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3PW (Pro Pain Pro Wrestling) RETURNS

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3PW will make it's debut at the historic Hammerstein Ballroom with the following card, announced so far. This card will take place on the 2nd Friday, this month, March of 2006. Card subject to change...







Perry Saturn © vs. "The Franchise" Shane Douglas w/Francine


These two collided in the World Championship tournament two months ago at the ECW Arena and had inarguably, the match of the night. Now Douglas has earned his shot by defeatinf Masato Tanaka at his own game in an Extreme Streetfight last month...with a little help from new compatriot Mike Awesome. At the end of February's Hardcore War, Douglas attacked both Saturn and Tanaka with fireballs and helped Awesome to leave them laying. Saturn will attempt to avenge that attack and Douglas will attempt to win 3PW gold in what should be another classic battle, this time in New York City.




Mike Awesome vs. Masato Tanaka


Awesome debuted shockingly last month at the ECW Arena and the fans he once famously turned his back on. His villainous ways continued as he attacked Tanaka, costing him his # 1 contender match with Shane Douglas, and helping Douglas lay Tanaka and Saturn out at the end of the show. Now Awesome and Tanaka return to the site of some of their greatest battles, including one last year on PPV, the Hammerstein Ballroom. However, once Awesome heard of 3PW's intentions to promote a rematch, he made clear he would accept only on one condition: that the loser must leave the 3PW promotion forever if they lost. Tanaka accepted, and we have a hell of a battle on our hands.




Team Excellence (Michael Modest and Donovan Morgan) w/ Tammy Sytch © vs. The Backseat Boyz (Trent Acid and Johnny Kashmere) w/ Bobbi Billard


Team Excellence won the Tag Titles last month in a 3 way dance that included the Backseat Boyz, but Acid and Kashmere have been granted another shot in NYC in a Ladder Match. This match may be more suited towards the challengers, but the manager of the champions, Tammy Sytch, has accepted their challenge...much to the chagrin of Modest and Morgan.


Charlie Haas w/Jackie Gayda vs. Devon Storm


These two clashed in the World Title Tournament in January, with Haas coming out on top. But Haas wants to work his way up to a World Title shot, and 3PW management has put the veteran Devon Storm in his way. Storm has had success all over the world, and he has aspirations of another run as well. This should be a competitive, hard hitting match.


"The Irish Lionheart" CJ O'Doyle w/Chrissy Rivera vs. Slyk Wagner Brown


3PW has been back for two month, and O'Doyle, with his girlfriend Chrissy Rivera now his manager, is 2-0. Not so for former 3PW Champ Slyk Wagner Brown. The man is without his woman, and without a victory since 3PW's return, and he needs a big win here. But can he stop O'Doyle and his momentum? And with O'Doyle seemingly, reluctantly, gaining a new ally in Irish Superstar Sheamus McMurphy, the odds are definitely stacked against Slyk.


Sheamus McMurphy vs. Sterling James Keenan


McMurphy made his 3PW debut last month, backing up CJ O'Doyle...whether he liked it or not. Now he has to make his in ring debut against the man who he cost his match with O'Doyle last month, Sterling James Keenan. Keenan publicly dumped his manager/girlfriend Talia last month, but he was 1-0 with her, and is 0-1 without, and she has sworn revenge as well. Keenan has a very tough opponent in Irish Champion McMurphy, and may need eyes in the back of his head as well.




Kaz Hayashi vs. "Reckless Youth" Tom Carter


These two went full tilt for ten minutes last month, Hayashi's debut, only to hear the bell sound and the match proclaimed a draw. In this match there will be no time limit and there must be a winner. It should be a fantastic contest between two of the best high fliers currently in the US.



Also scheduled to appear are The Messiah, Nick Gage, Mikey Batts, N8 Mattson, Talia, among others...



