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WWE Royal Rumble and Beyond

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There is no backstory, the only obvious thing i have changed is the Royal Rumble is a 40 man Rumble, apart from that, this is the WWE from the Royal Rumble.


Royal Rumble 2012


The Pyro's go off and we are live from St Louis for the 2012 Royal Rumble Michael Cole, Booker-T- and Jerry 'The King' Lawler welcome us to the event.


Wade Barrett makes his way to the ring, and grabs a microphone.


Barrett discusses Orton's return Friday night on Smackdown, and says he is going to get the final laugh tonight, when he eliminates the St. Louis home town boy to win the 2012 Royal Rumble. It wasn't long until Sheamus interrupted the Englishman.


Sheamus says he and everyone else in St. Louis are sick of hearing Barrett run his mouth off. Last week on Smackdown Barrett got lucky in the tables match, but tonight he is going to throw him over the top rope and eliminate him from the Royal Rumble.


The Smackdown General Manager makes his way out onto the stage, and says clearly both Sheamus and Wade Barrett have some issues to settle. And as there is no guarantee they will even be in the ring at the same time in the 40 man Royal Rumble match tonight, that right now we are going to see Sheamus go one on one with Wade Barrett.


Sheamus v Wade Barrett


The referee made his way to the ring, as Barrett rolled out of the ring, to compose himself ahead of the sudden match that was made. Sheamus got bored of waiting and dived outside of the ring to greet the Englishman. Sheamus greeted Barrett with a forearm to the face, and threw Barrett into the ring. As Barrett got to his feet, he was immediately knocked down with a couple of clotheslines from the great white. Sheamus then tried to end it very quickly with a Brogue Kick, but Barrett managed to move out of the way and then meant Sheamus with a few punches in his face that set Sheamus to back into the corner. Barrett drove his shoulder into the chest of Sheamus, which sent the Irish man down into the corner, which caused Barrett to follow up with a shin the face. With Sheamus down on the canvas, it gave Barrett chance to show off to the fans. As Sheamus was starting to get to his feet, Barrett greeted the Irish man with an elbow to the face and followed up with a belly to belly suplex. With Sheamus down in the middle of the ring, Barrett covered Sheamus, but only managed to get a two count. Barrett clearly frustrated by not being able to finish off the Irish superstar quickly, and keep himself ready for the Rumble Match later, allowed his anger to get the best of him, and Sheamus to get to his feet, and this time successfully hit the Brogue kick.


Luckily for Barrett though he managed to roll out of the ring, which stopped Sheamus from covering him immediately. Sheamus followed Barrett out of the ring, and chucked a nearly limp Barrett back into the ring. Sheamus covered Barrett, though it had been two long, and Barrett managed to kick out. Sheamus went to pick up Barrett, and ended get raked in the eyes for his trouble. With Sheamus temporarily blinded, Barrett picked him up on his shoulders and went for Wasteland, but Sheamus managed to slip out and went for another Brogue kick, Barrett ducked and then hit the winds of change, followed up with a cover, and almost got a three count. Barrett was getting annoyed that he wasn't able to make quick work out of Sheamus, and went outside of the ring, to grab a steel chair. Barrett got back into the ring and went to strike Sheamus in the back with the steel chair, but the referee grabbed the chair, and managed to pull it off Barrett. With Barrett distracted it allowed Sheamus to again try for the Brogue Kick, but Barrett well and truly had the move scouted, and side stepped the move, which caused Sheamus to get his leg caught up on the ropes. With Sheamus caught up, Barrett connected with a big boot of his head to the head of Sheamus, which sent Sheamus to the outside of the ring. Barrett followed Sheamus, and ended up throwing the red head into the steel steps. After being thrown back into the ring, Sheamus felt the elbow from Barrett drop onto his chest, and then another pin fall attempt and another two count.


Barrett picked up the ankle of the grounded Sheamus and dropped him knee first to the mat a couple of times, until Sheamus managed to kick Barrett away. Sheamus managed to get to his feet, but Barrett ended up quickly taking him down with chop block to the injured leg. With Sheamus down on the mat again, Barrett went to take advantage, but the desperate Irishman rolled Barrett up into a cradle, and managed to get a near fall. Sheamus managed to use the ropes to get to his feet, and Barrett quickly got to his feet, and hit Sheamus with a clothesline. Sheamus though just managed to bounce of the ropes, and connected with a couple of right hands to the face of Barrett. The two men exchanged numerous punches, until Sheamus connected with a knee to the stomach of Barrett. Sheamus then picked up Barrett and went to connect with the Celtic Cross, but Sheamus's knee couldn't hold the wait, and Barrett slide behind Sheamus. Barrett turned Sheamus round and kicked Sheamus between the legs, with the referee stood behind Sheamus, he was unable to see the blatant low blow. Barrett the put Sheamus onto his shoulders, and connected with the wasteland. Barrett then made the cover in the middle of the ring, and managed to get the three count. Barrett was clearly elated with his victory and gaining some momentum before the Royal Rumble match later tonight. As Barrett left the ring, he looked back at Sheamus, and seen the Irishman struggle to get to his feet, Barrett had a smirk on his face, seeing the damage he had caused on one of the big threats in the 40 man Royal Rumble Match.


We go backstage, and Josh Matthews is with John Cena. Josh asks John how he is feeling about his match tonight against Kane. Cena says he has always lived by the three words Hustle, Loyalty and Respect. It will be those three words that will lead to him beating Team Bring It at Wrestlemania. Cena then tells Josh he is also going to go win the Royal Rumble tonight, go into Wrestlemania, beat The Rock, and then beat CM Punk once and for all for the WWE Championship and make Wrestlemania 28 the biggest night in his career.


Out the back we then see Eve pushing a wheel chair into a private locker room, especially set up for the former United States Champion Zack Ryder. Eve makes sure Ryder is settled in his room as she leaves ahead of her 8 person tag team match up next. Just as she leaves, the RAW General Manager John Laurinaitis walks in. Ryder is obviously ignoring Laurinaitis and his apparent concern that he is showing. In the end Ryder speaks and tells Laurinaitis that he didn't come here tonight to hear him talk a load of BS, tonight he is here to see John Cena destroy Kane, and then tomorrow night he will be there to see Triple H finally get rid of Laurinaitis.


We then head to ringside, and we are ready for 8 diva tag team action as the Bella Twins, Natalya and the WWE Diva's Champion Beth Phoenix make their way to the ring. They are shortly joined by the fan favourites for the following match, Alicia Fox, Tamina, Eve Torres and Kelly Kelly.


Bella Twins, WWE Divas Champion Beth Phoenix and Natalya v Alicia Fox, Tamina, Eve Torres and Kelly Kelly


Tamina and Brie Bella started the match, and Tamina was just throwing Brie Bella around the ring like a rag doll. Tamina then grabbed the arm of Brie and took her to the corner of the heels, and got Natalya to tag herself into the match. Natalya tried to back off from Tamina, walking around the ring, until Kelly Kelly grabbed Natalya from the ring apron, which allowed Tamina to take a swing. Natalya ducked, and Tamina ended up accidently hitting Kelly Kelly. This gave Natalya enough chance to run back over to her corner, and tag in the Diva's Champion, Beth Phoenix. Beth Phoenix came straight into the ring, and took it straight to Tamina, and ended up hitting the Glam Slam, and went for the cover. The referee though informed Beth that the punch was a tag, and Kelly Kelly was the legal person in the match. Kelly quickly got into the ring, and ended up rolling up Beth, but only managed to get a two count. Beth managed to get to her feet, and take Kelly down with a double axe handle to the face. Beth chucked Kelly over the top rope to the outside. Alicia Fox quickly got into the ring, and dropkicked Beth to the outside. The Bella Twins came into the ring and double clotheslined Fox to the outside of the ring. Tamina then came into the ring, and single handily clotheslined both Bella's out of the ring. Natalya went to jump Tamina, but Tamina back dropped Natalya over the top rope, and landed on the divas under her. Eve climbed to the top rope and hit a moonsault, knocking down all 6 divas below her. Tamina then climbed up the opposite side turnbuckle, and hit a splash. The divas champion though managed to move out of the way, while Tamina took out the other 6 divas. Beth grabbed Tamina and chucked her into the ring. Beth quickly hit the glamslam on Tamina, and made the three count, giving her team the win. Beth quickly went outside the ring to grab her divas title, and looked on at Tamina who was still laid out in the middle of the ring.


We go backstage, and Josh Matthews is with World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan, ahead of his tripe threat cage match later tonight. Daniel Bryan calls it a disgrace that Big Show is even aloud to wrestle tonight, let alone wrestle against for the World Heavyweight Title after what he did to his girlfriend AJ. Bryan calls Big Show a destructive monster, and that he is going to protest with the board of directors, to get the Big Show banned from the WWE for life. Mark Henry walks up to Daniel Bryan, and tells him that he is worrying to much about the Big Show tonight, and once they are inside that steel cage, Daniel Bryan is going to be inducted into the Hall of Pain.


We go back to ringside, ahead of the next match, out first comes the Big Red Machine Kane, who has been on a path of destruction since his return, and has wanted the man who's slogan is to 'Rise Above Hate' to embrace it. Once Kane is in the ring, John Cena's music plays, and Cena runs to the ring to quickly get the match underway.


Kane v John Cena


Cena starts on the offensive against Kane, catching the Big Red Machine, somewhat by surprise with left and right punches to the face. It doesn't take long though for Kane to get back into this one with an uppercut to the face of Cena, sending Cena to the mat. Kane then stomped on Cena, and ended up stomping Cena right out of the ring. Kane join Cena outside, but Cena had enough time to get his composure and strike Kane first, and follow up with an irish wipe into the steps. Cena rolled back into the ring, to stop the referees 10 count, and then quickly rolled back out to Kane. Kane caught Cena with a thrust to the head and threw Cena's head into the ring post. Cena was slightly dazed, which allowed Kane to grab Cena by the throat and quickly chokeslammed Cena very suddenly through the Spanish announce table. The referee quickly went outside of the ring, to check on Cena while other officials came down to ringside to also check on Cena. Kane just walked away with a sick smile on his face at the damage he had caused in such a short space of time. Cena started to stir as medical personal around him tried to keep Cena still while they checked him over, Cena decided to ignore them, get up and start to chase after Kane. Cena caught up with Kane in the backstage and the two men started to fight all over the back. Cena threw Kane into a stack of crates, but that didn't stop Kane for long as he came back and threw Cena through a locker room door. That locker room belonged to Zack Ryder. Kane looked at Zack and smiled, and then grabbed the TV Set. Kane looked like he was going to attack Zack with it, but instead hit it over the back of Cena as Cena was starting to get up. Kane then picked up Cena by the throat, and ended up chokeslamming Cena onto Zack. Cena was seemingly out, and Zack was screaming in pain having but sent to the floor with the momentum, possible further injuring his back. Kane just left the room with his signature evil laugh, at the destruction that he had caused.


We head to ringside, and The King, Michael Cole, and Booker-T- just talk about the destruction that they had just witnessed, and that Kane is on a path of destruction, and who could possibly stop him.


We see the Cage started to lower for the triple threat World Title Match, which is next, but first we go out the back, and we are with Josh Matthews and the Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes. Rhodes asked Josh Matthews if he knew what happened April 1st 1990, Josh asked Cody Rhodes what happened, which Cody Rhodes informed him that the Ultimate Warrior became the only man to hold the Intercontinental Title and WWE Title at the same time at Wrestlemania 6. Cody then asked Josh what is going to happen April 1st 2012, which Josh said was the date of Wrestlemania. Rhodes told Josh he was wrong, no one would remember it was the date of Wrestlemania, no one would remember Rock v Cena. What people would remember was it will be the date Cody Rhodes will leave Wrestlemania as the WWE and Intercontinental Champion.


