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WWF 1994 - A New Take

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The next edition of Raw will be up tonight so for those who want to predict the match outcomes, the card looks like this.


Pierre vs. Tatanka

The Headshrinkers vs. Adam Bomb & Brian Lee

Randy Savage vs. Kwang

British Bulldog vs. Jim Neidhart

Bret Hart & Lex Luger vs. Owen Hart & Rick Martel

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Monday Week 1, August 1994 from the Fleet Center




Vince McMahon: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Monday Night Raw! I'm Vince McMahon, alongside my broadcast colleagues, Jim Ross and "The King" Jerry Lawler.


Jim Ross: Tonight is going to be a great night for some, and a bad night for others.


Jerry Lawler: Well put Ross. Did you spend all night thinking that information up? I can tell you one thing, it will be a bad night for Bret Hart!


Jim Ross: If you say so King.


[bret Harts music hits as the Hitman comes out to the entranceway alongside The British Bulldog]


Jerry Lawler: Now what does this idiot want?


Bret Hart: Last week Bulldog and myself decided that, as Owen puts it, enough is enough! We're sick of seeing Camp Cornette play the numbers game, and we're sick of seeing 2 on 1, 3 on 1 so tonight, Bulldog has Neidhart 1 on 1! What this means is, Owen and the rest of Camp Cornette are banned from ringside, and if any of them do interfere, well Owen you can just forget about a title shot at Summerslam! Talking of the match at Summerslam, this will be your last shot Owen. Once I pin you inside that ring, you will not get another shot at this belt or at me.


British Bulldog: Jim Neidhart, I hope your ready because I'm going to introduce you to a world of pain!




Tatanka defeats Pierre by DQ

A solid bout with plenty of action, saw Tatanka almost get the pinfall victtory on Pierre. Pierre mounted a comeback however it wasn't enough and Tatanka hit the Tomahawk Chop. "The Canadian Model" made his way to ringside which distracted Tatanka who left the ring and went after him, however Pierre attacked Tatanka from behind and dragged him back in the ring where he and Martel proceeded to beatdown on him. The referee called for the bell, disqualifying Pierre.


Vince McMahon: Rick Martel had no business out here. The referee made the right call.


Jerry Lawler: "THe Canadian Model" was merely down here to cheer on his fellow countryman! Tatanka didn't need to leave the ring and assault him. He got what he deserved!


Jim Ross: Impartial as ever I see King. I hear our colleague Ray Rougeau is backstage with Randy Savage.


Ray Rougeau: I'm here with The Macho Man Randy Savage! Randy, last week Shawn Michaels called you out, and said you were running scared of both him and Diesel. Can I have your comments.


Randy Savage: Ray the madness must be making me hear things that couldn't possibly have been said. At In Your House I beat Shawn Michaels in a cage. Yeeeah. And now he says I'm running scared? Well I say he's an idiot. Oooh yeah. He's a sandwich short of a picnic if he thinks The Macho Man is scared of anything. Michaels I am through with you, done, you were beaten and the Madness reigned - now Diesel I'm coming for you and your Intercontinental Title. You say you are the most dominant Intercontinental Champion of all time, and I disagree. Oooh yeah. The Macho Man is going to take your title and when i do... Diesel and Shawn Michaels will be a bad memory. But tonight I have to focus as I have to beat the ninja from the orient, Kwang. He's a tough opponent, yeaah but I know that I can get past him, and when I do, Diesel will be next. Dig it!


Ray Rougeau: A pumped up Randy Savage has his eyes set on Diesels gold... back to you at ringside!




The Headshrinkers defeat Adam Bomb & Brian Lee

Ted DiBiases new team of Adam Bomb and Brian Lee worked pretty well together and almost caused an upset when Bomb got a near 3 count on Samu. The finish finally came when Samu and Fatu performed a double superkick on Brian Lee and Samu covered for the pinfall victory. After the match Ted DiBiase looked angry with his team.





Randy Savage defeats Kwang

Savage makes short work of Kwang who barely got in any offence. The finish came when Savage hits a big elbow drop from the top rope for the pinfall victory. Diesel comes out to the entranceway and slow claps Savage, mocking him, before turning and leaving.


Vince McMahon: Lets go backstage where our colleague Todd Pettengill is with Diesel and Shawn Michaels.