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<p><strong>3PW NEWS AND NOTES</strong></p><p> </p><p>

-3PW is claiming another profitable month for February, at around $25,000. However, despite speculation that the 3PW management would stay in Philadelphia to keep things small, they are already expanding to New York and the Hammerstein Ballroom for their 3rd show since returning, "March Madness."</p><p> </p><p>

-Masato Tanaka has signed with NOAH, and is rumored to be finishing up his 3PW commitments this weekend at "March Madness," hence the "Loser Leaves 3PW" stipulation. Tanaka was said to be upset at 3PW not sticking to it's promise of giving him a title run, although it may have been in the works had he been a little more patient. Look for Mike Awesome to win Friday. Whether or not they squash Tanaka, remains to be seen.</p><p> </p><p>

-Trent Acid is rumored to have started an altercation with the debuting Kaz Hayashi last month in the locker room before the show. Why would be do such a thing? That's anyone's guess but it has definitely soured 3PW management on him. The Backseats may be the reigning Tag champions were it not for this altercation. There were also plans to build a Juniors division around Trent, which are permanently on hold until 3PW is sure of his state of mind.</p><p> </p><p>

-3PW is unsure of what to do with Talia Madison at the moment. They saw a lot of potential in pairing her with Sterling James Keenan, but that lasted all of one show. The blame is being spread more towards Keenan, but he is still active, while Talia remains without an angle. She may wind up with the newcomer from Ireland, Sheamus McMurphy, but that's not set in stone.</p><p> </p><p>

-Team Excellence (Modest & Morgan) along with their usually red hot manager, Tammy Sytch have been cutting promos and performing to relative indifference since debuting in January, but 3PW management still doesn't want to give up on them, especially due to Sytch's success in the past. But rumor has it, she is almost out of chances to run with the ball.</p><p> </p><p>

-There is rumored "King Of The Ring" style tournament coming up in June that would feature 3PW regulars as well as outside talent, especially former ECW workers. "The King Of Philadelphia" would take place at a larger venue than The Arena, but would still be in Philly.</p>

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March 2006 Friday Week Two

Venue: The Hammerstein Ballroom

Attendance: 3,722

Announce Team: Joseph F Feeney III and Jim Cornette

Referees: Mark Johnson and Derek Sabato

Road Agent: Dr. Tom Prichard


DARK MATCH: Josh Daniels vs. Ryan Cruz vs. Luke Hawx


In this unannounced dark match, three underutilized 3PW talents went head to head in a Three Way Dance. Cruz eliminated Hawx first with a German Suplex around the 6 minute mark, followed by Daniels making Cruz tap out to a Lion Tamer type Boston Crab.


Winner: Josh Daniels via submission in 11:33

Rating: 34


SEGMENT ONE: In Ring Promo with Shane Douglas and Mike Awesome


To start the show, Shane Douglas w/Francine, and Mike Awesome came out to rile up the crowd. Douglas promised to once again lead a revolution and take a Philadelphia based promotion worldwide once he defeated that cross eyed junkie, Perry Saturn, for the 3PW World Heavyweight Championship. Awesome then took the mic, and proclaimed the Hammerstein Ballroom as the "Awesome Ballroom" being that every time he has been on a card in that building, he has stolen the show. He claims that tonight isn't about stealing the show, it's only about dominating Masato Tanaka once and for all, and running him out of 3PW.


Rating: 68


SEGMENT TWO: The Combat Zone (The Messiah and Nick Gage) vs. Mikey Batts and N8 Mattson


Pretty formulaic tag match. Batts got some nice high flying spots in but the CZW alumni ultimately won after Messiah hit Mattson with a Jumping Tombstone piledriver.


Winner: The Combat Zone via pinfall in 8:33

Rating: 38


SEGMENT THREE: Kaz Hayashi vs. "Reckless Youth" Tom Carter in a No Time Limit Match


These two clicked better in their first meeting last month. It was a back and forth match but Kaz ultimately got the win after working the neck and hitting a Brainbuster.


Winner: Kaz Hayashi via pinfall in 12:31

Rating: 39


SEGMENT FOUR: CJ O'Doyle reluctantly accepts an alliance with Sheamus McMurphy


Sheamus McMurphy calls CJ O'Doyle out to the ring and claims he came all the way from Ireland to team up with him. He saw the heart of a lion in CJ, and it reminded him of how he kicked, scratched, and clawed his way to the top of Irish independent wrestling. He says that together, they can watch each other's backs, and that despite an Irish Curse, they can be on the top of 3PW in no time. CJ took time to think about it, and consulted his valet/girlfriend, Chrissy Rivera, but ultimately, he shook Sheamus's hand, signalling their alliance.


