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{JHDVerse} AWF: This is Awesome

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Christian Prophet vs. KISS


Garrett South vs. Wilson Hancock


Enemies of the State vs. Military Discipline


(AWF World Title) Chaperone © vs. Silva Dolla


Drake Richards vs. Sebastian Curtis


Bonus: Who will get attacked in a backstage segment? Silva Dolla

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Christian Prophet vs. KISS - DQ win for excessive violence


Garrett South vs. Wilson Hancock


Enemies of the State vs. Military Discipline


(AWF World Title) Chaperone © vs. Silva Dolla


Drake Richards vs. Sebastian Curtis


Bonus: Who will get attacked in a backstage segment? Herculez

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Christian Prophet vs. KISS

Prophet because the Blacklist needs the Push!


Garrett South vs. Wilson Hancock

Garrett South to set up his match with Hawk


Enemies of the State vs. Military Discipline

Enemies of the State because the Discipline's are a jobber team.


(AWF World Title) Chaperone © vs. Silva Dolla

Chaperone to make the Champ look good


Drake Richards vs. Sebastian Curtis

Drake Richards to set up him vs. Chaperone


Bonus: Who will get attacked in a backstage segment?

Garrett South

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Christian Prophet vs. KISS

Well his popularity is much lower so he probably won't win, but I do want him to win.

Garrett South vs. Wilson Hancock

DQ Win maybe?

Enemies of the State vs. Military Discipline

Military Discipline just had a title shot, so I'll give this one to Enemies of the State.

(AWF World Title) Chaperone © vs. Silva Dolla

Don't see a title change here

Drake Richards vs. Sebastian Curtis

He needs the momentum going into the title match.

Bonus: Who will get attacked in a backstage segment?

Vincent I Parker

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Promotion Updates


Travis Stine is released from the company.

Following a brief meeting, AWF released Travis Stine from the company. The reason for his release came down to several factors. First, AWF is suffering from a bloated roster at the moment, and Trillion is in the process of making room for new talent.


Second, there is currently an excessive amount of heels. Trillion brought his list of potential cuts down to Marshall Law, Theo Barkley, and Travis Stine. While Marshall may be reaching the end of his career, he certainly isn't doing too bad in the ring. As for Theo, he's still young and has made some positive connections by training with Drake Richards and Sebastian Curtis. That ultimately left Travis Stine on the chopping block.


The backstage morale has also been a struggle for management to keep up with recently. Many believe that Travis was a contributing factor to these problems. Even with Travis' talent, he just was not worth keeping around.


Since the release of Travis stine, morale has already improved.




AWF hires Ali Ababwa and Todd Wayne

AWF management is finally taking the moral issue very serious. They have recently hired Todd Wayne and Ali Ababwa in an effort to bring more leadership to the locker room. Todd Wayne is expected to remain backstage, while Ali Ababwa will be used in dark matches to elevate young talent.




The Tag Division

In an effort to strengthen the tag division, management is taking smell steps to improve the current tag teams. One small step is giving tag teams actual finishing moves. So far The Christensens have used the "Christensen Clash." Slip & Slide will eventually use a death drop (3D) which they call the "High Interval"


Derek Grace and Sam Bailey are also scheduled to team up in the future. Their team name will be The Rough Cut, and their finisher will be named the "Martini Shot," which is expected to be the Total Elimination double team move.


At first, the debut of The Blacklist was intended to improve the tag division by teaming up Johnny Hollywood and Christian Prophet, but plans have changed. Instead, Prophet and Hollywood are expected to receive major singles pushes.




Seven Brandt and Kay Pasa signed

Finally, Seven Brandt and Kay Pasa were both signed to open contracts. They will likely start off as babyface jobbers.


Up Next: Shockwave #3

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Shockwave #3



Christian Prophet vs. KISS

KISS defeated Christian Prophet in 6:28. D+

KISS stayed strong from start to finish against the newcomer Christian Prophet. Prophet could not keep KISS down despite pulling off some very impressive offense not regularly seen on AWF programming. However, KISS eventually fought back against the self-proclaimed "Horror of Hollywood" when he caught Prophet in the face with an elbow strike and quickly put him into the Hotter Than Hell. The finishing move was quick, but so was Johnny Hollywood's reaction. Hollywood immediately rushed into the ring and attacked KISS before he could even make the pin. This resulted in a DQ in KISS' favor.




Scene 3. E+

Following the match, KISS countered Hollywood's punches with some punches of his own. KISS put Hollywood down with a lariat, but was met by a chair shot to the head when he turned around to face Christian Prophet.


With KISS knocked unconscious, Hollywood recovered and went on the mic. Hollywood tells us about how the opening scene of a movie is the most vital scene. He says that this particular screen play needs a victim, and KISS is the perfect candidate for the role. He says that he has a lot of faith in KISS' and expects that he'll perform well in his "big screen debut." Hollywood turns his attention to the fans to let them know that he'll do whatever it takes to produce the perfect film for them, even if he has to intervene.




(Non-Title) Garrett South vs. Wilson Hancock

Garrett South defeated Wilson Hancock in 6:15. C

Jean-Claude Giroux took a spot at the announce table as the guest commentator. The match between South and Hancock was fair and competitive up until the end. With Hancock being thrown to the outside, Jean-Claude couldn't help but to trash talk Hancock who landed in front of him. Hancock decided that he had enough, and attacked Jean-Claude who was still wearing a headset. South noticed that Hancock's attention was taken away from the match, and took advantage of the situation. He attacked Hancock from behind, pushed him back in the ring, and hit the Southern Justice for the win.



Heroes versus villains. C+

Post-match, the fighting continued with Jean-Claude Giroux and Garrett South joining forces to beat down Wilson Hancock. Upon seeing this, Timothy Hawk rushed down to the ring to aid Wilson Hancock. Hawk, who was still stitched up at the forehead from last week, attacked his main rival Garrett South. Hawk's charisma and intensity exploded in the ring as he took down Jean-Claude and Garrett South with explosive punches. This allowed a Hancock to recover in order to help his new ally. Hancock and Hawk clotheslined both men out of the ring to end the segment.




