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GREG VALENTINE © (w/ Mgr. Gary Hart) vs. KEN PATERA



BILLY GRAHAM (w/ Grand Wizard) vs. LEX LUGER


UWL WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE (The Dog Pound has guaranteed victory! If they lose, they become the Anderson Brothers' employees for 30 days!)



MADUSA vs. BULL NAKANO (w/ Mgr. Mr. Saito)






HARLEY RACE © (w/ Mgr. JJ Dillon) vs. HUGH MORRUS





















'Helloween' will be posted on Sunday.

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PRE-SHOW MATCH (UWL Women's World Title - Exclusively on the uwlslam.com website!)

Tina Ferrari © vs. Luna

(WINNER: Ferrari - Submission - Recliner - 7:12)




(Video opened the show built primarily around the 'Armageddon' match; UWL World Title match; Graham-Luger Last Man Standing match; and Bull Nakano vs. Madusa match done to the theme from the original 'Halloween' movie.)


(Crowd shots/Pyro)


(Shot of the ominous 'Armageddon' cage suspended above the ring airs. Cage has layers of barbed wire strewn through it.)


(Announcers welcomed viewers to the PPV. Discussed the 'Armageddon' match coming up later tonight between Wahoo and Father Dutch. Also hyped: UWL WT Match: Valentine © vs. Patera; Bull Nakano vs. Madusa and the Last Man Standing Match: Luger vs. Graham and DiBiase's wrestling debut. Then sent it to the ring.)


Match 1 (President's Championship)

Harley Race © (w/ JJ) vs. Hugh Morrus


(Morrus came out first to a solid crowd response. He slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring. Once in the ring, Hugh briefly played to the crowd. Race and JJ came out to loud boos but also had a small group of supporters in the crowd.


Ref took the title and held it up for all the fans to see. Ref, still holding the belt, called both men to the middle of the ring and laid down the rules and patted both men down as JJ stood with Harley. Ref then sent both men to a neutral corner. Hugh went to his corner and was facing the crowd as Race suddenly grabbed the belt from the ref and went to hit Hugh with the belt but Hugh turned just in time to see Race coming and moved and Race slammed the belt on the top buckle. Race spun around and Hugh started blasting Race with punches and Race dropped the belt. Race staggered. JJ, still in the ring, came over and punched Hugh. Hugh no sold the punch and laid into JJ with couple of punches and then butted Race's and JJ's heads together. Race fell back against the buckles and JJ crashed to the mat and rolled out of the ring and dropped to his feet on the floor in a dazed state. Crowd popping.


Ref called for the bell.


Hugh nailed Race with head and body shots in the corner and then whipped Race into the opposite buckles. Hugh charged in and blasted Race with a a big clothesline. Race went limp in the corner. Hugh grabbed Race, whipped Race into the ropes and caught Race coming off with a flying headbutt to the chest. Race down. Hugh for the cover, 1...2... Race kicked out. Hugh grabbed Race and slammed Race headfirst into the buckles. Hugh then channeled Wahoo and fired away with a series of blistering chops. Race staggered out next to the ropes. Hugh nailed Race with a suplex and then went to nail Race with a knee drop to the head but Race moved and Hugh crashed knee-first to the mat. Both men down. Both men made it to their feet and Race caught Hugh with a right to the jaw. Hugh staggered. Race then grabbed Hugh's head and nailed Hugh with a couple of headbutts. Race whipped Hugh into the ropes and caught Hugh coming off with a belly-to-belly suplex. Race for the cover. 1...2... Hugh kicked out. Both men got to their feet and Race drove a knee into Hugh's gut and then whipped Hugh into the buckles. Race moved in and nailed Hugh in the gut with a series of shoulder blocks to the gut. Race grabbed Hugh by the hair and went to nail Hugh with a running head slam into an opposite top buckle but Hugh pushed Race off and Race slammed front-first into the buckles. Hugh came up behind Race and rolled Race up from behind for the pin try. 1...2... Race kicked Hugh off. Hugh up, Race to his knees. Hugh moved in and Race caught Hugh with a gut shot.


Race got up and nailed Hugh with some more headbutts. Race then grabbed Hugh in a side headlock and snapped Hugh over and down to the mat. Race held Hugh in the side headlock on the mat. Hugh tried to escape and counter the hold to no avail. Race maintained the hold. Race stood up with Hugh now on his knees in the side headlock. Race tightened up on the hold. Hugh to his feet. Race held it a little longer before Hugh pushed Race off into ropes. Race came off and Hugh dove down and Race jumped over Hugh. Race hit the opposite ropes and came off and Hugh caught Race with a side slam. Race laid out in the ring. Hugh grabbed Race by the legs and flipped over on top of Race for the pin try. 1...2... Race grabbed Hugh by the waist and bridged up and maneuvered to twist Hugh into a backslide. Hugh struggled to keep from going over and reversed the move and caught Race in a backslide. 1... Race kicked out again. Hugh got up and picked Race up for a bodyslam near the ropes. Ref didn't see JJ reach into the ring and pull Hugh's left foot out from under him. Hugh crashed to the mat with Race on top of him. Hugh's foot was sticking out under the bottom rope and JJ dropped down by the apron and grabbed Hugh's foot. 1...2.. Hugh got a shoulder up. Crowd buzzing. JJ frustrated.


Hugh got to his feet first and turned and looked down at JJ standing on the floor. Hugh angrily pointed at JJ and said something. Race got to his feet, charged at Hugh and nailed Hugh with a dropkick to the back that sent Hugh over the top rope and crashing to the floor. Race went to leave the ring but the ref stopped him and ordered him to stand back. As the ref was distracted by arguing Harley, Hugh was just getting to his knees on the floor when JJ removed his tie and used it to strangle Hugh out on the floor. JJ stopped strangling Hugh and Hugh went back down on the floor. JJ then got a couple of kicks in on the downed Hugh. Race now ignored the ref and left the ring and went to the floor. Race grabbed Hugh by the hair and pulled Hugh to his feet and slammed Hugh's head into the ring apron Hugh leaning against the apron. Race nailed Hugh with a couple of shots to the ribs and then grabbed Hugh by the waist and slammed Hugh back-first into the ringside barricade. Hugh hurting. Race rolled in and out of the ring to break the ref's 10-count. Hugh limp against the barricade. Race nailed Hugh with a couple of more punches and then picked up Hugh and dropped him throat-first across the barricade. Race then grabbed Hugh and slammed him head-first into the announcers' table. Hugh down to a knee. Race once again rolled in and out of the ring to break the ref's 10-count. Hugh had gotten to his feet as Race came off the apron and attempted to nail Hugh with a double sledge to the head but Hugh caught Race with a punch to the gut. Hugh then slammed Race's head into one of TV monitors on the announcers' table. Crowd cheered. Hugh then sent Race crashing into the ringside barricade. Hugh then rolled in and out of the ring to break the ref's 10-count. As Race made it to his feet on the floor, Hugh mounted the top buckle and came off with a double sledge to Race's head that sent Race back down to the floor. Hugh grabbed Race and threw him back into the ring. Hugh again mounted the top buckle as Race made it to his feet. Channeling Ricky Steamboat, Hugh caught Race with a flying bodypress. Hugh for the pin. 1...2...2-1/2... Race got a shoulder up. Crowd groaned. JJ pounding the mat and furiously urging on Race. Hugh pulled Race up and went to whip Race into the ropes but Race reversed and sent Hugh into the ropes and looked to nail Hugh coming off with a clothesline but Hugh ducked the move and came back and nailed Race with a flying shoulder tackle. JJ pacing at ringside.


Hugh again went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle as Race got to his feet. Hugh came off with a missle dropkick attempt but Race caught Hugh's legs and, after a brief struggle, was able to turn Hugh over into a Boston Crab. Hugh struggling not to submit. Race had the hold locked in. Hugh inched his way towards the ropes. Race still with a firm grip on the hold. Hugh got closer to the ropes. Hugh then got close enough and got his fingers on the bottom rope, Race powered up and dragged Hugh away from the ropes and cinched up on the Crab. Crowd pulling for Hugh. Race maintained the hold but Hugh would not submit. Hugh then was able to escape the hold by flipping over and tossing Race off of him. Race went down but quickly got up. Hugh got up facing away from Race. Race caught Hugh from behind and ran Hugh into the ropes and rolled up hugh from behind. Race went for the pin while holding Hugh's tights. 1...2...2-1/2... Hugh was able to kick Race off. Race fell into the ropes. Hugh got up and Race moved into punch Hugh but Hugh blocked the punch try and nailed Race with a couple of punches and then stunned Race with a series of bionic elbows to the top of the head. Race staggered. Hugh then blasted Race with a double sledge to the side of the face that sent Race crashing to the mat. Hugh briefly played to the crowd and they responded in kind. Hugh whipped Race into the buckles and charged in and Race stunned Hugh with an elbow to the chest. Hugh staggered backwards. Race headbutted Hugh to the mat. Race then bodyslammed Hugh into position for a turnbuckle move. Race mounted the middle buckle and came off with a diving headbutt but Hugh rolled out of the way and Race crashed head-first to the mat. Both men down. Crowd buzzing. Race made it to his feet just before Hugh and stunned Hugh with a couple of punches to the head that dazed Hugh. Race then grabbed Hugh in another side headlock and this time Hugh countered with an atomic drop on the top rope that crotched Race. Race straddled the rope before falling back into the ring.


Hugh pulled Race up next to the ropes and drove knee into Race's gut and then whipped Race into the ropes and caught Race coming off with his flying headbutt to the chest for a second time. Crowd popped as Race went down. Hugh then bodyslammed Race into position for a turnbuckle move. Hugh mounted the top buckle and came off with a moonsault but Race got his knees up and Hugh crashed into them. Hugh down. Race crawled over and covered Hugh with one arm. 1...2... Hugh got a shoulder up. Race from his knees, grabbed Hugh by the hair, pulled Hugh up and belted him with some more punches to the head. Race then pulled Hugh up to his feet, whipped Hugh into the ropes and caught Hugh coming off with another belly-to-belly suplex. Race, worn down from the match, grabbed Hugh and went to piledrive him, but Hugh twice blocked the move and backdropped Race to the canvas. Hugh and Race got to their feet at went at each other. Race caught Hugh with a punch but Hugh fired back with a series of European uppercuts that stunned Race. Hugh whipped Race into the ropes and caught Race coming off with a hotshot. Race's throat slammed into the top rope and Race's head snapped back and Race staggered backwards and crashed on his back in the ring. JJ hopped up on the ring apron and had words for Hugh. Hugh went over and had a few words for JJ and then JJ slapped Hugh hard across the face. This only pissed Hugh off even more. Hugh returned the slap on JJ and JJ crashed to the apron and then the floor. Crowd roaring.


Unfortunately, for Hugh, Race had recovered. Hugh turned around and walked right into a kick to the gut from Race. Race hoisted Hugh up and nailed Hugh with the piledriver. Race covered Hugh and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Small segment of the crowd cheered. Ref went over and took the title from guest r.a. Gary Michael Capetta and had a few words with Capetta. Ref handed the title to Race and raised his hand in victory.


Capetta: "Wrestling fans! In a time of 18 minutes, 24 seconds, your winner...and still President's Champion...Harley Race!"


Crowd booed the announcement.


An exhausted Race didn't hang around and left the ring with the belt slung over his shoulder as a dazed but happy JJ met Race at the aisleway entrance and the two made it back up the aisle.


WINNER: Race - Pinfall - Piledriver - 18:24)


(Announcers discussed Race retaining the title against Morrus in an exciting opener. Another camera shot appeared of the 'Armageddon' cage and the announcers hyped the 'Armageddon' match between Wahoo and Father Dutch coming up later on the show. Said Madusa vs. Nakano was next!)


(Video aired chronicling the Madusa-Nakano feud.)


Match 2

Bull Nakano (w/ Mr. Saito) vs. Madusa


(Nakano and Saito came to the ring first to boos. Nakano was carrying the flag of Japan and, once in the ring, Nakano waved the flag high in the air which further displeased the crowd.


Madusa came out in a red, white and blue singlet and waving the American flag. She got a strong reaction from the crowd. Once in the aisle, Madusa charged towards the ring.


Madusa tossed her flag next to the ring apron and slid into the ring. Bull charged at Madusa and swung wildly at her and missed and Madusa ducked and jumped on Bull's back. Ref called for the bell. Madusa riding Bull as Bull ran around the ring trying to throw Madusa off. Madusa caught Bull in the side of the head with some punches. Bull ran around a little more and was finally able to throw Madusa off. Madusa got to her feet in the corner and Bull ran in and squashed her. Madusa limp. Bull then nailed Madusa with a series of punches that drove Madusa to her ass in the corner. Bull started choking Madusa with her foot and broke the illegal move at the ref's count of four. Bull then repeated the move, breaking again at the count of four. Bull pulled Madusa up by the hair and bodyslammed her in the middle of the ring. Bull went for a diving splash on Madusa but Madusa rolled out of the way and Bull crashed to the mat. Both women got to their feet and Madusa moved in an nailed Bull with a series of vicious kicks that staggered Bull. Madusa then whipped Bull into the ropes and caught Bull coming off with a dropkick that dropped Bull. Bull got up and Madusa nailed her with another dropkick that drove Bull next to the ropes. Madusa then nailed Bull with a running clothesline that drove Bull over the top rope down to the floor. Fans cheering.


As Bull got to her feet on the floor, Madusa mounted the top buckle and came off and nailed Bull with a flying bodypress on the floor. Crowd now really roaring. Madusa grabbed Bull and slammed Bull's head into the apron and threw Bull back in the ring. Saito standing near Madusa. Madusa turned and had words with Saito. Saito responded in Japanese. This distraction gave Bull time to recover and, with Madusa standing next to the apron, Bull nailed Madusa with a sliding dropkick that sent Madusa crashing into the ringside barricade. Bull left the ring and nailed Madusa with punches and then a double hand chop to the throat. Madusa grabbing her throat. Bull then grabbed Madusa and nailed her with a belly-to-back suplex on the floor. Bull then rolled in and out of the ring to break the ref's 10-count. Madusa started getting to her feet and Bull jumped off the apron and nailed her with an elbow to the top of the head. Madusa back down. Bull reached under the apron and pulled out a table and set it up on the floor. Once again Madusa was getting up and Bull popped her in the side of the face with a brutal kick that sent Madusa down again. Bull then picked up Madusa and placed her on the table. Bull climbed into the ring to break the ref's 10-count. Ref warning her not to attack Madusa on the table. Bull gestured she would backhand the ref. Bull climbed out on the apron and went to splash Madusa on the table but Madusa rolled off and Bull crashed through the table. Crowd popped. Both women down on the floor. Saito came over to help Bull. Ref counting. Saito helped Bull up and ordered her to shake out the cobwebs and get in the ring. Madusa getting to her feet. Saito threw the dazed Bull back in the ring at the count of 9 and just before the 10 count, Madusa slid in.


Bull went over to stomp on Madusa as Madusa was trying to get up but Madusa grabbed Bull's left ankle and pulled her leg out from under her. Bull toppled to the mat. Madusa then locked Bull in to the spining toe hold. Madusa tighening it up with every turn. Bull trying to get close to the ropes to force a break. Bull got close to the ropes but not close enough. As the ref looked in the direction of Madusa, Saito reached in the ring, grabbed Bull's hands and dragged her close enough to the ropes. Ref turned and saw Bull had her hands on the bottom rope and forced a break in the hold. Madusa then went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle as Bull got to her feet. Bull got up and turned around and Madusa came off with a flying bodypress on Bull but Bull caught Madusa and turned it into a powerslam. 'Holy shit!' moment for the crowd. Bull for the cover. 1...2... Madusa got a shoulder up. Bull pulled Madusa up by the hair and nailed her with an open hand thrust to the throat. Madusa again grabbing at her throat. Bull then came up behind Madusa, grabbed Madusa around the waist and nailed her with three brutal German suplexes. Madusa hurting. Bull then maneuvered Madusa into position for a turnbuckle move. Bull mounted the middle buckle and was facing the crowd. Bull came off with a slignshot splash that connected. Bull for the cover. 1...2... Madusa again escaped defeat by getting a shoulder up. Crowd cheered. Saito looking concerned but basically keeping his emotions close to the vest.


