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Universal Wrestling League

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Greetings My Fellow Wrestling Fans!


In January of 2011 I created a fantasy league called the Universal Wrestling League (UWL). Up until now I've only shared it with a few friends of mine via e-mail. I've decided I want to share it with a larger audience so I'm going to start posting the shows here.


Right now, I've done 68 episodes. I send them out to my friends via e-mail every week so it's presented in 'real time' just like a weekly wrestling program.


I won't be posting the first 67 episodes on here. Instead, I'll get you up-to-date with things like the current roster with brief profiles as of May 2012, history of title changes, all previous PPV results, etc. to get you caught up on where we are.


The first full show I will be posting is last week's episode 68 in the next couple of days; and then later this week I will post the newest show.


My promotion is old school (more of an '80s style). For fans who came along since the 'Attitude'/Nitro era, you may not recognize a lot of the men and women I use. I also do not rigidly stick to a given wrestler's move set. I tweak some of the performers' wrestling and talking style. I've tried to mix the bells and whistles of today's wrestling (big stage, pyro, etc.) with a wrestling product that is more of a throwback with a little of the newer style mixed in. It's always important to think of all these performers in their prime. Especially since some are now dead in the real world and it's hard to get dead people to do much of anything let alone wrestle.


I believe strongly in more psychologically based wrestling rather than the spot fest that is so common today. My promotion believes in the use of (sometimes heavy) blood in angles and matches if I feel it serves a good purpose and add drama to a given situation.


Finally, my promotion is completely created from scratch. Every word, angle and match is 100% me whether good, bad or ugly.


I hope you'll take the time to check out the UWL and appreciate any feedback you may have.

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Program Title: UWL 'SLAM!' WRESTLING

Network: FX

Air Time/Day: Tuesdays - 9:30-11:00pm E/P

Debut Date: Jan. 25, 2011


Announcers: Steve Stack and Joe Pedicino

In-Ring Interviewer: Lee Marshall

Backstage Interviewer: Larry Nelson


'Slam!' wrestling airs live on alternating weeks. Taped editons are taped the Wednesday night after the live program for airing six days later. One live and one taped 'Slam!' take place at each arena.


UWL ROSTER (As of May 2012)




KD Smith: Owner of the UWL. Believes the modern day product of pro wrestling is too sanitized, silly and boring. Created the UWL along with VP of Talent Operations Chris McClain in an effort to bring back a more psychologically based and serious wrestling product. Smith is the primary money man for the company.


Chris McClain: VP of Talent Operations for the UWL. Primary duties are to scout and sign talent. The main guy who deals directly with the talent when issues arise. Also the second in command in the company.


Wally Karbo. UWL Official. Most famously known as one of promoter Verne Gagne's top officials in the now-defunct AWA. Main duties are to go on the road for all 'Slam!' shows and PPV's and make sure things run as smoothly as possible. All road agents answer to him.




Co-Pres. Vince Russo: Russo was the sole President of the UWL for the first year of the company's existence. As President, Russo answers to no one but owner KD Smith. Russo's first year was marked with much controversy. On the second edition of 'Slam!', on Feb. 1, 2011, Russo stunned the wrestling world by claiming that he was going to crown the first-ever UWL World Champion in the most controversial and memorable way ever. Russo lived up to his word later that night by selling the UWL World Title to Tully Blanchard and his manager JJ Dillon for $250,000 dollars. Russo also engaged in a feud with Roddy Piper that culminated in Russo being forced to face Piper in a cage match at the 'Heatwave' PPV in August 2011. Piper, of course, destroyed Russo in the short match. Some other Russo highlights: At the 'Helloween' PPV, the Dog Pound (Rick Steiner & Buzz Sawyer) defeated The Strangers in a Masks vs. Careers match. The Dog Pound saved their UWL careers that night. Two nights later on 'Slam!' Russo fired them anyway. Russo fired in-ring interviewer Gene Okerlund just for the hell of it. He fired Daniels right after costing Daniels the President's Championship in early January of this year. The list of bad Russo behavior is almost endless. Owner KD Smith only got involved in UWL affairs once during the entire year and let Russo run things his way because he signed Russo to run the show. At the 1-year anniversary program of 'Slam!', Russo's contract was expiring. The money was on Russo's contract not being renewed and Russo being gone from the UWL after what many called his reign of error. But, KD Smith suprised everyone when he offered Russo a one-year contract extension as President of the company, even though Smith said he didn't like a lot of what Russo had done in his first year as President. Russo snapped the contract out of Smith's hand in the ring and quickly signed it without reading it. As Russo paraded around the ring waving the new deal in the air, Smith pointed out that Russo needed to take a minute to read something on page two of the contract. Russo nearly came unglued when he read that in order to remain President of the company for all of 2012, he would have to wrestle a match the next week on 'Slam! and win the match to keep his job. For only the second time during the Russo Presidency, KD Smith overrode a Russo decision. Smith re-hired one of Russo's firings. Daniels was the man who would face Vincce Russo with Russo's future at stake. Smith also pointed out that if Daniels lost, he would be gone from the company. The match took place the following week on 'Slam!' Daniels dominated. But, thanks to interference from Kimberly and Diamond Dallas Page, a battered Russo won the match and retained his Presidency. The very next week, an arrogant Russo came out to open 'Slam!' and bragged about being President for another year. This brought out owner KD Smith. Smith said that since Russo won, he was A President of the UWL for another year. Russo wondered what Smith meant by the 'A President'. Smith said that Russo would be in a Co-Presidency for at least the next year. Russo couldn't believe it. Smith then intro'd Russo's new Co-Prez...Bill Watts! Russo got mad and left and went into self-imposed exile for two months before returning to 'Slam!' and assuming his Co-President role with Watts. Russo has accused Watts of having a second-rate wrestling mind that pales next to his own insanely brilliant wrestling mind. The two have a working relationship that is full of escalating tension. Russo has vowed to eventually force Watts out of the UWL and regain his position as the sole President of the company. Stay tuned...


Bill Watts: Watts was brought into the UWL by owner KD Smith to counter-balance Vince Russo's often bizarre and vindictive actions. Watts, a legendary promoter and booker in his own right, has really had to fight to maintain his control on many occasions when dealing with Russo. Watts has feuded with Dallas Page, who mocked Watts for being an 'old man'. After DDP attacked Watts and laid Watts out with the Diamond Cutter on 'Slam!', Watts ordered a match between himself and DDP for 'Spring Mayhem'. Watts put up a helluva fight before losing clean to DDP. Currently, Watts' main problems are with Vince Russo. And things appear to be reaching a boiling point until something finally gives. Is the UWL big enough for Russo and Watts to survive as Co-Presidents? Stay tuned...


All Wrestlers and Managers will be listed in the next post...

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Hulk Hogan: The biggest star in the history of the sport. Hulk Hogan is bringing the excitement of 'Hulkamania' to the UWL. Debuts on the May 8, 2012, edition of 'Slam!' Hogan signed a 12 appearance deal with the UWL for $750,000.00. (10 episodes of 'Slam! and 2 PPV's.) FINISHER: Flying Legdrop


Billy Graham: Former International Wrestling Alliance (IWA) World Champion. Graham showed up on the debut edition of 'Slam!' on Jan. 25, 2011, with the IWA World Title. Graham lost the IWA Title to Ken Patera at the 'Thunderstruck' PPV on June 12, 2011. Graham, along with Lex Luger, Scott Hall and Arn Anderson, recently feuded with the Anderson brothers and The Firm culminating in a War Games match at the 'Winter Warfare' PPV in February of this year. Graham has also recently battled current UWL World Champion Greg Valentine for the title. FINISHER: Jackhammer


Bruiser Brody: Arguably the greatest brawling wrestler of all-time, Bruiser Brody made a dramatic UWL debut as the mystery wrestler 'HE' at the 'Helloween' PPV in Oct. 2011. On that show, Brody defeated 'The Perfect Male' Lex Luger in under three minutes. Brody has since battled IWA World Champion Ken Patera for the title and has feuded with Kevin Nash. Brody signed a 20 appearance deal with the UWL for $440,000.00. (16 episodes of 'Slam!' and 4 PPV's.) FINISHER: F-5


Lex Luger: Luger came into the UWL as an arrogant heel who demanded he be called 'The Perfect Male'. Luger also believed his career was guided by a mysterious group of spirits called the Special Forces. Luger eventually became disillusioned with the Special Forces when the messages he claimed they were giving him turned out to be wrong. The final break came for Luger after he lost twice to Bruiser Brody in nine days. Luger openly questioned his spiritual entity in the ring after the second loss and then left the ring and disappeared for almost four months. Luger came back in late January of this year and said he renounced the Special Forces that had supposedly been guiding his career, but said he didn't know what path he was going to take now that he was back in the UWL. The answer came later that night when Luger helped Arn Anderson, who was being attacked by Gene and Lars Anderson. Luger's been a face ever since. Luger is currently feuding with UWL World Champion Greg Valentine. FINISHER: Torture Rack


Arn Anderson: Arn Anderson arrived on the UWL scene late in 2011. Arn announced, as soon as he arrived, that he was looking to make his own way in the UWL and hopefully one day win the World Title. The Anderson brothers, Arn's cousins, don't like Arn's independence and have tried to coerce, bully and intimidate Arn into joining with them, but so far Arn has rejected the offer; sometimes with violent consequences. Arn has feuded with his cousins and Firm member Scott Hall. Hall turned on Arn in their War Games match at 'Winter Warfare' and laid Arn out with three Hallinators (Rock Bottoms). Arn is currenly still embroiled in a hot feud with Hall. FINISHER: Gourdbuster


Wahoo McDaniel: The greatest Indian star of all-time. Former UWL World Champion. Wahoo has been in numerous battles in 2012 with current UWL World Champion Greg Valentine. That includes a violent and bloody non-title Indian Strap match the two had at the 'Winter Warfare' PPV in Feb. Wahoo is currently feuding with the diabolical Catholic priest Father Dutch. FINISHER: Big Chop


Hugh Morrus: Former 2-time UWL World Tag Team Champion with 'Crippler' Rip Oliver. Hugh and Rip held the tag titles for over eight months. On interviews, Hugh had a penchant for saying ill-timed things which embarrassed Rip. Rip made Hugh keep his mouth shut in interviews and denigrated Hugh as well. Eventually, Rip started physically abusing Hugh. Rip blamed Hugh for their two World Tag Team Title losses, one of which was a stunning loss to the Mulkey brothers. Hugh finally had enough of Rip's abuse and started verbally and physically fighting back against Rip. Hugh declared he'd found his 'voice and split from Rip. The two are currently feuding with one another. FINISHER: Moonsault


The Great Christopho: Current President's Champion. After Daniels lost a match to then sole UWL President Vince Russo, he was supposed to leave the UWL. However, Bill Watts introduced a new masked wrestler three weeks later. The Great Christopho wears a full black body tight, mask and boots. His wrestling style is like that of Daniels. Co-Pres. Watts has declared that if anyone unmasks The Great Christopho and proves it's Daniels, then Daniels is gone from the UWL. Dallas Page has been trying for three months now to unmask Christopho but to no avail. FINISHER: Reverse STO


The Crusher:The beer-guzzling brawler from Milwaukee, Crusher has fought many battles here in the UWL. However, his main nemesis in the UWL has been Tully Blanchard. At their Taped Fist match at 'Holiday Havoc' in Dec. 2011, three guest judges scored the match. One was former Hugh Hefner fiancee' Holly Madison. Holly and Crusher started dating not long after that match. Unfortunately, Holly eventually turned on Crusher and now is the lover of rival Tully Blanchard. Their feud continues to the present time. FINISHER: Inverted Piledriver (It was the Flying Legdrop. But now with Hogan coming in...)


Roddy Piper:The legendary 'Rowdy One'. In the UWL, Piper's main feud was with UWL President Vince Russo for several months in 2011. Russo wanted Piper driven out of the UWL and started what he called a 'Roddy Piper Reunion Tour'. Russo brought in past Piper foes to try and eliminate Piper. Piper battled Buddy Rose, Bob Orton, Don Muraco and The Iron Sheik and beat them all. Russo then brought in Greg Valentine for a one-shot cage match against Piper at the 'Heatwave' PPV. Piper won a hard-fought, bloody affair. The win meant Piper then got another cage match that night with Pres. Russo. Piper destroyed Russo. A few weeks later, Russo signed Valentine to a long-term contract to wrestle for the UWL. Greg challenged Piper to a re-match of their famous Dog Collars and Chain match. After weeks of giving no answer, Piper finally agreed. The match took place at the 'Helloween' PPV on Oct. 2, 2011. Valentine destroyed Piper's left ear, the same ear of Piper's Valentine had damaged before. Piper bled a gusher from the ear during the match and eventually collapsed in the ring. Valentine won the match via ref stoppage. Piper had to be taken from the ring on a stretcher and rushed to the hospital. Valentine has gloated for months now that he permanently ended the wrestling career of Piper. Doctors who have examined Piper have told him never to step back in the ring. Piper hasn't been seen or heard from since that match. But is he finished??? FINISHERS: Ankle Lock/Spear


Luna: Female wrestler. Tough as nails. She's been embroiled in an off-and-on feud with current UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari. FINISHER: Lunasault


Mad Maxine: An amazon of a woman at 6'2", Maxine has had numerous battles with UWL Women's World Champ Tina Ferrari and also with the humongous Queen Kong. FINISHERS: Chokeslam/Kick To Face


Ashley Cartier: Tina Ferrari's former tag team partner in the now-defunct GLOW wrestling organization, Cartier came into the UWL with the goal of being the first woman to beat the undefeated Tina. So far, she's failed in her mission. Lost to Ferrari in the finals of the UWL Women's World Title Tournament at the 'Winter Warfare' PPV in Feb. of this year. FINISHER: None


Bill Watts: See Watts' profile in the 'Co-Presidents' section.


The Killer Bees: Current UWL World Tag Team Champions. Jim Brunzell and B. Brian Blair. Innovative high flyers, the Bees came in with much fanfare. Battled then-champions Rip Oliver and Hugh Morrus for two months before finally beating them and winning the straps. Currently defending the titles against the Powers of Pain and the Anderson brothers. FINISHERS: Double Dropkick (Together)/Codebreaker (Blair)/Missle Dropkick (Brunzell)


The Mulkey Brothers: Bill and Randy stunned the wrestling world when they upset Rip Oliver and Hugh Morrus to win the UWL World Tag Team Titles on the Valentine's Day edition of 'Slam!' The win got one of the loudest crowd reactions in the history of the UWL. The Mulkeys lost the titles back to Oliver and Morrus five days later at the 'Winter Warfare' PPV. Currently back on jobber duty. FINISHER: Luck


The Mighty Texans: Whip Crackin' Lash LaRue (Ron Bass) and Slingin' Sam Houston are the newest tag team to arrive on the UWL scene. After four weeks of build-up through video packages, the Mighty Texans make their 'Slam!' debut on the May 15th edition. FINISHERS: Brain Buster (LaRue)/Killswitch (Houston)


Heels listed in my next post!

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Greg Valentine: The current UWL World Champion. Valentine won the World Title at 'Holiday Havoc in Dec. 2011 and has defended it successfully against the likes of former champion Wahoo McDaniel, Billy Graham and Arn Anderson. Valentine feuded with Roddy Piper and destroyed Piper's left ear in a re-match of their famous Dog Collars and Chain match at the 'Helloween' PPV in October 2011. Valentine claims, quite frequently, that he's ended the wrestling career of Piper. Piper hasn't been seen or heard from since that match at 'Helloween' giving rise to the belief that Valentine did indeed close out Piper's legendary career. Is currently in a feud with Lex Luger. Valentine is managed by Gary Hart. FINISHERS: The Hammerhead (aka, The Pedigree)/Figure Four Leglock


The Anderson Brothers: Ole, Gene and Lars. Self-proclaimed best tag team wrestlers in the world. Wrestle a grinding, punishing, ground-based style that flies in the face of today's spot monkeys. Ole and Gene entered the UWL in June 2011 under masks. They were known as The Strangers and were brought in by Pres. Russo to punish the Dog Pound (Buzz Sawyer & Rick Steiner) as payback for a nasty prank the Dog Pound pulled on Pres. Russo off-air. For months, as The Strangers, Gene and Ole frequently attacked the Dog Pound, often beating them with the axe handles that they always carried. Ole and Gene lost their masks in a Masks vs. Careers match against the Dog Pound at 'Helloween' in Oct. 2011. Lars joined them in the UWL a few weeks later. The Andersons are famous for zeroing in on an opponent's body part and ruthlessly working it over until the opponent submits. Have feuded with cousin Arn Anderson and assorted tag team partners. Currently hot on the heels of the UWL World Tag Team Champions The Killer Bees. FINISHERS: Ole: Cross Arm Breaker/Lars: Minnesota Wrecker (aka, Samoan Drop)/Gene: Sharpshooter


Tully Blanchard: Former 2-time UWL World Champion. Managed by JJ Dillon. Earned his first World Heavyweight Title in history when he and mgr. Dillon purchased the UWL World Title from Pres. Vince Russo for $250,000.00. Lost the World Title the first time to Edge* at the 'Thunderstruck' PPV in June 2011. Regained the title from Edge two nights later on 'Slam!' Lost the title a second time to Wahoo McDaniel in a cage match at 'Heatwave' in Aug. 2011. Currently in a prolonged feud with The Crusher. Tully won a Dream Date with Crusher's squeeze Holly Madison in a tag team match at the 'Winter Warfare' PPV in Feb. of this year. Tully wooed Holly on the date and Holly later turned on Crusher and went with Tully Blanchard and became a part of JJ Dillon Enterprises. FINISHER: Slingshot Suplex


Harley Race: A legend who's respected by both heels and faces. Race engaged in a rare heel vs. heel feud against Lex Luger which culminated in a violent Street Fight match at the 'Heatwave' PPV in Aug. 2011. Feuded with then-'Milkman' Scott Hall that climaxed in a First Blood match that Race won at the 'Helloween' PPV in Oct. 2011. Tagged with JJ Dillon Enterprises' stable mate Tully Blanchard against The Crusher and Dick The Bruiser* in a Street Fight at the 'Spring Mayhem' PPV in Apr. 2012. Currently chasing The Great Christopho for the President's Championship. FINISHER: Piledriver


Rip Oliver: Former 2-time UWL World Tag Team Champion with Hugh Morrus. Known as the 'Crippler'. Claimed to carry the team on his back. Always blamed Hugh when something went wrong. Eventually turned physically and verbally abusive on Hugh until Hugh struck back against Rip and split from Rip. Rip is now primarily going at it as a single. Is embroiled in a volatile feud with former tag team partner Hugh Morrus. FINISHERS: Crippler Crucifix Bomb/Superkick


The Firm: An elite wrestling faction. Currently comprised of current IWA World Champion Ken Patera, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Rick Rude. The Firm is run by a mystery person known only as The Director. Only things known about The Director is that they're extremely wealthy and have been involved in the wrestling business. Only people who know The Director's identity are Firm members. It's been teased for months now that The Director's identity will one day be reavealed to the public but that has yet to happen. Patera was the first Firm member to appear on the scene. His first few appearances were clearly orchestrated attacks on then IWA World Champion Billy Graham. Pres. Russo rewarded Patera for these assaults by giving Patera an IWA World Title shot at the 'Thunderstruck' PPV in June 2011. Patera won the title and still holds it 11 months later. Nash made his debut when he attacked Graham during Graham's title re-match with Patera at the 'Heatwave' PPV in Aug. 2011. Nash's interference cost Graham the match. Rude made his debut on the Nov. 22, 2011, edition of 'Slam!' when he came out of the stands and helped Nash and Patera beat down the Powers of Pain during a match. Wrestled as an 'Honorary Anderson Brother' in the War Games match at the 'Winter Warfare' PPV in Feb. 2012. Hall came into the UWL as a face and was originally saddled with the gimmick of being a 'Milkman' by Vince Russo. Hall came into the UWL knowing that this was his last chance in the business because of his past alcohol and drug problems. Hall had cleaned up his act. Russo let Hall know that the only reason he brought Hall in was so he could completely control his career. He made Hall wrestle as a 'Milkman'. Hall had to wear the traditional white milkman uniform with black bow tie and carry a tray of bottles of milk to the ring. Hall had to walk on eggshells for Russo or risk losing his job and blowing his last chance in wrestling. Hall teamed with fellow faces Arn Anderson, Lex Luger and Billy Graham in the 'War Games' match at the 'Winter Warfare' PPV in Feb. 2012. In that match, Hall stunned everyone by turning on his team when he laid out Arn with three Hallinators (aka, Rock Bottoms) and joined the Anderson brothers and Rude in attacking his other two teamamates leading to an Anderson brothers and Rude win in the War Games. Hall's joining The Firm became apparent right after the match. Russo allowed Hall to drop the 'Milkman' gimmick after The Director paid Russo $500,000.00. Hall is currently feuding with Arn Anderson. Nash and Patera are working mainly as a tag team. Ken Patera is regularly defending the IWA World Title against UWL and IWA wrestlers. The two ultimate goals of The Firm are to win and control all the UWL championships and one day take complete control of the company. FINISHERS: Patera: Full Nelson Slam/Nash: Jack-knife Powerbomb/Hall: Hallinator (aka, Rock Bottom)/Rude: Rude Awakening