Todd Pettengill: Thanks Vince. Big Daddy Cool, let me start with you. What was that all about?


Diesel: Since when have I had to explain my actions? I do what I want, when I want because no one can stop me. Savage you call me out? What are you thinking? I knew you were stupid, but didn't have you pegged as the suicidle type! I tell you what Savage, you've got your match and when alls said and done, I will stand above your broken body at Summerslam.


Shawn Michaels: Not to rain on your parade Big Daddy, but next week Savage I want you 1 on 1 because you may be running scared of the Heartbreak Kid, but we have unfinished business whether you think so or not. No cage, just me and you and your other 8 personalities to finish this thing.


Diesel: Savage if you even think of saying no to Shawns request, then I vetoe your title shot!




British Bulldog defeats Jim Neidhart

This match between 2 powerhouses goes back and forth with several powerful moves on display. Neidhart goes to the outside and begins to leave but Bulldog follows him out and hits him from behind before dragging him back to the ring. The end comes when Bulldog hits a powerslam for the 3 count victory.




Bret Hart & Lex Luger defeat Owen Hart & Rick Martel

This match was a "cross feud" tag match which saw Owen tag out to Martel everytime Bret was tagged in, and saw Martel tag out everytime Luger was tagged in! Eventually Luger gets Martel and opens up on him, beating him all over the ring. Luger goes for a pin but Owen breaks it up, as Bret comes in and attacks Owen. All 4 men are in the ring as the referee tries to regain control, Luger hits Owen with the loaded forearm for the pinfall victory. Bret and Luger celebrate as Rick Martel leaves the ring clutching the back of his head as Owen remains down in the ring.


Jerry Lawler: What is wrong with this referee? Owen wasn't the legal man!

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Today, WWF chairman Vince McMahon announced his company had opened a "child" company in which to train wrestlers and pick up some exciting young talent with the potential to become big stars. New York City Wrestling is being headed up by "Mr Perfect" Curt Hennig, The current crop of talent is as follows;


Adam Copeland - A young Canadian with an edgy look about him.

Bubba Ray Dudley - Not sure of his mother, but son of Big Daddy Dudley apparently.

Christopher Daniels - The Fallen Angel that takes to the air like no one else has seen.

Doug Basham - Generic, bland but you never know what could become of this talented young man.

Duke Droesse - Powerful bin man... or is it refuse collector? Whatever it is he is ready to "Take out the trash!"

D-von Dudley - Another of Big Daddy Dudleys...er... creations?

Glen Jacobs - More experienced than some of the roster, but still lokking for the gimmick to catapult him to stardom.

Kendo Kashin - The mysterious hard hitter from Japan looks likely to become a huge star.

Kimo - A part of the Samoan Legacy so will no doubt become a "super" star.

Mike Enos - Has the basics down, now just to find that gimmick to hide his flaws...

Mortis - The only guy worse than Kanyon apparently.

PJ Walker - Not all that incredible yet, but there's time!

Sean Morely - Moto X rider from Canada looking to make the ladies swoon.

Tyler Mane - A real psycho in the making.

Venom - Probably just here to make up the numbers and offer a challenge.

Wayne Bloom - See Mike Enos.


Don't be shocked if you see one or 2 of these guys on Raw as fodder in the future - everyone starts somewhere!

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Monday Week 2, August 1994 from the Hilton Coliseum



Vince McMahon: Welcome to Monday Night Raw! I'm Vince McMahon, alongside my broadcast colleague, Jim Ross. And what an action packed evening we have lined up for you! Shawn Michaels will take on Randy Savage.


Jim Ross: And not forgetting our main event in which Owen Hart will take on an angry Razor Ramon... and here comes Owen and the rest of Camp Cornette now.


Jim Cornette: Befre we get started, Camp cornette has been on a hunt for a new member to our elite group. We have scoured the world looking for talent to make this the most dominant force in wrestling but found the perfect fit was in the WWF all along! So let me introduce to you, "The Canadian Model" Rick Martel!


[Martel shakes hands with the rest of Camp Cornette who applaud him.]


Rick Martel: Thank you for the opportunity to finally show that I am an elite Canadian superstar, and not some curtain jerking opening act! I'm a main event player! There is no one in the WWF that looks as good, walks as good or wrestles as good... present company excluded of course... and now, with the backing of Camp Cornette, I will show all you stupid, ugly Americans that Canada really does have superior athletes!