Bull grabbed Madusa by the throat and pulled her up. Madusa next to the ropes. Bull started choking Madusa. Bull broke the hold at the count of four. Madusa wandered off. Bull followed Madusa and delivered an open hand slap to Madusa's back that echoed throughout the arena. Madusa now leaning against the ropes and in great pain. Bull then nailed Madusa with couple of gut punches and whipped Madusa into the buckles. Bull charged at Madusa and went for the big splash but Madusa stunned Bull by charging out and dropping Bull with a spear. Another 'Holy shit!' moment for the crowd. Both women down. Madusa crawled over and made the cover. 1...2... Bull kicked out. Crowd groaned. Madusa got to her feet and Bull got to her knees. Madusa, having a Ric Flair moment, then got behind Bull, grabbed her under her chin and started Bull peppering Bull in the side of the head with a rapid-fire series of punches. Madusa pulled Bull up and nailed the big gal with a snap suplex. Madusa then nailed Bull with a knee drop to the head. Madusa went for the cover. 1... Bull kicked out. Bull got to her feet facing away from Madusa and Madusa stunned Bull with a running bulldog. Crowd popped. A dazed Bull got to her feet and Madusa jumped across Bull's shoulders and attempted to crucifix Bull but Bull reversed it into a Samoan Drop. Both women down and feeling the effects of the grueling bout. Even though Madusa felt the brunt of the previous move, she slowly made it to her feet first. Madusa came over and grabbed Bull by the spiked hair but Bull, on a knee, drove a shoulder into Madusa's gut and then quickly turned that into a double underhook DDT. Bull for the cover. 1...2...2-1/2... Madusa kicked out. Crowd buzzing.


Bull snapped Madusa up, whipped Madusa into the ropes and caught Madusa coming off with a tilt-a-whirl suplex. Life driven out of Madusa. Bull picked up Madusa, grabbed her by the waist and rammed her back-first into the buckles. Bull then did the old Andre move of turning her back towards Madusa, grabbing the top rope and driving the weight of her body into Madusa three times. Madusa crumpled to a knee in the corner. Bull delivered a couple of brutal kicks to the side of Madusa's face. Bull picked Madusa up and bodyslammed her into position for a turnbuckle move. Bull mounted the middle buckle and came off with her diving guillotine leg drop finisher but Madusa rolled out of the way and Bull crashed to the mat. Both women down once more. Madusa moved over and rolled up Bull for a pin try. 1...2...2-3/4... Bull kicked Madusa off. Bull got up and Madusa greeted her with an enzuigiri. Bull crashed back to the mat. Madusa went out on the apron and mounted the top turnbuckle. Bull got up on unsteady legs and Madusa didn't miss this time as she nailed Bull with a flying bodypress. Bull crashed to the mat. Madusa for the cover. 1...2...2-7/8... Bull kicked out again. Crowd groaned. Bull, still on shaky legs, made her way to her feet again and Madusa this time blasted her with a Russian legsweep. Crowd cheering. Bull laid out.


Saito ran over and grabbed that American flag that was sitting on the floor leaned next to a ring post. Madusa got up and looked over and saw Saito with the flag. Saito feigned that he was gonna break the pole over his leg. Madusa went over next to the ropes and said something to Saito. Saito taunting Madusa with the flag. Behind Madusa, Bull made it to her feet and waited for Madusa to turn around. When Madusa turned and walked away from the ropes...WHAM!...Bull pulverized Madusa with a monster lariat that almost decpiatated Madusa. Madusa crashed to the mat. Saito tore the U.S. flag off its pole. Bull grabbed Madusa as she was getting up, whipped Madusa into the ropes and caught Madusa with a big powerslam. Madusa looking dead. Saito yelled at Bull and then tossed Bull the American flag. Bull draped the flag over Madusa's prone body. Crowd heat rising. Bull hit the ropes and came off and nailed Madusa with a diving splash. Bull covered the American flag-draped Madusa. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Bull stood up and had her hand raised in victory by the ref. Bull remained standing over the downed and flag covered Madusa. Saito got in the ring with the Japanese flag. Boos increased and some garbage flew at the ring. Saito handed the flag to Bull. Bull placed her right foot on Madusa's gut and chauvanisticly waved the flag of Japan high for all to see. Fans becomeing even more furious. More garbage. Six UWL security team members came to the ring in case this matter got out of hand. Bull and Saito then vacated the ring and head to the back to boos and garbage and a couple of attempted fan swipes. Once on the stage, Saito raised Bull's hand victoriously and then Bull once again waved the flag before they exited stage left to more boos. Madusa to her feet in the ring and clearly furious that Bull humiliated her by covering her in the stars and stripes before scoring the pin. Madusa, clutching Old Glory, angrily left the ring and power-walked back up the aisle. When Madusa got to the entrance stage, she turned and held the U.S. flag high in the air with both hands as the crowd briefly chanted 'USA! USA!' before heading to the back.


WINNER: Nakano - Pinfall - Diving Splash - 12:43)


(Announcers discussed the great match between Madusa and Nakano and the controversial ending.


Pedicino: "Knowing Madusa, she will not let this slide. Nakano set out to humiliate her and she succeeded. Madusa won't rest until she gets another crack at Nakano."


Hyped still to come: 'Armageddon' cage match; UWL WT: Valentine © vs. Patera; Last Man Standing: Graham vs. Luger. Said Crusher vs. Rip Oliver was next!)


(Video aired chronicling the Oliver-Crusher feud.)


Match 3

Rip Oliver vs. The Crusher


(Oliver came out to strong boos but also had his fans. Crusher came out to a good ovation.


Once in the ring, Crusher took off his trademark cap and threw it into the crowd.


The men were in neutral corners when the ref called for the bell. Crusher grabbed the top rope and pulled on it a couple of times and turned and walked out of his corner. WHAM! Oliver blasted Crusher with a superkick. Crusher splatted on the mat. Oliver covered Crusher and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Quite a few more fans cheered Oliver than when he entered the ring. Ref raised Oliver's hand in victory and that was that.


WINNER: Oliver - Pinfall - Superkick - :11)


(Announcers discussed the quick, explosive win by Oliver over Crusher. Hyped still to come: 'Armageddon' cage match; UWL WT: Valentine © vs. Patera w/ Roddy Piper sitting at front row ringside; UWL WTT Title Match (Dog Pound guarantees victory. If they lose, they become employees for the Anderson bros. for 30 days!): Anderson Bros. © vs. Dog Pound. Said the TV Title Match: Arn © vs. Rude was coming up next! Then sent it backstage.)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Rick Rude. Asked Rude about tonight's title match with Arn.


Rude: "Last week, Arn Anderson issued a challenge to the 'Ravishing One'. He said that he wants to wrestle me mano y mano with no outside help from my brothers in The Firm. Well, Arn, consider the challenge accepted! I'm not gonna need any help to beat you and become the new TV Champion! You even implying I need outside help to pin your shoulders to the mat is insulting to me! I know I can beat you all by myself! You also said may the best man win our match! The best man's gonna win it! And that man is simply ravishing!")


Match 4 (TV Title Match)

Arn Anderson © vs. Rick Rude


(Rude came to the ring first to a mixed crowd reaction. Anderson got a strong ovation coming to the ring. Arn had the belt on around his waist.


Arn got in the ring and handed the belt over to the ref. Ref held it up for all to see and then handed the belt off to Capetta. Ref then called the two men out to the center of the ring and laid down the rules and patted each man down. Ref then sent each man to a neutral corner and called for the bell.


The two men came out and circled one another. Rude slapped Arn hard across the face. Arn was briefly rocked as Rude flexed his muscles. Arn then blasted Rude with a slap of his own that rocked Rude. Rude charged at Arn and Arn caught Rude and nailed him with an inverted atomic drop. Rude not down but singing soprano. Arn then dropped Rude with a clothesline. Rude got up and Arn plastered Rude with a dropkick that drove Rude against the ropes and Rude got his arms tangled in the top and middle rope. Rude trapped. Arn moved in on Rude with a series of head and body punches as the ref desperately tried to untangle Rude from the ropes. Rude still tied up as the ref ordered Arn to back off. Arn started to back up and then went over and punched Rude in the head and body some more. Ref got in Arn's face and ordered him back. Arn had words with the ref as Rude appeared to somewhat free up his arms in the ropes but wasn't totally free. Arn ignored the ref and charged at Rude. Rude slipped out of the ropes and moved as Arn went to hit him with his KO punch and Arn flew over the top rope and crashed to the floor. Ref tried to order Rude to stay in the ring but Ru shoved the ref aside and went out on the apron. Arn got to his feet on the floor and Rude nailed Arn with a flying clothesline off the apron. Arn and Rude both crashed to the floor. Rude got up and pulled Arn up by the hair so Arn was in the sit-up position. Rude popped Arn in the head with a series of rapid punches. Rude then whipped Arn into the ring steps. Arn crashed hard into them. Rude quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the ref's 10-count. Arn on his hands and knees next to the steps. Rude pulled Arn up and slammed the champ's head into the top step. Arn laying over the top step. Rude then whipped Arn into the ringside barricade. Rude charged at Arn and Arn came out and clotheslined Rude to the floor. Crowd popped. Arn was able to roll in and out of the ring and break the count.


Arn went back out and grabbed Rude and slammed Rude's head into the ringside barricade. Rude staggered off. Arn grabbed Rude and slammed his head into another part of the barricade. Arn then threw a staggered Rude back into the ring. Arn mounted the top buckle and as Rude got up, Arn came off and nailed Rude with a double sledge to the head. Rude crashed to the mat. Arn for the cover. 1...2... Rude kicked out. Arn pulled Rude up in a front facelock and Rude grabbed Arn around the waist and drove Arn back-first into buckles. Rude blasted Arn with a series of rapid-fire shoulder blocks. Arn hurting in the corner. Rude fired away on Arn with a series of head punches and then hoisted the stunned Arn up on his shoulder and nailed Arn with a running powerslam. Rude for the cover. 1...2... Arn kicked out. Rude up and Arn to his knees. Rude grabbed Arn in a front facelock. Rude cinched up on the hold as Arn looked for an out. Arn made it to his feet as Rude still had the hold locked in. Arn started punching Rude in the side of the ribs and Rude started loosening up the hold but Rude countered with forearm smash to Arn's upper back and Rude locked Arn back in the front facelock. Rude held on to the hold for a little bit longer before Arn was able to maneuver his arm around Rude's neck and nail Rude with a suplex. Arn and Rude got to their feet and Arn caught Rude in a small package. 1...2... Rude kicked out. Rude got up and went to punch Arn but Arn blocked the punch and nailed Rude with his own shots. Arn then whipped Rude into the ropes and looked to catch Rude coming off with his left-handed KO punch but Rude ducked the move and came back and blasted Arn with a flying lariat. Arn down. Rude then got up and dropped an elbow across Arn's chest. Rude then stood up and stepped on the side of Arn's face as he flexed his muscles. Ref counting. Rude broke the illegal move at four. Rude then picked up Arn. Arn got a couple of weak shot into Rude's gut and then Rude drove a knee into Arn's gut and then bodyslammed Arn into position for a turnbuckle move. Rude mounted the middle buckle and came off with a knee drop to Arn's chest. Rude then shifted Arn's body a little and went for the cover. Ref didn't see Rude place his feet on the bottom rope. 1...2... Arn got a shoulder up. Rude took his feet off the rope. Rude covered Arn again and once more the ref didn't see Rude place his feet on the bottom rope. 1...2... Arn again got a shoulder up. Again, Rude took his feet off the rope before the ref could see them on there. Rude tried pinning Arn once more by placing his feet on the bottom rope. 1...2... Arn got a shoulder up once more and the ref caught Rude with his feet on the ropes for leverage and ordered a break. Rude had words for the ref.


Rude grabbed Arn by the hair and pulled Arn up. Rude had Arn next to the ropes and drove a quick series of knees into Arn's gut. Rude then went to whip Arn into the ropes but Arn reversed and caught Rude coming off with a spinebuster. Crowd popped. Arn made the throat-slashing gesture. Arn grabbed Rude in a front facelock and started to hoist Rude up for the gourdbuster when Rude stunned Arn by reversing the move into a DDT. Rude covered Arn. 1...2...2-1/2... Arn kicked out. Rude hopped on top of Arn and nailed Arn with a series of head shots. Rude pulled Arn up, whipped Arn into the ropes and caught Arn with a gut punch. Arn doubled over. Rude grabbed Arn around the waist and hoisted up Arn in an over-the-shoulder backbreaker. Arn fighting, trying not to submit. Rude has the hold on strong. Arn not giving in. After a little more time in the hold, Arn started wriggling his legs and was able to shake loose from the hold and drop to his feet facing away behind Rude. Arn showed the residue of his heel days when he drove the back of his lower leg into Rude's groin. Rude dropped to his knees. Arn grabbed Rude by the back of the head and pulled Rude to his feet and rammed Rude's head into the top buckle. Arn spun Rude around and worked Rude over with a series of head and body punches. Arn then proceeded to whip Rude into the corner repeatedly that Rude was just in. Rude stumbled out of the corner and Arn blasted Rude with his left-handed KO punch. Rude crashed to the mat. Arn for the cover. 1...2... Rude got a shoulder up. Arn nailed Rude with a couple of head shots and pulled Rude up and whipped Rude into the ropes. Arn bent down looking to backdrop Rude but Rude dropped down and nailed Arn with an elbow to the back of the head. Arn snapped back and crashed to the mat and was holding the back of his head. Rude made his way to his feet. Rude put the boots relentlessly to Arn.


Rude picked up Arn and hoisted the champ upside down. Rude then ran and violently slammed Arn front-first into the buckles. Rude let Arn go and Arn crumpled to the mat in the corner. Arn on his side facing the crowd. Rude grabbed the top rope and drove a series of knees into Arn's back. Arn hurtin' for certain. Rude pulled Arn up and attempted to hoist Arn over his shoulder again for another backbreaker but Arn escaped the hold before Rude could get it locked in and dropped down behind Rude and caught Rude in a backslide. 1...2... Rude kicked out. The two men got up and Arn stunned Rude with a trio of punches that drove Rude into the corner. Arn moved in to pop Rude again but Rude stunned Arn with a thumb to the eye. Arn staggered back holding the eye. Rude then kicked Arn in the gut and then choked Arn on the top rope. Rude broke the illegal move at the count of four and then repeated it, breaking it again at four. Arn staggered away holding his throat. Rude grabbed Arn by the wrist, spun Arn around and pulverized Arn with a short-arm clothesline. Arn crashed to the mat and it seemed like Rude was going to be the best man in this match. Rude picked up Arn and blasted the TV champ with the Rude Awakening. Mixed crowd reaction to the finisher. Rude then arrogantly dropped his knees down on Arn's shoulders and flexed his biceps as he went for the cover. 1...2... Arn managed to kick his legs back and catch Rude's arms and flip Rude over for a pin try of his own. 1...2...2-3/4... Rude kicked out. Crowd groaned.


Hall and Nash came walking down the aisle to the ring.


Stack: "Color me shocked! Rude's not a man of his word!"


Rude got up and was stomping Arn in the ring. Just as Hall and Nash got almost to ringside, the crowd popped as Morrus and Patera came charging down the aisle and caught Hall and Nash and started fighting with them at ringside. Rude whipped Arn into the ropes and caught Arn coming off with a brutal running high knee that sent Arn crashing helplessly to the mat. The brawl between Hall, Nash, Patera and Hugh had moved up the aisle and was moving towards the stage. Rude grabbed Arn and went to lock him into position for another Rude Awakening but Arn escaped the hold, spun around, grabbed Rude around the waist and ran Rude into the ropes and rolled up Rude from behind. Arn, in another heel residue moment, grabbed a handful of Rude's tights as the ref counted. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Fans exploded. Ref went over and took the belt from guest r.a. Capetta and had a few words for Capetta. Ref handed the belt to an exhausted Arn and raised his hand in victory. Rude argued with the ref and grabbed at his tights showing that Arn was holding them but the ref would have none of it.


Capetta: "Wrestling fans! In a time of 15 minutes, 12 seconds, your winner...and STILL UWL TV Champion...Arn Anderson!"


More crowd cheers.


Ref went over and raised Arn's hand again to the delight of the crowd. Behind Arn's back, Rude socked the ref and the ref crashed to the mat. Rude then angrily left the ring. Arn then saw the ref and went over and checked on him.


WINNER: Arn - Pinfall - Roll-up from behind - 15:12)


(Announcers discussed Arn retaining the TV Title vs. Rude and Patera and Morrus coming out and thwarting an interference attempt by Hall and Nash.


Pedicino: "Ken Patera has a chance to win the World Title later tonight and he really put himself at risk coming out with Hugh Morrus to stop Hall and Nash from interfering in Rude's match."


