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WCW Reborn Backstory:


January 1st marked the begging of a new year in 2012. While WWE and TNA were moving along some would say a downward slope due to poor management and a missing piece in the creative department, little would we know that the wrestling world as we knew it would get a shake up from a man who has not been seen in the public eye for some time. It would be in New York where the ball would get rolling again…


Shane McMahon: “Hey man how you doing?”


?: “I’m great how’s life Shane?”


SM: “Great actually I have a proposition for you.”


?: “Oh?”


SM: “I’m getting something off the ground a revival if you will. I respect the hell out of what you have done in wrestling and have always admired your body of work. You know I’m not like my dad. I deliver on my promises and have the financial means to make this successful.”


?: “Well if you know so much about me then you know what I want.”


SM: “Oh believe me I know. Look I will do the business aspect of this you just use that brain of yours to bring in fans and make this company profitable once again. You are not dealing with the others that plagued this place you are dealing with me. What do you say?”


?: “I say we have ourselves a deal.”


SM: “Excellent, you will not regret this I promise. I have some phone calls to make.

We will be in touch Paul…”


Three Days later…


Shane McMahon: Thanks for sitting down with me will be a pleasure working with you.


Paul Heyman: Oh absolutely Shane, this seems like a great project.


SM: Now as far as belts go World Championship Wrestling had a lot of belts nearing its end We had to figure out what we want to keep. Obviously, we will keep the World title as everyone should want to fight for that.


PH: Definitely and I think we really have to bring something up that has been missing in the main companies, tag team wrestling. I have seen some amazing tag teams across the country and we have to really make it a strong part of the company.


SM: Good call Paul. I also think you have to bring back the United States Championship. Many great men held that belt and brought a lot of prestige to those 15 pounds of gold. It needs to be a springboard to someone’s career in going for the World Title.



PH: Who can forget the Television Title? There was a lot of diversity in those who held that belt. It became a focal point for Saturday Night. Could be for someone making his way up the ranks or someone with a lot of skill and can bring out good wrestling matches.


SM: Sounds like a good plan to me. Speaking of Saturday Night as far as shows go I think it should be kept at a minimal. Too much tv can cause an over saturation. Therefore to me Thunder is not needed. We can have Monday Nitro as our marquee show and Saturday Night can help bring a lot of people up while still having their own story lines to make people care about their characters.


PH: I know a lot about that Shane you know my track record. I think what is missing in the mainstream game of wrestling is the stories. Why a wrestler is motivated where they come from what got them to this point in their lives. I think giving this more organic presentation into the wrestler’s lives could really make people care more and gamer a reaction from the audience.


SM: Well then, I think we have it all covered. We got everything we need for our launch. We have the roster here so let's see what you can come up with. I'm looking forward to this.


PH: So am I Shane so am I.

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After a long hiatus, World Championship Wrestling is proud to relaunch live on TNT...


<a href="

http://s765.photobucket.com/albums/xx299/MikeGNA/WCW/?action=view&current=WCWNitro4.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i765.photobucket.com/albums/xx299/MikeGNA/WCW/WCWNitro4.jpg" border="0" alt="WCW Monday Nitro"></a>


We kick things off with two of the brightest stars from Japan doing battle!


BxB Hulk





Kota Ibushi



Next in the first round of the Tag Team Title tournament the Latin American Exchange of Homicide and Hernandez do battle with Southern California's own RockNES Monsters of Johnny Goodtime and Johnny Yuma!







RockNES Monsters



In first round action to crown the WCW World Champion pits the martial artist world warrior Low Ki against the athletically gifted South African wrestler Justin Angel!


Low Ki





Justin Angel



In another first round battle for the Tag Team Tournament action will see two fast paced teams fight on Nitro. The Detroit natives known as the Motor City Machine Guns will battle two men from the Rising Sun comprised of Masato Yoshino and Naruki Doi aka Speed Muscle!


Motor City Machine Guns





Speed Muscle





With our second first round match for the WCW World Title we see the Georgia native the Phenomenal AJ Styles take on amateur wrestler turned pro Shelton Benjamin!


AJ Styles





Shelton Benjamin


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[As the WCW Monday Nitro theme played in the background a video Montague began to play on the screen highlighting the combatants of our main event.]


