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(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Announcers welcomed viewers and ran down the program: TV Title Match in a Steel Cage: Arn Anderson vs. Tully Blanchard (JJ & Race will be handcuffed to Lex Luger and another wrestler TBD since Wahoo is injured); Ken Patera vs. David Schultz; Bull Nakano wrestles; Rip Oliver sees action; an i'view w/ UWL WC Greg Valetine; an i'view w/ Lex Luger; Ole & Gene Anderson are here; a look back at Father Dutch burning Wahoo last week; and more.)


Match 1

The Great Christopho vs. Lars Anderson


(TGC came to the ring to a solid ovation. Lars came out alone and was booed.


As the two were in the ring waiting for the match to start, DDP came out on the entrance stage carrying his briefcase and a mic.


DDP: "Lars Anderson! I have here in my hand the briefcase containing $50,000 dollars! You unmask the Great Christopho during this match and expose him as Daniels and this money is all yours, brother! This is my money! And I want to be $50 grand poorer after tonight! Lars, bring me the mask of the Great Christopho!"


DDP watched the match from the entrance stage.


Lars took the majority of the match and tried to rip the mask off TGC throughout the match but was not successful. At the end of the match, Lars was still in control. Lars worked over TGC and then whipped TGC into the ropes and caught TGC coming off with a side slam. Lars got up and circled behind TGC. TGC turned around and walked into Lars's arms. Lars hoisted TGC across his shoulders in an attempt to hit the Minnesota Wrecker but TGC wriggled out of Lars's grip and dropped down behind Lars. Lars spun around and was karate chopped on both sides of the neck and blasted by TGC with the Reverse STO. TGC covered Lars and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! DDP was still on the stage and irked that Lars didn't get the job done. WINNER: TGC - Pinfall - Reverse STO - 7:29)


(Announcers discussed TGC beating Lars and Lars being unable to unmask TGC and collect DDP's $50K bounty. Hyped still to come: TV Title Match in a Steel cage: Arn vs. Tully; Patera vs. Schultz; Bull Nakano wrestles; an i'view w/ UWL WC Greg valentine; an i'view w/ Luger; a look back at Father Dutch burning Wahoo last week; and more. Said Rip Oliver sees action next!)


Match 2

Rip Oliver vs. Billy Anderson

(WINNER: Oliver - Pinfall - Superkick - :13)


(Oliver demolishes another opponent in quick time.)


(Announcers discussed the lightning fast win by Oliver. Said an i'view w/ Lex Luger was coming up!)


(Video aired for: 'Cialis Presents: Helloween' - Sunday - Oct. 14 - Reno, NV - Lawlor Events Center - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(Video aired showing the controversial finishes to the Arn-Tully TV Title matches the last two weeks with Tully winning each apparently with the help of a foreign object and Watts coming out last week and overturning Tully's TV Title win and ordering the title held up and a cage match to determine the TV Champ this week between Tully and Arn with the stip JJ and Race will be handcuffed to Luger and a wrestler TBD since Wahoo's injured.)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Tully Blanchard w/ mgr. JJ Dillon and PC Harley Race. Asked about the cage match for the TV Title.


TB: "This match should not even be taking place! President Watts comes out last week after I beat Arn to win the TV Title and claims I hit Arn with a foreign object that was handed to me by JJ! Yet, even Watts admitted he had no clear proof I was handed or used a foreign object during the match! Since there is no hard evidence that I used a foreign object then there's no controversy here! I should be standing before you right now as the undisputed TV Champion! "


Nelson then told Tully and JJ to take a look at this photo from last week's match. Picture aired and appeared to show JJ slyly handing Tully a foreign object but the object could not be seen.


TB: "Where's the fire, Nelson?! There was no foreign object in that photo that I could see! The only way a foreign object could have appeared in that picture is if someone had photo-shopped it in! I've beaten Arn two weeks in a row; once in a non-title match and then last week with the TV Title on the line! I've proven all that I need to prove! I'm better than my former good friend when we wrestle each other! And President Watts went out of his way to punish my manager JJ Dillon and President's Champion Harley Race by making it so they have to be handcuffed to Lex Luger and some other UWL wrestler! This is ridiculous! Neither JJ nor Harley are a threat to interfere! Especially in a cage match! I've shown two straight weeks now that I have Arn Anderson's number! I'm not gonna need some sort of outside help to win this match! They say the third time's a charm! Well tonight, I'm beating Arn for the third straight time and becoming the new TV Champion!"


JJ: "President Watts has decided in his so-called wisdom that I need to be handcuffed to a goon like Lex Luger or some other wrestler to make sure I don't affect the outcome of tonight's cage match for the TV Title! As Tully just said, he needs no help to beat Arn Anderson as he's done it two weeks in a row! There's not one shred of solid evidence that I gave Tully Blanchard anything last week! But Watts likes to live in a world of wild conspiracy theories! If Watts were a prosecutor he wouldn't even have circumstansial evidence to hang his hat on regarding this matter! But he thinks the President's Champion Harley Race and myself need to be chained up like a couple of animals to Lex Luger and some other UWL wrestler because Watts believes that we might try to interfere and tilt the match in Tully's favor! What nonsense! For the thrid straight week, it's going to be Tully Blanchard having his hand raised in victory over Arn Anderson! And this week Tully Blanchard will get this week what he deserved last week! And that's the TV Title!")


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed Luger. Luger came to the ring in street clothes and got a nice ovation. As Luger came to the ring, video aired from two weeks ago of Luger brawling with Graham to the back leading to both men getting counted out in the tag team elimination match where the winner got a UWL WT shot. Marshall asked Luger about the situation with Graham.


LL: "Lee, even though Billy Graham and I have had several matches with each other recently, there is no end in sight to our feud. The intense disdain we now have for each other really reared its head during the tag team elimination match two weeks ago where the winner got a UWL World Championship match. I wanted another crack at Valentine for the gold. But sometimes, titles take a backseat to more personal issues in pro wrestling. That's the siuation we have here with Billy Graham and Lex Luger. When we were fighting on the floor during that match, I knew I was losing my World Title opportunity. But at that moment I really didn't care. The only thing I wanted to do right then and there was pummel Billy Graham. This matter between us has a long way to go before it will be truly settled."


Marshall asked about being handcuffed to JJ or Harley tonight during the cage match between Tully and Arn to determine the TV Champion.


LL: "I know who I'm gonna be handcuffed to but I'm not going to say it. We'll just let it be a suprise."


Marshall asked since Wahoo was burned by FD last week and now won't be the other wrestler handcuffed to JJ or Harley if Lex knew who the wrestler will be who is taking Wahoo's place.


LL: "I've been given that info as well. And everyone will see who Wahoo's replacement is come match-time. Arn's really been screwed over the last couple of weeks in his matches with Tully. And someone has to keep Tully's allies at bay. JJ Dillon and Harley Race aren't going to interfere tonight. Because if they try it, they'll feel the wrath of Lex Luger or the other wrestler who's gonna be handcuffed to them. If Tully wins this match tonight he's gonna have to do it all on his own without the help of the remainder of JJ Dillon Enterprises.")


(Announcers discussed the interview with Luger and his continuing feud with Graham and Luger being one of the men handcuffed to Race or Dillon tonight. Hyped still to come: TV Title Match in a Steel Cage w/ JJ and Harley handcuffed to Luger and ???; Patera vs. Schultz; an i'view w/ UWL WC Valentine and more. Said Bull Nakano sees action next!)


(Video aired from last week of Madusa making some unflattering comments about Nakano and where she'd stick the Japanese flag if Nakano tried raise it victoriously over her on U.S. soil.)


Match 3

Bull Nakano (w/ Saito & Nagasaki) vs. Rockin' Robin

(WINNER: Nakano - Pinfall - Diving Guillotine Leg Drop - 4:13)


(Nakano was booed coming to the ring. Nakano dominated and tossed Robin around like a rag doll.)


(After the match: Marshall i'viewed Nakano, Saito & their translator Mr. Nagasaki in the ring.


Marshall talked about Nakano's impressive ring display. Nagasaki told Saito and Nakano what Marshall just said in Japanese. Saito respnded in Japanese.


Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito says that Bull is always impressive in the ring and he doesn't need anyone, especially an American, telling him that."


Marshall then asked about the comments Madusa made a week ago. Once again, Nagasaki relayed the question to Saito and Bull in Japanese and Saito again responded in his native tongue.


Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito says that Madusa showed she was the typical trashy, decadent American with her response last week. Her insults to the Japanese people, nation and flag will not go unpunished and Bull will destroy her here and then she will raise the Japanese flag in victory over Madusa's prone body right here in America."


Crowd booed.


Marshall asked Bull for her thoughts. Nagasaki spoke to Bull. Bull responded in Japanese.


Nagasaki: "Bull says she is defending the honor of the enitre nation of Japan and Japanese people everywhere. She says she has no choice but to defeat Madusa in a devastating and humiliating fashion after Madusa's words last week. If she doesn't succeed in her goal she will suffer great shame when she returns to Japan, the greatest nation on earth."


Marshall asked Saito if this is really an all-or-nothing battle for Bull. Nagasaki spoke to Saito and Saito again responded in Japanese.


Nagasaki: "In our culture, losing to a tawdry American like Madusa can bring on shame, humiliation and ostracization from Japanese society at large. She must beat Madusa. She has no choice if she wants to continue to lead a normal life in her homeland."


Marshall said that if Madusa were to lose to Bull, Americans would not hold her in the harsh negative light that Bull would be held in over in Japan if she lost to Madusa. Nagasaki relayed the message to Saito in Japanese. Saito responded in Japanese.


Nagasaki: "Saito says that the reason that Americans won't react as harshly to a Madusa loss is because Americans are apathetic to pretty much everything. Americans are lazy and ungrateful people. They have no shame nor any genuine honor. Madusa is the shining example of the typical American. Especially the typical American woman. America would have been better off if it was founded by the noble Japanese. We could teach you all the importance of things like responsibility, honor, integrity and valor. Bull must succeed in her mission to destroy Madusa and it must be done in the United States."


Marshall then wrapped up the interview. Crowd booed the trio as they left the ring and headed back up the aisle.)


(Announcers discussed the impressive win by Nakano and the harsh words for Madusa and America from Saito and Bull. Hyped still to come: TV Title Match in a Steel Cage with JJ and Race handcuffed to Luger and ???; Patera vs. Schultz; an i'view w/ UWL WC Valentine; and more. Said an i'view w/ the Andersons was coming up.)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Fri. - Sept. 7 - Sacramento, CA - Memorial Auditorium; Sat. - Sept. 8 - Irvine, CA - Bren Events Center; Fri. - Sept. 21- Logan, UT - Smith Spectrum; Sat. - Sept. 22 - Ft. Collins, CO - Moby Arena. More info, visit: uwlslam.com!)


(Video aired from last week of the confrontation between Patera and Schultz where Patera was ambushed by Hall, Nash and Rude and then laid out by Schultz with the Redneck Death Drop and security coming out to quell the volatile situation.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Patera. Asked about the match with Schultz.


KP: "Larry, call it a hunch. Since I know how The Firm operates, I have a feeling that my match with David Schultz tonight might wind up 4-on-1 before it's over. I might be alone in my war with The Firm, but I am willing to put up with being at a tremendous disadvantage to fight this scourge! But as long as there's life in this body I will fight The Firm until the bitter end! It's gonna be a long and painful road to that bitter end! But I know what The Firm is all about! I understand the serious threat they pose to the UWL! And if I must fight them alone forever, then by God I will! These guys must be stopped! Because if The Firm isn't soundly defeated and stopped they will control the entire UWL!


"They've got the might and the money backing them to fight for a long time! UWL owner KD Smith is rich beyond belief! But so is the Director of The Firm! And the Director will continue fighting in the ring and financially to get what they want! The Director knows no boundaries! If the Director sees something they want then they'll do anything to get it! Look at how easily they bought a man I thought I could trust in David Schultz! The Director won't rest until they have all the championships in their possession! And the ultimate goal of the Director is to either buy or, by force, rip this company away from KD Smith! Their pursuit will be relentless! All UWL wrestlers need to realize the magnitude of what could happen if the Director of The Firm gets their way! It won't be pretty!


"But David Schultz, I am prepared to fight! And you can bet Hall, Nash and Rude are lurking somewhere in this building! Where there's one Firm member you can bet all the Firm members are close by! But that is not a deterrent for me! I'll fight them all if I have to come hell or high water! The Firm has to be stopped! You can't play nice with them! You can't compromise with them for compromise is a word that isn't in their vocabualry! The Firm is willing to take its lumps along the way as long they get what they want in the end! And even if Ken Patera has to be an army of one, I am going to do my damndest to put them out of business!")


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed the WTT Champ Anderson bros. Only Ole and Gene came to the ring and each was carrying a tag title. They were in street clothes. They were mainly booed. Marshall asked where Lars was.


Ole: "Lars isn't out here with us because he's disappointed he didn't unmask the Great Christopho and earn the $50,000 buck bounty on Christopho's mask. Now, as you can see, we're still the World Tag Team Champions. It looks like we've run out of competition here in the UWL for these belts. The Killer Bees and Mighty Texans have had their chances at these titles and have failed to win the belts from us. We're out here to say that we want some competition. This is supposed to be the place where the best tag teams in the world are. Well, we've knocked off our main competitors. People can think what they want of us. But we like challenges. We like to prove we're the best tag team wrestlers in the wrestling world. And the only way to do that is by facing solid competition. Where are the other challengers at, huh? Who out there wants a shot at these titles? Who wants to step in the ring with the most grinding and punishing tag team wrestlers for a shot at being the champions? The Killer Bees haven't been able to unseat us. Neither have the Mighty Texans. Who's left? President Watts, I know you're listening back there. Give us some top-notch competition. This is getting ridiculous now. We didn't win these titles just so we could look at them. We want to put the tag team titles on the line and have to fight to keep them. Right, Gene."


Gene: "Yeah."


Ole: "Come on. Someone has got to step up. We're throwing out an open challenge to all the good tag teams out there. If you think you've got what it takes then step into the ring with the Anderson brothers."


This brought out the Killer Bees on the entrance stage. They were in street clothes and both had mics. They got a modest ovation coming out.


Blair: "Ole and Gene, you want some competition for those titles? Well look no further than us. You won those titles from us. And we've given you fights in some tough battles that could just as easily have gone our way. Put those belts on the line against the Bees once more."


Ole: "You boys think you're up to it? We've had your number. But since no one else seems to want to step up and accept our challenge for the titles..."


This brought out the Mighty Texans. They were in their black trench coats, jeans, cowboy boots and black cowboy hats. LaRue had a mic. They got a stronger ovation than the Bees coming out.


LaRue: "Sam and I hear you boys want somebody to challenge you for those belts! Ole, we gave you and Gene one helluva fight at 'Heatwave' and had you on the ropes more than once in that match! A couple of breaks go our way and we could be standing here as the World Tag Team Champions today! Why don't you put them on the line against the Mighty Texans one more time!"


Ole: "Look at this, Gene! The Mighty Texans want another crack at us, too! I'll admit you guys were some serious competition at 'Heatwave'! What do you think, Gene?! Should we defend the tag team titles against the Killer Bees or the Mighty Texans?!"


Gene leaned in to talk off-mic to Ole.


On the entrance stage, the MT's and KB's were talking/arguing with each other over who deserved the next tag team title shot. 'Hell's Bells' then played over the p.a. system and out came the Powers of Pain. They were in street clothes and were wearing their face paint. Warlord had a mic. They got a strong mixed reaction coming out.


War: "Anderson brothers! So, you're whining that you have no tag team title competiton here in the UWL! Forget the Killer Bees! Forget the Mighty Texans! Put those belts on the line against the Powers of Pain! You guys have never wrestled us in a title match! Just sign on the dotted line and me and the Barbarian will face you guys for the gold any time and anywhere! You've already beaten these other teams! The Powers of Pain should be your new challengers! We deserve it for all the crap we've been put through during our time here in the UWL!"


Ole: "My, what a luxury of choices. Look at that, Gene. We now have three teams who want the next World Tag Team Title shot. Hmmm... Who do we pick? Who is worthy at a shot at the titles? Is it the Killer Bees? Or the Mighty Texans? Could it be the Powers of Pain? Gene, what do you think?"


Ole and Gen talked off-mic for a minute while the three teams on the stage started having words with one another about who should get the title shot.


Ole: "Gene and I have made our decision. The team that will get the next World Tag Team Title shot will be the..."


'Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system and out came Pres. Watts. He had a mic.


Watts: "First off, Ole, you don't make your own title matches here in the UWL! What do you think this is...RAW?!"


Crowd cheered and laughed at that line.


Watts: "All three of these teams have valid reasons for wanting the next World Tag Team Title match against the Anderson brothers! Killer Bees, you guys are former World Tag Team Champions! You lost the belts to the Anderson brothers at 'Thunderstruck'! You are deserving of another tag team title match! Mighty Texans, you also make a strong case for why you deserve that tag team title shot! You gave the Anderson brothers a serious run for their money at 'Heatwave'! Powers of Pain! You guys haven't been around for awhile! But the reports I've gotten is that you guys really tore it up on a recent tour of Europe and Asia! Like the Bees and the Texans, you guys are legitimate title contenders! So, here's what we're gonna do! Next week on 'Slam!', we're gonna have a Triple Threat match between the Killer Bees, Mighty Texans and the Powers of Pain! And the winning team in that match will also get a UWL World Tag Team Title shot against the Anderson brothers later that night on the same program! Ole, I'm the President and I make the matches! Next Tuesday, men, let's hook 'em up!"


Decent crowd repsonse as the Anderson bros. looked on from the ring and appeared pleased with the decision as the Bees, Texans and POP continued having words with each other on the entrance stage.)


(Announcers discussed Watts making a Triple Threat match between the Bees, POP and the MT's with the winning team getting a tag title shot against the Anderson bros. later in the show. Hyped still to come: TV Title Match in a Steel Cage with JJ and Harley handcuffed to Luger and ???; Patera vs. Schultz; an i'view w/ UWL WC Valentine and more! Said a look back at father Dutch torching Wahoo with a fireball last week on the program was coming up!)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed David Schultz. Asked about tonight's match with Patera.


DS: "I heard Ken Patera out here earlier! He sounds suicidal! He really wants to take on The Firm all by himself?! That man has a death wish of epic proportions! And he's whinin' that we don't fight fair! Well, hell yes, we don't fight fair at all! The Firm is in this thing to win, baby! We don't care how we win just long as we come out on top in the end! The Firm is about power! And you wield power by controlling things! And the two things we want to control are all the championships in the UWL and eventually the company itself! There's no cunning and guile where The Firm is concerned! You know our agenda! The question is, can anybody stop us from achieving our goals! And I'll answer that by saying I wouldn't bet against us! Ken Patera, how did it feel last week when the back of your skull crashed against the mat when I gave you the Redneck Death Drop, son?! You are absolutely determined to go through the most excruciating period of your life by pickin' a fight with us! Ken Patera has no friends in the UWL! He's all alone! None of the other UWL wrestlers will fight with the guy against us! What's that say about Ken Patera?! Not much if you ask me! And the official thrashing of Ken Patera at the hands of The Firm will continue tonight in our match! But I'm sure Ken will somehow peel himself off the mat after our match come back to get his ass kicked some more by us! Ken, you may be brawny, boy, but you sure as hell ain't brainy!")


(Announcers intro'd video highlights from last week of Father Dutch burning Wahoo with a fireball to the face at the start of their match and Wahoo rolling around on the mat covering his face as Lex and Arn came to the Chief's aid. Video aired.


Video message then aired from Father Dutch. Video opened with a shot of a stained glass window with streaks of sunlight shining through it and light Gregorian chants in the background. Camera then panned down to Father Dutch in his priest attire standing below the window.


FD: "Wahoo, I said things were gonna get really hot for you last week. I said you were gonna burn. I meant it. And as you could see...I did it. I burned up Wahoo McDaniel's face. And when the fireball engulfed Wahoo's face I saw inside the flames. In those flames I could see that Wahoo still had much sin that needed to be purged from his body. It was a horrific sight to behold. My holy powers allowed me to see it. I don't know if a mere mortal could have handled seeing what I saw in that fire. Only a true man of God could stand there and look at such great evil at its very core. Wahoo, you should have just given yourself over to me and let me completely cleanse you of your sins like I demanded months ago. But now look at where your rebellious nature has gotten you. Wahoo, you've said we're on a road to Armagedon against each other. You've said there will one day be a final great conflict between us. Last Tuesday was not Armageddon. But it was a little taste of hell for you, Chief. You really need to think of the sinful path you're going down now. You need to let me help you change your ways. You can avoid Armageedon against me, Wahoo. The choice is up to you. But if you insist on continuing on the primrose path to our Armageddon...I guarantee you won't just taste a little bit of hell; you'll be engulfed in it. Amen."


FD blessed himself as the segment ended.)


(Announcers discussed the burning of Wahoo and the creepy words from Father Dutch. They also pointed out that UWL officials haven't yet rendered a decision about what to do concerning FD and this matter. Said Wahoo is home recovering and the burns were pretty bad on his face. Announced that next week they'd have a video message from Wahoo. Said Patera vs. Schultz was next.)


Match 4

Ken Patera vs. David Schultz


(Schultz came to the ring alone and to a mixed crowd reaction. Patera got a good ovation coming to the ring.


Schultz attacked Patera as Patera was stepping through the ropes. Ref called for the bell. Schultz briefly worked over Patera beore Patera got the upper hand and drove Schultz from the ring.


Match became a back-and-forth affair with each man holding advantages. At the end of the match, Schultz had the advanatage and worked over Patera. Schultz whipped Patera into the ropes and looked to catch Patera coming off with a clothesline but Patera ducked the move and came back and nailed Schultz with the Russian Hammer that drove Schultz to the mat. Crowd popped. Patera circled around behind Schultz as a dazed Schultz made it to his feet. Patera moved in and locked Schultz in the full nelson. And then, the expected happened. Hall, Nash and Rude hit the ring and started beating on Patera. Ref called for the bell. The quartert worked over Patera with punches that drove Patera to the mat. The four then put the boots to Patera. Rude then moved in and laid Ken out with a Rude Awakening. A dozen members of UWL security came charging to the ring. The Firm bailed to the floor as most of the security team got in the ring. Firm members taunting security out on the floor. Patera hurting in the ring as security checked on him. Hall shoved a security team member out on the floor. The security member pushed Hall back. The Firm members and the security out on the floor engaged in a pushing and shoving match. More security came down to the floor. Patera helped to his feet in the ring and holding his back. Firm members having words with all the security on the floor. Crowd buzzing intensified. While The Firm members were distracted by fighting with security, Patera, hurting back and all, got away from security in the ring and went out to the floor and staggered Rude with a punch to the jaw. Crowd roared. Schultz moved in and he and Patera exchanged punches. All security now out on the floor. Nash got a a couple of cheap shots in on Patera before security was able to separate a livid Patera from Schultz. Security now acting as a wall between the warring parties now. Patera exchanged words with Nash and Schultz before security was finally able to lead Patera to the back as The Firm remained out on the floor at ringside. Garbage thrown in the direction of The Firm. Crowd now full-throat booing. Security then escorted The Firm to the back. WINNER: Patera - DQ - Nash, Hall & Rude interfered - 6:26)


(Announcers pointed out that Patera still seems to have no other UWL wrestlers on his side as no one came to his aid once again when he was attacked by The Firm. Hyped still to come: TV Title Match in a Steel Cage w/ JJ and Harley handcuffed to Luger and ???. Said an i'view w/ UWL WC Valentine is coming up!)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Arn Anderson. Asked about the cage match tonight with Tully for the held-up TV Title.


AA: "Larry Nelson, something amazing has happened the last two weeks. I've been punched by Tully Blanchard quite a few times. He can throw a solid punch and you feel the effects of it. But he's thrown two punches in the last two weeks that have felt almost superhuman. It's like I was hit in the head with a concrete block or something. I was knocked totally senseless each time. Unless Tully can turn his punch strength on and off at whim during a match, which we know he can't, it's safe to say he used a foreign object to put my lights out on both occasions.


"A steel cage match is the only way to settle this matter. While nothing is foolproof in this sport, the cage is the best deterrent against outside interference. And I feel really confident that the chances of JJ or Harley not interfering in this match is as close to 100% as you an get since they're gonna be handcuffed to Lex Luger and another wrestler who has yet to be named. So Tully, with that in mind, it all comes down to you and me. We were friends and tag team partners for years. We can read each other like a book in that ring. But now the playing field is back to being level. We don't want a repeat of the last two weeks do we, Tully?! This is the way things should be! If you beat me staright up tonight in that cage, then Tully, you deserve to be the new TV Champion! This match-up is split right down the middle! It's a toss-up! What the fans want to see is the better man win tonight! And if you do beat me, Tully Blanchard, I will personally shake your hand and get on the mic and announce to the world that I was beaten by the better man on this evening! But if I win, I want you, my former tag team partner and running mate, to extend the same courtesy to me after the match! Can you do it, Tully?! We shall see!")


(Video aired from the UWL WT match between Valentine © and Morrus last week and Piper showing up once again and not saying a word during his appearance.)


(In-ring. Marshall i'viewed UWL WC Greg Valentine and mgr. Hart. They were booed coming to the ring but had a small group of supporters in the crowd. Hart was in a suit and Valentine was in street clothes and was carrying the belt.


GV: "Hugh Morrus! I've got to give you credit! You took the World Champion to the limit! But, as always, in the end I was the winner! Even when my opponents give it their best shot it doesn't matter! Right now, when the World Title is on the line I'm indestructible! So Hugh, take a number and get back in line because you're gonna have to wait awhile for another shot at the gold!


"Also last week, Roddy Piper showed up during my match! He's making a habit out of this! And once again he didn't do anything or say anything to me! He flipped me off and left! Other than that, it was the mannequin routine from Piper again! And do you know why Piper's not trying anything with me?! Well, Gary here has been doing a little detective work this week and we found out two things!


"Number one, Piper is not here tonight! We know that for a fact! I know you all think he's gonna come out here! But it's not happening! Turns out Piper is in Hollywood filming a new movie! Guess it's 'Hell Comes To Frogtown 18'! And it will be opening soon in three dollar theaters across the country!


"The other thing my manager found out about Roddy is even better news! Gary got news from a reliable source of his that Roddy Piper has still not been medically cleared to wrestle! So Piper keeps showing up at my televised appearances and the question one has to ask themselves is why?! If Roddy Piper can't wrestle me in a match then why does he keep popping up all over the place?! I took him out of our sport almost one year ago! And still no medical clearance for him! Does Piper want me to think that he's on the comback trail?! Ha! If he's not medically cleared to wrestle now then the odds are he'll never be able to step in this ring and fight again! With that in mind Piper must be playing some sort of head games with me! Too bad! The head games aren't working! Roddy, you've failed! You get a big fat 'F' for trying to convince me you're coming back! Give...it...up! How long are you going to continue to play this game, Piper?! Huh?! Knowing what we know, you can keep suprising me by showing up at arenas all over the country! Not gonna work! You're now damaged goods! And I'm the one who damaged you! And it's one of the greatest accomplishments in my career! It ranks right up there with being the World Champion! Until that day comes when you can show us that you're medically cleared to wrestle, you can act like the strong, silent type or you can run your mouth at me 100 miles per hour! It doesn't matter! No medical clearance means you're no threat to my reign as the UWL World Champion! And if you're no threat to my title reign then this whole routine of yours means absolutely nothing! And I'm confident that you're never coming back to the sport you love so much!"


Hart: "The man just said it all. Roddy Piper, you are not medically cleared to wrestle, brother. It's been almost a year since you've been an active wrestler. I know that it has to be eating your guts out that the odds are you'll never lace up the boots again. You'll never challenge for the World Title again. Showing up wherever Mr. Valentine is, well, it's just an excercise in futility. Just go quietly into your forced retirement. Don't do this to yourself. Just accept the facts and move on. Face reality, Roddy. Desperately trying to recapture something that has slipped from your grasp is bad for your long-term mental and physical health. Step away quietly and remember the great career you had. Because you have about as much chance of returning to your wrestling career as I do of playing golf on the moon.")


(Announcers discussed the Valentine-Hart interview and them stating that Piper has not been cleared to wrestle. Said they weren't sure of the validity of that claim. Hyped for next week's 'Slam!': Triple Threat: Powers of Pain vs. Bees vs. Texans with the winner getting a WTT Title shot later in the program. Said the TV Title match in a Steel Cage was next!)


Match 5 (Steel Cage TV Title Match - JJ and Race will be handcuffed to Luger and ???)

Arn Anderson vs. Tully Blanchard


(There were four chairs sitting on the entrance stage. A UWL official was standing by with two pairs of handcuffs. JJ and Harley came out on the entrance stage and were booed. Race did not have the President's Championship with him. Out came Luger to a strong ovation. Luger went over and stood next to Race. Race glared at Luger and had words with Luger. JJ wondered who was going to be handcuffed to him and out came Hugh Morrus to a decent ovation. JJ not happy. Race was handcuffed to Luger and JJ was handcuffed to Morrus. JJ struggled to see if he could free himself from Morrus but no dice. Hugh sat down but JJ reamined standing. Hugh then yanked on the handcuff chain and pulled an unhappy JJ down to this seat. Race and Luger took their seats next to each other.


Tully was intro'd and came out. Tully stopped to shake hands with JJ and Race and he told JJ he was winning the belt. Tully made his way to the ring primarily boos. Arn came out to loud cheers. Arn stopped to shake hands with Hugh and Lex and both urged Arn to win the title. The ref was in the ring with the title since it had been held up by Watts following the controversial finish to last week's TV Title match. Tully gestured that he wanted the mic. Marshall handed it to Tully through the steel mesh.


Tully: "Arn, I heard what you said earlier! If I beat you and become the new TV Champion you'll get on this mic and tell the world I was the better man this evening! Well, if you win tonight, Arn, I will do the same for you if you win!"


Tully handed the belt back to Marshall through the steel mesh as Arn nodded in approval at what Tully said.


Announcers pointed out that the only way to win was via pinfall or submission in the cage. Announcers also pointed out that they would stay with the match to its conclusion.


The match was a dog fight. Both men battered each other, frequently using the cage as a key weapon. During the match, Tully bloodied Arn by slamming Arn's head into the steel. Arn would return the favor a few minutes later by repeatedly ramming and then rubbing Tully's head into the steel. Neither Race nor JJ had tried anything to get free during the match. At the end of he match, Tully was on the offensive. Tully whipped Arn into the ropes and caught Arn coming off with an elbow to the chest that staggered Arn. Arn came towards Tully and Tully blasted Arn with a series of bionic elbows to the top of Arn's head. Tully then picked up the dazed Arn and bodyslammed him into position for a turnbuckle move. Tully went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle and came off with a big elbow but Arn rolled out of the way and Tully crashed to the mat. Crowd buzzing. Both men down.


JJ got up and tried to get away from Hugh and get to ringside but Hugh grabbed JJ. Race looked to go over and help JJ but Luger grabbed Race. Luger had Race by the front of the shirt when Billy Graham came out with a pair of large bolt cutters and smashed Luger across the back with them. Luger down to a knee. Arn and Tully slowly regaining their bearings in the ring. Graham struck Lex again with the cutters. Graham then freed Race by cutting the handcuff chain that bound them together. JJ continued to struggle with Hugh and Race attacked Hugh and Hugh went down. Graham freed JJ by cutting the chain on his cuffs too. Arn and Tully had recovered in the ring and were fighting it out. On the stage, Graham battered Luger some more with the cutters and Hugh got to his feet and came over and Graham laid Hugh out with a cutters shot to the head. Graham cruised.


