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WWF 1994 - A New Take

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Writers Comment:


Right I absolutely hate writing up match highlights. It bores me to no ends and is making me not want to continue, sooooo... I am going to try a different way to write them up and concentrate more on where my stories are heading than highlighting the fact "Shawn Michaels clotheslined Bret Hart out of the ring".


This may be good, it may be bad but whichever way it goes, I hate writing these matches up and cutting them into "highlights" so either the diary dies or continues. I want to have fun with it, not feel like its a chore.

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Vince McMahon: Welcome everybody to Monday Night Raw! I'm Vince McMahon alonside Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler. We have an action packed show for you tonight.


Jim Ross: That's right Vince! We will have all the fallout from last week when it was revealed who was behind CCTV. I've not seen the Smoking Gunns, and from what I've been told Billy is currently out of action due to the attack last week by the group calling themselves the Triple Threat.


Jerry Lawler: Last week was a show to behold! Those idiot cowboys finally got what they deserved and talking of what they deserved, tonights Main Event see's that Bret Hart sympathizer British Bulldog go up against Shawn Michaels. I have it on good authority that Shawn is still seeking his female valet and there have been hundreds of thousands of applications.


RATING: 74 (B-)




The music of Bret Hart comes on as he makes his way to the ring.


Bret Hart: Firstly let me just say that Dustin Rhodes, you and me have unfinished business. Now I hear you're not here tonight but I am telling you this Dustin, when you return to the WWF, I will be ready for you. That leads me into In Your House and our now cancelled match. I am issuing an open challenge to anyone in the back who thinks they have what it takes to step into the ring with the Excellence of Execution. Dustins injury has opened the path for someone to make that step up...


The music of Lex Luger starts as the crowd erupts!


Lex Luger: Hitman, you know I respect the hell out of you, but when it comes to that belt, there are no friends in the World Wrestling Federation! I accept the challenge. And Bret, I hope the best man wins... and that man will be Made in the USA!


The music of Camp Cornette comes on as Jim Cornette comes storming out onto the stage.


Jim Cornette: Oh I don't think so! No way is this happening. I have a 600lb monster waiting to get his hands on both of you, so Luger, you need to step aside because the man facing Bret Hart at In Your House this Sunday is going to be Yokozuna! Just you try stopping him!


Jack Tunney appears on the Titantron


Jack Tunney: Gentlemen please may I have your attention. Dustin Rhodes injury has indeed left us with a gap to fill at In Your House, but as President of the WWF let me make one thing clear, I am in charge of match making. Therefor I have decided to pit Yokozuna against Lex Luger at In Your House with the winner going on to face The Hitman in the Main Event for the title.


RATING: 95 (A)




Triple Threat vs. Headshrinkers


- Samu and Brian Lee start off the match.

- Brian Lee with the advantage. Makes the tag to Bigelow

- Bigelow and Lee cut Samu off from Fatu with frequent tags

- Bigelow misses a headbutt which allows Samu to make the hot tag!

- Fatu cleans house and gets a 2 count, but Chris Candido Interferes.

- Brian Lee hits a Chokeslam on Fatu

- Bigelow hits the headbut from the top rope

- 1..2...3!


Winner: Triple Threat

RATING: 71 (C+)




Lex Luger vs. Raven


- Raven goes for a test of strength but kicks Luger in the stomach

- Raven with the momentum

- A missed clothesline allows Luger to mount a fightback

- Luger with the upperhand

- Luger goes for the Torture Rack...

- ... The Barbarian climbs onto the apron and Luger drops Raven

- Luger smashes Barbarian with the loaded forearm

- Luger turns into an attempt from Raven at the Evenflow

- Luger pushes Raven away and then hits the loaded forearm

- 1...2...3!


Winner: Lex Luger

RATING: 80 (B)




Following the match the lights go out and the bell tolls! The crowd go wild as the Undertaker makes his return! When the lights come back on, Undertaker is standing above Raven and picks him up by his throat... Chokeslam! Carl Pierre comes into the ring but is met with a big boot. Jake Roberts also tries to attack from behind but is met with a flurry of lefts and rights. The Undertaker picks Raven up again and the lights go out once more. When they return, both Raven and the Undertaker have vanished!


Paul Bearer appears on the Titantron.


Paul Bearer: Raven is now in his eternal resting place... oh yeeees. My Undertaker has taken his very soul and sent him into the depths of hell. Let this be a warning to anyone who thinks they can torment the Deadman. Oh yeeees. The end of Raven has been...


Raven appears behind Paul Bearer on the Titantron and hits him with a lead pipe!


Raven: Undertaker. I tire of your illusions and trickery. The next time you try to "take a soul" you should check the person actually has one! What you tried to do to me, I will successfully do to your pet, Paul Bearer! Quote the Raven, Nevermore!


RATING: 80 (B)




Randy Savage vs. Owen Hart


- The two tie up and Savage gets the early offence.

- Owen is being pounded down by a ruthless Savage attack.

- Savage goes for the elbow drop...

- ... he misses!

- Owen gains his composure and begins a fightback

- Owen goes for the Sharpshooter but Savage kicks him

- Savage mounts his own fightback

- Savage again goes for the elbow drop...

- ... Shane Douglas comes from the crowd and pushes Savage off the rope!

- Owen hits an Enziguri.

- 1...2...3!


Winner: Owen Hart

RATING: 80 (B)




Randy Savage gains his composure and asks for a mic as Owen is heading up the ring.