AJ Styles: My faith and my family is what pushes me every day and every night I step into that squared circle…


Shelton Benjamin: Despite his abilities in professional wrestling Styles doesn’t have a prayer in beating me. That world title pushes me further and harder than I have ever trained for in my life and I will do what I have to do to get it…


AJ Styles: Benjamin has excelled in everything he has done and been champion on the mat and in the ring. Just because you have Shelton doesn’t mean you have been given respect. You have to earn it. Tonight I will show you the meaning of respect in defeat..


Shelton Benjamin: I am the best pound for pound wrestler in the world and on Nitro the whole world will find out why they call me the Gold Standard.


[Pyro went off as the sell out crowd went crazy for the return of Monday Nitro. We then got to the broadcast table where J.R. and DDP sat ready to call the action.]




JR: Hello everyone and welcome to Monday Nitro! I am good ol JR and my broadcast colleague is former WCW World Champion Diamond Dallas Page.


DDP: The pleasure is all mine JR. I will give the lucky viewers my own fresh perspective from the point of view of one of the hardest working men in wrestling DDP!


JR: With that being said let’s get to our first match up of the evening!









In a match that had fast paced action and wowed the crowd with innovative moves, Kota Ibushi defeated BxB Hulk in 8:40 with a shooting star press. 59


J.R.: Some exciting athletes from the land of the rising sun. I am sure it will not be the last we hear from these youngsters.


DDP: I remember some guys back in the day that were fast but man these guys take it to a whole another level!


JR: They most certainly do Dallas. It has been brought to my attention that we now have a video from Jay and Mark the Briscoe Brothers!




[The camera pans to a grassy area where the Briscoes are standing. Mark Briscoe is leaning up against a red pickup truck drinking from a beer bottle while Jay Briscoe is pacing back and forth.]


Jay Briscoe: World Championship Wrestling where the big boys play. For those that don’t know I;m Jay and he’s Mark the Briscoe Brothers.


Mark Briscoe: Some think we are not cosmetically pleasing to the eyes. Do you think we give a rats ass about that? **** no we don’t!


Jay: See we ain’t here to be movie stars, be on magazine covers and *** we come to wrestle


Mark: Some people like to strategize and *** be ain’t got time for none of that. We’ll meet your sorry ass in a back alley somewhere, a bar after you had your last shot of jack daniels or right in dat ring we don’t give a ****!


Jay: WCW take heed we are the baddest tag team on the planet. We are who we are two rough men from Sandy Fork Delaware. We pluck chickens by day and whoop ass by night. We will tear the wrestling world a new ***hole courtesy of dem boys The Briscoes.


Mark: So bring out your Monsters, your muscle, your thugs because we getting dem belts when its all said and done. We’re reaching for the sky!


[Mark Briscoe heaves the beer bottle he just polished off as both brothers look into the camera with a crazed look in their eyes. We go back to the broadcast table.]


DDP: I like those guys! Real men that go out there and speak their minds!


JR You would like them DDP. These brash youngsters definitely look to make an impact here in World Championship Wrestling. Speaking of tag teams, let’s get to our first tag team contest of the evening!









The crowd cheered for the soCal tandem with their cohesiveness and never say die attitude. Despite an impressive offense, the rough exterior and toughness of LAX was too much for them to handle. LAX defeated the RockNES Monsters in 9:44 when Hernandez pinned Johnny Yuma with the Border Toss. 60


[With their hands raised in victory , LAX didn’t stop there. Homicide grabbed Johnny Yuma hitting him with the Cop Killer! Johnny Goodtime went off the top hitting Homicide with a missile dropkick. The numbers were not in his favor as he succumbed to Hernandez, who picked him up off his feet and nails him with a running powerslam.]


JR: Come on that is enough! You made your point!


DDP: Look at that aggression. I like wrestlers that take incentive to make their voices heard. Bravo gentlemen bravo!


[Homicide and Hernandez posed in the ring as the fans voiced their displeasure. LAX exited the ring as a slew of officials check on the fallen RockNES Monsters.]


JR: What a disgrace. They had the match won and they took things too far.


DDP A few bumps and bruises never hurt anyone. These men are role models. Showing that when you want something, you take it.


JR: Role models my ass. Coming up next is a first round match up for the WCW World Title. Let’s go down to ringside!









Both men came out guns a blazing with various kicks and strikes. The South African sensation nearly won the bout with a 450 splash but Low Ki got his knees up. This allowed Low Ki to beat Justin Angel in 14:33 with the Ki Krusher 73


DDP: You did it Ki! He is on dangerous man. I would certainly not want to fight him in a back alley.