We go back to the ringside area, and the World's Strongest Man makes his way to the ring, followed by the Big Show, and last out was the World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan.


Triple Threat Steel Cage World Heavyweight Title Match

Big Show v Mark Henry v World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan


Before Daniel Bryan even got into the ring, Mark Henry and the Big Show were starring each other down in the middle of the ring. Daniel Bryan quickly got into the ring, and then started to climb back out, without Big Show and Mark Henry had even noticed. Though it was too late, by the time the two giants had noticed. Daniel Bryan was on the top of the cage, and dropped down to the floor, and seemed to of won the match that quickly. Daniel Bryan started to run around the ring celebrating with the World Heavyweight Title, but Smackdown General Manager, Theodore Long end up coming out to ruin Daniel Bryan's celebrations. Long told Daniel Bryan, that someone must of forgot to inform it, but this match can only be won by pinfall or submission, so he had better find a way to get back into the cage, as he has just left Big Show and Mark Henry alone in the ring to fight for the World Heavyweight Title. Daniel Bryan went to try and climb in back through the door, but during his celebration it had been padlocked shut, so no could use it to get in or out of the ring. In the ring Big Show and Mark Henry was started to exchanged lefts and rights Big Show grabbed Mark Henry around the throat, signalling for a Chokeslam, but Mark Henry kicked Big Show between the legs, and then lifted up the giant for the Worlds Strongest Slam, followed by the Worlds Strongest Splash, but Big Show kicked out before the three count. Daniel Bryan started to try and climb the cage back into the ring, but Mark Henry ended up knocking the World Heavyweight Champion back to the floor. But as Mark Henry turned around he walked right into the hand of the Big Show who performed a Chokeslam. Show went for the cover, but only managed to get a two count. Outside the ring, Daniel Bryan had gone under the ring, and found a ladder, and had decided to use that to get back into the ring.


Big Show got frustrated, and ended up walking over to the corner, thus leaving his back turned to Mark Henry, who ran into the corner, and splashed Big Show. Big Show fell to the floor, Mark Henry then went for a second Worlds Strongest Splash on Big Show, but it seemed with what was Big Shows last strength left, managed to hit a knockout punch to Mark Henry, leaving both giants down in the ring. By this point, Daniel Bryan had managed to make his way to the top of the cage, the relatively fresh World Champion was looking down at the two giants, who was destroying each other for his World Heavyweight Championship. Daniel Bryan then stood onto the top of the cage, and ended up hitting a diving headbutt from the top of the cage, right down onto the chest of Mark Henry. Bryan was groggy, and he went over to cover Mark Henry, but only managed to get a two count from the referee, before mark henry managed to kick out. Daniel Bryan then crawled his way over to Big Show and made a cover, though this time he only managed to get to the count of one before the Big Show kicked out. Bryan got to his feet, and ended up backing into Mark Henry who had got to his feet. Bryan then received a Worlds Strongest Slam from Henry. Big Show got to his feet, looked down at Daniel Bryan, picked him up by the throat, and drove him back down to the ring with a huge Chokeslam, but the assault on Bryan wasn't over yet, as he was just about to receive the Worlds Strongest Splash. Henry went for the cover, by Big Show pulled Henry of the World Heavyweight Champion. Henry didn't react well to the interruption and ended up clubbing the Big Show, sending Big Show down to the mat, and followed up with a quick leg drop. Mark Henry then walked over to one of the corner turnbuckles, and removed the padding of the top turnbuckle. Big Show got to his feet, and charged at Mark Henry in the corner, but didn't know that Mark Henry had removed the turnbuckle cover. Mark Henry moved out of the way, which sent Big Show chest first into the exposed turnbuckle. Henry then grab the chest of the dazed Big Show, sent him head first into the top turnbuckle, and then hit another Worlds Strongest Slam. Big Show was completely knocked out, and Mark Henry took advantage and went for the cover, 1..2.. Daniel Bryan had somehow got enough about him to break up the pinfall attempt.


Daniel Bryan crawled into the corner to try and escape the wrath of Mark Henry. This didn't stop Henry from approaching Daniel Bryan, Bryan ended up kicked the knee of Mark Henry causing Henry to fall, and smack his own head, head first into the turnbuckle that he had exposed himself. With Henry dazed, Bryan took advantage, rolled up Mark Henry from behind and managed to sneak in a quick three count to get the win. The announcers was in complete shock that Daniel Bryan had managed to survive this one, and so was the look on the face of Mark Henry, but no one seemed more shocked than Daniel Bryan himself. Mark Henry was angry with himself at losing the match, the referee unlocked the door, which Mark Henry ended up walking out of himself, very annoyed with himself. Bryan was running around the ring, celebrating him win. Bryan however didn't notice that Big Show had started to come to his feet, and seemingly wasn't very happy that the match had already come to the end. Bryan was still unaware of Big Show, as he was too busy mocking Michael Cole with his World Heavyweight Title. When Daniel Bryan turned around however, he soon became aware that Big Show was up, and posed. Big Show delivered a huge spear to Daniel Bryan and ended up sending both men through the steel cage, as the cage ended up buckling under the press. Big Show managed to get to his feet looking fine, but EMT's ended up coming out to check on Daniel Bryan, Bryan ended up barely moving and ended up being put onto the stretched, and wheeled out of the arena.


We see Theodore Long in the back with Akasana, looking on at the action taking place in the ring with the World Heavyweight Champion, Daniel Bryan. John Laurinaitis with his legal advisor David Otunga, walked into the Smackdown General Managers office. Laurinaitis told Theodore Long that is was because of him Daniel Bryan was in that situation. Long told Laurinaitis he gave the fans what they wanted, which is more than he can see, and he should poor more concerned about his meeting with Triple H tomorrow night on RAW, not with what is going on with Smackdown. Laurinaitis told Long that he was a funny man, but Triple H isn't coming to RAW tomorrow to sack him, like everyone else thinks, but instead he will become the permanent general manager of RAW. Laurinaitis then left the ring, to get ready for the WWE Title match, which is next.


We then go to the Interview area, and Josh Matthews is joined by Wade Barrett. Before Matthews even has a chance to ask a question, Wade Barrett grabs the Microphone. Barrett says he showed just how dominate he was earlier tonight against Sheamus, and later tonight he will show that dominance in the Royal Rumble, and he will go on to Wrestlemania. Barrett is about to walk off, but then walks of and tells Randy Orton, to enjoy being home, because he is going to personally eliminate Orton later tonight.


We go to ringside, and the Special Referee for the WWE Title Match, the Interim General Manager of RAW and Executive Vice President of Talent Relations, John Laurinaitis. Out first was the challenger, Dolph Ziggler, who was being led to the ring by his business manager Vickie Guerrero. Laurinaitis grabbed a microphone, and told Vickie she wasn't allowed to be at ringside, and if she didn't go to the back immediately, Dolph Ziggler would forfeit the match. Vickie started screaming at ringside, and the United States Champion, Jack Swagger came to ringside, to convince, and escort Vickie Guerrero to the back. Once Vickie was gone, it was time for the WWE Champion CM Punk to make his way to the ring, ahead of his title defence.


WWE Title Match

Dolph Ziggler v WWE Champion CM Punk

Special Referee John Laurinaitis


The two man tied up to start the match, with Dolph Ziggler getting the best of the exchange, and took Punk down with a hip toss. Dolph went over to Punk, but got met with a forearm to the head. Punk then got Ziggler onto his shoulders, and quickly tried to hit the GTS, but Ziggler managed to wriggle free, and went to try and hit the Zig-Zag, but Punk managed to grab the head of Ziggler, and hit the snapmere, sending Ziggler over the top of Punk, and onto the mat. Ziggler crawled and got between the ropes to try and get away from Punk, which lead to Laurinaitis to have to hold back Punk. Punk then got into a verbal confrontation with Laurinaitis, which caused him to take his eye of Ziggler, who ended up sneaking behind Punk and hitting the Zig-Zag. Ziggler went for the cover, but Punk managed to kick out. Ziggler was frustrated that Punk managed to kick out, and covered Punk three more times to try and get a win, but each time Punk kicked out before the three count. Ziggler went to pick up Punk by the head, but in the end, got a kick to the skull for his trouble. Punk got to his feet, and whipped Ziggler into the corner. Punk then climbed to the second turnbuckle, and started to punch Ziggler in the head. Laurinaitis tried to get Punk to get down from the turnbuckle, which distracted Punk enough for Ziggler to hit a low blow on Punk, and send him over the top rope to the outside of the ring. Ziggler followed Punk to the outside of the ring, and completely dominated over the WWE Champion, including smashing Punk's head on the ring apron, and driving him back first into the security barrier.


Dolph chucked Punk back into the ring, and went down for the cover, but Punk ended up catching Dolph, and rolled him up with an inside cradle. Dolph ended up kicking out at two, and was really frustrated, and ended up stomping away on CM Punk. Ziggler picked up Punk, and hit a brainbuster on Punk, and followed up with another cover, but again only managed to get a two count. Ziggler picked up Punk, and whipped him towards the ropes. Punk grabbed the ropes to stop him going back towards Ziggler, Ziggler ran towards Punk to hit a clothesline, Punk ducked holding down the ropes, sending Ziggler to the outside. Ziggler started to get to his feet, and Punk jumped through the ropes, and hit the suicide dive on Ziggler. Punk got his way to the feet and made it into the ring, followed by Ziggler. Punk dropped an elbow on Ziggler, when Ziggler got back into the ring. As Ziggler started to get to his feet, Punk connected with the shinning wizard. With Ziggler down, Punk climbed to the top rope, and hit the diving elbow drop. Punk made the cover, but Ziggler managed to kick out before the three count.


Punk then managed to lock in the Anaconda Vice on Ziggler, and Ziggler was screaming in pain in the ring. Ziggler was trying to fight towards the ropes, but it seemed like Ziggler would be unsuccessful, but just as Ziggler was about to tap out, made one last effort to grab the ropes, and was just about successful. Punk dragged Ziggler back into the middle of the ring, and again tried to lock on the Anaconda Vice, but Ziggler managed to rake the eyes of Punk to fight his way out of the attempt. Ziggler got to his feet, and channelled the Nature Boy Ric Flair, when he grabbed hold of the leg and locked in the figure four leg lock, in the centre of the ring. Punk was in pain, and tried to roll Ziggler over, but Ziggler was fighting it off. While Laurinaitis was asking Punk if he wanted to give up, he never noticed Ziggler holding onto the ropes to get some momentum, and stop Punk from turning him over. Laurinaitis turned around and seen Dolph holding the ropes, Laurinaitis started counting Dolph, which forced Dolph to let go of the ropes, to save from being disqualified. Once Dolph let go of the ropes, Punk was able to turn Dolph over, onto his stomach reversing the pain onto Dolph, who quickly got the ropes, and Laurinaitis helped get the two men apart.