Rating: 34


SEGMENT FIVE: Sheamus McMurphy vs. Sterling James Keenan


Sheamus basically squased Keenan with a variety of power moves, finishing him off with a jumping boot to the face and a Razor's Edge type move. Keenan has clearly fallen from grace in 3PW.


Winner: Sheamus McMurphy via pinfall in 6:14

Rating: 33


SEGMENT SIX: CJ O'Doyle w/Chrissy Rivera vs. Slyk Wagner Brown


Though these two are pretty well known to 3PW fans, and in Philadelphia, the NYC crowd wasn't too familiar with either of them, so this longer match didn't keep their interest. However, it was a good contest, and both held their own. Slyk showcased another somersault plancha onto O'Doyle at ringside, but ultimately, CJ got the victory with a Irish Cutter.


Winner: CJ O'Doyle via pinfall in 17:33

Rating: 29


SEGMENT SEVEN: Talia gives away 3PW Merchandise to the crowd


Talia came out for intermission, waving and blowing kisses to the fans. She gave away several 3PW shirts, hats, and DVDs, and then got onto the microphone to say she was scouting talent from all over the independents, and that she would be back managing very very soon. She also told Sterling James Keenan to kiss her ass.


Rating: 67


SEGMENT EIGHT: Charlie Haas and Jackie Gayda interview with Jim Cornette


Jackie once again monopolized the interview, saying that she was taking Charlie to the top and to the 3PW World Heavyweight Championship by the summer...and that when Charlie wins the title, he is allowed to play with "the girls" again. Charlie, looking slightly frustrated, insinuated that Jackie has been withholding sex from him, and told Devon Storm that tonight he would take his frustrations out on him in the middle of the ring...then quickly added "No Homo."


Rating: 34


SEGMENT NINE: Charlie Haas w/Jackie Gayda vs. Devon Storm


These two had an ok contest, good back and forth battle. Haas ultimately won after he trapped Storm's ankle behind the ring steps and dropkicked them. Storm was done after that, and soon tapped out to a Haas ankle lock.


Winner: Charlie Hass via submission in 12:51

Rating: 46


SEGMENT TEN: 3PW Owner Joseph Feeney announces four new signings and a new 3PW Championship and Tournament!


3PW Owner/Announcer Joseph Feeney came to the ring and welcomed the NYC fans to the 3PW experience and thanked them for their attendance, and promised to return over the summer. He also stated that 3PW never stops looking for talent, and among the major signing he planned to announce next week, he had two new signings here in the building tonight. With that he brought out former PWU Heavyweight Champion DEVON MOORE, and former HWA Heavyweight Champion MATT STRYKER! The crowd gave them both polite applause. Feeney also announced that in two weeks in Philadelphia, 3PW would crown it's first ever Cruiserweight Champion, and that they had signed THE GREAT SASUKE and TAKA MICHINOKU, among others, to take part in a Cruiserweight Championship Tournament that night!


Rating: 35


SEGMENT ELEVEN: Team Excellence (Michael Modest and Donovan Morgan) w/Tammy Sytch © vs. The Backseat Boyz (Trent Acid and Johnny Kashmere) w/Bobbi Billard for the 3PW World Tag Team Championship in a Ladder Match


For the first time since their formation as a unit, Sytch was not given interview time to promote Team Excellence. This was a very good ladder match, with the usual dangerous spots. The fans were especially appreciative of Trent Acid's daredevil type stunts and moves with the ladder, and appeared to love Bobbi Billard on the outside as well. The end came when Modest hit Acid with his finish off the middle of the ladder, and climbed up to retrieve the titles. Team Excellence got a better response than it has in the past.


Winners: Team Excellence via retrieval in 19:20 to retain the 3PW World Tag Team Championship.


Rating: 41


SEGMENT TWELVE: Mike Awesome vs. Masato Tanaka Highlight Video


A video was shown, mostly of fan cam and Japanese footage, of the Mike Awesome-Masato Tanaka rivalry from through the years.


