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The 7-10 edition of UWL 'Slam!' Wrestling, which was built around President Bill Watts announcing the decision as to whether or not the Hulk Hogan-Bruiser Brody match would take place (it is) at the 'Heatwave' PPV on Aug. 5th, drew a solid 2.2 rating, which is in the normal ratings realm for an edition of 'Slam!' featuring Hogan.


Last week's episode drew a 1.9 rating. Many in the company attributed the ratings drop to the show airing during the July 4th holiday period. Looks like they were right.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:24px;"><strong>ON THE NEXT</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:24px;"><strong>

UWL 'SLAM!' WRESTLING</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:14px;">- The </span><span style="font-size:14px;"><em><span style="color:#FF0000;"><strong>Heatwave</strong></span></em></span><span style="font-size:14px;"> PPV is just three weeks away. What will be the fallout from last week's announcement that the 'Match of a Lifetime' between Hulk Hogan and Bruiser Brody will take place on that show?</span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

PLUS!</span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

- The situation is reaching a critical mass between Bill Watts and Vince Russo. Can their Co-Presidency survive much longer? Or will things finally explode between them?</span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

- The first round of the UWL TV Title Tournament</span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:14px;">

And more on ep. 78 of 'Slam!' wrestling!</span></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">NOTE: I've changed the format layout somewhat.</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">

</span></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:14px;">UWL 'SLAM!' WRESTLING - EP. 78 - LAS VEGAS, NV - ORLEANS ARENA - 7-17-12 (Taped)</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;">(Show Intro)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Crowd Shots/Pyro)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(In-ring: 'Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system and out came Bill Watts. He got a fair ovation. He was in street clothes and had a mic. Watts slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring. Watts got in the ring and waited. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

UWL Pres. Seal flashed on the JumboTron and the Don Pardo-like voice said: "Ladies and Gentlemen! He is good and ready to once again be the only UWL President...Vince Russo!" Crowd booed as the six bodyguards made their way out onto the entrance stage and formed two columns of three. Out came Russo to even louder boos. He was wearing a white San Diego State home college basketball jersey. He had a mic. Russo and crew made their way to the ring. Four bodyguards took their positions around the ring on the floor and two got in the ring with one holding the ropes open for Russo to step through. Crowd booed Russo some more.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Russo:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "You people can boo me all you want. I'm in a great mood and don't really care how much you hate me. Bill, how are you tonight?" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "What's gotten into you?" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Russo:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I am so excited about tonight's 'Slam!' that I can barely contain myself!" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts: </strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;">"What for? Where the hell did all this giddiness come from?" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Russo:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I have just been talking to UWL owner KD Smith. We had a very positive conversation. And I have a special announcement to make, Bill. But..I'm not going to let the cat out of the bag right now. I'm gonna make this special announcement later tonight! And you'll need to be out here too, Bill! Because the special announcement involves...you!" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "It involves me, huh? And you and owner KD Smith came up with this special announcement together?" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Russo:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "That's right, Bill, my boy! I talked with Mr. Smith and he was totally enamored with the idea I came up with regarding you!" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Vince, I find it a little hard to believe that you sold KD on any of your ideas. He's personally complained to me...more than once...that you don't even answer your phone when he tries to call you most of the time. And let's not forget some of things you've said off the air about him behind his back. Your disrespect for the man is monumental." </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Russo:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Easy there, Bill. Easy. KD and I have had our differences of opinion. I may have said some things about him in the heat of the moment that I now regret and am truly sorry for. As people know, I'm not a gossip or a backstabber. I'm a good guy." </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Vince, I'm not gonna go into details here. But some of the things you've said about that man could land you in court being sued for character assassination." </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Russo:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Oh, now! I've never assassinated KD Smith's character. I would never do such a thing to anyone." </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Really? How about the time in a production meeting you called him a..." </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Russo:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "OK! Now you said you weren't gonna go into details! I guess 'character assassination' is in the eye of the beholder." </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Back to what you were saying earlier about this special announcement. You're not gonna clue me in at all as to what it is?" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Russo:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Nope! Can't do it! I was sworn to secrecy by the owner of the company to wait until the anouncement is made to let you know every single detail." </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "We've got a show to get to. But I just want to say that I don't trust you at all. You've got something up your sleeve, Russo. I know you well enough that you're plotting something. I don't know what it is. But there's something amiss here." </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Russo:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I know we've had our differences. But I swear to you this whole thing is on the level! I mean, after all, the owner of the company knows about it. So how could it be some sort of 'plot', as you call it?" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Looks like we'll all just have to wait and see what this is about, then." </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Russo:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "That's right! Man, it's gonna be big news for you, Bill! I'm excited about it and I think you will be, too, when you hear it!" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Well, these fans wanna see wrestling! Let's move along! Tonight, we have the first round of the UWL World TV Title Tournament! We've each picked two matches for the tournament! The two matches I've selected for the tournament are: Arn Anderson vs. former President's Champion Diamond Dallas Page...and...Rip Oliver vs. former President's Champion The Great Christopho!" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Crowd cheered the match-ups. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Russo:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "My two matches for the first round of the TV Title Tournament are...man...I'm so excited about the major announcement I have for you later tonight that I forgot my match-ups!" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "C'mon, Vince! Think!" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Russo:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "They are...oh yeah! The current President's Champion Wahoo McDaniel will wrestler the man he beat for the President's Championship last week...Harley Race! And, Scott Hall of The Firm will square off with Hugh Morrus! How about that?!" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Crowd cheered the match-ups. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Fans! This is gonna be one helluva tournament for the TV Title! You watching on televison stay tuned! Because the road to the TV Title begins in just a few minutes! Let's hook 'em up!" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Russo:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "And don't forget to stay tuned for the big announcement I have for my fellow Co-President Bill Watts later tonight!")</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Annoucers welcomed viewers and wondered what Russo's 'special announcement' was for Watts later in the program. On the program tonight: TV Title Tourney - Rd. 1: Arn vs. DDP; TGC vs. Oliver; Wahoo vs. Harley; Hall vs. Hugh; UWL Women's WC Tina Ferrari sees action (and a look back at Madusa's suprise attack on her last week); an i'view w/ Bruiser Brody; an i'view w/ Lex Luger; a look back at Patera being kicked out of The Firm last week; the second UWL 'Heatwave' PPV Update and more. Said the first match of the TV Title Tournament was next.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 1 (TV Title Tourney - Rd. 1)</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Arn Anderson vs. DDP</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers pointed out that some wrestlers were placed in the tourney because they are former UWL title holders. Arn came out to a strong ovation. DDP came out to boos. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Even battle with the momentum going back and forth. At the end of the match, Arn was on the offensive and whipped DDP into the ropes and looked to catch DDP coming off with his lefty KO punch but DDP ducked the move and came back and stunned Arn with a flying lariat. Arn crashed to the mat. Arn started getting to his feet when DDP moved in and stunned Arn with a jumping DDT. DDP jumped up and made the Diamond sign signaling it was time for the Diamond Cutter. DDP grabbed Arn and got him in positon for the Diamond Cutter but Arn shoved DDP off. DDP spun around and Arn blasted DDP with his lefty KO punch. DDP went down. Arn was hurting but snapped DDP up, whipped DDP into the ropes and caught DDP coming off with a spinning spinebuster. Crowd popped. Arn slow to make the cover. 1...2...2-1/2... DDP kicked out. Crowd groaned. Arn picked DDP up and went to gourdbust DDP but DDP twice blocked the move but Arn instead stunned DDP with a DDT out of nowhere. Arn covered DDP and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the crowd cheered. WINNER: Arn - Pinfall - DDT - 7:17)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers discussed Arn beating DDP to advance in the 'Watts Bracket' of the UWL TV Title Tournament. Hyped still to come: Remaining three first round matches of the TV Title Tourney; an i'view w/ Luger; an i'view w/ Brody; Russo's announcement for Watts; Women's WC Ferrari sees action; and more. Said the second match in the first round of TV Title Tourney was coming up.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Video aired for the next UWL PPV: 'Vagisil Presents: Heatwave' - Sunday - Aug. 5 - Glendale, AZ - Jobingdotcom Arena - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Video aired from last week of Tully coming off the top rope and smashing Crusher in the face with a chair and the Tully i'view where Crusher, now wearing a mask, attacked Tully and the two engaged in a brief pull-apart brawl.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Tully Blanchard. Tully was alone and booed. He was in street clothes. Nelson asked about the situation with Crusher. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Tully:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Hahaha! Man, I laugh every time I think about smashing that chair into Crusher's face! It was a thing a of beauty! And then, haha, Crusher came out later on wearing a mask to cover up the damage I did to his face! I really messed him up good! I made him uglier than he already was! Crusher! That's what you get for costing me a $50,000 dollar pay-off! I had the mask almost completely ripped off The Great Christopho at 'Thundertsruck' and you had to go and ruin it! I already had that $50 grand spent in my mind! But The Great Christopho still has his mask and now you're wearing one as well! And I've got news for you! I'm not done with The Crusher! I intend to inflict more damage on him for costing me that money! Crusher, you did one of the worst things a man could do to another man! You messed with my money! And because of that you're gonna pay and pay and pay! I've screwed up your face! You've lost your woman to me! And you lost your looks...though they weren't much to look at in the first place!" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Nelson asked about the situation with Holly Madison. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Tully:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "She's here tonight! But I'm not letting her be on-camera because her behavior the last couple of times she's been out here has been problematic!" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Nelson asked if it was about the cell phone issue where Holly noticed other women's numbers on Tully's phone. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Tully:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "That's a completely private matter, Larry! But she's chosen to make it a public issue! It's no one's damn business, and that includes Holly, whose numbers are listed on my phone! I may be a public figure, but I also deserve some privacy! Holly violated my right to privacy when she dragged this matter out in the open for everyone to see! One thing Holly still needs to learn is that if she's gonna be Tully Blanchard's woman...then she needs to have more respect for my privacy! She's also..." </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Tully patted the right front pocket on the jacket of his blazer. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Tully:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Wait a minute! What the hell! Where's my cell phone?!" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Tully checked his other pockets and got a pissed look on his face. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Tully:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I gotta go!" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Tully walked out of the interview area as Nelson sent it back to ringside.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 2 (TV Title Tourney - Rd. 1)</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

The Great Christopho vs. Rip Oliver</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Oliver was strongly booed coming out. TGC got a loud ovation coming to the ring. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

TGC took the majority of the match and nailed Rip with some eye-popping moves but couldn't put Rip away. At the end of the match, TGC was on the offensive. TGC whipped Rip into the ropes and caught Rip coming off with a side slam. Rip laid out. TGC then bodyslammed Rip into position for a turnbuckle move. TGC went to nail Rip with a split-legged moonsault but Rip got his knees up and TGC crashed into them. TGC crashed to the mat holding his gut. Rip made it to his feet and stood at the ready as TGC got to his feet. WHAM! Rip nailed TGC with a superkick and covered TGC and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell and raised Rip's hand in victory. WINNER: Oliver - Pinfall - Superkick - 5:49)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers discussed Oliver winning the second match of the 'Watts Bracket' in RD. 1 of the TV Title Tourney. Said it will be Arn vs. Rip in the semis next week. Hyped still to come: Two matches in the first round of the TV Title Tourney; an i'view w/ Lex Luger; Russo's announcement for Watts; a look back at last week when Patera was ousted from The Firm; the second 'HW' PPV Update; and more. Said UWL Women's WC Ferrari sees action next.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>TIM HORTON'S PRESENTS: THE UWL 'CANADIAN CRUNCH' TOUR! Wed. - July 18 - Edmonton, AB - Clare Drake Arena; Thu. - July 19 - Regina, SSK - Brandt Centre; Fri. - Jul. 20 - Winnipeg, MB - MTS Centre; Sat. - Jul. 21 - Toronto, ONT - Ricoh Coliseum; Sun. - Jul. 22 - Montreal, QUE - Concordia Stadium (Outdoor Show).</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Thu. - Aug. 16 - Syracuse, NY - War Memorial Arena @ The OnCenter; Fri. - Aug. 17 - Albany, NY - Washington Ave. Armory Arena; Sat. - Aug. 18 - Uniondale, LI - Nassau Coliseum. More info, visit: uwlslam.com!)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Video aired from last week of Madusa unleashing a suprise assault on Tina that sent the Women's Champ scurrying from the ring.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(In-ring: Lee Marshall intro'd Madusa. Madusa came out to a nice ovation. She slapped hands with fans on the way to joining Stack and Pedicino at the announce table as a guest commentator. Stack and Pedicino welcomed Madusa to the UWL and briefly talked with her about her suprise debut last week. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Madusa: </strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;">"I'm here for one reason, guys. And that's to be the first woman to beat Tina Ferrari and take that Women's World Championship while I'm at it.")</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 3 (Non-Title)</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Tina Ferrari © vs. Lelani Kai</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Tina came out to mainly boos. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Ferrari destroyed Kai in less than a minute and forced Kai to submit to the recliner. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

After the match, Ferrari went over by the ropes and demanded the r.a. mic from Lee Marshall. Tina got the mic. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Tina:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Well, Madusa. You really suprised me last week. Caught me off-guard. But, this week I know you're here. So the suprise factor is gone. With the element of suprise now out of the picture, you know what? I don't think you can beat me. Check that. I know you can't beat me! So, why don't you step into this ring right now and I'll prove to everyone that you can't beat me! How about it, Madusa?! C'mon, girl! Let's see how good you really are without sneak attacking the greatest woman wrestler of the modern era!" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Crowd buzzing. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Madusa:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Excuse me, gents! But I've got something to prove!" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Madusa, in street clothes, took off her headset and made her way to the ring. Announcers pointed out that this is not a sanctioned match. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

As Madusa stepped through the ropes, Tina came over and started pounding on Madusa. Tina then whipped Madusa into the ropes and caught Madusa coming off with a dropkick. As Madusa started getting to her feet, Tina stunned her with an axe kick. Madusa went back down. Tina for the cover. 1...2... Madusa kicked out. Tina pulled Madusa up by the hair and slammed Madusa's head into the top buckle three times. Madusa spun around and Tina whipped Madusa into the opposite buckles. Tina charged at Madusa but Madusa came out of the corner and leapfrogged Tina. Tina spun around and Madusa nailed her with a spin kick to the gut. Tina stumbled back holding her stomach. Madusa whipped Tina into the ropes and caught Tina coming off with a backdrop. As Tina started getting up, Madusa moved in and stunned Tina with a Russian legsweep and went for the cover. 1...2... Tina kicked out. Madusa went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle. Tina got to her feet and Madusa went to hit her with a flying bodypress but Tina moved and Madusa crashed to the mat. Tina put the boots to Madusa and then pulled Madusa up and nailed her with a suplex. Madusa rolled over on her side. Tina drove a knee twice into Madusa's back and then turned Madusa over and tried to lock Madusa into the recliner. Crowd buzzing. Just as Tina started locking in the recliner, Madusa fought to make it to her feet with Tina on her back. Madusa stunned Tina by falling backwards on top of Tina. Tina took the full brunt of the move. Crowd cheered. Madusa rolled off of Tina. Madusa snapped Tina up and snap suplexed the champ. Madusa then repeated the move. Madusa got to her feet as Tina slowly made her way to her feet. Madusa moved in and grabbed Tina from behind. Madusa nailed Tina with a bridging German suplex near the ropes. Madusa for the pin try. 1...2...2-1/2... Tina got her hand on the bottom rope to force a break in the pin attempt. Crowd groaned. Tina rolled out of the ring and dropped to her feet on the floor. Wincing in pain as she held the back of her neck, Tina stumbled over to the timekeeper's table and grabbed the title off of it. Tina, still holding her neck, walked hastily back up the aisle and disappeared off-stage as Madusa looked on from the ring. Madusa wanted Tina to come back but Tina was long gone. Madusa briefly played to the cheering crowd before leaving the ring and heading to the back. WINNER: Ferrari (over Kai) - Submission - Recliner - :52 / No decision rendered in the non-sanctioned, non-title Ferrari-Madusa affair.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers talked about Madusa taking champ Ferrari to the limit in their impromptu affair. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Stack:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Joe! I've seen other women wrestlers give Tina Ferrari a run for her money! But I have never seen anyone push her to the brink like Madusa just did! I think Tina may have just met her Waterloo! And that Waterloo's name is Madusa!" Hyped still to come: Two remaining first round matches of the UWL TV Title Tourney; an i'view w/ Lex Luger; Russo's announcement for Watts; the second 'HW' PPV Update; and more. Said a look back at last week's incident where The Firm violently ousted Ken Patera was up next.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers intro'd video highlights from last week of Ken Patera being purged from The Firm for failing to regain the IWA WT in a re-match with Dave Batista and all three remaining Firm members laying out Patera with their finishers. Video aired.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(In-ring: Kevin Nash was in the ring unannounced. He had a mic. He was in his ring attire. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Nash:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Two things! One, Ken Patera! How does your neck feel this week?! I bet it still hurts pretty damn bad! You failed in your mission to regain the IWA World Title from Batista and failure was not an option in this case! The Director was steadfast in his decision! Either you win the title back...or you're out of The Firm! Some mistakes can be tolerated! But your mistake, Kenny, was intolerable! And everyone knows you're going to come back! The only question is when?! And I wanted to give you another personal message from The Director, Ken! When you come back, if you leave The Firm alone, we won't bother you! What happened last week was just business! And you've been in wrestling long enough to know that everything that happens in wrestling is business! And some of that business is a little rougher than other business! Patera, just mind your own affairs and you will feel no further pain from The Firm! Second thing I've got to say! Hulk Ho... What the hell?!" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Crowd popped as Patera, in street clothes and wearing a neck brace, came walking out on the entrance stage. Patera started walking down the aisle to the ring but he wouldn't get far as Hall and Rude came out and attacked Patera from behind in the aisle. Hall and Rude pummeled Patera with punches and forearms and threw Patera into the ringside barricade. Patera crumpled to the floor. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Nash:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "That's it, boys! Let the failure have it!" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Hall and Rude put the boots to Patera. It wasn't long before security came out and were able to separate Rude and Hall from Patera. Hall and Rude had words with security and were taunting security as well. Crowd buzzing. Patera was still laid out as security was able to hustle Hall and Rude to the back as some of the security crew checked on Patera. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Nash:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Patera! I didn't even know you were here! You've done it now! How stupid can you be?!" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Security helped the hurting Patera to his feet. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Nash:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I just said if you didn't bother The Firm then we wouldn't bother you! You've crossed the line! And now you will feel the wrath of The Firm in the future!" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Security helped Patera to the back. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Nash:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "You think you're hurting now, buddy! I have a feeling you're gonna be hurting a lot more from now on! The second thing I had to say, before I was so rudely interrupted, was about Hulk Hogan! Hogan! The fans know our past! They remember when we ran together in the NWO along with Scott Hall! But those days are over! I know you're facing Bruiser Brody at 'Heatwave'! But I want a shot at you as well! Hogan! I know you're watching this! How about next week here on 'Slam!, it's Hulk Hogan vs. Kevin Nash!" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Crowd cheered. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Nash:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Come on, Hulk! You owe me this match! I am the guy who willingly laid down for you one night so you could regain the WCW World Title! There will be no laying down this time, dude! I want to beat you heading into 'Heatwave'!" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Co-Pres. Russo came out on the entrance stage unnanounced. He had two bodyguards with him. Russo was booed. He had a mic. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Russo:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Kevin Nash! You wanna match with Hulk Hogan next week?! Consider it official! Hulk Hogan vs. Kevin Nash next week here on 'Slam!'' </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Nash:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I can't wait for the day, President Russo, that you are the only President of the UWL again! That man is a genius and he knows the match-ups fans really want to see! Hogan! I'll see you next week...BROTHER!")</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers discussed Patera being laid out again by Firm members and Russo making Nash vs. Hogan for next week. Hyped still to come: TV Title Tourney matches; an i'view w/ Brody; an i'view w/ Luger; Russo's ann. for Watts; and another 'HW' PPV Update. Said the next match in the TV Title Tourney is coming up!)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed PC Wahoo. Wahoo had the title around his waist. Nelson congratulated Wahoo on winning the PC and asked about facing Race again tonight in the TV Title Tourney. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Wahoo:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Larry, it's great to be a champion again! Harley Race is one tough guy! And I had to give it everything I had to win this title from him last week! Tonight's match will be no different! I expect another grueling fight with Harley! He's the..." </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Race then walked into the i'view area. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Race:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Wahoo! Do you see this waist! (Pointed at his own waist.) It's a championship waist! Until last week, I had the President's Championship around my waist! I'm not happy about losing the title! And I aim to get that title back! Tonight, Wahoo, you're gonna be my first step on the road to winning the TV Title! Soon, I expect to be the President's Champion and the World TV Champion! And you're right when you say you're in for another grueling fight with me! Only this time I'm gonna be the victor!" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Wahoo:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "We'll see about that in the ring, Harley!" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Race:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "We'll see about it in the ring, alright! Prepare to lose tonight and prepare to lose the President's Championship back to me...soon!" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Race walked out of the i'view area as Wahoo looked on.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 4 (TV Title Tourney - Rd. 1)</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Wahoo McDaniel © vs. Harley Race (w/ JJ)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Race came to the ring with JJ. Announcers pointed out that Holly wasn't with them. Race was booed. Wahoo came out to a strong ovation and slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

In a short battle, Race and Wahoo brought the fight to each other. The match was mainly stiff punches, chops and headbutts. JJ never interfered in the match. At the end of the match, Race was on the offensive. Race whipped Wahoo into the ropes and looked to catch Wahoo coming off with a clothesline but Wahoo ducked the move and came back and caught Harley with a flying bodypress. The impact of the move sent Harley staggering back and he and Wahoo went over the top rope and landed on the floor. Both men made it to their feet and engaged in an exchange. Harley was hitting Wahoo with punches and Wahoo returned fire with chops. Wahoo got the upper hand and started blasting away with chops that sent Race staggering backwards. Ref counted 10 and called for the bell. Wahoo came in with more chops that sent Harley staggering back into the aisle. JJ grabbed Wahoo from behind and Wahoo broke free and spun around and blasted JJ with a series of chops that had the fans cheering. Race came up behind Wahoo and nailed him with a double sledge to the back. Wahoo spun around and was nailed by more Race punches. Wahoo staggered up the ramp onto the entrance stage where Race continued the assault with JJ, grabbing at his chest feeling the pain from the chops, watching from the ramp. Wahoo blocked a Race punch attempt and fired back with more chops on Race. Race staggered off. Wahoo grabbed Race but Race broke free of Wahoo's grasp and made it to the back with Wahoo giving chase and JJ follwing behind the warring pair. DECISION: Double Countout - 3:26)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers discussed the Double CO between Race and Wahoo in the 'Russo Bracket' of the TV Title Tourney. As they discussed the outcome of the match, Pedicino said he'd just gotten word in his headset that the winner of match between Hall and Morrus later tonight in the final first round match of the TV Title Tourney will go directly to the final of the tournament at 'Heatwave'. Hyped still to come: Hall vs. Morrus (TV Title Tourney - Rd. 1); an i'view w/ Luger; Russo's ann. for Watts; another 'HW' PPV Update. Said an i'view with Bruiser Brody is next.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Video aired chronicling the Brody-Hogan situation.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed Brody. Brody came out to a mixed crowd reaction that was basically 50-50. Brody was in street clothes. Marshall asked Brody about facing Hogan at 'HW' in 19 days in what's being billed as the 'Match of a Lifetime'. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Brody:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "It looks like some of these fans who used to cheer me are now booing me because I've picked on their hero." </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Mixed crowd reaction. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Brody:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Hulk Hogan's not here tonight. He's probably putting the finishing touches on a new Hulk Hogan cartoon or something. I respect Hulk Hogan the man. I respect most of what he's done for our sport. But there are times that Hulk Hogan is just too damned cartoonish!" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

More mixed crowd reaction. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Brody:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "You see, Hulk Hogan is this multi-media superstar. And part of being that big crossover star is acting like he's not a real wrestler. He behaves like he just walked off the pages of a Marvel comic or something. That Hogan I don't like at all. Me, I'm just a wrestler. I'm proud as hell at what I've accomplished in this business over the years. My record speaks for itself. With Bruiser Brody, what you see is what you get. No part of me is media-generated hype. I am the real deal. I will never allow myself to become some animated character or human action figure. If some promoter told me to act that way...that promoter would be eating dinner through a straw for a long time. I'm not gonna deny that Hulk Hogan's a legend. But part of the Hogan legend is wrapped up in this media-hyped creation known as 'Hulkamania'. Hulk Hogan's persona is largely a marketing gimmick. I became a legend by fighting any wrestler any time and anywhere. I've spilled blood all over this planet. And I've spilled the blood of other wrestlers all over this planet. Hulk Hogan has proven that he can match-up with the best our sport has to offer. His record speaks for itself. But Hogan has sometimes let his in-ring success take a backseat to the Hogan hype. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

"Who's gonna show up at 'Heatwave'? Will it be Hulk Hogan the legendary wrestling star? Or will it be Hulk Hogan the media hype machine? Will it be the Hulk Hogan who has fought through adversity in the ring and emerged with one of the greatest win-loss records in professional wrestling? Or will it be the Hulk Hogan who is defined by the sales of toys, t-shirts and coffee mugs with his name and likeness on them; his cheesy movies and cartoons and his pre- and post-match t-shirt shredding and posing routine? We'll find out at 'Heatwave'. I know I want Hogan the wrestler in that ring on August 5th. I want the guy who, like me, has fought and beaten the best. The guy who has spilled his blood and the blood of his opponents all over the world like me. I want the Hogan who is full of fight and, like me, can take a pounding in a match and rebound from that punishment and come back and win the match. I want Hogan at his wrestling best at 'Heatwave'. No distractions. No worries about signing the next big toy deal. Hogan needs to put all of that on the backburner when we finally meet at 'Heatwave'. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

"You people know you'll get my best that night. And Hogan needs to be at the top of his game to make this the 'Match of a Lifetime'. The fans want to remember a great wrestling match! At 'Heatwave', they don't wanna think about Hulk Hogan ice cream bars or 'Hulkamania' t-shirts or anything like that! They simply want a legendary match between two legends! I'm ready, Hogan! I hope you are, too! And one more thing before I go. I know Hogan's wrestling Kevin Nash next week. Nash can inflict a lot of damage. Kevin Nash, let me tell you this right now. You had better make sure that your running mates Scott Hall and Rick Rude don't get involved in that match. Because I'm gonna do everything in my power to make sure that Hulk Hogan arrives at 'Heatwave' 100% healthy!" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

More cheers than boos for Brody as the segment ended.) </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers discussed Brody's interview. Talked about how Brody challenged Hogan to be the wrestler Hogan instead of the multi-media created star Hogan in their match at 'HW'. Said Hogan returns next week and will be wrestling Nash on the program. Said they also expect a response from Hogan to Brody's comments. Hyped still to come: Hall vs. Morrus - Rd. 1 TV Title Tourney match; Russo's ann. for Watts; an i'view w/ Luger. Said the 'HW' PPV Update is coming up!)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Scott Hall. Hall was alone. Nelson asked about the match-up tonight with Morrus. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Hall: </strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;">"Man, I've got a clear path all the way to the TV Title Tournament final at 'Heatwave' if I beat Hugh Morrus tonight. Wait...when I beat Hugh Morrus. Hugh has said all this stuff about how he's 'found his voice' since he split with Rip Oliver. Well, at least tonight, Hugh's voice is gonna be silenced. I want that TV Title. The Director wants the TV Title. And every member of The Firm wants that TV Title firmly in our possession. And after the TV Title becomes the property of The Firm, you can expect it to remain in our hands for a long, long time." </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Nelson asked about attacking Patera earlier tonight. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Hall</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;">: "Look. As Big Kev said, if Patera would have just minded his own affairs and never crossed The Firm again we wouldn't have beat him up. Kicking Patera out of The Firm last week had to happen because of his failure to regain the IWA World Title. And we had to be brutal with him last week to show we were serious about him no longer being a member of the group. Now, Patera is trying to pick a fight with us. Bad idea! Patera has no friends now in the UWL. He was a member of the most elite faction in all of wrestling, blew it, and now he's gone. It's like Ken Patera's a man without a country now. Who's gonna help him? He's got nobody. It's Ken Patera vs. The Firm and I really don't like Ken's odds for survival in this war. Love to stay and chat, Lar, but I gotta go beat Hugh Morrus and move one giant step closer to becoming the first TV Title holder in UWL history.") </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

('HEATWAVE' PPV UPDATE!</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Announcers ran down the card as it currently stands:</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

MATCH OF A LIFETIME: Hulk Hogan vs. Bruiser Brody</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

UWL WORLD TITLE MATCH (2/3 Falls/All UWL wrestlers and managers barred from ringside): Greg Valentine © vs. Lex Luger</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

TV TITLE TOURNAMENT FINAL: TBD</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

'Vagisil Presents: Heatwave' - Sunday - Aug. 5 - Glendale, AZ - Jobingdotcom Arena - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers said an i'view w/ Luger was next!)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed Luger. Luger came out to a strong ovation and slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring. He was in street clothes. Marshall asked Luger to view this video from last week of Valentine. Video aired on the JumboTron of Valentine stating that if Luger catches him in the rack in their title match at 'Heatwave', Valentine will counter the move and escape it. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Lex:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Lee, Greg Valentine believes he has a counter to the rack if I catch him in it in our World Title match at 'Heatwave'. In all my years of using the rack as my finisher, I have never had one man escape from it if I've got it completely locked in. The only way to escape from the hold is if you can wriggle your way out of it before I've fully clamped it on. I guess at 'Heatwave' we'll see if the World Champion has developed some sort of counter to escape the rack. I know of not one wrestler out there who has ever been able to successfully come up with some kind of counter to get out of the rack. We'll have to see." </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Valentine and Hart came to the ring. They were booed. Valentine had the title slung over his shoulder. Both he and Hart were wearing suits. Greg had a mic. They got in the ring. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Greg:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Luger! I get the feeling that you don't believe that I can counter your torture rack finisher and escape from your grasp." </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Lex:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I don't know. But I doubt it." </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Greg</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;">: "Well, how about this! Right now, I'll let you put me in the rack and prove to you that I can escape from it when you've got it completely locked down on me!" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Lex: </strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;">"You want me to put you in the rack right now and you're gonna show me you can escape from it." </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Greg:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "That's right. You game or not, Luger?" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Lex:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I'm game. But only if he leaves the ring." </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Luger pointed at Hart. Greg then briefly talked with Gary off-mic and then Greg took off his blazer and shirt and handed them and the title to Hart and Hart left the ring and went to the floor. Crowd buzzing. Luger was cautious as Greg signaled for Luger to place him in the rack. Lex moved in cautiously and grabbed Greg and hoisted him up in the rack. Luger locked in the hold. Hart looking on from the floor. Greg struggled but couldn't escape the hold. Crowd roaring for Luger. Greg still locked in. Billy Graham, in street clothes, came charging to the ring. Luger didn't see Graham as Graham slid into the ring behind Luger came up and nailed Luger in the lower back with a double sledge. Graham then left the ring and headed back up the aisle. Luger dropped Greg and went down to his knees and was grabbing at his lower back. Greg down and in pain. As Luger got to his feet, Greg recovered enough and came up behind Luger and dropped down and drove a shoulder into the back of Luger's left knee area. Luger crumpled to the mat. Greg put the dress shoes to Luger. Greg dragged Lex over by the ring post, got out of the ring and pulled Luger's legs out around the post. Greg slammed Luger's left knee into the post three times. Luger scooted towards the center of the ring as Greg got back in. Greg stomped Luger's knee a few more times and then locked Luger in the figure four. Luger was in great pain but wasn't in the hold for long before Wahoo and Arn hit the ring. Greg saw them and released Luger from the hold and bailed from the ring before Wahoo and Arn could get their hands on him. Valentine went over and met Hart on the floor. Greg looked back as Wahoo and Arn checked Luger, who was sitting up but grabbing at his left knee. Hart signaled for Greg to head to the back. As Hart and Valentine made it to the entrance stage, Greg arrogantly took the title from Hart and hoisted it above his head with both hands as the crowd booed. Just then, bagpipe music blared out of the p.a. system. Crowd cheered. Mics picked up Greg. </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Greg:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Piper's not here! And he's never coming back!" Hart and Greg headed towards the back. In the ring, Luger, with help from Arn and Wahoo, made it to his feet. Lex walked on his own but was wincing. Arn and Wahoo wanted to help him to the back but Luger waved them off. Luger painfully left the ring and, on his own, limped to the back with Arn and Wahoo as support just in case he went down.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers talked about the Greg-Luger confrontation and Graham coming out and attacking Luger and fleeing the scene.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers then intro'd video from last week of Valentine being i'viewed in the ring and some guy coming to the ring dressed as Piper and wearing a Piper mask and spraying the champ with Silly String and Greg becoming livid about it. Video aired.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Hugh Morrus. Asked about tonight's TV Title Tourney match with Scott Hall. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Hugh:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "You know, Scott Hall comes out here earlier and says he's gonna silence my voice tonight. Well, Scott Hall, I've got some news for you! It may just be your loud mouth that's silenced after I beat you and advance in the TV Title Tournament! Titles are what everybody fights for in this sport! I was a World Tag Team Champion for eight months with a man who shall remain nameless! I've got a lot to prove in this tournament! Just like the other seven wrestlers in this tournament, I want become the TV Champion! This is huge for me! To win the TV Title would be a big step towards proving to everyone that I am someone to take seriously not only as a tag team wrestler, but as a single's wrestler as well! Don't count your victories before they're won, Scott! Because you're facing a man on a mission! And this match between us is the first step in proving that I can run with the big boys on my own!")</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 5 (TV Title Tourney - Rd. 1)</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">

</span></span><span style="font-size:12px;">Scott Hall vs. Hugh Morrus</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Morrus came to the ring first to a decent ovation. Hall came out to a mixed reaction. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Hugh gave Hall a battle. At the end of the match, Hugh had just gained the advantage. Hugh went to whip Hall into the ropes but Hall reversed and sent Hugh into the ropes and looked to catch Hugh coming off with a clothesline but Hugh ducked the move and came back and blasted Hall with a flying headbutt to the chest. Hall fell back and crashed into the ref. Ref crashed to the mat. Hall down also. Hugh picked Hall up and bodyslammed him into position for a turnbuckle move. Hugh mounted the top buckle and came off and nailed Hall with a moonsault. Hugh covered Hall. Crowd buzzing. A frustrated Hugh got up and went over to check on the downed ref. As Hugh checked on the ref, Rude came charging down the aisle and slid into the ring behind Hugh. Rude nailed Hugh with a Rude Awakening. Many in the crowd popped. Hugh laid out. Rude fled the scene. Hall made it to his feet. Ref now recovering. Hall pulled Hugh up, whipped Hugh into he ropes and caught Hugh coming off with the Hallinator. Hall covered Hugh. Ref made his way over and counted. 1.....2.....3! Groggy ref called for the bell. Mixed crowd reaction for the Hall win. Hall left the ring without having his hand raised in victory. WINNER: Hall - Pinfall - Hallinator - 6:40)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers said that with the victory in the 'Russo Bracket', Hall automatically advances to the TV Title Tourney final because of the double countout between Wahoo and Race.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers said Russo's special ann. for Watts was still to come.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers said that ealier tonight, a UWL cameraman came upon a room where the door was ajar in the backstage area and secretly filmed Tully confronting Holly about his missing cell phone. This is the footage.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(VIDEO: Cameraman was walking backstage with his camera on and heard voices coming from a room. Cameraman slowed down as he got closer to the door. Door was partly open and camera caught Tully talking to Holly. Conversation was picked up in progress. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Tully: </strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;">"Why did you take my phone, Holly?" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Holly:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "You know why I took it. These women are not just friends of yours, Tully. Are you sleeping with these women?" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Tully:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Holly..." </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Holly</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;">: "Are you sleeping with any of these women whose numbers are on your phone?!" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Tully:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Shut up, would ya. Why are you making such a federal case out of this?" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Holly:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Tully, you haven't answered the question." </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Tully:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "They're friends and that's it." </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Holly:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I don't believe you." </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Tully:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "You don't believe me? Why would I lie to you?" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Holly:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I don't know; maybe because you're a man in a business where lots of women throw themselves at you." </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Tully</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;">: "Holly, you posed naked in Playboy. You're the last person who should be judging someone else's morals." </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Holly:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I may have posed nude, but I've been totally faithful to you since we became an item. So, are you screwing any of these women or not?" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Tully grabbed Holly by the shoulders and started shaking her. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Tully (through gritted teeth): </strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;">"This line of questioning is terminated right now. Understood?" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Tully stopped shaking Holly and then shook her again as Holly looked freaked out. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Tully (through gritted teeth): </strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;">"Understood?" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Holly (scared): </strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;">"Ye...yes." </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Tully:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "No more questions about this matter. None." </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Tully glanced over and saw a camera peering through the opening in the door. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Tully:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Is this being filmed?!" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Tully moved towards the cameraman. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Tully:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Get the (bleep) out of here!" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>C'man:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "OK! OK!" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Tully shoved the cameraman out of the doorway and slammed the door behind him as the camera faded to black.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers discussed the confrontation between Tully and Holly. Pedicino said Tully's behavior was 'disturbing'. Hyped for next week on 'Slam!': Hogan vs. Nash; Semi-Final Match of the UWL TV Title Tourney: Arn vs. Rip; and Co-Pres. Bill Watts has made a match for next week: Non-Title Match: Anderson Bros. © vs. MT's. Said Russo's special ann. for Co-Prez Watts is next.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(In-ring: 'Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system and Co-Prez Bill Watts came walking to the ring with mic in hand. Fair ovation. Watts paid no attention to the fans as he came to the ring. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts: </strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;">"Cut the music!" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Watts' music stopped playing. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Watts</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;">: "A few minutes ago, I was finally able to contact UWL owner KD Smith! During our phone conversation, he told me that he had discussed nothing with Co-President Russo about some special announcement concerning me! Russo! I don't know what the hell this is about! But get your ass out here right now!" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

After a brief pause, Russo's six bodyguards came out and made their way to the ring...without Russo. Crowd buzzing. Watts looked on as the bodyguards surrounded the ring on the floor. As Watts looked around, all six bodyguards got on the apron. There was no escape for Watts. The six bodyguards then got in the ring and closed in on Watts. Watts was encircled. After a brief staredown, Watts turned to try and walk through the bodyguard wall but was stopped. Watts slugged one of the bodyguards and then all six bodyguards jumped in and started beating the hell out of Watts. Watts went down and the group put the boots to him. With Watts down and the bodyguards now standing over his laid out carcass, Russo came out. Crowd booed loudly. Russo made his way to the ring and was carrying a black bag. Russo got in the ring. Russo ordered two of his bodyguards to hold Watts up. Two bodyguards peeled Watts off the canvas. Russo ordered another bodyguard to work Watts over a little. The bodyguard obliged by nailed Watts with head and gut punches. Watts staggered but still being held by the bodyguards. Russo then reached in his black bag and unveiled a small shovel. Crowd buzzing. Russo walked around with the shovel for a moment and then went for the kill. Russo reared back and smashed Watts over the head with the shovel. The two bodyguards let Watts go and Watts helplessly crashed face down on the mat. Crowd stunned. Russo went over by the ropes and demanded the r.a. mic from Marshall. Marshall handed the mic to Russo as Russo ordered two bodyguards to pull Watts up. Bodyguards pulled Watts up to his knees. Watts was bleeding heavily from the shovel shot. Russo looked angrily at Watts and then got in Watts' face. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Russo:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Bill Watts! Dammit! I'm tired of waiting! As of this moment, I am declaring myself once again the sole President of UWL! You're done! You got me?! Don't ever come back here! Because if you come back, I will guarantee you that that shovel to the head will seem like the good ol' days! The UWL Presidency is mine!" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Russo then spat in Watts' face. And the two bodyguards let go of Watts and Watts fell back face down on the mat. Regular UWL security and EMT's came to the ring as the crowd booed vociferously as Russo and looked out at the crowd with a sinister look on his face as the program went off the air.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

END PROGRAM</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Dark Match</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Bruiser Brody vs. Kevin Nash</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(WINNER: Brody - Pinfall - F-5 - 7:39 - * After the match, Brody also laid out Hall and Rude with F-5's as well.)</span></p>

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The 7-17 edition of UWL 'Slam!' Wrestling drew a solid 2.1 rating.


