers would you like to see wrestle in our opening match tonight?”


There were six options and the outcome of the poll was as follows:


Enforcer Roberts received 33% of the votes, Art Reed received 27% of the votes, Sgt. Barrowman received 20% of the votes, Marc DuBois received 9% of the votes, Valiant received 9% of the votes, and Paul Huntingdon received 2% of the vote.


All of the wrestlers who had a shot of taking part in this match are shown standing around in one of the rooms in the backstage of the arena. As the results are shown to live crowd and the viewers at home, Art and Enforcer Roberts look happy about the outcome of the vote. However, Marc DuBois looks absolutely crestfallen over the results he then angrily turns to Art Reed and says:]




Marc DuBois: This is bull crap and you know it!


The fans are purposely trying to screw with me and I will not have it! There is simply no way that both you and this jobber…


[He points at Sgt. Barrowman who just rolls his eyes and laughs at Marc.]




Marc DuBois: received more votes than me and why was Enforcer Roberts even included as an option for this match when he is also an option to take part in the main event! I will say this a-gain, this is complete and utter bull crap and you all know it!


I am the prodigy damn it! I am a future SWF World Heavyweight Champion, I…


[before Marc can finish his last thought, Art pats him on his right shoulder (Which makes Marc even more pissed off.) and says…]




Art Reed: The people have spoken dude and you lost…live with it Marc Doo Boys.


[A livid Marc stands in the room speechless as the other wrestlers leave the room. Finally, not that he is by himself, Marc cries out…]




Marc DuBois: Learn to pronounce my name correctly its Doo Bwah not Doo Boys!




Art Reed vs. Enforcer Roberts






  • This match was very much a back and forth affair.
  • Art had a couple of chances to defeat the aging veteran but in the end he just could not beat Roberts.
  • Enforcer Roberts picked up the victory after Art verbally submitted to the R.C.T.


Winner: Enforcer Roberts

Time: 8:15

Match Rating: 70


[Art’s bad night got even worse after his match with Enforcer Roberts was over with. As Referee Shane Stones helps the dreadlock superstar to his feet, Remo enters the ring. Remo gives Shane a cold stare before yelling, “Leave!”


Shane heeds the advice and gets out of the ring as quickly as possible. Art, who is barely able to stand on his own volition, staggers towards the charging Remo. Both men exchange strikes but this is a short battle because having just competed in a match Art is in no condition to fight.


Remo quickly takes Art down and begins to drop hammer fists onto Art’s skull. A slew of SWF backstage officials come down to the ring and pull Remo off of Art. Remo then rolls out of the ring and grabs a microphone for one of the ring attendants.]




Remo: Remo done told you son, get yo ass back to Japan or Remo is gonna keep on kicking yo ass!


[Jerry Eisen is standing by in the backstage interview area with the three men who could possibly fight Eric Eisen (Jungle Lord, Robbie Retro, and Gregory Black.) Jerry informs the three men of the results of tonight’s vote and Gregory Black has overwhelmingly won the vote. He received 63% of the vote, Robbie Retro received 21% of the vote, and Jungle Lord received 16% of the vote.


Both Jungle Lord and Robbie look disappointed over the fact that they will not be competing tonight but both men congratulate Gregory and then they walk off camera.]




Jerry Eisen: Well Gregory in a few short minutes you a going to step inside the ring with the SWF World Heavyweight Champion. Two nights ago you stepped into the ring with a former SWF World Champion, are you starting to make it a habit of fighting SWF World Champions?


[An ecstatic looking Gregory laughs over Jerry’s corny question.]




Gregory Black: Wow man…I don’t even know what to say…the caliber of my opponents keeps on getting better it would seem…


All I do know is that I would like to thank the fans for giving me the opportunity to face-off against Eric tonight. I did not see that coming at all and it truly feels great that the fans think enough of me to put me in this match.


Eric I know tonight is a non-title match but make no mistake about it, if you underestimate me tonight you are going to lose. Your father seems to think I am a pushover…an easy victory for you. Well, let me tell you Eric tonight you are not going to be stepping into the ring with no pushover.


Tonight you are stepping into the ring with Gregory Black and that is a name that both you and your father will be very familiar with after this night is done.


Non-Title Match:


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/GrouchoBling-1.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EricEisen_alt5.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EnforcerRoberts.jpg


Gregory Black vs. Eric Eisen © with Enforcer Roberts






  • The theme of this match was Eric taking Gregory lightly and every time Eric did take Gregory lightly Gregory would make him pay.
  • Gregory managed to get in a couple of near falls but either Eric would kick out or Enforcer Roberts would distract the referee so that the pin would not count.
  • Eric managed to knock Gregory out of the ring and while Enforcer Roberts beat Gregory up on the outside of the ring, Eric distracted Referee Ric Young with inane complaints about his refereeing of the match.
  • Roberts tossed Gregory back into the ring and Eric nailed Gregory with his finisher the Supremacy.
  • Eric covered Gregory for the pinfall and the victory.


Winner: Eric Eisen

Time: 12:50

Match Rating: 78


[We come back from commercial break and Peter Michaels informs us that due to time constraints the possible participants for the next match were informed during the commercial break which one of them would face off against Jack Bruce and Rich Money. Peter then goes on to read the results of the vote.


Joe Sexy & Squeeky McClean received 27% of the vote, Big Smack Scott & Brandon James received 3% of the vote, and Vengeance & Lobster Warrior received 70% of the vote.]


[We now cut to the back where we see Jack Bruce walking down a long corridor. An SWF producer can be heard asking Jack the following question:]




SWF Producer: Jack how do you feel about having to team up with Rich Money tonight?


[Jack, who keeps on walking, looks directly into the camera and smiles.]




Jack Bruce: Well to be honest, I am not exactly thrilled over the prospect but it is what it is and so I gonna make the best of it.




SWF Producer: How do you feel about taking on the team of Vengeance and Lobster Warrior?




Jack Bruce: Well I am close with Lobby so it is going to be tough to have to face off against him but tonight I can’t think about our friendship. Tonight I have to view him as my opponent and every time I go down to the ring I only have one thing on my mind and that is to beat my opponent.

Sometimes my opponents are my friends…I really can’t do anything about that. I just have to go out there and do my best…


[Just then Jack stops walking as he sees someone off camera heading towards him. The cameraman pans over to where Jack is looking and sure enough Rich Money is walking towards Jack with a smile on his face.]




Rich Money: I couldn’t help but overhear what you were saying Jack. It truly bought a tear to my eye…I am so sorry that the golden boy is forced to team with me tonight and face off against his friends. Tonight must be so harsh for you Jack because for once in your miserable career you are not getting exactly what you want.


Look, I don’t want to be tagging with you tonight either. I should be fighting for the SWF World Championship, not being forced to tag with you. I should be in the main event at the Supreme Challenge, but instead I am fighting you.


See I never get what I want so it makes me feel great that for once you are not getting what you want. Jack you are so fond of quoting classic rock songs but tonight I am going to do it to you. You can’t always get what you want Jack and at Supreme Challenge I am going to make sure you don’t get what you need...which is a win against me; see you in the ring Jack.


[Rich walks away and Jack looks directly into the camera and shrugs his shoulders.]




Jack Bruce: I am actually at a loss for words…I mean Rich is still a bitch. Let’s rock Salt Lake City.




Rich Money & Jack Bruce vs. Lobster Warrior & Vengeance






  • Before the start of the match Rich and Jack bicker over who is going to start the match for their team.
  • Jack wins the argument but as soon as the bell rings to start the match Rich tags himself into the match.
  • Vengeance and Lobby are in control of the match right from the start and they both inflict a lot of pain on Rich.
  • Lobby manages to pin Rich but the pin is broken up by Jack who is forced to kick his friend in the back.
  • Rich is soon able to tag out of the match and with that tag out momentum swings towards Rich and Jack as Jack is able to take down both Lobby and Vengeance.
  • Jack went to work on Lobby and he soon did enough to weaken Lobby so that he could try to put him away with his finisher.
  • Before Jack could do so, Rich made a blind tag and became the legal man in the match.
  • Rich then put Lobby down with his finisher Dollars From Heaven, shortly after he covered Lobby for the victory.


Winners: Jack Bruce & Rich Money

Time: 15:16

Match Rating: 87


[We come back from commercial break and we see Peter Michaels standing in the ring. He informs the viewers that Angry Gilmore has won the vote and will be taking on Christian Faith in the main event this evening. The results of the vote are posted on the jumbotron. It was a very close vote as Gilmore pulled in 45% of the vote, Remo nabbed 38% of the vote, and Enforcer Roberts got 17% of the vote.]


[We then cut to the backstage interview area where we see Angry Gilmore, Remo, and Enforcer Roberts standing around watching a monitor for the results. Upon seeing the results Roberts shows no emotion whatsoever and does not say a word, he just walks out of the interview area. Remo looks at Angry Gilmore for a moment and shakes his head.]




Remo: Remo is fine with the results, Remo don’t want to fight Christian Faith no never how. Remo just wants to destroy Art Reed cuz Art Reed hyped himself in Remo’s house and that is one thing fools need to know. You don’t hype yourself in Remo’s house.


[Remo then leaves the interview area as well. Gilmore looks off in the direction of Remo and talks in a low voice.]




Angry Gilmore: I’m not sure what that is all a-boot but if he doesn’t want someone to come to his house he shouldn’t invite them there in the first place. But that does not concern me.


What does concern me is that tonight I will be taking on Christian Faith in a steel cage match. I am actually looking forward to being in the ring with Christian because he is an actual wrestler. Not like the non-talented quote, unquote Sports Entertainer Vengeance.


Now while I do have respect for Christian that does not mean I am going to go easy on him. Tonight I plan on taking out all of my pent-up aggression on him. Christian it just so happens that I have been in a very bad mood because of what happened on Sunday.


I am not at all pleased over the fact that there is a loss on my record to the team of Lobster Warrior and Vengeance. That is the most humiliating thing that has ever happened to me in the history of my illustrious career.


