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WCW 1995: Changing History

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WCW 1995: What if?


I have been through a lot in the wrestling world yet I have never even stepped in the ring. You can consider my wrestling knowledge to be pretty vast including on the independent scene. Tape trading as a youth to writing about wrestling every chance I got no matter what happened I would gravitate back to my passion. I have a degree in Journalism from San Jose State University and I have used it well. I have contemplated career changes but every time I find myself right back here again.

I am Dave Meltzer and this is my story.


June 1995:

Wrestling Observer Newsletter is in full swing and has been for years now. Writing is my passion and it always will be. I have good insight on the wrestling business and that is known by fans and wresters alike. All the wrestlers know who Dave Meltzer is, all the managers, valets, bookers, even owners know my writing even more than most fans do. I love writing but I always wondered what it would be like to actually write for the business. Write storylines, write angles, promos, instead of match recaps and ratings. It would open up a whole new door for me and to be honest I feel like I can do it a lot better than the monkeys that are doing it today. Slamboree sucked, the world title was not even defended. Tag match Hogan and Savage beat Flair and Vader, like nobody saw that coming. For about a year and a half you see the same thing every PPV and it usually ends with Hogan hitting a leg drop and getting the 3 count. I am sick of seeing the same thing every ppv from the WCW at least the WWF has some variety, some new, fresh gimmicks…some surprises. And god forbid the WCW lets anyone under the age of 35 get a shot at the Main Event and get a decent push. While I said WWF has some surprises, their inaugural In Your House ppv on the 14th of May was not much better. While the World title was defended, it ended in a DQ after Tatanka ran in and attacked Diesel. Great ending? No, stupid ending. I can do better than this idiocy that we keep seeing.


July 1995:

Little better PPV from WCW at Bash at the Beach. Match of the night was Savage vs Flair in a “lifeguard match”. Same thing as a lumberjack match but with the beach theme going. Sting beats Meng to remain the US champion. Someone please tell me why Sting has the US belt. He is far too over for a midcard title and the problem now is how do you get it off of him without having lose momentum by losing to someone in the mid-card tier. The main event at least featured the World title being defended and at least it didn’t end with Hogan hitting a legdrop and a three count this month. Instead he escaped a cage and retained against Big Van Vader, the monster heel who I particularly like in that role and I feel he plays it nicely. WWF In Your House #2 in my opinion was much better than the first. Re-match between Sid and Diesel was a little out of control as it was a lumberjack match and boy did the lumberjacks play a big role. Both men had their own “Lumberjacks” and throughout the match they were ambushing people and such. Diesel ended up winning the match and retaining the title, the highlight being when Diesel did a suicide dive over the ropes onto Sid’s lumberjacks. I give Diesel props for a move like that at his size. Match of the night though had to be Michaels vs Jarrett for the IC title. I really look forward to these IC title matches more than the world title matches in the last few months as they are better quality matches. WWF does it right, they use the Intercontinental Title to promote up and comers that will eventually move up to the main event scene and they use it great. Great 20 minute match with back and forth action here. The Roadie did some good work at ringside, really playing into Jarrett’s heel character and interfering nicely in the match. You know the deal though, Roadie ‘accidently’ tripped Jarrett, Michaels hit a Superkick, new champion crowned. Great match by both competitors though I feel they both have a bright future in the WWF. Not too bad of a month for either of the companies but also not great.


August 1995:

It Was like the 14th or the 15th. I get a call from Ted Turner. Yes, I said Ted Turner. He says he on the 21st, which was a Saturday, that I was to come to one of his homes in Cincinnati. Let me just say right now I have never spoken to Ted Turner or actually anyone really from the WCW up until this point. It was pretty much a shock to me, actually I figured that he had a problem with my writing or something. I thought maybe I would have said something that really pissed him off and he might threaten me that he would sue over some copyright bullshit or something, I don’t know. So the 21st comes I fly to his house, he flew me in first class. I had never flew first class up until that point, so long story short I end up at his house in front of the Ted Turner. The founder of TBS, CNN, he owned the Atlanta Braves for a while actually and least notably he was the owner of WCW. Yes World Championship Wrestling. Don’t ask me how or why a man like Ted Turner would get involved with a company like WCW, I guess he likes wrestling or something and has nothing better to do than make an investment like that.


Ted Turner: How is it going Mr. Meltzer? Before you answer, because the answer doesn’t really matter quite frankly I would just like to tell you why you are here.


Here it comes I thought, a threat or something of that nature…


Ted Turner: I have been reading your writing


Ugh oh…


Ted Turner: And it is really entertaining. I like it…


What? Did he just say he likes reading my critical writing of his company? I don’t believe this.


Ted Turner: I really think a man like you could be pretty useful on the book. What do you think about that? I didn’t get into the position I am in by being clueless. I can tell the direction of WCW is not ideal and that there needs to be a change. You can be that change. Full control, open checkbook, nobody to answer to…besides me of course. There will be rules, I will oversee that you are doing a good job and you will be looked at on a month by month basis. As long as you are taking this company in a good direction and not losing millions of dollars along the way I think there shouldn’t be a problem. What do you think about that?


Me (Clears my throat): Mr. Turner if I am not getting worked over here than I would just like to say that there is no chance I could ever pass this up. I always thought I would do a pretty good job at being a booker.


Ted Turner: No need to say anymore, September 1st you begin. You have your own office, you will be in control of the creative booking and if you want to make signings you will have to pass that by me, I don’t want just anyone in my company. I am sure you get the picture. Until the first you have access to the locker rooms and all the arenas we will be at. Why not get acquainted with some of the boys, you will be seeing quite a lot of them.


I say my thank yous, about 100 times it seemed. Still in disbelief by the whole situation I was. I couldn’t ever see myself getting an opportunity of this caliber.


Let the games begin…

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Roster, Champions, etc will be up soon. Looking forward to starting to write some shows up and stuff.


Yeah, just decided to use the Dave Meltzer avatar haha, no particular reason. If I got any history wrong in the back story I am sorry, I did my best to put one together. Shows should start soon, I have Nitro on Monday night and WCW Saturday Night which is a B show that is taped on Thursdays. I am using the WOTW Mod. Hope you guys enjoy!

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