Randy Savage: Shane Douglas. You piece of garbage. Yeah. Our paths will cross one day, yeah they will, and when they do. You can bet you won't be walking around smiling afterwards. I will break you in two you piece of trash. Ooooooh Yeeeeah!


RATING: 75 (B-)




Razor Ramon vs. Shane Douglas


- Shane Douglas and Razor Ramon tie up. Razor gains the advantage.

- Ramon dominating Douglas in the early going.

- Douglas leaves the ring and heads up the aisle...

- ...Randy Savage comes out and grabs Douglas, throwing him back in the ring!

- Ramon takes advantage again.

- Douglas hits a low blow and mounts a fightback.

- Douglas spits at Savage at ringside!

- Savage goes nuts but the referee stops him from entering the ring

- Razor Ramon hits the distracted Douglas with the Razors Edge!

- 1...2...3!


Winner: Razor Ramon

RATING: 78 (B-)




Shawn Michaels vs. British Bulldog


- Bulldog uses his strength advantage in the early going

- HBK makes a fightback, following a missed Bulldog lariat.

- HBK misses with Sweet Chin Music

- Bulldog attempts the Running Powerslam

- Shawn slides down and goes for another Sweet Chin Music...

- ... Bulldog dodges it!

- Bulldog with the momentum

- HBK with another fightback

- Sweet Chin Music! From nowhere

- 1...2...3!


Winner: Shawn Michaels

RATING: 82 (B)



SHOW OVERALL RATING: 78 (B) - Improved WWF Image




Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels - {74 - B-}

Lex Luger & Barry Windham vs. Ravens Cult - {60 - C} (Ended)

Bret Hart vs. Dustin Rhodes - {82 - B+}

"CCTV" vs. Smoking Gunns - {74 - B-}

Randy Savage vs. Shane Douglas - {75 - B-}

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1-2-3 Kid vs. Black Phantom


- Phantom looks pretty scary... and had the momentum early on.

- Kid fought back and hit a top rope heel kick

- 1...2...3!


Winner: 1-2-3 Kid




Camp Cornette make their way out. Jim Cornette takes the mic.


Jim Cornette: This past Monday, Jack Tunney made a match at In Your House against that ingrate Lex Luger and the huge Yokozuna. That same night the winner will go on to face Bret Hart. Now I'm not going to sit here and complain about how that's not fair because we're used to this sort of thing from Tunney. Stacking the deck. I can however tell you that you will be looking at the next WWF Champion - the most dominant man in professional wrestling today.




Doink vs. Carl Pierre


- Shenanigans aplenty with Doink. He sprays water into Pierres face

- Pierre goes after Doink and gains the advantage

- Pierre dominating this match so far

- Too much show boating allows Doink to fight back

- Stump Puller! From out of nowhere!

- 1...2... The Barbarian jumps into the ring and attacks Doink!

- The bell rings.


Winner: Doink (DQ)




Men on a Mission vs. Well Dunn


- Mo and Timothy Well start off.

- Frequent tags from well Dunn cutting Mo off from Mabel

- Mo manages to make the hot tag!

- Mabel cleans house knocking both Well Dunn out of the ring

- Steven Dunn enters the ring and is hit with a spin kick

- Big Splash on Timothy Well

- 1...2...3!


Winner: Men on a Mission




Tatanka vs. Rick Martel


- Tatanka has the momentum early on

- Martel fights back and goes for the Canadian Crab...

- ...Tatanka fights to the ropes

- Tatanka now fights back

- Tomahawk Drop!

- 1...2...3!


Winner: Tatanka



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Vince McMahon: Welcome everybody to Monday Night Raw! I'm Vince McMahon alonside Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler. We have an action packed show for you tonight.


Jim Ross: We will hear from Dustin Rhodes who is currently recovering from surgery. He will be live via sattelite from his home in Texas. Our Main Event tonight will see Bret Hart take on Jake Roberts! A match mde by Jack Tunney in what he calls a "warm-up" match for the Hitman before Sundays In Your House PPV event.


Jerry Lawler: I don't know what Tunney is thinking! This is a career ending match for the Hitman because Jake Roberts is one of the most dangerous, cold wrestlers on the roster!


RATING: 89 (B+)




The music of Lex Luger comes on as he and Barry Windham make their way to the ring. The crowd are going nuts.


Lex Luger: Ssshh sssshh. Calm down. Now I'm out here for a reason. It would seem that slimey toad Jim Cornette feels the need to stick his nose into my business again so instead of me and Bret Hart tearing down the house at Sundays PPV, I have to go through Yokozuna first. Well I guess if that's what's gotta happen for me to finally get my hands on the WWF title, then so be it. I don't care how big he is, because with all my fans pushing me forward, I will become the WWF Champion, and I will go on to headline Wrestlemania!


The music of Camp Cornette comes on as Jim Cornette comes out onto the stage with Yokozuna and Owen Hart.


Jim Cornette: Hey Luger, I think you've been on the sunbed too long because it's fried your brain! There is no way, NO WAY, you are going to just steamroll through this man. He is the biggest, baddest, angriest man on the planet and he will take you out in under a minute if he so chooses. You have 2 choices Luger at In Your House, you can be destroyed by the WWF's largest athlete... or you can tuck your tail between your legs and crawl back to which ever stone you came from.


Lex Luger: I'll go for option 3. Kicking his fat ass, your skinny ass and then becoming WWF Champion!


RATING: 69 (C+)




Crush vs. British Bulldog


- Bulldog takes control early on after winning the tie up

- Bulldogs momentum takes him to a 2 count

- Crush fights back

- Crush attempts the Head Vice...