Enemies of the State vs. Military Discipline vs. The Beach Bodies

Enemies of the State defeated Military Discipline and The Beach Bodies in 7:31. D+

Slip & Slide were added to the match at the last minute, and now refer to themselves as "The Beach Bodies." They earned their first big victory in a long time by beating General Mayhem with their new finisher that they call "The High Interval." That brought the match down to Enemies of the State vs. The Beach Bodies. Surprisingly, TBB put up a good fight against Enemies of the State, almost convincing the crowd that they might actually win. However, Slip ate a dropkick from Omri when he tried to hit a high flying move. That would be the turning point which allowed Omri to finish him off with the Stone's Throw.




Tower Collapse. C

Towerblock was shown arriving to the arena in a Hummer. Backstage interviewer Kitty Reardone greeted Towerblock with an impromptu interview. Kitty recapped Towerblock's actions against Herculez over the past two weeks, bringing up how Towerblock attacked Herculez during their strength competition, and how he cause Herculez to lose his US Title match.


Towerblock says he's just trying to get Herculez to realize the truth; That Herculez is not as strong as he thinks he is. Towerblock tells Kitty that he's going to turn "The World's Strongest Man" into "The World's Weakest Boy." Towerblock is about to end the promo when he's suddenly attacked by Herculez! Herculez, who has his hands taped for this occasion, hits Towerblock with a storm of punches. Towerblock ducks and tries to cover up, but Herculez' fists are still striking some of the vital body regions. Towerblock finally falls to the floor as security and road agents rush in to detain Herculez.




(AWF World Title) Chaperone © vs. Silva Dolla

Chaperone © defeated Silva Dolla in 13:24. B-

This was a very close match, which featured a lot of back and forth brawling, and some near finishes. The match became complicated when the referee was taken out inadvertently by Chaperone's big boot. Core immediately ram down to the ring with the intent of provoking Silva. Core went at Silva with some punches, but Silva came back with a takedown on Core. Silva utilized some mounted punches on Core, then brought him up to his feet for the Dolla Sign. However, Chaperone recovered in time to hit a big boot Silva before he could follow through with the move. Core rolled out of the ring, and Chaperone put Silva down with the Elevated Powerbomb. That was enough for Chaperone to retain his title via pinfall.




Splinters... B-

Post-match, Core dragged Silva out of the ring. Silva refused to give up by fighting back with everything he had, but Core dropped him with an uppercut to the throat. Core then wrapped his hand around Silva's throat, and choke slammed him through the announce table!




Drake Richards vs. Sebastian Curtis

Drake Richards defeated Sebastian Curtis in 14:54. A

Drake and Sebastian recreated the same quality of wrestling match as their encounter from two weeks ago. They brawled, chain wrestled, and hit some high flying moves in between to keep the crowd on their feet. In a spot similar to two weeks ago, Drake Richards tried an asai moonsault in an attempt to crash into Sebastian and the announce table. However, Sebastian saw the move coming this week, and side stepped out of the way. As a result, Richards bounced chest first off the table. This slowed down Richards greatly as Sebastian went to work on Richards with various throws and suplexes.


But with the crowd fully behind him, Richards would finally make a comeback. And following a back and forth exchange, Richards finally brought Sebastian down with an enziguri kick. With Sebastian seemingly knocked out, Richards rushed to the top rope. He hit a beautiful Top Rope Rushmore to put Curtis down for the pin.




Sidetracked. B-

Post-match, Chaperone shows up and appears to target Drake Richards. But instead, he gets revenge for last week by attacking Sebastian Curtis. Chaperone attacks Sebastian with a running big boot to turn Sebastian inside out. He gave Sebastian an Elevated Powerbomb as well, and threw him out of the ring. Chaperone and Richards then stand face to face in a stare down to end the show. B-


Final Grade: B-


Up Next: House of Holland

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House of Holland #3


Good morning/afternoon/evening ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to a special edition of House of Holland. The reason I say "special," is because today we have none other than newcomer Seven Brandt on the show! But before we get down to business, let's take a look at last week's predictions contest! After millions and millions of votes, here were the top few.


Tiberious4: 3

TheEnforcer: 4

Midnightnick: 3

SWF Fan: 5

smurphy1014: 3

Jingo: 2

mitsukaikira: 5


mitsukaika ties with SWF Fan by correctly answering the bonus question. Great round guys, and as always thank you for participating.


That makes the current standings:

Powerful_Fox: 1

Midnightnick: 1

Tiberious4: 1

SWF Fan: 1

mitsukaikira: 1




All right. Now, let's take a look at my Q&A with Seven Brandt.


BH: So, Seven, I read that you spent a lot of time in the indies. One of your stand out performances took place in PWSUX Gorebrawl. Can you tell us about this match?


SB: Uhh yeah. It was the bloodiest match ever held in America for one. Second, my performance was the most hardcore performance ever seen. And third, I nearly won the damn thing.


BH: Care to tell us what went wrong?


SB: Go find the video yourself. It doesn't matter anymore. I'm in the AWF and that's all that matters.


BH: All right, all right... So can you tell us what this straight edge business is all about?


SB: Straight edge is my lifestyle. It's a set standard that I have set for myself, and that I have followed my entire life. I don't drink alcohol, use tobacco products, or participate in promiscuous sex. Those are the big three that everyone who's edge follows. But I take it a step further. I'm also vegan, I don't use prescription drugs, and I don't drink caffeine.


BH: Wow, you have a lot of rules.


SB: That's my self-discipline, Buddy. Don't mistaken it for weakness though, because my clean lifestyle is what gives me strength. I don't treat my body like a garbage can. You'll never catch me drinking a beer, eating a steak, or kicking back and having a soda. All of these things that I am against are weaknesses in people, and that's why I stay away from them.


BH: So not even a refreshing Coke?


SB: No! Water and milk is the only way I go.


BH: Sounds kind of boring to me.