Dallas Page: Former President's Champion. Page claims to be the best conditioned athlete in all of pro wrestling. For a long time, hocked his self-help DVD's in his interviews. DDP has feuded with Wahoo McDaniel, Daniels and then-'Milkman' Scott Hall. Beat Daniels to win the President's Championship on the Jan. 10, 2012, edition of 'Slam!' with direct help from President Vince Russo. Russo fired Daniels immediately after the match. Lost the title to The Great Christopho at the 'Winter Warfare' PPV in Feb. 2012. Claims that Great Christopho is really Daniels under the mask. Has been on a crusade the last three months to unmask Great Christopho to prove he's Daniels. Co-Pres. Watts has said if Christopho is ever unmasked as Daniels that Daniels is gone from the company. Sometimes has help from ex-wife Kimberly*, who seems to conviniently show up during some of DDP's bigger matches. DDP claims to have nothing to do with her interfering in some of his matches since he's no longer in contact with her at all. DDP said he thinks Kimberly is stalking him. FINISHER: Diamond Cutter


Tina Ferrari: Current UWL Women's World Champion. Ferrari is undefeated since she arrived in the UWL back in March 2011. Claims she is 'powered by the spirit of Mildred.' The 'Mildred' talked about here is

'30s-'50s female wrestling legend Mildred Burke. Says Burke's spirit literally resides within her and helps her during her matches. Won the Women's World Title in the finals of a four woman tournament to decide the first-ever UWL Women's World Champion. Claims she'll be buried with the Women's World Title because she'll never lose it. And so far...she looks like she might be prophetic. Has beaten the likes of Nicole Bass, Wendi Richter, Jackie Gayda, Molly Holly, Luna, Mad Maxine and former friend Ashley Cartier. Sometimes tags with and is often accompanied to the ring by the huge Queen Kong. Ferrari has lots of challengers on the horizon. But so far, no one has been able to pin her shoulders to the mat or make her submit. FINISHERS: Recliner/DDT


Father Dutch: Sadistic Catholic priest who believes some UWL wrestlers are so loaded with 'sins' that they need to be purged of those 'sins' and set on the path of righteouness. After he beats opponents, he sprinkles Holy Water on them, blesses them and tells them their 'sins' are forgiven. His first prime target to cleanse of their 'sins' has been Wahoo McDaniel. Father Dutch kicked things off with Wahoo by coming out from under the ring and sneak attacking Wahoo during an in-ring interview and locking him into the vice-like move Father Dutch calls The Confessional. Wahoo retaliated the following week and attacked Father Dutch during an in-ring interview by coming out from under the ring an pummeling Father Dutch with a barrage of chops. The two met in a match at the 'Spring Mayhem' PPV in Apr. 2012. Father Dutch won when he forced Wahoo to submit to The Confessional. There feud is still ongoing as Father Dutch is determined to finish purging the 'sin' out of Wahoo. FINISHER: The Confessional (Rear Naked Choke)


Co-President Vince Russo: See Russo's entry under 'Co-Presidents'.


Powers of Pain: Barbarian and Warlord. Came into the UWL as faces and feuded with members of The Firm and chased the then World Tag Team Champions Rip Oliver and Hugh Morrus for the belts. Turned heel after they felt they were shunned by the UWL brass for a World Tag Team Title shot at the 'Winter Warfare' PPV in Feb. of this year and then again two nights later on 'Slam!', where the Killer Bees got the shot and won the titles from Oliver and Morrus. The Powers of Pain eventually attacked the champion Bees on a couple of occasions and left them laying. Threatened in an interview a week later to start randomly attacking UWL wrestlers if they didn't get their shot. Bees didn't want that to happen. Offered the Powers of Pain a non-title match and if they won it they would get their title shot. Co-Pres. Russo came out and added his own personal touch to the non-title affair making it a No DQ match. Stay tuned... FINISHER: Dooms-Day Device


Ding Dongs: Brought in by Pres. Russo in late 2011 as punishment because the fans' disrespected him whenever he appeared in front of the camera. The Dongs were given one of the most elaborate and spectaclar ring entrances in history for their debut on 'Slam!' in 2011. They wrestled the Powers of Pain...and lost in 30 seconds. Two other re-matches with the Powers ended with the same result: losses in 30 seconds or less. The Ding Dongs also demanded matches with he Mulkey brothers and lost those as well. Haven't been seen on TV much lately. FINISHER: Unknown



Queen Kong: Big white behemoth standing at 6'4" and weighing well over 300 lbs. Kong is a punishing wrestler known for her short, destructive matches. Sometimes accompanies UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari to the ring and also tags with the champ. Has feuded with the amazon Mad Maxine. Only speaks in grunts and groans. FINISHER: Diving Splash


(* Profiles will be listed in the 'Others' section in my next post.)


Managers and Others will be listed in the next post.

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William Hunter: Owner of the International Wrestling Alliance (IWA). The IWA is a major promotion in Europe, Asia and Australia. Hunter was trying to penetrate the American TV market with a weekly IWA cable show. Up until Graham's appearance in the first episode of UWL 'Slam!' Wrestling, Hunter's wrestlers mainly worked self-promoted indie shows in the U.S. and Canada. Hunter saw the new UWL promotion, with its prime time cable clearance on the FX network, as a chance to get his company's World Champion major exposure in the the American market and therefore generate interest from the cable networks about putting an IWA show on their line-up. Hunter contacted Pres. Vince Russo. Russo agreed to put Hunter's World Champion Billy Graham on his program on two conditions. 1) Russo could make Graham defend the IWA World Title at any time against UWL wrestlers and 2) If a UWL wrestler won the title from Graham, then Russo took control of the title and would be in complete control of booking the new champion's title matches. In other words, Russo would get to pick and choose the IWA World Champion's opponents. At first, Hunter balked at Russo's demands. Russo told Hunter that if he didn't agree fully to those demands then he could forget his World Champion appearing on 'Slam!'. Hunter eventually caved to Russo's demands. Russo immediately went to work to try and get the title off of Graham. He forced Graham to defend the title quite frequently on 'Slam!' against UWL wrestlers. For five months, Graham repelled all UWL opponents' attempts to win the IWA gold. That changed, of course, on June 12, 2011, at the 'Thunderstruck' PPV, when non-IWA wrestler Ken Patera beat Graham to take the title. Russo controlled the title and wasn't allowing IWA owner Hunter to book HIS own World Champion on IWA sanctioned shows anywhere in the world. Russo was exclusively booking Patera's IWA World Title defenses only against UWL wrestlers. That meant that if Patera lost the title, since he would be losing it to a UWL wrestler, Russo would still have complete control of the IWA belt. Eventually, Hunter got a show on TV Land called 'IWA Power'. Problem was, Hunter was running a major international wrestling promotion and was on a major cable network and had no World Champion. Hunter begged Russo to let Patera defend the title against IWA wrestlers but Russo, class guy he is, refused. Hunter then decided he had no option but to try the matter in court. An off-screen court battle ensued where Hunter argued that since it's his company's World Title, that IWA wrestlers should get some title shots. Russo's side argued that Hunter made a deal with the UWL President that if a UWL-based wrestler won the title, then Russo took control of the title and controlled how the IWA Champion was booked. After hearing both sides, the judge sided with Hunter and the IWA, saying that since the IWA World Title is the centerpiece title of the promotion, then IWA wrestlers deserve title shots and opportunities to bring the belt back to the IWA promotion. The judge also ruled that Russo can continue to book UWL-based wrestlers in IWA World Title matches against Ken Patera. So far, Ken Patera has faced the following wrestlers from the IWA in World Title matches: Jim Duggan, Savannah Jack, Butch Reed, Baron Von Raschke, Brad Armstrong and Sid Vicious. Patera has defeated them all and retained the title. As of May 2012, IWA owner Hunter is still without his promotion's most prized possession almost a year after Patera won it. But, reports coming out of the IWA camp are that Hunter is about to announce a major signing that he believes could be the game-changer and Patera's title reign could end very soon. Stay tuned...

(NOTE: IWA Owner William Hunter is not a UWL employee. But since he is a key figure in the IWA World Title storyline, he has made occasional appearances on 'Slam!' and Patera has defended the IWA World Title on a couple of occasions on 'IWA Power'. That's why he's included on the UWL Roster.)




Gary Hart: The manager of current UWL World Champion Greg Valentine. Hart started out in the UWL as the third man on the announce team in Oct. 2011 alongside Joe Pedicino and Steve Stack. Hart said he had retired from managing and was totally devoted to his new broadcasting career. For several weeks, Hart spoke very highly of Greg Valentine. He praised Valentine more than any other wrestler on the roster which Stack and Pedicino thought was odd. Hart's true colors were reavealed during the UWL World Title match between then-champion Wahoo McDaniel and Greg Valentine at the 'Holiday Havoc' PPV in Dec. 2011. Late in the match, Valentine had knocked Wahoo into the ropes. Wahoo went down and had his head and shoulders hanging out of the ring over the middle rope. While Greg distracted the ref, Hart stunned everyone by announcing his immediate resignation as an announcer while the match was still going on. Hart threw off his headset and went over and blasted Wahoo with a foreign object that set up Valentine's World Title win. The next night on 'Slam!', Hart admitted he had been in cahoots with Valentine since before he arrived in the UWL as a broadcaster. The only question between them was, when would Hart reveal himself publicly as Valentine's manager. At 'Holiday Havoc' that question was answered loud and clear. Love him or hate him, Hart continues to look like a genius as his match strategies and Valentine's execution of the game plan make them look like an unstoppable force for a long time to come.


JJ Dillon: Manages his small stable under the corporate name of JJ Dillon Enterprises. Is the manager of former 2-time UWL World Champion Tully Blanchard and Harley Race. Holly Madison is also a member of JJ Dillon Enterprises as she's now the lover of Tully Blanchard. Paid Pres. Vince Russo $250,000.00 to buy the UWL World Title and make Tully Blanchard the first UWL World Champion in company history on Feb. 1, 2011. Has appeared to be very close to Pres. Russo at times. Brought Harley Race into the fold later in 2011. Had his head shaved bald by Crusher and Dick The Bruiser after Race and Tully lost a Street Fight to the pair at the 'Spring Mayhem' PPV in Apr. 2012 with the stip that Dillon's hair was on the line. Dillon's main goal is to have his men bring championship gold back into JJ Dillon Enterprises. And, as Dillon has shown throughout his managerial career, he will do whatever he has to to try and get that gold.






Edge: A month after Edge retired from the WWE in Apr. 2011, Edge appeared on the May 17, 2011 'Slam!' and, after Tully Blanchard had wrestled Billy Graham to a one-hour draw in a UWL/IWA World Title Unification match, Edge challenged UWL Champ Tully Blanchard to a UWL World Title match at the 'Thunderstruck' PPV in June 2011. Edge beat Tully for the title in a 31 minute classic on the show. Two nights later on 'Slam!', Tully Blanchard triggered the re-match clause in his contract and beat Edge in the World Title re-match and regained the UWL World Title. Edge left the UWL after that show.


Dick The Bruiser: The Crusher's long-time tag team partner and drinking buddy, Dick The Bruiser has been brought in on three occasions to wrestle in tag matches with Crusher against Tully Blanchard and Harley Race.


Kimberly: The ex-wife of Dallas Page shows up during some of Page's big matches and interferes on DDP's behalf and then flees the scene. Once showed up at ringside dressed as a janitor wearing a big, cheesy mustache. Page says he's no longer in contact with Kimberly and thinks she's stalking him to some of the arenas because she's still in love with him. But her timing and the fact she only gets involved in DDP's matches mean this is more than just coincidence. Hasn't been seen in awhile. But you never know when she could appear again.



Holly Madison: Tully Blanchard's current lover and the former lover of The Crusher. One-time fiancee' of Playboy founder Hugh Hefner as well as a former Playboy Playmate. Holly started seeing Crusher after being a guest judge of the Taped Fist match between Tully and Crusher at the 'Holiday Havoc' PPV in Dec. 2011. Tully had the hots for Holly. Holly was repulsed by him. Tully won a Dream Date with Holly when he and Harley Race beat Dick The Bruiser and Crusher in a tag team match at the 'Winter Warfare' PPV in Feb. of this year. If Crusher and Dick The Bruiser had won, JJ, Tully and Harley would have all been shaved bald. Tully wooed and seduced Holly on the Dream Date. Holly claimed loyalty to Crusher in the weeks after the date. But it all turned out to be a ruse. On an episode of 'Slam!', Holly turned on Crusher during another Crusher/Dick vs. Tully/Harley match. Holly turned in grand fashion. JJ Dillon handed her a garbage can lid. A distracted Crusher turned around and Holly blasted Crusher over the head with the garbage can lid. Tully and Holly are still together as of this writing.

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Tully Blanchard - Sold the title by Pres. Russo - 2-1-11 - 'Slam!' Ep. 2 - Everett, WA - Comcast Arena


Edge - Def. Tully Blanchard - 6-12-11 - 'Thunderstruck' PPV - Reno, NV - Lawlor Events Center


Tully Blanchard - Def. Edge - 6-14-11 - 'Slam!' Ep. 21 - Boise, ID - Qwest Arena


Wahoo McDaniel - Def. Tully Blanchard (Cage Match) - 8-7-11 - 'Heatwave' PPV - Glendale, AZ - Jobingdotcom Arena


Greg Valentine - Def. Wahoo McDaniel - 12-11-11 - 'Holiday Havoc' PPV - Los Angeles, CA - L.A. Sports Arena




Rip Oliver & Hugh Morrus - Def. Dog Pound (Rick Steiner & Buzz Sawyer - Finals of the UWL World Tag Team Title Tournament) - 6-12-11 - 'Thunderstruck' PPV - Reno, NV - Lawlor Events Center


The Mulkey Brothers - Def. Rip Oliver & Hugh Morrus - 2-14-12 - 'Slam!' Ep. 56 - Wilkes Barre, PA - Mohegan Sun Arena


Rip Oliver & Hugh Morrus - Def. The Mulkey Bros. - 'Winter Warfare' PPV - 2-19-12 - Moscow, ID - Kibbie Dome


The Killer Bees - Def. Rip Oliver & Hugh Morrus - 2-21-12 - 'Slam!' Ep. 57 - Kennewick, WA - Toyota Center




Daniels - Def. Harley Race & DDP (Triangle Match Tournament Final) - 12-11-11 - 'Holiday Havoc' PPV - Los Angeles, CA - L.A. Sports Arena


DDP - Def. Daniels - 1-10-12 - 'Slam!' Ep. 51 - Dayton, OH - Hara Arena


The Great Christopho - Def. DDP - 2-19-12 - 'Winter Warfare' PPV - Moscow, ID - Kibbie Dome




Tina Ferrari - Def. Ashley Cartier (Women's World Title Tournament Final) - 2-19-12 - 'Winter Warfare' PPV - Moscow, ID - Kibbie Dome




Billy Graham - Entered the UWL as the IWA World Champion - Def. Barry Windham to win the title - August 2010 - St. Charles, MO - Family Arena


Ken Patera - Def. Billy Graham - 6-12-11 - 'Thunderstruck' PPV - Reno, NV - Lawlor Events Center

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*© - Denotes champion coming into the match.*


'Thunderstruck' - Reno, NV - Lawlor Events Center - 6-12-11


The Mestizos (Konnan & Homicide) (w/ Mgr. Manny Fernandez) def. Daniels & Sam Houston - 12:38


Harley Race and Lex Luger fought to a Double Countout - 11:54


DDP def. Wahoo McDaniel - 8:35


Ken Patera def. Billy Graham © to win the IWA World Title - 10:47


Roddy Piper def. Don Muraco in a 'President Vince Russo Presents: The Roddy Piper Reunion Tour' Match - 12:02


Rip Oliver & Hugh Morrus def. The Dog Pound (Rick Steiner & Buzz Sawyer) in the final of the World Tag Team Title Tournament to become the first-ever UWL World Tag Team Champions - 14:15


Tina Ferrari def. Nicole Bass - 7:09


Edge def. Tully Blanchard © to win the UWL World Title - 31:11


ATT: 9,099

EST. PPV BUYS: 88,000



'Heatwave' - Glendale, AZ - Jobingdotcom Arena - 8-7-11


The Powers of Pain def. The Mestizos & Mgr. Manny Fernandez in a Handicap match - 10:14


DDP def. 'Milkman' Scott Hall - 13:47


Tina Ferrari def. Mad Maxine - 8:24


Lex Luger def. Harley Race in a Street Fight - 20:52


The Strangers def. The Dog Pound - 16:21


Ken Patera © def. Billy Graham to retain the IWA World Title - 7:05


Roddy Piper def. Greg Valentine in a Steel Cage match - 12:44


Roddy Piper def. Pres. Vince Russo in a Steel Cage match - 5:27


Wahoo McDaniel def. Tully Blanchard © to win the UWL World Title in a Steel Cage match - 18:17


ATT: 10,436

EST. PPV BUYS: 94,000



'Helloween' - Las Vegas, NV - Orleans Arena - 10-2-11


Kevin Nash def. Billy Graham - 8:48


Mad Maxine, Luna & Jackie Gayda def. Tina Ferrari, Bull Nakano & Aja Kong - 11:01 (Kong was the wrestler pinned in the match.)


The Powers of Pain def. Rip Oliver & Hugh Morrus © via DQ in a UWL World Tag Team Title match. Champions retained. - 5:22


Harley Race def. 'Milkman' Scott Hall in a 'First Blood' match - 10:33


Ken Patera © def. The Crusher to retain the IWA World Title - 12:03


The Dog Pound def. The Strangers in a Masks vs. Careers match. Strangers unmasked and were revealed to be Ole and Gene Anderson - 17:49


Greg Valentine def. Roddy Piper in a Dog Collars & Chain match via a ref stoppage - 18:19


Wahoo McDaniel © def. DDP to retain the UWL World Title in a match where Tully Blanchard was the Special Ref - 25:09


'HE' (revealed to be Bruiser Brody) def. Lex Luger in an Open Contract match - 2:27


ATT: 6,183

EST. PPV BUYS: 73,000



'Holiday Havoc' - Los Angeles, CA - L.A. Sports Arena - 12-11-11


Tina Ferrari def. Luna in a Steel Cage match - 10:57


Daniels def. DDP & Harley Race in a Triangle match to become the first-ever President's Champion - 14:12


Kevin Nash & Rick Rude def. The Powers of Pain - 11:09


The Crusher def. Tully Blanchard via KO in a Taped Fist match - 2:37 of Rd. 4


Rip Oliver & Hugh Morrus © def. The Killer Bees to retain the UWL World Tag Team Titles - 15:41


Arn Anderson, 'Milkman' Scott Hall & Billy Graham def. Ole, Lars & Gene Anderson - 19:28


Bruiser Brody def. Ken Patera © via DQ when Kevin Nash interfered on behalf of Patera. Patera retained the title. - 16:43


Queen Kong & Mad Maxine fought to a Double Countout - 4:36


Greg Valentine def. Wahoo McDaniel © to win the UWL World Title - 24:47


ATT: 9,274

EST. PPV BUYS: 77,000



'Winter Warfare' - Moscow, ID - Kibbie Dome - 2-19-12


Tina Ferrari def. Ashley Cartier in the final of the Women's World Title Tournament to become the first-ever UWL Women's World Champion - 9:13


The Great Christopho def. DDP © to win the President's Championship - 16:39


Tully Blanchard & Harley Race def. The Crusher & Dick The Bruiser in a match where Tully won a Dream Date with Crusher's girl Holly Madison - 13:52


Rip Oliver & Hugh Morrus def. The Mulkey Brothers © to win the UWL World Tag Team Titles for a second time - 7:37


Bruiser Brody def. Kevin Nash - 15:42


Wahoo McDaniel def. Greg Valentine © in a Non-Title Indian Strap match - 12:26


Ken Patera © def. IWA wrestler Baron Von Raschke to retain the IWA World Title - 14:24


Ole, Gene & Lars Anderson & Rick Rude def. Arn Anderson, Billy Graham, Lex Luger & 'Milkman' Scott Hall in a War Games match when Hall turned on his teammates and helped Ole and co. win - 30:01


ATT: 4,207

EST. PPV BUYS: 57,000



'Spring Mayhem' - Milwaukee, WI - US Cellular Arena - 4-15-12


Father Dutch def. Wahoo McDaniel - 12:19


DDP def. Co-President Bill Watts - 9:51


Killer Bees © def. Gene & Lars Anderson to retain the UWL World Tag Team Titles - 9:07


Ken Patera © def. IWA wrestler Sid Vicious to retain the IWA World Title - 11:28


Lex Luger def. Ole Anderson in a Steel Cage match - 13:03


Rip Oliver def. Hugh Morrus - 10:14


Arn Anderson def. Scott Hall - 16:27


Greg Valentine © def. Billy Graham to retain the UWL World Title - 14:20


Tina Ferrari © def. Luna to retain the UWL Women's World Title - 6:08


The Crusher & Dick The Bruiser def. Tully Blanchard & Harley Race in a Street Fight. Because Tully and Harley lost, their manager JJ Dillon had to have his head shaved after the match. - 10:34


ATT: 8,117

EST. PPV BUYS: 68,000

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(Video aired of Hulk Hogan to start the program. Video showed Hogan training, riding his motorcycle, wrestling and finally flexing on a beach. The video froze and the words 'HULKAMANIA ARRIVES...TONIGHT!' in yellow letters with red trim appeared on the screen.)


