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SWF: You Know You Want To Give It One Star a.k.a. the Ballad of Big Smack Scott

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<p>For the SWF North American Championship:</p><p>

??? vs. <strong>Brandon James ©</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Joe Sexy</strong> vs. Runaway Train</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Jack Giedroyc</strong> vs. Randy Bumfhole</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Sgt. Barrowman</strong> vs. Dylan Palmer</p><p> </p><p>

Brett Biggz vs. <strong>Akima Brave</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Mainstream Hernandez & Cheetah Boy vs. <strong>Bryan Vessey & Big Smack Scott</strong></p><p>

If they don't win they will pull shenanigans and go over anyways.</p><p> </p><p>

Rick Law vs. <strong>Wayne Davis Newton</strong></p><p> </p><p>

The SoCal Express vs. <strong>Age of Aggression</strong></p>

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For the SWF North American Championship:

??? vs. Brandon James ©

I don´t see Brandon dropping the belt in B-show.


Joe Sexy vs. Runaway Train

Since this is TEW 2010 I figure that Train is still the more important/popular guy from these two.


Jack Giedroyc vs. Randy Bumfhole

Bit of a coin flip to me.


Sgt. Barrowman vs. Dylan Palmer

Pretty sure that Barrowman is the more popular guy.


Brett Biggz vs. Akima Brave

Not sure about this one but I´m going with the guy that I assume has more popularity.


Mainstream Hernandez & Cheetah Boy vs. Bryan Vessey & Big Smack Scott

I just don´t see Vessey losing to Cheetah Boy.


Rick Law vs. Wayne Davis Newton

Again, popularity is the king.


The SoCal Express vs. Age of Aggression

I believe these two are way more established.

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Supreme Uprising Episode 24




Location: St. Louis, Missouri

Ratings on C.A.N.N.: 0.35

Overall Show Rating: 66



[The show beings with the CEO of the SWF, Richard Eisen standing in the center of the ring with the Uprising announce team.]




Richard Eisen: Last week I told everyone something that was very difficult for me to admit. I let the world know that I was not able to split my time between running Supreme TV, this show, and the company itself. I am a proud man and so for me to admit any kind of weakness was pretty hard. But the truth is the truth.


Now as you are all well aware, last week I decided to allow the fans the right to choose the man that would act as my proxy here on Uprising. I chose the Uprising announce team as me three candidates for the job. My reason for that was they are all qualified because they understand what transpires on this show.


As for the vote…well I must admit I am a bit shocked by this outcome. The winner of the vote received forty-five percent of the vote while the other two candidates received twenty-seven percent each. The winner of the vote and my new proxy here on Uprising is…my son Jerry Eisen…


[Jerry looks genuinely shocked as he turns and looks at the other two candidates. Alex is clapping his hand and then he and Jerry shake hands. Roger does not look happy at all, he shoots Jerry a dirty look before yelling at him…]




Roger Maddux: Nepotism!




Richard Eisen: Mister Maddux there is one thing that I can assure you, this is not nepotism. In fact out of the three of you, Jerry was my least favorite candidate. I say this mainly because I remember the great SWF election of two thousand and seven and therefor I know what kind of a terrible leader Jerry will be.


However, the fans have spoken and I must respect their wishes. Jerry all I ask of you is that you do not disappoint me like your brother has. I am not sure if my heart can take the Eisen brand being further weakened by you doing a shoddy job on this show.


[Richard then hands his microphone over to his son.]




Jerry Eisen: First and foremost I would like to thank all of the fans who have deemed me worthy enough to run this show. It really means a lot to me.


Dad you don’t have to worry, I have a vision of how I would like this show to be run and I hope that you will agree with that vision. If not…well I guess you could always fire me but if you do end up doing that you know my mother, your wife will not be happy. So all I ask is that you give me the chance at running this show and I will try my hardest not to disappoint you or the fans.



Time: 6:02

Match Rating: 60


[We are now taken to the backstage interview area where Uprising’s backstage correspondent Hannah is standing by with Rick Law.]




Hannah: Rick once again you have requested and were granted a match where you were allowed to choose your opponent. What is the reason for wanting to take on Wayne Davis Newton tonight?




Rick Law: Well Miss Potter, at approximately two twenty-two central standard time I arrived at the arena. From my vehicle I observed Mister Newton cross the street outside of the designated cross walk. Mister Newton was clearly jaywalking. Now normally I do not pursue someone for such a minor offense because I have bigger things to do. Therefore, I decided to give Mister Newton a warning. After all I would not like to see him get struck down by a motor vehicle.


Therefore, I exited my motor vehicle and approached the suspect Mister Newton. I informed him of his infraction and told him that I had not planned on bringing criminal charges against him for such a minor offense.