Tully had the advantage in the ring and went to whip Arn into the ropes but Arn reversed and caught Tully coming off with a spinebuster. Crowd popped. Arn made the throat-slitting gesture and the fans got louder. Race and JJ came charging to ringside and Race started climbing up the side of the cage. Arn was about to go for the gourdbuster on Tully but saw Harley. Arn climbed to the top buckle as Race got to the top of the cage. Arn standing on the ropes, punched Race three times in the head and then slammed Race's head on the top of the cage and Race fell off the side of the cage to the floor. Ref was distracted by the Arn-Harley situation and didn't see JJ come over to where Tully was. Tully crawled over by the ropes and JJ quickly reached in his jacket pocket and appeared to hand Tully something. Arn had a few words for Harley and then got down off the buckles. Arn turned and Tully went to nail Arn with a punch but Arn blocked the punch try and nailed Tully with a punch, whipped Tully into the ropes and drilled Tully square in the face with a solid left. Tully dropped the foreign object and then crashed to the mat. Crowd now really loud. JJ not happy at ringside. Anr picked up Tully and nailed Tully with the goudbuster. Arn covered Tully and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Crowd cheering. Marshall handed the belt to the ref in the cage. Ref handed Arn the title and then raised his hand in victory as the fans cheered.


Marshall: "Ladies and Gentlemen! In a time of 14 minutes, 31 seconds, your winner...and once again TV Champion...Arn Anderson!"


Tully had recovered and made it to his feet. Tully and Arn looked at each other. Tully then extended his hand for Arn to shake. As Arn extended his hand to return the gesture, Tully quickly pulled his hand back. Tully then left the cage, dropped to the floor and took the r.a. mic from Marshall.


Tully: "Arn! I'm not congratulatin' you for nothin'!"


Crowd booed as Tully tossed the mic back to Marshall and Arn looked on from the cage. Arn then held the belt high in the air as the crowd cheered as the show went off the air. WINNER: Arn - Pinfall - Gourdbuster - 14:31)




Dark Match (Non-Title)

The Anderson Bros. © vs. Mighty Texans & The Great Christopho

(WINNER: MT's & TGC - Pinfall - LaRue pinned Gene with the Brainbuster - 11:38)

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A Triple Threat match: Killer Bees vs. Mighty Texans vs. Powers of Pain

The winner gets a UWL World Tag Team Title shot against the champion Anderson Brothers later in the program!




- Two weeks after being burned in the face with a fireball by Father Dutch, Chief Wahoo McDaniel has a special video message


- The Crusher vs. Diamond Dallas Page




Ep. 85 of UWL 'Slam!' Wrestling will be posted Monday or Tuesday.

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(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Announcers welcomed viewers and ran down the program: Triple Threat Match: POP vs. Bees vs. Mighty Texans (Winner gets a World TT Title shot later in the program; UWL WTT Title Match: Anderson Bros. © vs. ???; DDP vs. The Crusher; Madusa wrestles; Rip Oliver sees action; Hugh Morrus wrestles; a video from Wahoo McDaniel; a video chronicle of the Piper-Valentine situation; The Firm is here; an i'view w/ Lex Luger; and more.)


Match 1 (Triple Threat Match - Winner gets a UWL WTT Title shot later tonight)

Powers of Pain vs. Mighty Texans vs. Killer Bees


(Texans came to the ring first to a good ovation. Lash had his whip. Bees then came out to a better ovation. POP came to the ring to a mixed reaction.


Announcers pointed out that one man from each team was allowed in thring legally at a time.


It was a fight and all three teams were at their best as they all wanted that tag team title shot later in the program. All three teams had chances to win but couldn't seal the deal. Bees and Texans sometimes acted heelish towards each other. The third wrestler in the ring broke up some pin tries during the match. At the end of the match, Warlord, LaRue and Brunzell were the legal men in the ring. Warlord dropped Brunzell with a flying shoulder tackle. LaRue moved and started working over War with punches and kicks an whipped War into the ropes and looked to catch War coming off with a clothesline but War ducked the move and came back and pulverized LaRue with a clothesline. War went to cover LaRue. 1...2... Brunzell recovered and dove and broke up the pin with a double sledge to War's back. War rolled off of LaRue. War got up and Jim stunned War with an inverted headlock backbreaker. War down. Brunz for the cover. 1...2... War kicked out. War started getting to his feet. Brunz ran and hit the ropes and Barbarian came over on the apron and drove a knee into the back of Brunz. Brunz hurting by the ropes. War blasted Brunz with a running clothesline that sent Brunz over the top rope and crashing to the floor. Blair dropped off the apron and went over to check on his partner. LaRue came up behiond War and nailed him with a forearm smash to the upper back, whipped War into the ropes and blasted War coming off with a dropkick. War down. As Blair went over to check on Brunz on the floor, Bar came over and stomped on Blair's head from the apron. Blair went down down. In the ring, LaRue gabbed War and whipped War into the buckles and followed War in with a dropkick. Crowd buzzing. War came out of the corner and went down in the ring. War got up and LaRue nailed War with a Thesz Press. LaRue popped War in the head with punches. Bar hit the ring and kicked LaRue in the side of the head. War and LaRue down. Sam got in the ring to go after Bar but the ref intercepted him as Bar went back to his corner. War and LaRue slowly got to their feet at the same time. War went to nail LaRue with a double sledge but LaRue kicked War in the gut and then fired away on War with punches. LaRue whipped War into the ropes and caught War coming off with a flying lariat. War went down. LaRue then grabbed War and hoisted War up for the brain buster. As LaRue got War in the air, Bar hit the ring and kicked LaRue in the gut. LaRue dropped War and went down. Sam hit the ring and Bar caught Sam and hoisted Sam up in the military press position. Bees just got to their feet on the floor when Bar threw Sam over the top rope and Sam crashed down on the Bees. All three laid out on the floor. Ref ordered Bar back to his corner and Bar went. As War got up, LaRue kicked War in the gut and went to hoist War up for the brain buster again but War twice blocked the move and nailed LaRue with punches to the ribs. War broke free of LaRue and pummled Lash with punches, whipped Lash into the ropes and caught Lash coming off by the throat. War held Lash for a moment and then blasted Lash with a chokeslam. Sam and the Bees of no further use. War covered Lash and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Some in the crowd cheered POP's win. Ref raised the winner's hands in victory. POP then left the ring to a mixed crowd reax. WINNER: POP - Pinfall - War pinned Lash with a Chokeslam - 10:48)


(Announcers discussed POP winning the Triple Threat match and earning the WTT Title match later tonight against the Anderson bros. Hyped still to come: DDP vs. Crusher; a video message from Wahoo McDaniel who was burned two weeks ago by Father Dutch; Madusa sees action; Hugh Morrus wrestles; The Firm is here; and more. Said Rip Oliver sees action next!)


(Video aired for 'Cialis Presents: Helloween' - Sunday - Oct. 14 - Reno, NV - Lawlor Events Center - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


Match 2

Rip Oliver vs. S.D. Jones


(Oliver came out to mainly boos but had his supporters. When the bell rang to start the match, Oliver went to superkick Jones but Jones ducked the move and came back and blasted Rip with punches. Jones then whipped Oliver into the buckles. As Jones moved in on Rip...WHAM!...Rip came out of the corner and blasted Jones with a superkick. Jones crashed to the mat. Rip covered Jones and didn't even bother to hook the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell and raised Oliver's hand in victory. Rip then left the ring. WINNER: Oliver - Pinfall - Superkick - :19)


(Announcers discussed another quick win by Rip. Hyped still to come: DDP vs. Crusher; Madusa sees action; a video message from Wahoo; The Firm is here; and more. Said an i'view with Lex Luger is next!)


(Video aired from last week of Luger being handcuffed to JJ Dillon during the TV Title Cage match between Arn © and Tully where Graham came out and hit Luger with bolt cutters and cut JJ loose from Luger and then Graham beating Luger some more with the cutters.)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed Luger. Luger came out to a strong ovation. Luger did not slap hands with fans on the way to the ring and was walking with a sense of urgent purpose. He was in street clothes. Luger cut loose as soon as he got in the ring.


LL: "Lee Marshall! I am getting sick and tired of being attacked by Billy Graham! Three times now in the last couple of months the 'Superstar' has Pearl Harbored me! And on this most recent occasion, Grahm decided to assault me with a pair of bolt cutters! This garbage stops right now! Billy Graham! The matches we've had with each other in the past are gonna look like mere dress rehearsals for our matches in the future! You have crossed the line with me so many times recently that I..."


'California Dreamin' played over the p.a. system as Graham and manager the Grand Wizard walked out on the entrance stage. Graham was holding a pair of bolt cutters. Crowd booed the pair. Graham held the cutters up over his head for all to see. Graham had a mic.


BG: "Lex Luger! Daddy! Remember these?! I don't think you felt too good when I was beating you with these last week! But I felt real good when I clobbered you with these nice, sturdy bolt cutters! One area where we agree, Luger, is you are right when you say that any future matches we may have are gonna make our past battles pale in comparison! Who knows how high the level of hatred and intensity will rise in our matches from now on! I don't respect you, Luger, at all!"


LL: "The feeling's mutual, 'Superstar'! I thought we had become really good friends! But now we're the worst of enemies!"


BG: "The 'Superstar' certainly doesn't need friends like you, jack! I don't need anybody but my manager the Grand Wizard to guide me down the road to success! And when the smoke clears, the 'Superstar' is gonna be standing over the defeated carcass of Lex Luger!"


LL: "Big words there, 'Superstar'. Tell you what. Why don't you come to this ring right now and we can see who will be standing over whose defeated carcass!"


BG: "You want me to come there right now and fight you?!"


LL: "Let's go! No sneak attacks from you, 'Superstar'! Be a man and come down here and square off with me face-to-face!" BG: "What the... Did you just insinuate the reflection of perfection, 'Superstar' Billy Graham, is not man enough to face you straight up?!"


LL: "I wasn't insinuating it! I was stating fact! Get your ass in here!"


BG: "One thing the 'Superstar' definitely is not is a coward! Luger, prepare to be dismantled by the man of the hour!"


Graham started coming to the ring with bolt cutters in hand. Crowd buzzing. Graham got up on the apron as Luger removed his shirt and tossed it aside.


LL: "What's the matter, man?! You can't fight me without a weapon?! Put the cutters down!"


Graham hesitated and would not put the cutters down.


LL: "You said you're not a coward! Put the cutters down...NOW!"


Crowd started chanting 'coward' at Graham. Graham started looking around at the crowd and passionately shaking his head 'no' that he wasn't a coward. Mics picked up Graham.


BG: "I'm not a coward! You people shut up!"


'Coward' chants continued as Luger looked on from the ring. Graham became enraged at the 'coward' chants and angrily stepped in the ring with the bolt cutters in hand. Graham raised the bolt cutters and Luger was prepared to fight even though Graham was going to use a weapon. Watts came out on the entrance stage unannounced.


Watts: "Hey! 'Superstar'! You strike Luger with that those bolt cutters and I'm fining you $50,000 dollars!" Crowd cheered.


Watts: "Here's what's gonna happen! Graham! Luger! This goes no further tonight!"


Crowd booed.


Watts: "'Superstar', since you seem to like using those bolt cutters as a weapon, here's what we're gonna do! Next week, right here on 'Slam!', it's gonna be Billy Graham vs. Lex Luger in a match... and the bolt cutters will be hanging on a pole! The wrestler who can climb up and get the bolt cutters will then be free to use them as a weapon during the match! And 'Superstar', I am ordering you to surrender those bolt cutters to Lee Marshall right now!"


Graham was not happy. Wizard was not too gleeful standing on the entrance stage, either. Graham vigoriously shook his head 'no' and yelled he wouldn't give up the cutters.


Watts: "If you do no hand those bolt cutters over, then Billy Graham, I will fine you $10,000 dollars for insubordination! I'm giving you until the count of five!"


Graham still defiant in the ring.


Watts: "One...two...three..."


Graham not giving them up.


Watts: "...four... it's $10 grand out of your paycheck, 'Superstar'! ...fi..."


Graham then quickly handed them over to Marshall as Luger looked on. Graham then ripped the mic out of Marshall's other hand.


BG: "Watts! I just want to tell you and Luger this! Next week, I'm gonna be the man who gets those cutters! And I'm gonna commit a major felony with them on you Lex Luger! Prepare for the thrashing of a life-time!"


Graham flipped the mic at Luger and it hit Luger's chest and then the ground as Graham stormed out of the ring.


LL: "'Superstar!' You need to be careful about what you say! Because the pendulum could swing in my direction and you'll be wearing those bolt cutters...permanently!"


Graham continued his anger walk back up to the stage as the crowd cheered. Wizard and Graham talked briefly in the stage and then had words off-mic with Watts as Luger looked on from the ring.)


(Announcers discussed Watts making the Graham vs. Luger 'Bolt Cutters on a Pole' match for next week. Hyped still to come: UWL WTT Title Match: Anderson Bros. © vs. Powers of Pain; DDP vs. The Crusher; a video message from Wahoo McDaniel; a video chronicle of the Valentine-Piper situation; and more. Said Madusa in action was coming up!)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Fri. - Sept. 7 - Sacramento, CA - Memorial Auditorium; Sat. - Sept. 8 - Irvine, CA - Bren Events Center; Fri. - Sept. 21 - Logan, UT - Smith Spectrum; Sat. - Sept. 22 - Ft. Collins, CO - Moby Arena; Fri. - Oct. 5 - Mankato, MN - Verizon Wireless Arena MN; Sat. - Oct. 6 - St. Paul, MN - Roy Wilkins Auditorium; Fri. - Oct. 19 - Eau Claire, WI - Zorn Arena; Sat. - Oct. 20 - Green Bay, WI - Resch Center. More info, visit: uwlslam.com!)


(Video highlights aired from last week of Mr. Saito and Bull Nakano trashing Madusa and Americans.)


Match 3

Madusa vs. Misty Blue

(WINNER: Madusa - Pinfall - German Suplex into a Bridgeout - 3:27)


(After the match: Marshall i'viewed Madusa. Asked her about the situation with Bull Nakano.


Mad: "Bull Nakano and Mr. Saito like to run their mouths an awful lot, trashing the USA and me when I'm not around. Bull, why don't you and your manager flap your gums directly to my face. Be here on 'Slam!' when I'm on the program. We can have our own little international summit right here in this ring. You two just pick a date and I'll be there to stand up on behalf of the United States of America. I'll be damned if I'm gonna let you two come out here on American soil and continue to insult our people and our nation! So, once more, Saito and Bull, you just go ahead and choose a date when you want to have this USA vs. Japan wrestling summit! I'll proudly be representing the red, white and blue!"


Fans cheered Madusa.)


(Announcers discussed the strong words from Madusa about an 'international wrestling summit' between her, Nakano and Saito in the ring on a future edition of 'Slam!' Hyped still to come: UWL WTT Title Match: Anderson Bros. © vs. Powers of Pain; a video message from Wahoo McDaniel; The Firm is here; Hugh Morrus in action; and more.)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed DDP. Nelson asked DDP about tonight's match with Crusher. DDP held up the briefcase.


DDP: "Before I speak about the Crusher, I still have this! I'm begging! I'm pleading with any UWL wrestler out there and I don't care who it is! Please, somebody take this $50 grand off of me! All you have to do is unmask the Great Christopho and expose him as Daniels and this money goes into your bank account! $50,000 dollars for a few seconds work! Man, it can't get any better than that! I want Daniels, aka, the Great Christopho, gone from the UWL! On to tonight! I'm facing the Crusher! Here's a man whose workout includes drinking beer! Crusher may be tough in that dock worker, drinking, fighting, heavy lifting kind of way; but he doesn't have the great conditioning of Diamond Dallas Page! If Crusher can't beat me early in our match then he's not getting it done! So Crusher, if you want to catch one on me, brother, you'd better do it quick or I'm gonna run you ragged in that ring! But the good news is, if Crusher loses to me tonight, he can always drown his sorrows in the loser's keg down at the local watering hole where ice in the urinals and peanut shells on the floor are a huge part of the decor! BANG!")


(Announcers discussed the DDP interview and how DDP desperately wants someone to collect the bounty he's offering for unmasking TGC and exposing him as Daniels. Said DDP vs. Crusher was coming up!)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed The Crusher. Asked about tonight's match with DDP.


Crusher: "Dallas Page, I'm proud to say I've been a beer drinker for many years and I'm not gonna stop enjoyin' my beer! In my will, it states dat when I pass from dis eart and go to dat great brewery in da sky, I want to be creamated and have my ashes placed in a pony keg! And yes, beer is part of my trainin' regimine! It's my spinach! And it tastes a lot better dan one of dem tofu salads dat a guy like Page eats! Beer fires da Crusher up! And Dallas Page may have better stamina dan me! But he doesn't have da strengt of da Crusher! So while he might be able to run circles around me witout losing his breat, I got power on my side! I'm gonna use dat power to beat Page tonight! And dat power is Miller High Life fueled!")


Match 4

Crusher vs. DDP


(DDP came to the ring first to boos. Crusher came out to a good ovation and was wearing his trademark cap. Once in the ring, Crusher threw the cap into the crowd.


DDP took the match early and at one point, after he'd driven Crusher to the mat, DDP arrogantly jogged around Crusher. Crusher eventually fought his way back into the match. At the end of the match, Crusher and DDP were battling back and forth when DDP stunned Crusher with a jumping DDT out of nowhere. DDP now did jumping jacks over the downed Crusher as the fans booed. DDP then pulled Crusher up and whipped Crusher into the buckles. DDP charged in on Crusher but Crusher came out of the corner and dropped DDP with a clothesline. DDP prone on the mat and Crusher down to a knee. Crusher made his way over and pulled DDP up DDP stunned Crusher with a right uppercut to the jaw. Crusher staggered back DDP moved in and nailed Crusher with a right jab to the jaw. DDP started dancing around like a boxer on the offensive. DDP popped Crusher again and Crusher staggered away. DDP danced some more and popped Crusher with a third right jab and Crusher fell back against the buckles. DDP danced some more and then nailed Crusher with another jab. DDP arrogantly moved out to center ring and started dancing and throwing punches at the air and then turned his attention back to Crusher. DDP moved in and went to hit Crusher again but Crusher blocked the punch and nailed DDP with a big right hand that stunned DDP. Crusher popped DDP again and DDP staggered back. Crusher moved in and nailed DDP with a brief flurry of head shots and then grabbed the wobbly DDP by the hair. Crusher cranked his right arm around three times and then blasted DDP with a bolo punch. DDP crashed to the mat. Fans cheered. Crusher then picked up DDP, hoisted him upside down, and blasted DDP with the inverted piledriver. Crusher covered DDP and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Good reaction by the fans to Crusher's win. Ref then raised Crusher's hand in victory and Crusher left the ring and celebrated briefly with fans at ringside before heading to the back. WINNER: Crusher - Pinfall - Inverted Piledriver - 7:44)


(Announcers discussed Crusher's win over DDP. Hyped still to come: UWL WTT Title match; a video message from Wahoo McDaniel; and Hugh Morrus sees action. Said The Firm makes an appearance next!)


(In-ring: The Firm came to the ring. All four had mics and were in their ring attire. They received a mixed crowd reaction.


Hall: "Hey yo! You all need to settle down, alright! The Firm has a big announcement and you're definitely want to be paying attention! So shut up!"


More boos than cheers.


Hall: "And now, to give you the big news, I present to you...'Big Sexy' Kevin Nash!"


Nash: "Thank you for that wonderful introduction, Scott! This news is huge! You people need to zip it! OK! Here it is...the big announcement! Two weeks from tonight, on the September 18th edition of 'Slam!', we are going to introduce the newest member of The Firm to the public! This is gonna be big! Really big! This guy has quite a track record in professional wrestling! And he's a consumate ring technician! We can't wait to unveil him to all of you! This man knows wrestling like he no one's business! And when he arrives in two weeks, The Firm will go into full frontal assault mode! The championships here in the UWL have been relatively safe...up until now! Starting September 18th no titles are safe from The Firm any longer! We don't care who holds them! Greg Valentine! Harley Race! Arn Anderson! Anderson brothers! It does not matter! The clock will start ticking in two weeks on all your title reigns! And The Firm is in charge of the clock! This is an open warning to those I just mentioned! We are coming for your belts and we will be relentless in our pursuit of them! So, all UWL title holders, you'd better enjoy your reigns over the next couple of weeks! Because after that...The Firm is gonna, forcefully if necessary, start staking our claim to the championships!"


Schultz: "Hey, Kev! With our next member arriving in just two weeks going after all the gold here in the UWL sounds great! But we can't forget about Ken Patera as he continues to wage his one-man war against us! Patera, the deck is so stacked against you, son! Why don't you do yourself a big favor for your mental and physical health and wave the white flag of surrender against The Firm! You say you're determined to fight us all alone if you have to! Well, who's come to your aid Ken when we've ganged up on you and beaten the crap out of you?! No one! That's who is helping Ken Patera! You were once a member of The Firm, boy! No one is ever gonna trust you because of that! The Firm is the elite group in all of wrestling! But, when you're tossed out of the group like Patera was then you've got a stigma associated with you! Other wrestlers will always wonder if Ken Patera isn't involved in some elaborate Firm plot! They don't know what you might do! And because of that, they're not gonna trust you! Ken, the only thing that can come out of your war against us for you is a lot of pain and destruction! And if that's what you want....then that's what you'll get!"


Rude: "The newest member of The Firm is a game changer! As Big Kev pointed out, this man is pure wrestling talent! The scales will definitely begin to tilt in The Firm's favor in two weeks! The real naked aggression begins now! And after we attain all the championships here in the UWL then we will pull our ultimate power play! The Firm is gonna take over this company and run it our way! There's nothing sneaky in what we're doing! The only question is...can The Firm be stopped?!")


(Announcers discussed The Firm i'view and their announcement that the newest member of the group will be intro'd in two weeks and claims he will be a major game changer when he arrives. Hyped still to come: UWL WTT Title match; a video message from Wahoo McDaniel; and more.)


(Announcers intro'd video chronicling the Piper-Valentine situation. Video aired. After the video, announcers said Hugh Morrus sees action next.)


Match 5

Hugh Morrus vs. Jeff Raitz

(WINNER: Morrus - Pinfall - Moonsault - 2:15)


(Morrus came to the ring to a good ovation. As Hugh came to the ring, video aired from last week of Race attacking Hugh as the two had been handcuffed together during the TV Title Cage match.)


(After the match: Marshall i'viewed Morrus.


HM: "Two weeks ago, I came within inches of becoming the new UWL World Champion! While I didn't win the belt that night, it gave me a taste of what it's like to be in a big title match! And I liked the taste! Last week, Harley Race, with the aid of Billy Graham and a pair of bolt cutters, attacked me during the TV Title match between Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard! I had been handcuffed to JJ Dillon to make sure he didn't interfere in the match on behalf of Tully! Now, Harley Race is the President's Champion! Guess what?! Hugh Morrus would like to be the President's Champion! Hahahaha! And I can think of no better way to get revenge on Harley for his attack on me last week than beating him and taking that President's Champioinship! I'm coming for you, Harley! Beware!")


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed the Powers of Pain. Asked about the title match with the Anderson bros. coming up tonight.


Warlord: " For months, the Killer Bees and the Mighty Texans have been pushed past us in the tag team ranks! Tonight, we beat both of 'em decisively and showed everybody that the UWL know-it-alls really don't know that much at all! Now, we've got another tag team title shot that we deserve! And this time we're gonna get what we deserve which is those World Tag Team Titles!"


Nelson pointed out that any of the three Anderson bros. could defend the titles and wondered if POP was more concerned about any particular pairing of brothers.


War: "We don't care which two Anderson brothers we face! We just wanna beat 'em and take those damn titles! Which is what we're gonna do!")


(Announcers hyped still to come: UWL WTT Title match. Said the video message from Wahoo was next!)


(Video aired of Father Dutch burning Wahoo's face with a fireball two weeks ago.)


(Announcers intro'd video message from Wahoo McDaniel.


VIDEO: Video opened with a shot of Wahoo from the waste up. Wahoo was in street clothes and holding a mic. The left side of his face was bandaged and he was wearing sunglasses.


WM: "You know, I've fought a lot of wild men in my career. But I've never faced anyone as wild and sinister as Father Dutch. This man seems hellbent on destroying me. The bandages you see on my face cover the burns from Father Dutch's fireball. They're healing...slowly. But the burns are still pretty bad. That fireball also did some damage to my left eye. I've been told by two doctors that my sight may never fully recover in the eye. My left eye is now very sensitive to bright light like these lights in this studio, hence the sunglasses. President Bill Watts, fine Father Dutch if you have to. Hit him right where it hurts in his collection plate, which is also known as his wallet. But I'm pleading with you not to suspend or fire Father Dutch. You see, even with this damage to my face, I will be back. This holy war isn't over by any means. And Father Dutch, when I do return I'm going to finish this matter with you once and for all. Armageddon's a lot closer than you think.")


(Announcers discussed the video message from Wahoo McDaniel. Talked about Wahoo coming back to avenge what FD had done to him. Said the WTT Title match was coming up in just minutes!)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed the Anderson bros. ©. Nelson asked which two Anderson bros. would be wrestling in the match tonight.


Ole: "Nelson, you'll know which two Anderson brothers are defending the titles tonight when everyone else does; and that's not gonna be revealed right now. I heard the Warlord out here a few minutes ago. My, what eloquence. I think in another life Warlord must have been prancing around the stage of the Globe Theater performing Shakespeare. The verbiage that came out of that man's mouth was just so pithy. Warlord can ramble on all he wants about how he and Barbarian are gonna take the titles from us tonight. But you guys are wrestling the best in all of tag team wrestling. You see, the Powers of Pain are good. But they're not the Anderson brothers. They beat the Killer Bees and Mighty Texans to earn this title shot tonight. But guess what? We've beaten the Bees and Texans also. You guys won't have any bragging rights unless you can beat us. These belts say all that needs to be said. They say we're the champs! We're the best! You've gotta beat the best to be the best! So, Powers of Pain, beat us and you can brag all you want! But if you don't get the job done...then Warlord, at least, might wanna try to get his old job back as a Capulet at the Globe Theater!"


Gene: "Yeah.")


(Announcers said that next week on 'Slam!': Bolt Cutters on a Pole Match: Graham vs. Luger; and Bill Watts will announce a decision on the fate of Father Dutch. Said the WTT Title match was next!)


Match 6 (UWL World Tag Team Title Match)

Anderson Bros. © vs. Powers of Pain


(Announcers said they would be staying with the match to its conclusion. POP came to the ring to a mixed crowd reaction. Andersons were mainly booed coming to the ring. Ole and Gene were wearing the titles.


Before the match, all three Andersons stood in the corner and were talking to one another. Ref asked which two were wrestling and Gene got out of the ring signaling it was going to be Ole and Lars. Ref called for the bell. POP took the fight to the Ole and Lars and took most of the match but couldn't put the champs away. At the end of the match, Lars and War were the legal men in the ring. Ole had been knocked to the floor. War worked over Lars and tagged Bar. War put the dazed Lars on shoulders as Bar mounted the top buckle. Bar came off and nailed Lars with the D-Day device. Bar covered Lars. 1...2...2-1/2... Ole made it into the ring and broke up the pin try with a diving double sledge to Bar's head. Bar rolled off of Lars. War went after Ole but the ref intercepted him and ordered War back to this corner. Ole to his corner.


Gene went over and grabbed one of the tag belts off the timekeeper's table. Bar whipped Lars into the ropes and caught Lars coming off with a flying shoulder tackle. Lars crashed to the mat. Gene laid the belt on he apron and went over and grabbed Warlord by the leg. War struggled to free himself from Gene's grasp. Ref distracted by Gene and War. Ole picked up the title off the apron. Bar picked Lars up and military pressed slammed Lars to the mat. Ref still distracted. Ole hit the ring and came up behind Bar and nailed him across the back of the head with the belt. Bar went down. Ole bolted the ring and tossed the belt on the floor. Gene not letting go of War's leg. Both Bar and Lars down. Both men made it to their feet. Bar moved towards Lars and Lars caught Bar in the fireman's carry position and blasted Bar with the Minnesota Wrecker just as War kicked Gene off. Gene slammed back first into the ringside barricade. War glaring at Gene. Ref turned back to the action and saw Lars covering Bar with the leg hooked. 1... War turned and saw Bar being pinned. ...2... War hit the ring and tried and dove to break up the pin try. ...3! War nailed Lars just a split-second after the three count. Ref called for the bell. Ref went over and had words for r.a. Marshall and took the belts from him. Ref raised Lars' and then Ole's hands in victory and handed each of them their belts. War tried to argue that he broke up the pin try just before the three count to no avail. A pissed POP left the ring.


Gene got in and was talking with his victorious brothers when 'Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system and out on the stage came Pres. Watts. Andersons looked over at Watts.


Watts: "Anderson brothers. Well, you just retained the titles against the Powers of Pain. And next week you'll be defending those titles again...against the Mighty Texans! Let's hook 'em up!"


Modest crowd reaction. Anderson bros, just looked on from the ring and started talking amongst themselves again as the program went off the air. WINNER: Ole & Lars Anderson - Pinfall - Lars pinned Bar with the Minnesota Wrecker - 12:16)




Dark Match

Lex Luger, Hugh Morrus, Arn Anderson © & The Crusher vs. Hall, Nash, Rude & Schultz

(WINNER: Team Luger - Pinfall - Luger pinned Hall after a Forearm Smash to the head - 13:34)

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The 9-4 edition of 'Slam!' wrestling drew a 1.9 rating which was down from last week's 2.0 rating.


Since the Hogan and Brody farewell episode of 'Slam!' on the 8-7 show, which drew a series record tying high of 2.4, the program has now seen a half-a-point (.5) drop in viewership.

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Sept. 7 - Sacramento, CA - Memorial Auditorium - Att: 3,581


Sept. 8 - Irvine, CA - Bren Events Center - Att: 3,204


RESULTS (Same for each city)


UWL WORLD TITLE MATCH IN A STEEL CAGE: Greg Valentine © def. Lex Luger via pinfall with the Hammerhead


STEEL CAGE GRUDGE MATCH: Hugh Morrus def. Rip Oliver via pinfall with the Moonsault (Both matches were a bloodbath)


Ken Patera def. Scott Hall via pinfall with the Full Nelson Slam


6-Man Tag (Non-Title): Anderson Bros. © def. Arn Anderson © & The Mighty Texans when Gene forced Sam Houston to submit to the Sharpshooter


UWL WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE: Tina Ferrari © def. Madusa via pinfall with her feet on the ropes for leverage


The Crusher & The Great Christopho def. Harley Race © & Tully Blanchard via pinfall when Crusher pinned Tully with the Inverted Piledriver

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It's a first in professional wrestling history as Lex Luger battles 'Superstar' Billy Graham in a Bolt Cutters on a Pole match!




- The Firm continues their countdown to the unveiling of the newest member of their elite wrestling faction on next week's 'Slam!'


- UWL World Champion Greg Valentine squares off against Ken Patera in a non-title affair


- The Anderson brothers defend the UWL World Tag Team Titles against the Mighty Texans




Ep. 86 of 'Slam!' will be posted Monday or Tuesday.

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(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Announcers welcomed viewers and ran down the program: Bolt Cutters on a Pole Match: Lex Luger vs. Billy Graham; President's Championship: Harley Race © vs. The Crusher; Non-Title Match: Greg Valentine © vs. Ken Patera; UWL WTT Title Match: Anderson Bros. vs. Mighty Texans; David Schultz sees action; TV Champ Arn Anderson makes an appearance; the fate of Father Dutch is decided; UWL WC Tina Ferrari sees action; and more.)


(In-ring: Lee Marshall i'viewed UWL WC Valentine w/ mgr. Hart. The two came to the ring mainly to boos. Hart was in a suit and the champ was in his ring attire and had the belt slung over his shoulder.


GV: "First of all, I just want to say that my manager and I know for a fact that Roddy Piper is not here...again! Apparently, he's still making some movie in Hollyweird! I think it's 'They Live: The Prequel'! We also know that there's still no change in Piper's status! He still hasn't been cleared to wrestle! I know some of you think Piper will be back one day! But it's been almost a year now since I finished him off. And fittingly, I ended Piper's career at 'Helloween' last October! If he could come back and lace up the boots we'd have at least heard about it by now! Piper's off making a movie because he can't wrestle anymore! So, let the gossip continue to run wild! Is Roddy Piper going to return?! Or is Roddy Piper done?! We all know the the correct answer! If you want to see Piper wrestle again, may I suggest renting 'Best Of...' DVD's because from what I've heard he's on plenty of those! I'm tired of talking about Roddy Piper! As far as I'm concerned he's now persona non grata! He can stalk me and show up wherever I am! I don't care! You people will never see another Piper-Valentine match! Moving on to more important things, I'm facing Ken Patera tonight!"