Stack: "I agree, Joe. Patera could have gotten seriously injured in that fight with Hall and Nash and it could have jeopardized his title shot."


Hyped still to come: 'Armageddon' cage match; UWL WT; UWL WTT Title: Anderson Bros. © vs. Dog Pound (Dog Pound has guaranteed victory. If they lose, they become the employees of the Anderson bros. for 30 days!). Said Ted DiBiase's debut match was next!)


Match 5 (Debut Match)

Ted DiBiase vs. B. Brian Blair


(Blair came to the ring first to modest cheers. DiBiase's laughh then echoed over the p.a. system and then the song 'Money' by Pink Floyd played. DiBiase came out to a mixed reaction. He wasn't wearing a tear-away tuxedo. He was in simple black tights and black boots.


Ref called for the bell and the two men came out of their corners and circled one another. DiBiase held his left hand up. Blair reached up and locked hands with DiBiase. DiBiase kicked Blair in the gut, whipped Blair into the ropes and caught Blair coming off with an elbow to the chest. Blair went down. As Blair got up, DiBiase nailed Blair with a double sledge to the back. Blair hurting but not down. DiBiase then caught Blair with a gutwrench suplex. DiBiase nailed Blair with a fist drop to the head. DiBiase pulled Blair up and whipped Blair into the ropes and caught Blair coming off with a leg dive takedown and locked Blair in the STF. Blair didn't submit as DiBiase held the hold on for only a few seconds before releasing it. DiBiase stood over the downed Blair and slapped Blair lightly in the head with both hands. Ted toying with Blair. As Blair started pushing himself up on all fours, DiBiase put his foot on Blair's back and drove him back down to the mat. DiBiase then drove a trio of elbow smashes into Blair's back. Ted then stomped on the downed Blair. Ted picked up Blair and nailed him with a side backbreaker. Ted then mounted the middle buckle facing the crowd and came off with a diving back elbow drop that connected. Ted for the cover. 1...2... Ted pulled Blair up by the hair and shook his head 'no' while waving his forefinger. Ted pulled Blair up, whipped Blair into the ropes and caught Blair coming off with a clothesline. Blair now becoming a rag doll. Ted circled around behind Blair as Blair got to his feet. Ted moved in and locked in the Million Dollar Dream sleeper. Blair struggling and started to fade fairly quickly. Ref raised Blair's hand once and it went limp. Ref raised Blair's hand again with the same result. As the ref was about to grab Blair's hand again, Ted let go of Blair and Blair fell to the mat. Ref had words with Ted and Ted snapped back. Ted stomped on Blair and Blair was groggy but moving. Ted now started slapping the downed Blair in the head harder than before. Ted was picked up on a mic.


Ted: "C'mon, Brian! Let's see what you got?!"


Ted then picked up Blair and nailed Blair with a side suplex. Ref said something to Ted. Ted just blew the ref off. Ted picked up Blair and nailed Blair with the Styles Clash. Ted covered Blair once more. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Mixed crowd reaction. Ref raised DiBiase's hand in victory. As Capetta was about to announce Ted as the winner, Ted went over and ripped the mic out of his hand.


Ted: "I think you people need to see that move, which I call the Elitist, once more."


Blair got to his feet and was facing away from Ted when Ted charged up behind Blair and dropped him with a clothesline to the back of the neck. Ref begging Ted not to do it again but Ted just gestured for the ref to back off. Ted picked up Blair and nailed him with another Elitist. Crowd reax still mixed to Ted. Ted looked out at the crowd briefly before finally leaving the ring and heading to the back.


WINNER: DiBiase - Pinfall - The Elitist (aka, Styles Clash) - 3:50)


(Announcers discussed the impressive and dominating win in Ted's UWL debut. Hyped still to come: 'Armageddon' cage match; UWL WT; Last Man Standing: Luger vs. Graham. Said the UWL WTT Title match was coming up!)


(Announcers then mentioned that the next UWL PPV was coming up in December and intro'd a video for it.)


(Video aired for the 'Immodium A-D Presents: Holiday Havoc! Winner Takes It All!' PPV - Sunday - Dec. 9 - Portland, OR - Rose Garden - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale this Saturday, Oct. 20 @ 10am PST!)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed WTT Champs the Anderson Bros. All were in their ring attire. Gene and Lars were wearing the belts. All three were holding shovels. Nelson asked what the shovels were for.


Ole: "These shovels are brand new! And we went to a hardware store and bought all sorts of new tools that Rick Steiner and Buzz Sawyer are gonna have to use on the Anderson farm up in Minnesota when they have to work for us for 30 days after we beat them tonight and remain the tag team champions of the world! I want the Dog Pound to know that we've got lots of stuff for them to do! And the first thing they're gonna have to do on the Anderson farm is take a couple of these shovels and clean up all the crap we've let build up over the last few days on the property! And no! It's not Gene's crap! It's not Lars's crap, either! It's steaming piles of animal crap! And Steiner and Sawyer will need to clean it up pronto because it's really starting to stink!


"You guys made the biggest mistake of your lives when you guaranteed a victory over us at 'Helloween' tonight! The down side for the Dog Pound is that they'll have to work for the Anderson brothers! And we intend to make you work harder than you've ever worked during the 30 days you're employed by us! I love the thought of seeing Rick Steiner and Buzz Sawyer sweating buckets and in great pain from all the back-breaking physical labor they're gonna have to do! It's gonna be relentless! Day and night, the Dog Pound is gonna be working on the farm! And Gene, Lars and I are just gonna sit back and give all the orders as we sip drinks and sit in the comfort of the house! But, not to worry, one of us will be out to crack the whip to make sure you boys keep working at the pace we feel is necessary to get the job done! We will not tolerate the Dog Pound behaving like slackers!


"While we can be hard-asses on the help, we can also be fair country squires! Rick and Buzz, we know you'll need to keep hydrated! So, there will be a cup and bucket of water drawn from the creek that runs through the land sitting out in one of the fields somewhere! Gene, show 'em the bucket!"


Gene held up a rusty bucket with some holes in it.


Ole: "You might want to buy some packs of gum and chew up every piece in them before you have to work because you can used the chewed gum to plug up the holes in the bucket! And your meals will be thrown off the back porch three times a day! Hope you can get to the grub before the cats and dogs do!


"Dog Pound, you should never have made that guarantee! You'll be facing two of the best tag team wrestlers in the world tonight! And the Anderson brothers are gonna make you eat that guarantee! And then it's off to the world of hard labor for Steiner and Sawyer!")


Match 6 (UWL World Tag Team Title Match: The Dog Pound has guaranteed victory in this match. If they lose, they become the employees of the Anderson bros. for 30 days!)

Anderson Bros. © vs. The Dog Pound


('Welcome to the Jungle' played over the p.a. system and the crowd popped. Out came the Dog Pound. They barked as they made their way down the aisle. When they got to the first row, they climbed into the seats and stood on a couple of chairs and barked and the crowd barked back. They then got in the ring and were running around and barking as the crowd barked some more as well.


Anderson bros. came out to strong boos. Gene and Lars were wearing the titles. The three got into the ring.


Ref took the titles and held them up for the fans to see and then handed the belts off to guest r.a. Capetta. Ref called the teams to the center of the ring. He laid down the rules of the match and patted down all five men since he didn't know which two Andersons would be wrestling the match. Ref sent the teams back to their corners. All three Andersons still in the ring talking to each other. Ref went over and asked which two Andersons would wrestle. After a little more discussion, Gene got out of the ring and dropped to the floor.


Ref called for the bell.


Ole and Steiner started the match. Dog Pound took the match early before the Lars and Ole fought their way back into the match. It was a back-and-forth battle and with several near falls during the match. Also during the bout, Gene attacked Sawyer out on the floor and at another point pulled down the top rope and Steiner went backwards over the top rope and crashed to the floor but the ref caught Gene doing it and ordered Gene to the back. After a brief argument with the ref, Gene headed back up the aisle and disappeared from the scene.


At the end of the match, Ole and Rick were the legal men in the ring. Ole had just re-gained the advantage and caught Steiner in the cross armbreaker. Steiner struggling not to submit. Steiner was able to shift his body and get to his feet and lifted Ole in the air while Ole still had the hold locked on. After a brief struggle, Steiner was able to break free of the hold by slamming Ole to the mat. Ole got to his feet and Steiner nailed him with a Steiner line. Ole got to his feet and Steiner popped Ole with another Stiener line. Ole down again. Ole got to his feet and Steiner kicked Ole in the gut and locked Ole into the double underhook position for an attempted double underhook powerbomb but Lars hit the ring and blasted Steiner with a clothesline. Steiner went down. Sawyer hit the ring to go after Lars but the ref intercepted him and ordered him back to his corner. As Buzz argued with the distracted ref, Steiner slowly got to his feet and Lars came up behind Steiner and nailed him with a low-blow. Steiner went back down and was holding his goods. Lars got back to his corner just as the ref turned around. Ole had recovered and grabbed Steiner in a left wristlock and pulled Steiner to his feet. Ole twisted around on the wristlock and drove his shoulder into Steiner's shoulder multiple times. Ole then freed up his right hand and pounded on the shoulder area putting Steiner in more pain.


Ole then latched on to the wristlock again and moved over and tagged in Lars. Steiner facing away from Lars as Lars mounted the top buckle and came off with an elbow smash into the shoulder area. Steiner dropped to his knees. Lars then locked Steiner into an armbar and cranked up the tension on Steiner's arm and shoulder. Steiner made his way to his feet. Lars let loose of the armbar with one hand and pounded away on Steiner's shoulder with his fist. Pain drove Steiner back to a knee. Sawyer stomping his foot and getting the crowd to urge Steiner on and to make a tag. Lars cinched back up on the armbar. Steiner made it to his feet again. Steiner started inching his way in the direction of Sawyer while Lars had the hold locked on. Lars trying to keep Steiner away from tagging Sawyer. Steiner got closer. Buzz stretched out his hand. Steiner just about to tag Buzz when Lars yanked Steiner away from Buzz while maintaining the hold. Steine struggled and started inching towards the ropes. As Steiner was just about to grab the top rope to force a break in the hold, Lars grabbed Steiner by the back of the hair and yanked Rick down to the mat. Ref saw it an ordered a break. As Steiner got to his feet, Lars moved in and popped Steiner with head shots and went to whip Steiner into the ropes but Steiner reversed and caught Lars coming off with a scoop powerslam. Crowd popped. Lars down and Steiner on his knees and grabbing at his left arm. Steiner to his feet. Steiner started moving in the direction of Sawyer when Lars lunged over and grabbed Steiner by the ankle. Steiner lunged and tagged in Sawyer. Crowd popped. Ole hit the ring. Sawyer immediately went after Ole and tore into Ole with a series of punches to the head that drove Ole back against the ropes. Sawyer then backed up and charged at Ole and drove Ole over the top rope with a running clothesline that sent Ole crashing to the floor. Lars never saw the tag and was now on his feet hunched over Steiner and trying to pull Steiner to his feet when Steiner, from his back, kicked Lars off. Lars stumbled backwards and crashed to the mat just as Buzz had run down the apron back to his corner and quickly mounted the top buckle. Steiner to his feet next to the ropes. Crowd on its feet. Lars got to his feet and moved forward when Buzz came off the top buckle and blasted Lars with a missle dropkick. Lars crashed to the mat. Buzz covered Lars and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Crowd exploded.


Ole now back on his feet and standing next to the apron. Ref went over and talked to guest r.a. Capetta and took the belts. Ref went over and handed the belts to the Dog Pound and raised their hands in victory. Crowd got even louder.


Capetta: "Wrestling fans! In a time of 17 minutes, 2 seconds, your winners...and NEW UWL World Tag Team Champions...The Dog Pound!"


Buzz and Rick celebrating in the ring. They ran around the ring barking and held the belts above their heads as the fans ate it up. Camera caught a shot of Ole and Lars heading back up the aisle and a very unhappy Ole turned around and looked back at the celebration before he and Lars completed their journey to the back as the Dog Pound celebrated their win with fans at ringside. The champs then headed back up the aisle with the belts held high as the crowd barked as they exited to the back with the titles slung over their shoulders.


WINNER: Dog Pound - Pinfall - Buzz pinned Lars with the Missle Dropkick - 17:02)


(Ad aired for Cialis.)


(Announcers hyped still to come: 'Armageddon' cage match; UWL WT match (Roddy Piper will be sitting front row ringside for the match!). Said the Last Man Standing match was next!)


(Video aired chronicling the Graham-Luger feud.)


Match 7 (Last Man Standing)

Billy Graham (w/ Grand Wizard) vs. Lex Luger


(Announcers explained that there were no pinfalls or submissions allowed and that the only way to win was if your opponent couldn't make it to his feet before the 10-count.


'California Dreamin' played over the p.a. system. Graham and Wizard came out and made their way to the ring and were heavily booed but Graham had his fans. Wizard was carrying his gold-tipped black cane. The two got in the ring and Graham struck some muscle poses for the crowd. Luger got a strong ovation coming to the ring. Luger briefly played to the crowd once in the ring. Graham spoke briefly with Wizard and Wiz left the ring and went to the floor.


Ref called for the bell to start the match.


Graham charged out of his corner and went to nail Luger with a big running clothesline but Luger ducked the move and came back and blasted Graham with head punches and then whipped Graham into the ropes and dropped Graham coming off with a big clothesline of his own. Luger stood back as the ref started counting. 1...2...3...4...5... Graham made it to his feet. The two men circled one another and then moved in on one another and Luger caught Graham and bodyslammed Graham and then nailed him with a jumping elbow smash. Luger got up and the ref started counting again. 1...2...3...4....5...6...7... Graham again made it to his feet. Graham and Luger then engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. The two struggled to gain control and Luger drove Graham against the buckles. Ref ordered a break and Graham raised his hands in the air like he wasn't going to do anything and then Graham suddenly went to sucker punch Luger but Luger blocked the punch and nailed Graham with more head shots and whipped Graham into the ropes and caught Graham coming off with a backdrop. Graham got up and Luger dropped Graham with a clothesline. Graham quickly got to his feet and ran into another Luger clothesline that dropped Graham next to the ropes. Once again, Graham quickly off the mat. Graham got up next to the ropes and Luger caught him with a running clothesine that sent Graham hurtling over the top rope and crashing down to the floor. Fans cheering. Ref ordered Luger back and started counting. Graham got to his knees on the floor and Wizard came over to help Graham to his feet. Graham made it to his feet at the count of 8. Graham got up on the apron. Luger came over and the ref intercepted Luger and told him to back off. Graham cautiously made his way back into the ring.


Luger came at Graham and Graham bailed to the floor once again and started walking around at ringside. Graham had words with hecklers at ringside. Luger went out to the floor. Wizard warned Graham to turn around and Graham turned just in time for Luger to nail him with more punches. Luger then slammed Graham's head into the ringside barricade twice. A dazed Graham turned around and Luger connected with more head and body punches and a flurry of forearm smashes to the upper back. Luger then slammed Graham's head into the ring post. Luger whipped Graham into the ringside barricade. Luger charged at Graham and Graham fell out of the way and Luger slammed hard into the barricade. Luger's upper body hanging over the barricade. Graham went over and dumped Luger into the ringside seating area. Ref went out to the floor. Graham climbed over the barricade as Luger got to his feet and Graham kicked Luger in the gut and doubled Luger over. Graham then started popping Luger with a rapid-fire series of forearm smashes to the upper back. Graham then picked up Luger and slammed him on the concrete. Graham backed off as the ref started counting. 1...2...3...4...5....6...7....8... Luger had started to get up when Graham went over and grabbed Luger and threw him hard into the barricade. Luger crumpled to the concrete. Graham put the boots to the downed Luger and then pulled Luger up and threw Luger back over the barricade into the ringside area. Graham followed Luger over. Luger was getting to his feet when Graham came over and punched Luger and then repaid Luger by slamming his head into the post. Luger leaned against the post. Graham nailed Luger with punches to the ribs. Graham then threw Luger back in the ring. Wizard vocally cheering on Graham. Graham mounted the top buckle as Luger got to his feet. Graham came off and nailed Luger with a flying clothesline that dropped Luger. Graham got up and was picked up on a mic.


BG: "Count!"