Mister Newton proceeded to cock his hand sideways and show me three fingers. At first I thought he was flashing a gang sign at me…you know to show me his gang affiliation. However, after a few moments he slowly placed his index and ring-finger in the palm of his hand. That just left one finger sticking out.


Mister Newton was giving me the sideways bird. As an officer of the law I could have easily tasered him, I instead decided to handle this, the old fashion way and that is to meet Mister Newton inside the ring.


Tonight Mister Newton will learn that ignorance of the law is not an acceptable defense and that if he jaywalks and if he taunts me he will be taken to task. Mister Newton, I am the law and you don’t want to mess with me.



Time: 6:18

Match Rating: 72


[bryan Vessey walks slowly down a hallway in the bowels of the arena. Bryan stops at a door and looks at the cardboard sign hanging above it. Said sign reads, “Big Smack Scott’s Secret Lair”. Bryan shakes his head upon seeing the sign and mumbles to himself. He then opens the door and walks into the room.


Big Smack Scott is standing inside the room with a very tight white t-shirt. Scott is lifting weights and upon seeing Bryan he stops.]




Big Smack Scott: What’s up bro?




Bryan Vessey: Where are the two guys with those weird helmets?




Big Smack Scott: I’ve given dem da night off cuz my arch-nemesis Captain Atomic ain’t on the show tonight.




Bryan Vessey: Okay good, so does that mean you will not be distracted tonight? I mean after all last week I had to do the vast majority of the work in the ring because you were…distracted.




Big Smack Scott: I wasn’t distracted. I know what my objective is and that is to destroy that little piss ant Captain Atomic. All of this other stuff is just crap that I am being forced ta do. Plus I told ya before da match that I’m only willing ta wrestle for three minutes per match. I ain’t gonna use up energy doing something that I don’t wanna do.




Bryan Vessey: Cool, whatever you say Scott. Miss Chase told me to get you so that we can head down to the ring for our match tonight. That is the only reason why I came down here.


But actually before we go to the ring…I have got to ask. Why are you wearing that really tight white t-shirt? You kind of look like a reject from a Right Said Fred video.




Big Smack Scott: Bro this shirt I got on right here is gonna allow me to go beast mode on our opponents tonight and then after we win I’m goona rip this shirt off and toss it into the audience and make all of da fat chicks faint. Cuz dats how I do it bro, I go beast mode!




Bryan Vessey: Okay I do not think continuing this conversation behooves me in any manner. In fact, I think my IQ has just dropped a couple of points just by talking to you…




Big Smack Scott: Beast mode bro…beast mode!



Time: 7:05

Match Rating: 64


[After the match is done, Big Smack Scott stands in the center of the ring and yells out, “Beast Mode!” Scott then tries and fails to rip his ultra-tight white t-shirt. At first Scott looks confused as to why he lost in his epic battle against the tight t-shirt. Confusion soon turns to anger and he tries to rip the t-shirt once again. It is once again to no avail as not a tear can be viewed on the ultra-tight white t-shirt. Scott not willing to be beaten by this new found foe tries hard to rip the t-shirt as he, Emma, and Bryan make their way to the locker room.]


[Akima Brave is flirting with a pretty production assistant in one of the many hallways in the backstage area.]




Akima Brave: You know you look hot when you smile like that…


[The production assistant coyly laughs at Akima’s comment before her smile completely vanishes as she sees Brett Biggz now standing behind Akima. Akima notices her reaction and turns around and looks at Brett as the production assistant walks away at a brisk pace.]




Akima Brave: Dude can’t you see that I am chatting up this fine hottie right here?




Brett Biggz: What hottie, I only see me and you and I know you ain’t talking about me.




Akima Brave: Man your creepy ass has gone and scared her away dude. Thanks a lot dude, I’ve been trying to get with that girl for a minute.




Brett Biggz: Well your minute is up and now it is time to answer for your sins.




Akima Brave: My sins? What the hell are you talking about dude?




Brett Biggz: I’m talking about you chucking me over the top rope last week so that me and my brother would not be able to earn a shot at the Tag Team Titles. That is your sin a sin which you must repent for.




Akima Brave: I ain’t repenting for nothing dude. I didn’t do anything wrong last week…




Brett Biggz: I beg to differ. Look a couple of months ago you, your partner, your manager, and I came to an agreement. We made a pact to eliminated Randy and Zimmy from tag team title contention. I have done my best to live up to my end of that pact but you and your associates have not.


Well I am sick of me and my brother doing all of the heavy lifting in this pact. Last week you should have allowed me to get the pin…you should have allowed me and my brother to become the number one contenders for the tag championships.