Well tonight Christian I am tasked with one thing and one thing alone and that is to hurt you. Mister Eisen does not want you to be at one hundred percent at Supreme Challenge and so tonight it is my mission to make sure his wish is granted. Maybe he will put me in the ring with Vengeance once a-gain after he sees what I do to you.


Christian…I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore.


The following match is to take place inside a steel cage:




Christian Faith vs. Angry Gilmore






  • Both men got an equal amount of offense in during the first few minutes of the match.
  • Soon Gilmore and Faith lock up and Gilmore manages to push Faith into a corner.
  • Before the referee can break them up Gilmore hit Faith with a low blow, which Referee Ric Young did not see.
  • For the next few minutes Gilmore was in firm control of the match.
  • While in control Gilmore focused most of his offense on Christian’s notoriously weak left knee.
  • Gilmore used the cage to his full advantage by slamming Christian’s left knee into the cage and he also grinded Christian’s forehead against the cage causing a cut to open above Christian’s right eye.
  • Gilmore then decided it was time to finish the match and he nailed Christian with his finisher Anger Management.
  • Gilmore taunts the crowd for a moment before he pins Christian.
  • Christian manages to kick out of the pinfall, causing Gilmore to standup and admonish Ric Young for not counting fast enough.
  • As Gilmore is voicing his anger over Ric Young’s count, the fans begin to chant, “Faith! Faith! Faith!”
  • Slowly the hobbled Christian stands up and he begins to mount a comeback.
  • Soon it is Gilmore who is finding his mug being slammed repeatedly against the steel cage.
  • When Christian feels like he has dealt out a sufficient amount of damage and takes Gilmore down to the mat and locks him into the dreaded Test of Faith.
  • On commentary Duane Fry yells out, “Oh my god! Christian hasn’t used the Test of Faith in ten years!”
  • A bloodied Gilmore has no choice but to tap out, giving Christian the victory in the match.


Winner: Christian Faith

Time: 17:13

Match Rating: 85


[After the match is over with Christian leaves the cage and asks the ring announcer for a microphone. Christian licks the blood off his lips before he beings to speak.]




Christian Faith: Eric…I want cha ta take a good long look at what I’ve just done ta Angry Gilmore. Cuz at Supreme Challenge thirty I plan on locking your ass into the Test of Faith and after you tap out son, I’ll be the first ever five-time SWF World Heavyweight Champion!

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Poor Doo Boys, he just can't catch a break... :(


I like that Remo's basically Mark Henry with more words, but I do want to see him dominate the roster and not just Art Reed, though. ;)


You did a great job highlighting Faith's willingness to do whatever it takes to get the title, and Supreme Challenge should be fun. I just hope you'd update this more often! :p


PS the promos aren't as bad as you made them out to be. I know you hate the show-opening promo but I think it worked in this case, setting up Viewer's Choice Supreme TV.


Bring on the next show! ;)

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Bring on the next show! ;)


The next show will probably be the last, at least for a while. I am going to put this on hiatus, I really wanted to get this played up to Supreme Challenge but I have come to realize that I just do not feel like writing. Because it has become a bit of a chore for me, I am going to step away from for a bit.


I will put up the next show because that is mostly written, but after that this will not be updated. For how long, I cannot say. What I plan to do is write at my own pace, which is what I do not but now when I do not update I feel a little guilty. If I put it on hiatus and I do not update it for a month or so it will not matter. I do apologize for what little audience this diary has and I hope when it does come back people some of you will stick around for it.

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The next show will probably be the last, at least for a while. I am going to put this on hiatus, I really wanted to get this played up to Supreme Challenge but I have come to realize that I just do not feel like writing. Because it has become a bit of a chore for me, I am going to step away from for a bit.


I will put up the next show because that is mostly written, but after that this will not be updated. For how long, I cannot say. What I plan to do is write at my own pace, which is what I do not but now when I do not update I feel a little guilty. If I put it on hiatus and I do not update it for a month or so it will not matter. I do apologize for what little audience this diary has and I hope when it does come back people some of you will stick around for it.


Damn, that's really sad to hear. Although I guess it's best that way, to give you time to recharge. :(

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The next show will probably be the last, at least for a while. I am going to put this on hiatus, I really wanted to get this played up to Supreme Challenge but I have come to realize that I just do not feel like writing. Because it has become a bit of a chore for me, I am going to step away from for a bit.


I will put up the next show because that is mostly written, but after that this will not be updated. For how long, I cannot say. What I plan to do is write at my own pace, which is what I do not but now when I do not update I feel a little guilty. If I put it on hiatus and I do not update it for a month or so it will not matter. I do apologize for what little audience this diary has and I hope when it does come back people some of you will stick around for it.


Shame as this has been great ride so far. Still, I absolutely understand and it´s better to put this on hiatus than trying to force yourself going forward. Hopefully your find your motivation to write this or something else in the future again. :)

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Supreme Uprising Episode 15




Location: Ogden, Utah

Ratings on C.A.N.N.: 0.36

Overall Show Rating: 62


[supreme Uprising begins with the typical opening montage of clips from SWF; we are informed that the SWF is the worldwide leader in Sports Entertainment. We then hear the theme song for Supreme Uprising while we see the opening video for the show which features the midcard wrestlers more prominently.]




[We now see Jerry Eisen, Roger Maddux, and Alex Braun, who are sitting at the announcer’s table; they welcome us to another episode of SWF Uprising.


Roger once again talks about how his addition to the show has made the show a lot more exciting. Alex shoots Roger an ice cold glare while Roger goes on and on about how great he is.]





Joe Sexy vs. Dylan Palmer




In a match the combatants had great chemistry with each other; Joe Sexy defeated Dylan Palmer via his finisher the One Night Stand.


Time: 6:26

Match Rating: 68


[We now head to the backstage interview area for the first time tonight, standing alone in said interview area is Robbie Retro (Yes I have no clue as to why he is getting interview time either.).]




Robbie Retro: John Greed listen up here you jive turkey. You’ve been going on and on about how you’ve been saved and how you want to be saving others. Well dadio there is nobody in this town that wants you to save em.


In fact I’m going to give you some advice John. Instead of focusing on saving people you should focus on staying alive, staying alive, in the ring tonight. Because it would be a tragedy when the feeling’s gone and you can’t go on. You dig that you jive turkey?


For the SWF World Tag Team Championships:




http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Valiant.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/JackGiedroyc_alt2.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/DawnTheCheerleader.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BigSmackScott.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/KurtLaramee.jpg withhttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EmmaChase.jpg


Electric Law with Dawn the Cheerleader vs. The Pain Alliance with Emma Chase




Electric Law defeated The Pain Alliance, when Jack brought Kurt down with his finisher Crashing On.


Time: 12:13

Match Rating: 68


[After the match was done Brandon James slides into the ring as Scott helps Kurt to his feet. Emma Chase grabs a microphone and enters the ring as well.]




Emma Chase: Kurt I am going to be blunt with you. Over the past month or so you have been very disappointing. I brought you and Scott into my company because I thought the two of you had what it takes to win the SWF Tag Team Championships.


However, I now see that is simply not the case. Kurt over the past month I have watched you become the weak member of the Pain Alliance. You have simply not preformed to my expectations. Therefore, I have decided to downsize my list of clients…which means that you have been fired.


[Kurt looks bewildered over this move. He looks at Brandon James who just stares at Kurt with disdain. He then turns to look at his long time tag team partner Big Smack Scott, Scott does not even look at Kurt; he instead fixes his eyes on the ring mat.


Emma Chase looks at Brandon and Scott and says…]




Emma Chase: Come on boys lets go.


[Emma, Scott, and Brandon go to leave the ring while Kurt calls out to Emma. Emma does not turn around and so Kurt hurriedly walks towards her. Brandon sees Kurt heading towards Emma out of the corner of his eye and so he turns around and spears Kurt to the mat. Brandon then starts dropping hammerfists onto the face of Kurt.


Scott just stands in the ring, next to a smiling Emma, and watches as the North American Champion continues to beat on his friend. Brandon then stands up and asks Emma for the microphone.]




Brandon James: That’s for costing us the six-man match at Times of Trouble you piece of crap.


[brandon then kicks Kurt in the ribs as a little parting shot. He then turns and looks at Scott. Brandon yells at Scott…]




Brandon James: Don’t you wanna get your licks in?


[A reluctant looking Scott slowly walks over to where his friend in and he begins laying the boots to Kurt. Soon a whole slew of SWF backstage officials come running down to the ring to stop the assault.]




Shady K vs. Squeeky McClean




Squeeky McClean defeated Shady K, after McClean dropped Shady with a Stain Removal.


Time: 8:05

Match Rating: 69


[it is once again time to head on back to the backstage interview area where Hannah is standing by with Marc DuBois.]




Hannah: Marc you are not scheduled to wrestle tonight but you’ve requested time to speak. What is on your mind tonight Marc?


[Marc looks at Hannah and rolls his eyes in disgust at her.]




Marc DuBois: Well one thing that is on my mind is how the hell are you still working in this company when you ask the most inane questions?


[Hannah puts her free hand (The one not holding the microphone) on her hip and she pouts.]




Marc DuBois: Right now I am beyond frustrated about what has been happening with my career. Last month I was headlining Supreme TV, now I am once again being kept out of the ring. I deserve to be in that ring wrestling in a match each and every show.


The fans had the chance to put me in the opening match of Supreme TV last Tuesday but it seems they would rather see the ancient Enforcer Roberts take on Art Reed! Are you serious?


They would rather see those two over me the future SWF World Heavyweight Champion? I am the Prodigy damn it!


I am also not that happy over what Angry Gilmore did to me at the pay-per-view. He abandoned me so that I would have to take the brunt of Vengeance’s wrath. That was not cool Gilmore, I may forgive what you did to me but I won’t forget.


There you have it Hannah…that is what is on my mind! I’m sick and tired of taking the backseat to other less talented people.


This Tuesday on Supreme TV I plan on doing something big, something that will force Richard Eisen and the SWF booking committee to take notice of me!





