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The League, Season Six (Game Thread)

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Scott Stevens (4-4, 7%) vs. III (4-4, 8%)

Psycho Sam (4-4, 16%) vs. Tarik Nolan (4-4, 14%)

LPW CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Ly Quang Bao (4-4, 15%) vs. Diamond © (5-3, 16%)

Sebastian Moore (2-6, 18%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (7-1, 14%)

Thor Hammerskald (5-3, 15%) vs. Master Imoka (5-3, 19%)

Johnny Triumph (3-5, 18%) vs. Eidenhoek Gaiaspade (2-6, 24%)

Jack Lightning (3-5, 28%) vs. Ian Carlisle (5-3, 26%)

The Phoenix (5-3, 25%) vs. Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. (2-6, 31%)

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WEEK NINE SCHEDULE: Wolverhampton, England (UK--Scotland)

(Blood Loss Stoppage allowed, No Ref Bumps Allowed, Regular Style Match)




Scott Stevens (4-4, 7%) vs. III (4-4, 8%)

Psycho Sam (4-4, 16%) vs. Tarik Nolan (4-4, 14%)

LPW CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Ly Quang Bao (4-4, 15%) vs. Diamond © (5-3, 16%)

Sebastian Moore (2-6, 18%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (7-1, 14%)

Thor Hammerskald (5-3, 15%) vs. Master Imoka (5-3, 19%)

Johnny Triumph (3-5, 18%) vs. Eidenhoek Gaiaspade (2-6, 24%)

Jack Lightning (3-5, 28%) vs. Ian Carlisle (5-3, 26%)

The Phoenix (5-3, 25%) vs. Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. (2-6, 31%)

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You've seen my driving record???? Lol.


Nope, but I know you well enough to guess....:p



I think what caused Stevens to lose is that I stole his signature move.:p


Also cannot wait for the Twitter bashing by Scott Stevens.


Also any rampages by Nuclear Templeton.


Happy 4th everyone...


He's never going to live down this loss...Just sayin...




Scott Stevens (4-4, 7%) vs. III (4-4, 8%)

Psycho Sam (4-4, 16%) vs. Tarik Nolan (4-4, 14%)

LPW CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Ly Quang Bao (4-4, 15%) vs. Diamond © (5-3, 16%)

Sebastian Moore (2-6, 18%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (7-1, 14%)

Thor Hammerskald (5-3, 15%) vs. Master Imoka (5-3, 19%)

Johnny Triumph (3-5, 18%) vs. Eidenhoek Gaiaspade (2-6, 24%)

Jack Lightning (3-5, 28%) vs. Ian Carlisle (5-3, 26%)

The Phoenix (5-3, 25%) vs. Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. (2-6, 31%)




@Diamond_Rocks: Took #Stevensissmells pride with making him tap, and hold his precious belt. Life is good. :p

@Diamond_Rocks: Nuclear lost? Boo #Nuclearneedsthegym

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Random chat below...

He's never going to live down this loss...Just sayin...




Psycho Sam will agree with you, but is too busy hiding the evidence of Mr. Whu Dhu Khamu's murder.


In his place... Karl Doggo.


I do have to agree with Frankie on the fact that the kitten should become champion.


What would be funnier is if either:

a. The cat signed a contract for LPW, with Jack Lightning as it's manager.


b. Scott Stevens turned into an actual scorpion during a match.


And by the way, it is #ScottStevensIsSmelly, not #Stevensissmells.

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Scott Stevens (4-4, 7%) vs. III (4-4, 8%)

Psycho Sam (4-4, 16%) vs. Tarik Nolan (4-4, 14%)

LPW CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Ly Quang Bao (4-4, 15%) vs. Diamond © (5-3, 16%)

Sebastian Moore (2-6, 18%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (7-1, 14%)

Thor Hammerskald (5-3, 15%) vs. Master Imoka (5-3, 19%)

Johnny Triumph (3-5, 18%) vs. Eidenhoek Gaiaspade (2-6, 24%)

Jack Lightning (3-5, 28%) vs. Ian Carlisle (5-3, 26%)

The Phoenix (5-3, 25%) vs. Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. (2-6, 31%)


@III- @Survive_The_Sting! Yesterday's like a dream and tomorrow's like a mirage. Now's the time you get eternal rest, now the endless roaming's over. #RIPScottStevens #RuleOfIII
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Scott Stevens (4-4, 7%) vs. III (4-4, 8%)

Psycho Sam (4-4, 16%) vs. Tarik Nolan (4-4, 14%)

LPW CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Ly Quang Bao (4-4, 15%) vs. Diamond © (5-3, 16%)

Sebastian Moore (2-6, 18%) vs. Nuclear Templeton (7-1, 14%)

Thor Hammerskald (5-3, 15%) vs. Master Imoka (5-3, 19%)

Johnny Triumph (3-5, 18%) vs. Eidenhoek Gaiaspade (2-6, 24%)

Jack Lightning (3-5, 28%) vs. Ian Carlisle (5-3, 26%)

The Phoenix (5-3, 25%) vs. Benjamin T. Stanton, Jr. (2-6, 31%)


I imagine Coach tweets a lot but here is a message directed at someone who has clearly been chasing too many haggis around hills while she's been at home and become very dizzy. :p


@CoachRobertGreen: @Diamond_Rocks, Nuclear didn't lose, he won again thanks to my training regime. In fact, he's almost qualified for the playoffs already!