Crowd cheered.


GV: "You cheer that news! But, it's a non-title match! Hahaha!"


Crowd booed.


GV: "The World Title will not be on the line tonight! And, quite frankly, looking at how things have gone of late for Ken Patera, his odds of beating me even without the belt up for grabs are pretty slim! Ken Patera needs to worry about Ken Patera's own personal well-being! We know The Firm is hot on his trail! He's outnumbered and nobody in either locker room backstage trusts the guy! He's all alone! And that means he's fighting a losing battle every time he steps into this ring! He's got no one to watch his back! And in this business, if you don't have back-up, you're screwed in the long run! So, you can cheer your heart out for Ken Patera when he faces me tonight; but you will be cheering in vain! He's outmanned and outgunned on every front! Bottom line...things look really bad for Ken Patera against the UWL World Champion tonight!"


Hart: "You all heard the World Champion. The whole issue with Roddy Piper is kaput. There's not one shred of evidence out there that shows he'll ever be able to step back in this ring again and wrestle Mr. Valentine. We're not gonna waste our time worrying about him any more. As for tonight, Ken Patera may have a match with the champ, but Patera's such a marked man that he might get beaten up just walking out of the locker room. It must be a lonely existence for Ken Patera today. He's a social leper in the wrestling world. No one wants anything to do with him. I believe that Ken Patera will continue with his solo warrior act until he is completely destroyed. You fans just need to enjoy seeing the UWL World Champion reel off another impressive performance tonight and leave it at that."


Valentine and Hart started to leave the ring when 'Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system. Bill Watts, in street clothes and mic in hand, came out and made his way to the ring. Watts got a good ovation from the crowd.


Watts: "You guys hang on a minute."


Watts got into the ring.


Watts: "We've got the 'Helloween' pay-per-view coming up in five weeks. Greg Valentine, next week we will know who your opponent will be in Reno on October 14th. Next Tuesday, we're gonna have a Battle Royal. The last two men remaining in the Battle Royal will then face each other in a #1 Contender's match later on the program. And the winner of that match will be your opponent for the UWL World Title at 'Helloween'."


GV: "So what? Am I supposed to be all worried about it or something? You seem to forget, President Watts, that I'm the best wrestler in the world today. Bring 'em on! The 'Hammer' will take care of 'em!"


Hart: "President Watts, this man is money in the bank when the belt is on the line. Frankly, we don't care who becomes the #1 contender. I have the greatest faith that Greg Valentine will still be the UWL World Champion after 'Helloween'."


Watts: "You guys might not be too confident after next week."


Valentine suddenly became very concerned.


GV: "What do you mean?! Are you implying that... No! I know he's not coming back! I ended his career!"


Watts: "Things could change dramatically for you, Greg. Prepare yourself."


Watts turned and left the ring to cheers. Greg was furious.


GV: "What the hell are you saying?! He's never wrestling again! I..."


Hart moved in to calm Greg down and Greg and Hart had an animated conversation as the segment ended.)


(Announcers discussed Watts making a Battle Royal and #1 Contender's match for next week and the winner will face UWL WC Valentine for the title at 'Helloween'. They wondered if Watts was hinting at a Piper return next week. Hyped still to come: Bolt Cutters on a Pole Match: Luger vs. Graham; Non-Title: Harley Race © vs. Crusher; Non-Title: Greg Valentine © vs. Ken Patera; UWL WTT Title Match: Anderson Bros. © vs. Mighty Texans; UWL Women's WC Tina Ferrari is here; and more. Said David Schultz sees action next.)


Match 1

David Schultz (w/ Hall, Nash & Rude) vs. Frogman LeBlanc

(WINNER: Schultz - Pinfall - Redneck Death Drop - 3:46)


(Schultz and crew came to the ring to their usual mixed crowd reax. Schultz was merciless in brutalizing LeBlanc during the match as Hall, Nash and Rude cheered him on from ringside.)


(After the match: Marshall i'viewed The Firm in the ring. Marshall said Schultz was impressive though excessive in his pounding down of LeBlanc.


DS: "You're damn right I was impressive! And there's no such thing as excessive in this sport! Too much violence is never enough! Ken Patera, The Firm is in the building, son! So you better have eyes in the back of your head during your match with Greg Valentine tonight!"


Nash: "One week! We are just seven days away from unveiling the newest member of The Firm to the public! And this is gonna be huge! This man is a pre-eminent wrestling machine! And The Firm's war against the UWL will then really kick into overdrive!"


Hall: "Hey yo! Man, I am so looking forward to next week! The man we will be introducing is a man of the most incredible talent! And he's also a brilliant wrestling thinker! The Firm's long march to the pinnacle of the UWL is building and building! This man is gonna be a key figure, maybe the key figure, in our future success! I can't wait for the day that we own all the gold here in the UWL! And it's gonna happen! But I really can't wait for the day when The Firm is in complete control of the UWL and we're the ones running the show!"


Rude: "As with any business, the objective of the wrestling business is money and power! We've already got the financial backing! We'll never have to worry about that! Now is the time to relentlessly start seizing power! And we'll do it broken wrestler by broken wrestler; championship by championship; and finally, in the coup de grace, we will overthrow the existing power structure here in the UWL and replace it wih The Firm! Are you listening, UWL owner KD Smith?! Are you listening Bill Watts?! The Firm is taking over! It's only a matter of time!")


(Announcers discussed the newest member being unveiled next week on 'Slam!' Hyped still to come: Bolt Cutters on a Pole Match: Luger vs. Graham; PC: Race © vs. Crusher; UWL Women's WC Tina Ferrari wrestles; the fate of Father Dutch is decided; and more. Said the UWL WTT Title match was coming up.)


(Video aired for the 'Cialis Presents: Helloween' PPV - Sunday - Oct. 14 - Reno, NV - Lawlor Events Center - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(Video aired from last week of Ole and Lars Anderson successfully defending the belts against the Powers of Pain and Watts coming out after the match and announcing that they would be defending the titles this week against the Mighty Texans.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed the Anderson Bros. Asked about tonight's title defense against the Mighty Texans.


Ole: "Last week, the Powers of Pain beat the Killer Bees and the Mighty Texans to earn their tag title shot against us. And this week, President Watts has seen fit to have us defend the belts against the Mighty Texans. This is becoming like a broken record. We've defended the titles against Sam Houston and Lash LaRue before. And every time, we've walked out of the ring still the champions. Don't expect anything different to happen tonight. We've got the Texans' number. There will be no suprises in this match. Same as it ever was. And after we beat them...again, then what? Bill Watts, when are you gonna give the Anderson brothers some fresh competition in the tag team ranks? It's like we're on a treadmill right now. It's always the Killer Bees, Mighty Texans or Powers of Pain, repeat. We're the best tag team wrestlers in the world. These guys have had their chances. They say you're only as good as your competition. These guys have been our competion ad nauseum. And they haven't been able to beat us. We're demanding new blood to prove ourselves against, Watts. And soon."


Gene: "Yeah.")


Match 2 (UWL World Tag Team Title Match)

Anderson Bros. © vs. The Mighty Texans


(MT's came out to a fair ovation from the crowd. Lash had his whip and hung it in the corner. All three Andersons came to the ring in their ring attire and Gene and Lars were wearing the belts. They were booed.


Announcers re-iterated that any two of the three Anderson bros. could defend the belts and they still don't know which two it will be.


Usual drill, Andersons didn't tip their hand as to who would be defending until the last minute. After a brief discussion in the ring, Ole stepped out and dropped to the floor. Gene and Lars were defending.


The Mighty Texans battled the champs on even ground. Ole never interfered. At the end of the match, Sam and Gene were the legal men in the ring. Neither man could gain a firm advantage when Gene briefly got the upper hand and went to whip Sam into the ropes but Sam reversed and caught Gene coming off with a dropkick. Gene crashed to the mat and got up quickly and walked into another dropkick from Sam. As Gene slowly made it to his feet, Sam grabbed Gene in a side headlock and backed into the corner and nailed Gene with a running bulldog. Sam went for the cover. 1...2... Lars hit the ring and stomped Sam in the head to break up the pin try. Lash started to step in the ring but Lars bailed to his corner. Both men made it to their feet and Gene nailed Sam in the gut with a series of kicks that drove Sam his knees. Gene then locked Sam in the figure four armlock. Sam struggled briefly but was close enough to the ropes to get a leg on the bottom rope and force a break in the hold. Gene got up and put the boots to the downed Sam. Gene pulled Sam up, whipped Sam into the ropes and looked to catch Sam coming off with a backdrop but Sam leapfrogged Gene, spun around and blasted Gene with an enzuigiri. Gene crashed to the mat. Ole furiously pounded on the apron yelling for Gene to get up. Crowd buzzing. Sam picked Gene up and bodyslammed him into position for a turnbuckle move. Sam pointed skyward signaling he was going up. Crowd cheering. Sam went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle. Sam came off with a frog splash but Gene got his knees up and Sam crashed into them. Sam down on the canvas holding his stomach. Gene recovered and went over and grabbed Sam's legs and after a brief struggle, turned Sam over in the sharpshooter. Lash hit the ring to save his partner but Lars came in and obliterated Lash with a double flying forearm smash that drove Lash back into the corner. Just seconds later, Sam tapped out in the hold. Ref called for the bell and took the titles from r.a. Marshall. Ref handed the belts to the champs and raised Gene's and Lars' hands in victory. Ole got in the ring and congratulated his brothers. As the trio of brothers talked and were congratulating one another, 'Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system and out came Pres. Watts on the stage. He had a mic.


Watts: "Ole, I've got to give you credit. You said the Anderson brothers were gonna successfully defend the tag team titles tonight and they did it. So, next week here on 'Slam!' you'll be defending the titles again. And it will be against the former champs the Killer Bees. Let's hook 'em up!"


Ole just shook his head and let out a laugh of disbelief. Lars not happy. Gene was, as usual, low-key and didn't react much to the news and the brothers started having an animated conversation with one another again. WINNER: Gene & Lars Anderson - Submission - Gene made Sam Houston submit to the Sharpshooter - 7:58)


(Announcers discussed Gene and Lars successfully defending the tag titles against the MT's. Hyped still to come: Bolt Cutters on a Pole Match: Luger vs. Graham; PC: Race © vs. Crusher; Non-Title: Valentine © vs. Patera; the fate of Father Dutch will be decided; and more. Said Women's Champ Tina Ferrari was coming up.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Ken Patera. Asked about tonight's non-title match with Valentine ©.


KP: "Larry Nelson, Greg Valentine can say whatever he wants. He's the World Champion and he is a good one. But I've got the chance to wrestle him and make a statement. Beating the World Champion sends a message that you are a serious threat to take that title. I defeat Valentine, and I'm back in the running to become a World Champion again. And that's my goal in this match."


Nelson asked about Schultz thinly hinting that he could be attacked by members of The Firm during the match.


KP: "As things stand right now, it's Ken Patera vs. The Firm. I'm a realist. I know The Firm may launch an attack against me during my match with Valentine. The only thing I can do is deal with it if and when it happens. But I don't care if it costs me everything in the end. I am determined, even if I have to go it alone, to fight and defeat The Firm no matter how long it takes or what price I have to pay!")


Match 3 (Non-Title)

Tina Ferrari © vs. Stacy Carter

(WINNER: Ferrari - Submission - Recliner - 1:24)


(After the match: Marshall i'viewed Ferrari. Asked for her thoughts on the Madusa-Nakano situation.


Tina: "Poor Madusa. She comes to the UWL to end my undefeated streak and take the Women's World Title and she doesn't complete either task. Now, Madusa's a great wrestler. Make no mistake about it. And I may just be willing to give her a re-match for the title. Once she's done being put through the meat grinder by Bull Nakano, then I'd be more than happy to put the belt on the line again against her. But that's only when she's done with her matches with Bull. Before then, it's no way, Jose. As for other..."


Pres. Watts walked out on the entrance stage unannounced with mic in hand.


Watts: "Excuse me, Tina. So, you won't give Madusa a re-match right now even though she gave you the toughest fight of your reign so far, huh? Well, I'm in total agreement with you about that. Madusa's got enough on her plate right now dealing with Bull Nakano. Now, two things are gonna happen next week here on 'Slam!' Number one, we're gonna have an 'International Wrestling Summit' between Madusa and Bull Nakano! We need to get some things hashed out between those ladies! And number two, Tina..."


Tina: "Let me guess. I'm defending the championship, right?"


Watts: "That's spot on, Tina. And you will be defending the Women's Title against another champion."


Tina: "You mean there's another women's champion besides moi?!"


Tina chuckled.


Watts: "Yes. And I don't think you're gonna be laughing when I tell you who it is. Next week, Tina, you will be defending that belt against...All-Japan Women's Champion Manami Toyota!"


Very little crowd response. Tina was stunned, though.


Tina: "What?! Huh?!"


Watts: "Tina, you don't want to waste any time and it might be a good idea to start preparing for your title defense next week ASAP. You're facing the woman who has been called the 'female Ric Flair'."


Some 'Whoo's trickled throughout the crowd.


Tina: "What the..."


Watts: "Save your strength, Tina! You're gonna need every bit of it next week when you hook 'em up with Manami Toyota!"


Tina was in a state of disbelief as the segment ended.)


(Announcers discussed Watts making a Women's WT Match: Tina © vs. Japanese Champ Manami Toyata; and an 'International Wrestling Summit' between Madusa (USA) and Bull Nakano (Japan). Hyped still to come: Bolt Cutters on a Pole Match: Graham vs. Luger; Non-Title: Valentine © vs. Patera; TV Champ Arn Anderson makes an appearance; the fate of Father Dutch is decided; and more. Said the PC Match: Race © vs. Crusher was coming up.)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Fri. - Sept. 21 - Logan, UT - Smith Spectrum; Sat. - Sept. 22 - Ft. Collins, CO - Moby Arena; Fri. - Oct. 5 - Mankato, MN - Verizon Wireless Arena MN; Sat. - Oct. 6 - St. Paul, MN - Roy Wilkins Auditorium; Fri. - Oct. 19 - Eau Claire, WI - Zorn Arena; Sat. - Oct. 20 - Green Bay, WI - Resch Center. More info, visit: uwlslam.com!)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed PC Harley Race and mgr. JJ Dillon. Asked about tonight's title match with Crusher.


HR: "Before I get to the Crusher, I've got something to say to someone else. Hugh Morrus, you want a piece of the President's Champion? Then come on down. I beat you down two weeks ago because I had to. When you're with JJ Dillon Enterprises, you do what's best for the team. And when..."


Hugh Morrus walked into the interview area and got right in Race's face.


JJ: "Morrus! Why don't you just..."


HM: "Shut up, JJ!"


JJ was offended that Hugh told him to shut it.


HR: "You got something to say to me?"


HM: "Yeah, I do. Harley, you and me, we're gonna dance with each other...and soon."


HR: "You wanna dance with the President's Champion, huh? You'd better be careful what you wish for."


HM: "And if you successfully defend that title against the Crusher tonight, then my wish is that our dance is for your title."


They engaged in a staredown as the interview ended.)


Match 4 (President's Championship)

Harley Race © (w/ JJ) vs. The Crusher


(Crusher came to the ring to a decent ovation. Race and JJ were strongly booed but also had a small cadre of supporters in the crowd.


Crusher took most of the short match but couldn't put Race away. JJ looked to interfere once during the bout but Crusher turned and faced JJ and JJ bailed. At the end of the match, Crusher was still dominating Race. Crusher whipped Race into the ropes and looked to catch Race coming off with a clothesline but Race ducked the move and came back and floored Crusher with a flying headbutt. Race picked up Crusher and bodyslammed Crusher into position for a turnbuckle move. Race mounted the middle buckle and came off with a diving headbutt but Crusher rolled out of the way and Race slammed head first into the mat. Both men to their feet at the same time. Race went to punch Crusher but Crusher blocked the punch try and nailed Race with three shots to the head. Crusher then went to whip Race into the ropes but Race reversed and caught Crusher coming off with a belly-to-belly suplex. Race then got up and grabbed Crusher and hoisted Crusher up and blasted Crusher with a piledriver. Race covered Crusher and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell.


Race got to his feet and the ref had just handed Race the belt when Tully hit the ring and started stomping on the downed Crusher. Race joined in the boot party. Race ordered Tully to hold Crusher up. Ref trying to restore order but JJ reached into the ring and grabbed the ref's ankles and pulled the ref down and dragged him out of the ring and threw him down to the floor. Race was about to hit Crusher over the head with the title when Hugh Morrus, in street clothes, hit the ring. Hugh came in and nailed Harley with some punches. Harley dropped the title. Tully came over and attacked Hugh from behind and was hammering away on Hugh. Race and Tully now beating on Hugh. Crusher recovered and came in and started beating on Tully. They fought into the opposite corner. Hugh fought with Race and Hugh got the upper hand. Crusher got the upper hand on Tully. Hugh and Crusher whipped Harley and Tully into one another. Crowd cheering. Harley and Tully crashed to the mat. JJ freaking out at ringside. Crusher grabbed Tully and threw him over the top rope down to the floor at JJ's feet and Hugh followed suit by doing the same thing with Harley. Crusher and Hugh stood tall in the ring. Race and Tully recovered and made it to their feet on the floor. Race wanted to climb back in the ring but JJ grabbed him and cooled Harley down. Hugh and Crusher still looking on from the ring as Tully was jawing at them. Race joined in the jawing as Dillon's trio started to head around the ring to aisle. WINNER: Race - Pinfall - Piledriver - 4:49)


(Announcers discussed Race retaining the PC and Tully and Race attacking Crusher after the match and Hugh coming to Crusher's aid and the pair driving Tully and Harley from the ring. Hyped still to come: Bolt Cutters on a Pole Match: Luger vs. Graham; Non-Title Match: Valentine © vs. Patera; the fate of Father Dutch will be determined; and more. Said TV Champ Arn Anderson makes an appearance next.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Luger. Asked about the Bolt Cutters on a Pole match with Graham tonight.


LL: "This is defintely a first for me. I've never even heard of a bolt cutters on a pole match taking place anywhere ever before. I can tell you from personal experience that it hurts big-time to be hit with those things. They bruise and tear away at your flesh. Whichever of us gets a hold of those cutters in this match is gonna have a decisive advantage. But I really don't care what kind of match I'm in right now; as long as my opponent is Billy Graham. 'Superstar'! Things between you and me just keep getting hotter and hotter! Who knows how this will all wind up in the end! The one thing I know is this! You have repeatedly attacked me! And I'm pretty tired of it! Tonight, I'm looking for some semblance of revenge! And, 'Superstar', you'd better pray that I don't get to those bolt cutters first! Because if I do, there's gonna be some serious hell for you to pay!")


(Video aired from two weeks ago of Arn regaining the held up TV Title from Tully Blanchard in a cage match.)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed TV Champ Arn Anderson. Anderson came out in his ring attire to a solid ovation. He had the title around his waist.


AA: "Lee, it's great to have the TV Championship back. Those three matches with Tully Blanchard were fierce battles between two ring warriors. As the people know, Tully and I were multi-time World Tag Team Champions. I understood Tully's desire to be a champion once again. We may be on opposite sides of the fence now, but I tip my hat to him. Tully gave me a run for my money. Sometimes, I miss those days when we kciked ass in the ring and raised hell outside of it when we were on the road. But those days are in the past. And now it's time to look forward to other challenges that lay over the horizon. Their are a lot of worthy contenders for this belt here. I'm gonna really have to walk through a mine field of challengers. It's gonna be tough, but I wouldn't have it any other way."


Out on the entrance stage walked Rick Rude and Scott Hall of The Firm. Both had mics and were in street clothes.


RR: "Arn, you're looking at two men who want your title. That mine field you talked about, why don't you walk into against us?"


SH: "I came within one win of being the TV Champion at 'Heatwave'. Remember, Arn, I'm the man you had to beat in the finals to win that belt. I deserve another shot, bro."


AA: "First off, Scott, I'm not your bro. I know The Firm wants every championship here in the UWL, mine included. It's all part of your master plan, you guys have said that yourselves."


SH: "Hey, hey, hey, man. C'mon, put that title up against me or the 'Ravishing One' here. We can spend all day out here talking about it. Let's get some contracts lined up and sign on the dotted line, man. You want to be a fighting champion, don't you?"


AA: "I am a fighting champion. You guys just saw the matches I had with Tully Blanch..."


RR: "Look! I'm not gonna beat around the bush or any other shrubs! Arn, we're taking all the gold here in the UWL! It's gonna happen! Don't play games with us, man! Just sign to defend that belt against me or Scott here! Don't force our hand! Don't make The Firm do something drastic to get those title shots! It will end up very badly for you if you try and dodge us!"


AA: "Rick! Scott! I won't dodge you! You can bet on that! I know the threat The Firm poses to this company and I've made my opinions known about you guys in the past! And I know I'll be defending this title against Firm members at some point in time!"


SH: "Hey! That point in time should be now, man! Don't make us come after you for those title matches! We deserve them because of who we are!"


AA: "You guys will get your title shots in due time!"


RR: "Arn! Let me make this perfectly clear! We've paid our dues and it is our time to start collecting the championship belts here in the UWL! Put that title up against either me or Scott real soon...or else!"


AA: "Or else what?"


SH: "You'll see, chico. You'll see."


Rude and Hall exited the entrance stage.


AA: "I've said it before, all the wrestlers on the UWL roster are gonna have to put aside their personal differences and combat this menace known as The Firm! The bottom line is: it's us or them! There is no middle ground here, Lee, and every guy on the roster is gonna have to make a choice! Fight or fall! It's that simple! And you know what?! I'm open to giving one of those guys a TV Title match right here on 'Slam!' as soon as possible!")


(Announcers discussed Hall and Rude coming out and challenging Arn Anderson for the TV Title. Said The Firm seems to be amping things up as they get closer to unveiling their newest member next week. Hyped still to come: Bolt Cutters on a Pole Match: Graham vs. Luger; and the fate of Father Dutch will be decided. Said the Non-Title Match: Patera vs. Valentine © was next!)


Match 5 (Non-Title Match)

Greg Valentine © (w/ Hart) vs. Ken Patera


(Patera came to the ring first to a good ovation. Valentine and Hart were mainly booed coming to the ring.


Patera and Valentine battled evenly throughout the match. At the end of the match, Valentine was on the offensive and worked over Patera's left leg briefly and then locked Ken in the figure four. After a brief struggle, Patera was able to reverse the hold. Valentine was able to move over and got a hand on the bottom rope to force a break in the reversal. Both men were down and slowly making their way to their feet. Both men got up and Valentine moved towards Patera and Patera charged in and caught Valentine with the Russian Hammer that drove Greg back to the mat. Hart jumped up on the ring apron and Patera went over blasted Hart with a forearm shiver to the side of the head that sent Hart crashing to the mat. Crowd went nuts. Scott Hal came charging to the ring and jumped up on the apron on the opposite side of the ring and the ref went over and ordered Hall off the apron. As Hall argued with the ref. Valentine was getting up. Patera came up behind Valentine and caught Greg in the full nelson and blasted Greg with the full nelson slam. Hall had the ref by the front of the shirt and wouldn't let go. Patera looked over at the ref and Hall. Schultz hit the ring behind Patera and nailed him with a forearm smash to the back. Schultz whipped Patera into the ropes and looked to nail Ken with a clothesline coming off but Patera ducked the move and came back and blasted Schultz with a brutal clothesline of his own that sent Schultz crashing to the mat. Schultz rolled out of the ring and dropped to the floor. Hall let go of the ref and Patera came over and pulverized Hall with a forearm shiver to the side of the head that sent Hall crashing to the floor. Crowd going nuts. Greg had gotten to his feet. Patera turned and walked right into a kick to the gut and doubled Ken over. Greg then locked Ken into position for the Hammerhead but Patera instead backdropped Greg to the mat. As Greg made his way to his feet facing away from Ken, Patera came up from behind and locked Greg in the full nelson and blasted Greg with another full nelson slam. Patera covered Greg and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Fans roaring. Ref raised Patera's hand in victory. Patera then left the ring as the cheering continued and made his way to the back. WINNER: Patera - Pinfall - Full Nelson Slam - 6:44)


(Announcers discussed Patera defeating Valentine in a non-title tilt. Hyped still to come: Bolt Cutters on a Pole Match: Graham vs. Luger. Said the fate of Father Dutch was coming up!)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Graham and mgr. Grand Wizard. Asked about tonight's Bolt Cutters on a Pole match.


BG: "The 'Superstar' is a very introspective man. Tonight, Lex Luger and I are wrestling in a match that has never happened before in our sport. And when I get my hands on those bolt cutters, Lex Luger is gonna be worse off because of it. That's all I have to say."


GW: "Lex Luger! Prepare to be beaten real, real bad!")


(Video footage aired of Father Dutch burning Wahoo and some of Wahoo's words in his video message from last week where Wahoo said he was coming back to avenge the burning and that Armageddon was very close.)


(In-ring: Pres. Watts was already in the ring with mic in hand.


Watts: "Right now, the fate of Father Dutch for the burning of Wahoo McDaniel is gonna be decided. I need Father Dutch to come to the ring."


Gregorian chants flowed from the p.a. system and FD came out on the entrance stage in his priest's attire and had a mic. He was loudly booed. FD came to the ring.


Watts: "Father Dutch, what you did to Wahoo McDaniel three weeks ago was reprehensible. There is no excuse or rationale on this earth that can explain away the horrible act you committed. But I'm gonna give you the chance to explain your actions right now."


FD: "President Watts, Wahoo McDaniel is a major sinner whose rebellious nature makes it hard to cleanse him of his sins and set him on the path to righteousness. I've tried many things to purge Wahoo of his sins. I've made very little progress in my attempts to make Wahoo a holy man. When I threw that fireball into Wahoo's face, it was a drastic measure. I had hoped that it would help Wahoo see the error of his ways and get him to realize he needed to clean up his act. But after hearing Wahoo's words last week, I realize that he remains stiff-necked and resistant to changing his sinful ways."


Watts: "Am I in the 'Twilight Zone' here?! You threw fire in a man's face so he could see the error of his ways?! I don't even know how to repsond to that! It defies logic!"


FD: "It defies logic for those who are mired in sin...like you, Mr. President."


Watts: "Father Dutch, it's really hard not to drop this mic and take your head off! You condemn sin! But you seem like the biggest sinner in this matter!"


FD: "I would tread very carefully if I were you. You don't fully grasp the forces you're dealing with here."


Watts: "I know exactly what I'm dealing with! I'm dealing with a sadistic con-man who hides behind religion and uses that as a smokescreen to torture others! That's what I'm dealing with!"


FD: "I am warning you..."


Watts got right in FD's face.


Watts: "Shut up!"


The two briefly glared at each other before Watts continued.


Watts: "I've brought you out here to let you know your future with this company! I've had several private discussions with Wahoo since the burning! I wanted to fire you the day after you burned him! But, Wahoo has stated to me several times that he doesn't want you fired! And I'm gonna grant his request! Father Dutch, as much as it pains me to say this, you're still employed with the UWL!"


FD: "You did the right thing."


Watts (getting angrier): "Just...just zip it! We're not finished here! Wahoo has told me he will be back! He's still got burns on the left side of his face! The flame also did some damage to his left eye and he may never fully recover his vision in it! But he's vowed to come back! And he's also vowed to hasten the personal Armageddon between you two! You're still employed so Wahoo can gain his revenge on you!"


FD: "If Wahoo wants Armageddon then he shall receive it."


Watts: "I'm not supposed to do this, but I really hope Wahoo kicks your ass when he returns!"


Crowd cheered.


Watts: "And, since you're still employed with the UWL, that means I can still fine you! And that's exactly what I'm going to do now! Father Dutch, you are being fined $100,000 dollars for the burning of Wahoo McDaniel!"


FD: "President Watts, you could hit me with a million dollar fiine. There are things in this life that are bigger than money. And one of those things is setting a wayward brother on the road to holiness. And when Armageddon arrives, that's finally what I will do with Wahoo McDaniel."


FD blessed himself.


FD: "Amen."


FD looked at Watts and then left the ring and headed back up the aisle.


Watts: "Oh, Father Dutch."


FD turned around in the aisle.


Watts: "I forgot to mention something. Next week, you're facing Hugh Morrus on the program. God bless."


Fans cheered as FD glared at Watts and then stalked to the back.)


(Announcers discussed Watts not firing FD and fining him $100K and keeping him around so Wahoo can get his revenge.)


(Announcers hyped next week's huge edition of 'Slam!:


BATTLE ROYAL: (Will Roddy Piper be in it??? Has he been cleared to wrestle???) Last two remaining will face each other later in the program in a...


#1 Contender's Match: Winner gets a UWL WT shot against Greg Valentine at 'Helloween'


The Firm unveils their newest member


UWL WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES: Anderson Bros. © vs. The Killer Bees


UWL WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE: Tina Ferrari © vs. Manami Toyota (Japanese Champion)




JUST ANNOUNCED: Father Dutch vs. Hugh Morrus


The first 'Helloween' PPV Update and more!)


(Said the Bolt Cutters on a Pole match was next!)


(Video aired of Graham attacking Luger with the cutters on 'Slam!' two weeks ago and Watts making this match on last week's program.)


Match 6 (Bolt Cutters on a Pole Match)

Billy Graham (w/ Grand Wizard) vs. Lex Luger


(Before the intros, camera showed the bolt cutters hanging from a pole in the corner. Wrestlers had to climb the buckles to grab the cutters. Announcers pointed out that a wrestler had to get the cutters off the pole and then use them as a weapon before attempting a pin or submission. They also said FX will stay with this match until its completion.


Graham and GW came to the ring first to loud boos. GW had his gold-tipped black cane with him. Luger came out to a strong ovation and blew past fans and charged into the ring.


The match was mainly both men attempting to climb the buckles and grab the cutters. Both men came close to grabbing the cutters but were stopped by their opponent. The men basically beat on each other in an attempt to weaken the other and get the cutters. At the end of the match, Luger was on the offensive. Luger worked over Graham, whipped Graham into the ropes and nailed Graham coming off with a big clothesline. Graham got to his feet and Luger nailed Graham with another clothesline. Graham got to his feet and Luger went to nail Graham with another clothesline but Graham ducked the move. Luger turned around and Graham grabbed Luger around the waist and drove Luger back first hard into the buckles three times. Luger stumbled out of the corner and went down. Graham backed up against the ropes as Luger slowly made it to his feet. Luger got up and Graham went to nail Luger with his running clothesline but Luger instead turned it into a powerslam. Crowd popped. Both men down. Luger started crawling towards the corner where the cutters were on the pole. Graham still dazed and it was looking bad for him. Luger got to his feet and slowly started mounting the buckles when Graham grabbed the ref by the waist of his pants and started to pull himself up. Ref distracted by trying to free himself from Graham. Luger mounted the middle buckle and was about to grab the cutters when Grand Wizard reached his cane through the ropes and clipped Luger's left ankle with the cane. Luger lost his balance and crashed to the mat. Graham to his feet. Luger was on all fours when Graham went over and kicked Luger in the ribs driving Luger back to the mat. Graham then stomped away on Luger and then picked Luger up and bodyslammed him. Graham then slowly made his way to the middle buckle and grabbed the cutters. Luger was getting to his feet when Graham struck Luger in the side of the head with the cutters. Luger went down on the mat face down. Graham then started beating the hell the out of Luger with the cutters. Graham rolled Luger over and covered Luger and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. After the ref raised Graham's hand in victory, Graham went over by the ropes and GW handed his cane to him. Luger got up...WHAM!...Graham broke the cane over Luger's head with a vicious blow. Luger crashed back down to the mat. Program ended with Graham standing over the downed Luger and Graham striking some bodybuilder poses as the fans booed. WINNER: Graham - Pinfall - Graham beat Luger with the Cutters - 8:09)




DARK MATCH (TV Title Match)

Arn Anderson © vs. Scott Hall

(WINNER: Arn - Pinfall - Gourdbuster - 14:20)

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- Dave Sheldon, better known to most fans as the Angel of Death, signed a 1-year/$150,000.00 contract with the Universal Wrestling League.


