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WWF 1994 - A New Take

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A fine show, enjoyed the read from top to bottom and I too hope everything's fine on your end.


On a sidenote, I plan on starting a private 1994 game - that 78 rating for your flagship show - did you get a note saying it might have hurt your pop?


Thanks very much.


Nope it increased the Popularity. I seem to have slipped to International from Global (the 1st month) and not really sure how because usually I end up slipping completely down to National. Keeping it steady now though at International so quite pleased. Just a case of finding things that work.

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Adam Bomb vs. Kwang


Adam Bomb had the crowd behind him in this match and picked up the victory with a Meltdown. Following the match he asked for a microphone.


Adam Bomb: I have a message for Bam Bam Bigelow. You made the biggest mistake of your life when you turned on me. We'll be meeting again real soon.


Winner: Adam Bomb




WWF Womens Title Match

Alundra Blayze vs. KAORU


In a pretty decent match that had the crowd booing Blayze without Mercy, KAORU picked up the win via DQ when the referee saw Luna Vachon interfere.


Winner: KAORU (DQ)




Well Dunn vs. Wayne Bloom & Mike Enos


This was a bit of a "who cares match" but Well Dunn picked up the win when Steven Dunn pinned Mike Enos.


Winner: Well Dunn




Some more CCTV footage begins playing, but this time it has nothing to do with the Smoking Gunns and instead shows Sunny in a room alone tied to a chair as the lower half of the "kidnapper" can be seen.


Mystery Voice: Nobody takes what is rightfully mine. I am going to unleash my two associates here on The Smoking Gunns for stealing from me, and you Sunny will get to witness the fall of your tag team champions!


The camera pans over to the 2 "associates" and it's Bam Bam Bigelow and Brian Lee!




Tatanka vs. Kama Mustafa


Kama Mustafa picked up a vital win in a pretty decent match against the Native American. following the match, Kama and Ron Simmons beat down on Tatanka.


Winner: Kama Mustafa



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Vince McMahon: Welcome everybody to Monday Night Raw! I'm Vince McMahon alongside my broadcast colleagues Jim ross and Jerry Lawler. We have an explosive show tonight... especially for you King!


Jerry Lawler: I can't wait to get my hands on Savage later tonight! Jack Tunney thinks he is punishing me by putting me in a match, but I'm The King and I eat people like Savage for breakfast! I can't wait McMahon!


The music of Lex Luger comes over the arena as he and Barry Windham make their way to the ring.


Lex Luger: Last week that spineless wimp Jim Cornette tried to hide behind a "court" order, but Jack Tunney had more sense than to let that garbage slide and gave us the opportunity to get our hands on all of Camp Cornette at Survivor Series! I think the question the fans are asking is, who are we going to get to join us against the 4 outsiders and that people is a very good question. Who can we get Barry? Who can we trust enough to help us get the job done? A "Real American"? Haha... that's not happening because garbage sticks to garbage.


The music of The British Bulldog hits the arena as he makes his way to the ring.


British Bulldog: Lex, I know I'm not American but if you need someone on your team who hates Camp Cornette, then look no further. I am willing to stand beside you in this fight to rid the WWF of them and it would be an honour to be a part of your team at Survivor Series.


Lex Luger: Davey Boy, I have a lot of respect for you and knowing you as I do, you're on! Welcome to the team!


Bulldog shakes hands with Luger and Windham as the 3 leave the ring together.


RATING: 60 © - Bit disappointed




Jeff Jarrett vs. Bob Holly


Holly starts off with some stiff shots that stun Jarrett. Holly clotheslines Jarrett up and over the top rope to the outside. Double J gains his composure on the outside and re-enters at the count of 6. Holly again hits him with some stiff shots to the mid-section and beats him up a bit more, before Jarrett again rolls out of the ring. Jarret climbs back onto the ring apron and as Holly goes to grab him, but Jarrett grabs Hollys head and jumps down, bringing Hollys throat across the top rope. Double J climbs back into the ring and begins an onlaught that sees him gain 2 near falls before applying the figure 4 Leglock for the the submission win.


Winner: Jeff Jarrett

RATING: 63 ©




Non Title Match

The Smoking Gunns vs. Men on a Mission


As the match started, Bam Bam Bigelow and Brian Lee came out and stood on the entranceway. The Smoking Gunns became distracted by this and M.O.M. began taking full advantage, almost picking up the victory with a big Splash from Mabel. Bart Gunn then tagged himself in to Billys annoyance and began unleashing stiff rights and lefts on the much larger Mabel. All of a sudden the lights began to flicker and yet another CCTV video was played, this time showing Billy Gunn (who appeared to be drunk) flirting and being slightly inappropriate with a... er... scantily clad woman in a bar before flickering to the room where Sunny is being held. The mystery voice began again;


Mystery Voice: What is mine was once taken and so it is returned.


Back in the ring Bart Gunn turns around into a huge spinning kick from Mabel who then pins him for the 3 count. After the match Bam Bam Bigelow and Brian Lee attack Billy Gunn.


Winner: Men on a Mission

RATING: 58 (C-)




The Cult of Raven make their way out. Raven sits in the corner as Carl Pierre, The Barbarian and Beulah stand around the ring.


Raven: Anguish, fear, and sorrow, are emotions we all feel, but never more strongly than in our adolescence. When being different, or having acne, can mean a lifetime of loneliness. One's acceptance by others, is a barometer of one's popularity. If one is different, a misfit, maybe unattractive, unathletic, one is in for a lifetime of cruelty and suffering, that will traumatize permanently. You see scars are souvenirs you never loose. They can make you stronger, they can manifest into something evil or they can inevitably kill you. The scars I harbour make me the very definition of anguish and I use this to my advantage. Undertaker beat me at my own game at In Your House, but at Survivor Series it will be so different. The scars of that loss have made me a stronger adversary Undertaker and more dangerous than you could ever think possible. You tell me I'm going to rest in peace, but Undertaker there is no rest for the wicked! Quote the Raven, nevermore.


RATING: 81 (B)




Barry Windham vs. Ron Simmons


Both men started out strong, each gaining early advantages and using their strength to get a measure of offence at the other. It was Simmons however who doinated the match midway through, hitting a massive slam and elbow for a 2 count. Kama Mustafa also got himself involved and was subsequently sent to the back to the annoyance of Ron simmons who began to argue with the referee. This allowed Windham to get a roll up for the 2 count. More back and forth betwen these 2 big hard hitters before Windham hit a running clothesline and a leg drop to pick up the pinfall victory. After the match Kama Mustafa came back down to the ring but British Bulldog cut him off.


Winner: Barry Windham

RATING: 66 (C+)




Vince McMahon: Lets head backstage where Todd is standing by with Randy Savage


Todd: Thanks Vince. Randy, you are just moments away from taking on the man who nearly cost you your career, Jerry Lawler. What are your thoughts?.


Randy Savage: Well Pettengill I gotta say that Jerry Lawler is nothing more than a piece of garbage that I intend to take out to the curb. He tried to end my career and now I'm going to end his. Ooh Yeah. Let me be clear Lawler, you crossed a line that you cannot go back from and with the Madness firmly running wild you're going to pay dearly for your mistake in judgement. You stuck your nose into business that didn't concern you and now Lawler I am going to break it off. Dig it!


RATING: 85 (B+)




Jerry Lawler vs. Randy Savage


Jerry Lawler used some cheap tactics in the early going of this match but pushed his luck a little too far and Savage opened up a fury on The King! Macho Man hit some stiff shots but King ducked his head between the ropes in a cowardly attempt to stop the Macho Mans momentum. Lawler then poked Savage in the eye before hitting a big right hand. King came off the top with a double axe handle but was only able to get a 2 count. Lawler went up top again but this time he came crashing down into a Savage punch! Macho Man then hit a clothesline on the King before climbing to the top rope. Savage hits the flying elbow drop from the top, however before he can make the pin, Shawn Michaels comes into the ring and attackes him with the belt! The referee calls for the bell as Michaels and Lawler beat down on Savage!


Winner: Randy Savage (DQ)

RATING: 83 (B)




The lights in the arena go out as the Undertaker makes his way to the ring with Paul Bearer!


Undertaker: Raven you have sealed your fate and now I am forced to rid this world of you and your cult once and for all. I hear your words of solitude and pain and it strives me forward. I feast on the pain and torment of others and yours just helps to make me grow stronger. You claim not to fear the darkness but I know otherwise because the darkness has twisted your very soul and I will use that to my advantage. Your followers days are numbered and as savage as they claim to be, I have a team to equal them. I will not rest until each of you is resting in peace!