The show was built around the first round of the TV Title tournament to crown the first-ever TV Champion and Co-President Vince Russo pulling a violent power-play on Co-President Bill Watts to regain sole control of the UWL Presidency.


The 7-10 'Slam!' drew a 2.2 rating.

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Just 12 days from the Heatwave PPV!


What will the fallout be from Co-President Vince Russo's violent power-play assault on Co-President Bill Watts in an effort to once again become the sole President of the company?




- Hulk Hogan is back and wrestles former NWO running mate Kevin Nash


- The Semi-Final match of the TV Title Tournament: Arn Anderson vs. Rip Oliver

(The winner faces Scott Hall in the final of the tournament at the Heatwave PPV)


And more!


Ep. 79 of 'Slam!' will be posted Monday or Tuesday in the 'Universal Wrestling League' thread!

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July 16 - Vancouver, BC - Thunderbird Sports Centre - Att: 4,819


July 17 - Calgary, AB - Jack Simpson Gymnasium @ Univ. of Calgary - Att: 2,305


July 18 - Edmonton, AB - Clare Drake Arena - Att: 2,071


July 19 - Regina, SSK - The Brandt Centre - Att: 3,511


July 20 - Winnipeg, MB - MTS Centre - Att: 4,269


July 21 - Toronto, ONT - Ricoh Coliseum - Att: 5,394


July 22 - Montreal, QUE - Concordia Stadium (Outdoor Show) - Att: 3,817


Results (Same in each town):


Arn Anderson © & Hugh Morrus def. Greg Valentine © & Rip Oliver (w/ Hart) via pinfall when Arn pinned Greg with the Gourdbuster


Lex Luger def. Billy Graham via pinfall with the Forearm Smash to the Head


INDIAN STRAP MATCH: Wahoo McDaniel def. Father Dutch when Wahoo touched all four corners in succession (Both men bled each night)


Hall, Nash & Rude def. Ken Patera & The Killer Bees via pinfall when Nash pinned Blair with the Powerbomb


UWL WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES: Gene & Ole Anderson © (w/ Lars) def. Mighty Texans via submission when Ole forced Sam to submit to the Cross Armbreaker after interference from Lars gave Ole the advantage


$50,000.00 BOUNTY MATCH FOR GREAT CHRISTOPHO'S MASK: Great Christopho def. Harley Race (w/ JJ) via pinfall with the Reverse STO (Race failed to unmask TGC every night)


'Canadian Wrestling Legend' Jacques Rougeau def. Tully Blanchard (w/ JJ) via pinfall with the Thesz Press from the top rope


The Crusher def. DDP via pinfall with the Inverted Piledriver


UWL WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE: Tina Ferrari © def. Luna via submission with the Recliner

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(Show Intro)


(Video aired from last week of Russo, with the help of his bodyguards, attacking Co-Prez Watts in the ring and Russo smashing Watts over the head with a small shovel and bloodying and spitting on Watts and Russo telling Watts that he's the only President of the UWL now.)


(In-ring: Marshall intro'd UWL owner KD Smith. Smith came to the ring with UWL official Wally Karbo and some police officers. Smith and Karbo were in suits. Smith and Karbo got in the ring with a couple of the cops while other cops took their places on the floor. Smith shook hands with r.a. Lee Marshall and took the mic from him. Marshall left the ring.


Smith: "I really never wanted to have to appear on TV again if I could help it. But, after what happened last week between Co-Presidents Vince Russo and Bill Watts I had no choice. You all just witnessed a replay of footage from Co-President Russo attacking Co-President Watts last week. Right now, I need Co-President Russo to come to the ring."


Crowd booed loudly as the six bodyguards came out on the entrance stage and formed two columns of three. Crowd boos grew as Russo came out. Russo was wearing a blue NY Giants home football jersey. He had a mic. They made their way to the ring. Some garbage was thrown in Russo's direction as they headed down the aisle. Two of Russo's bodyguards were about to get into the ring.


Smith: "Russo, none of your bodyguards will be allowed in the ring tonight."


Russo looked up at Smith from the floor and then Russo briefly talked with his bodyguards and told them to stay on the floor. Russo got in the ring.


Smith: "The officers have been told to keep an eye on your bodyguards to make sure they don't try anything."


Russo: "What's the deal..."


Smith: "Shut up, Vince. You'll get your chance to talk. Co-President Watts, please come to the ring."


Watts came out in street clothes. He had a mic. Watts got a strong ovation coming to the ring. Watts had a bandage on his head. Watts stepped in the ring. Watts was glaring at Russo.


Smith: "Man, I've seen a lot of things in this sport that have outraged me. But all those things pale in comparison to what I saw last week. Russo, I should fire your ass right now."


Russo: "But I'm guessing you're not going to, KD. Right?"


Smith: "You are correct. You're still the Co-President of this company."


Russo: "So, you're not making me the sole President of this company, then?"


Smith: "You are unbelievable. Vince, you set your Co-President up last week for a violent ambush. I'm not going to hand the Presidency of this company over to someone because they assault somebody and then just declare themselves the de facto President of the UWL. I am trying really hard not to lose my temper with you, Russo."


Russo: "KD, you know deep down that I should be the only one running the show. Why fight it. This experiment you put together with me and Watts proved that a two President set-up can't work. It was bound to blow up some time."


Smith: "Your track record running the wrestling operations of this company has not been very good. But I've tolerated you and put up with almost every single one of your shenanigans. But last week you crossed a line that should never have been crossed."


Russo: "Look, we were in a power struggle. It was him or me and I chose me! Besides, Bill's here tonight. So where's the fire?"


Smith: "Vince, you smashed the man over the head with a gardening tool and left him laying in a bloody heap in the ring! Does this not register with you?! Jeez!"


Russo: "I don't suffer fools lightly. I am the better wrestling mind out of the two of us. He was dragging us down, KD."


Smith: "You don't suffer fools lightly? Then you must have a hard time being around yourself."


Russo: "That was uncalled for! I don't care if you are the owner of the company! I deserve and demand to be treated with respect, dammit!"


Smith: "Here's a simple rule to live by, Vince! Treat others with respect and they'll treat you with respect! Now, I was tempted to just bring you both out here and unleash Co-President Watts on you! But then I changed my mind! He's stood here and hasn't said a word! But I think it's time for him to speak his piece now! Bill."


Watts: "Vince, I've had a lot of time to think about what happened last week. If I could have gotten my hands on you in the days immediately after you and your thugs attacked me I wouldn't be here right now. I'd be sitting in jail. We don't like each other. But we had to work together. I've tolerated your asinine behavior all these months. But when you cracked me in the head with that shovel last week I knew we could no longer work together. This bandage on my head covers all the stitches needed to close the gash where you struck me."


Russo: "So you are leaving! Great! Just go away and I'll run the company the way it should be run for Mr. Smith!"


Watts: "I've got some bad news for you, Vince. I'm not going anywhere. During the week, I talked with KD and he told me he has come up with an idea to settle our dispute. Like you, I don't know what he's got in mind. But I have a feeling that this situation is gonna be resolved once and for all."


Smith: "It's become painfully clear to me that you two can't work together. And Vince, even with all you've done, I'm going to give you a chance to keep your job as President of this company."


Russo: "A chance to keep my job?! What the... Earlier, you said you weren't firing me!"


Smith: "That's right. You're not being fired...at least right now."


Russo: "Whoa! I've got a one-year contract to be the President of the UWL until January!"


Smith: "Vince, it says right there in the contract that you can be fired at any time for almost any reason."


Russo: "I know it says that! But, I didn't take it seriously!"


Smith: "You'd better start taking it seriously now. I've given you a long leash, Vince. Maybe too long seeing as how things have worked out. And I take full responsibility for hiring you."


Watts: "KD, I just want to know what this plan is that you have in store for me and Russo here."


Smith: "Since this relationship is irretriveably broken, here's what's gonna happen. First, starting tonight, I'm suspending both of you for the next two episodes of 'Slam!' and the 'Heatwave' pay-per-view. Neither one of you will have any input as to what goes on the program tonight or next week or 'Heatwave' from here on out. Wally Karbo here will take over the interim duties as President of the UWL."


Russo: "Is that all? A cooling off period. And then one of us resigns. I can live with that. Bye, Bill."


Smith: "I so wish I could punch you in the mouth right now."


Russo: "You hit me and I'll sue! I'll wind up owning this company, KD! Watch where you tread!"


Smith: "I would never hit you because I know you'd run screaming to some low-life attorney."


Russo: "Hey! My lawyer, Saul Shitznik, is one of the finest lawyers you'll ever find in any strip mall in this country!"


Watts: "Vince! Just zip it for a minute and let's hear what's gonna happen between you and me!"


Smith: "OK. Here's the deal. At 'Heatwave' in 12 days, we're gonna have a 6-man elimination tag match. One team will be captained by Co-President Watts and the other team will be captained by Co-President Russo. If Watts' team wins, then he becomes the sole President of the UWL. If Russo's team wins, he regains the sole Presidency of the UWL. Simple as that. And Russo, if your team loses...you're fired!"


Crowd cheered.


Smith: "Now, you will each need to pick two wrestlers to be on your teams."


Russo: "Wait a minute! You said this was going to be a 6-man elimination tag team match! If we each only pick two wrestlers, then that's just a standard four-man tag team match!"


Smith: "Vince, Vince, Vince. This isn't hard to figure out. You see, Bill Watts is wrestling for his team and you're wrestling for yours!"


More crowd cheers. Russo lost it.


Russo: "What?! But I'm not a wrestler and Watts here has years of experience in the ring!"


Smith (angry): "Let me tell you something! With all the crap you've done in the year-and-a-half you've been a President of this company, you're lucky I just don't fire your ass right now! So you've got a simple choice, Vincent! Either accept the match and the stipualtions I've made for it! Or, I'll fire you right now in front of all these people and a national television audience!"


Watts: "Vince, you heard the man. But hey, if you'd like to turn down doing the match and be fired right now...don't let me stop you."


Russo was beside himself.


Russo: "This...this is an outrage!"


Smith: "You've been an outrage for 18 goddamn months! You've only got two choices! What is your decision?!"


Russo hemmed and hawed for a minute.


Watts: "Russo! Answer the man!"


Russo: "I really don't have any choice, do I? I accept the match at 'Heatwave'."


Smith: "You two now have one week to pick two wrestlers to be your tag team partners for the match and you will reveal them next week right here on 'Slam!' That's it! I'm done! I'll see you both at 'Heatwave'!"


Crowd cheered as Smith left the ring with Karbo. Police remained on the floor to watch Russo's bodyguards. Watts was all smiles.


Russo: "Quit smiling, Bill! It makes you uglier than you already are!"


Watts started laughing as Russo moped around the ring as the segment ended.)


(Announcers discussed the UWL owner making a match for 'HW' and the Presidency of the company will be at stake when Team Watts faces Team Russo in a six-man elimination tag. Pointed out that Wally Karbo will be acting as interim Prez as Smith has suspended both Watts and Russo from Presidential duties until after 'Heatwave'. Hyped for tonight on the program: Kevn Nash vs. Hulk Hogan; UWL TV Title Tourney Semi-Final: Arn Anderson vs. Rip Oliver; UWL WC Greg Valentine wrestles; Patera is here; Graham makes an appearance; The Crusher sees action; an update on the situation from last week involving Tully and Holly; another 'HW' PPV Update; and more. Said a Non-Title Match: Anderson Bros. vs. Mighty Texans was next!)


Match 1 (Non-Title Match)

Anderson Bros. © vs. The Mighty Texans


(Announcers pointed out that Co-Prez Watts made this match last week. MT's came out first to a fair crowd reaction. Lash had his trusty whip with him. All three Anderson brothers came to the ring and were strongly booed. All three were in their ring gear and Ole and Lars had the titles on. Announcers pointed out that a few weeks back, the Anderson brothers got the OK from Co-Prez Watts for any of the three Anderson brothers to defend the tag titles at anytime or wrestle in non-title tag match unless otherwise ordered by the company.


Ole went over and took the r.a. mic from Lee Marshall.


Ole: "Mighty Texans! Listen up! In recent weeks, you two have beaten the Powers of Pain and the team of Harley Race and Tully Blanchard! Those are impressive wins over two very good teams! But, the Powers of Pain and Tully Blanchard and Harley Race are not the Anderson brothers! We are the best tag team wrestlers in the world! And if what you've seen us do in this ring since we've been in the UWL hasn't convinced you of that fact, then these tag team titles should drive home the point loud and clear! Now, you might be thinking that since this is a non-title match we'll take it a little easy on you guys tonight! Guess again! Sam Houston! Lash LaRue! We're gonna be as ruthless with you in this match as we would if the titles were on the line! And, you don't even know which two of us you're gonna be wrestling in this match! But it doesn't matter! Prepare to be punished by the masters of tag team wrestling!"


Ole and Lars Anderson turned out to be the team in the match. Gene stood at ringside with one title slung over each shoulder.


Andersons lived up to their billing and did inflict a lot of punishment on the MT's, but the MT's battled throughout the match and dished out punishment of their own. Crowd started getting into the fiesty Texas duo during the match. At the end of the match, Lars and Sam were the two legal men in the ring. Lars had the advantage and whipped Sam into the ropes and caught Sam coming off with a dropkick. Sam crashed to the mat. As Sam started to get to his feet, Lars came up behind Sam, grabbed Sam around the waist and and nailed Sam with three straight brutal German suplexes. Lars let Sam go and covered Sam. 1...2...2-1/2... Sam got a shoulder up. Crowd buzzing. Lars pulled Sam up, whipped Sam into the ropes and looked to catch Sam coming off with a tilt-a-whirl slam, but as Sam was being spun around he escaped Lars grasp, landed on his feet, maneuvered behind Lars and ran Lars into the ropes and rolled Lars up from behind for the cover. 1...2... Lars kicked Sam off. Lars and Sam got to their feet. Sam moved in and swung at Lars and missed and Lars moved and blasted Sam with an enzuigiri. Sam went down. Lars for the cover. 1...2... Sam kicked out. Crowd now pouring out support for Sam. Lars pulled Sam up and went to whip Sam into the buckles but Sam reversed and sent Lars into the buckles. Sam moved in and nailed Lars with punches and then blasted Lars with a running bulldog. Gene gave Ole one of the tag team titles and Ole got in the ring and looked to nail Sam with it but Bass came in and nailed Ole with a tackle that sent both men tumbling through the top and middle rope down to the floor. Crowd roaring. Sam nailed Lars with the killswitch. Gene mounted the top buckle with the other tag title and jumped off looking to nail Sam with the title but Sam obliterated Gene with a mid-air dropkick. Gene rolled out on the apron, dead. Crowd getting even louder. Sam, feeling the punishing effects of the match, was slow to get up after the dropkick which allowed Lars time to recover. Lars got to this feet just before Sam. Sam turned and walked right into Lars. Lars hoisted Sam in the fireman's carry in an attempt to finish Sam off with the Minnesota Wrecker (Samoan Drop), but Lars couldn't lock Sam in the hold and Sam wriggled free and dropped down behind Lars and stunned Lars with a full nelson facebuster. Sam rolled Lars over, covered Lars and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Crowd went nuts. Ref raised Sam's hand in victory. Gene still laid out on the apron. Ole and Lash had been laid out on the floor but Lash, soon after the match, recovered enough to get back in the ring and Ole soon followed. Lash and Sam celebrated in the ring as Ole had words with the ref. Ole helped Lars up and Gene recovered on the apron.


As the MT's soaked in the moment in the ring, the Anderson bros. picked up their titles and then left the ring and started making their way back up the aisle when Inerim Prez Wally Karbo came out on the entrance stage with mic in hand.


Wally: "Anderson brothers. Stop right there."


Andersons stopped in the aisle. MT's looked on from the ring.


Wally: "That was a great match we just witnessed between two excellent teams. And since the Mighty Texans just beat the World Tag Team Champions in a non-title match, we're gonna have a re-match. It will be the Mighty Texans vs. the Anderson brothers at 'Heatwave'...only this time the UWL World Tag Team Titles will be on the line!"


Crowd cheered the news.


Anderson bros. showed very little reaction to the news and talked among themselves as the MT's celebrated some more in the ring upon hearing Karbo's decision. WINNER: MT's - Pinfall - Sam pinned Lars with the Full Nelson Facebuster - 10:24)


(Announcers discussed the MT's beating Lars and Ole Anderson and Interim Prez Wally Karbo announcing that the MT's would face the Anderson bros. © in a re-match, this time with the titles on the line at 'HW'. Hyped still to come on the program: Hogan vs. Nash; Ken Patera is here; UWL WC Valentine sees action; an update on the situation from last week involving Tully and Holly; and more. Said The Crusher sees action next.)


(Video aired for the next UWL PPV: 'Vagisil Presents: Heatwave' - Sunday - Aug. 5 - Glendale, AZ - Jobingdotcom Arena - 8pm P/5pm E - Tickets on sale NOW!)


Match 2

The Crusher vs. Wayne Bloom

(WINNER: Crusher - Pinfall - Inverted Piledriver - 3:39)


(As Crusher came to the ring, video aired from two weeks ago of Tully bashing Crusher in the face with a chair. Crusher wrestled wearing a mask to cover the damage Tully did to his face. Crusher did wear his trademark cap to the ring and once in the ring threw the cap into the crowd.)


(After the match: Marshall i'viewed Crusher. Asked Crusher how his face was doing.


Crusher: "I've still got some bruises and swelling but my face is healing. My face will get better. But da anger inside me just grows fer Tully Blanchard. And da way I saw him treat Holly last week made my blood pressure explode off da charts. Blanchard, I owe you fer dis. (Pointed at his face.) Because my face is still messed up I continue to wear da mask. Da feelin' of dat steel crushin' against my face is like nuttin' I never felt before. Tully came off da top rope wit dat chair which only added to da devastatin' impact. But as you just saw, even wit da beat up face, I can still rassle."


Marshall asked about Crusher using the inverted piledriver as his finisher tonight.


Crusher: "Dat's my new finishin' move. Da inverted piledriver is a move dat can wreak havoc on an opponent. You drive da top of da head into da mat and it drives der head down into der neck. And I would love nuttin' better den to nail Tully Blanchard wit an inverted piledriver because maybe it would drive some sense into him. And we all know he lacks dat der common sense. Dis situation between me and Blanchard isn't over. I'm gonna get my revenge, Tully. And I intend to do so in dis ring.")


(Announcers discussed Crusher intro'ing a new finisher and wanting revenge against Tully Blanchard. Hyped still to come: Hogan vs. Nash; TV Title Tourney Semi: Arn vs. Rip; UWL WC Greg Valentine sees action; Ken Patera is here; another 'HW' PPV Update; and more. Said Billy Graham is here next!)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Thu. - Aug. 16 - Syracuse, NY - War Memorial Arena @ The OnCenter; Fri.- Aug. 17 - Albany, NY - Washington Ave. Armory Arena; Sat. - Aug. 18 - Uniondale, LI - Nassau Coliseum. More info, visit: uwlslam.com!)


(Video aired from last week of UWL WC Valentine challenging Luger to place him in the rack to prove he could escape it and, when Luger had Greg up in the rack, Graham came to the ring and nailed Greg with a double sledge to the lower back and Luger dropped Greg as Graham left the scene. Greg then took advantage of the Graham assault and worked over Lex's left leg and placed Lex in the figure four before Arn and Wahoo came to Luger's aid and ran Valentine off.)


(In-ring: 'California Dreamin' played over the p.a. system. Out came Billy Graham and his manager the Grand Wizard. Graham was in street clothes and had a mic. The Grand Wizard was in his usual tie-dyed suit, turban, white shoes and sunglasses. He was carying his gold-tipped black cane and a mic. The pair was heavily booed.


GW: "Ladies and Gentlemen. It is my honor and my privilege to introduce to you the true 'Superstar' of professional wrestling...'Superstar' Billy Graham!"


More boos.


BG: "Grand Wizard. Thank you for that introduction...of which I am so deserving. Lex Luger! I'm taking directly to you, daddy! Recently, you and the 'Superstar' battled each other for seven straight nights in cities all across Canada! When I say those matches were battles I mean they were battles! We pushed each other physically in those matches like neither of us has been pushed before in our careers! The matches took a lot out of both of us, jack! But Luger, I'm not finished with you! Last week, as the people just saw before I came out here, I attacked you! I did it to send you a clear message! Our feud will continue, daddy! And I just want it made known to everybody that Greg Valentine and Gary Hart had nothing to do with me attcking Luger! I did it on my own! Seven matches in seven nights in the Great White North wasn't enough for me! How is the back today, Lex?! Huh?! You still feeling the force of my fists being driven into the small of your back! I know when you're hit by a man as powerful as the 'Superstar' it's not a good feeling! I want us to fight some more because I like to be tested! And you tested me in those matches like no other wrestler has ever done! I...want...more!"


Luger came out on the entrance stage in street clothes. He had a mic. Luger showed no ill effects from Graham's assault last week.


LL: "You want more, do you?"


Crowd cheered as Luger walked to the ring. Lex got in the ring.


LL: "'Superstar'! If you want more...I've got a lot more to give against you! I still don't truly understand the reason why you decided to turn your back on your former wrestling allies and these fans! But you know what?! I don't care anymore! The next time you and I step into the ring, it's gonna be violence for the sake of violence! An eye for an eye!"


BG: "I'm digging your vibe, jack! It's a vibe that says let's keep tearing each other apart until one of us just can't stand it anymore!"


LL: "Great! You just name the time and the place and we'll continue what we started in the ring in Canada!"


BG: "Cool, man. Cool. How about this, Luger? In 12 days, you're facing UWL World Champion Greg Valentine for the title. Next week, right here on 'Slam!', it's Lex Luger vs. 'Superstar' Billy Graham!"


Crowd buzzing about Graham's challenge.


LL: "That's just five days before my match with Valentine. Those battles we had in Canada make a lasting impact on the combatants. I'm still feeling the effects of those matches."


BG: "Let me be clear about something! I'm not gonna ask you to put up your title shot like Dallas Page did a few weeks ago! This is simply between me and you, Lex, titles be damned!"


LL: "I know that a match with you will take a lot out of me. I've got a World Title match to think about. I'll face you at any time after my match with Valentine at 'Heatwave'. But right now..."


BG: "Ladies and Gentlemen! I present to you...Leeeeeeeeeex...Chickenshiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!"


LL: "Excuse me?! I gave it everything I had and more in those matches we had in Canada and you call me that! You know I'm not afraid of you, 'Superstar'!"


BG: "No excuses, baby! Where's the warrior Lex Luger I faced up North?! Or was that Lex Luger just a mirage?!"


LL: "Alright! You want it?! Where's Wally Karbo?!"


Luger paced angrily around in the ring as a calm and collected Graham looked on. Wally Karbo came out on the entrance stage and had a mic. He got very little fan reaction.


Karbo: "Billy Graham. Lex Luger. You've really put me between a rock and a hard place here. I want to see this match just like everyone else. But I do have to take into account that Luger does have a huge World Title match at 'Heatwave' just five days later."


LL: "President Karbo! Make the match! I'll worry about my World Title shot at 'Heatwave' after I wrestle Graham!"


Karbo: " I am doing this with some serious reservations. Since you both want the match, next week here on 'Slam!', it will be Billy Graham vs. Lex Luger!"


Crowd cheered.


Karbo: "I just hope I haven't made a mistake in allowing this match to happen."


Graham glanced over at Luger and Graham and GW then left the ring as Luger looked on.)


(Announcers discussed Luger vs. Graham being made for 'Slam!' next week. Hyped still to come: Hogan vs. Nash; Patera is here; UWL WC Valentine wrestles; another 'HW' PPV Update and more. Said the TV Title Tourney Semi-Final: Arn vs. Rip was coming up next!)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Arn Anderson. Asked about the match-up tonight with Rip Oliver for a chance to go to the final of the TV Title Tourney.


Arn: "Rip Oliver's a tough customer. I know because I've wrestled him before. This is gonna be a hard-fought battle between us. Rip Oliver's a very intelligent wrestler and so am I. In the end, it might just come down to whoever can outsmart the other. But this is for a chance to wrestle for the UWL TV Title! And I want that title! I'll do what..."


Rip Oliver walked into the interview area.


Rip: "Arn Anderson. You know what, Arn. I used to really admire you. You didn't used to give a damn about what these fans thought about you. Your whole goal was winning. That was your bottom line. Now look at you. You've become a groveler for fan approval. Arn, you've gone from being a kick-ass to a kiss-ass."


Arn: "We don't have to wait to get in the ring, Rip. If you wanna dance now..."


Nelson stepped in between the two.


Nelson: "Hey! Your match is coming up! Settle this in the ring!"


Arn and Oliver engaged in a staredown as the interview ended.)


Match 3 (TV Title Tourney Semi-Final)

Arn Anderson vs. Rip Oliver


(Announcers pointed out that the winner of this match would face Scott Hall in the final at 'Heatwave' since Hall beat Morrus in his first-round match and Race and Wahoo went to a Double CO in their battle. Oliver came to the ring first to mainly boos but got around 15% cheers. Anderson came charging to the ring and got a strong ovation.


Anderson hit the ring and he and Oliver started brawling. Ref called for the bell. The two were slugging it out when Rip got the upper hand with a rake of Arn's eye. Rip went to whip Arn into the ropes but Arn reversed and sent Rip into the ropes and caught Rip coming off with a spinebuster. Arn for the cover. 1...2... Oliver kicked out. Arn got to his feet and as Oliver was getting to his feet, Arn went over and raked his boot laces across Oliver's eyes. Oliver grabbed at his eyes and Arn rolled Rip up from behind for the pin try. 1... Rip kicked out. Arn got to his feet and Rip got up next to the ropes and Arn kicked Rip in the gut and then went to DDT Rip but Rip held on to the top rope and Arn crashed to the mat. Arn started getting to his feet and Rip kicked Arn in the ribs and then pounded away on Arn with head and body punches. Rip whipped Arn into the buckles and came in and nailed Arn with a series of rapid-fire shoulder blocks to the mid-section. Arn staggered out of the corner doubled over. Rip drove Arn to his knees with a couple of forearm smashes to the back. Rip then backed up and nailed Arn with a running kick to the side of the head that toppled Arn to the mat. Oliver covered Arn and hooked the leg. 1...2... Arn got a shoulder up. Rip covered Arn again and once again hooked the leg and placed a foot on the middle rope for extra leverage. 1...2... Arn got a shoulder up again. Rip tried to pin Arn once more with a foot on the middle rope. 1...2... Ref saw Rip's foot on the middle rope and ordered a break in the pin try. Rip pulled Arn up and whipped Arn into the ropes and went to backdrop Arn coming off but Arn caught Rip with a sunset flip. Rip fought not to go over. As Arn continued to try and flip Rip, Rip was able to move close enough to the ropes to get his hand on the top rope. But as soon as he grabbed it, Arn yanked Rip loose from the rope and was able to flip him for the pin try. 1...2... Rip clapped his legs against the sides of Arn's head. Rip pulled Arn up and whipped Arn into the ropes and looked to catch Arn coming off with an elbow smash to the chest but Arn ducked the move and came back and blasted Rip with a clothesline. Rip crashed to the mat. Fans cheered. Arn snapped Rip up and whipped Rip into the ropes and caught Rip coming off with a left-handed KO punch that dropped Rip again. Arn made the throat-slashing gesture and the fans were eating it up. Arn grabbed Rip and went to nail Rip with the gourdbuster, but Rip twice blocked the move and then nailed Arn with a frontal suplex that left Arn dangling on the top rope. Arn's upper body was dangling in the ring and Oliver caught Arn with a running knee-lift that snapped Arn backwards and sent him crashing to the floor. Oliver yelled for the ref to start counting. Announcers pointed out that if Arn was counted out Oliver won and advanced to the final vs. Hall at 'HW'. Ref started the count. Oliver looking on from the ring. As the count grew, Oliver started to prematurely celebrate. At the count of 7, Arn was on his feet on the floor. By 9, Arn had made it to the apron on his knees. Just before the ref counted 10, Arn crawled into the ring. Oliver went over and put the boots to Arn. Rip snapped Arn up, whipped Arn into the ropes and caught Arn coming off with a Randy Orton-style snap scoop powerslam. Arn down. Oliver backed into the corner and waited for Arn to get to his feet. Arn got to his feet and Rip went to blast Arn with his superkick but Arn caught Oliver's leg. Rip begged off but Arn nailed Rip with head shots, spun Rip completely around and blasted Rip with his left-handed KO punch. Rip stumbled back and fell against the ropes. Arn grabbed Rip and whipped Rip into the ropes and caught Rip coming off with a spinebuster. Arn then made the throat-slashing gesture a second time. Crowd roaring. Arn snapped Rip up and nailed Rip with the gourdbuster. Arn covered Rip and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Crowd ecstatic. Ref raised Arn's hand in victory.


Scott Hall then walked out on the entrance stage with mic in hand.


Hall: "Congratulations, Arn! I'm glad you won, chico! Because you're the man I want to beat at 'Heatwave' to win the TV Title!"


Arn looked on from the ring at a smirking Hall. WINNER: Arn - Pinfall - Gourdbuster - 5:55)


(Announcers discussed Arn winning and advancing to the TV Title Tourney final against Scott Hall at 'Heatwave'. Hyped still to come: Hogan vs. Nash; UWL WC Greg Valentine sees action; more on the situation involving Tully and Holly; another 'HW' PPV Update and more.)


(Announcers intro'd video highlights from the last two weeks of the situation between Madusa and Women's WC Tina Ferrari. Video aired. After the video, they announced that Madusa would be wrestling next week on 'Slam!' and Tina Ferrari would also be there.)


(Announcers said that former Firm member Ken Patera was here next!)


(Video aired from the last two weeks chronicling Ken Patera being booted from The Firm for not regaining the IWA World Title and Patera being beaten down by The Firm each week.)


(In-ring: Ken Patera came to the ring. He was in street clothes and still had his neck brace on. He was carrying a mic. He got a mixed reaction coming to the ring.


KP: "Two weeks ago, I walked into this very ring still a member of The Firm. That same night, I was kicked out of The Firm and assaulted by my former friends. I was assaulted again last week by Scott Hall and Rick Rude. These attacks end...right now. I want Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and Rick Rude to come down here!"


After a brief pause, Hall, Nash and Rude came out on the entrance stage. They got a mixed reaction coming to the ring. Nash had a mic. Nash and Hall were in their ring gear and Rude was in street clothes. The three got in the ring.


Nash: "What is with you, man?! Do you have a death wish or something, Patera?! You were told last week that if you minded your own business and stayed out of Firm affairs then we wouldn't bother you! But noooooooooooooooo! You have to go out of your way to provoke us! Ken, you should have just accepted being tossed out of The Firm and the beating you got from us to drive home the point that we weren't screwing around with you! You're starting a war that you can't win! Look around! You're outnumbered! Now you're gonna have to suffer constantly because you couldn't simply go away!"


KP: "I was kicked out of The Firm for failing to regain the IWA World Title from Batista! No one holds a championship forever! And then, you guys beat the hell out of me two straight weeks now! I've had a lot of time to think about all that's transpired! Like you said, Kevin, I could have just walked away from this and gone on with my career and pursued other goals! But that's not gonna happen! You guys can consider the battle joined!"


Nash: "Are you kidding me?! Patera, let me repeat what I said earlier! You're outnumbered by The Firm! You will never get the upper hand on us! Ever! You'll lose this war! And you will lose it badly!"


KP: "''Heatwave' is coming up."


Nash: "What does 'Heatwave' have to do with this situation here?!"


KP: "I want a match. Since Scott Hall's in the TV Title Tournament final, I want to face you and Rude!"


Nash: "Hahahahaha! You...you want a match with Rick Rude and Kevin Nash...at 'Heatwave'! Are you crazy, Ken?! Hahahaha!"


KP: "I want a tag team match with you two at the pay-per-view."


Rude: "Have you been doing drugs the last couple of weeks?! Ken, I don't know if you've noticed this, but you've got no tag team partner! You have no allies in this company! If you had anyone on your side, then they would have come to your rescue when we were beating you black and blue the last two weeks! No one bothered to help you! Is this tag team partner some little imaginary man you've conjured up in your head?! Is that it?! Will it be Kevin Nash and Rick Rude vs. Ken Patera and Casper the Friendly Ghost at 'Heatwave'?! You are just cruisin' for a bruisin', pal!"


Interim Prez Wally Karbo came out on the entrance stage with mic in hand.


Karbo: "I just want to say that, if Ken Patera can find a tag team partner, I will allow Nash and Rude vs. Patera and his partner to take place at 'Heatwave'."


KP: "That won't be a problem. Nash and Rude, do you guys accept the challenge?"


Nash: "Sure! I'm looking forward to this! I don't think any of us has ever wrestled an imaginary wrestler before!"


Karbo: "Then it's official. But only if Ken Patera finds..."


KP: "I've got a partner."


Nash: "You do?! You have a tag team partner for our match at 'Heatwave'. Is he a solid or a gas?!"


KP: "He's very real. And he's here tonight! You want to meet him?!"


Nash (chuckling): "Hey! What have we got to lose!"


KP: "First, just a little background on this guy. He's from the Volunteer State of Tennessee. In his spare time he's a bounty hunter. And he's redneck through and through and through."


Crowd buzzing, many apparently knowing who it is.


KP: "'Dr. D' David Schultz! Get on out here!"


Many in the crowd erupted, remembering Schultz from his Global Championship Wrestling days as the leader of the Redneck Nation. Schultz came out on the entrance stage and soaked in the response and threw his arms in the air. Schultz then made his way to the ring and joined Patera. The Firm members looked on.


KP: "Nash! As you can tell, David Schultz is very much a solid!"


Schultz took KP's mic.


Schultz: "Kevin Nash! Rick Rude! We'll see you boys in the ring at 'Heatwave'! Prepare for a good ol' Tennessee-style ass-whompin', courtesy of 'Dr. D' and Ken Patera!"


Crowd roared as Patera and Schultz left the ring as The Firm members looked on.)


(Announcers discussed Ken Patera finding help in his war with The Firm in one David Schultz and the making of the tag match of Schultz & Patera vs. Hall & Rude at 'HW'. Hyped still to come: Hogan vs. Nash; an update on the situation between Tully and Holly; another 'HW' PPV Update; and more. Said UWL WC Valentine sees action next.)


Match 4 (Non-Title Match)

Greg Valentine © (w/ Hart) vs. Pete Sanchez

(WINNER: Valentine - Pinfall - Hammerhead - 2:38)


(Valentine and Hart came out to strong boos.


After the match: Valentine nailed Sanchez with another Hammrhead. Sanchez laid out. Valentine then had words with Hart. Hart went over and grabbed the timekeeper's bell off the timekeeper's table. Timekeeper grabbed the bell and a brief tug-of-war ensued before Hart took possession of the bell. Hart handed the bell to Valentine in the ring. Valentine took the r.a. mic from Marshall.


Greg: "Lex Luger! This is for you, buddy!"


Greg chucked the mic and went over and stomped on Sanchez a couple of times. Valentine then grabbed Sanchez and was preparing to nail Sanchez with the Hammerhead head-first into the bell. As Greg was locking Sanchez in the hold, Luger came charging to the ring. Crowd popped. Luger got in the ring and Valentine let go of Sanchez. Luger started blasting away with punches on Greg and Greg fought back and the two were brawling in the ring with neither man gaining a clear advantage. The slugfest continued for several more seconds before UWL security hit the ring and pulled the two apart. Greg had been pushed into one corner and Luger another. Security holding both men at bay. Valentine yelled something at Luger and Luger broked free from security and leapt on Valentine and started punching Greg some more before security could pull Luger off the champ. Crowd buzzing. Hart now on the apron and holding the title. Hart signaled to Greg it was time to leave. Security held Luger at bay. Greg glaring at Luger from across the ring as security kept him in check. Valentine finally left the ring with Hart. Valentine took the title from Hart and looked back in the ring. In a defiant fashion, Greg raised the title in the air with one hand and pointed at himself with his free hand. Luger broke away from security again and charged over by the ropes and started to climb out to go after Greg when security contained Luger again. Greg made the brush-off sign at Luger and then he and Hart headed back up the aisle to boos. Luger was pacing in the ring but security wasn't letting him go anywhere until the coast was clear.)


(Announcers discussed the pull-apart brawl between UWL WC Valentine and Lex Luger. Hyped still to come: Hogan vs. Nash; another 'HW' PPV Update; and more. Said an update on the Tully-Holly situation was coming up!)


(Video aired from Brody's remarks from last week where Brody questioned whether he would face Hogan the wrestler or Hogan the media creation at 'HW'.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Hogan. Hogan was in his ring gear. Nelson asked Hogan what he though about Brody's comments from last week.


HH: "I've got a lot to say to Bruiser Brody, brother! And when I say it, it will be to Brody's face!"


Nelson then asked about tonight's match with Kevin Nash.


HH: "Everybody knows that Kevin Nash, Scott Hall and I were the nucleus of the New World Order! But that's all in the past! We've gone in different directions now! And Kevin Nash threw down the gauntlet last week for this match and there was no way I was going to turn it down! Nash is a giant! He's 7-feet tall! He's also got his buddies in The Firm to back him up! But I've got something even greater on my side, brother! I've got the power of all these 'Hulkamaniacs' out here! I'm fueled by their loyal support, man! And Kevin Nash is gonna find out that 'Hulkamania' is hard to put down for the 1...2...3!"


Hall and Nash walked into the interview area.


HH: "What do you two dudes want?!"


Nash: "Hulk! You, Scott and me may have been the nucleus of the NWO! But we were the heart and soul of the NWO! We were the original two of the group and you came along later and rode on our coattails to heights even you've never been to in this business! You don't forget that, brother!"


SH: "Yeah, Hulk! You're a big star and all that! But you became an even bigger star when you hitched your wagon to me and Big Sexy here! Now we're with The Firm! A group that's gonna be even bigger than the NWO! And I've got news for you, Chico Hogan, you'll never be a part of this elite wrestling faction! You got one free ride with us and that's all you're gonna get, bro!"


HH: "I'm not here tonight to replay the past! And I have no interest in being part of The Firm! This is a new day and 'Hulkamania' is bigger and better than ever!"


KN: "It's bigger and better than ever because we made you a member of the NWO! Without us, Hulk Hogan and 'Hulkamania' us down here! (Put his hand next to his waist.) Because of us, you rose to here! (Nash held his hand high in the air.) You're ungrateful for what we did for your career, Hulk! We made you! And tonight, I'm gonna break you!"


HH: "We'll see about that, dude!"


Hogan got in Nash's face.