Robbie Retro vs. John Greed




Robbie Retro defeated John Greed, after he took John down with his finisher Murder on the Dancefloor.


Time: 9:15

Match Rating: 59


[Joe Sexy is sitting in a plastic chair drinking a bottle of beer in the craft services area. An SWF producer is heard asking him the following question off camera…]




SWF Producer: Joe that was a big win for you tonight. Do you think that, that win will help you get your mojo back?


[Joe looks over at the camera and broadly smiles.]




Joe Sexy: Son one never loses their mojo…it is either something you have or you don’t have. I might have hit a bit of a rough patch over the past couple of months but I’m about to hit that landing strip and pound the heck out of it, if you know what I mean…




SWF Producer: Um…yeah I guess I get what you’re saying. Well I guess I will leave you to your post-match celebration.




Joe Sexy: Okay see ya later.


[Joe then begins to talk to no one in particular.]




Joe Sexy: Man there ain’t nothing better than an ice cold beer after a match…


[As soon as Joe says that, almost on cue, Joe’s arch-rival Squeeky McClean walks into the craft services area. He looks down at the seated Joe with utter contempt. Joe just looks up at Squeeky with nothing more than a passing glance.]




Squeeky McClean: Look at you…you disgust me! What the hell kind of role model are you sitting here drinking beer on national television? You should be ashamed of yourself!


[Joe rolls his eyes and then stands up and looks directly at Squeeky.]




Joe Sexy: Look man, I never claimed to be a role model. In fact I actually agree with you, I don’t think kids should look up to me but the thing is I’m not going to change my ways just because I have fans that are kids.


I am who I am and people can either take me or leave me. It isn’t any skin off my nose.




Squeeky McClean: Wow you actually spoke a whole diatribe without once making any sexual innuendos. One must applaud your decorum; there might be hope for you yet.


Look Joseph, if you want me to stop harassing you all you have to do is change your ways. Even you can be saved…


[Joe shakes his head and laughs at such a stupid notion.]




Joe Sexy: Dude, I’m not going to change anything about myself. I like who I am faults and all.




Squeeky McClean: Very well Joseph, but you only have yourself to blame for what is about to happen to you.


[squeeky goes to slap Joe in the face but Joe blocks him. Joe then takes a big gulp out of his beer bottle and proceeds to spit in into the face of Squeeky. Joe smiles and looks directly into the camera and says…]




Joe Sexy: I hate to waste good beer but that had to be done…


[He then begins brawling with Squeeky in the craft services area. This brawl is ever so brief as it is quickly broken up by Shady K and Robbie Retro. As we head into commercial break we can hear Squeeky yelling out…]




Squeeky McClean: You are going to pay for that Joseph! I can’t believe you just spit beer into my face!


Number on contenders match for the SWF Tag Team Championships (The winners of this match will face Electric Law for the SWF Tag Titles at Supreme Challenge 30.):


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/RandyBumfhole.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/ZimmyBumfhole.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BrettBiggz.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BartBiggz.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Jessie.jpg


The Amazing Bumfholes vs. The Biggz Boyz with Jessie




The Amazing Bumfholes defeated The Biggz Boyz, after Randy put Bart down with a Bumfhole Buster.


Time: 11:26

Match Rating: 76


[After the match is over with the Bumfholes and the Biggz Boyz shake hands as a sign of good sportsmanship. The Biggz Boyz then exit the ring so that the Bumfholes can play to the crowd a bit.


This celebration is short lived as the Samoan Wildboyz come running down to the ring, flying right past the Biggz Boyz. The Wildboyz then enter the ring and Pearl Harbor Randy and Zimmy. Brett and Bart look on from the aisle way and Bart tells his brother they should go help the Bumfholes, but Brett dismisses what his brother has to say telling Bart that the Bumfholes will be fine.


Back inside of the ring, the Wildboyz continue their savage beatdown of Randy and Zimmy. Akima flings Zimmy out of the ring so that he and Kid Toma can focus all of their fury onto Randy. After about a minute of this violent beatdown, the Wildboyz’s manager Acee L. Lou enters the ring (With a microphone in his hand.) and orders Akima and Toma to stop. They comply with this order and Acee begins to address the crowd.]




Acee L. Lou: Do you see what is happening right here? This beatdown was a direct result of the SWF booking committee being racist.


I know some of you folks out there in the crowd are wondering how I can say such a thing. Well if you have a pair of eyes you can see how egregious this number one contender match was. Why is it that the two teams who were vying to become the number one contenders just so happen to be made up of nothing but lily white boys?


How is it that the Biggz Brothers, who have not have had a televised match in ages, are now all of a sudden qualified to become number one contenders for the SWF World Tag Team Titles?


I’ll tell you how and why it is because they are white. You see the SWF does not want Akima and Toma challenging Electric Law at the biggest event in the SWF calendar year. No they would rather have two white teams face-off so that they can better market the match to middle-America.


Well my boys and I are not going to have any of that nonsense. I’m going to lodge a complaint with the American Civil Liberties Union, the racist agenda of the SWF booking committee has to stop and I will be the man ends it once and forever!




Franklin Chandler vs. Frederique Antonio Garcia




F.A. Garcia defeated Franklin Chandler, after Garcia finished Chandler with a Romeo is Bleeding.


Time: 7:44

Match Rating: 70


[it is once again time to head to the backstage interview area where SWF Uprising backstage correspondent Hannah is standing by with F.A. Garcia.]




Hannah: Frederique congratulations on such a hard fought victory!


[F.A. smiles at Hannah before he looks down at her shoes.]




F.A. Garcia: Girl are those shoes Manolo Blahnik?




Hannah: Why yes they are.




F.A. Garcia: Lord those shoes are fierce! Girl one of these days you and I need to go shopping cuz you have a fierce fashion sense.


Anyway getting back to my match, yeah it was a fierce victory. I really enjoyed being in the ring with Franklin Chandler because let’s face it girl, that boy is easy on the eyes. You feel me?


The only thing better would have been is if he and I were allowed to wrestle in oil…you know what I’m saying girl? Believe that…


[Just then John Greed walks on camera, he looks at Hannah for a moment and smiles.]




John Greed: Sister Hannah I would advise you to vacate the premises, because brother Frederique and I need to have a conversation that does not involve you.


[Hannah rushes off screen and as soon as she is gone John turns his attention towards F.A. Garcia.]




F.A. Garcia: Bitch what do you want? I’ve already beaten you once don’t force me to whip out my claws and do it again.


[John raises his hands as almost if to non-verbally tell F.A. to calm down.]




John Greed: I’m not here to cause you any harm brother Frederique. I am simply here to inform you that while I thought trying to beat the sissy out of you at Times of Trouble would be the right course of action to take when dealing with you…I was wrong.




F.A. Garcia: Sissy! Sissy! Who are you calling sissy girlfriend?


Why don’t I show you how much of a sissy I am…?


[Once again John raises his hands to non-verbally tell F.A. to calm down.]




John Greed: Now, now brother Frederique as my savior has taught me violence does not solve every problem. Let me reiterate that I am not hear to fight you…I am here to save you. My savior wanted me to inform you that because I was unable to beat the sissy out of you…we are going to have to take a different approach. How do you feel about conversion therapy?




F.A. Garcia: Conversion therapy…bitch what are you talking about?


[Just then a big menacing man walks up behind F.A. and puts a hood over F.A.’s head. F.A. struggles but he is no match for his big muscular assailant. John and the menacing man then hurriedly take F.A. down a corridor towards some exit doors as the camera follows closely behind them.


John, the menacing man, and F.A. exit the building and head towards a van that is idling near the exit doors. The menacing man pulls the side door of the van open and he shoves F.A. into the van. He then enters the back with F.A. and slams the door shut. John runs over to the passenger side door of the van and opens it, he quickly sits down and through the open window in the van, and he is heard saying…]




John Greed: Go, go, go!


[The van then speeds off into the night.]


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/GrouchoBling-1.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/LisaBowen.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Everest.jpg


Gregory Black with Lisa Bowen vs. Everest




Gregory Black defeated Everest with a Fade To Black.


Time: 7:33

Match Rating: 68


[After the match is done the cameras take us to an area in the backstage of the arena where we see Runaway Train watching the replay of Gregory Black beating Everest on a monitor. Runaway Train looks unimpressed by his daughter’s boyfriend’s victory.


Moments later, SWF Uprising backstage correspondent Hannah approaches Train.]




Hannah: Mister…um…Train…May I ask you a question?


[Runaway Train shrugs his shoulders and looks as if he could care less about anything that Hannah could possibly ask him.]




Hannah: I couldn’t help but notice that you were watching Gregory Black’s impressive victory over Everest…




Runaway Train: You call that impressive? What match were you watching?




Hannah: Well…Everest is a very tough foe and…




Runaway Train: Very true. I’ll give you that. The kid should’ve had no chance beating Everest but he did. But that don’t impress me and I certainly don’t respect him more.




Hannah: How can you say that? After all over the past week Gregory has fought in matches against the SWF World Champion Eric Eisen, he has taken on Everest, and he even took you to the limit in your match with him. I would call that an impressive week.


[Runaway Train looks at her dismissively for a moment and then shakes his head in disgust.]




Runaway Train: Are you the president of his fan club? If you want to date him by all means do me a favor and do so…cuz my daughter would be better off without him.


As to your point about his amazing week…well that ain’t even close to being true. He’s one for three this week and he was very lucky just now when he beat Everest. Competitive matches don’t count, you either win or you lose and he has lost a hell of a lot more than he’s won. This means he’s done nothing to earn even a little amount of my respect and he ain’t done nothing to impress me.


I’ve got better things to do than talk about Gregory Black, so if you’ll get out of my way…I’ve got to head down to the ring for my match.




American Machine vs. Runaway Train




In a match that lacked psychology, Runaway Train defeated the American Machine after Train squashed Am-Machine with a Train Wreck.