Rating: 61


SEGMENT THIRTEEN: Mike Awesome vs. Masato Tanaka in a Loser Leaves 3PW Street Fight


This match was not as good as some of their battles in the past, simply for one reason: Awesome completely dominated Tanaka for the entire nearly ten minute contest. Vile chairshots abounded, and Awesome finished him off after a top rope chairshot, and an Awesome Bomb through a table at ringside to send Tanaka back to Japan.


Winner: Mike Awesome via pinfall in 9:43

Rating: 60


SEGMENT FOURTEEN: Perry Saturn interview


Saturn usually let's his actions in the ring speak for him, but tonight he came to the ring, praised the NYC audience, and said there was no chance in hell Shane Douglas or anyone else would ever take his belt from him. He said while he was down in the dumps with drugs and depression, he felt hopeless, and the 3PW title has given him the hope he was missing, and he won't let anyone take that away from him and send him back to the depths he was in ever, ever again. The crowd really liked this promo.


Rating: 67


SEGMENT FIFTEEN: Perry Saturn © vs. "The Franchise" Shane Douglas for the 3PW World Heavyweight Championship


This surpassed their previous encounter in the tournament, and proved both of these veterans still got it. Douglas and Saturn took it all over the Hammerstein, and both men dove from the top rope onto each other at ringside, Saturn with a moonsault, much to the delight of the audience. In the end, Douglas brought a chair in the ring, and was attempting to send Saturn into the ropes to execute his drop toe hold into it, however, Saturn reversed it, and DVD'D Douglas through the chair for the 1,2,3.


Winner: Perry Saturn via pinfall in 20:52 to retain the 3PW World Heavyweight Championship.

Rating: 75


POST SHOW: Douglas and Francine attack Saturn


After the match as Saturn was celebrating, Francine came in and struck him on the head with her high heel shoe, stunning him. This gave a recovered Douglas the chance to belly to belly Saturn over the top rope and through the ringside table. He then whipped him into the ring post, busting him wide open.


Rating: 71

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Notable Results


WWE Raw aired from Clover Fields. The match of the night was Ric Flair defeating Carltio.


Smackdown aired from the Frank Erwin Center. The match of the night was Batista and Rey Misterio defeating JBL and Randy Orton.


TNA Impact aired from the NC Biker Museum. The match of the night was Jeff Hardy defeating Samoa JOe.


ROH TV aired from the ECW Arena. The match of the night was Bryan Danielson defeating AJ Styles, Alex Shelley, and Samoa Joe to retain the ROH World Heavyweight Championship.


3PW March Madness aired from the Hammerstein Ballroom. The match of the night was Perry Saturn defeating Shane Douglas to retain the 3PW World Heavyweight Championship.


ROH Arena Warfare aired from RS High Schools. The match of the night was Bryan Danielson defeating Jay Briscoe to retain the ROH World Heavyweight Championship.


CZW 2 Worlds Collide aired from the ECW Arena. The match of the night was Super Dragon defeating Eddie Kingston to retain the CZW Heavyweight Championship.


TNA Destination X aired from Ellison's. The match of the night was Christian Cage defeating Chris Sabin.



Notable Title Change News




Notable Signings


3PW signs Devon Moore, Matt Stryker, Anthony Carelli, Karl Anderson, Taka Michinoku, Thumbtack Jack, Becky Bayless, Derek Wylde, Javi-Air, and The Great Sasuke


NOAH signs "Rowdy" Roddy Piper


NOAH signs Ken Shamrock to tour.



Notable Extensions




Notable Departures


3PW released Danny Demanto and Krazy K.


Christopher Daniels leaves TNA.


Super Dragon leaves IWA Mid South.


Masato Tanaka left 3PW for NOAH.


Samoa Joe leaves MCW.




Notable Developmental News


WWE recalled Ryan Reeves from Developmental.


Notable TV/PPV Deals




Notable Booking Changes




Notable Retirements




Notable Returns




Notable Injuries


Oleg Prudius is out for one year with a Major Concussion.