Ref started counting. 1...2...3... Luger barely moving at first. 4...5...6... Luger stirring and getting to his hands and knees. 7...8...9... Luger barely made it to his feet before the 10-count. Graham came over and started popping Luger with more punches and forearm smashes to the back. Graham took Luger and slammed his head into the top buckle and then popped Luger with three shoulder blocks to the gut. Luger hurting in the corner. Graham pulled Luger out of the corner and whipped Luger into the ropes and caught Luger coming off in a sleeper. Luger fought to free himself from the hold. Graham tightened his grip around Luger's neck. Announcers pointed out once again that there were no pinfalls or submissions allowed. Luger weakening. Luger fought to bring something up from deep within. Luger was able to lunge forward and drop down and Graham's head slammed into the top buckle. Luger on his knees in the corner and the stunned Graham stumbled backwards and crashed to the mat. Both men made their way to their feet at the same time. Luger and Graham then exchanged punches. Luger blocked a Graham punch try and hit Graham a few more times. Luger then went to whip Graham into the ropes but Graham reversed and caught Luger coming off with a brutal tilt-a-whirl slam. Luger laid out in the ring. Graham yelled for the ref to count. As the ref counted, Graham backed up against the ropes. Luger struggled but made it to his feet at the count of 9. Once Luger was up, Graham charged at Luger and looked to nail Luger with a running clothesline but Luger stunned Graham by turning it into a powerslam on the 'Superstar'. Crowd popped. Both men now down. Ref started counting. 1...2...3... Both men starting to stir. 4...5...6... Both men now trying to get to their feet. 7...8...9... Luger to his feet. Wizard screaming at Graham. Graham made it to his feet just before the ref counted 10. Luger charged at Graham and dropped him with another clothesline. Graham started pulling himself up with the aid of the ropes early and was bent over when Luger delivered a kick to the side of of Graham's ribs. Luger then repeated the kick.


Luger whipped Graham into the ropes and caught Graham coming off with a flying shoulder tackle that sent Graham back down. Graham starting to feel the wear-and-tear of Luger's offense. Ref started counting again. 1...2...3... Graham crawled over by the ropes. 4...5...6... Graham pulled himself out on he apron. 7...8...9... Graham made it to his feet. Luger came over to Graham on the apron and Graham swung wildly at Luger and missed. Luger grabbed Graham and suplexed Graham back into the ring. Luger then went to nail Graham with a jumping elbow smash and Graham rolled out of the way and Luger crashed to the mat. Both men down briefly and made it to their feet. Luger was facing away from Graham. Graham came up behind Luger and Graham grabbed Luger by the back of the tights and drove three foreams into Luger's lower back. Luger in pain. Graham spun Luger around and grabbed Luger by the waist and rammed Luger's back hard three times into the buckles. Luger grabbing at his back in the corner. Graham then whipped Luger hard into the opposite buckles. Graham then charged in on Luger and Luger came out of the corner and blasted Graham with his patented forearm smash to the head. Graham crashed to the mat. Graham was moving, but was in great pain. Luger painfully signaled it was time for the rack. Graham had made it to a knee by the ref's count of 6 and then, just as he got to his feet at 9, Luger grabbed Graham and started to hoist Graham up for the rack. Luger struggled briefly but got Graham up in the hold. Crowd popped. Luger locked Graham in for a few seconds and then suddenly screamed, dropped Graham to the mat and stumbled forawrd and fell against the ropes with his back facing the fans. Ref started counting on both men again. 1...2...3... Both men barely moving, feeling the effects of the match. 4...5...6... Now, both men to their knees. 7...8... Graham still struggling to make it to his feet. Ref looking over at Graham. Luger, with the aid of the ropes had made it to his feet. What the ref didn't see was Grand Wizard move over to where Luger was and violently drive the gold tip of his cane into the small of Luger's back. Luger let out another yell and crumpled to the mat as Wizard was now standing back like he had nothing to do with Luger going back down. 9... Just before 10, Graham managed to unsteadily make it to his feet. Luger down next to the ropes and feeling at his lower back. ...10. Ref called for the bell. Ref raised a shaky Graham's hand in victory as most of the crowd booed. Luger still down as Graham left the ring and dropped to the floor. Graham had his hands on his knees and was breathing heavy as a fired up Wizard met Graham at the entrance to the aisleway. Walking back up the aisle, Graham raised his hands victoriously as the boos intensified. Graham and Wizard made it to the back as the ref talked with Luger. Luger waved off the ref and painfully made it to his feet on his own. Luger left the ring under his own power and in great agony made his way back up the aisle to a polite ovation from the crowd.


WINNER: Graham - Beat the 10-count after Wizard nailed Luger in the back with his cane - 13:29)


(Video aired for the 'Immodium A-D' Presents: Holiday Havoc! Winner Takes It All!' PPV - Sunday - Dec. 9 - Portland, OR - Rose Garden - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale this Saturday, Oct. 20 @ 10am PST!)


(Announcers discussed Graham winning the 'LMS' match with help from the Grand Wizard. They then sent it backstage where Larry Nelson was standing by with the new UWL WTT Champions.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed the Dog Pound.


Nelson was standing in the locker room as other wrestlers poured champagne on Steiner and Sawyer and also got a little on Nelson. Steiner and Sawyer were holding their belts and enjoying the moment.


LN: "Rick Steiner and Buzz Sawyer, congratulations on becoming the new UWL World Tag Team Champions! I have to ask, how does it feel?!"


Sawyer: "It feels great! The Anderson brothers are a punishing team to wrestle! They had taken on all challengers and beaten them! But they met their match tonight in the Dog Pound! WOOF! WOOF! WOOF!"


Sawyer took a swig from a bottle of champagne he was holding and then extended the bottle to Larry Nelson.


LN: "No, thanks. I don't want to risk getting rabies...or have to go to Denmark again. Rick Steiner, you guys did it!"


Steiner: "We did it! We did it! What did we do?!"


LN: "You guys won the World Tag Team Titles!"


Steiner: "Oh! That! Yeah, we did it, Larry! We're the champions now! WOOF! WOOF! WOOF!"


Some of the other wrestlers barked back as the champagne continued to flow. Sawyer was guzzling his bottle of the stuff.


LN: "I really hope you're not driving tonight, Buzz!"


Sawyer: "Don't worry...I am."


LN (eyes rolling): "Wonderful."


Off-camera, you could hear a door slam open. The celebration came to a screeching halt as Ole and Lars Anderson walked in. Ole got right in Rick and Buzz's faces.


Ole: "Dog Pound! You boys better live it up for the next couple of days! You may be the champions now! But we have a re-match clause in our contracts! Where's Gene?! Did he get Watts?!"


Watts and Gene walked into the picture.


Watts: "I'm right here, Ole."


Ole: "President Watts! We want to trigger our re-match clause this Tuesday night on 'Slam!'"


Watts: "You do have a right to a re-match being the former champions. But..."


Ole: "But what?!"


Steiner: "Since we beat you guys and you're now former champions, you do have a right to a re-match!"


Ole: "How very perceptive, Rick! We want our re-match Tuesday!"


Steiner: "You got it then!"


Sawyer: "You want it, then you got it, Ole."


Watts: "Alright, I'm going to allow the Anderson brothers to trigger the re-match clause in their contract. On 'Slam!' this Tuesday, the Dog Pound will defend the tag team titles against the Anderson brothers. Let's hook 'em up!"


Ole: "You boys are gonna have the shortest tag team title reign in UWL history! 48 hours from now, the Anderson brothers will once again be the World Tag Team Champions!"


Steiner: "OK. Can we go back to celebrating now?"


Ole: "I don't care what you do right now! You just show up with those belts at 'Slam!'"


Sawyer: "Ole, we're sorry we won't be able to come up to your farm in Minnesota and clean up the animal poop! If it really is animal poop and not..."


Ole: "You guys just be at 'Slam!' this Tuesday!"


Ole, Gene and Lars angrily stalked out of the dressing room. Things were quiet.


Sawyer: "Hey! You guys keep pouring that champagne on us and we'll continue jumping up and down!"


Wrestlers started pouring the champagne and the celebration was on again as Sawyer and Steiner did indeed start jumping up and down again.)


(Announcers discussed the title win celebration and the tag title re-match this Tuesday on 'Slam!')


(Announcers then discussed the next match, the 'Armageddon' cage match and intro'd a replay of the video that had aired the last two weeks on 'Slam!'.)




Video opens with a b&w shot of a huge steel cage surrounding a wrestling ring (similar to the Hell In A Cell cage but with no overhead enclosure) as the theme from 'The Exorcist' plays in the background throughout the video.


In white Olde English lettering, the following Bible verse appears:


"They will throw them into the firey furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth." - Matthew 13:42


Narrator (in an Orson Welles-like voice): "On October 14th, two men will enter their own private hell for their Final Conflict...their Armageddon."


Camera panned around the cage which had layers of barbed wire strewn through the mesh.


Quick hitting video montage' then aired of the war between Wahoo McDaniel and Father Dutch and fetured footage of Father Dutch locking Wahoo in the confessional booth and knocking the confessional over with his truck while Wahoo was trapped inside the confessional; their Confessional match from 'Thunderstruck' and Father Dutch burning Wahoo with a fireball to the face.


Video then showed the camera panning the weapons lying against the cage which included: barbed wire baseball bat, barbed wire-wrapped 2x4, a chair wrapped in barbed wire, garbage can lids, a kendo stick, Wahoo's Indian strap, a sledgehammer, handcuffs hanging from the side of the cage, a regular baseball bat, a few plain steel chairs, a table and the infamous boards with barbed wire and explsoive charges strapped to them.


Video clip then aired of Father Dutch laying out his vision to Wahoo for the 'Armageddon' match:


FD: "In the vision I saw of the Armageddon match, I saw a huge steel cage surrounding the ring. Running through the steel mesh on this cage was layer after layer of barbed wire. And there were weapons scattered throughout the cage. And many of those weapons were also wrapped in flesh ripping barbed wire. I saw weapons like brabed wire baseball bats and barbed wire 2x4's. I saw a chair wrapped in barbed wire. I saw your Indian strap hanging from the cage. And I envisioned a whole host of other weapons. But it was the final weapon I saw, Wahoo, that made me say 'Hallelujah'! And that weapon is...big boards. And on those boards laid more barbed wire. And those barbed wire boards had explosive charges in them. Think of crashing into one of these boards, Wahoo? The barbed wire rips up your flesh and the explosives burn it! And Wahoo...you need to burn!"


Back to a camera shot of the cage and weapons inside.


Another Bible verse appeared on the screen in white Olde English lettering and a woman's voice read it.


Woman's Voice: "Immediately after the distress of those days: the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken." - Matt. 24:29


Video now switched to an overhead view of the cage and weapons inside.


Narrator (Orson Welles-like voice): "Two men will enter the Armageddon cage...and neither the winner nor the loser will emerge unscathed."


Video montage' then aired of footage from Japan of violent barbed wire explosives matches showing wrestlers being thrown into the explosive-laden barbed wire boards and them exploding and tearing open and burning wrestlers' flesh.


Video then aired of Wahoo responding to Father Dutch's vision for the 'Armaggedon' match.


WM: "Father Dutch, I just want to get my hands on you in a match where we settle things once and for all! If this is what you want then so be it! I'll get in that Armageddon cage with you just to tear you apart! And when all is said and done at 'Helloween'...Father Dutch...it will be you who will be the one who is put through hell on earth!"


Distance shot of the cage aired and morphed into a quick hitting video montage' of Wahoo and Father Dutch battling.


Distance shot of the cage aired once again and this time blood ran down and turned the entire picture of the cage from balck and white to blood red and a picture of Wahoo and Father Dutch faded into view and flames rose up in the background and then the flames took over the whole picture and devoured the picture of Wahoo and Father Dutch and words read by the narrator appeared on the screen.


Narrator (Orson Welles-like voice): "Wahoo McDaniel vs. Father Dutch! THE 'Armageddon' Match!"


Huge fireball exploded and blew up the words on the screen and the picture rapidly went to black.)


Match 8 ('Armageddon' Cage Match)

Wahoo McDaniel vs. Father Dutch


(Before the wrestler intro's, camera scanned the outside of the barbed wire-laden cage. Camera shot from inside the cage then showed some of the weapons laid against the cage: baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire; a couple of steel chairs; a pair of handcuffs hanging from the cage; barb wire-wrapped 2x4; garbage can lid and the ominous explosive-laden barbed wire strapped to a board (there were three of these in the ring).


The cage was similar to a 'Hell in a Cell' cage, only minus a covering. The cage sat out on the floor around the ring and there was a gap between the cage and the ring.


Guest r.a. Capetta did the ring announcements from the floor outside the cage instead of in the ring.


Announcers pointed out the ref was only in the ring to count pin attempts and call submissions. Other than that, he was to let things go.


Crowd already buzzing in anticipation of this match.


Gregorian chants wafted throughout the arena over the p.a. system and out came Father Dutch to strong boos from the crowd. FD was dressed in his usual priest's attire. FD got into the ominous cage and walked around looking at the weapons and the cage itself.


Wahoo came out to a loud ovation. He was in a sweatshirt with the sleeves cut off and a black t-shirt under it, blue jeans with belt and his famous white wrestling boots. Wahoo also had his fists taped. Wahoo was not wearing a bandage on his face as he had recovered from his burns.


As Wahoo stepped into the cage, FD attacked Wahoo on the floor immediately. Ref called for the bell. FD pounded on Wahoo and then went to slam Wahoo's head into the ring post, but Wahoo got a foot on the post to block the try and then slammed FD's head into the post. FD staggered and Wahoo then blasted away on FD with a series of brutal chops. Wahoo then threw FD head first into the barbed wired cage. FD turned around and Wahoo then battered FD with more chops and threw FD into the ring. Wahoo mounted the top buckle as FD got to his feet and came off with a chop attempt to FD's head but FD instead caught Wahoo with a gut punch. Wahoo bent over. FD blasted Wahoo with a knee lift to the chest. Wahoo snapped back and crashed to the mat. FD positioned Wahoo for a turnbuckle move. FD mounted the middle buckle and came off and dropped a knee on Wahoo's chest. FD rolled out of the ring and went to the floor. FD grabbed a garbage can lid sitting next to the cage. FD climbed up to the top buckle just as Wahoo was getting to his feet and came off and blasted Wahoo with the garbage can lid to the head. Wahoo down. FD then beat the hell out of Wahoo's body with the garbage can lid. Wahoo down in the ring as FD bailed to the floor again. FD grabbed the Indian strap that was hanging on the cage. FD got back in the ring as a now bloody Wahoo got up. FD had fashioned the strap into a whip and started lashing Wahoo across the back with it. Wahoo staggering around the ring in great pain. FD then whipped Wahoo into the ropes and pulled the strap tight looking to catch Wahoo coming off with a clothesline with the strap but Wahoo ducked the move and came back and stunned FD with a flying bodypress. FD dropped the strap. Wahoo not interested in trying to pin FD yet. Wahoo popped the downed FD with head shots. Wahoo grabbed the strap and maneuvered behind the dazed FD as FD got to his feet. Wahoo then started whipping FD across the back with the strap. FD danced around the ring as Wahoo laid into him. Fans cheering. Wahoo then started strangling FD with the strap and the fans got really loud. FD struggling to free himself and breath again as Wahoo kept choking the life out of him with the strap. FD, in a desperation move, lunged towards the ropes and was able to pull himself and Wahoo, who was still holding the strap around FD's neck, through the top and middle rope and both men toppled to the floor.


Both men down. Wahoo made it to his feet first and went to nail FD with a double sledge when FD got up and kicked Wahoo in the gut. Wahoo feeling the kick. FD slow to follow up. FD moved in and blasted Wahoo with an upper cut that stunned Wahoo. FD then took the bloodied Wahoo and rubbed Wahoo's head into the painful mix of steel mesh and unforgiving barbed wire. Wahoo turned around and FD hammered away on Wahoo with some punches. FD then grabbed Wahoo around the side of his waist and rammed Wahoo's left arm into the cage. You could see barbed wire grab Wahoo's flesh. Wahoo let out a yell and went down next to the ring. FD went over and grabbed a steel chair. FD mehtodically moved in on Wahoo with the chair raised over his head. Wahoo's left arm now bleeding. Wahoo rose to his feet and FD went to clock Wahoo over the head with the chair but Wahoo caught the chair and a struggle ensued over it. Wahoo kicked FD in the gut twice and was able to free the chair from FD's grasp. Wahoo then slammed the chair over FD's head to the delight of the crowd. FD staggered off. Wahoo bashed FD across the back with the chair and FD spun around and Wahoo clocked FD in the head once more with the weapon. FD crashed to the floor. Wahoo went for the cover. 1...2... FD got a shoulder up. Wahoo pulled FD up and unkindly introduced the holy man to the steel mesh and barbed wire in the cage. Wahoo stopped briefly while holding FD by the back of the head and then grinded FD's head into the wire/mesh contraption once again. FD turned and went down to his knees facing the apron. Wahoo looked over and pointed at the barbed wire 2x4. Crowd roaring for Wahoo to use it. Wahoo grabbed the wired 2x4. A now bloody FD got to his feet and was greeted with a shot to the gut with the head of the 2x4. FD backed up and Wahoo followed and nailed FD in the gut with the head of the 2x4 again. FD backed off some more and rolled into the ring. Wahoo medthodically stalked FD back into the ring. FD on his knees and begging off. Wahoo, with weapon in hand, moved towards FD. FD backed into the corner and was still begging off. Wahoo used his free hand to pull FD up by the hair. Wahoo hammered FD with a brutal series of chest chops. FD staggered out of the corner holding his chest. Then the fun really began. Wahoo brutally bashed FD across the back with barbed wire covered part of the board. The barbs ripped the back of FD's black priest shirt. FD staggered in the ring in great pain. Wahoo repeated the back bashing with the wire-laced board. More of the shirt was ripped.