(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Stack and Pedicino welcomed viewers to this historic night in the UWL with the debut of 'Hulkamania'! Then sent it to the ring.)


(In-ring: 'Born In The USA' played over the p.a. system and out came Bill Watts. He had a mic. Watts got a decent ovation coming out. Then, the UWL Pres. Seal flashed on the JumboTron and the Don Pardo-like voice said: "He's the only man in the UWL with a real vision...your real President...Vince Russo!" The six bodyguards came out and formed two columns of three on the entrance stage. Out came Russo. He was wearing a red and yellow Hulk Hogan tank top. He had a mic. Russo came to the ring to boos. Four bodyguards surrounded the ring on the floor and two got in the ring with one holding the ropes open for Russo. Russo handed his mic to one of the in-ring bodyguards. Russo soaked in the boos for a moment and then went to rip the Hulk Hogan tank top off ala Hogan but Russo couldn't tear the shirt. Russo then signaled for one of his bodyguards to do the honors. Bodyguard went over and ripped the shirt right off. Russo was now shirtless. Russo then started doing some mock Hogan-style poses as most in the crowd booed but some were clearly laughing. Russo finished his posing routine by mounting the middle buckle and striking a double biceps pose, which in Russo's case was less than impressive. Russo hopped down off the buckle and took his mic. Russo: "Whoo! Whoo! Whoo! The Hulkster's comin' tonight, man! Whoo!" Watts: "Are you sure you think it's Hulk Hogan?" Russo: "Of course I know it's Hogan! Why?" Watts: "Well, with all those 'whoos' you threw in, I thought you might have been thinking it was another wrestler who was debuting tonight." Many in the crowd cheered and others Whoo'ed. Russo: "I know it's Hulk Hogan, Bill! Did you not just witness my posing tribute to the man?!" Watts: "That's what that was? Posing?" Russo: "Oh! Hahaha! That's so funny I forgot to laugh! I thought it was a pretty impressive display! I out-Hulked Hulk Hogan!" Watts: "Considering how negative you were last week about Hogan coming into the UWL, I have to ask this. Are you gonna say something to Hogan about how you feel about him working here?" Russo: "You bet I am! I've got a whole lot to say to Hogan and most of it ain't pretty! I'm gonna march right up to him and get right in his face! And I'm gonna let him have it! I'm gonna tell him what I thought about working with him before and what a diva he was! He made life rough for me in the past because of his backstage politicking! And I'm gonna warn him that crap better not happen here in the UWL or he's gonna get it!" Watts: "Get what and from whom?" Russo: "I'll let him have it with both barrels! In a battle of wits, he'd be no match for me! I'm the greatest mind in all of wrestling! I'll come out here in front of all these people and put Hogan in his place with my cutting words if I have to! He'll be two-feet tall after I finish him with my razor-sharp tongue! And while I can't match up with Hogan physically, there are guys in this company who can!" Watts: "You care to elaborate on that?" Russo: "No, I don't! But just remember I make half the matches here as Co-President! And Hulk Hogan is under our control! I can't wait until he arrives! I've got my own plans for Hulk Hogan!" Watts: "I really don't like the sound of that. Not one bit." Russo: "You don't like the sound of it, Bill, because you're not the iconic wrestling mind that I am! I am the stick by which all other wrestling promoters are measured!" Watts: "So, you're the measuring stick, huh?! Must not be a very big stick then." Russo: "Was that an insult, Bill?!" Watts: "If the truth fits..." Russo: "You're insulting the wrong person! You just keep it up, man! One day you'll go too far!" Watts: "Then what?" Russo: "You just go too far with me and then you'll see what I'm talking about!" Watts: "OK. Whatever, Vince. From what I've heard, if your manhood was as big as your mouth you'd never go dateless." Russo: "That's another insult! I will not tolerate many more of them from you, my inferior Co-President!" Watts: "Alright, pinky. Let's move the show along because we've got a lot to get to." Some in the crowd started chanting 'pinky' at Russo. Russo was getting steamed. Watts: "We each made a match last week for tonight's show. I made Rip Oliver vs. Hugh Morrus and you made a No Disqualification match between the tag champs the Killer Bees and the Powers of Pain with the stipulation that if the Powers of Pain win they get a World Tag Team Title shot. Now, what other match have you made for tonight?" Crowd still chanting 'pinky' at Russo. Russo: "The other match I've made for tonight is... You people quit calling me pinky! Stop it right now! I am not a pinky! Do you ingrates hear me?! Quit it!" Russo covered his ears as the chant continued. Watts: "When my Co-President, Pinky Russo, decides to become a mature adult, we'll find out what the other match is that he made. The second match I've made for tonight is a Triple Threat match for the UWL Women's World Title! Tina Ferrari will be defending against Luna and Mad Maxine! Vince, can you announce your other match now?" 'Pinky' chant ratcheted up again. Russo: "You know what! Because of the disrespect these fans are showing me tonight, I'm going to make them, you and everyone else wait to find out the other match I've made for this week's show! And God from above will vouch for me when I say that I am not a pinky! You fans can go to hell! And don't forget to take Watts here with you!" Russo stormed out of the ring and his bodyguards went with him. Watts: "Big show tonight! Hulk Hogan will be here and great UWL action is on tap! Let's hook 'em up!")


(Announcers ran down the program: Debut of 'Hulkamania'; Rip Oliver vs. Hugh Morrus; No DQ Non-Title Match: Bees © vs. POP (If POP wins, they get a World Tag Team Title shot; Triple Threat Match for the UWL Women's World Tite: Ferrari © vs. Luna vs. Maxine; an i'view w/ Lex Luger; Wahoo McDaniel is here; a special message from IWA owner Hunter and more.)


Match 1

Lars & Gene Anderson (w/ Ole) vs. Rocky King & Mike Jackson

(WINNER: Andersons - Pinfall - Lars pinned King with the Minnesota Wrecker (aka, Samoan Drop) - 2:49)


(After the match: Marshall i'viewed the Andersons. Ole: "Well, 'Hulkamania' arrives in the UWL tonight! Yippee! Listen to you fans cheering for the man! You don't realize how stupid you all look! You'd think Hulk Hogan was the greatest thing to ever happen to pro wrestling! But you know what?! Hulk Hogan has never crossed paths with the Anderson brothers before! Could the Hulkster withstand the grinding assault of the Andersons?! I don't think so! If we got Hogan on the mat we'd pound the life out of him! Hulk Hogan doesn't have a lot of respect in the Anderson brother's world! And we're sick of hearing all the talk about Hogan coming to the UWL! It's all people have talked about for weeks now! And the Anderson brothers may just be the men to put 'Hulkamania' down for the count! And Killer Bees! If you guys survive the onslaught of the Powers of Pain, then you've got to deal with us, boys! The Andersons are the premiere tag team wrestlers in this sport! I say that not as a boast but as a fact! We're coming for those tag team titles! And the question the Bees need to ask themselves is which Anderson brothers will they be facing with the gold on the line.")


(Announcers discussed Ole's i'view about Hogan and the Bees. Hyped still to coming: Debut of 'Hulkamania'; Oliver vs. Morrus; UWL Women's WT Triple Threat match; and more. Said Wahoo is here next!)


(Video aired for the 'Thunderstruck' PPV - Sunday - June 10 - Oakland, CA - Oracle Arena - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(In-ring: Lee Marshall i'viewed Wahoo McDaniel. Wahoo came out in street clothes and was wearing his headdress. He got a nice ovation coming to the ring. Marshall asked about Wahoo's situation with Father Dutch. Wahoo: "Father Dutch seems like he's possessed with the idea of ridding me of my sins. Who knows what he's talking about when he says that someone is sinful. I think the guy is just a sadist who likes to torture people. The whole religion thing might just be a smokescreen so he can hurt people. He does his faith no favors. He acts like he's on some sort of religious crusade. I really don't know where Father Dutch is coming from. But he does his religion a great disservice by his actions. Most religious folks are good people. But, I want to send Father Dutch a message. If you want to try and continue to purge me of my sins, then you go right ahead, mister. I'm praying for another chance to get my hands on you and crack open a can of my own homemade holy whoop-ass over your head!")


(Announcers discussed the Wahoo i'view. Hyped still to come: Debut of 'Hulkamania'; Oliver vs. Morrus; an i'vew w/ Luger; and more. Said the UWL Women's WT Triple Threat match was coming up in minutes!)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed UWL Women's WC Tina Ferrari. Queen Kong was with her. Nelson asked Tina about her yelling at Kong after the match two weeks ago where Maxine pinned Kong after Kong accidentally crashed into Tina. Video aired of the situation. Tina: "Larry. You saw what happened. Kong here smashed into me full-force. Kong's not exactly gonna win a Miss Petite contest. She could have damaged my beauty. What would the world be like if Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari was maimed? The world would have gotten a whole lot uglier. And we can't let ugly girls like Luna and Mad Maxine take over the world, can we? Think of what an ugly planet this would be if more and more women who are as ugly as those two dominated. It's not a world I would want to live in. I had to let Kong know that I will not tolerate her potentially uglying me up. That's just unacceptable." Kong bellowed. Tina: "As for tonight, a Triple Threat match with the Women's World Title on the line. Was making this match by Co-President Watts supposed to make me quake in my boots? Ha! Hardly! I am the best women's wrestler of the modern era. And with the spirit of the greatest women's wrestler of the previous era crawling around inside me, I will remain the Women's World Champion when all is said and done here! I've said it before! No woman wrestler alive today can beat me! And I'm having to face two women in a few minutes! But it won't matter! Because I'm Tina Ferrari! And I'm never losing this title! Come on, Kong!" Kong bellowed.)


Match2 (Triple Threat UWL Women's World Title Match)

Tina Ferrari © (w/ Kong) vs. Luna vs. Mad Maxine


(The rule was that only two women could legally be in the match at one time and the first one to score a pin or submission would win the match and be champion. It was a battle and Ferrari had to break up a couple of pin tries during the match to save her title. At the end of the match, Maxine started brawling with Queen Kong on the floor while Luna battled Tina in the ring. Maxine and Kong made their way to the apron and were about to continue their fight there. Tina had just gained the upper hand on Luna. With Luna down, Tina went over to where Maxine and Kong were on the apron. Max turned and looked at Tina and Kong swung at Max but Max ducked and Kong slammed Tina in the head with the punch. Max and Kong then started choking each other on the apron. Tina staggered backwards in the ring and Luna had recovered enough to roll Tina up from behind for the pin try. 1...2...2-9/10... Tina kicked out. Luna then picked up Tina and went to bodyslam Tina but Tina caught Luna in a small package. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Ref took the belt and handed it to Tina and raised her hand in victory. A disappointed Max and Luna left the ring together. In the ring, Tina started berating Kong again. At one point, you could read Tina's lips. Tina said: "How could you be so stupid?!" Tina berated Kong a little more before the champ ordered Kong out of the ring. As the two headed back up the aisle, Tina was still all over Kong for inadvertently almost costing her the title. WINNER: Ferrari - Pinfall - Small Package on Luna - 7:08)


(Backstage: A red and yellow stretch limo was seen pulling up outside the Casper Events Center. Fans in the arena buzzed when they saw it on the JumboTron.)


(Announcers discussed the apparent arrival of 'Hulkamania'. Hyped still to come: Debut of 'Hulkamania'; No DQ Tag Match; an i'view w/ Luger; and more. Said Oliver vs. Morrus was coming up!)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Hugh Morrus. Asked about tonight's match with Rip Oliver. Hugh: "Rip Oliver! In a great war there are many battles fought! 'Spring Mayhem' was just the beginning of our own personal great war! Tonight will be another battle! I sense there are many battles to come between us! I hate you and you hate me! We're a mutual hate society! the intensity of our matches is only going to increase! I've never in my life wanted to hurt someone like I want to hurt you! Some people say the past is the past! But it's the past that has led us to the present situation! And it's the present situation, Rip, that will lead to furture situations between you and me! Our matches may become so brutal that we'll end up destroying each other in the end! But I don't care! I just want to make sure that I damage Rip Oliver beyond all repair when all is said and done!")


(Video aired of the recent interference by both Oliver and Morrus in each other's matches.)


(Hugh shown coming to the ring)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Oliver. Asked about tonight's match with Morrus. Rip: "I heard Hugh out here a few minutes ago. He's says that we're fighting some great war. Well if that's the case, I intend to give Hugh the worst case of war-related Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in history. Hugh left something out of his war analogy. There's a lot of blood loss in war. And this war will be no different. And most of the blood will be donated by Hugh Morrus. And when the book chronicling the great Rip Oliver-Hugh Morrus war is written, just remember that in the end, 'Crippler' Rip Oliver wins. And Hugh Morrus will have to sue for peace because he will be a battered and broken man.")


Match 3

Rip Oliver vs. Hugh Morrus


(Morrus was already in the ring when Oliver came out to mainly boos. Oliver hit the ring and he and Hugh started exchanging punches. Hugh got the upper hand and whipped Oliver into the ropes and caught Rip coming off with a backdrop. Rip got to his feet and Hugh nailed Rip with a running clothesline. Oliver crashed to the mat near the ropes and rolled out of the ring and dropped to the floor. Hugh followed Rip out and the two brawled at ringside as the ref counted. Ref's count reached 10 and he called for the bell to end the match. Oliver and Hugh continued brawling into the aisle. Ref ordered the bell rung once again but the two kept fighting. UWL security came out and were able to finally separate the warring pair. Oliver was being led to the back by some of the security members first when he turned on the entrance stage and had words for Hugh, who was being held at bay by security in the aisle, before Rip was ushered to the back. DECISION: Double Countout - :32)


(Announcers discussed the double countout between Oliver and Morrus. Said the debut of 'Hulkamania' was coming up in just minutes!)


(Video aired for the 'UWL On Tour': Fri. - May 11 - Johnson City, TN - Freedom Hall; Sat. - May 12 - Jackson, TN - Oman Arena; Fri. - May 18 - Oxford, MS - C.M. Smith Coliseum; Sat. - May 19 - Starkville, MS - Humphrey Coliseum; Fri. - June 15 - Orono, ME - Alfon Arena; Sat. - June 16 - Manchester, NH - Verizon Wireless Arena; Fri. - June 29 - Boston, MA - Agganis Arena @ Boston Univ.; Sat. - June 30 - Springfield, MA - MassMutual Center. More info, visit: uwlslam.com!)



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(PART 2)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed Hulk Hogan. Crowd buzzing and the lighting suddenly changed to red and yellow. Buzz got louder. Marshall: "Ladies and Gentlemen! It is time! Are you ready?!" Crowd roared. Marshall: "Would you please welcome to the UWL...the Incredible...Hulk Hogan!" Crowd cheering as 'Eye of the Tiger' by Survivor came roaring out of the p.a. system. Crowd noise grew. Hogan then walked out on the entrance stage. Crowd nearly blew the roof off the building. Hogan was wearing his do-rag, Hulk Hogan tank top, weight belt, leg length spandex pants and cowboy boots. The boots were yellow and everything else Hogan wore was red and yellow. Hogan briefly played to the fans while on the entrance stage and then made his way to the ring, slapping hands with fans along the way. Hogan played to the crowd a little more when on the apron. He then got in the ring and walked to all four sides of the ring, cupping his hand to his ear as the crowd response grew. Marshall welcomed Hogan to the UWL as the fans chanted Hogan's name. Hogan soaked in the crowd reaction a little more before speaking. HH: "Man! You UWL fans are the best!" Crowd cheered more. HH: "Lee Marshall, brother, I can't tell you how excited I am to be here! The UWL is where it's at today! This is wrestling! You just look at the talent here in the UWL and there's no comparison, brother! The best of the best is right here! I'm looking forward to the challenges that are coming my way in the UWL! And I wanna say one thing to one person in particular! President Vince Russo! You say I was a problem to work with when we worked together in the past! Well, the fact is that it was Russo that was the pain in the butt to work with! Vince Russo tried to kill 'Hulkamania' at one time! But, as he learned then, and may have to learn again, you can't kill the power of 'Hulkamania' and all my 'Hulkamaniacs' know it, dude! The bond between the Hulkster and his fans is unbreakable! You may be able to knock us down...but we'll always rise up more powerful than before! It's the eye, man! The eye of the tiger from which me and my 'Hulkamaniacs' derive our power! And it's one of the most powerful forces in the universe! So, President Russo! Good luck in trying to bury 'Hulkamania' again! You failed the first time and you'll fail this time!" Crowd booed as the Anderson brothers came out and made their way to the ring uninvited. Ole had a mic and was in street clothes while Gene and Lars were still in their ring gear. The Andersons got in the ring. Ole: "Look at this, boys! 'Hulkamania' has arrived in the UWL! HOORAH! Hulk Hogan! Vince Russo may not be able to kill off 'Hulkamania', but we Andersons believe we can! People say you're the biggest star in the history of wrestling! Well, I can't think of a better person to destroy than Hulk Hogan to further cement the Anderson brothers' legacy!" HH: "Ole, brother! You and your brothers here better watch it!" Ole: "Heh heh! We'd better watch it?! Why?! Are your 'Hulkamaniacs' gonna rise up and save you from us, Hulk?!" HH: "Dude..." Lars sucker punched Hogan in the jaw and Gene and Ole joined in the beatdown of Hulk. Hogan was driven to his knees. Gene and Lars each took an arm of Hulk's as Ole reared back and bashed Hogan in the head with the butt of the mic. Ole did it again. Crowd popped when Billy Graham, in street clothes, came charging out. Billy hit the ring. Billy blasted Gene with some punches. Lars jumped on Graham and Graham fought Lars and Gene evenly before the brothers got the upper hand. Hogan 'Hulked up' as Ole went to hit Hulk again with the mic. Hogan blocked the mic shot by Ole and got to his feet and pointed right at Ole. Graham fought back against Lars and Gene as Ole backed away from Hulk. Hulk went to grab Ole, but Ole bailed out of the ring to the floor before Hogan could grab him. Hogan then joined Graham in bashing Lars and Gene with punches and then Hogan and Graham whipped the two brothers into each other. Gene and Lars crashed to the mat. Hogan and Graham then each took a brother and threw them out of the ring to the floor as the fans went wild. Hogan and Graham high fived each other. This brought Bill Watts out on the entrance stage. He had a mic. Watts: "Anderson brothers! Since you decided to be an unwelcoming committee for Hulk Hogan, then next week here on 'Slam!', we're gonna have us a tag team match! It's gonna be Gene and Lars Anderson vs. Billy Graham and Hulk Hogan!" Crowd cheered the news. All the Andersons were together on the floor now. Hogan and Graham seemed happy to hear the news. This brought out Russo, unannounced, on the entrance stage. He was carrying a mic and had two bodyguards with him. Russo: "Excuse me, Bill! I'm the Co-President of this company! This is gonna be one of the biggest matches in our company's history! And because of that, I have input into this match, too! So, here's what's gonna happen! On 'Slam!' next Tuesday, it's gonna be a tag team match all right! It will be Hulk Hogan and Billy Graham vs. Gene, Lars...and Ole Anderson in a handicap tag team match!" Andersons were delighted with the news. Hogan took the r.a. mic from Marshall. HH: "Russo! Me and 'Superstar' accept the challenge! Anderson brothers, if you want more right now...just get back in this ring!" Ole sent Gene and Lars up on the apron. Billy and Hulk charged at them and Lars and Gene dropped off the apron to the floor. Ole picked up the mic he'd dropped earlier on the floor. Ole: "Next week, Hogan! Next week! 'Hulkamania' dies a quick death in the UWL!" Russo: "Hey! Over here! I'm not finished! I have one more match to announce for tonight! And here it is! Hulk Hogan! Because you have listen to the one and a half Presidents of this company, you're wrestling...brother! And you'll be facing...Diamond Dallas Page!" DDP walked out on the entrace stage as the crowd booed. DDP made the Diamond sign and then pointed at Hogan. Andersons were laughing at the news as they stood in the aisle. Hogan looked on at Russo from the ring. Russo: "I've got your number this time around, Hogan!" DDP was still looking and gesturing at Hogan from the entrance stage. Watts went over and started having an animated conversation off-mic with Russo as the segment ended.)