KN: "Indeed, we'll see about that."


Nash patted Hogan on the cheek and he and Hall left the interview area as Hogan looked on.)


(Announcers hyped the Hogan-Nash match that's coming up later.)


(Video aired chronicling the situation between Tully and Holly.)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed JJ Dillon Enterprises' members Tully, Holly and JJ. The three came to the ring. Holly and JJ were in street clothes and Tully was in his ring gear. Holly did not look too happy. Marshall asked Tully about the issues he and Holly have been having lately.


Tully: "I want that cameraman fired who spied on Holly and me last week! That cameraman had no business, none, secretly recording us in a private moment! That was our business and no one else's! As for our relationship, it's never been better! Isn't that right, babe?!"


Holly (not looking too comfortable and speaking in a low voice): "Yeah."


Tully: "What? Holly, speak up so these people can hear you. Our relationship is on solid ground, right?"


Holly (nervous): "Uh...yeah...yes it is."


Tully: "There you have it! Any questions anyone may have had about our relationship has just had those questions answered! There are no problems between Holly and me! I'm the best thing she's ever had and she knows it! She's never been happier in her life!"


Marshall stated she didn't look happy.


Tully: "Of course she's happy! Why shouldn't she be! She's Tully Blanchard's woman! It doesn't get any better than that! Holly, tell him you've never been happier! Go on!"


Holly (uneasy): "Oooooooooh...I've never been happier. Tully's the best thing that's ever happened to me."


Tully: "Case closed!"


Crusher came to the ring. He was still in his ring gear and wearing his mask. He had a mic.


JJ: "This is incredible! You just don't give up do you, Crusher!"


Crusher: "Shut up, Dillon! Holly, I can see yer not happy wit dis yokel. I knew he was bad news for ya as soon as ya started dating him. I'm not out here to ask you to leave Tully and come back to me. I came out to say I tink you should leave Tully, period."


Tully: "You heard what she said, Crusher! She's happy! Hit the bricks, pal!"


Crusher: "Holly, look me in da eyes and tell me yer happy wit Tully Blanchard."


Holly (struggling to make eye contact): "I'm happy with him, Crusher. OK. You satisfied now?"


Crusher: "I hear yer words, Holly. But yer eyes tell a completely different story."


JJ: "Crusher, have you got a Phd in psychology or something?!"


Crusher: "A what...in what?!"


JJ: "Crusher! Getting psychological advice from you is like getting psychological advice from some homeless guy who stands around and talks to himself! You're an idiot and everyone knows it! Go away!"


Crusher: "Holly, you were a fiesty dame when we dated. I can see dat fiestiness is gone now. I'm always here for ya Holly. You can call me any..."


Tully: "She's not gonna talk to you about any of her personal problems! If she wants to talk about private matters going on in her life she speaks only to people she can trust like me, JJ and Harley! She's not gonna talk to some beer guzzling oaf who..."


Crusher: "Blanchard! She can talk to whoever she wants to! If she wants to talk to me den she's free to call me anytime, day or night!"


JJ: "The only reason that Holly would ever need to call is if she wants to find the nearest supermarket with the cheapest beer speacials!"


Crusher: "JJ! I've already cut yer hair off! You keep pushin' tings and I might just cut sometin' else off! Got me?!"


Crowd cheered.


JJ: "You no-good..."


Tully cut JJ off.


Tully: "How's your face doing, Crusher?! I see you've still got the mask on! I still laugh when I think about slamming that chair into your face a couple of weeks ago! I accomplished that most people thought impossible! I made you uglier than you already were!"


Crusher: "Oh yeah. About dat little smashin' dat chair into my face incident. Tully, I want you in dis ring in a match. And I want da match to take place at 'Heatwave'!"


Tully: "You destroyed my opportunity to unmask the Great Christopho, expose him as Daniels and earn $50,000 dollars courtesy of Dallas Page! You don't have to ask me again! I accept your challenge, mister! And I fully intend to smash you up even more! You got between me and $50 grand, Crusher! You don't do that without severe consequences!"


Crusher: "Blanchard! You are truly da king of da jerks! I can't wait to wrestle you at 'Heatwave' and get revenge for dis!"


Crusher pointed at his face.


Tully: "When our match is over at 'Heatwave', Crusher, you're gonna be taking your meals through the other end!"


Crusher: "Holly... I don't know what else to say. Yer not da Holly I knew. But I'm here for ya..."


Holly (hysterical): "Just...stop it, Crusher! This is where I'm at now in my life! Leave me alone! Please!"


Crusher: "Yeah."


JJ: "You heard Tully's woman! Bon voyage, chump!"


Crusher looked at Holly and Holly looked away and Crusher left the ring and headed to the back.


Tully: "Holly's my gal! And this little to-do that just happened between all of us should drive home that point loud and clear! Holly, give your man a kiss!"


Tully went to kiss Holly on the lips but Holly pulled back but Tully leaned in further and further and Holly gave him a quick peck on the mouth. Tully seemed happy with it as he had his arm around Holly's waist and Holly looked sad.)


(Announcers discussed the Tully-Holly situation and said things don't seem to be going too well and Crusher challenging Tully to a match at 'Heatwave'. Said Hogan vs. Nash was still to come!)




Announcers ran down the card so far:


MATCH OF A LIFETIME: Hulk Hogan vs. Bruiser Brody


UWL WORLD TITLE MATCH (2/3 Falls: All UWL Wrestlers and Managers Barred From Ringside): Greg Valentine © vs. Lex Luger


6-MAN ELIMINATION TAG (Co-President on the winning team becomes the sole President of the UWL): Co-Prez Bill Watts & ??? vs. Co-Prez Vince Russo & ???

(Each President will announce his two partners for the match on next week's 'Slam!)


Ken Patera & 'Dr. D' David Schultz vs. Hall & Rude


TV TITLE TOURNAMENT FINAL: Arn Anderson vs. Scott Hall


UWL WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE: Anderson Bros. © vs. The Mighty Texans


And...Stack announced Interim Prez Wally Karbo has just signed off on it...


Tully Blanchard (w/ JJ and Holly) vs. The Crusher


'Vagisil Presents: Heatwave' - Sunday - Aug. 5 - Glendale, AZ - Jobingdotcom Arena - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(Announcers hyped for next week on 'Slam!': Lex Luger vs. Billy Graham; and Hulk Hogan will respond to Bruiser Brody's comments from last week. Said Hogan vs. Nash is next.)


Match 5

Hulk Hogan vs. Kevin Nash


(Nash came to the ring first to a mixed crowd reaction. He was alone. 'Eye of the Tiger' played over the p.a. system. Hogan came out and the crowd exploded. Hogan walked to the ring like a man on a mission. Hogan got in the ring.


As Hogan started shredding his t-shirt, Nash attacked Hogan from behind, laying into Hogan with a series of forearm smashes to the upper back. Ref called for the bell. Nash then slammed Hogan's head into the top buckle. Hogan turned around and Nash kicked Hogan in the gut and then laid into Hogan with a series of elbow strikes to the side of Hogan's head. Hogan staggered out of the corner still wearing his torn t-shirt and do-rag. Nash nailed Hogan with more forearm smashes to the back, ripped Hogan's do-rag off and shoved it in Hogan's mouth. Hogan had wandered to another set of buckles and Nash drove a couple of big knees into Hogan's gut. Hogan spit out the do-rag. Nash then started choking Hogan with his boot. Ref started counting and Nash broke the choke at the count of 4. Nash repeated the choke and once again broke at the count of 4. Nash then whipped Hogan into the opposite buckels and charged in and Hogan came out of the corner and blasted Nash with a big clothesline that dropped Nash. Crowd popped.Nash got up and Hogan moved in with a series of punches on Nash that drove Nash into the corner. Hogan then started choking Nash and broke the choke at the count of 4. Hogan repeated the move. Hogan then paid Nash back by yanking off his torn t-shirt and shoving in Nash's mouth. Crowd loved it. Nash spit the t-shirt out. Hogan pulled Nash out of the corner and blasted Nash with a suplex. Hogan then nailed Nash with an elbow smash and went for the cover. 1... Nash kicked out. Hogan whipped Nash into the corner and followed Nash in with a brutal clothesline. Nash staggered out of the corner and dropped to his knees and then to his face in the ring. Hogan then started pulling Nash up by the hair and Nash nailed Hogan with a low-blow. Hogan crashed to his ass in the ring. Nash made his way to his feet and went over and kicked Hogan, who was sitting up, in the chest. Hogan went all the way over. Nash put the boots to Hogan. The shredded t-shirt was sitting on the apron. Nash picked it up. Hogan got to his feet facing away from Nash. Nash came up behind Hogan and started strangling the Hulkster with the t-shirt. Ref counted. Nash broke the choke at four. Ref snagged the t-shirt from Nash. Hogan walking around by the ropes grabbing at his throat. Nash charged over and drove a knee into the side of Hogan's ribs. Hogan tumbled out between the top and middle rope to the floor. Nash bolted the ring. As Hogan was getting up, Nash grabbed Hogan and slammed him head first into the ringside barricade. Hogan down to a knee. Nash rolled in and out of the ring to break the ref's 10-count. As Hogan got up, Nash slammed Hogan's head once more into the barricade. Nash then went to do the move a third time but Hogan blocked the move twice and then drove three elbows into Nash's rib cage and then slammed Nash's head into the barricade. Nash staggered off next to the barricade. Hogan came over and popped Nash with a trio of punches and then grabbed a drink a fan was holding in the front row and threw it in Nash's face. Hogan then threw Nash back in the ring. Hogan pulled Nash up and Nash grabbed Hogan around the waist and drove Hogan back-first hard into the buckles. Hogan felt it. Nash then drove a series of knees into Hogan's gut. Nash whipped Hogan into the ropes and caught Hogan coming off with an elbow to the chest. Hogan went down. Nash picked Hogan up, hoisted Hogan up on his shoulder and nailed Hogan with the snake eyes. Hogan snapped back and crashed to the mat in the ring. Nash for the cover. 1...2... Hogan kicked out. Nash then pulled Hogan up, whipped Hogan into the ropes and caught Hogan coming off with a vicious side slam. Nash covered Hogan again and this time hooked the leg. 1...2... Hogan again kicked out. Nash grabbed Hogan and whipped Hogan into the ropes and caught Hogan coming off with a big clothesline of his own. Hogan crashed to the mat and rolled over next to the ropes. Nash stood back waiting for Hogan to get to his feet. As Hogan got up next to the ropes, Nash went to kick Hogan in the face but Hogan moved and Nash crotched himself on the top rope. Hogan started shaking the rope. Nash singing soprano as he separated himself from the rope. Hogan moved in with a series of punches on Nash. Nash staggered. Hogan then picked Nash up, hoisted Nash on one shoulder and nailed Nash with a running powerslam. Hoagn covered Nash. 1...2...2-1/2... Nash got his foot on the bottom rope. Crowd groaned. Hogan started pulling Nash to his feet and Nash caught Hogan with a series of punches in the rib cage. Nash then laid into Hogan with head shots. Nash then blasted Hogan with a gutwrench suplex. Nash then went for a standing legdrop and Hogan rolled out of the way. Hogan started 'Hulking Up'. Crowd into it. Hogan was shaking as he

got to his feet and was looking at the crowd. Big mistake. Nash had gotten to his feet and when Hogan turned around...WHAM!...Nash nailed Hogan with the kick to the face. Hogan crashed to the mat. Nash quickly covered Hogan and hooked the leg. 1...2... Hogan kicked out and started 'Hulking Up' again. Rude and Hall came power-walking down the aisle. Crowd exploded as Brody, in street clothes, charged down the aisle and attacked Rude and Hall and brawled with them. Hogan on his knees. Nash popped Hogan with punches to no avail as Hogan rose to his feet. Hogan rose to his feet and was shaking and walking around in the ring. Nash hit Hogan with more punches that had no effect. Patera and Schultz joined Brody in battling Hall and Rude in the aisle. Fans going nuts. Hogan pointed at Nash and the crowd yelled: 'You!' Fighting continued in the aisle as Nash went to blast Hogan with another punch but Hogan blocked it and fired away on Nash with a series of punches, whipped Nash into the ropes and caught Nash coming off with a boot to the chest. Nash crashed to the mat. Hogan hit the ropes and came off with a flying legdrop and covered Nash and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Crowd exploded. Ref called for the bell. Camera caught Rude and Hall brawling to the back with Patera and Schultz. Brody stood in the aisle looking on at Hogan. Ref raised Hogan's hand in victory. Hogan started his posing routine and was facing away from the aisle when Brody got in the ring behind Hogan. Brody looked at Hogan for a few seconds and then went over, put his hand on Hogan's shoulder and spun Hogan around. Hogan shocked at Brody's presence. The two men were face to face. The two men were having words off-mic as the program went off the air. WINNER: Hogan - Pinfall - Flying Legdrop - 7:44)




Dark Match (President's Championship)

Wahoo McDaniel © vs. Harley Race (w/ JJ)

(WINNER: Wahoo - Pinfall - Big Chop - 12:23)

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The 7-24 edition of UWL 'Slam!' Wrestling, built around the fallout from last week's assault by Co-President Vince Russo on fellow Co-President Bill Watts and the Hulk Hogan vs. Kevin Nash match, drew a 2.1 rating.


The 7-17 edition of 'Slam!' also drew a 2.1 rating.

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Just five days from the HEATWAVE PPV!

THE FINAL CONFRONTATION: Hulk Hogan and Bruiser Brody have their final war of words before their 'Match of a Lifetime' at HEATWAVE!




- Lex Luger squares off against his arch-nemesis 'Superstar' Billy Graham! Did Luger make a mistake agreeing to this match just five days out from his UWL World Title shot against champion Greg Valentine?


- Co-Presidents Bill Watts and Vince Russo will each reveal their two tag team partners for the 6-man elimination tag team match at HEATWAVE where the Co-President on the winning team becomes the sole President of the UWL!




Ep. 80 of 'Slam!' wrestling will be posted on Monday or Tuesday in the 'Universal Wrestling League' thread.

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(Special 'Countdown To Heatwave' video aired to open the show)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Announcers welcomed viewers and intro'd video from last week.)


(Video footage aired of owner KD Smith calling out Co-Prez's Russo and Watts and announcing that the two would be captaining teams in a 6-man elimination tag match at 'Heatwave' and the President on the winning team becomes the sole President of the UWL and the losing President is gone and that next week the two Presidents would choose their two partners for the match. Video also showed Smith suspending Russo and Watts from their Co-Presidential duties until after the PPV an installing UWL official Wally Karbo as the Interim Prez.)


(In-ring: Lee Marshall intro'd Intreim Prez Karbo. Karbo came to the ring in a suit. He got very little reaction coming to the ring. Wally got in the ring and took the mic from r.a. Marshall.


Karbo: "Thank you, Lee. Good evening, wrestling fans. It's great to be with you. We are now going to find out who Co-President Bill Watts and Co-President Vince Russo have chose as their tag team partners for the 6-man elimination tag match at 'Heatwave'. The President on the winning team will then become the sole President of the UWL. And the President on the losing team will be fired."


'Born In The USA' played over the p.a. system and Watts came out to a stronger than usual ovation from the crowd. He was in street clothes and had a mic. Watts slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring. Watts got in the ring and shook Karbo's hand.


The UWL Pres. Seal then flashed on the JumboTron and the Don Pardo-like voice said: "Ladies and Gentlemen! In just five days, he will once again be in complete control of the UWL Presidency...I give you...the Great One...Vince Russo!" Crowd booed as Russo's six bodyguards made their way on the entrance stage and formed two columns of three. Russo came out to very loud booing. Russo was wearing a Tennessee Titans white football jersey. Russo came to the ring. Usual drill. Four bodygaurds took their places around the ring on the floor and two got in the ring. One held the ropes open for Russo to step through. Russo soaked in the boos a little more.


Russo: "Bill, I could make things really tough for you heading into 'Heatwave' right now! All I would have to do is order my security team here to pounce on you and by the time they were finished you'd have to be brought to the ring in a wheel chair on Sunday!"


Karbo: "Vince, before you go any further, I have a message to read from UWL owner KD Smith. It reads as follows: Wally, please inform Co-President Russo that his team of bodyguards is banned from the Jobbingdotcom Arena for 'Heatwave'."


Crowd cheered.


Karbo: "And, since Co-President Russo has proven repeatedly he can't be trusted, he and his bodyguards are barred from having any physical contact with Co-President Watts between now and the match at 'Heatwave'. If there is any physical contact of any kind that's instigated by Co-President Russo or any of his bodyguards, then Co-President Russo will be fired with cause immediately and Bill Watts will, effective immediately, assume sole control of the UWL Presidency. Signed, KD Smith."


Russo: "What a bunch of crap, man! This is garbage! My bodyguards are banned from the building this Sunday! If I even accidentally bump into Watts then I'm canned! Where are the rules that Watts has to follow for the next five days?!"


Watts: "Did it ever dawn on you, Vince, that maybe KD Smith realizes that I won't try to do anything to you as we close in on 'Heatwave'. The only way I would do anything to you is if I had to react to something you might do to me."


Russo (grabbed his crotch): "Bite me, Watts! This good guy image of yours is a farce! I've said it in the past! Behind the scenes, you're a bully and an intimidator if people don't go along with your game plan! You have no problem pushing around a guy like me who is smaller than you! I shouldn't even have to wrestle in this match because of the simple fact that I'm not a wrestler! You've had years of experience in the ring! However, the good news here, is I've picked two partners for this match who I know will give me a great chance to win and re-ascend to my rightful place as the only UWL President!"


Watts: "Talk all you want, Vince! If just talking made a great wrestler...you'd be the World Champion for life because of the way you never shut up! This will all be settled in the ring at 'Heatwave'!"


Karbo: "Gentlemen. We now need to know who your two partners will be for the match. Co-President Watts, who is the first member of your team?"


Watts: "Short and sweet. He's a dynamic wrestler and a former President's Champion...The Great Christopho!"


Crowd cheered as the masked TGC made his way to the ring. He slapped hands with fans along the way. TGC got in the ring and shook hands with Watts.


Karbo: "Co-President Russo, the first member of your team."


Russo: "I absolutely love this guy! He's a kick-ass from the word 'go'! And I know he'll do plenty of ass kickin'...and maybe even a little 'Cripplin' this Sunday! He is Rip 'The Crippler' Oliver!"


Oliver came out to mainly boos but also had his fans. He was in his ring attire. Oliver got in the ring and embraced Russo. Oliver then pointed at Watts and TGC and had a few words off-mic for them as Watts and TGC looked on.


Karbo: "Co-President Watts, please tell us who your other team member is."


Watts: "Vince, it's interesting that you selected Rip Oliver to be on your team. Because the wrestler who rounds out our team is someone Mr. Oliver knows very well. And that man is...Hugh Morrus!"


Morrus came out in his ring attire and got a decent ovation coming to the ring. Camera caught a shot of Oliver looking on as Hugh got in the ring. Hugh shook hands and briefly embraced both Watts and TGC. Hugh and Oliver were having words back and forth. Morrus went to get in Rip's face but Watts stopped him.


Rip: "It's a good thing Co-President Watts kept you from coming over here, Hugh. Because if he didn't you wouldn't be wrestling on Sunday."


Hugh and Rip had a few more words with each other off-mic.


Karbo: "Co-President Russo, it is now time for you to unveil the final member of your team."


Russo: "I saved announcing this man for last for a reason. Bill, you said Hugh Morrus and Rip Oliver know each other really well. Well, you know the final member of my team very well! He beat you at the 'Spring Mayhem' pay-per-view! I present to you...the one...the only...'Diamond' Dallas Page!"


Crowd booed as DDP came out in his ring attire. DDP made his way to the ring and gave the Diamond sign once in the ring. DDP, Oliver and Russo shook and briefly embraced. DDP took the mic from Russo.


DDP: "I can't believe my good fortune! When the real President of the UWL asked me to join his team there was no way I could say no! At 'Heatwave', Bill Watts, I really hope the last two men left in the match are you and me! Because I can think of no better way to end your disastrous tenure as Co-President of this company than laying the Diamond Cutter on you and scoring the 1...2...3!"


Crowd booed.


Watts: "You did beat me at 'Spring Mayhem', Dallas. But let's not get ahead of ourselves here. I gave you one helluva fight that night! And if it comes down to you and me at 'Heatwave', this time there's a very good chance that it could be you on the losing end of the 1...2...3!"


DDP: "Please! I'm not losing to you, grandpa! If it does come down to you and me, Watts, you might as well just walk out of the ring, hand in your resignation and keep on going right into the world of the unemployed!"


Watts looked on at DDP.


Karbo: "There you have it. This Sunday in the 6-man elimination tag team match at 'Heatwave', it will be Co-President Bill Watts, The Great Christopho and Hugh Morrus vs. Co-President Vince Russo, Rip Oliver and 'Diamond' Dallas Page. Good luck to both teams."


Russo: "I've got Rip Oliver and Dallas Page on my side! I don't think we're gonna need luck to win this match! And it will be bye, bye Bill Watts...forever!"


Watts: "Russo, it's gonna be so nice when we no longer have to see you or hear from you ever again here in the UWL!"


Russo: "These fans out here...they boo me! But deep down they know who the greater wrestling mind is! And they want me back running the show all on my own! And the new era of President Russo begins one week from tonight!"


Karbo: "Before you all leave the ring, I have one more announcement to make. As Interim President, I get to make the matches for tonight's show. We're gonna have a tag team match. It's gonna be Hugh Morrus and The Great Christopho vs. Rip Oliver and Dallas Page! And Co-Presidents Watts and Russo will be doing guest commentary for the match with Steve Stack and Joe Pedicino!" Fans cheered the announcement. Watts and his team exchanged words with Russo and his squad as the segment ended.)


(Announcers welcomed viewers to this special 'Countdown To Heatwave' edition of 'Slam! Talked briefly about the two teams made for the 6-man elimination tag at 'HW'. Said tonight on the program: Hulk Hogan responds to comments made by Bruiser Brody two weeks ago where Brody wondered whether Hogan the wrestler or Hogan the multi-media creation was going to show up to wrestle at 'HW'; Lex Luger vs. Billy Graham; Oliver & DDP vs. Morrus & TGC; Father Dutch vs. B. Brian Blair; Madusa sees action and Interim Prez Karbo has an announcement about the UWL Women's World Title; UWL Women's WC Tina Ferrari is here; an i'view w/ UWL WC Greg Valentine; the final 'HW' PPV Update; and more. Said Harley Race sees action next!)


Match 1

Harley Race (w/ JJ) vs. Mike Jackson

(WINNER: Race - Pinfall - Piledriver - 2:48)


(After the match: Race took the mic from r.a. Marshall.


Race: "What I would like right now, is for the current holder of the President's Championship, Chief Wahoo McDaniel, to come out here."


After a brief pause, Wahoo came out. He got a strong ovation coming to the ring. He had a mic. He was wearing street clothes, his Indian headdress and was carrying the President's Championship cradled in his arm. Wahoo got in the ring.


Wahoo: "You got something to say to me, Harley?"


HR: "Just this. Being the man that you beat to win that title, that means that I'm entitled to a re-match."


WM: "That's right."


HR: "Somebody needs to get Wally Karbo out here. Wahoo, I want to trigger the re-match clause in my contract and face you for the President's Championship at 'Heatwave'."


WM: "Harley, I don't like you. But I do respect what you've done as a wrestler and your great ring skills. You have a right to a title re-match and if you want it to happen at 'Heatwave' then let's do it."


HR: "Wahoo, I don't care for you either. I know these fans expect us to have some big shouting match about how we're going to tear each other apart. But sometimes, even though two ring warriors might be on opposite sides of the fence, they have a great respect for each other. And that's what we have between you and me."


Karbo walked out on the entrance stage with mic in hand.


Karbo: "Harley Race and Wahoo McDaniel. I have the utmost respect for you guys. You're great wrestlers. And I can think of no better place than to have the President's Championship re-match than at 'Heatwave'. Consider it done."


Fair crowd response.


JJ looked on as Wahoo and Harley looked at each other and then Wahoo extended his hand and, after a brief hesitation, Race shook Wahoo's hand.)


(Announcers discussed Karbo making the re-match between Wahoo © and Race for the President's Championship at 'HW'. Hyped still to come: Hogan will respond to Brody's comments; Luger vs. Graham; Oliver & DDP vs. TGC & Morrus; an i'view w/ UWL WC Valentine; and more.)


(Video aired chronicling the Arn-Hall feud that has now led up to their match at 'HW' in the final of the TV Title Tourney against Hall.


Pre-recorded comments then aired from both men:


Hall: "Arn, at 'Heatwave' I will take a great deal of pleasure in beating you to become the first TV Champion. We've had our battles. But the stakes have never been higher than right now. You claim you came to the UWL to make it as a singles' star and win championships. Sorry, chico! You're gonna have to look elsewhere for a singles' title. Because you're not winning the TV Title."


Arn: "This is what I came to the UWL for. The chance to prove that I'm more than just a tag team wrestler. And this Sunday at 'Heatwave' I've got the chance to prove to myself and everyone out there that I'm a man to be taken seriously in the singles' championship picture by beating you, Scott Hall, and winning the TV Title. Scott, I'll never forget how you turned on me in the War Games and laid me out with three Hallinators. We've been at war for six months now. And it all culminates in our match for the TV Title at 'Heatwave'."


Announcer hyped the TV Title Match: Arn vs. Hall at 'Heatwave'.)


Match 2

Father Dutch vs. B. Brian Blair


(FD came to the ring to loud boos. He was in his priest's attire and carrying his black bag. Blair came to the ring to a decent ovation. Blair was alone. Blair gave FD a fight, but in the end, FD proved too much as he was able to lock Blair in the Confessional and force Blair to tap. WINNER: FD - Submission - Confessional - 5:18)


(After the match: FD grabbed his black bag and pulled out his vial of holy water. He sprinkled the water on the downed Blair, blessed Blair and then announced Blair's 'sins' had been 'forgiven'.)


(Marshall then i'viewed FD. FD: "Wahoo McDaniel. I just want you to know that I haven't forgotten about you. Things have been pretty quiet between us lately. But you still have a lot of sin that needs purging. And since I've been given the sacred duty of cleansing you of your sins and setting you on the right path, I will not stop until I've completed this most holy of missions.")


(Announcers discussed FD beating Blair and stating that he is not done purging Wahoo of his sins. They wondered where this was all leading. Hyped still to come: Hogan responds to Brody's comments from two weeks ago; Luger vs. Graham; Oliver & DDP vs. Morrus & TGC; an i'view w/ UWL WC; the final 'HW' PPV Update; and more. Said Madusa sees action next!)


(Video aired for the next UWL PPV: 'Vagisil Presents: Heatwave' - This Sunday - Aug. 5 - Glendale, AZ - Jobingdotcom Arena - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW! Or, order on PPV! Cable: $34.95/Satellite: $44.95.)


(Video aired chronicling the Madusa - Tina Ferrari © situation.)


Match 3

Madusa vs. Judy Martin

(WINNER: Madusa - Pinfall - German Suplex into a Bridgeout - 4:01)


(Madusa got a decent ovation coming to the ring. Madusa put on a clinic in her match, dominating Martin from the opening bell.)


(After the match: As Madusa was having her hand raised in victory, Interim Prez Wally Karbo came to the ring with mic in hand.


Karbo: "Madusa, I have to tell you that was one fine exhibition of wrestling. You are a truly top-notch female wrestling star. And I think, as we have seen in recent weeks, you can give Women's World Champpion Tina Ferrari a serious run for her money. Now, I need to have Tina Ferrari come to the ring."


Ferrari came to the ring in a short black party dress, black heels and was wearing her trademark tiara. She had the title slung over her shoulder. When Tina got in the ring, she went over by the ropes and demanded the r.a. mic from Lee Marshall. Marshall handed the mic over.


Tina: "What's this about, Waldo?! Hurry up! I've got a party to attend and some of society's elites will be there! I've got to make a good impression as the greatest female wrestler of the modern-era as I mingle with the wine and cheese crowd!"


Madusa: "Will the spirit of Mildred be attending with you?"


Tina: "Shut up, Madusa! Let's get one thing straight! What happened two weeks ago doesn't matter! What people saw then between us wasn't an official match so it doesn't count! Wrestling fans have been raving about how Madusa is the biggest threat to my title reign and undefeated streak to date! But what the hell do they know?!"


Madusa: "What the wrestling fans know is...I can beat you."


Tina: "You? Beat me? Ha! You couldn't even put me away in our unofficial bout! But somehow, if we have match that is officially sanctioned do you really think, Madusa, in your wildest dreams that you can pin me or make me submit?! You need a serious wake-up call, sister!"


Madusa: "I didn't beat you in our impromptu match a couple of weeks ago. But, everyone who saw it knows that if you don't walk off I would have won the match."


Karbo: "Ladies. Ladies. I called you together for one reason. Tina, you have to admit that Madusa was quite impressive in that unofficial match against you two weeks ago."


Tina: "I don't have to admit anything! Madusa, we'll meet in a sanctioned match one day! And darlin', I'll still be the Women's World Champion when it's over!"


Karbo: "Tina, I'm glad you brought up having a Women's World Title match with Madusa. Right now, I'm going to take an audience poll. OK. You fans are gonna vote on this. I need you to cheer good and loud if you want this to happen. The question is: Do you fans want to see Tina Ferrari defend the UWL Women's World Title against Madusa at 'Heatwave'?"


Strong crowd reaction for seeing the match.


Karbo: "Then it's settled! At 'Heat...'


Tina: "Hey! What the hell?! You're letting these goofballs decide when and where a championship match takes place?!"


Karbo: "Well...yeah. You heard the crowd reaction, Tina, these people want to see you wrestle Madusa at 'Heatwave'."


Tina: "I don't believe this! You let the idiot brigade out here basically play the role of booker?!"


Madusa: "Pretty cool, huh."


Fans cheered.


Tina: "No! It's not cool at all! I've got a limo waiting outside for me to take me to an exclusive party in a few minutes..."


Madusa: "Hey! If the limo leaves you behind I can always give you a ride to the party in my monster truck."


Tina: "You're all class, Madusa! It's a good thing that 'Heatwave' is being sponsored by Vagisil because you seem like you could use buckets of it!"


Madusa just looked on and laughed at Tina.


Tina: "Wallace! If you're taking a fan poll on whether or not I wrestle Madusa for the Women's Title at 'Heatwave', then it's only fair that you poll these fans to see who doesn't want the match to take place!"


Karbo: "You are absolutely right. Fans, let's hear you again. How many of you fans do not want to see Madusa wrestle Tina Ferrari for the Women's World Title at 'Heatwave'?"


Small crowd response that paled in comparison to the positive response for the match. Tina looked out at the crowd.


Tina: "Madusa! Looks like you've got your title match this Sunday! But just remember this! I have one thing going for me that you never will! I have the spirit of Mildred Burke within me and she is walking tall! Her spirit has kept me undefeated! And things won't be changing regarding in the loss column of my won-lost record at 'Heatwave'! I'm late! I have to get to a party with people Madusa will never, ever socialize with...the beautiful people!"


Tina stormed out of the ring as Wally Karbo and Madusa looked on.


Madusa: "All my talking will be done in this ring in five days at 'Heatwave'."


Crowd cheered Madusa as she left the ring and slapped hands with fans on the way back up the aisle.)


(Announcers discussed Karbo making a Women's WT Match: Ferrari © vs. Madusa at 'Heatwave'. Hyped still to come: Hogan responds to Brody's comment from two weeks ago; Luger vs. Graham; an i'view w/ UWL WC Valentine; and more. Said Oliver & DDP vs. TGC & Morrus with Watts and Russo as special guest commentators was coming up.)


(Video aired chronicling the Tully/Holly-Crusher feud and Tully's apparently unraveling relationship with Holly. Announcers hyped Tully vs. Crusher coming up at 'Heatwave' this Sunday!)


Match 4

Rip Oliver & DDP vs. TGC & Hugh Morrus


(Watts was intro'd first and came out to a nice ovation. He came over to the announce table and shook hands with anns. Stack and Pedicino and took his seat next to Stack. Russo came out with two bodyguards. He was booed. Russo didn't shake hands with anyone and took his seat next to Pedicino as the two bodyguards took seats next to Russo.


During the match, Watts and Russo exchanged barbs. Russo said that next Tuesday, he's gonna love being the sole UWL President again and "be free of the cancer that is Bill Watts." Watts fired back on Russo and said that "for the sake of this company, my team needs to win at 'Heatwave'."


Match was a back-and-forth affair with each team only gaining brief advantages. Each team had chances to win the match but couldn't put their foes away. At the end of the match, DDP and TGC were the legal men in the ring. TGC was on the offensive. TGC worked DDP over, whipped DDP into the ropes and caught DDP coming off with a leg lariat. DDP crashed to the mat. TGC then slammed DDP into position for a turnbuckle move. TGC mounted the top buckle for a moonsault try. Oliver went over on the apron and shook the ropes and TGC lost his balance and crashed to the mat. Morrus hit the ring and charged across and blasted Rip upside the face with a froearm shiver. Rip crashed to the floor. Crowd popped. Hugh went out to the floor and laid into Rip. Both DDP and TGC down. DDP made it to his feet just before TGC. DDP kicked TGC in the gut and then went to nail TGC with Diamond Cutter but TGC pushed DDP off and when DDP turned around TGC blasted DDP with the Pele'. DDP went down. Crowd popped. Rip and Hugh fighting at ringside. TGC snapped up DDP, whipped DDP into the ropes and caught DDP in position for the Reverse STO but DDP nailed TGC with a couple of elbow strikes to the head and in one fluid move DDP escaped TGC's clutches and nailed TGC with the Diamond Cutter. DDP covered TGC. Hugh tried to climb in the ring and break up the pin try but Rip grabbed Hugh by the leg and yanked Hugh down to the floor. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Oliver sent Hugh smashing into the ringside barricade. Oliver got back in the ring and celebrated with DDP. DDP then turned and pointed at Watts and made the Diamond sign. Russo was ecstatic and got up and took his headset off and grabbed a mic. Russo went and stood in front of the anns. table where Watts was seated.


Russo: "Bill Watts! You just saw which of us has the better team members! You're done! You're finished! Next week when the fans tune in, this is the face (Russo poked himself in the face with his finger) the fans are gonna see as the lone President of the UWL!"


Watts (still on his headset): "We'll see Sunday, Vince! We'll see..."


Russo then picked up a cup that was sitting in front of Stack and threw the cup of water in Watts' face. An angry Watts ripped off his headset and stood up.


Russo: "I didn't touch you! Liquid touched you!"


As Watts started to move out from behind the anns. table, Russo dropped the mic and took off running and met Oliver and DDP half-way up the aisle. The three were euphoric. TGC had recovered in the ring and Watts went over and checked on a now recovering Hugh. On the entrance stage, Oliver and DDP each raised one of Russo's hands victoriously in the air to loud boos before the three headed to the back. WINNER: Oliver & DDP - Pinfall - DDP pinned TGC with a Diamond Cutter - 7:54)


(Announcers discussed Oliver & DDP defeating TGC & Hugh and Russo gloating about it. Hyped still to come: Luger vs. Graham; an i'view w/ UWL WC Valentine; and the final 'HW' PPV Update. Said Hogan responds to Brody next!)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Thu. - Aug. 16 - Syracuse, NY - War Memorial Arena @ The OnCenter; Fri. - Aug. 17 - Albany, NY - Washington Ave. Armory Arena; Sat. - Aug. 18 - Uniondale, LI - Nassau Coliseum. More info, visit: uwlslam.com!)


(Video aired chronicling the Hogan-Brody situation including highlights of Brody's comments from a couple of weeks ago where Brody wondered if he would be facing Hulk Hogan the wrestler or Hulk Hogan the multi-media creation at 'HW'.)


(In-ring: 'Eye of the Tiger' played over the p.a. system. Crowd popped. Out came Hogan on the entrance stage and the crowd grew even louder. Hogan was wearing his do-rag, 'Hulkamania' tank top, blue jeans and tennis shoes. He had a mic. Hogan briefly played to the roaring fans once he got in the ring.


HH: "You guys are the reason I do this for a living! It's all for you!"


More cheering.


HH: "A couple of weeks ago I wasn't here! Bruiser Brody came out and openly questioned which Hulk Hogan he would be facing at 'Heatwave'! Would he be facing Hulk Hogan the wrestler?! Or would he be facing, as he called it, Hulk Hogan 'the multi-media creation'! Well, I've got an answer for everyone tonight! Bruiser Brody! Brother! Make no mistake! When that bell rings at 'Heatwave' for our 'Match of a Lifetime', you will be facing Hulk Hogan the wrestler! Whenever I have stepped in this ring for a match, I've given it my all...as a wrestler! The name on the marquee at the arena says wrestling and that's what I do and that's what I'm going to do this Sunday! I have wrestled all over the world! And from the day I wrestled as a green rookie to right now, I have wrestled and I have wrestled to win every single time! Brody, you don't need to wonder about who you'll be facing at 'Heatwave', brother! It's gonna be a physical and brutal match between us! I can guarantee that! And Hulk Hogan...the wrestler...is bringing his A-game to 'Heatwave' and when the match is over, I intend to be the man who has his hand raised in victory!"


Crowd cheered. Brody came out and made his way to the ring. He was in street clothes and was wearing a powder blue t-shirt. He had a mic. Brody got a mixed reaction from the crowd. Brody got in the ring and paced back and forth before speaking.


BB: "Hulk Hogan! It's good to hear you say that you're coming to 'Heatwave' prepared for battle. But, there's big difference between talking and doing, my friend. A big difference."


HH: "Brody, brother! You don't have to worry, man! I will be there to fight just like you will be!"


BB: "I really hope that's true, Hulk! Fans from all over the country and even some other countries are coming to Glendale, Arizona this Sunday to see a match they'll remember for the rest of their lives! They're calling this the 'Match of a Lifetime'! And it will only be the 'Match of a Lifetime' if Hulk Hogan is prepared to fight rather than be a showman! This match isn't about who's got the better ring persona! It's not about who has the better body! It's not a popularity contest! This is about you and me! One time! The fans wanna see who the better wrerstler is! And they already know that I'll be ready to wrestle, fight, brawl, spill my own blood; whatever I need to do to win the match! Hulk, do you have that in you?! We're two of the biggest legends in the history of this great sport! And when legends collide, people expect to see a legendary match!"


HH: "I know that this match will be a fight to the finish, man! And I'll be more than willing to wrestle, brawl and bleed, whatever it takes to win this match!"


BB: "Will you really be willing to do all that once the reality sets in that we're in that ring before all those fans in the arena and thousands, if not millions, of other pairs of eyes are glued to their TV sets?! The people are expecting it from you, Hogan! And more importantly...I'm expecting it from you. I respect a lot of what you've done in your career, Hogan. But I've also seen the cartoonish side of the Hulkster."


HH: "Our match isn't going to be a damned cartoon, brother! When we clash at 'Heatwave' it's gonna be very real! It's gonna be man against man and we're gonna tear into each other like neither of us has torn into anyone before!"


BB: "Hulk, there's one way you can prove to me that Hulk Hogan the wrestler is the man I'll be facing this Sunday."


HH: "What are you talking about, dude?!"


Brody left the ring and went over to the timekeeper's table and ordered r.a. Marshall out of his chair. Marshall complied. Brody got back in the ring with the chair. Hogan looked on wondering what Brody was going to do with the steel weapon. Brody walked over and stood in front of Hogan. The two looked at each other for a few seconds and then Brody offered the chair to Hogan. Hogan balked and didn't take the chair.