Both men struggled to get to the feet, but Punk was the first two his feet, and connected with a few punches to the face of Dolph, Punk was limping as a result of the figure four leg lock. Dolph connected with a forearm to the face of Punk, and followed up with a dropkick, sending Punk bouncing of the ropes, and followed up with grabbing the leg of Punk, and connected with a leg whip. Ziggler again grabs the legs of Punk, but this time, Punk pushed Dolph off, and into the corner. Punk got to his feet as quickly as he could, and hobbled along to smash a knee into the face and hit the bulldog. Punk got to his feet, favouring his leg, as Ziggler got to his feet, Punk picked up Ziggler for the GTS, but Punk wasn't steady enough on his feet, and Ziggler slipped out, behind Punk and locked in the sleeper hold, Punk was starting to fade, and Laurinaitis checked on Punk. Punk managed to seemingly use his last amount of strength to back Ziggler into the corner, Punk then just about managed to kick Dolph in the head with a high kick. Punk then again tried to pick up Punk for the GTS, Punk struggled to keep Dolph up, and ended up suddenly turning around, which ended up having Dolph and Laurinaitis smash their heads together. Punk then hit the GTS, and made the cover, but Laurinaitis was down and out. Punk grabbed the hand of Laurinaitis, and smashed his hand down to the mat for the three count, the bell rang, and CM Punk had retained the WWE Championship. Punk got to his feet, still favouring his leg, but was very much relived at retaining his WWE Championship in a hard fought battle. Punk celebrated in the ring, as the King on commentary brought up the point that we will never know if John Laurinaitis would ever count the three count for CM Punk. Laurinaitis started to come round, and rolled out of the ring, and seemed extremely unhappy watching CM Punk celebrate in the ring, as he walked to the back.


We go to the back, and Josh Matthews is with the number one entrance in the Royal Rumble, The Miz. Matthews asked Miz how he feels about being entrant number one in the Royal Rumble, and having to go through all 39 men to win the match. The Miz said to start with his wasn't happy, but then he realised he had the chance to make history, we have seen people start the Royal Rumble match, and end up winning it, it's got boring now, but that was all in a 30 Man Royal Rumble, tonight he is going to make history, and start a 40 Man Royal Rumble, and win it, making what Shawn Michaels did 17 years ago, look like nothing.


We go to the ring, and Justin Roberts is standing in the middle of the ring, he explains that two men will start the match, and every 90 minutes another superstar will join the action, to be eliminated you must be thrown over the top rope, with both feet landing on the floor, the last man standing after all 40 men have entered will be declared the winner, and will fight for the World Title of his choosing in the Main Event of Wrestlemania.


Out first comes the man who is number one after losing his match against R-Truth on RAW, looking to go back to the Main Event of Wrestlemania this year, The Miz. The Miz stands in the ring, waiting to find out who drew number two, and it turns out to be the man The Miz has won numerous tag team championships with, making a return for the Royal Rumble, John Morrison.


40 Man Royal Rumble Match


The Miz is completely shocked that John Morrison is back for the Royal Rumble match, and immediately leaves the ring, as soon as Morrison gets into the ring. Morrison runs outside the ring after the Miz, and chases him around the ring. Morrison ends up going back in the ring, and runs to the other side, and catches the Miz after diving through the ropes to connect with a suicide dive. Morrison picked up The Miz, and went to chuck him back into the ring, but Miz held out his against the apron to stop Morrison, elbowed him in the gut, and smashed Morrison's head on the ring apron. Miz then grabbed the ring bell from the time keeper, and as Morrison started to get to his feet, Miz smacked Morrison in the head with the ring bell, leaving Morrison down on the outside. The timer started to count down, and The Miz made his way back into the ring.


Entrance Number #3: Alex Riley


Alex Riley made his way to the ring, to confront his former mentor from NXT. Miz jumped straight on Riley as soon as he made his way into the ring. Miz picked up Riley, and whipped him against the ropes and hit Riley with a clothesline. Miz took Riley over to the ropes, and tried to pick Riley up to chuck him to the outside, but Miz ended up receiving an elbow to the chest, and Riley then tried to eliminate Miz. Miz caught Riley with a forearm, and ended up hooking up Riley, and hooking him up with a DDT, to leave Riley down. Miz went to go and pick up Riley to try and eliminate him, however the clocked started to count down for the next entrant, so Miz dropped Riley, to find out who else was about to join the match.


Entrance Number #4: R-Truth


Things got from bad to worse for the Miz, as it was another man that Miz has had problems with, with R-Truth making his way to the ring. Truth got straight into the ring, and started clubbing away on Miz, Truth whipped Miz towards the ropes, and caught him with a jumping heel kick. On the outside, Morrison had pulled himself to his feet, and got back inside the ring. Truth, Morrison and Riley didn't fight between themselves, instead the three former friends of the Miz decided to work together to try and eliminate there common enemy. Miz pulled himself to his feet, and the three men took It in turns to punch Miz in the face. Miz managed to beat Riley to the punch and raked the eyes of Riley, and quickly grabbed him by the head, and chucked him over the top rope.


Elimination #1: Alex Riley


Morrison and Truth quickly jumped on The Miz and beat Miz into the corner. The countdown started to count down, as Morrison and Truth stood in the middle of the ring, waiting for the next entrance.


Entrance Number #5: Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes.


Cody Rhodes walked down to the ring, staring down both Truth and Morrison. Miz started to get to his feet, as Cody Rhodes entered the ring. Truth and Miz started exchanging punches, as did Morrison and Rhodes. Rhodes connected with a knee to the stomach of Morrison and quickly hit the Cross Rhodes on Morrison, as Truth hit the Whats Up on Miz. Truth went to try and pick up Miz, but Cody Rhodes hit a clothesline to the back of Truth. Rhodes took Truth over to the ropes, and tried to eliminate him. Rhodes got Truth over the top rope, but Truth slide back in between the top and second rope. Truth got up, and hit a sitout hip toss, planting Cody Rhodes on the mat. Morrison was starting to get to his feet, and Truth showed the spirit of the Rumble with every man for himself, by hitting a scissor kick on Morrison, and the clock started to kick down again, with Truth distracted, The Miz came up behind him and hit a skull crushing finale. Miz picked up Truth, and chucked him over the top rope, eliminating R-Truth.


Elimination #2: R-Truth


Entrance Number #6: Hunico


Hunico made his way to the ring, and went straight for The Miz, who had taken the biggest beating so far in the match, but Miz fought back and connected with a DDT. With Morrison, Rhodes, and Hunico down in the ring, The Miz rolled out of the ring to take a break. Miz went over to Michael Cole and Cole gave Miz a bottle of water, to help the Miz recover. In the ring, Hunico, Morrison and Rhodes started to get to the feet, and Miz got back into the ring. Miz went straight for Morrison, and tried to chuck Morrison out the ring, but Morrison fought back, and hit a springboard kick to take down Miz. Rhodes took down Hunico with a clothesline, and when for another, but Hunico rolled through and connected with a dropkick to Rhodes. Hunico hit a moonsault onto the standing Rhodes, but then received a Moonlight Drive from Morrison. The clocked counted down for the next entrant.


Entrance Number #7: 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan


Duggan made his way out to the ring, with a two by four, with the American Flag on it. Duggan walked into the ring, but as soon as he got into the ring, he got a knee to the face by Cody Rhodes. Morrison jumped Rhodes straight away and started punching Rhodes into the corner. With Rhodes down in the corner, Morrison hit a running knee to the head of Rhodes. Rhodes rolled out of the corner, and received a starship pain from Rhodes. Hunico had got up, and hit a knee block on Morrison, Hunico then noticed that Duggan was started to get to his feet, and Hunico clotheslined the legend over the top rope and to the floor.


Elimination #3: 'Hacksaw' Jim Duggan


Morrison went to confront Hunico, but Hunico beat him to the punch. Hunico hit a hurricanrana on Morrison sending Morrison down on the floor. Miz got to his feet, and was then met with a dropkick to the chest from Hunico, but Hunico then fell victim to a clothesline to the back of the head from Rhodes. Rhodes then tried to throw Hunico over the top rope, but Hunico fought back, and hit a DDT on Rhodes. Hunico then quickly went to the top rope, and hit a Senton onto Rhodes. The clock counted down, and it was time for the next entrance.


Entrance Number #8: Chris Jericho.


The lights go out in the entire arena, and we see the lighting jacket on the entrance way, as entrant number eight was Chris Jericho. Jericho got into the ring, hit Hunico with a forearm. Morrison hit a springboard kick to the head of Jericho. Morrison didn't notice Miz had got to his feet behind him, Miz grabbed Morrison by the head and quickly chucked Morrison over the top rope, and to the floor.


Elimination #4: John Morrison


Jericho got to his feet, and quickly hit the code breaker on Miz. The Intercontinental Champion, Cody Rhodes got to his feet. Rhodes went to punch Jericho, but Jericho ducked under the arm, and ended up hitting a code breaker on Rhodes. As Jericho did the move, Hunico had climbed to the top rope, and the timer started to count down. Hunico jumped off the top rope at Jericho, but Jericho caught Hunico and hit a massive code breaker.


Entrance Number #9: Santino Marella


Marella came down to the ring, and stared down Jericho, who was stood in the ring. Before Jericho and Santino could come to blows, Rhodes and the Miz had got to their feet, and jumped on Jericho and Santino. The Miz focused on Jericho, and Rhodes focused on Santino. Jericho and Miz was exchanging lefts and rights, until Hunico managed to get to his feet, and dropkicked the back of Jericho, which sent him into the Miz, who fell through the middle ropes to the outside. Jericho turned around to Hunico, who ended up getting planted with a DDT. Hunico turned around and seen Rhodes and Santino fighting on the other side of the ring. Hunico went to clothesline Santino, but Santino ending up ducking, and Hunico ended up clotheslining Cody Rhodes. Hunico then again charged at Santino, but Santino left Hunico up with a back body drop. Santino then got the cobra out of his tights, as Hunico got to his feet, he was met with the Cobra from Santino.


Entrance Number #10: William Regal


The former King of the Ring made his way down to the ring, and got right in the face of Marella. Regal pushed Marella away, and grabbed a pair of brass nuts from his tights, and put them on his hand. As Santino got to his feet, Regal went to hit the power of the punch. Marella though hit the cobra to the hand of Regal. Rhodes then came out of nowhere, turned Marella around and hit the crossrhodes. On the outside Miz had sat next to Michael Cole, and joined the announce team commentating on the match. Jericho returned to the ring, and hit a bulldog on Rhodes, and then followed up with a lionsault, but then got punched in the face with the brassnuts by Regal. Regal then picked up Jericho, and tried to eliminate him. Jericho managed to fight of Regal, and ended up falling into the corner, where Jericho stayed to try and recover from the shot with the brass nuts.


Entrance Number #11: Mick Foley


Mick Foley walked down to the ring, but before he had a chance to get into the ring, Hunico dived through the ropes, and hit Foley with a suicide dive through the ropes. Foley and Hunico got to their feet, and Foley grabbed the head Hunico, and drove it head first into the ring post, and then whipped him over to the opposite corner, into the steel steps. When Foley eventually got into the ring, he took down Rhodes with a clothesline, and then followed up with another for Regal. Foley then grabbed socko from his tights, and waited for Regal to get to his feet, to lock in the Mandible claw. Santino then hit Regal with the Cobra while Regal was still in the hold. With Regal down, there was a stare down in the ring, between Socko and the Cobra. Before anything could of the situation, Foley noticed Regal using the ropes to get to his feet, and Foley ran and clotheslined Regal over the top rope and to the outside.


Elimination #5: William Regal


Foley turned around, and straight away put Santino in the Mandible claw. Santino however used the Cobra to get out of the move, which knocked down Foley.


Entrance Number #12 Drew McIntyre


Drew McIntyre walked down the ring, climbed through the ropes, and before he had even got into the ring, Santino clotheslined McIntyre over the top rope, and to the outside, being in the ring, for less than a second.


Elimination #6: Drew McIntyre


Drew McIntyre was livid on the outside, and pushed down the referees who tried to get him to go to the back. McIntyre walked over to the time keeper, and grabbed a steel chair. As Hunico was getting to his feet on the outside McIntyre blasted him over the head with the steel chair. McIntyre went inside the ring, and nailed Marella across the back. McIntyre wasn't done yet, as he then blasted Foley across the face, and then Cody Rhodes and finally Chris Jericho, leaving everyone lying in the ring, and around ringside. McIntyre then grabbed Marella and chucked him over the top rope, eliminating Marella.


