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wcw 1992 There's a new sherrif in town

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The year was 1992, and WCW was coming off a year that did the impossible: topped 1990 as the most financially destructive year in the company’s short history. If you're the kind of person who lives and dies by such records, don't fret, as WCW would continue the trend of negative business for years to come. In 1991, Dusty Rhodes easily picked up the slack where Ole Anderson left off in the inane, nonsensical, completely asinine booking department. While arguably not as humorously terrible as Ole was, the numbers were there clear as day, and to quote Unwritten Law, WCW was “Seeing’ (a lot of) Red.”






“A New Sheriff in Town”




The start of 1992 saw long-time WCW front man Jim Herd step down from his position of power in WCW due to frustration, stress, and a feeling of helplessness to curve WCW’s problems. Two years of Ole’s Third-Grade Magic Shows and Dusty’s bad gimmick matches had taken their toll on Herd, and after all the nonsense over the last 25 months, who could blame him the least bit for waving the white flag. Dusty Rhodes was still in charge of the book, but the writing on the wall for Dusty was clearer than the mysterious splotch which occupied the lower portion of Big Dusty’s Tum-Tums.


K. Allen Frye, a long-time Turner employee, moved into Jim Herd’s former position, and immediately made some changes. Mr. Frye new if WCW was to succeed and to start making money,he knew the company would have to go another direction and one Mr. Frye's first priority was to hire someone who would turn the company around,someone who do what's best for the company. With that being said Mr. frye decided to re leave Dusty Rhodes from his booking duties but offered to keep Dusty on WCW's payroll as a commentator and an active wrestler. It is up in the air if Dusty will stay with WCW or if he will walk,and if he does choose to leave would Dustin be far behind?One thing is for sure Mr.Frye has let it be kown that there is some big changes gonna be happening and one of them being the name of the new commisioner which will be introduced at the upcoming Clash of Champions.

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"A State of Address from the Executive Vice President of World Championship Wrestling"


Executive VP Kip Alan Frye has released the following statement regaurding the future of WCW.





To all WCW fans,staff and WCW roster,as you are probably aware there has been and will be some changes going on in WCW. as Executive VP of World Championship Wrestling it is my job to turn this company around and save a sinking ship from sinking.From this day forward is a brand new start for WCW,and starting at the Clash of Champions next Thursday night,live from The Macon Coliseum in Macon,Ga on The Superstation WTBS. The Clash will start a new direction as I will name a new WCW commisioner,plus you will see some of the greatest wrestling action from your favorite WCW wrestlers.


Thank You,




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World Championship Wrestling Presents


Clash of Champions

Live from the Macon Coliseum



Marcus Alexander Bagwell vs The Cuban Assasian


Ron Simmons vs Mr. Hughes


"The Z Man"Tom Zenk vs Vinnie Vegas


WCW Worlds TagTeam Title match

The Steiner Brothers© vs "The Freebirds"Micheal P.S. Hayes &Jimmy "Jam'Garvin


Big Van Vader W/Harley Race vs "Flying"Brian Pillman


WCW Worlds Heavyweight Title Match

Sting vs Lex Luger©


Also a new WCW Commisioner will be named




all comments and predicitions are welcomed

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Marcus Alexander Bagwell vs The Cuban Assasian


Ron Simmons vs Mr. Hughes


"The Z Man"Tom Zenk vs Vinnie Vegas


WCW Worlds TagTeam Title match

The Steiner Brothers© vs "The Freebirds"Micheal P.S. Hayes &Jimmy "Jam'Garvin


Big Van Vader W/Harley Race vs "Flying"Brian Pillman



WCW Worlds Heavyweight Title Match



Sting vs Lex Luger©

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Marcus Alexander Bagwell vs The Cuban Assasian


Ron Simmons vs Mr. Hughes


"The Z Man" Tom Zenk vs Vinnie Vegas


WCW Worlds TagTeam Title match

The Steiner Brothers© vs "The Freebirds" Micheal P.S. Hayes & Jimmy "Jam'Garvin


Big Van Vader W/Harley Race vs "Flying"Brian Pillman


WCW Worlds Heavyweight Title Match

Sting vs Lex Luger©

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Marcus Alexander Bagwell vs The Cuban Assasian - I'll go Bagwell here.


Ron Simmons vs Mr. Hughes - Simmons is a bad ass.


"The Z Man" Tom Zenk vs Vinnie Vegas - Vegas takes this one.


WCW Worlds TagTeam Title match

The Steiner Brothers© vs "The Freebirds" Micheal P.S. Hayes & Jimmy "Jam'Garvin - Again...first show.


Big Van Vader W/Harley Race vs "Flying"Brian Pillman - Vader's a monster, Pillman will sell for him.


WCW Worlds Heavyweight Title Match

Sting vs Lex Luger© - needs a build up to the title change

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Marcus Alexander Bagwell vs The Cuban Assasian


Ron Simmons vs Mr. Hughes


"The Z Man"Tom Zenk vs Vinnie Vegas


WCW Worlds TagTeam Title match

The Steiner Brothers© vs "The Freebirds"Micheal P.S. Hayes &Jimmy "Jam'Garvin


Big Van Vader W/Harley Race vs "Flying"Brian Pillman


WCW Worlds Heavyweight Title Match


Sting vs Lex Luger©

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Clash of Championslive from the Macon Colliseum





AS the Clash starts the Excutive of VP of World Championship Wrestling,Kip Alan Frye is already standing in the middle of the ring.Kip gives more less the same speech that change is coming and one of the first changes is the announcement of Cowboy Bill Watts as the new WCW Commishioner.Mr. Watts makes his way down to the ring and makes a speech about how he is here to whip WCW into shape and that change won't happen overnight ,but,Mr. Watts gets the ball rolling by announcing that starting this Saturday night on WTBS, WCW will now be called WCW Saturday Night, and he goes to announce that Jim Ross will now have a new announce partner and he unveils the new voice of WCW to be none other than Jesse"The Body"Ventura.Mr. Watts ends his speech by telling everyone to tune in to the new WCW Saturday Night





Marcus Alexander Bagwell vs The Cuban Assasain


After the commercial break we see that the Cuban Assasian is already in the ring as Marcus Alexander Bagwell makes his way down to the ring. The Cuban Assasian gets a few cheap shots and draws a little heat from the crowd,but Bagwell bounces back and gets a win via fishermans suplex.