Sheldon will be given a new ring persona and name in the UWL.


- The 9-11 edition of UWL 'Slam!' Wrestling drew a 1.8 rating, which was down slightly from last week's rating of 1.9.

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It's finally here! The Firm will unveil their newest member!




- A Battle Royal where the last two men remaining will then square off in a #1 Contender's match later in the program


- The 'International Wrestling Summit' between Madusa and Bull Nakano


- UWL Women's World Title Match: Tina Ferrari © defends against the 'female Ric Flair' All-Japan Women's Champion Manami Toyota




Ep. 87 of 'Slam!' will be posted either Monday or Tuesday.

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(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Announcers welcomed viewers and ran down the program: Battle Royal (Last two remaining will face each other in a #1 Contender's Match later in the program - winner getting the UWL WT shot at 'Helloween' against champ Valentine.); The Firm reveals their newest member; UWL WTT Title Match: Anderson Bros. © vs. Killer Bees; Hugh Morrus vs. Father Dutch; International Wrestling Summit: Madusa (USA) and Bull Nakano (Japan); UWL Women's WT Match: Tine Ferrari © vs. Japanese Champion Manami Toyota; Rip Oliver wrestles; the first 'Helloween' PPV Update; and more.)


Match 1 (Battle Royal - Last two remaining face each other in a #1 Contender's Match)

PARTICIPANTS: Ken Patera, The Crusher, Hugh Morrus, Lex Luger, Great

Christopho, Arn Anderson ©, Harley Race ©, Tully Blanchard, DDP, Billy Graham, Scott Hall, Rick Rude


(Announcers pointed out that Roddy Piper was not in the match because he has still not been medically cleared to wrestle. Ann. Joe Pedicino pointed out that if Morrus wins he'll be wrestling three times on the program. Mgrs. Grand Wizard and JJ Dillon were at ringside. Wrestlers battled intensely as they all wanted to make to that #1 Contender's match.




1) Great Christopho - by Billy Graham - Graham threw TGC over the top rope to the floor - 2:17


2) Tully Blanchard - by Lex Luger - Tully caught Luger with a flying crossbody and Luger stumbled back against the ropes and dumped Tully over the top rope down to the floor - 2:59


3) The Crusher - by Hall & Rude - Hall and Rude tossed Crusher over the top rope to the floor - 3:38


4) Billy Graham - by Lex Luger - Luger clotheslined Graham over the top rope down to the floor - 4:26 (Crowd popped big-time for the Graham elimination. Grand Wizard and one of the two floor refs had to keep Graham from getting back in the ring.)


5) Lex Luger - by Hall and Rude - Hall and Luger were battling and hung up on the ropes when Rude pushed Luger. Hall landed on the apron and Luger crashed to the floor - 5:23


6) Hall - by Hugh Morrus - Hugh backdropped Hall over the top rope down to the floor - 6:06 (Hugh got a big pop for eliminating Hall.)


7) DDP - by Ken Patera - Patera threw DDP over the top rope down to the floor - 7:14


8) Arn - by Harley Race - Arn was thrown over the top rope by Rude but landed on the apron. As Arn got up on the apron, Race stunned Arn with a clothesline to the side of the head and Arn crashed to the the floor - 8:11


9) Hugh - by Rick Rude - Rick caught Hugh in the fireman's carry and dumped Hugh over the top rope down to the floor - 9:35


10) Rude - by Patera - Race basically stayed out of the way as Patera and Rude fought and Patera threw Rude over the top rope down to the floor after dropping Rude with the Russian Hammer - 11:19


Ref called for the bell.


LAST TWO REMAINING: Ken Patera and Harley Race © TIME OF MATCH: 11:19


Race © and Patera face each other later in the program in a #1 Contender's match with the winner earning a UWL WT shot against champ Valentine at 'Helloween'.)


(Announcers discussed the #1 Contender's Match: Patera vs. Race © coming up later. Hyped still to come: The Firm unveils their newest member; UWL WTT Title Match: Anderson Bros. © vs. Killer Bees; Father Dutch vs. Hugh Morrus; International Wrestling Summit: Madusa (USA) and Bull Nakano (Japan); Rip Oliver wrestles; and more. Said the Women's WT Match: Ferrari © vs. Japanese Champion Manami Toyota was next.)


(Video aired showing Toyota in action in Japan. Toyota puts on an incredible wrestling display.)


Match 2 (UWL Women's World Title Match)

Tina Ferrari © vs. Manami Toyota (Japanese Women's Champion)


(Toyota came to the ring first to a small crowd reaction. That would change during the match. Announcers pointed out she was the All-Japan Women's Champion. Ferrari came to the ring to mostly boos but had her own small army of supporters. Announcers said Toyota was known in wrestling circles as the 'female Ric Flair'.


Toyota shocked and stunned Ferrari with a series of eye-popping moves. Toyota took the bulk of the match. Ferrari was hanging on for dear life and was somehow able to escape defeat on more than one occasion. Highlights included Toyota nailing Tina with a missle dropkick from the top buckle to the floor. Toyota nailed Ferrari with a moonsault at one point during the match but Tina then escaped the pin attempt. She stunned Tina with a scoop brainbuster and Tina was down near the ropes. Toyota went for the pin but Tina got her foot on the bottom rope at 2-1/2... Crowd groaned. Tina got in some offense during the match but wasn't able to maintain the momentum. Tina tried a couple of shortcuts that short-circuited. Crowd felt this may be the end of Tina's reign.


Late in the match, Toyota stunned Tina with a sunset flip powerbomb. Crowd super into Toyota now. Toyota went for the cover but Tina got a shoulder up just before the third slap of the mat by the ref. Loud buzz rippling through the crowd. At the end of the match, Toyota had driven Tina to the brink. Toyota dropped Tina on the top buckle facing the crowd. Toyota climbed up behind Tina. Toyota then blasted Tina with the Victory Star Drop. Crowd nearly blew the roof off the building. Tina rolled over near the ropes. It was here that Toyota made her only mistake...and it was a big one. Toyota covered Tina and hooked the leg but Tina's arms were free. 1...2...2-9/10... Tina was able to reach over and grab the bottom rope. Crowd let out a huge gasp of disbelief. Toyota pulled the all but dead Ferrari up and whipped Tina into the ropes and looked to catch Tina coming off with a backdrop but Tina instead stunned Toyota with a DDT. Both women down. Ferrari crawled over and covered Toyota. 1...2...2-3/4... Toyota got a shoulder up. Crowd popped loudly again. Tina pulled Toyota up and whipped her into the buckles. Tina moved in with a series kicks to the side of Toyota's head. Tina then went to nail Toyta with a running bulldog but Toyota pushed her off. Tina crashed to the mat near the ropes. Toyota got up and approached Tina as Tina got to her knees. Toyota grabbed Tina by the hair and started to pull her up when Tina pulled Toyota's legs out from under her and rolled Toyota up in a pin try. 1... Tina placed her feet on the middle rope. Ref didn't see it. ...2...3! Tina quickly removed her feet from the rope. Ref called for the bell. Crowd vocally unhappy. Toyota got to her feet. Tina snatched the belt from the ref and didn't wait to have her hand raised and bailed from the ring. An exhausted and beaten Tina looked back at the ring as she walked backwards up the aisleway. Toyota was stoic in defeat. Crowd cheered for Toyota and chanted 'Manami!' and 'Re-match!'. Toyota acknowledged the fans on all four sides of the ring with a slight bow before leaving. Ovation continued as she made it to the back. WINNER: Ferrai - Pinfall - Pinned Toyota with her feet on the ropes - 8:17)


(To see Toyota's incredible Victory Star Drop, click here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoxGfLRL6Y0)


(Announcers discussed the incredible Women's WT match and how they couldn't believe Ferrari escaped with the victory to remain undefeated in the UWL and still the UWL Women's WC. Hyped still to come: The Firm unveils their newest member; #1 Contender's Match: Patera vs. Race © - Winner gets the UWL WT shot at 'Helloween'; UWL WTT Title Match: Anderson Bros. © vs. Bees; Hugh Morrus vs. Father Dutch; 'International Wrestling Summit': Madusa (USA) and Bull Nakano (Japan); and more. Said Rip Oliver sees action next!)


Match 3

Rip Oliver vs. Porkchop Cash

(WINNER: Oliver - Pinfall - Superkick - :14)


(Cash got in a couple of punches on Oliver before Oliver levelled Cash with a superkick out of nowhere.)


(After the match: Marshall i'viewed Oliver. Said that Rip's been quite impressive recently with his quick wins with the superkick.


Rip: "You don't think I know what I do is impressive? I'm ready to plant that beautiful superkick of mine on a UWL star. And do you know who the first star is that I want blast with that baby?"


LM: "No."


Rip: "This guy really gets on my nerves. He's a disgrace to our profession. He's proud of the fact that part of his training regimine is drinking beer. I'm talking about the Crusher. You people need to realize something. When you cheer for the Crusher, you're cheering for a lush; a drunkard; an alcoholic. The only thing the Crusher should be wrestling with is his alcoholism. I like a good party as much as anyone else. But there's no place in our sport for AA poster children like the Crusher. I'd superkick Mr. Three Sheets to the Wind so hard that the beer would come gushing out of his pores. Crusher, if I get the chance, I'm gonna drop you with my kick like a sack of hops and barely.")


(Announcers discussed Oliver targeting the Crusher and accusing the Crusher of being a drunk. Hyped still to come: The Firm unveils their newest member; Hugh Morrus vs. Father Dutch; 'International Wrestling Summit': Madusa (USA) and Bull Nakano (Japan); the first 'Helloween' PPV Update; and more. Said the UWL WTT Title Match: Anderson Bros. © vs. Killer Bees was coming up.)


(Video aired for the 'Cialis Presents: Helloween' PPV - Sunday - Oct. 14 - Reno, NV - Lawlor Events Center - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed the tag champs the Anderson bros. Asked about tonight's match with the Killer Bees.


Ole: "Well, here we go again. The Killer Bees get another World Tag Team Title match with the Anderson brothers. It goes like this. Mighty Texans. Powers of Pain. Killer Bees. That's all the teams we've defended the titles against since we won them. This is getting tiring. After we beat the Powers of Pain two weeks ago, President Watts comes out and says that we're defending the titles against the Mighty Texans...again. Then we retain against the Mighty Texans last week and President Watts comes out after the match and says...we're defending the titles aginst the Killer Bees this week. We're champions who will defend these titles against any worthy teams out there. And there are more teams beyond the horizon than just the three we beat time and time again! So, Watts, pay attention! After we beat the Killer Bees again tonight...if you're gonna come out and order us to defend these titles again next week, would you please have the damn decency to make it against new competition! These teams have had their chances and they've proven time and again they can't win these titles from us! So, if we don't get what we want, the Anderson brothers are gonna lodge a formal perotest with the UWL Board of Directors and state that we will not defend these titles again unless it's against new opponents!"


Lars: "Ole just said it all! The Bees are losing to us again tonight! And then...new high caliber opponents...or you won't see the Anderson brothers defending these titles again until Watts does the right thing and brings in some fresh tag team meat for the Anderson brothers to feast on!"


Gene: "Yeah.")


Match 4 (UWL World Tag Team Title Match)

Anderson Bros. © vs. Killer Bees


(Bees came to the ring to a nice ovation. Anderson bros. were mainly booed but also had their fans. Gene and Lars were wearing the titles. Usual drill. The trio got in the ring and didn't tip their hand as to which two were defending the belts until just before the bell. Ref asked who it was gonna be. Lars left the ring. It was Gene and Ole.


Bees came out on fire and the announcers wondered whether the Bees might sting Gene and Ole and re-claim the belts for a second time. Match eventually settled into a see-saw affair. At the end of the match, Brunzell and Gene were the legal men in the ring. Andersons had briefly cut the ring in half and worked over Jim's left arm. Gene had worked over Jim and prepared to lock Jim into the figure four arm lock, but Jim eascaped the hold, dropped down and took Gene down with a leg dive takedown. Gene got up and went to grab Jim but Jim eluded Gene's grasp and lunged over and tagged Blair. Crowd popped as Blair came over the top rope and dropkicked Gene. Gene got up and Blair popped Gene with punches, whipped Gene into the ropes and caught Gene coming off with a jumping spin kick to the chest. Gene crashed to the mat. Blair snapped up Gene and backed Gene into the ropes. Blair didn't see Ole tag Gene. Ref signaled the tag had been made. Blair whipped Gene into the ropes and caught Gene coming off with the codebreaker. Gene went down. Blair on fire. Jim trying to get Blair's attention. Ole came up behind Blair, spun Blair around and nailed Blair with the Divorce Court. Ole turned Blair over and locked on the Cross Armbreaker. Lars went over and yanked Jim off the apron and Jim crashed to the floor. Blair was in hold for about 10 seconds before tapping out. Ref called for the bell. Ref went over and took the titles. Lars got in the ring. Gene recovered enough to get to his feet. Ref handed the belts to Ole and Gene and raised their hands in victory.


After the match: Ole took the r.a. mic from r.a. Marshall.


Ole: "Just like we said earlier, we were gonna beat the Killer Bees again and we did it! President Watts! If you've got something lined up for us for next week, come out here and tell us! But it better be what we want to hear!"


'Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system and Watts walked out on the entrance stage with mic in hand.


Watts: "Ole, I've heard your concerns over the last few weeks and I've got some good news for you. You'll be facing some new competition for the tag team titles. But it won't be next week. It will be at 'Helloween'. Now, you guys know your opponents. You have faced them before here in the UWL. But when 'Helloween' rolls around, it will have been over a year since you've wrestled these men; and this time the stakes will be much higher. Anderson brothers, let me introduce you to your title opponents for 'Helloween'. They are the 'Dog Faced Gremlin' Rick Steiner and the 'Mad Dog' Buzz Sawyer...the Dog Pound!"


Crowd erupted as 'Welcome to the Jungle' by Guns 'N' Roses played over the p.a. system. Out on the stage walked Steiner and Sawyer in street clothes to a rousing ovation. Buzz and Rick started running around and barking on the stage and many in the crowd barked back at them. Andersons took it all in from the ring.


Watts: "Ole, you guys wanted it and you got it! The Anderson Brothers defend the World Tag Team Titles against the Dog Pound at 'Helloween'! Let's hook 'em up!"


Rick and Buzz continued to play to the crowd and also playfully taunt the Anderson bros. from the stage as the Andersons looked on.


WINNER: Anderson Bros. - Submission - Ole forced Blair to submit to the Cross Armbreaker - 7:22)


(Announcers discussed the Anderson bros. retaining and Watts bringing back the Dog Pound to face the Anderson bros. for the titles at 'Helloween'. Hyped still to come: The Firm unveils its newest member; Hugh Morrus vs. Father Dutch; #1 Contender's Match: Patera vs. Race ©; and more. Said the 'International Wrestling Summit': Madusa (USA) and Bull Nakano (Japan) was coming up.)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Fri. - Sept. 21 - Logan, UT - Smith Spectrum; Sat. - Sept. 22 - Ft. Collins, CO - Moby Arena; Fri. - Oct. 5 - Mankato, MN - Verizon Wireless Arena MN; Sat. - Oct. 6 - St. Paul, MN - Roy Wilkins Auditorium; Fri. - Oct. 19 - Eau Claire, WI - Zorn Arena; Sat. - Oct. 20 - Green Bay, WI - Resch Center. More info, visit: uwlslam.com!)


(Video aired chronicling the situation between Madusa and Nakano.)


(In-ring: 'International Wrestling Summit'!


Bull Nakano, mgr. Mr. Saito and their interpreter Mr. Nagasaki came to the ring to strong boos. Saito and Nagasaki were dressed in suits and Nakano was wearing a kimono and carrying the Japanese flag. The three got in the ring and Nakano fervently waved the flag. Nagasak had a mic.


Madusa came out to the song 'American Woman'. She was wearing a red, white and blue tank top, blue jeans, black shoes and a red, white and blue do-rag. Madusa briefly played to the cheering fans in America's heartland. Madusa was handed a mic in the ring.


Ring Ann. Marshall: "Ladies and Gentlemen. This is the 'International Wrestling Summit'! Introducing first, the contingent from Japan. They are Bull Nakano, her manager Mr. Saito and their interpreter Mr. Nagasaki."


Crowd booed.


Marshall: "And from right here in the United States...Madusa!"


Crowd cheered Madusa.


Marshall: "The reason this summit has been called is because their is an incredible amount of bad blood between Madusa and Bull Nakano. We're going to see if we can have a discussion right now to try and quell this volatile situation. First, we would like to hear from Nakano's manager Mr. Saito."


Saito spoke in Japanese.


Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito says that at a summit of this nature, all the parties involved should be dressed decently and in attire fitting the occasion. Madusa is dressed like the decadent, self-absorbed American woman that she is. She has no class. But that's no suprise since we're in the USA."


Crowd boos.


Marshall: "Madusa, your response."


Madusa: "First of all, let me just tell these three that I love America and am proud to be an American!"


Crowd cheered.


Madusa: "In this country, we value the individual and encourage individuality! We don't have a rigid, ulcer-inducing set of social rules to live by! And thank God for that! And if Mr. Saito believes in wearing some sort of 'proper' attire for this summit, then why is Bull Nakano wearing the drapes from her living room?!"


Crowd popped and Mr. Nagasaki interpreted in Japanese to Mr. Saito what Madusa just said. He angrily responded in Japanese to Mr. Nagasaki.


Mr. Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito says that you show your typical American ignorance. The kimono is a part of our culture. By insulting the kimono, you are insulting the great Japanese culture."


Marshall: "Madusa."


Madusa: "Talk about insulting culture! That's all you've done every time you've come out here and opened your mouths! Earlier tonight, Manami Toyota came out here and earned the respect of all these fans when she wrestled for the Women's World Championship. She earned that respect because of what she could do and not because of where she was from! But you guys think you're so great just because you're from Japan no matter what you can bring to the table!"


Nagasaki translated for Saito and Saito responded in Japanese.


Mr. Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito says that we are proud Japanese because Japan is the greatest nation in the world. He says that one day, right here on American soil, Bull Nakano will destroy you and will stand tall over the defeated American as the Japanese flag waves proudly for the world to see."


Nakano waved the flag as fans booed.


Madusa: "I take great pride in being an American! But I don't arrogantly rub that fact in people's faces! You guys are making this out to be some sort of World War! You've done nothing but spit on this country! But I'll be damned if I'm gonna let Bull Nakano come to my country, constantly insult it and then think she's gonna humiliate me by by standing over me and waving her nation's flag as some symbol of Japanese supremacy!"


Nagasaki translated for Saito again and Saito responded in Japanese.


Mr. Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito says that Bull will defeat you because the Japanese are superior in every facet of life. She is one of the most revered female athletes in all of Japan. And she will be welcomed home as a conquering hero after she annihilates Madusa and everything she represents as an American! The win will prove Japanese superiority."


Madusa: "You know what. Enough of this. I'm getting tired of hearing how Bull Nakano is gonna do this and that to me on American soil. Let's just have the match and see if your theory of Japanese superiority is true!"


Crowd cheered.


Nagasaki translated for Saito and Saito responded in Japanese.


Mr. Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito says he agrees with you. The time for talking has run its course. It is time for the destruction of the decadent female American and time for the Japanese flag to fly high for all to see in the USA."


Madusa: "Then let's set this thing up!"


Nakano then said something in Japanese.


Madusa: "What did she say?!"


Mr. Nagasaki: "She says you are a...how you say...a typical American beetch."


Madusa: "Me?! A bi... That's it! Bull, take off the drapes and let's go at it right now!"


Crowd cheered.


Madusa moved towards the Japanese trio and Saito said something to her in Japanese. Madusa looked over at Saito and Bull went to hit Madusa with the flag but Madusa saw it coming and raised her arms to repel the blow. A pissed Madusa then jumped on Bull and started popping her with punches as fanss cheered. Bull dropped the flag. Bull fought back and the two started brawling in the ring. Marshall bailed from the ring and Saito and Nagasaki went out and stood on the apron. The two were brawling all over the ring and Madusa took Bull down and got on top of Bull and started peppering her with more punches. Bull was able to fight back and the two were rolling around in the ring and fighting. Security came charging to the ring and Watts was following behind them. Security got in the ring and was able to separate the two fighting females. They pulled them to opposite sides of the ring away from one another. Crowd buzzing. Saito and Nagasaki got back in the ring. Security was keeping the two apart. Both wanted at each other. Watts took the mic from r.a. Marshall.


Watts: "Security! Keep those gals away from each other! Madusa! Bull Nakano and Mr. Saito! We're gonna settle this thing once and for all! It will be Madusa vs. Bull Nakano at 'Helloween'!"


Crowd cheered.


Madusa broke away from security and went over and jumped on Bull and started pounding her some more as security looked to pull Madusa off of Bull and Saito and Mr. Nagasaki worked to pull Bull out of the fray. Security was able to restore order and escorted Bull and crew out of the ring to the floor while holding Madusa at bay in the ring. Madusa was moving like a caged tiger. Crowd booed the Japanese trio as they were escorted back up the aisle and then the fans started chanting 'USA! USA!' as Watts got in the ring and talked with security and also to calm down the furious Madusa.)


(Announcers discussed the brawl between Madusa and Bull Nakano and Watts making a match between the two for 'Helloween'. Hyped still to come: The Firm unveils their newest member; #1 Contender's Match: Patera vs. Race; and more. Said Father Dutch vs. Hugh Morrus is next!)


(Video aired of Father Dutch burning Wahoo a few weeks ago, the video message from Wahoo where Wahoo vowed to return even though part of his face was burned, and last week where Watts fined FD $100K but didn't fire FD and Watts ordering a match this week between Hugh Morrus and FD.)


Match 5

Hugh Morrus vs. Father Dutch


(Gregorian chants played over the p.a. system and FD came to the ring. He was in his priest's attire and carrying his little black bag. He was heavily booed. Hugh came to the ring to a strong ovation and hit the ring and went right after FD. Ref called for the bell.


Hugh pounded on FD early and drove FD to the floor. FD got back up on the apron. From the apron, FD was able to poke Hugh in the eye and get back in the ring and gain the advantage in the short bout. Hugh fought back and once again took control. Hugh pounded away on FD and whipped FD into the buckles. Hugh charged in on FD and FD moved and Hugh slammed front first into the buckles. Hugh turned and walked a couple of steps out of the corner when FD doubled Hugh over with a kick to the gut. FD backed up and nailed Hugh with a running knee lift to the head. Hugh's head snapped back and Hugh went down near the ropes. FD didn't go for the cover and instead went out to the floor and reached under the ring apron and brandished his 18-inch wooden crucifix. FD got back in the ring as Hugh was recovering. Ref tried to order FD to drop the crucifix but FD ignored the ref. Hugh had gotten to his knees as FD was prepared to bash Hugh in the head with the holy object.


Sudddenly, the crowd exploded.


Wahoo McDaniel, in street clothes and with bandages still on the left side of his face, hit the ring behind FD, spun FD around and started blasting FD with chops. FD dropped the crucifix. FD staggered. Ref called for the bell. Wahoo then whipped FD into the ropes and caught FD coming off with his big chop finisher. FD crashed to the mat. Wahoo picked up the crucifix and waited for FD to get up. Crowd buzzing. Wahoo's face was a mask of rage. Camera caught Wahoo mouthing the words: 'Get up!'. The dazed FD started getting to his feet. Wahoo was holding the crucifix like a batter holds a bat. FD made it to his feet and Wahoo charged at FD and swung wildly with the crucifix. FD ducked the weapon shot and started moving around the ring. Wahoo went to hit FD with the crucifix again and once more FD avoided getting hit with the object. FD then bailed out of the ring and Wahoo charged over and tried to hit FD with the crucifix again but FD got off the apron and down to the floor just before being struck. Crowd roaring as an angry Wahoo glared at FD from the ring. Wahoo stalked back and forth in the ring like a caged animal as FD carefully maneuvered over by the entrance aisle, all the while keeping his eyes on Wahoo.


Wahoo took the mic from r.a. Marshall and spoke as FD now stood in the aisle.


Wahoo: "Father Dutch! I told you I was coming back and here I am! Our Armageddon is coming soon...real soon! And I'm gonna do everything in my power to send you to hell!"


Crowd popped.


FD blessed himself in the aisle and then a wicked sneer crossed his face as an enraged Wahoo continued to look at him from the ring.


DECISION: No Contest - 2:46)


(Announcers discussed the suprise return of Wahoo McDaniel and Wahoo nearly bashing FD's head in with FD's own crucifix and Wahoo vowing their personal Armageddon is near. Hyped still to come: The Firm unveils their newest member; and the first 'Helloween' PPV Update. Said the #1 Contender's match was next!)


(Video aired from earlier in the program of the Battle Royal and Patera and Race © being the last two men left to earn the slots in the #1 Contender's match.)


Match 6 (#1 Contender's Match - Winner gets the UWL World Title shot at 'Helloween')

Ken Patera vs. Harley Race © (w/ JJ)


(Marshall intro'd UWL WC Greg Valentine as guest commentator for the match. Valentine came out to strong boos. He was in street clothes and carrying the belt cradled in his arm. As Greg came to the ring, video aired of Patera beating Greg in a non-title match last week.


Valentine shook hands with Stack and Pedicino and took his seat at the announcer's table and placed the belt on the table in front of him.


GV: "Stack and Pedicino, I must say it's a pleasure to have me here tonight."


Greg pointed at the title and told a cameraman to get a close-up of the belt. Cameraman zoomed in on the title.


GV: "This is what it's all about, gentlemen. The UWL World Title. And this belt is mine...all mine. And it will still be mine after 'Helloween'."


Stack: "But Ken Patera beat you last week in a non-title match. You're not concerned about him winning this match tonight and getting a World Title shot against you?"


GV: "Ken Patera did beat me last week. But that was a non-title match. If Patera faces me with the gold on the line at 'Helloween' the outcome will be completely different. Same thing goes for Harley Race, too. I like Harley. But the World Title comes before friendship in this business."


Pedicino: "Any thoughts on Roddy Piper?"


GV: "Yeah, Roddy's never coming back. Watts teased last week that he might be in this week's Battle Royal. But where was he?"


Stack: "He wasn't medically cleared to wrestle."


GV: "Exactly, Steve. And he's never getting that medical clearance to return to the ring. Roddy needs to do himself and all of us a favor and just give it up. I'm never wrestling Piper again and everyone knows it. It's just that many people don't want to face that reality. Hard to see your heroes fall and never get up. Maybe Roddy Piper needs a Clapper. I can see him now: 'Help! My wrestling career has fallen and it can't get up!' Hahaha. The fact that he's off in Hollywood right now instead of here should tell us all we need to know. Piper's wrestling career is kaput."


Race and JJ came to the ring first to loud boos. Patera then came out to a nice ovation.


Patera and Race both brought their A-games into the match as both men wanted that World Title shot. During the match, JJ got a couple of kicks in on Patera when Patera was out on the floor.


At the end of the match, Race was on the offensive. Race worked over Patera and then nailed Patera with his diving headbutt from the middle buckle. Race for the cover. 1...2... Patera kicked out. Race pulled Patera up by the hair and blasted Patera with two brutal headbutts. Patera on stagger street. Race then whipped Patera into the buckles and moved in on Patera but Patera came out of the corner and stunned Race with the Russian Hammer. Race down on the mat. Crowd buzzing. Schultz, in his ring attire, came power-walking down the aisle to the ring. Schultz got no further than ringside when Arn Anderson came out and caught Schultz and started blasting Schultz with punches out on the floor. Crowd popped. Patera nailed Race with the full nelson slam and covered Race and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Crowd roaring. JJ deflated. Patera had a his hand raised in victory as Arn and Schultz brawled up the aisle to the back.


The victorious Patera walked over by the ropes and was looking down at Valentine at the announcer's table.


GV: "It looks like it's me and Mr. Patera at 'Helloween'."


Greg then held up the belt.


GV: "Patera! You're not getting this, big man!"


Patera made the hand gesture of having the WT around his waist.


GV: "Keep on smokin' what you're smokin', Ken! Not gonna happen!"


The two looked at each other briefly before Patera left the ring and slapped hands with fans on the way back up the aisle.


GV: "Stack and Pedicino. The only thing you need to know is that 'The Hammer' has everything under control."


WINNER: Patera - Pinfall - Full Nelson Slam - 7:39)


(Announcers discussed Patera winning and getting the UWL WT shot against Valentine © at 'Helloween'.


Pedicino: "Steve, I think Valentine could be dangerously underestimating Patera. He's had such great success in defending the UWL World Title for almost a year now, that it seems a little complacency might be setting in for the World Champion and he thinks he's not losing that title for a long, long time."


Stack: "I also think that Ken Patera has found a staunch ally in his war against The Firm. Arn has been quite outspoken about the threat he thinks the group poses here in the UWL. Maybe with Arn coming to Patera's aid, other UWL wrestlers will now follow suit and join them to battle these renegades."


Announcers said The Firm unveils their newest member tonight. Said the first 'Helloween' PPV Update is next!)




Announcers ran down the card so far:


UWL WORLD TITLE: Greg Valentine © vs. Ken Patera


UWL WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE: Anderson Bros. © vs. Dog Pound


Bull Nakano vs. Madusa


'Cialis Presents: Helloween' - Sunday - Oct. 14 - Reno, NV - Lawlor Events Center - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(Announcers sent it backstage to Larry Nelson who was with Pres. Watts.)


(Backstage: Nelson asked Pres. Watts what was the news he had.


Watts: "Larry, last week we an incident on the program after the match between President's Champion Harley Race and the Crusher where Tully Blanchard came to the ring and he and Harley attacked the Crusher 2-on-1 until Hugh Morrus came to the aid of the Crusher. So, next week here on 'Slam!', it's gonna be the Crusher and Hugh Morrus vs. Harley Race and Tully Blanchard in a tag team match! Plus, it was signed earlier today, Arn Anderson will defend the TV Title against Scott Hall! Let's hook 'em up!")


(In-ring: The Firm came to the ring. They were all in their ring attire. They received the usual mixed crowd reaction. Nash had a mic.


Nash: "This is the moment people have been waiting for for two weeks now. It is time for the unveiling of the newest member of The Firm. This man is definitely a game-changer in our sport. He's one of the best technical wrestlers in the world. Tonight, The Firm takes its biggest step so far on the path to ultimate power here in the UWL. So, without further ado, The Firm presents its newest member...Ted DiBiase!"


More mixed crowd reaction as DiBiase came out on the entrance stage. He was dressed in an expensive suit and dress shoes. DiBiase made his way to the ring. He had a walk that exuded great confidence. DiBiase was greeted by the other members of The Firm as he got into the ring. He shook hands with all of them.


Nash: "I give you Ted DiBiase."


Nash handed Ted the mic and then patted Ted on the back.


Crowd buzzing.


TD: "What you are looking at in this ring right now...is five of the elite members of professional wrestling. Look at it! There is no finer group of men assembled in anywhere in our sport today. And The Firm's goals are crystal clear. There is no ambiguity about what we intend to do here in the UWL.


"First, I want to put every male UWL champion on notice right now that your title reigns are living on borrowed time. Greg Valentine. Arn Anderson. Harley Race. Anderson brothers. All of you are marked men. The Firm is coming for every one of those titles and we are going to take them by any means necessary to achieve the first leg of our objectives in the UWL.


"Second, a day is gonna come when The Firm will look to seize control, total control, of this company. We will wage a revolution from within. We want to run this company from top-to-bottom and create a wrestling empire in The Firm's image. When we take over the UWL it will be our crowning achievement. It will be like nothing the wrestling world has ever seen. An all-powerful wrestling cartel, made up of elite wrestlers and not some outside businessman like KD Smith, will dictate every single move in a wrestling promotion for the first time ever. And then, we will set out to rule the entire pro wrestling world!


"The entire power of this business will be in our hands and our hands alone. A small, elite wrestling oligarchy will control pro wrestling. Those who work under us will have to ask permission just to breath. The Firm will rule the roost with a benevolent iron fist. But if you get out of line, then that fist will come down hard on you! Are you UWL wrestlers in the back listening?!