SB: Boring? Did you not see what I did at Gorebrawl? I flew off of a friggin' ladder, and made my opponents bleed. THAT is my idea of fun. Not consuming some mind altering substance, and then waking up the next morning a pathetic mess on the ground.


BH: Well, I guess you have a good point there. Your ability to abstain from these activities is impressive, but do you really think it will help you in the ring?


SB: What kind of question is that? Of course it will. I have a distinct advantage in every match where I am against someone who isn't straight edge. My body is free of all of the damaging effects of alcohol, meat, drugs, tobacco, and sex. If you're not straight edge, you're getting hurt. Not because I have a personal vendetta against non straight-edge people. It's simply because I am physically and mentally a more clean person. And I'm going to prove that statement in the AWF.


BH: It's a very bold statement, Seven. We'll see how it holds up in your debut next week.



And that was my interview with Seven Brandt. And as we said in the interview, Seven will make his in ring debut on the next Shockwave.


Well, that wraps up this week's edition of House of Holland. See you next week!


Up Next: Shockwave #4 Preview

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Shockwave #4 Preview


Marco de Francesco vs. Seven Brandt

Seven Brandt sounded pretty confident in his interview on House of Holland. We'll see if the straight edge warrior can live up to the hype in his first match against Marco de Fransesco.




(Non-Title) The Christensens vs. The Rought Cut

The Christensens are only one week away from defending their Tag Team Titles at No Year, No Limits! So far their opponents are Enemies of the State. They can keep it that way if they defeat The Rough Cut. However, if they cannot win the match, The Rough Cut will be added to the PPV Tag Titles match.




Atonga vs. Herculez

Last week, we saw Herculez ambush Towerblock during a backstage interview. Herculez will have an opportunity to unleash some of that anger this week. Although, his opponent, "the samoan wrestling machine," Atonga, looked very impressive in his match against Silva Dolla two weeks ago. Atonga had last week off in order to recover and recharge the batteries. Meanwhile, Herculez could still be hurt and may not be in the right state of mind for such a tough opponent.




Sebastian Curtis vs. Vincent I. Parker

Despite the fact that Curtis cannot seem to defeat Drake Richards, he still remains a strong player in AWF. Last week he came up short for a second time this year in a singles match against Drake Richards. Although Sebastian strives for perfection in the ring, he has always fallen behind Drake Richards when it comes to their victories over each other. Sebastian will need to score a victory in this match if he hopes to hang on to his top spot in the company. On the other hand, a victory like this for Vincent I. Parker could give him a huge boost in momentum.




Chaperone, Core, Garrett South and Jean-Claude Giroux vs. Drake Richards, Silva Dolla, Timothy Hawk and Wilson Hancock

We're one week away from New Year, No Limits, and what better way to build up to the show than by having an eight man tag main event featuring all of the main feuds? There is sure to be some interaction between rivals in this one. Last week, Hancock got his hands on Jean-Claude, but it came at the price of losing to Garrett South. Shortly after the match, Timothy Hawk ran in to even up the sides, making the fight Hawk/Hancock vs. South/Giroux. Meanwhile, Core cost Silva Dolla the match of his career last week by interfering. To make matters worse, he put Silva through a table shortly after the match. Finally, how will the World Champion and his challenger interact? Last week it looked as though Chaperone would go after Richards, but he took out Sebastian instead. Was Chaperone just out to get revenge for two weeks ago when Sebastian attacked him, or is he playing games with Richards?




Marco de Francesco vs. Seven Brandt

The Christensens vs. The Rought Cut

Atonga vs. Herculez

Sebastian Curtis vs. Vincent I. Parker

Chaperone, Core, Garrett South and Jean-Claude Giroux vs. Drake Richards, Silva Dolla, Timothy Hawk and Wilson Hancock

Bonus: Who will be eliminated first in the main event?



Up Next: Promotion Updates

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Marco de Francesco vs. Seven Brandt

The Christensens vs. The Rought Cut -DQ win

Atonga vs. Herculez

Sebastian Curtis vs. Vincent I. Parker

Chaperone, Core, Garrett South and Jean-Claude Giroux vs. Drake Richards, Silva Dolla, Timothy Hawk and Wilson Hancock

Bonus: Who will be eliminated first in the main event? Wilson Hancock

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Marco de Francesco vs. Seven Brandt

The Christensens vs. The Rought Cut

Atonga vs. Herculez

Sebastian Curtis vs. Vincent I. Parker

Chaperone, Core, Garrett South and Jean-Claude Giroux vs. Drake Richards, Silva Dolla, Timothy Hawk and Wilson Hancock

Bonus: Who will be eliminated first in the main event?

Garrett South

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Marco de Francesco vs. Seven Brandt

The Christensens vs. The Rought Cut

Atonga vs. Herculez

Sebastian Curtis vs. Vincent I. Parker

Chaperone, Core, Garrett South and Jean-Claude Giroux vs. Drake Richards, Silva Dolla, Timothy Hawk and Wilson Hancock

Bonus: Who will be eliminated first in the main event? Jean-Claude Giroux

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Marco de Francesco vs. Seven Brandt

The Christensens vs. The Rought Cut

I feel like the Blacklist is going to get jobbed out until there more pop.

Atonga vs. Herculez

Sebastian Curtis vs. Vincent I. Parker

Chaperone, Core, Garrett South and Jean-Claude Giroux vs. Drake Richards, Silva Dolla, Timothy Hawk and Wilson Hancock

Bonus: Who will be eliminated first in the main event?

Garrett South

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Marco de Francesco vs. Seven Brandt

The Christensens vs. The Rought Cut

Atonga vs. Herculez

Sebastian Curtis vs. Vincent I. Parker

Chaperone, Core, Garrett South and Jean-Claude Giroux vs. Drake Richards, Silva Dolla, Timothy Hawk and Wilson Hancock

Bonus: Who will be eliminated first in the main event? Wilson Hancock

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Shockwave #4




Marco de Francesco vs. Seven Brandt

Marco De Francesco defeated Seven Brandt in 6:05. D

Marco stayed in control for most of the match as Seven Brandt only got in a small amount of offense. Marco won, decisively, with the Il Traguardo after he delivered a kick to the mid section of Brandt who was going for a springboard.