ATaylor Made Moment







After the match The new voice of WCW Jesse Ventura steps down to ringside for an interview. Bagwell thanks the fans for getting behind him and goes on thanking WCW for giving him a chance,as Marcus is continuing his interview he is interrupted by The"Taylor Made Man"Terry Taylor. Taylor insults Bagwell by calling him a snot nose punk kid who knows nothing about the business and lets Bagwell know that this is the year of The Taylor Made Man not some punk kid from Marietta Georgia .Marcus thanks the fans again and politely walks away as Taylor is left standing with a smirk on his face.




The ZMan vs Vinnie Vegas


Next up we have The Z Man in action against Vinnie Vegas. This match goes back and forth,but Vegas proves to just be to powerful for the Z Man and wins the match by catching the Z Man off the top turnbuckle and hitting the snake eyes for the win.



As the clash comes back from commercial break we see non other than Mean Gene Oakerlund backstage interviewing WCW Worlds champion Lex Luger. Luger warns Sting that tonight he is not gonna be responsible for tearing him apart.Mean Gene reminds Luger that him and Sting use to be best friends and Luger cuts Oakerlund off by telling him the key word is use to be and how it was always about Sting and how he use to carry Sting on his back,but those days are over because now the only weight he is caring is the 25 pound of gold around his waist.




Ron Simmons vs Mr.Hughes


Up next we have Ron Simmons against Mr.Hughes goes toe to toe with Simmons for the first 10 minutes,actually getting a couple of 2 counts,but Simmons gets the best of Mr. Hughes and finishes him off with the powerslam.







The Steiner Brothers are standing by with Mean Gene and they more less talk about how they are gonna pluck the feathers of the the Free Birds tonight.




Big Van Vader w/Harley Race vs Flying Brian Pillman


The Big Van Vader match against Brian Pillman was a squash match as you would imagine,It was like one of Mike Tyson's earlier fights if you blinked you would miss it.Vader prevails victorious with the vader bomb.Pillman sold the Vader Bomb as a couple of refs had to help him to the back.



WCW World TagTeam Title match


The Steiner Brothers © vs The FreeBirds


On paper you would think that this was gonna be a squash victory for the Steiner Brothers,but actually the Freebirds held their own,by mostly cheating when the ref wasn't looking and actually working on Ric Steiners leg by keeping him in their corner and double teaming him when possible,but big brother Scott finally scores the victory for the Steiner Brothers when he Frankenstieners Jimmy Garvin for the three count.





Best Friends.....Better Enemies


When the clash returns Jim Ross discusses the relationship between Lex Luger and Sting.Then a video package of their history is shown from them battling the Horsemen to defeating The Road Warriors to win the Crockett Cup, to Luger celebrating with Sting when he won the Worlds Title a couple of years back,then we see as the video package brings us up to date to where Sting and Luger Lost the WCW tagteam titles to the Steiner Brothers at SuperBrawl.Luger blamed Sting for the loss because Sting accidentally knocked Luger off the ring apron(which Luger faked a knee injury) a few weeks after the loss Luger still faking the knee injury apologized to sting and wanted to congratulate him on his upcoming match with the then WCW World champion Ron Simmons. Luger eventually attacked Sting and injured Stings knee,knocking Sting out of the title match,which Luger got and defeated Simmons to become the new WCW Worlds champion.






WCW Worlds title match

Sting vs Lex Luger©


This match gets explosive right from the start as Sting rips into Luger. Luger tries several times to take the easy way out by leaving,but Sting was having none of it. Both wrestlers continued to throw the rule book out the door and after brawling for about 15 minutes,Luger low blows Sting when the ref wasn't looking and leaves the ring, as the ref looks confused to what just happened,he starts the 10 count and counts out Luger. The Clash ends with the ref helping Sting to his feet and raising his hand in victory.


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Mean Gene and the WCW Hotline



Hello every one Mean Gene here with this weeks WCW update and other news.


WCW has a new sheriff in town and that is none other than Cowboy Bill Watts.Can the cowboy clean up WCW? or will he ride off into the sunset on his high horse? Only time will tell.


Can anyone stop Big Van Vader? This monster seems to destroy everyone who gets in his way.


What has gotten into Terry Taylor? Why the attitude change? Maybe we will find out this Saturday night on WCW Saturday Night.




Confirmed matches and preview for WCW Saturday Night


Tune is this Saturday Night for some explosive WCW action.Sting will be in attendance and I am sure this fued with Lex Luger isn't over. With both of these guys in the same building who knows what will happen.


Also expect more news from the new Commishiner Cowboy Bill Watts also these matches have already been signed


Brad Armstrong vs Yoshi Kwan


The Super Invader vs Big Josh


Marcus Bagwell vs Diamond Dallas Page


Bobby Eaton vs Van Hammer


Ron Simmons vs Arn Anderson

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