Wahoo tossed the board out of the ring and came back and laid into FD with more chops. FD driven back into the corner by the brutal chops from Wahoo and FD now hanging on for dear life to survive. Wahoo then started choking FD with his bare hands. No ref to break the count. Wahoo then slapped FD hard upside the head and whipped FD into the opposite buckles. Wahoo looked to nail the battered FD with a running splash but FD moved and Wahoo crashed front first into the buckles. The impact sent Wahoo crashing backwards onto the mat. FD also down. FD left the ring and went out on the floor and grabbed the plain 2x4 from next to the cage. FD backed up and Wahoo, from his knees, reached through the top and middle rope and grabbed FD by the back of the ripped shirt. FD broke away from Wahoo's grasp, spun around and broke the 2x4 on Wahoo's head. Wahoo fell back in the ring holding his head. FD crawled back into the ring and went for the pinfall on Wahoo. 1...2...2-1/2... Wahoo got a shoulder up. FD got up and pulled Wahoo up by the hair and whipped Wahoo into the ropes and caught Wahoo coming off with a flying lariat that dropped Wahoo. FD then picked up Wahoo and bodyslammed him into position for a turnbuckle move. FD went out on the apron and openly brandished a small chain that he wrapped around his fist. FD mounted the top buckle and came off with a fist drop to Wahoo's bloddy head. FD went for the cover again. 1...2... Wahoo kicked out. FD punched Wahoo a few more times in the head with his chain-laden right fist. Wahoo laid out in the ring. Ref checked on Wahoo as FD left the ring and went looking for his next weapon. FD looked around and spied it. He went over and grabbed one of the barbed wire explosive-laden boards. FD slowly slid it into the ring and positioned it. Wahoo was slowly getting to his feet. FD still had the chain on his hand and went over and nailed Wahoo with a couple of more chain shots to the head that drove Wahoo backwards towards the explosive wire. FD nailed Wahoo with another chain punch. Wahoo wobbly. Crowd on its feet. FD reared back to hit Wahoo again but Wahoo blocked the punch and nailed FD with a couple of chops that briefly stunned FD but then FD punched Wahoo again with his chained fist and Wahoo was wobbling dangerously close to the board once more. FD then reared back and drilled Wahoo with another chain punch to the head. Wahoo fell backwards into the board. The explosive charges went off and smoke billowed out from under Wahoo. Crowd buzzing. FD dropped the chain back in his pants. Wahoo twisted slightly and then FD covered Wahoo on the board. 1...2...2-3/4... Wahoo got a shoulder up. FD started pulling Wahoo up by the hair as parts of the barbed wire clung to the back of Wahoo's shirt. The board came up part-way with Wahoo before dropping off.


Ref tossed the board out of the ring. FD whipped Wahoo into the corner an came in and mounted the middle buckle and hit Wahoo with a couple of head shots before FD started biting Wahoo's forehead. Ref couldn't break up the normally illegal move. FD stopped briefly and then did it again. Wahoo then suddenly was able to grab FD around the legs and nailed him with an inverted atomic drop. Both men down. Crowd buzzing. Both men slowly made it to their feet. FD used the ropes to pull himself up and was standing next to the ropes when Wahoo charged over nailed FD with a flurry of big chops that sent FD over the top rope down to the floor. Wahoo made his way out of the ring and saw the sledgehammer. Wahoo picked it up as FD got to his feet and went over and drove the head of the sledge into FD's gut. Wahoo then picked the garbage can lid off the floor that FD had used earlier on Wahoo. Wahoo smashed the lid over FD's back three times and then clocked FD over the head with it. FD wobbly but still standing. Wahoo then threw FD head first into the wire/mesh cage. FD hit the cage and spun around and Wahoo laid into FD with more ferocious chops. Wahoo then slammed FD's head into the apron and FD countered by driving the back of his leg into Wahoo's groin. Wahoo fell back into the cage. FD went over and punched Wahoo and Wahoo responded with an open hand slap to the chest. FD punched Wahoo and Wahoo did the open hand chest chop on FD again. After one more exchange, FD raked Wahoo's eyes and then whipped Wahoo into the steel ring steps. Wahoo slammed hard into the steps and went down. Announcers wondered how much more these guys could take. FD grabbed the top half of the ring steps and went over and smashed the steps into the downed Wahoo twice and then threw them aside. FD and Wahoo both feeling the effects of this brutal match. FD pulled Wahoo up and threw Wahoo back into the ring. FD followed Wahoo in and circled around behind Wahoo. Wahoo got to his feet and FD went to lock Wahoo into the Confessional. FD was on Wahoo's back and Wahoo was fighting to not go down. After a brief struggle, Wahoo was able to ram FD back first into the buckles. FD's grip loosened. Wahoo repeated the move and freed himself from FD's grasp. FD in the corner. Wahoo pounded on FD with more chops. Wahoo then whipped FD into the opposite buckles and FD came out of the corner only to be met by a clothesline from Wahoo that floored FD. Wahoo went for the cover. 1...2...2-1/2... FD kicked out. Crowd groaned.


Wahoo and FD got to their feet and Wahoo caught FD with a bodyslam. Wahoo then made his way out on the apron and paused for couple of seconds, the fight had taken its toll, and then mounted the top buckle. FD got to his feet, his face a crimson mask, facing away from Wahoo. FD turned around and Wahoo nailed FD with a chop to the top of the head. FD crashed to the mat. Wahoo, his face also caked with blood and his left arm still bleeding a little bit, pulled FD up, whipped FD into the ropes and caught FD coming off with his big chop. FD crashed to the mat near the ropes and rolled out of the ring and dropped in a heap to the floor next to the apron. Wahoo was still standing in the ring. Strangely, FD lifted the apron up and looked under it.


Stack: "What's he doing?"


FD then slid back and was sitting up next to the cage. FD appeared to be laughing through the blood. Wahoo was still looking down at FD when there was motion against the apron on the opposite side of the ring. Out came a man wearing black leg-length tights, heavy black boots and a black mask with white trim. The man quietly got in the ring and came up and bashed Wahoo across the back with a forearm smash. Wahoo fell forward against the ropes. Ref could do nothing to stop this assault. The man pulled Wahoo away from the ropes and blasted Wahoo with a vicious pumphandle slam. Wahoo now laid out in the ring. Crowd buzzing. The man then left the ring and signaled for the cage door to be unlocked. Key keeper unlocked the cage and the man walked out and headed up the aisle. Announcers wondered who that was. FD got to his feet on the floor. Wahoo still down. Once again, FD reached into his tights and pulled out the small chain he wrapped around his fist and climbed back into the ring. Wahoo made it to his knees and then had to use his hand on the mat to steady himself. As Wahoo stood up, FD drilled Wahoo in the head with the chained fist. Wahoo staggered backwards. FD moved in methodically and popped Wahoo again with the chained fist. Wahoo appeared to be on the verge of dropping when FD grabbed Wahoo by the hair and drilled Wahoo a third time with the chained fist. FD let Wahoo's hair go and Wahoo fell to the mat. Wahoo still conscious but not moving much. FD dropped the chain back in his pants. Ref checked on Wahoo as FD left the ring and grabbed another barbed wire explosives-laden board. FD had a look of monstrous evil on his face as he slid the board into the ring. Wahoo still down. FD got in the ring and, moving at less than full speed because of the violence of the match, set the barbed wire explosives board up in the corner. Wahoo was still down when FD pulled Wahoo up again by the hair. FD held Wahoo and FD was picked up on a mic.


FD: "Wahoo! Prepare to go to hell!"


FD went to whip Wahoo into the board but Wahoo reversed and sent FD crashing violently into the board. Crowd went nuts. The explosives went off and the barbed wire tore into FD's clothes and flesh. The board broke in half as smoke came billowing up off it as FD collapsed in a heap with part of the board on top of him. A battered and exhausted Wahoo carefully made his way over, pulled the board piece with the barbed wire and detonated explosives off of FD, dragged FD a couple of feet out of the corner, covered FD and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Crowd exploded. Ref called for the bell.


Wahoo laid on FD for a a few seconds, both men brutally beaten from the fight. Wahoo then rolled off of FD and the ref raised Wahoo's hand in victory while Chief was in the sit-up position. Wahoo made it to his feet and looked down at Father Dutch through a crude mask of blood. FD was laid out and helpless and barely moving. Wahoo looked down at FD for several seconds before finally walking over by the ropes and briefly leaning over on the top buckle, exhausted from the match. Wahoo then made his way to the floor. FD still laying in the ring. Key keeper then opened the door as Wahoo walked out of the cage to a strong ovation from the crowd. Many chanted 'Wahoo!' Wahoo slowly raised his right arm victoriously and the crowd got louder and then Wahoo made his way back up the aisle as fans still cheered him.


WINNER: Wahoo - Pinfall - Pinned FD after smashing FD into a board of barbed wire explosives - 23:24)


(Announcers discussed the violent 'Armageddon' cage match won by Wahoo.


Pedicino: "Steve, we didn't just witness a wrestling match! What we just saw was a life-or-death struggle! We saw a fight to the finish! And, thank God, Wahoo won!"


Stack: "Joe, I am exhausted from just calling that match! I've never seen anything like it! The match could have gone either way and both tore into each other with an apocalyptic ferocity that we may never see again in a wrestling match! Brutal doesn't even begin to describe it!")


(Camera shot of an empty front row seat and the announcers said that the man who has the ticket for that seat and will fill it when the UWL World Title match takes place is one 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper! They then sent it to the back and Larry Nelson.)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Ken Patera.


Nelson was standing in the locker room with the World Title challenger.


LN: "Ken, earlier tonight, we saw you risk your physical health when you came out with Hugh Morrus and stopped Hall and Nash of The Firm from interfering in the TV Title match between Arn Anderson and Rick Rude. You really put yourself in harm's way when you brawled with them and you could have suffered serious injury and you may not be wrestling for the World Title tonight if Nash and Hall would have injured you. How do you feel right now?"


KP: "Larry, I'm a little sore. Hall and Nash are powerful men and they can hurt you bad. But there was no way I was going to let them get away with trying to affect the outcome of Arn's match and possibly cost Arn the TV Title. Beating Greg Valentine and winning the World Title would be a great personal accomplishment. But The Firm poses a serious threat to this entire company. We have to fight fire with fire. The Firm will do whatever they feel they have to do to achieve their goals. And we've got to put a stop to their plans."


LN: "You mentioned Greg Valentine and that's the man you're facing tonight for the title. He's a tough customer."


KP: "Greg Valentine has held the UWL World Title for over 10 months. He's the best in the business right now. But one day his reign has to come to an end. And it might as well be me who beats him and takes that title. I've proven I can beat him. I've done it before in a non-title match. Greg's very open in telling anyone who will listen that he will do whatever he has to do to keep the World belt. And he's backed up those words with actions. It's gonna be an uphill battle, but I'm confident that I have what it takes to get the job done this evening."


Dog Pound came into the locker room barking and parading the belts.


Steiner: "Hey, Ken! Me and Buzz just came in to wish you the best of luck tonight!"


Sawyer: "We know you can beat Valentine, man!"


KP: "Thanks, guys. I appreciate that."


Steiner: "After the show tonight, we're gonna have a big party to celebrate and you're invited! If you win the World Title we can have a double celebration!"


Sawyer: "Yeah! Win that World Title, Ken, and let's make it a double do!"


KP: "I'm looking to do just that. Pencil me in for the party."


Steiner: "Swell! We're gonna have party hats and everything! You'll know which party hat is yours because written on it will be the word...'Ken'!"


KP: "Alright, guys."


Steiner: "See you at the party, Ken! Hey Buzz, I don't think the guys in the production truck have seen us with the belts yet!"


Sawyer: "You wanna go out there and celebrate our win with them!"


Steiner: "Let's go! Win that World Title, brother!"


The Dog Pound walked out of camera range and were heard barking as they left the locker room.


LN: "One more thing, Ken. David Schultz hasn't been seen in the building tonight. He's made it clear that he does not want to see you become the new World Champion. Are you concerned he might show up during the match?"


KP: "If we're lucky, Schultz isn't within 100 miles of Reno right now. But I know Shultz might be lurking around out there somewhere and waiting to strike. If he has any class, he'll keep his nose out of this match and let me just concentrate on the task at hand. I really can't worry about where David Schultz is right now. I've just got to go out there and do everything in my power to beat Valentine and become the new UWL World Champion."


LN: "Good luck tonight."


KP: "Thank you.")


(Announcers said that Schultz has indeed not been seen anywhere in Reno this weekend and no one's seen him in the building tonight, either.)


Match 9

Mighty Texans vs. Hall & Nash (w/o DiBiase)


(MT's came out to a modest crowd response. Hall and Nash came out to a mixed crowd reaction.


Crowd was pretty dead once the bell rang, drained from the 'Armageddon' match.


Match was basically a squash. MT's got very little offense in as Hall and Nash dominated. Nash nailed Houston with the jack-knife powerbomb and covered Houston for the 1...2...3 to put an end to the brief affair.


WINNER: Hall & Nash - Pinfall - Nash pinned Houston with the Jack-knife Powerbomb - 2:39)


(Announcers discussed the win by Hall and Nash. Said the UWL WT match was next!)


(Crowd roared as Roddy Piper, in street clothes, was shown walking through the crowd to his seat. Piper then walked to the front row and showed the usher his ticket and the usher pointed out his seat and Piper went to his seat and high fived a few of the fans around him before sitting down.)


Match 10 (UWL World Title Match)

Greg Valentine © (w/ Hart) vs. Ken Patera


(Patera was intro'd first and came to the ring to a good ovation.


Valentine and Hart were intro'd and came the ring to strong boos. Once in the ring, Valentine made a beeline over by the ropes in the area where Piper was sitting. Valentine looked down from the ring at Piper. Piper remained seated and looked up at Valentine.


Ref came over and took the title from Valentine and ordered Valentine over to his corner. Ref held the belt up for all to see and then handed the belt off to guest r.a. Capetta. Ref called Valentine and Patera to the center of the ring and laid down the rules of the match and then patted each wrestler down as the two combatants stared at one another. Ref sent each man to a neutral corner. Hart out on the apron had a few more words with Valentine as the ref called for the bell. Hart dropped off the apron to the floor.


Valentine and Patera came out and circled each other and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up and Patera threw Valentine off and Valentine crashed to the mat. Greg got to his feet and the two men circled each other again and engaged in another collar-and-elbow tie-up. Once again, Ken threw Greg off and Greg crashed to the mat. Greg got up and made a fist at Ken and assumed a fist-fighting stance. Piper stood up and started cheering Ken on. Greg looked over at Piper and yelled at Piper to shut up. Greg and Ken circled one another again and the two moved in on one another and Greg kneed Ken in the gut. Greg whipped Ken into the ropes and caught Ken coming off with an elbow smash to the chest. Ken went down. Ken made it to his feet and Greg moved in and popped Ken with some punches to the head. Greg whipped Ken into the ropes and caught Ken coming off with a backdrop. Ken got to his feet and was bent over when Greg moved in and blasted Ken with a swinging neckbreaker. Ken back down. Greg turned and walked in Piper's direction and had words for Piper and Piper stood up and was jawing back at Greg. This gave Ken time to make it to his feet. Greg turned around and Ken stunned Greg with the Russian Hammer. Ken covered Greg. 1...2...2-1/2... Greg kicked out. Ken pulled Greg up, whipped Greg into the ropes and caught Greg coming off with a military press slam. Greg crashed to the mat and was hurting. Greg scooted on his ass into the corner and tried to beg off as Ken moved in and pulled up Greg by the hair and rammed Greg's head into the top buckle. Ken then ran and slammed Greg's head into the next top buckle. Ken then repeated the move on the third top buckle and then finished things off by slamming Greg's head into the fourth top buckle. Greg spun around in the corner and Ken peppered Greg with punches to the head and body and then whipped Greg into the opposite buckles and followed Greg in with big clothesline. Greg walked out of the corner and crashed face down onto the mat.