Elimination #7: Santino Marella


Even though McIntyre had eliminated Marella, he wasn't finished yet, McIntyre grabbed Marella and then planted him with a future shock DDT, leaving Marella laying, and walked back with a smile. The Miz was still at the commentary table, and seen all the destruction in the ring, ran into the ring, dropped a knee on Cody Rhodes, Foley started to get to his feet, and Miz clotheslined Foley over the top rope, to the outside of the ring.


Elimination #8: Mick Foley


Miz was looking around the ring, with everyone down, was acting like he had already won the Royal Rumble.


Entrance Number #13: Kofi Kingston


Kofi ran to the ring, and went straight for Miz, Kofi whipped Miz against the ropes, and connected with a dropkick. Cody got to his feet, but was then sent straight back down with a Trouble in Paradise. Hunico got back into his feet, and connected with a flying forearm to the face of Kofi. Miz got to his feet and Hunico hit a hip toss, which caused Miz to land on top of Kofi. Hunico then quickly went to the top rope, and hit a Senton Bomb on top of Miz and Kofi. Jericho picked up Hunico and went to through him over the top rope, and to the outside, but Hunico managed to roll under the bottom rope, and grabbed Jericho's leg, which sent Jericho to the mat. Rhodes grabbed Hunico and levelled him with a DDT, and then grabbed the ankle on Jericho, picking up the leg an dropping him to the mat.


Entrance Number #14: Wade Barrett


Barrett came down to the ring, and looked Rhodes in the face, though it appeared the two men made a verbal arrangement to help each other, and shook hands. The two men walked over two Jericho and picked him up, and went to through Jericho over the top rope. Jericho elbowed Barrett in the stomach and then punched Rhodes in the face. Jericho then grabbed the head of both man, and forced both men to clash heads. Jericho grabbed Barrett's head and drove it into the top turnbuckle, and then chucked Barrett into the corner, and whipped the chest of Barrett. Rhodes tried to jump Jericho from behind, but Jericho moved out of the way, and sent Rhodes into Barrett. On the other side of the ring, Miz and Hunico was fighting, Miz tried to eliminate Hunico, but Hunico fought back, and managed to break through, but was unable to fight back from Miz hooking Hunico up, and dropping him with a Skull Crushing Finale. Jericho then grabbed Miz by the head from behind, and chucked him over the top rope. Jericho thought he had eliminated Miz, and turned his back on him. Miz however landed on the apron, Miz quickly got back into the ring, and hit a reverse DDT on Jericho.


Entrance Number #15: Jerry 'The King' Lawler


Lawler music started playing and Michael Cole started complaining that Lawler entering the Rumble was unprofessional, as Booker wished the King good luck. Lawler rolled into the ring, and went straight for the Miz. After numerous punches to the face, Lawler hit a bodyslam on Miz. Lawler then pulled down one of his straps. Miz started to get to his feet, and Lawler kicked Miz in the mid-section, and then hit the piledriver on the Miz. Before Miz could do anything else, Rhodes hit a chop block on Lawler, taking him down. Jericho clotheslined Rhodes, and then Barrett. Rhodes charged at Jericho, but received a back body drop for his problems. Hunico got to his feet, and connected with an arm drag on Jericho, Lawler had got back to his feet, and connected with some punches to the face, and then whipped him to the ropes, and then followed up with a dropkick. Barrett was up, and turned Lawler around to punch Lawler in the face, Lawler then raked the eyes of Barrett, and then kicked Barrett between the legs. Lawler posed to the crowd, which allowed Rhodes to get to his feet, turned Lawler around and connect with a Cross Rhodes.


Entrance Number #16: Goldust


Rhodes was stood in the middle of the ring, and was surprised to see his brother making his way down to the ring, ducked out in a robe and wig. Goldust walked to the ring, removed his robe and wig, and never kept his eyes of his brother in the ring. Goldust went into the ring, but before Goldust could walk up to his brother, Jericho hit a bulldog on Rhodes, and Hunico dropkicked Goldust. Goldust gave Hunico a thumb to the eye, and put Hunico in the corner, and set him up for the shattered dreams. Barrett had Kofi up for wasteland, but Kofi managed to get out of Barrett's grip, and hit the trouble in paradise. Kofi picked up Barrett and through him over the top rope. Barrett landed on the apron, and punched Kofi, and dragged Kofi over the top rope. Kofi and Barrett were exchanging punches on the ring apron. Miz and Lawler was exchanging punches, Lawler dropkicked Miz, who fell back into Kofi and Barrett. Barrett managed to keep hold of the ropes, but Kofi was launched backwards. Kofi managed grab hold of ring barrier, which stopped him being eliminated, Kofi regained his composure on the barrier, and then jumped back onto the ring apron. Kofi then kicked Barrett in the back of the head, which sent Barrett back into the ring. Lawler was punching away on Miz, but Miz hit a knee to the chest of Lawler, grabbed Lawler by the head and chucked Lawler over the top rope, and down to the floor.


Elimination #9: Jerry 'The King' Lawler


Entrance Number #17: Jey Uso


Uso came into the ring, and exchanging punches with Miz. Miz whipped Uso into the corner, but was then turned around by Goldust, and confronted him with a couple of punches, and then dropped him with a DDT. Goldust then went over Jey, and set him up, and connected with another Shattered Dreams. Rhodes then jumped his brother, and dropped a couple of knees on him. The Miz was starting to get worn out, and again rolled out of the ring, and joined Michael Cole at ringside. Barrett and Jericho was fighting over in one corner of the ring, Kofi and Hunico in another, and Cody and Goldust in another as Jey was recovering from the shattered dreams.


Entrance Number #18: Jimmy Uso


Jimmy Uso came straight into the ring, and checked on his brother. Jey got to his feet, and first went for Cody Rhodes and Goldust. Grabbing both men from the corner, and whipped them against the ropes, and hit a back body drop on them both. Hunico ran over to both men, but received a double hip toss for his troubles. Kofi Kingston then received a double flapjack by the Uso's and then a Double superkick to Jericho. Jey hit a corner splash on Barrett, and the brothers then hit a Backbreaker and Diving elbow drop combination. The Uso's looked at all the damage they had caused, leaving all the other 6 men laid out in the ring.


Entrance Number #19: Booker-T-


Behind the announce table, Lawler started to laugh, and wished Booker luck. Michael Cole again started to criticise Booker for being unprofessional. Booker got in the ring, and the Uso's went straight for him. Goldust was the first to his first, and Booker and Goldust reunited temporarily to fight the Uso's. Booker hit the scissors kick on Jimmy, and Goldust planted Jey with the curtain call. Booker. Goldust then pointed at Booker, as Booker did a spin-a-roonie. The Miz left the announce table, and quickly got into the ring, and took down Goldust with a forearm, and then whipped Booker to the ropes, Miz went for a clothesline, but Booker ducked, spun Miz around and hit the Bookend. The Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes got to his feet, and pushed down Booker-T- by his face. Rhodes then planted Goldust with a Cross Rhodes. Booker got to his feet, and hit Rhodes with a couple of punches.


Entrance Number #20 One Half of the WWE World Tag Team Champions Epico


We are at the half way point, and one half of the tag team champions, Epico makes his way down to the ring. Epico goes straight down, and helps Hunico in fighting the Uso's. Barrett was again trying to eliminate Kofi, and the ring was filling up massively with eleven men in the ring. Booker hit a scissor kicks on Cody. Booker picked up Cody and went to chuck him from the ring, but Cody spun out, grabbed Booker, and chucked him over the top rope to the outside.


Elimination #10: Booker-T-


Goldust hit Cody with a few punches, and whipped him into the corner, and followed up with a clothesline. Goldust then set up Cody for the shattered dreams, but before he could deliver the kick, Cody managed to get out, and went between the second and top rope, to land on the apron. Rhodes then knee'd Goldust in the ribs, hooked up Goldust and suplexed him to the floor.


Elimination #11: Goldust


As Cody didn't go over the top rope, even though he was on the floor he was not eliminated. Cody grabbed his intercontinental title of the time keeper, and smashed Goldust across the skull with it, as Goldust was getting to his feet. Booker then tried to get involved, but also received a title shot to the head from Cody. Cody wasn't done yet, as he then gave Goldust a DDT right onto the Intercontinental Title. Back in the ring, Jericho had Jey Uso in the Walls of Jericho, until Jimmy superkicked Jericho to break the hold on his brother.


Entrance Number #21: Rikishi


The large superstar was making a return to the WWE looking to head to the Main Event of Wrestlemania. Rikishi danced his way to the ring, but as soon as he got into the ring, he was all business. Rikishi hit a savate kick on Barrett and then Miz. Samoan drop to Jericho and Kofi. Dodged a clothesline by Rhodes and hit a Rikishi Driver. The Uso's hit a double superkick to Hunico, and Rikishi went up and hit a Banzai Drop. Jimmy and Jey then hit a running butt bump to Epico, which was followed up by the big man Rikishi, and then followed up with a stink face. Rikishi had left everyone apart from the Uso's laying in the ring. Rikishi then grabbed his son's by the head, and before they knew what was happening, Rikishi had thrown both men over the top rope to the outside.


Elimination #12 and #13: Jimmy and Jay Uso


Entrance Number #22: Brodus Clay


Brodus Clay dances to the ring, and goes straight into the ring, and stares down Rikishi, but before any blows are struck, Brodus starts dancing in front of Rikishi. Brodus then started to get the fans to cheer, and we seemed to have a dance of on our hands. Rikishi then stood in the middle of the ring, with the bodies still around him, and Brodus looking on. The lights went down, and the music started, and Rikishi busted out his original dance routine. Though before Rikishi could finish his routine, Barrett, Miz and Rhodes jumped him and the same happened with Brodus by Hunico and Epico.


Entrance Number #23: Michael Cole


Michael Cole jumped up from the announce table and started screaming that he was going to win the Royal Rumble and go 2 and 0 at Wrestlemania. King just called Cole a hypocrite. Cole went into the ring, having taken of his suit, and in his wrestling attire. Jericho and Kofi was in one corner, while Barrett, Rhodes and Miz were still fighting Rikishi and Brodus was still fighting Hunico and Epico. Michael Cole was just celebrating in the ring, like he had just won the Royal Rumble. Rikishi managed to fight of Barrett, Miz and Rhodes for a moment, and out of nowhere savate kicked Michael Cole and Cole fell back into the corner. Rikishi then locked at Cole and smiled, and delivered the stink face to Cole. Cole rolled out of the ring, under the bottom rope, and was completely revolted with what had just happened. Barrett hit a huge clothesline on Rikishi, which sent Rikishi inside out, and then did the same to Brodus Clay, leaving both of the big men down on the mat.


Entrance Number #24 Kharma


The big female superstar made her return, and walked down to the ring. She seen Michael Cole outside the ring, still acting like he was about to vomit. Kharma grabbed Michael Cole and chucked him back into the ring. Cole was down crawling on away from Kharma on his back, as the giant diva was stalking him. Cole looked extremely scared of Kharma, as she just had a massive grin on her face. Hunico though managed to distract Kharma, by jumping on her back. Cole quickly to his feet, and backed against the ropes. Kharma quickly managed to get rid of Hunico with a snapmere. Kharma then ran at Cole, Cole screamed, louder than Vickie Guerrero, and Kharma sent Cole over the top rope and to the outside.


Elimination #14: Michael Cole


Epico dropkicked Kharma in the back, and pushed Kharma against the ropes. Epico then tried to lift up Kharma, and eliminate her, but he wasn't having much luck, and Kharma ended up clubbing him in the back, which caused him to back off.