RATING: 79 (B)




Shawn Michaels & Dustin Rhodes vs. Bret Hart & Razor Ramon


Rhodes and Ramon start the match off each getting a measure of offence against the other. Ramon tags Hart in and Rhodes goes after Hart with a vengeance! The two brawl all over the ring before Rhodes tags in Michaels who hits a low blow on the Hitman as the referees attention was diverted by Rhodes. Michaels and rhodes cut the Hitman off from Razor with frequent tags and the tried and tested method of breaking down the one man. Rhodes hit a Rhode to nowhere on Hart but Razor made the save. As the referee was attempting to get Razor out of the ring, HBK and Rhodes double teamed Hart. The Hitman finally tagged in the Bad Guy who unleashed a flurry of lefts and rghts to both Michaels and Rhodes, however with the referee distracted (yet again) Michaels used the IC title on Razor and picked up the pinfall victory for his team! After the match Randy Savage ran out and began beating down on Michaels, but Rhodes hit a Rhode to nowhere on him from behind as the show ended.


Winner: Shawn Michaels & Dustin Rhodes

RATING: 88 (B+)





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1-2-3 Kid, Bob Holly, Marty Jannetty & Tatanka vs. Well Dunn, Kwang & Tom Pritchard


Adam Bomb, Smoking Gunns & Junkyard Dog vs. Bam Bam Bigelow, Brian Lee, The Nation


Raven, The Barbarian, Carl Pierre & Mystery Partner vs. The Undertaker, The Headshrinkers & Jimmy Snuka


Lex Luger, Barry Windham, British Bulldog & TBC vs. Camp Cornette


3 Way Elimination Match (IC Title)

Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon vs. Randy Savage


World Title Match

Bret Hart vs. Dustin Rhodes

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1-2-3 Kid, Bob Holly, Marty Jannetty & Tatanka vs. Well Dunn, Kwang & Tom Pritchard


Adam Bomb, Smoking Gunns & TBC vs. Bam Bam Bigelow, Brian Lee, The Nation


Raven, The Barbarian, Carl Pierre & TBC vs. The Undertaker, The Headshrinkers & TBC


Lex Luger, Barry Windham, British Bulldog & TBC vs. Camp Cornette


3 Way Elimination Match (IC Title)

Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon vs. Randy Savage


World Title Match

Bret Hart vs. Dustin Rhodes

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1-2-3 Kid, Bob Holly, Marty Jannetty & Tatanka vs. Well Dunn, Kwang & Tom Pritchard


Adam Bomb, Smoking Gunns & TBC vs. Bam Bam Bigelow, Brian Lee, The Nation


Raven, The Barbarian, Carl Pierre & TBC vs. The Undertaker, The Headshrinkers & TBC


Lex Luger, Barry Windham, British Bulldog & TBC vs. Camp Cornette


3 Way Elimination Match (IC Title)

Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon vs. Randy Savage


World Title Match

Bret Hart vs. Dustin Rhodes

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<p><strong>1-2-3 Kid, Bob Holly, Marty Jannetty & Tatanka</strong> vs. Well Dunn, Kwang & Tom Pritchard </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Adam Bomb, Smoking Gunns & TBC</strong> vs. Bam Bam Bigelow, Brian Lee, The Nation</p><p> </p><p>

Raven, The Barbarian, Carl Pierre & TBC vs. <strong>The Undertaker, The Headshrinkers & TBC</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Lex Luger, Barry Windham, British Bulldog & TBC</strong> vs. Camp Cornette</p><p> </p><p>

3 Way Elimination Match (IC Title)</p><p>

Shawn Michaels vs. <strong>Razor Ramon</strong> vs. Randy Savage</p><p> </p><p>

World Title Match</p><p>

<strong>Bret Hart</strong> vs. Dustin Rhodes</p>

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<p>If WWE had a product like this in 1994 then I have no doubt the Monday Night War would have ever started! CCTV is going perfectly and with the two associates being who they are and Sunny being involved I can't wait until you reveal CC <img alt=";)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/wink.png.686f06e511ee1fbf6bdc7d82f6831e53.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />!</p><p> </p><p>

Hints at the Franchise Shane Douglas?! PLEASE! Love it!</p><p> </p><p>

Also love that you use Savage! Never understood why Randy wasn't booked during that time frame as much as he should have been. Macho is one of my all time favorites!</p>

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Vince McMahon: Welcome everybody to Monday Night Raw! I'm Vince McMahon alongside my broadcast colleagues Jim ross and Jerry Lawler! And what a great show we have, our last Raw leading into Survivor Series. We should be getting the final participants in each team finalised tonight. This will be interesting!


Jerry Lawler: McMahon, I guarantee you one thing. Tonight is going to be revealing! I know who Raven's partner is, and it will shock the entire WWF!


The music of Bret Hart comes on as he makes his way to the ring.


Bret Hart: This Sunday I take on Dustin Rhodes who seems to have made it his mission to take my belt away. Well Rhodes, your efforts are going to be in vain because I'm not giving thi belt up to you, or anyone else. I fought my way to the top, I scraped clawed and bled for the chance to hold this belt and you think you can come in here for 5 minutes and take it away from me? Think again. I don't just lay claim to being the best, I have proved it night after night and this belt represents everything that I say I am. If you want it Rhodes you're going to have to prise it from my cold dead hands!


The music of Dustin Rhodes hits as he makes his way down. He rolls right into the ring and stands face to face with The Hitman.


Dustin Rhodes: Hitman, words are cheap.


Rhodes hits Hart with the microphone and begins punching him on the ground as officials run out to break it up.


RATING: 84 (B+)




Bart Gunn vs. Rick Martel


Bart Gunn begins the match with some hard strikes that knock Martel to the ground. A legdrop from Bart Gunn only gets the 2 count. Bart Gunn gets distracted by Jim Cornette on the outside which allows Martel to gain the advantage, hitting Gunn with a clothesline and attempting the Canadian Crab, which Bart Gunn fights out of to the ropes. Some more back and forth before Bart Gunn hits another stiff left punch which knocks Martel down just as Owen Hart comes down to ringside and begins taunting Bart Gunn. Billy Gunn comes running down and clotheslines Owen in the back of the head, knocking him down and out before dragging him to the back. Half way up the aisle, Bam Bam Bigelow and Brian Lee come out and attack Billy Gunn! Bart leaves the ring to try and help Billy but he too gets beaten down. The referee calls for the bell, counting out Bart Gunn!


Winner: Rick Martel (Count Ourt)

RATING: 74 (B-)




Following the match some more CCTV footage began playing. This footage showed Sunny still tied to a chair while the "kidnapper" goaded her.


Mystery Voice: What's the matter Sunny? Missing your cowboy boyfriend? Well you won't be seeing either one of them again. I don't take too kindly to my property being stolen by anyone, least of all 2 redneck scumbags with $2 toy guns. Your tag team champions are going to regret the day they crossed me my dear Sunny, and you too will regret being a part of their group. I'll be paying them a visit real soon...


A hushed silence fills the arena, before a chorus of boos breaks out.


RATING: 67 (C+)




Marty Jannetty vs. Raven


Raven takes it to Jannetty early on, hitting some viscious shots and even tying him up in a sleeper hold. Jannetty escapes the hold, and begins some offence of his own, even hitting the Superkick for a 2 count. Raven goes outside and grabs a chair but the official takes it away from him. As he argues with the referee, Jannetty rolls him up from behind for another 2 count. Enraged, Raven goes after Jannetty with rights and lefts befre hitting him with a running knee to the face as he attempted to get back up. Raven took full control of the match from this point and it wasn't long before he hit the Evenflow DDT for the victory.


Winner: Raven

RATING: 62 ©




The Undertaker appears on the Titantron as Raven is heading back up the aisle.


Undertaker: Raven. At Survivor Series I will show you and the entire world who the master of the darkside really is... Everyone is well aware of the damage I can inflict upon you Raven, both physically and mentally. You wanted to bring down fury and destruction, well Raven, you have succeeded. I have heard you call me a mere mortal man, you couldn't have been more wrong in your assumption. I am beyond comprehension and I am beyond what you deem "Mortal". The team that will destroy you and your "kin" at Survivor Series is now complete...