Ken grabbed Greg by the legs and catapaulted Greg into the corner. Greg's head slammed into the top buckle. Greg staggered backwards out of the corner and crashed on his back in the ring. Ken went for the cover and hooked the leg. 1...2... Greg got a shoulder up. Camera caught a shot of a disappointed Piper. Patera pulled Greg up and whipped Greg into the buckles. Ken then charged in and looked to nail Greg with a running shoulder block but Greg moved and Ken slammed shoulder first into the ring post. Ken separated his shoulder from the post and turned and start walking out of the corner when Greg caught Ken with three kicks to the side of the left knee area. Ken turned away from Valentine and Greg nailed Ken with a chop block to the back of the left knee and Ken went down front first on the mat. Greg grabbed Ken's left leg, picked it up and slammed it hard into the mat. Greg did it again and then repeated the move a third time. Greg turned Ken over, pointed at Piper and then locked Ken in the figure four. Ken struggling not to give up. Piper at ringside seated and urging on Ken to escape the hold. Ken battled in the hold. Ken struggled and started slowly turning the move over but Greg resisted and turned Ken back over into the figure four. A few seconds later, Ken tried reversing the hold again and, after a brief struggle, Ken succeeded in turning Greg over. Greg now in pain. Greg was able to scoot close enough to the ropes to get his hand on the bottom rope to force a break in the hold. Both men made it to their feet and Ken caught Greg with a couple of head shots as Greg was against the ropes. Greg then killed Ken's brief offensive with a knee to the groin. Greg then switched places with Ken and leaned Ken's upper body over the top rope and blasted Ken in the the chest with three big forearm smashes to the chest. Ken staggered away from the ropes slightly bent over and grabbing his chest. Greg then moved in and nailed Ken with three elbow smashes to the back of Ken's neck. Greg whipped Ken into the ropes and looked to catch Ken coming off with a clothesline but Ken ducked the move and came back and blasted Greg with a clothesline. Greg crashed to the mat. Piper and the crowd popped for the move.


Ken grabbed Greg and bodyslammed the champ and then Ken went to hit Greg with a legdrop from the standing position but Greg rolled out of the way and Ken crashed to the mat. Greg rolled up Ken into a pinning predicament while holding a handful of Ken's singlet. 1...2... Ken kicked Greg off. The two men got to their feet and Greg went to kick Ken but Ken grabbed Greg's leg. Greg tried to beg off but Ken popped Greg with a flurry of head shots with his free hand. Ken then dropped behind the staggered Greg and rolled the champ up for a pin try. 1...2...2-1/2... Greg kicked out. Piper on his feet and not happy Greg kicked out. Piper strongly cheering Ken on. Ken grabbed Greg and went to suplex Greg but Greg blocked the move and came back and nailed Ken with a suplex of his own. Greg then dropped an elbow smash across Ken's chest. Greg then went out on the apron and started climbing the buckles. Greg had one foot on the top buckle and one on the middle buckle. Greg looked over and pointed at and yelled something in Piper's direction. While Greg was doing that, Ken got to his feet and came over and caught Greg and press slammed Greg off the top buckle. Greg crashed to the mat. Crowd buzzing. Piper on his feet and urging Ken on. Ken grabbed Greg, whipped Greg into the ropes and blasted Greg coming off with a double sledge to the chest. Greg crashed to the mat next to the ropes. Ken went for the cover. 1...2...2-3/4... Greg got his foot on the bottom rope. Crowd groaned. Greg still had his leg draped over the rope as Ken got to his feet and Ken started to grab Greg but the ref ordered Ken to stand back. Ken moved back and he and the ref had words. Greg rolled over facing the crowd and Hart came over and appeared to slip something in Greg's hand. Greg still down as Greg was now laying just inside the ropes. Ken grabbed Greg by the hair and and pulled Greg up and went to punch Greg in the head and Greg blocked the punch and...WHAM!...Greg blasted Ken in the head with the apparently foreign object-laden right hand. Ken crashed to the mat in the ring. Ken was moving but hurting. Ref checked on Ken as Greg leaned through the ropes and appeared to hand something back to Hart who then stuck his right hand in the right outside pocket of his suit jacket. Piper yelling and trying to get the ref's attention. Greg got to his feet in the ring and looked over at Piper. Piper angrily looking at Greg. Ken still laid out in the ring as Greg left the ring and dropped to the floor and went over to where Piper was standing. Piper and Greg had a few words as Hart came over and was standing behind Greg. Ref turned and saw what was going on and left the ring to try and defuse a potentially volatile situation. Piper and Greg exchanged a few more words and then Greg shoved Piper in the right shoulder. Piper reached across the ringside barricade and grabbed Greg and started pounding the hell out of the champ as the crowd popped big-time. Greg fought back and the two were scuffling as the ref tried to restore some order. Hart was able to pull Greg away from Piper and security came in and ordered Piper out of his seat as the fans booed lustily. Security then started backing a furious Piper off in the aisle of the ringside seating area. Piper tried to go after Greg again but was stopped. Ref still out on the floor.


In the ring, Ken had recovered and had just gotten to his feet when David Schultz came charging down the aisle and slid into the ring behind Ken and blasted Ken with the Redneck Death Drop. Some in the crowd cheered as Schultz then quickly fled the scene. Ken laid out again and in bad shape. Greg and Piper exchanged a few more words on the floor as security escorted Piper away to more boos.


Ref ordered Greg back into the ring. Greg saw Ken laid out and took immediate advantage. Greg quickly climbed back into the ring with the ref following him. Greg grabbed Ken and popped Ken with the Hammerhead. Greg covered Ken and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Crowd booing even louder. Ref took the belt and had a few words for guest r.a. Capetta. Hart got in the ring and congratulated his man. Ref handed Greg the belt and raised his hand in victory.


Capetta: "Wrestling fans! In a time of 10 minutes, 48 seconds, your winner...and still UWL World Champion...Greg Valentine!"


Boos got even louder.


Valentine was talking with Hart in the ring when the crowd erupted again as Piper came charging back towards the ringside barricade and tried to climb over to get at Greg in the ring but security stopped him and pushed him back. More boos. Greg and Hart looked on at the scene as Piper had words with security. Greg walked over and stood on the middle buckle and held the belt high in the air with his right hand. Mic picked up Greg.


GV: "I'm the king, Piper! Me! (Greg pointed at the title.) This proves it!"


Piper angrily glared up at Valentine from the floor as he was surrounded by security. Valentine was standing tall and smirking in the ring as the announcers hyped the WTT Title re-match between the new champs the Dog Pound and the Anderson bros. this Tuesday on 'Slam!' as the program went off the air.


WINNER: Valentine - Pinfall - Hammerhead - 10:48)




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(Highlight pics from 'Helloween' aired to open the show)


(Show Intro)


(Crowd shots/Pyro)


(Ring announcer Lee Marshall was standing in the middle of the ring.


LM: "Ladies and Gentlemen! Would you please welcome the NEW UWL World Tag Team Champions...the Dog Pound!"


Crowd roared as 'Welcome to the Jungle' blared over the p.a. system.


Dog Pound came out on the stage. They were in their ring attire and carrying the titles. Dog Pound barked coming down the aisle and the crowd barked back. Dog Pound stopped at the front row and climbed over the ringside barricade into the stands and stood on some front row chairs and held the belts high in the air and were barking as the crowd barked along. After getting down off the chairs, the Dog Pound celebrated with some of the fans at ringside before hopping back over the railing and making their way to the ring. Once in the ring, the Dog Pound ran around and waved the belts ecstatically in the air and yes, they barked some more and the crowd returned the favor.


LM: "Rick Steiner and Buzz Sawyer, you guys are the new tag team champions of the world! It's gotta feel great! What have the last two days been like for you guys?"


Steiner: "Lee! The last two days have been incredible! Being the World Tag Team Champs sure beats having to shovel shhhhh...crap on the Anderson's farm in Minnesota! We had a big party Sunday night to celebrate our win at 'Helloween'! WOOF! WOOF! WOOF!"


More crowd barking.


LM: "We have some video to show these folks from the party. I heard it was quite the bash!"


Sawyer: "It was, Lee! You should have been there! Hey! I thought we invited you!"


LM: "You guys did invite me. But I had to be up early yesterday morning so I couldn't make it. Anyway, let's take a look at this footage from the Dog Pound's party celebrating winning the UWL World Tag Team Titles from the Anderson brothers at 'Helloween'."


Sawyer: "Roll 'em!"


Video aired of the celebration party the Dog Pound had. It was held in a banquest room at an undisclosed restaurant. The champagne was flowing. Other wrestlers, close friends and family of the champs, women and some wild and crazy fans were there living it up with the Dog Pound. Video footage included a snippet of Buzz and Rick doing a karaoke version of 'We Are The Champions' by Queen.


LM: "Man! I am sorry I missed that! Wish I could have been there to celebrate the historic moment."


Steiner: "I don't know what was more historic! Winning the belts or the party!"


Sawyer: "Yeah! We still don't know what happened to the Crusher! Quick! Somebody put Crusher's face on the side of a milk carton!"


LM: "On a more serious note. Because they are now the former UWL World Tag Team Champions, the Anderson brothers have already triggered their re-match clause and you two will be defending those titles in a re-match right here tonight on 'Slam!'"


Steiner: "The Anderson brothers do have a right to a re-match since we beat 'em and took these titles! And we're really looking forward to taking another big bite out of 'em tonight! WOOF! WOOF! WOOF!"


Buzz also started barking and he and Rick started running around the ring and barking some more as the fans joined in again.


Out on the entrance stage came the Anderson brothers. They were in their ring gear. Ole had a mic. They were strongly booed.


Ole: "Rick Steiner and Buzz Sawyer! The first thing I want to say is how much that party video that just aired made me want to vomit!"


Sawyer: "If you're gonna puke, Ole, it might be best if you went and got a trash can from the back."


Ole: "I was speaking metaphorically you idi... Ah! I'm not going to let you guys sidetrack me with your stupid statements tonight! You did beat us at 'Helloween' and you are now the World Tag Team Champions!


"After the show tonight, we have to fly back to Minnesota and clean up all the crap...animal crap...on the farm that we let build over time because there was no doubt in our minds that you guys were gonna be our employees for 30 days!"


Sawyer: "Is it really animal dung?"


Ole: "Huh?! Buzz, cut it out! I'm warning you right now! Don't make us any madder than we already are! You escaped your potential fate on Sunday! But tonight, you will not escape your fate! It's written in stone, boys! I really hope you enjoyed that little party you had Sunday night! Because it's gonna be the high point of your championship reign! 48 hours!"


Steiner: "I like that show! What about you, Buzz?!"


Sawyer: "Yeah, oh yeah! I love it! Get a beer and big ol' tub of popcorn and plop down in front for the TV..."


Ole: "What are you guys rambling about now?!"


Steiner: "'48 Hours'! You just mentioned it and we said we like that show!"


Ole: "Wha... I'm not talking about some TV show! Before I was rudely interrupted by you two brain surgeons, I was referring to you reign lasting only 48 hours! Tonight, the 48 hours are up! And Dog Pound, we're gonna re-claim what's rightfully the property of the best tag team wrestlers in the world..."


Sawyer: "Best tag team wrestlers in the world?! You mean the Mulkey brothers?!"


Crowd cheered and started chanting 'Mulkeys! Mulkeys!' and Rick and Buzz started leading the crowd in the cheers.


Ole: "The Anderson brothers are the best tag team wrestlers in the world bar none and all these people out here know it!"


Crowd now booing.


Ole: "You clowns seem to think this is all some sort of big joke! Well, let me tell you something! It's not gonna be a joke later tonight when we walk in the ring and take, by force, those tag team titles and become 2-time UWL World Tag Team Champions! Tell 'em, Gene!"


Gene: "Yeah."


Steiner: "Gene's really talkative tonight."


Sawyer: "He sure is! Gene, could you repeat all that, please?!"


Ole: "I'm tired of talking to you perpetual frat boys! This isn't fraternity hi-jinks we're dealing with here! You took something from us two nights ago at 'Helloween'! And tonight we're taking them back! I hope the Dog Pound has enjoyed it's reign as World Tag Team Champions! Because it's gonna be over almost as quickly as it begun!"


Ole turned and, off-mic, ordered his brothers to head to the back. DP looked on from the ring as the Anderson bros. walked off the stage,)


(Announcers welcomed viewers to the post-'Helloween' edition of 'Slam!' and then ran down the program: 'Helloween' Re-Match for the UWL WTT Titles: Dog Pound © vs. Anderson Bros.; an i'view w/ UWL WC Greg Valentine; a look back at the confrontation between Valentine and Piper at ringside at 'Helloween'; the victorious Bull Nakano and mgr. Mr. Saito are here; DDP vs. Lash LaRue; Rip Oliver sees action; an i'view w/ Father Dutch; Billy Graham in action; and more.)


Match 1

Hugh Morrus vs. Manny Fernandez

(WINNER: Morrus - Pinfall - Moonsault - 5:29)


(Morrus got a good ovation coming to the ring.)


(After the match: Lee Marshall i'viewed Hugh. Asked about the tough loss for the President's Championship against champ Harley Race at 'Helloween'.


HM: "Lee, I didn't get the job done at 'Helloween'. I had Harley Race on the verge of defeat but didn't finish the deal. But, Harley Race, know this. I'm not done in my pursuit of the President's Championship. Not by a long shot! I'm still gunning for you, Harley! And we're gonna face each other again with that title on the line! And the next time, the result will be different!")


(Announcers discussed Hugh claiming that he was still on the hunt for Race and the PC. Hyped still to come: 'Helloween' Re-Match for the UWL WTT Titles: Dog Pound © vs. Anderson Bros.; an i'view w/ UWL WC Greg Valentine; a look back at the confrontation between Valentine and Piper at ringside at 'Helloween'; Rip Oliver sees action; an i'view w/ Father Dutch; Billy Graham in action; and more. Said DDP vs. Lash LaRue is coming up next!)


Match 2

DDP vs. Lash LaRue


(Lash LaRue came to the ring first to a modest ovation. Lash had his trusty bullwhip with him, and once in the ring cracked the whip on the mat a couple of times. Lash then hung the whip in the corner. DDP came out and was fairly booed coming to the ring. DDP still had his briefcase carrying the bounty for Great Christopho's mask.


The two battled it out like the seasoned veterans they are and LaRue came close on more than one occasion to putting DDP away but couldn't get the three count. In the end, it was just too much DDP as DDP nailed Lash with the Diamond Cutter and scored the 1...2...3! WINNER: DDP - Pinfall - Diamond Cutter - 7:14)


(After the match: Marshall i'viewed DDP. DDP was now holding the case with the $$$ in it.


DDP: "I haven't been around much lately as you may have noticed. But I'm still determined to see the end of the career of Daniels in the UWL. Here's the case! $50,000 dollars still sits in it! Who is going to be the wrestler who finally succeeds in bringing me the mask of Daniels, aka, the Great Christopho, and relieve me of this money?! I want to see Daniels finished! I want him gone! There has to be some wrestler out there who can complete this task and become $50 grand richer! The only question is who will it be?!"


This brought Tully Blanchard out on the entrance stage in street clothes. He was alone and had a mic. He was booed.


TB: "Diamond Dallas Page! As you know, I've almost unmasked the Great Christopho and exposed him as that charlatan Daniels before! Give me the shot! I want to finish the job and pick up an extra $50,000 bucks!"


DDP: "Tully, I hear ya, brother! You've come closer than anyone else to ripping off that mask! I feel real confident that you can get the job done! So, if you want the bounty money then let's get this thing set up so you can finally rip the mask off of Great Christopho and show the world that it's Daniels and send Daniels into the un-fun world of unemployment!"


TB: "You've made the right choice, Dallas! I'm the man who WILL unmask the Great Christopho and collect that $50 grand! I'm gonna go make a call right now and order that fully loaded Mustang that I want! And it will be paid for with the mask of the Great Christopho!"


DDP: "I love your confidence, man! I think you're gonna be driving that Mustang real soon!"