"War is hell! And we in The Firm harbor no illusions! We know it's not gonna be easy to attain our goals! We will meet resistance! But The Firm is the elite! And in the end we will win!


"And this isn't the end of adding new members to The Firm! Not by a longshot! There are more members of The Firm out there! And they will be revealed in due time!


"Finally, I have just one more thing to say. You want to know who The Director of The Firm is? You're looking at him! Hahahaha!"


Mixed crowd reaction.


DiBiase's 'Hahahahaha!' laugh echoed over the p.a. system and then the song 'Money' by Pink Floyd came flowing out of the arena speakers as Firm members applauded their Director and shook hands and hugged him in the ring.


Stack: "I'm speechless. I really don't know what to say."


Pedicino: "Ted DiBiase...Director of The Firm. Wow, Steve, we'll have more on this breaking situation next week."


Firm members soaked in the crowd reaction as the program faded to black.)




Dark Match

Lex Luger, Hugh Morrus, Arn Anderson © & Lex Luger vs. Hall, Nash, Rude & Schultz (w/ DiBiase)

(WINNER: Team Luger - Pinfall - Arn pinned Rude with a Roll-up - 18:32)

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Sept. 21 - Logan, UT - Smith Spectrum - Att: 3,012


Sept. 22 - Fort Collins, CO - Moby Arena - Att: 3,374


RESULTS (Same for each city)


UWL WORLD TITLE MATCH IN A STEEL CAGE: Greg Valentine © def. Lex Luger via pinfall with the Hammerhead


STEEL CAGE GRUDGE MATCH: Hugh Morrus def. Rip Oliver via pinfall with the Moonsault (Both matches were a bloodbath)


Ken Patera def. Scott Hall via pinfall with the Full Nelson Slam


6-Man Tag (Non-Title): Anderson Bros. © def. Arn Anderson © & The Mighty Texans when Gene forced Sam Houston to submit to the Sharpshooter


UWL WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE: Tina Ferrari © def. Madusa via pinfall with her feet on the ropes for leverage


The Crusher & The Great Christopho def. Harley Race © & Tully Blanchard via pinfall when Crusher pinned Tully with the Inverted Piledriver

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Last week, The Firm introduced their newest member in Ted DiBiase, who in turn shocked the wrestling world by revealing himself to be the Director of The Firm. What will the fallout from that stunning announcement be this week?




- Arn Anderson defends the TV Title against Scott Hall


- Bull Nakano wrestles in a Handicap match


- Another 'Helloween' PPV Update




Ep. 88 of 'Slam!' Wrestling will be posted either Monday or Tuesday.

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(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Announcers welcomed viewers and ran down the program: Director Ted DiBiase and The Firm are here; TV Title Match: Arn Anderson © vs. Scott Hall; an i'view w/ Ken Patera; Harley Race © & Tully Blanchard vs. Hugh Morrus & The Crusher; Bull Nakano wrestles in a Handicap Match; The Dog Pound sees action; Lex Luger wrestles; an i'view w/ Rip Oliver; another 'Helloween' PPV Update and more.)


(Video aired of Wahoo returning last week and attacking Father Dutch during FD's match with Hugh Morrus.)


(In-ring: Gregorian chants played over the p.a. system. Father Dutch came out to loud boos. He was in his priest's attire and carrying a mic. FD got in the ring and soaked in the boos for a moment.


FD: "You boo a man of the cloth."


More boos.


FD: "You people in this arena tonight are representative of the sin that runs rampant here in Omaha. Lord, please place a Father Dutch in each of these sinner's lives."


Boos got louder.


FD: "Last week, Wahoo McDaniel thought it a good idea to attack me. Some of you sinners in this audience may think he did a great thing. But let me tell you, Wahoo McDaniel did an awful thing. The Chief will now pay for his sins against me in the harshest way imaginable. And I want to let Wahoo know what his punishment will be at the hands of Father Dutch right now. Wahoo McDaniel, would you please come to this ring."


After a brief lull, Wahoo, in street clothes, came out to a loud ovation. He was wearing sunglasses to cover his damaged left eye and bandages on the left side of his face. He had a mic. Wahoo walked with intense purpose to he ring. Wahoo got in the ring.


WM: "So, you're gonna punish me in a horrible fashion for my so-called 'sins' against you last week? You have locked me in a confessional and knocked it over with your truck. You have burned my face and eye. And I'm the big sinner here, huh? Father Dutch, if that's what your religion is all about, I want no part of it. None."


FD: "Wahoo, since you are absolutely determined to live in your sinful state, you will be glad to know that I have given up trying to purge you of your wicked ways. That's over and done. I am giving you over to your sin nature as the Good Book says to do. But, because you are an unrepentant sinner, you still need to be punished in this life. At 'Helloween', Wahoo, it will be our Armageddo; our Final Conflict. And I intend to leave you with lasting pain as punishment for not heeding my words to change your life to one of goodness and holiness."


WM: "What are you talking about? Our Armageddon at 'Helloween'?"


FD: "It came to me in a vision. We're supposed to have one final match with each other and for you, Wahoo, it's supposed to be hell. Even the name came of the match came to me in the same vision. Wahoo, we're having an Armageddon match at 'Helloween'."


WM: "I've never heard of such a thing in my life. What exactly is an Armageddon match?"


FD: "Allow me to explain..."


Pres. Watts came out on the entrance stage with mic in hand.


Watts: "Father Dutch, before you go any further, I want you to know that I've come out here to listen to you describe just what this Armageddon match is. I've never heard of such a match in all my years in pro wrestling. I don't care if you've had some sort of vision. You have some explaining to do before I'll give it the OK for 'Helloween'."


Watts stayed on the stage. Crowd buzzing.


FD: "Oh, I think Wahoo will be all for it when he hears the details. In the vision I saw of the Armageddon match, I saw a huge steel cage surrounding the ring. Running through the steel mesh on this cage was layer after layer of barbed wire. And there were weapons scattered throughout the cage. And many of those weapons were also wrapped in flesh ripping barbed wire. I saw weapons like barbed wire baseball bats and barbed wire 2x4's. I saw a chair wrapped in barbed wire. I saw your Indian strap hanging from the cage. And I envisioned a whole host of other weapons. But it was the final weapon I saw, Wahoo, that made me say 'Hallelujah'! And that weapon is...big boards. And on those boards laid more barbed wire. And those barbed wire boards had explosive charges in them. Think of crashing into one of these boards, Wahoo? The barbed wire rips up your flesh and the explosives burn it! And Wahoo...you need to burn!"


Crowd buzzing loudly.


Watts: "Before either of you goes any further, I'm gonna say this right now! There's no way I will allow that match to take place at 'Helloween'! That sounds like the most diabolical match that I've ever heard of conjured up by anyone! And to top it all off it comes from a man who claims to be a religious figure!"


WM: "President Watts. This man has knocked me over in a confessional. He has burned me. I'll be ready for 'Helloween'. And if that's the match Father Dutch saw in his vision, no matter how sadistic and violent it may be, I accept the challenge! I want the Armageddon match with Father Dutch at 'Helloween'!"


Crowd popped.


FD: "Good, Wahoo, good. If you're going to be destroyed in your own personal Armageddon, it might as well be in the harshest, crudest, most violent way imaginable."


WM: "Father Dutch, I just want to get my hands on you in a match where we settle things once and for all! If this is what you want then so be it! I'll get in that Armageddon cage with you just to tear you apart! And when all is said and done at 'Helloween'...Father Dutch...it will be you who will be the one who is put through hell on earth!"


More crowd cheers.


Watts: "You really want this Armageddon match with Father Dutch, Wahoo? Think about the ramifications here. This is a match that has career ender written all over it. I can't in good consci..."


WM: "President Watts, I'm willing to put my career on the line just for the chance to avenge what he has done to me in the past. It will be more than worth the risk."


Watts: "Wahoo, I wish I could talk you out of this. Right now, I'm going backstage to discuss this with UWL officials. I'll render a decision on whether or not this Armageddon match takes place at 'Helloween' later in the program."


FD: "President Watts, I will be in the locker room praying for the match to happen. Wahoo needs to feel maximum pain because of his rebellious nature."


WM: "Just make the right decision, President Watts. Make the match."


Watts: "I hope that after conferring with other UWL officials that I do make the right decision. Believe me, I've never wanted to make the right call more than right now because of what's at stake."


Wahoo looked at FD in the ring and FD had a sinister sneer cross his lips and then FD made his way out of the ring and started the track back up the aisle as Wahoo looked on.)


(Announcers discussed the potential FD-Wahoo 'Armageddon' match for 'Helloween' and Pres. Watts saying he'd have to confer with other UWL officials to see if they will allow the extremely violent match to take place on the show and that he'd have a decision later tonight. Hyped still to come: Director Ted DiBiase and The Firm are here; TV Title Match: Arn Anderson © vs. Scott Hall; Harley Race © & Tully Blanchard vs. Hugh Morrus & The Crusher; an i'view w/ Rip Oliver; an i'view w/ Ken Patera; Bull Nakano sees action in a Handicap match; and more. Said the Dog Pound wrestles next!)


(Video aired from last week of Pres. Watts re-intro'ing the Dog Pound, who had been away for almost a year, as the next challengers for the WTT Titles currently held by the Anderson bros. Match will take place at 'Helloween'.)


Match 1

The Dog Pound vs. Barry Horowitz & D.C. Drake

(WINNER: Dog Pound - Pinfall - Sawyer pinned Drake with a Missle Dropkick - 4:26)


(Dog Pound got a huge ovation coming to the ring. Before getting in the ring, Steiner and Sawyer climbed over the ringside barricade and climbed on a couple of front row seats and started barking as the crowd barked back. They got in the ring and ran around and barked some more with the fans returning the favor.)


(After the match: Lee Marshall i'viewed Steiner and Sawyer. Marshall welcomed the pair back to the UWL.


Steiner: "Lee! It's great to be back! WOOF! WOOF! WOOF!"


More crowd barking.


Steiner: "I see some things have improved since we've been gone! Like the fact that Vince Russo is no longer the UWL President!"


Crowd cheered.


Steiner: "And the Anderson brothers are now the World Tag Team Champions! When we wrestled them here before, they wrestled under masks and were called The Strangers! Now, they don't have their masks because we beat them last year at 'Helloween' and made them take the masks off! To tell you the truth, we wish the Anderson brothers would put the masks back on because they are one ugly crew! WOOF! WOOF! WOOF!"


More crowd barking.


Sawyer: "It is awesome to be back in the UWL! And we can't wait for 'Helloween'! Rick, you just mentioned that we beat the Andersons at 'Helloween' last year and they had to lose their masks! Now, one year later, we face them at 'Helloween' again! And we have a chance to become the new UWL World Tag Team Champions! It would sure be great if history could repeat itself again at 'Helloween'! And then we could have a big party at the kennel with all these other members of the Dog Pound out here! WOOF! WOOF! WOOF!"


Rick and Buzz ran around the ring barking as the crowd once more followed suit.


This brought out the Anderson brothers in street clothes. Ole had a mic. And Gene and Lars each had a tag belt slung over their shoulder. They were booed.


Ole: "Rick Steiner and Buzz Sawyer. President Watts brought you back because we demanded some fresh competition. We haven't battled you two brain surgeons for a year now. Things have changed in that time. And the main thing that's changed is that we're the World Tag Team Champions. You bring up 'Helloween' from last year. One thing that seems to have slipped your minds, besides common sense, is that Lars came aboard with us after you two were fired by then President Vince Russo. President Bill Watts seems determined to undo much of the good work Russo did during his reign.


"Bringing you guys back without a good reason shows the bias of our reigning President. You were terminated by Russo and should never have been brought back as far as we're concerned."


Steiner: "Uh, Ole. I have a question?"


Ole: "What's that?"


Steiner: "What does 'terminated' mean?"


Ole just shook his head.


Ole: "Just look it up! Maybe you guys should change the name of your team to the 'Brainiacs'. You know, just being out here near you, I can feel my IQ draining out through my feet. While the Anderson brothers strongly disagree with the Dog Pound being re-hired by the UWL, we accept that it's happened. And there won't be a repeat of last year's result at this year's 'Helloween'. We know that you guys are good in that ring, even though you like to run around and bark and act like a couple of idiots when you're in front of the fans. But you're not winning these titles on October 14th in Reno, Nevada! You'll be stiff competition for the Anderson brothers. But you won't be stiff enough competition to beat us!"


Sawyer: "Well, Ole, we're just gonna have to wait and see at 'Helloween'! And we can beat you guys! We've done it before! We can do it again!"


Steiner: "Yeah! We've beaten you guys in the past! And at 'Helloween'...we're gonna beat you guys and take those belts! I guarantee it!"


Crowd cheered.


Ole: "Rick, you and Rhodes Scholar-in-training Buzz Sawyer should never make a guarantee against the Anderson brothers! That's a real bad idea! But since you've already said it then why don't you put something up against that guarantee! How about that?!"


Steiner: "Put up what?"


Ole: "Since you're so certain you guys are taking these titles from us at 'Helloween', then I guess what I'm about to suggest doesn't really matter! But, if lightning should strike, and we Andersons get lucky and win the match that you've guaranteed you'll win, then for 30 days the Dog Pound works for the Anderson brothers! That means, and I'll try to say this in terms you can understand, that you guys have to do whatever the Anderson brothers tell you to do! You'll be our employees for 30 days! Whatever jobs we have for you to do, you have to do them without complaining! I have a big farm in Minnesota! And I have a lot of crap on that farm that frequently needs cleaning up!"


Sawyer: "Is it Gene's?!"


Crowd laughed.


Ole: "Gene's?! Is what Ge... No! It's not! It's from the animals on the farm you goof! Do you accept the challenge or not?! 'Steven Hawking' Steiner there just guaranteed you're winning the belts at 'Helloween'! But if that doesn't happen, then you work for us for 30 days!"


Steiner: "Deal! We're winning those tag team titles at 'Helloween' and that's all there is to it!"


Ole: "Dog Pound, you just proved what dupes you really are! There's three of us Anderson brothers! And any two of the three of us can defend the belts! You won't even know who you'll be facing until the bell rings to start our match at 'Helloween'! Congratulations! We're gonna love having you guys working for us for 30 days! 'WOOF! WOOF! WOOF!' that!"


Dog Pound looked on from the ring as the Anderson bros. walked off the entrance stage.)


(Announcers discussed the Dog Pound's win in their return and the confrontation with the Anderson bros. and the stips apparently made for the WTT Title match at 'Helloween'. Hyped still to come: Director DiBiase and The Firm make an appearance; TV Title Match: Arn © vs. Hall; Race © & Tully vs. Morrus & The Crusher; Pres. Watts makes a decision on the 'Armageddon' match between Wahoo & Father Dutch later tonight; Luger sees action; another 'Helloween' PPV Update; and more. Said Nakano wrestles in a Handicap match next!)


(Video aired for the 'Cialis Presents: Helloween' PPV - Sunday - Oct. 14 - Reno, NV - Lawlor Events Center - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(Video aired from last week of the 'International Wrestling Summit' between Madusa and Nakano that ended in a brawl between the two.)


Match 2 (Handicap Match)

Bull Nakano (w/ Mr. Saito) vs. Linda Dallas & Shauna Nelson


(Nakano came to the ring with Saito to loud boos. Nakano was waving the Japanese flag on the way to the ring and in the ring.


Nakano destroyed her two opponents in brutal fashion. Nakano nailed Dallas with the diving guillontine legdrop. Dallas laid out. Nakano then grabbed Nelson, who was cowering in the corner and whipped Nelson into the ropes and caught Nelson coming off with a powerslam. Both women laid out. Nakano dragged Nelson over and placed her on top of the downed Dallas. Nakano stood with her foot on the back of Nelson as the ref counted. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell.


Nakano went over and grabbed the Japanese flag out of her corner. She raised the pole high over her head and was about to strike her defeated opponents with it when Madsa charged down and hit the ring. Crowd popped. Madusa grabbed the weapon out of Nakano's hands and threw it to the mat and Madusa started brawling with Nakano once again. The fight spilled to the floor and the women brawled into the aisle with Saito following. UWL security came out for a second straight week and separated the warring pair. Fans eating it up. The women wanted to get back at one another but security kept them apart. Saito was getting Bull under control when Madusa ran back to the ring and picked up the Japanese flag that Bull had dropped. Madusa walked around with the flag as Bull and Saito were furious and wanted to go back to the ring and retrieve it but security held them at bay. Madusa then broke the flag pole across her knee and defiantly threw the flag and pole down to the mat as the fans cheered. Saito was picked up on a mic angrily saying something in Japanese as Madusa stalked around the ring and gestured for Bull to come back but security held her and Saito at bay in the aisle before leading the fuming pair back up the ramp and to the back. WINNER: Nakano - Pinfall - Pinned Dallas & Nelson after a Guillotine Legdrop and Powerslam - 3:42)


(Announcers discussed Nakano and Madusa brawling again and Madusa breaking Nakano's flag pole. Hyped still to come: Director DiBiase and The Firm make an appearance; TV Title Match: Arn Anderson © vs. Scott Hall; Harley © & Tully vs. Hugh & Crusher; an i'view w/ Rip Oliver; and more. Said Lex Luger sees action next!)


(Video aired from two weeks ago of Graham defeating Luger in the 'Bolt Cutters on a Pole' match thanks to outside interference by the Grand Wizard with his cane and Graham shattering the cane over Luger's head after the match.)


Match 3

Lex Luger vs. Frank Williams

(WINNER: Luger - Submission - Rack - 2:18)


(Luger got a strong ovation coming to the ring.)


(After the match: Marshall i'viewed Luger. Asked about the incident with Graham two weeks ago during and after the 'Bolt Cutters on a Pole' match.


LL: "Lee, the situation between the 'Superstar' and myself continues to escalate! I had Graham beaten in our 'Bolt Cutters on a Pole' match! The bolt cutters were within my grasp! And then the Grand Wizard clipped my ankle with his cane and caused me to lose my balance and fall back to the mat giving Graham the opportunity to get the bolt cutters and use them as a weapon on me! And let me tell you, a man as powerful as Billy Graham beating you with heavy steel bolt cutters is a painful experience! And then, to add insult to injury, Graham then smashed me over the head with the Grand Wizard's cane! I'm still having headaches from having that cane broken over my head!


"Now, I demand another match with Billy Graham! I want it as soon as possible! I don't care what kind of match it is! Just put me in this ring in another match with Graham! I'm getting sick of these illegal tactics employed by Graham and his manager! You see..."


Graham and Grand Wizard came out on the entrance stage to loud boos. The pair made their way to the ring. Both had mics. Graham was in his ring attire and Wizard was in his usual flamboyant tie-dyed tux, turban, white shoes and sunglasses and was carrying his gold-tipped black cane. They got in the ring.


GW (holding up his cane): "You see this cane, Mr. Luger. It was bought for me by the 'Superstar' because you had the audacity to break my other cane over your head after the 'Bolt Cutters on a Pole' match."


BG: "Lex, I have something here for you."


Graham handed Luger a piece of paper.


LL: "What's this?"


Luger looked over the piece of paper.


LL: "This is the bill for the new cane you bought your manager!"


BG: "That's right. You owe me 574 dollars and 11 cents for the cane you broke over your head."


LL: "Unbelievable! You want me to pay you for a new cane you purchased for the Grand Wizard! A cane that you, 'Superstar', broke over my head!"


BG: "I just hit you in the head with it. Your head broke it and therefore you're responsible for the damages."


Luger looked at Graham in disbelief for a few seconds.


LL: "You want me to pay you for this?"


BG: "It's only fair."


LL: "You know what. Alright, I'll pay you for the broken cane."


GW: "That's a good boy, Lex."


BG: "Will you be paying me with cash or a check?"


LL: "I'm gonna pay you back right now."


Luger tore the bill up and threw it in Graham's face. Graham stood frozen for a moment and then went to hit Luger but GW stopped him.


LL: "That's your payment, 'Superstar'!"


Graham got in Luger's face and the two were engaged in a staredown when the Grand Wizard slyly moved beside Luger and poked Luger in the arm with the tip of his cane. Luger looked over at Wizard and that's all Graham needed. Graham sucker punched Luger in the jaw and Luger went down. Graham then got down on top of Luger and nailed Lex in the head with a series of punches. Graham got up and put the boots to Luger and then backed off. Wizard handed Graham his cane. Graham waited for Luger to get up. Luger got to his feet...WHAM!...Graham broke another cane over Luger's head and Luger went back down. Grand Wizard took the r.a. mic from r.a. Marshall and then stood over the downed Luger.


GW: "Mr. Luger, you now owe me for two canes!"


Wizard tossed the mic down and he and Graham left the ring to boos. Luger made it to the sit-up position and was holding his head. Luger finally made it to his feet and left the ring on his own power.)


(Announcers discussed Graham dropping Luger a second time by breaking another of Grand Wizard's canes over his head. Hyped still to come: TV Title Match: Arn © vs. Hall; Harley © & Tully vs. Hugh & Crusher; an i'view w/ Oliver; an i'view w/ Ken Patera; another 'Helloween' PPV update; and more. Said Director DiBiase and The Firm were coming up!)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Fri. - Oct. 5 - Mankato, MN - Verizon Wireless Arena MN; Sat. - Oct. 6 - St. Paul, MN - Roy Wilkins Auditorium; Fri. - Oct. 19 - Eau Claire, WI - Zorn Arena; Sat. - Oct. 20 - Green Bay, WI - Resch Center. More info, visit: uwlslam.com!)


(Video aired from last week of The Firm introducing Ted DiBiase as the newest member of The Firm and DiBiase stunning everyone by announcing he was the Director of The Firm. Footage also aired from the Patera-Race #1 Contender's match for the UWL WT shot at 'Helloween' where Schultz came to the ring to try and attack Patera but Arn Anderson came down and fought with Schultz, thus preventing Schultz from interfering in the match.)


(In-ring: The DiBiase 'Hahaha!' laugh followed by the song 'Money' by Pink Floyd played over the p.a. system. DiBiase and the four Firm members came to the ring. Hall was the only one in his ring attire. DiBiase and Nash had mics. They received a mixed crowd reaction. Firm members briefly played to the crowd before Scott Hall took the mic from Nash and spoke first.


Hall: "Hey yo! Arn Anderson! You really stepped in it last week, man! You attack our brother David Schultz! That's like you attacked every member of The Firm! You have aligned yourself with Ken Patera in his war against The Firm! And you are gonna feel our wrath! Arn, you're now Public Enemy #2 on The Firm's Hit List, right behind Ken Patera! You made a really bad decision!


"Later tonight, The Firm is gonna bring the pain against Arn! In our TV Title match I'm gonna give Arn some pain he'll never forget when I beat him and become the new TV Champion! You've been warned publicly, Arn, that The Firm is after your hide! And you know what?! You're still not gonna be able to stop us from doing what we want to do!"


Nash took the mic from Hall.


Nash: "Arn's run his mouth about The Firm for quite a while! Last week, he made it quite clear he's gonna help Ken Patera against The Firm! I've got a warning for all the other UWL wrestlers in the back! If you want to join ranks with Patera and Arn, know this, you do so at your own peril! We're serious about our aims and goals here in the UWL! And anyone who gets in our way will pay the heaviest prices! So, if you don't want to feel what Ken Patera and Arn Anderson are gonna receive at our hands, then you need to think long and hard about enlisting with Ken Patera and Arn Anderson!"


Nash handed the mic to David Schultz.


Schultz: "Arn! You made the biggest mistake of your life last week when you put your hands on Dr. D! And aligning yourself with Ken Patera?! What are you thinkin', son! You went out of your way to get on The Firm's bad side! All you other wrestlers in the back need to heed the words Big Kev just said! You side with Arn and Patera then there will be a steep price to pay! A price that none of you can afford in the long run! Patera, I certainly ain't finished with you! Me and you got somethin' that's really personal! And, Arn Anderson, you picked the wrong Southern boy to mess with!"


Rude took the mic from Schultz.


Rude: "So, it looks like Ken Patera has an ally now in his war against us! Let's do the math here! It's still The Firm five and Anderson and Patera two! They're still outnumbered! And I don't think they'll ever be able to recruit enough people to their side in this war! And since Patera's side will always be outnumbered, in the end they will fail quite miserably against The Firm! Oh, they'll give us a fight! But in the end the result will turn out just like we've been predicting since the first day our guys started arriving in the UWL! The Firm will hold all the championships and will ultimately be in complete control of the UWL! Arn, tonight you're gonna feel the painful consequences of your error by siding with pariah Patera in that TV Title match with Scott Hall! And now, I give you the Director of The Firm...Ted DiBiase!"


Firm members applauded as DiBiase stepped up to speak.


Ted: "Thank you for that introduction, Rick. Right now, I want everybody to take a good look at the men I've assembled to make up The Firm so far. Look at 'em! Kevin Nash! Scott Hall! Rick Rude! And 'Dr. D' David Schultz! Four elite wrestlers in an organization run by an elite wrestler!


"And there's more to come...


"In the near future, there will be more elite wrestlers added to The Firm's roster! The question is who are they? When will they arrive? Are they already on the UWL roster masquerading as UWL loyalists? Only The Firm knows all that and you'll only know it as things are revealed in the weeks and months ahead!


"I am extremely wealthy. My bank account rivals, if not surpasses, that of UWL owner KD Smith. And when the time is right, I'm gonna make my move to gain 100% control of the Universal Wrestling League. All you UWL wrestlers will one day be working for me! But we've got a plan. And the hostile takeover is not The Firm's top priority right now. Our number one goal in our carefully crafted plan is for The Firm to win every single male UWL championship.


"We don't care who the title holders are. We don't care if the fans love them or hate them. Our goal is to dominate the championship picture and the only way to do that is by winning all the gold. And hopefully, that starts tonight when Scott Hall faces Arn Anderson for the TV Title. Arn, I used to like you. I used to think you were potential Firm material. But since you've decided to support the black sheep of The Firm in one Ken Patera, you're no longer on The Firm's recruiting radar. You have made yourself a permanent outcast to us. And you will rue that decision starting tonight.


"And I'm not just the Director of The Firm, I'm also gonna step into the squared circle! And one day Ted DiBiase will be wearing UWL championship gold! You can take that to the bank! I am so confident right now! I honestly can't see who's gonna stop us in the long run here! Everyone, from every UWL wrestler to UWL President Bill Watts all the way to the top and UWL owner KD Smith are not safe from The Firm! The only question you people need to ask yourselves is: how long will it take before we achieve all of our goals?!"


DiBiase's 'Hahaha!' followed by 'Money' came wafting out of the p.a. system as The Firm turned and formed a huddle and each raised his right hand in the air and they placed them together and then broke before turning to leave the ring as the segment ended.)


(Announcers discussed The Firm's interview. Hyped still to come: TV Title Match: Arn Anderson © vs. Scott Hall; an i'view w/ Rip Oliver; an i'view w/ Ken Patera; and more. Said Morrus & Crusher vs. Harley © & Tully was coming up!)


(Video aired from two weeks ago of the end of the Crusher-Harley President's Championship match and Tully attacking Crusher and Harley joining in on the assault with Tully and Morrus coming to Crusher's aid.)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Crusher & Hugh Morrus. Asked about tonight's match-up.


Hugh: "This is a huge match! I've got something to prove tonight! Harley Race, I can't wait to get you in the ring! I'm gonna work my way into contention and show you that I'm worthy of a shot at the President's Championship!"


Crusher: "Before I talk about da match tonight, I have a special announcement! Next week here on 'Slam!'...we're gonna have...get dis...Crusher's Polka Party! How 'bout dat, huh?"


Nelson: "A polka party! WOW! With real, live accordion players?!"


Crusher: "You got it, Larry Nelson! We're gonna have polka players live right der in da arena! And we're also gonna have da Crusher's own Polka Dancin' All-Stars from da VFW! It's gonna be quite da party! And of course, we're gonna have beer!"


Nelson: "I love a good polka party! I'm already counting the days!"


Crusher: "Well, you just be on 'Slam!' next week, Nelson! My crew gives good polka!"


Nelson: "I kind of have to be on 'Slam!' next week because it's part of my job description."


Crusher: "Just be der! And it's gonna be BYOA!"


Nelson: "What's BYOA?"


Crusher: "Bring Yer Own Accordion! Can you play, Nelson?!"


Nelson: "Not real well. But I love squeezing things."


Crusher: "Whatever floats yer boat, I guess. As fer tonight, Hugh Morrus is my kinda guy! He came down and helped me a couple weeks ago when I was bein' attacked by dem yokels Race and Blanchard! Plus, he likes beer! Dees guys like to really push da..."


Race walked into the interview area and was holding the belt.


Race: "Hugh! You wanna shot at the President's Championship?! You gotta go out there and show you deserve a championship match with me!"


Hugh: "Harley, I'm gonna prove that I'm President's Championship material in our match tonight!"


Race: "We'll see about that!"


Hugh: "You're gonna see about it in just a few minutes, pal!"


Race left the interview area and Nelson sent it back to ringside.)


Match 4

Harley Race © & Tully Blanchard (w/ JJ) vs. Hugh Morrus & Crusher


(Harley, Tully and JJ came out to loud boos. Hugh and Crusher came out to polka music and a nice ovation.


As soon as Hugh and Crusher stepped through the ropes, Tully and Harley attacked them but Hugh and Crusher fought back and drove Race and Tully to the floor to the delight of the crowd.


After order was restored, ref called for the bell and it became a standard tag match. Hugh and Crusher gave Tully and Race all they could handle during the match. It was a back-and-forth affair and both teams had chances to win but couldn't put the other away. Hugh and Race fought each other tooth-and-claw when they were in the ring. At the end of the match, Hugh and Race were the legal men in the ring. They were fighting back-and-forth and neither man could gain a distinct advantage. Race then gained the upper hand and worked over Hugh a little and then bodyslammed Hugh into position for a turnbuckle move. Race mounted the second buckle and came off with his diving headbutt but Hugh moved and Race slammed head first into the mat. Crowd buzzing. Both men down. Both men got to their feet at the same time and Harley moved in and punched Hugh and the two engaged in a punch exchange that Hugh got the better of. Race then stunned Hugh with a couple of brutal headbutts and then whipped Hugh into the ropes and looked to catch Hugh coming off with an elbow to the chest but Race missed and Hugh came back and dropped Race with a flying lariat. Hugh for the cover. 1...2... Tully broke up the pin try by coming in and stomping Hugh in the head. Tully went back to his corner. Race got up and kicked Hugh in the ribs as Hugh was getting to his feet. Race then nailed Hugh with a suplex. Race then backed up and came in and nailed Hugh with a kneedrop to the head. Race for the cover. 1...2... Crusher hit the ring and stomped on Race's upper back to break up the pin try. Tully came in and nailed Crusher with a cheap shot to the face. Crusher went to go after Tully but the ref intercepted him and had words with Crusher as he sent Crusher back to his corner. Crusher argued with the ref. Race whipped Hugh into the buckles and charged in on Hugh but Hugh moved and Race slammed front-first into the buckles. Race staggered out and turned around and Hugh nailed Race with a facebuster. Crowd popped. As Race started to get to his feet, Hugh ran and hit the ropes and Tully came down the apron and drove a knee into Hugh's back once Hugh hit the ropes. Ref saw it and went over and ordered Tully back to his corner. Hugh staggered forward into Race's arms and Race nailed Hugh with a belly-to-belly suplex. Race then grabbed Hugh and went to hoist Hugh up for the piledriver but Hugh twice blocked the move and backdropped Race. Race crashed to the mat and Hugh down to his knees. Both men up. Race caught Hugh with a couple of gut shots and then whipped Hugh into the ropes and looked to catch Hugh coming off with a clothesline but Hugh ducked the move and came back and stunned Race with his flying headbutt to the chest. Race went down. Crowd cheered. Tully hit the ring to go after Hugh but Crusher came in and tackled Tully through the top and middle rope and the two crashed to the floor. Hugh bodyslammed Race into position for a turnbuckle move. Hugh mounted the top buckle and blasted Race with a moonsault. Hugh covered Race and hooked the leg. Crowd counted along. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Crowd popped. Tully and Crusher had fought back up the aisle. Ref grabbed the President's Championship and went to give the belt to the still down Race but Hugh intercepted the ref and took the title. As Race was recovering, Hugh stood over Race and Hugh pointed to himself and said something before tossing the belt down next to Race and then Hugh left the ring. WINNER: Hugh & Crusher - Pinfall - Hugh pinned Race with the Moonsault - 11:26)


(Announcers discussed Hugh pinning Race in the tag match and wondered if that could have any ramifications on whether or not Hugh will get the President's Championship match he craves. They then got word that Larry Nelson was with UWL official Wally Karbo backstage.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed UWL official Wally Karbo. Karbo was standing outside a closed door.