(Announcers discussed the Hogan debut and two matches being made for Hogan. Tonight: vs. DDP and next week a Handicap Match: Hogan & Graham vs. The Anderson Brothers. Hyped still to come: an i'view w/ Lex Luger; and an announcement from IWA owner William Hunter. Said the No DQ match was next!)


(Video aired chronicling the turn of the Powers of Pain and their attacks on the Bees and the announcement of the match for tonight.)


Match 4 (Non-Title: No DQ Match - IF POP wins they get a UWL WTT Title match

Killer Bees © vs. Powers of Pain


(The match was a brawl. POP took the match early before the Bees fought their way back into the battle. Some near falls for both sides. At the end of the match, Warlord hoisted Brunzell up on his shoulders. Blair pulled a bat out from underneath the ring. As Bar was mounting the top buckle to nail Brunzell with the D-day Device, Blair hit the ring and slammed War in the back with with the head of the bat. War staggered and fell back with Brunzell on his shoulders. Brunzell got free and covered War. Bar

hit the ring and Blair hit Bar in the gut with the bat shot. Ref counted the pin try. 1...2...2-1/2... War kicked out. Bar bailed from the ring. Jim nailed War with an inverted headlock backbreaker. Bar came back in the ring with a chair but Blair came in and went to hit Bar in the chest with a bat shot but Bar blocked it with the chair and then kicked Blair in the gut. Blair dropped the bat and bent over. Bar slammed Blair across the back with the chair. Blair went down and rolled over next to the ropes. Bar raised the chair up and went to hit Brunzell with it but Brunzell instead laid a flying dropkick into the chair that slammed the chair into Bar's face. Bar fell back against the ropes but held onto the chair. War had recovered and picked up the bat

when Brunzell turned around War slammed Brunzell in the gut with a bat shot. Jim doubled over and War bashed Brunzell across the back with the bat. Brunzell crashed to the mat. Blair recovered and went to save Jim but Bar slammed Blair across the head with the chair. Blair crumpled to the canvas. War then picked up Brunzell and chokeslammed him. War covered Brunzell. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Post-match, War and Bar further beat Blair and Brunzell with the bat and chair. POP then left the ring and grabbed the tag titles off the timekeeper's table and hoisted them in the air as the crowd booed. POP then defiantly threw the belts into the ring and headed to the back as the Bees were laid out in the ring. WINNER: POP - Pinfall - War pinned Brunzell after a Chokeslam - 7:24)


(Announcers discussed POP winning the match and earning a World Tag Team Title match against the Bees. Hyped still to come: Hogan vs. DDP; an i'view w/ Lex Luger; and an announcement from IWA owner William Hunter.)


(Announcer intro'd another video of a new tag team coming to the UWL. They're called the The Mighty Texans.)


(Video: Sam and Lash came walking out through the swinging doors of an Old West saloon. They walked off the porch and were standing on a dirt road in the middle of an Old West town. A couple of tumbleweeds blew by. They were wearing their cowboy-style trenchcoats, jeans, black cowboy hats and black cowboy boots. Lash had his whip in hand. Lash: "I'm Lash LaRue and this is my pardner Slingin' Sam Houston!" Sam: "Together, we're known as the Mighty Texans!" Lash: "This is our kinda town! The type of place we love to come to and kick up our heels! We'd love to stay here forever! But duty calls us in the UWL!" Stagecoach rode by in the background. Sam: "And we'll be making our debut next week on 'Slam!'" Lash: "That's right! We're comin'! There are a lot of varmits in the UWL! Rascals of the highest order! The Andersons! The Powers of Pain! The Firm! We know we'll have our hands full in the UWL like on a rowdy night in the saloon and gambling hall!" Sam: "We live and fight by the Code of the West! We're honorable men! But we'll fight fire with fire if we have to!" An outlaw was then shown. Outlaw: "If it isn't Lash LaRue! Larue! Why don't you see if you can whip this gun (pointed at his holster) out of my hand before I fire it!" Town's folk were watching. They were all dressed like something out of 'Gunsmoke'. Sam stood off to the side. Cowboy duel music played. Close-up shots of the outlaw and Lash. Outlaw: "Ready, Lash?!" Lash: "I'm ready!" Outlaw: "Draw!" Outlaw whipped out his gun and Lash swung his whip and knocked the gun out of the outlaw's hand before he could pull the trigger. Outlaw went to pick up his gun but Sam kicked it away from the outlaw and then stepped on the outlaw's hand. Town's folk whooped it up. Lash: "Let that be a lesson to all outlaws in the UWL! The Mighty Texans are headed your way and we're bringing good ol' fashioned justice with us!" Lash cracked the whip once more as the vid faded to black.)


(Announcers discussed the MT's debuting next week on 'Slam!' Then sent it to the back to Larry Nelson who was in Hogan's dressing room along with Billy Graham.)


(Hogan's Dressing Room: Nelson i'viewed Hogan and Graham. Nelson asked Hulk about the match tonight with DDP. HH: "Larry Nelson! Brother, I welcome this match with Diamond Dallas Page tonight! Vince Russo thought he was really sticking one to me when he made this match on such short notice! But when you're the 'Hulkster' you've got to be ready for anything, dude! And I'm always ready when I know I have my legions of 'Hulkamaniacs' behind me! Dallas Page! Prepare to be 'Hulkasized'! Nelson then asked about the Handicap match next week. HH: "No doubt about it! Ole, Gene and Lars Anderson are three of the toughest men in our sport! And if you give them an opening they'll take advantage of you and punish you beyond belief! They know how to punish different parts of a man's body like no one else in this business! And Billy Graham here, who knows what could have happened to me out there at the hands of the Anderson brothers if 'Superstar' doesn't come to my aid! I can't thank you enough, brother! When I became a wrestler, I wanted to be 'Superstar' Billy Graham! He's the man who inspired me to get into this sport! And to be teaming with him next week week for the first time ever is one of the greatest things to ever happen in my career!" BG: "Hulk, my brother from another mother! I felt it was my duty to come down to the ring and help you! I know how those Andersons like to operate! When you fight one Anderson brother you're fighting them all! Next week, with the power of all those 'Hulkamaniacs' behind us in the arena, we should be able to ride that tidal wave of momentum to victory!! And also, how could I not help a man who wanted to be like the 'Superstar', jack!" HH: "I know I've got Dallas Page tonight and I can't overlook him at all! But I'm counting the minutes until next Tuesday when the 'Hulkster' and 'Superstar', the new Dream Team, step into the ring against the Anderson brothers! How often in this business do you get to team with your idol?! 'Superstar'! Let's give 'em one!" BG: "Alright, daddy! Let's do it!" Both men struck a muscle pose as Nelson sent it back to ringside.)


(Announcers discussed the Hogan-Graham interview. Said Hogan vs. DDP was still to come; and an announcement from IWA owner William Hunter. Said the i'view w/ Luger was coming up next!)



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(Video aired from last week of the UWL WT match where Luger and Tully were the special referees. Showed Luger slamming Hart and Tully's heads together during the match and Luger dropping Greg after the match with a clothesline and then dropping Tully with a forearm smash to the head.)


(In-ring. Marshall i'viewed Luger. Luger came to the ring in street clothes and got a nice ovation. Luger slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring. Marshall asked Luger about the situation with WC Valentine. Lex: Lee, this situation between the UWL World Champion and myself appears to be escalating! Last week, I went out of my way as a sanctioned referee in Valentine's World Title match with Crusher to act in a fair and impartial manner! And I think I handled the situation quite well! It's not easy to officiate a match when one of the participants is a man you have heat with! And I have a lot of heat with Greg Valentine! And I want Mr. Valentine and his manager Gary Hart to know that I'm gunning for that UWL World Title! I could think of nothing better than putting Valentine and Hart in their place than by taking the that title from the 'Hammer'! And I'm not a bit sorry for dropping the champ with a clothesline after the match! Nor am I sorry for butting the heads of Blanchard and Hart together! All three of them were clearly trying to distract me from doing my job as an official by taking cheap shots at me during the bout! And let me tell you this, champ, I'll gladly do it again if you keep on pushing my buttons!" Crowd booed as UWL WC Valentine and manager Hart came to the ring. Hart was in a suit and Greg was in his ring attire and had the title slung over his shoulder. Greg had a mic. They got in the ring. Greg: "Lex Luger! I have no problem putting this title on the line against you! You'll meet the same fate as all my other challengers have met during my reign! You'll be one of the defeated! And I'm still very pissed off about you attacking my manager Gary Hart during the match last week and then cheap-shotting me with a clothesline!" Lex: "Is that so, Greg?! A few weeks ago, you kicked me in the groin! Last week, during a pre-match interview, you low-blowed me! Then, during the match last week you tried to low-blow me again! I owed you, Greg! And I delivered! And if your manager doesn't want to get knocked in the head then maybe he shouldn't stick his nose where it doesn't belong! Greg: "Luger, nobody trusts you! And you showed everyone last week why you can't be trusted! You say you did a good job as the ref! What a load! You showed clear bias in the match! You were clearly trying to cost me the title!" Lex: "Are you still the champion?!" Greg: "I'm only still the UWL World Champion because I'm the best wrestler in the world today! Make no mistake, you tried to screw me out of the title last week!" Lex: "The bottom line is you're still the champion and I'm the one who made the three count! So much for trying to screw you out of the belt! Because if I wanted you to lose the title then I certainly could have done it!" Greg: "You want a shot at this belt, Luger?! Huh?! You think you're the man to beat me?! Then just sign on the dotted line, pal, and let's get it on!" Lex: "Valentine! I'm as good as there! Just show me where the dotted line is and I'll sign on it in record time!" Greg: "I can't wait for the day that I get you in the ring with the UWL World Championship on the line! Because I'm gonna take you apart! Let's get this thing set up as soon as possible!" Lex: "I'm all in! Luger vs. Valentine for the belt! And I intend to be the man that ends your championship reign!" Greg: "Not only will I defeat you and retain this title, but I may just send you into permanent retirement just like I did Roddy Piper!" Lex: "Good luck with that, Valentine! Because when I get you up in the rack it might just be me putting you on the shelf...forever!" Hart (handed the mic by Greg): "Luger! You need to show more respect for the UWL World Champion!" Luger looked over at Hart and Greg cheap-shotted Luger with a belt shot to the side of the head. Luger went down. Greg stood over Luger as Marshall got near Greg with the r.a. mic. Greg: "Luger, you just remember something! I'm the best in this sport right now! And I'll do everything I have to do to hold on to the gold!" Luger was still laying on the mat holding the side of his head as Hart and Greg left the ring to loud boos.)


(Announcers discussed the confrontation between Greg and Luger. Hyped still to come: DDP vs. Hogan. Said an announcement from IWA owner William Hunter was next.)


(Announcers intro'd video of IWA owner William Hunter who had special announcement.)


(Video: Hunter was sitting in the IWA studio in Atlanta, GA. he was in a suit. Hunter: "Greetings, UWL fans. This is William Hunter, owner of the International Wrestling Alliance. As you know, for almost a year now, the IWA World Title has been held by non-IWA wrestler Ken Patera of The Firm. Several IWA wrestlers have challenged Patera for the title and have been unable to win it and bring the championship home to the IWA where it belongs. Well, this Saturday night on 'IWA Power' on TV Land, we will announce the biggest signing in the history of the IWA. This man has been a World Champion in his own right and I believe that he will be the man to beat Ken Patera and bring the IWA World Title back to the promotion to which it belongs. I am excited and the whole IWA organization is fired up about this man coming in. I hope you'll all tune in for this history making moment this Saturday night. Thank you.")


(Announcers plugged the major contract signing on 'IWA Power' this Saturday night - May 12 @ 10pm E/P on TV Land! Said Hogan vs. DDP was next!)


Match 5

Hulk Hogan vs. DDP


(Hogan got a rousing ovation coming to the ring. He shredded his t-shirt and took off his do-rag and threw them into the crowd. He was wearing his trademark yellow tights and boots. Before the match, DDP got on the mic. DDP: "Hogan! I'm not gonna end 'Hulkamania' tonight! No! What I'm gonna do is beat you down to the point that next week the Anderson brothers will be the ones to kill off 'Hulkamania' once and for all!" Crowd booed. DDP gave Hogan a fight in this brief, explosive affair. At the end of the match, DDP nailed Hogan with his Diamond Cutter finisher. DDP covered Hogan and hooked the leg. 1...2...2-9/10... Hogan kicked out and shot up to his knees. His eyes were now bulging and his cheeks were puffing in and out. DDP nailed Hogan with a couple of punches to no avail. Hogan got to his feet. DDP nailed Hogan with a few more punches that had no effect. Hogan pointed at DDP. DDP went to punch Hogan again but Hogan blocked the punch try and nailed DDP with a series of head shots, whipped DDP into the ropes and caught DDP coming off with a big boot to the face. DDP crashed to the mat. Hogan hit the ropes and came off and nailed DDP with his flying legdrop finisher. Hogan covered DDP. 1...2...3! Crowd erupted. Ref called for the bell and raised Hogan's hand in victory. After the bout, Hogan started posing in the ring for the fans. Billy Graham came to the ring and raised Hogan's hand victoriously. The two then posed together for the crowd as the program went off the air. WINNER: Hogan - Pinfall - Flying Legdrop - 5:11)




Dark Match (10-Man Tag)

Greg Valentine © (w/ Hart), Rip Oliver & the Anderson Bros. vs. Lex Luger, Wahoo McDaniel, Billy Graham, Hugh Morrus & The Great Christopho ©

(WINNER: Luger's Team - Pinfall - Lex pinned Gene Anderson after a Forearm Smash to the head - 15:47)




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Fri. - May 11 - Johnson City, TN - Freedom Hall - Att: 3,018


Sat. - May 12 - Jackson, TN - Oman Arena - Att: 2,496




(Same results for each show.)


UWL WORLD TITLE: Greg Valentine © def. Arn Anderson via pinfall with the Hammerhead


UWL WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES: Killer Bees © def. Ole & Gene Anderson when Blair pinned Gene with the Codebreaker


Hugh Morrus def. Rip Oliver via pinfall with the Moonsault


Wahoo McDaniel def. Father Dutch via pinfall with the Big Chop


Scott Hall & Rick Rude def. Lex Luger & Billy Graham when Hall pinned Luger while holding Luger's tights


UWL WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE: Tina Ferrari def. Luna via submission with the Recliner

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The May 8 edition of 'Slam!', which featured the debut of Hulk Hogan, drew a 2.2 rating, which is one the highest ratings in company history.


The all-time record rating for an episode of 'Slam!' is a 2.4 for the one-year anniversary show on Jan. 24, 2012.


'Slam!' normally draws a 1.6-1.8 rating.

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(Video aired of Hogan defeating DDP last week to open the program and the words 'HULKAMANIA IS HERE!' appeared on the screen.)


(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(In-ring: Tully Blanchard came to the ring with Holly Madison and JJ Dillon. Tully and Holly were arm in arm. All were in street clothes. They were booed. Dillon now wore a bicycle helmet to cover his still now stubble covered head. Tully gave Holly adeep kiss once in the ring and then wiped his mouth with his hanky. Tully and JJ had mics. Tully: "Man! Haha! It is so good to have my woman back from Hollywood! She just couldn't stay away from me forever! Isn't that right, babe?!" Holly: "It's soooooooooooo good to be back in the presence of a real man rather than those girly-men who dominate Hollywood. Tully, you filled me with your love before I left and it was enough to tide me over until I came back to you. You are the ultimate man." Tully: "Tell me about it, doll! But I'm not out here tonight to show off my relationship with Playboy Playmate Holly Madison! I want people to look at this video!" Video aired from two weeks ago of the UWL WT match where Tully and Lex were the special refs and Luger butted Tully and Hart's heads together and then Lex laid out Tully with a forearm smash to the head after the match. Tully: "Just like Lex Luger, I was an official in that UWL Championship match! And Lex acted in a totally unprofessional manner towards me! Luger thinks it's OK to put his hands on anyone he wants to with impunity! I wonder what President Russo thought of Luger attacking me twice in one night! Luger, you wanna take shots at me, son, then why don't you get your butt down here right now!" Luger came to the ring in street clothes and had a mic. He was cheered. Lex: "What do you have to say to me, Tully?" Tully: "Your actions as a fellow referee in that title match two weeks ago were totally unprofessional!" Lex: "I noticed you had that video edited so the people didn't see the part where Gary Hart poked me in the chest and you took a swing at me beofre I butted your heads together. Also, you came charging at me after the match when I dropped you with a forearm smash to the head. You and Greg Valentine seem to have a habit of distorting history to suit your own agendas. You got what you deserved that night and I make no apologies for it." Tully: "You're not gonna apologize to me?! Whoooooooooooooopee! I called you out here, Lex, for a specific reason! You wanna hit me?! Fine! Tonight, we can beat on each other! Lex Luger! I challenge you to a match tonight! You deserve a good ass-kicking and I'm an all-around ass-kicker!" Lex: "Excellent! Let's do it then! And we'll see who kicks whose ass!" Tully: "Oh, there's not gonna be any question about who's getting their ass kicked! His initials are 'Lex Luger'!" Lex: "Why don't we quit talking and do this thing right now!" Luger yanked off his shirt and threw it out of the ring. Tully took off his blazer. The two were prepared to go at it when Bill Watts walked out onto the entrance stage with mic in hand. Watts: "Tully and Lex! Hold it right there! I'm gonna personally give the go-ahead for this match! It will happen later tonight! Lex Luger, I need you to leave the ring right now! I don't want you two to lay a hand on each other until match time! Let's go, Lex!" Luger had a few more words with Tully and then left the ring and headed to the back. JJ: ""Co-President Watts! I just want to say that I find you to be an absolute disgrace as an authority figure in the UWL! Vince Russo should be the only man in control of this company!" Watts: "You think so, JJ?! You think Russo should be running the whole show, huh?!" JJ: "Watts, not only are you incompetent, but you're also deaf! That's what I just said!" Watts: "You think you'd be better than me at running this company, JJ?!" JJ: "Do you even need to ask that, Bill?! Of course I would be better at running things than you are! If me and President Russo were in charge of the show, who knows what kind of level of success we could have!" Watts: "Let me just ponder this for a minute. Hmmm... Tell you what, JJ. How about we do this. I'll let you take over my spot as Co-President of the company for a month. How does that sound?" JJ: "That sounds great! When do I start?!" Watts: "Well, there's a catch. I'm not just handing you my power for a month for nothing." JJ: "What do you mean?" Watts: "JJ, you become Co-President of the UWL with Vince Russo for a month...if you beat me in our match next week!" Fans cheered. JJ: "What???!!! A match with you?! That's not fair!" Watts: "It's the only way you're ever gonna have a hand in running this company. So JJ, congratulations! You may have your dream come true if you can beat me when we hook 'em up next week here on 'Slam!' And one more thing, JJ! Tonight, during Tully's match with Lex Luger, you are banned from wearing that bicycle helmet when you accompany Tully Blanchard to the ring! Got me?! Good!" Tully, JJ and Holly looked on as Watts exited the stage and then JJ started talking with Tully and Holly.)