Team Richards Unites. {B-}

Backstage, Timothy Hawk was shown playing the mediator during an argument between Adrienne and Wilson Hancock. Adrienne told Hancock that she doesn't appreciate being forced into the stipulation of Hancock's match with Giroux at New Year, No Limits! Hancock tries to apologize, but Adrienne isn't having it. The leader of Team Richards, Drake Richards, finally steps in to hush everyone up. He tells Adrienne to "get over it," and to have some confidence in Wilson. He then tells Timothy Hawk to focus on Garrett South instead of the drama between Hancock and Adrienne. Richards says he'll take care of Chaperone as long as they handle their business tonight.




(Non-Title) The Christensens vs. The Rought Cut

The Rough Cut defeated The Christensens in 6:24. D-

Grace and Bailey put on a diplay of their new tag team style, hoping to make a good first impression. They used a variety of aerial attacks and technical moves to hurt The Christensens with. Jonah and Bryce seemed to be overwhelmed by the offense of The Rough Cut, with Jonah and Bryce struggling to defend against the technical abilities of their opponents. The experience factor came into play though, as The Christensens used their double team, speed based attacks to downsize The Rough Cut. The Rough Cut eventually lost their patience, and took the fight to the outside of the ring. Their manager, Johnny Hollywood, helped by coordinating a tactical assault which saw them beat down The Christensens to the point where they could not recover in time to beat the ten count. The Rough Cut did beat the ten count at nine, while Jonah missed the count by a mere second. The Rough Cut win the match by count out and will go on to challenge for the Tag Titles at New Year, No Limits!




Nomination Speech. {C-}

After the match, Johnny Hollywood helped The Rought Cut dispose of The Christensens by hitting his finisher, "The Rolling Credits," on both brothers and tossing them over the top rope. Hollywood took the mic as Bailey and Grace kneeled down on one knee next to him. Hollywood gloated over how his brilliant plan brought his "cast" of Sam Bailey and Derek Grace closer to the World Tag Team Titles. Johnny Hollywood said, "Now that The Rough Cut has been nominated for World Tag Team Champions, we are ready to take the next big step-" But before he could continue, he was interrupted by the heavy metal theme music of KISS. The Rough Cut and Johnny Hollywood immediately go into their defensive stances as they know what's coming next. Out comes KISS, who Thomas Aria exclaims, "looks PISSED!" on commentary.


KISS looks like he wants to attack, but refrains from doing so. He sees that the numbers are too strong and that Christian Prophet is probably hiding in the back somewhere ready to attack as well. He decides to use words instead. He takes the microphone, and says that he wants no part in Johnny's "movie." KISS says that he hates acting, and that the anger that they see on his face is real. He says that he wants to take apart The Blacklist one by one, starting with the head of the monster. KISS points at Johnny Hollywood. "I want 'The Director of Destruction' himself in the ring at New Year, No limits! Let's see what you've got, Hollywood," said KISS. Hollywood seemed unsure as KISS dropped the mic and departed to the sound of his music.




Atonga vs. Herculez

Herculez defeated Atonga in 9:26. {C}

This was a collision between two big brawlers who were both desperate for a win, following a let down of a week prior to this confrontation. Atonga smartly targeted the back of Herculez, looking to prey upon the injured body part. This strategy kept Atonga on top for most of the match as Herculez would fall to any strike placed on the back. It wasn't until Atonga took long to deliver a spear that Herculez countered a move. As a result, Atonga crashed shoulder first into the steel ring post, which allowed Herculez to regain his strength. Herculez would then target the shoulder of Atonga, giving "The Samoan Wrestling Machine" a taste of his own medicine. With the crowd fully behind him, Herculez remained unstoppable as the back pain no longer seemed to be a factor. Herculez eventually put Atonga away with the Herculean Slam, and covered him for the win.




Into The River {C+}

Towerblock showed up on the jumbo tron following Herculez' match. Towerblock was stationed on a bridge overlooking a river in the local city. He began his promo to the camera as he stood next to the railing. Towerblock says that since he didn't get a chance to finish his speech last week(due to Herculez attacking him), that he'll just have to finish it on this edition of Shockwave. He said that he's sick of Herculez coming to the shows every week acting arrogant; Acting like he's above everyone else in the locker room due to his "Worlds Strongest Man" title. Towerblock mentioned the fact that Herculez carries his Worlds Strongest Man trophy into every building where he has a wrestling match. "You take that thing everywhere like it's your wife, and you rub your accomplishment in the faces of everyone who works here," said a bitter Towerblock. Towerblock says that he's going to do the entire locker room a favor. He reaches down and picks up Herculez' World Strongest Man trophy.


The cameras pan back to the ring where Herculez is still standing. Herculez looks shocked as he moves closer to the jumbo tron in disbelief. Towerblock holds Herculez' Worlds Strongest Man trophy over his head, and throws it over the side of the bridge into the river! Towerblock ends the promo by saying that at New Year, No Limits!, Herculez will sink, just like his trophy.




Sebastian Curtis vs. Vincent I. Parker

Sebastian Curtis defeated Vincent I. Parker in 12:11. {B-}

Sebastian's experience advantage came into play here as he constantly outsmarted VIP during the match. Curtis used every rule to his advantage, even bending them whenever he could. The final moments of the match saw a quick sequence of chain moves, followed by Curtis rolling up VIP and illegally using the ropes for leverage for the pinfall.




Chaperone Gets his Team Together. {C+}

Backstage, the three other members of Chaperone's team unite in the backstage area for a promo. AWF's lead journalist, Kitty Reardon is given the unfortunate task of interviewing them. However,the interview quickly spirals out of control. Kitty tries to get a word out, but she is grabbed by the throat by the hands of Core. Her face turns red as Core's fingers engulf her neck. Meanwhile, Garrett South and Jean-Claude Giroux laugh as Kitty starts to whimper.