BB: "Come on, Hulk. Take it."


Hogan looked at Brody as Brody still had the chair held out. Hogan carefully took the chair from Brody's hand. Hogan shot Brody a puzzled look.


BB: "Now, I want you to take that chair and hit me over the head with it."


Brody signaled for Hogan to hit him over the head with the chair. Hogan was stunned and didn't seem to know how to react.


BB: "We don't have all day. Hit me over the head with the chair."


HH: "Why do you want me to hit you with the chair, man?!"


BB: "It's simple. You hit me with the chair and I'll know I'm facing Hulk Hogan the wrestler at 'Heatwave'. If you don't do it, well, I guess these fans can expect to see 'Hulk Hogan's Cartoon Express' in our match at 'Heatwave'."


HH: "That's not true! You know I'm gonna fight!"


BB: "Then prove it. Right now."


Crowd buzzing. Hogan looked at Brody and then the chair and then back at Brody.


BB: "Let me have it."


Hogan was stunned by the turn of events. Hulk looked down at the chair and then at Brody again. Hogan then stared down at the chair and then turned his back while keeping his eyes glued to the chair. Crowd stunned.


BB: "Looks like I'll be facing 'Hulk Hogan's Cartoon Express' at 'Hea...'"


WHAM! Hogan spun around and nailed Brody with a vicous chair shot over the head. Brody dropped his mic and crashed to the mat. Brody lying face down. Hogan shaking angrily and holding the chair in position to use it again. Mixed crowd reaction to the chair shot. Brody slowly made it to his feet. Brody was a little shaky as he got up and he was bleeding. But Brody was also smiling. Hogan was in disbelief. Hogan looked at the fans and then at Brody. Brody then started laughing under his breath and wiped some of the blood off in the palm of his hand. Brody looked down at the blood and then wiped the blood on his shirt. A big red blood streak now ran across the shirt. Hogan bewildered and still holding the chair. A bloodied Brody looked at Hogan as Hogan stared back. Brody then bent down and calmly picked up his mic.


BB (in a calm voice): "That felt soooooooo good. Heh heh heh. Hogan, you've now answered my question. I'm now certain I will be facing Hulk Hogan the wrestler at 'Heatwave'. That's just what I wanted."


Brody, with a slight smile on his face, walked past Hogan and left the ring. Hogan looked on at Brody in a stunned fashion as the bleeding Brody left the ring and calmly walked back up the aisle without acknowledging the fans and made his way to the back. Camera caught Hogan with a look of shocked amazement on his face and the chair still in hand. Hogan then looked at the chair and tossed it to the mat. Hogan was in a state of disbelief.)


(Announcers discussed the stunning unfolding of events with Brody and Hogan. Hyped their 'Match of a Lifetime' coming up at 'HW' this Sunday! Hyped still to come: Luger vs. Graham; and an i'view w/ UWL WC Valentine. Said the final 'HW' PPV Update was coming up!)


(Video aired from last week fo Graham challenging Luger to a match this week and Luger accepting.)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Billy Graham and mgr. The Grand Wizard. Asked about tonight's match with Luger. Graham was flexing his muscles.


BG: "You are lookin' at the reflection of perfection; the tower of power; and the man with a plan, daddy. Lex Luger accepted my challenge for a match. And Lex, you may have really stepped into it tonight. In just five days at 'Heatwave', Luger, you're facing Greg Valentine with a chance to become the new UWL World Champion! But after the 'Superstar' gets through with you, jack, you could be in real bad shape heading into that match! Luger! It's like this! I don't just intend to beat you! I intend to beat the hell out of you! My goal tonight is to inflict maximum pain upon your body! I want you banged up, bruised up and busted up when you challenge for the UWL World Title this Sunday! I have no dog in the fight between you and Valentine, jack! I just want to hurt you for the simple reason that I don't like you, Lex! And tonight I'm gonna get my wish!"


GW: "Larry Nelson, when the 'Superstar' sets his mind to accomplishing something he's a hard man to stop! He's like a runaway train! And unfortunately for Lex Luger, he's about to be hit at full-speed by the runaway train known as the 'Superstar Express'!")




Announcers ran down the complete card:


MATCH OF A LIFETIME: Hulk Hogan vs. Bruiser Brody


UWL WORLD TITLE MATCH (2/3 Falls - All UWL Managers & Wrestlers barred from ringside!): Greg Valentine © vs. Lex Luger


6-MAN ELIMINATION TAG (Co-President on the winning team becomes the sole President of the UWL!): Co-Prez Watts, Hugh Morrus & The Great Christopho vs. Co-Prez Russo, Rip Oliver & DDP


Ken Patera & 'Dr. D' David Schultz vs. Kevin Nash & Rick Rude


TV TITLE TOURNAMENT FINAL: Arn Anderson vs. Scott Hall


PRESIDENT'S CHAMPIONSHIP: Wahoo McDaniel © vs. Harley Race (w/ JJ Dillon)


UWL WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE: The Anderson Brothers © vs. The Mighty Texans


Tully Blanchard (w/ JJ Dillon & Holly Madison) vs. The Crusher


UWL WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE: Tina Ferrari © vs. Madusa


'Vagisil Presents: Heatwave' - This Sunday - Aug. 5 - Glendale, AZ - Jobingdotcom Arena - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW! - Or, order on PPV! Cable $34.95/Satellite: $44.95.)


(Video aired chronicling Ken Patera being kicked out of The Firm and violently attacked two weeks in a row by Firm members and Patera challenging Nash and Rude to a tag match at 'HW' and Patera introducing David Schultz as his tag team partner for the match.


After the video chronicle aired, the participants in the match gave these pre-recorded comments:


Nash & Rude - Nash: "Ken Patera! You actually found someone stupid enough to be your tag team partner! 'Dr. D' David Schiltz, you are living proof that an idiot is born every minute! You taking sides with Ken Patera is the biggest mistake of your life! Your life is about to become a living hell just like Patera's! You hooked up with the wrong guy! Schultz, you Redneck pinhead, you'll pay at our hands just as badly as Patera is going to! And our tag team match at 'Heatwave' is just the beginning of a long and painful experience for you guys at the hands of The Firm!"


Rude: "Ken Patera! You had it all! You were a member of the elite in this sport when you were a member of The Firm! But when you failed in your most important task, to regain the IWA World Title and bring it back into The Firm's fold, you were finished! And now you're nothing! Patera, you are nothing without The Firm! But you were the one who blew it! And now you latch onto one 'Dr. D' David Schultz! Great partner you picked there! David Schultz openly admits he's proud to be a Redneck! Hell, he used to lead a group in another promotion called the Redneck Nation! The man is proud to be white trash, Ken! How the mighty have fallen! Ken Patera went from the penthouse to the outhouse at warp speed! And he has had to scrounge to find a partner like Redneck Trash David Schultz! You guys are in for one hell of a wake-up call at 'Heatwave'! And that wake-up call is just the start! Because Patera and Schultz, you're gonna be awake in a nightmare for a long time to come, courtesy of The Firm!"


Patera & Schultz - Patera: "Kevin Nash and Rick Rude. As you can see, I'm no longer wearing the neck brace. My neck has healed from the punishment you guys inflicted on it three weeks ago. This Sunday! 'Heatwave'! In my entire career, I've never wanted a match ths badly! You guys never thought I could find a tag team partner! Once you kicked me out of The Firm you thought I was damaged goods and no one would side with me! Like the bullies Hall, Nash and Rude are, they thought they could make my life a living hell with impunity! But I knew just who to call! David Schultz, a man who works as a bounty hunter in his spare time! And he's gonna be doing some hunting here in the UWL! He's hunting three no-good SOB's named Hall, Nash and Rude! And he's on this hunting trip with Ken Patera! God, I want 'Heatwave' to get here so bad that I feel a surge of vengeance everytime I think about it!"


Schultz: "I've know Ken Patera for years! And when he called and told me that he was having trouble with his former friends in The Firm and needed someone to help him fight them, there was no way I gonna turn him down! Let me be clear about one thing! I am from the great Southern state of Tennessee! And I'm the Redneck of Rednecks and proud of it! Nash and Rude! You mess with my friend Ken here then you're messin' with me as well! At 'Heatwave', we're gonna come to that ring and tear into you boys and give you a good ol' fashioned Redneck ass-whoopin' that's gonna leave red and blue stars and bars marks all over your bodies! You wanna fight, boys! Well you've got one! And you won't like the end result!")


(Announcers hyped Patera & Schultz vs. Nash & Rude at 'HW' this Sunday.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Lex Luger. Asked Luger about tonight's match with Billy Graham and his upcoming UWL WT match with Valentine at 'Heatwave'.


LL: "Larry Nelson, I know Billy Graham very well! Earlier this month, we wrestled seven matches against each other all across Canada! Check that! We didn't wrestle each other! We fought seven wars throughout Canada! And I expect this match to be no different tonight! The war continues between us! I've got a chance to become the UWL World Champion at 'Heatwave'! Billy Graham is a punishing wrestler! He's very physical! And he likes to inflict maximum damage on his opponents! Some people have told me that I was crazy for accepting this match just five days before one of the biggest matches of my career against Greg valentine! I'm facing Graham because this is very personal! No championships are on the line here! I've grown to despise Billy Graham! He was a man I thought I could trust when I went through my own personal transformation! But he's become the biggest thorn in my side! This match tonight is about standing up like a man and doing the right thing! Billy Graham started this whole thing and it's my intention to put him in his place! And Greg Valentine! At 'Heatwave' this Sunday, it's just you and me in that ring for the UWL World Title! Your manager Gary Hart won't be at ringside to save you this time if I get you up in that rack! He won't be there to run over and ring the bell when you're just seconds away from submitting and costing me the title like at 'Thunderstruck'! Two weeks ago, you showed that you couldn't counter the rack and you tried to injure me with the figure four! But, as you can see, you failed! And no other UWL wrestlers or managers are gonna be allowed anywhere near that ring, either! Valentine, if you beat me at 'Heatwave', you're gonna have to do it all on your own! And if I beat you I will have done it all on my own! This is what I want! This is what all these fans want, Greg! No chance of outside interference! And may the best man win! And I'm real confident that best man will be me!")


(Announcers discussed the i'view with Luger. Pedicino said he thinks Luger made a big mistake taking this match tonight because Graham has made it clear he wants to send Luger into his match at 'HW' hurt. Hyped still to come: Luger vs. Graham. Said an i'view w/ UWL WC Valentine is next.)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed UWL WC Valentine w/ mgr. Hart. The two were in suits. Valentine had the belt slung over his shoulder. They were mainly booed coming to the ring but also had their supporters in the crowd. The two soaked in the mostly negative crowd reaction once in the ring. Marshall asked about the match with Luger this Sunday at 'HW'.


Greg: "I heard Lex Luger's interview. He seemed to be implying that I couldn't beat him without help from my manager. Gary, can you believe that? Luger thinks I need your help to win."


Hart laughed and shook his head 'no'.


GH: "That's ridiculous, Mr. World Champion. Anyone with eyes that can see knows that you don't need my help or anybody else's help to defeat any wrestler out there. You're the best in business today for a reason."


Greg: "And what's that?"


GH: "The reason is because you're the hottest wrestler in the world right now. Need I say more?"


Greg: "That's good enough for me, Gary. And...thank you for the compliment."


GH: "The pleasure is all mine, champ. And you know what? That World Title looks better in your possession with each passing day."


Greg: "Tell me about it. Luger, our match at 'Heatwave' is two-out-of-three falls. And, as you said, it will be just you and me in that ring. The better man will win the match. Make no mistake about it. And the better man is standing in this ring right now. And since Lex Luger's not standing here, I guess that best man would be...me! Lex likes to rattle on incessantly about how he's gonna put me up in that rack of his. The things is, Luger, you've got to win two falls against the best wrestler going today. You talk about a tall order. If you beat in me in one fall then that means you've got to beat me a second time in one night. You see, you have to pin me or make me submit, Lex! That means that all the pressure is on you! You've gotta beat me twice in one night, Lex, to win the World Title! And I'm confident that you're not able to beat me twice! Since I beat Wahoo McDaniel to win this title at 'Holiday Havoc' last December, I have only picked up more and more momentum! I'm showing no signs whatsoever of slowing down! Right now, I feel unstoppable! And this Sunday at 'Heatwave', Lex Luger, you're gonna feel the full power of that momentum as it steamrolls right over your World Title aspirations!"


GH: "Well said, champ. Eloquently said if I may say so myself."


Greg: "You're really pulling out the compliments tonight, aren't you. Not that I don't deserve them."


GH: "UWL World Champion Greg Valentine deserves every accolade that comes his way. You've got World Champions in other leagues. They hold their version of the World Title for maybe a few months before they lose it. But not this man. Greg Valentine has been the UWL World Champion for eight long months now and there's no end to his reign in sight. Who knows when this man's championship reign will end? It may end one day. But it's not gonna end anytime soon. And that includes five days from now at 'Heatwave' against Lex Luger."


Greg: "This World Title says I'm the best! Lex, you're not the best until you have this! And you're not..."


Bagpipe music suddenly played over the p.a. system. Many in the crowd cheered. Out came a lovely brunette. She was dressed in a plaid mini-skirt, white frilly blouse, one of those Scottish plaid knit hats with the fuzzy white ball on the top and black heels. She was carrying a tube. Greg and Gary looked at each other and laughed and shook thei heads in disbelief. The lass got on the apron.


Greg: "Please, lovely lady, step into the ring. You got something for me?"


The woman was smiling and handed the tube to Valentine.


Greg: "What's this?"


The woman walked out of the ring and headed back up the aisle as the bagpipe music stopped playing. Valentine unrolled the tube revealing it to be a poster of Roddy Piper. It had writing on it.


GH: "What's it say there?"


Greg: "It reads: "To Greg. See you soon! Roddy Piper."


Crowd buzzing.


Valentine looked at the poster for a moment, chuckled, and then tore it to shreds and tossed it in the air.


Greg: "I've got news for you people. And it's bad news at that. Roddy Piper is never coming back. You see, if Roddy Piper was coming back he would have already returned. He wouldn't be playing some silly games all these weeks. Piper would have just shown up. Soemone is clearly pranking me. Whoever has been behind all this the last couple of months...you can stop now. If you were trying to rattle my cage it's not working. Now, the whole matter is just annoying. So, the gig is up. If the prankster behind this continues, they continue. I just want to let you know that it's not going to affect me at all. Roddy Piper's finished. I finished him in October of last year. He hasn't been seen or heard from since. Get over it."


GH: "The World Champion will concentrate his energies on something real. Like beating Lex Luger at 'Heatwave' and remaining the UWL World Champion.")


(Announcers discussed the Valentine i'view and the woman showing up and giving Greg a signed Piper poster and Valentine saying Piper's never coming back. Said Luger vs. Graham is coming up next!)


Match 5

Lex Luger vs. Billy Graham (w/ Grand Wizard)


(Graham and mgr. GW came to the ring first to the strains of 'California Dreamin'. They were loudly booed. Luger got a strong ovation coming to the ring.


Graham attacked Luger as Luger was stepping through the ropes. Ref called for the bell. It was a back-and-forth fight as the men matched up well with each other. Luger and Graham punished each other. At the end of the match, Graham was on the offensive. Graham whipped Luger into the ropes and caught Luger coming off in a bearhug. Luger struggled to not submit in the hold. Luger struggled in the hold and started to weaken. Ref raised Luger's arm twice and both times Luger's arm fell weakly by his side. Ref then raised Luger's arm a third time and Luger held it in the air. Crowd buzzing. Luger was powering up in the hold and nailed Graham with three elbow smashes to the head forcing Graham to let go of the hold. Luger then nailed Graham with a series of punches to the head, whipped Graham into the ropes and caught Graham coming off with a clothesline. Graham crashed to the mat. Luger then pulled Graham up, whipped Graham into the ropes and caught Graham coming off with a powerslam. Luger jumped up and signaled it was time for the rack. Crowd cheering. Grand Wizard jumped up on the apron and distracted the ref. Ref went over and ordered GW off the apron. Luger came over and grabbed GW by the lapels of his jacket. Ref was caught in between the pair and didn't see GW toss the recovering Graham his cane. As Luger maintained his grip on the GW, Graham came up behind Luger and smashed Luger across the back with the cane. Luger let go of GW and went down. Graham tossed the cane out of the ring as GW had a few more words with the ref before GW dropped back down to the floor. Graham backed up against the ropes as Luger got to his feet. When Luger made it to his feet...WHAM!...Graham blasted Luger with a running clothesline. Luger crashed to the mat. Graham struck a bodybuilder pose as the crowd booed. Graham snapped Luger up and attempted to hoist Luger in the air for the jackhammer but Luger twice blocked the move and instead suplexed Graham to the mat. Both men down. Both men slowly made their way to their feet. Graham caught Luger with a couple of punches to the body. Graham then whipped Luger into the ropes and looked to catch Luger coming off with a clothesline but Luger ducked the move and came back and blasted Graham with a forearm smash to the head. Graham crashed to the mat. Luger covered Graham and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Crowd popped as the ref called for the bell. Ref raised Luger's hand in victory. Backstage, a camera picked up UWL WC Valentine and mgr. Hart watching the match on a montior. Valentine looked at Hart and then into the distance as the program faded to black. WINNER: Luger - Pinfall - Forearm Smash to the Head - 10:17)


(Final video aired for the 'Vagisil Presents: Heatwave' - Sunday - Aug. 5 - Glendale, AZ - Jobingdotcom Arena - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW! - Or, order on PPV! Cable: $34.95/Satellite: $44.95!)




Dark Match

Ole Anderson vs. Lash LaRue

(WINNER: LaRue - Pinfall - Brainbuster - 13:19)

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The 7-31 go-home episode of 'Slam!', built around the final confrontation between Hulk Hogan and Bruiser Brody before their match at the 'Heatwave' PPV, and Co-Presidents Watts and Russo selecting their two teammates for the 6-man elimination tag match at 'Heatwave' where the President on the winning team becomes the sole President of the UWL, drew a 2.2 rating.


The 7-24 edition of the program drew a 2.1 rating.

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Vagisil Presents:


































HEATWAVE will be posted Sunday.

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(Special video intro for the PPV built around the 'Match of a Lifetime': Hogan vs. Brody; UWL WT Match (2/3 Falls - All UWL wrestlers and managers barred from ringside!): Greg Valentine © vs. Lex Luger; and the 6-Man Elimination Tag match with the Co-President on the winning team becoming the sole President of the UWL!)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Announcers welcomed viewers to the PPV and mentioned that they were coming to you in front of a new record live crowd for a UWL event. Then ran down the PPV. Discussed the 'Match of a Lifetime': Hogan vs. Brody. Hyped the UWL WT Match (2/3 Falls - All UWL wrestlers and managers barred from ringside!): Valentine © vs. Luger; the 6-man elimination tag with the Presidency of the UWL at stake; and the TV Title Tournament Final: Hall vs. Anderson. Then sent it to the ring.)


Match 1 (President's Championship)

Wahoo McDaniel © vs. Harley Race (w/ JJ Dillon)


(Race and JJ came to the ring first to loud boos. As they were making their way to the ring, video aired of Wahoo defeating then PC Harley a month ago to capture the title and from last Tuesday of Race demanding his re-match with Wahoo at 'Heatwave' and getting it.


Wahoo came out to a solid ovation from the crowd. He was wearing his headdress and had the title on around his waist. Wahoo took the title off and handed it to the ref and the ref walked around the ring holding the title in the air for all to see. Ref handed the belt off to guest ring announcer Gary Michael Capetta. Ref called both men to the center of the ring and laid down the rules and patted each wrestler down as Race and Wahoo stared at each other. JJ was standing next to Race in the ring.


Ref sent each man to a neutral corner. Race and JJ had a few more words as the ref called for the bell. JJ left the ring and went to the floor.


Wahoo and Harley came out and circled each other and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. Wahoo gained the advantage and drove Race into the corner. Ref ordered a break. Race held up his hands as Wahoo backed off. Race came out of the corner and the men circled each other again. Race lunged at Wahoo and missed and Wahoo took Race down with a leg-dive takedown and turned it into a single leg Boston Crab. Race made the ropes fairly quickly and draped his arm over the bottom rope to force a break in the hold. Race got back on his feet. The two circled each other once again and this time Race maneuvered around behind Wahoo and grabbed Wahoo around the waist. Wahoo escaped and reversed the hold on Race and then Race reversed the hold once more and had Wahoo around the waist again. Race took Wahoo down in amateur-style fashion and was riding Wahoo but Wahoo got next to the ropes and placed his arm under the bottom rope to force a break in the hold. Both men to their feet. The two wily vets sized each other up. They moved in on each other and Wahoo blasted Race with a chop to the chest and went behind Race, grabbed Race around the waist, picked Race up and drove Race into the mat. Wahoo was riding Race and Race struggled not to be turned over. Wahoo eventually succeeded in turning Race over and wrappimg Race up in a pinning predicament. 1...2... Race kicked out. Wahoo and Race got to their feet and Wahoo caught Race in a side headlock. Wahoo held onto the hold for a few seconds before Race was able to send to push Wahoo off and send Wahoo into the ropes. Wahoo came off and Race went to nail Wahoo coming off with an elbow to the chest but Wahoo ducked the move and came back and caught Race with a flying crossbody. Race down. Wahoo for the pin try. 1...2... Race kicked out.


Wahoo made it to his feet just before Race and grabbed Race in a front facelock. Wahoo went to suplex Race twice but Race blocked the move each time and countered with a suplex of his own. Wahoo down. Race got to his feet and dropped down and nailed Wahoo with a headbutt. Wahoo rolled over and got on his knees. Race, on his knees, followed Wahoo, grabbed Wahoo by the hair and nailed Wahoo with three more headbutts. Wahoo has a headache. Race picked Wahoo up and bodyslammed him in the middle of the ring. Race nailed Wahoo with a kneedrop to the head. Race for the cover. 1...2... Wahoo kicked out. Race made it to his feet as Wahoo was on all fours. Race kicked Wahoo in the ribs a few times and then rolled Wahoo up in a pin attempt. 1... Wahoo kicked out. Race pulled Wahoo up by the hair and Wahoo fired away on Race with a series of chops but Race killed Wahoo's momentum with a couple of brutal standing headbutts. Wahoo staggered. Race then slammed Wahoo's head into the top buckle and raked Wahoo's eyes across the top rope. Wahoo turned around and Race kicked Wahoo in the gut and went to hoist Wahoo up for the piledriver but Wahoo twice blocked the move and backdropped Race to the mat. Wahoo then stunned Race by locking Race up in the Indian Deathlock submission hold. Crowd buzzing. Race in dire pain and trying not to submit. Race painfully scooted close to the ropes but wasn't close enough to get his hands on them to force a break in the hold. After a little more struggle, Race finally moved close enough to get his hands on the ropes, but as soon as he did Wahoo scooted back away from the ropes and Race was left to struggle in the hold. After several more seconds in the hold, Race broke it by poking Wahoo in the eye. The men untangled their legs and Wahoo got up facing away from Race while rubbing his eye.


Race came up behind Wahoo and nailed him with a two-fisted backsmash. Wahoo staggered away near the ropes. Race followed Wahoo and nailed Wahoo in the head with a series of big punches. Race whipped Wahoo into the ropes and caught Wahoo coming off in position for a belly-to-belly suplex but Wahoo nailed Race with head shots of his own and reversed the move by nailing Race with a belly-to-belly suplex. Crowd popped. Wahoo for the cover. 1...2... Race got a shoulder up. Wahoo pulled Race up and whipped Race into the buckles and followed Race in and nailed Race with a blsitering series of chops to the chest. Race feeling he blows as he grabbed at his chest. Wahoo whipped Race into the opposite buckles and charged in on Race and nailed Race with a running big splash. Race staggered out of the corner and went down to his knees and then his face in the middle of the ring. Wahoo turned Race over and applied the spinning toe hold to Race. Wahoo was working the hold and spinning when Race was able to kick Wahoo off with his free leg. Wahoo crashed back first into the buckles. Race to his knees as Wahoo came out of the corner. Wahoo grabbed Race and Race nailed Wahoo with a couple of headbutts to the gut. Race got to his feet and smashed Wahoo across the back with some forearm smashes. Wahoo staggered backwards and Race moved in a series of deliberate punches to Wahoo's head. Race then bodyslammed Wahoo into position for a turnbuckle move. Race mounted the middle buckle and came off with a diving headbutt and covered Wahoo. 1...2... Wahoo kicked out. Race then nailed the prone Wahoo with more head shots. Race then came at Wahoo with another kneedrop to the head but Wahoo rolled out of the way and Race crashed to the mat. Race's right knee hurting. Both men down.


Wahoo got to his feet and locked Race's hurting leg in a full Boston crab. Race struggled briefly in the hold but was able to make it near the ropes and get get his hand on the bottom rope to force a break in the hold. Race made it to his feet but was hobbling on the right leg. Wahoo came over and Race grabbed Wahoo and tied up with Wahoo next to the ropes. Ref ordered another break. Wahoo backed away and Race held his hands in the air like he wasn't going to do anything and then suddenly Race sucker punched Wahoo. The punch sent Wahoo staggering back. Race then nailed Wahoo with another punch. Suddenly, Wahoo started his war dance. Crowd buzzing. Race punched Wahoo again only this time Wahoo fired back with a chop. Race punched Wahoo once more and Wahoo again fired back with another chop. The two then engaged in a punch-chop exchange and Wahoo got the upper hand and peppered Race with an uncontested series of chest chops, the last of which sent the dazed Race stumbling back several feet into the ropes. Wahoo charged at Race and Race bent down and backdropped Wahoo over the top rope and Wahoo crashed down to the floor. Ref ordered Race to stand back. Wahoo slowly started making his way to his feet as the ref counted. Race went to leave the ring but the ref turned to him and ordered Race to back off. Race had words with the ref as Wahoo got to his feet. JJ came over and kicked Wahoo in the side of the ribs. Wahoo went ballistic and started hammering away with chops on JJ. Crowd cheering. As Wahoo continued to batter JJ, Race climbed out on the apron and jumped off and nailed Wahoo with a forearm smash to the upper back thus killing Wahoo's offensive against JJ. Wahoo hadn't gone down but was hurting. Race spun Wahoo around and kicked Wahoo in the gut and then nailed Wahoo with a few more punches. Race then went to slam Wahoo's head into the ringside barricade but Wahoo blocked the move and slammed Race's head into it instead. Race stunned. JJ came over and hit Wahoo in the back but the punch had no effect on the Chief. Wahoo then went back-and-forth and nailed both JJ and Race with a brief flurry of punches. Wahoo threw the stunned Race back in the ring. Wahoo brefly followed Race back into the ring to break the ref's 10-count. JJ hurting at ringside.


Race started getting to his feet as Wahoo went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle. Race made it to his feet in the ring and turned around and Wahoo came off the top buckle and blasted Race with a chop to the top of the head. Race crashed to the mat. Wahoo pulled Race up and whipped Race into the ropes and looked to catch Race coming off with his big chop finisher but Race ducked the move and came back and nailed Wahoo with a clothesline. Wahoo crashed to the mat. Race then went to drop an elbow smash on Wahoo but Wahoo rolled out of the way and Race crashed to the mat. Race made it to his feet as as Wahoo was getting up next to the ropes. Race charged at Wahoo and drove a knee into the side of the Chief's ribs. Wahoo fell through the top and middle rope and crashed to the floor. Ref ordered Race to stand back. Wahoo recovering on the floor when Race came over to leave the ring to go after Wahoo but the ref stopped him and ordered him back. Ref distracted and having words with Race. As Wahoo was gettng up, JJ came over and socked Race in the chops. The punch had very little effect as Wahoo grabbed JJ by the throat and started choking JJ. Race went to go out to the floor but the ref stopped Race and turned and saw Wahoo had JJ. Ref came over and ordered Wahoo stop to trying commit attempted homicide on JJ and get back in the ring. Wahoo let go of JJ and shoved him aside. JJ got up on the apron as Wahoo started climbing on the apron. Ref was now distracted by JJ. JJ put his hands around his own throat signaling to the ref that Wahoo was choking him.


Race took advantage of this and went over and kicked Wahoo as Wahoo was stepping back into the ring off. Wahoo crashed back down to the floor. JJ was still in a heated argument with the ref. Race was preparing to leave the ring to go after Wahoo but suddenly stopped dead in his tracks. Father Dutch came walking down the aisle and had his hands behind his back. Race had a puzzled look on his face. Wahoo had gotten back on his feet and was preparing to climb on the apron when...WHAM!...Father Dutch smashed Wahoo across the upper back and the head with his 18-inch wooden crucifix. Wahoo grabbed the back of his head and neck and went down to a knee. Father Dutch dropped the crucifix and threw Wahoo back in the ring. Wahoo laying there still holding the back of his head and neck. Father Dutch picked up his crucifix and fled the scene. Race was shocked by what transpired but still took advantage of situation. JJ was still having words with the ref as Race picked up Wahoo and nailed him with the piledriver. JJ excitedly gestured for the ref to turn around. Race covered Wahoo and hooked the leg. Ref dropped down and made the count. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Small smattering of cheers for Race. Ref took the belt and had words for r.a. Capetta. Ref handed Race the belt and raised his hand in victory. JJ ecstatic. JJ helped Race put the title on.


Capetta: "Wrestling fans! In a time of 15 minutes, 29 seconds, your winner...and for the second time President's champion...Harley Race!"


Most of the crowd booed as Race and JJ victoriously left the ring. Wahoo was now sitting up in the ring and feeling at the back of his head as the ref checked on him. Wahoo would eventually make it to the back under his own power. WINNER: Race - Pinfall - Piledriver - 15:29)


(Announcers discussed Race regaining the PC thanks to unexpected outside help from Father Dutch. Hyped the 'Match of a Lifetime': Hogan vs. Brody; and the UWL WT Match (2/3 Falls - All UWL wrestlers and managers barred from ringside!): Valentine © vs. Luger! Said the TV Title Tournament final was next!)


(Video aired chronicling the Hall-Arn feud.)


Match 2 (TV Title Tournament Final)

Arn Anderson vs. Scott Hall


(Ref came to the ring and was carrying the TV Title. Anderson came to the ring to a strong ovation. Hall came out to a mixed reaction. Ref held he title up and walked around the ring so the fans could see it. Ref handed the belt off and then called both men to the center of the ring. As Anderson and Hall stared each other down, ref laid down the rules of the match and patted each man down. Ref sent each man to a neutral corner and called for the bell.


The men circled each other and Hall went to punch Arn but Arn blocked the punch and fired away on Hall with a series of punches. Arn whipped Hall into the ropes and caught Hall coming off with a backdrop. Hall got up and was greeted by a dropkick from Arn. Hall went down again and scooted into the corner and tried to call a 'timeout'. Hall made his way to his feet. Arn was standing in the center of the ring and waved Hall out to him. Hall slowly moved out of the corner and the two went to lock-up in a collar-and-elbow tie-up and Hall drove a knee into Arn's gut. Hall nailed Arn with some slaps upside the head that drove Arn against the ropes. Hall went to whip Arn into the ropes but Arn reversed and send Hall into the ropes and looked to catch Hall coming off with his left-handed KO punch but Hall ducked the move and came back and nailed Arn with a flying shoulder tackle that dropped Arn to the mat. Hall moved in and caught Arn in an armbar down on the mat. Arn gradually made it to his knees in the hold. Hall kept the hold clamped on as Arn rose to his feet. Hall grabbed Arn by the back of the hair and yanked Arn back down to the mat and firmly re-applied the hold. Arn again gradually made it to his feet. Hall transitioned into a wristlock. Hall spun around and tightened his grip on the hold. Hall repeated the sequence. Hall went to do it a third time but this time Arn countered with punches to Hall's head. Arn freed himself from Hall's grip. Hall swung at Arn and missed and spun himself around and Arn caught Hall and nailed him with an atomic drop. Hall grabbed his goods and dropped to his knees.


Arn then grabbed Hall in an overhand wristlock while Hall was on his knees. Hall struggled in the hold and made it to one knee and then eventually to his feet. Arn tightened up on the hold. Hall lunged and tried to grab the ropes but Arn yanked him away from the ropes. Arn cinched up some more on the hold and then transitioned it into a hammerlock. Hall was able to reverse the hold but just as quickly Arn reversed and once again Hall was in the hammerlock. Hall was trying to counter but couldn't so Hall did the next best thing. He drove his lower leg into Arn's groin. Arn let go of the hold and fell back against the ropes. Hall moved in with a series of punches and then blasted Arn with a discus punch. Arn crashed to the mat. Hall covered Arn. 1... Arn got a shoulder up. Hall then turned Arn over on the mat and locked Arn in a front facelock. Hall started choking Arn in the hold and Arn's feet were flailing. Ref checked the hold and noticed nothing illegal. Hall then subtly choked Arn out again. Arn's legs flailing. Ref ordered a break. Hall got up and had words with the ref and then shoved the ref. Ref shoved Hall back and Arn rolled Hall up from behind for the pin try. 1...2... Hall kicked out. Hall pounced on Arn and caught Arn in a side headlock. Hall got to his feet while Arn was on his knees. Arn made it to his feet still in the hold. Hall cinched up on the hold. Arn shoved Hall off into the ropes. Hall came off and Arn caught Hall with a legdive takedown and went to lock Hall into the STF. Arn struggled to lock the hold in as Hall made the ropes forcing a break in the hold. Hall got to his feet. Hall and Arn circled each other and then Hall bailed from the ring to the floor. Crowd booed as Hall walked around on the floor as the ref counted. As the count rose, Hall quickly got in the ring and went right after Arn and nailed Arn in the side of the head with a forearm that stunned Arn. Hall then went to whip Arn into the buckles but Arn reversed and sent Hall into the buckles. Arn followed Hall in and nailed Hall with a series of rapid-fire shoulder blocks to the gut. Arn then grabbed Hall and went to nail him with a running bulldog but Hall shoved Arn off and Arn crashed to the mat.


Hall went over and put the boots to the downed Arn and then dragged his foot across Arn's face. Arn hurting. Hall pulled Arn up and whipped Arn to the buckles. Arn slammed hard into the buckles and walked out of the corner and dropped to his knees. Hall mounted the second buckle behind Arn and as Arn got up, Hall nailed Arn with a diving bulldog and went for the cover. 1...2... Arn kicked out. Hall then started rubbing Arn's face in the mat. Arn grabbed his face. Hall then stepped on Arn's back and briefly played to the crowd and got a mixed reaction. Arn now on all fours. Hall went and stood over Arn and started slapping him on the sides of his head. Arn moved, grabbed Hall by the legs and started stading up. Arn had a stunned Hall on his shoulders. Arn took a couple of steps back and blasted Hall with an electric chair slam. Crowd cheered. Arn grabbed Hall, whipped Hall into the ropes and caught Hall coming off with the spinebuster. Arn then pulled Hall up and prepared to nail Hall with the gourdbuster but Hall grabbed Arn around the waist and drove Arn hard back first into the buckles. Hall then nailed Arn with a series of head slaps that drove Arn to his ass in the corner. Hall then drove a series of knees into Arn. Hall pulled Arn up and atomic dropped Arn onto the top buckle. Arn facing the crowd. Hall mounted the second buckle behind Arn and nailed Arn with some forearm smashes to the back and blasted Arn with a belly-to-back suplex from the middle rope.. Hall rolled Arn up and held the tights as he went for the cover. 1...2...2-1/2... Arn kicked Hall off. Hall pulled Arn up and whipped Arn into the ropes and caught Arn coming off by the throat, held Arn for a couple of seconds and then chokeslammed Arn. Hall got up and wiped some of his sweat on the downed Arn. Hall picked up Arn and nailed Arn with a fallaway slam. Hall covered Arn and hooked the leg. 1...2... Arn kicked out. Arn hurting.


Hall got up and stomped on Arn and then pulled Arn up and whipped him into the buckles. Hall moved in with more slaps to Arn's head and then went to whip Arn into the opposite buckles but Arn reversed and whipped Hall repeatedly into the buckles in the corner Arn was just in. Arn moved in and drove a series of knees into Hall's gut. Arn bodyslammed Hall. Arn then mounted the middle buckle and came off with a forearm to Hall's chest and went for the cover. 1...2... Hall got a shoulder up. Arn then went to whip Hall into the ropes but Hall reversed and sent Arn into the ropes and looked to catch Arn coming off with a backdrop but Arn stunned Hall with a DDT. Crowd popped. Arn covered Hall and hooked the leg. 1...2...2-3/4... Hall barely kicked out. Arn whipped Hall into the ropes and looked to catch Hall coming off with spinebuster but Hall blocked the move, escaped Arn's grasp, shifted behind Arn and nailed Arn with a sitout rear mat slam. Both men down. Crowd buzzing. Both men made it to their feet and Arn nailed Hall with a punch to the gut. Arn then went to whip Hall into the ropes but Hall grabbed the top rope and drove a knee into Arn's gut and then caught Arn with another chokeslam near the ropes. Hall for the cover. 1...2... Arn got his foot on the bottom rope to force a break in the hold. Hall nailed Arn with some punches and then snapped Arn up and nailed Arn with a side suplex. Hall then nailed Arn with a fistdrop to the head. Arn sat up holding his head and Hall got on his knees behind Arn and started popping Arn in the side of the head with punches. Hall went to whip Arn into the buckles but Arn reversed and sent Hall into the buckles. Arn charged in on Hall and Hall moved and Arn slammed front first into the buckles. Hall circled around as a dazed Arn backed up out of the corner and caught Arn in a sleeper. Arn struggling in the hold. Arn tried to get close to the ropes but Hall yanked Arn away from the ropes. Arn fighting but failing to free himself from Hall's grasp. Arn started to weaken. In one last desperate move, Arn lunged towards the buckles, dropped down and Hall's head slammed into the top buckle. Arn down and Hall leaned up against the buckles. Just as Arn made it to his feet, Hall kicked Arn in the gut and then went to bodyslam Arn but Arn caught Hall in a small package. 1...2... Hall kicked out. The two got to their feet. Arn nailed Hall with a punch and Hall retaliated by raking Arn's eyes. Hall punched Arn a couple of times and then whipped Arn into the ropes and looked to catch Arn coming off with a backdrop but Arn caught Hall in the sunset flip position. Hall struggled to keep from going over. Hall, with Arn holding on, moved close enough to the ropes and got a hand on the top rope but couldn't grip it as Arn was able to flip Hall into a pin try. 1...2... Hall clapped his legs against the sides of Arn's head. Both men up.


Hall and Arn had a brief punch exchange before Hall got the upper hand. Hall whipped Arn into the ropes and caught Arn coming off with a spinebuster. Many in the crowd popped. Hall went for the cover. 1...2...2-1/2... Arn kicked out. Hall circled around behind Arn as Arn got to his feet. Arn turned around and walked right into the Hallinator. Hall covered Arn again and hooked the leg. 1...2...2-3/4... Arn got a shoulder up. Hall pissed. Hall got up and pulled Arn up as Arn was getting up. Hall nailed Arn with a couple head slaps and then went to whip Arn into the ropes but Arn reversed and sent Hall into the ropes and caught Hall coming off with a spinebuster. A weary Arn then did the throat-slitting gesture. Most of the crowd popped. Arn grabbed Hall and nailed Hall with the gourdbuster. An exhausted Arn was slow making the cover. Crowd on its feet as the ref counted. 1...2...2-9/10... Hall kicked out. Crowd in disbelief. Arn picked up Hall and, and after a brief pause went to nail Hall with another gourdbuster but Hall blocked the move and then attempted to suplex Arn twice but Arn blocked the move each time and then Arn stunned Hall with a DDT. Arn covered Hall and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Crowd roaring. An exhausted Arn rolled off of Hall. Ref had a few words with guest r.a. Capetta and took the title from him. Ref raised Arn's hand in victory as Arn was getting to his feet. Ref then handed an exhausted Arn the TV Title.