- ...Bulldog elbows out before he locks it on

- Bulldog gets another 2 count

- Bulldog hits the Running Powerslam!

- 1...2...3!


Winner: British Bulldog

RATING: 72 (B-)



Tag Team Title Match

Triple Threat © vs. Men on a Mission


- Mo and Brian Lee start off with Lee getting the early advantage

- Frequent tags between Bigelow & Lee

- Mo finally tags in Mabel, but the referee was distracted by Candido and didn't see it!

- Mabel leaves the ring, protesting

- Bigelow takes charge of the match

- Mo finally makes the tag!

- Mabel clears the ring

- Candido again on the apron... Mo knocks him off into the barrier!

- Mabel hits Brian Lee with a splash...

- 1...2... Bigelow breaks it up!

- The referee tries to stop Mo coming into the ring

- Bigelow hits Mabel with the belt!

- Lee covers...

- 1...2...3! The Triple Threat Retain!


Winner: Triple Threat

RATING: 70 (C+)




Following the match the Smoking Gunns hit the ring and attack the Triple Threat! They hit the Sidewinder on Candido! The crowd are going nuts as Bigelow and Lee drag Candido out and back off up the ramp, with a fired up Gunns telling them to get in the ring! Billy Gunn takes a mic


Billy Gunn: HEY! Where you going? Get back in this ring and face us like men! For months you've done nothing but cheap shot, hide behind masks and act like cowards! This Sunday... we're taking back OUR titles and breaking all of you in half! I'm mad... and that's something you didn't want!


Bart Gunn: See you boys Sunday.


RATING: 65 ©




Shawn Michaels vs. Tatanka


- The two tie up and Tatanka gets the early advantage.

- Tatanka dominating the early going

- Michaels with a thumb to the eye now has the momentum

- HBK gets a 2 count after a crossbody

- Tatanka with a roll up...

- 1...2... Michaels kicks out

- HBK now in control again

- Sweet Chin Music!

- 1...2...3!


Winner: Shawn Michaels

RATING: 81 (B)




Raven comes out and sits in the turnbuckle, surrounded by his Cult.


Raven: Last week the Undertaker tried to abduct me. He claims he took my soul. Undertaker, your juvenile attempts to instill fear into me is a lot like your life in general. A failure. You can't take a soul when there is no such entity, and you can't make me fear you. I know what you are Undertaker, and I know who you are. You are a man who hides in shadows and darkness. A cowardly human being, as proved last week when you did nothing to save your fat little pet, Paul Bearer. I'd make sure the next time you try to kidnap someone, you lock the door! When the dark shroud of deceit is lifted, these people will see you as I do. Quote the Raven, Nevermore.


RATING: 66 (C+)




Vince McMahon: I have just been informed that it is now time to hear from Dustin Rhodes. Dustin, are you there?


Dustin Rhodes: I'm here McMahon. Let me first address your champion, the Hitman, Bret Hart. Hart you are the reason for me sitting here at home instead of being there kicking teeth down throats and when I get back, you'll be the first person on my hitlist. Injuring me was the worst mistake of your life Hitman and mark my words, you will pay dearly. I'd also like to bring up Brets brother Owen. You see he is just as much to blame and he will be dealt with in the same manner. Fighting by myself is not a problem, like I've said before I don't play well with others, but the fact you crossed me, that angers me beyond anything else.


Vince McMahon: Dustin, can I ask, how long you have been told to take?


Dustin Rhodes: You can ask McMahon, but there is no answer. Could be weeks, could be months. All I know is that when I do come back, The Harts are going to be broken!


RATING: 83 (B)




Razor Ramon & Randy Savage vs. Owen Hart & Yokozuna


- Razor & Owen lock up with Razor getting the momentum

- Savage and Razor working well as a team

- Owen makes the tag to Yokozuna

- Yokozuna takes control

- Yokozuna hits Savage with a leg drop

- 1...2... Razor breaks it up

- Savage makes the tag

- Shane Douglas comes out and attacks Savage!

- Razor and Yokozuna go at it

- Razor looking for the tag...

- ...Savage is still down and out on the floor!

- Yokozuna hits a side slam

- Yokozuna hits the Banzai drop!

- 1...2...3!


Winner: Owen Hart & Yokozuna

RATING: 78 (B)




Bret Hart vs. Jake Roberts


- Jake Roberts in control early on

- Bret Hart fights back

- Bret Hart takes advantage

- Jake attempts a DDT...

- ... Hart pushes him away

- Hart hits a running lariat

- 1...2... kick out!

- Robert mounts his own fightback

- Hart cuts Roberts off and takes control

- Sharpshooter!

- Roberts taps!


Winner: Bret Hart

RATING: 82 (B)



SHOW OVERALL RATING: 74 (B-) - Improved WWF Image




Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels - {74 - B-}

Crush vs. Bulldog - {72 B-}

Bret Hart vs. Dustin Rhodes - {91 - A}

Triple Threat vs. Smoking Gunns - {69 - C+}

Luger & Windham vs. Camp Cornette Part II - {78 - B}

Randy Savage vs. Shane Douglas - {80 - B}

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I actually like the new write up style. If that's what it takes to continue this diary, then so be it. I'm loving the elevation of Luger to a title shot. For some reason, I think a Hart Bros. vs Luger/Rhodes feud would be good. The undercard is coming along very nicely as well. Great stuff man!
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I actually like the new write up style. If that's what it takes to continue this diary, then so be it. I'm loving the elevation of Luger to a title shot. For some reason, I think a Hart Bros. vs Luger/Rhodes feud would be good. The undercard is coming along very nicely as well. Great stuff man!