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-3PW's monthly profit for March so far, after running the Hammerstein, is under $1,000. They still have another show this month back at the ECW Arena, but clearly, the one small show a month is the way to go if they want to stay profitable. However, talk of international shows does persist.


-Michael Modest made some disparaging comments about Mike Awesome on a local wrestling radio show in California. He claimed Awesome has acted like he was above the rest of the 3PW crew since returning, and still shows no remorse for screwing over ECW back in 2000. The two were reportedly kept seperated at the March Madness show.


-3PW went on a signing spree in the past week. They were looking at adding a few pieces of talent every few months, but they seemingly went crazy last week, signing ten talents, but also released two. There was also talk of releasing Ryan Cruz, who has only been used once so far, in a dark match, but he was given a stay of execution. They do figure on running more shows, hence the talent additions.


-3PW will crown a World Cruiserweight Champion in two weeks at the ECW Arena. I have been told that the 8 competitors in the tournament will be The Great Sasuke, Taka Michinoku, Kaz Hayashi, Trent Acid, "Reckless Youth" Tom Carter, Josh Daniels, and the newly signed Devon Moore and Matt Stryker, with Sasuke the obvious favorite. Personally, I see them sticking the belt on Hayashi. Trent Acid was the favorite when the promotion relaunched, but he is still being punished for his backstage antics, though he may be in line for a PUSH push due to the 3PW fanbase's enjoyment of his pairing with internet model and former WWE developmental talent, Bobbi Billard. Word is negotiations will begin with both of them this week, with Acid's partner, Johnny Kashmere being left out in the cold.


-The other matches that have been named to me, yet not officially announced for the next show at the ECW Arena, other than the tournament, are Perry Saturn vs. Charlie Haas vs. Mike Awesome for the 3PW title, and Shane Douglas and a mystery partner to take on the newly formed "Irish Curse" tag team of CJ O'Doyle and Sheamus McMurphy. Also, Thumbtack Jack is rumored to debut against either of the CZW alumni in the company, Nick Gage, or the Messiah. Anthony Carelli (renamed Anthony Marella), Talia, and Excellence Inc. w/ Sunny will also be involved in some shape or form.


-Perry Saturn has really been turning it up on the mic and in the ring since returning from a long hiatus where many fans and fellow wrestlers feared he was dead. His matches and promos have been exceptional, and 3PW wants to lock him in for a long time, if they can keep him away from TNA and the Japanese promotions. Negotiations on a better deal are rumored to begin this week.

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3PW will make it's return to the historic ECW Arena with the following card, announced so far. This card will take place on the 4th Saturday, this month, March of 2006. Card subject to change...







Perry Saturn © vs. Mike Awesome vs. Charlie Haas w/ Jackie Gayda


Perry Saturn has shocked the world since returning to wrestling this past January. He defeated three men en route to winning the 3PW World Title, and has since defeated former ECW World Champions Mike Awesome and Shane Douglas in singles contests to defend his gold. He looks as rough and ready as ever and he is a man on a mission of redemption. In two weeks at the ECW Arena he faces maybe his toughest test since becoming champion, a Three Way Dance against two of the top 3PW wrestlers; Mike Awesome, who returned in February and gave him a hell of a match before the interference of Masato Tanaka cost him, and who then destroyed Tanaka at the Hammerstein Ballroom and sent him packing from 3PW for good; and former WWE Superstar and 2 time WWE Tag Team CHampion, Charlie Haas. Haas has never captured singles gold, but he is in fine form, and with the devious Jackie Gayda at his side, it might just be the former Seton Hall Amatuer standouts time to shine.


"The Franchise" Shane Douglas w/Francine and ??? vs. The Irish Curse (CJ O'Doyle w/Chrissy Rivera and Sheamus McMurphy)


"The Franchise" has promised a surprise for this show: the debut of an International Superstar, and his new "Enforcer"....who he has not named. But he will team with this mystery man to face the newly formed team of "The Irish Curse", the combination of young 3PW fan favorite CJ O'Doyle, and the newly debuted Irish Heavyweight Champion, Sheamus McMurphy. it was an uneasy alliance at first, as CJ prefers to go it alone, but he has accepted Sheamus as his ally, and their first match as a team will be against the veteran Franchise, who O'Doyle idolized in his days as a fan attending ECW shows, and an unknown "International Superstar."