Capetta: "Wrestling fans! In a time of 17 minutes, 14 seconds, your winner...and first ever UWL TV Champion...Arn Anderson!"


Arn briefly held the title high in the air as fans continued cheering. Arn then left the ring with the belt slung over his shoulder and slapped hands with some of the fans on the way back up the aisle. WINNER: Arn - Pinfall - DDT - 17:14 - * Arn is the first-ever UWL TV Champion.)


(Announcers talked about Arn defeating Hall to become the first TV Champion in UWL history. Hyped still to come: Hogan vs. Graham; UWL WT Match: Valentine © vs. Luger; 6-man elimination tag w/ the Co-President on the winning team becoming the sole President of the UWL. Said the UWL WTT Title match was next.)


Match 3 (UWL World Tag Team Title Match)

Anderson Brothers © vs. Mighty Texans


(MT's came to the ring first to a pretty strong ovation. Lash had his whip and hung it in the corner when they got in the ring. All three Anderson brothers came to the ring to heavy boos. Ole and Lars were wearing the titles. Announcers pointed out that since all three Anderson brothers can defend the tag titles, they still don't know which two Andersons will be wrestling in this match. Ole took the r.a. mic.


Ole: "Mighty Texans! You pulled a stunner when you beat us in that non-title match a couple of weeks ago! But in the world of the Anderson brothers, lightning doesn't strike twice! You understand me! You're not walking out of the ring with these belts!"


Ref took the titles and walked around the ring holding the belts high for all to see. All three Anderson brothers were in the ring. Ref called all the men to the center of the ring and laid down the rules. Since the ref didn't know which Andersons would be wrestling in the match, he patted down all three and sent the teams to neutral corners. Ref went over and asked which Anderson brothers would be wrestling. Ole signaled it would be him and Gene. Lars was on the floor.


During the bout, Lars pulled down the top rope and Sam toppled over and fell to the floor and the ref saw it and ordered Lars to leave ringside. Lars resisted at first. But when the ref had guest r.a. Capetta announce to the crowd that if Lars didn't vacate the ringside area immediately Ole and Gene would be DQ'd and stripped of the titles. Ref gave Lars the count of 10 to leave. Lars left the area just before the 10-count.


MT's gave the Ole and Gene a fight for their lives and came close to putting the Andersons away on more than one occasion but couldn't seal the deal. Andersons took a couple of shortcuts during the match to gain temporary advantages but they couldn't finish off the MT's. At the end of the match, Ole and Sam were the legal men in the ring. Ole had the advantage. Ole was working over Sam's left arm and beating Sam down with a punishing assault. Ole worked over Sam a little more and tagged in Gene. Ole held Sam's left arm out as Gene mounted the top buckle and came off with a knee into Sam's shoulder area. Sam went down to a knee. Lash urging on Sam and the crowd got behind the MT's. Gene continued the assault on Sam's left arm and got in some other licks as well. Gene tagged Ole back in. Gene held out Sam's arm as Ole mounted the top buckle and came off with an elbow to the shoulder. Sam back down to his knees. Ole tried to force an armbar submission but Sam wouldn't give up. Sam tried to move in the direction of Lash to tag but Ole yanked Sam away from Lash. Ole then walked Sam over and slammed Sam's arm into the ring bolt that connects the turnbuckles to the ring post. Sam's left arm almost useless now. Ole then grabbed Sam in a wristlock and slammed his shoulder into Sam's three times. Sam then struck back. As Ole held the wristlock, Sam started firing away with punches that stunned Ole. Ole lost his grip on the wristlock. Sam nailed Ole with some punches, whipped Ole into the ropes and caught Ole coming off with a flying lariat that floored Ole. Sam went down to his knees, feeling the effects of the punishment he'd taken. Crowd buzzing.


Sam started crawling over to tag Lash. Ole recovered enough and lunged and grabbed Sam's ankle and keep Sam from making the tag. But Sam suddenly lunged forward and made the tag. Crowd popped. Lash came in and started popping Ole with more punches. Lash whipped Ole into the corner. Ole started to walk out of the corner and Lash drilled Ole with a high dropkick that sent Ole crashing back into the corner. Lash whipped Ole into the ropes and caught Ole coming off with a flying forearm shiver to the side of the head. Ole back down and in bad shape. Crowd really getting into it. Gene hit the ring and Lash caught Gene with a dropkick that drove Gene against the ropes. Sam came in and clotheslined Gen over the top rope down to the floor. Sam followed Gene out and continued the assault there. Fans getting louder. Lash came over and started puliing Ole up and Ole stunned Lash with the Divorce Court out of nowhere. Ole moved quickly and locked Lash in the cross armbreaker. Sam and Gene were still fighting at ringside. Lash tried desperately to make the ropes but Ole wouldn't let him and Lash tapped out. Ref called for the bell. About 10-15% of the crowd popped. Sam had fought off Gene and got back in the ring just after Lash tapped. Ref talked with guest r.a. Capetta and took the titles. Sam checked on Lash and Gene got back in the ring and the ref raised Gene and Ole's hands in victory and handed them the titles. Lash back on his feet.


Capetta: "Wrestling fans! In a time of 13 min..."


Ole ripped the mic away from Capetta.


Ole: "Sam Houston! Lash LaRue! I told you lightning wouldn't strike twice for you guys and, as always, I was right!"


Ole tossed the mic down and he and Gene left the ring with the gold as the MT's looked on from the ring. Lars joined his brothers in the aisle as Ole and Gene looked back at the MT's and laughed and bragged while pointing at the titles before heading to the back. WINNER: Ole & Gene - Submission - Ole made Lash submit to the Cross Arm Breaker - 13:16)


(Announcers discussed Ole and Gene Anderson retaining the UWL WTT Titles against the MT's. Pedicino said that the MT's made a strong showing and gave the Andersons more than they bargained for. Hyped still to come: Hogan vs. Graham; UWL WT match; 6-man elimination tag w/ the Co-President on the winning team becoming the sole President of the UWL. Then sent it backstage to Larry Nelson.)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Co-Prez Vince Russo. Camera shot close-up of a beaming Russo.


Nelson: "Co-President Russo, you are in for the fight of you professional life tonight. Why are you smiling?"


Russo: "Larry, the reason I'm smiling is because I feel extremely confident heading into this match tonight! I couldn't have picked two better partners for this match! As you saw on Tuesday, Rip Oliver and Dallas Page beat Watts's two men The Great Christopho and Hugh Morrus! (Oliver and DDP walked into the picture.) I have no doubt that with these two men on my side I will once again be the only President of the UWL!"


Rip: "After tonight, Co-President Russo can drop the 'Co' from his title. Vince Russo will be back where he belongs. And that's as the man in complete control of the UWL. And there's also a bonus for me in this match. I get to beat up Hugh Morrus again. Like I've said before, Hugh Morrus is nothing without me carrying his sorry ass. And it's a great feeling to know that he's gonna be on the losing side once again in a match where he and I are on opposing teams."


DDP: "President Russo! It will be so nice when we can call you that once again this Tuesday night on 'Slam!' I just have one favor to ask, Mr. President?!"


Russo: "What's that, Dallas?"


DDP: "Just save soon-to-be former Co-President Watts for me!"


Russo: "How can I say no to a man who's gonna help me re-claim what's righfully mine! You got it, Diamond! And before we go, I just have one more thing to say! When I am the sole President of the UWL again, I promise you people that we are going to have the biggest party that the wrestling world has ever seen on 'Slam!' this Tuesday night! Watts, say hello to retirement, pal!")


(Announcers discussed Russo and crew appearing to be very confident heading into the 6-man elimination tag tonight with the Presidency of the company at stake.)


(Announcers then annouced the next UWL PPV.)


(Video aired for 'Cialis Presents: Helloween' - Sunday - Oct. 14 - Reno, NV - Lawlor Events Center - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale Saturday, August 18 @ 10am PST!)


(Announcers briefly discussed 'Helloween'. Said Ken Patera & David Schultz vs. Hall & Rude was next!)


Match 4

Ken Patera & David Schultz vs. Nash & Rude


(Nash and Rude came out to a mixed crowd reaction. Patera and Schultz came out to a loud ovation.


Patera and Schultz hit the ring and immediately started brawling with Nash and Rude and they got the upper hand and drove Nash and Rude from the ring as the crowd cheered.


Things settled down and the match started with Schultz and Rude in the ring. The two had a brief explosive exchange and Schultz got the upper hand and sent Rude crashing to the mat with a flying lariat. Schultz tagged in Patera. Crowd buzzing Patera came in and battered Rude for a brief period. Patera then whipped Rude into the ropes and caught Rude coming off with a double sledge to the chest. Rude crashed to the mat. Schultz dropped off the apron and grabbed an expty chair sitting next to the timekeeper's table and folded it up. Patera snapped up Rude and locked Rude in the full nelson. Schultz hit the ring and inexplicably drove the head of the chair into Rude's gut. Ref called for the bell. Nash hit the ring and Schultz battered Nash with three chair shots to the body. Nash bailed from the ring and Schultz followed him out with chair in hand. Even though the match was now over, Patera laid out Rude with the full nelson slam. Schultz hit Nash on the floor with more chair shots. Nash hopped the ringside barricade into the seating area. Schultz tossed the chair aside and hopped the barricade and went after Nash in the crowd. Patera pulled up Rude and whipped Rude into the ropes and drove Rude to the mat with the Russian Hammer. Nash and Schultz slugging it out in the expensive seats. Patera went over by the ropes and saw Schultz and Nash punching each other out. Rude recovered enough to come up behind Patera on his knees and nail Patera with a low-blow. Security came out on the floor and went after the brawling Schultz and Nash. Rude started working over Patera in the ring. Security separated Nash and Schultz. Schultz escaped from security while Nash was held at bay. Schultz hit the ring behind Rude and nailed Rude with a double sledge to the back and then laid out Rude with a Scorpion Death Drop. Crowd buzzing. Nash got away from security and hopped the ringside barricade. Security encircled Nash and four of them had to physically restrain him from getting back in the ring. Other members of security now in the ring. Rude down. Schultz was yelling at Nash from the ring. Mics picked up Schultz as Schultz pointed at Nash.


DS: "This is for you, boy!"


Schultz waded through security and nailed Rude with another Scorpion Death Drop. Nash was out on the floor screaming. Schultz signaled for Patera that it was time to leave. Schultz and Patera left the ring. On the floor, Patera and Schultz started arguing with each other. Schultz blew off Patera and started to make his way to the back with Patera following, yelling at Schultz. Nash got back in the ring and helped Rude to his feet. Rude hurting. Nash pissed. Nash was yelling for Patera and Schultz but they were now long gone. Security calmed things down and an angry Nash and Rude left the ring and headed to the back. WINNER: Nash & Rude - DQ - Schultz hit Rude with a chair - 2:34)


(Announcers discussed the wild and bizarre finish to the previous tag match. Wondered why Schultz hit Rude with a chair when it appeared Patera had Rude on the verge of defeat. Hyped still to come: Hogan vs. Brody; UWL WT match; UWL Women's WT match; and more. Then sent it to the back where something was going on.)


(Backstage: In the hallway, Schultz and Patera were arguing with each other.


KP: "What the hell were you doing out there?!"


DS: "Ken, we're in a war with The Firm! Sometimes, instead of tryin' to beat your opponents, you've got to just beat the hell out of them!"


KP: "Fine! We beat the hell out of them! But I wanted to win the match, too!"


DS: "A win or loss in this match was irrelevant! Those boys needed to be taught a lesson! We sent them a message, man! And that message is we're gonna fight fire with fire against The Firm!"


KP: "We could have sent a bigger message by winning the match!"


DS: "There's plent of time for that, Ken! But right now is a time for..."


Nash and Rude could be heard yelling. Cameras turned and caught them coming down the hall.


Nash: "Hey!"


Schultz grabbed a chair off camera and started waving it in the air. Security came rushing into the area to keep the two parties separated.


DS: "C'mon, boys!"


Nash: "You guys wanna play that way! Great! We love it down and dirty!"


Security was able to hustle Nash and Rude off as Schultz kept the chair at the ready as Patera looked on. Nash was yelling as they were led off.)


(Announcers discussed the argument between Patera and Schultz and Nash and Rude confronting them and security having to calm things down. Stack said the situation with The Firm could get really ugly. Said the 6-man elimination tag with the Presidency of the UWL at stake was up next!)


(Video aired chronicling the career of Russo in the UWL and the Watts-Russo feud that led to this match.)


Match 5 (6-Man Elimination Tag Team Match - President on the winning team becomes the sole President of the UWL)

Co-President Bill Watts, Great Christopho & Hugh Morrus vs. Co-President Vince Russo, Rip Oliver & DDP


(Watts' team came to the ring first to a strong ovation. Russo's team came to the ring to the loudest negative reaction fo the night.


Announcers pointed out that Russo's security team had been barred from the building for 'Heatwave'. Russo was dressed similar to Andy Kaufman when Kaufman wrestled Lawler in Memphis. Crowd buzzing for this match like no crowd has buzzed before.


It was a dogfight and the two teams battled each other tooth-and-claw knowing what was at stake. Russo only in briefly when his team had the advantage. When things looked like they might turn on Russo, he quickly tagged out. The match went several minutes before the first fall was even recorded.




1) Hugh Morrus - By Rip Oliver - Pinfall - Superkick - 7:22 (Hugh was distracted by Russo and Oliver stung Hugh with a Superkick to the side of the face)


2) Rip Oliver - By Great Christopho - Pinfall - Backstabber - 10:51 (Rip went to backdrop TGC coming off the ropes but TGC leapfrogged Rip and stunned Rip by catching him from behind with the Backstabber)


3) Great Christopho - By Co-Prez Russo - Pinfall - Covered TGC after DDP nailed TGC with the Diamond Cutter and DDP tagged Russo in to get the pin - 12:35)


That left a 2-on-1 situation. Crowd into it. If Watts was going to become the sole President of the UWL, he had to defeat both DDP and Russo.


Russo saw Watts step into the ring and tried to tag DDP, but Watts snapped up Russo, whipped Russo into the ropes and blasted Russo coming off with a big clothesline. Russo helplessly crashed to the mat. Watts covered Russo. 1...2... DDP hit the ring and stomped Watts in the head to break up the pin try. DDP then snapped up Watts and nailed him with a jumping DDT. A small segment of the crowd cheered. Ref ordered DDP out of the ring. Russo crawled over and covered Watts. 1...2... Watts threw Russo off. Russo got to his feet as Watts got to his hands and knees. Russo started kicking Watts in the ribs. Russo then stood over Watts and pounded Watts on the back with his fists. Watts made his way to his feet. Russo whipped the dazed Watts into the ropes and caught Watts coming off with a dropkick. Watts went down. Russo turned to the crowd and started doing jumping jacks. Russo didn't notice Watts got to his feet almost immediately. DDP screamed for Russo to turn around. Russo turned and saw Watts and freaked out. Russo went to try and tag DDP but Watts grabbed Russo. Watts was glaring at Russo and started choking his fellow Co-President. Ref counting. Watts broke the choke at the count of four. Russo dropped to his knees. Watts pulled Russo up by the hair and rammed Russo's head into the top buckle 10 straight times as the crowd counted along. DDP came charging down the apron to try and save Russo but Watts nailed DDP with a clothesline that sent DDP crashing to the floor. Crowd nearly blew the roof off the building. Russo helpless in the corner. Watts slapped Russo hard across the face twice. Russo becoming a ragdoll. Watts choked Russo again and broke the choke at the ref's count of four. Watts then laid into Russo with punches to the head and body. Watts then pulled Russo out of the corner and pressed Russo over his head. Russo in a state of sheer terror. Watts press slammed Russo to the mat. Russo in agony. Russo got on his knees and was begging Bill to to stop. Watts pulled Russo up, whipped Russo into the ropes and caught Russo coming off with a massive clothesline. Russo dead. Crowd noise ear-splitting. Watts hit the ropes and came off with the Dusty running elbow smash. Watts covered Russo and did not bother hooking the leg. 1...2...3! Crowd went nuts. Watts picked up Russo and was holding Russo by the shirt. Watts had a few words for Russo and then threw Russo over the top rope down to the floor.


4) Russo - By Co-Prez Watts - Pinfall - Running Elbow Smash - 15:49


As Watts looked at the downed Russo, DDP had recovered and came up behind Watts and nailed Watts with a forearm smash to the upper back. DDP took control of the bout and worked over Watts. Russo had regained his bearings and was now looking on from the rampway. DDP beat down Watts. DDP whipped Watts into the ropes and caught Watts coming off in the fireman's carry position and laid out Watts with the fireman's carry slam. DDP then turned towards Russo and gave the Diamond sign signaling the Diamond Cutter was coming. Russo, though beaten and exhausted, was cheering on DDP. DDP turned and waited for Watts to get to his feet. Watts got up and DDP moved in, kicked Watts in the gut and stunned Watts with the Diamond Cutter. Russo now ecstatic. DDP covered Watts and hooked the leg. 1...2...2-7/8... Watts kicked out. Crowd cheered. Russo in disbelief and heard yelling: "No!" DDP got to his feet and put the boots to Watts, pulled Watts up and whipped Watts into the ropes and looked to catch Watts coming off with a clothesline but Watts ducked the move and came back and pummeled DDP with a brutal flying shoulder tackle. DDP crashed to the mat. Russo panicked. DDP rolled over and started making it to his feet. DDP got up and Watts greeted him with a series of bionic elbows to the top of the head. Watts then picked up DDP. Russo's eyes wide open and mouth agape. Watts nailed DDP with the Oklahoma Stampede and covered DDP and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Crowd was louder for this match than any match so far on the show. Ref raised Watts' hand in victory.


Russo place his hands on head, dropped his head and dropped down into the crouching position. Watts looked out at the defeated Russo. Russo stood up and shut his eyes and shook his head 'no' like this couldn't really be happening. Russo's face then morphed into a face that was on the verge of tears. Watts continued to look on without saying a word. Crowd started chanting: "Goodbye, Russo!" Russo wiped at his eyes with his fingers as he was now standing on the entrance stage. Russo then scanned the taunting crowd and then locked eyes with Watts. A thin smile came over Watts' face and Watts waved goodbye to Russo. Russo then stared off into space and then bent over with his hands on his knees. He was looking at the ground. Russo then looked out at the serenading crowd once more and then hung his head and his shoulders drooped as he exited the stage to a cheering crowd. Watts then left the ring to a strong ovation from the crowd and slapped hands with fans on the way to the back.


5) DDP - By Co-Prez Watts - Pinfall - Oklahoma Stampede - 19:37 - * Watts becomes sole President of the company.)


(Announcers discussed Watts' team winning and Watts becoming the sole President of the UWL. Said that Watts will assume his Presidential duties tomorrow and that Wally Karbo is still the Interim President through today. Hyped still to come: Hogan vs. Brody; and the UWL WT match. Said Tully vs. Crusher is next!)


Match 6

Tully Blanchard (w/ JJ & Holly) vs. Crusher


(Tully, JJ and Holly came to the ring first to fairly strong boos. Crusher came to the ring to a decent ovation. Crusher was still wearing his mask and was also wearing his trademark cap. In the ring, Crusher took off his cap and tossed it into the crowd. Ref called for the bell.


Before they locked up, Crusher took off his mask revealing a face that had fully healed from the Tully chair attack weeks ago.


The two men battled it out evenly throughout the match with both men holding advantages at different times. JJ interfered once on behalf of Tully during the bout. During the match, Crusher tried to nail Tully with his inverted piledriver but Tully reversed the hold and nailed Crusher with an inverted piledriver. Tully went for the pin but Crusher got his foot on the bottom rope at the count of two. At the end of the match, Tully had the advanatge. Tully worked over Crusher and then bodyslammed Crusher into position for a turnbuckle move. Tully went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle and came off with a big elbow but Crusher moved and Tully crashed to the mat. Both men down. Crowd half-assed into it after being drained by the drama of the previous match. Crusher made it to his feet first and grabed Tully as Tully was getting up. Crusher went to whip Tully into the buckles but Tully reversed and sent Crusher into the buckles. Crusher charged out of the corner and went to nail Tully with a clothesline but Tully ducked and Crusher accidentally obliterated the ref with a clothesline. Ref crashed to the mat. Tully nailed Crusher with a clothesline to the back of the neck. Crusher went down.


Tully got up and put the boots to Crusher. Tully then grabbed Crusher and nailed Crusher with his slingshot suplex finisher. Tully pointed at JJ. JJ reached under the apron and brandished a garbage can lid and handed it to Holly. JJ ordered her to get in the ring. Tully pulled Crusher to his feet. Ref slowly recovering. Tully held Crusher from behind and ordered Holly to hit Crusher with the garbage can lid. Holly briefly hesitated. Tully yelled at her to do it. Holly moved in and went to hit Crusher with the lid but Crusher moved and Holly slammed Tully over the head by accident. Tully crashed to the mat. Crusher looked at Holly. Holly froze for a moment and then dropped the lid near the ropes and and scurried form the ring. Crusher picked up a now bleeding Tully and nailed him with the inverted piledriver. Dillon grabbed the lid and got into the ring. Crusher got up and looked at JJ. JJ stopped dead in his tracks, fell on his ass and bailed out of the ring. Crusher then blasted Tully with a second inverted piledriver and then dragged the ref over. Crusher covered Tuly and hooked the leg. 1.....2.....3! Groggy ref called for the bell. Fair cheering from the crowd. Ref raised Crusher's hand in victory.


JJ sent Holly into the ring to check on Tully. While bent down over Tully, Crusher looked at Holly and Holly looked at him. Mics picked up Holly.


Holly: "Please, Crusher! Just go away!"


Crusher nodded 'yes' and left the ring. Crusher headed back up the aisle as JJ now got in the ring since the coast was clear. Crusher disappeared backstage. Tully recovered and got to his feet. He was feeling at the back of his neck. Tully then started yelling at Holly and Holly became defensive. Tully moved towards Holly and Holly backed into the corner and was scared. JJ just looked on. Tully, with blood on his face, grabbed Holly by the shoulders and was shaking her. Mics picked up Tully.


Tully: "You stupid cow! Look at what you did to me! Look at it!"


Holly had fear in her eyes as she looked at the outraged Tully.


Tully: "You cost me this match! YOU! You dumb..."


Tully then slapped Holly across the face. Holly grabbed the side of her face and turned her head to the side. Tully then couldn't be heard as he got right in Holly's face and was speaking through gritted teeth. Crowd buzzing. Many in the crowd popped when Crusher came charging back to the ring. JJ bailed. Crusher came up behind Tully, spun Tully around and started blasting Tully with punches that dazed Tully. Race came to the ring with the President's Championship and went to hit crusher with it from behind but Crusher moved and Race hit Tully full-force in the face with the title. Tully went down. Crusher laid into Race with punches. Race dropped the title. Tully got to his feet and Crusher popped Tully with a couple of punches and then butted Race's and Tully's head together. Race crashed to the mat and rolled out of the ring and dropped to his feet on the floor. Crusher held Tully by the hair, spun his right arm around three times and blasted Tully with his bolo punch. Tully down and out in the ring. JJ not daring to climb back in the ring. Holly fearful in the corner. Crusher walked over and extended his hand to Holly. After a brief hesitation, Holly took it and Crusher led her out of the ring. Crusher helped Holly off the apron. JJ and Race standing on the floor on the other side of the ring and Tully splayed on the mat. Holly hugged Crusher as fans cheered. Crusher shot a parting glance at his foes as he and Holly made their way back up the aisle to the backstage area as JJ and Race checked on the KO'd Tully in the ring. WINNER: Crusher - Pinfall - Inverted Piledriver - 8:36)


(Announcers discussed Crusher beating Tully and Tully slapping Holly after the match and Crusher coming to her rescue and Crusher leaving with Holly. Said the 'Match of a Lifetime': Hogan vs. Brody was coming up!)


(Video aired for the 'Cialis Presents: Helloween' PPV - Sunday - Oct. 14 - Reno, NV - Lawlor Events Center - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale Saturday, August 18 @ 10am PST.)


(Announcers discussed the next UWL PPV, 'Helloween'. Said it was time for the 'Match of a Lifetime': Hogan vs. Brody.)


(Video aired chronicling the Hogan-Brody situation.)



Hulk Hogan vs. Bruiser Brody


(Fans started cheering as soon as guest r.a. Capetta said it was now time for Hogan vs. Brody.


Brody came to the ring first. He had his fans as probably 30-35% of the crowd popped for him as he came to the ring. Brody was wearing his fur vest, fur-lined wrestling boots, black tights and carrying his big chain. Brody got in the ring and waved the chain in the air and teased going after both Capetta and the ref with it. Brody hung his chain in the corner and removed his vest.


There was a pause and the crowd noise was gradually rising.


'Eye of the Tiger' played over the p.a. system and Hogan's fans, around 70% of the crowd, erupted in a loud roar. Hogan came out on the entrance stage and the building got louder. He was in his yellow tights and boots and red and yellow 'Hulkamania' tank top and do-rag. Hogan came to the ring and did not slap hands with the fans nor did he do his pointing at his opponent gesture that he often did when he got on the apron. Hogan climbed in the ring. As Brody stood in the corner looking on, Hogan shredded his tank top and threw that and his do-rag into the crowd.


Hogan then became all business as the ref called the two men to the center of the ring. As the ref laid down the ground rules for the match, Brody's fans started chanting his name and the chant picked up gradually in volume. Hogan's fans then started chanting for their guy. It was now dueling chants. Ref patted each man down as Brody and Hogan stared at each other. Ref then called for the bell.


Hogan got into Brody's face and was saying something. Then, Brody turned and left the ring and went out to the floor. Hogan was wondering what was going on. Brody reached under the ring apron and pulled out a chair and threw it in the ring. Brody then brandished another chair and threw it in the ring. Brody pulled out a third chair and tossed that one in the ring as well. Announcers pointed out that the ref has been ordered by UWL officials to give these guys a lot of leeway because the fans want to see a decisive winner. Brody climbed back into the ring. Hogan and Brody locked eyes and Brody signaled for Hogan to pick up one of the chairs. Brody then pointed at his own head and wanted Hogan to bash him over the head with the chair just like what happened on last Tuesday's 'Slam!' Hogan and Brody had words. Hogan then reached down and picked up a chair. Brody then kicked Hogan in the gut and snatched the chair from the stunned Hogan's hands and slammed it across Hogan's back. Brody's fans loudly popped. Hogan staggered around. Brody bashed Hogan in the back with the chair a second time. Hogan still on his feet but hurting. Brody slammed the chair into Hogan's back once more. Brody went to hit Hogan in the back a fourth time, but the ref snatched the chair out of Brody's hands and said something to Brody. Ref tossed the chair to the floor and got rid of the other chairs as well. Hogan had staggered into the corner and Brody came in and started popping Hogan with punches. Brody then nailed Hogan with some kicks to the gut. Brody whipped Hogan into the opposite buckles and followed Hogan in with a big clothesline. Hogan staggered out of the corner and dropped to his knees. Brody laid in with a couple of stiff kicks to the side of Hogan's head. Hogan down. Brody for the cover. 1...2... Hogan kicked out.


Brody pulled Hogan up and whipped Hogan into the buckles. Brody charged in and Hogan got a foot up and caught Brody flush in the face. Brody staggered backwards. Hogan then dropped Brody with a big clothesline. Hogan's fans now cheering. Hogan grabbed Brody by his bushy mane and rammed Brody's head into the top buckle. Brody spun around in the corner and Hogan mounted the middle buckle and started pounding Brody with punches to the head. Hogan stopped and Brody stormed out of the corner and started stomping around the ring. Hogan fired away with a few more punches on Brody and Brody then stomped around some more. Hogan stunned. Brody had stomped over by the ropes and Hogan charged at Brody and nailed Brody with a clothesline that drove Brody over the top rope down to the floor. Brody landed on his feet and was wildly stalking around. Brody then picked up one of the chairs off the floor and beat himself in the head with it. Hogan looking on from the ring, seemingly having a tough time trying to figure out how to deal with Brody. Brody got back on the apron and made his way back in the ring with two chairs in hand. Brody threw one of the chairs in Hogan's direction. It landed at Hogan's feet and Hogan didn't hesitate to pick it up. Brody raised his chair up in the swinging position and signaled for Hogan to do the same. The two circled each other and then engaged in a brief light saber-like battle of dueling chairs. The steel collided as neither man could get a shot in on the other. Hogan finally broke through and smashed Brody in the head with the chair. Brody stunned. Hogan then started bashing Brody in the back with the chair repeatedly as Hogan's fans popped. Brody dropped his chair and bailed from the ring to the floor.


Brody was stomping around on the floor again, only this time Hogan didn't stay in the ring. Hogan followed Brody out, spun Brody around and starting hammering Brody with punches. Hogan then grabbed Brody by the hair and slammed Brody head first into the ring post. Brody staggered off. Hogan grabbed Brody again and slammed his head into another ring post. Brody went down. Ref yelling at Hogan. Hogan quickly rolled in and out of the ring. Brody was starting to get up as Hogan came over and helped Brody out. Brody now bleeding. Hogan slammed Brody head first into the ringside barricade. Hogan repeated the move. Brody started to stagger/stomp off again. Hogan grabbed Brody and whipped Brody into the ringside barricade. Hogan then followed Brody in with a clothesline that sent Brody over the barricade and into the ringside seating area. Hogan climbed over the barricade as Brody got to his feet. As soon as Hogan climbed over the barricade, Brody greeted Hogan with a big boot to the face that stunned Hogan. Hogan stumbled back against the barricade. Brody moved in and kicked Hogan in the face again and Hogan went up and over the barricade and toppled into the ringside area. Brody hopped over the barricade and grabbed Hogan and whipped Hogan hard into the ringside barricade. Hogan crashed to the floor. Brody went over and started stomping the hell out of Hogan. Ref out on the floor trying to order Brody back into the ring. Brody responded by giving the ref the double bird. Brody pulled Hogan up, lifted Hogan in the air and sent Hogan crashing throat-first into the ringside barricade. Hogan in a bad way. Brody grabbed the top half of the ring steps, brought them over and smashed Hogan in the face with them. Hogan went down in a heap. Dueling chants of 'Brody!', 'Hogan!' going on.


Brody got back in the ring and had words with the ref. Brody went out on the apron. Hogan slowly made his way to his feet. Hogan bloody. Brody came off the ring apron with a flying clothesline that dropped Hogan to the floor once again. Brody fans roared. Brody down briefly as he also felt some of the effects of the move. Brody got back up, pulled Hogan up by the hair and threw Hogan into the ring. Brody picked up Hogan and bodyslammed Hogan. Brody then nailed Hogan with a standing legdrop and went for the cover. 1...2... Hogan kicked out. Announcers once again pointed out that UWL officials had ordered the ref to give Hogan and Brody a lot of leeway in this match because the fans wanted to see a decisive winner. Brody then pulled Hogan up and attempted to suplex Hogan but Hogan twice blocked the move and suplexed Brody instead. Both men down. Brody got to his feet just as Hogan was getting to his. Brody grabbed Hogan but Hogan started nailing Brody with punches to the gut. Hogan then hosited Brody on his shoulder and blasted Brody with a running powerslam. Hogan's fans cheering. Hogan for the cover. 1...2... Brody kicked out. Hogan jumped on top of Brody and started hammering away on Brody's bloody forehead with punches. Hogan snapped Brody up and went to whip Brody into the buckles but Brody reversed and sent Hogan into the buckles. Brody then charged in wildly at Hogan but Hogan moved and Brody slammed hard front-first into the buckles. Brody's upper body hanging over the top buckle. Hogan grabbed Brody by the hair and pulled Brody back in the ring. Hogan kicked Brody in the gut and then took Brody over with a double underhook suplex. Hogan covered Brody again. 1... Brody kicked out. Hogan started pulling Brody up and Brody stunned Hogan with an open hand thrust to the throat. Hogan grabbed his throat and staggered back into the corner. Brody moved in and and started choking Hogan with his boot. Brody broked the illegal move at the ref's count of four. Brody then repeated the move. Hogan hurting in the corner. Brody then nailed Hogan with a couple of head shots and then started biting Hogan's bloody forehead. Ref counting. Brody broke the illegal hold at the count of four. Hogan staggered out of the corner grabbing at his bloody forehead.


Brody nailed Hogan with some forearms to the back. Brody went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle and came off with an attempted double sledge on Hogan but Hogan caught Brody with a gut punch. Brody grabbed his gut and staggered around. Hogan moved in and nailed Brody with a series of punches that drove Brody back against the ropes. Hogan started choking Brody as the Hogan fans roared. Hogan broke the choke at the count of four. Hogan then nailed Brody with a couple of more punches and then repaid Brody by biting Brody's forehead. Hogan fans now almost blowing the roof off the building. Hogan then whipped Brody into the ropes and caught Brody coming off with his big boot to the face. But Brody didn't go down. Brody was knocked backwards and went backwards over the top rope down to the floor. Hogan followed Brody out and nailed Brody with a belly-to-back suplex on the floor. Hogan shot to his feet and pointed at the downed Brody. Hogan's fans ate it up. Hogan pulled Brody up and went to ram Brody's head into the ring post but Brody blocked the move by getting his foot on the post and slamming Hogan's head into the post instead. Hogan stumbled forward and went down to his knees. Brody went over and picked up one of the chairs that was laying on the floor. Hogan getting to his feet. Brody came over and Hogan turned towards Brody just in time to be pummeled in the head with the chair. Hogan crumpled to the floor. Brody then beat the hell out of Hogan with the chair. Hogan a broken heap. Brody jumped back in the ring. Ref talking to Brody. Brody made like he was going to hit the ref and the ref backed off. Hogan slowly recovering. Brody went back out to the floor and put the boots to Hogan driving Hogan back to the floor. Dueling 'Brody!', 'Hogan!' chants wafted throughout the arena again. Brody looked under the ring apron for a new weapon. And he found it. Brody got a sinister sneer on his face as a pulled out an unused section of steel barricade. Ref came out on the apron and told Brody not to use it. Brody dared the ref to do something. Ref clearly intimidated. Hogan had started getting up as Brody sat the barricade part up on the floor. Brody went over and pounded on Hogan then sent Hogan crashing head first into the barricade part. Barricade part crashed to the floor with a battered Hogan on top of it.


Pedicino: "Steve, Bruiser Brody is arguably the greatest brawling wrestler of all-time. Watching this match tonight, I also think he might also be the most insane wrestler of all-time."


Brody picked up the crumpled carcass of Hogan and threw him back in the ring. Hogan fans feverishly supporting their man and urging him to come back. Hogan slowly got to his feet and Brody kicked Hogan in the face. Hogan crashed to the mat. Brody then hit the ropes and came off with his high kneedrop. Brody fans now loudly popping. Brody picked Hogan up, hoisted Hogan across his shoulders and, after holding Hogan in that position for a few seconds, Brody blasted Hogan with the F-5. Brody fans went nuts. Brody covered Hogan and hooked the leg. 1...2...-2-9/10... Hogan kicked out and shot up to his knees. Hogan's eyes bulging and his cheeks puffing in and out. Brody nailed Hogan with a couple of punches that had no effect as Hogan got to his feet. Now it's the Hogan fans who are loud. Brody then nailed Hogan with a series of head and body punches and Hogan was unfazed. Hogan pointed at Brody. Brody went for another punch but Hogan blocked it and fired away on Brody with a flurry of punches. Hogan then whipped Brody into the ropes and caught Brody coming off with a big boot to the face. Brody crashed to the mat. Hogan hit the ropes and came off and nailed Brody with his flying legdrop finisher. Hogan fans now delirious. Hogan covered Brody and hooked the leg. 1...2...2-9/10... Brody kicked out! Hogan in disbelief. Brody fans went crazy. Brody found the strength to make it to his feet and started stomping around the ring. Hogan now nailed Brody with punches but Brody absorbed the punches and continued stomping. Hogan hit Brody with another shot. Brody no sold it and just looked at Hogan. Brody then stunned Hogan with a kick to the gut and then went to hoist Hogan on his shoulders for another F-5 but Hogan escaped Brody's grasp and dropped down behind Brody. Brody turned around and Hogan blasted Brody with a brief flurry of punches. Hogan whipped Brody into the ropes and caught Brody coming off with the big boot to the face. Brody crashed to the mat. Hogan then nailed Brody with his flying legdrop finisher, covered Brody and hooked the leg. 1...2...3!


Ref called for the bell. Hogan fans louder than hell.


A beaten up Hogan sat up on his knees next to the downed Brody. Hogan then made it to his feet where the ref raised his hand in victory. Hogan went over and leaned against the turnbuckles facing out at the crowd. Hogan placed his right arm on the top buckle and put his head on it. As this was happening, a beaten up Brody recovered enough to make it to his feet. Hogan turned around and saw Brody standing right in front of him. The two briefly eyeballed each other and then Brody extended his hand to Hogan. Hogan hesitated for a moment but then shook Brody's hand. The two then briefly embraced and Brody then raised Hogan's hand in victory as the entire crowd was now cheering. Brody and Hogan exchanged a few words and then Brody turned and left the ring. As Brody headed back up the aisle without looking back, Hogan pointed at Brody and Hogan clapped his hands out of respect for Brody. Fans started chanting Brody's name. Brody never looked back at Hogan or the crowd and slowly made his way to the backstage area as fans continued to chant his name. The chants then morphed into a celebration for Hogan as Hogan, wearing a lovely crimson mask, posed for the crowd briefly before leaving the ring to a huge ovation. Hogan didn't slap hands with fans on the way to the back but did acknowledge some of them as he headed back up the aisle. WINNER: Hogan - Pinfall - Flying Legdrop - 18:06)


(Announcers discussed the amazing match between Brody and Hogan and said it lived up to the hype. Hyped still to come: UWL WT match.)


(Ad aired for 'Vagisil'.)


(Announcers discussed the UWL Women's WT match coming up next.)


Match 8 (UWL Women's World Title Match)

Tina Ferrari © vs. Madusa


(Madusa came to the ring first to a decent ovation. Crowd drained from the previous match. Ferrari then came to the ring to fairly strong boos but not on the level she usually gets.


Ref tooke the title from Tina and walked around the ring holding the title up for all to see. Ref handed the title off to guest r.a. Capetta. Ref called the two women to the center of the ring and laid down the ground rules and patted each woman down. Ref sent each woman to a neutral corner and called for the bell.


Madusa took the fight to the champ and was relentless throughout the bout. Tina fought her way back into the match and at one point tried to pin Madusa with a roll-up while holding the tights but Madusa escaped defeat. Madusa had some chances to also defeat Tina but Tina was fiesty and staved off her first defeat in the UWL. At the end of the match, Madusa had regained control of the match. She was now dominating the champ. Tina's title reign and undefeated streak were suddenly on thin ice. Madusa whipped Tina into the ropes and caught Tina with a roundhouse kick to the chest Tina crashed to the mat. Suddenly, a huge Japanese woman made her way down the aisle. Several feet behind her was a Japanese man in a suit.


Stack: "Wait a minute! That's Bull Nakano! What's she doing here?!"


Pedicino: "And that man behind her is Mr. Saito! What is this?!"