Thanks. Glad you're still enjoying it. I was a bit lost when Rhodes went injured - didn't know how I was going to proceed with the title situation. He should be back for the Rumble... if not, I have a back-up plan in place this time.

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Free For All Match


1-2-3 Kid vs. The Barbarian


Main Card


WWF Tag Team Title Match

Triple Threat © vs. Smoking Gunns


Lex Luger vs. Yokozuna


Owen Hart & Crush vs. British Bulldog & Adam Bomb


Shane Douglas vs. Randy Savage


The Undertaker vs. Jake Roberts


Intercontinental Title Match

Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon


WWF World Title Match

Bret Hart © vs. Winner of Luger/Yokozuna match

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I like the match style as well. Whatever it takes to keep it fun for you. Over and over I read comments that most people "skim" the results anyway, so no need to pour effort you don't want to spend into extra details. Your style tells the story


1-2-3 Kid vs. The Barbarian


Main Card


WWF Tag Team Title Match

Triple Threat © vs. Smoking Gunns


Lex Luger vs. Yokozuna


Owen Hart & Crush vs. British Bulldog & Adam Bomb

Bulldog got the singles win, so Crush gets some revenge here (prolly pinning Adam Bomb)


Shane Douglas vs. Randy Savage

The Undertaker vs. Jake Roberts


Intercontinental Title Match

Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon


WWF World Title Match

Bret Hart © vs. Winner of Luger/Yokozuna match

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<p>Free For All Match</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>1-2-3 Kid</strong> vs. The Barbarian</p><p> </p><p>

Main Card</p><p> </p><p>

WWF Tag Team Title Match</p><p>

<strong>Triple Threat ©</strong> vs. Smoking Gunns</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Lex Luger</strong> vs. Yokozuna</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Owen Hart & Crush</strong> vs. British Bulldog & Adam Bomb</p><p> </p><p>

Shane Douglas vs. <strong>Randy Savage</strong></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>The Undertaker</strong> vs. Jake Roberts</p><p> </p><p>

Intercontinental Title Match</p><p>

<strong>Shawn Michaels</strong> vs. Razor Ramon</p><p> </p><p>

WWF World Title Match</p><p>

<strong>Bret Hart ©</strong> vs. Winner of Luger/Yokozuna match</p>

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  • 2 weeks later...




WWF Free for all show with Todd Pettingill kick starts the show. Todd runs through the card and how to order the PPV, along with the usual...




1-2-3 Kid vs. The Barbarian


- 1-2-3 Kid starts the match quickly

- Barbarian soon takes over and destroys The Kid

- Small fightback from The Kid ends

- Barbarian with a huge clothesline



Winner: The Barbarian

RATING: 64 ©




Vince McMahon: Welcome everybody to the 4th In Your House Pay-per-view event! This promises to be an explosive night!


Jerry Lawler: Explosive is right! Yokozuna will take on 2 men in order to become World Champion tonight and show the world...


Jim Ross: Let's not get ahead of ourselves King! He has to beat Lex Luger and Bret Hart in seperate matches. Either way, I agree this show will be a highly anticipated affair.


[Runs down card etc... again]


RATING: 86 (B+)




WWF World Tag Team Title Match

The Triple Threat © vs. The Smoking Gunns


- Brian Lee and Bart Gunn start off the match

- The Smoking Gunns take the early advantage

- Regular tags by the Gunns

- Bigelow comes in and breaks up a near fall

- Billy Gunn in as Bigelow & Lee double team Bart

- Billy Gunn tagged in and cleans house

- Chris Candido distracts Billy and then attacks Bart outside

- Powerbomb from Brian Lee! Flying headbutt from Bigelow

- 1...2...3!


Winner: The Triple Threat (Retain the belts)

RATING: 61 ©




Lex Luger vs. Yokozuna


- Yokozuna with the momentum early on

- Misses a splash which allows Luger to take the advantage

- Luger misses a forearm and spills to the outside

- Cornette waffles him with the tennis racket!

- Barry Windham chases Cornette off!

- Yokozuna hits a huge leg drop

- 1...2... Kick out!

- Luger rolls out the way of the Banzai drop!

- Luger hits the loaded forearm...

- ...1...2...3!

- Luger is going on to face Bret Hart in the main event!


Winner: Lex Luger

RATING: 77 (B-)




The music of Bret Hart hits as he comes out whilst Luger is still in the ring


Bret Hart: Congratulations Lex. I figured I'd come out here and stare the winner in the face and say, good luck because you are going to need it. I have fought and clawed my way to this title, and I'm not about to give it up to anyone so I'll see you in the main event, and you had better bring your A game Lex because I am no push over. I am the WWF World Champion.


Bret and Luger stare each other down with intensity.


RATING: 89 (B+)




Owen Hart & Crush vs. British Bulldog & Adam Bomb


- Owen & Davey start the match off with Davey using his power advantage

- Owen tags in Crush

- Crush and davey go at each other

- Owen and Crush cut Davey off before the hot tag to Bomb

- Adam Bomb clears the ring of Owen & Crush as the crowd errupt

- Crush takes charge and cuts Adam Bomb off

- Owen and Crush with frequent tags

- Crush hits a big boot knocking Davey off the apron

- Owen applies the Sharpshooter...

- ... Adam Bomb taps out!


Winners: Owen Hart & Crush

RATING: 80 (B)




Shane Douglas vs. Randy Savage


- Randy Savage goes after Douglas with a fury!

