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Christian Faith Heel?

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Finally runs into someone he can't seem to defeat and loses his "faith". Can always get it back and turn face later. I've done this, using Marat Khoklov as my Faithbreaker. :p Actually sets you up for an amazing face Angry Gilmore/heel Christian Faith feud, if you're like me and like to mega-push Angry Gilmore, which there's absolutely no reason you shouldn't do! ;)
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Anyone have any good ideas or story lines for turning Christian Faith heel? I've been wanting to do this but I cant seem to think how.


He's been the Company's top face for years. A heel turn with him has to be epic but if done right it can be like Hogan joining the NWO. I'm a big fan of a New Supremacists faction and usually I have Eric Eisen lead it but what you could do is build it with everyone thinking Eisen is the master mind behind it. have it slowly grow over a year starting at Supreme Challenge one year when some one comes to help Eric retain the title (Khoklov, Remo and Debuting Monster). For the first few months have Eric build a small unit growing by one member a month until you have a six man unit including Eisen. Then after six months show that Eric has been actually taking order from some one else. Hint at all sorts of people including Richard Eisen. At the next Supreme Challenge have there be a four on four main event Eric Eisen and three of the Supremacists (The other two supremacists wil be defending the tag titles that night) versus a Team which includes Christian Faith. The Supremacists take the win at the end and the crowd goes nuts booing them. Eisen takes the mic and ends the night be announcing the true master mind behind The New Supremacists, a man who's been with SWF for years. The backbone of the company and now the backbone of The New Supremacists. The New Supremacists music starts everyone including the camera looks toward the ramp the music goes for awhile and then all eyes are back on the ring and Eric Eisen is helping Christina Faith off the floor who tears off his shirt to reveal The New Supremacists shirt on underneath. he flips the crowd the bird and walks off saying nothing with the rest of the New Supremacists following along behind him.

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He's been the Company's top face for years. A heel turn with him has to be epic but if done right it can be like Hogan joining the NWO. I'm a big fan of a New Supremacists faction and usually I have Eric Eisen lead it but what you could do is build it with everyone thinking Eisen is the master mind behind it. have it slowly grow over a year starting at Supreme Challenge one year when some one comes to help Eric retain the title (Khoklov, Remo and Debuting Monster). For the first few months have Eric build a small unit growing by one member a month until you have a six man unit including Eisen. Then after six months show that Eric has been actually taking order from some one else. Hint at all sorts of people including Richard Eisen. At the next Supreme Challenge have there be a four on four main event Eric Eisen and three of the Supremacists (The other two supremacists wil be defending the tag titles that night) versus a Team which includes Christian Faith. The Supremacists take the win at the end and the crowd goes nuts booing them. Eisen takes the mic and ends the night be announcing the true master mind behind The New Supremacists, a man who's been with SWF for years. The backbone of the company and now the backbone of The New Supremacists. The New Supremacists music starts everyone including the camera looks toward the ramp the music goes for awhile and then all eyes are back on the ring and Eric Eisen is helping Christina Faith off the floor who tears off his shirt to reveal The New Supremacists shirt on underneath. he flips the crowd the bird and walks off saying nothing with the rest of the New Supremacists following along behind him.


Let me get you an application for the WWE! :)

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Let me get you an application for the WWE! :)


I can't tell if that was a compliment or an insult... I'm hoping compliment.


The truth of the matter is all stories have been told already its just a matter of retelling in new an interesting ways and making the character in those stories stand out. Setting the proper scenes and writing the right lines. What you should expect from an epic storyline are characters people ill remember and in wrestling if you're luck at least one new catch phrase.


What I've given is just a base outline (except for the final scene) I could write in a couple of extra scenes but its really up to the individual to fill in the right things with the talent they have.

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I turned Faith by having him lose out in a few consecutive feuds to top heels. He then sided with my face World Champion to help him fend off multiple simultaneous challengers. Overtime, realising he had lost his touch and was now in the shadow of the champion, he slowly became more and more jealous and bitter, starting by occasionally just not being there to save the champ from beatdowns and finally ending by screwing him out of the title. He then cheated to win the title before dropping it back to the previous champ at Supreme Challenge. At that point, realising (but not admitting) he needed help, he formed the Triumvirate with Rich Money and Sean McFly to run roughshod over SWF, particularly making sure (in kayfabe) no youngsters broke into the upper echelons. Eventually Money became too power-crazed, becoming vicious just for the fun of it rather than to protect his own spot and eventually Faith turned back face, realising the error in his ways so he could go out as a face.
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I can't tell if that was a compliment or an insult... I'm hoping compliment.


Definitely a compliment. Usually my heel turns come from attacks. Having the fans expect someone to come out and the culprit is actual who they least expect and already in the ring is brilliant.

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