JR: You are right about that DDP. Cannot let his size fool you. Angel showed a lot of heart out there and no doubt will be a force to be reckoned with here in WCW.


DDP: A lot of fans have been talking about this upcoming match and I can't say I blame them. Let's get to it first round tag team title action!










Motor City Machine Guns showed their cohesion early as the double team moves took Speed Muscle off guard. The tide turned for Speed muscle after a failed dropkick in the corner by Sabin. After so fast teamwork by SM, Sabin was able to make the hot tag as Shelley cleaned house. It was not long after that MCMG defeated Speed Muscle in 15:02 when Alex Shelley pinned Masato Yoshino with a Sliced Break #2. 58


JR: What an amazing match we just witnessed here fans. Both teams came prepared but the Motor City Machine Guns were a notch above Speed Muscle.


DDP: Yoshino had the win but Shelley cheated!


JR: He did not. He won fair and square! Fans, Gene Okerlund is in the ring with the winners. Take it away Gene!



Gene Okerlund: Gentlemen congratulations on your victory tonight against Masato Yoshino and Naruki Doi. You seem to have quite the fan support here.


Alex Shelley: We have the best fans in the world Gene. We have been blessed to be able to travel the country honing our craft and really gel as a team. Detroit will always be our home but we hope that World Championship Wrestling will become our second home. Where tag team wrestling isn’t neglected and ones’ talent defines their worth!


Chris Sabin: Speed Muscle we take nothing away from your abilities. You brought the fight to us but we were just a little bit better on this night. This goes to every tag team out there in the back, we don’t care who we have to go through, those Tag Team belts are coming to the Motor city!


[Motor City Machine guys music plays as they point to the palm of their hands and exit the ring as we go back to the announcers table.]


DDP: What a bunch of suckups!


JR: They are not, they just have respect for the fans and this business as a whole. Earlier on we saw the world warrior Low Ki advance in the World Title tournament, now in our main event who will join him? Will it be AJ Styles, or will it be Shelton Benjamin? Let's find out!











Some beautiful reversal and counter wrestling had the crowd in a frenzy early on in the contest. After AJ landed on his feet after a belly to belly suplex, Styles landed a pele kick knocking both men down. As the ref counted both men got back at the count of 9! After a few more exchanges, Shelton Benjamin pinned AJ Styles in 24:30 with the T-bone suplex into a powerslam! 79


[The crowd gives both men a huge round of applause for their amazing performance. Shelton Benjamin had his hand raised and AJ Styles is coming to his feet.]


DDP: Benjamin said it at the beginning of this show he was the best pound for pound wrestler in this place. I say tonight he proved it!


JR: AJ Styles held his own out there tonight and put up a good fight, but Benjamin was the better man. Shelton now joins Low Ki in advancing.


[AJ Styles shaking off the cobwebs, comes over to Shelton Benjamin and offer his hand in a sign of respect.]


JR: Look at that Page, what a shinning example of what a wrestler should be. Even in defeat he holds his head up high.


DDP: He is finally showing the Gold Standard the respect he rightfully deserves!


[shelton Benjamin looks around at the crowd as the crowd cheers him on to accept the handshake. He shakes his head and laughs in his face before leaving the ring. The crowd showers him with jeers. AJ Styles shakes his head but takes in the cheers from the crowd.]


JR: Now what was that about?


DDP: Maybe he didn't want to shake the hand of a loser!


JR: By the roars of the crowd, he is far from such DDP. We are out of time. For DDP, this is good ol JR saying GOOD NIGHT EVERYBODY!




Show Overall: 73

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January 7th, 2012


In TV Title first round action, we see two men wrestling two similar styles. Both have honed their craft in mexico and japan. Who will take home the win Mexican superstar Ricky Marvin or Cuban superstar Rocky Azucar Romero?


Ricky Marvin





Rocky Romero



In our second TV title first round match, the International flavor continues as former Pro Wrestling NOAH wrestler Naomichi Marufuji does battle with the man that gravity forgot PAC!


Naomichi Marufuji








In our main event two distinct styles clash! In one corner we have English bred Paul Burchill known by his nickname The Ripper. A fierce and precise athlete dukes it out with Matt Cross a gold medal gymnast who takes his aerial assault to new heights on WCW Saturday Night!


Paul Burchill





Matt Cross


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