Owen Hart: Canada does indeed have better athletes, although there are exceptions...Bret for example. It also has more intelligent officials too. Last week another travesty, another injustice was inflicted upon me when I was pinned by Lex Luger in this very ring. I wasn't even the legal man so I want last weeks match stricken from record because it was bias refereeing! Refereeing from an American to give an American the victory! You're all nothing but cheaters, liars and frauds. I am demanding Jack Tunney explain himself and the poor decision making that is plaguing the WWF...well me!


[Jack Tunney appears on the big screen sat behind a desk in his usual Grey suit]


Jack Tunney: Mr. Hart you are correct in what you have said about last weeks match, however the rules dictate that you shouldn't have been in the ring in the first place and as such you brought this all on yourself by being where you shouldn't have been. This means I will NOT overturn the referees decision, and last weeks match will stay in the books as a win for Bret Hart and Lex Luger. I will however give you chance next week to redeem yourself, as you will go one on one with "Made in the USA" Lex Luger.


[Owen looks irate as he throws down the microphone and starts stamping the ring in a tantrum]




Irwin R. Schyster defeats Nikolai Volkoff

In what was a pretty average match, IRS dominated Volkoff in the early going, with methodical moves and pinpointing Volkoffs weak knees. Nikolai began a small fightback that was soon stopped when Ted DiBiase distracted the referee allowing IRS to use the metal briefcase and gain the pinfall victory. After the match the lights went off and The Undertaker stood in the ring. He destroyed IRS before turning his attention to Volkoff, who in turn escaped the ring and ran to the back! The Undertaker took a microphone.


The Undertaker: The carnage continues until the person responsible for attacking me confesses his sins. I will continue this path of destruction....


[some unfamiliar music plays, with the crowing of birds]


Vince McMahon: Wait who is that?


Jim Ross: That's Johnny Polo! But what is he wearing? where are his summer hats and polo shirts? Jeans and a leather jacket?


Raven: I signed a contract with WWF a year ago, but I won't conform to your rules anymore! I'll sit where I want, I'll wrestle when I want, I'll wrestle who I want, I'll wrestle how I want; and I'll beat up whoever I want. We all commit certain acts in our lives of an unsavory nature. Some bad, some unspeakable. Sometimes we suffer in silence, sometimes we seek redemption. Undertaker, I gave you what you deserved and I'd do it again. Sometimes we play nice, other times we shed blood. Quote the Raven, nevermore.


Vince McMahon: I can't believe what I have just heard! Johhny Polo just spat in the face of authority, but maybe more dangerously, he crossed The Undertaker!


Jim Ross: I do not want to be him right now!




The Smoking Gunns defeat Well Dunn

In a pretty good match, both teams got in their fair share of offence, however too much showboating and a slight miscommunication cost Well Dunn as Bart Gunn rolled up Timothy Well from out of nowhere for the 3 count. Well Dunn looked shocked as the Gunns celebrated their victory.




Yokozuna defeated British Bulldog

Bulldog started the match in control of the 500+ pound Yokozuna, but after attempting to slam the big man, it looked as though Bulldog tweaked his back and that was just the opening Yoko neded to gain control. Bulldog began a comeback however, a big slam soon stopped that, followed by the Banzai Drop, giving Yokozuna the pinfall. Yokozuna didn't finish there though and hit another Banzai slam. This prompted Bret Hart to come to the ring and he began unloading on Yokozuna with rights and lefts. The rest of Camp Cornette emptied out of the locker room and began a savage assault on Bret Hart and Bulldog until Luger and Razor hit the ring! Chaos ensued.


Vince McMahon: Next up is Randy Savage against Shawn Michaels. Lets go backstage where Savage is standing with our colleague Todd Pettengill.


Todd: Thanks Vince. I'm here with the Macho man Randy Savage, who in just a few minutes will be heading out to face Shawn Michaels. Randy can i get some comments?


Randy Savage: You want some comments? Well I've got a comment. Shawn michaels, I don't know what your malfunction is but tonight I put to rest your infatuation with the Madness. Dig it. I will give these fans what they want to see, and that's an end to your showboating and superior attitude. I beat you inside of a steel cage and still you think we have unfinished business, after tonight our business is finished and at Summerslam I go up against your big manservant Diesel, whose gold I will take. Ooooooh Yeeeeeaaahhh!