The screen flickers as the Titantron video of Jimmy Snuka plays to the crowds delight!


Undertaker: You're cult will Rest in Peeeeeaaaace.


RATING: 79 (B)




Vince McMahon: Let's go backstage where Todd is with Shawn Michaels


Todd: Thanks Vince. Shawn wh...


Shawn Michaels: Leave the mic and walk your skinny behind out of here Pettengill. Randy Savage, this is going to be your last shot at my title. You bore me and you bore everyone else with your "ooh yeah" and "dig it" crap. I am the Hearbreak Kid, the most charismatic, sexiest man alive and I've got better things to do than wrestle you. As for you Razor Ramon, I've beaten you before, and I'll beat you again. You aren't even in my league greaseball. At Survivor Series, I'm going to beat you both without breaking a sweat and then... I'm going to make one lucky ladies night! Now can you dig that chicos?! haha.


RATING: 81 (B)




Lex Luger & Barry Windham vs. Crush & Yokozuna


Windham & Crush started the match off exchanging some huge blows, but a thumb to the eye from Crush set the tone for the next few minutes of the match, with Crush physically manhandling Windham before tagging in Yokozuna. As the huge sumo began dominating the match with a massive headbutt that knocked Windham down, and a leg drop that engulfed the big Texan for a 2 count. After some more punishment at the hands of Yokozuna & Crush, Windham finally made the tag to Luger who went nuts on his 2 opponents, even hitting Yokozuna with the loaded Forearm but Crush broke up the pin, which enraged Luger and he began pummeling Crush! He hit another loaded forearm on Crush, knocking him to the outside, but turned around into a huge falling slam by Yokozuna. He dragged Luger to the corner for the Banzai drop but Windham came in and pulled Luger out of harms way as Yokozuna came crashing to the floor. All 4 men began to brawl however Luger managed to put Crush in the Torture Rack for the submission win! After the match Owen Hart and Rick Martel ran down and attacked Luger and Windham. Bulldog came out to assist his Survivor Series partners but Camp Cornettes numbers got the better of them before Men on a Mission came down! Mabel squared up with Yokozuna and the 2 began exchanging rights and lefts as the locker room emptied to break it up.


Winner: Lex Luger & Barry Windham

RATING: 71 (C+)




Dustin Rhodes vs. Randy Savage


Savage took the advantage early on following a mistake by Rhodes who was more interested with insulting the fans. Savage hit a running crossbody followed by a splash for the 2 count. Rhodes fought back with a series of stiff looking shots to Macho Mans head and body before hiting a devastating DDT. Rhodes made the cover but Savage was close enough to the ropes to get his foot on the rope. Rhodes hit a clothesline that turned Savage inside out for another 2 count. Rhodes looking really angry grabs the official by the collar and threatens to punch him, but Savage grabs Rhodes and drops him with a reverse DDT. Macho Man goes to the top rope but from out of the crowd comes a guy wearing a yellow T-Shirt who pushes Savage off the top rope! Dustin Rhodes gets to his feet and hits Savage with the Rhode to Nowhere for the pinfall victory. Following the match, the "fan" takes a microphone.


Winner: Dustin Rhodes

RATING: 78 (B)




Shane Douglas: Hey Savage! Hey Savage! Look at me when I'm talking to you! You are nothing but garbage. My name, in case you didn't know is "The Franchise" Shane Douglas and I am here in the WWF because it's people like you Savage that are a cancer on this industry. You've had your best years and now it's time to step out of the spotlight willingly, or have me beat you out of it forcefully! You know Savage you look like you're about ready for some "Southern hospitality" and a reunion with your good friend, the Immortal One so pack up your bags and get the hell out of my company. The new face of the WWF, and The true Franchise of professional wrestling Shane Douglas has arrived. Haha.


RATING: 70 (C+)




Non Title

Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels


The Intercontinental Champion meets the World Champion! Shawn Michaels took the early advantage with consecutive hiptosses followed a flying crossbody which gave him a 2 count. Michaels showboated a bit too much and allowed Bret back into the match. He hit Michaels with a running lariat followed by the double axehandle elbow to pick up a 2 count himself. Hart then went for the sharpshooter but Michaels scurried to the ropes before the Hitman could apply it. A thumb to the eye by Michaels gave him his own fightback and he almost picked up the win with the Sweet Chin Music, but the momentum of the kick sent Bret under the bottow rope to the outside. Bret returns to the ring at the count of 8 where Michaels begins stomping away at him. Shawn fires up the band again and tries for some more Sweet Chin Music, but Hart grabs his leg and trips him, putting him in the Sharpshooter for the submission win!


Winner: Bret Hart

RATING: 89 (B+)




After the match, Dustin Rhodes runs out with a chain around his fist and starts hitting Hart repeatedly. He hits Hart with the Rhode to Nowhere as officials come down and stand between Rhodes and the fallen Hitman.


RATING: 89 (B+)







Randy Savage vs. Shawn Michales {B} (ending at Survivor Series)

Lex Luger & Barry Windham vs. Camp Cornette - {C+}

Bret Hart vs. Dustin Rhodes - {B+}

"CCTV" vs. Smoking Gunns - {B-}

Raven vs. Undertaker - {B-}

New Feud just starting...

Randy Savage vs. Shane Douglas - {B-}

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WWF Free for all show with Todd Pettingill kick starts the show. Todd runs through the card and how to order the PPV, along with the usual...




Alundra Blayze & Luna Vachon vs. KAORU & Jaguar Yakoto


Blayze started off well against Jaguar before tagging in Luna who began a vicious assault. Yakoto made the tag to KAORU who hit some stiff kicks to Luna, knocking her backwards out of the ring. Luna, enraged, rolled back into the ring but her own momentum carried her straight into a KAORU dropkick. Luna tagged Blayze back in, and following some blatant hair pulling, Blayze gained the momentum and hit the Bridging Suplex for the pinfall victory.


Winner: Alundra Blayze & Luna Vachon

RATING: 41 (D-)




Vince McMahon: Welcome everybody to the 1994 WWF Survivor Series! I'm here alongside Jim Ross, and Jerry "The King" Lawler!


Jerry Lawler: I am looking forward to seeing Lex Luger and Barry Windham get what they are owed by Camp Cornette.


Jim Ross: It is certainly going to be a great night with some top action, but lets not forget our Triple Threat elimination match for the Intercontinental Title.


RATING: 84 (B+)




1-2-3 Kid, Bob Holly, Marty Jannetty & Tatanka vs. Well Dunn, Kwang & Tom Pritchard


Bob Holly and Tom Pritchard start the match off with the Dr of Desire getting the upperhand on Holly. Tags to Kwang and Tatanka respectively and the Ninja from the Orient almost takes the Native Americans head off with a roundhouse kick but only gets a 2 count. Tag in to Steven Dunn who loses focus and Tatanka gains the momentum. He tags in Jannetty who hits a Super Kick for the 3 count. Dunn is eliminated! Timothy Well comes in as Jannetty celebrates and rolls huim up for a 2 count. Tag in to Kwang who hits Jannetty with the green mist. As Jannetty stumbles around the ring, luck befalls him and he stumbles into his own corner where bob Holly tags himself in! Holly opens up on Kwang, but Tom Pritchard on the outside kicks Holly in the back as he comes of the ropes and Kwang rolls him up for the 3! Holly is eliminated. 1-2-3 Kid comes in and Kwang tags to Timothy Well. Kid hits a spinning heel kick on Well for a 2 count. Timothy Well tags out to Tom Pritchard who comes in and hits Kid with some stiff rights and lefts before almost putting him through the mat with a DDT. Pritchard picks up the 3 count! 1-2-3 Kid is eliminated! Marty Jannetty runs in as Pritchard is showboating and rolls him up for a 3 count! Pritchard is eliminated! Jannetty tags in Tatanka as Timothy Well comes in, but Tatanka gets teh better of him beofre hitting the Tomahawk Drop for the pinfall. Well is eliminated! Kwang comes in and hits some stiff kicks to the body of Tatanka, but tatanka manges to tag in Jannetty who hits a high crossbody for the 2 count. Jannetty tags in Tatanka and the 2 double team the Ninja. Tatanka sets him up for the Tomahawk drop and picks up the victory. Kwang is eliminated.


Survivors: Marty Jannetty & Tatanka

RATING: 63 ©




Vince McMahon: Lets go backstage where I believe Todd is standing by with Guts & Glory


Todd: Yes indeed I am. Thanks Vince. Guys your match against Camp Cornette is up later tonight, your thoughts?