Garrett talks into the camera, saying that a woman's place in the world is under the finger of a man. With his grasp still holding Kitty in place, Core licks her on the face as she begins to squirm. Jean-Claude and and Garrett laugh even harder as Jean-Claude take his turn on the mic. Jean-Claude says that Wilson Hancock and Adrienne are going to learn that lesson the hard way at New Year, No Limits!


Finally, Chaperone steps in to put an end to Kitty's agony. Core releases Kitty as Chaperone bumps chests with him. Core asks if they have a problem. Chaperon replies, "Not yet, Core. But I think you should focus on tonight's match instead of bullying some pathetic woman. Tonight's match is important, so why don't you three cut the bullshit and start worrying about our opponents?" Chaperone yells this at all three team members with conviction in his voice. Chaperone says that his intention is to beat the hell out of all four of his opponents tonight. He asks Core, Giroux, and South if they are willing to make sacrifices tonight in order to make sure this happens. Core, Giroux, and South give in to the World Champion's plan and follow him to the stage.




Chaperone, Core, Garrett South and Jean-Claude Giroux vs. Drake Richards, Silva Dolla, Timothy Hawk and Wilson Hancock

Chaperone, Core, Garrett South and Jean-Claude Giroux defeated Drake Richards, Silva Dolla, Timothy Hawk and Wilson Hancock in 19:45. {B}

Garrett South being the first wrestler eliminated suprised everyone as his PPV opponent, Timothy Hawk, pinned the United States Champion with a quick roll up.


Wilson Hancock was eliminated next after Chaperone entered the ring and cleaned house. Chaperone put Hancock away with ease, using an Elevated Powerbomb for the victory.


The match then turned to 3 on 3 with Chaperone/Core/Giroux vs. Richards/Dolla/Hawk.


Core was the next to go following a double team sequence which had Richards jump kick Core in the head, and Dolla putting him down with the Money Sign for the pin. This didn't settle well with Core, who ran back in moments later and delivered a big boot to Dolla behind the ref's back. Chaperone immediately covered Dolla and scored his second victory in the match, along with his second win in a row over Silva Dolla.


It's now 2 on 2 with Chaperone/Giroux vs. Richards/Hawk.


The referee is eventually taken out by accident at the hands of Richards, resulting in tornado tag chaos. Both teams go back and forth with hitting big moves. Chaperone is the key player again in this battle. He boots Richards out of the ring in order to isolate Timothy Hawk. He then instructs Giroux to grab Hawk by the arms. Hawk is defenseless as Giroux holds him up for Chaperone to use as a punching bag. Chaperone is merciless as he lays into Hawk with punches to the body and face. Giroux eventually just lets go of Hawk who is seemingly unconscious as Chaperone drops more punches into Hawk's forehead. Hawk is now passed out on the mat with blood trickling down his face. Chaperone yells at Giroux to retrieve the referee, as covers Hawk for the pinfall.


It's now a handicap match between Chaperone/Giroux and Drake Richards.


Giroux looks sick to his stomach as he watches the medics scoop up the remains of Timothy Hawk. The referee is still groggy at this point, as Drake Richards enters the ring. Drake has no choice but to face both men at once. He tackles Giroux and lands some punches before Chaperone intervenes. Chaperone sends Richards flying through the air with a devastating lariat. Moments later, Richards comes back with a flying elbow after being thrown into the ropes by Chaperone. Richards remained fired up as he continued to execute some quick offense on Chaperone. It looked as though Richards might overcome the odds, but Jean-Claude Giroux stepped in and caught Richards out of no where with the Playboy Press. This garnered some boos from the audience as Giroux began to show off by doing push ups in the ring.


Giroux waited for Chaperone to recover in order to allow Chap' to make the cover himself. However, once Chaperone made it to his feet, he knocked out Giroux with a big boot to the face! Chaperone then tossed Giroux out of the ring. It appeared that Chaperone wanted Richards all to himself. But wait- Richards swoops in and hits a super kick on Chaperone! Chaperone is down and out now as Drake Richards climbs to the top rope with 5,000 fans cheering him on. He makes the leap for the Top Rope Rushmore, but Giroux reaches in just in time to pull Chaperone out of the way of Richards' elbow drop. Chaperone shows his appreciation to Giroux again by patting him on the back and then throwing him face first into the ring post. Chaperone reenters the ring, power bombs Richards, and covers him to end the match. On this night, Chaperone manipulated his team members in order to defeat all four men on Team Richards.



Final Grade: B-


Quick Results:

Marco de Francesco vs. Seven Brandt


The Christensens vs. The Rought Cut


KISS challenged Johnny Hollywood


Atonga vs. Herculez


Towerblock threw Herculez' Worlds Strongest Man trophy into a river


Sebastian Curtis vs. Vincent I. Parker


Chaperone, Core, Garrett South and Jean-Claude Giroux vs. Drake

Richards, Silva Dolla, Timothy Hawk and Wilson Hancock


Bonus: Who will be eliminated first in the main event? Garrett South



Up Next: Promotion Updates

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Welcome to ZMAN's JHDVerse diary: AWF: This is Awesome.



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House of Holland #4



Hello folks, and welcome to another edition of House of Holland. As always, I am here to do the only job that Mr. Trillion has for me, and that is giving you the scoop!


Did you hear? We fired one, and hired one! Apparently, Luke Graves did not make the cut, and is now unemployed. On the bright side of things, AWF has made a pretty big signing which they hope to announce at New Year, No Limits! Small hint: He's Canadian!


Speaking of predictions, let's see who won last week's contest. After millions of predictions sent in to your number one 80's superstar, the results are:


SWF Fan: 4

Tiberious4: 4

Jingo: 3

The Enforcer: 4

Midnightnight: 3


Wooow, we have ourselves a threeway tie this week. Congratulations, SWF Fan, Tiberious 4, and The Enforcer.