(Announcers welcomed viewers to the program. Talked about Watts making Luger vs. Tully for tonight. Also hyped for the show: Handicap Match: Hulk Hogan & Billy Graham vs. The Anderson Brothers; a look at the major signing by the IWA that was announced last Sat. on 'IWA Power'; Russo has news for The Great Christopho © and Harley Race; the first 'Thunderstruck' PPV update; an i'view w/ Women's WC Tina Ferrari; an i'view with the Powers of Pain; the debut of the Mighty Texans; Father Dutch is here and more.)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Bill Watts. Nelson asked where Russo was. Watts: "Vince Russo is such a model President that he just phoned me to say he's on his way. And to think there are people wanting him to run the UWL on his own. He was supposed to be here two hours before showtime and couldn't be bothered to show up on time. But since he's not here, I've got another match to add to tonight's show. Since nothing was settled between Rip Oliver and Hugh Morrus last week, we're gonna have a re-match between them. If Vince has any matches planned for the show this evening, he better get his butt in here real quick." Nelson sent it back to ringside.)


(Announcers discussed Watts adding a re-match between Oliver and Morrus on tonight's show.)


Match 1

The Mighty Texans vs. Terry Gibbs & Terry Daniels


(The MT's got a fair reception coming to the ring. Lash had his whip with him. Once in the ring, LaRue lashed his whip at the feet of Daniels and Gibbs. Both men jumped and bolted the ring to the floor. MT's dominated and made short work of the two Terry's with Lash scoring the winning pinfall. WINNER: MT's - Pinfall - Lash pinned Gibbs with a Brain Buster - 2:40)


(After the match: Marshall i'viewed the MT's. Marshall welcomed them to the UWL. Lash: "It's great to be here in the UWL and it's great to be in the Last Frontier state of Alaska!" Fans cheered. Lash: "We know we're gonna face some tough competition here! It's the best in all of wrestling! But we're Texas tough and Texas ready!" Sam: "Me and Lash LaRue are lookin' to have a rip-roarin' time here..." Hall, Rude and Nash of The Firm came to the ring. They got a mixed crowd reax. The three were in street clothes and riding stick horses and wearing cheap little kid cowboy hats. The three Firm members got in the ring and rode around on their stick horses. Each had a mic. Lash: "What do you varmits want?" Hall: "Hey yo! Yee-haw! Hee-haw! And all that other cowboy stuff! The Firm just wanted to give the Mighty Texans a big howdy of a welcome! How 'bout that, huh?! By the way, I'm Yosemite Hall! This is Wyatt Nash! And over there is Wild Bill Rude! Hey, what do you guys think of our horses?! Just like the kind you guys ride around there on the Ponderosa! Watch this! My horse knows a trick! OK Arn, play dead!" Hall dropped the stick horse on the mat. Hall: "See, my horse Arn does just what I tell him to do! Do your horses obey orders like that, man?!" Nash: "Lash LaRue! Slingin' Sam Hagar, er, Houston! Pardners, welcome to 'Slam!' The Director sends his 'Hi-ho Silver' best wishes to ya and was hoping that maybe one day ya could join him for vittles and hooch! Gosh darnit!" Hall: "Watch your language, bro!" Nash: "Bro?! I don't think they use that word on the Ponderosa, Yosemite!" Hall: "Well, dad gum! Do you need me to get you guys a 21st century dictionary to define the word 'bro' for you?!" Rude: "Hey! I don't need no stinking introduction! Name's Wild Bill Rude! (Rude made a finger gun.) Pow! Pow! Pow! I'm purdy fast on the draw there, Slingin' Sam! By the way, why do they call you Slingin' Sam? Is it because you're a gunslinger?! Or is it because you sling hash or drinks?! Lookin' at ol' Sam here, I'd say he slings drinks! Sam, make my moonshine a double because I've got a hot date with Ellie May tonight! Yee-haaaaa!" Rude made the finger gun again and with both hands and shot into the air. Lash: "You boys through with the act now? You got something intelligent to say?" Hall: "I got something to say, chicos! All of our horses do one more trick!" Lash: "What's that?" The three raised their stick horses in the air. Nash: "They make a neat cracking sound when they break over your head!" Crowd popped as Arn Anderson, in street clothes, hit the ring. Arn grabbed Lash's whip which had been hanging in the corner, brought it into the ring and handed it to Lash. There was now a three-on-three stand-off in the ring. Lash was ready with hs whip and Arn and Sam were ready to fight with their fists. After a brief stand-off, Hall spoke. Hall: "We'll show you boys the neat horse trick some other time!" Nash: "Yeah! Right now, we gotta get back to the bunkhouse and cook us up an iguana supper!" Firm members left the ring as Arn and the MT's looked on. Heading up the aisle, The Firm looked back and were waving their stick horses high in the air and pointing and laughing at the trio in the ring.)


(Announcers discussed The Firm coming out and mocking the MT's and then going to attack them when Arn came to the aid of the MT's. Hyped still to come: HC Match: Hogan & Graham vs. Anderson Bros.; Luger vs. Tully; Re-Match: Oliver vs. Morrus; Russo, if he arrives, is supposed to have some news for Great Christopho © and Race; a replay of the major signing by the IWA; Father Dutch is here; and more. Said an i'view w/ Women's WC Ferrari is coming up next.)


(Video aired for the 'Thunderstruck' PPV - Sunday - June 10 - Oakland, CA - Oracle Arena - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed Women's WC Tina Ferrari. Tina came out to loud boos. She was in a dress and carrying the belt. Queen Kong was with her. As they came to the ring, video aired of Tina accidentally getting clocked by Kong in last week's tag match and Luna almost pinning Tina. Tina: "I have an announcement to make! I am declaring myself the greatest female wrestler of the modern era of wrestling! Last week, I successfully defended the Women's World Championship in a Triple Threat match! That proved that I am the best thing going in women's wrestling today! Do you people know how hard it is to defend a title in a match where you're facing multiple contenders?! It's real hard! But I did it! And my record is still perfect here in the UWL! I have vanquished Luna and Mad Maxine! I have defeated Wendi Richter and Jackie Gayda and Nicole Bass! And as for my old friend turned jealous bitch Ashley Cartier...where is she today?! She's not here because I beat her, too! There's not one woman wrestler on the horizon who can take this championship away from me! They'll come into the UWL with much hype and fanfare! But each one of them will fall by the wayside just like my previous challengers! Dare I call myself the greatest?! When the history of pro wrestling is written one day, only two names will stand at the top of the list as the greatest women wrestlers of all-time! And those two names are...Mildred Burke and Tina Ferrari! Oh, great spirit of Mildred that operates inside of me! Thank you for helping make me what I am today...truly great! I'm a legend who has risen above the flotsam and jetsam that makes up most of the women's wrestling scene! You people will NEVER speak of me in the same breath with trash like Luna and Mad Maxine again! Their day has come and gone! They've had chance after chance to beat me and have never gotten it done! It's time to look beyond those I've already beaten and set my sights on other pretenders to my throne of excellence! I also have something to say to Queen Kong! Kong, last week you hit me and there was an off-chance you could have cost me the title! That's twice now that you've bonked me! I know both cases were accidents! But those types of accidents are unacceptable! Do you understand me, Kong?!" Kong: "Uhhhhhhh..." Tina: "Look at my face, Kong! See! It's a picture of unmatched beauty! I cannot have my beauty damaged! Are you following me?!" Kong: "RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!" Tina: "OK. Good. We're all clear then! You...cannot...hurt...me...again...especially...my... face! Because if you do hurt me again, Kong, I might have to get ugly with you and I don't want to do that! Understood?!" Kong: "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!" Tina: "Wonderful. Just wanted to make sure we are on the same wavelength. She's not the sharpest knife in the drawer if you know what I mean." Tina then pulled out a treat and fed it to Kong like one feeds a treat to a dog. Kong was happy. Tina then signaled it was time for them to go and they left the ring and Tina fed Kong another treat on the way back up the aisle.)


(Announcers discussed the Tina i'view/ Hyped still to come: Handicap match; Luger vs. Tully; an i'view w/ POP; FD is here; and more. Said the Oliver-Morrus re-match was next.)


(Video highlights aired of the Oliver-Morrus match from last week where the two brawled to a double countout in 32 seconds.)


Match 2

Rip Oliver vs. Hugh Morrus


(The two once again fought each other briefly in the ring before the action spilled to the floor. Rip and Hugh slugged it out on the floor. Rip got the upper hand and whipped Hugh into the ringside barricade. Rip charged at Hugh and Hugh backdropped Rip over the barricade into the ringisde seating area. Hugh climbed over the barricade. Ref counted 10 and called for the bell and left the ring and hopped the barricade in an effort to break things up. Hugh and Rip brawled on the floor and battled over to the side of the entrance stage. Hugh slammed Rip's head into the stage area. Rip staggered off as Hugh gave chase. Hugh jumped on Rip and the back-and-forth brawling continued. Security came out and were finally able to get the situation under control and separate Hugh and Rip. Security then escorted each man to the back separately. DECISION: Double Countout - 1:24)




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(PART 2)


(Announcers discussed another Double CO between Morrus and Oliver. They then sent it backstage to Larry Nelson.)


(Backstage: Nelson was standing next to an entrance/exit door into the backstage area. Nelson: "Guys! We heard the Vince Russo pulled up in the parking lot a couple of minutes ago and should be coming into the building any second now!" Russo walked in with his travel bag slung over his arm. Nelson: "Co-President Russo! Can I have a word with you!" Russo: "Make it fast, Larry! I'm a busy man!" Nelson: "We've heard you have some major news for President's Champion The Great Christopho and Harley Race! Can you tell us what you're going to talk about regarding them?" Russo: "Not right now. You'll find out what's going on when everybody else does..." Watts walked into the picture. Watts: "Vince, where have you been? You were supposed to be here two hours before the show." Russo: ""My flight got in late. But here I am." Watts: "That's total bull, Vince! I called the airline to check on your flight and it arrived at 10 this morning! Where have you been?!" Russo: "I overslept! OK!" Watts: "I called the hotel just before the start of the show! You hadn't even checked in! You gonna keep lying to me?!" Russo: "How about this! It's none of your business why I'm late! I'm three-quarters of the brains of this outfit! You just remember that, Bill!" Watts: "You're one hell of a leader, Russo! Showing up when the show's already going on without a good excuse! Fine example you're setting there!" Russo: "My example is set by the genius I bring to pro wrestling! I'm allowed some leeway because of what I bring to the table! And I don't have to explain anything to anyone if I don't want to!" Watts: "I'm going, because if I don't then I might do something I'll regret later." Watts walked off. Russo: "I'll give him something to regret.")


(Announcers discussed the heated exchange between Russo and Watts. Hyped still to come: Handicap Match; Luger vs. Tully; an i'view w/ POP; and more. Said Father Dutch was coming up next.)


(On the entrance stage sat a Catholic Church-style confessional. Out of one side of the confessional stepped Father Dutch. He was in his priests's attire. He had a mic. FD: "Oh, give thanks to He who reigns above this wonderful day. I'm Father Dutch. What you are looking at behind me is a confessional. This is where the lowly sinners come to confess their heinous sins to a holy man like me. I sit on this side of the confessional. (Side FD sat on was covered only by a black drape.) And the sinner sits on this side." (Other side was covered by a door that locked only from the outside. FD unlocked and opened the door.) "As you can see, I believe keeping the sinner locked in their side of the confessional because I don't want them to leave until they've confessed all of their sins to me. And they must include every single detail of their sins in their confession; because if they don't, then they don't get out of the box. There's no ventilation on the sinner's side of the confessional. It can become really hot and uncomfortable in there; like the place many of the confessing sinners will go if they don't give me the complete scoop on their sins. And right now, I want a particular wrestler to come out here and confess his sins in the confessional. But not only will he tell his sins to me. He will tell them to the world. His sins are that heavy and burdensome. And it will be much easier for him to confess his sins this way rather than having me extract his sins by force in the ring. Wahoo McDaniel, please make your way to the confessional." Crowd buzzing. Wahoo came out to a nice ovation. He was in street clothes. FD: "Wahoo, by coming out here, you've taken a major step to being completely purged of the toxic sin that rules your life. I can smell the sin emanating from your pores. It's a bad smell, Wahoo. It's a toxic sinful smell. I am the man to deliver you from your unholy b.o. So, step into the confessor's side of the confessional, Chief. Wahoo walked around the front of the structure and examined it. He then looked into the confessor's side of the booth. FD: "There's nothing in there, Wahoo. Just step in and start down the road to righteousness.' Wahoo looked at FD and feigned like he was stepping into the confessional and then suddenly stopped and pushed the confessional over to the delight of the crowd. Confessional crashed to the stage. FD was furious. FD (pointing an accusatory finger at Wahoo.): "Sinner! Wahoo! You will have to be punished for this! You heathen!" Wahoo just waved FD off and walked to the backstage area as FD fumed on the stage.)


(Announcers discussed the Wahoo-FD situation. Hyped still to come: Handicap match; Luger vs. Tully; a replay from 'IWA Power' of their major star signing; and more. Said an i'view with the Powers of Pain was coming up.)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Fri. - May 18 - Oxford, MS - C.M. Smith Coliseum; Sat. - May 19 - Starkville, MS - Humphrey Coliseum; Fri. - June 15 - Orono, ME - Alfon Arena; Sat. - June 16 - Manchester, NH - Verizon Wireless Arena; Fri. - June 29 - Boston, MA - Agganis Arena @ Boston Univ.; Sat. - June 30 - Springfield, MA - MassMutual Center. More info, visit: uwlslam.com!)


(Video aired of Powers of the Pain beating the champion Bees last week in a No DQ match to earn a WTT Title shot.)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed POP. They came to the ring in their ring attire and face paint. They were booed. Warlord: "We are finally getting what we've deserved all these months! Killer Bees! You have finally met your match! We beat the hell out of you guys in the no disqualification match last week and it's gonna be a repeat performance when we face you with the tag team titles on the line! Look at us! We personify raw power wrestling! The Bees, heh heh, they have to rely on finesse and high flying! We're gonna squash you guys like the bugs that you are! And the Powers of Pain are gonna be the next World Tag Team Champions! Not only do we have power and size on our side; we've also got rage on our side! And it's a justifiable rage! That's a hard combination to beat! Since January, we've been pushed to the background in the tag team title picture to make room for other teams! The UWL just tossed us aside like yesterday's newspaper! And in their ignorance they never expected us to utter a peep or do anything about it! Well, me and Barbarian have shown that we back up our words with action! And now, the day of reckoning is coming for the Killer Bees! We can't be ignored and shoved aside anymore! And when we become the champions, it's advised that all future challengers proceed with caution against us!" Russo walked out on the entrance stage with two bodyguards. Crowd booed his appearance. Russo was wearing a white Yankees' home jersey. He had a mic. Russo: "Warlord and Barbarian! Let me congratulate you on a job well done when you beat the Killer Bees last week! You have truly earned your shot at the tag titles! And you're gonna get that shot right here on 'Slam!'...next week!" POP was ecstatic. Warlord: "And we deserve it, President Russo! Next week the tag team scene changes forever here in the UWL!")


(Announcers discussed Russo making the tag team title match for POP against the Bees © next week. Hyped still to come: Handicap Match; Luger vs. Tully; Russo has news for TGC © and Race; the first 'Thunderstruck' PPV Update; and more. Said the major IWA signing announcement was next.)


(Announcers intro'd video from last Saturday's 'IWA Power' on TV Land where IWA owner WIlliam Hunter announced the IWA's biggest signing to date.)


(Video: Contract signing took place in the press room at the IWA HQ in Atlanta. There was a podium on the stage in front of an 'IWA Power' banner on the wall. IWA owner William Hunter came out in front of the wrestling press. Press members were taking pics. Hunter: "Good evening. I'm IWA owner William Hunter. This is the biggest signing in the history of our company to date. I believe that he will be the man to beat IWA World Champion Ken Patera and bring the belt back to the IWA where it shoulde be. Ken Patera wrestles for another promotion and has basically held our title hostage for almost a year now. The IWA is a major promotion without its main title. It's been a frustrating time. Several IWA wrestlers have battled Patera for the title but Patera has retained the belt in all those matches. He's had quite an incredible run with OUR World Championship. But the time has come for that run to end. The man we have signed to complete the task of winning the belt has been a World Champion. And just like Ken Patera's a power wrestler, this man can match Patera power move for power move. Members of the press...and those watching at home...I give you the next IWA World Champion...Batista!" Some in the press corps cheered as Batista came out and shook hands with owner Hunter. Pics were being taken. Batista was in street clothes. Hunter reached into the inside breast pocket of his jacket and pulled out a contract and pen. He laid the contract on the podium and handed the pen to Batista and Batista signed the contract. The two shook hands once more and Hunter then stepped into the background. Batista: "Dave Batista is now officially an IWA superstar. I love challenges. And winning the IWA World Title from Ken Patera will be a challenge. He's shown over the last year that he's a tough man to beat. But I think I am the man to beat him and end his reign and we can finally bring the centerpiece of the IWA home. Patera and I are both powerful men. The question is, when we finally meet, who's gonna be just that much more powerful to walk out of the ring with the belt? When I first spoke spoke to Mr. Hunter, I could hear in his voice a passion for our sport. I could also hear the frustration as he talked about his company not having their World Title. Mr. Hunter, I want to win that IWA World Title back for you and all the boys in the locker room who bust their butts for this company day-after-day. It's a slap in the face for a major promotion like the IWA to see its most prized possession basically being held hostage by a wrestler in another league. In my eyes, Ken Patera is like a hostage taker. And this hostage situation needs to come to an end...now. I was signed with one goal in mind; and that's to win the IWA World Title. And I'm gonna do everything in my power to make sure that belt is returned to its rightful owner. And the rightful owner is the IWA." Hunter walked back up to the podium and stood with Batista as the press took more pictures.)


(Announcers talked about Batista signing with the IWA. Stack said they'd gotten word that next week on 'Slam!', IWA WC Patera will be on the show to get his reaction to the signing. Hyped still to come: Handicap Match; Russo's news for TGC © and Race; and the first 'Thunderstruck' PPV Update. Said Lex vs. Tully was next.)


Match 3

Lex Luger vs. Tully Blanchard (w/ JJ & Holly)


(As the wrestlers came to the ring, video aired from last week of UWL WC Valentine cheap-shotting Luger in the side of the head with the title. Back and forth battle. At one point in the match, the action went out to the floor. Lex chased Tully around the ring and Tully grabbed Holly and pulled her in front of him. Tully dared Luger to hit him as he stood behind Holly. After a brief stand-off, Tully threw Holly into Luger. At the end of the match, JJ was about to use a chair to interfere on Tully's behalf when Co-Prez Watts came to the ring and held the cowardly JJ at bay. The fight continued in the ring. Tully nailed Luger with the slingshot suplex and went for the cover. 1...2...2-1/2... Luger kicked out. Tully then whipped Luger into the ropes and looked to catch Lex coming off with a clothesline but Lex ducked the move and came back and blasted Tully with a forearm smash to the head. Tully went down. Luger snapped Tully up and placed Tully in the rack. Tully was in the hold for only a few seconds before submitting. Crowd popped. Luger dropped Tully to the mat. As Luger had his hand raised in victory, UWL WC Valentine came charging to the ring in street clothes with the World Title in tow. Hart was following the champ. Greg got in the ring and went to whack Lex with the title again but Lex ducked the attempted belt shot and then caught Greg with a series of punches. Greg dropped the belt and was staggered. Lex picked up the belt and went to hit Greg with it but Greg scurried from the ring to the floor. Watts went over to Hart. Hart saw Watts and Hart jumped into the ring. Hart was yelling at Watts who was on the floor and Hart had his back turned to Luger. Greg looked on from the floor. Hart turned around and Luger blasted Hart with a belt shot to he face. Hart crashed to the mat. Crowd cheering. Greg was pissed and got back on the apron. Luger, still wielding the belt as a weapon, dared Greg to get into the ring. Greg stepped one leg into the ring and Luger moved in his direction. Greg got out and stood on the apron and was yelling at Luger. Luger then started walking around the ring with the belt held high over his head like he'd just won the title. Greg now even more pissed. Hart had rolled over onto the apron and dropped to his feet on the floor, still feeling the effects of the belt shot. Greg demanded the title back. Luger laid it on the mat and dared Greg to come in and get it. Greg hesitated and then slowly made his way into the ring. Luger picked up the belt and went after Greg but Greg bailed before Luger could hit him with the strap. Greg now on the floor demanding his belt back. Luger then, with the aid of the ref, put the title on. Crowd popped. Greg now livid at ringside. Mics picked up Greg. Greg: "That's my belt, dammit!" Luger went and stood on the middle bucke with the belt on and raised his hands in the air victoriously. Hart grabbed Greg's arm and tried to pull him away but Greg stayed on the floor having a tantrum and demanding his belt back as Luger looked on. Hart had a few words for Greg and Greg reluctantly left the ringside area as Luger continued to walk around in the ring with the belt on. Greg walked backwards up the aisle looking back at the ring with a snarl on his face as he and Hart made their way to the back. WINNER: Luger - Submission - Rack - 6:16)



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(Announcers discussed Luger beating Tully and the confrontation between Luger and UWL WC Valentine. Hyped still to come: Handicap Match; and the first 'Thunderstruck' PPV Update. Said Russo's message for Great Christopho © and Harley is coming up in just minutes.)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed the Anderson Bros. Asked about tonght's match with Hogan and Graham. Ole: "Tonight, the Anderson brothers have a chance to make history! We are not only looking to beat Hulk Hogan and Billy Graham, but we're also looking to put an end to 'Hulkamania'! We intend to put Hogan through the wringer and punish him past the point of no return! Hogan, if we get a hold of one body part of yours, just one, we're gonna work over and punish that body part until it's no longer working! These fans love Hulk Hogan! But tonight may be the last chance they ever get to see 'Hulkamania'! We Anderson brothers, we're real wrestlers! We don't run around like Hogan and his partner Graham and just bash people with punches and kicks and clotheslines and bodyslams! That's not the Anderson way! We like to torture our opponents before finishing them off! We know all the moves! We know all the weak points of the human body! And we're reserving our most painful holds just for Hogan! Oh, we'll lay into Graham, too! But make no mistake, Hogan's the prime target in this match! So, you Hulk Hogan fans better prepare to cheer real hard for your cartoon hero tonight! Because our ultimate aim in this match is to bring 'Hulkamania' to a devastating end!" Gene: "Yeah.")