Todd: Thanks Randy. Back to you at ringside Vince.




Randy Savage defeats Shawn Michaels

Another epic encounter between these 2 was marred with constant distractions from Diesel at ringside. Earl Hebner told Diesel to leave however he refused. The announcer stated that Jack Tunney has just informed him if Diesel didn't leave ringside he would be stripped of the Intercontinental title! Diesel looks pissed as he heads backstage. The match continues with both men having the better of the other. HBK hits a huge Superkick but Savage manages to kick out after 2 and 9/10ths! Michaels then goes up top and hits a big elbow drop, but again only gets a 2 count. Savage fights back and hits Shawn with a huge clothesline that turns him inside out. A huge elbow drp later and it is all over for HBK as Savage pins him for the 3 count. After the match Savage celebrates in the crowd as he leaves.




Owen Hart defeats Razor Ramon

Before the match begins the referee says that Camp Cornette, Bret Hart, British Bulldog and Lex Luger are banned from coming to ringside at any point during the match. If any of Camp Cornette come down, Owen will lose his title shot at Summerslam. If Bret, Luger or Bulldog come down, Bret will be stripped of the World Title. The match starts off pretty well, with Razor using his size advantage to take control. He gains a near fall following a fall away slam, and another after hitting Owen with a DDT. Hart fights back and hits Razor with a piledriver for a near fall of his own. The finish comes when Owen removes a turnbuckle pad and smashes Razor chest first into it. He applies the sharpshooter, and the referee calls for the bell as Razor is unable to answer if he quits or not. Owen celebrates in the ring before grabbing a microphone from ringside.


Owen Hart: Bret... I'm gonig to do the same to you at Summerslam! Woo!!!

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On the next edition of Raw...


Smoking Gunns vs. Headshrinkers (non Title Match)

Razor Ramon vs. Jeff Jarrett

Diesel vs. Tatanka

Bret Hart & British Bulldog vs. Yokozuna & Rick Martel

Lex Luger vs. Owen Hart


+ Randy Savage on "The Kings Court"

+ More mayhem and interviews!


(not 100% certain of Luger vs. Hart being the main event... may swap it around with the tag match between Bret & Bulldog vs. Yoko & Martel)

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NYCW holds it's first event...


NYCW, the developmental territory of the WWF held "Greatest Hits" last night. The show was considered to be very good, and the young talent on show done themselves proud with their performances. The results are as follows.




from The Flagstaff




Doug Basham def. Tyler Main


MATCH 2 - Television Title Match

Kendo Kashin def. Venom to become the first Television Champion!


PJ Walker and Wayne Bloom get into a backstage brawl. Officials break it up.



Sean Morley def. Christopher Daniels



D-Von Dudley def. Duke Droesse


MAIN EVENT - NYCW National Heavyweight Title Match

Wayne Bloom def. PJ Walker to become the first Heavyweight Champion!



I won't post every show from development - but I will update if a title changes hands or in this case, because it was their first show.

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Monday Week 3, August 1994 from the Bryce Jordan Center



Vince McMahon: Welcome to Monday Night Raw! I'm Vince McMahon, alongside my broadcast colleague, Jim Ross. And what an action packed evening we have lined up for you!


Jim Ross: Our main event will see Owen Hart take on Lex Luger in a match made by WWF President Jack Tunney last week!


[Camp Cornette are already in the ring]


Owen Hart: America. Land of Opportunity. Well following all the injustices that have befallen me these last few weeks, it should be Land of the Cheats! Last week I made a plea to Jack Tunney to rectify a travesty, and what does he do? He puts me in a match with Lex Luger tonight! And why? Because instead of blaming his inept referee, he blamed me, The King of Harts! I guess I shouldn't be surprised, I mean blaming others is the American way of life. Tonight I will do to Luger what I did to that greasy Razor Ramon last week, I'll beat him into unconciousness! Woo!


[The music of Lex Luger plays as he makes his way to the entranceway]


Lex Luger: Owen. You come out here and cry about how you've been done wrong, and I listen and think "wow... what a baby". You're constant moaning I can handle, but when you come out here and bad mouth this great country, MY great country I have a problem with that. If you hate this country so much then head north back to Canada and stay there! I bleed red, white and blue and tonight, you're going to bleed good old fashioned Crimson!


