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WWF 1987: What the world is watching

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This is a rework of an old WWF Diary I started but then due to family matters I had to let slide.


Im not going to go into a long drawn out back story as we are all aware of Genadis amazing mod and we are simply three weeks away from 93,000 plus, The Silverdome, Hulk vs Andre, Savage vs Steamboat its WRESTLEMAINA III !!!








The WWF Champion and quite simply the most marketable wrestler in the world today has spent the past year battling The Heenan Family. However his world was turned upside down when his former best friend Andre The Giant who has alligned himself with Heenan.







Having won the title last spring in controversial fashion no one can deny The Macho Man has been a fighting champion. However he now faces Ricky The Dragon Steamboat who is seeking revenge after a brutal assult left Steamboat with a crushed larynx.







Like Savage The Hart Foundation won there titles in controversial fashion due to the biased officiating of corrupt officiating of Danny Davis. Ever since they have been holding off the rabid bulldogs who are seeking revenge.


Although the womens title is active I am not going to go to far into that situation yet as there is a lack of talent in this area
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Join us this week as the road to wrestlemaina gains momentum as King Kong Bundy collides with Hillbilly Jim in singles action


Newcomers Demolition have ran riot over there opposition since arriving in the world wrestling federation however they now face there toughest challenge to date in the form of Haku and Tama The Islanders.


Plus Jake The Snake Roberts and Mr Wonderful Paul Orndoff will be in action, while Rowdy Roddy Pipers guest in Pipers pit this week will be leaping Lanny Poffo following the assult he suffered at the hands of Andre The Giant at Saturday Nights Main Event

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Hulman Center

Terre Haute Indiana



The Can-Am Connection defeated The Wild Samoans when Martel pinned Sika with a slingshot splash (C+)


Adrian Adonis defeated Leaping Lanny Poffo after Jimmy Hart tripped Poffo. (D+)


As Adonis and Hart celebrated Roddy Piper hit the ring going right after Adonis until Adonis was pulled out to the floor by Hart and they retreated to the locker room as Piper yelled at them to come back and finish the fight (B)





The show opens up with Vince, Bruno and Jesse hyping up tonight’s main event as King Kong Bundy faces of against Hillbilly Jim in singles competition . (B-)



Vince then goes on to mention that impressive new comers Demolition will be in action as they face what many consider there toughest opponents yet in Haku and Tama The Islanders. Bruno admits hes excited about the prospect of Ax and Smash taking on a real tough team in Haku and Tama but he is worried about the presence of Mr Fuji at ringside while Jesse backs Demolition due to there impressive showings thus far. (D+)



“Plus if that was not all Jake The Snake Roberts and Damien will be here tight now though lets go to ringside” (Vince McMahon) (B)


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/P_Images/Paul_Orndorff.jpg vs http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/S%20Images/SD_Jones.jpg


‘Mr Wonderful’ Paul Orndoff w\ Bobby Heenan vs. SD Jones


As Mr Wonderful made his way to the ring Bruno claimed that the it was important for Mr Wonderful to get back on track following his series of failed challenges for the WWF Championship. Although SD was able to get a few early shots in Mr Wonderful soon polished him of with the piledriver for the pin.


Winner: ‘Mr Wonderful’ Paul Orndoff (C )


“Bobby Heenan of course back here later on with King Kong Bundy but right now lets go to comments from from the pride of Mudlick Kentucky, Hillbilly Jim” (Vince McMahon)



We then get comments from Hillbilly who hypes up his match with Bundy later on (B-)


As the camera returns to the arena Jimmy Jack Funk is in the ring set for action



As Jake made his way to the ring we had insert comments from The Honky Tonk Man who promised to shake rattle and roll Roberts on his way to making a pair of snake skin boots out of Damien. (C )



http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/J%20Images/Jake_Roberts.jpg vs http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g57/Overcast3r/EWR/KyKy/J%20Images/Jesse_Barr.jpg


Jimmy Jack Funk vs. Jake ‘The Snake’ Roberts


Jake made short work of the youngest and craziest of occupant of the double cross ranch after Funk missed a charge into the corner and was swiftly dropped with the DDT


Winner: Jake ’The Snake’ Roberts (D)



Jake then allowed Damien to get up close and personal with Funk (D-)



The show then goes to commercial including a commercial for WWF Wrestling Challenge featuring Hulk Hogan (B+)



As we return to the arena as McMahon notes the Hogan commercial as he discusses Hogans chances of leaving Wrestlemaina as the WWF Champion.