(In-ring: UWL Pres. Seal flashed on the JumboTron and the Don Pardo-like voice said: "Ladies and Gentlemen! The man who should be President Obama's successor...Vince Russo!" The six bodyguards came out on the entrance stage and formed two columns of three. Out came Russo to loud boos. Russo made his way to the ring. Four bodyguards took their positions on the floor around the ring and two got in the ring and one held the ropes open for Russo to step through. Russo had a mic. Russo soaked in the boos for a moment. Russo: "Breaking news! The Ding Dongs will be back on 'Slam!' next week!" Crowd booed. Russo: "Everybody's a critic! Right now, I need Harley Race to come out here!" Race came to the ring in street clothes. He was booed. Russo: "Would the President's Champion The Great Christopho, who everyone really knows is Daniels, come to the ring!" TGC came out to a nice ovation. He was wearing his wrestling attire. He was wearing the PC around his waist. Russo: "Before I speak to my piece with you guys, we need to take a look at this video from the President's Championship match between you two a couple of weeks ago!" Video aired from the match of the ref accidentally being KO'd and then Race being pinned by TGC when another ref came to the ring to make the count. Russo: "Harley Race! Great Christopho! Here's the deal! Due to the fact that a referee who was not sanctioned to officiate that President's Championship match made the three count, I'm throwing the decision out!" Race applauded the decision. TGC reacted like he was shocked. Russo: "So we're gonna have a re-match for the President's Championship! The Great Christopho will be defending the title against Harley Race...at 'Thunderstruck'! Great Christopho! In my brilliant wrestling mind, I can't believe you scored such a cheap, sullied victory over Harley two weeks ago! It was a disgrace! Heroes aren't supposed to accept cheap wins! But you did it! What do you have to say for yourself?!" TGC said nothing and just made a few physical gestures. Russo: "I forgot! You can't talk! Maybe you should have brought your Speak-N-Spell with you! Harley, your thoughts on this?!" Race: "President Russo, as usual you have made a fair and just decision! I am looking forward to getting another shot at the President's Championship! After the tawdry way in which the Great Christopho beat me in our last encounter I deserve this! And Great Christopho, at 'Thunderstruck' I am going to become the new President's Champion and I am going to be a champion that the REAL President of the UWL, Vince Russo, can be proud of! President Russo, thank you for this more than justified opportunity!" Russo: "Harley, the pleasure is all mine! You deserve it! And it will be nice when an honorable man such as yourself carries the title that I created in honor of me!" Race and Russo again shook hands as TGC looked on.)


(Announcers discussed Russo making a re-match for the PC at 'Thunderstruck'. Said the HC match was still to come. Then sent it backstage.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Hogan and Graham. HH: "You don't know what a great honor it is to be teaming with the man who was my inspiration to become a professional wrestler in 'Superstar' Billy Graham! How often does one get to team up with their idol in any sport?! It's rare! But I get to do it tonight! I used to have a big poster of 'Superstar' up on my wall at home! That poster motivated me to go hangin' and bangin' full speed ahead at the gym to become big and strong! That poster motivated me to go to wrestling school! When times got tough for me my first few years in this business, I would look at that poster and ask myself: 'What Would 'Superstar' Do?' I wanted to quit more than once back in those early days! But when I thought about the 'Superstar' and looked at that poster, I knew I had to continue because I wanted to be a wrestling star just like him! The 'Superstar' made Hulk Hogan the man he is today and for that I am forever grateful!" Graham: "It's always an honor when someone tells you that you're the reason they've decided to do something positive in their life! And this man right here oozes positivity, jack! Hulk Hogan is the man at the top of the pro wrestling mountain! A lot of wrestlers would like to knock him from his perch! But it's hard to beat the power of 'Hulkamania', daddy! I stand here in awe at what Hulk Hogan has accomplished! And I'm glad I could be an inspiration for that!" HH: "Tonight! The Anderson brothers said they're aiming to end 'Hulkamania'! Well, that's gonna be like trying to climb Mt. Everest without any climbing gear, brother! With the 'Superstar' as my partner and the legions of 'Hulkamaniacs' behind us, there's no chance 'Hulkamania' ends tonight, man!" BG: "Ole, Gene and Lars Anderson! You're looking at what Hulk called the Dream Team last week! But you've got a tougher task than trying to push a boulder up a steep hill is you think you're taking 'Hulkamania' down tonight! And I can't wait to feed off the energy of the 'Hulkamaniacs'!" HH: "'Superstar'! Let's show those Andersons they're not destroying 'Hulkamania' now or ever!" Both men struck a muscle flex pose and then left the interview area.)


(Announcers hyped the Handicap match still to come.)




Annoucers announced the match signed so far:


PRESIDENT'S CHAMPIONSHIP: Great Christopho © vs. Harley Race


'Thunderstruck' - Sunday - June 10 - Oakland, CA - Oracle Arena - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(Video aired from last week of Hogan's debut and the confrontation with the Anderson bros. and Graham coming to Hulk's aid and the Handicap match being made.)


Match 4 (Handicap Match)

Hulk Hogan & Billy Graham vs. The Anderson Bros.


(Anderson bros. came to the ring to very loud boos. Graham came out first for his team and got a strong ovation. Hogan then came out to a thunderous crowd respeonse. Hogan did the t-shirt shredding routine and then threw the shirt and his do-rag into the crowd. Andersons gave Hogan and Graham a serious run for their money. Andersons worked over Hogan's left arm during the match and at one point Ole locked Hogan in his cross arm breaker finisher but Hogan was able to get his hand on the bottom rope to force a break in the hold. Later in the match, Hogan turned the tables and locked Ole in the cross arm breaker. Ole was saved when Gene hit the ring and kicked Hogan in the back. Match ended when Hogan 'Hulked Up' and nailed Gene with punches, whipped gene into the ropes and caught gene coming off with the big boot to the face that dropped Gene to the canvas. Hogan then hit the flying legdrop. Ole and Gene came in the ring to try and break up the pin try but Graham purged both of them from the ring as Hogan covered Gene and scored the pinfall victory. Crowd roared. After the match, Hogan and Graham had their hands raised by the ref in victory. Hogan and Graham then started posing for and playing to the crowd as the Anderson bros. quietly left the scene. After Graham and Hogan finished posing, Graham raised Hogan's arm in victory. WHAM! Out of nowhere, Graham dropped Hogan with a short-arm clothesline. Crowd stunned. Graham then pulled Hogan up and hoisted Hogan in the air in the suplex position. Graham held Hogan in that position for a few seconds before blasting Hogan with the jackhammer. Crowd now booing. Garbage hurled at the ring. An expressionless Graham looked down at Hogan for a few seconds before leaving the ring. As Graham made his way back up the aisle, Lex Luger, now in sweatpants and tennis shoes, came out to confront Graham. Mics picked up Luger. Lex: "Billy! My God! What have you done?!" Graham looked at Luger briefly and then shoved Luger aside and continued his walk to the back. Lex looked at Graham leaving and then at Hogan in the ring. Luger made his way to the ring to check on Hogan. A shot of a stunned and laid out Hogan aired as the program ended. WINNER: Hogan & Graham - Pinfall - Hulk pinned Gene with the Flying Legdrop - 13:29)




Dark Match (UWL World Title Match)

Greg Valentine © (w/ Hart) vs. Wahoo McDaniel

(WINNER: Valentine - Pinfall - Hammerhead - 12:08)

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Fri. - May 18 - Oxford, MS - C.M. Smith Coliseum - Att: 3,481


Sat. - May 19 - Starkville, MS - Humphrey Coliseum - Att: 3,174


RESULTS (Same for each city)


UWL WORLD TITLE: Greg Valentine © def. Arn Anderson via pinfall with the Hammerhead


UWL WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES: Killer Bees © def. Ole & Lars Anderson when Brunzell pinned Lars with a Missle Dropkick


Hugh Morrus def. Rip Oliver via pinfall with a Moonsault


Wahoo McDaniel def. Father Dutch via pinfall with the Big Chop


Hall & Rude def. Lex Luger & The Great Christopho ©* when Hall pinned TGC with the Hallinator (Rock Bottom)


UWL WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE: Tina Ferrari © def. Luna via submission with the recliner


* Graham was originally advertised as Luger's partner. But Great Christopho replaced Graham since Graham turned heel on the 5-15 edition of 'Slam!'.

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(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(In-ring: The song 'California Dreamin' played over the p.a. system. Crowd booed. Billy Graham walked out on the entrance stage. He was in street clothes that included a tie-dyed t-shirt. He was also wearing a 'Baretta'-style cap and feathered earrings and cowboy boots. He had a mic. He got in the ring and soaked in the increasingly louder boos. BG: "Before I say what I have to say, let's step into the flashback machine to last week and one of the greatest moments in wrestling history, jack." Video aired of Graham turning on Hogan and laying Hulk out with the jackhammer after their Handicap match with the Anderson Bros. on 'Slam!' BG: "Hulk Hogan got what he deserved from me. You see, when Vince McMahon was about to take the biggest gamble in the history of professional wrestling and expand his then named World Wrestling Federation nationwide, he had to make a decision. Vince McMahon decided to make Hulk Hogan the top star in his promotion. And you know what...it paid off for Vince. You can't argue against the facts, daddy. Vince McMahon, with Hulk Hogan as his #1 wrestler, took America and then the world by storm. Hulk Hogan became the WWF World Champion and both he and McMahon became extremely rich. 'Hulkamania' became a household word. People may not have known the name of any other wrestler; but everyone knew the name Hulk Hogan. He was on everything. On t-shirts; on toys; on magazine covers; on lunch boxes. He starred in movies. He's been a smashing success on pay-per-views. But you see, there's one problem here. That should have been me and not Hulk Hogan as Vince McMahon's main player when Vince expanded the WWF from regional Northeast territory to global sports empire! It should have been 'Superstarmania' and not 'Hulkamania' that ran wild all over the world! As I said, Vince succeeded with Hogan as his top star; but he would have made millions upon millions more dollars if he'd have banked on me instead of that poor, pathetic imitation of me! Hogan basically stole my act! I used to have bleach blonde hair before I shaved my head...Hogan copied that! The stellar muscular physique...Hogan stole that from me, too! The way Hogan does his interviews...guess who he ripped that off from?! You guessed it! Me! For years I had to sit by and watch Hulk Hogan rise to never-before-seen heights of success in this business! It's been a success that should have been mine! I've had to put up with this gimmick-infringing jackass for far too long! Every man has his breaking point! And when I got word that Hulk Hogan was coming to the UWL, daddy, I knew my breaking point had been reached! And I reached out to someone I know very well! I talked with him and told him about Hogan coming here and we both came to the same conclusion! Hogan needs to pay for screwing me out of what was rightfully mine! And that man is here tonight! He was the guiding light at one point in my career! Now he's back as that guiding light! I give you my manager...the Grand Wizard!" Out on the entrance stage walked a man in a gold turban, sunglasses, a tie-dyed suit and white dress shoes. He was carrying a gold-tipped black cane. Crowd booed as the Grabd Wizard made his way to the ring. Once in the ring, Wizard and Graham shook hands and embraced. BG: "The Grand Wizard is a man with wisdom that is beyond the realm of comprehension for most men! And he's gonna lay some of that wisdom on you right now!" Graham handed the mic to the Wizard. GW: "Superstar, it is truly my pleasure to be back managing you. You have always been my favorite wrestler and the best wrestler I have ever managed. For years, Billy and I talked about the grave injustice committed against him. It should have been Billy Graham and not Hulk Hogan teaming with Mr. T. It should have been Billy Graham and not Hulk Hogan bodyslamming Andre the Giant before almost 100,000 people at the Pontiac Silverdome. It should have been Billy Graham and not Hulk Hogan beating Randy Savage to re-claim the WWF Title in Atlantic City. It should have been Billy Graham's and not Hulk Hogan's name and likeness on all that merchandise that has sold like hotcakes over the years. It should have been Billy Graham and not Hulk Hogan starring in all those movies. Hulk Hogan is a thief! The list of valid grievances that the 'Superstar' has against Hulk Hogan goes on and on. Now, things are coming to a head. I can't tell you how proud I was when I watched this man lay out Hogan with the jackhammer last week. Hogan has more than deserved it for a long time. But we're not finished. Oh no! This is not about championships and it is not about money. It's much bigger than that. Our goal is to not only beat Hulk Hogan. Our goal is to annihilate a phenomenon that should have never been born in the first place. And that phenomenon is 'Hulkamania'!" Crowd booed. BG: "Hogan, last week was just the beginning! When the dust settles between us...'Hulkamania' will be dead, buried and forgotten!" Graham then struck a few bodybuilder poses before he and Wizard left the ring to louder boos.)


(Announcers discussed the Graham interview and intro'ing GW as his manager. Hyped tonight on 'Slam!': Hogan will be here later; UWL WTT Title Match: Killer Bees © vs. POP; Co-Prez Bill Watts vs. JJ Dillon (If Dillon wins, he gets to be Co-Prez of the company for a month with Russo); Earlier today, Watts and Russo each added another match for the program: Watts: Arn Anderson vs. Scott Hall; Russo: Crusher vs. Harley Race; an i'view w/ UWL WC Valentine; IWA WC Patera reacts to the news of the IWA's signing of Batista; another 'Thunderstruck' PPV Update; and more. Said the Ding Dongs return and see action next!)


Match 1

Ding Dongs vs. ???


(Dongs came to the ring to boos. DD1 took the r.a. mic from Lee Marshall. DD1: "Look who's back! The hottest tag team in the land...the Ding Dongs! We don't know who we're wrestling tonight! But they're gonna be our first victims here in the UWL! We're winning tonight and Dong Mania, not to be confused with 'Hulkamania', will be runnin' wild in the UWL! Bring out the unfortunate team that's facing us!" After a brief pause, the Mighty Texans came to the ring. Crowd gave them a moderate ovation. Typical Dongs' match, MT's made relatively quick work of them. End came when Sam Houston blasted DD1 with the Killswitch and pinned DD1. WINNER: Mighty Texans - Pinfall - Houston pinned DD1 with the Killswitch - 2:13)


(After the match: Marshall i'viewed the MT's. Asked about last week's situation with Rude, Hall and Nash when Arn came to their aid. Lash: "Arn Anderson showed he understood the Code of the West! The Firm seems to like fighting in uneven numbers when the numbers favor them! But Arn came to our aid like any honorable man would have done and Rude, Hall and Nash backed off when it was a fair fight! And I want those varmits to know that we'll fight them! Me and Sam have fought men like Hall, Nash and Rude before in the wild, wild West! They're outlaws! And the only way to deal with outlaws is to fight fire with fire! We'll meet them at high noon any time and any place! And, Scott Hall is wrestling Arn Anderson tonight! Kevin Nash! Rick Rude! Boys, don't even think about getting involved in the match or I promise you'll be feelin' the Law of the Lash!" Lash cracked his whip on the mat. Sam: "The Mighty Texans are men who believe in justice! And Hall, Nash and Rude, that means Code of the West-style rough justice if that's what it has to be!")


(Announcers talked about the MT's sending the Ding Dongs to another defeat in the UWL. Hyped still to come: Hogan makes an appearance; UWL WTT Title match; JJ Dillon vs. Bill Watts (JJ gets to be Co-Prez of the UWL for a month with Russo if he beats Watts); Arn vs. Hall; Wahoo is here; and more. Said Crusher vs. Harley Race was coming up.)


(Video aired for the 'Thunderstruck' PPV - Sunday - June 10 - Oakland, CA - Oracle Arena - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Harley, Holly Madison and JJ. JJ wasn't wearing a head covering. Nelson asked Race about the match with Crusher. Race: "Crusher! You have been a thorn in the side of JJ Dillon Enterprises long enough! Face facts! Holly Madison is now dating Tully Blanchard and is an employee of JJ Dillon Enterprises! You'll never get her back! I look at this match with Crusher as a way to build momentum as I head into my President's Championship match with the Great Christopho at 'Thunderstruck'! And on June 10 in Oakland, CA, I am going to become the next President's Champion and a champion that both JJ Dillon Enterprises and the real President of the UWL, Vince Russo, can be mighty proud of! Crusher, prepare to go down tonight!" Nelson asked JJ about the match with Watts. JJ: "Let me just say that first of all, this match should not even be happening! Bill Watts is unfit to run a major wrestling promotion! He should have just handed over his half of the reigns of the UWL Presidentcy to me and let me run the show with a man who I admire greatly for his wrestling genius in one President Vince Russo! But I want that Co-Presidency for a month! I want it bad! And if I get it, you people will never want Bill Watts to show his big head around here again because Russo and I will put on the best wrestling television anyone has ever seen!" Holly: "Tully's not here tonight because he had other business to attend to. But he will be back next week. It's gonna be so nice to see Harley beat up on my former beau. I'm looking forward to seeing it up close and personal. The Crusher deserves a good thrashing because he's simply not a real man like my man Tully is. Tully, love ya, babe. Can't wait until you get back and rock my world some more." Holly then blew a kiss at the camera.)


Match 2

Harley Race vs. The Crusher


(Race and crew came to the ring first to boos. JJ was in his ring attire. Crusher came out to a nice ovation and was wearing his trademark cap. Once in the ring, Crusher tossed the cap into the crowd. Crusher took the r.a. mic from Lee Marshall. Crusher: "Holly. I heard what you just said. I don't believe it. Yer not dat kinda lady. I know one day you'll see da light and..." Race jumped Crusher from behind. Crusher dropped the mic and the ref called for the bell. Race took the match early and Crusher fought back and gained control before the match settled into an even battle. At the end of the match, Race was on the offensive. Race bodyslammed Crusher into position for a turnbuckle move. Race mounted the middle buckle and came off with a diving headbutt but Crusher rolled out of the way and Race slammed head first into the mat. Crusher pulled Race up and suplexed Race. Crusher dropped an elbow across Race's chest and went for the cover. 1...2... Race kicked out. Crusher then whipped Race into the ropes and caught Race coming off with a dropkick. Race dropped to the canvas. On the floor, JJ started yelling at Holly. Holly was getting defensive as JJ got in her face and reared back like he was going to slap Holly. Crusher saw what was happening and went over by the ropes and looked on. Holly started backing away from JJ as JJ slowly stalked her. Holly ran up the stairs onto the apron and called out for Crusher to help her. Crusher looked at Holly and Race snuck up and bashed Crusher from behind with a forearm smash to the back. Crusher staggered. Holly jumped off the apron into JJ's arms and he eased Holly to the floor. Race whipped Crusher into the ropes and caught Crusher coming off with a belly-to-belly suplex. Race then hoisted Crusher up and nailed Crusher with a piledriver. Race covered Crusher and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Holly and JJ were laughing and hugged at ringside. Race joined them on the floor. As Crusher recovered, Holly took the r.a. mic. Holly: "Crusher! You are so stupid! Hahaha! Did you really think I wanted you to help me?! Please! Crusher, you're a moron...and a lousy lover!" Crusher looked on in dismay as Race, JJ and Holly made their way back up the aisle and were looking back and laughing at Crusher. WINNER: Race - Pinfall - Piledriver - 5:24)


(Announcers discussed Race beating Crusher. Hyped still to come: Hulk Hogan; UWL WTT Title match; Arn vs. Hall; Wahoo is here; an i'view w/ UWL WC Valentine; IWA WC Patera reacts to the signing of Batista; and more. Said Watts vs. Dillon w/ Watts' Co-Presidency at stake for a month was coming up!)