Owen Hart: Luger! Who do you think you are interupting The King of Harts? This is my scheduled time not.....


Lex Luger: Cry me a river Owen - I'll see you later!




The Smoking Gunns def. The Headshrinkers

In a preview for Summerslam, The Smoking Gunns and Headshrinkers put on a good match. Plenty of tags being made and both teams getting their share of the upper hand. Samu almost won it for The Headshrinkers with a standing side kick, but Bart Gunn got his foot on the ropes. Samu then went to the top but it looked as though Billy Gunn shook the rope and Samu came crashing down to the mat. Bart Gunn made the cover for the 3 count.


Jerry Lawler: Will you peons shut up! Tonight I have a guest who is quite clearly unstable, and should really be accompanied by several men in white coats. Here he is... "Macho Man" Randy Savage!


Randy Savage: White coats Jerry? I think you need to watch who you're talking to before you get what's coming. Yeah. The Madness is running wild tonight and I'm just looking for a reason to unleash it!


Jerry Lawler: Ok Captain Pschizo. Calm down. I want to talk about your match with Big Daddy Cool Diesel, and I've got to ask, how do you believe you are even in with a chance of beating him!?


Randy Savage: Take the tone out of your voice Lawler. I'm warning you - one more comment like that and we're gonna have an old style Royal execution! Yeah! I do not care what you think about my chances, because I know my chance is as good as anyones. Diesel I am going to take care of you at Summerslam and become the new Intercontinental Champion. Ooh Yeah. The change is in the air and the Macho Man is the one who is going to embrace that change. Dig it.


Jerry Lawler: That made no sense whatsoever. Did you forget to take your meds again?


[With that, Randy Savage snaps and beats the hell out of Lawler. Officials race out to get him off of Lawler]


Vince McMahon: I think the King went a little too far there JR.


Jim Ross: He got what he deserved Vince. It's about time someone shut him up!




Razor Ramon def. Jeff Jarrett

The match was a slow starter and the crowd were unusually quiet. It picked up however when Razor hit a big slam and followed it up with a running elbow drop. Jarrett gt back into the match and applied the Figure Four, but Razor managed to get to the ropes to break the hold. The finish came when Razor Ramon hit a fall away slam followed by the Razors Edge for the pinfall victory.


[Michaels accompanies Diesel out for the next match and gets a microphone handed to him]


Shawn Michaels: I've got to say I'm a little bit confused. I've jsut checked out Summerslams line-up and the showstopper is knowhere to be seen! Well we aint having that Jack so I'm going to issue a challenge for Summerslam to anyone who wants to turn up in a Heartbreak open challenge. Anyone behind that curtain who has the guts to meet me in the ring - turn up and have your teeth kicked down your throat, courtesy of the Heartbreak Kid.




Diesel def. Tatanka

Tatanka opened up on the big man at the start but was soon halted in his tracks by a big boot to the face. Diesel pretty much controlled the match from that point and eventually picked up the pinfall win with a Jack Knife Powerbomb. Diesel looks into the camera and bad mouths Savage as HBK helps Tatanka up before hitting him with Sweet Chin Music!


[The lights go off as the bell tolls. The Undertaker makes his way to the ring with Paul Bearer]


Paul Bearer: Oooooh Johnny Polo you have done it now. You have crossed a line you can never return from as my Undertaker will take his revenge. Oooooh yes he will. You have made a very dangerous enemy Johnny Polo.


Undertaker: Johnny Polo. I am going to take your very soul and at Summerslam you will Rest in Peace...


[Johnny Polo makes his way to the ring but stops and sits down in the aisle]


Raven: The unfortunate devour themselves, searching for annihilation. You see we are all prisoners, of our own nature. Locked into certain patterns of behavior. I could no sooner change the path that was placed upon me, than I could stop a swallow from migrating. My name is Raven, not Johnny Polo. And last week I guess I wasn't clear with my message. I wrestle when I want to, not when you want to. At Summerslam, you're going to cut a lonely figure standing in that ring alone with no opponent, because Undertaker, I won't be there. So it is written. So it shall come to pass. Quote the Raven, Nevermore.