Time: 8:08

Match Rating: 60




Damn, that's really sad to hear. Although I guess it's best that way, to give you time to recharge. :(


Shame as this has been great ride so far. Still, I absolutely understand and it´s better to put this on hiatus than trying to force yourself going forward. Hopefully your find your motivation to write this or something else in the future again. :)


Thank you both. This will probably be the last show for maybe a month or so because what I would like to do is write up a bunch of shows and stockpile them. That way I can release them when I want and I do not have to feel guilty about not getting shows up. Which is really stupid way to feel over fan fiction but I do sometimes feel guilty when I do not write.:D

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Some thoughts as I read through the show:


-You start off with a sort-of typo as Runaway Train's picture is on the announcer's list. Vintage BHK ;)


-We already know about Kurt leaving-- but will it lead to a BSS face turn? :eek:


-Robbie Retro beat Greed?! WHAT!?


-Good way to continue the feud between Joseph :rolleyes: and Squeeky. I know we're supposed to hate the heels but I'm siding with Squeeky on this one


-#1 Contender's match for the tag team titles? Without ACLU's guys? C'mon, that just screams tag team turmoil!


-No, F.A., I don't "feel" you. Franklin Chandler is NOT easy on my eyes :p (but then again, I'm not a girl so I don't know)


-F.A. just got kidnapped!


-Is it sad that this is one of my favorite storylines that you have going? :o


-LOL "Train Wreck" :D That's what the ME was :p


I hope you find the energy to continue past Supreme Challenge, or at least start a new game... this board just isn't the same without a BHK diary :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

<a href="

http://s969.photobucket.com/user/BHK1978/media/RIPW/website_results.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/RIPW/website_results.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo website_results.jpg"/></a>


A former SWF World Heavyweight Champion is scheduled to return to the SWF on Tuesday Night!



<a href="http://s969.photobucket.com/user/BHK1978/media/SWF/MickyStarr_zpscc7c3a3f.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/MickyStarr_zpscc7c3a3f.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo MickyStarr_zpscc7c3a3f.jpg"/></a>




We here at Totalextremewrestling.com have just learned that “Mighty” Micky Starr will be rejoining the SWF. Many consider the SWF to be the House that Micky built as it was through Micky’s popularity that the SWF survived through its fledgling years.


On July 4, 1972 Micky became the first ever SWF World Heavyweight Champion. He would go on to hold the SWF World Title for the next six years before finally losing it to Corporal Doom on November 18, 1978. Micky would regain the SWF World Title in 1985. His 1985 reign was a short one only holding the title for four months. His last major push in the SWF came in 1991 when he won the 1991 Supreme Proving Ground Battle Royal. By winning the Proving Ground Micky earned the right to challenge the SWF World Champion Rip Chord in the main event of Supreme Challenge XI.


Micky failed to win the title that year and from then on he was slowly pushed down the card until finally leaving the SWF in June 2002. Micky then went on to work as a road agent in the USPW a job he held until a few weeks ago when he was let go due to budgetary cuts.


It is being said that the Richard Eisen intends on inducting Micky into the SWF this year and from that point onward Micky will be working behind the scenes as a road agent. There has also been talk of Micky making the occasional on-camera appearance as well. Micky is scheduled to appear on Supreme TV this Tuesday night where he will receive a Lifetime Achievement Award from the SWF.




Sorry it took so long to reply to you guys, I just did not want to cheap bump this. Though I guess to an extent this is a cheap bump...;)



-Robbie Retro beat Greed?! WHAT!?


-F.A. just got kidnapped!


-Is it sad that this is one of my favorite storylines that you have going? :o


I hope you find the energy to continue past Supreme Challenge, or at least start a new game... this board just isn't the same without a BHK diary :D


Well Robbie Retro is higher up on the card than John Greed. John Greed's popularity is still at default settings.


Nah it is always funny when an adult is kidnapped, just ask Frank Sinatra Jr.:eek:


Well it is not a case of finding energy to continue this. It is more wanting to write this. I do have two shows in the can and one will go up soon. I am having writing the third new show right now but it is taking some time to do so.


A Big Menacing man puts a hood over F.A.G's head and bundles him into a van!? I know who kidnapped him, it was clearly Murderous Mikey!


That was a bit of an homage to your diary. I did not have a name for the worker who kidnapped FAG at the time and so while thinking of a name I thought of the Big Menacing Dude.:D

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Supreme TV Episode 23




Location: Cincinnati, Ohio

Ratings on C.A.N.N.: 6.59

Ratings on U.K. Broadcasting Secondary: 0.49

Overall Show Rating: 81



[The show begins with the typical opening montage of clips from SWF; we are informed that the SWF is the worldwide leader in Sports Entertainment. We then hear the theme song for Supreme TV while we see the opening video for the show.]


[We now see an overhead shot of the crowd as the pyrotechnics go off. Peter Michaels welcomes us to Supreme TV which is emanating live from Cincinnati, Ohio.]



[We are immediately taken to the announcer’s desk and we see Peter Michaels, Duane Fry and Anna Garcia. Peter tells us that a letter was sent to the SWF home office on Monday and said letter was written in Frederique’s handwriting. In the letter Frederique stated that he is not writing the letter under any duress and that he is willingly staying in a safe location with John Greed and a man named Brother Bekowski. The letter went on to say that more would be revealed in the coming days.]


[before Peter could finish talking about the F.A. Garcia situation, For the Love of Money by the O’Jays began playing over the arena’s sound system and out comes the SWF CEO Richard Eisen along with his son the SWF World Heavyweight Champion Eric Eisen and Eric’s bodyguard Enforcer Roberts. The three men slowly walk down to the ring soaking up the boos. They then enter the ring and Eric begins to speak to the hot crowd in Cincinnati.]




Eric Eisen: Boo us all you want, but I am your SWF World Heavyweight Champion and no amount of jeering me will change that fact. Is that not right papa?




Richard Eisen: That’s right my boy. You fans in the audience can boo us for whatever reason you want to but the bottom line is my son is the SWF World Heavyweight Champion and none of you can take that away from him. Every time he wins a match he strengthens the Eisen legacy.


At the thirtieth Supreme Challenge when my son defeats Christian Faith on the grandest stage of the all, well then nobody will be able to deny the Eisen legacy. So son as the reigning and defending SWF World Heavyweight Champion I’ve decided to let you pick your opponent tonight. Who do you want to face off against so that you can continue to strengthen the Eisen legacy?


[Eric paces back and forth for a moment thinking about who he thinks he can beat. A smile creeps across his face and he turns to his father with his reply.]




Eric Eisen: How about that lousy, good for nothing drunk Joe Sexy? After all he will probably be too bombed to beat me…




Richard Eisen: Joe Sexy?


Sounds like a capital idea! I just hope that if he is in a…um…altered state…he does not hurt you.


With that out of the way I would like to address Christian Faith’s road to the Supreme Challeng…


[Just then the voice of Christian Faith is heard over the arena’s loud speaker.]




Christian Faith: Rick…or should I call you Dick? I think Dick is a better name for ya…


[The crowd goes nuts as Christian Faith steps out from behind the curtain that leads to the backstage.]




Christian Faith: Ya know Dick, you’ve vowed to make my road to the Supreme Challenge tough and to that I say bring it on son. I done battled every tough son of gun you’ve thrown at me over the past twenty-three years and more often than not I’ve been the one who has come out on top. Hell, I’ve held that SWF World Heavyweight Championship four times so my resume speaks for itself…




Eric Eisen: Shut up you stupid redneck! First off how dear you address my father as Dick? He’s not a Dick...he’s Mister Eisen to you, you beer swilling redneck!


[The crowd starts chanting, “He’s a dick! He’s a dick!” over and over again. Eric looks furious over this chant and he covers his ears with his hands and begins stomping his feet on the mat like a toddler throwing a tantrum.]




Eric Eisen: Shut up! Shut up right now! How dear you call my father a dick! He is the greatest man on this planet! A true visionary! None of you have the right to disrespect him like that!


[The crowd then aims to get Eric even more riled up when they begin to chant, “Erica!” This causes Eric to get even more visibly angry, he is so full of rage that he Enforcer Roberts has to block the champion’s ears because Eric is so pissed that he cannot think straight.]




Christian Faith: Well shoot Eric, it looks like ya got all ya rowdy fans out here tonight to support ya. There even chanting ya name son…




Richard Eisen: Make all the jokes you want Chris, because tonight you will not have cause to laugh. You see Chris tonight your opponent is going to be…this man right here…Enforcer Roberts!


[As he grinds his left fist into the palm of his right hand, Enforcer Roberts steps forward with a grin on his face. Christian does not look the least bit intimidated by Enforcer Roberts, he just nods his head and smiles.]




Christian Faith: That’s cool with me Dick, I’ve fought and beaten Phil so many times that you probably have enough footage to make a Blu-ray out of all the times I’ve kicked his ass. Don’t take this as me being cocky though… cuz I know that Phil is as tough as they come, I’ve just got faith in my ability to whoop his ass like a government mule.


Tonight Phil, I’m gonna lock your ass into the Test of Faith and one of three things are gonna happen to ya son. Your either gonna verbally submit, pass out due to pain, or tap out. Those will be your only three options son and that is something you can have faith in. Oh and Eric…I want ya to pay attention because what I do to Phil tonight is gonna be done to you son at the Supreme Challenge. You can have faith in that son.


[Christian walks back to the backstage area of the arena, as Eric frantically talks to his father about the dreaded Test of Faith.]




Vengeance vs. Squeeky McClean


[Prior to the start of the match Referee Shane Stones orders Squeeky to take off the protective face mask that he is wearing. Squeeky pleads with Shane to allow him to keep it on because he recently had beer spit into his face and he is scared that he may come into contact with other germs if his face is left unprotected. Shane says that if Squeeky does not remove the mask he will be disqualified, so Squeeky reluctantly removes the mask.]