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(PART 2)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Watts. Watts was in his ring attire. Asked about the match tonight and what's at stake. Watts: "JJ Dillon is one of the biggest loudmouths I've ever encountered in this sport! It would be one thing if JJ was a tough guy who could back up his talk! But everyone knows he's a coward who only takes advantage of someone when he's already got the upper hand thanks to help from the wrestlers he manages! JJ thinks he can run this organization better than I can! Well, now he's got his chance to do it! All he has to do is beat me tonight!" Nelson asked what if JJ wins. Watts: "If JJ wins, we'll see how well he can run a wrestling company with that legend in his own mind, Vince Russo! JJ seems to think he's some sort of wrestling genius! Tell me, JJ, what wrestling promotions have you ever run in your life except the one you operated out of your backyard when you were 13 years old?! He's run zero! Why?! Because JJ's not the great wrestling mind he thinks he is! He's good at running his own affairs! But he'll be in way over his head if he wins my Co-Presidency for a month! And may God help us if we're stuck with the less-than-dynamic duo of JJ Dillon and Vince Russo running the show! I can see it now! When I return, David Arquette might be the World Champion! Or, worse than that, Russo makes himself the champion! Don't believe it can happen?! Just look at Russo's track record in this business! Those things did happen in another promotion! And where's that promotion today?! It's out of business! That's where it is!" Russo, with two bodyguards, walked into the picture. Watts: "What do you want, Vince?!" Russo: "Well, one day I'd like to see my face on the hundred dollar bill. Bill, I really hope you lose tonight. A JJ Dillon/Vince Russo-run promotion would be one of the best things to ever happen to pro wrestling. Within 30 days, we will have this promotion running so hot that there will be no more need for you in the UWL...except maybe as a janitor or something." Watts: "If by 'running so hot' you mean you two bozos will be burning the promotion to the ground by the time the month is over because of terrible promotion then I'd be the first to agree!" Russo: "Let me tell you something. I took one promotion to the top and I would've taken that other promtion to the top if they'd just had the faith in me to get the job done! But no, the suits at the top of the CNN Tower couldn't let that happen! They sabotaged me! I rolled out one great television show after another for them and they undercut me at every turn! I was brilliant and the suits there just couldn't recognize the greatness that was right in front of their very eyes!" Watts: "Two words, Vince! David...Arquette! That's not brilliant wrestling television! That's garbage television and the fans recognized it and bailed on the promotion!" Russo: "You just can't see it, Bill! I am so far above you in wrestling intelligence that every little thing I do is over your head! Why don't you face that fact!" Watts: "Your work speaks volumes for itself, Russo! And it screams 'crap' at an ear-splitting level!" Russo: "If you had your way we'd go back to taping wrestling shows at a boys' club in Louisiana!" Watts: "I promote wrestling and I've always promoted the sport as it should be and I'm damn proud of it!" Russo: "Man, I want you to lose tonight." Watts: "I know you want to see me lose! But my goal is to further disappoint you by winning the match!" Russo: "You're really starting to push things in a bad direction, Bill. You don't want to go there." Watts just blew off Russo and stormed out of the interview area as Russo looked on.)


Match 3 (If JJ wins, he's Co-Prez of the UWL for a month with Russo)

Bill Watts vs. JJ Dillon (w/ Holly)


(Watts dominated the short match. At the end of the match, Holly distracted Watts and JJ got the upper hand. JJ nailed Bill with some punches, a kick and a suplex. JJ went for the cover. 1...2... Watts kicked out. JJ got up and put the boots to Watts and then looked to nail Watts with a running elbow smash but Watts rolled out of the way and JJ crashed to the mat. Watts got to his feet. Race and Russo came charging to the ring. Race hopped up on the apron. Race went to punch Watts but Watts blocked the punch try and nailed Race with a monster slap to the face. Race was staggered but was holding onto the top rope for dear life. Watts then blasted Race with a big right hand and Race crashed to the floor. Russo, on the floor, tossed JJ knux behind Watts' back. Watts looked and saw Russo heading back up the aisle. Watts turned back towards JJ and JJ swung at Watts with the knux and missed and spun himself around. Watts picked up JJ for a belly-to-back-suplex and as JJ was going up he nailed Watts with the knux. Watts crashed to the mat and JJ crawled on top of Watts for the pin try while concealing the knux. 1...2...2-3/4... Watts kicked out. JJ beside himself. Watts got to his feet and JJ backed up and charged at Watts and went to hit Watts with the knux again but Watts blocked the punch and hammered away on JJ with punches. A staggered JJ dropped the knux and Watts picked them up, looked at them and tossed them out of the ring. Watts picked up JJ and nailed JJ with an Oklahoma Stampede slam. Watts covered JJ and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Crowd popped and the ref raised Watts' hand in victory. Holly got in the ring to check on JJ as Watts left the ring and headed back up the aisle as the winner. WINNER: Watts - Pinfall - OK Stampede - 4:19)


(Announcers discussed Watts winning.)


(Backstage: A red and yellow souped-up Mustang pulled up outside the building and Hogan jumped out of the driver's seat and headed into the building. Announcers trumpeted Hogan's arrival.)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Fri. - June 15 - Orono, ME - Alfon Arena; Sat. - June 16 - Manchester, NH - Verizon Wireless Arena; Fri. - June 29 - Boston, MA - Agganis Arena @ Boston Univ.; Sat. - June 30 - Springfield, MA - MassMutual Center. More info, visit: uwlslam.com!)


(In-ring: After the commercial break, without any fanfare, Hogan came storming to the ring. He was in street clothes and wearing his red and yellow do-rag. He had a mic. Crowd roared when Hogan came out. Hogan stalked around the ring for a minute. HH: "I want Billy Graham out here! Where is he?! Come on out, 'Superstar'!" Graham came out with his manager the Grand Wizard and they made their way to the ring to loud boos. Graham and GW had mics. They got in the ring and soaked in the boos for a moment. Graham was in street clothes and GW was in his tie-dyed tux, white shoes, sunglasses and turban and was carrying his gold-tipped black cane. HH: "'Superstar'! I'm still in a state of shock over what you did to me last week, brother! I never saw it coming! I told you that you were my inspiration to become a professional wrestler! You were the wrestler I always looked up to and wanted to be like! Never in a million years did I think you would turn on me, 'Superstar'! I'm at a loss for words to describe the devastation I still feel over what transpired! Why, brother, why?!" BG: "First of all, don't call me brother. I am not your brother, Hulk. You obviously didn't see the start of the show. I made it clear why I did what I did to you." HH: "Tell me, 'Superstar'! Let me hear it!" BG: "The bottom line is...you stole my routine! You ripped off my persona! It never should have been you who was Vince McMahon's big star when he took the then WWF national! It should have been me who was the top dog, jack! It should have been me who was the chosen one who had the promotion placed on his shoulders! It should have been 'Superstarmania' and not 'Hulkamania'! But instead, Vince McMahon decided to go with a cheap knock-off of the 'Superstar'! You've had a lot of success, Hogan! But it's my success that you've had! You made your name and career by identity theft!" HH: "'Superstar'! As I've said, you inspired me to get into this business and work my way to the top! But I've earned everything I've gotten through my own hard work and dedication! I've been stabbed in the back by a lot of wrestlers! But I never expected you would join the back-stabbers parade against me!" GW: "Hulk Hogan. What's done is done. No one can change the past. But here in the present, we can change things. We can set things right. And that's what we intend to do." HH: "What do you mean?! 'Superstar', why are you associating with riff-raff like the Grand Wizard again?!" BG: "Hogan! Don't insult the man who has been the greatest guiding light in my career! This man is going to help me achieve my ultimate goal! Hogan, I don't just want to beat you! My goal is the complete annihilation of 'Hulkamania' from pro wrestling! When all is said and done between us, I want it to be like 'Hulkamania' never existed because 'Hulkamania' never should have existed in the first place! 'Superstarmania' is what will replace 'Hulkamania' and 'Superstarmania' is what will be remembered by wrestling fans years from now!" HH: "Am I understanding this correctly, 'Superstar'?! Are you saying you want a match with me?!" BG: "How perceptive of you, Hulk! Yes, that's what I'm saying, jack! When I destroy 'Hulkamania', I want to do it in the most fitting place! And that's right here in the ring!!" Hogan and Graham were staring each other down when the UWL Pres. Seal flashed on the JumboTron. Out came Co-Prez Vince Russo with two bodyguards in tow. Russo had a mic and was wearing a white Mets' home jersey. Russo got in the ring. Russo: "This is too good to be true! You see, as Co-President of the UWL, I get to make half the matches for the upcoming 'Thunderstruck' pay-per-view! And there's no way I'm passing up the opportunity to see 'Hulkamania' destroyed! So at 'Thunderstruck', it's gonna be Hulk Hogan vs. Billy Graham!" Fans cheered. Russo: "Hogan! You are the most irritating, seditious, self-serving person I've ever worked with! I'm gonna enjoy seeing 'Hulkamania' vanish down the memory hole on June 10th!" HH: "Vince Russo! Brother, you are the worst excuse of a wrestling promoter that I've ever had the misfortune to work for!" Russo: ""Hmmm... Well, at least I'll still be working on June 11th! 'Superstar', you are indeed the victim of 'Hulkamania'! And I look forward to the day when 'Hulkamania' is no more!" Graham chuckled as Hogan glared at Russo and then Hogan turned his attention back to Graham as Russo left the ring.)


(Announcers discussed Russo making Hogan vs. Graham for 'Thunderstruck'. Hyped still to come: UWL WTT Title match; Arn vs. Hall; an i'view w/ UWL WC Valentine; Wahoo is here; another 'Thunderstruck' PPV Update; and more. Said a repsonse from Ken Patera about the IWA signing of Batista was coming up.)


(Video highlights aired from last week of the press conference of Batista signing with the IWA.)


(In-ring: Marshall iviewed UWL WC Ken Patera. Patera came to the ring in street clothes and was wearing the title. He got a mixed crowd reaction. Marshall asked Patera for his thoughts on the IWA signing of Batista. Ken: "Jim Duggan. Savannah Jack. Butch Reed. Brad Armstrong. Baron Von Raschke. Sid Vicious. These men all have on thing in common. They all wrestle for the IWA and they've all gotten shots at this title while I've been the IWA World Champion and every single one of them has been sent back to the IWA a loser. As I see it, Batista is just another IWA wrestler who will meet the same fate. If and when I wrestle Batista, who honestly thinks the result will be any different? It's obvious that IWA owner William Hunter is getting desperate. He's running out of guys to send at me to try and win the belt and take it back to the IWA promotion. Batista might just be Hunter's last gasp. Batista is his Hail Mary. If Batista can't beat me and win this belt then the entire fate of the IWA may hang in the balance. Can they survive much longer without one of their wrestlers being the IWA World Champion? William Hunter is getting very worried. A major promotion without their World Title is not considered a major promotion in the eyes of the fans. And it can only last so long before the people tune out the product on TV and quit going to their shows. The IWA fanbase seems to be getting discouraged. And as with any business, the goal is to make as much money as possible. Without the IWA World Title in the IWA they're taking a big financial hit. It's gotta be embarrassing to them that their World Champion wrestles in another league. Imagine explaining that situation to other promoters you're trying to work with. You see, in wrestling, some promotions will send their World Champion to wrestle top contender's in other promotions. The promotion that's sending their champion into another organization gets a hefty cut of the action for sending their World Champion to fight elsewhere. The IWA can't do it because they don't have their centerpiece title. It's costing them money at an alarming rate." Marshall: "Excuse me, Ken. I have just gotten word that Batista will be here on 'Slam!' next week!" Crowd cheered. Ken: "What do you want me to do? Throw a ticker-tape parade for the guy? Batista can show up and claim he's coming to take the title from me. But, as I've proven over and over, that's easier said than done. The UWL and IWA can make this match as far as I'm concerned. And everyone can expect the usual result. Batista will be sent back to the IWA to explain to William Hunter why he failed to win the IWA World Title from me.")


(Announcers discussed the confidence of Patera, and Batista coming on the program next week. Stave Stack said they'd also gotten word that Batista will be wrestling on the show. Hyped still to come: UWL WTT Title match; an i'view w/ UWL WC Valentine; another 'Thunderstruck' PPV Update; Wahoo is here; and more. Said Arn vs. Hall was coming up!)


Match 4

Arn Anderson vs. Scott Hall


(Arn came to the ring to a strong ovation. Hall came to the ring alone to a mixed reaction. The brief bout, as expected, was a battle. At the end of the match, Hall had just regained the advantage and nailed Arn with a diving bulldog that drove Arn into the mat. Hall pulled Arn up and went to whip Arn into the ropes but Arn reversed and caught Hall coming off with a spinebuster. Crowd popped. Arn, on his knees, made the throat-slitting gesture with his thumb. Rude and Nash, in street clothes, hit the ring and started pounding on Arn. Ref called for the bell. Nash and Rude continued pounding away on Arn as Hall recovered and joined in the beating. Crowd popped when the Mighty Texans came charging to the ring still in their gear. Lash had his whip. Hall, Nash and Rude backed away from Arn as the MT's got in the ring. There was a stand-off as Arn got to his feet. The six men were carefully sizing each other up when LaRue cracked his whip at Hall's feet. Hall jumped in the air and bailed out onto the apron. LaRue then cracked his whip at Rude's feet and Rude jumped and also bailed out onto the apron. Nash was staring down LaRue and daring LaRue to swing the whip at him as Arn and Sam looked on. Hall and Rude signaled for Nash to get out of the ring. Nash and LaRue stared each other down a little longer, Lash with the whip at the ready. Nash then listened to Hall and Rude and left the ring as Arn and the MT's looked on. The Firm members dropped to the floor and started making their way around rignside, pointing at the trio in the ring and talking trash before they made their way back up the aisle as Arn and the MT's looked on. WINNER: Arn - DQ - Nash and Rude interfered - 3:41)


(Announcers discussed the Hall-Arn match and Rude and Nash and the MT's getting involved. Hyped still to come: UWL WTT Title match; an i'view w/ UWL WC Valentine; another 'Thunderstruck' PPV Update; and more. Said an i'view w/ Wahoo was next.)



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(PART 3)


(Video aired from last week of Wahoo pushing over Father Dutch's confessional and FD getting really angry about it and vowing Wahoo would be punished.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Wahoo. Wahoo was in street clothes and wearing his headdress. Nelson asked Wahoo about pushing over FD's confessional last week. WM: "It's like this, Larry. Father Dutch keeps coming out and telling everyone that I'm some grand sinner who needs to be purged of his sinful ways. It gets nauseating to hear after a while. When he brought that confessional out on the stage last week it was just too much for me to take. When I walked out there, I certainly was not going to go into that confessional to confess my sins to a demented con-man like Father Dutch. Judging by the man's mental state he may have hidden a bomb or something in that contraption. He..." Nelson: "LOOK OUT!' FD came flying up behind Wahoo and slammed Wahoo across the back with a chair. Wahoo went down. FD put the boots to Wahoo and then pulled Wahoo up by the hair. FD threw Wahoo into a stack of folded up chairs. The chairs and Wahoo crashed to the floor. FD grabbed the downed Wahoo by the hair and looked into Wahoo's eyes. FD: "SINNER! You must pay for your sins against me, Wahoo!" FD pulled Wahoo to his feet and slammed Wahoo into a backstage door. Wahoo hit the door so hard that the door opened and Wahoo stumbled and fell outside on the concrete. FD: "The heathen has to learn it's not nice to fool with a man of the Almighty!" FD put the boots to Wahoo some more and pulled Wahoo up and started walking Wahoo over to an area outside where the confessional was set up. FD slammed Wahoo's head into the confessor's side of the confessional. FD opened the door and shoved Wahoo inside. Wahoo tried to get out but, after a brief struggle, FD pushed the door shut and locked it from the outside. Wahoo beating on the door. FD ran out of the picture and you could hear someone get into a vehicle and start it up. A UWL security member came into the picture and and was going to try and unlock the door when FD put his large white pick-up truck in reverse and floored it. The security member bolted from the scene as the rear of the truck slammed into the confessional and made it rock. Security man yelling for help. FD pulled away from the confessional, put it in reverse, floored it and rammed the confessional again. This time the confessional toppled over and slammed to the ground. FD got out of the truck just as UWL security members made their way to the confessional. FD: "That is what I do to unrepentant sinners! Wahoo had to be punished for disrespecting the faith! Amen!" Security called for EMT's and scrambled to open the confessor's door as FD got in his truck and took off. Security got the door open to find a devastated Wahoo inside as on-site EMT's made their way to the scene.)


(Announcers discussed the attack on Wahoo by FD and said they will try to get an update on his condition before the show goes off the air. Said an i'view with UWL WC Valentine was next.)


(Video aired chronicling the Valentine-Luger situation.)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed UWL WC Valentine and mgr. Hart. The pair was booed coming to the ring. Both were in suits and Greg had the titles slung over his shoulder. Both had mics. Greg: "As you can see, the UWL World Title is back where is belongs! Luger, you wanna play games?! Is that what you wanna do?! Because I can play games better than anyone in this business! Last week, you had the audacity to put my World Title on and walk around the ring like you were the champion! That doesn't sit well with me! Only the champion is supposed to wear this belt! You want a belt like this, Luger, then buy a replica of it at the souvenir stand! Lex, you're not fit to wear the real thing! I'm the champ! And I'm gonna be the champ for a long time to come! But, I am getting tired of playing around with you! The issue between us...it's coming to a head and quick! I want to get you in this ring and finish you off for good! I want to wash my hands of you as soon as possible! There's really not much left to say! Let's get this over once and for all!" Luger came out to a nice ovation. He was in street clothes and carrying a mic. He got in the ring. Greg: "Well, Luger, what do you have to say?!" Lex: "Greg Valentine! I've got a lot to say! But right now I'll keep it short and to the point! I can beat you! I can win that title! I know it and these fans know it, too!" Crowd cheered. Lex: "You want me in this ring! Well I'm good and ready to step in the squared circle and do battle with you! You're right when you say the time for talking is over! It's done! Let's get it on, Greg!" Greg: "I'm all for it! Let's set a date, sign on the dotted line and do this thing!" Lex: "Great! Bring on the contract and let's make this thing happen!" Greg: "Let me tell you this, Lex! When you strutted around the ring last week like you were the cat's ass with this title on, you had better have savored that moment, pal, because it's the only time you'll ever wear the UWL World Title!" Hart: "Lex Luger, since you've become a favorite of these dim-witted people out here you've become a real nuisance. I support Greg Valentine 100% in this challenge. Because I know when the title is on the line this man is money in the bank to walk out of the ring with the championship belt still in his possession. I'm all for this match happening as soon as possible; because once the UWL World Champion dispenses of you he can then concentrate on other challenges that lay before him. You're nothing but a punk. And Mr. Valentine always takes care of punks." Lex: "Hart, when your boy Valentine and me step in the ring, he may be the one who gets punk'd." Greg: "You won't punk me! Not gonna happen! I'm gonna expose you for the great pretender you are!" 'Born In The USA' played over the p.a. system and Watts made his way to the ring still in his ring gear and wearing his red, white and blue ring jacket. He had a mic. He got a fair ovation coming to the ring. Watts: "Lex Luger and Greg Valentine. This situation has been building between you two for weeks now. It is indeed time for you guys to have a match. So, it's gonna be Greg Valentine vs. Lex Luger at 'Thunderstruck'!" Crowd cheered. Watts: "You guys prepare to hook 'em up on June 10th!" Watts left the ring. Luger and Greg had a brief staredown and then Luger turned to leave the ring. Greg: "Hey, Lex! After I beat you at 'Thunderstruck', I don't want to hear another peep from you about another title shot! Because it's not gonna happen!" Lex: "Don't worry. You won't hear me ask for another title shot." Greg turned to Hart and chuckled. Lex: "Because at 'Thunderstruck' I'm gonna become the new UWL World Champion!" Luger tossed his mic down and left the ring to cheers as a now not-so-amused Valentine and Hart looked on.)