With Tina laid out on the mat, Madusa was preparing to finish off Tina with her German suplex into a bridgeout finisher. Nakano climbed up on the apron. Madusa turned and saw her. Nakano pointed at Madusa. Ref looked over and tried to order Nakano off the apron to no avail. Madusa charged over and went to grab Nakano but Nakano jumped off the apron back down to the floor with Saito. Madusa had words for Bull. Big mistake. Tina recovered and snuck up behind Madusa. Madusa turned around and Tina blasted Madusa with the DDT. Some in the crowd cheered. Tina covered Madusa and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Tina's fans popped. Ref took the title and had words for r.a. Capetta. Tina got up and the ref raised her hand in victory and handed her the title. Tina hugged the title to her chest and then left the ring. Tina walked right past Nakano and Saito.


Capetta: "Wrestling fans! In a time of 6 minutes, 31 seconds...your winner...and still UWL Women's Wordl Champion...Tina Ferrari!"


Most fans booed the news. Madusa still down in the ring and shaking out the effects of the DDT. Nakano then got in the ring. Ref ordered her out. This brought in Saito who unbuttoned his suit jacket. Saito pointed for the ref to leave the ring. Ref backed off and bailed. Nakano stomped on Madusa, pulled Madusa up, whipped Madusa into the ropes and caught Madusa coming off with a violent lariat. Madusa crashed to the mat. Nakano stood over the downed carcass of Madusa and looked down at her. Saito then went over and said something to Bull and signaled it was time to leave the ring. The pair left. Fans didn't seem to know what to make of Bull as the two headed back up the aisle to very little reaction. Ref got back in the ring and checked on Madusa. WINNER: Tina - Pinfall - DDT - 6:31)


(Announcers discussed Tina retaining the Women's WT vs. Madusa and Bull Nakano attacking Madusa after the match. Announced they'd just gotten word that Interim Prez Wally Karbo has made a re-match for this Tuesday night on 'Slam!': Patera & Schultz vs. Nash & Rude and there must be a winner! Said the UWL WT match was next!)


(Ad aired for 'Slam!' - Tuesdays - FX - 9:30pm E/P!)


(Video aired chronicling the Valentine ©-Luger feud.)


Match 9 (UWL World Title Match: 2/3 Falls - All UWL wrestlers and managers barred from ringside!)

Greg Valentine © vs. Lex Luger


(Luger came to the ring first to a fairly strong ovation. Fans still trying to regain their bearings after the Hogan-Brody match. Camera shot backstage of Valentine talking with Hart as Valentine walked to the position to enter the stage. Hart had a clipboard and was talking about something on the paper work on the board. Hart then put the clipboard over his mouth so the camera couldn't see what he was saying to the champ. He leaned in and said something to Valentine. Valentine nodded in the affirmative and then the two said a few more words to one another and Greg walked on to prepare for his intro. Greg came to the ring to pretty strong boos. In the ring, guest ring announcer Gary Michael Capetta made proper introductions of champ and challenger. When Valentine was intro'd, he opened his robe to reveal the title around his waist. More decent crowd response but still not the rowdy atmosphere that occured during Hogan-Brody. Ref took the belt from Valentine and walked around the ring holding the belt high in the air for all to see. Ref handed the belt off. Ref called both men to the center of the ring. Luger and Valentine locked eyes as the ref laid down the ground rules for the match and then patted each wrestler down. Ref then sent each man to a neutral corner and called for the bell.


Fall 1


Luger charged out of the corner and tackled Greg to the mat and started pounding Greg with punches to the head. Luger snapped Greg up and whipped Greg into the ropes and caught Greg coming off with a clotheline. Greg crashed to the mat. As Greg started to get up, Luger grabbed Greg and nailed him with a suplex. Luger for the cover. 1...2... Greg kicked out. Luger got to his feet and grabbed Greg and whipped Greg into the buckles. Luger charged in at Greg with an attempted shoulder block and Greg moved and Luger crashed shoulder first into the ring post and fell out fo the ring to the floor. Greg stood back as the ref counted. Luger was climbing back in the ring by the eight count as Greg charged over and drove a knee into the side of Luger's ribs. Luger fell to the floor again. Ref started counting again. Luger made his way back to the apron and started climbing in the ring again before the ref's count hit 10. Greg looked to charge at Luger again but the ref intercepted Greg. Luger got back into the ring. The two circled each other and then engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. After a brief struggle, Greg grabbed Luger in a side headlock. Greg cinched up on the hold. Luger pushed Greg off into the ropes and Luger dropped to the mat as Greg came off and Greg jumped over Luger and hit the ropes and came back and Luger blasted Greg with another clothesline that sent Greg to the mat. Greg rolled out onto the apron and got to his feet. Luger wanted at Greg. Greg ordered the ref to make Luger back off. Ref ordered Luger back. Greg got into the ring and Luger lunged at Greg but Greg evaded Luger, moved behind Luger and ran Luger into the ropes and rolled up Luger from behind while holding the tights for the pin try. 1...2... Luger kicked Greg off. Greg up first. Greg charged at Luger and Luger caught Greg with a hip toss. Greg got up and Luger caught him with another hip toss. Greg charged at Luger again and Luger caught Greg and lifted Greg into the press position and military press slammed Greg to the mat. Greg near the ropes as Luger came over to grab him but Greg grabbed the bottom rope forcing a break. Greg got to his feet and the two started circling on another and engaged in another collar-and-elbow tie-up and this time Luger threw Greg off and Greg went down by the ropes. Greg got to his feet and bailed to the floor. Crowd booed. Greg stalking around on the floor. Ref counting. Greg had words with a fan at ringside and then got back on the apron. Greg cautiously got back into the ring before the count hit 10. The two circled each other again and Greg bailed once more to the floor. More boos. Greg walked around at ringside. Greg got on the apron and Luger came at Greg and Greg dropped to the floor once more. Crowd now getting quite irritated. Ref ordered Luger to stand back. Ref began counting. Greg walking at ringisde. He had words with some more fans. Greg then got on the apron once more. Luger came over to grab Greg but Greg ducked down and nailed Luger with a shoulder block to the gut through the ropes. Greg got in the ring and nailed Luger with some punches and then whipped Luger into the ropes and bent down looking to catch Luger with a backdrop but Luger kicked Greg in the chest. Greg grabbed his chest and staggered backwards. Luger went to nail Greg with a forearm smash to the head but Greg ducked the move and Luger ran into the ropes. Luger turned around and was greeted by a jawbreaker to the top of the head by Valentine. Luger went down. Greg covered Luger. 1... Luger kicked out. Greg pulled Luger up and whipped Luger into the ropes and looked to catch Luger coming off with a clothesline but Luger ducked the move and came back and blasted Greg with a forearm smash to the head. Greg crashed to the mat near the ropes. Luger for the cover. 1...2... Greg got his foot on the bottom rope to force a break in the count. Luger pulled Greg up and whipped Greg into the buckles. Luger moved in and started hammering Greg with punches. Greg then raked Luger's eyes and pulled Luger's legs out from under him. Greg covered Luger for the pin try. As the ref dropped down, Greg got a foot on the middle rope for leverage. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as he didn't see Greg's foot on the rope. WINNER - Fall 1: Valentine - Pinfall - Pinned Luger with a foot on the rope - 6:22


One minute rest period between falls. Greg went to a neutral corner. Luger went to his neutral corner and had words with the ref. A buzzer went off to signal 10 seconds were left in the rest period.


Bell rang to start the second fall.


Fall 2


Greg and Luger came out of their corners and Greg immediately stunned Luger with a couple of quick right jabs. Greg whipped Luger into the ropes and caught Luger with a knee to the gut. Luger grabbed his gut and stumbled back against the ropes. Valentine leaned Luger back over over the top rope and nailed Luger with five huge, brutal forearm smashes to the chest. Luger grabbed at his chest and staggered next to the ropes. Greg grabbed Luger and slammed Luger's head into the top buckle. Luger spun around in the corner and Greg peppered Luger with a series of rapid-fire shoulder blocks. Valentine then grabbed Luger in a front facelock and battered Luger with a series of forearms to the back. Greg then suplexed Luger and then dropped an elbow smash on Luger and went for the cover. 1...2... Luger kicked out. Greg then picked up Luger and went to bodyslam him but Luger caught Greg in a small package. 1...2... Greg kicked out. The two made it to their feet and Greg kicked Luger in the gut and then went to whip Luger into the ropes but Lex reversed and caught Greg coming off with a clothesline. Greg down to the canvas. Luger then went to nail Greg with a jumping elbow smash but Greg rolled out of the way and Luger crashed to the mat. Luger got up facing away from Valentine and Valentine came up behind Luger and dropped down and nailed Luger with a shoulder block to the back of the knee. Luger crumpled to the mat. Greg got up and grabbed Luger's left leg and placed Luger's leg on the bottom rope. Valentine then dropped ass-first three times on Luger's left knee area. Luger in great pain. Greg then dragged Luger over by the buckles. Greg dropped to the floor and pulled Luger's legs out around the post. Greg then slammed Luger's left knee into the post three straight times. Greg quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the ref's 10-count. Greg then placed Luger in a figure four around the ring post. Luger writhing in pain. Ref counting. Greg broke the hold and made his way back into the ring as Luger scooted away from the corner back towards the middle of the ring. Luger still down on the mat and Greg came in and stomped on Luger's left knee area a few times. Luger in bad shape. Valentine then locked Luger into the figure four. Crowd really came alive at this point in the match. Luger struggled not to submit. Luger fought to move close enough to the ropes to get a hand on them but Valentine punched Luger in the face and scooted back towards the center of the ring with Luger still locked in the hold. Luger weakening. Luger's shoulders hit the mat. 1...2... Luger popped up off the mat. Luger fighting through great pain and started to reverse the hold but Greg was able to resist the reversal try and Luger was right back where he started in the hold. Luger struggled some more and once again his shoulders hit the mat. 1...2... Luger popped upright again, narrowly escaping defeat. After a few more seconds of struggle in the hold, Luger started reversing it again. Greg tried to stave off the reversal but failed and Luger turned the hold over. Now, Greg in great pain. Fans buzzing. Greg was able to pull himself close enough to the ropes to get a hand on the bottom rope and force a break in the hold. The men untangled their legs. Both were slow to get up. Greg went to hit Luger but Luger blocked the punch try and Luger staggered Greg with a few punches and then nailed the champ with an inverted atomic drop. Greg still on his feet but singing soprano. Luger nailed Greg with a running/limping clothesline. Greg crashed to the mat. Luger slow in covering Greg. 1...2... Greg kicked out. Luger got up first and moved in on Greg and Greg went to kick Luger but Luger caught Greg's leg and yanked Greg's leg causing Greg to lose his balance. Luger repaid Greg by locking Greg in the figure four. Crowd popped. Greg desperately scooted towards the ropes which were just out of reach. Luger kept the hold locked in. Greg finally moved close enough to the ropes and got a hand on the bottom rope to force a break in the hold. The men untangled their legs and Luger got to his feet as Greg scooted on his ass into the corner and was begging off. Luger grabbed Greg by the hair and started to pull Greg up when Greg headbutted Luger in the groin. Luger staggered back and Greg moved in with a couple of elbow smashes to the top of Luger's head. Greg then went to whip Lex into the ropes but Lex reversed and sent Greg into the ropes and caught Greg coming off with a powerslam. Luger signaled it was time for the rack. Crowd now really came alive. Luger hoisted Greg up in the rack and locked in the hold. Greg at first was shaking his head 'no' that he didn't submit. But a few seconds later, that no melted into a 'yes' as Greg succumbed to the hold. Ref called for the bell and Luger let go of Greg and Greg crumpled to the mat. WINNER: Luger - Submission - Rack - 8:18


One minute rest period between rounds. Luger went to a neutral corner. Announcers wondered if the champ would be able to continue. Greg just laying on the mat. Crowd buzzing. Announcers pointed out that if Greg could not answer the bell for the third fall that he would lose the title. Clock ticking. Greg crawled over on his arms to a neutral corner and used the ropes to slowly start pulling himself up. Buzzer went off to signal 10 seconds left in the rest period. Greg got to his feet just as the bell rang for the third fall.


Fall 3


Luger wasted no time taking advantage of the situation. Luger charged at Greg in the corner and pounded him with head and body shots. Luger whipped Greg into the opposite buckles and followed Greg in with a big clothesline. Greg staggered out of the corner and fell on his face in the middle of the ring. Greg then rolled over on his back and Luger nailed him with a jumping elbow smash. Luger covered Greg and hooked the leg. 1...2...2-3/4... Greg got a shoulder up. Crowd groaned. Luger pulled Greg up and whipped Greg into the buckles and came in and nailed Greg with a series of rapid-fire shoulder blocks. Greg in bad shape. Luger then whipped Greg into the ropes and bent down looking to catch Greg with a backdrop but Greg instead stunned Luger with a swinging neckbreaker. Both men down. Ref started counting. As the count rose, both men slowly made their way to their feet. Greg got up at 8 and Luger at 9-1/2... Luger was facing away from Greg as Greg came up behind Luger and drove a knee into Luger's back. Luger hunched over as Greg nailed Luger with a series of elbow smashes to the back of the neck. Greg whipped Luger into the buckles and charged at Luger looking to nail Luger and Luger came out and dropped Greg with a clothesline. Luger hurting from the previous blows from Valentine. Luger grabbed Greg by the legs and held them momentarily as he regained his momentum. Luger then catapaulted Greg into the corner and Greg's head slammed into the ring bolt that connects the post to the buckles. Greg staggered backwards and fell flat on his back in the middle of the ring. Luger made the cover. 1...2...2-7/8... Greg got a shoulder up. Crowd groaned. Fight draining out of the champ. Luger pulled Greg up and went to whip Greg into the ropes but Greg reversed, caught Luger around the waist coming off, stepped back and nailed Luger with a hot shot. Luger's neck snapped across the top rope and Luger crashed back into the ring. Greg slow in making the cover. 1...2... Luger kicked out. Greg got up and put the boots to Luger. Greg then nailed Luger with a backbeaker across the knee. Luger down. Greg went out on the apron and started climbing the buckles. Luger started getting to this feet as Greg turned to yell at somebody in the crowd as he got to the top buckle. Luger came over and caught Greg and press slammed Greg off the top buckle to the mat. Valentine made his way to his feet and was blasted by a forearm smash to the head by Luger. Greg crashed to the mat. Everyone in the arena now standing. The fight had taken its toll as Luger was slow in making the cover on Greg. 1...2...2-9/10... Greg got a shoulder up. More crowd groaning. Luger grabbed Greg and whipped Greg into the buckles. Luger charged in to nail Greg with a clothesline but Greg moved and Lex slammed front-first into the buckles. Valentine standing and holding the top rope. Luger leaned against the buckles. Luger managed to peel himself off the buckles and went to nail Greg with a double sledge when Greg spun around and kicked Luger in the gut. Lex doubled over. Greg then locked Luger into position for the Hammerhead. Greg held it for a couple of seconds and then hit Luger with the move. Greg covered Luger and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. A small contingent of fans cheered. Ref went over and took the belt from guest r.a. Capetta and had some words for him and then went over and handed the belt to Valentine and raised his hand in victory. WINNER - Fall 3: Valentine - Pinfall - Hammerhead - 5:49


Capetta: "Wrestling fans! In a total time of 20 minutes, 29 seconds, your winner by a count of 2 falls to 1...and still UWL World Champion...Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine!"


After the match: Manager Gary Hart made his way to the ring. Hart got in the ring and congratulated Valentine. A cameraman was on the apron filming. Valentine turned and walked over to that camera. Hart joined him. Valentine and Hart now had their backs turned to the entrance aisle. Mic picked up Valentine as Valentine looked directly into the camera.


Greg: "Lex Luger just learned the hard way that I don't need any outside help to beat anyone! And this belt shows that I'm still the man! Who's gonna stop me?!"


Hart nodded approvingly while looking over Valentine's shoulder.


Then, bagpipe music filled the arena. Many in the crowd cheered. Valentine and Hart were still looking at the camera. Valentine and Hart laughed.


Greg: "Whoever is behind this needs to realize that the joke's over! He's not coming back...ever!"


Crowd suddenly exploded into a loud roar. Out he came on the entrance stage. He was wearing blue jeans, a 'Hot Rod' t-shirt and his famous black leather jacket and black tennis shoes. He made his way to the ring as Valentine and Hart were still looking at the camera and Valentine again proclaimed that Piper was not coming back to the UWL. Piper got in the ring. Crowd noise equal to if not louder than for the Hogan-Brody match. A smiling Hart turned around. Hart's eyes got big and his mouth dropped open. Piper was looking at Hart and Valentine with a poker face expression. Valentine was still facing the camera and bragging about his greatness. Hart tapped Valentine on the shoulder but Valentine blew off Hart and continued to talk about himself on-camera. The shocked Hart tapped Valentine on the shoulder again. This time, Greg turned around. Valentine's head snapped back as he was stunned to see Piper standing before him. Crowd got even louder. Piper looked at Greg. Greg in disbelief. Greg rubbed his eyes with one hand to make sure he wasn't seeing a mirage. Nope. Greg saw that it was Piper standing very soldily before him. Valentine and Hart shocked at seeing Piper as Piper looked at them without expression before a roaring crowd and bagpipe music playing in the arena as the program faded to black.


WINNER: Valentine - Won 2/3 Falls - TOTAL MATCH TIME: 20:29)


(Video aired for 'Cialis Presents: Helloween' - Sunday - Oct. 14 - Reno, NV - Lawlor Events Center - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale Saturday, Aug. 18 @ 10am PST!)



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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>ON THE NEXT</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>

UWL 'SLAM!' WRESTLING!</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;">Hulk Hogan and Bruiser Brody had their 'Match of a Lifetime' at </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong><em><span style="color:#FF0000;">Heatwave</span></em></strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;">. Both will be on 'Slam!'.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

PLUS!</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

- The </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>'Official Firing Party' </strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;">for former UWL President/Co-President Vince Russo</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

- The re-match from </span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong><em><span style="color:#FF0000;">Heatwave</span></em></strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;">: David Schultz & Ken Patera vs. Rude & Nash</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

AND MORE!</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Ep. 81 of 'Slam!' will be posted on Tuesday, August 7!</span></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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(Show opened with photo highlights from 'Thunderstruck')


(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(In-ring: 'Eye of the Tiger' played over the p.a. system. Hogan came out on the entrance stage. Crowd roared. Hogan was in street clothes and wearing his do-rag. He had a mic. Hogan slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring. Once in the ring, Hogan took his do-rag and threw it into the crowd. Hogan soaked in the cheers for a moment.


HH: "Man. You guys...you guys are the best."


Crowd started chanting Hogan's name. Hogan took it in briefly.


HH: "Sunday at 'Heatwave', I fought the toughest match of my life. It was a fierce battle between two ring warriors. I gave it everything I had and with you 'Hulkamaniacs' behind me I was able to find the power of the 'eye of the tiger' deep down inside and defeat one of the greatest wrestlers of all-time in Bruiser Brody. Now, I need to let you guys know something. Tonight is my final night here in the UWL."


Most of the crowd booed.


HH: "My contract with the company called for me to work 12 dates and this is the 12th and last date of that contract."


Some in the crowd started chanting 'extension'.


HH: "Although it's been brief, I have loved my time here. The UWL is the place to be in wrestling today. This is the emerging promotion in our sport. It's exciting to see what's going on here and I'm proud to say I've been a part of it. I just came out here to thank you fans for all your support since I've been here and say goodbye. I feel I owed it to you. But, before I go, I want to let you know there's another wrestler here in the UWL whose contract is up tonight as well. He's the guy I wrestled at 'Heatwave'. And I want to thank him for one helluva match on Sunday. Bruiser Brody, come on down to this ring, brother!"


Brody came out on the entrance stage and got a strong ovation. He was in street clothes and carrying a mic. Brody made his way to the ring. Brody got in the ring and hugged Hogan and shook Hogan's hand and then raised Hogan's hand in victory. Crowd into it.


HH: "Bruiser Brody. Brother. Two nights ago, you made me realize something. Over the past few weeks, you questioned whether Hulk Hogan the multi-media celebrity or Hulk Hogan the wrestler was gonna show up to face you. I had to do some deep soul-searching in the days leading up to our match. Yeah, it's great to be a big star in so many different entartainment fields. But at my core, I will always be Hulk Hogan the professional wrestler. This sport is truly where my heart and soul is. Sometimes I've lost sight of that fact. But you brought me back to my roots, dude, and I will be forever grateful for that."


BB: "Hulk, they billed our match at 'Heatwave' as the 'Match of a Lifetime' and I think we lived up to that billing. We gave these fans out here a match they will always remember. People will replay our match for years to come. Both of us gave it everything we had. And in the end, I lost. That's a tough pill to swallow. I hate losing. I've battled wrestlers all over this planet. But, Hulk Hogan the wrestler certainly showed up for our match. I lost to Hulk Hogan the wrestler. And I can live with that. It was a battle between two ring legends. Hogan, I gained a great deal of respect for you on Sunday. And earning my respect is not an easy thing to do."


The two shook hands again as fans politely cheered.


HH: "Bruiser, you gave me the match of my lifetime, man. No doubt it could have gone either way. I've faced a lot of greats in this business, but you challenged me like no other wrestler has ever before. When they talk about legends in wrestling, the name Bruiser Brody will always be on the tips of the fans' tongues."


Hogan then symbolically raised Brody's hand in victory. More crowd cheering. Many started chanting Brody's name. But the cheers melted into boos as Valentine, Graham, Hart and Grand Wizard made their way to the ring. Greg and Billy had mics. Three were in suits and Graham was in casual street clothes. Greg had the title slung over his shoulder. The four made their way into the ring.


HH: "What do you guys want?!"


GV : "So, tonight's the last night in the UWL for Hulk Hogan and Bruiser Brody. Cry me a river. We were all standing in the back watching the Hogan-Brody lovefest on one of the monitors. We all wanted to puke listening to you two. You guys were being so sweet to each other that I thought I might get diabetes just listening to you. We came out here for one reason. Since it's the last night in for you two, 'Superstar' and myself could think of no better present than sending you off into the sunset with a loss at our hands!"


BB: "You and Graham want a match with us?"


GV: "Wow, Brody, how perceptive of you. Yes, we want a match with you guys. We want the lasting image of Hulk Hogan and Bruiser Brody in the UWL to be one of complete and utter defeat."


HH: "You guys want a match with us, man! Then you've got it!"


Crowd popped.


BG: "Hulk Hogan! Daddy! I owe you some serious payback for what went down between us at 'Thunderstruck'! And since this is your last night here, I'm getting that payback tonight, jack! I'm still determined to wipe 'Hulkamania' as an entity off the face of the planet! And I want millions of people to see me do it!"


HH: "'Superstar', you tried to destroy 'Hulkamania' once before and didn't get it done! And you're not doing it tonight, either! 'Hulkamania' is the most dynamic force in the universe, dude! And just like at 'Thunderstruck', it's gonna run wild on you again tonight!"


BB: "Do you realize what you've just done! You've put Hulk Hogan and Bruiser Brody together as a team! That means we're a united force! You think we're tough separately! Imagine what it's gonna be like for you guys when you have to face us together! They say you should be careful what you wish for because it might just come true! You wished for this and you're gonna get it! And in the end, Valentine and Graham, you're gonna regret it!"


Crowd cheered.


'Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system. Out came UWL Prez Bill Watts with mic in hand on the entrance stage. He got a nice ovation coming out.


Watts: "Men, as you know, all matches have to be approved by the company President before they can take place. And this match is gonna take place later tonight right here on 'Slam!' Let's hook 'em up!"


Crowd popped.


The two sides in the ring exchanged words as the segment ended.)


(Announcers welcomed viewers and ran down the program: FAREWELL MATCH: Hogan & Brody vs. Valentine © & Graham; 'Heatwave' Re-Match: Schultz & Patera vs. Nash & Rude; The Official 'Firing Party' for former UWL Prez Vince Russo; a look back at Roddy Piper's suprise appearance at 'Heatwave' after the Valentine © - Luger WT match; an i'view w/ new TV Champ Arn; an i'view w/ The Crusher; UWL Women's WC Tina Ferrari is here; and more. Said Wahoo sees action next.)


(Pics aired from 'HW' of Father Dutch costing Wahoo the President's Championship by hitting Wahoo in the back of the head with the crucifix. Anns. said that 'HW' was available on PPV replay.)


Match 1

Wahoo McDaniel vs. Reno Riggins

(WINNER: McDaniel - Pinfall - Big Chop - 3:09)


(After the match: Lee Marshall i'viewed Wahoo. Asked about losing the PC to Race at 'HW'.


WM: "Lee, right now I'm not interested in championships. Father Dutch, I knew that you were laying low like a snake in the grass. I didn't know where and when you would strike again but I knew it would happen. You caught me completely off-guard at 'Heatwave' and wound up costing me the President's Championship. But like I said, I'm not interested in titles right now. I'm interested in vengeance! Father Dutch, you have escalated things between us to a higher level than they've ever been! And this holy war is not gonna end until one of us is completely destroyed! So saith Chief Wahoo McDaniel!"


Crowd cheered.)


(Announcers discussed the escalating feud between Wahoo and Father Dutch. Hyped still to come: FAREWELL MATCH: Hogan & Brody vs. Valentine © & Graham; 'Heatwave' Re-Match: Patera & Schultz vs. Hall & Rude; The 'Official Firing Party' for former UWL Prez Russo; an i'view w/ The Crusher; a look back at Piper's suprise appearance at 'HW'; and more. Said an i'view w/ new TV Champion Arn Anderson is coming up!)


(Video aired for the 'Cialis Presents: Helloween' PPV - Sunday - Oct. 14 - Reno, NV - Lawlor Events Center - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale Saturday, Aug. 18 @ 10am PST!)


(Pics aired of Arn defeating Hall to become the first-ever TV Champion at 'HW'.)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed TVC Arn Anderson.


Anderson came out to a strong ovation. He was in street clothes and carrying the title. Arn slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring. Arn acknowledged the cheering crowd once in the ring. Marshall congratulated Arn on winning the TV Title.


Arn: "Thank you, Lee. It's a great feeling to stand out here in front of these great UWL fans in Tucson as the first TV Champion in UWL history."


More crowd cheers.


Arn: "I had to go through three tough customers to win this title. And no matter what I think of Scott Hall, he's a solid ring veteran and it was a battle between us at 'Heatwave'. But I could think of no better way to win this title than by beating my nemesis! We've had our battles! And to beat Hall with so much at stake on Sunday, well, there was a poetic justice to it! I look at the landscape here in the UWL and I see a line as far as the eye can see of potential contenders for this title. I've got my work more than cut out for me as the TV champion. I'm gonna have to be at my best to hold on to this for a long time. But winning this championship does something very important for me. It validates me as a major singles' wrestler and that was my goal coming into the UWL. My goal is still to one day be the World Champion. And being the TV Champion automatically makes me serious player on the contender's front for the most prestigious prize in our sport. I've got a lot of work to do to climb that ladder to the top. But winning this is definitely a step in the right direction."


Tully Blanchard and JJ Dillon came out and made their way to the ring. Both were in street clothes and had mics. They got booed.


Tully: "Arn. You know what? I bet a lot of these people don't know of our past together. You see, Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard, managed by this man, JJ Dillon, were multi-time World Tag Team Champions! We were an awesome team! We took on all challengers and held those tag team titles for long periods at a time! We will go down as one of the greatest tag teams in history!"


Arn: "Tully, did you come out here just to talk about our past glories as a tag team?"


Tully: "No, Arn, I didn't. You see, I am a two-time UWL World Champion! I made it to the top! I want to be on top again! And the best way to do that is by winning another major singles' title and that will put me in position to go after the World Title once again!"


Arn: "We had a great run, Tully. Few tag teams have ever been our equals. But the past is the past. You want a shot at the TV Title, you need to work your way up to earning it."


JJ: "Arn, come on. You're talking to two old friends here. We all not only worked together. We travelled together and raised hell together like no one else could. Remember those days? They were great times in and out of the arena."


Arn: "I'd be lying if I said I don't have fond memories of those times together. We were truly the definition of a team. But this is now. It's a new day; a new era. From the first day I entered the UWL, I made it clear that my goal was to become one of the best singles wrestlers here and one day become the UWL World Champion. If Tully wants a shot at this belt, he can more than have it if he earns it. I worked hard to win this. And right now, there are some more deserving challengers for the TV Title than Tully."


JJ: "How can you say that?!"


Tully: "Arn, let me repeat myself! I am a two-time UWL World Champion, friend! I've been to the mountaintop! I know what it's like! And based on being the World Champion, twice, I think I deserve a shot at the TV Title against an old buddy of mine if I want it! What's the problem with you?!"


Arn: "There is no problem with me. You win some matches and earn the shot then you'll get your match. Case closed."


JJ: "How can you do this to us, Arn?! We were a unit! We were inseparable! And now you win the TV Title and you're too good for us?! I see!"


Arn: "Hold on, JJ. I never said that. I'm not too good for you guys. With what we've been through over the years..."


Tully: "Then give me a TV Title shot!"


Arn: "Look! You know what you have to do to earn a shot at the TV Title! It's very simple, Tully! Win some big matches and you've got your chance!"


JJ: "No, Arn! This is very simple! Tully is owed a TV Title shot because he's a two-time UWL World Champion and he's asking a longtime pal for a little common decency and courtesy!"


Arn: "Let's get one thing straight, JJ. The three of us, we haven't been close in a long time. There's no bad blood between us, we're not the Three Amigos like we were in the past."


JJ: "Tully, can you believe this guy?! What an ingrate! That's gratitude for you!"


Tully: "Arn! Just do the right thing and give me a TV Title match, man! This is Tully Blanchard you're talking to here; not some slob off the street! My record clearly shows..."


Arn: "Tully! What your recent record shows is that you need to work your way back into contention for a championship match!"


JJ: "How dare you! You get a little success as a singles' wrestler and think you can just spit in the faces of two people you've known for years!"


Arn: "Whoa! You're twisting things around, JJ! I..."


JJ shoved Arn in the shoulder. Arn looked over at JJ. That was all Tully needed. Tully sucker punched Arn with a mic-laden right hand. Arn went down and dropped the title. Tully stomped away on Arn, picked Arn up and blasted the TV Champ with his slingshot suplex finisher. Tully then covered Arn and JJ dropped down to make the count. 1...2...3! Tully got to his feet and JJ raised Tully's hand in victory. Tully then put the boots to Arn some more and then picked up his mic and got in the downed Arn's face.


Tully: "There you go, Arn! I just beat you 1...2...3! Now, I deserve a TV Title shot!"


Tully pounded Arn in the head with the mic.


Tully: "We could have resolved this matter the easy way! But you chose the hard way, mister! I want that TV Title match...or else!"


Tully stood up over the downed Arn and tossed his mic on the new TV Champ. JJ then tossed his mic on Arn and the two left the ring to boos as Arn remained laid out in the ring.)


(Announcers discussed Tully laying out Arn. Hyped still to come. FAREWELL MATCH: Brody & Hogan vs. Valentine © & Graham; 'HW' Re-Match: Patera & Schultz vs. Nash & Rude; an i'view w/ Crusher; the 'Official Firing Party' for former Prez Russo; UWL Women's WC Tina Ferrari is here; a look back at Piper's suprise return at 'HW'; and more. Said DDP sees action next!)


Match 2

DDP vs. Pat Rose

(WINNER: DDP - Pinfall - Diamond Cutter - 3:33)


(DDP came to the ring carrying the briefcase containing the $50,000 dollar bounty on Great Christopho's mask. DDP was booed.)


(After the match: Marshall i'viewed DDP. DDP was holding the case.


DDP: "Look at this."


DDP opened the case showing the $50 grand.


DDP: "It looks nice, huh? I'm still waiting to give this money, my money, away to the wrestler who unmasks The Great Christopho and exposes him as Daniels. I want to lose this $50,000 dollars! How often do you hear people say they want to lose money?! Never! That's how often you hear it! I want Daniels gone from the UWL! So far, nobody has been able to collect! But I'm confident that one day someone will find themselves $50,000 dollars richer! It's gonna happen! It's gotta happen! Please! Somebody make DDP poorer! I want my wallet lightened for a good and noble cause!"


Marshall asked about losing the 6-man elimination at 'HW' and Russo being out as President of the UWL.


DDP: "This is truly a sad day. Like a lot of guys in that locker room, I wanted Bill Watts gone from the UWL. Tragically, that didn't happen. Now, not only is Russo no longer the President of the UWL, later tonight he's going to be humiliated by having to attend his own firing party."


Fans cheered.


DDP: "You fans are happy about that. Shame on you. You never realize what you've lost until it's gone. You people are going to regret this day. Vince Russo was the best President this company will ever have! You will never find a better President and a better man than him, anywhere. He's a good, decent and just man and it's a tragedy that this has happened. A great man has fallen in the UWL! And now...we have Bill Watts as our President! You can feel the hopelessness and despair setting in right now! Bill Watts as President will mean dark days ahead for this company! Russo's brilliance has been replaced by Watts' mediocrity. And wrestling programming will never be the same.")


(Announcers discussed DDP's remarks on the bounty and the Watts' Presidency. Hyped still to come: FAREWELL MATCH: Hogan & Brody vs. Valentine © & Graham; The 'Offiicial Firing Party' for former Prez Russo; and more. Said UWL Women's WC Tina Ferrari is here next!)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Thu. - Aug. 16 - Syracuse, NY War Memorial Arena @ The OnCenter; Fri. - Aug. 17 - Albany, NY - Washington Ave. Aromory Arena; Sat. - Aug. 18 - Uniondale, LI - Nassau Coliseum; Fri. - Sept. 7 - Sacramento, CA - Memorial Auditorium; Sat. - Sept. 8 - Irvine, CA - Bren Events Center; Fri. - Sept. 21 - Logan, UT - Smith Spectrum; Sat. - Sept. 22 - Ft. Collins, CO - Moby Arena. More info, visit: uwlslam.com!)


(Pics aired of the UWL Women's WT match between Ferrari © and Madusa and Bull Nakano coming to the ring and distracting Madusa and costing her the match and Nakano laying out Madusa after the match. Anns. said 'HW' was available on PPV replay.)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed UWL Women's WC Ferrari.


Her music, 'Invincible' by Pat Benatar, played over the p.a. system. Ferrari came to the ring in a dress, her tiara and heels. She had the title slung over her shoulder. Ferrari got a stronger than usual negative reaction. Once in the ring, Tina soaked in the boos for a moment.


Tina: "Lee Marshall, what's the name of my entrance song?"


Marshall: "'Invincible'."


Tina: "That's right, 'Invincible'. You know why that's my entrance song?"


LM: "I have a hunch ."


Tina: "It's because I am 'Invincible'! The spirit of Mildred loomed large inside me at 'Heatwave'! In the days leading up to my match with Madusa, everywhere I went I heard how Madusa was going to be the one to beat me and take the Women's World Title and end my undefeated streak! She who laughs last... Madusa gave me everything she had! She is, without a doubt, the toughest wrestler I've faced to date here in the UWL! But at the end of the day, she couldn't beat me! Because I'm invincible! When you're powered by the spirit of an icon like Mildred Burke you can't be defeated! Madusa's easily one of the the top five female wrestlers in the world! The problem is she was facing the number one women's wrestler in the entrie world at 'Heatwave'! On Sunday, everybody was ready to see the cornation of a new 'Queen of the Ring'! But I'll never give up my throne without the ultimate fight! I will do whatever I have to do to stay number one! And I can do it because I'm the best! No female wrestler out there can touch me! I will grab so strongly onto my throne that the only way you will be able to take it from me is to pry it out of my cold, dead hands! I know there are other top challengers on the horizon that want a shot at this title! Come on! You'll all meet the same fate that Madusa did!"


Marshall asked about Bull Nakano and Mr. Saito showing up.


Tina: "I had absolutely nothing to do with Bull Nakano being there! It's obvious that she feels that she has some unfinished business with Madusa! You see, when I wrestled in Japan, I saw Bull Nakano and Madusa wrestle each other several times! The hatred they have for each other is palpable! You could feel it when they stepped into the ring with each other over there! And now it looks like Bull has brought that hatred she has for Madusa from the Land of the Rising Sun to America! And I hope that Bull Nakano squashes Madusa like an eggroll sat on by Yokozuna! Madusa's got a real big problem on her hands! And it's none of my business! My only business in this sport is to repell every single challenger to my throne! And, spirit of Mildred willing, I will do it! Long live the 'Queen of the Ring' Tina Ferrari!"


Crowd booed as Tina took in the negative crowd reraction for a moment and then left the ring to louder boos.)


(Announcers discussed the Ferrari i'view. Said that next week on 'Slam!', Bull Nakano and Mr. Saito will be appearing. Hyped still to come: 'HW' Re-Match: Nash & Rude vs. Schultz & Patera; the 'Official Firing Party' for former Prez Russo; an i'view w/ The Crusher; a look back at Piper's suprising return at 'HW'; and more. Said the FAREWELL MATCH: Brody & Hogan vs. Valentine © & Graham was next!)



Hulk Hogan & Bruiser Brody vs. Greg Valentine © & Billy Graham (w/ Hart & Wizard)


(Valentine © and Graham, along with their managers, came to the ring first to excessively loud boos. 'Eye of the Tiger' played over the p.a. system and the crowd exploded. Hogan came out on the entrance stage. Crowd grew even louder. Hogan waved for his partner to come out. Brody came out. Fans roaring. Once in the ring, Hogan shredded his tank top and threw it and his do-rag into the crowd.


Valentine and Graham attacked Hogan and Brody. Ref called for the bell. Hogan and Brody got the upper hand and drove Valentine and Graham from the ring to the floor as the fans roared. Hogan and Brody took 60% of the match. During the match, Wizard attacked Hogan with his cane when Hogan was on the floor. Hart hit Brody with a chair out on the floor that didn't phase Brody and Brody dropped Hart with a boot to the face. Valentine locked Brody in the figure four but Brody was able to reverse the hold on the World Champion. Both teams had chances to put each other away but neither side could seal the deal. In the middle of the match, Valentine was on the offensive against Brody and Brody was down when Roddy Piper, in street duds, made his way out on the entrance stage. Valentine saw Piper and glared at the Rowdy One as Piper looked on with no expression which allowed Brody time to recover and regain the advantage against Greg. Crowd went nuts for Piper's appearance. After Brody regained the advantage, Piper slowly left the stage. At the end of the match, Hogan and Valentine were the legal men in the ring. Hogan had the advantage and was working over Valentine until Valentine caught Hogan with an eye poke. Greg then kicked Hogan in the gut and nailed Hogan with a swinging neckbreaker. Hogan down. Greg then snapped up Hogan and blasted Hogan with the Hammerhead. Greg for the cover. 1...2...2-7/8... Hogan kicked out and shot up to his knees. Greg popped Hogan with some punches to no avail. Hogan to his feet. Greg nailed Hogan with head and body punches that were futile. Greg backed off as Hogan, eyes bulging, pointed at Greg. Greg charged in and went to punch Hogan again but Hogan blocked the punch try and fired away on Greg with head punches. Hogan whipped Greg into the ropes and caught Greg coming off with a boot to the face. Greg crashed to the mat. Crowd in orbit. Graham hit the ring and Brody came in and caught Graham with a kick to the gut that doubled over Graham. Hogan hit the ropes and came off and nailed Greg with the flying legdrop. Brody blasted Graham with the F-5. Graham crashed to the mat and rolled out of the ring and fell to the floor. Hogan covered Greg. 1...2...3! Crowd delirious with joy. Ref called for the bell. Hogan and Brody shook hands. Ref came over and raised both men's hands in victory. Fans celebrating.