Bret Hart & British Bulldog def. Yokozuna & Rick Martel

Plenty of action in this with varying styles. Bulldog and Martel started things off with Bulldog overpowering Martel. A tag to Yokozuna soon gets the momentum going in favour of Martel and Yoko. Yokozuna attempts a big leg drop but Bulldog rolls out of the way and tags in Hart. The match ends after some more back and forth when Bret locks Martel in the Sharpshooter. Yokozuna tries to break it up but is met by a Bulldog running clothesline that knocks hm off balance. Martel taps out!




Owen Hart def. Lex Luger

A very good match saw Lex dominate the early going. Lex Luger should have had the match won however Cornette distracted Hebner, and Neidhart entered the ring and hit Luger with a powerful shoulder block. Owen gets up and begins to gain momentum, however Luger hits the Loaded Forearm and attempts a pin - again the referee is distracted, this time by Neidhart, which allows Cornette to jump ont he apron. Luger grabs Cornette, who in turn therows the tennis racket to Owen - shot to Lugers head with the racket and Owen picks up the win! He celebrates with Neidhart and Cornette in the ring as medics check on Luger.

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Enjoying this different take so far. I also would like to see Luger with more fire and edge-not just the cheesy "American Hero", but someone with more character depth. A competitive patriot who takes shit from no one and wants to be the best, even if it means fighting his "friends".


One quick thing I find funny. It's a small gripe, but Jack Tunney is actually Canadian, so Owen's rant against him is off base. Maybe you can throw that in there in a future promo, where Owen goes on another delusional rant and Tunney informs him that he's from Toronto lol. Good stuff keep it up

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Enjoying this different take so far. I also would like to see Luger with more fire and edge-not just the cheesy "American Hero", but someone with more character depth. A competitive patriot who takes shit from no one and wants to be the best, even if it means fighting his "friends".


One quick thing I find funny. It's a small gripe, but Jack Tunney is actually Canadian, so Owen's rant against him is off base. Maybe you can throw that in there in a future promo, where Owen goes on another delusional rant and Tunney informs him that he's from Toronto lol. Good stuff keep it up


Thanks for the feedback. I always like to hear peoples ideas/thoughts.


I was stumped on Luger so I may take your idea and maybe add a bit of my own twist. I never was a fan of the whole "Lex Express" stuff. He will be one of the workers I eventually give a gimmick makeover to in the near future.


I actually can't believe I overlooked Tunney being a Canadian! - I will somehow work it into the angle. lol


Glad you're enjoying it.

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We have just received news that WWF Intercontinental Champion Kevin "Diesel" Nash has been found dead in his hotel room by fellow wrestler Shawn Michaels. It is thought that Kevin had overdosed on a cocktail of drugs, however this has not been confirmed and is only a rumour. Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Kevin Nash at this time.



Well that's a blow to the Summerslam card... never had one of my main stars die in game before. Usually it's just my lower carders!

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We have just received news that WWF Intercontinental Champion Kevin "Diesel" Nash has been found dead in his hotel room by fellow wrestler Shawn Michaels. It is thought that Kevin had overdosed on a cocktail of drugs, however this has not been confirmed and is only a rumour. Our thoughts are with the family and friends of Kevin Nash at this time.



Well that's a blow to the Summerslam card... never had one of my main stars die in game before. Usually it's just my lower carders!



Bummer...never had that happen either.

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Should have the next show up over the weekend. Had to have a bit of a re-write!


Matches for anyone interested in predictions;


123 Kid vs. Jeff Jarrett

Smoking Gunns vs. Crush & Yokozuna

Randy Savage vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

Lex Luger vs. Rick Martel

Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon



IC Tournament Brackets (to start at Summerslam with 1st 2 matches- final at the next IYH event)


Rick Martel

Marty Jannetty


Razor Ramon

Bam Bam Bigelow


Jeff Jarrett

Randy Savage



Shawn Michaels

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I like big shocking deaths like that, makes me sit back and feel okay with tweaking certain guys personality stats a little (I'm a funeral director, I've seen how death can effect peoples personalities and habits... so, yeah anyway expertise and what not)


Like I'd imagine their friend dying might bring Scott Hall and Shawn Michaels back to earth a little, those two were way bigger booze and pill hounds than Nash. For Nash to keel over leaving the two of them standing might have a positive effect on their rowdy backstage attitudes and party boy ways. I'd be awesome to see HBK avoid his near downfall and rehab stint and Hall to just completely clean up. Can you imagine a focused sober Scott Hall developing over the 90's alongside a healthy clean HBK? Something to think about.