That puts the current standings at:


Powerful_Fox: 1

Midnightnick: 1

Tiberious4: 1

SWF Fan: 2

mitsukaikira: 1

Tiberious4: 1

The Enforcer: 1



Okay. This week, I'll discuss something that comes up all the time in creative meetings, "The Top Five Show Stoppers in AWF."


Some of you might ask, "What is a 'Show Stopper' Buddy?" Show Stoppers are those performers who can perform at the level to where they will steal the show. These are the guys who we see go all out to give us the best match possible with their jaw dropping moments. Let's take a look at my list.



5. Slip - Don't underestimate the young fitness guru. While most of the guys in management are low on Slip, us road agents know talent when we see it. This man is one of the best performers on the roster right now. He's also extremely athletic, and well-rounded in his wrestling styles. Rumor has it that Slip may break out on his own very soon with Slide's contract coming to an end next month.



4. Vincent I. Parker - The self-proclaimed "Wrestling's MVP" has proven to us before that he is well qualified to hold that title. Not only is VIP a stand out performer, he's one of the most charismatic on the roster. VIP has a place in AWF, and it's at the top of the mountain.



3. Jean-Claude Giroux - Although he lacks the flashiness that you would expect in a show stopper, Jean-Claude makes up for that with his strong technical wrestling ability.



2. Sebastian Curtis - This should come as no surprise. Curtis has struggled for years trying to break out of the dreaded number two spot underneath Drake Richards. The man busts his ass every night only to have Richards come up with something better. I can understand his frustration, but when will Curtis do something about it?



1. Drake Richards - Here's the ultimate show stopper of AWF. Drake has it all going for him. The popularity, charisma, look, and ring work are all top notch. What more could you ask for in a show stopper?


So there you have, it the show stoppers of AWF.



Now, let's take a look at the Pay-Per-View which is coming up next:


New Year, No Limits! Preview:



Johnny Hollywood vs. KISS

The Blacklist showed up three weeks ago on Shockwave to attack KISS as part of their "grand premier." The following week, KISS defeated Christian Prophet via DQ after Johnny Hollywood interfered. Although this resulted in a victory for KISS, the beat down that followed diminished the value of that win. Then last week, KISS showed up to confront Johnny Hollywood. Although no physical contact was made, KISS made the challenge for New Year, No Limits! and the match was signed.




(World Tag Team Titles) The Christensens © vs. Enemies of The State vs. The Rought Cut

Last week, The Rough Cut earned their spot into the Tag Titles picture with their count out victory over The Christensens. While it was a smart plan, this time The Rough Cut will have to win decisively if they are looking to become the World Tag Team Champions. Enemies of the State will also be involved after they earned their spots by defeating Military Discipline and The Beach Bodies.




(US Title) Garrett South © vs. Timothy Hawk

After Garrett South talked trash about Timothy Hawk's girlfriend, Lois Paige, along with her entire family, Timothy Hawk is ready to step up for the Paige family. Hawk has been on the receiving end of beat downs, but New Year, No Limits! will be his chance to finally get his hands on South in a one on one setting.




Herculez vs. Towerblock

Towerblock has been a large thorn in the side of Herculez for a couple of months now. Towerblock only seemed to make the feud more personal when he attacked Herculez during a strength competition. The week after, Towerblock cost Herculez the United States Title by interfering in Herculez' match against Garrett South. Herculez got a little bit of revenge the week after, but what happened last week had to be the worst attack from Towerblock. Towerblock had somehow stolen Herculez' Worlds Strongest Man trophy and threw it into a river while Herculez watched on helplessly. The time for sneak attacks will come to an end as these two finally go head to head in a singles match.




(No Disqualification) Core vs. Silva Dolla

This feud has been nothing but personal as Core is out to kill Dolla's career, and Dolla is out to taunt Core. These two will finally settle their differences in a match where anything goes. Will Core use Dolla as a stepping stone like he intended, or can Dolla overcome the monster?




(For Adrienne's services) Jean-Claude Giroux vs. Wilson Hancock w/ Adrienne

Frustrated with Jean-Claude's attacks, Wilson Hancock issued the challenge to Jean-Claude, saying he would put Adrienne on the line just to get a one on one match with him. Jean-Claude then took advantage of an emotionally distraught Wilson Hancock by accepting the challenge. Now, Hancock must win if he wants to protect Adrienne from her abusive, ex-boyfriend Jean-Claude Giroux.




Sebastian Curtis vs. Vincent I. Parker

After being cheated last week, when Sebastian used the ropes for leverage, VIP was granted a rematch over the weekend by Ezekiel Trillion. Trillion said that he looks forward to seeing these two wrestle again, and will be putting his best referee in charge.




(World Title) Chaperone © vs. Drake Richards

This is the big one that we have been waiting a month to see. Chaperone has been obsessed with proving that he is the most dominant wrestler. We saw him insert himself into the spotlight by pinning every opponent in the main event, and even physically removing Jean-Claude Giroux for trying to be in it. No one is certain what triggered this in Chaperone. But many people believe it started after Chaperone was kicked in the face by Sebastian Curtis, who was supposed to be watching his Chaperone's back. Ever since then, Chaperone has adopted a part of Sebastian's arrogance and turned it into something deadlier than Sebstian.


Meanwhile, Drake Richards is determined to hold the World Title again after a year of being dry of title reigns. He is also out to prove that he is capable of putting down the bigger man. Two months ago, Drake failed to put Chaperone down at Where Champions Clash. Can he finally overcome this obstacle?




Johnny Hollywood vs. KISS

(World Tag Team Titles) The Christensens © vs. Enemies of The State vs. The Rought Cut

(US Title) Garrett South © vs. Timothy Hawk

Herculez vs. Towerblock

(No Disqualification) Core vs. Silva Dolla

(For Adrienne's services) Jean-Claude Giroux vs. Wilson Hancock w/ Adrienne

Sebastian Curtis vs. Vincent I. Parker

(World Title) Chaperone © vs. Drake Richards


Bonus: There are two pre-show matches. Which two wrestlers will win their matches in the PRE-SHOW?