  • As soon as the bell rings Vengeance slowly makes his way over to Squeeky, Squeeky wants no part of this and quickly tries to run from Vengeance but it is to no avail.
  • Vengeance shoves Squeeky into a corner and begins nailing him with vicious chops to the chest.
  • After Vengeance is done with his barrage, Squeeky slumps down into the corner rubbing his chest in pain.
  • Squeeky then leaves the ring and shouts out, “I’m going home!”
  • As Referee Shane Stones begins his ten count, Vengeance follows Squeeky and when he catches up to him the two men begin to brawl in the aisle.
  • Squeeky manages to knee Vengeance in the nether region (Yes even “demons” have nether regions I suppose.) but he makes it seem unintentional so Shane Stones just give him a stern warning.
  • Squeeky rolls Vengeance back into the ring and it is now time for him to go on the offensive.
  • For the next few minutes of the match that is the case, Squeeky throws almost his entire offensive arsenal at Vengeance but no matter what he does he is only able to keep Vengeance down for a couple of near falls.
  • A frustrated Squeeky then seems lost, he knows he has tried everything and it is still not enough to pick up the win.
  • His next big plan is the walk circles around Vengeance, who is lying down on the mat, and randomly kick Vengeance.
  • At this point Vengeance sits straight up and looks at Squeeky, Squeeky backs up and tries to get away but Vengeance is able to get to his feet and track Squeeky down before Squeeky can leave the ring.
  • Squeeky tries to defend himself but it is very clear he is up a creek without a paddle and soon Vengeance drops Squeeky with a Skull Krusher.


Winner: Vengeance

Time: 10:05

Match Rating: 69


[After the match is over with Referee Shane Stones raises Vengeance’s hand in victory. Moments later Angry Gilmore enters the ring and nails Vengeance in the back with a steel chair; this shot only staggers Vengeance, who slowly turns around to face Gilmore.


Gilmore looks scared out of his mind as he swings the chair at Vengeance once again. Vengeance is able to somehow block the shot and get the chair out of a shocked Gilmore’s hands. Gilmore gives Vengeance a smile as if to say, “Yeah now I know I am screwed” he then hightails it out of the ring before Vengeance can take a swing at him.


Once on the outside of the ring, Gilmore grabs a microphone and begins addressing Vengeance.]




Angry Gilmore: That’s not going to happen tonight. I am too smart to be taken down by you…you cartoon clown!


[Gilmore then hops the guardrail and exits through the crowd as Vengeance stands in the center of the ring staring at Gilmore.]


[We now go to Richard Eisen’s makeshift office in the bowels of the arena. Richard is sitting at his desk, while Jack Bruce and Rich Money are sitting in chairs in front of Richard’s desk. Jack and Rich are not even paying attention to their boss, instead they are both too busy wondering if the other guy is going to attack them.]




Richard Eisen: Gentlemen, I did not ask the two of you to join me in my office so that you could have a staring contest. Therefore, I would kindly ask that you pay attention to me. After all the two of you have worked for me long enough to know that my office is the Switzerland of the SWF universe.


Meaning this is a neutral site and if either of you decide to fight; I will lob a hefty fines at the person who throws the first punch. Now that I have reiterated that fact to the both of you I would like the two of you to focus on me.


[both Jack and Rich look over at Richard and Richard rubs his hands together and smiles.]




Richard Eisen: Capital gentlemen! Now as for why I have called the two of you into my office tonight. Well last week I thought it would be fun to force the two of you to tag together and the two of you did not disappoint me.


This week I have decided to put the two of you into a tag team match and…this is the good part…I’m am going to allow you both to choose your tag team partner. It can be anyone on the roster who is not scheduled to fight tonight. Heck you could even choose a referee or Duane Fry to be your tag team partner if you so choose to do so.


Okay gentlemen that’s all I wanted to say to you, now if you don’t mind I would ask the two of you to get out of my office because I have some work to do.


[Rich Money gets up out of his chair and looks down at the still seated Jack Bruce with a smarmy smile on his face.]




Rich Money: I hope you choose well Jack because I know just who I am going to pick and well I highly doubt you will be able to leave the ring under your own volition when the two of us are done with you.




Jack Bruce: I intend to Rich the bitch!


[Rich lurches towards Jack and almost hits him before he stops himself from doing so. Rich then adjusts his suit and smiles.]




Rich Money: You almost made me hit you…smart Jack. I mean I sure the fine would have been pocket change for me but still, I am not about to upset Mister Eisen. I’ll see you in the ring you stupid troglodyte.



  • The first few minutes of the match, should not really be considered a match…it was more of a non-criminal assault as Remo beat the holy hell out of Captain Atomic.
  • Every so often Remo would yell out taunts to Art Reed the best one was, “See this Art Reed? This is what happens when you come to Remo’s house. Yo ass gets evicted.”
  • Of course all of this boasting came back to bite Remo in the ass, as Captain Atomic mounted a comeback.
  • Sadly for Captain Atomic the comeback was just not enough and Remo was able to defeat him with his finisher the Destroyer.


Winner: Remo

Time: 9:03

Match Rating: 74


[Once the match is done Marat Khoklov slowly walks down to the ring as Captain Atomic is being helped up by Referee Shane Stones. The two men leave the ring and they head towards the backstage area. Captain Atomic sees the lumbering giant heading towards them and he tells Shane Stones to leave him alone. Shane quickly runs off to the backstage, passing Marat along the way.


Marat pays no attention to the scurrying referee. Instead his entire focus is on Captain Atomic. Finally the two men meet in the aisle way, Captain Atomic says something to Marat that the cameras do not pick up. Marat does not react to Captain Atomic at all, he instead just looks down at him.


Captain Atomic decides to walk around the Moscow Mauler and as he tries to do so Marat grabs Captain Atomic by the throat. He then lifts him up and chokeslams him onto the concrete floor. Within seconds a slew of SWF backstage officials and a medical team rush down to help Captain Atomic. Marat does not get in their way he just stands and watches as Captain Atomic is put onto a stretcher.


On commentary Duane Fry wonders why Marat just did what he did.]



  • Joe goes directly after Eric, I guess he does not like to be called a drunk, and Eric immediately ducks out of the ring before Joe can get to him.
  • Eric and Enforcer Roberts start talking strategy on the outside of the ring as Referee Ric Young begins his ten count.
  • Joe, not content with just standing around, leaves the ring and begins attacking the champion.
  • The two men brawl on the outside of the ring and Joe easily has the upper hand in this battle.
  • Joe frequently enters and exits the ring in order to break up Ric Young’s ten count, so that he can take to Eric on the outside of the ring.
  • At one point Eric begs Joe for mercy and Joe just laughs and flings Eric into the security barricade.
  • Soon Joe sends Eric back into the ring and when he tries to reenter the ring Enforcer Roberts stands in his way.
  • While that is going on outside of the ring, on the inside a bruised and battered Eric grabs onto Ric Young’s shirt and begins berating him over the poor job he has done refereeing the match thus far.
  • With Ric Young distracted, Enforcer Roberts moves out of Joe’s way so that Joe can reenter the ring.
  • A cautious Joe gets one leg up onto the ring apron before Enforcer Roberts trips him up, causing Joe to fall off the ring apron a smack his head against the edge of the ring on his way down.
  • As Eric continues to berate Ric Young’s refereeing skills, Enforcer Roberts goes to work on Joe on the outside of the ring.
  • After Enforcer Roberts feels like he has done enough damage, he rolls a now defenseless Joe back into the ring.
  • Coincidently that is the exact time that Eric stops lambasting Ric Young.
  • Eric is in control of the match from this point forward, Joe does manage to put up a little bit of a fight but the damage done to him by Enforcer Roberts has weakened him enough that he is not able to make a full fledge comeback.
  • In the end Eric picks up the win via his finisher the Supremacy.


Winner: Eric Eisen

Time: 11:19

Match Rating: 77


[We come back from commercial break and we are given the…


SWF Fun Fact of the Week: Did you know that the DVD featuring Enforcer Roberts’ greatest interviews outsold the Season Three DVD of Family Feud?


Take that Richard Dawson!]


[Jerry Eisen steps out onto the stage where the wrestlers come out and walks over to a podium which is positioned in the center of the stage. Jerry smiles at the crowd before he begins to speak.]




Jerry Eisen: Ladies and gentlemen as you know each year before the Supreme Challenge we select one legendary worker from the past to be inducted into the SWF Hall of Fame. Tonight it is not only my great pleasure to announce this year’s inductee but I am also here to give tonight’s inductee a lifetime achievement award due to all that he has done for the SWF. So without further ado, I would ask that the video package please be played.


[The video begins and we see various clips of the first ever SWF World Heavyweight Champion Micky Starr’s career. As the video is played we hear the voice over announcer talk about how much Micky meant to the fledgling SWF. The video ends and we are taken back to the live arena.]




Jerry Eisen: Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to introduce the first ever SWF World Heavyweight Champion and the 2010 inductee into the SWF Hall of Fame…Micky Starr!


[Micky walks slowly onto the stage to thunderous applauds. He waves out to the crowd before he approaches the podium and shakes Jerry’s hand. The fans start chanting, “Thank you Micky!” over and over again. He then waits for the cheering to die down before he address the crowd.]




Micky Starr: No thank you guys! I can’t believe that in just a few short weeks I’ll be entering into the SWF Hall of Fame!


A couple of weeks ago Ricky Eisen called me on the phone and said that he wanted give me a lifetime achievement award and that he wanted me to be inducted into the SWF Hall of Fame. Of course I said yes, I mean how could I turn down such a huge honor?


After all this is the house that Micky built. Through my blood, through my sweat, through my tears I had a hand in making this company what it is today. Because I was the man of the hour, the man with the power, too sweet to be sour and it feels great that someone that I have the utmost respect in would allow me to enter into his hall of fame…


[Just then the voice of Marc DuBois is heard over the arena’s sound system.]




Marc DuBois: Blah, blah, blah.


[Marc soon walks out from behind the backstage curtain and the moment the crowd sees him they begin to boo him out of the building. Marc walks over to where Jerry and Micky are standing.]




Marc DuBois: Nobody cares about you old man…you are ancient history. Shoot you’re so old that you probably remember when Brian Jones was part of the Rolling Stones.




Jerry Eisen: What the hell are you doing out here Marc?