- Savage dominates the early going

- Douglas cheap shots Savage and begins to gain momentum

- Douglas all over Savage

- Douglas goes to get a chair from ringside but the referee cuts him off

- Savage fights back

- Savage with the momentum

- Elbow Drop!

- 1...2...3!


Winner: Randy Savage

RATING: 73 (B-)




Following the match Shane Douglas offers his hand to Savage in a show of respect. Savage shakes Douglas hand but as the 2 go to leave, Douglas kicks Savage in the side of the head! Douglas grabs a chair and begins opening up on Savage with shot after shot. Shane finally puts Savages ankle in the chair and stamps on it! Savage rolls around in pain as Douglas looks at the crowd, laughing.


Jim Ross: That sick sonofa... I cannot believe what has just happened. And he's laughing about it! Shane Douglas is one disgusting human being


Jerry Lawler: Haha! I like this guy! He may have lost the match, but it's evident here that he's winning the war!


Jim Ross: Oh please King. How can you condone that sort of action?


RATING: 71 (C+)




The Undertaker vs. Jake Roberts


- Undertaker locks up with Roberts

- Roberts takes advantage with a rake to the eyes

- More underhanded tactics by Roberts

- He looks to the bag with Damian in it...

- ...Undertaker hits him before he can get to it

- Undertaker with the momentum now

- Tombestone attempt...

- ... Jake manages to wriggle out

- Roberts attempts the DDT...

- ...Undertaker pushes him away and hits a chokeslam


- 1...2...3!


Winner: The Undertaker

Rating: 79 (B)




Following the match, Raven and the rest of the Cult come down brandishing weapons. They beat down on The Undertaker but the lights go off! When they come back on, The Undertaker is no where to be seen.


RATING: 76 (B-)



Intercontinental Title Match.

Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon


- Michaels is in trouble in the early going

- Razor continues his onslaught

- HBK with a low blow! Looking for the quick DQ...

- ... Referee says the match will continue!

- Michaels goes nuts, but takes the momentum

- HBK misses a Sweet Chin Music attempt

- Razor with the fallaway slam

- 1...2... HBK Kicks out!

- Razor takes control of the match

- Razors Edge attempt...

- ...Michaels slides down from it...

- ... Sweet Chin Music!

- 1...2... Razor Kicks out! the crowd goes nuts!

- Michaels with another Sweet Chin Music as Razor gets up

- 1...2...3!


Winner: Shawn Michaels

RATING: 83 (B)




WWF World Title Match

Bret Hart vs. Lex Luger


- Luger gets an early 2 count!

- Luger in complete control of the Hitman

- Luger goes for the Torture Rack...

- ... The Hitman slips out before he can lock it on

- Hitman fights back

- Hart now in control of Luger

- Elbow drop from Hart

- 1...2... Luger kicks out!

- More back and forth from both competitors

- Hart attempts the Sharpshooter...

- ... Luger gets to the rope

- Luger rolls Hart up!

- 1...2... Bret kicks out!

- Another Small Package attempt...

- ... Hart rolls through...

- 1...2...3! From Nowhere!


Winner: Bret Hart

RATING: 82 (B)







Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michales {B}

Lex Luger & Barry Windham vs. Camp Cornette - {B}

Bret Hart vs. Dustin Rhodes - {B+}

"CCTV" vs. Smoking Gunns - {C}

Crush vs. British Bulldog - {B}

Raven vs. Undertaker - {B}

Randy Savage vs. Shane Douglas - {B-}

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Card So Far:

Free For All: Aldo Montoya vs. Kwang

Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels (IC Title Match - NO REMATCH!)

Smoking Gunns vs. Triple Threat (Tag Title Match)

Raven vs. Undertaker (Casket Match)

30 Man Royal Rumble

WWF Title Match - Competitors TBC

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Vince McMahon: Welcome everybody to Monday Night Raw! I'm Vince McMahon alonside "Good Ol' JR" Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler. We will be bringing you all the fallout from last nights In Your House Event.


Jim Ross: We will see a tag team match in our main event as Bret Hart pairs with Razor Ramon to take on Shawn Michaels, and as yet an unknown partner.


Jerry Lawler: Unknown to you maybe. I know exactly who it is! And let's not forget the in ring debut of Chris Candido tonight! We're finally going to see what this young man is all about!


RATING: 82 (B)




The music of Bret Hart comes on as he and Razor Ramon make their way to the ring.


Razor Ramon: Hey yo. Say hello, to The Bad Guy! Tonight that Heartbreak Fool, Shawn Michaels has chosen to keep his partner a big secret. Michaels, it doesn't matter if you bring out Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair or Barry Horowitz, the outcome is going to be the same. The Bad Guy and The Hitman standing over 2 broken bodies. And come Royal Rumble, I take that Intercontinental Title from you.


Bret Hart: Shawn, you call yourself the Heartbreak Kid, the Boy Toy. Well I just call you stupid and arrogant.A wise man once told me "Bret, the more they build themselves up, the bigger their eventual fall" and Michaels, your fall is going to be huge! As Razor says, bring whoever you want, but at the end of it all, as the dust settles, it will be Razor Ramon & Bret Hart having their hands raised.


RATING: 78 (B)




Rick Martel vs. British Bulldog


- Bulldog takes control early on after winning the tie up

- Bulldogs momentum almost gains him the victory

- Martel fights back

- Martel attempts the Canadian Crab...

- ...Bulldog wriggles free before he locks it on

- Bulldog gets another 2 count

- Bulldog in full control of the match

- Bulldog hits the Running Powerslam!