Up Next: Promotion Updates

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Johnny Hollywood vs. KISS

(World Tag Team Titles) The Christensens © vs. Enemies of The State vs. The Rought Cut

(US Title) Garrett South © vs. Timothy Hawk

Herculez vs. Towerblock

(No Disqualification) Core vs. Silva Dolla

(For Adrienne's services) Jean-Claude Giroux vs. Wilson Hancock w/ Adrienne

Sebastian Curtis vs. Vincent I. Parker

(World Title) Chaperone © vs. Drake Richards


Bonus: There are two pre-show matches. Which two wrestlers will win their matches in the PRE-SHOW? Marco De Francisco and Atonga

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Johnny Hollywood vs. KISS

Kiss beat the blacklisted before, but I see Hollywood getting the win here. Possibly with the help of Christian Prophet.

(World Tag Team Titles) The Christensens © vs. Enemies of The State vs. The Rough Cut

I'll take the champions to retain here

(US Title) Garrett South © vs. Timothy Hawk

I'm just going to be lazy and pick the champs again.

Herculez vs. Towerblock

I'd day Towerblock is the better big man.

(No Disqualification) Core vs. Silva Dolla

Pretty much a guess here.

(For Adrienne's services) Jean-Claude Giroux vs. Wilson Hancock w/ Adrienne

I don't know, maybe Adrienne will turn heel and betray Hancock to go back to Jean-Claude or something.

Sebastian Curtis vs. Vincent I. Parker

I like VIP, but he's not quite on Curtis's level.

(World Title) Chaperone © vs. Drake Richards

Drake Richards is more talented, but I think Chaperone's title reign will last a bit longer.


Bonus: There are two pre-show matches. Which two wrestlers will win their matches in the PRE-SHOW? Christian Prophet and Marco de Francisco

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Johnny Hollywood vs. KISS

(World Tag Team Titles) The Christensens © vs. Enemies of The State vs. The Rought Cut

(US Title) Garrett South © vs. Timothy Hawk

Herculez vs. Towerblock

(No Disqualification) Core vs. Silva Dolla

(For Adrienne's services) Jean-Claude Giroux vs. Wilson Hancock w/ Adrienne

Sebastian Curtis vs. Vincent I. Parker

(World Title) Chaperone © vs. Drake Richards


Bonus: There are two pre-show matches. Which two wrestlers will win their matches in the PRE-SHOW?

Christian Prophet and Marco DeFrancesco

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Johnny Hollywood vs. KISS

(World Tag Team Titles) The Christensens © vs. Enemies of The State vs. The Rought Cut

(US Title) Garrett South © vs. Timothy Hawk

Herculez vs. Towerblock

(No Disqualification) Core vs. Silva Dolla

(For Adrienne's services) Jean-Claude Giroux vs. Wilson Hancock w/ Adrienne

Sebastian Curtis vs. Vincent I. Parker

(World Title) Chaperone © vs. Drake Richards


Bonus: There are two pre-show matches. Which two wrestlers will win their matches in the PRE-SHOW? Christian Prophet and Atonga

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Johnny Hollywood vs. KISS

(World Tag Team Titles) The Christensens © vs. Enemies of The State vs. The Rough Cut

(US Title) Garrett South © vs. Timothy Hawk

Herculez vs. Towerblock

(No Disqualification) Core vs. Silva Dolla

(For Adrienne's services) Jean-Claude Giroux vs. Wilson Hancock w/ Adrienne

Sebastian Curtis vs. Vincent I. Parker

(World Title) Chaperone © vs. Drake Richards


Bonus: There are two pre-show matches. Which two wrestlers will win their matches in the PRE-SHOW? Prophet + Atonga

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Welcome to ZMAN's JHDVerse diary: AWF: This is Awesome.



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New Year, No Limits!




-Christian Prophet defeated Kay Pasa in a singles match.

-Atonga defeated Buddy Holland and Marco De Francesco in a triple threat match.



Johnny Hollywood vs. KISS

Johnny Hollywood defeated KISS in 7:05. C

KISS roughed up the self-proclaimed "Director of Destruction," with his rugged brawling. He was clearly seeking revenge on Hollywood as he chased Hollywood around the ring, and hit him with everything he had. Unfortunately, this tactic seemed to not only exhaust KISS, but decrease his situational awareness as well. Christian Prophet managed to sneak by and deck KISS with a metal object which played a major role in the outcome of the match. Seeing the destruction left by Prophet, Hollywood scooped up what was left of KISS, hit the Rolling Credits DDT and pinned him for the win.





(World Tag Team Titles) The Christensens © vs. Enemies of The State vs. The Rought Cut

Enemies of the State defeated The Christensens and The Rough Cut in 8:12. D

After a fast paced match that involved many tag-ins and double team manuevers, Omri and Revolver were victorious when Omri hit a drop kick which put Bailey in place for the Six Shooter Punch Combo from Revolver.





Following the tag team match, The Rough Cut and Johnny Hollywood tried to disrupt the celebration that took place with The Enemies of the State, but Omri and Revolver fought them off. Omri drop kicked Bailey out of the ring, while Revolver hit a series of punches that knocked Grace over the top rope. Finally, The Enemies had Johnny Hollywood all alone. Hollywood didn't know what else to do so he yelled, "That's a wrap!" Hollywood then turned his back to leave, but Revolver grabbed him by the shoulder. Revolver knocked down Hollywood with a punch, and pulled him to the center of the ring. Omri then pressed Hollywood over his head, and tossed him out, causing him to crash into The Rough Cut (E+)




Hawk is ready...