This is neither the time nor the place for your antics.




Marc DuBois: What am I doing out here? I’ll tell you what I am doing out here Jerry. I am out here because I am angry over the fact that I am being kept off television. After all, how are people going to see my potential and realize my greatness if I am constantly being held off Supreme TV?


Why is this happening to me Jerry? You would think that your father would jump at the chance to showcase my talent. After all I am the prodigy and I will be a future SWF World Heavyweight Champion.


But no, you instead want to waste precious television time on this dinosaur. Look pops; nobody has given a rat’s ass about you in twenty years…so why don’t you get off the stage and go get a prostate exam or whatever old dudes like you do.


[Micky Starr starts to laugh and he turns and looks at Jerry.]




Micky Starr: Jerry…can ya please tell me who this young fool is?




Marc DuBois: Fool…fool? I’ll show you fool…


[Marc goes to hit Micky but despite Micky’s advanced age, he is still quick enough to defend himself and he blocks Marc’s punch. Micky then nails Marc with a wicked hard right hook which staggers the younger man. It is at this point that the two of them begin to brawl on the stage. Jerry tries to intervene but Marc shoves him away. The brawl quickly comes to an end as Marc grabs Micky’s lifetime achievement award and bashes Micky in the forehead with it.


This causes a cut to open up on Micky’s forehead and at this point a slew of officials come running out to stop Marc from doing any further damage to the SWF legend. As the officials help Micky to the back, Marc walks over to the podium and yells out…]




Marc DuBois: My name is Marc Doo Bwah and I am the Prodigy old man!


[We come back from a commercial break and Jerry Eisen is standing by in the interview area with Jack Bruce. Before either man can speak they are joined by Rich Money and Runaway Train.]




Rich Money: Hey Jack, I just wanted to come by and wish you some good luck...because you’re going to need it. You see Jack, I wanted you to know firsthand who my tag team partner is for our match tonight.


This man right here might hate you just about as much as I do…isn’t that right…um…Mister Train?




Runaway Train: Yup you’re right Rich. I still haven’t gotten over that fact that a talentless little whelp like you beat me for the SWF World Title. So I think I am going to use that as my motivation to tear your head off tonight.


[Jack Bruce looks at Train, he then looks at Rich, and finally chuckles as he turns and looks at Jerry.]




Jack Bruce: Well I have to admit Rich the bitch you made a very good choice in picking your tag team partner for tonight. Heck this man is a former SWF World Champion…which I might add is something that you’ve never been before. So that alone makes him an impressive choice.


But I’ve found a very impressive choice myself…


[Gregory Black joins Jack and Runaway Train does not seem at all pleased with Jack’s choice of a tag team partner.]




Jack Bruce: Now Gregory might not be a former SWF World Champion…but he is one of the best young prospects here in the SWF. And I think it is about high time he gets his chance to shine. Plus he like the great city of Cincinnati is ready to rock.


[Jack pauses to let the live crowd go wild. He then turns to Gregory and says:]




Jack Bruce: So Gregory are you ready to rock?




Gregory Black: Damn straight I am!




Jack Bruce: Well then…let’s rock!


[With that Jack and Gregory begin brawling with Rich Money and Runaway Train in the interview area as the show heads into a commercial break.]



  • Duane Fry informs us that the four men continued to brawl throughout the commercial break until they finally made their way out to the arena proper.
  • The four men continue to brawl at ringside until Jack and Rich make it into the ring, it is at that point that Referee Darren Smith calls for the bell to officially start the match.
  • Both teams got in an equal amount of offense in during the first few minutes of the match.
  • The heels soon took command of the match once they were able to keep Gregory Black on their side of the ring.
  • The next few minutes of the match saw the heels beating on Gregory and keeping Gregory from tagging Jack into the match.
  • However, a “Rich the bitch” chant from the crowd caused Rich to be distracted.
  • This momentary lapse in attention was all Gregory needed and he was able to get back to his side of the ring and tag Jack into the match.
  • Jack nailed Rich with a clothesline which knocked Rich down to the mat, Jack then nailed Runaway Train with a dropkick while Train was standing on the ring apron.
  • Rich slid out of the ring in order to clear his head but Jack quickly followed him.
  • Soon all four men were brawling on the outside of the ring.
  • Because neither of the legal men (Jack and Rich) in the contest was able to reenter the ring by the count of ten, Referee Darren Smith ended the match in a double count-out.


Winners: There were no winners in this match as the match ended in a double count-out.

Time: 11:14

Match Rating: 78



  • Prior to the start of this match, SWF World Champion Eric Eisen sat down at the announcer’s table and joined in on calling the match.
  • Both men danced around each other for the first minute with neither man wanting to be the first to rush in and potentially make an early match mistake.
  • Finally, they locked up and Enforcer Roberts was able to push Christian into a corner.
  • As Referee Shane Stones told Roberts to back away from Christian, Roberts did but not before hitting Christian with a parting shot.
  • The two men then spent the next few minutes of the match going back and forth with each other, neither man was able to get much of an advantage during this part of the match.
  • Enforcer Roberts was able to knock Christian out of the ring and onto the arena floor.
  • Roberts then began arguing with Referee Shane Stones.
  • While this argument was going on in the inside of the ring, Eric Eisen decided to take it upon himself to dish out some punishment to his Supreme Challenge opponent on the outside of the ring.
  • Eric slammed Christian’s head into the steel ring steps (Yes there was a loud audible thud that the entire arena heard with the exception of Shane Stones, but this is wrestling so one has to suspend one’s belief.) and then kicked Christian in his notorious weak left keen.
  • Eric then rolled Christian back into the ring so that Roberts could beat on him further.
  • Roberts did just that, focusing most of his offense on Christian’s knee.
  • When Roberts felt that he had beaten Christian enough, he tried to lock Christian into his R.C.T. submission hold but Christian had enough ring awareness to put his hand on the bottom rope.
  • Roberts then tried to pin Christian but Christian was able to kick out of the pin attempt before Shane Stones could slap the mat for a third time.
  • It was at that point in the match that the fans began chanting, “Faith! Faith! Faith!” over and over again.
  • Christian fed off the crowd’s support and he soon began to mount a comeback.
  • Christian started throwing everything at Roberts and he was soon able to take Roberts down to the mat.
  • Christian then managed to hook Roberts into the dreaded Test of Faith.
  • Roberts’s face winced in pain and he looked like he was on the verge of tapping out, that was until Eric Eisen entered the ring and nailed Christian in the head with the SWF World Title.
  • Shane Stones immediately called for an end to the match and awarded the victory to Christian via a disqualification.


Winner of the match by way of disqualification: Christian Faith

Time: 16:12

Match Rating: 83


[After the match is over with, Eric and Roberts continue to beat Christian with the SWF World title. At one point Eric kept whipping Christian in the back with the title. Roberts then locked Christian into his R.C.T. submission hold while Eric kept on hitting Christian with the title.


Peter Michaels wonders out loud on commentary why nobody is coming out to help Christian. It is at that point that Lobster Warrior comes running down to the ring but before he can enter the ring, Eric and Roberts rush out of the ring. Eric then grabs a microphone and shouts out at Lobster Warrior…]




Eric Eisen: You’ve just made the biggest mistake of your career freak! You should know better than to stick your nose into Eisen family business!


[The show ends with Eric and Roberts standing on the outside of the ring watching Lobster Warrior help Christian Faith to his feet.]





Post Show Notes:


Well I wrote this show a couple of weeks ago so to be honest I hardly remember what I wrote. I did do a Wrestling 101 move, which was anytime a wrestler gets an award said award ends up getting bashed into his head.

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Doo Boys for Legend Killer! DO IT! :D


Glad to see a new post, buddy... make it more regular, ok? :p


One thing, though...


[before Peter could finish talking about the F.A. Garcia situation, For the Love of Money by the O’Jays began playing over the arena’s sound system and out comes the SWF CEO Richard Eisen along with his son the SWF World Heavyweight Champion Eric Eisen and Eric’s bodyguard Christian Faith. The three men slowly walk down to the ring soaking up the boos. They then enter the ring and Eric begins to speak to the hot crowd in Cincinnati.]


Never change, man. Never change. :D

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Supreme Uprising Episode 16




Location: Oxford, Ohio

Ratings on C.A.N.N.: 0.38

Overall Show Rating: 68


[supreme Uprising begins with the typical opening montage of clips from SWF; we are informed that the SWF is the worldwide leader in Sports Entertainment. We then hear the theme song for Supreme Uprising while we see the opening video for the show which features the midcard wrestlers more prominently.]



[We now see Jerry Eisen, Roger Maddux, and Alex Braun, who are sitting at the announcer’s table; they welcome us to another episode of SWF Uprising.


Roger once again talks about how he is the straw that stirs the drink at the Supreme TV commentary table. Alex tells Roger that he is delusional and Roger tells Alex that he is jealous of him because he has groupies and Alex does not. Alex laughs at the comment and says, “I hope I don’t have any groupies…because my wife would not appreciate it if I did.”


After Alex and Roger stop their bickering, Jerry recaps the abduction of F.A. Garcia last week. He then says that earlier this afternoon John Greed gave the production truck a tape and that said tape should be played at the start of tonight’s broadcast. Jerry goes on to say that he has not yet had the opportunity to watch the tape so he has no clue as to the contents of said tape.


With that the tape begins playing…]


[As the footage begins to play all the viewer can see is darkness. Soon there is a sound of footsteps and we here the flicker of a light switch. As the lights come on we see John Greed and the menacing man known as Brother Bekowski standing near a doorway. John and Bekowski then enter the room. As the camera follows them we see John and Bekowski stop in front of a chalkboard. On the chalkboard are pictures of various female celebrities and some of the women of the SWF.


The camera pans over to a man who is tied up to a chair with a bag over his head. John nods his head towards the man in the chair and Bekowski walks over to the man in the chair and takes the bag off his head to reveal that the man is F.A. Garcia.]