Nelson: "Wally, can you give us an update on the status as to whether or not the Armageddon match between Wahoo McDaniel and Father Dutch will take place at 'Helloween'?"


Karbo: "Larry, right now, President Watts, UWL official Chris McClain and I are talking with other UWL officials on our phones about this matter. I've never heard of this type of match ever taking place in wrestling. It sounds like an extremely dangerous and potentially gruesome match. We're trying to figure out how we can allow this match to take place on one of our shows...that's if we'll allow it at all."


Nelson: "Will President Watts have a decision later on the program like he said he would earlier tonight."


Karbo: "Yes, a decision will be rendered before 'Slam!' goes off the air."


Nelson: "Thank you, Wally. Steve and Joe, back to you.")


(Announcers said the decision on whether or not the Armageddon match will take place at 'Helloween' will happen tonight on the program. Hyped still to come: TV Title Match: Arn © vs. Hall; an i'view w/ Ken Patera; and another 'Helloween' PPV Update. Said an i'view w/ Rip Oliver is next.)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed Rip Oliver. Oliver came out to boos. He was in street clothes and carrying a six-pack of beer and wearing a Crusher-style cap. Oliver staggered to the ring. When he got up on the arpon, he feigned like he was gonna fall to the floor and then fell as he was climbing through the ropes. He dropped his beer and his cap came off. Oliver picked his beer and cap up and stumbled around while putting the cap on sideways. Oliver staggered over to Lee Marshall.


Oliver (Slurring his words): "Hey....Hey! I almost sm-sm-sm-smashed my beer! I can't...IIIIIIIIIIIIIII...can't...lose any of my liquid courage! And I've got to ha-ha-have some liquid courage before this inter...view!"


Oliver took one of the beers and tossed the others down to the floor. He opened the beer and started guzzling it and most of it ran down his chin onto his shirt.


Oliver then forced a belch, crushed the can on his head and tossed the can aside.


Oliver (still acting drunk): "The...The...The Crusssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhherrrrrrrrrrrr is now ready for his interview! But first, I haaaaaaaaaaaaave something that needs to be...to be...done! Since I am The Crusssssssssssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhherrrrrrrrrrrrrr, I have to throw my cap into the crowd of my fellow AA members! OK?! OK! Shhhhhh! Cap throwing time!"


Oliver spun around unsteadily and tossed the cap high in the air in the ring and it came back down in the ring.


Oliver (still acting drunk): "Hey! How'd my...my cap get back in the ring? What the hell! You people dont want my ca-ca-cap...fine! Ingrates! It'll save me money on toilet paper!"


Oliver then dropped the act.


Oliver: "That little bit of street theater I just performed perfectly summed up the Crusher in a nutshell. I can't believe you fans cheer for that man. He openly revels in the fact that he's a drunkard. And that must mean that some of you in this audience are drunks, too. Because only a drunk would cheer for another drunk.


"The Crusher needs to learn that some of us don't appreciate raging alcoholics being in the wrestling buiness. I have every intention of showing that guy my displeasure by plastering him with my superkick. What a role model Crusher is.


"And to top things off, Lee, did I hear the Crusher say that next week on 'Slam!' he's going to have a polka party?"


Marshall: "You heard that right. It's gonna be the Crusher's Polka Party."


Oliver: "The man knows no shame. Nobody in their right mind wants to see some damn polka party; especially on a wrestling program. I don't wanna see it. And, quite frankly, I don't think it should be allowed on 'Slam!'. What does it have to do with wrestling? We get to see the intoxicated Crusher make a fool out of himself with his VFW pals by dancing the f'ing polka. Who wants to see the Crusher dance? My guess is that when he dances he does so wearing a lampshade because he's stone cold hammered. God, I can't believe this travesty of justice is gonna take place right here next week. Alkies like the Crusher need to be shown that they aren't gonna be rewarded for their irresponsible behavior. And believe me, polka dancing is irresponsible behavior. Especially drunk polka dancing.")


(Announcers discussed Oliver targeting Crusher for apparently being a drunk and not liking Crusher's polka party planned for 'Slam!' next week. Hyped still to come: TV Title Match: Arn © vs. Hall; Pres. Watts' decision on the Armageddon match for 'Helloween'; another 'Helloween' PPV Update; and more. Said an i'view w/ Ken Patera is next!)


(Video aired from last week showing Patera and Race being the last two men remaining in the #1 Contender's Battle Royal and Patera beating Race later in the evening to earn the UWL WT shot at 'Helloween'.)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed Patera. Patera came to the ring in street clothes and got a solid ovation coming out. Marshall asked Patera about his upcoming WT match against Valentine © at 'Helloween'.


KP: "First things first, Lee Marshall. I need to say a big thank you to someone. And that someone is Arn Anderson. David Schultz tried to interfere in my match last week with Harley Race with the World Title shot at stake, but Arn came to my aid and made sure that didn't happen. If Schultz would have gotten into that ring, he might have cost me the match. And Harley Race would be the man standing here before you talking about his World Title match at 'Helloween' instead of me. Arn, I can't thank you enough for what you did for me last week.


"Greg Valentine. Brother, we faced each other two weeks ago in a non-title match and I proved to everyone that I could beat you. I feel like I'm gonna make at history at 'Helloween' and become the new UWL World Champion."


Greg Valentine © and mgr. Hart walked out onto the entrance stage. Both were in suits and Greg was holding the title in one hand and a mic in the other. The champ and Hart made their way to ringside and separated. Hart looked under two sides of the ring and Valentine looked under the other two sides.


GV: "All clear on your sides?"


GH: "All clear, champ!"


GV: "Nothing to report from my zones, either."


Valentine © and Hart then stepped into the ring.


GV: "Well, I see that Roddy Piper's not here...again.


"Mr. Patera. Looks like you and me are gonna have a go-round for the UWL World Title at 'Helloween'."


KP: "Yeah. I heard something about that."


GV: "Patera, you see the title here in my arm. What I'd like you to do right now is take a long, hard look at it. Go on, check it out."


Patera looked down at the belt and then at Valentine.


GV: "The reason I wanted you to get a close-up look at the belt is because this is as close as you're going to get at being the World Champion! Patera, you have so many obstacles to overcome, that I honestly don't think you can do it! Not only do you have to beat the best wrestler in the world, that would be me, to win the title, you've also got to wonder how The Firm might factor into all of this! You are one big walking target for them, Ken! Those guys hate you so much that you're not safe no matter where you are! And it would seem to me that the last thing The Firm wants to see is Ken Patera as the new UWL World Champion!"


KP: "Let me tell you something, Valentine! I'm not naive enough to think that The Firm won't try something during our World Title match at 'Helloween'! I know they'll be lurking around in the Lawlor Events Center during my match with you! The only thing I can do is prepare as best I can for a possible attack from them! But, I'm not going to let the potential threat of an attack from The Firm distract me from the main mission that's at hand! And that's to beat you and become the new UWL World Champion! I've shown I can beat you!"


Crowd cheered.


GV: "That was a non-title match, Ken! A World Title match is a totally different animal! I may have lost to you in that match two weeks ago, but other than the match, I lost nothing! Who's holding the World Title right now?! It's me! At 'Helloween', it's for all the marbles! And when this gold belt is on the line, that's when I'm at my very best! I've proven it time and time again since I won this title 10 months ago that when the World Title is up for grabs I am a guaranteed lock to walk out of the ring still the champ!"


KP: "Three seconds. That's all that stands between me and becoming the new UWL World Champion! You can't hold that title forever, Greg! One day your reign will come to an end! I held a World Title for one year! I thwarted every challenge thrown my way! But then I finally met my match and in three seconds my reign was over!"


GV: "We're talking about two different things here. That was you, Ken Patera, who had his reign ended in a year! I'm a realist! And I know that one day even my World Title run will come to a close! But, it's not gonna be for a long time to come! That's the difference between you and me! My title reign is gonna be a helluva lot longer than a year! I'm the best wrestler in the world today and will continue to be the best wrestler in the world for years to come! As long as I'm the best, this belt is staying put around my waist!"


KP: "I thought much the same way when I was the champion! I didn't think anybody could beat me! But they did beat me, Greg! And no matter what you think, you can be beaten at any time! And that includes by me at 'Helloween'! Every time you put the World Title on the line your reign hangs in the balance!"


GV: "Last thing I'm saying to you tonight, Patera. You're not me. You're not the best. And your chances of beating me at 'Helloween' are slim-to-none. Got it? You need a reality check, mister. And I'm the man who's gonna give it to you at 'Helloween'."


Valentine and Hart left the ring to boos as Patera looked on.)


(Announcers discussed the confrontation between Valentine © and Patera. Hyped still to come: TV Title Match: Arn © vs. Hall. Said the 'Helloween' PPV Update was coming up.)


(Video aired from earlier in the program of Father Dutch challenging Wahoo McDaniel to an Armageddon match at 'Helloween' and Father Dutch laying out all the cringe-inducing details of the match and Watts coming out and saying he'd have to discuss the matter with other UWL officials to decide if the match would take place.)


(Announccers then said they just got word that President Watts has the decision on the fate of Armageddon match for 'Helloween and he's gonna announce it right now.)


(Watts came out on the entrance stage with no entrance music. He had a mic.


Watts: "Can I have everyone's attention. For over an hour now, UWL officials have been discussing the matter of the proposed Armageddon match between Wahoo McDaniel and Father Dutch.


"This was one of the toughest decisions any of us has ever had to make and it was not made lightly.


"We have decided to allow the Armageddon match to take place at 'Helloween'."


Crowd cheered.


Watts: "But I need to be very clear about something. We agreed to allow this match to happen only on the condition that it is not sanctioned by the UWL. That means that the Universal Wrestling League is absolved of any and all responsibilites for any major injuries that may occur during this match. Wahoo McDaniel and Father Dutch have agreed to those terms. And those of us in UWL management wash our hands of the responsibility for anything that happens in the Armageddon match.")


(Announcers discussed Watts announcing the decision to allow the Armageddon match to happen at 'Helloween'.)




Announcers ran down the card so far:


'ARMAGEDDON' MATCH*: Wahoo McDaniel vs. Father Dutch

(* Non-sanctioned by the UWL. Match will take place in a steel cage with layers of barbed wire running through the mesh and the use of dangerous weapons including explosives-laden barbed wire attached to boards.)


UWL WORLD TITLE MATCH: Greg Valentine © vs. Ken Patera


UWL WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: (Dog Pound has guaranteed victory. If they lose, they become employees of the Anderson brothers for 30 days!)


Anderson Bros. © vs. Dog Pound


Madusa vs. Bull Nakano


'Cialis Presents: Helloween' - Sunday - Oct. 14 - Reno, NV - Lawlor Events Center - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(Announcers said the TV Title match was coming up next.)


Match 5 (TV Title Match)

Arn Anderson © vs. Scott Hall


(Hall came to the ring alone to a mixed crowd reaction. Arn got a strong ovation coming to the ring.


As Arn came to the ring, announcers got word that something was going on in the back.


Backstage: Nelson was standing outside where Nash and Schultz were beating the hell out of Patera.


Nelson: "Guys! Ken Patera was just ambushed backstage and dragged outside here by Nash and Schultz and they're pounding on him! We need security! Security!"


Back inside, ref called for the bell.


Arn and Scott came out to the middle of the ring and circled each other and engaged in a a collar-and-elbow tie-up. Arn drove Hall next to the ropes and forced a break in the hold. The two came out and circled each other again and this time Hall bolted the ring and dropped to the floor. Hall then carefully made his way back on the apron and climbed into the ring. The two circled each other once more and Hall again bailed to the floor. Fans booing. Hall walked around on the floor and then got back on the apron. Hall started to climb back into the ring but then stepped back out on the apron. Arn looking at Hall and the ref ordering Hall to get back in the ring. Hall arguing with the ref. Arn went over and grabbed Hall and tried to drag Hall back into the ring but Hall resisted. Rude and DiBiase came walking down the aisle. DiBiase said something to Rude and Rude hit the ring and attacked Arn with a couple of forearm smashes from behind to Arn's upper back. Arn let go of Hall. Ref called for the bell. Rude then laid out Arn with a Rude Awakening. Hall then got in and put the boots to Arn. Ref tried to break things up but Rude just grabbed the ref by the shirt and threw him through the ropes to the floor. Rude then grabbed Arn. Hall mounted the middle buckle as Rude hoisted Arn up and the pair blasted Arn with a vicious spike piledriver. Arn laid out. DiBiase looking on from ringside. Hall then stood over the downed Arn and paintbrush slapped him across the face a few times before Rude ground the sole of his shoe in Arn's face before the pair left the ring to more boos than cheers. The three then headed back up the aisle in a very businesslike fashion.


Spilt-screen showed Patera laid out outside and Arn laid out in the ring as the program went off the air.


No Decision Rendered - 1:02)




Dark Match

Greg Valentine © & Billy Graham vs. The Dog Pound

(WINNER: Dog Pound - Steiner pinned Greg with the Death Valley Driver - 14:04)

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A look at the 'Armageddon' Cage match as envisioned by Father Dutch for his match with Wahoo McDaniel at 'Helloween'!




- The Firm makes an appearance


- Can Rip Oliver keep his incredible streak of quick wins going with his devastating superkick finisher?


- The Crusher's Polka Party




Ep. 89 of 'Slam!' will be posted either Monday or Tuesday.

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(Video aired showing the assault on TV Champ Arn Anderson by Scott Hall and Rick Rude of The Firm as Director DiBiase looked on as well as a simultaneous attack outside on Ken Patera by Nash and David Schultz.)


(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(In-ring: DiBiase's 'Hahahahaha!' laugh played over the p.a. system followed by the song 'Money' by Pink Floyd. The Firm came out to a mixed crowd reaction. All were in street clothes. Each one had a mic.


The group got in the ring and soaked in the crowd reax a moment before speaking.


Rude: "Arn Anderson! What you received last week at the hands of The Firm was just a little taste of what you're gonna continue to get if you insist on associating with Ken Patera! That was a message personally delivered and directed at you by The Firm! And let it be a lesson for all the other UWL wrestlers out there! You side with Ken Patera, then you can expect to feel the full-force brutality of The Firm! If you're a masochist then go ahead and side with Ken Patera! The price you pay will be very steep for siding with our enemies! And Arn, I would like to know how it felt last week when the 'Bad Guy' and the 'Ravishing One' spike piledrived your head right into the mat! You can save yourself from a lot more pain and suffering, Arn, if you don't take a side in a war with The Firm!"


Hall: "What happened to Arn Anderson last week was totally planned to perfection by us! I knew going into that TV Title match that I wasn't winning the belt! We just wanted Arn in that ring so we could teach him a hard lesson about tangling with The Firm! That's what that was all about, man! The question is, Arn, did you get the message?! Because if you continue to hang with Patera then things are only going to get worse for you! I know you've got a family! And for the sake of your family, Arn, because they love you and need you to provide for them, it would be best if you distanced yourself as far as possible from Ken Patera! Or what happened last Tuesday night will just be the beginning of your troubles!"


Schultz: "As you all saw last week, while Rick Rude and Scott Hall were teaching Arn a life lesson about the dangers of choosing certain allies, 'Big Sexy' and I were beating up Ken Patera out back! Patera, let me tell you somethin', boy! Not only are you a walkin' target! But anyone who associates with you winds up in our cross-hairs as well! Those other wrestlers, they're getting the message that you don't wanna mess with The Firm! And the best way to stay off of our hit list is to stay away from Ken Patera! Arn had to learn the hard way about siding with him! Do yourselves a favor and avoid Patera like the plague he is! We're very public in our warning to all you other UWL wrestlers! And you know that if you don't listen...there will be hell to pay at the hands of The Firm! And I really don't think anybody not named Arn Anderson wants that!"


Nash: "Ken, how did it feel?! How did it feel when we grabbed you in the back, dragged you outside, kicked the hell out of you and left you laying on the concrete?! Judging by looking at you after we finished with you, I'd say it didn't feel too good! Has it ever dawned on you, Ken, that it might be a good idea just to leave the UWL?! Huh?! Just go away! In the end, you can't win a war with the elite faction in our sport! It's a hopeless siuation, Ken! Be wise and be smart. We won't pound on you anymore if you just walk away. You refuse to walk away, then it will just be more time spent laying on the pavement for you, buddy! And now, I give you the Director of The Firm...Ted DiBiase!"


Mixed crowd reaction.


Ted: "Thank you, Kevin. What you people saw last week was how things are going to escalate here in the UWL if we don't get our way. And by our way, I mean title matches on demand and one day...the turning over of the UWL to the Director of The Firm. Owner KD Smith, I'm not fooling around. You know the damage we can do. And more Firm members will be revealed in due time. So when the day comes and I demand the company be handed to myself and The Firm, by God, you'd better be ready to hand it over. Or else.


"This is just the beginning. While I want all the male UWL championships in the possession of The Firm, as Scott said, last week was not about winning a title, it was about showing Arn Anderson who the boss is around here. And Ken Patera. Ken, Ken, Ken. You were the original member of The Firm. I had a lot of faith in you and at first you rewarded that faith. But when you didn't regain the IWA World Title from Batista, well, that was unacceptable, and you had to go. As Nash just said, Ken, you're fighting a losing battle. Those other UWL wrestlers, they're not gonna want fight for the losing side in this war. They know they're better off to remain neutral. Because if they don't remain neutral, they'll wind up big losers like Ken Patera is going to!"


Crowd popped as Arn and Patera came out on the entrance stage. Both had mics and were in street clothes.


Ted: "Look who it is! The ass-kicked brothers!"


Arn: "Ted, you and your lackeys there with you can boast and threaten all you want. But I'm out here to tell you that I am an ally of Ken Patera's now and I will fight right alongside him against you guys! You boys want a fight?! You've got one! Even if it's just Ken Patera and Arn Anderson against The Firm then that's just the way it's got to be! I can't guarantee you won't achieve your goals and be triumphant in the end! But, this man and myself are gonna wage a helluva a war against The Firm! And we aren't going down easy!"


Nash: "Why don't you two come on down to the ring?!"


KP: "Big Idiot, we know we're outnumbered and have to carefully pick and choose our battles! We'll strike when we feel the time is right!"


Rude: "How's the neck, Arn?! How did it feel when you slammed head-first into the mat with the extra force of Hall pushing down on your legs?!"


Arn: "Rick, I know this is an understatement, but it didn't feel too good."


Hall: "Arn! The next time you put that TV Title on the line against one of us, we're actually gonna look to win it!"


Arn: "That's another reason I came out here. I'll put the TV Title on the line against any one of you at 'Helloween'!"


Crowd cheered.


Hall: "Against any one of us?!"


The Firm huddled with DiBiase and talked amongst themselves off-mic for a moment. They then broke the huddle.


Ted: "You're on, Arn! And the man we've chosen to wrestle you for the TV Title at 'Helloween' is...Rick Rude!"


Mixed crowd reaction.


Arn: "Fine. Rick, think you can take this title from me one-on-one like a man?!"


Rude: "Are you questioning my manhood?!"


Arn: "After last week, if the shoe fits..."


Rude: "I can beat you any time I want to, Arn!"


Arn: "You'll have your chance at 'Helloween'."


Rude: "It's a chance I will make the most of! Believe me!"


Ted: "Anderson and Patera, how about this. 'Helloween' is still almost two weeks away. Why don't we have a match tonight? It'll be Arn Anderson and Ken Patera vs. Hall and Nash...and Rude and Schultz. Hahahaha!"


'Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system and out on the stage walked Pres. Watts.


Watts: "Ted DiBiase, you may run The Firm, but you're not the match-maker for this show..."


Ted: "Not right now...but one day I will be."


Watts: "Yeah, well, until the great revolutionary overthrow of the UWL happens, I make the matches. I'll allow a match tonight. But you need to pick two of your wrestlers to wrestle in the match."


Firm members and DiBiase all talked amongst each other again.


Ted: "We've got our team, Watts. Facing Arn Anderson and Ken Patera tonight will be...Rick Rude and Kevin Nash!"


Crowd cheered.


Watts: "Then those are the men who will hook 'em up later tonight. And one more thing. After watching those two assaults last week by The Firm, Ted, since you're the Director of the outfit and I know you orchestrated the whole affair, you're being fined $100,000 dollars for the assaults."


Ted smirked.


Ted: "$100 grand? Me? Unlike these $10 dollar an hour drones sitting in this audience, a $100,000 dollar fine is hardly gonna make me lose any sleep. And you might as well start a running tab on what you're going to fine me. Because I can guarantee you that a lot more naughty behavior on the part of The Firm will be forthcoming until we attain our goals."


Watts: "You need to watch it there, Ted."


Ted: "When I take over this company, Watts, the first thing I'm gonna do is make you my own personal gofer."


Watts: "If and when that day comes, I'll worry about it then. But right now I'm the boss. And you answer to me. And one more thing. The TV Title match between Arn Anderson and Rick Rude is booked for 'Helloween'."


KP: "Nash and Rude! The war escalates a little bit more tonight!"


Nash: "And it will be another battle lost by Major Patera and Private Arn!"


Arn and Ken looked at The Firm in the ring as Firm members looked on at the pair.)


(Announcers welcomed viewers. They discussed Watts making Arn/Patera vs. Nash/Rude for later tonight and also making the TV Title Match: Arn © vs. Rude for 'Helloween'. Then ran down the program: Crusher's Polka Party; Father Dutch vs. Jim Brunzell; an i'view w/ Wahoo; Graham vs. Lash LaRue; an i'view w/ UWL WC Valentine and mgr. Hart; Luna returns and sees action; a look at the 'Armageddon' match; a look at the Madusa-Nakano feud; another 'Helloween' PPV Update; and more. Said it's Rip Oliver vs. B. Brian Blair next!)


Match 1

Rip Oliver vs. B. Brian Blair


(Oliver came to the ring to mainly boos. Blair got a decent ovation coming to the ring.


Blair took the match at the bell and blasted Rip with punches. Blair then whipped Rip into the ropes and caught Rip coming off with a dropkick that dropped Rip. Blair grabbed Oliver and whipped Rip into the ropes and looked to catch Rip coming off with a backdrop but Rip caught Blair with a kick to the chest that sent Blair crashing to the mat. Blair made his way to his feet...WHAM!...Oliver pulverized Blair with a superkick. Blair again crashed to the mat. Oliver covered Blair and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell and raised Rip's hand in victory. WINNER: Oliver - Pinfall - Superkick - :29)


(After the match: Marshall i'viewed Oliver. Blair was still down in the ring and had rolled over near the ropes.


Rip: "Brian Blair was completely sober and look what I just did to him. Later tonight, we're gonna be tortured... Excuse me a minute."


A still dazed Blair got up next to the ropes and Oliver went over and superkicked Blair over the top rope down to the floor.


Marshall had a stunned look on his face as Oliver came back over with no show of emotion whatsoever.


Rip: "Now, where was I? Oh yes. Later tonight, The Crusher is gonna have his polka party here on live TV. I can't believe the UWL would allow such a travesty of justice to take place on their program. Crusher's a stinking booze hound who is being rewarded for his alcohol-induced behavior by having this party. What kind of a message does that send to the youth of America? You allow an alcoholic to have a polka party on TV?


"I hate polka music. Can't stand it. It's worse than that rap crap. A wrestling program is not the place for that garbage. Crusher needs to be shown that some of us are not happy with having a polka party on 'Slam!' hosted by a lush. I don't know if I'll be able to control myself once those god-awful accordions start playing their teeth-grinding music.")


(Announcers discussed Oliver scoring another quick win and making it known he's not happy with tonight's polka party hosted by the Crusher. Hyped still to come: Arn/Patera vs. Nash/Rude; Crusher's Polka Party; an i'view w/ Wahoo; an i'view w/ UWL WC Valentine and mgr. Hart; a look at the 'Armageddon' match scheduled for 'Helloween'; and more. Said Luna sees action next.)


Match 2

Luna vs. Miss Canada


(Luna got a modest ovation coming out. Miss Canada came to the ring wearing a red and white mask and a singlet in the design of the Canadian flag.


Miss Canada put up a fight, but in the end it was too much Luna and Luna pinned Miss Canada with a slingshot splash. WINNER: Luna - Pinfall - Slingshot Splash - 4:25)


(Announcers discussed the Luna victory. Hyped still to come: Arn/Patera vs. Nash/Rude; Crusher's Polka Party; Graham vs. LaRue; a look at the 'Armgeddon' cage match for 'Helloween'; Father Dutch vs. Jim Brunzell; an i'view w/ Wahoo; and more. Said a look at the Madusa-Nakano feud was next.)


(Video aired for the 'Cialis Presents: Helloween' PPV - Sunday - Oct. 14 - Reno, NV - Lawlor Events Center - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(Announcers intro'd video of the Madusa-Nakano feud in the UWL. Video aired. Hyped Nakano vs. Madusa for 'Helloween'.)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Father Dutch. Asked about the upcoming 'Armageddon' cage match with Wahoo at 'Helloween'.


FD: "Later tonight, everyone will get a chance to see what the 'Armageddon' match will be like. It's like nothing that has ever been done in wrestling before. And when I get Wahoo in the 'Armageddon' cage at 'Helloween', I'm gonna cut him up, beat him up, tear him up and bloody him up. I'm gonna rip open chunks of his flesh with the barbed wire cage and the barbed wire weapons that will be strewn throughout the cage. And in the coup de grace, I'm gonna finish Wahoo off in the 'Armageddon' cage by throwing him into barbed wire laden with explosives that are strapped to a board. There will be an explosion. Smoke and fire will flash throughout the Lawlor Events Center. What Wahoo will feel when those charges detonate is the intense burning of his flesh. And it's a feeling Wahoo better get used to. Because where he's ultimately going will be much hotter than that.")


(Video aired from last week of the Wahoo-Father Dutch confrontation and Father Dutch laying out his horrific vision for a match between the two at 'Helloween' and Watts coming out later in the program and announcing the match will take place at 'Helloween' but that the match will not be sanctioned by the UWL.)


Match 3

Father Dutch vs. Jim Brunzell

(WINNER: Father Dutch - Submission - The Confessional - 3:37)


(Announcers discussed FD beating Brunzell and hyped the look at the 'Armageddon' cage match between Wahoo and FD later in the show. Hyped still to come: Arn & Patera vs. Nash & Rude; Crusher's Polka Party; Graham vs. LaRue; another UWL PPV Update; and more. Said an i'view w/ UWL WC Greg Valentine was next!)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed Valentine © and mgr. Gary Hart. Valentine was in his ring attire and carrying the belt and Hart was in a suit. The pair were mainly booed as they came to the ring.


GV: "Look at this. It's another Roddy Piper-free edition of 'Slam!'! I love how this guy spent two months playing mind games with me and then showed up at 'Heatwave' and a couple of 'Slam!' shows but then disappears off to Hollywood and has yet to return!


"Do you know why he hasn't returned? It's because once we exposed the fact that Roddy Piper has not been medically cleared to return to wrestling, the gig was up for him! Once that information got out, what was the use in Piper coming back here for any reason?! He'll never wrestle again! The only thing he can do is try and wage some psychological warfare against me! But what's the purpose of it?! If Piper can't fight me in this ring then his coming back is just a pathetic exercise in futility! There's no real rhyme or reason to it! But then again, Piper's not the most logical thinker out there!"


Hart: "The UWL World Champion has said all that really needs to be said on the situation with Roddy Piper. It's game over."


Some in the crowd chanted 'Roddy! Roddy!'


Hart: "You people, listen to a voice of wisdom. Give up chanting his name. He's not gonna wrestle again. His career is done. You're only deluding yourselves amd setting yourselves up for great disappointement and heartbreak. Mr. Valentine here ended Mr. Piper's career at last year's 'Helloween'.


"Let's move on to bigger and more important things right now. At this year's 'Helloween', Greg Valentine defends the UWL World Title against Ken Patera. Patera beat the champ in a non-title match three weeks ago. I stress that it was a 'non-title' affair. As the champ pointed out last week, when the World Title is on the line that's where this man is guaranteed money. For almost a year now, Greg Valentine has driven home the point loudly and clearly that he is unbeatable when the match is for the big gold belt. And he is gonna be the World Champion for a long time to come. We know that Greg valentine is gonna lose the title one day. It's inevitable in our sport. But that day will not be at 'Helloween'. And Ken Patera will be another victim of 'The Hammer'."


GV: "I really said all that needs to be said last week about my match with Ken Patera at 'Helloween'. You caught one on me three weeks ago when the title wasn't on the line. But you're not catching one on me again. I intend to..."


Lee Marshall started listening intently to his earpiece.


LM: "I don't believe it. Greg Valentine, please hold that thought! You and your manager Gary Hart are definitely going to be interested in the message I just got in my earpiece.


"Next week on 'Slam!', Roddy Piper will be doing his first interview in over a year!"


Crowd popped.


Valentine and Hart didn't show much emotion and briefly talked amongst themselves.


LM: "Greg Valentine. Gary Hart. I have to get your thoughts on Piper doing an interview here on 'Slam!' next Tuesday."


GV: "I'm not worried about it. Do I look worried, Lee Marshall?"


LM: "You seem very calm."


GV: "Roddy Piper's doing an interview. Big deal. What's he gonna say? 'If I could wrestle I would beat Valentine's ass! That's if I could wrestle!' He's not coming back. I finished him for good at last year's 'Helloween'. I know I did. No worries. It's only an interview."


Hart: "In all the excitement about an interview with Roddy Piper next week, I think something has been lost. Roddy Piper could be doing this interview to officially announce his retirement. Did anyone stop to think about that?"


GV (excitedly): "Yeah! That's it! You probably nailed it, Gary! Piper's gonna announce his retirement from wrestling! He's never coming back. Like I said, no worries, man. No worries.")


(Announcers discussed the suprising news that Piper was doing his first i'view in over a year on next week's 'Slam!' and that Valentine, in spite of his words, seemed concerned about what Piper may have to say next week. Wondered if Piper could announce that he's medically cleared to return. Hyped still to come: Arn & Patera vs. Nash & Rude; Crusher's Polka Party; an i'view w/ Wahoo; the next 'Helloween' PPV Update; and more. Said Graham vs. LaRue was coming up!)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Fri. - Oct. 5 - Mankato, MN - Verizon Wireless Arena MN; Sat. - Oct. 6 - St. Paul, MN - Roy Wilkins Auditorium; Fri. - Oct. 19 - Eau Claire, WI - Zorn Arena; Sat. - Oct. 20 - Green Bay, WI - Resch Center. More info, visit: uwlslam.com!)


(Video aired from last week of Graham dropping Luger again by breaking a cane over his head.)


Match 4

Billy Graham (w/ Grand Wizard) vs. Lash LaRue


(LaRue came out to a decent crowd response. He had his trusty whip with him. Graham and Wizard came to the ring to heavy boos. Wizard had a new gold-tipped cane with him.


Short match and LaRue gave Graham a fight but in the end it was too much 'Superstar' as Graham caught Lash with a big running clothesline and finished Lash off with the Jackhammer. WINNER: Graham - Pinfall - Jackhammer - 3:58)


(After the match: Marshall i'viewed Graham and Wizard.


Wizard shoved his cane righ into the camera.


GW: "Lex Luger! You now owe the 'Superstar' almost $1,200 dollars for two canes of mine that you've broken with your head! I can't believe how destructive Luger is with the property of others!


"The man standing next to me is the epitome of perfection! Just look at the Adonis-like physique!"


Graham started strking bodybuilder poses as the crowd booed.