Timothy Hawk is shown backstage with Kitty Reardon who's ready to conduct the interview. Kitty asked what Hawk's plans are for his match. Hawk mentions that his girlfriend Lois Paige will be in the front row watching him as he beats the snot out of Garrett South. He says that he's fighting for her tonight, along with the entire Paige family who South disrespected on so many occasions. Timothy said that he's tired of the verbal attacks, and the sneak attacks. He's ready to teach South a lesson. (C+)




(US Title) Garrett South © vs. Timothy Hawk

Garrett South defeated Timothy Hawk in 9:32 by disqualification. ©

Timothy Hawk drew blood from Garrett South early into the match when he rammed South's head into the steps, uncontrollably, in front of Lois Paige who was in the audience. Garrett South continued the match as the blood from his wound seemed to spread as the match continued. After an intense opening, the match slowed down to an easier pace for the two brawlers. The fire didn't start back up until the end when Garrett South entered the audience, and planted his blood covered lips on Lois Paige's. Garrett pulled away with a sick grin on his face as Lois gasped with blood smeared across her face. That angered Timothy Hawk to the point where the threw the match by hitting Garrett South with a steel chair.





Despite the match coming to an end, Timothy Hawk disregarded the bell and continued his assault on Garrett South. He dragged South into the middle of the ring and pounded him on the head with mounted punches. South was clearly unconscious at this point as he didn't even have enough strength to put up a defense. Noticing this, Hawk finally let up on South and departed the ring while looking down at his clinched fists in shock. (B-)




Herculez vs. Towerblock

Herculez defeated Towerblock in 8:31. (C-)

These two goliaths finally went to war, and pushed each other to their limits. Herculez' mission in this match was to garner enough strength to actually lift the 500 pounder, while Towerblock's intention was to remain on his feet. The two men went back and forth, with Herculez trying to beat Towerblock down to the point where he could slam him, and Towerblock throwing everything he had at Herculez to push him away. The final result was Herculez catching the 7'1, 500 pounder off guard, and throwing him up on his shoulders into a firemans carry position. That was Herculez' best shot at getting the big man up as he carried Towerblock to the center of the ring. Once centered, Herculez threw Towerblock forward, slamming him back-first onto the mat with a violent thud, causing part of the ring floor to cave in! The move not only took out Towerblock, but exhausted Herculez causing him to collapse. Luckily, Herculez landed on top of Towerblock, which resulted in him getting the pinfall.




The victor falls...

After the match, Herculez was helped out of the ring by officials as he favored his back which had been injured from lifting Towerblock, and from the weeks prior. The man responsible, Towerblock, recovered in time to notice Herculez being carried by the officials. An angry Towerblock stood up, and stalked his prey from behind. Towerblock attacked Herculez with a clothesline, taking out the officials at the same time. He dragged Herculez to the announce table, and gave him a choke slam through the table! (B-)




(No Disqualification) Core vs. Silva Dolla

Core defeated Silva Dolla in 10:26.

This went down as a typical hardcore match involving several weapons, as well as some back and forth brawling. Dolla hit a Money Sign on the exposed concrete floor, but Core impressively kicked out. Moments later, Core countered a second attempt at a Money Sign, and hit the Korah's Parable through a table. (B)




Final Words.

Drake Richards cut a lengthy promo about his match later on. Drake was being himself as always; confident and straight forward. He said he's leaving with the gold tonight. (B+)




(For Adrienne's services/Adrienne is Special Guest Referee) Jean-Claude Giroux vs. Wilson Hancock w/ Adrienne

JJean-Claude Giroux defeated Wilson Hancock in 12:35. (B-)

Adrienne was announced before the match as the Special Guest Referee. These two men put on a good match, and told their story well in the ring. Jean-Claude came out looking like an unstoppable wrestling machine, while Wilson was a fighter who refused to slow down. The last part of the match had Wilson Hancock claw his way out of two sharpshooters as Adrienne motivated him every step of the way. A third sharp shooter, however, brought Adrienne to her knees as she pleaded with Jean-Claude to let go, and pleaded with Hancock to tap out. Adrienne had to turn away as Hancock slipped into unconsciousness from the sharp shooter. Seeing Adrienne's mental state, a referee entered the match and called for the bell. Jean-Claude wins by knock out.




The Aftermath.

Post-match, Giroux walks off with Hancock's girlfriend Adrienne, as Hancock is being treated by medics. Hancock is carried out as he seems distraught about losing the match and his girlfriend.C




Sebastian Curtis vs. Vincent I. Parker

Sebastian Curtis defeated Vincent I. Parker in 12:49. B-

This was a rematch which basically followed the same formula as their match one week prior. The only difference, was that VIP came close to putting away Curtis on a couple occasions. However, Sebastian proved once again that he's the better wrestler when he hit a Sebsplex for the pinfall.




Sebastian's Demands

Backstage, Sebastian Curtis thrusts himself on camera and steals a mic from the production team. Sebastian "demands," the attention of management, Chaperone, and Drake Richards. He gloats over his victory, calling it a perfect performance, before declaring that he is going after the AWF World Championship. (B)




(World Title) Chaperone © vs. Drake Richards

Drake Richards defeated Chaperone in 19:36. (B+)

After a great, competitive match, Drake Richards put the big man down with a piledriver. Chaperone used his power to slow down Richards, but Richards made a come back and hit his usual arsenal of speed based moves. Richards tried to end the match on two occassions with the Top Rope Rushmore, but Chaperone kept kicking out. Richards busted out the only other deadly move he could think of, and dropped Chaperone on his head for the win. Chaperone puts up a good fight, but does not retain the AWF World Title.



Final Grade: B-



Quick Results:

Johnny Hollywood vs. KISS

(World Tag Team Titles) The Christensens © vs. Enemies of The State vs. The Rought Cut

(US Title) Garrett South © vs. Timothy Hawk

Herculez vs. Towerblock

(No Disqualification) Core vs. Silva Dolla

(For Adrienne's services) Jean-Claude Giroux vs. Wilson Hancock w/ Adrienne

Sebastian Curtis vs. Vincent I. Parker

(World Title) Chaperone © vs. Drake Richards


Bonus: Christian Prophet, Atonga




Up Next: House of Holland

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As someone who couldn't figure out a way to push Garrett South in my AWF game, I'm interested to see how his feud with Hawk goes. :D


Also, liking Drake getting the AWF title. I personally think Chaperone can be a good champ, but Drake's just too good lol.


Keep up the top work!

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