John Greed: Brother Frederique, the past couple of days of conversion therapy has done wonders for you. Or so I thought…Brother Bekowski informed me that you suffered a huge setback in this morning’s session and that you reverted back to your old ways.


That news was very…disappointing news to say the very least, but Rome was not built in a day so let us get back to work.


Okay what do you think when you see this picture?


[John points to a picture of Eva Longoria. F.A. looks at the picture for a moment and looks away in disgust.]




F.A. Garcia: Who dressed her in that picture? Somebody better tell girlfriend that purple is not her color. I do have to admit that her shoes are fierce though.


[brother Bekowski, who is standing next to F.A., looks over at John. John simply nods his head and Bekowski smacks F.A. in the back of the head. F.A. cries out in pain after being hit upside the head.]




John Greed: Now, now Brother Frederique neither Brother Bekowski nor I want to see you in any kind of pain. However, if you insist on reverting back to your old ways, if you insist on not striking words like fierce from you lexicon, we will have no other choice but to inflict pain onto you.


Now Brother Frederique, please tell me what you think when you see this picture.


[John points to a picture of Lindsay Lohan. Once again F.A. has a disgusted looking expression on his face.]




F.A. Garcia: I see a hot mess when I look in that photo. That girl needs to get her life in order. I mean she was so fierce in Mean Girls but now she is a train wreck!


[John rolls his eyes at this response and then nods his head at Brother Bekowski who once again smacks F.A. in the back of the head.]




John Greed: Why are you trying my patience today Brother Frederique? I am trying to help you and it is as if you do not want nor require my help. This whole situation is so frustrating.


Okay one more picture…what do you think when you see this picture?


[John points to a picture of SWF Uprising’s backstage correspondent Hannah. F.A. smiles.]




F.A. Garcia: I love her shoes…uh…


[F.A. stops speaking for a moment. He then clears his throat and begins to speak in a deeper masculine voice as opposed to him normal effeminate voice.]




F.A. Garcia: She looks hot. She can interview me anytime she wants…if you know what I mean.


[John smiles and clasps his hands together.]




John Greed: Very good Brother Frederique…very good indeed.


Now before we end our little session I want you to tell anyone who may have the opportunity to see this that you are here of your own free will. Okay?


[F.A. looks as if he does not want to speak. He then looks at Brother Bekowski and nervously smiles. F.A. then begins to speak in his masculine voice once again.]




F.A. Garcia: Sure, my name is Frederique Garcia and I am here of my own free will. I want to be saved from my devious lifestyle by Brother Greed and Brother Bekowski.




John Greed: Good. All rightly then, I guess we are done for the afternoon then. Brother Bekowski put the bag back over Brother Frederique’s head and please make sure to turn off the light when you leave the room.


After all, our savior is a very tolerant man but the one thing he is not tolerant of is a high electric bill.


[brother Bekowski does as he was instructed to do and once he turns off the lights the video ends.]



Time: 7:37

Match Rating: 69


[We now head to Richard Eisen’s office in the bowels of the arena. Richard is sitting at his desk shuffling papers around making it look like he is doing something important. Moments later Acee L. Lou and the Samoan Wildboyz enter the office.


Richard looks up at them for a moment before he gestures towards the chairs in front of his desk. When Acee and the Wildboyz are all seated Richard begins to speak.]




Richard Eisen: Acee, I must say you have been a royal pain in my posterior over the past month. Neither I nor my front office staff appreciates you constantly saying we are a racist organization…




Acee L. Lou: But Mister Eisen you may not like hearing the truth but the truth is the truth. The prior match goes to prove my point. What has the SoCal Express done to deserve a match against the SWF World Tag Team Champions?


I’ll tell ya what they did, they had the benefit of being born white…


[Richard yells at Acee in his loud booming voice:]




Richard Eisen: SHUT UP!


[Acee nearly jumps out of his chair upon being yelled at. Richard cracks a smile and then adjusts his tie.]




Richard Eisen: I wasn’t done talking when you interrupted me just then! If there is something that I will not stand for is someone trying to interrupt what I am saying. Are we clear Acee?


[The normally loud mouth Acee just nods his head in agreement.]




Richard Eisen: Good…now as I was saying, I do not appreciate you calling me a racist week in and week out. There is no racist agenda or conspiracy here in the SWF. If your boys aren’t getting the matches you think they should, it just means that they probably do not deserve to be in the matches you think they should.


Now don’t get me wrong guys the two of you are very talented young wrestlers but neither of you have overly impressed me as of late. With that being said, your manager here has gotten the American Civil Liberties Union to look at my alleged racist mistreatment of the two of you.


Due to this I have decided to show you that there is no racist plot to hold the two of you back. Tonight I have booked the two of you in a match against the Biggz Boyz. The winners of said match will earn the right to join the Bumfholes as challengers for the SWF Tag Team Championships at Supreme Challenge.


Now if the two of you lose…well that is on you. Frankly I am giving you an opportunity that you do not deserve, so I would suggest you make the most of it because I might not be as giving in the future. Now I would like the three of you to get the hell out of my office!


[Acee and the Wildboyz leave Richard’s office with smiles on their respective faces.]



Time: 7:09

Match Rating: 60


[After winning the match Jungle Lord remains in the ring to do a post-match rope shaking. That was not a wise thing on his part because Marat Khoklov beings slowly walking down the aisle towards the ring.


Jungle Lord, never being one to back down to anyone, simply waits in the ring for Marat. When Marat gets right at ringside, Jungle Lord leaps over the top rope at Marat. Sadly for the wild man from Borneo, Marat managed to catch him. Marat then proceeded to ram Jungle Lord into the steel ring post back first.


Marat then just drops Jungle Lord onto the padded floor. Shortly after Marat drops Jungle Lord onto the floor, a medical team arrives and puts Jungle Lord onto a stretcher. Marat does not interfere; he just stands by and admires his handiwork.]


[brother Bekowski and John Greed are standing in a hallway discussing what needs to be done to get F.A. Garcia on the “straight” and narrow path.]




Brother Bekowski: We could get em a stripper...ain’t no man immune to a stripper.




John Greed: No, no…Brother Bekowski that simply won’t do. Our savior would not be happy if we have a loose woman cavorting with Brother Frederique. We need to have morals after all…


[Just then Shady K. and Knuckles walk towards John and Bekowski. John looks really nervous and smiles at Brother Bekowski and says…]




John Greed: Pay no attention to them. If you ignore them, perhaps they will go away.


[As Death Row gets closer to where Greed and Bekowski are standing, Knuckles yells out…]




Knuckles: Hey Greed! I saw your little video earlier…




John Greed: Did you like it Brother Knuckles?




Knuckles: No and I especially didn’t like that fact that you and your goon here forced my boy into saying he’s all right. It’s clear that Freddie ain’t all right and that the two of you abducted him and now are holding him against his will…


[John Geed feigns shock over this accusation.]




John Greed: Brother Knuckles, I assure you that Brother Bekowski and I have not…”abducted”…Brother Frederique. No quite the contrary…the fact of the matter is Brother Frederique is free to leave our compound whenever he wants to do so.


Brother Frederique is choosing to stay in our compound so that he can fix himself…


[before John can finish his what he was saying, Shady K. pushes John up against a wall. He then puts his forearm across John’s throat.]




Shady K.: How’s about I fix you Johnny…


[before Shady can do anything, Brother Bekowski grabs Shady by the throat and begins choking him causing Shady to release John. John then clears his throat and motions then motions for Brother Bekowski to let Shady go.]




John Greed: Gentlemen I believe this conversation is over…




Shady K: Nah bro it ain’t over…we ain’t gonna leave until you and your boy here tells us where Freddie is.




John Greed: Ugh…you two Neanderthals annoy me. You always have to be so violent. Fine…I’ll tell you what…if either you or your partner can defeat me tonight in a match; I shall reveal where Brother Frederique is located. Does that sound reasonable enough for you?




Shady K: Nah son we don’t want just you. We want the big man to, cuz nobody smacks one of my boys around and gets away with it.




John Greed: No, no, no. That simply won’t do. Brother Bekowski is merely an initiate. He has been saved but he has not been cleared by my savior to fight for our cause yet.


So no either you or Brother Knuckles face off against me in a singles match…or we do not fight at all. Me being a non-violent man would rather we not fight but if we must, we must.


[Knuckles and Shady talk briefly about the offer and as soon as they are done talking Shady turns to John and says…]




Shady K: Sure I’ll take you on tonight and when I beat yo ass you better tell me where Freddie is.


[Death Row then walk off camera as Greed and Bekowski continue their talk about conversion therapy.]



Time: 6:40

Match Rating: 78


[We head backstage where we see Bart and Brett Biggz discussing the opportunity they have tonight.]




Bart Biggz: This is a hell of an opportunity we got tonight Bart. Think about it, if we win tonight we will be fighting for the tag team titles at Supreme Challenge. How cool is that?




Brett Biggz: What is this talk about if we win? We’re gonna go out there and win tonight and then we’re gonna go to NYC and win those tag team titles. Why?


Cuz we’re the Biggz Boyz and we’re fighting strong!


[Just then Zimmy and Randy Bumfhole walk on screen. The Bumfhole brothers look at the Biggz Brothers for a moment before Randy starts to speak.]




Randy Bumfhole: Hey guys what’s up?




Bart Biggz: Nothing much Randy, how are you doing…


[brett, who senses that Randy and Zimmy are not there for a pleasant conversation shoots his brother a look as if to say “Shut up”.]




Brett Biggz: What do you guys want?




Zimmy Bumfhole: Well Brett, we wanted to know why the two of you walked away last week when the Wildboyz were jumping us. After all I thought that we are boys…I mean if the Wildboyz were attacking you we would have rushed down to the ring to help you guys out. I guess maybe Randy and I overvalued our friendship.




Bart Biggz: No not at all…I wanted to help you guys out. I really did but Brett told me that you guys could handle yourselves…


[before Bart can finish his thought Brett holds up his hand as a non-verbal way of telling Bart to shut up.]