Instead you allowed selfishness to rear its ugly head. Because of that, I am sorry to inform I am no longer bound to our pact and tonight I want to face you in the ring. I want no managers or partners, I want to face you one-on-one and may the best man win.




Akima Brave: Fine dude, if that is what you want to do, then let’s go.




Brett Biggz: That we shall…


[brett then kicks Akima right in the gut and he beings to pound on him. The two men being brawling in the backstage area before some SWF officials break them up. A furious Akima shouts out at the smirking Brett…]




Akima Brave: You’re gonna pay for that dude!



Time: 9:02

Match Rating: 63


[The cameras now catch Jessie and Bart Biggz having a conversation in their dressing room.]




Jessie: Bart, I’m scared of Brett. I am afraid of him, he seems to have gone off the deep end. I mean you saw what he did to Akima earlier…he had no reason to attack him like that. Especially if they were going to have a match in a few minutes…I just…I just don’t feel comfortable around him anymore. He has become unhinged…




Bart Biggz: I hear you Jessie, but the thing is Brett is going to need us now more than ever. I mean he has managed to piss off nearly every wrestler in the tag team division and so he needs us to watch his back…


[Just then an angry looking Brett Biggz enters the room. He stares at his brother and Jessie for a moment before he shakes his head in disgust.]




Brett Biggz: Bart I have never needed or wanted anyone to watch my back. Because I am a Biggz and I am fighting strong. I’ve heard everything the two of you have just said and I must say that I am a bit disappointed in the two of you gossiping like you are in high school.


Look Jessie if you feel that I am becoming mentally unhinged and that I am creating an unsafe work environment…well there is the door and don’t let it hit you on the way out. I mean it is not like you have ever done much for me and my brother anyway. Well other than providing someone nice to look at.


And Bart, I will never ask my younger brother to help me fight my battles. You should know that by now. Plus as my younger brother you should feel obligated to fight my battles…I should not be put in the position to have to ask you.


So if the two of you feel uncomfortable around me…well that is fine. I don’t need either of you!


In fact I’m going to leave!


[brett storms out of the dressing room as Jessie and Bart look at each other with concern.]



Time: 7:09

Match Rating: 58


[After the match is done, Referee Ric Young raises Barrowman’s hand in victory. The cameras then cut to a fan, whose complexion is almost albino like, who is jumping over the guardrail. This pale man is carrying a long leather strap in his hand.


The pale man enters the ring and knocks Referee Ric Young down to the mat. He then turns his attention to Barrowman, who is just now turning around. The pale man, who has part of the leather strap wrapped around his right fist, laughs for a moment before he begins to strike Barrowman in the head with his right fist causing Barrowman to drop to the canvas pretty quickly.


On commentary Jerry Eisen cries out…]




Jerry Eisen: What the hell is he doing here? We all know who he is but he isn’t a member of the SWF roster so right now he is basically just a fan attacking one of our workers!


Somebody get security out here right now!


[The pale man wraps the leather strap around the throat of Barrowman, much like a hangman’s noose. He then proceeds to hang Barrowman over the top rope. Moments later an SWF security team comes running down to the ring and they manage to get the crazed albino like man to stop hanging Barrowman. Security then escorts the crazed man away from the ring as members of the SWF medial staff check on Barrowman’s condition.]


[As we return from commercial break we see Emma Chase and the SWF North American Champion Brandon James are standing in the center of the ring. Emma is holding a fishbowl with scraps of paper in it as Brandon begins to pace back and forth behind her.]




Emma Chase: As all of you are well aware, last week I informed you that my client Brandon James has cleared out his division. There is nobody left that is worthy of challenging Brandon for the North American Championship. He has vanquished every foe that has tried to challenge him.


Therefore, Mister Eisen has given us permission to choose the wrestlers we feel are the most capable of challenging Brandon for the title. Inside this fishbowl written on the various scraps of paper are the names of the wrestlers who we feel pose a legitimate threat to Brandon James. Each week Brandon will reach into the fishbowl a grab one of these pieces of scrap paper out of the fishbowl. Whatever name is written on the paper that Brandon picks will be Brandon’s opponent.


Now I do not think you fans appreciate the risk that my client is taking by doing this. Brandon has no time to scout his opponent, he has no time to mentally prepare for his opponent. My client is going into this match-up blind. Therefore, I think you fans should appreciate what my exactly it is that Brandon is about to do.


[Emma turns and looks at Brandon.]




Emma Chase: Okay Brandon are you ready?


[brandon nods his head and walks over to where Emma is standing.]




Emma Chase: Okay now Brandon, remember to close your eyes and no peeking. After all, I do want the fans to know that this is on the up and up.