Tully shook his head in agreement as DDP was beaming in the ring thinking Tully was gonna be the man to finally cash in the bounty.)


(Announcers discussed DDP def. LaRue and Tully accepting his offer to unmask TGC. Hyped still to come: 'Helloween' Re-Match for the UWL WTT Titles: Dog Pound © vs. Anderson Bros.; an i'view w/ UWL WC Greg Valentine; a look back at the confrontation between Valentine and Piper at ringside at 'Helloween'; an i'view w/ Father Dutch; Billy Graham in action; and more. Said Bull Nakano and Mr. Saito are coming up next!)


(Video aired for the 'Immodium A-D Presents: Holiday Havoc! Winner Takes It All!' PPV - Sunday - Dec. 9 - Portland, OR - Rose Garden - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale this Saturday, Oct. 20 @ 10am PST!)


(Pics aired from the Bull Nakano-Madusa match at 'Helloween' showing Nakano beating Madusa and humiliating her by draping her prone body in the American flag before pinning her and standing tall over Madusa and waving the Japanese flag. Announcers said PPV replays were now playing.)


(In-ring: Marshall intro'd Nakano and Saito. They came to the ring with their translator Mr. Nagasaki. They were heavily booed. On the entrance stage, Nakano proudly waved the flag of Japan. The three were yelled at and had garbage thrown in their direction as they came to the ring. Once in the ring, Nakano walked around and continued to wave the Japan flag high as the boos increased.


Marshall asked about the victory over Madusa at 'Helloween'.


Nagasaki spoke to Saito in Japanese and Saito replied in Japanese.


Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito says that at 'Helloween', Bull Nakano showed Japanese superiority over the Americans by beating the decadent, shameless Madusa."


Marshall then asked about Bull covering Madusa with the American flag before pinning her.


Nagasaki relayed the question to Saito and Saito again responded in Japanese.


Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito says that covering Madusa in the American flag and pinning her was symbolic. He says that it was representative of the burial of America at the hands of the superior Japanese and it also represented the destruction of the United States."


Crowd boos rose and garbage was flung at the ring.


Marshall pointed out the anger in the crowd.


Nagasaki relayed the message to Saito in Japanese and Saito laughed and then spoke to Nagasaki in Japanese.


Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito says that the behavior of these American fans shows just how classless and awful most Americans really are. They should learn proper manners which are a hallmark of Japanese society; but most would be too stupid to grasp the concept of decent standards of behavior."


More boos and garbage.


Suddenly, Madusa came out on the entrance stage. She was in street clothes. She got a strong ovation as she came to the ring. She had a mic. Madusa climbed into the ring as Nakano and Saito glared at her. Saito said something to Nagasaki in Japanese.


Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito wants to know if you've come here to admit that the Japanese are superior to you Americans."


Madusa walked around in the ring a little.


Madusa: "You're not superior to us Americans. No, no."


Crowd popped.


Nagasaki translated for Saito and Bull and both were not happy. Saito then said something to Nagasaki in Japanese.


Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito says that Bull beat you which proves that the Japanese are superior to the Americans."


Madusa: "You tell Bull and Saito that it proved nothing of the sort! If Saito doesn't distract me, I win the match!"


Nagasaki relayed the message to Saito. Saito angrily responded in Japanese.


Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito says that you should learn to respect your superiors and show some semblance of dignity in the face of crushing defeat."


Madusa: "Let me tell you this! I know that when Bull Nakano signed to wrestle for the UWL, the contract calls for her to wrestle two pay-per-view matches for the promotion!"


Nagasaki spoke with Saito again and Saito spoke to Nagasaki once more in Japanese.


Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito says that is correct. Bull Nakano signed to wrestle on two pay-per-views for the UWL. Unfortunately, Bull is due to go on a lengthy tour of Japan starting in three days and could not wrestle on another UWL pay-per-view at this time."


Madusa: "Ask him when her tour ends then."


Nagasaki spoke with Saito again and Saito spoke to Nagasaki once more in Japanese.


Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito says Bull's tour of Japan ends in late November. He wishes they could accomodate you but you'll just have to wait."


Madusa: "Late November, huh? Well, I have some good news for them. Our next pay-per-view is in early December!"


Crowd popped.


Nagasaki spoke with Saito again and Saito spoke to Nagasaki once more in Japanese.


Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito says he didn't know that. But he's sorry, they will not be coming back to America for a pay-per-view in December even though she has no tours planned for that month."


'Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system. Pres. Watts came out on the entrance stage to a decent ovation with mic in hand.


Watts: "Mr. Nagasaki and Bull Nakano! Let me fill you two in on something! I have here in my American-made hand Bull's contract! It states on page two that if Bull Nakano doesn't have commitments to wrestle elsewhere then she is obligated to wrestle her two UWL pay-per-view dates at the discretion of the Universal Wrestling League, Inc.!


"She's already fulfilled one of her pay-per-view dates! Now, Saito, you just said that Bull has no wrestling tours booked in December! So guess what?! Bull Nakano will be wrestling in December! And she'll be wrestling her second pay-per-view date for the UWL on December 9th at the 'Holiday Havoc' show in Portland, Oregon! And she'll be facing Madusa in a re-match!"


Crowd popped.


Nagasaki had been translating what Watts said for Saito. Saito got very angry and spoke to Nagasaki in Japanese.


Nagasaki: "President Watts, Mr. Saito says that Bull Nakano will not be bullied into making an appearance on a UWL show in December. He says they stand in defiance of the inferior American's contractual intimidation."


Watts: "You tell Saito and Nakano this! I know they've read their contracts! And it says right here on page three that if Bull Nakano and Mr. Saito refuse to fulfill their contractual obligations when ordered by the UWL, then they will not be paid for any pay-per-views they've previously appeared on!"


Nagasaki relayed the message and Saito exploded and spoke again Japanese.


Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito says this is an outrage and is a scheme that could only be concocted by devious American minds."


Bull then leaned in and talked off-mic to Nagasaki in Japanese.


Nagasaki: "Bull Nakano says she accepts the terms laid out in the contract and that she would consider it an honor to humiliate Madusa even more at the December pay-per-view."


Saito then spoke off-mic with Nagasaki.


Nagasaki: "Saito says it is not Bull's right to accept or reject a contract since he is her manager. However, since they have no choice but to accept the terms or be ripped off in a typical American fashion, consider the match made."


Watts: "Bull and Madusa, you two had a great match at 'Helloween' that ended under controversial circumstances! Now, you ladies will be hooking 'em up again at 'Holiday Havoc' on December 9th! And Saito, you better be on your best behavior and exude some of those 'superior' Japanese manners you boasted about earlier!"


Madusa: "Bull, I'll see you at 'Holiday Havoc' right here in the good ol' USA, spikey head!"


Some in the crowd chanted 'USA! USA!' as Bull and Madusa locked eyes in a brief staredown as the segment ended.)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Fri. - Oct. 19 - Eau Claire, WI - Zorn Arena; Sat. - Oct. 20 - Green Bay, WI - Resch Center; Thu. - Nov. 15 - Cincinnati, OH - Cincinnati Gardens; Fri. - Nov. 16 - Athens, OH - Convocation Ctr. @ Ohio Univ.; Sat. - Nov. 17 - Kent, OH - Mac Center. More info, visit: uwlslam.com!)


(Announcers discussed Watts making the first match for 'Holiday Havoc', a re-match between Madusa and Bull Nakano, two months before the show. Hyped still to come: 'Helloween' Re-Match for the UWL WTT Titles: Dog Pound © vs. Anderson Bros.; an i'view w/ UWL WC Greg Valentine; a look back at the confrontation between Valentine and Piper at ringside at 'Helloween'; an i'view w/ Father Dutch; Billy Graham in action; and more. Said Rip Oliver sees action next!)


Match 3

Rip Oliver vs. Jimmy Del Rey


(Oliver came to the ring to stong boos.


Ref called for the bell to start the match and both men came out of their corners. Oliver went to superkick Del Rey but Del Rey ducked the move, dropped down and rolled Oliver up from behind. 1...2... Oliver kicked Del Rey off. Oliver got up and went to punch Del Rey but Del Rey blocked the punch attempt and nailed Oliver with the trio of head shots. Del Rey then whipped Oliver into the buckles. Del Rey charged in on Oliver and Oliver got a boot up and caught Del Rey in the face. Del Rey staggered backwards and Oliver wasted no time coming out of the corner and...WHAM!...Oliver levelled Del Rey with a superkick. Oliver covered Del Rey and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell and raised Oliver's hand in victory. WINNER: Oliver - Pinfall - Superkick - :29)


(After the match: Marshall i'viewed Oliver. Asked about defeating the Crusher at 'Helloween'.


RO: "Sunday, October 14, 2012, was the day the music officially died. Polka music, that is. When I dropped that beer-swilling bum to the mat with my patented superkick, accordions around the world went silent. I murdered polka music! It's dead! I killed and buried it! But I'm not getting any thanks, am I?! No! All these ungrateful turds out here are disappointed that I beat Crusher two nights ago! I did the world a major league favor! Where's the gratitude, huh?! Well, I've got some bad news for you people! From here on out, if you wanna hear some polka music, you're gonna have to unearth some dusty old records and a phonograph player to listen to it! But I'm proud to say that Rip Oliver is the man who enacted the death penalty on the worst form of music ever known to man!")


(Announcers discussed another quick win for Oliver. Also pointed out that Rip is usually very calm and cool on interviews but was explosive on this one. Hyped still to come: 'Helloween' Re-Match for the UWL WTT Titles: Dog Pound © vs. Anderson Bros.; an i'view w/ UWL WC Greg Valentine; a look back at the confrontation between Valentine and Piper at ringside at 'Helloween'; Billy Graham in action; and more. Said an i'view w/ Father Dutch is next.)


(Pics aired from the violent, bloody 'Armageddon' cage match between Wahoo and Father Dutch at 'Helloween'. Announcers said PPV replays were available now.)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed Father Dutch. Gregorian chants filled the arena as FD came to the ring to loud boos. FD was in his priest's attire and had a large bandage on his forehead covering a wound where he'd been sliced open on the barbed wire during his 'Armageddon' cage match with Wahoo.


FD: "On Sunday, I sent Wahoo McDaniel to the seventh level of hell. I punished Wahoo like he's never been punsihed before. I realize it did no good because Wahoo is determined to remain in a state of spiritual rebellion. I am giving Wahoo over to his wicked ways. I wash my hands of him. Let him suffer his awful judgment when the time comes. I've shaken the dust off my feet and it's time to move on."


LM: "Father Dutch, would you take a look at these pictures from the 'Armageddon' cage match with Wahoo at 'Helloween'."


Pics aired of the masked mystery man coming out from under the ring and attacking Wahoo and nailing Wahoo with the pumphandle slam and then leaving the cage.


LM: "Who was that man?"


FD: "I'm sure everyone wants to know who that man is. And he is here tonight. He is a loyal member of my congregation. Would you like to meet him?"


LM: "I hope I don't regret this. Yes, I want to meet this man."


FD: "I know I can trust him. He's a man who was once a rebellious sinner like Wahoo. The difference is that he listened to my sacred words and gave himself over to my teachings and changed his life for the better. I present to you...Grog!"


Out on the entrance stage walked Grog. He was a big man wearing a black mask with white trim and the mask had a cross on the top. He was also wearing black leg-length tights with a white cross on the ouside of each leg and heavy black boots. He was booed as he made his way into the ring. Once in the ring, Father Dutch blessed Grog.


LM: "May I speak to Grog?"


FD: "You may. Just let me say that I am so proud of him. He respects and submits to proper authority. And I am the proper authority in his life."


LM: "Grog, we just heard the story from Father Dutch about how you came to be a loyal follower of Father Dutch. But why the attack on Wahoo McDaniel during the 'Armageddon' cage match at 'Helloween'?"


Grog: "I owe Father Dutch my life. He saved me from a life of wickedness. I was on a downward spiral to my destruction and he pulled me out of that spiral. I am proud to be a member of Father Dutch's congregation. I owe him my loyalty, my honor and my submission."


LM: "Your submission?!"


Grog: "Yes, he saved me. Everything I have is his. If he wants me to do something then I do it. Father Dutch wanted me to attack Wahoo McDaniel during their match and I did it. And I have a message for Wahoo McDaniel. You're a lost cause. There's no hope for you. And while Father Dutch may be done with you...I am not. What I did to you at 'Helloween' was just the start between you and me, Wahoo. You've still got hell to pay. Amen."


FD: "Brother Grog, that was so beautifully said. Those words are as powerful as the ones you spoke to the congregation when you gave your testimony about my life-changing power that changed your life."


LM: "What is this congregation?"


FD: "My congregation is made up of people who have decided to change their lives for the better, pick up their cross and follow me."


LM: "Is this congregation open to anyone that wants to join?"


FD: "No, it is not. You can only come into my congregation if I call you. And you must show your unquestioning dedication to the truth that I present."


LM: "This is starting to give me the creeps now."


FD: "You should feel uncomfortable because I see the sin emenating from your body."


LM: "I think we're just gonna wrap this up right now."


FD: "Lee, Lee, Lee. You have nothing to fear. We're not coming to convert you..."


LM: "Whew! That's good to hear."


FD: "You didn't let me finish. We're not coming to convert you...at least not yet. But you never know. Maybe one day, Lee. Maybe one day."


Marshall was clearly uneasy as the Gregorian chants started playing again and FD and Grog left the ring and headed up the aisle to the back.)


(Announcers discussed Father Dutch introducing Grog. Hyped still to come: 'Helloween' Re-Match for the UWL WTT Titles: Dog Pound © vs. Anderson Bros.; an i'view w/ UWL WC Greg Valentine; a look back at the confrontation between Valentine and Piper at ringside at 'Helloween'; Billy Graham in action; and more. Said Billy Graham sees action next.)


(Pics aired from the Graham-Luger Last Man Standing match at 'Helloween'. Announcers said PPV replays were available.)


Match 4

Billy Graham (w/ Grand Wizard) vs. Tim Horner


(Graham and mgr. Grand Wizard came out to strong boos.


Graham dominated Horner from the openeing bell and made short work of Horner. At the end of the match, Graham blasted Horner with a big running clothesline that dropped Horner. Graham then picked Horner up, but instead of jackhammering Horner, Graham whipped Horner into the ropes and caught Horner coming off in his vice-like bearhug. Horner was in the hold for only a few seconds before submitting. Ref called for the bell. Graham held Horner in the crushing hold for a few more seconds before tossing Horner to the mat like a rag doll. WINNER: Graham - Submission - Bearhug - 1:48)


(After the match: Marshall i'viewed Graham and Wizard.


GW: "Look at this man! He is the reflection of perfection! The tower of power! 'Superstar' is the man who's too sweet too be sour! And he's also the last man standing! Right, Lex Luger?! Hahaha!"


BG: "Look at these arms, daddy! (Graham flexed his biceps.) Sculpted by Michaelangelo! As the Grand Wizard just said, I am the reflection of perfection; the tower of power; the man who's too sweet too be sour! And the last man standing!


"Lex Luger! It's like this, jack! I have now beaten you in a bolt cutters on a pole match and a last man standing match! And I'm open for more! You can even names the stipulation if you want! Lex, the fact is you just can't beat the 'Superstar' no matter what kind of match it is! And did you just see what I did to that jabroni?! I finished him off with the bearhug, baby! If I wanted to, I could have squeezed him so hard that his ribs would have crumbled to dust and his lungs would have been compacted down to the size of a couple of sticks of beef jerky! But I'm not that way! I've got some class! But if I get you in that bearhug, Luger, I will look to crush your ribs and drive the last breath out of your body! You want more of me, Lex?! Just come and get it, jack!")


(Announcers discussed Graham using a new finisher in the bearhug and boasting about beating Luger at 'Helloween'. Hyped still to come: 'Helloween' Re-Match for the UWL WTT Titles: Dog Pound © vs. Anderson Bros.; an i'view w/ UWL WC Greg Valentine; a look back at the confrontation between Valentine and Piper at ringside at 'Helloween'; and more. Then sent it backstage.)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Pres. Watts.


BW: "Larry, I have two annoncements to make. Next week on 'Slam!', Harley Race will be defending the President's Championship against Wahoo McDaniel. And, the Great Christopho has agreed to put his mask on the line against Tully Blanchard in a Bounty match."


LN: "You talked with the Great Christopho?"


BW: "As you know, the Great Christopho doesn't talk. We texted each other."


LN: "Oh. So that's how you communicated. Steve and Joe, back to you.")