Thumbtack Jack vs. The Messiah or Nick Gage


German Hardcore Superstar Thumbtack Jack makes his 3PW and American debut at "Night Of The Cruisers." He is apparently determined to prove that he is the greatest Hardcore wrestler in the world today, and has issued a challenge to two former CZW Heavyweight Champions, The Messiah and Nick Gage. Neither has responded thus far, but rest assured that Jack will get his match that night.






(1) The Great Sasuke vs. (8) Matt Stryker


Sasuke is an genuine Japanese cultural ICON. With that being said, he has never really had the success in the US that he has dreamed of, and he is travelling to 3PW to make his mark in the states. Matt Stryker has held all the gold in the HWA, including the Heavyweight, Cruiserweight, and Tag Team titles, and has had some success in ROH, but has floundered there recently. He looks at 3PW as a clean slate, and he could make no better impact than a surprise victory over The Great Sasuke and a championship tournament victory in his debut evening.


(4) "Reckless Youth" Tom Carter vs. (5) Trent Acid w/Bobbi Billard


Youth was once the absolute darling of the indies, and was picked to be a future WWF, WCW, or ECW standout at one point...but it never happened. He has arrived in 3PW to make sure his name is never forgotten, and so far, he has had some incredible matches with Kaz Hayashi and Sterling James Keenan....but incredible matches doesn't pay the bills; gold does, and Youth has been pretty specific in blogs on his webpage that he plans to win this tournament and set the standard for all 3PW Cruiserweights and for Junior Heavyweights throughout the world. Trent Acid, like Youth once was, is a man whose star is rising. Rumors of backstage issues and attitude problems may have held him back in 3PW so far, but make no mistake about it, when the spotlight is shone solely on him, he will not let that opportunity slip by him. These two should tear the roof off of the Arena.


(2) Taka Michinoku vs. (7) Josh Daniels


Former WWF Light Heavyweight Champion Taka Michinoku has not been seen in the US since his WWF departure in early 2002, but he has been keeping busy and defeating competition all throughout Japan, including AJPW. The man hasn't lost a step and he has to be considered a favorite to win this tournament. Josh Daniels, who some have considered to be in the mold of The Dynamite Kid and Chris Benoit, is a man who has competed all over the world, and has improved with each journey to each different territory, including Japan and Mexico. He feels he is ready to "be the man" and he proved it last month with a solid victory in a 3 way over Luke Hawx and Ryan Cruz, which earned him his slot in this tournament. Taka would be wise not to take this man lightly.


(3) Kaz Hayashi vs. (6) Devon Moore


Some say that Kaz Hayashi has become the Light Heavyweight to beat in Japan in 2006, and he has certainly been very successful. So far in 3PW he has had somewhat of a rivalry with Tom Carter, but came out convicingly on top against him at the Hammerstein. He's at the top of his game, and a poll of 3PW fans named him as the man to beat in this tournament. Devon Moore is no stranger to Philadelphia, as well as no stranger to gold, as ECW Arena crowds have seen him hold the PWU Heavyweight Championship and defeat such stars as 2 Cold Scorpio and 3PW's own Trent Acid. Moore will look to keep his Tri State reputation solid and he will have to outwit and wrestle the superb Kayashi.


Winners of each of these matches will compete against each other in the Semi Finals, and the winners of each of those matches will meet in the FINALS to crown the first ever 3PW World Cruiserweight Champion!


Also scheduled to appear are 3PW World Tag Team Champions Excellence Inc. w/Tammy Sytch, Talia, Anthony Marella among others...



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Notable Results


WWE Raw aired from Mayor Street Arena. The match of the night was Edge defeating Kurt Angle in what is already being described as a MOTY candidate (99 rating.)


Smackdown aired from the Lakeland Arena. The match of the night was Batista defeating Rey Misterio.


TNA Impact aired from Wagner Stadium. The match of the night was Samoe Joe defeating Alex Shelley to retain the X Division Championship.


WWE Disposable Heroes aired from the Lakeland Arena. The match of the night was JBL and Kurt Angle defeating Rey Misterio and Chavo Guerrero.