Lex Luger: Our thoughts don't matter Todd, it's our actions that are going to serve the purpose tonight. We were already the dominaant team, and with the addition of Big Mabel - we're even more dangerous. Camp Cornette hates America, well that's just great because when we're done with them, we'll be sending them back where they came from!


Barry Windham: Since coming to the WWF I made a promise to my friend Lex here, and that was to kick as many ungrateful foreign asses as we could! We don't hate all foreigners, just those who choose to belittle our fine country. Hell we even got this Brit on our team!


British Bulldog: That's right. Patriotism isn't about being racist and intollerant of other nations, it's about respect. I respect these men here and their cause. Camp Cornette, you claim to hate America and all it stands for, well if that's how you feel, there are planes leaving every minute that can get you the hell out.


Mabel: Yokozuna, me and you have some unfinished business. After tonight, we're fixing to find out who the best "giant" in the WWF really is.


RATING: 70 (C+)




Adam Bomb, Smoking Gunns & Junkyard Dog vs. Bam Bam Bigelow, Brian Lee, The Nation


A return for the Junkyard Dog saw him start this match off against Brian Lee. Brian Lee took it to JYD early before tagging in Kama. Kama continued the onslaught but JYD managed to get a tag to Adam Bomb. Bomb pointed to Bigelow as Kama tagged him in. Adam Bomb and Bam Bam Bigelow exchanged rights and lefts before Bigelow kicked Bomb questionably low. Bigelow tagged in Brian Lee once more who hit a big chokeslam on Adam Bomb for a 2 count. Adam Bomb managed to make a tag after a Brian Lee mistake and Billy Gunn comes in unleasheing shot after shot on Brian Lee. Brian Lee makes the tag out to Bigelow who headbutts Billy Gunn before making the quick tag out to Kama. Kam attempts a standing side kick but Billy moves out of the way and hits a DDT. Billy tags in Bart and they hit the Sidewinder for the 3 count. Kama is eliminated. Ron Simmons comes in and beats down on Bart, hitting a huge powerbomb but only getting a 2 count. Bart tags in JYD who hits a huge clothesline on Simmons before setting up for the JYD Headbutt. Bigelow see's what is happening and runs in, kicking JYD in the head. Simmons makes the cover for the 3 count. Junkyard Dog is eliminated. Bart Gunn re-enters and hits a viscious boot to Ron Simmons, however Brian Lee distracts him and Simmons regains his composure and gains the upperhand. Simmons tags out to Brian Lee who continues the beatdown on Bart Gunn, but again loses focus and allows Bart to tag in Adam Bomb. Bomb beats up Brian Lee before hitting the Meltdown, but before he can make the cover, Bigelow again enters the ring and drags Brian lee to the corner where he then makes the tag! Bigelow hits Bomb with a huge clothesline and hits some hard shots. Bigelow goes up top and hits the Flying Headbutt for the 3 count. Adam Bomb is eliminated. Billy Gunn enters and begins the attack on Bigelow but he is soon overpowered and Bigelow tags in Simmons. Whilst Billy is busy with Simmons, Bigelow and Brian Lee attack Bart Gunn on the outside! Billy is on the mat looking for Bart but cannot find him! Suddenly from out of the crowd comes a masked man with a baseball bat and he begins assaulting Bart Gunn some more. Ron Simmons hits the Dominator on Billy Gunn before tagging in Bigelow who hits a flying headbutt for the 3 count! Billy Gunn is eliminated. The masked man rolls Bart Gunn into the ring as Bigelow covers him too for the 3 count. Bart Gunn is eliminated! Following on from the match, the masked man enters the ring and continues the assault on Billy and Bart Gunn with the baseball bat as Bigelow and Lee hold each of them. All of a sudden Sunny comes running down to the ring but is met by Bigelow who pushes her to the floor. The masked man leaves with Bigelow and Lee, looking back over his shoulder at the carnage.


Survivors: Ron Simmons, Bam Bam Bigelow & Brian Lee

RATING: 72 (B-)




Raven, The Barbarian, Carl Pierre & Mystery Partner vs. The Undertaker, The Headshrinkers & Jimmy Snuka


They are all in the ring as Raven announces his mystery partner... Jake "The Snake" Roberts! Fatu and Carl Pierre start the match with some back and forth before Fatu hits a devastating sidekick on Pierre who quickly scurries to his corner and tags in The Barbarian. The big man takes the fight to Fatu, hitting him with some stiff rights before whipping him off the ropes into a big boot. The Barbarian and Fatu continue the match for a little while until Samu is tagged in. Samu hits a huge headbutt on Barbarian but it has little effect and Barbarian simply smiles and shakes it off. Barbarian tags Carl Pierre back in but he walks directly into a viscious chop from Samu, followed by a standing sidekick for the 3 count. Carl Pierre is eliminated! Jake Roberts enters the ring as Samu tags in Jimmy Snuka. Snuka and Roberts go at it, with Roberts eventually getting the momentum and almost hitting the DDT. Snuka tags out to Fatu who in his haste runs directly into a Jake Roberts boot followed by the DDT. Fatu is eliminated! Samu enters the ring and is met with the same fate as his tag team partner, however instead of pinning him, Roberts tags Raven in and he hits Fatu with an Evenflow DDT of his own for the pin. Samu is eliminated! The Undertaker enters the match and Raven tags out to Barbarian, wanting nothing to do with Undertaker it would seem. Undertaker makes short work of Barbarian, hitting a chokeslam and the tombstone piledriver for the pinfall. Barbarian is eliminated! Jake Roberts comes in and stands toe to toe with Undertaker who begins hitting Roberts with some huge rights. Undertaker holds on to Roberts arm and walks the top rope, coming crashing down over Roberts shoulder! 'Taker tags in Snuka who attempts the Superfly Splash but, Roberts rolls out of the way and tags Raven. Raven picks up Snuka and hits a discus punch, follwoed by the running knee to the abdomen. Snuka looking out of it is then the victim of the Evenflow as Raven keeps his eyes firmly on the Undertaker during the pin. Jimmy Snuka is eliminated! The Undertaker enters the ring and Raven squares up to the Deadman, just as Jake Roberts sneaks in from behind and nails him. Raven and Roberts double team the Undertaker until the referee forces Jake out of the ring. Raven hits the Evenflow on Undertaker but he kicks out! Raven cannot believe it and tags in Roberts who hits a DDT but he too only manages a 2 count. Undertaker sits up and grabs Jake by the throat but Raven runs in and hits a dropkick on him. Undertaker again sits up and clotheslines both Raven and Jake Roberts down to the mat. Raven rolls out fo the ring as Undertaker chokeslams Jake Roberts for the pinfall. Jake Roberts is eliminated! Now it's down to Undertaker and Raven! Raven chops Undertakers leg from behind and then hits a running double kick to Taker as he is down to one knee. Undertaker sits up once more Raven exits the ring and goes after Paul Bearer. He hits Bearer with an Evenflow before grabbing the Urn, which he then repeatedly bashes into the Undertakers head. The referee calls for the bell disqualifying Raven!. Raven rolls out of the ring and grabs a steel chair. He begins to smash the chair down repeatedly on the Undertaker until the lights go out! The Undertakers image can be seen on the titan tron...


Survivors: Undertaker

RATING: 74 (B-)




Undertaker: You cannot destroy me Raven. You cannot kill that which is already dead! I will not rest in peace...


When the lights come back on, The Undertaker is no longer in the ring, and a confused and angry Raven stands alone shouting for the Undertaker to stop playing games.