(Announcers discussed Watts making Valentine vs. Luger for 'Thunderstruck'. Hyped still to come: UWL WTT Title match; and another 'Thunderstruck' PPV Update.)


(Announcers sent it backstage.)


(Backstage: Nelson was standing by an ambulance where EMT's were loading Wahoo into the back on a stretcher. Nelson: "Steve and Joe, this is a very serious situation developing regarding Wahoo McDaniel. He seems like he's barely conscious after one of the most heinous attacks I've ever seen in all my days in professional wrestling. He was barely moving when they pulled him out of that confessional. This is a very touch and go situation right now and I don't think we'll have anything new to report tonight. But we will stay on top of this matter as things develop." Wrestlers Arn, Mighty Texans and The Crusher were at the back of the ambulance wishing Wahoo well and letting him know they would come and see him in the hospital. Wahoo did not respond to them.)


(Announcers again discussed the situation and intro'd an edited replay of FD attacking Wahoo and locking Wahoo in the confessional and FD ramming the back of his truck into the confessional and knocking it over. Video aired. Announcers said they they will try to keep fans updated as things become available.)


(Video aired chronicling the situation with the Killer Bees © and POP.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed the UWL WTT Champs the Killer Bees. Asked about tonight's title match with POP. Blair: "First of all, our thoughts and prayers are definitely with Chief Wahoo McDaniel right now. Chief, you get better, brother. We're with you all the way. As for tonight, the Powers of Pain finally get their wish. They get their World Tag Team Title shot. They've attacked us several times. They beat us in a no disqualification match a couple of weeks ago to earn this title match. The Killer Bees have reached a day of reckoning as the champs. The Powers of Pain have gotten the better of us so far. We've felt their wrath and it's cold and brutal. This is our biggest title defense to date. And we're as ready as we'll ever be for this match. We know we've got to wrestle at our very best if we want to retain these belts." Jim: "I echo B. Brian's concern for Wahoo. Wahoo, we're pulling for you. We know you'll fight your way back. The way the Warlord and the Barbarian have attacked us not only leaves physical scars, but can play psychological games as well. We cannot not go into this match intimidated by these guys. We know we can win. We can beat anybody on a given night. But when the tag team titles are on the line, anything can happen. Wrestlers amp up their game several notches in title bouts. The challengers may look to do whatever they feel is necessary to win the belts. The mindset changes when you have the chance to become a champion. And the Powers of Pain are a couple of dangerous minds. But we're preapred to fight to keep these belts.")




Announcers ran down the card so far:


Hulk Hogan vs. Billy Graham (w/ The Grand Wizard)


Greg Valentine © (w/ Gary Hart) vs. Lex Luger


PRESIDENT'S CHAMPIONSHIP: The Great Christopho © vs. Harley Race (w/ JJ Dillon)


'Thunderstruck' - Sunday - June 10 - Oakland, CA - Oracle Arena - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(Announcers said that next week on 'Slam!': Newly signed IWA wrestler Batista will make an appearance and he will be wrestling on the show; and an update on the status of Wahoo. Said the UWL WTT Title match was next!)


Match 5 (UWL World Tag Team Title Match)

Killer Bees © vs. Powers of Pain


(POP came to the ring first to loud boos. Bees got a strong ovation. Bees were attacked as soon as they stepped in the ring. POP dominated most of the match. Bees got in occasional offensive flurries but were never able to sustain anything. At the end of the match, Warlord and Brunzell were the legal men in the ring. War was pummeling Brunzell and whipped Brunzell into the ropes and caught Brunzell coming off by the throat. War chokeslammed Brunzell. War went for the cover. 1...2... Blair hit the ring and stomped on War's head and broke up the pin try. Barbarian charged in and pulverized Blair with clothesline. War signaled it was time for the D-Day Device. War hoisted Brunzell up on his shoulders and Bar went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle. A dazed Blair got to his feet and fell back against the ropes causing Bar to lose his balance and crotch himself on the top rope and crash to the mat. Crowd popped. War was stunned. Brunzell, still on War's shoulders, stunned War with a series of punches to the head and then caught War in a victory roll. 1...2...3! Bar dove to try and break up the pin but was too late. Ref called for the bell. Crowd roared. Ref handed the Bees their belts and raised their hands in victory. WINNER: Bees - Pinfall - Brunzell pinned War with a Victory Roll - 8:25)


(Announcers discussed the Bees retaining the belts. Then got word that something was going on backstage.)


(Backstage: Watts walking around backstage. He came across Russo with two of his bodyguards in the hall. Watts went over, grabbed Russo by the shirt and slammed Russo against the wall. Watts: "You dirty... I just watched a replay of my match with Dillon, Vince! It's one thing to want to see me lose! But it's totally something else when the Co-President of the company hands my opponent a pair of knuckles to try and do me in! I oughta..." Russo (very calm): "What are you going to do, Bill?" Watts still had Russo by the shirt and was seething. Russo: "Look around you." Watts turned his head from side to side and now all six of Russo's bodyguards were standing there. Russo (still very calm): "You try anything with me and they'll be picking up you remains off the floor after these six piranhas get through with you." Watts just kept glaring at Russo. Russo (still very calm): "Now, you'll let go of me and be on your way, Mr. Co-President." Watts held Russo's shirt for a few more seconds. Watts looked at the six bodyguards who all had their eyes locked on Watts. After a brief staredown between Watts and the Russo 6, Watts angrily walked off as the camera caught a close-up of Russo with a sneer on his face and chuckling under his breath as the program went off the air.)




Dark Match ($100,000 Battle Royal)

PARTICIPANTS: Ding Dongs, Hall, Nash, Rude, Luger, Crusher, Mighty Texans, Arn

(WINNER: Luger - Eliminated Nash by tossing him over the top rope to the floor after a forearm smash to the head - 9:32)

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The Universal Wrestling League (UWL) has announced the signing of Ted DiBiase. DiBiase was signed to a 2-year, $1.8 million dollar contract ($900,000 per year).


DiBiase is expected to debut in either the late summer or early fall.


No details were released on what DiBiase's role with the company will be.

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:14px;">UWL 'SLAM!' WRESTLING - EP. 71 - RIO RANCHO, NM - SANTA ANA STAR CENTER - 5-29-12 (Live)</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;">(Show Intro)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Crowd Shots/Pyro)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(In-ring: 'Born In The USA' played over the p.a. system and Watts made his way to the ring with mic in hand. He got a decent ovation. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I have an announcement about a match that will be taking place right here on 'Slam!' tonight! This match could really shake things up for the 'Thunderstruck' pay-per-view in 12 days! History could be made right here in Rio Rancho, New Mexico! Right now, I need UWL World Champion Greg Valentine to come to the ring!" Valentine and mgr. Hart came to the ring to loud boos. Both were in suits and Greg had the title slung over his shoulder. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Hart:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "What's this all about, Co-President Watts? Why are we being called out here right now? Does it have something to do with this so-called major match you've got lined up for tonight?" </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Yes it does, Gary. You see, in planning the matches I was making for the show tonight I thought, I want to give these fans something they'll remember. Something that could really make things interesting heading into 'Thunderstruck'. And there was only one match I could think of that would have that kind of impact." </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Hart:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "And that is?" </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "It's the biggest match one could possibly think of. And I wanted it to take place right here on 'Slam!'" </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Greg:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Co-President Watts, in case you've forgotten, I already have a huge match coming up against Lex Luger at 'Thunderstruck'. I have to prepare for my UWL World Title defense. I don't have time to be involed in some match that distracts from my preparation because you've decided on the spur of the moment that you have some bigger match in mind for me tonight. I need to get back to work watching video and training for Luger. The World Title match is the big match in our sport. What could you possibly have in mind?" </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> I'm glad you asked that, Greg. Let's take a look at this piece of video from last week." Video aired of Watts coming out during the Luger-Greg confrontation and making the match between the two for 'Thunderstruck'. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Did you guys notice something there?" </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Greg:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Yeah. We noticed that you made the match with me defending the title against Luger at 'Thundestruck'. And?" </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I never said your match with Lex Luger was gonna be a World Title match at 'Thunderstruck'." </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Greg:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "What? Of course it's gonna be a World Title match. That's what Luger and I were talking about last week. The match at 'Thunderstruck' is gonna be for the title." </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "You and Luger were talking about your match at 'Thunderstruck' being for the championship. But I didn't say that." </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Hart:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I'm not liking where this is headed. Watts, what is this really about?" </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Let me clarify everything for both of you. The Greg Valentine-Lex Luger match at 'Thunderstruck' will be for the World Title...if Valentine is successful in his title defense tonight." </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Greg:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "What kind of set up is this?!" </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "You're still wrestling Luger at 'Thunderstruck' whether or not it's for the title. That's not going to change. But this evening...Greg Valentine...you will be defending the UWL World Title against...Hulk Hogan!" Crowd exploded. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Greg:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "No! You can't do this, d-ammit!" </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I just did it. It's official. You may want to head back to the locker room and start preparing for your match with Hulk Hogan and worry about Luger later." </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Hart:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "This is an outrage! Where is Co-President Russo?! What's he got to say about this matter?!" </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Russo and I each plan our own matches for the show. And I made this one and he has no say in the matter. Besides, Russo is better off keeping his distance from me right now." </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Greg:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "You throw me in a match with the title on the line against Hogan with no notice! Unbelievable! I am the UWL World Champion and deserve to be treated like the UWL World Champion! I deserve respect and part of that respect is not allowing an egotistical Co-President make me defend this title whenever he wants me to without a proper amount of time to prepare!" </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "You've got an hour or so to prepare right now. Maybe you ought to take advantage of that time to get ready." </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Hart:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Man, we need Russo running this show on his own. You're too out of control as far as we're concerned. Just because your nickname is 'Cowboy' doesn't mean you can run this promotion like it's the wild west or something." Luger made his way to the ring. He was cheered. He was in street clothes and had a mic. He blew right past the fans without acknowledging them. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Luger:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Hey! President Watts! I hate to say it! But I've got to agree with Valentine and Hart here! We both thought the match at 'Thunderstruck' was guaranteed to be a World Title match! What gives?!" </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Lex, let's not get ahead of ourselves. Your match with Valentine may still be for the World Title on June 10th. But tonight, Valentine is defending that title against Hulk Hogan." </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Luger:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Notice the key word there, 'may'! It 'may' be a World Title match between Valentine and me in 12 days! In other words it may not be a World Title match! That's not fair, Bill! I've worked hard to get in this position and now you're possibly snatching away my chance to win the UWL belt!" </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Hart:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Mr. Luger makes a good point, Bill. Listen to him. It isn't fair to him or the UWL Champion." </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Let's be rational about this..." </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Luger:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Rational?! How is this situation rational for me?!" </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Now, Lex..." Luger blew Watts off and angrily left the ring and headed back up the aisle and did not slap hands with or acknowledge fans along the way. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Hart:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Awwww, look at the guy. Look at what you did, Bill. He was next in line for a title shot and now this." </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Gary Hart, I'm gonna tell you and your man this one last time! Tonight, Greg Valentine will be defending the UWL World Title against Hulk Hogan and that's final! Am I clear?!" </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Hart:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Obnoxiously loud and clear, Co-President Watts." </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Good! Then let's get ready to hook 'em up later!" Watts left the ring as the fans cheered and Valentine was seething in the ring and Hart talked to him off-mic.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers welcomed viewers and discussed Watts making the main event for tonight: UWL WT Match: Valentine © vs. Hogan; also announced IWA wrestler Batista is here and will be wrestling; an update on the status of Wahoo McDaniel; Vince Russo Made Match: Lash LaRue vs. Rick Rude; Billy Graham sees action; Father Dutch wrestles; Great Christopho © in action; and more.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Video aired of the Bees beating the Powers of Pain and retaining the tag titles last week.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed the Killer Bees ©. Bees were in street clothes with the belts around their waists and got a nice ovation coming to the ring. Marshall asked about their successful title defense last week against POP. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Blair:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "It was a great feeling to beat the Powers of Pain last week. They're a tough team and we had to fight for our lives to keep these belts. Warlord and Barbarian brought the fight to us but we were able to overcome their power game and pull out the victory." </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Brunzell:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "The Powers of Pain finally got the tag team title shot they craved and we took everything they had and emerged the winners. We..." Out came the Anderson brothers in street clothes. They were booed as they came to the ring. Ole had a mic. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Ole:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Jim Brunzell! B. Brian Blair! You guys deserve credit for beating a team like the Powers of Pain that we're bigger and more powerful than you. We're out here for one reason and one reason only. At 'Spring Mayhem', you guys retained those titles against Gene and Lars here. But this issue is far from settled. Gene and Lars deserve another shot at those titles. And we're willing to fight for another chance at them." </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Brunzell:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "What are you talking about, Ole?" </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Ole:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "It's simple. Tonight, we have a singles' match. Either one of you Killer Bees vs. Gene or Lars here. If Gene or Lars wins the match, then they get a re-match for the tag team titles at 'Thunderstruck'. If they lose the match, then we'll go to the back of the line on the list of contenders for the titles and have to work our way back to the top of the ladder to get another tag team title match. As it stands right now, a re-match is defintitely in order. We want it. Gene and Lars pushed you guys to the brink at 'Spring Mayhem'. This is more than a fair demand from us." </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Blair:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Ole, right now we don't have an opponent lined up for 'Thunderstruck'. You Andersons are tag team specialists. You're great at what you do. Even I have to admit that watching you guys is like watching masters at their craft." Brunzell whispered something into Blair's ear. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Blair:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "We'll grant you your match tonight. And if you win, then Gene and Lars will get their re-match for these titles at 'Thunderstruck'. But if you lose, like you said Ole, you guys go to the back of the line of tag team title contenders." Blair and Brunzell had another off-mic conversation. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Brunzell:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I'll represent our team in the match. Who's your guy?" </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Ole:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "The Anderson brother who you will be facing tonight, Jim, is...you'll find out at match time." Ole smirked. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Brunzell:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "So we don't even know who your guy will be in the match until the bell rings?" </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Ole:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Jim, you didn't have to tell us who your man would be in the match. I never said anything about that." Watts came out on the entrance stage with mic in hand. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "We've got a show to move along here. I'm going to allow this match tonight; and if the Anderson brother wins the match, then they'll get their World Tag Team Title re-match at 'Thunderstruck'. But, if the Anderson brother loses the match, then not only will the Andersons be dropped to the bottom of the tag team ratings here in the UWL and have to start all over again...none of the Andersons will be appearing at 'Thunderstruck'." </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Ole:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "You Bees heard the Co-President. It's on. And there's a lot on the line in this match. And we want that tag team title re-match in the worst way." </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Brunzell:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I'll be ready to face whichever Anderson brother steps in the ring with me." Anderson bros. left the ring as the Bees looked on.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers discussed the Brunzell vs. Anderson brother match being made for later tonight with the stip that if the Anderson brothers wins, Lars and Gene get a World Tag Team Title re-match at 'Thunderstruck'. Hyped still to come: UWL WT Match: Valentine © vs. Hogan; new IWA wrestler Batista will wrestle on the show tonight; an i'view w/ UWL Women's WC Ferrari; Great Christopho © sees action; another 'Thunderstruck' PPV Update; and more. Said an update on the status of Wahoo McDaniel is next.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Video aired for the 'Thunderstruck' PPV - Sunday - June 10 - Oakland, CA - Oracle Arena - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Wahoo McDaniel Status Update: Announcers intro'd video from last week of Father Dutch attacking Wahoo and taking Wahoo outside, locking him in the confessional and Father Dutch backing his truck into the confessional and knocking it over on the concrete and security and EMT's coming to the aid of Wahoo and Wahoo being loaded into an ambulance and taken to the hospital. After the video aired, the announcers said Wahoo spent a few days in the hospital after the assault recovering from his injuries. They said Wahoo is currently healing up at his home and that right now things are day-to-day for the Chief.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 1 (Non-Title)</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

The Great Christopho © vs. Sweet Daddy Falcone</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(WINNER: TGC - Pinfall - Reverse STO - 2:09)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(During the match, Harley Race walked out on the entrance stage and was watching the match. TGC noticed him during the bout. After the match, TGC looked at Race, who was still standing on the stage, and Race made the title around the waist gesture that he was becoming the next President's Champion. As TGC looked on at Race from the ring, Dallas Page came through the crowd, hopped the railing and slid in the ring behind TGC and came up and drove a knee into TGC's back. TGC stumbled forward and DDP tried to rip the mask off of TGC. DDP had pulled the mask up over the mouth of TGC but TGC was able to escape being completely unmasked by driving the back of his lower leg into DDP's groin. DDP stumbled back and dropped on his ass while grabbing at his stuff as TGC bolted the ring. DDP then angrily slammed the mat in frustration as he was foiled again.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers talked about Race coming out to watch TGC's match and DDP sneak attacking TGC and trying to rip TGC's mask off but failing once again. Then sent it backstage because something was going on.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Backstage: Larry Nelson was standing outside Billy Graham's dressing room. You could hear things being thrown around inside. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Nelson:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I'm right outside Billy Graham's dressing room. It sounds like a riot is happening in there and I'm going try and find out what's going on." Nelson knocked on the door but got no response. Nelson then carefully opened the door with a cameraman following him. As soon as Nelson stepped inside, a chair came flying in his direction. Nelson jumped out of the way and the chair slammed into the wall. Graham was tearing up the dressing room as the Grand Wizard looked on. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Nelson:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Billy Graham, if I can have a word with you..." Graham stopped his dressing room scorched-earth routine. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>BG:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "First of all, Larry Nelson, you refer to me as 'Superstar' Billy Graham! You got that, boy?!" </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>LN:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "OK. OK. I understand. What's going on in here?!" </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>BG:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "What's going on?! I'm mad as hell! That's what's going on, daddy! I can't believe that Bill Watts gave Hulk Hogan my World Title shot tonight! I wrestled Greg Valentine for the title at 'Spring Mayhem' and it should have been a re-match between me and the 'Hammer'! But Hulk Hogan's stolen my shot at winning the gold!" </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>GW:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Hulk Hogan is nothing but a no-good thief! That should be 'Superstar' Billy Graham as the challenger for the UWL Title tonight! But Bill Watts thought it would be better to undermine the 'Superstar' by giving Hogan the match! Hulk Hogan has screwed the 'Superstar' over once again!" </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>BG:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I'm ready to explode, daddy! Everything Hulk Hogan's gotten in his career he's never deserved! All the championships, money and celebrity he's had should have belonged to me! It should have been 'Superstarmania' running wild all these years and not 'Hulkamania'! But I get back-stabbed and screwed over once again for their boy Hulk Hogan! I'm sick of it! And I'll be damned if Hogan's winning a championship that should be mine, jack!And Larry Nelson, why don't you and that cameraman get the hell out of here...RIGHT NOW!" </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>LN:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I just have one more question, 'Superstar'. Graham picked up a chair off the floor. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>BG:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Nelson, if you don't want this chair to become a permanent part of your head, you'd better be leaving!" </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>GW:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "You guys had better go! 'Superstar' means what he says!" Nelson and the cameraman left BG's dressing room and the GW slammed the door behind them. Nelson sent it back to ringside.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers talked about Graham's anger at Hogan getting the UWL WT shot tonight. Hyped the UWL WT Match: Valentine © vs. Hogan still to come later on the program.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Backstage: Watts was walking backstage. As he was walking, he came across Russo standing in the backstage area with his six bodyguards. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Russo:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;">"Way to further alienate the talent base, Bill. A good President wouldn't do that." Watts turned and looked at Russo. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Russo:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Don't come over here. If you so much as lay a finger on me then you'll feel the wrath of my six-pack of bodyguards." </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Russo, you're nothing but scum. And cowardly scum at that." </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Russo:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I'm scum? Really? What's the old saying? Ah, yes. The scum always rises to the top. And this scum wants the UWL Presidency all to himself again. And I intend to get it." </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "We'll see about that." </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Russo:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Oh, it will happen, Bill. Mark my words. One day, I will be in complete control of all UWL wrestling operations again." Watts and Russo looked at each other for a few more seconds and then Watts walked off as Russo looked on with a smug look on his face.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers discussed the rising heat between Russo and Watts. Hyped still to come: UWL WT Match: Valentine © vs. Hogan; Anderson Brother vs. Brunzell of the Killer Bees © - If the Anderson Brother wins, Gene and Lars get a World Tag Team Title re-match at 'Thunderstruck'; new IWA wrestler Batista will wrestle; and more. Said Father Dutch is in action next.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>END PART 1</strong></span></p>

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