Hogan then symbolically raised Brody's hand in victory. 'Eye of the Tiger' pouring out of the p.a. system. The winning duo then struck some bodybuilder poses for the crowd and Hogan cupped his hands to his ear to hear the crowd which grew even louder. The two talked in the ring and then briefly embraced before heading back up the aisle. Once on the entrance stage, Hogan pointed at Brody and Brody stomped aroud and then Brody pointed at Hogan and Hogan struck one more pose and cupped his hand to his ear one last time as the fans ate it up. WINNER: Hogan & Brody - Pinfall - Hogan pinned Greg with the Flying Legdrop - 15:22)


(Announcers talked about Hogan and Brody winning their Farewell match in the UWL. Hyped still to come: 'HW' Re-Match: Hall & Rude vs. Patera & Schultz; the 'Official Firing Party' for former Prez Russo; a look back at Piper's suprise appearance at 'HW'; and more.)


(Pics aired of the bizarre finish of the Pater & Schultz vs. Hall & Rude tag match at 'HW'. Video then aired of Patera & Schultz arguing after the match.)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Patera & Schultz. Asked about the bizarre finish to the match with Hall and Rude at 'HW' and the re-match tonight.


KP: "David knows what I think about what happened at 'Heatwave'. We could have beaten Hall and Rude. I understand David's passion for wanting to smash these guys. But..."


DS: "Wait a minute, Ken! We are in a war with The Firm! Sometimes wins and losses don't matter! It's better to fight fire with fire and beat the hell out of them rather than just beat them! Sunday, we sent them a message loud and clear! And that message is that 'Dr. D' and Ken Patera are here to fight and not just defeat them!"


KP: "But we were on the verge of winning the match, David. A victory over Hall and Rude would have sent a message to them that they were vulnerable! We had them on their heels."


DS: "Yeah! Well they were quite vulnerable when I was bashing the hell out of Nash with that chair! Ken, there will always be time to beat them! But we needed to show them that we weren't intimidated and Hall and Rude weren't gonna push us around! Now if you've gotta problem with that..."


KP: "I have a problem with you going off half-cocked and costing us the match. There's a time and a place for everything. And we should have won the match and sent that message at 'Heatwave'."


DS: "Am I speakin' Greek, Ken?! These guys are power-hungry bullies! You ran with them for over a year! You know what they're all about! They want to eventually take over this entire company! I don't want to see that! And neither do the other UWL wrestlers! What I did two nights ago showed them that they're in for the fight of their lives if they think they're gonna take over the UWL! Ken, if you wanna fight along side a Redneck, then you'd better start thinkin' like one, too!"


KP: "You're not speaking Greek; you're speaking Tennessee. I know what The Firm is planning for the UWL. It's no secret. But if they start losing matches it shows cracks in their foundation. They've got to keep winning if they want to try and make their plans to take over the UWL a reality."


DS: "Oh! They'll lose matches! But our side is gonna lose some battles as well! That's the nature of war! Right now, it's all about taking whatever Hall, Nash and Rude might throw at us and throwing it right back in their faces! We can lose sometimes! But even when we lose, we've got to make sure these guys painfully feel their victories!"


KP: "What about tonight, David? Are we gonna try to win the match or is it gonna be a repeat of what happened at 'Heatwave'?"


DS: "We'll just have to see how the match unfolds, Ken! I'm not guaranteeing anything! If I think it's more important to start going postal on these guys again then that's what I'm gonna do, victory be damned!"


KP: "And that's the problem here! The objective of a match is to try and win the match! This isn't just about you, David! It's about the future of the UWL!"


DS: "I know it's not just about me! This whole company hangs in the balance! And while we've got to work as a team, I'm also not gonna hesitate to push back against these guys if I have to! And if that costs us a chance at win then so be it, man! We've got to punish those guys! This match is about sending a message just like the match at 'Heatwave' was!" KP: "The bottom line is winning! And that's what we need to be aiming for tonight!"


DS: "Look! I've got a few suprises in store for tonight!"


KP: "Suprises? What suprises, David?!"


DS: "You just wait until we get out there! You'll see!"


KP: "That's what I'm worried about.")


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed The Crusher.


As Crusher came to the ring, pics aired from 'HW' of the match between Tully and Crusher and the post-match where Tully blamed Holly for his loss and slapped her and The Crusher coming to her aid and saving her.


Announcers said 'HW' PPV replays were available.


Crusher was wearing his trademark cap and when he got in the ring he threw it into the crowd. Crusher got a good ovation coming to the ring.


Crusher: "I've got someone very special here wit me tonight! Come on out!"


Holly Madison came out on the entrance stage and got a decent ovation. Holly made her way to the ring and Crusher held the ropes open for her so she could step through them.


Crusher: "She's quite a dame, ain't she?"


Marshall agreed with Crusher.


Crusher: "Dat Tully Blanchard showed his true colors at 'Heatwave'. I don't have no problems wit a man beatin' on a man. But I got a big problem wit a man hittin' a woman. You all know I thought Holly goin' wit Tully was a bad idea from da get go. But I always had fait dat she would see da light and leave dat dirtbag. And here she is."


Lee asked Holly about leaving Tully and going back to Crusher and asked if their romance was being re-kindled.


Holly: "First of all, I want to thank Crusher for never giving up on me. Tully Blanchard can be quite the charmer. But about two months into the relationship, I began to see the real Tully Blanchard. He's a master manipulator. He's a cheater of the highest order. When Tully Blanchard doesn't get his way he becomes very bratty. But I was so enamored of him that I was willfully blind to it all at first. But then I saw those phone numbers on his cell phone. They were all numbers of women. More than a few were strippers that Tully had met while traveling around the country and wrestling. I knew they weren't just friends of his. They were friends with major benefits. Tully became very abusive towards me at the end of our relationship. But like a fool I stuck with him all that time. It took him slapping me after the match with Crusher at 'Heatwave' to fully realize that I needed to get out of the relationship. I am so grateful that Crusher never gave up on me and came and saved me. What I saw in Tully's eyes that night was a rage I'd never seen in him before. And I just wanted to thank The Crusher in front of everyone for what he did and for always caring about me no matter how badly I may have treated him over the last few months. And, to answer your question, we're re-building our friendship. Crusher's a friend I never want to lose."


Crusher: "I'm glad Holly's still a part of my life. She's a great gal. I care for her deeply. But right now we're good friends and I'm willing to accept dat."


Tully Blanchard came out on the entrance stage to pretty strong boos. He had a mic. He was still in his street clothes. Tully walked into the middle of the aisle.


Tully: "Holly. Babe. I'm just a man. I lost my temper for a moment at 'Heatwave'. Nobody's perfect. Those other women, they're just good-time girls. They mean nothing to me...except when I need a release on the road. You're my main girl. Come on. I'm the best thing that ever happened to you, Holly. You said so yourself. Come back to the man you know you belong with."


Holly: "Tully, you were the best thing that ever happened to me...until reality set in and I pulled my head out of the clouds and saw you for who you really are."


Tully: "I need you on my arm, Holly. What we had was reality. And you loved it. You have a history of liking bad boys and I'm the baddest of them all. Let's get out of here and go and have a make-up dinner and then make-up..."


Crusher: "Tully. Why don't ya just move along, pal. Holly's done wit ya."


Tully: "Crusher! I'm talking to Holly! So just stand there like the beer guzzling, pull tab-playing bozo you are and shut up!"


Crusher: "She doesn't want to be wit ya anymore."


Tully: "That's your decision to make, Crusher?! Let the lady speak for herself! Holly, you never had it better than when you were with me. We both know it. So, quit playing games and come on down here to me and let's go."


Holly looked confused. She looked at Tully and then at Crusher.


Tully: "Holly, time's a wastin'. Get your ass over here and let's go out to that nice make-up dinner I was talking about. Chop, chop."


Tully snapped his fingers.


Holly: "No."


Tully: "Did I hear you right? Did you just say 'no' to Tully Blanchard?"


Crusher: "Blanchard, what part of 'no' do you not understand? She said 'no'!"


Tully: "Crusher! Stay the hell out of this! Holly, you don't say 'no' to me and you know that. Let's go."


Holly: "No, Tully."


Tully: "Dammit! Now, Holly..."


Holly: "It's over between you and me, Tully! It's done! I never want to see you again!"


Crowd cheered.


Tully: "You can't be serious?! You just remember that I've ruined you for other men, Holly! No other man can rock your world the way I have! No other man will want you because you've been with the great Tully Blanchard and they know they'll never be able to measure up to me! Now get down here and let's go to dinner!"


Holly: "Goodbye, Tully. It's over. And that's final."


Crowd cheered more as a stunned Tully paced in the aisle.


Tully: "You walk away from me, Holly, and you'll regret it for the rest of your life."


Holly: "I'm done with you. Be gone."


Tully was going crazy in the aisle as he couldn't believe Holly wouldn't come crawling back to him.


Tully: "One day, you will look back and realize the error you're making right now! It might be 10 years from now! But you will think of me and regret walking away from Tully Blanchard! And I won't take you back!"


Holly: "I don't want you back."


Crusher: "Yer done, Tully. Hit da road, jack."


Tully looked on at the ring as Holly and Crusher looked at him. Tully pointed at Holly.


Tully: "Biggest mistake you ever made, babe!"


Holly: "You're the biggest mistake of my life, Tully! Go away!"


Tully was now at a loss for words and angrily stalked off to the back as the fans roared. Holly hugged Crusher in the ring.)


(Announcers discussed Holly kicking Tully to the curb and wondered how her relationship would now play out with The Crusher. Hyped still to come: The 'Official Firing Party' for former Prez Russo; and the 'HW' Re-Match: Patera & Schultz vs. Nash & Rude. Said a look back at Piper's suprise return at 'HW' was next.)


(Announcers said that while Piper showed up during Valentine's match

tonight, the big shocker was Piper's unexpected original appearance at 'HW' two days ago. Announcers intro'd video of Piper's suprise return. Video showed the post-match from the Valentine © - Luger UWL WT match where Greg retained the belt and Greg and Hart were boasting about Greg still being the UWL WC and then Piper's music played and Piper showed up and Greg and Hart were stunned as the crowd went crazy. Video aired.)


(Announcers said the 'HW' re-match was coming up.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Nash & Rude. Asked about the re-match coming up.


Nash: "We heard David Schultz and Ken Patera out here earlier. Sounds like there's a little dissension in the ranks on their side. They don't seem to be able to make up their minds. Do they want to beat us and win the match or just try to beat us up. Make up your minds, boys! Patera! You're a failure! And you're gonna fail one more time in your war with The Firm! Schultz, man, you're as nutty as they come! You call yourself the Redneck of Rednecks! You seem to have an awful lot of 'Deliverance' in you! You come after us at 'Heatwave' like a bat out of hell! You strike me repeatedly with a chair! You're not playing with a full deck, Schultz! You're gonna pay for your actions and pay dearly tonight! Patera, you go ahead and rally your little rag-tag army of UWL wrestlers to wage war with The Firm! Just know that in the end it will be The Firm that is the victor and you and whoever you can scrape together will be the vanquished!"


Rude: "David Schultz, you say you've got some suprises in store for our match tonight. That's just great. Because 'Big Sexy' and the 'Ravishing One' have a few tricks up their sleeves for this match as well. Patera, when all is said and done, you will be reduced to nothing more than a footnote in UWL history. You wanna fight The Firm, go ahead. We welcome it. I'm gonna take great pleasure in doing my part to see the former weak link in The Firm's chain ground down to powder. And while both sides may be full of suprises in this match, the fact is one side's gonna spring the biggest suprise of all.")


(Annoucners wondered what Rude was talking about at the end of the i'view. Said the 'HW' Re-match was next.)


Match 4 ('HW Re-Match)

Ken Patera & David Schultz vs. Nash & Rude


(Hall and Rude came out to a mixed crowd reaction. Patera and Schultz got a strong ovation coming to the ring.


The match was a brawl from the opening bell. Both teams pounded the hell out of one another. Lots of back-and-forth action and only a few pin tries during the explosive affair. At the end of the match, Patera and Nash were the legal men in the ring. Nash whipped Patera into the buckles and charged in on Patera in the corner but Patera moved out of he way and Nash slammed front first into the buckles. Nash turned around and Patera blasted Nash with punches and then whipped Nash into the ropes and caught Nash coming off with a double sledge to the chest. Nash crashed to the mat. Many in the crowd cheering. Patera grabbed Nash in the full nelson. Rude hit the ring behind Patera. Schultz came in and pointed. Patera let go of Nash and turned around and saw Rude. Nash dropped to a knee. Patera looked at Rude as Schultz came over beside Patera. Nash, with the aid of the top rope, made it to his feet. It was a brief stand-off. And then, Rude's promised suprise happened. Schultz sucker punched Patera. Patera staggered. Schultz then grabbed Patera and nailed him with the Redneck Death Drop (Scorpion Death Drop). Patera down. Probably 40% of the crowd cheered Schultz's actions. Schultz high fived Nash and Rude and then left the ring and dropped to the floor and stood at ringside.


Pedicino: "Steve, I think The Firm has a new member...David Schultz!"


Rude went back out on the apron as Nash grabbed Patera, hoisted Patera up and nailed him with the jack-knife powerbomb. Nash then covered Patera. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Firm fans popped. Schultz climbed back in the ring. Hall made his way into the ring and got in. Schultz did the fingter-tip touch with all three and then stomped on the still down Patera. Hall then put the boots to Patera. Ref ordered the quartet out of the ring. Some garbage was tossed in the direction of the ring. The Firm, with their newest member, left the ring and headed back up the aisle as the ref checked on Patera. WINNER: Hall & Rude - Pinfall - Nash pinned Patera with the Jack-Knife Powerbomb - 9:45)


(Announcers discussed the stunning turn of events in the tag team re-match from 'HW'. Said the 'Official Firing Party' for former Prez Russo was coming up in just minutes! Said Larry Nelson is standing by with Pres. Watts.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Watts.


Watts: "Larry, earlier tonight we saw Tully Blanchard attack new TV Champion Arn Anderson because Arn wouldn't just hand him a TV Title match. Well, next week here on 'Slam!', Tully Blanchard will wrestle Arn Anderson in a Non-Title match. And if Tully defeats Arn next week, in two weeks Tully Blanchard will get his TV Title match with Arn Anderson. However, because of what transpired between Tully and Arn, I'm adding one more stipulation. If Tully loses to Arn next week, then Tully Blanchard will not get a shot at any UWL title for the rest of 2012!"


Nelson sent it back to ringside.)


(Announcers discussed Watts making the non-title affair next week between Tully and Arn with the stip that if Tully wins, he gets a TV Title match in two weeks. But if Tully loses the non-title match to Arn, Tully won't get a shot at any UWL title for the rest of 2012. Said the 'Official Firing Party' for Vince Russo was coming up next!)


(Pics aired from the 6-man elimination tag match at 'HW' where Team Watts def. Team Russo and Watts became sole Pres. of the UWL. Anns. said the 'HW' PPV was available on replay.)


(In-ring: After the commercial break, cameras caught a shot of a table in the ring with a large cake on it. UWL owner KD Smith, President Bill Watts, UWL official Wally Karbo, Lee Marshall, Hugh Morrus, The Great Christopho, Crusher and Wahoo were in the ring. Security team members were on the floor.


Marshall: "Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to the 'Official Firing Party for former UWL President Vince Russo'!"


Fans popped.


Marshall: "And now, UWL owner KD Smith!"


Tepid crowd repsonse. Marshall handed KD the mic.


Smith: "Thank you, Lee. This is truly the biggest moment of my career as a wrestling promotion owner. Tonight, we fire a man who truly deserves it. He's a man who believed he was above the rules and could run a major wrestling company like it was his own playground. Vince Russo walked a very fine tightrope during his 18 months as President and Co-President of the UWL. He has escaped disaster on more than one occasion. But now, I'm happy to say, Russo's tighrope has finally snapped and there is no net to catch him. Vince Russo no longer works for the UWL in any capacity."


Crowd cheered.


Smith: "We are now moving into a new era here; and it is a much needed breath of fresh air in the UWL. And now, I'd like to welcome the sole President of the UWL...Bill Watts!"


Crowd cheered Watts. Watts had a mic. Smith shook hands with Watts.


Watts: "Thank you, KD. I never thought I would see this day. I thought I would be working as Co-President with Vince Russo for the forseeable future. Thankfully, the Russo era is now over. The clock has struck midnight on Russo's Presidency of the UWL. Russo pulled a power-play and it backfired on him. Now, he has no power left here. He's done. And this ceremony will make his termination from the company official. So, would the man of the hour, Vince Russo, come on down!"


Crowd buzzing.


There was a pause. No UWL Pres. Seal appeared on the JumboTron. But the Don Pardo-like voice spoke over the p.a. system.


Voice (sobbing): "Ladies and Gentlemen...for the last time...(short crying jag)...Vince Russo...(more crying)!"


Crowd booed.


After a pause, Russo came out on the entrance stage. Boos louder. He looked like a defeated man. Russo was wearing a blue NY Yankees' spring training jersey. He had a mic. Russo walked slowly to the ring minus security. Russo got to ringside and stopped and looked at the people in the ring.


Watts: "C'mon, Vince! We've got time cues to hit!"


Russo dejectedly made his way into the ring. He looked over at the cake on the table and couldn't look up.


Smith: "Before we go any further, could we get a close-up of the cake here for the folks watching at home."


Camera got a close-up shot of what the cake said on top.


Smith: "Look at this, Vince. It says: 'Congratulations on your firing, Vince Russo!' Awwww..."


Russo looked off into space and then looked back towards Smith.


Russo (in a somber tone): "Could we get this over with, please?"


Smith: "Don't you want to stick around for cake?"


Russo: "You know what you can do with your Safeway cake, KD. Wait a minute! Some of those security guys on the floor are my bodyguards! Get 'em guys! Take out Watts and Smith here! We can be running this show again next week!"


Russo's former bodyguards didn't budge.


Watts: "Vince, they may have been your bodyguards. But they are UWL employees. Since you no longer work here, they no longer work for you."


Russo dropped his head.


Russo: "Then just get on with it."


Smith: "You got it, Vincey! President Watts has something to say to you that will make the end of your UWL employment official."


Russo looked right at Watts.


Watts: "It gives me the greatest pleasure to say this to you! Vincent James Russo...YOU'RE FIRED!"


Crowd erupted.


Russo swallowed hard and looked down.


Watts: "And one more thing!"


Watts then shoved Russo's face into the cake. Russo stood up and had cake all over his face. Crowd cheering and laughing.


Watts: "Now, I want Russo's six former bodyguards to escort former President Russo out of the building since he's no longer employed by the UWL and doesn't have a ticket for the show!"


Two bodyguards got in the ring as four stood on the floor. Russo tried to beg and plead with them not to escort him out of the building. Russo extended his hand to the two bodyguards for a handshake. Bodyguards ignored it and grabbed Russo and handed him over the top rope to the four bodyguards standing on the floor. Crowd loving it. Russo's former bodyguards each took a limb and carried Russo from ringside to the back. Cameras followed as the bodyguards got to an exit door backstage and let Russo down to his feet. Russo begged and pleaded a little more to no avail as one bodyguard opened the door and two threw him out. Russo went down to the pavement. Former bodyguards walked off. Russo was still laying outside as the camera caught a shot of the door closing from inside. When the door closed shut, the picture faded to black as fans were still cheering.)




Dark Match (6-Man Tag)

Mighty Texans & Arn Anderson vs. Anderson Bros. ©

(WINNER: MT's & Arn - Pinfall - Arn pinned Ole with the Gourdbuster - 22:34)

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<p><strong><em><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:14px;">WRESTLINGNARC NEWSLETTER</span></span></em></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;">'SLAM!' TIES RATINGS RECORD!!!</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

The post-</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong><em><span style="color:#FF0000;">HEATWAVE</span></em></strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> PPV edition of 'Slam!' on 8-7, which featured the farewells of Hulk Hogan and Bruiser Brody and the official firing of UWL Pres. Vince Russo, tied the all-time ratings mark for an episode of 'Slam!', drawing a 2.4.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

The rating ties the mark for the 1-24-12 edition of the program which was the one-year anniversary episode of 'Slam!'</span></p>

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After Tully Blanchard laid out newly crowned TV Champion Arn Anderson last week, Tully faces Arn in a non-title affair with the stipulations that if Tully wins he gets a TV Title shot next week. But if Tully loses he gets no more title shots of any kind for the rest of 2012!




- TAG TEAM ELIMINATION MATCH (Winner gets a UWL World Title shot next week!): Lex Luger & Hugh Morrus vs. Harley Race © & Billy Graham


- A look back at David Schultz turning on partner Ken Patera during their tag team match last week with Nash and Rude and Schultz joining The Firm




Ep. 82 of 'Slam!' will be posted Monday or Tuesday in the 'Universal Wrestling League' thread.

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UWL 'SLAM!' WRESTLING - EP. 82 - TUCSON, AZ - TUCSON ARENA - 8-14-12 (Taped)


(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Announcers welcomed viewers to the second 'Slam!' of the post-Pres. Russo era. Then ran down the program: Tag Team Elimination Match (The winner gets a UWL WT shot on next week's 'Slam!'): Lex Luger & Hugh Morrus vs. Billy Graham & Harley Race ©; Non-Title Match: Arn Anderson © vs. Tully Blanchard (w/ JJ) - (If Tully wins, he gets a TV Title shot next week on the program! If Tully loses, he gets no more title shots at all in 2012.); Father Dutch vs. Sam Houston; The Crusher wrestles; an i'view w/ The Firm; a look back at Schultz turning on Patera and joining The Firm; Bull Nakano and Mr. Saito are here; an i'view w/ UWL WC Valentine and more!)


(Video aired from last week of Holly dumping Tully.)


Match 1

The Crusher (w/ Holly) vs. Paul Roma

(WINNER: Crusher - Pinfall - Inverted Piledriver - 4:39)


(After the match: Lee Marshall i'viewed Crusher and Holly. Asked them how things have gone in the last week.


Crusher: "Marshall, dis woman standin' next to me will always own a chunk of my heart. She's a great dame. One of a kind. Sometimes, I look at her and want to squeeze her like I squeeze a can of Pabst. She knows I have dem strong feelin's for her. But, we've talked about it over da last few days and have decided to remain good friends."


Marshall asked Holly if that was the case.


Holly: "It is true. Crusher and I had a lot of good times together before I took a wrong path and went with Tully Blanchard, I'm happy to say that the chapter of my life with Tully is now closed. I love having Crusher back in my life. And we both agreed that it was best to remain friends. He'll always be at the top of the names on my speed dial."


Crusher: "Holly also has some big news to share wit da people."


Marshall asked what it was.


Holly: "Well... I'm going back to Hollywood full-time. I leave next week. In the limited time I have left here, I'm gonna spend as much of it as I can with Crusher."


Crusher: "Success in dat der Tin Foil Town couldn't happen to a better lady."


Marshall: ""I think you mean 'Tinsel' Town."


Crusher: "You call it tinsel and I call it tin foil."


Marshall and Holly just looked at Crusher in a puzzled fashion for a moment.


Holly: "Before I go, I just want to say thank you to all these great UWL fans out here. Even though you booed me out of the building when I was with Tully, you took me back into your hearts when I ended my relationship with him. I'll never forget that. You'll always be with me right here."


Holly patted her heart.


Crusher: "Before we go, I got a little gift to give Holly."


Crusher left the ring and reached under the ring apron and pulled out a package wrapped in red paper with a white bow on top.


Crusher: "Dis is for you, babe."


Crusher handed Holly the package. Holly looked at the package and then opened it, It was a six-pack of Miller High Life.


Holly: "Beer. Awww, Crusher, you got me beer. You've always been so thoughtful."


Crusher then took a beer and handed it to Marshall and then Crusher took one and handed it to Holly and then took one for himself. Crusher gestured for Marshall and Holly to open their beers with him. They did so.


Crusher: "A send-off toast for a special broad. To Holly!"


Some in the crowd said: 'To Holly!' The three raised their beers and toasted Holly and then started drinking the beer. Lee and Holly took a sip of theirs but Crusher guzzled his until it was done. Crusher then set his empty can down and picked up the remainder of the six-pack and handed it to Holly.


Crusher: "Holly, doze last tree beers are just for you. When you drink 'em out by yer pool in Hollywood, tink of me."


Holly: "I certainly will, Crusher."


Holly hugged Crusher and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Crusher took the mic from Lee Marshall.


Crusher: "Let me hear ya, people! Holly! Holly! Holly!"


Many in the crowd joined in in chanting Holly's name. Crusher and Holly turned to all four sides of the ring and Crusher would point at Holly and she would wave to the crowd as the chants continued. Crusher then left the ring and went out on the floor. Holly got on the apron and hopped off into the arms of Crusher. Crusher set her down on the floor. Holly waved again as many still chanted her name. The two then made it back up the aisle. Once on the entrance stage, Holly turned and waved to the crowd one final time as many of the fans cheered before she headed to the back with Crusher.)


(Announcers discussed Holly going back FT to Hollywood and getting a nice send-off from the fans. Hyped still to come: Tag Team Elimination Match: Luger & Morrus vs. Race © & Graham - Winner gets a UWL WT shot next week; Non-Title Match: Arn © vs. Tully (w/ JJ) - If Tully wins, he gets a TV Title shot next week and if Tully loses, he gets no more title shots at all for the rest of 2012; an i'view w/ UWL WC Valentine; Father Dutch vs. Sam Houston; and more. Said Bull Nakano and Mr. Saito are here next.)


(Video aired for 'Cialis Presents: Helloween' - Sunday - Oct. 14 - Reno, NV - Lawlor Events Center - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale this Saturday, Aug. 18 @ 10am PST.)


(Video aired from the 'Heatwave' PPV of Bull Nakano and Mr. Saito showing up during Madusa's Women's WT match with Ferrari and distracting Madusa and costing Madusa a chance to win the belt and Nakano laying out Madusa afterwards.)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed Nakano and Saito. Saito was in a suit and Nakano was wearing a kimono. They had a third Japanese man with them. He had his face painted and was also in a suit. The three got a Lord Tensai-type reaction coming to the ring. They got in. Marshall asked who the man was with them.


Mystery Man: "My name is Mr. Nagasaki. I'm the interpreter for Mr. Saito and Bull Nakano."


Lee asked Mr. Nagasaki what Mr. Saito does for Nakano. Nagasaki spoke to Saito and Saito responded in Japanese.


Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito wants to let you and all these Americans know that he is the manager of Bull Nakano."


Marshall then asked Nagasaki why Saito brought Nakano to the States. Nagasaki asked Saito the question in Japanese. Saito responded in Japanese.


Nagaski: "Mr. Saito has brought Bull Nakano to the United States because she has unfinished business with Madusa. They fought many battles with each other all over Japan and nothing was ever settled. He says that he wants to see Madusa finished off on her native soil."


Marshall asked about showing up at 'Heatwave' and distracting Madusa and costing Madusa a chance to win the Women's WT and costing Madusa a chance to win the title. Nagasaki repeated the question Saito in Japannese. Saito responded in his native tongue again.


Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito says when he found out that Madusa had the title shot against Tina Ferrari at 'Heatwave', he chartered a private jet for them to fly to America and ruin things for her. Saito says they succeeded in their goal. Madusa did not win the Women's World Title. Nakano's post-match attack on Madusa was to send a message that their war was still on and burning hot."


Marshall asked wouldn't Saito have rather seen Madusa win the title and then any matches between Madusa and Nakano would have been championship matches here in the states. Nagasaki asked Saito the question and Saito again repsonded in Japanese.


Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito says that the championship is not what's important here. This is a feud between the United States and Japan. And when all is said and done, something greater than winning a title will happen. We will raise the Japanese flag in victory over the defeated Madusa and the United States."


Marshall asked Nakano for her take on this matter and what she thinks of Madusa. Nagasaki asked Nakano the question. Nakano repsonded angrily in Japanese.


Nagasaki: "Bull Nakano says that in Japan, personal pride and honor are huge matters unlike here in the United States. She says that she is no friend of America or Americans. Madusa represents the American enemy. Our countries may have pretty good relations today, but Madusa represents all that is wrong with America. Beating Madusa on U.S. ground would be the ultimate humiliation for Madusa and a great victory for Japanese pride, honor and culture. Nakano says that Madusa is a great ring warrior; but she is also a typically decadent and honorless American who needs to be taught respect for her superiors in the Land of the Rising Sun."


Saito then said something to Mr. Nagasaki in Japanese.


Mr. Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito just wanted to add that he personally likes some Americans. But, unfortunately, most of them are more like Madusa rather than the honorable few he has met over the years."


Marshall asked what their long-term goals were here in America. Nagaski relayed the message to Saito. Saito repsonded.


Mr. Nagasaki: "When Madusa lies in a crumpled mass of thorough defeat at the feet of Bull Nakano here in the United States then, and only then, will our mission be completed."


Fans now booing.


Marshall thanked the three for their time.)


(Announcers discussed the interview with Nakano, Saito and their interpreter Mr. Nagasaki. Said we'll see how things develop with this matter in the coming weeks. Hyped still to come: Tag Team Elimination Match - Winner gets a UWL WT shot next week; Non-Title: Arn © vs. Tully (w/ JJ) - If Tully wins, he gets a TV Title shot next week and if Tully loses, no more title shots at all for the rest of 2012; an i'view w/ UWL WC Valentine; The Firm is here and more. Said Father Dutch vs. Sam Houston was coming up.)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Lex Luger and Hugh Morrus. Asked about tonight's elimination tag where the winner gets a UWL WT shot next week.


LL: "Larry, you know me. And there's nothing I'd like better than to win this match and get another shot at Greg Valentine with that title on the line. I've been so close to capturing that belt on two different occasions recently, that I really believe that if I'm the winner of this match tonight, the third time will be the charm for Lex Luger and next week I will become the new UWL World Champion."


HM: "This may be a tag team match. But the reality is it's every man for himself. I know Lex badly wants another crack at Valentine for the World Title. But I want that World Title shot, too. World Title shots don't often come the Laughing Man's way. This is a huge opportunity. I just want the chance to hold the World Title. Talk about a dream come true. Lex, I know we've got to work together during this match. But, if it comes down to you and me, then I've gotta look out for number one and do what needs to be done to try to earn that World Title match next week."


LL: "The same goes for me, Hugh. Let's see what happens with Harley and Graham and take it from there."


The two then shook hands as Nelson sent it back to ringside.)


Match 2

Father Dutch vs. Sam Houston


(Houston came to the ring first to a fair crowd reaction. Crowd pointed out he was half of the Mighty Texans. Gregorian chants played over the p.a. system and Father Dutch came out to pretty strong boos. He was in his priest's attire and carrying his little black bag.


Houston gave Father Dutch a battle and came close on a couple of occasions to scoring the upset win but in the end Father Dutch was just too much for Sam and Father Dutch caught Sam in the Confessional and forced Sam to tap out. Ref called for the bell but Father Dutch kept Sam locked in the hold. Ref ordered Father Dutch to break the hold but he wouldn't. Ref ordered the bell rung again and FD still wouldn't release Sam from the hold. Crowd buzzing. Crowd then popped as Wahoo, in street clothes, hit the ring. Wahoo ripped Sam off of Father Dutch. FD got to his feet and Wahoo laid into FD with a series of big chops. Wahoo grabbed FD by the hair, did his war dance, and blasted FD with a big chop to the top of the head. FD went down and scampered from the ring to he floor. Wahoo took the r.a. mic from Lee Marshall.


WM: "Father Dutch! Hell, Father Dirtbag is more like it! You cost me the President's Championship at 'Heatwave' when you hit me in the head with that crucifix! I want nothing but revenge now! I'm getting tired of this! You and I, we're gonna have a final showdown one day and it's gonna be our own personal Armageddon! This won't end until one of us is soundly defeated! I see a long, violent, bloody, apocalyptic road we're about to head down, Father Dutch! Prepare for pro wrestling's version of the Crusades! On one side, Father Dutch! On the other side, Wahoo McDaniel! It will take time! But one of us is ultimately gonna crush the other!"


'Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system. Pres. Watts walked out on the entrance stage with mic in hand. He got a decent ovation coming out.


Watts: "Wahoo, you say that you're prepared for a long series of battles with Father Dutch. Well, consider one of your prayers answered, Chief! Because next week, right here on 'Slam!', it's gonna be Wahoo McDaniel vs. Father Dutch!"


Crowd popped at the news.


Watts: "Holy wars always culminate in a final battle. But there are many skirmishes fought leading up to the final conflict. And next week will be one of those skirmishes!"


Wahoo had handed the r.a. mic back to Marshall. As Marshall got out of the ring, FD went over and yanked the mic out of Marshall's hands.


FD: "Wahoo. You talk about Armageddon. Well next week, prepare to feel the heat of what Armageddon will be like when that day finally comes."


FD tossed down the mic and walked over to the ring and grabbed his black bag that was sitting in the corner on the apron and FD made his way to the back. Crowd booed as FD turned around on the ramp and blessed himself and pointed skywards before disappearing to the back as Wahoo looked on. WINNER: FD - Submission - Confessional - 6:43)


(Announcers discussed FD beating Houston and then FD keeping Houston locked in the Confessional after the match and Wahoo coming to Houston's aid and Watts making a match between FD and Wahoo next week.. Hyped till to come: Tag Team Elimination Match: Winner gets a UWL World Title shot next week; Non-Title Match: Arn © vs. Tully (w/ JJ) - If Tully wins, he get s a TV Title shot next week and if Tully loses he gets no title shots at all for the rest of 2012; an i'view w/ UWL WC Valentine; The Firm is here and more. Said the Non-Title Match: Arn © vs. Tully (w/ JJ) was coming up in just minutes.)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Thu. - Aug. 16 - Syracuse, NY - War Memorial Arena @ The OnCenter; Fri. - Aug. 17 - Albany, NY - Washington Ave. Armory Arena; Sat. - Aug. 18 - Uniondale, LI - Nassau Coliseum; Fri. - Sept. 7 - Sacramento, CA - Memorial Auditorium; Sat. - Sept. 8 - Irvine, CA - Bren Events Center; Fri. - Sept. 21 - Logan, UT - Smith Spectrum; Sat. - Sept. 22 - Ft. Collins, CO - Moby Arena. More info, visit: uwlslam.com!)


(Video aired from last week where Tully came out and challenged Arn to a TV Title match and Arn telling Tully he'd have to work his way up the ladder and Tully laying out Arn with a sucker punch and the slingshot suplex and Watts making this match for this week.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Tully Blanchard and mgr. JJ. Asked about the match tonight with Arn.


Tully: "It's real simple, Larry Nelson! I'm gonna win tonight and get the TV Title shot I so richly deserve next week against my former pal Arn Anderson! You would think being old friends would have meant Arn would have just given me the title shot when I asked him! But no! Arn had to get a big head and tell me, Tully Blanchard, that I'd have to work my way up the ladder of contention to get a title match! Unbelievable! Arn, you paid a heavy price last week for copping an attitude with your former tag team partner and hell raising companion on the road! What you did last week was preposterous! And now you're just a week away from losing the TV Title to your old buddy!"


JJ: "Arn! The three of us used to work together, travel together and party on the road together! Eventually, we could have done that again! I would have loved to have been able to ask you to join JJ Dillon Enterprises! But, you had to rub our noses in it last week! You now think you're some hotshot because you're the TV Champion! You and Tully were multi-time World Tag Team Champions! You are legends at tag team wrestling! We were like the Three Amigos when we were together! Now, you've just gotten a little too big for your britches, Arn! The gall of telling Tully Blanchard, a 2-time UWL World Champion, that he would have to work his way into contention for a TV Title match, well, that was beyind the pale! You needed to be taken down a couple of notches last week and your old friend Tully Blanchard taught you a lesson in showing respect to one who really deserves it! I manage the President's Champion Harley Race and am very confident that, next week, I'll be managing the new TV Champion as well!"


Marshall asked Tully about the break-up with Holly last week.


Tully: "I have much bigger fish to fry right now! Holly doesn't want to stay with the best thing that ever happened to her..then...goodbye, Holly! She knows that one day she'll realize that leaving me was the biggest mistake of her life!")


Match 3 (Non -Title Match - If Tully wins, he gets a TV Title shot next week. If Tully loses, he gets no more title shots at all for the rest of 2012!)


Arn Anderson © vs. Tully Blanchard (w/ JJ)


(Tully and JJ came to the ring first to strong boos. Arn came out to a solid ovation and slapped hands with fans along the way. The two men were evenly matched and pushed each other to the max. Neither man could put the other away during the battle. At the end of the match, Arn was on the offensive. Arn whipped Tully into the ropes and caught Tully coming off with a punch to the gut that doubled over Tully. Tully wandered over by the ropes and Arn came over and went to DDT Tully but Tully grabbed the top rope and Arn crashed to the mat. Tully grabbed Arn by the legs and maneuvered Arn over.Tully catapauled Arn throat-first across the bottom rope. Tully snapped Arn up and whipped Arn into the buckles and followed Arn in with a running high knee to the chest. Arn staggered out of the corner and dropped to his knees and then fell on his face. Tully then bodyslammed Arn into position for a turnbuckle move. Tully went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle and came off with a big elbow but Arn rolled out of the way and Tully crashed to the mat. Both men down. Both men slowly made their way to their feet. Tully swung at Arn but Arn ducked and came back with a series of punches to Tully's head and body that staggered Tully. Arn then blasted Tully with an inverted atomic drop. Tully fell back against the ropes. Arn whipped Tully into the ropes and blasted Tully coming off with his left-handed KO punch. Tully went down and rolled out under the ropes onto the apron. Arn went to go after Tully but the ref stopped Arn. Arn had words with the ref. Facing the crowd, Tully reached into his tights and appeared to conceal a foreign object in his right hand. Tully got to his feet on the apron and was facing the crowd as Arn came over and grabbed Tully from behind and went to nail Tully with a belly-to-back suplex. Arn got Tully up...WHAM!...Tully punched Arn in the head with the apparently foreign object-laden hand. Arn crashed to the mat with Tully on top of him. Tully held his right hand by his leg as the ref counted. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. JJ got in the ring as the ref checked on a stunned Arn. Tully got to his feet and got right next to JJ and appeared to drop the weapon in JJ's left side coat pocket. Ref then went over and riased Tully's hand in victory. JJ jubilant. Tully and JJ left the ring as Arn was starting to come to his senses. WINNER: Tully - Pinfall - Foreign Object Shot - 13:12)


(Announcers discussed the controversial win by Tully Blanchard thus earning Tully a TV Title shot against Arn next week. Hyped still to come: Tag Team Elimination Match: Winner gets a WT shot next week; and an i'view with UWL WC Valentine. Said The Firm was here next.)


(Video aired from last week of David Schultz turning on tag partner Ken Patera and joining The Firm.)


(In-ring: The Firm came to the ring. All were in their ring attire and had mics. They came out to a mixed reaction.


Nash: "And now, a word from the newest member of The Firm...Dr. D David Schultz!"


More boos than cheers.