RATING: 81 (B)




Lex Luger, Barry Windham, British Bulldog & Mabel vs. Camp Cornette


Windham & Crush started the match off exchanging blows, but a faux test of strength from Crush gains him the early momentum. Crush hits Windham with some hard shots before tagging in Yokozuna. The huge Yokozuna hit a massive headbutt that knocked Windham down, followed by a massive leg drop for a 2 count. Yokozuna tags in Owen who fastens the pace a bit with a misile dropkick that sends Windham crashing down again. Owen continues cutting Windham off from his corner before tagging in Rick Martel. Martel attempts the Canadian Crab, but Windham powers through to the rope. As Martel showboats Windham is able to get a burst of energy and clothesline him in the back. Windham slowly makes it to his corner and tags in Mabel! On seeing this Martel hurries to the corner and tags in Yokozuna! Both men stare face to face before trading shots. Mabel hits his spinning heel kick which knocks Yokozuna to the floor to the crowds delight. Mabel goes for the cover but gets only a 1. Mabel tags out to British Bulldog who stomps down on Yokozuna, but the big man makes it back to his feet and hits a sideslam on Bulldog. He tags out to Crush who beats down on Bulldog, however from out of nowhere Bulldog is able to gain the momentum and hits Crush with a running Powerslam for the pinfall! Crush is eliminated. Owen Hart comes in and hits Bulldog with an enziguri for the 2 count. He applies the sharpshooter but Bulldog makes it to the ropes. Bulldog tags out to Luger who chases after Owen but he tags out to Yokozuna. Luger hits Yokozuna with a hard right before Yokozuna hits him with a standing side kick which sends him across the ring. Luger tags out to Mabel who comes in and Yokozuna hits the same kick on him! Yokozuna hits a huge leg drop before going to the top for the Banzai Drop... he hits it and gets the pinfall! Mabel is eliminated. As Yokozuna is getting up, Luger enters again and hits the loaded forearm to the back of Yokozuna who ends up on the outside. Owen and Rick Martel attempt to help the big man back up and get him in at the count of 9. Yokozuna manages to make a tag to Martel who comes in but Luger gains the momentum, dominating Martel. Luger tags in Bulldog who goes for the running Powerslam, but Martel slips down and makes the tag to Owen. Owen takes out Bulldogs knee and begins working on the legs. He applies the sharpshooter mid-ring and Bulldog has no option but to tap out. British Bulldog is eliminated. Owen tags in Rick Martel, but Luger is taking no prisoners and applies the Torture Rack. Rick Martel is eliminated. Yokozuna enters and hits a huge shoulder block that knocks Luger off his feet. The big man begins chopping away at Luger and beating him down before missing a leg drop. Luger gets in some shots and runs at him and hits the loaded forearm to pick up the pinfall. Yokozuna has been eliminated. Owen Hart, looking nervous points to Windham saying he wants him. Luger tags in Windham who unleashes some stiff shots on Owen before htiting a massive boot for a 2 count. Hart fights back with some cheap shots following a thumb to the eye, but Windham makes the tag out to Luger. Owen runs at Luger but is caught with a side slam. Luger hits an elbow drop, before attempting the Torture Rack, but Owen manages to slip out before Luger has it locked in. Owen runs straight into Luger and bounces off as Luger tenses up. Luger then runs at Owen, hitting the loaded forearm for the pinfall. Owen Hart is eliminated!


Survivors: Lex Luger & Barry Windham

Rating: 73 (B-)



Intercontinental Title - 3 Way Elimination Match.

Shawn Michaels vs. Randy Savage vs. Razor Ramon


All 3 men take the early advantage at some point during the beginning with Michales being thrown from the ring by Razor. Savage and Razor then fight it out with Savage coming out on top with a flying axehandle from the top rope that stuns Razor and sends him crashing. Michaels returns to the ring and hits Savage with a crossbody for a 2 count. Razor Ramon gets back to his feet and goes after Michaels, Macho Man gets back to his feet also and the 2 double team Michaels until Razor attempts a pin and is pulled off HBK by Savage. The 2 then exchange rights and lefts, with Razor getting the upperhand. HBK at this point rolls out of the ring to the outside, watching his opponents take each other apart. Savage hits another double axehandle on Ramon and then goes up top for the Elbow Drop, which prompts Michaels to re-enter the ring and break up the pin. He hits Macho Man with a dropkick and then showboats a little, which allows Razor to pull out the fallaway slam, once again sending HBK to the outside. Razor attempts a pin on Savage but only gets a 2 count. Savage fights back, however from the crowd comes Shane Douglas who distracts Savage long enough for Razor to hit the Razors Edge and pin Savage! Randy Savage is eliminated! The Macho Man gives chase as Douglas escapes through the crowd. With Razors focus on Savage and Douglas, Shawn Michaels comes in and attempts the Sweet Chin Music, but Razor manages to avoid it at the last minute. Some stiff shots from Razor knocked Michaels silly and then the Bad Guy signalled for the Razors Edge. He hits Michaels with it but only manages a 2 as HBK gets his foot on the bottom rope! Ramon picks him up and looks to be going for another Razors Edge but Michaels drops to his knees and low blows Razor! The referee calls for the bell! Michaels rolls out of the ring and grabs his title, before stumbling to the back. Razor Ramon looks furious as the crowd boo Michaels!


Winner: Razor Ramon (Blatant DQ)

RATING: 79 (B)



Vince McMahon: We're getting word that something is going down backstage between Randy Savage and Shane Douglas! Lets get a camera back there!


As the camera crew arrive, Shane Douglas and Randy savage are beating the hell otu of each other, with Douglas finally getting the upperhand when he hits Savage with a lead pipe. He continues the asault until officials and some other WWF Superstars drag him away.


RATING: 72 (B-)




WWF World Title Match

Bret Hart vs. Dustin Rhodes


Bret Hart started out the better of the 2 witht he early momentum, but that was soon stopped when Rhodes dodged out of the way of a corner splash from Hart. Dustin then hit a DDT for a 2 count, followed by some stiff punches that rocked the Hitman. He attempted the Rhode to Nowhere but Hart wriggled free and hit a bridging suplex for a 2 count, followed by a roll up for another 2. Harts minor fightback was stopped when Rhodes kicked him in the stomach and locked in a standing crossface, but Hart manged to get the ropes. Dustin began to gather momentum and took Hart to the wire with several near fall attempts, but his frustration soon got the better of him and he grabbed the referee by the shirt. The referee called for the bell, seemingly disqualifying Rhodes. Jack Tunney however came out and demanded the match restart as he was not going to have the World Title Match end up the same as the Intercontinental "fiasco". The referee rang the bell again and Hart went straight after Rhodes, hitting him with a flying lariat and a double axhandle elbow drop for a 2 count. rhodes fought back with some hard shots and a Russian Legsweep. He attempted to put Hart in the Sharpshooter, however this would prove to be a mistake as Hart reversed it and locked Rhodes in the Sharpshooter! Dustin Rhodes had no option but to tap out, however Bret Hart seemingly snapped and refused to let go of the hold. The referee warned Hart he would reverse his decision and the Hitman released it. Once he was handed his belt, he proceeded to beat Rhodes with it until Lex Luger, Barry Windham and British Bulldog came out to restrain him. Dustin Rhodes lay motionless in the ring as Bret Hart looked at him with a deep hatred.


Winner: Bret Hart

RATING: 83 (B)



SHOW OVERALL RATING: 77 (B-) Thoroughly disappointed




Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michales {B}

Lex Luger & Barry Windham vs. Camp Cornette - {C+}

Bret Hart vs. Dustin Rhodes - {B}

"CCTV" vs. Smoking Gunns - {B-}

Raven vs. Undertaker - {B-}

Randy Savage vs. Shane Douglas - {B-}

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This is on hiatus for a couple of weeks. I have too much going on and this diary ranks near the bottom of my priorities at the moment. For those who have read, participated or commented thanks very much - I will endeavour to return to this at some point down the road (especially as I still have to reveal the man behind CCTV - as if people haven't already guessed). :)
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Vince McMahon: Welcome everybody to Monday Night Raw! I'm Vince McMahon alongside my broadcast colleagues Jim ross and Jerry Lawler! We're coming to you live off the back of an explosive Survivor Series.


Jerry Lawler: There will be some payback tonight McMahon, I can guarantee it!


Jim Ross: And I have been informed tonight that our Main event will see Shawn Michaels and Razor Ramon fight it out for the Intercontinental Title!


RATING: 75 (B-)




The music of Bret Hart comes on as he makes his way to the ring.


Bret Hart: Last night I defended my World title against Dustin Rhodes... again. And I beat Dustin Rhodes... again. Now I also lost my cool a little bit at the end, sometimes that happens when your emotions are running high, but Rhodes, you got exactly what you deserved, and I'll beat you up again. You're like my brother, Owen, jealous that someone in your family is tougher, stronger and just all round better than you! Your dad, Dusty...


The music of Dustin Rhodes hits as he makes his way down. He rolls into the ring and stands face to face with Hart before snatching the mic and taking a step back.


