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Calgary Stampede Wrestling: A Hart Family Tradition

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Prelude: It's New Years 2010 and the iDOM wrestling territories continue to grow. Although much has changed since Bret and Davey Boy wrestled for the NWA World Heavyweight Championship back in April of 1993 in Memphis, TN... The British Bulldog had then signed a lucrative contract to work for Vice McMahon's new TWE Promotion over in CT. But before that, he had to defend his Heavyweight title against Calgary's own, Bret "The Hitman" Hart in the nasty south!


Bret would go on to win that night and make history by bringing the prestigious title back to the Northern borders. He would later feud with legends such as Curt Hennig, Jerry "The King" Lawler and even his own brother Owen, while Davey Boy would quietly retire from the sport due to injuries and become a Road Agent.


Now, it's 2010, and Bret and Davey work together in Bret Hart's Calgary Stampede Wresting promotion, along side many Harts and their pupils. The Hart's have a comfortable TV deal with, none other than, ESPN to televise their weekly wrestling show ShockWave.


"CS" counts with wrestling stars such as Canada's own Lance Storm, Nigel McGuinness, Chris Benoit, Yoshihiro Tajiri, Sexton Hardcastle (current NWA Canadian Heavyweight Champion) and rising stars such as NWA Canadian Tag Team Champions The Calgary Bulldogs Harry Smith and TJ Wilson, Diva star and NWA Canadian Women's Champion Nattie Neidhart, Claudio Castagnoli, Anthony "Santino" Carelli and even Sheamus O'Shaunessy and Wade Barrett.


This story follows CS as it tries to grow from a nationally known wrestling promotion, to a global enterprise and wrestling factory, without loosing it's traditional roots a work ethics.

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First Week of the Year


Shockwave - Being held in front of 15,000 people at Rexall Place, and being taped for television.


NWA Canadian Heavyweight Championship match:

Sexton Hardcastle © d. Carlos Colón, Jr (15:50 by pinfall with a Spear) A

(Before the match, NWA Canadian Heavyweight Champion Sexton Hardcastle cut a promo against number one contender Carlos Colón, Jr and his associate Chavo Guerrero, Jr) B+


Andrew Martin is interviewed backstage by Mike Sanders, he hypes an upcoming singles match between The Currency Exchange and The Calgary Bulldogs. C


Joe E. Legend & Chris Kanyon are shown backstage argueing with Tyson Dux &Chance Beckett. C-


Bret Hart is backstage talking to The Calgary Bulldogs about their upcoming match and wishes them luck. A*


The Calgary Bulldogs drew with The Currency Exchange (17:44 double count out) B+

Of course Andrew Martin got involved but the match finished in a surprize draw.


Chavo Guerrero, Jr & Carlos Colón, Jr are seen backstage argueing about Carlitos' loss earlier tonight.. B+


Dux & Beckett ask Bret Hart if they can have a match against Legends of the Fall due to their earlier argument.. Bret says: "Sure, you got it." C


Nattie Neidhart & Rain argue a bit before their match... C

Nattie Neidhart d. Rain (6:34 by count out)

During the match, we had Portia Perez run in and attack Nattie Neidhart but was not enough to help Rain win... C


Dux & Beckett d. Legends of the Fall (7:57 when Chance Beckett defeated Chris Kanyon by pinfall after using a foreign object) B-

Following the loss, Joe E. Legend & Chris Kanyon look very upset, and jump Dux & Beckett from behind, beating them down badly... C-


Harry Smith & TJ Wilson argueing about their match with Ted DiBiase, Jr & Claudio Castagnoli... B-


We are outside the locker room of Anthony Carelli. He opens the door outwards, just in time to accidentally hit a passing by NWA British Commonwealth Champion Sheamus O'Shaunessy square in the face, flooring him. Anthony Carelli doesn't notice what he has done, and walks off. B-


Cameras catch the beautiful diva Traci Brooks blantantly flirting with Alex Plexis. B


Doug Williams cuts a promo hyping up his skills and how he should be main eventing every show.. C+


Lance Storm & Chris Benoit are seen talking backstage.. They have a match later tonight. A*


The Islanders d. Barrett & Burridge (8:27 when EKMO defeated Wade Barrett by pinfall with a Samoan Splash) C+


The Islanders celebrate in the ring. B


Main Event of the Evening:

Lance Storm d. Chris Benoit (23:48 by pinfall with a Last Call) A*

Following the match, Lance Storm celebrates respectfully in the ring. A*


Dark Matches:

Doug Williams d. Alex Plexis (10:13 by pinfall with a Revolution DDT) C+

Gail Kim d. Nikki Roxx (5:51 by pinfall with a Happy Ending) D


Overall the crowd wasn't happy because they wanted to see more angles... But the show can be considered a success. B-

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