GW: "You can feel the awesome power emanating from him when he wrestles! Just look at what he did to Lash LaRue! LaRue's a pretty good wrestler in his own right! But even he couldn't withstand the withering brute force power assault of the 'Superstar'! And another man who can't stand the 'Superstar's power assault is Lex Luger!"


BG: "The man with the plan! The man with the power who's too sweet to be sour is here gracing you with his all-enveloping maleness tonight!


"Lex Luger, you need your head examined, jack! I can't believe how many things you break with it! I paid for both of the Grand Wizard's canes that you broke with that cranium of yours! Now, I want that money! I can't believe the level of hubris that Lex Luger has! He breaks other folks' stuff and then refuses to pay for it! Well, Luger, if you insist on not paying for your property destruction then, like it is with the mob, you'll have to pay in pain, brother!"


Luger came out on the entrance stage. He was in his ring gear and had a mic. Good ovation. Luger power walked to the ring and did not slap hands with the fans.


GW: "Did you come down here to destroy more of my property?!"


LL: "Shut up before you're wearing that turban in another place!"


BG: "Watch your mouth, Luger! You don't talk to the Gr..."


LL: "Shutup, 'Superstar'! I'm talking now! I'm really getting tired of being hit over the head with those canes!"


BG: "We're getting tired of you breaking them with your head!"


LL: "You two have a real weird way of looking at things! What I came out here for, can we get President Watts out here, is to challenge you to a match at 'Helloween'!"


Crowd cheered.


Pres. Watts made his way to the ring to a decent ovation. He had a mic. Watts got in the ring.


BG: "Oh! The 'Superstar' accepts your challenge! I'm gonna love taking you apart at 'Helloween', daddy!"


Watts: "OK. I'm gonna agree to the match. Lex Luger vs. Billy Graham at 'Helloween'. But, this isn't gonna be a standard wrestling match.


"'Superstar', you seem to enjoy knocking Luger to the mat a lot."


Graham laughed and shook his head.


Watts: "But the bottom line is not how many times a person gets knocked down, but how many times he can get back up after he's been knocked down. So, with that in mind, it will be Lex Luger vs. Billy Graham in a Last Man Standing Match at 'Helloween'!"


Crowd cheered.


BG: "Sounds great, Presidente Watts! And Luger, as I've shown when I've knocked you down before...I'm always the last man standing, jack!"


LL: "Take the element of suprise and weapons out of your attack and we'll see if you'll be the last man standing!"


BG: "Are you saying the only way I can drop you is through a sneak attack or hitting you with a weapon?!"


LL: "We'll see if you can drop me for the 10-count on your own at 'Helloween'!"


BG: "Why wait until then..."


Graham slapped Luger hard across the face. Luger briefly stunned and dropped his mic. Luger fired back with a big right hand that dropped Graham. An angry Luger picked up his mic and stood over Graham.


LL: "'Superstar'! At 'Helloween', I'm putting you down for the count! I'm gonna be that last man standing!"


Luger tossed the mic and looked over at Grand Wizard. GW backed into the corner. Luger looked back at Graham. Graham was still down and had his hands up like he was worried Luger might open up a can of whoop-ass on him. Luger then left the ring to cheers. Graham started getting up as GW went over to check on his man and Watts was still in the ring looking on.)


(Announcers discussed Watts making Graham vs. Luger in a 'Last Man Standing' match for 'Helloween'. Hyped still to come: Arn & Patera vs. Nash & Rude; Crusher's Polka Party; another 'Helloween' PPV Update and more! Said a look at the 'Armageddon' cage match as next!)


(Announcers intro'd the video for the 'Armageddon' cage match at 'Helloween'.)




Video opens with a b&w shot of a huge steel cage surrounding a wrestling ring (similar to the Hell In A Cell cage but with no overhead enclosure) as the theme from 'The Exorcist' plays in the background throughout the video.


In white Olde English lettering, the following Bible verse appears on the screen:


"They will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." - Matthew 13:42


Narrator (in an Orson Welles-like voice): "On October 14th, two men will enter their own private hell for their Final Conflict...their Armageddon."


Camera panned around the cage which had layers of barbed wire strewn through the mesh.


Quick hitting video montage' then aired of the war between Wahoo McDaniel and Father Dutch and featured footage of Father Dutch locking Wahoo in the confessional booth and knocking the confessional over with his truck while Wahoo was trapped inside the confessional; their Confessional match from 'Thunderstruck' and Father Dutch burning Wahoo with a fireball to the face.


Video then showed the camera panning the weapons lying against the cage which included: a barbed wire baseball bat, a barbed wire-wrapped 2x4, a chair wrapped in barbed wire, garbage can lids, a kendo stick, Wahoo's Indian strap, a sledgehammer, handcuffs hanging from the side of the cage, a regular baseball bat, a few plain steel chairs, a table and the infamous boards with barbed wire and explsoive charges strapped to them.


Video clip then aired of Father Dutch laying out his vision to Wahoo for the 'Armageddon' match:


FD: "In the vision I saw of the Armageddon match, I saw a huge steel cage surrounding the ring. Running through the steel mesh on this cage was layer after layer of barbed wire. And there were weapons scattered throughout the cage. And many of those weapons were also wrapped in flesh ripping barbed wire. I saw weapons like barbed wire baseball bats and barbed wire 2x4's. I saw a chair wrapped in barbed wire. I saw your Indian strap hanging from the cage. And I envisioned a whole host of other weapons. But it was the final weapon I saw, Wahoo, that made me say 'Hallelujah'! And that weapon is...big boards. And on those boards laid more barbed wire. And those barbed wire boards had explosive charges on them. Think of crashing into one of these boards, Wahoo? The barbed wire rips up your flesh and the explosives burn it! And Wahoo...you need to burn!"


Back to a camera shot of the cage and weapons inside.


Another Bible verse appeared on the screen in white Olde English lettering and a woman's voice read it.


Woman's Voice: "Immediately after the distress of those days: the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken." - Matt. 24:29


Video now switched to an overhead view of the cage and weapons inside.


Narrator (Orson Welles-like voice): "Two men will enter the Armageddon cage...and neither the winner nor the loser will emerge unscathed."


Video montage' then aired of footage from Japan of violent barbed wire explosives matches showing wrestlers being thrown into the explosive-laden barbed wire boards and the boards exploding and tearing open and burning wrestlers' flesh.


Video then aired of Wahoo responding to Father Dutch's vision for the 'Armaggedon' match.


WM: "Father Dutch, I just want to get my hands on you in a match where we settle things once and for all! If this is what you want then so be it! I'll get in that Armageddon cage with you just to tear you apart! And when all is said and done at 'Helloween'...Father Dutch...it will be you who will be the one who is put through hell on earth!"


Distance shot of the cage aired and morphed into a quick hitting video montage' of Wahoo and Father Dutch battling.


Distance shot of the cage aired once again and this time blood ran down and turned the entire b&w shot to blood red and a picture of Wahoo and Father Dutch faded into view and flames rose up in the background and then the flames took over the whole picture and devoured the picture of Wahoo and Father Dutch and words read by the narrator appeared on the screen.


Narrator (Orson Welles-like voice): "Wahoo McDaniel vs. Father Dutch! THE 'Armageddon' Match! Sunday! October 14th at 'Helloween'! Only on Pay-Per-View!"


Huge fireball exploded and blew up the words on the screen and the picture rapidly went to black.)


(In-ring: Lee Marshall i'viewed Wahoo. Wahoo came to the ring to a nice ovation. He was in street clothes and the left side of his face was still bandaged and he was wearing sunglasses.


LM: "Chief Wahoo McDaniel, we all just saw the video for the 'Armageddon' cage match between you and Father Dutch at 'Helloween'. And I must tell you that I've never seen anything like that in my years of covering this sport. Barbed wire strewn about throughout the cage. Weapons of all types. Those explosive barbed wire boards... The footage we saw there from Japan of the damage those exploding barbed wire boards can do... Wahoo, I have to wonder just what you've gotten yourself into."


WM: "Lee, I don't think you can fully prepare for a match like this. We've all seen cage matches. We've all seen weapons matches. We've seen barbed wire matches and hardcore matches. What Father Dutch has come up with seems to combine all those elements into the most dangerous match possible. But it's time for the final showdown between me and Father Dutch. I accepted this match because I want to punish Father Dutch. As you can see, I'm still feeling the effects of where he burned me. I'm still having vision problems in my left eye because of the fire. My skin is healing, but it is still very tender and raw. Let's not forget, this man also tried to end my career, and possibly my life, when he locked me in that confessional and knocked it over with me in it. This situation has now reached its apex and will be settled once and for all at 'Helloween'.


"I know Father Dutch will be ruthless. He wants to inflict serious damage on me. But I want to make him suffer as well. Fire will be fought with fire. This match isn't just about winning and losing, and who knows if there will even be a real winner in the end. It's going to be a brutal, violent affair and that's all I can tell you. Before all is said and done in the 'Armageddon' cage, we will both be battered and bloodied and I accept that reality. The question is who will be battered and bloodied worse? I'm gonna do everything in my power to make sure it's Father Dutch. This match will be true hell on earth. But there is no other option for settling our differences."


LM: "But the explosive barbed wire boards! Chief, I don't ever recall seeing that here in the States! I mean, those weapons have the potential to maim!"


WM: "I'm willing to take that risk. Sometimes, you've got to walk through fire to destroy evil. And Father Dutch is a very evil man."


Father Dutch walked out on the entrnace stage in his priest's attire and mic in hand. He was roundly booed.


FD: "Wahoo McDaniel. You can't even begin to imagine the horror that's in store for you once we step into the 'Armageddon' cage at 'Helloween'. All that barbed wire. I'm gonna use it to tear up your flesh. I'm gonna use every weapon in that cage on you. And I'm going to be merciless because rebellious sinners who refuse to repent of their evil ways deserve no mercy. But the explosive barbed wire boards...that's where the real power of punishment will lie. I can't wait for October 14th because I'm gonna throw your body into those barbed wire explosives. BOOM! The barbed wire will shred your flesh and the fire from the explosives will burn it. It will be a little taste of what you're going to get in the next life. You must pay for your obstinance, Wahoo. And pay dearly you will in 12 days. You're no longer a redemption project for me. I must simply destroy you because you have resisted my attempts to redeem you."


WM: "Father Dutch, a fight is a two way street. And it could be you crashing into those explosive barbed wire boards. It could very well be your flesh that's ripped open and your flesh that's on fire! How fitting it would be if you are the one who is bloodied and burned on the barbed wire explosive boards! Call it karma, but there would be poetic justice in seeing you suffer such an awful fate! If anyone deserves it it's you! I want to be the man who makes Father Dutch burn!"


FD: "SINNER! You speak like a man who is overloaded with wickedness! Wahoo, this is indeed gonna be our Final Conflict! And it is you who will burn and suffer the terrible consequences of your decision to remain mired in unrighteousness!"


WM: "It seems to me that the biggest sinner in this arena tonight is you, Father Dutch! The mask was ripped off of you a long time ago! You're a liar and a scam artist! Everyone knows it! And the only thing left to do is leave you a broken and shattered mess in that cage at 'Helloween'! Maybe then, Father Dutch, you'll realize the error of your ways! In 12 days, maybe you'll be the man who is set on the road to redemption and I will be your agent of change!"


FD: "You will do nothing of the sort! Wahoo McDaniel, in the 'Armageddon' match...I'm sending you straight to HELL!"


FD and Wahoo angrily glared at one another as the segment ended.)


(Announcers discussed the confrontation between Wahoo and Father Dutch. Also discussed the video for the 'Armageddon' cage. Hyped still to come: Arn & Patera vs. Nash & Rude; Crusher's Polka Party. Said the 'Helloween' PPV Update was next.)




Announcers ran down the card as it stands:


'ARMAGEDDON' CAGE MATCH: Wahoo McDaniel vs. Father Dutch


UWL WORLD TITLE: Greg Valentine © (w/ Gary Hart) vs. Ken Patera


UWL WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE (The Dog Pound has guaranteed they will win the titles! If they don't, they become the employees of the Anderson brothers for 30 days!): Anderson Bros. © vs. Dog Pound


LAST MAN STANDING: Lex Luger vs. Billy Graham (w/ Grand Wizard)


Bull Nakano (w/ Mr. Saito) vs. Madusa


UWL TV TITLE MATCH: Arn Anderson © vs. Rick Rude


'Cialis Presents: Helloween' - Sunday - Oct. 14 - Reno, NV - Lawlor Events Center - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(Announcers said Crusher's Polka Party was next!)


(In-ring: Marshall intro'd Crusher.


Crusher came to the ring in street clothes and wearing his trademark cap. He got a decent ovation. He got in the ring and tossed his cap into the crowd. He then took the r.a. mic from Marshall.


Crusher: "Are you guys ready for a party, Crusher style?!"


Fair crowd reaction.


Crusher: "I'm gonna show ya how I like to get down on da weekends! But, and I sincerely apologize for dis, we don't have any beer tonight!"


Some in the crowd booed.


Crusher: "I feel yer pain! Beer livens up a polka party like nuttin' else! But we're just gonna have to rough it! So, let's get dis party started! Or, should I say let's get da Crusher's Polka Party started! Guys and dolls, come on out!"


Crusher left the ring and joined Stack and Pedicino at ringside to describe the polka dancing action for the fans at home while two accordion players and three male/female dancing teams made their way out onto the entrance stage.


As the dancers and musicians got ready, Stack asked Crusher a pointed question.


Stack: "Crusher, welcome to the broadcast position."


Crusher: "Tanks, Steve. Joe, good to see you."


Pedicino: "Great to see you, Crusher. Looks like we're in for quite a show."


Crusher: "You ain't lived until you've polka'd Crusher-style."


Stack: "Quick question, Crusher. You know how Rip Oliver feels about you and this polka party. What are your thoughts on the matter?"


Crusher: "I don't care for dat Rip Oliver. He wants to deal with me den we can get in dat ring and settle our differences. But he's not ruining tonight for me. I don't allow nobody to ruin a polka party for da Crusher."


Accordion players started playing and the three couples started dancing on the stage as Crusher explained polka dancing to the viewers.


But the party didn't last long.


About two minutes into the routine there was an unwelcomed party crasher. And his name was Rip Oliver.


Oliver came out on the stage. WHAM! Oliver dropped one of the male dancers with a superkick to the side of the face. WHAM! Oliver repeated the move on a second male dancer. Both dancers laid out on the stage. The women, last male dancer and one of the accordion players bolted the stage. However, the second accordion player was looking out towards the crowd and gleefully squeezing his noise box when Oliver approached. Accordion player turned around...WHAM!...Oliver put his lights out with a superkick. Three men laid out on the stage. Crusher was standing up at the broadcast position. Oliver yanked the accordion off the downed musician and held it high in the air and pointed at Crusher. Then, with both, hands, Oliver threw the accordion off the stage and sent it smashing to the floor. Crusher bolted the broadcast position and charged up the aisle. Oliver slowly backed off as Crusher made it to the stage. Crusher and a smirking Oliver briefly locked eyes before Crusher turned his attention to his downed polka pals as Oliver vanished to the back as security and EMT's came out on the stage as they went to a commercial.)


(Coming back from commercial, cameras backstage caught EMT's tending to the three polka-ites, each of whom was hurting and sitting in a chair as Crusher and the survivors of Rip's polka holocaust checked on their injured friends. Announcers then intro'd a replay of what happened just before the break. Video aired.)


(Announcers hyped Piper's first interview next week on 'Slam!')


Match 5

Ken Patera & Arn Anderson vs. Rude & Nash (w/ DiBiase)


(Rude, Nash & Ted came out to a mixed crowd reaction. Arn and Patera came out to a strong ovation.


Match was an intense roller coaster ride of a battle. DiBiase never interfered. At the end of the match, Arn and Rude were the legal men in the ring. Arn had just hot tagged in. Crowd popped. Arn tore into Rude and was pummeling the 'Ravishing One'. Rude fought back and gained the advantage and went to whip a Arn into the ropes but Arn reversed and sent Rude into the ropes and caught Rude coming off Arn with a spinebuster. Arn then made the throat-slashing gesture. Crowd erupted. Schultz came charging down the aisle and as soon as Schultz stepped into the ring Patera charged over and blasted Schultz with a monster clothesline that sent Schultz flying over the top rope and crashing to the floor. Patera followed Schultz out to the floor and continued his assault on Schultz there. Schultz fought back. Ref distracted by what was going on on the floor and trying to restore order. Arn snapped Rude up and was preparing to goudbust Rude when Nash hit the ring behind the ref's back and nailed Arn with a clothesline to the back of the neck. Arn went down. Nash bailed out to the floor next to DiBiase. Patera and Schultz fought to the back. Rude got to his feet and snapped up Arn just as the ref turned around. Rude laid out Arn with the Rude Awakening. Rude covered Arn and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Nash and DiBiase got in the ring with Rude and the trio briefly celebrated the win and then looked over at the downed Arn as the program went off the air. WINNER: Nash & Rude - Pinfall - Rude pinned Arn with the Rude Awakening - 8:46)




Dark Match

Lex Luger vs. Rip Oliver

(WINNER: Luger - Pinfall - Forearm Smash to the Head - 9:01)

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I just want to take a moment to thank all those of you who have taken the time to check out my UWL thread over the last few months.


And I want to say a special thank you to all those who are regular readers. Cranking out a show on a weekly basis is a lot of work, but I enjoy doing it.


Again, thank you all for checking out my thread.



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Oct. 5 - Mankato, MN - Verizon Wireless Arena MN - Att: 2,874


Oct. 6 - St. Paul, MN - Roy Wilkins Auditorium - Att: 2,683


RESULTS (Same for each city)


UWL WORLD TITLE MATCH IN A STEEL CAGE: Greg Valentine © def. Lex Luger via pinfall with the Hammerhead


STEEL CAGE GRUDGE MATCH: Hugh Morrus def. Rip Oliver via pinfall with the Moonsault (Both matches were a bloodbath)


Ken Patera def. Scott Hall via pinfall with the Full Nelson Slam


6-Man Tag (Non-Title): Anderson Bros. © def. Arn Anderson © & The Mighty Texans when Gene forced Sam Houston to submit to the Sharpshooter


UWL WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE: Tina Ferrari © def. Madusa via pinfall with her feet on the ropes for leverage


The Crusher & The Great Christopho def. Harley Race © & Tully Blanchard via pinfall when Crusher pinned Tully with the Inverted Piledriver

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It's the final episode of 'Slam!' before 'Helloween'!


Roddy Piper does his first interview since he was severely injured by UWL World Champion Greg Valentine at last year's 'Helloween'!




- Hugh Morrus goes one-on-one with David Schultz of The Firm


- A final look at the 'Armageddon' Cage match between Wahoo McDaniel and Father Dutch


- Firm Director Ted DiBiase says he has a major announcement


- The final 'Helloween' PPV Update




Ep. 90 of 'Slam!' will be posted on Monday or Tuesday.

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(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Video aired for the home viewers from last week of Oliver taking out three members of the Crusher's polka crew with superkicks.)


Match 1

Rip Oliver vs. The Trooper

(WINNER: Oliver - Pinfall - Superkick - :11)


(Oliver was booed coming to the ring. Oliver made quick work of another unfortunate victim with his superkick.)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed Oliver.


Rip: "Let's see that awe-inspiring footage from last week."


Video re-aired for the home viewers and the live audience of Oliver laying waste to three members of Crusher's polka dancing crew.


Rip: "I love watching that. I could put it on a continuous loop and watch it over and over and never get tired of it.


"I hate a lot of things in this world. But the two things I hate the most are alcoholics who get treated like heroes and that God-awful polka music. I get sick every time I hear it. And you combine the booze-guzzling Crusher with the music that I hate the most, then you've got a recipe for disaster on your hands. I loved the feeling of the rippling flesh against my right foot as I laid out three of those polka pukes with my superkick.


"And now, it's time to move on to the big fish. Crusher, my next superkick is being delivered direct to your face. I'm sick and tired of a man who should be at the betty Ford Clinic and not in a wrestling ring being made out to be some star and role model for these fans. The Crusher is an embarrassment to this sport.


"I can't tell you the anger that boils over inside me when I hear some fan gush about the Crusher. He's no hero. He's just a lousy, stinkin'..."


Crowd popped as the Crusher, in street clothes, hit the ring and tackled Oliver to the mat and started pounding on Rip. The two then rolled around on the mat exchanging punches. Crusher then got the upper hand and was pulverizing Oliver with punches. Crusher then pulled Oliver up and threw Rip over the top rope to the floor and followed Rip out. Crusher continued his assault there. Oliver short-circuited Crusher's offense with a knee to the gut. Oliver hammered away on Crusher and went to slam Crusher's head into the ringside barricade but Crusher blocked the head slam and instead smashed Rip's head into the barricade. Oliver staggered off. Crusher grabbed Rip and slammed his head into the ringside barricade again. Crusher then whipped Oliver into the barricade and Oliver went head over heels over the barricade and dropped into the ringside area. Crusher followed Rip out and continued the assault on Rip. Rip fought back and the two started exchanging punches on the floor. They fought into the third row ringside seats. Fans loving it, The two were engaged in a punch out. Crusher again got the upper hand and Rip staggered out of the aisle. Crusher grabbed the chair that a security guard was sitting in at ringside. Crusher went to hit Rip over the head with the chair but Rip got his arms up and deflected the chair shot. Rip backing up as Crusher stalked him with the weapon. UWL security came out and got between the warring factions. Crowd booed security's appearance. Crusher wanted to kill Oliver but security was keeping both men at bay.


'Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system. Out came Pres. Watts. He had a mic.


Watts: "Security. You keep Crusher and Rip Oliver separated! Rip Oliver, after what I saw you do to three non-wrestlers last week I should suspend or fire you! But that's not gonna happen! Instead, you can say goodbye to $25,000 dollars from your paycheck! And I have decided that at 'Helloween', it's gonna be Rip Oliver vs. The Crusher!"


Fans cheered. Both men were still separated by security in the ringside seating area but they both clearly still wanted at one another. Oliver seemed unfazed by the news of the fine.


Watts: "Security! Get 'em both out of here and to the backstage area!"


Security was able to start hustling Rip and Crusher to the back separately without further incident.)


(Announcers welcomed viewers to the 'Countdown to Helloween' edition of 'Slam!' Briefly discussed the Crusher-Oliver brawl and Pres. Watts making a match between the two for 'Helloween'. Then ran down the program: Roddy Piper's first interview in over a year; The Firm is here and Director DiBiase says he has a major announcement; the Dog Pound wrestles; the Killer Bees vs. Harley Race © & Tully Blanchard; another look at the 'Armageddon' cage; a look at the Luger-Graham feud; Hugh Morrus vs. David Schultz; Father Dutch sees action; the final 'Helloween' PPV Update; and more. Said Madusa sees action next!)


(Video aired of the Madusa-Bull Nakano feud. Announcers hyped their match coming up at 'Helloween' this Sunday.)


Match 2

Madusa vs. Samantha Kinison

(WINNER: Madusa - Pinfall - German Suplex into a Bridgeout - 3:26)


(During the match, Nakano (carrying the Japanese flag), her mgr. Mr. Saito, and their translator Mr. Nagasaki came out on the entrance stage to watch Madusa's match. Saito and Nagasaki had mics.)


(After the match, as Madusa was having her hand raised in victory, Saito spoke.


Saito says something in Japanese.


Madusa looked on at the trio.


Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito says that this Sunday at 'Helloween', Bull Nakano will destroy you, Madusa, and that Bull's win will symbolize Japanese superiority over the decadent, arrogant and shameless Americans."


Crowd booed.


Saito spoke in Japanese again.


Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito says that you will also pay dearly for your desecration of the Japanese flag a couple of weeks ago. That insult will come with a heavy price that will be paid in full this Sunday."


Madusa still just looking on at the trio.


Saito spoke once more in Japanese.


Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito says that after Bull Nakano defeats you, she will stand tall over your battered body and wave the Japanese flag high for all to see and show to the world that Americans, all Americans, are inferior to the great Japanese people."


Bull moved out to the edge of the stage and started waving the Japanese flag in the air as fans booed. Madusa was just taking it all in from the ring.


Saito spoke once more in Japanese.


Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito says that..."


Madusa took the r.a. mic from Lee Marshall.


Madusa: "Mr. Nagasaki, tell Mr. Saito and Bull that I have a message for them."


Nagasaki translated for Mr. Saito.


Madusa: "Here's my message for Mr. Saito and Bull Nakano!"


Madusa turned around in the ring so her back was facing the Saito and crew. Madusa bent forward, raised her right leg and patted herself on the butt cheek, signaling that they could kiss her ass.


Crowd cheered.


Saito and Nakano got pissed and Bull started to walk down the entrance

stage. Saito was going ballistic in Japanese on the mic. Madusa climbed out of the ring and was standing at ringside. Saito went down the ramp and stopped Bull from going after Madusa.


Madusa was glaring at the group and they were glaring back.


Saito said something else in Japanese in a very angry voice.


Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito says that you have shown yourself to be the typical classless American woman. And for that show of disrespect, Bull will not only beat you at 'Helloween'...but she will also humiliate you!"


Madusa signaled for Bull to come to ringside. Bull started to go but Saito stopped her again. Saito said something else in Japanese.


Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito says that Bull will wait until Sunday to annihilate you. He also says that your loss will be felt by all Americans as the flag of the Rising Sun of Japan will eclipse the red, white and blue right here on American soil!"


Madusa looked on as Saito signaled for Bull to head to the back. The three Japanese were loudly booed as they made their way back onto the entrance stage. Before heading to the back, Bull turned and waved the Japan flag high in the air once more as the boos grew. Madusa looked on as the crowd then started chanting 'USA! USA!')


(Announcers discussed the confrontation between Madusa and Saito, Nakano and Nagasaki. Hyped their match for 'Helloween' this Sunday. Hyped still to come: Roddy Piper's first interview in over a year; Hugh Morrus vs. David Schultz; another look at the 'Armageddon' cage; a look at the Graham-Luger feud; Killer Bees vs. Race © & Blanchard; the Dog Pound sees action; and more. Said an i'view w/ Ken Patera was next!)


(Video aired for 'Cialis Presents: Helloween' - Sunday - Oct. 14 - Reno, NV - Lawlor Events Center - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(Video aired of Patera beating Valentine © in a non-title match a few weeks ago on 'Slam!')


(In-ring: Lee Marshall i'viewed Ken Patera. Patera came to the ring in street clothes and got a nice ovation.


Marshall asked Patera about his UWL WT shot against champ Greg Valentine this Sunday at 'Helloween'.


KP: "First of all, just let me say to all these fans out here that I appreciate your support. It means a lot to hear you cheering for me and it's better than being booed out of the building and having garbage thrown at me."


Crowd cheered.


KP: "This Sunday at 'Helloween', I have a chance to become the new UWL World Champion. Opportunities like this don't come along everyday. I have my work cut out for me. Not only will I be facing Greg Valentine, but I know that members of The Firm will most likely try and stick their noses in the match to try and affect the outcome.


"But I'm a determined man. I've proven that I can beat Greg Valentine and I know I can do it again. And with you fans behind me, the sky's the limit!"


Crowd cheered.


Crowd then started booing as Valentine © and mgr. Hart came out on the entrance stage. Both were in suits and Valentine was holding the belt. Both had mics.


GV: "Awwww, Ken Patera! All this time you've really just wanted the fans to love you! Their cheers mean so much to you! It almost brings a tear to my eye! Ken wants the fans to help propel him to victory in our World Title match this Sunday! That's the difference between me and you! I don't give a damn what these fans think of me! Outisde of the fact that they pay my large salary, I could care less about them!"


KP: "Valentine, you've never had the fans on your side in your whole career! It's an awesome feeling to walk out here and know they're pulling for you! I'm gonna do everything in my power to make sure I don't let these people down at 'Helloween'! They deserve a new World Champion and it might as well be me!"


Crowd cheered.


GV: "This is pathetic! I used to like you, Ken! You didn't care what these people thought of you! Now, you're groveling for their approval! And as for me never being loved by the fans, well, it's true! But look at the great career I've had! I certainly didn't need these people cheering for me to accomplish all that I've accomplished in my chosen profession! Once you start begging for fan approval then I've got no more use for you!


"And you mentioned The Firm! Ken, I don't care for them, either! But you've got so many problems here in the UWL right now! You've got a war going on with The Firm and you've got the daunting task of trying to beat me and become the new UWL World Champion! I have to say I really don't like your odds, Ken, of winning the World Title at 'Helloween'!"


KP: "I know what I'm up against, Greg! I know at' Helloween' that a guy like David Schultz or Kevin Nash or any other member of The Firm may try to have an impact on our match! But it's a risk I've got to deal with! Right now, I am totally focused on taking that belt from you in five days!"


Hart: "Are you really totally focused, Ken? Hmmm. Can you really overcome all the obstacles that you might have to overcome to have your hand raised this Sunday? Take The Firm out of the picture for a minute. Greg Valentine has faced all comers with the title on the line and here he is, 10 months since winning the title, still the champion of the world. You're facing an unstoppable force. Just ask Wahoo McDaniel or Lex Luger or Hugh Morrus or anyone else who's had their chance to defeat this man and become the new UWL World Champion. Those men all faced Valentine for the title and all left the ring just like they came into it...as challengers. You, Ken Patera, are still gonna be just another challenger after the match at 'Helloween'."


KP: "Talk is cheap, Hart. Everything has a beginning and an end. And Valentine's World Title reign, like all title reigns, will end one day. The only question is, will it end five days from now in Reno, Nevada?"


GV: "Do you not understand who you're talking to, Patera?! I'm the best wrestler in the world right now! The absolute undisputed best! Since I won the title last year at 'Holiday Havoc', my championship momentum hasn't slowed down; it's picked up exponentially! I'm so hot right now that if you touch me you might just get third-degree burns! My reign is not ending at 'Helloween', pal! That's not a boast! It's a cold, hard fact!"


KP: "Need I remind you that I beat you, 1-2-3, in the middle of the ring in a non-title match just a few weeks ago."


GV: "You can remind of that fact all you want! Shout it from the rooftops, Kenny! One day, you can tell your grandkids how you beat UWL World Champion Greg Valentine...in a non-title match! Haha!"


KP: "And what I might be telling them is that I beat Greg Valentine and became the new UWL World Champion at 'Helloween'!"


Crowd cheered.


Hart: "But if you tell you grandkids that, Ken, you'd be lying to them. Yes, all title runs have to come to an end someday. But Mr. Valentine's reign will continue long after Sunday. And maybe, just maybe, you should concentrate your efforts in another direction. Like trying to remain in one piece in your war with The Firm."


GV: "Patera, I've said all that I need to say! My actions in the ring this Sunday will do the remainder of my talking for me. I'll see you at 'Helloween'!"


KP: "And my actions, Valentine, will speak loudly and clearly in five short days! And you're looking at the man who intends to become the new UWL World Champion!"


Crowd cheered as the two sides engaged in a brief staredown.)


(Announcers discussed the confrontation between Valentine and Patera and hyped their WT match for 'Helloween'. Hyped still to come: Roddy Piper's first interview in over a year; another look at the 'Armageddon' cage; Morrus vs. Schultz; Killer Bees vs. Race © & Blanchard; The Firm is here; and more. Said the Dog Pound sees action next.)


Match 3

Dog Pound vs. Rick McGraw & Barry O

(WINNER: Dog Pound - Pinfall - Steiner pinned McGraw with the Double Underhook Powerbomb - 4:18)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed the Rick Steiner & Buzz Sawyer after the match.


Marshall asked about the DP's tag team title match against the champion Anderson bros. at 'Helloween' this Sunday where the DP has guaranted they would win the titles or become the Anderson bros. employees for 30 days if they lose.


Steiner: "Well, Lee, me and Buzz are real confident heading into the match at 'Helloween'. We know we can beat whichever two Anderson brothers we face and become the new World Tag Team Champs! WOOF! WOOF! WOOF!"


Crowd barked back in return.


Sawyer: "The Anderson brothers wanted some fresh competition for those titles and they've got it! And, what's that saying?! Oh yeah! Every dog has his day and the 'Dog Faced Gremlin' and the 'Mad Dog' are gonna have theirs this Sunday! WOOF! WOOF! WOOF!"


Crowd barked back as Rick and Buzz started running around the ring and barking.