“Andre and Heenan need to understand its not just Hogan there facing it’s the all Hulk-a-maniacs in The Silverdome and around the world and I don’t think even Andre can overcome the power of Hulk-a-mania” (Bruno Sammartino)


“McMahon you and me where there on Saturday Nights Main Event when Andre dispatched Hogan in the battle royal with ease, it was clear this is a not the same giant this is angry giant who’s tired of Hogan ducking him and I think the champs in trouble” (B+)


As McMahon then plugs wrestlemaina again we are informed

‘It is now time for Pipers Pit’



Pipers guest this week is Leaping Lanny Poffo, however Poffo is not full of his usual poetic verse he was a lot more calmer and composed as they discussed the injuries he sustained at the hands of Andre at Saturday Nights Main Event. However Adrian Adonis soon stormed the Pit set attacking Piper with the aid of a chair as Adonis’s manager Jimmy Hart nailed Poffo with his megaphone before referees and officials broke up the wild melee. (C )



As the officials and referees restore order we go to comments from King Kong Bundy and his manager Bobby ’The Brain’ Heenan who taunt Hillbilly Jim ahead of there match up (B-)


As we return to action Johnny V, Ax and Smash are in the as The Islanders make there way to the ring. As Haku and Tama get set for action we go to split screen as Haku and Tama explain they have seen Demolition run roughshod over everyone they have faced so far and push everyone around so now they want to see how they deal with real competition. (E+)


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/A%20Images/Ax4.jpghttp://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/S%20Images/Smash3.jpg vs http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/KyKy/T%20Images/Tonga_Kid.jpghttp://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/H_Images/Haku3.jpg


The Islanders vs. Demolition w\ Luscious Johnny V


This match was not for the week Haku and Tama dominating the early going isolating Smash until a trip by Johnny V turned the tied in favour of his charges. Demolition then isolated Tama until he made a hot tag to Haku. From there on in the contest ceased to be a wrestling match and degenerated into a brawl which saw both teams shove the referee down in an effort to get to there opponents leaving referee Joey Marella no alternative but to call for the bell and disqualify both teams


Double DQ (C )



As the bell sounded all four men continued to brawl as V motioned for his men to head to the locker room Haku and Tama gave chase all the way back to the locker room.


‘A chaotic scene here fans and we will try and get word to what is happening in the locker room area next week’ (C )


http://i172.photobucket.com/albums/w15/TheWho87EWR/Wrestlers/H_Images/Hillbilly_Jim2.jpg vs http://i258.photobucket.com/albums/hh244/newerawrestling/King_Kong_Bundy2.jpg


King Kong Bundy w\ Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan vs. Hillbilly Jim


As both men circled the ring McMahon informed us that Little Tokyo, Lord Little brook, Little Beaver and The Hati Kid where all banned from ringside. Hillbilly contolled the early going until a distraction from Heenan allowed Bundy to turn all the momentum in his favour until he missed an avalanche attempt which led to a Hillbilly comeback which brought Bobby Heenan back up onto the apron. As Hillbilly went argued with Heenan Andre ‘The Giant’ blind sided Hillbilly Jim causing the DQ


Winner: Hillbilly Jim via DQ (C )



Then in a scene reminiscent of Saturday Nights Main Event in Phoenix little over a year ago Andre and Bundy set up Hillbilly Jim.


‘This was a set up all along much like they set up the Hulkster in Phoenix a little over a year ago’ (Vince McMahon)


‘Your right McMahon there sending a message to the champ Hogan’ (Jesse ‘The Body’ Ventura)



Before they could set up Hillbilly Jim for a third avalanche Hogan hit the ring armed with a chair chasing off Bundy, Andre and Heenan as McMahon yelled for medical assistance for Hillbilly Jim as Hogan stood over the body of his fallen friend. (B)


© Titan Sports Inc 1987 All Rights Reserved


Hogan then announces he doesn’t want to wait till Wrestlemaina he wants Andre now! However Heenan rebuffs the challenge and instead sends Hercules in Andres place. (B+)





WWF Championship Match

Hulk Hogan defeated Hercules via pin fall following a big boot and a leg drop. (D+)



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