JAPW Spring Massacre 2006 aired from the Sport and Ent Center. The match of the night was Frankie Kazarian defeating Abyss.



Notable Title Change News


Sonjay Dutt defeated Azrael for the JAPW Light Heavyweight Championship.


Taka Michinoku won the AJPW World Junior Heavyweight Championship in a 4 way dance.


Notable Signings


Seven signed to tour with NWE.


Josh Prohibition signed with DSW.


Dave Meltzer signs with AJPW.



Notable Extensions


Trinity extends deal with WWE.


Madman Pondo extends deal with IWA Mid South.


Perry Saturn and Bobbi Billard extend deals with 3PW.


Tod Gordon extends deal with PWU.


Steve Corino extends deal with ROH.


Notable Departures


Satoshi Kojima leaves AJPW.


JC Bailey leaves IWA Mid South.


Jack Evans leaves FIP.


BJ Whitmer leaves ROH.




Notable Developmental News





Notable TV/PPV Deals




Notable Booking Changes




Notable Retirements


The Ultimate Warrior has announced his retirement from active competition.


Notable Returns




Notable Injuries




Notable Promotion Relationships


ROH and MCW have entered into a working agreement to share talent.

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-Michael Modest, rumored to be contemplating an offer to tour with NOAH (who just poached Masato Tanaka from 3PW as well), has turned down the opportunity to extend his contract with 3PW. He is currently one half of 3PW's World Tag Team Champions. It remains to be seen how this development will affect that reign.


-SHIMMER has approached Talia about working for them. No word if this would end her association with 3PW. 3PW is very high on Talia, and word is, negotiations on a better paying extension with start shortly. Talia managed Sterling James Keenan at 3PW's return show, however, Talia, Keenan, and management were all unhappy with the pairing. Since then, she has floundered, but made a crowd pleasing appearance at 3PW's last show at the Hammerstein to cut a promo and give away 3PW merchandise.


-3PW World Heavyweight Champion Perry Saturn has signed his 3PW extension, which carried a well deserved raise and a cut of 3PW's merchandising. 3PW hopes to keep Perry around for as long as possible, and so far, Perry has expressed no desire to leave.


-Backseat Boyz valet and crowd favorite Bobbi Billard has also signed an extension with 3PW. Her charge Trent Acid, however, would not even begin negotiations.


-The tournament to crown the first ever 3PW World Cruiserweight Champion takes places tomorrow at the ECW Arena, and I have heard so many possible outcomes, I have no idea what is going to happen. But I have heard firsthand, a scenario in which each competitor wins the belt!


-Becky Bayless was signed a couple of weeks back by 3PW and is rumored to debut in an interviewer capacity. Jim Cornette was handling both Color and interviewing prior to Bayless's arrival.


-Germany's Thumbtack Jack issued an open challenge to former CZW Heavyweight Champions The Messiah and Nick Gage to compete with him in a Hardcore match at tomorrow's show. I have been told Gage accepted, and that the stipulation will involves either thumbtacks, a bed of nails, or light tubes.


-Shane Douglas' mystery partner has been kept tightly under wraps, but I have been told that tomorrow's revelation may just be step one in a new version of the Triple Threat.

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Predictions welcome please...


Three Way Dance for the 3PW World Heavyweight Championship

Perry Saturn © vs. Mike Awesome vs. Charlie Haas w/Jackie Gayda


"The Franchise" Shane Douglas and a mystery partner vs. The Irish Curse (CJ O'Doyle w/Chrissy Rivera and Sheamus McMurphy)


Fans pick the stipluation Hardcore Challenge Match

Thumbtack Jack vs. Nick Gage


Tournament to crown the first ever 3PW World Cruiserweight Champion


Round One

The Great Sasuke vs. Matt Stryker

"Reckless Youth" Tom Carter vs. Trent Acid w/Bobbi Billard

Taka Michinoku vs. Josh Daniels

Kay Hayashi vs. Devon Moore


Semi Finals

Sasuke or Stryker vs. Carter or Acid

Taka or Daniels vs. Kaz or Moore



???? vs. ????

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