Entrance Number #25: One Half of the WWE World Tag Team Champions Primo


Primo ran down to the ring, to try and help his tag team partner, and hit a back cracker on Kharma. Epico, Primo and Hunico then tried to pick up Kharma to eliminate her. Kharma though out powered all three of them, and managed to shake them all of. Kharma managed to grab Primo, and chuck him over the top rope to the floor.


Elimination #15: Primo


Kharma then grabbed Epico, and picked him up in a military press position, over the top of her head and then chucked him over the top rope onto his tag team partner Primo.


Elimination #16: Epico


Epico and Primo started to get up to their feet, Hunico ran towards Kharma as she turned around, Kharma just grabbed him and launched him, sending him flying through the air, over the top rope, and landing on Epico and Primo on the floor below.


Elimination #17: Hunico


Entrance Number #26: Jinder Mahal


Mahal entered the ring, and took down Rikishi with clothesline, and then did the same to Brodus Clay. Jericho took Kharma by surprised and hit her with a code breaker but that only seemed to daze Kharma, Jericho then hit another code breaker but that still didn't knock the monstrous female down. Jericho hit a clothesline on Kharma, which sent Kharma to fall back against the ropes Jericho then ran and hit a clothesline, which managed to send Kharma over the top rope, and to the outside, with a chorus of boos from the audience.


Elimination #18: Kharma


Jericho turned around, and was met with a high knee from Mahal. Kofi went for a trouble in paradise on Mahal but Mahal moved and hit a clubbing blow to the head of Kofi. Double clothesline took down both Barrett and Cody from Mahal, and then a suplex to The Miz, and Mahal had laid out everyone in the ring.


Entrance Number #27: The Great Khali


Mahal's brother in law, the Great Khali, made his return, and made his way down to the ring. Khali kept his eyes firmly locked onto Mahal, as he entered the ring. Mahal went to meet Khali and tried to get in a few cheap shots, but Khali got the best of the situation, and hit a choke bomb on Mahal. Khali then picked up his brother in law, and chucked him over the top rope and to the outside.


Elimination #19: Jinder Mahal


Barrett was the first to his feet, and meet Khali with a few punches to the face, Barrett then somehow managed to get Khali up onto his shoulders, and hit wasteland. Jericho then hit the lionsault on Khali. Rikishi dragged Khali over to the corner, and hit the Banzai Drop. But before those in the ring could work together to eliminate Khali they all started fighting again.


Entrance Number #28: Mason Ryan


The giant from wales came down to the ring, and was on a rampage, clothesline to The Miz, which almost took his head off, and then a spine buster to Rikishi and then Brodus Clay, but Ryan turned right around into a trouble in paradise from Kofi and then a code breaker from Chris Jericho and then Cross Rhodes from the Intercontinental Champion. Jericho tried to pick up Ryan to eliminate him, but the Miz came up behind Jericho, and chucked Jericho over the top rope, but Jericho kept hold of the top rope, and manage to stop both feet from touching the floor. Jericho spun over the top rope, and went straight for the Miz, chucking the Miz over the top rope but the Miz did the same, held onto the top rope, and managed to spin himself right back over. Kofi tried to eliminate Barrett, but Barrett chucked Kofi over the top rope onto the apron. Kofi was holding onto the apron for dear life and Barrett kicked Kofi in the knee to cause Kofi to fall flat onto the apron. Kofi held onto the bottom rope, and Barrett tried kicked and pushing the arms of Kofi, which caused Kofi to fall hands first onto the floor, but his legs was still on the apron. Barrett went to push the legs of Kofi to the floor to eliminate Kofi, but it just caused Kofi to stand on his hands, Kofi then crawled on his hands, in a handstand position and walked over to the steel steps to get himself back into the ring.


Entrance Number #29: Ezekiel Jackson


Jackson walked down to the ring and we had another power house enter the ring. Jackson walked straight up to Barrett and hit a spine buster. Rikishi grabbed Jackson and hit a belly to belly suplex, Jericho dropkicked Rikishi in the chest, Skull Crushing Finale to Jericho. Mason Ryan hit Miz with a clothesline, turned around and Jackson was back to his feet, and the two men was staring each other down. The two men started to exchange punches Jackson bounced of the ropes and went to clothesline Ryan, but Ryan barely moved. Ryan then did the same thing to Jackson, and Jackson also barely moved.


Entrance Number #30: The Big Show


Ryan and Jackson were standing in the middle of the ring still when Big Show walked down to the ring. Big Show got into the ring and both Jackson and Ryan went over to confront the world's largest athlete, Big Show just laid out both Jackson and then Ryan with a knockout punch to both men. Big Show then levelled his two former tag team championship partners, first Miz and then Jericho. Big Show continued knocking out everyone in the ring, Khali, Rikishi and then Brodus Clay. Kofi climbed up to the top rope and jumped onto the Big Show, Big Show quite Kofi and then hit a Chokeslam. Big Show grabbed Barrett around the throat, Cody then tried to jump the Big Show, but Big Show caught hold of Cody around the throat, and Chokeslammed both men at once. Big Show was stood in the middle of the ring, with everyone else laid out around him.


Entrance Number #31: Mark Henry


Out next was Big Show's opponent earlier in the evening, Mark Henry. Mark Henry walked down to the ring, and went face to face with the Big Show, the two men having a stare down. The two men starting exchanging punches, Henry got a few clubbing blows on the Big Show, and picked up the Big Show for the World's Strongest Slam. Henry then followed up with the World's Strongest Splash.


Entrance Number #32: Kane


The destructive force of the Big Red Machine walked down to the ring. Kane went straight for the only man left standing, and Chokeslammed Mark Henry, Kane the picked up Henry and sent him over the top rope.


Elimination #20: Mark Henry


The Big Show started to get to his feet, and Kane clotheslined Big Show over the top rope, and to the floor.


Elimination #21: The Big Show


Ezekiel Jackson started to get to his feet and Kane picked him up and planted him with a tombstone. Ryan was starting to get to his feet and also received a tombstone. Kane then picked up both Jackson and Ryan, and chucked them both over the top rope to the outside.


Elimination #22 & #23: Mason Ryan and Ezekiel Jackson


Brodus Clay got to his feet, and Kane grabbed knocked him down with a big boot, Rikishi the got up and Kane laid him out with a Chokeslam. Kane picked up Brodus Clay and threw him over the top rope.


Elimination #24: Brodus Clay


Rikishi started to get up, and Kane grabbed Rikishi and threw him over the top rope.


Elimination #25: Rikishi


The Great Khali was starting to get to his feet, Kane punched Khali a few times but Khali started to fight back. Kane kicked Khali in the stomach and ended up clotheslined Khali over the top rope.


Elimination #26: The Great Khali


Entrance Number #33: John Cena


Cena came out, and ran to the ring with a steel pipe. Cena went straight for Kane, and hit Kane numerous times with the steel pipe. Kane wasn't able to get in any offence in on Cena, Cena hit Kane numerous times, but Kane never went down, Kane ended up falling against the ropes. Cena ran towards Kane using the steel pipe with the momentum to send Kane and himself over the top rope.


Elimination #27 and #28: Kane and John Cena


Cena wasn't finished yet as Kane started to get to his feet, Cena picked up Kane on his shoulders, and hit the Attitude Adjustment, sending Kane through the announce table. Cena had left destruction on the outside with Kane down through the announce table, having only made a brief appearance, but defiantly making an impact. In the ring Kofi, Cody, Miz, Barrett and Jericho all started to get to their feet.


Entrance Number #34: Justin Gabriel


Justin Gabriel ran down to the ring, and his first target was the former leader of the Nexus, Wade Barrett. Gabriel hit a few kicks to the head of Barrett, which sent Barrett down to the mat. Gabriel then quickly went to the top, and hit his signature 450 splash on Barrett. Gabriel turned right around to a flying forearm from Jericho. Miz then tried to eliminate Jericho over the top rope, but Jericho managed to fight him off, and hit Miz with a bulldog and then a Lionsault. Kofi Kingston then grabbed Jericho by the head, and went to eliminate Jericho, but Jericho quickly switched it over, and threw Kofi over the top rope, and down to the floor.


Elimination #29: Kofi Kingston


Entrance Number #35: Yoshi Tatsu


Jericho was taunting the crowd at eliminating Kofi, and Tatsu came straight into the ring, and went straight for Jericho, hitting numerous punches, and then a spinning kick to his face. The Miz was starting to get to his feet, and Tatsu hit Miz with a shining wizard. Rhodes tried to hook Tatsu up for a Cross Rhodes, but Tatsu managed to get out of the move, and hit Rhodes with a roundhouse kick. Though Tatsu wasn't quick enough against Barrett, as Barrett quickly grabbed Tatsu and chucked him over the top rope to the outside.


Elimination #30: Yoshi Tatsu


Barrett then went right for Gabriel, trying to eliminate his former Nexus mate, but Gabriel managed to fight back. Gabriel in the end managed to get Barrett over the top rope, and onto the ring apron. But Barrett managed to fight back, and elbow Gabriel in the stomach, and get back into the ring.


Entrance Number #36: United States Champion Jack Swagger


We are down to our last stretch of superstars making their way to the ring, and it was the last champion left to enter the match, Jack Swagger. Swagger came to the ring, and completely dominated over everyone in the ring. Swagger was suplexing everyone, one after another in the ring, putting on a wrestling clinic in the ring. Jericho started to fight back against Swagger. Swagger over powered Jericho however and hit a gutwrench powerbomb on Jericho.


Entrance Number #37: Dolph Ziggler


Ziggler came in the ring, and went toe to toe with Swagger. Before they came to blows, Justin Gabriel dropkicked Ziggler into Swagger. Ziggler got to his feet and clotheslined Justin Gabriel, Ziggler tried to eliminate Gabriel, but Gabriel managed to fight back and kick Ziggler in the head, with Ziggler dazed, Barrett picked up Ziggler and hit wasteland. Rhodes and Miz was fighting in one corner, but Swagger came up behind Rhodes and tried to chuck him over the top rope, Miz tried to join in, but Cody managed to fight off, and avoid being eliminated.


Entrance Number #38: Sheamus


The Celtic Warrior came out, and immediately made an impact by hitting a brogue kick on Wade Barrett. Justin Gabriel fighting Jericho in the corner, and had Jericho up to try and eliminate him. Cody Rhodes however came out of nowhere and threw Gabriel over the top rope and to the outside.


Elimination #31 Justin Gabriel


Sheamus continued his dominance in the ring by laying out Ziggler and Swagger. Fatigue was starting to become noticeable for most of the guys in the ring, like Jericho, Barrett and Rhodes who had been in the ring for a long time, and the Miz who had been there from the start. Jericho out of nowhere hit a code breaker on Sheamus, to end his spell of dominance since entering the match.


Entrance Number #39: Road Dogg


Road Dogg made his return and first appearance in a WWE ring in twelve years. Road Dogg and Jericho exchanged numerous punches, and Road Dogg got the best of the situation and hit a pump handle slam on Jericho. Road Dogg then went face to face with The Miz and connected with the shake, rattle and roll. Cody Rhodes turned around into a Brogue kick from Sheamus, and Sheamus chucked the Intercontinental Champion out of the ring to the floor.


Elimination #32: Cody Rhodes


Jack Swagger hit a forearm to the back of the neck of Sheamus, sending him down to the mat. Swagger then locked in the ankle lock on the Celtic Warrior.


Entrance Number #40: Randy Orton


Round out the field, and the last person making his entrance, was the home town boy Randy Orton. Orton made a massive immediate impact by hitting a RKO on everyone in the ring. Orton picked up Swagger and chucked him over the top rope.