- 1...2...3!


Winner: British Bulldog

RATING: 75 (B-)




Following the match, Crush runs out and hits Bulldog from behind, knocking him out of the ring. Crush throws Bulldog into the railings before grabbing a chair. He repeatedly hits Bulldog with it, however Owen Hart comes out and takes the chair away from him! Just as it looks like Owen is going to hit Crush, he turns and hits Bulldog with the chair himself! The two showboat to the crowd as EMT's attend the fallen Bulldog.


RATING: 66 (C+)




Chris Candido vs. Marty Jannetty


- Candido slaps Jannetty and spits in his face!

- Jannetty begins beating down on him, irrate

- Candido gets the momentum with a thumb to the eye

- Candido takes control of the match

- Jannetty attempts a fightback

- It's thwarted by candido who hits the Blonde Bombshell!

- 1...2...3!


Winner: Chris Candido

RATING: 65 © Damn it!




Following the match the Smoking Gunns hit the ring and attack Candido! They hit him with the Sidewinder! Bam Bam and Brian Lee enter the ring and soon the numbers get the better of the Gunns. The Triple Threat beat them down and leave them laying. Chris Candido grabs a mic from ringside.


Chris Candido: You sonofa... You want us that bad? You want the Triple Threat huh? Well next week you got it! The Triple Threat are going to beat your asses blue and send you back to whatever backwards town you crawled from.


The Triple Threat continue the assault as Tatanka runs out to try and even the numbers. The Triple Threat leave the ring.


RATING: 48 (D+) Well... guess I'll be killing this soon




Lex Luger vs. Crush


- Luger and Crush tie up

- Crush with the advantage in the early moments

- Crush taking it to Luger, but showboats once too often

- Luger with the momentum

- Luger tries for the Torture Rack...

- ... Crush escapes before it's locked in

- Luger with the loaded forearm!

- 1...2...3!


Winner: Lex Luger

RATING: 78 (B)




Backstage a brawl has errupted between Jake Roberts and The Undertaker! Raven joins the fray flanked by The Barbarian and Carl Pierre. The lights go out and again The Undertaker disappears, but this time he is standing on top of one of the ring trucks with a microphone.


The Undertaker: Raven... at the Royal Rumble I will finally put you to rest. Our match will be unlike any you've ever faced before because I am challenging you to a casket match! And make no mistake Raven, you will rest in peeeeeaaaace.


RATING: 70 (C+)




Randy Savage vs. Raven


- Randy Savage has the momentum early on

- Raven with a fightback

- Savage stops him and regains control

- Savage misses an Elbow Drop

- Match swings back in Ravens favour

- Savage fights back...

- ... Shane Douglas from the crowd!

- He hits Savage with a pipe

- The referee calls for the bell

- Raven has been disqualified

- Raven hits an Evenflow on the referee!


Winner: Randy Savage

RATING: 79 (B)




Shawn Michaels makes his way to the ring. He takes a microphone.


Shawn Michaels: Earlier tonight Bret Hart and Razor Ramon came out here, flapping their gums about how they were going to beat me and my mystery partner... blah... blah... blah. You see you 2 goons don't realise how despised you are in that locker room, I've had everyone from Owen Hart to Jim Ross want to be my partner tonight. Don't look bewildered Ross, you know it's true. Haha. Well in the end I needed someone who has watched you both, who has studied your matches and knows your weaknesses... and there are a lot of those. So let me introduce you to...


RATING: 85 (B+)




Bret Hart & Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michaels & Jerry Lawler


- Lawler ties up with Ramon

- Razor takes control of the match

- Razor and Bret working well together.

- Lawler tags in Michaels

- Michaels and Hart tie up

- Michaels with the momentum

- Roll up...

- ...1...2... Hitman kicks out

- Michaels & Lawler making frequent tags

- Bret cut off from Razor

- Bret fights back!

- Dustin Rhodes makes his way out on crutches!

- Rhodes distracts Hart by hitting Razor with one of his crutches!

- Bret turns straight into some Sweet Chin Music!



Winner: Shawn Michaels & Jerry Lawler

RATING: 81 (B)



SHOW OVERALL RATING: 74 (B-) - Improved WWF Image




Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michales {B}

Lex Luger & Barry Windham vs. Camp Cornette - {B}

Bret Hart vs. Dustin Rhodes - {B+}

"CCTV" vs. Smoking Gunns - {C}

Crush vs. British Bulldog - {B}

Raven vs. Undertaker - {B}

Randy Savage vs. Shane Douglas - {B-}

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Jim Neidhart vs. Aldo Montoya


- Neidhart dominates the early match

- Aldo Montoya with a fight back

- Huge clothesline from Neidhart!

- 1...2...3!


Winner: Jim Neidhart




Raws Slam of the Week: Bret Hart getting hit with Sweet Chin Music.




WWF Womens Title Match

Alundra Blayze © vs. KAORU


- Blayze takes control early

- KAORU with a comeback

- Luna tries to interfere...

- ...The referee sends her to the back!

- Blayze protesting to the referee

- KAORU with a roll up...

- 1...2...3!


Winner: KAORU - NEW WWF Womens Champion!




Headshrinkers vs. Well Dunn


- Samu and Timothy Well start off.

- Frequent tags from well Dunn cutting Samu off from Fatu

- Samu manages to make the hot tag!

- Fatu cleans house knocking both Well Dunn out of the ring

- Steven Dunn enters the ring and is hit with a standing kick

- Flying Headbutt on Timothy Well

- 1...2...3!