DS: "It's great to be a member of such an elite group! The Firm is the future of wrestling! And any wrestler out there that's invited to join The Firm, you don't need to ask any questions, you just need to hop on this steaming locomotive! This organization is going straight to the top! First, we're gonna capture all the championships here in the UWL! And then, we're gonna pull the ultimate coup and take over the UWL! One day, The Firm is gonna be runnin' this show! And everyone needs to face that fact and accept it! Some of you may be wonderin' why I turned on Ken Patera last week and joined up with The Firm! It's simple logic! I was invited to join The Firm and there was no way I was turning my back on the offer of a lifetime! Ken, we've know each other for years! But being invited to join an elite faction like The Firm trumps friendship! Ken, the day after you introduced me to be your tag team partner at 'Heatwave' against Nash and Rude, I gotta call from Kevin Nash! He told me that the Director of The Firm liked my work and thought I'd be a valuable asset to their organization! Nash then put me in touch with the Director! To say that I was impressed by the Director was an understatement! They truly understand the wrestling business and one day they would like to rule the wrestling business! After talking with the Director, I knew that I was gonna become the next member of The Firm! The only question was when was I going to be unveiled as the newest member! The decision was made to reveal me in a way that would guarantee maximum impact! The Director wanted it to happen in front of the largest audience possible! And the call was made to do it on last week's 'Slam!' with a shot that could be heard around the wrestling world! And Dr. D joining The Firm was heard loudly and clearly! Especially by Ken Patera!"


Rude: "I just want to say how great it is to number David Schultz among our ranks! He's a Redneck! But he's our kinda Redneck!"


DS: "I am the Redneck of Rednecks and damn proud of it!"


Rude: "Ken Patera, you now have to ask yourself this question every time you think you've found an ally to fight us with! Is that ally really an ally?! Or is he another member of The Firm just waiting for the right time to strike like Dr. D did last week and lay you out! You can't trust anyone, Ken! You'll never know who's who! As shown last week, Patera, you're already fighting a losing battle against us!"


Hall: "Hey yo! Things are really starting to pick up for The Firm! We're gonna be adding new members in the near future! And...you're all gonna find out who the Director is real soon! Talent is being scouted all over the world by The Firm's scouts! They're looking for the best of the best to join with us! No wrestler out there can call The Firm and ask to join! The only way to become a member of The Firm is by us calling on you! So some of you wrestlers out there need to pay attention to who might be calling or e-mailing you in the future!"


Nash: "You know, sometimes we come out here and are really damned funny and entertaining! But now is the time to get serious! This is a poker game and the stakes are very high! It's winner take all as far as The Firm is concerned! We want all the championships! And one day we want to own the UWL lock, stock and barrel! And we have the financial firepower backing us to get the job done! Scott said that Director is going to reveal themselves here on 'Slam!' in the near future! You can take that to the bank because it's true! And once you find out who the Director is, you'll know what I mean when I say financial firepower! We can fight the champions! Hell, we can fight the entire UWL roster if we have to because of the money power behind us! And owner KD Smith, we we will one day fight you for the very control of this company! This...is war!")


(Announcers discussed the i'view with The Firm and them talking about the Director coming in.


Pedicino: "Steve, I am dying to know who the Director of The Firm is! We've waited long enough to know their identity! Who is the person with these grand plans to dominate the UWL one day?!"


Stack: "Joe, everyone I've talked to is on pins and needles about this situation! The Firm has made their plans very clear! There's nothing ambiguous about them! They want all the gold and ultimately control of the entire company! And to all the UWL wrestlers, you have got to put personal differences aside when it comes to dealing with The Firm! This is going to turn into a battle for survival!"


Pedicino: "We just heard Kevin Nash say that they will directly challenge UWL owner KD Smith for control of the company! That means the Director must have a serious cash flow that rivals Smith's!"


Stack: "All UWL employees have got to face a cold, hard, unpleasant fact! And that fact is our livelihoods are all on the line and the clock is ticking on the UWL's future right now!"


Hyped still to come: Tag Team Elimination Match: Winner gets a UWL WT shot next week. Said an i'view w/ UWL WC Valentine is coming up.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Graham and PC Race. Grand Wizard and JJ were with their men.


Nelson asked about the match tonight and a possible UWL WT shot next week.


BG: "What you are looking at before you, jack, are two men who are more than capable of winning this match tonight and becoming the new UWL World Champion next week. I like Greg Valentine and Gary Hart. But this is business. And the bottom line in the wrestling business is to become the World Champion! And Harley, I'm gonna let you and JJ know right now, daddy, that if I have to beat you to get that title shot then I'll do it by any means necessary! But, my greatest joy would be to jackhammer Lex Luger and pin him to earn that title match next week! Luger, I'm gonna do everything in my power to keep my eye on the prize in this match! But you and me, we've got some unfinished business, jack, and I can't guarantee what will happen between us in that ring!"


HR: "Billy, I don't take offense at what you just said to me. Because if it does come down to me and you, then I'm gonna do whatever I have to to get that World Championship match next week. I want the opportunity to be the President's Champion and the UWL World Champion! Luger and Morrus! It sickens me to think of either one of you in that ring next week getting the World Title shot. So, not only are the 'Superstar' and I looking to win that title chance next week! We're also looking to act as a roadblock to keep you guys from getting a shot at glory!"


JJ: Think of it! Harley Race is the reigning President's Champion! And by the time 'Slam!' ends next week, JJ Dillon Enterprises could also have in its possession the UWL World Title and the TV Title! In other words, all three major singles belts could, no, will, be ours! I can't begin to tell you how exciting this opportunity is! How often do you get a chance like this in any sport! After next week, you may just be calling JJ Dillon Enterprises the Triple Crown stable in all of wrestling! I'm about to lose control and I think I like it!"


GW: "Short and sweet. 'Superstar' Graham...UWL World Champion. I like the sound of that.")


(Video aired from last week of Piper showing up and distracting Valentine during the Graham-Valentine vs. Hogan-Brody match.)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed UWL WC Valentine and manager Hart. The two came to the ring in street clothes. Valentine had the belt slung over his shoulder. The pair was mainly booed.


Marshall asked about the tag team elimination match coming up and which man Valentine thinks he'll be facing with the gold onthe line next week.


GV: "Quite frankly, Lee Marshall, I don't care which one of those four men I face. Because at the end of the match on 'Slam!' next week, I'm still gonna be the UWL World Champion. Personally, I like Harley and I like the 'Superstar', but when the World Title is on the line, friendship goes right down the porcelain. Lex Luger. Hugh Morrus. Harley Race. Billy Graham. I've got to defend this belt against whomever wins the tag team elimination match tonight. And when everything is on the line that's when I'm at my best! For me, it's all about hanging on to this big gold beauty right here. Whether my opposition is loved or hated is irrelevant to me. They're all challengers and they all want the belt. The problem for them is I'm the champion and will do whatever needs to be done to retain my status as the UWL World Champion. I'll even admit it here on national TV; if I have to hold a hand full of tights or place my feet on the ropes for leverage or cheap shot someone then I'll do it! You like that answer?! Was that a little too blunt for you! You fans always seem to want the wrestlers you don't like to be sneaky and never talk about it! You want us to be cowards! To hell with that protocol! This is a rough and violent trade! And if you're gonna do it for a living then you'd better be prepared for some serious hard knocks! You do what you have to do to win and remain on top! And I'll pull some tricks out of my bag next week if need be!"


Hart: "Once again, Greg Valentine shows why he's such a deserving World Champion. Even if you hate the man, you have to respect his brutal candor and honesty. A lot of these guys you fans cheer, they aren't saints. Just like Mr. Valentine here, they'll play dirty if they have to. Those aren't choir boys in the fan favorite locker room back there. They won't be eating milk and cookies, watching TBN and going to bed as soon as they get back to the hotel after the show. No, they'll be raisin' hell just like a lot of the bad boys in this business. And that's what separates Greg Valentine from the pack. He'll tell you up front who he is and what he does. He doesn't come out and pretend to be some goody two-shoes saint or something. What you see is what you get with the World Champion. And no matter who wins the match tonight and earns the World Title shot next week, this man standing to my left will do what he has to do to remain the champ. Titles and money. That's what pro wrestling's all about and everyone wants to be where Greg Valentine is but no one is getting there because he's gonna be the World Champion for a long time to come."


Marshall asked Valentinte about the situation with Piper at the end of 'Heatwave' and Piper showing up during Valentine's match two nights later on 'Slam!'


GV: "I'm still trying to figure out what Roddy Piper's deal is. He's shown up twice now, but he hasn't done anything. It's like he's trying to play some sort of mind games with me or something. Well, Piper, I know you're watching. And what you're doing, it's not gonna work. You're messing with the wrong guy, pal. You..."


Crowd exploded.


A spotlight shined on Roddy Piper. Piper, in street clothes, appeared up in the stands. Crowd started chanting 'Roddy! Roddy!' Hart and Valentine looked around and saw Piper. Piper looking down at the pair with no expression on his face.


GV: "Piper! Just what the hell do you think you're doing?! Come on down here to this ring, Piper, and fight me like a man!"


Piper just looked on as the fans were still cheering.


GV: "I'm tired of all this b.s.! You can't mindfu... mindscrew me, man! You know who you're dealing with?! You're dealing with the UWL World Champion! That's who you're dealing with!"


Piper just looked on.


GV: "Get down here, Piper! Let's see if you're really back and in fighting condition!"


Piper looked on a little bit longer and then disappeared through the tunnel leading out to the corridor.


GV: "Where's he going? Is he coming down here? What's he... What the hell is going on?"


Valentine and Hart started talking off-mic in the ring as the segment ended.)


(Announcers discussed Piper showing up again and not saying a word.


Stack: "Greg Valentine can say what he wants. Piper is clearly inside the World Champion's head."


Said the Tag Team Elimination match was next!)


Match 4 (Tag Team Elimination Match - Winner gets a UWL World Title shot next week)

Lex Luger & Hugh Morrus vs. Harley Race © (w/ JJ) & Billy Graham (w/ GW)


(Luger and Morrus came out to a strong ovation. Race and Graham and their managers were overwhelmingly booed. Announcers pointed out standard tag team rules apply.




1 & 2) Graham & Luger - Double Countout - 8:42


(The two brawled around ringside, up the aisle and to the back.)


(This left Hugh and Race. At the end of the match, Hugh was on the offensive. Hugh worked over Race and whipped Race into the buckles. Hugh charged in and went to nail Race with a running shoulder block but Race moved and Hugh slammed shoulder first into the post. Hugh slowly extracated himself from the post as Race came over and grabbed Hugh, spun Hugh around and staggered Hugh with a couple of headbutts. Race whipped Hugh into the ropes and caught Hugh coming off with a belly-to-belly suplex.


JJ: "Finish him off!"


Race went to hoist Hugh up for the piledriver but Hugh twice blocked the move and backdropped Race. Race crashed to the mat and Hugh dropped to his knees. Both men to their feet. The two engaged in a punch exchange and Race got the upper hand when he drove a knee into Hugh's gut. Race nailed Hugh with another headbutt. Race whipped Hugh into the ropes and looked to catch Hugh coming off with a clothesline but Hugh ducked the move and came back and blasted Race with a flying headbutt to the chest. Race crashed to the mat. Crowd popped. Hugh picked up Race and bodyslammed Race into position for a turnbuckle move. JJ hopped up on the apron and started yelling at Hugh and Hugh nailed JJ with a running clothesline that sent JJ crashing to the floor. Hugh went and climbed to the top buckle and came off with a moonsault but Race got his knees up and Hugh crashed into them. Both men down. Race got to his feet and went over and stomped on Hugh. Race then set up Hugh for a piledriver attempt again. Race started hoisting Hugh up but Hugh blocked the move, pulled Race's legs out from under him and flipped over on top of Race while holding Race's legs. Hugh for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Crowd popped for Hugh's win. Ref raised Hugh's hand in victory. A low-key Hugh left the ring and slapped hands with fans on the way to the back. WINNER: Morrus - Pinfall - Flip over on Race - 12:37)


(Announcers wrapped up the program. Hyped for next week: UWL World Title Match: Valentine © vs. Morrus; TV Title Match: Arn © vs. Tully (w/ JJ); Father Dutch vs. Wahoo McDaniel; Madusa will make an appearance and wrestle; and more.)




Dark Match (Cage Match)

Ken Patera, Wahoo McDaniel, The Crusher & The Great Christopho vs. The Firm

(WINNER: Team Patera - Pinfall - Patera pinned Rude with the Full Nelson Slam - 15:09)

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The 8-7 edition of 'Slam!, which featured the final UWL appearances of Hulk Hogan and Bruiser Brody and the official firing of Pres. Vince Russo, drew a series record-tying 2.4 rating.


Things fell back into a more normal pattern for the 8-14 program. The show, which featured a tag team elimination match where the winner gets a World Title shot against Greg Valentine on the 8-21 'Slam!' and Tully Blanchard defeating TV Champ Arn Anderson in a non-title bout to earn a TV Title match on the 8-21 'Slam!', drew a 2.0 rating.


Hogan, and to a lesser degree, Bruiseer Brody, clearly meant a surge in ratings. It will now be interesting to see where the ratings wind up in the coming weeks and how much of an impact Hogan and Brody leaving will have on them over the long haul.

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Thu. - Aug. 16 - Syracuse, NY - War Memorial Auditorium @ The OnCenter - Att: 4,165


Fri. - Aug. 17 - Albany, NY - Washington Ave. Armory Arena - Att: 3,638


Sat. - Aug. 18 - Uniondale, LI - Nassau Coliseum - Att: 6,822


MATCH RESULTS (Results the same in each city):


UWL WORLD TITLE MATCH IN A STEEL CAGE: Greg Valentine © def. Lex Luger via pinfall with the Hammerhead


STEEL CAGE GRUDGE MATCH: Hugh Morrus def. Rip Oliver via pinfall with the Moonsault in a bloodbath each night


UWL WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE: Gene & Lars Anderson © (no Ole) def. The Mighty Texans when Gene forced Sam Houston to submit to the Sharpshooter


UWL TV TITLE: Arn Anderson © def. Scott Hall via pinfall with the Gourdbuster


UWL WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE: Tina Ferrari © def. Madusa via pinfall with her feet on the ropes


Wahoo McDaniel def. Father Dutch via pinfall with the Big Chop


The Crusher & The Killer Bees def. Harley Race ©, Tully Blanchard & DDP when Crusher pinned Tully with the Inverted Piledriver

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Greg Valentine defends the UWL World Title against Hugh Morrus. Can Morrus pull off one of the biggest upsets of all-time and become the new UWL World Champion?


Tully Blanchard defeated TV Champion Arn Anderson in last week's non-title match to earn a TV Title match. Can Tully beat his former close friend and tag team partner and become the new UWL TV Champion?




- Madusa responds to last week's remarks from Bull Nakano and her manager Mr. Saito


- The Holy War continues as Chief Wahoo McDaniel battles Father Dutch!




Ep. 83 of UWL 'Slam!' Wrestling will be posted either Monday or Tuesday.

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(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Announcers welcomed viewers and ran down the program: UWL WT Match: Valentine © vs. Morrus; TV Title Match: Arn © vs. Tully; Father Dutch vs. Wahoo McDaniel; Madusa wrestles and responds to Bull Nakano and Mr. Saito's statements from last week; Rip Oliver in action; and more.)


(Video highlights aired of The Firm interview from last week where they vowed to one day control all the UWL titles and take over the company and they talked about Patera not being able to trust anyone he joins forces with because that person may just be a Firm member in waiting.)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed Ken Patera. Patera came to the ring in street clothes and got a farily strong ovation coming to the ring. Patera slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring.


Marshall asked about the situation with The Firm.


KP: "David Schultz was a man I thought I could trust like a brother. We've known each other for a long time. When I called David a few weeks ago and asked him to help me fight The Firm he was gung-ho about it. When he turned on me, I never saw it coming. Even with his bizarre behavior in our tag match against Nash and Rude at 'Heatwave', I didn't think he was preparing to drive the proverbial knife in my back. Now, I'm left wondering if I have any true allies in this struggle against The Firm. Who can I trust? Right now, I don't feel like I can trust anyone. But if I have to go it alone and wage a one man war to destroy The Firm then that's what I'll do. These guys have to be dealt with head-on. You have to fight fire with fire when dealing with an entity like The Firm. I want every UWL wrestler out there to know that the threat these guys pose to the future of this company is serious. Deadly serious. We UWL wrestlers can either hang together or we might all just be hung by a group of hangmen named Nash, Hall, Rude, Schultz and whoever else The Firm brings into their organiztion. At the moment, I feel like I'm fighting an organized crime syndicate. And another thing. I know who the Director of The Firm is. If you remember, I was the first member of The Firm that the Director brought in. You know what...I'm going to tell you who the Director of The Firm is right now. It's..."


David Schultz came out on the entrance stage in street clothes with mic in hand. He got a mixed reaction.


DS: "Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Hold it right there, Ken! Don't say it! You know the rule since you're a former Firm member! The Director can only be revealed to the public when the Director decides they want to be revealed to the public! Ken, don't cross that line! It will be a bad result for you if you say the Director's name! I'm giving you fair warning!"


KP: "You're warning me not to tell eveyone who the Director is! You, David?! You turn on me and then expect some sort of twisted loyalty because I was a member of The Firm!"


Schultz started walking down the aisle.


DS: "Ken! Don't play with a fire that will burn you beyond recognition if you know what I mean! You know from experience that The Firm backs up what they say!"


KP: "Do you people want to know who the Director of The Firm is?!"


Crowd loudly proclaimed 'yes'!


KP: "Alright! I'm gonna tell you! The Director of The Firm is..."


Schultz hit the ring and attacked Patera. The two started brawling in the ring as Marshall bailed. The two were slugging it out when Schultz got the upper hand and whipped Patera into the ropes and looked to catch Patera coming off with a clothesline but Patera ducked the move and came back and nailed Schultz with a Russian Hammer that drove Schultz to the mat. Crowd popped. Patera then nailed Schultz in the head with a brief flurry of punches and pulled Schultz up and locked Schultz in the full nelson. Hall, Rude and Nash hit the ring and attacked Patera and started beating the hell out of him with punches and kicks. Patera went down and Hall, Nash and Rude put the boots to him. Hall, Nash and Rude backed off as Schultz stepped in, grabbed Patera and blasted Ken with a Redneck Death Drop. Patera laid out. The boot party then continued. Security hit the ring and The Firm bailed from the ring to the floor. Security was swarming in the ring as The Firm looked on from the floor. Crowd buzzing as Firm members taunted security. Nash got up on the apron. Security ordered Nash down and Nash responded by punching two of the security team members in the face. More security came out and Nash dropped back down to the floor. Security now in the ring and on the floor. Security members on the floor tried to order The Firm to vacate the ringside area. Firm members had words with security. Patera had recovered and bolted through security and dropped to the floor and went after all four Firm members but security cut him off. Security trying to cool the hot situation down. Several security members led Patera back up the aisle as the crowd booed. Firm members yelling at security and Patera. Pres. Watts came out on the entrance stage and had mic.


Watts: "Everybody listen up! Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Rick Rude and David Scultz! You four have to leave the ringside area! I don't care where you go! You just leave ringside and stay away from there for the rest of the night! Because if you don't leave, I'm fining you $50,000 dollars...each!"


Crowd cheered.


Watts: "Your 20 second countdown to be gone starts right now! 1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8..."


Hall and Rude tussled briefly with a couple of members of the security team.


Watts: "...9...10...11...12...13...14...15..."


Firm members started making their way back up the aisle to a mixed crowd reax.


Watts: "16...17...18..."


Firm members now on the stage. Mic picked up Nash.


Nash: "We're leaving, Bill! See what good guys we are!"


The Firm made their way backstage as an intense Watts looked on.)


(Announcers discussed the confrontation between Patera and Schultz, and Hall, Nash and Rude of The Firm attacking Patera and Schultz laying out Patera with the Redneck Death Drop and the intense situation ensuing with The Firm and UWL security and Pres. Watts ordering The Firm to leave the ringside area. Hyped still to come: UWL WT Match: Valentine © vs. Morrus; TV Title Match: Arn © vs. Tully; Father Dutch vs. Wahoo McDaniel; The Crusher says goodbye to Holly Madison; and more. Said Madusa sees action next.)


(Video highlights aired from last week of the i'view with Bull Nakano and mgr. Mr. Saito where they vowed to destroy Madusa once and for all and raise the Japanese flag of victory over her here in America.)


Match 1

Madusa vs. Debbie Combs

(WINNER: Madusa - Pinfall - German Suplex into a Bridgeout - 2:17)


(Madusa came out to a decent ovation.)


(After the match: Marshall i'viewed Madusa. Asked about the situation with Nakano.


Madusa: "Bull Nakano and I had many great ring battles in Japan and now she's followed me to America. She and her manager, Mr. Saito, say we have unfinished business. Well, let me just say this to Bull and Saito, if you wanna fight here on American soil, then we'll fight! You don't like Americans! I'm proud to be an American! I'm proud of what this country stands for! We may not be perfect, but we're the best country on this planet! Bull, I'll be damned if you think I'm gonna let you raise the Japanese flag over me here in these United States! And if you try and raise that flag over me, then you'll learn the hard way that's a real bad idea! Japan is called the Land of the Rising Sun! You break out that flag, Bull, and it may just wind up where the sun don't shine!"


Crowd cheered.)


(Announcers discussed Madusa's strong words for Nakano. Hyped still to come: UWL WT Match: Valentine © vs. Morrus; TV Title Match: Arn © vs. Tully; Father Dutch vs. Wahoo McDaniel; Crusher says goodbye to Holly and more. Said Rip Oliver in action is coming up.)


(Video aired for the 'Cialis Presents: Helloween' PPV - Sunday - Oct. 14 - Reno, NV - Lawlor Events Center - 8pm E/5pm E - Tickets on sale NOW!)


Match 2

Rip Oliver vs. Scott McGhee


(McGhee was already in the ring. Oliver came out to mostly boos. Bell rang to start the match. Both men came out of the their corners. WHAM! Oliver blasted McGhee with a superkick and covered McGhee. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Many in the crowd stunned by the quick finish. Oliver had his hand raised in victory and left the ring almost as quickly as he arrived. WINNER: Oliver - Pinfall - Superkick - :12)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Hugh Morrus. Asked about the impressive win by Oliver and challenging for the UWL WT later tonight.


HM: "Rip's victory was impressive. You can't deny that."


LN: "We just got word that the official time of the Oliver match was just 12 seconds!"


HM: "Like I said, impressive. But I still can't stand Rip Oliver and he's not my concern this evening. I've got a chance to do something that I thought may never happen. And that's become the UWL World Champion! Since opportunities like this are so rare for me, I intend to make the most of it tonight! Greg Valentine has admitted he'll do whatever he feels he has to do to retain that title! Just remember this, Greg! I come from your side of the tracks, brother! I can play those sneaky little games just as good if not better than you! If you want to get down in the mud and play dirty then that's a-OK with me! I'm more than willing to fight by the enemy's rules if I have to! And I'm gonna do everything in my power to realize a childhood dream and become the champion of the world tonight!")


(Announcers discussed Rip's lightning quick win over McGhee. Hyped still to come: UWL WT Match: Valentine © vs. Morrus; TV Title Match: Arn © vs. Tully; Wahoo McDaniel vs. Father Dutch; and more. Said Crusher says goodbye to Holly next.)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Fri. - Sept. 7 - Sacramento, CA - Memorial Auditorium; Sat. - Sept. 8 - Irvine, CA - Bren Events Center; Fri. - Sept. 21 - Logan, UT - Smith Spectrum; Sat. - Sept. 22 - Fort Collins, CO - Moby Arena. More info, visit: uwlslam.com!)


(Announcers intro'd the video of the Crusher saying goodbye to Holly Madison.)


(Video was a grainy black and white like a 1940's movie. Shot of the night sky and the camera panned back and down and Holly and Crusher were standing on an airport tarmac. A 1940's passenger plane was running on the tarmac and an ankle-high fog covered the ground.


Holly was dressed in a 1940's women's black trenchcoat, thick black 1940's heels and was wearing a 1940's-style black lady's hat with a white band around it at the base. Crusher was in a '40s-style male trenchcoat and fedora.


Holly: "Well, Crusher, I guess this it."


Crusher: "Looks dat way, Holly. I'm gonna miss ya."


Holly: "I'm gonna miss you, too. But we'll see each other again one day."


Crusher: "Yer a classy dame, Holly. I know you'll stay dat way. And I know we'll see each udder again. But it won't be da same. We've seen each other so much da last few months and it's just gonna be...different not havin' ya around."


Holly: "We can still keep in touch. You're a good man, Crusher."


Crusher: "And you're a great lady. Here's lookin' at you, kid."


Crusher then playfully punched Holly in the jaw but the punch was a little too hard as Holly grabbed her jaw.


Holly: "Owwww!"


Holly started shifting her jaw back and forth with her hand.


Crusher (sheepishly): "Ah! Sorry 'bout dat. Sometimes I don't know my own strengt."


Holly: "I know you didn't mean to do it you big lug. I'm sure the x-rays will prove negative."


Crusher embarrassed.


Voice (off-camera): "All those headed to Hollywood on Flight 14, it's time to board!"


Holly: "Looks like they're calling me. It's time to go."


Crusher: "Yeah. You take care of yerself, Holly. And if you ever need anyting don't hesitate to contact me."


Holly: "Thanks again for being there for me, Crusher. You'll always have a place in my heart."


Holly leaned in and kissed Crusher on the cheek and then turned and slowly walked to the plane as Crusher looked on. Holly walked up the steps to board the plane and once at the top step she turned and waved to Crusher and Crusher waved back. Holly walked into the plane and the crew started raising the steps to close the door. Camera caught a close-up of Crusher's face as Crusher continued to look at the plane.


Crusher: "Of all da wrestlin' rings in da world...she had to walk into mine."


Camera panned back as the plane taxied to the runway as Crusher turned and walked off into the night. Plane was then shown rolling down the runway and lifting off into the night sky as the words 'THE END' appeared on the screen and then the picture faded to black.)


(Announcers discussed the touching goodbye between Crusher and Holly. Hyped still to come: UWL WT Match: Valentine © vs. Morrus; Father Dutch vs. Wahoo; and more. Said the TV Title match was coming up!)


(Video aired from earlier in the program of the Patera-Schultz confrontation and the remaining members of The Firm coming out and attacking Patera and Schultz laying out Patera with a Redneck Death Drop and then security getting involved in the heated situation.)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Pres. Bill Watts.


BW: "Larry, I have two things I want to briefly mention. First, after watching a replay of last week's match between Tully Blanchard and TV Champion Arn Anderson, it does appear that Tully used a foreign object to help him score his victory and get this TV Title match tonight. The problem is, you can't tell if Tully does have a foreign object in his hand or not, even though I don't know of any wrestler who sticks his hand in his tights and digs around in there unless he's looking to pull out a weapon. After the show last week, I talked with Arn about this and he said he didn't care. He's hot and he wants Tully in the match this week and he wants the title on the line, so the TV Title match is gonna happen tonight. But I want to let Tully Blanchard and his manager JJ Dillon know that I'm gonna be keeping a close eye on them during the match on one of the backstage monitors. So they'd better think twice before trying to do anything illegal in this bout. The second thing I want to announce is that, after what we saw earlier between Ken Patera, David Schultz and The Firm, I'm ordering a one-on-one match between Patera and Schultz for next week's 'Slam!' Let's hook 'em up!")


(Video footage aired from last week of Tully's controversial non-title win over TV Champ Arn to earn a TV Title shot.)


Match 3 (TV Title Match)

Arn Anderson © vs. Tully Blanchard (w/ JJ)


(Tully and JJ came to the ring to loud boos. Arn got a strong ovation coming to the ring.


Ref took the title from Arn and held it up for all to see. Ref then called both men to the center of the ring. JJ was with Tully. Ref laid down the ground rules and patted each man down. Ref sent each man to a neutral corner. JJ had a few more words with Tully in the ring before heading to the floor. Ref called for the bell.


Arn dominated the match for the first few minutes. Tully was then able to strike back and hold serve for the next few minutes. JJ did not interfere during the match, even when Arn was out on the floor. Inset picture appeared a few times in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen showing Watts closely watching the match on a monitor backstage. The battle turned into a back-and-forth roller coaster ride. At the end of the match, Tully was on the offensive. Tully bodyslammed Arn into position for a turnbuckle move. Tully went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle and came off and connected with a big elbow on Arn. Tully for the cover. 1...2...2-1/2... Arn kicked out. Tully picked up Arn and went to suplex Arn but Arn blocked the move and instead nailed Tully with the gourdbuster. Problem was, when Arn lifted Tully, Tully's foot clipped the ref's face. Ref crashed into a crumpled heap in the corner. Arn covered Tully but no ref. Crowd buzzing. Arn looked over and saw the ref. Arn got up and went over and checked on the ref. JJ took advantage. As Arn was distraced with the ref, Tully recovered enought to crawl over next to the ropes. JJ, on the floor, reached into his right jacket pocket and appeared to hand Tully something. Tully's right hand was now a fist. Arn had shaken the ref and the ref was now starting to recover. When Arn turned around...WHAM!...Tully blasted Arn with what appeared to be a foreign object-laden right hand. Arn crashed to the mat. Tully moved next to the ropes and leaned out between the top and middle rope and handed something to JJ. JJ then quickly placed his right hand in his jacket pocket as if he were dropping something in it. A dazed Arn on the mat. Tully grabbed Arn and nailed Arn with the slingshot suplex. Ref now recovered enough as Tully covered Arn and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell and slowly made it to his feet and went over and had a word with r.a. Marshall. Ref took the belt and went over and raised Tully's hand in victory and handed Tully the belt. A now ecstatic JJ in the ring. Harley Race came to the ring in street clothes with the

President's Championship cradled in his arm to join the celebration.


Marshall: "Ladies and Gentlemen! In a time of 18 minutes, 27 seconds, your winner and NEW TV Champion...Tully Blanchard!"


As the trio celebrated in the ring, Pres.Watts made a beeline for the ring. Arn recovering. Watts got in the ring and went over and started having words with the ref about the end of the match. Watts gestured by punching his hand into his fist that Tully hit Arn with a foreign object shot. Ref talked and gestured towards his eyes and shook his head 'no', meaning he didn't see any weapons play. Arn now started talking with the ref and Arn pointed to his own head. Ref again gestured he saw nothing. Tully, JJ and Race looking on. Watts went over and grabbed the TV Title. After a brief struggle, Watts yanked the title out of Blanchard's hands. Watts then pointed an accusatory finger at JJ. Tully and JJ started having words with Watts and the ref. Arn joined in the argument. Race looking on. JJ was having words with the ref and Watts was able to reach into JJ's right jacket pocket and pull something out. Watts showed what he pulled out of JJ's pocket to the ref. Camera got a close up showing it was a roll of quarters wrapped tightly in plastic. JJ spoke and gestured that the roll of quarters was not used as a weapon. JJ was picked up on a mic.


JJ: "Prove it, Watts! Prove it!"


Watts and Arn got into a heated exchange with JJ and Tully and now Race joined in. Watts went over by the ropes and demanded the r.a. mic.


BW: "This is two weeks now that this has happened! Tully and JJ, you're both masters at sleight of hand! But I am not going to tolerate this! Everyone knows that Tully has used a foreign object on Arn in these matches! So, here's what's gonna happen! As of right now, I am holding up the TV Title!"


Many in the crowd booed.


BW: "And we're gonna settle this matter once and for all next week! It's gonna be Arn Anderson vs. Tully Blanchard for the TV Title...inside a steel cage!"


Fans cheered the news.


BW: "And to make sure JJ Dillon and Harley Race don't interfere in the match, you two are gonna be handcuffed...to Lex Luger and Wahoo McDaniel!"


JJ, Tully and Harley didn't like that news but the crowd did. Arn had a few more words with Tully and JJ. Ref restored order and JJ and crew started to leave the ring but not before JJ had a few more words for Watts. Watts yelled for JJ and his men to leave the ring. The trio did and headed to the back as Watts and Arn talked a little more with the ref in the ring.


WINNER: Tully - Pinfall - Slingshot Suplex after an apparent Foreign Object shot - 18:27 - After the match: Watts stripped Tully of the title and ordered a Steel cage re-match next week on 'Slam!')


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Wahoo. Asked about tonight's match with Father Dutch.


WM: "Larry, last week when I told Father Dutch we were headed towards an Armageddon I meant it! This match tonight is just one step on the road to that final showdown between us! And Father Dutch, I'm gonna give you a little taste of hell tonight!")


(Announcers discussed the situation between Tully and Arn over the TV Title and Wahoo's interview. Hyped still to come: UWL WT match. Said Father Dutch vs. Wahoo was next!)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Father Dutch. Asked about the match tonight.


FD: "Let me just say this. It's gonna be a hot time in the old town tonight for the grand sinner Wahoo McDaniel. Prepare to burn, Chief."


FD then stalked out of the interview area.)


(Announcers wondered what FD was talking about.)


Match 4

Father Dutch vs. Wahoo McDaniel


(Gregorian chants played as FD made his way to the ring. He had his black bag with him. He was strongly booed. FD was wearing his priest's attire. Wahoo came out to a solid ovation. Wahoo got in the ring.


FD then dropped to his knees facing the corner. He had his head bowed and his upper body leaned forward. Wahoo standing in the opposite corner just looking on. FD kept silently praying. Crowd started booing. Wahoo said something to the ref. Ref waited a little more. FD still praying. Ref getting irritated. FD slowly rose to his feet facing the buckles. Ref called for the bell. Wahoo came out of his corner. FD turned around...WHAM!...a ball a flame engulfed Wahoo's face. Wahoo crashed to the mat and was rolling around holding his face. Ref called for the bell. Crowd buzzing. Ref checked on Wahoo. FD got a wicked sneer on his face, looked heavenward and blessed himself. FD then left the ring. Ref signaled for help. Wahoo still on the mat with his hands covering his face. Luger, with a towel, and Arn Anderson hit the ring. Lex covered Wahoo's head with the towel. FD looked on at ringside as Lex and Arn helped Wahoo to his feet. Looking on from the aisle, FD's face was now a diabolical mask of hatred. FD then turned and headed back up the aisle as the crowd booed. Lex and Arn helped Wahoo out of the ring. Wahoo's head still covered as Arn and Lex helped him to the back. WINNER: Wahoo - DQ - Fireball to the Face - :08)


(Announcers discussed the shocking turn of events as Father Dutch torched Wahoo's face with a fireball. Said they would keep fans posted on the matter as things develop. Then sent it backstage.)


(Arn and Lex were hustling Wahoo, head still covered, through the backstage area.


Lex: "I'll get my car!"


Arn and Lex took Wahoo outside through one of the backstage exits. Camera followed them out. Wahoo screaming from the pain. Luger ran out to the parking lot as Arn stayed with Wahoo. Arn looked at the cameraman.


Arn: "Now's not the time! Get that camera outta here!"


Cameraman turned to head back inside as they cut back to ringside.)


(Stack: "Father Dutch has just turned the heat up in his feud with Wahoo! We're gonna have to wait to know what the extent of the damage is to the Chief!")


(After a commercial break, it was time for the World Title match.)


Match 5 (UWL World Title)

Greg Valentine © (w/ Hart) vs. Hugh Morrus


(Morrus got a good ovation coming out and slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring. Valentine and Hart came out to 80% boos and 20% cheers.


Morrus stunned Valentine by giving the champion a fight. Hugh took a lot of the match and had some near falls on Valentine but couldn't put Greg away. At one point in the match, both men were slugging it out on the floor when Hugh got the upper hand and dropped Greg with a clothesline. Hart came up behind Hugh and nailed Hugh with a forearm smash to the back. Hugh spun around and looked at Hart. Greg recovered and snuck up behind Hugh and low-blowed the challenger. Greg worked Hugh over a little more on the floor before tossing Hugh back in the ring. During the bout, Greg tried to pin Hugh while placing his feet on the middle rope for leverage but Hugh escaped defeat.


At the end of the match, Greg was on the offensive, worked over Hugh's left leg and slapped Hugh in the figure four. Hugh fought and struggled not to submit and was able to make it close enough to the ropes to get his hands on the bottom rope to force a break in the hold. Greg got to his feet as Hugh was still down. Crowd suddenly exploded. Roddy Piper walked out on the entrance stage in street clothes. Valentine looked at Hart and Hart pointed to the stage. Greg looked over and saw Piper. Greg went over by the ropes and started yelling at Piper. Mics picked up Greg.


GV: "C'mon, Piper! C'mon!"


Greg gestured for Piper to come to the ring but Piper just looked on from the stage. While Hart and Greg were focused on Valentine, Hugh made it to his feet behind the champ. Hugh practically coming out of his skin waiting for Greg to turn around. As Greg continued to look at Piper, Piper slowly raised his right hand and gave Greg the one finger salute. Crowd eating it up. Piper then turned and slowly walked off the stage. Greg turned around...WHAM!...Hugh nailed the champ with a flying headbutt to the chest. Greg crashed near the ropes. Hugh for the cover. 1...2... Greg got his foot on the bottom rope but the ref didn't see it. ...3! Crowd popped. Hugh got to his feet and couldn't believe it. Ref looked over and saw Greg's foot on the bottom rope. Hart yelling at the ref and gesturing that Greg got his foot on the bottom rope at the count of two. Ref then waved off the pinfall and ordered the match to continue. Many in the crowd booed. Hugh went back to work and grabbed Greg and whipped Greg into the ropes and caught Greg coming off with a dropkick that dropped Greg. Hugh bodyslammed Greg into position for the moonsault. Hugh mounted the top buckle and connected with the moonsault on Greg. Hugh rolled off of Greg and was holding his stomach. Hugh then crawled over and covered Greg and hooked the leg. 1...2...2-7/8... Greg kicked out. Crowd groaned. Hugh then bodyslammed Greg again and pointed in the air and yelled: "One more time!" Crowd now roaring again. Hugh mounted the top buckle and came off with another moonsault but Greg rolled out of the way and Hugh crashed to the mat. Both men down. Greg made it to his feet first and grabbed the down Hugh by the left leg and slapped Hugh in the figure four again. Greg had the hold locked in frimly. Hugh tried to scoot near the ropes to try and force a break but couldn't do it as the pain was too much and Hugh tapped out. Ref called for the bell. Ref took the title and handed it to Valentine and raised his hand in victory. WINNER: Valentine - Submission - Figure Four - 12:39)


(Announcers discussed Valentine retaining and then wrapped up the program: Said that Wahoo has been driven to the hospital by Luger and they'll have more details on the situation next week; Steel Cage Match for the TV Title: Arn vs. Tully; Ken Patera vs. David Schultz; Bull Nakano wrestles; and more.)




Dark Match

Hugh Morrus & Ken Patera vs. Billy Graham & Rip Oliver

(WINNER: Hugh & Patera - Pinfall - Patera pinned Oliver with the Full Nelson Slam - 10:58)

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The UWL 'Heatwave' PPV on Aug. 5th, built around the 'Match of a Lifetime' between Hulk Hogan and Bruiser Brody, set a new company record with an estimated 181,000 PPV buys.


The previous record was set at the 'Thunderstruck' PPV in June of this year which was built around the Hogan vs. Billy Graham match and garnered an estimated 139,000 buys.


What this proves is that Hulk Hogan drives PPV buys and it will be interesting to see what happens to the number of buys for the 'Helloween' PPV since Hogan is no longer with the company.

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After the controversial finish to last week's TV Title match between champion Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard, Pres. Watts declared the title held up and ordered a steel cage match between Tully and Arn with the title on the line to settle the matter once and for all.




- Ken Patera squares off against 'Dr. D' David Schultz


- A look back at Father Dutch burning Wahoo McDaniel with a fireball on last week's 'Slam!'




Ep. 84 of 'Slam!' will be posted Monday or Tuesday.

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