@CoachRobertGreen: Interesting note... the odds on Moore beating Nuclear are so long that if Moore were to win, I'd make more by betting a dollar on him than I would for training Nuclear. And I'm not cheap!


And in case it's obvious, I don't have twitter so I've got no idea if i'm doing it right. :p

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@Survive_The_Sting! What the hell kind of officiating is that?!?!?!?!?!?


@Survive_The_Sting! Hey you idiot ref I didn't tap!!!! When @Diamond_Rocks locked me in her submission I just moved my hand across the mat. I'm having flashbacks of an incident in Montreal.


@Survive_The_Sting! @Diamond_Rocks enjoy my title while you have it because you won't have it very long.


@Survive_The_Sting! @Diamond_Rocks I've found a loop-hole in the rules that prevents me from directing challenging for the title.


@Survive_The_Sting! @Diamond_Rocks The rule only states that I cannot challenge League employees. Now say you happen to be pinned I don't know in a parking lot by a fan or a wrestler not signed with the League then I can pin them and reclaim what is mine.


@QueenB_LBS So @Diamond_Rocks I may just show up this week or next, kick your scrawny ass, and take the LPW title from you. Then I'll let my husband @Survive_The_Sting! "pin' me for it. ;-) #SeeYouSoonDiamond



Check this out. I think people would be interested. :cool:



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Via Facebook a few hours ago.


Diamond: Well fans the twitter alerts are lighting up. Thanks for all the support and kind words. It was nice to be home and win a nice match against a little boy, and take his title from a cat.




@Diamond_Rocks: Oh Stevens keep wishing.

@Diamond_Rocks #QueenB_LBSYou've tried this once before and it ended badly for you. You don't want to have even more plastic put into your face, so keep it out of mine

@Diamond_Rocks. #Stevensissmelly You'd have your wife do the job you can't do eh? Yes a man you are. Hiding behind a skirt.

@Diamond_Rocks. Nuck you may have won your match, but you lost the game.

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Check this out. I think people would be interested. :cool:




Well, as I noted, just don't steal my ideas. :p


I dunno how well a League vs LPW game would work; I'm already taking a chance with just The League, as "barebones" style games have been hit or miss on the site. I still am finalizing ideas for both a full-level game and a short game in terms of abilities.


Now, if there were more people on LPW, well...then you might be on to something lol. (I don't suggest a mass migration strictly for Mafia, though--it didn't help NLW much.)

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Well, as I noted, just don't steal my ideas. :p


I dunno how well a League vs LPW game would work; I'm already taking a chance with just The League, as "barebones" style games have been hit or miss on the site. I still am finalizing ideas for both a full-level game and a short game in terms of abilities.


Now, if there were more people on LPW, well...then you might be on to something lol. (I don't suggest a mass migration strictly for Mafia, though--it didn't help NLW much.)


I'll PM you the idea I was going to go with mine.


Remember I have no set things and was just an idea based on IER's fix in the mafia thread.

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Yeah, that's understandable. I could come up with idea for the dual workers like Stevens, Moore, and Carlisle (and Arrows to an extent), but right now my focus is getting things finalized for whatever version of the League game gets run.


I'm not going to run mine until after yours. :)


Maybe we can co-mod the LPW vs League game if you aren't busy of course.

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The weirdest thing on my mind now is if the characters were played by their respective handlers.


I'll probably be the...uh...Serial Killer, knowing my character's history.


EDIT: Tweets


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p>@<a href="https://twitter.com/Survive_The_Sting">Survive_The_Sting</a>! will get Rule of III'd again this week. <a href="https://twitter.com/search/%2523RuleOfIII">#RuleOfIII</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/search/%2523ScottStevensIsSmelly">#ScottStevensIsSmelly</a></p>— Psycho Sam (@Psycho_Sam_BBW) <a href="https://twitter.com/Psycho_Sam_BBW/status/221344684725911554" data-datetime="2012-07-06T20:47:39+00:00">July 6, 2012</a></blockquote>

<script src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

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The weirdest thing on my mind now is if the characters were played by their respective handlers.


I'll probably be the...uh...Serial Killer, knowing my character's history.


<script src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


Maybe. I can think of at least four other people who could be an sk as well.

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Most of the time she would be Roleblocking Stevens:p


can think of some others as well:


Templeton as SK


Lightning as PGO (only with Lord Theon Greycat instead of a gun, so he probably would be PCO)


Stevens as Silencer (he's less awesome than Lightning)


Skabb as SK (probably the SK's being the second mafia)


Kerghan also as SK


Bob Sinclair as Cop


Frankie Garnett as Hider


Phoenix as JOAT


Tori as Cop


Rannulf & Lorenzo as Bulletproof Siblings

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Most of the time she would be Roleblocking Stevens:p


can think of some others as well:


Templeton as SK


Lightning as PGO (only with Lord Theon Greycat instead of a gun, so he probably would be PCO)


Stevens as Silencer (he's less awesome than Lightning)


Skabb as SK (probably the SK's being the second mafia)


Kerghan also as SK


Bob Sinclair as Cop


Frankie Garnett as Hider


Phoenix as JOAT


Tori as Cop


Rannulf & Lorenzo as Bulletproof Siblings


Scorpion could be an SK as well.

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Dangit, Sam, did you have to go and ruin my PG/CO surprise already?


...you are SO not appearing in this game now. :eek::p


(Note: I do not speak for the finished product of the actual League Mafia. You really think I'm going to give you any more information than what is presented over the five threads already devoted to The League? *laughs*)

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