Dustin Rhodes: Hitman, you honestly think it's over between us? Think again because your nightmare is just beginning! You talk of jealousy and say I'm jealous of my father, well you couldn't be more wrong if you tried. He was an overweight, out of shape polka dot wearing joke, and I am a viscious sonofabitch out for blood... your blood Hart. Last night you may have left me laying, but don't think you'll ever get that opportunity again because I won't underestimate you next time. Oh and Bret...


Rhodes hits Hart with a punch which knocks him on the ground! A close up shows Rhodes was wearing brass knuckle dusters on his hand.


RATING: 88 (B+)




Billy Gunn vs. Ron Simmons


Billy Gunn begins the match with some hard strikes to Ron Simmons. A legdrop from Billy for a 2 count. Billy Gunn gets distracted by Kama on the outside which allows Simmons to gain the advantage, hitting Gunn with a clothesline. Bart Gunn comes out and fights with Kama on the outside and up the aisle. Some more back and forth before Billy Gunn hits another stiff left punch which knocks Simmons off his feet. At this point, Kama returns to ringside and distracts the referee, as from the crowd comes the masked man with a bat in hand and hits Billy with it! He rolls out and hides down by the apron as Ron simmons hits the Dominator to pick up the 3 count.


Winner: Ron Simmons

RATING: 72 (B-)




Following the match the masked man enters the ring as Bam Bam Bigelow and Brian Lee come out and hold Billy up. Some more CCTV footage began playing. This footage shows Kama and Bart Gunn fighting earlier before the 3 men attack Bart and put him in the trunk of a car, Billy struggles to break free from Bigelow and Lee, but the masked man kicks him in the head. The masked man takes a mic.


Mystery Voice: Billy you stole from me, and now I'm stealing from you.You see Billy this is a hand I didn't want to play, but you have forced me to do this. Next week will be the final CCTV, and when it's over you will know my name, and you will know that stealing from me will only infuriate me to a point I can't return from. Now myself and my associates are going to make you wish you had never crossed paths with us!


Bigelow and Lee throw Billy down. A chorus of boos breaks out as the 3 men leave.


RATING: 70 (C+)




Marty Jannetty vs. Rick Martel


Martel takes it to Jannetty early on, hitting some viscious shots and even attempting the Canadian Crab early on. Jannetty escapes the hold by grabbing the ropes, before he gets some offence of his own. He hit the Superkick which sends Martel rolling to the outside. Jannetty tries to go outside after him but the referee prevents him. As Jannetty argues with the referee, Martel rolls back in the ring and hits him from behind for another 2 count. Jannetty tries to get back to his feet but is met with a running knee to the skull. Martel continues his assault on Jannetty, before finally applying the Canadian Crab in the middle of the ring, forcing Jannetty to tap out. Martel showboats a bit before


Winner: Rick Martel

RATING: 66 (C+)




Raven and his cult make their way to the ring (including Jake Roberts). Raven sits in the corner with a microphone.


Raven: I sit here a man with an axe to grind. I sit here, a man with something on his mind. Last night I killed the Undertakers legacy, I killed that which claimed could not be killed. I took the Undertakers very soul at Survivor Series, and now I'm left with something to ponder. Where does Raven go from here? I look around at all you sheep going about your business, working until you enter that void and I realise, society is a mess. It's just one hypocricy after another, one contradiction in itself. Society is based on the assumption that everyone is alike, and that we all strive for the same goals and outcomes, well that naive thinking is why this company is in the state it is. This society drove a man like Jake Roberts into the demonic hell he was living when I found him and gave him an opportunity that no one else was willing to give him. Now we will...


The Music of Lex Luger comes on as he and Barry Windham make their way out!


Lex Luger: Blah, blah, blah. Do you honestly think anyone here gives a damn about your odious and elitist rubbish? Last night we sent a message to people who hate this country and blame it for their short comings... I guess you didn't get it? It doesn't matter if you're Canadian, Japanese, or American, if you bad mouth this country you deal with us! You can blame society all you want but at the end of the day, the thing that makes your life suck, stares back at you everytime you look in the mirror. I'm tired of you playing the martyr Raven...


With that the rest of Ravens cult jump Luger and Windham as Raven joins in the assault. Windham and Luger fight back, but Raven bails out and heads to the back with Jake Roberts as Luger hoists Carl Pierre into the Torture Rack.


RATING: 60 © - Oh dear...




Vince McMahon: Wow! Now that was explosive! Let's go backstage where Todd is with Shawn Michaels


Todd: Thanks Vince. Shawn, last night you took the cheap way out when you...


Shawn Michaels: Whoa whoa whoa. Reel it in Pettengill before I pop you in that oh so ugly mouth of yours. The Heartbreak Kid outsmarted the greaseball from Miami last night and now I have to defend my belt again tonight? That is B.S. in it's most obvious form, but with that said, I'm gonig to go out there and kick Razor Ramon all over the ring, looking good as only Shawn Michaels can whilst doing it. Now that's all I gotta say Jack.


RATING: 85 (B+)




Owen Hart vs. British Bulldog


The Brother-in-Laws go at it with Bulldog gaining the early advantage, using his strength to overpower Owen. Bulldog hits a combo of clotheslines before hitting a running boot. Owen, looking dazed rolls out of the ring where Jim Cornette checks on him and gives him some advice. Owen re-enters the ring and takes a cheap shot at Bulldog with a thumb to the eye. Owen takes control hitting some high impact moves on Bulldog. An enziguri from Owen but he only manages to get a count of 2 before stomping on Bulldogs hands. Bulldog makes a comeback however and eventually hits the running Powerslam on Owen however Jim Cornette jumps up on the apron. With Bulldog and the referee distracted, Owen somehow gets the tennis racket and slams it across Bulldogs back before applying the Sharpshooter! Bulldog taps out after what seems like a lifetime.


Winner: Owen Hart

RATING: 82 (B)




Jeff Jarrett vs. Randy Savage


Jarrett and Savage traded blows before Jarrett hit a knee to Savages stomach. Double J took control of Savage, tying him up in a sleeper, however Savage dropped down and this kncoked Jarrett off balance. Savage then gained the momentum, hitting a running clothesline and some hard right hands. Savage went up top but noticed Shane Douglas in the crowd. This gave Jarrett and opening and he pulled Savage down off the top rope, hard. Double J went for the figure four, but Savage managed to kick him in the head as he was attempting to apply it. Both men down for a count of 7 before Savage made it to his feet. Again they trade blows before a headbutt from Savage followed by a legdrop. He went up top and hit the Elbow Drop for the pinfall win. following the match, Douglas jumped the security banner and attacked Savage. He again asks for the mic.


Winner: Randy Savage

RATING: 74 (B-)




Shane Douglas: Hey Jarrett! What the hell are you doing? Your dressed like an idiot! Where's the Jeff Jarrett I know? Where's the Jeff Jarrett that could beat up just about anyone in a fight? Where is that angry sonofabitch huh? You are better than this Jeff and you need to shed this stupid look, I mean you almost look as bigger idiot as the technicolour pschizo Savage! And as for you Savage, I am going to keep beating you up until you realise that your time with this company is over. You need to go join your big buddy "The Immoral" Hulk Hogan - no i didn't make a mistake I meant Immoral, down in the retirement league - you'll see all your old friends there, Big Boss Sham, Brutus "The Moron" Beefcake, Honky Tonk Idiot... it'll be like a reunion of 80's has-beens and never-was!


RATING: 71 (C+)




Intercontinental Title Match

Shawn Michaels © vs. Razor Ramon


Another classic match from these two with both men getting the upperhand at varying points. Michaels slapped the taste out of Razors mouth which riled up the Bad Guy who chased after Michaels around the ring. As Razor re-entered Michaels stomped down on him. Shawn continued his assault and hit sweet chin music on Razor, but he rolled straight out under the bottom rope. HBK rolled Razor back in, but Ramon got his foot on the rope at 2. HBK thinking he had won it, began arguing with the ref which allowed Razor to get back into the match. Razor hit a fall away slam before whipping Michaels hard into the turnbuckle. Ramon hit a huge slam and elbow, picking up a 2 count himself. Razor set Michaels up for the Razors Edge but Michaels slipped down from it and hit Sweet chin Music on Ramon to pick up the win.