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or the other way, with what nash has said about hall having always ran from his past and escape it with the booze and pills he might actually get even worse, where as Michaels I can see going more straight and narrow but still being an arrogant selfish person at that time period
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Monday Week 4, August 1994 from the Thomas & Mack Center



[A ten bell salute in rememberance of Kevin Nash rings out as the locker room all stand around the ringside area. Shawn Michaels, Razor Ramon and 123 Kid are in the ring with Vince McMahon.]


Shawn Michaels: 5 nights ago I lost one my best friends in this business. One of the few guys I truly trusted. [taking a moment to compose himself] Tonight we celebrate the life of Big Daddy Cool by doing what he loved doing - kicking ass and taking numbers. I didn't know if I could bring myself out here tonight, but I know deep in my heart Kev wouldn't want any of us running and hiding away. He'd want us to continue doing what he was built to do. Have fun, keep on and entertain.


[A huge "Diesel" chant breaks out]


Razor Ramon: Hey yo. Tonight Big guy... this show is for you. We're going to tear this town apart and party, just like you'd want us to do. So that's what we're going to do. Me and the HBK are going to honour you tonight in the main event by putting on the best match we possibly can.


[Razor offers the microphone to 123 Kid but he looks too upset to talk and so the microphone is passed to Vince McMahon.]


Vince McMahon: Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to an emotional edition of Monday Night Raw. As I'm sure you have heard, our Intercontinental champion Big Daddy Cool Diesel passed away 5 days ago. There was talk of cancelling this show, however we knew that wouldn't be what Diesel, Kevin Nash would want. He was all about business, and I know through his friends, he would have wanted this show to go ahead.




Jeff Jarrett def. 123 Kid

123 Kid put his heart into the match with the fans clearly behind him. He got a near fall very early on, but Jarrett kicked out at 2. The tide turned when Kid let his emotions get the better of him and Jarrett hit a Russian Leg Sweep, but didn't cover, instead showboating to the crowd. Kid made a comeback but again Jarrett stopped him in his tracks and this time after hitting a DDT, locked in the Figure Four for the win. The crowd were vocal in their dislike for Jarrett all the way through.


[A highlight music video is shown of Diesels life - both professionally & personally]


[The music of Bret Hart fills the arena as the crowd erupts]


Jerry Lawler: What does this idiot want McMahon?


Vince McMahon: I have no idea King... how about you keep quiet so we can hear?


Bret Hart: Last week my brother, Owen, came out here like he does every week and says that the system is against him and that Jack Tunney upholds the American traditions. Owen, I've got a little bit of a revelation - the President of the WWF is a Canadian! Jack Tunney is from Toronto you idiot, eevryone knows that. Your rants are becoming so dilusional that you don't seem to know what you're saying anymore! But that's ok because at Summerslam, I'm going to shut you up for good because our match will have the following stipulations; No one can come down to ringside and interfere in the match and if they do, they're fired. It is going to be me and you, no excuses and Owen, this is your last chance. After this I'm done with you.


[The music of Owen Hart comes on as the crowd boos]


Owen Hart: Bret it doesn't matter if the President is Canadian, American or even Mexican! The point is he holds up the American tradition of corruption and cheating! He may have been born in Toronto, but he's as American as all these morons sitting with their mouths gaped in awe at The King of Harts! He's embraced the culture and so I will never consider him a "fellow" Canadian! As for Summerslam, I am going to break you Bret. I'm going to leave you a shell of your former self and take your title, and then Bret it is me who is done with you!




The Smoking Gunns def. Yokozuna & Crush by DQ

Crush makes his return to the ring after a few weeks off to a chorus of boos. The crowd really showed their hate for Camp Cornette during this match. Yokozuna & Crush had the upperhand early on, with frequent tags cutting Billy Gunn off from his partner. Crush missed a clothesline and Billy hit a DDT, which gave him the opportunity to make the tag to Bart, who lit Crush up! He hit Yokozuna who was on the apron as well for good measure. The finish came when it looked as though Bart had Crush beat and Yokozuna came into the ring and destroyed him! The referee calls for the bell and disqualifies Yokozuna and Crush who continue their assault on the Smoking Gunns until the Headshrinkers run out to make the save!