Elimination #33: Jack Swagger


With Orton distracted, Ziggler tried to hit the Zig Zag on Orton, but Orton shrugged him off and sent him over the top rope to the outside.


Elimination #34: Dolph Ziggler


As Road Dogg was starting to get to his feet, Chris Jericho clotheslined him over the top rope to the floor below.


Elimination #35: Road Dogg


Sheamus and Wade Barrett were both getting to their feet, exchanging punches. Barrett managed to get the best of the situation, and managed to quickly eliminate Sheamus.


Elimination #36: Sheamus


After the quick elimination, we were down to our final four, Wade Barrett, The Miz, Chris Jericho and Randy Orton. Orton quickly went for the man who put him out of action Barrett, but before Orton could get the best of Barrett, Miz and Jericho joined in, and helped Barrett beat down Orton. The three men were completely dominating Orton in the ring, and the viper looked like he had no chance of survival. Barrett and Miz went to eliminate Orton, but Orton fought back. Orton managed to punch the Miz away, and quickly chucked Barrett over the top rope to the outside.


Elimination #37: Wade Barrett


The Miz then quickly charged at Orton, and received the same fate as Barrett had just received.


Elimination #38: The Miz


We were left with the final two, Chris Jericho and Randy Orton. Jericho quickly went to give Orton numerous forearms, but Orton quickly countered it into a RKO, but to make things for difficult for Orton, Jericho ended up rolling under the bottom rope and to the outside. Orton rolled out of the ring outside Jericho, and tried to get Jericho back into the ring, but Jericho fought back and with a rake to the eyes which managed to get the momentum back, and whipped Orton into the ring steps. Jericho then aggressively grabbed a ring bell from the time keeper, and used it to hit Orton over the head with it. Jericho managed to drag Orton back into the ring, Jericho then grabbed a steel chair, and joined Orton in the ring. Orton was steel down, and Jericho was continuously and viciously beating down Orton with the chair, Orton tried to get to his feet, using the ropes to help him, but Jericho was continuing to hit Orton on the side. Orton though managed to pull himself up to his feet, even though in the end it didn't help Orton, and Jericho hit Orton with the chair to the skull, while Orton managed to get his arms up to protect him from the shot, it still sent Orton over the top rope, and to the floor.


Elimination #39: Randy Orton


The crowd was all over Jericho, for eliminating the hometown hero, but Jericho didn't care, he had won the Royal Rumble and was going to main event Wrestlemania 28 in Florida. Jericho celebrated his win in the ring, as referees helped Orton to the back. Fireworks went off all over the arena to celebrate Jericho's victory, less than one month after his return to the WWE.

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WK1, Feb, 2012


The fireworks go off and we are welcomed live to Monday Night RAW by Michael Cole and Jerry 'The King' Lawler, 24 hours after a huge night at the Royal Rumble, where both Daniel Bryan and CM Punk managed to retain their titles, and Chris Jericho won the Royal Rumble and will go on to challenge the champion of his choosing at Wrestlemania.


The Interim General Manager, John Laurinaitis walked down to the ring, ahead of his job evaluation by the WWE COO Triple H later tonight. Laurinaitis grabbed a microphone, and welcomed everyone to RAW, he said he was looking forward to tonight, as he was able to see his good friend Triple H later tonight. But tonight isn't about him, it's about the WWE Universe, and that is why he has planned a amazing RAW for the WWE Universe tonight, we will see the Tag Team, Divas, United States and Intercontinental Championships all being defended, and we will also see Champion against Champion as Daniel Bryan will face CM Punk. Laurinaitis then thanks the WWE Universe for listening, and walks to the back.


We go straight to the action, as the Usos make their way to the ring, and out next was the WWE Tag Team Champions, with Rosa Mendez


WWE Tag Team Titles

WWE Tag Team Champions Epico and Primo w/Rosa Mendez v The Uso's (Jimmy & Jey Uso)


Epico started the match against Jey Uso, this defiantly wasn't a competitive match, as it was just used to get over the tag team champions on only their second tag team defence. The tag team champions kept Jey away from his brother. Jey managed to break free, and connected with the hot tag to his brother. Jimmy came into the ring on fire. Jimmy took down Primo with a super kick, Epico came into the ring, but Jimmy soon got rid of him to the outside. The distraction though worked for the tag team champions, as it allowed Primo to hit a back cracker on Jimmy, and made the cover to retain the tag team titles. Rosa grabbed the tag titles off the time keeper and went into the ring, to celebrate the victory with the tag team champions.


Backstage we are with Josh Matthews who is with the 2012 Royal Rumble Winner, Chris Jericho. Jericho says he did exactly what he planned to do last night when he returned to the WWE, and tonight he will tell the world which title he is going to challenge for at Wrestlemania. Randy Orton then walked up to Jericho, Orton said he doesn't like the way Jericho won the Royal Rumble last night, but he respects doing anything to get the job done, which Jericho did last night, but he wants revenge, and he wants it tonight. Jericho went face to face with Orton, but before he could give his answer, the Interim General Manager John Laurinaitis walked up to the two men, he said he likes the sound of the match, so later tonight, we will see Randy Orton one on one with Chris Jericho.


Back at ringside, it is time for the Intercontinental Title match, out first came the challenger, someone who was eliminated by Cody Rhodes last night at the Royal Rumble, Justin Gabriel. Out next was Cody Rhodes, who had an impressive showing at last night's Royal Rumble.


WWE Intercontinental Title

WWE Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes v Justin Gabriel


The two men tied up to start the match, and Gabriel got the best of the situation, by hitting a suplex on Rhodes. Gabriel dropped a couple of knees down on Rhodes, and quickly made a cover but only got a two count. The two men was having a very back and forth back, and Justin Gabriel was defiantly holding his own against the Intercontinental Champion. Gabriel hit a discuss elbow smash which sent Cody down to the mat. Gabriel went to the top, and looked to hit the 450 splash, but Cody got to his feet before Gabriel could jump of the top rope. Cody shook the ropes, which send Gabriel crashing on the top rope, Cody climbed onto the second rope and hit a superplex, which led to both men being down in the middle of the ring. Cody got to his feet first and waited for Gabriel to get to his feet, as Gabriel got to his feet, Cody hit the Cross Rhodes and got the cover, to retain the Intercontinental Title.


Backstage we are back with Josh Matthews, who is now with his guest John Cena. Cena talks about last night, he had a goal, to go to Wrestlemania and leave as WWE Champion, and having defeated the Rock. But last night Kane take it too far, he keeps telling Cena to embrace the hate, but he lives on three principles, Hustle, Loyalty and Respect, and then means to his friends. Last night Kane went too far with what he did to Zack Ryder last night. While Cena was still talking, Kane jumped Cena. Cena wasn't able to fight back as Kane just kept throwing him into everything in the back, in the end Kane ended up hitting the Chokeslam to Cena on the Concrete.


We go to ringside, and Curt Hawkins is stood outside the ring ahead of the following match. Out came Brodus Clay, who danced his way to the ring, and in the ring ahead of the match.

Brodus Clay v Curt Hawkins


Curt Hawkins tried to get the jump on Brodus Clay, but was unsuccessful. Brodus Clay completely dominated over the match, and Hawkins couldn't even get in any offence. Clay hit the flying clothesline on Hawkins to get the quick victory in this squash match, and danced with his two dancers post match.


After a commercial break The King and Michael Cole was talking about John Laurinaitis job review coming up later tonight. Kharma's music hits and the giant diva started walking down to the ring, instead of walking into the ring, Kharma walked around ringside, and over towards the announce table. Michael Cole started to get very nervous, remembering the incident last night at the Royal Rumble. As Kharma got closer to the announce table, Michael Cole chucked of his headphones, and quickly ran through the audience, escaping from Kharma. Kharma was just left laughing, having intimidated Michael Cole away from his post. Hunico ran down to the ring, and into the ring, and tried to hit a plancha onto Kharma, but Kharma caught Hunico and planted Hunico with an Impact Buster, leaving Hunico on the floor.


After a hype video for the WWE Elimination Chamber in 3 weeks' time, we see Josh Matthews come to the ring, and join Jerry Lawler at the announce table due to Michael Cole's absence. Tamina makes her way down to the ring ahead of her Diva's title match next, shortly followed by the Champion, Beth Phoenix.


WWE Diva's Title

WWE Diva's Champion Beth Phoenix v Tamina


Tamina starting the match very strongly, in what was her first title challenge in her WWE run. Tamina hit a headbutt to Beth, which rattled Beth for a moment, and then got hit by a Samoan drop. Tamina went to the top rope, and went to hit a Superfly Splash, but Beth rolled out of the ring. Tamina came of the top rope, and hit a diving clothesline on to Beth after jumping of the ring apron. Tamina picked up Beth and sent her into the ring, Beth managed to get up to her feet first and connected with a couple of forearms to Tamina. Tamina hit a suplex and floated over for a cover, but only managed to get a two count. Beth, clearly aggravated got to her feet, picked up Tamina and hit a Glam Slam to retain the WWE Diva's title. Beth celebrated her victory, and Tamina was still laid out on the mat. Beth's good friend, Natalya made her way to the ring. Natalya had been having problems with Tamina lately, and decided to use Tamina being laid out to inflect some more damage. Natalya locked Tamina in the sharpshooter, and referee's and officials had to run down to the ring and try and pull Natalya off Tamina as we head to commercial break.


We come back, and Randy Orton is looking to get revenge on Chris Jericho after last night's Royal Rumble. Chris Jericho might of eliminated Randy Orton last night to win the 2012 Royal Rumble, but he has to give a massive thanks to the steel chair.


Randy Orton v Chris Jericho


As Orton was making his way down to the ring, Jericho jumped Orton from behind, after whipping Orton into the steel steps, Jericho send Orton into the ring. The referee rang the bell, and Jericho tried to get a quick cover on Orton, to try and end it quickly, but Orton managed to kick out after a two count. Jericho was all over Orton, and kept Orton down on the mat. Jericho kept kicking the midsection of Orton as well as dropping a couple of knees and elbows onto Orton. Jericho picked up Orton and went to hit a code breaker, but Orton managed to push Jericho away, and hit a RKO on Jericho out of nowhere. Orton tried to get the victory with a cover, but only managed to get a two count. Jericho managed to get to his feet, and Orton was still trying to recover from the attack from Jericho at the start. Jericho hit Orton with a flying forearm, which sent Orton out of the ring. Jericho followed Orton out of the ring, and sent Orton head first into the ring post. With Orton dazed, Jericho dragged Orton onto the announce table, and lifted the viper to his feet, Jericho shouted to Orton that this was revenge, and hit Orton with his own RKO, which sent Orton through the announce table. Jericho didn't seem to care that he had been disqualified for his assault over Orton. Jericho was just stood over a fallen Orton, as officials from the back emptied to drag Jericho to the back.


After a commercial break, we go to the announce table, where The King and Josh Matthews are talking about the attack on Orton by Jericho just a moment ago, and that they have no idea what problem Jericho has with Orton. We are then ready for a diva's tag team match as the divas match their way to the ring.


Kelly Kelly and Eve Torres v Rosa Mendez and Natalya


This was a standard diva's tag team match, that barely lasted a couple of minutes, Kelly Kelly and Eve dominated over Rosa, and Natalya didn't even legally get into the match. Torres his a moonsault of the top rope, which she calls the Evesault. Natalya got into the ring, but Kelly Kelly cut her off and hit the K2, laying out Natalya, and allowing Eve to get a pinfall and the three count. Kelly Kelly and Eve left the ring, and celebrated their victory up the ramp. With Natalya still laid out in the ring, Tamina came out to the ring, to get revenge for the attack earlier by Natalya. Tamina got onto the top rope, and hit a superfly splash on Natalya.