Winner: Headshrinkers




Barry Windham vs. Ron Simmons


- Simmons with the early momentum

- Windham fights back

- Kama interjects himself...

- ...is knocked out by Windham!

- Windham hits a huge clothesline...

- 1...2... Simmons kicks out

- Windham hits a DDT!

- 1...2...3!


Winner: Barry Windham



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News From Titan Towers...


Bret Hart just snubbed a $175,000 a month contract, that includes Creative Control, Travel Expenses, 50% PPV, 50% Merch to join WCW! Vince McMahon won't bid any more than that so it looks as though a new Champion will be crowned.


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And welcome ladies and gentlemen to the 1994 end of year awards ceremony. Without further delay, here are this years winners.



FANS TOP 5 (in reverse Order)

#5 - Akira Taue

#4 - Shawn Michaels

#3 - Ric Flair

#2 - Mitsuharu Misawa

#1 - Toshiaki Kawada






Ric Flair Vs. Ricky Steamboat (WCW Saturday Night - October)






Lioness Asuka






"The Nature Boy" Ric Flair






Satoshi Kojima






Toshiaki Kawada





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Vince McMahon: Welcome everybody to the first Monday Night Raw of 1995! I'm Vince McMahon alongside my broadcast colleagues Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler. Tonight will be one for the ages as the huge Yokozuna takes on Bret Hart in our main event!


Jim Ross: And let's not forget Vince, Shawn Michaels will be taking on "Made in the USA" Lex Luger! We will also hear Ravens response to the challenge laid down to him last week by the Undertaker!


Jerry Lawler: Oh I can't wait! Bret Hart and Lex Luger both coming to an end tonight. To be honest, after the beating Shawn Michaels and I gave Bret Hart and Razor last week, I'm surprised either one of them is here tonight. I don't know if I mentioned it or not, but I'm not Bret Harts biggest fan.


Jim Ross: On more than one occassion King.


RATING: 82 (B)




The music of Randy Savage comes on as he makes his way to the ring.


Jerry Lawler: Now what does this idiot want? He's not scheduled to be here tonight.


Randy Savage: Yeah! You people are electric tonight. Now I've got something on my mind, something that can't wait. You see at the last big event on pay-per-view, Shane Douglas sucker punched me and then tried to take me out with a chair. Then last week he decided to get involved again in the Macho Mans business, and if theres one thing I can't stand, it's a meddler! Now Douglas, you and I are going to meet again, I'm sure of it. You better hope we aren't in the ring at the same time during the Rumble, because the Macho Man will kick your butt all over the arena. Yeah! I do not...


Shane Douglas music hits as "The Franchise" makes his way down the ramp.


Shane Douglas: Blah, blah, blah... do you ever listen to yourself Savage? You sound like a complete moron! So you pinned me, big deal. I left the ring on my own 2 feet, and you left on a stretcher! Now I don't call myself the Franchise to sell T-shirts, or to make the crowd love me, I call myself the Franchise because that is what I am. The Franchise player of the WWF. I am everything you and your buddy Hogan wished you could be. I'm talented, I'm well educated and I am the gift to each woman here from god himself! Haha. I gave you the opportunity to leave the WWF unscathed Savage, but you chose to stick around, so now I'm going to end you and your legacy.


Randy Savage: You talk a big game Douglas, but lets see if you have the guts to step in this ring with me again. I will wipe the floor with you. Oooooooh Yeaaaah! Dig it!


Shane Douglas smiles, shakes his head and walks off to the back as savage plays to the crowd.


RATING: 76 (B-)




Tag Team Title Match

Triple Threat © vs. Men on a Mission


- Brian Lee and Mo start things off

- Brian Lee with the advantage

- Mo tags in Mabel...

- ...Brian Lee tags in Bigelow, who looks less than impressed

- Mabel takes control of the match with some stiff shots

- Bigelow hits a low blow as Brian lee has the ref distracted

- Bigelow and Lee with frequent tags cutting Mabel off

- Mabel finally tags in Mo

- Mo and Bigelow go head to head

- Chris Candido trips Mo

- Bigelow hits a big drop kick on Mo

- Mabel tries to get in the ring, Triple Threat gang up on Mo outside the ring

- Brian lee hits a big boot on Mo...

- ... Bigelow hits the flying headbutt

- 1...2...3!


Winner: Triple Threat

RATING: 65 ©




As we return from the break, Raven is sitting in the ring corner with the other members of his cult milling about the ring.


Raven: The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time. The fear of death is the most unjustified of all fears, for there's no risk of harm once you are dead. Undertaker I heard what you had to say last week, and it made me think about the mortality of man, and more specific, the moratality of myself. You think that by challenging me to a casket match, you will somehow provoke a fear in me, that I'll back down and return to the bleak existence of my previous life. A life I spent years trying to avoid, and subsequently had forced upon me. Undertaker, make no mistakes for the Royal Rumble is your last stand, and it will not be me who will end the night trapped in a wooden casket. It will be you, and I shall finally put an end to your legend, to your mythic like stature and show the world once and for all that you are just a man like all others. Quote the Raven, Nevermore.


RATING: 83 (B)




The Nation vs. The Headshrinkers


- Ron Simmons takes control from the beginning against Fatu

- Kama is tagged in as the Nation continue their onslaught.

- Fatu tags in Samu who is met with a standing kick from Kama

- Simmons & Kama making frequent tags

- The nation are in control of the match

- Samu making a fight back

- From nowhere the Dominator!

- Simmons makes the pin

- 1...2...3!