Randy Savage def. Bam Bam Bigelow

Savage looked like a man possessed as he went straight after the Beast from the East at the get go. Bam Bam fired back with some big shots of his own, and almost won it on 2 occassions, but both times Savage was able to kick out at 2. Bam Bam headed up top for the headbutt, but missed which allowed Savage to compose himself and hit an elbow drop for the pinfall victory. Savage celebrates in the ring, before asking for a microphone.


Randy Savage: Diesel, I know we had our differences, but that match was for you. Ooooooh Yeah!


[A video is shown, where several wrestlers share their stories and memories of Kevin Nash]


Vince McMahon: We have word that Todd Pettingill has someone in the back who has something on his mind. Todd?


Todd: Hi Vince. I'm here with the man they call Raven who...


Raven: Pettingill. I remember the things you would say about me when the WWF had me running around like an idiot doing interviews and managing third rate wrestlers like Adam Bomb or Jacques of the Quebecers. What is stopping me from breaking your neck right here and right now? Stand there and keep quiet. Undertaker, I can't remember a time when I wasn't alone, even when my parents were around. The sound of their fury was harsh, but the sound of their silence was deafining. It's devastation that left me buried beneath a mountain of solitude. My lonliness and despair traped me in a storm of unimaginable emptiness. What about me? What about Raven? Undertaker I have made a mockery of you, I've exposed you as a man when you claimed to be more. Your lies and fabrications, your cheap parlour tricks are all a sham with which you try to exploit and strike fear into those with a weak mind. But I am without fear Undertaker, my mind is strong, and focussed. I am a man who fears nothing so what are you going to do now? Spark of lightning? Turn down the lights? Well I've lived in darkness my whole life so it's my friend, not my enemy! Now the day of redemption approaches. Quote The Raven, Nevermore.


Todd: Er... back to you at ringside.


Vince McMahon: Thanks Todd. What a strange character this Raven is.


Jerry Lawler: Who would have thought that goofy idiot Johnny Polo could be so sinister and brave deep down.


Jim Ross: Well he is proving he's a bit stupid King. Who in their right mind would want to pull a tigers tail? Because that's exactly what Raven has done in crossing paths with The Undertaker!




Lex Luger def. Rick Martel

Rick Martel controlled the early going of this match and hooked in the Boston Crab, however Luger made it to the ropes. Lex Luger then showed a bit of a mean streak he had the opportunity to pin Rick Martel, but instead pulled his shoulder off the mat and continued his assault. Martel began a fightback which was stopped when Luger from out of nowhere hit the Loaded Forearm - however instead of pinning Martel he picked him up into a Torture Rack submission for the win! Luger drops Martel to the floor and leaves the arena as Martel looks in alot of pain inside the ring.


[Vince McMahon enters the ring]


Vince McMahon: Ladies and gentlemen - a decision has been made with regards to the Intercontinental championship. Jack Tunney has selected the 8 participants in a tournament that will begin at this Sundays Summerslam pay-per-view when Rick Martel takes on Marty Jannetty and Razor Ramon takes on Bam Bam Bigelow in quarter final matches to determine our new Intercontinental Champion! The finals of the tournament will be held in 1 month at Septembers In Your House Pay-Per View.




Shawn Michaels def. Razor Ramon

Razor Ramon and Shawn Michaels put on a classic. Ramon had the better of Michaels early on, hitting a Fall Away Slam that shot Michaels to the outside. They continued to fight around the ringside area before both returning to the ring where Michaels gained the upperhand hitting a Flying Cross Body from the top rope for a 2 count. A missed elbow drop from HBK then allowed Razor to gain some momentum, and it looked over when he hit Michaels with the Razors edge, but Shawn got his foot on the bottom rope at the last minute. Razors frustration was his downfall when he began arguing with the ref before turning around into Sweet Chin Music! Shawn covers for the 3 and picks up the win. After the match both men, looking beaten up are joined by 123 Kid who raises both their hands before they embrace in a show of respect and friendsip as Diesels music plays one last time over the arena.

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