Backstage, and we are now with Matt Striker who is with the Miz. Miz said last night he last longer than anyone in the Royal Rumble match, and he deserves to go to Wrestlemania more than anyone else on the roster. Striker then asked the Miz on his opinion about Triple H giving John Laurinaitis a job evaluation review later tonight. Miz said it's a joke, Laurinaitis is a fantastic general manager, how can Triple H give any General Manager a job evaluation review, when the last time he was running RAW, the entire roster walked out on him. If anything, Triple H should be the main leaving the WWE fired tonight.


Back at ringside, and it is now time for the United States Championship Match, out first was the challenger Kofi Kingston, next out was the United States Champion, along with Vickie Guerrero and Dolph Ziggler


WWE United States Title

WWE United States Champion Jack Swagger w/ Dolph Ziggler and Vickie Guerrero v Kofi Kingston


The match was a very back and forth match between these two superstars. Jack Swagger tried to keep Kofi Kingston grounded throughout the match, but was unsuccessful in doing, and Kofi was using his speed and quickness to his advantage. There was numerous near falls between the two men, and Kofi managed to roll up Swagger, and the entire crowd thought Kofi had managed to get the win. Ziggler and Vickie tried to distract the referee when Kofi had managed to roll up Swagger again. Kofi then went and hit a plancha onto the two outside, Vickie managed to run away, but Kofi was successful in knocking down Ziggler. Back in the ring Kofi hit the trouble in paradise on Swagger, Vickie tried to get into the ring, which forced the referee to try and get Vickie out of the ring. With the referee distracted, Ziggler had got back to his feet, and hit the Zig Zag on Kofi in the ring, and then dragged Swagger on top of Kofi, Vickie left the ring, and the referee turned around to see the cover, and made the three count. Ziggler grabbed the United States title, and went into the ring, and helped Swagger get to his feet to celebrate the win. Kofi got to his feet, and walked face to face to Ziggler, and the two men stared each other down. Swagger used this to get the jump on Kofi, leading to Swagger and Ziggler beating down Kofi. Luckily for Kofi, R-Truth ran down to the ring, and made the save, which quickly sent Swagger and Ziggler out of the ring.


After a commercial break we are ready for our main event of the evening, out first came the World Heavyweight Champion, Daniel Bryan, who was still showing some signs of pain from being speared through the steel cage by The Big Show last night at the Royal Rumble. CM Punk was out next, and went into the ring and stared down Bryan before the match started, with both men holding up there titles.


Non-Title, Champion vs. Champion Match

WWE Champion CM Punk v World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan


As soon as the bell rang, Bryan tried to dive out of the ring, and said he wasn't ready yet, but Punk wasn't prepared to wait, as he quickly followed Bryan out of the ring. Bryan quickly got back into the ring, and dropped the elbow onto the back of Punk when he followed him back in. Bryan quickly locked in an arm bar on Punk, but Punk easily managed to get his feet onto the bottom ropes. The two men again got to their feet, and Bryan slapped Punk around the face. Punk was enraged, and again Bryan ran outside the ring, and Punk followed. Bryan ran back into the ring, and stood between the ropes, causing the referee to restrain Punk. Bryan used this to kick Punk in the knee. Bryan again locked in an arm bar on Punk, as it was obvious that Bryan was focusing on the left arm of Punk. Punk again managed to get to the ropes, and when he got to his feet, connected with a few right hand punches on Bryan, and then a clothesline with his right arm, sending Bryan to the outside. Punk was trying to get some feeling back into his left arm. The match was only into its first few minutes, and Chris Jericho ran down to ringside. Bryan was getting to his feet, and Jericho turned him around and hit a code breaker on Bryan, the referee seen this and called for the bell, giving Bryan the win by Disqualification. Jericho went into the ring, and before Punk could react, Jericho hit a code breaker on Punk as well. Jericho said earlier in the evening that he was going to pick his champion tonight, but he had just laid out the WWE and World Heavyweight Champion. Jericho then went outside of the ring, and took both the WWE and World Heavyweight title belts of the time keeper as well as a microphone. Jericho walked into the middle of the ring, and reminiscent of a scene we seen 10 years ago, Jericho stood, and raised out the WWE Title and World Heavyweight Title, one in each hand. Jericho then dropped the World Heavyweight Title down to the mat. Jericho raised the microphone to his face, and said he came back for one reason, and one reason alone. To become the WWE Champion, and he will do that, at Wrestlemania 28.


We come back from our final commercial break of the evening, and John Laurinaitis makes his way down to the ring, for his job evaluation review by Triple H. Laurinaitis says before he introduces Triple H, he wanted to inform everyone in the WWE Universe, and Triple H himself, he has made the Elimination Chamber match for the WWE Champions for the Elimination Chamber Pay Per View. CM Punk will defend the WWE Title against Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger, Kofi Kingston, R-Truth and The Miz. Laurinaitis then introduced the COO Triple H to the ring. Triple H walked down to the ring, and as soon as Triple H entered the ring, Laurinaitis tried to kiss the ass of the COO. Triple H told Laurinaitis to shut the hell up. Triple H says he didn't come here to tonight to hear a word come out of Laurinaitis's mouth. Triple H brings up the General Manager's recent actions, when it came to Zack Ryder and CM Punk. Triple H informs Laurinaitis that tonight one of two things will happen, either he will become the General Manager of RAW, or he will be fired. Recently the Board of Directors received a job application from a former WWE Superstar, to become the new General Manager of RAW. Triple H then says it is without great regret that John Laurinaitis's services are no longer required here on Monday Night RAW. Laurinaitis then got onto his knees and started begging for Triple H to reconsider and to give him another chance. Triple H waved down security guards to the ringside area, to take away Laurinaitis. The security guards entered the ring, and dragged Laurinaitis kicking and punching out of the ring, while Triple H started singing goodbye along with the audience. While Triple H was distracted with this, The Miz had ran through the crowd, and came into the ring behind Triple H, Triple H had no idea that he had company in the ring. Miz hooked up Triple H, and quickly connected with the Skull Crushing Finale, laying out Triple H. RAW went off the air with The Miz stood over a laid out COO.

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WWE Superstars

WK1, Feb, 2012


Tyson Kidd made his way to the ring, and grabbed a microphone. Kidd said it was a disgrace that he wasn't in the Royal Rumble match this past Sunday, and that he has a point to prove.


Tyson Kidd v Yoshi Tatsu


This was a back and forth affair, but Tyson Kidd eventually came out on top, after hitting Tatsu with a Swinging fisherman neckbreaker.


We then get a video hyping up the John Cena v The Rock match at Wrestlemania 28


We then go to a camera backstage, that sees Mason Ryan lifting weights backstage. Kane attacks Ryan, out of nowhere and for no reason, and chokeslams Ryan on the concrete.


We go to the ring, for the next match, Michael McGillicutty is already in the ring, as Brodus Clay dances his way out to the ring.


Brodus Clay v Michael McGillicutty


This was a complete and utter squash match, that seen Brodus Clay win with his flying crossbody. Post match Brodus danced away with his two dancers again.


Backstage we see Ezekiel Jackson, and just like earlier out of nowhere, Kane appears and attacks Jackson, and lays him out backstage, with Kane showing his dominance again.


We then see a video showing Jericho's actions on RAW, first his attack on Randy Orton, and then later in the night laying out Daniel Bryan and CM Punk, and announcing he is going to challenge for the WWE Title at Wrestlemania.


Next was a diva's match, Katilyn came out first, and then out next was Natalya.


Natalya v Katilyn


Katilyn managed to get in some early offence in the match, but Natalya managed to overcome the early offence, and dominated over Katilyn and made Katilyn came out to the sharpshooter.


Backstage we are in Theodore Long's office. Long announces that with Chris Jericho announcing he is going to challenge for the WWE Title, this week on Smackdown we will have a one night tournament to determine who will challenge for the World Heavyweight Title at Wrestlemania.


Next up, for our main event, we have a match between two former tag team champions, out first came Heath Slater, followed by Justin Gabriel.


Heath Slater v Justin Gabriel


This was a good back and forth match between the two men, but in the end Justin Gabriel came out on top when he managed to hit the 450 splash on Heath Slater. Gabriel was celebrating his victory, when out of nowhere, Drew McIntyre came into the ring, and attacked Gabriel, and laid him out with the futureshock DDT. McIntyre grabbed a microphone, and said he was no longer going to be taken as a joke in the WWE, Theodore Long told him to make an impact, and he is going to do exactly that.