Winner: The Nation

RATING: 70 (C+)




Vince McMahon: We have heard there's something going on backstage... do we have a camera... yes we have someone backstage now!


The camera crew arrive to see Bret Hart on the floor under a pile of metal scaffolding. Walking away from the scene are Owen Hart, Jim Neidhart & Rick Martel, looking pleased with themselves. Some EMT's arrive on scene to help Hitman.


Jerry L:awler: Well if you will play with fire that's what you get! Bret Hart clearly making enemies everywhere he goes. Not surprising really, he's an idiot!


Jim Ross: Oh please King. That was a cowardly 3 on 1 attack.


RATING: 90 (A)




Razor Ramon vs. Crush


- Razor and Crush tie up

- Crush with control early on

- Crush taking the fight to Razor, but misses a clothesline

- Razor now with the momentum

- Razor tries for the Razors Edge...

- ... Crush slides down from it!

- Crush attempts the Head Vice...

- ... Here comes the British Bulldog to ringside!

- Crush goes out after him, but Razor stops him in his tracks!

- Razor with the Razors Edge!

- 1...2...3!


Winner: Razor Ramon

RATING: 68 (C+)




We return from commercials with Crush backstage looking for Bulldog. He finally finds him and the 2 begin brawling over the arena! Crush throws Bulldog into a nearby lorry. Officials and wrestlers try to break it up. Crush is screaming at Bulldog for costing him his match. Bulldog looks to have been cut open.


RATING: 70 (C+)




Shawn Michaels vs. Lex Luger


- Shawn Michaels slaps Luger which angers him

- Luger takes control of Michaels, beating him around the ring

- Several power moves later...

- 1...2... kick out by Michales!

- Michaels still cannot get in any offense

- Luger tries for the torture rack...

- ...but HBK manages to grab the ropes with his legs

- Luger misses the loaded forearm shot!

- Michaels from nowhere with Sweet Chin Music

- 1...2... Luger kicks out!

- Luger loses his temper and begins illegally punching Michaels!

- The referee tries to step in but Luger shoves him down

- The referee calls for the bell!

- Luger applies the Torture Rack to Michaels!

- Barry Windham comes out and talks Luger down

- Luger goes after the referee! Barry Windham holds him back.


Winner: Shawn Michaels (DQ)

RATING: 75 (B-)




Bret Hart vs. Yokozuna


- Bret showing signs of his earlier beating

- Yokozuna in full control of this match

- Bret begins a fightback

- Bret manages to make the big man stumble

- Sideslam from Yokozuna!

- Yokozuna in control after a leg drop

- 1...2... Hitman barely kicks out!

- Bret Hart with another fightback

- Jim Cornette hits Yokozuna with the tennis racket by mistake!

- Hart hits an elbow to Yokozunas chest.

- Hart manages to hook the big man into the Sharpshooter!

- Yokozuna submits! Unbelievable!


Winner: Bret Hart

RATING: 72 (B-)




Following his match, Bret Hart takes a microphone.


Bret Hart: I know there have been some people saying that Bret Hart is turning his back on the WWF and turning his back on all you fans, but I am here to set the record straight. The Hitman is going nowhere! I am going to continue defending this WWF title until my last breath! At the Royal Rumble I will defend the WWF title and I will go on to headline Wrestlemania... again! So for all those fans who were wondering what 1995 holds for the Excellence of Execution, it's going to be more of the same. And come January 1996, I will still be the WWF Champion!


RATING: 88 (B+)



SHOW OVERALL RATING: 76 (B-) - Improved WWF Image




Razor Ramon vs. Shawn Michales {B}

Lex Luger & Barry Windham vs. Camp Cornette - {B}

Bret Hart vs. Dustin Rhodes - {B+}

"CCTV" vs. Smoking Gunns - {C}

Crush vs. British Bulldog - {B}

Raven vs. Undertaker - {B}

Randy Savage vs. Shane Douglas - {B-}

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Good stuff. So what is Dustin's injury again? And what is the situation w Bret? If it's a super surprise I'll hold out, but I have a feeling he'll be losing the strap sooner rather than later, which sucks because he truly is "The Franchise".


But just like the Nash death, that provides an exciting random turn of events and poses an interesting challenge. There's still a good amount of talent on the roster, as well as some hidden gems outside the Fed. And a good worker or 2 can always be poached from the competition when the time is right. Obviiously though, HBK is the favorite to be next top guy. Can't wait to see what happens!

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Good stuff. So what is Dustin's injury again? And what is the situation w Bret? If it's a super surprise I'll hold out, but I have a feeling he'll be losing the strap sooner rather than later, which sucks because he truly is "The Franchise".


But just like the Nash death, that provides an exciting random turn of events and poses an interesting challenge. There's still a good amount of talent on the roster, as well as some hidden gems outside the Fed. And a good worker or 2 can always be poached from the competition when the time is right. Obviiously though, HBK is the favorite to be next top guy. Can't wait to see what happens!


Rhodes broke his ankle. Doesn't look like he'll be back for the Rumble. I couldn't use him in the game, but used some creative licence with the dynasty to have him cost Bret & Razor their match.


The situation with Bret... that's a wait and see moment. :)


Next Edition of Raw...


Chris Candido vs. Bart Gunn

British Bulldog vs. Rick Martel

Razor Ramon vs. Shane Douglas

Lex Luger & Barry Windham vs. Owen Hart & Jim Neidhart

Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels (WWF World Title Match)


(+ Under the Royal Rumble Poster on page 11, the card for the event is updated)

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