Winner: Shawn Michaels (to retain)

RATING: 74 (B-)



SHOW OVERALL RATING: 76 (B-) - Improved WWF Image




Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels - {74 - B-}

Lex Luger & Barry Windham vs. Ravens Cult - {60 - C}

Bret Hart vs. Dustin Rhodes - {82 - B+}

"CCTV" vs. Smoking Gunns - {74 - B-}

Randy Savage vs. Shane Douglas - {75 - B-}

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Hope things are gettin better for u irl. Been waitin for updates, but I know siht happens. Anyway, enjoying the infusion of new talent, as well as the developing stories. The bridge is already being built to a new era of "Attitude", shall we say...with guys like Luger, Douglas, Raven, Rhodes, and CCTV playing major roles. It's still kinda crazy that Nash randomly died, but we still got the rest of the Clique, the Harts, and that loveable old Macho Man! Keep up the good work. cheers
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Thanks for the positive words. Getting back on track now so should be able to do this weekly again.


Raw Preview...


Marty Jannetty vs. Ron Simmons

Smoking Gunns vs. Bam Bam Bigelow & Brian Lee (Tag Team Title Match)

Shane Douglas vs. Razor Ramon

Randy Savage vs. Crush

Bret Hart & British Bulldog vs. Dustin Rhodes & Owen Hart

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<p>Marty Jannetty vs. <strong>Ron Simmons</strong></p><p>

Smoking Gunns vs. <strong>Bam Bam Bigelow & Brian Lee</strong> (Tag Team Title Match)</p><p>

Shane Douglas vs. <strong>Razor Ramon</strong></p><p>

<strong>Randy Savage</strong> vs. Crush</p><p>

Bret Hart & British Bulldog vs. <strong>Dustin Rhodes & Owen Hart</strong></p>

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<p>Marty Jannetty vs. <strong>Ron Simmons</strong></p><p>

Smoking Gunns vs. <strong>Bam Bam Bigelow & Brian Lee</strong> (Tag Team Title Match)</p><p>

Shane Douglas vs. <strong>Razor Ramon</strong></p><p>

<strong>Randy Savage</strong> vs. Crush</p><p>

Bret Hart & British Bulldog vs. <strong>Dustin Rhodes & Owen Hart</strong></p><p> </p><p>

I know I know, same as GardnerFTW >_<, but it's the way I think it'll go down as well.</p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#4169E1;">WWF SUPERSTARS</span></span></strong></p><p>


FRIDAY WK 4, NOVEMBER 1994</p><p> </p><p>

==================================================</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Tatanka def. PJ Walker</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Tatanka took it to PJ Walker and finished him off with a Tomahawk Drop. Following the match, PJ Walker attacked Tatanka and left him laying!</p><p> </p><p>

Winner: Tatanka</p><p> </p><p>

==================================================</p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">WWF Womens Title Match</span></strong></p><p>

<strong>Alundra Blayze vs. Jaguar Yokoto</strong></p><p> </p><p>

In a pretty decent match that had the crowd booing Blayze, she picked up the win via pinfall when Luna Vachon interfered. Following the match, KAORU came running out and evened things up attacking Luna and Blayze, sending them from the ring.</p><p> </p><p>

Winner: Alundra Blayze</p><p> </p><p>

==================================================</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Well Dunn vs. The Hardy Boyz</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Well Dunn picked up the win over the very energetic young team of the Hardy Boyz when Steven Dunn pinned Jeff Hardy.</p><p> </p><p>

Winner: Well Dunn</p><p> </p><p>

==================================================</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Bob Holly vs. Jeff Jarrett</strong></p><p> </p><p>

Jeff Jarrett picked up a vital win in a pretty decent match against the NASCAR star. following the match, Jarrett cuts a promo.</p><p> </p><p>

Winner: Jeff Jarrett</p><p> </p><p>

==================================================</p><p> </p><p>

Jeff Jarrett: I am sick of this constant lack of respect by putting me on this nothing show. I am the greatest thing to happen to this company and putting me on here is doing nothing to further my music and so the WWF, you fans and pretty much anyone else that doesn't like good ol' Double J, can kiss my Nashville bound ass!</p><p> </p><p>



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  • 3 weeks later...




Jim Ross: Welcome everybody to Monday Night Raw! I'm Jim Ross alongside my broadcast colleagues Jerry Lawler and standing in for Vince McMahon, a warm welcome to the newest member of our commentary team, Mike Tenay!


Mike Tenay: Thanks Jim. It's an absolute dream to be sitting here with both you and... well with you anyway Jim.


Jerry Lawler: Hey! Watch it Tenay or I'll have you thrown out of here. I am the King at this desk and don't you forget it!


RATING: 82 (B)




The music of Owen Hart comes on as he makes his way to the ring alongside Jim Cornette.


Owen Hart: Last week I was sitting in the back minding my own business when I heard my brother Bret ranting at Dustin Rhodes. I didn't have a problem, I know Bret is scared of me and I've come to terms with the fact he's afraid to meet me again for fear of losing his precious belt. Then I hear Bret say I'm jealous of him. I wasn't sure I'd heard him correctly until I got home and caught the replay of the show and there he was, large as life claiming I was jealous of him and his success. In what world are you living Bret?! I am not jealous of you because I'm better than you, I'm younger, I'm faster, I'm stronger and my Sharpshooter is more dangerous. The only thing you have that I can't beat is the world Title - nothing more. Now I get that your fear of me made sure that whilst you're holding the belt I don't get another shot at it, however it didn't say I couldn't wrestle you and just humiliate you so that is exactly what I am going to do!


The music of Dustin Rhodes hits as he makes his way down. He takes a microphone from ringside.


Dustin Rhodes: Whoa whoa. You had your shot at the Hitman and you failed so his ass is mine! I get your mad Owen but this isn't Family Feud, this is the World Wrestling Federation and I am the top dog here little man. Your brother has cheated me out of what is rightfully mine on 2 occassions with his underhanded tactics and if anyone is wrestling Bret tonight, then look no further than the angry Texan stood right in front of you!


Rhodes and Owen stand face to face when the music of the Hitman comes on. The crowd errupts!


Bret Hart: Would you look at this. Two men I have consistently beaten over and over again wanting another shot at me. I tell you what, I was in the back speaking with Jack Tunney and tonight you both get your wish because you will be teaming up to face myself, and my tag team partner in the main event. And when you are both beaten... again... maybe you will finally realise that I really am the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be.


RATING: 84 (B+)




Marty Jannetty vs. Ron Simmons


Marty Jannetty begins the match with some hard strikes to Ron Simmons but doesn't even phase his bigger adversary. Simmons then opens up on Jannetty, hitting him with lefts and rights before clotheslining him over the top rope. Simmons goes outside and rolls Jannetty back in. He hits a spinebuster but only gets a 2 count. Jannetty attempts to fight back but is stopped in his tracks by another Simmons clothesline. Simmons sets Jannetty up for the Dominator but Marty slips out of it and hits a dropkick to the back of Simmons sending him to the outside. Jannetty comes off the top rope to the outside with a high crossbody. He rolls Simmons into the ring and sets him up for the Superkick however, Simmons moves out of the way and hits another Spinebuster followed by the Dominator for the 3 count.


Winner: Ron Simmons

RATING: 68 (C+)




"I am a real American..." The crowd go wild as the music of Hulk Hogan begins to play! It is not Hogan though it is Shane Douglas, laughing.


Shane Douglas: I can manipulate each and every one of you idiots anytime I like. Hogan isn't coming back here, he's making a name for himself in the Turner Nursing Home for dead careers. Talking of dead careers brings me on to you Randy Savage. You see you're career died out about the same time as Hogans and yet here you are, large as life and twice as ugly still trying to show the World you can still "go". Well I hate to break it to you Savage but the only place you can "go" is the hell out of the WWF. The only thing you brought of any value to the WWF Savage was Miss Elizabeth - but even she favoured your friend Hulk Hogan just like all these morons in the arena do. They proved that when they cheered louder for a piece of music than they ever have for you!


The music of Randy Savage comes on as he runs out to the ring, but Douglas bails out shaking his head saying "not yet Savage, not yet".


RATING: 74 (B-)




Randy Savage vs. Crush


The music of Crush hits as he makes his way out, passed Shane Douglas. Savage, still pumped up had Crush reeling at the beginning, hitting some fast paced moves. After Savage went for one too many clotheslines, Crush hit a huge one of his own, knocking Savage inside out. Crush then dominated the next couple of minutes, throwing Savage around and hitting some huge body shots. Crush looked to be going for the Head Vice, but Savage sensed it and managed to counter before Crush had it applied properly. Savage began to fight back, hitting a crossbody on Crush for a 2 count. Macho Man went to the top rope and hit a big elbow drop, however Shane Douglas had made his way back to ringside and jumped onto the apron. Savage went after Douglas who dropped Savage throat first across the top rope. The referee called for the bell, as Crush came around and applied the Head Vice until officials came down to get him to break it.