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<p>...</p><blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33785" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><p> WWE Smackdown</p><p> Wk 1, Feb, 2012</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> We are welcomed to Smackdown, straight to the office of the General Manager Theodore Long. Long says that tonight we will have a 8 man, one night tournament, to decide who will challenge for the World Heavyweight Title at Wrestlemania. Long announced the first round matches as Kane v The Big Show, Wade Barrett v Sheamus, Cody Rhodes v Justin Gabriel and Mark Henry v Randy Orton. We then go straight to ringside to get straight into the action.</p><p> </p><p> The Big Show makes his way to the ring, and out next fire erupted from the stage, and Kane made his way out to the ring.</p><p> </p><p> First Round Match in the Number One Contender Tournament for the World Heavyweight Title at Wrestlemania</p><p> The Big Show v Kane</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> This match was by no means a wrestling classic, the two men was exchanging punches from the start of the match. Kane grabbed Big Show around the throat and tried to hit the choke slam, but Big Show fit the arm of Kane off of him, and put his hand around the throat of Kane. Kane kicked Big Show in the stomach, and planted him with a DDT. As Big Show was getting to his feet, Kane ran at Big Show and hit him with a clothesline, which sent Big Show through the ropes and to the outside. Kane was constantly punching away at Big Show, without giving Big Show a chance to regain his composure. Big Show pushed Kane away to give himself a break. Kane then grabbed a chair and smacked Big Show over the back with the chair. The referee rang the bell for the disqualification, but that didn't bother Kane. (Winner: The Big Show) Kane was just constantly striking away at Big Show, and focused on the left leg. John Cena ran out towards the ring, and ducked under a chair shot attempt to the head, and met Kane with numerous punches to the head. Cena clotheslined Kane over the ringside barricade, and the two men brawled through the crowd. Big Show was screaming around in pain, and while he might have won, and will face the winner of Sheamus v Wade Barrett, it is questionable if he will be able to continue tonight.</p><p> </p><p> We go backstage, and Scott Standford is with the Intercontinental Champion, Cody Rhodes. Cody Rhodes says he was the most impressive min the Royal Rumble on Sunday, but he failed. But tonight he won, he is going to Wrestlemania, and no one is going to stop him.</p><p> </p><p> At ringside, we are getting ready for a rematch from the Royal Rumble. Sheamus makes his way to the ring, looking to get revenge on Wade Barrett.</p><p> </p><p> First Round Match in the Number One Contender Tournament for the World Heavyweight Title at Wrestlemania</p><p> Sheamus v Wade Barrett</p><p> </p><p> Sheamus starting the match strongly, wanted to get revenge not only for the defeat at the Royal Rumble, but for Barrett also eliminating Sheamus in the Royal Rumble match. Sheamus went for a high kick, but Barrett managed to duck and hit a chop block onto the leg of Sheamus, which massively changed the tide of the match. Like on Sunday, Barrett was working over the leg of Sheamus, and Sheamus was struggling to manoeuvre around the ring. Sheamus was fighting like a wounded animal and was on the defensive. Sheamus tried to punch Barrett away from him, while he was trying to recover in the corner, but Barrett managed to drag Sheamus out into the centre of the ring, and pick up Sheamus for the wasteland to get the three count and the victory. (Winner: Wade Barrett) After the match a few officials came down to ringside, and helped Sheamus get to the back. Barrett grabbed a microphone from the outside and went back to the centre of the ring. Barrett said that he was surprised that Orton even managed to return after the assault that Barrett gave him, but it did earn his respect, but now he will break Orton's soul. Barrett tells Orton he hopes he sees him in the final, because there is nothing he wants more than for Randy Orton to be the man that he beats to make his way to Wrestlemania.</p><p> </p><p> Backstage and Smackdown General Manager Theodore Long is in his office with Akasana. Drew McIntyre storms into the office, and tells Long he wants a match with his assistant, Santino Marella tonight. Long tells McIntyre that the match is on for later tonight, but if he doesn't win the match, he is fired from Smackdown, and there will be no coming back.</p><p> </p><p> Back at ringside, and Justin Gabriel makes his way to the ring, ahead of his first round qualifier against the Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes, and a rematch from Monday night on RAW.</p><p> </p><p> First Round Match in the Number One Contender Tournament for the World Heavyweight Title at Wrestlemania</p><p> Justin Gabriel v Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes</p><p> </p><p> Justin Gabriel quickly took it to Cody Rhodes, as he was looking to make sure we have a different result than we did Monday night on RAW. The match was a very back and forth affair and Justin Gabriel even managed to gain the upper hand throughout most of the match. Cody Rhodes tried to hook up Gabriel for the Cross Rhodes, but Gabriel managed to fight his way out of the move. Gabriel went to up to go and hit the 450 splash. Rhodes though got to his feet and hit the ropes, sending Gabriel to fall onto the top rope, Rhodes climbed the ropes and hit a superplex sending both men down to the mat. In the end Rhodes managed to roll Gabriel up in a cradle, and without the referee noticing, managed to grab the ropes, and got the three count to secure the victory. (Winner: Cody Rhodes) Cody Rhodes grabbed his Intercontinental title and celebrated his win in the ring, Gabriel was outraged at Rhodes picking up the win as he did, and confronted Rhodes, but Rhodes smacked Gabriel in the head with the Intercontinental title. The lights turned a shade of gold, and Cody's brother Goldust came out and made his way to the ring. The two men went face to face, and Goldust extended his hand to his brother. Cody shook his brothers hand, but backstabbed his brother, as he pulled his brother in, and connected with the Cross Rhodes. Rhodes left the ring, having laid out both Justin Gabriel and his brother Goldust.</p><p> </p><p> After a commercial break we are ready for out next match as the Worlds Strongest Man made his way to the ring, followed by the viper Randy Orton</p><p> </p><p> First Round Match in the Number One Contender Tournament for the World Heavyweight Title at Wrestlemania</p><p> Randy Orton v Mark Henry</p><p> </p><p> The two men starred each other down, and out of nowhere Orton grabbed Mark Henry and dropped him with a RKO, Orton made the cover, and got the three count, getting a quick victory over the Worlds Strongest Man. (Winner: Randy Orton) Orton was clearly still in a very aggravated mood after the attack from Jericho, Monday night on RAW, and looked like he was a man on a mission, and somewhere the Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes, had to be worried about his second round opponent.</p><p> </p><p> Backstage and Scott Stanford is with the World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan. Stanford asks Bryan his opinion of the tournament taking place tonight. Bryan says he doesn't give a damn about the tournament or about who is going to win it, as he is going to leave Wrestlemania, still as World Heavyweight Champion, because he is the best wrestler in the world, and he proved that Monday Night on RAW by beating CM Punk.</p><p> </p><p> We go to ringside, and we are set for a Diva's tag team match, as Kelly Kelly and Tamina make their way to the ring, and out next was the Diva's Champion, Beth Phoenix and Natalya</p><p> </p><p> Kelly Kelly and Tamina v Natalya and WWE Diva's Champion Beth Phoenix</p><p> </p><p> This was your average Diva's tag team match, Beth Phoenix and Kelly Kelly started the match, Beth was completely dominating over Kelly Kelly, and the former Diva's Champion was no competition for Beth Phoenix tonight. Beth hit the Glam Slam on Beth. Before Beth could make the cover however Tamina ran into the ring, to stop any cover attempt. Beth however threw Tamina out of the ring, and by doing so went near to her corner, where Natalya tagged herself into the ring. The referee send Beth out of the ring, and with Kelly Kelly still down, and Tamina on the outside, Natalya locked in the sharpshooter on Kelly Kelly, and forced her to tap out. (Winners: Natalya and Beth Phoenix) Beth Phoenix walked up to Natalya as the two women got face to face, and Phoenix wasn't happy with what Natalya had done, and Tamina looked on from the outside, looking at the women she faces next week in a number one contender match, Natalya and the women she could be facing at Elimination Chamber, Beth Phoenix.</p><p> </p><p> Backstage Big Show was limping towards the ring, ahead of his second round match with Wade Barrett. The World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan walked up the Big Show. Bryan told Big Show, he still owed him payback after what he did to AJ. Big Show went to chase Bryan, Bryan ran away, but the damage to Big Show's leg by Kane, meant that Big Show couldn't chase after Bryan.</p><p> </p><p> Wade Barrett walked out to the ring, and the announcers wondered how Big Show was even going to compete in this match. Big Show hobbled out to the ring, showing how important a spot challenging for the World Title at Wrestlemania is, willing to compete in this state.</p><p> </p><p> Second Round Match in the Number One Contender Tournament for the World Heavyweight Title at Wrestlemania</p><p> Wade Barrett v The Big Show</p><p> </p><p> Barrett kept trying to target the leg of Wade Barrett, but like a wounded animal, Big Show kept to his corner and was aggressive, and kept trying to hit Barrett with a knockout blow to end the match. In the end Barrett managed to kick the leg of the Big Show, which sent the giant down, and Barrett started working on the leg. Big Show kept trying to push Barrett away, but Barrett kept going back to the leg. In the end Big Show managed to power Barrett outta the ring. Barrett came into the ring, and Show chucked him into the corner, but Barrett ended up sandwiching the referee between himself and the turnbuckle. With the referee down, the World Heavyweight Champion, Daniel Bryan came down to the ring, but the Big Show didn't notice. Big Show grabbed Barrett around the throat, and went for the chokeslam, but Bryan ran into the ring, and chop blocked the Worlds Largest Athlete. Bryan then helped Barrett get Big Show up onto his shoulders, and Barrett hit wasteland on the Giant. The ring shook which brought the referee round, and Barrett made the cover and got the three count to advance to the final. (Winner: Wade Barrett) Barrett rolled out of the ring, and headed to the back, as Bryan went into the ring, and stood over the giant holding up the World Heavyweight Title.</p><p> </p><p> We go backstage and Matt Striker is with Hunico, who has his bodyguard Comacho with him. Hunico says that he was unlucky at the Royal Rumble and Monday Night on RAW, but the next time they meet, he will be third time lucky, he is a Mexican warrior, and some women on steroids does not scare him.</p><p> </p><p> We then head to ringside, and we are ready to find out who will face Wade Barrett in the final to determine the number one contender to the World Heavyweight Title at Wrestlemania, out first came the Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes, who left Justin Gabriel and his own brother Goldust laid out earlier tonight. Out next was the man who defeated Mark Henry in under 10 seconds, Randy Orton.</p><p> </p><p> Second Round Match in the Number One Contender Tournament for the World Heavyweight Title at Wrestlemania</p><p> Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes v Randy Orton</p><p> </p><p> This match was a lot more competitive than Randy Orton's match with Mark Henry, as these two former legacy members went toe to toe. Cody Rhodes managed to get the upper hand on Orton in the early part of the match, and tried to connect with an early Cross-Rhodes on Orton, but Orton managed to fight out of it, and sent Rhodes out of the ring. Orton followed Rhodes out of the ring, and the two men brawled on the outside, Rhodes sent Orton into the ring steps, and the Intercontinental Champion was starting to take control of this one. Rhodes sent Orton back into the ring, and made the quick cover, but only managed to get a two count. Rhodes hit the beautiful disaster on Orton, and went for another cover, but again Orton managed to kick out before the three count. Rhodes went to the top rope, and went to hit Orton with a moonsault as Orton got to his feet. But reminiscent of what Orton did to Evan Bourne a couple of years ago, Orton turned it into a massive RKO, using Rhodes own momentum against him. Rhodes wasn't moving, and Orton rolled him over and got the three count on the Intercontinental Champion. (Winner: Randy Orton) Orton had been in a massive fight, and he still had to face Wade Barrett in the final.</p><p> </p><p> We go to the General Manager's Office, and Theodore Long is with Akasana. Long announced that after his actions earlier tonight, next week Daniel Bryan will defend the World Heavyweight Title against The Big Show, in a street fight. Also at in the Smackdown Elimination Chamber it will be Daniel Bryan, The Big Show, Cody Rhodes, Sheamus, Mark Henry and whoever is not successful out of Randy Orton and Wade Barrett in the main event.</p><p> </p><p> We go to ringside, and Santino Marella makes his way down to ringside, ahead of his match with Drew McIntyre as the announcer's replay what happened at the Royal Rumble between these two men. Michael Cole reminds us that if Drew McIntyre does not win this match, he will be fired from the WWE for good.</p><p> </p><p> Santino Marella v Drew McIntyre</p><p> -If Drew McIntyre does not win, he will be fired from the WWE</p><p> </p><p> Drew McIntyre went straight for Marella, punching away at the Italian Superstar, driving him into the corner. McIntyre then pulled Santino out of the corner, and hit him with a futureshock DDT. Drew got the cover, and got the win, ending his losing streak, and keeping his job. (Winner: Drew McIntyre) McIntyre grabbed the microphone, and said Sunday Night at the Royal Rumble was the most embarrassing moment in his life, and it's time for a change in attitude.</p><p> </p><p> After a commercial break, we return for the final of the number one contenders tournament, Randy Orton makes his way to the ring, haven defeated Mark Henry in under 10 seconds, and then the Intercontinental Champion Cody Rhodes to get here. Out next was Wade Barrett who defeated Sheamus and The Big Show.</p><p> </p><p> Final Match in the Number One Contender Tournament for the World Heavyweight Title at Wrestlemania</p><p> Randy Orton v Wade Barrett</p><p> </p><p> Michael Cole talked about the history between the two men, including what happened when the two men met each other last week. The two men went straight for each other, exchanging lefts and rights, and this was clearly not going to be a classic wrestling match. Barrett whipped Orton against the ropes, and took Orton down with a clothesline. Barrett started punching away to the face of Orton, until Orton raked the eyes of Barrett and started to take control of the match again. It was a back and forth affair between the two men, who was showing signs of weakness as a result of their earlier matches. Orton hit the IEDDT on Barrett, and went to go for a RKO, but Barrett pushed of Orton, and then hit Wasteland, but only managed to get a near fall. Barrett was frustrated, and argued with the referee, and in the end that frustration cost Barrett, as when Barrett turned around he walked into a RKO to get the three count and the win. (Winner: Randy Orton) Orton got to his feet, and celebrated his victory, as the World Heavyweight Champion Daniel Bryan came down and stared down Orton, knowing if he managed to survive The Big Show next week, and the Elimination Chamber then he would be facing Randy Orton at Wrestlemania. Orton was keeping his eyes locked on Daniel Bryan and the World Heavyweight Title, and didn't notice that Chris Jericho had ran through the crowd, and got into the ring. Jericho turned Orton around and into a Codebreaker. Smackdown came to an end with Jericho stood over Randy Orton, and Daniel Bryan watching on with a smile from the entrance way.</p><p> </p><p> </p></div></blockquote>
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