Brett Biggz: Look guys, me and my brother don’t owe you guys an explanation for why we did what we did. To be honest with you, it kind of ticks me off that you think an explanation is owed to you. We’re the Biggz Boyz and we don’t answer to anybody because we’re fighting strong!


[Randy chuckles over the nonsensical fighting strong line before he speaks.]




Randy Bumfhole: Okay Brett, if that is the way you want to play it…so be it. Just know this, the next time you guys need someone to watch your backs…we won’t be anywhere to be found.


[Randy and Zimmy walk off camera and Brett shakes his head and then calls out...]




Brett Biggz: Whatever dude.


[brett then turns to his brother and rolls his eyes.]




Brett Biggz: Like we would ever need their help.


[Emma Chase and Big Smack Scott are backstage in a dressing room talking about firing Kurt Laramee last week.]




Emma Chase: You know it had to be done Scott. Kurt frequently let us down and so I had to make the call to downside the Chase Corporation.


[scott doesn’t say a word as he is busy being mesmerized by Emma’s chest. Emma rolls her eyes and clears her throat.]




Emma Chase: Hun…please move your eyes up here. If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a million times…I know I have an amazing rack but please stop staring at it.


[scott breaks out of his breast induced haze and looks at Emma’s face for one.]




Big Smack Scott: Sorry Em, little Scott likes what little Scott likes.




Emma Chase: Okay now you’re just being gross Scott. Can you focus please and tell me what was so urgent that you had to pull me away from a strategy meeting with Brandon.




Big Smack Scott: Sure thing…ya see I’ve been thinkin. Now that Kurt is outta the picture…I need to find me a new tag team partner. Simply cuz I don’t enjoy being a singles wrestler. I need that little rest time during my matches and that’s something I can only get by being a tag wrestler.


So that’s why tonight I am going to start what I call, The Big Smack Scott Challenge!


Each week I’m gonna team with a jobber and see if they are tough enough to hang with me. If they are then they can join me in forming the Pain Alliance two point o. If they ain’t…well I’m gonna brain em!


[by the expression on Emma’s face, she is clearly bored with this conversation.]




Emma Chase: Scott I fail to see what this has to do with the Chase Corporation…




Big Smack Scott: Em, if their good enough to hang with the Smacker…then their good enough to join the Chase Corporation. In fact here is the first prospect I’ve got lined up…yo come on in…


[Cowboy Roy Hickok enters the room and he tips his hat at Emma. Emma looks really annoyed now.]




Cowboy Roy Hickok: Howdy ma'am. My name is Roy…




Emma Chase: I know exactly who you are. Scott what makes you think that this…thing…is worthy enough to join the Chase Corporation?




Big Smack Scott: Like I said Em, if he’s good then he’ll be in. If not then I’ll brain em.




Emma Chase: Fine, whatever…if you want to hold your little challenge then do it. Because you took me away from my strategy meeting with Brandon, I will not be able to come down to ring with you tonight. Sorry Scott but I just don’t have time for this nonsense…I have more pressing matters that need to be taken care of.


[Emma leaves the room and Scott turns to Roy and points at him.]




Big Smack Scott: Don’t make me brain ya bro!


The Big Smack Scott Challenge:




The Amazing Bumfholes vs. Big Smack Scott & Cowboy Roy Hickok




The Amazing Bumfholes defeated Big Smack Scott & Cowboy Roy Hickok when Zimmy took Roy down with his finisher Bumfhole In One.


Time: 6:40

Match Rating: 65


[scott jumps off the ring apron and snatches the microphone from the SWF Ring Announcer. He then reenters the ring and looks at the still dazed Roy with disgust.]




Big Smack Scott: Well bro you failed the Big Smack Scott Challenge. So there is only one thing for me to do bro!


[scott drops the microphone and then takes Roy down via the Ego Trip (The Stroke). Scott then gives Roy a swift kick in the ribs before leaving the ring.]



Time: 8:29

Match Rating: 57


[Knuckles comes to the aid of his tag team partner and all four men begin brawling in the ring. The action spills to the outside of the ring and this seems to be the environment where Brother Bekowski is the most comfortable as he tosses Knuckles into the guard rail like a rag doll. Bekowski and Greed then go to work on Shady. Shady puts up a fight but he cannot fight off two men at once (Especially when one of those men is Brother Bekowski) and he is quickly beaten down.


After a sufficient amount of damage has been dealt to Death Row, Greed takes a microphone from one of the ring attendants and begins to address Death Row.]




John Greed: Brothers Knuckles and Shady K, I know that I previously said that I was going to tell you the location of Brother Frederique if either of you defeated me tonight. Well Brother Shady you might have defeated me but I fear that I cannot live up to my end of the bargain.


You see my savior knew that the two of you would want to get at me and so he suggested that I tempt you into a match. He said I should tell the two of you that I would give you the location of your friend if you bested me in combat. He then told me that if you agreed to combat that Brother Bekowski should help me destroy the two of you.


As always my savior’s plan worked to the letter and now we no longer have to worry about the two of you meddling in our business. I do love it when a good plan comes together.


The Winners of the following match will join the Amazing Bumfholes as challenger for the SWF World Tag Team Championships at Supreme Challenge 30:


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BrettBiggz.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BartBiggz.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Jessie.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/KidToma.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/AkimaBrave.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/Streetz.jpg


The Biggz Boyz with Jessie vs. The Samoan Wildboyz with Acee L. Lou




The Samoan Wildboyz defeated The Biggz Boyz after Kid Toma nailed Bart with a Long Range Headbutt. This victory means that the Wildboyz will join the Amazing Bumfholes as the challengers for Electric Law’s SWF World Tag Team Titles at Supreme Challenge 30.


Time: 9:10

Match Rating: 64


[After the show comes back from a commercial break, Jerry Eisen informs us that earlier in the day Marc DuBois posted a video on SWF.com. Jerry goes on to say while said video disgusts him, his father has told the production truck to play the video.


The video begins playing and it is obvious that the video was shot on a cellphone.]




Marc DuBois: Hey everyone while I know an introduction is not needed I will introduce myself anyway. I am the Prodigy Marc DuBois and I am here backstage at Twin Rivers Casino in Lincoln, Rhode Island which is hosting RIPW’s Adrenaline Rush.


Just a few seconds ago Hollywood Bret Starr, the grandson of SWF Legend Micky Starr, just picked up a win. I am here to…ah….”congratulate” him on a job well done.


[bret Starr enters the backstage area and Marc DuBois walks up to him. Bret stares angrily at the man who attacked his grandfather on national television a few nights earlier. Marc extends his hand to Bret and Bret just looks at it for a moment before slapping it out of the way.]




Bret Starr: Dude do you really think I wanna shake your hand?




Marc DuBois: Well Bret I came here to tell you that I regret what I did to your grandfather on Tuesday night. I can be a bit…impulsive…you see and that is exactly what happened on Tuesday. I instantly regretted what I did to your grandfather and I am deeply ashamed of what I did.




Bret Starr: Look dude, I know you aren’t being sincere right now, so I am going to be the bigger man and just walk away from you Marc Doo Boys.


[bret gives Marc a smug smile and begins walking off to the locker room. Marc is livid over Bret intentionally mispronouncing his name, Marc then runs up and Pearl Harbor’s Bret, nailing Bret with a forearm to the back of the head. The two men begin brawling and Marc quickly gains the upper hand in this encounter due to the fact that he did not just wrestle a ten minute match.


Marc then takes Bret’s head and repeatedly rams it into the wall, causing Bret to don the crimson mask. Moments later Marc is pulled away from Bret by RIPW wrestlers Masked Patriot and Lassana Makutsi. As the Masked Patriot and Lassana check on Bret’s condition, Marc looks into the camera and says…]




Marc DuBois: Mick you’ve got a smart grandson, he is totally right. I have no remorse for what I did to you. You got what you deserved for stealing my television time and now the sins of the grandfather have been visited upon your grandson.


You see Micky what happened to you and your grandson is what happens to people who disrespect the Prodigy Marc DuBois. If you want to steal from me…if you want to disrespect me…I am going to send you to the hospital!


[The video ends with Marc laughing as RIPW Owner Professor Nero yells at Marc to get the hell out of the arena.]



Time: 12:16

Match Rating: 62


[As Sgt. Barrowman leaves the ring, he is greeted by SWF Uprising backstage correspondent Hannah.]




Hannah: Sergeant Barrowman I wanted to congratulate you on a hard fought victory. In a few short minutes the man who you will be competing against at Supreme Challenge Thirty, the SWF North American Champion Brandon James, will be taking on Captain Atomic.


Do you plan on sticking around and scouting this match?




Sgt. Barrowman: Hannah, Big Cat and I have faced each other so many times throughout our respective careers that I am not sure watching one more match of his will help me learn anything more about him. But one thing I do know Hannah is that I’ve got the Big Cat and Emma running scared.


He doesn’t want to face me and she does not want me to face him because they know what I am capable of doing. They both know at Supreme Challenge Thirty I am going to be walking out of the building as the new SWF North American Champion and there is nothing that neither one of them can do about it.


In a non-title match:


http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/AtomSmasher.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/vs10.jpghttp://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/BigCatBrandon_alt2.jpg with http://i969.photobucket.com/albums/ae173/BHK1978/SWF/EmmaChase.jpg


Captain Atomic vs. Brandon James © with Emma Chase




In a match where both combatants had good chemistry when facing each other, Brandon James defeated Captain Atomic via his finisher the Big Money Move.


Time: 11:17

Match Rating: 79




Post Show Thoughts:


1. This damn show took nearly an hour to post.:mad:


2. This was a very dialogue heavy show and any segment with John Greed in it bombed.

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1. I loved the Marc Dubois segment :)


2. I also liked the F.A.G. segment, especially this line:


After all, our savior is a very tolerant man but the one thing he is not tolerant of is a high electric bill.


Too bad John Greed doesn't have star presence (I'm assuming), a full-blown F.A.G.-Greed feud would be great.


3. I'm glad you're posting semi-regularly again, hopefully the momentum carries over to Supreme Challenge and beyond :p

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