Winner: Randy Savage (via DQ)

RATING: 75 (B-)




Mike Tenay: Wow! I don't think this is the last we've seen of Shane Douglas!


Jerry Lawler: Well of course it's not Tenay... he's got a match with Razor Ramon tonight! Where do we find you people?


Jim Ross: Talking of which, let's go backstage where Razor Ramon is with Todd Pettengill.


Todd: Razor, I've got to ask about last week. It would seem you gave everything you had but still couldn't regain the Intercontinental title.


Razor Ramon: Hey chico, we're going to revisit that at a later stage because Shawn Michaels is just keeping that belt warm for the Bad Guy. Tonight I got some punk called Shane Douglas in a match. Now Douglas, I seen you jumping my friend Macho Man and saying he's passed his prime and chico when he gets a hold of you, he's going to send you back where you came from. Tonight you don't need to worry about Savage, tonight you gotta go one on one with the baddest man in the WWF, Razor Ramon. And I guarantee you one thing Douglas... your debut match in the WWF with a giant "L" next to it.


RATING: 70 (C+)




Tag Team Title Match

The Smoking Gunns © vs. Bam Bam Bigelow & Brian Lee


Billy Gunn and Brian Lee start the match off with Lee gaining the momentum following a test of strength sneak kick. Lee and Bigelow tagged frequently cutting off Billy from Bart. Bigelow went up top but missed with a diving headbutt which allowed Billy to compose himself and make the hot tag to Bart. Bart opened up on Bigelow, however Brian Lee distracted him. After punching Lee off the apron, Bart turned around into a huge shot from Bigelow. With Bigelow firmly in control, Billy Gunn frantically tried to make a tag, however the masked man jumped out from the crowd and hit him in the knee with a crowbar! With Billy down, Bart began to make a fightback, and almost picked up the victory following a huge leg drop. The masked man then distracts the referee, but Sunny comes running down to ringside to check on Billy. She enters the ring and starts arguing with Bam Bam Bigelow! Brian Lee comes in but is taken down by Bart Gunn, only for Sunny to kick him... low! Sunny tells Bigelow to finish him so Bigelow climbs to the top and hits the huge headbutt... 1...2...3! We have new tag team champions as Sunny grabs the belts and hands them to Bigelow and Brian Lee! Sunny asks for a microphone.


Winner: Bam Bam Bigelow & Brian Lee - New Tag Team Champions

RATING: 61 © <--- Ugh really???




Sunny: Look at all your stupid faces! Aww boohoo, Sunny is a bad girl, well that's just how I like it. [smirking] Now for weeks we have seen this guy [pointing to man in the mask] come down and tell everyone that the Smoking Gunns had stolen something from him, but honey that was never the case. They didn't steal me from you, I mean seriously, a couple of men playing at cowboys? They were merely my foot in the door. Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honour to introduce to you the person behind CCTV... my husband, Chris Candido!


Chris Candido: You people don't need to know who I am. You people don't need to have heard about my background, because you people don't mean sh... anything to me. Each of you will remember me as the man who masterminded the demise of the Smoking Gunns, the man who brought you the award winning CCTV and the man who every night after I'm finished here, goes home with Sunny. [Loud chorus of boos] Smoking Gunns, you were just the first victims of the Triple Threat, but Cowboys, you won't be the last!


The 3 men and Sunny pose, holding up the tag team belts as the Smoking Gunns lay outside the ring.


RATING: 62 © <--- Screw these ratings!




Razor Ramon vs. Shane Douglas


Shane Douglas starts off with a cheap slap on Razor, however this just infuriates him and he goes after Douglas with a vengeance. Razor allows his anger to get the better of him, which causes him to make a mistake and Douglas exploits that in order to take control of the match. Douglas hits a belly to belly suplex on the Bad Guy for a 2 count, followed by a vicious stomp on Razors chest. He ties Ramon up in a figure four, however Razor makes it to the rope to break the count. Douglas showboats a bit too much, which then allows Razor to mount a comeback. He hits the fall away slam just as Shawn Michaels comes out to the ringside area. Michaels taunts Ramon who palys into his hand and is ambushed by Shane Douglas. The Franchise hits a Brainbuster, but Razor kicks out. Douglas is furious and goes outside the ring to pick up a chair. He tries to bring it in the ring however the referee stops him, but behind the referees back, Shawn Michaels hits Razor with the IC belt! Douglas scurries over and makes the pin for the shock win!


Winner: Shane Douglas

RATING: 70 (C+)




Mike Tenay: I'm getting word that something is going on backstage. Do we have a camera there?


The camera shows Ravens Cult assaulting Barry Windham and Lex Luger. The throw Barry through an "office window" and hit Luger with lead pipes and chairs. Raven see's the camera crew and immediately goes after the cameraman! Once the assault is over, the Cult leave, with medics rushing in to help Luger & Windham.


Jim Ross: Can you believe what we've just witnessed! That was nothing more than a mugging!


Jerry Lawler: Well Luger and Windham poked their noses into business that didn't concern them, I guess Raven took exception to that and now those noses are broken! Haha!


RATING: 60 ©




Bret Hart & British Bulldog vs. Dustin Rhodes & Owen Hart


The Main event of the night showcase 4 of the best the WWF had to offer. It was Bulldog and Rhodes who started out with Bulldog taking the momentum, tagging in Bret who attempted a sharpshooter. Rhodes managed to twist his way to the ropes and made the tag to Owen. Owen pointed to Bulldog so Bret went over to tag, however as he turned his back, Owen jumped him and threw him into the turnbuckle. Frequent tags from Owen and Dustin cut the Hitman off from Bulldog. Owen applied the Sharpshooter, however Bret reversed it into one of his own! Rhodes clotheslined him from behind, breaking the hold. As Bulldog tried to intervene the ref stopped him as Owen & Rhodes double teamed Bret. Bret finally made a tag after a showboating Owen missed an enziguri. Bulldog used his power to take the advantage. He hit Owen with the Running Powerslam, however Rhodes once again came in and broke the count at 2. Rhodes hit the Rhode to Nowhere on Bulldog, and put Owen on top. 2 count! Rhodes can't believe it! Rhodes enters the ring and begins to stomp on Bulldog. He drags Owen to the corner and tags himself in. This was a mistake however as it had allowed Bulldog time to recover and he hit a Running Powerslam on Rhodes! He tags in Bret who applies the Sharpshooter as Owen leaves the ring and begins walking up the aisle! Rhodes taps out!


Winner: Bret Hart & British Bulldog

RATING: 91 (A)



SHOW OVERALL RATING: 78 (B) - Improved WWF Image




Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels - {74 - B-}

Lex Luger & Barry Windham vs. Ravens Cult - {60 - C}

Bret Hart vs. Dustin Rhodes - {82 - B+}

"CCTV" vs. Smoking Gunns - {74 - B-}

Randy Savage vs. Shane Douglas - {75 - B-}

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1-2-3 Kid vs. Kwang


The 2 traded some martial arts kicks and chops, but it was Kid who came out on top following a top rope spinning heel kick.


Winner: 1-2-3 Kid




WWF Womens Title Match

Alundra Blayze © vs. Kaoru


In a pretty decent match Blayze picked up the win in usual fashion via pinfall when Luna Vachon interfered.


Winner: Alundra Blayze




The Barbarian vs. Junkyard Dog


JYD began with the upper hand, however The Barbarian soon fought back, hitting a huge clothesline for the pinfall.


Winner: The Barbarian




Bob Holly & Adam Bomb vs. Rick Martel & Jim Neidhart


Jim Cornette proved useful at ringside as Adam Bomb gained the momentum, Cornette hit him with the tennis racket behind the refs back allowing Martel to roll him up. Following the match, Bomb grabbed Cornette by the throat, but Neidhart and Martel made the save.


Winner: Martel & Neidhart




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On the next edition of Raw...


Triple Threat vs. Headshrinkers

Lex Luger vs. Raven (I'm killing this feud before I kill the careers of all involved!)

Randy Savage vs. Owen Hart

Razor Ramon vs. Shane Douglas (Rematch sanctioned by Jack Tunney)

Shawn Michaels vs. British Bulldog

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