[brandon closes his eyes and reaches into the fishbowl. He grabs a piece of scrap paper out of the fishbowl and hands it to Emma. Emma looks at the piece of paper and she pretends to be shocked by the name written on the piece of paper. This shocked look soon turns to a sly smile.]




Emma Chase: Brandon’s next opponent will be…the very dangerous El Leon!


[Alex Braun yells out on commentary…]




Alex Braun: That is the same guy he fought last week! There is something fishy about the names in that fishbowl!




Roger Maddux: Oh please, you see a conspiracy theory behind everything.



Time: 6:25

Match Rating: 65


[We are shown a vignette. In the vignette we see the members of the International House of Players, Nigel Morgan and Mikel Jiminez, lounging in a hot tub with a bevy of beautiful women. Some really bad European house music (Well all house music is bad but this is really bad.) is playing as the women fawn over Nigel and Mikel. The camera then focuses on Nigel and he gives us this pearl of wisdom…]




Nigel Morgan: It is very good to be a member of the British royal family. If I was not a royal do you honestly think I could be a member of the International House of Players?


I think not…


[Everybody in the hot tub begins to laugh as the vignette ends.]



Time: 12:28

Match Rating: 77


[After the match is over with Jack helps Randy to his feet. He and Randy then show a sign of good sportsmanship as they shake hands. However, before either man can leave the ring they are attacked by the members of the Age of Aggression. AOA are really taking it to Randy and Jack and they are well aware that nobody will come to the aid of either man as both men’s respective partner is not at the arena.


Marc locks Randy into the Model Solution and Randy howls in pain as he is unable to free himself. Meanwhile Paul slams Jack’s head into the ringside steel barricade. Marc, who is the clear leader of his team, then tells Paul to stop after he feels the he and Paul have inflicted enough damage.]


[John Greed walks down to the ring, with a microphone in his right hand, before the match between Joe Sexy and Runaway Train begins. John smiles at Joe, who is standing with his arms draped over the ring ropes, before he begins to speak.]




John Greed: Joseph, our match last week was very…unfortunate. It would seem that I have failed Brother Frederique in my efforts to help save him. Brother Frederique is still the weak individual he was before I tried to help him.


Because of that factor you and your scumbag friends were able to beat me and my brothers. Well as you can probably tell that did not sit well with my savior. In fact for the first time ever my savior struck me out of anger and not out of love.


My savior then asked me to inform you that he will be on Supreme Uprising next week and he will either force you to convert and become one of his followers. Or he will end your miserable sex crazed career.


[Joe starts laughing and begins to leave the ring but he is stopped from doing so by his opponent tonight Runaway Train. Runaway Train grabs Joe from behind and then turns him around and he then starts nailing job with punishing strikes to the face and body. Referee Darren Smith calls for the bell to start the match which leads us to…]



Time: 12:44

Match Rating: 71



I would just like to thank everyone that has taken the time to predict, read, and post in this diary.



Here are the results for the prediction contest for this show:


Zergon 7/8

michgcs 6/8

TakerNGN74 6/8


Here are the overall results for the prediction contest:


TakerNGN74 2 wins

Zergon 2 wins

michgcs 1 win

CadeSydal 0

jesterx7769 0

Jingo 0



Post Show Thoughts:



1. The pale guy that attacked Sgt. Barrowman is Eddie Peak. I was going to put his picture in there but I got lazy and did not feel like going through the process on photobucket.


2. Rick Law's comment about Wayne Davis Newton giving him the three fingers would have made more sense if I was using WDN's old render. I hope some got the joke.


3. I was surprised when I saw that Jerry Eisen had won the vote to become the new head of Uprising. I thought for sure it would have been either of the other two. I am not complaining about the result, I was just a little shocked.

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Eddie Peak? Nice... I remember him and JD Morgan from Mark Cuban does DaVE... Nigel's JD, right? His avatar looks weird. Like he has white bags under his eyes :p


Great show, although I should've stuck with my gut and picked Jack Giedroyc :(


I immensely enjoyed the Rick Law segment, too. He should try and punish people for the smallest infractions.


BSS, as always, was a delight. :D


Great stuff! :)

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<p>Okay well I really hate to say this but my computer crashed and wiped everything I had off it. So for the few people that actually read this I am sorry to say that this diary has come to an end. It survived one crash but sadly I am too far into the game to restart, I mean I guess I could but I am so pissed that this happened in the first place I am not sure I want to put the time and effort into fixing this.</p><p> </p><p>

I really wanted this to be my first diary to reach over the 50,000 view mark and I guess it probably would have had I updated it more often. Two years isn’t a bad run, though it sucks that it ended this way. </p><p> </p><p>

I would like to thank Jingo, michgcs, Zergon, and TakerNGN for their constant support of this diary. I sometimes believe they were the only ones who actually supported it.</p>

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