The Anderson bros. then came out on the entrance stage and power-walked to the ring in street clothes. Ole had a mic. Gene and Lars had the titles slung over their shoulders. Crowd booed their appearance.


Ole: "Rick Steiner and Buzz Sawyer, you guys seem super confident heading into our match at 'Helloween'."


Sawyer: "That's because we are confident! The Dog Pound is gonna be wearing those belts this Sunday!"


Ole: "You're gonna be wearing the belts, huh? How so? You guys gonna steal 'em? Because I think that's the only way you two will be wearing the tag team titles.


"You seem to forget something. And that's that you'll be facing two of the three best tag team wrestlers around in the match. And if, or should I say when, you lose to the Anderson brothers at 'Helloween', you become our employees for 30 days. For one month, you guys will have to do what we tell you to do. And we intend to work you two so hard that you won't even be able stand or walk when we're through with you. We have a lot of work for the Dog Pound to do. And Gene, Lars and I are going to extract every ounce of life energy out of you to make sure the work that we need done gets done! You'll work day and night if we want you to because we'll own you for 30 days. Every single second during that time, you have to do whatever we say."


Steiner: "What if we don't want to do what you tell us?"


Ole: "You'll have no choice, Rick. That's the beauty of it. You must beat us at 'Helloween' and take these titles from us or you guys come to work for us and we call all the shots. Am I clear?"


Steiner: "I think so. If we lose then we are your property for 30 days. We'll have no freedom. We must be at the Anderson brothers' beck and call that whole time."


Ole: "Bingo! You know, Rick, a lot of people don't think you are very bright. But I don't think you're as dumb as some folks believe. You're still dumb, but..."


Sawyer: "What about me, Ole! What about me! Am I smart?! Me, me, me!"


Ole: "Buzz, if brains were dynamite, you wouldn't have enough to blow your nose."


Sawyer: "Wow! Thanks! Was that a good review?"


Steiner and Sawyer started talking amongst themselves.


Ole: "Rick and Buzz, over here. I'm still talking to you two Steven Hawkings.


"I just wanted to fill you in on some of things you'll be doing for us after we beat you at 'Helloween'. I mentioned a couple of weeks ago that I have a big farm in Minnesota. And there's lots of crap to clean up on that farm. And you..."


Sawyer: "Is it Lars's?"


Ole (flustered): "Wha... No! It's not Lars's crap! It's not Gene's, either! Do you guys think we Anderson brothers go out and crap in the fields?!"


Steiner: "Well, maybe you guys don't have indoor plumbing out there on Anderson Acres..."


Ole: "We have indoor plumbing! We have flush toilets! I can't believe this! We've got a huge title match coming up in five days and you two are wondering if we crap outdoors with the animals!"


Steiner: "These toilets, are they handle flush or do you have to pull the chain?"


Ole: "Enough! Look! Talking to you two is like talking to a couple of walls!"


Sawyer: "Indoor bathroom walls with flush toilets connected to 'em?"


Ole: "Steiner! Sawyer! We're gonna beat you at 'Helloween' and then you're gonna work for us for 30 days! You boys had better get prepared to work like you've never worked in your lives! Because when you work for the Anderson brothers...you work...hard!"


Ole led Gene and Lars out of the ring to boos. The trio headed back up the aisle and made their way to the back. In the ring, the Dog Pound ran around barking and the crowd barked back.)


(Announcers discussed the confrontation between the Anderson bros. © and the Dg Pound. Hyped their WTT Title match for 'Helloween'. Then sent it backstage where Larry Nelson was standing by with Rip Oliver.)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Rip Oliver in the lockerroom. Oliver had

just gotten out of the shower a few minutes earlier and had only his jeans on, had a towel hanging around his neck and his hair was still wet.


LN: "Rip, tonight we saw a wild brawl between you and the Crusher based on your actions last week when you assaulted three members of the Crusher's polka troupe. Now, you're facing the Crusher on Sunday at 'Helloween'. Your thoughts?"


RO: "My thoughts are simply this. I hate drunkards like the Crusher being allowed in our sport and I hate polka music. This Sunday, I'm gonna wipe the floor with that drunken bum and..."


Off-camera, you could hear the lockerrom door slam open and Crusher suddenly charged into the picture and jumped on Rip and the two started slugging it out again. Other heel wrestlers in the lockerroom moved in to try and separate Rip from Crusher but Rip and Crusher kept going at it. Faces the Mighty Texans, Killer Bees and Great Christopho rushed in to pull Crusher off of Oliver. The faces were able to pull Crusher away from Oliver and the heels managed to do the same with Oliver.


RO: "Sunday, your ass is mine, alkie!"


Crusher wanted back at Oliver but the faces started forcibly pulling Crusher out of the lockerroom as the heels kept Oliver at bay.


Crusher was picked up off-camera on a mic.


Crusher: "Oliver! I'm gonna kill ya fer what you did to my polka pals!"


Camera then caught a close-up of a visibly seething Oliver.)


(Announcers discussed the Oliver-Crusher feud. Hyped their match for 'Helloween'. Hyped still to come: Roddy Piper's first interview in over a year; The Firm is here; David Schultz vs. Hugh Morrus; Race © & Tully vs. Killer Bees; the final 'Helloween' PPV Update and more!)


(Announcers intro'd a video replay of a look at the 'Armageddon' cage match between Wahoo McDaniel and Father Dutch.)




Video opens with a b&w shot of a huge steel cage surrounding a wrestling ring (similar to the Hell In A Cell cage but with no overhead enclosure) as the theme from 'The Exorcist' plays in the background throughout the video.


In white Olde English lettering, the following Bible verse appears:


"They will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." - Matthew 13:42


Narrator (in an Orson Welles-like voice): "On October 14th, two men will enter their own private hell for their Final Conflict...their Armageddon."


Camera panned around the cage which had layers of barbed wire strewn through the mesh.


Quick hitting video montage' then aired of the war between Wahoo McDaniel and Father Dutch and featured footage of Father Dutch locking Wahoo in the confessional booth and knocking the confessional over with his truck while Wahoo was trapped inside the confessional; their Confessional match from 'Thunderstruck' and Father Dutch burning Wahoo with a fireball to the face.


Video then showed the camera panning the weapons lying against the cage which included: barbed wire baseball bat, barbed wire-wrapped 2x4, a chair wrapped in barbed wire, garbage can lids, a kendo stick, Wahoo's Indian strap, a sledgehammer, handcuffs hanging from the side of the cage, a regular baseball bat, a few plain steel chairs, a table and the infamous boards with barbed wire and explsoive charges strapped to them.


Video clip then aired of Father Dutch laying out his vision to Wahoo for the 'Armageddon' match:


FD: "In the vision I saw of the Armageddon match, I saw a huge steel cage surrounding the ring. Running through the steel mesh on this cage was layer after layer of barbed wire. And there were weapons scattered throughout the cage. And many of those weapons were also wrapped in flesh ripping barbed wire. I saw weapons like brabed wire baseball bats and barbed wire 2x4's. I saw a chair wrapped in barbed wire. I saw your Indian strap hanging from the cage. And I envisioned a whole host of other weapons. But it was the final weapon I saw, Wahoo, that made me say 'Hallelujah'! And that weapon is...big boards. And on those boards laid more barbed wire. And those barbed wire boards had explosive charges in them. Think of crashing into one of these boards, Wahoo? The barbed wire rips up your flesh and the explosives burn it! And Wahoo...you need to burn!"


Back to a camera shot of the cage and weapons inside.


Another Bible verse appeared on the screen in white Olde English lettering and a woman's voice read it.


Woman's Voice: "Immediately after the distress of those days: the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken." - Matt. 24:29


Video now switched to an overhead view of the cage and weapons inside.


Narrator (Orson Welles-like voice): "Two men will enter the Armageddon cage...and neither the winner nor the loser will emerge unscathed."


Video montage' then aired of footage from Japan of violent barbed wire explosives matches showing wrestlers being thrown into the explosive-laden barbed wire boards and them exploding and tearing open and burning wrestlers' flesh.


Video then aired of Wahoo responding to Father Dutch's vision for the 'Armaggedon' match.


WM: "Father Dutch, I just want to get my hands on you in a match where we settle things once and for all! If this is what you want then so be it! I'll get in that Armageddon cage with you just to tear you apart! And when all is said and done at 'Helloween'...Father Dutch...it will be you who will be the one who is put through hell on earth!"


Distance shot of the cage aired and morphed into a quick hitting video montage' of Wahoo and Father Dutch battling.


Distance shot of the cage aired once again and this time blood ran down and turned the entire picture of the cage from balck and white to blood red and a picture of Wahoo and Father Dutch faded into view and flames rose up in the background and then the flames took over the whole picture and devoured the picture of Wahoo and Father Dutch and words read by the narrator appeared on the screen.


Narrator (Orson Welles-like voice): "Wahoo McDaniel vs. Father Dutch! THE 'Armageddon' Match! Sunday - October 14th at 'Helloween'! Only on Pay-Per-View!"


Huge fireball exploded and blew up the words on the screen and the picture rapidly went to black.)


(The 'Armageddon' video led into the next match.)


Match 4

Father Dutch vs. Scott Armstrong


(Gregorian chants echoed over the p.a. system and out came Father Dutch to thunderous boos. FD was dressed in his priest's attire and carrying his little black bag. FD stood on the ring apron and blessed himself before stepping into the ring.


FD demolished Armstrong. FD brutally worked Armstrong over for around three minutes and then FD whipped Armstrong into the buckles. FD then followed Armstrong in with a blistering high knee to Armstrong's chest, Armstrong crumpled in the corner. FD mercilessly stomped on the downed Armstrong and then hung Armstrong upside down in the corner. FD nailed Armstrong with more kicks. Ref moved in and ordered FD to step back. FD moved back over by the opposite buckles. As the ref was busy trying to pry Armstrong's foot loose from under the top ring bolt that connects the buckles to the ring post, FD reached into one of his pockets.


Pedicino: "Steve, I think Father Dutch just pulled out a lighter and some flammable paper!"


Stack: "Oh, no! He's gonna try and burn someone else!"


Ref got Armstrong's foot free from under the top ring bolt. FD started moving like an animal hunting prey as Armstrong slowly made his way to his feet. Ref still had his back turned to FD and the ref talked briefly to Amrstrong before agreeing to allow him to continue in the match. FD was waiting for Armstrong to walk out of the corner so FD could burn him with a fireball. Armstrong came out of the corner. Crowd popped as Wahoo, in street clothes and now wearing a smaller bandage on the left side of his face, hit the ring just as FD lit the flammable paper. Wahoo tackled FD just as FD was about to throw the fireball. The fireball flew harmlessly in the air and flamed out. Ref called for the bell. FD escaped Wahoo's grasp and got to his feet and Wahoo blasted FD with some chops that drove FD next to the ropes. FD bailed from the ring to the floor grabbing at his chest as an enraged Wahoo looked on from the ring.


FD, grabbing at his chest where Wahoo had chopped him, went over and grabbed the r.a. mic from Marshall.


FD (grabbing his chest and breathing heavy): "Wahaoo McDaniel! This Sunday, prepare to enter your own personal hell!"


FD angrily tossed down the mic and started walking back towards the entrance aisle as Wahoo looked on from the ring. FD looked back from the aisle with a look of pure hatred on his face before turning and continuing his journey to the back.


DECISION: No Contest - 4:30)


(Announcers discussed Wahoo saving Scott Armstrong from being burned by Father Dutch. Hyped their match for 'Helloween'. Hyped still to come: the first interview with Piper in over a year; Hugh Morrus vs. David Schultz; an appearance by The Firm; the final 'Helloween' PPV update and more. Said a look at the Graham-Luger feud was next!)


(Announcers intro'd a video chronicling the Luger-Graham feud leading up to their 'Last Man Standing' match at 'Helloween'. Video aired.


After the video aired, the participants gave these pre-recorded comments:


Luger: "This Sunday at 'Helloween', Last Man Standing. The objective in a last man standing match is to so thoroughly beat your opponent down that he can't get up off the mat before the 10 count. And 'Superstar', I'm gonna thrash you so badly that you won't even be able to answer a 50 count! I'll see you in Reno!"


Graham & Grand Wizard - Wizard: "Look at this man! (Graham was flexing his muscles.) He is truly the reflection of perfection and the tower of power! Luger's going down! At 'Helloween' it will be the 'Superstar' who is the last man standing!"


Graham: "It's hard to be humble when you're perfect in every way like I am! Lex Luger! Daddy! I beat you in our bolt cutters on a pole match a few weeks ago and I'm gonna give the people a repeat performance at 'Helloween' when I lay a thumping on you that's so brutal, that even if you could get up before the count of 10, you're just gonna stay down and beg the referee to speed up the count just to get the torture session I've got in store for you over with, jack! There's a famous preacher who is also named Billy Graham! His big day is Sunday! And for 'Superstar' Billy Graham, man, this Sunday's gonna be my big day!"


Graham struck a couple of bodybuilder poses as the video ended.)


(Announcers hyped the Graham-Luger LMS match for 'H'ween'. Hyped still to come: the first interview w/ Piper in over a year; The Firm makes an appearance; Morrus vs. Schultz; and more. Said Race © & Tully vs. Killer Bees was next.)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Fri. - Oct. 19 - Eau Claire, WI - Zorn Arena; Sat. - Oct. 20 - Green Bay, WI - Resch Center; Thu. - Nov. 15 - Cincinnati, OH - Cincinnat Gardens; Fri. - Nov. 16 - Athens, OH - Convocation Ctr. @ Ohio Univ.; Sat. - Nov. 17 - Kent, OH - Mac Center. More info, visit: uwlslam.com!)


Match 5

Harley Race © & Tully Blanchard (w/ JJ) vs. The Killer Bees


(Bees gave Race and Tully a battle, but in the end JJ's boys prevailed. Harley nailed Brunzell with the piledriver and scored the pinfall victory for his team. WINNER: Race & Tully - Pinfall - Race pinned Brunzell with the Piledriver - 7:28)


(After the match: Race and Tully were having their hands raised in victory when 'Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system. Out came Pres. Watts on the entrance stage with mic in hand.


Watts: "Harley, Tully and JJ, before you leave the ring I want you to take a look at these video clips."


Video clips aired on the JumboTron of Hugh Morrus pinning Harley Race in two different tag team matches in recent weeks.


Watts: "Harley, Hugh Morrus has pinned you twice now over the last few weeks. Since you're the President's Champion, I'm making a President's Championship match for 'Helloween'. Harley, you will be defending the title against Hugh Morrus! Let's hook 'em up!"


Fair crowd response.


Race, holding the belt, looked on at Watts and was shaking his head in agreement with the decision. Race then defiantly hoisted the title in the air as the fans booed. The three then left the ring and, while heading back up the aisle, Race spoke into the camera.


Race (pointed at belt): "Look at it, Hugh! You're not winning this on Sunday!"


The three then continued their journey to the back.)


(Announcers discussed Watts making the President's Championship match for 'H'ween'. Hyped still to come: Roddy Piper does his first interview in over a year; David Schultz vs. Hugh Morrus; the final 'Helloween' PPV Update.)


(Annoncers intro'd pre-recorded video of TV Champ Arn Anderson talking about his title match with Rude at 'Helloween'.




Arn is in street clothes with the title cradled in his left arm and a mic in his right hand.


Arn: "Rick Rude, you are an excellent wrestler. And I know you can stand on your own. So, Rick, here's my callenge to you. This Sunday at 'Helloween', let's have our TV Title match be between just you and me. Keep your associates in The Firm away from the ring during our match. Let's see the better man win this bout. It's what the fans want to see and I know it's what I want to happen. How about it, Rick? You willing to take me on one-on-one without any outside interference from The Firm? Let's do this championship match the right way and both of us will stand or fall on our own.")


(In-ring: The Firm came to the ring. Dibiase, Hall and Nash had mics in their hands. They received a mixed crowd reaction. They were in street clothes except for Schultz. They soaked in the crowd reaction for a moment before talking.


Hall: "Hey yo! We just heard President Watts out here making another match for 'Helloween'. Well, earlier today, members of The Firm signed contracts to wrestle in two other matches at 'Helloween'.


"Me and Big Kev have signed to meet...uh...ummm... Hey, Kev. Who are we facing at 'Helloween' again?"


Nash: "I thought you knew who we were facing on Sunday. What the... I can't believe you don't remember who we're wrestling. You really need to lay off the Jack, Scott."


Hall: "Well, who is it we're facing at the pay-per-view?"


Nash: "You really don't know? Scott, this is disgraceful. You come out here and announce to these people that we've signed a contract for a match at 'Helloween' and yet you don't know who we're wrestling. That's just mind-boggling."


Hall: "So, who are we wrestling?"


Nash: "Ummmm... You honestly don't know?"


Hall: "No, bro, I don't."


Nash: "We're wrestling... ah, hell, I don't know, either!"


The two started laughing.


Rude: "Gents, I know the answer. At 'Helloween', it's Hall and Nash vs. the Mighty Texans."


Nash: "Oh wow! Really? The Mighty Texans. You don't say."


Hall: "Hey! Doesn't one of those guys carry a whip with him, bro?"


Nash: "Yeah. I had forgotten all about those guys. Well, I guess it's time for the obligatory wrestling promo, then. I'll start.


"Mighty Texans! Lash LaRue may carry a whip with him to the ring! But at 'Helloween', the whipping that's gonna be done is by Hall and Nash! You guys are going down!"


Hall: "Man, Kev! That's a classic old school promo! Brief and to the point!"


Nash: "Gotta hit those bullet points in the promo when you're short on time! Boom! Lay it out and git 'er done!"


Hall: "Now it's time for me to do my part of the promo.


"At 'Helloween', Lash LaRue and Sam Houston, we're gonna send a message to the UWL! Unfortunately for you, you're the ones we're gonna send that message through! And that message will be one of great pain and agony and will let every other wrestler out other know they can expect to suffer the same fate if they tangle with The Firm!


"How was that?"


Nash: "Mmmmm... Your promos are better when you're sober!"


Hall: "You think so?"


Nash: "Yeah, I think so."


Schultz took Hall's mic.


Schultz: "Ken Patera! You gotta World Title shot at 'Helloween'! But you'd better watch your back durin' that match, son! Because you never know where David Schultz could be lurkin' that night! You've gotta ask yourself somethin': 'Is Dr. D in the building?' Because if I'm in the Lawlor Events Center this Sunday it could be a very bleak night for you! The last thing I know I wanna see is Ken Patera become the new UWL World Champion!"


Rude had Nash's mic.


Rude: "Arn, I am the man who has been chosen by Director DiBiase to wrestle you for the TV Title at 'Helloween'. I heard your comments just a minute ago, and I can tell you that I'm not gonna need any outside help to put you down for the count! You were once Firm material, Arn. We would have welcomed you with open arms into our elite group. But you went out of your way to get on our bad side by siding with Ken Partera against us. You have to be punished for that. And punishment will take the form of losing the TV Title to me in five days. But the good news is, after I have stripped you naked of the TV Title, your punishments will continue at our hands as long as you continue to associate with riff-raff like Patera."


DiBiase: "You know, most CEO's of major corporations have very cushy jobs. They sit in a lavish office all day or attend meetings or coporate social functions. They press the flesh with other big business-types to hammer out deals. And they do it all without getting their hands dirty. CEO's have the softest, most feminine hands of any group of the male of the species. It's a cushy job that pays really well. But in a real world fight situation, most CEO's would flee the scene. They don't want their well-manicured nails broken. The wouldn't want to have their $500 dollar haircut messed up. They would be afraid to get a little bloody or dirty. I have no respect for most CEO's. They're wimps of the highest order.


"As the CEO-slash-Director of The Firm, I can tell you that I'm not a man who sits behind some desk looking to avoid the heavy lifting. Just like these men put their bodies on the line in this ring night after night, I will do the same thing. I much prefer to be in the middle of battle with them rather than sitting like some spineless coward who sits in an office on the top floor of one of these tall buildings out here earning a big paycheck for doing basically...nothing. I have no respect for them. None.


"That's why I'm happy to announce that at 'Helloween', I will be wrestling in my debut match here in the UWL! Hahaha! Any CEO's who watch the pay-per-view, watch my match very closely. Because I'm gonna show you what a manly CEO is really like.")


(Announcers discussed The Firm interview and the addition of two new matches for 'Helloween'. Then sent it backstage.)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Hugh Morrus. Asked Hugh about getting the President's Championship match at 'Helloween' and tonight's match with Schultz.


HM: "Larry, I am fired up about my shot at the President's Championship this Sunday! Harley Race, I've pinned you twice now! I've got your number! This is my big chance to win a singles' title! And I'm gonna take advantage of the opportunity! I've got something to prove! I'm more than just a tag team wrestler! I've shown I can hold my own as a single! And I match up real well with Harley! But I can't allow myself to look past tonight!


"A victory over David Schultz would be huge for me heading into 'Helloween'! I know I've got my work cut out for me and I may be fighting more than just Schultz before this match is over! The Firm has made their plans for the UWL quite clear! But if they think they're gonna run roughshod over me without a fight, they'd better think again!")




Announcers ran down the complete card:


'ARMAGEDDON' CAGE MATCH: Father Dutch vs. Wahoo McDaniel


UWL WORLD TITLE: Greg Valentine © (w/ Hart) vs. Ken Patera


Bull Nakano (w/ Saito) vs. Madusa


LAST MAN STANDING: Billy Graham (w/ Grand Wizard) vs. Lex Luger


UWL WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE (The Dog Pound has guaranteed victory! If they lose, they become the Anderson bros. employees for 30 days!): Anderson Bros. © vs. Dog Pound


UWL TV TITLE: Arn Anderson © vs. Rick Rude


PRESIDENT'S CHAMPIONSHIP: Harley Race © (w/ JJ) vs. Hugh Morrus


Rip Oliver vs. The Crusher


Mighty Texans vs. Hall & Nash


DEBUT MATCH: Firm Director Ted DiBiase






'Cialis* Presents: Helloween' - This Sunday - Oct. 14 - Reno, NV - Lawlor Events Center - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW! Or, order on PPV! Cable: $34.95/Satellite: $44.95!)


(* If this PPV lasts more than 4 hours, contact a doctor immediately!)


(Announcers briefly discussed the 'Helloween' card. Hyped still to come: the first interview with Roddy Piper in over a year! Said Morrus vs. Schultz was next!)


Match 6

Hugh Morrus vs. David Schultz (w/ DiBiase)


(Morrus came out to a good reaction. Scultz and DiBiase came out to a mixed crowd response.


Short match with both men having advantages. At the end of the match, Schultz was on the offensive. Schultz hit Morrus with a couple of moves and then whipped Hugh into the ropes and looked to catch Hugh coming off with a clothesline but Hugh ducked the move and came back and nailed Schultz with a flying headbutt to the chest. Schultz crashed to the mat. DiBiase wildly signaled with his arms in the direction of the entrance stage. Hugh picked up Schultz and bodyslammed him into position for a turnbuckle move. As Hugh was preparing to climb the buckles, Hall, Nash and Rude hit the ring and pounced on Morrus. Ref called for the bell. Schultz recovered and joined in the beating of Morrus. The four were pounding on him when Arn, Patera and now, Lex Luger, hit the ring. Patera had a chair. Hall, Nash and Rude bailed to the floor as Ken's crew hit the ring. Schultz had his back turned and spun around and was greeted to a chair shot to the head, courtesy of Ken. Schultz crashed down to the mat as the crowd popped. Patera stood at the ready with the chair as Arn, Lex and Hugh had his back in the ring. Hall jumped up on the ring apron and Ken went to hit Hall with the chair but Hall bailed back to the floor and Patera just missed clocking Hall.


Security came to the ring. Some got in the ring and some were out on the floor. Nash reached into the ring and pulled Schultz out to the floor. Schultz on his feet and holding his head. Security kept both sides apart. On the floor, Firm members exchanged words with security and Hall and Nash shoved a couple of the security personnel and they had more words with the security team. DiBiase went over and had an angry exchange with a couple of security team members on the floor. Schultz broke free and jumped up on the apron. Patera got free in the ring, dropped the chair and charged over at Schultz and the two exchanged punches. Crowd into it. Security on the floor and in the ring was able to separate the two and keep them at bay. More words on the floor from The Firm directed at the four wrestlers in the ring. Luger, Arn and Hugh looked on, making sure nothing else would happen as Patera paced around like a caged lion behind the security wall. Security on the floor ordered The Firm to head to the back. Firm ignored the orders. DiBiase had a few more words for security out on the floor. DiBiase then ordered his men to head back up the aisle. As The Firm headed back up the aisle, they got far more boos than cheers. Some garbage was throw in their direction by guys who looked like Juggalos. DiBiase and crew stopped and had words for the face painted fans.


Patera once again broke away from security and bolted the ring. Arn, Lex and Hugh followed Patera out. Patera jumped on Schultz and Arn, Lex and Hugh started slugging it out with Hall, Nash and Rude as DiBiase looked on. Security once again had to move in and separate the warring factions. They finally separated the parties. The two sides were still having words as security now formed a wall between them. DiBiase ordered his men to the back. The Firm headed back up the ramp to the stage as the boos for them got louder. Hall did the crotch chop in the direction of Ken's crew before they headed to the back. Ken, Arn, Lex and Hugh were fired up in the aisle and talked briefly among themselves before heading to the back to a strong ovation from the crowd.


WINNER: Morrus - DQ - Firm interfered - 3:23)


(Announcers discussed the wild situation with The Firm and Patera, Luger, Hugh and Arn. Said the first interview with Roddy Piper in over a year was next.)


(Video aired from last year's 'Helloween' of Valentine destroying Piper's left ear with the chain during their dog collars and chain match.)


(In-ring: Lee Marshall was standing alone.


LM: "Ladies and Gentlemen! Would you please welcome my guest at this time! He is appearing via satellite from his home in Portland, Oregon...'Rowdy' Roddy Piper!"


Crowd started cheering and then roaring when Piper appeared on the JumboTron from his home. He was seated and wearing street clothes.


Crowd roar grew louder and many started chanting 'Roddy! Roddy!'. Piper soaked it in for a moment.


RP: "Thank you. (Pause.) Thank you."


LM: "Roddy, it is great seeing you. And, for the first time in over a year, it's good to hear what you finally have to say since suffering that terrible injury at the hands of Greg Valentine at last year's 'Helloween'. How's the ear doing?"


RP: "The hearing is still not too hot in my left ear. Most of the damage Greg Valentine did to it with that chain is probably permanent."


LM: "How's the equilibrium? We know that immediately after the injury you were having trouble standing and walking."


RP: "My equilibrium is much better. For months, I had trouble just standing up and walking. But I'm pretty good in that area now."


LM: "Roddy, I hate to say this, but Greg Valentine and his manager Gary Hart broke the news right here at 'Slam!' a few weeks ago that you weren't medically cleared to wrestle. Unfortunately, their news turned out to be correct. Do you have an update for us on the medical clearance front?"


RP: "I'm still not medically cleared to wrestle. But I want you all to know this. I will be back."


Crowd cheered.


LM: "Have doctors given you a timeline for when you might be able to possibly return to wrestling?"


RP: "It's a lot closer to happening than it was a year ago. That's all I can say about it right now."


LM: "So, they've given you no specific date or anything as to if or when you can return?"


RP: "I've said all I can say about that at this time."


LM: "OK. Moving on to my next..."


RP: "Lee, before you go any further, I have a question I need to ask."


LM: "Go ahead, Roddy."


RP: "I would like to know if Greg Valentine and that cue ball manager of his could come out to the ring right now?"


Crowd buzzing.


LM: "You want Valentine and Hart to come out here?"


RP: "Right now."


LM: "Would Greg Valentine and Gary Hart please come to the ring?"


After a pause, Valentine and Hart came out on the entrance stage. Both were in suits and Valentine was carrying the title. They were heavily booed as they made it to the ring. Both had a look of arrogant confidence as they stepped into the ring.


LM: "Greg Valentine. Gary Hart. Roddy Piper has called you out here. I have no idea what this is about."


Hart: "Roddy, before this goes any further, I have something to say. We were watching this sad farce unfold on a monitor in the back. If you're coming back, why can't you be more specific about when you're coming back? I'll tell you why. The fact is you're never coming back. You're done, Piper. I'm almost beginning to feel a small tinge of sadness for you. Roddy, why can't you just admit that it's over for you? It's time to face reality. You don't have a return date because no medical clearance is coming. And it's never gonna come. You had a Hall of Fame career, Roddy. But it's over now. Time for you to face it."


RP: "I will be back, baldy. I will return. Mark my words."


Hart: "Don't torture yourself, Piper. A year from now you'll be saying the same thing. You'll tease these fans once again by sqawking that you're coming back. And then the year after that and the year after that. It will just be more of the same. Then, these fans, they cheer you now, will turn on you as you keep deluding yourself into believing that one day you're gonna wrestle again."


RP: "I am coming back! It will happen! And the first person I'm gonna target is the man standing to your right! And Greg Valentine's gonna suffer and suffer greatly for what he did to me! My payback has been building up for over a year now! I think about getting revenge on you, Valentine, every day!"


Greg: "Piper, first of all, I know the extent of the damage I did to your left ear in that match at 'Helloween' last year! I could feel your ear being destroyed as I pounded away on it with that thick steel chain! You said it yourself; the damage to that ear is permanent! Keep on dreaming, Piper! Because dreaming is all you've got left! You're career is finished and I'm the man that finished it!"


RP: "Valentine, there is another chapter that has yet to be written in this story! And I'm gonna be the one that writes it! And it's gonna be all about how Roddy Piper came back and avenged what you did to me! You're whole goal in that dog collar and chain match was to maim me! I've gotten better! Much better! Doctors are amazed at my recovery! And let me tell you this, you don't have to hear to be able to wrestle! You just keep that in mind!"


Greg: "Who was the man who put you in a position where you needed help just to make it to the toilet?! Who was the man who made it so you had to walk using a walker and a cane?! That was me, dammit! I destroyed you at last year's 'Helloween'! No doctor in his right mind would ever clear you to return to wrestling! Because if you came back, I'd just zero in on that ear again and the whole process will repeat itself! You can mark my words on that! Face reality, Piper! You're now nothing but a useless cripple! And you'll be that way forever! All thanks to me! I am the 'Legend Destroyer'!"


RP: "You may have crippled me! But you didn't get the job done because it wasn't permanent! I am coming back! And you're not gonna like it when I do!"


Greg: "That's big talk from a gimp! Do yourself a favor and apply for permanent disability and just sit in your easy chair and watch DVD's of the great highlights of your career as you get older and older! You can one day tell your grandkids that you had a legendary career until the UWL World Champion Greg Valentine ripped it away from you!"


RP: "You know, I may not be able to officially wrestle right now..."


Greg: "Ever! You're not wrestling ever again! Man, I think you now need serious psychiatric help! The guy's delusional!


RP: "As I was saying, I may not be able to wrestle right now. But I would love to be there in person because I would take that World Title and shove it right up your ass!"


Crowd popped.


LM: "We are running short on time, gentlemen. Roddy, do you have anything else to say to Greg Valentine and Gary Hart?"


RP: "I have one more thing to say to Laurel and Hardy there."


Piper held up a ticket.


RP: "Gary and Greg, do you see this?"


Hart: "We see it."


Greg: "It looks like a piece of paper. I know what it is. It's a coupon for a discount hearing aid. Hahaha!"


RP: "Oh, Greg! You're such a funny one! But no, this is not a hearing aid coupon. It's a ticket. A front row ticket. You see, Greg, I'm gonna be sitting right there at ringside this Sunday at 'Helloween' for your World Title match with Ken Patera. See you in Reno."


Crowd cheering and chanting Roddy's name as Piper looked on from the JumboTron as Valentine and Hart didn't find the news too humorous in the ring as the program faded to black.)


(Final video aired for the 'Helloween' PPV.)




Dark Match ($100,000 Battle Royal)

PARTICIPANTS: Mighty Texans, Killer Bees, Crusher, Anderson bros., Tully Blanchard, Rip Oliver

(WINNER: Crusher - Eliminated Oliver with a Bolo Punch that sent Oliver over the top rope down to the floor - 9:17)

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