(Announcers discussed Pres. Watts making a President's Championship match: Harley Race © vs. Wahoo McDaniel and a Bounty match for the mask of the Great Christopho pitting Christopho against Tully Blanchard.)


(Announcners then intro'd pics of the confrontation and scuffle between Roddy Piper and UWL WC Greg Valentine during Valentine's title match against Patera at 'Helloween' where Valentine left the ring after knocking Patera senseless with a foreign object and went over to where Piper was sitting in the front row ringside. Valentine had words for Piper and then shoved Piper and then Piper started fighting with Valentine until security broke things up and escorted Piper from his seat. Pics aired. Announcers said PPV replays of 'Helloween' were available now.)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed UWL WC Valentine with mgr. Gary Hart. The two came out to loud boos. Both were in suits and Valentine was carrying the title. The two got in the ring and soaked in the boos a little more.


GV: "Ken Patera, I told you that you couldn't beat me when the gold was on the line and I proved it at 'Helloween'."


LM: "Greg, please take a look at the JumboTron."


Pics appeared on the screen of Schultz coming down to the ring and laying out Patera with the Redneck Death Drop while the ref was on the floor and distracted by the Piper-Valentine fight. Schultz's interference helped Valentine retain the belt.


LM: "What do you have to say about that?"


GV: "What I have to say about that is I had nothing to do with it. Look, Ken Patera's a marked man. He's got a lot of problems right now with The Firm. I have nothing to do with The Firm and I didn't even know Schultz had attacked Patera. Only thing I know is that after my scuffle on the floor with perma-cripple Roddy Piper, I got back in the ring and saw Patera was down. I had dropped him with a big punch and I thought that was why he was still laying there. I got back in the ring and did what any winner would do and seized the moment and nailed Patera with the Hammerhead, got the 1...2...3, and that was that. I'm still the UWL World Champion and that's that."


LM: "As for that big punch you just talked about. Did you hit Patera with a foreign object? Because Patera dropped like a rock after you popped him."


GV: "I don't know? Did I hit Patera with a foreign object?"


LM: "That's what I'm asking you."


GV: "Does it matter now?"


LM: "I think it does."


GV: "It doesn't matter what you or anyone else thinks. I've told you before, I will do whatever it takes to hang onto this belt. Now, did I hit the man with a weapon of some sort? Yes, I did."


LM: "So, you're admitting that you hit Ken Patera with a foreign object in your title match at 'Helloween'?!"


GV: "As a matter fo fact, I've got the weapon on me. Here it is."


Valentine made a fist a shook it.


LM: "You're saying the object you hit him with was only your fist?"


GV: "That's right. Because that's what I did hit him with. And if that answer doesn't satisfy you or any of these fans out here, tough! I'm still the World Champion. Get that through your thick skull!"


Hart: "That's what it's all about. Being the UWL World Champion. For over 10 months now, this man has taken on a wide array of challengers and has defeated them all. And Ken Patera is now another victim of Greg Valentine. No matter who the UWL brass throws at the champ in an effort to take the title off of him they always fail. I truly believe this man is unbeatable right now. There's not a wrestler alive who can beat Mr. Valentine when the championship is up for grabs."


LM: "Gary, you truly believe that there isn't a wrestler out there who can beat Greg Valentine?"


Hart: "Exactly."


LM: "What about Roddy Piper?"


Crowd cheered Piper's name.


Hart (laughs): "Lee, please. Roddy Piper is no longer an active wrestler. His career is kaput thanks to the World Champion. He's never coming back to wrestle because he'll never get the medical clearance he needs to get back in the ring. No state will ever license Piper to wrestle again because of the major injuries Valentine inflicted on him over a year ago. Never gonna happen. Give up the fantasy that Roddy is ever coming back. He's done...forever."


LM: "As for Roddy Piper, yes, he currently is not cleared to wrestle. But that doesn't mean it will never happen."


GV: "I've said it before. If Roddy Piper could come back he would have already done so. It's been over a year. Give it up."


LM: "There's always hope."


GV: "Hope? Heh heh. People who have to rely on hope are losers already. He either comes back or he doesn't. And hope plays no role in that.


"By the way, we've got some video from 'Helloween' from after the match. Boys in the truck, roll that video."


Video aired from after the WT match at 'Helloween' where Piper had been escorted away from his front row seat but broke away from security and tried to hop the barricade to go after Valentine but security stopped Piper and moved him away from ringside as Valentine gloated in the ring.


GV: "I wanna say kudos to the crack security team there. They did a great job! Piper was not a participant in the match and security acted accordingly! He had no business trying to hop the railing. If justice was truly served, they roughed Roddy up a little before they tossed him out of the Lawlor Events Center on his ass!"


Crowd booed.


'Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system and Pres. Watts walked out on the entrance stage with mic in hand.


BW: "Valentine and Hart. Unfortunately, Roddy Piper has not been cleared to wrestle and, I hate to agree with you two, he may never be allowed to wrestle again. But, the show must go on, as they say.


"Greg, that punch you nailed Patera with late in your match at 'Helloween' seemed to pack one hell of an unusal wallop. Patera momentarily had his lights put out. But, I can't prove you used a foreign object. However, you openly boasted that you'll do whatever it takes to hold on to the UWL World Title.


"With that in mind I've come to a decision. Next week, right here on 'Slam!', Greg Valentine, you will be defending the UWL World Title against Ken Patera!"


Good crowd response. Valentine was resigned to it.


BW: "But that's not all. Oh no. Valentine, you will also be defending that title against your other major recent challenger, Lex Luger!"


Crowd popped big-time. Valentine now not so casual as he became animated.


BW: "You will be defending the UWL World Title twice next week! Let me clarify that! You will be defending the title twice if you successfully defend the title in your first match!"


Hart: "President Watts, two World Title defenses in one night? That's practically unheard of."


BW: "You two just heard it now! Valentine, my suggestion to you is to start preparing to hook 'em up twice next week ASAP!"


'Born in the USA' started playing as the fans cheered the news and a stunned and irate Valentine and shocked Hart looked on at Watts from the ring as the segment ended.)


(Announcers discussed the big news they just heard from Pres. Watts. Greg Valentine © will have to defend the UWL WT in two WT matches next week on 'Slam!' with the second WT match only taking place if Valentine successfully defends the belt in his first defense. Also announced next week on 'Slam!': Bounty Match: Great Christopho vs. Tully Blanchard; President's Championship: Harley Race © vs. Wahoo McDaniel; plus, The Firm will be making an appearance and more! Said the UWL WTT Title match was next!)


Match 5 (UWL World Tag Team Title Re-Match from 'Helloween')

Dog Pound © vs. Anderson Bros.


(Anderson bros. came to the ring first to loud boos. They were all in their ring gear.


'Welcome to the Jungle' played over the p.a. system and out came the Dog Pound © to a rousing ovation. Steiner and Sawyer came down the aisle barking. The pair then hopped the ringside barricade and climbed on a pair of front row seats and held up the titles for all to see and barked and the crowd barked along. The champs then climbed back over the barricade into the ringside area and got in the ring and handed the titles to the ref.


Steiner and Sawyer then started running around the ring and barking and all three Anderson bros. attacked them before the match even started. Gene, Lars and Ole beat the hell out of the champs and threw them out of the ring and down to the floor. Ref got the Anderson bros. into their corner as the champs slowly made their way to their feet on the floor. Ref went out on the floor and checked on the champs to see if they were OK. Both were sore but they made their way up onto the apron. Ref went over and asked which two Andersons were wrestling. Lars left the ring and went out to the floor.


Ref then went over and called r.a. Marshall up on the apron. Ref had words with Marshall and handed Marshall the belts.


LM: "I have just been informed by the referee that because all three Anderson brothers attacked the Dog Pound before the match, since Lars Anderson is not the Anderson brother not wrestling tonight, he must vacate the ringside area!"


Crowd popped. Lars was defiant and would not leave at first. This brought Pres. Watts out on the entrance stage once again with mic in hand.


BW: "Lars! If you do not leave the ringside area immediately, then I will not forfeit the match to the Dog Pound...rather I will fire all three of you Anderson brothers for insubordination! Lars, get your ass backstage...NOW!"


Ole and Gene told Lars to scram. Lars hesitated for a moment.


BW: "I'm not kidding, Lars! NOW!"


Lars walked quickly back up the aisle as cameras followed him. He walked past Pres. Watts on the entrance stage and Watts kicked Lars in the ass and then grabbed Lars by the back of the neck of his t-shirt and hauled Lars off as the fans ate it up.


With order re-stored, the ref called the two teams to the middle of the ring. He laid down the rules and patted all four men down and then sent them to their neutral corners. Ref then called for the bell.


Announcers said they would stay with the match to its conclusion.


The Anderson bros. dominated much of the match and came close to regaining the titles on more than one occasion but couldn't put the DP away. At the end of the match, Ole and Steiner were the legal men in the ring. Ole worked over Steiner. Ole had just locked Steiner in the cross arm breaker but Steiner was able to scoot close enough to the ropes and get his leg on the bottom rope to force a break in the hold. As both men got up, Ole moved in, grabbed Steiner's left arm and rammed his shoulder into Steiner's left shoulder three times. Steiner retaliated by nailing Ole with a series of punches to the head and then went to whip Ole into the ropes but Ole reversed and went to catch Steiner coming off with a clothesline but Steiner ducked the move and came back and blasted Ole with a Steiner line. Ole went down and got up and Steiner nailed Ole with another Steiner line. Ole got up again and Steiner went to repeat the move but Ole fell out of the way and Steiner accidentally nailed the ref with a Steiner line. Ref fell backwards through the top and middle rope, hit the apron and dropped to the floor. Ole had gotten to his feet and as soon as Steiner turned around, Ole blasted Steiner with the Divorce Court. Ole got up and stomped on the downed Steiner's left shoulder. Sawyer dropped down off the apron and went to check on the ref. Gene dropped to the floor and grabbed one of the tag titles off the timekeeper's table. In the ring, Ole pulled Steiner up, grabbed Steiner's left arm and pounded on Steiner's left shoulder area with his free fist. On the floor, Gene snuck up behind Buzz and bashed him in the back of the head with the title belt. Buzz went down. Ole then nailed Steiner with a hammerlock bodyslam on Steiner's already hurting left arm. Steiner now really hurting as Ole got on top of Steiner and nailed Steiner with a series of punches to the head. Steiner dazed. Gene got up on the apron and yelled for Ole. Gene mounted the top buckle with the title belt as Ole pulled Steiner up. Ole holding Steiner from behind. Ref and Buzz still down. Gene came off the top buckle and went to bash Steiner in the head with the belt but Steiner moved and Gene caught Ole in the skull with it. Ole crashed to the mat as the crowd erupted. Gene momentarily stunned as Steiner got to his feet and nailed Gene with a brief flurry of punches with his right hand. Gene dropped the title and was standing dazed against the ropes. Steiner picked up the title, charged at Gene and blasted Gene in the face with the title. Gene went head over heels over the top rope and crashed to the floor as the crowd noise grew. Steiner tossed the title on the floor. The dazed Ole was trying to get his bearings as Steiner pulled Ole up, placed Ole's head between his legs and blasted Ole with the double underhook powerbomb. Steiner went for the cover as Watts charged to the ring. Watts slid in the ring and counted. 1...2...3! Watts called for the bell as the fans went hog wild.


On the floor, a dazed Sawyer was making it to his feet and helping the ref up. Watts went over and spoke to r.a. Marshall and took the titles. Steiner went out and checked on Buzz and the ref. Watts went out on the floor and handed the two men their titles and raised their hands in victory to the delight of the crowd as the program went off the air.


WINNER: Dog Pound - Pinfall - Steiner pinned Ole with the Double Underhook Powerbomb - 11:33)




Dark Match

Arn Anderson © & Hugh Morrus vs. Greg Valentine © & Rip Oliver (w/ Hart)

(WINNER: Anderson & Morrus - Pinfall - Arn pinned Greg with a Small Package - 14:04)

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Oct. 19 - Eau Claire, WI - Zorn Arena - Att: 3,098


Oct. 20 - Green Bay, WI - Resch Center - Att: 5,904


RESULTS (Same in each city):


UWL WORLD TITLE TRIPLE THREAT MATCH: Greg Valentine © def. Lex Luger and Ken Patera when Valentine pinned Luger with the Hammerhead


UWL WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: The Dog Pound © def. Lars & Gene Anderson (w/o Ole) via pinfall when Buzz Sawyer pinned Lars with the Missle Dropkick


David Schultz & Rick Rude def. Ken Patera & Hugh Morrus via pinfall when Rude pinned Morrus with the Rude Awakening after interference from Schultz


PRESIDENT'S CHAMPIONSHIP: Harley Race © def. The Great Christopho via pinfall with the Piledriver (Race failed to unmask TGC each night)


TV TITLE MATCH: Arn Anderson © def. Tully Blanchard via pinfall with the Gourdbuster


UWL WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE MATCH: Tina Ferrari © def. Madusa via pinfall with her feet on the ropes

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UWL President Bill Watts has ordered Greg Valentine to defend the UWL World Title twice on the program, against Lex Luger and Ken Patera, respectively. Can Valentine survive this unprecedented championship gauntlet and come out of it in the end with the UWL World Title still in his possession?




- Tully Blanchard looks to earn a quick $50,000.00 payday, courtesy of DDP, as Tully tries to unmask the Great Christopho and expose him as Daniels in a Bounty match


- President's Championship: Harley Race © vs. Wahoo McDaniel


- The Firm makes an appearance




Ep. 92 of 'Slam!' will be posted either Monday or Tuesday.

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(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Video clip aired from last week of Pres. Watts informing UWL WC Greg Valentine that he would be defending the title twice tonight on 'Slam!' against Lex Luger and then against Ken Patera.)


(Announcers welcomed viewers. Hyped the two UWL WT matches tonight: Greg Valentine © vs. Lex Luger; and if Valentine retains, he will defend the WT against Ken Patera later in the show. Announcers pointed out that if Luger defeats Valentine in the first title match and becomes the new UWL World Champ, Luger will then defend the title against Patera later in the evening. Hyped also for the program: $50,000.00 Bounty Match (Great Christopho's mask is on the line): Great Christopho vs. Tully Blanchard; President's Championship: Harley Race © vs. Wahoo McDaniel; The Firm is here; Hall & Nash see tag team action; a look back at Father Dutch's introduction of a member of his 'congregation', Grog; a post-match video message from the Anderson bros. about the controversial finish last week where Pres. Watts counted the pinfall in the tag team title match where the Dog Pound retained the belts after the sanctioned ref had been knocked out of the ring; and more. Then sent it backstage to Larry Nelson.)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Lex Luger.


LN: "Lex Luger. In just a few minutes, you get another crack at Greg Valentine for the UWL World Title. Your thoughts heading into this match."


Lex: "In the past, I have been this close (held his thumb and fore finger about an inch apart) to defeating Greg Valentine and winning the UWL World Title! Tonight, (closed thumb and fore finger together) I'm gonna close that gap and become the new UWL World Champion!")


Match 1 (UWL World Title Match #1)

Greg Valentine © (w/ mgr. Hart) vs. Lex Luger


(Luger was intro'd first and came to the ring to a strong ovation. Luger slapped hands with fans on the way down the aisle. Valentine © and Hart then came to the ring to loud boos. Valentine was wearing his ring robe.


Once in the ring, Valentine opened his robe revealing the WT around his waist. Ref took the belt from Valentine and held it up for all to see. Valentine removed his robe. Ref called both men to the center of the ring. As Greg and Lex stared each other down, ref laid down the ground rules and patted each man down. Ref then sent each man to a neutral corner. Greg had a few more words with Hart before Hart left the ring and went to the floor. Ref called for the bell.


Greg charged out of his corner and swung wildly at Lex and missed. Luger then popped Greg with a few head shots, whipped Greg into the ropes and caught the champ coming off with a backdrop. Crowd into it early. Greg got to his feet and was greeted with a Luger clothesline that sent the champ crashing to the mat. Luger went for the quick cover. 1...2... Greg kicked out. Luger pulled Greg up, whipped Greg into the ropes and levelled Greg with another clothesline that dropped the champ again. Luger then nailed Greg with a jumping elbow smash and again went for the cover. 1...2... Greg kicked out again. Luger got up and popped Greg with some more punches as Greg was getting to his feet. Luger whipped Greg into the turnbuckles and came in and nailed Greg with another clothesline. Greg on wobbly legs and hurting in the corner. Luger then whipped Greg into the opposite buckles and charged in on Greg but Greg caught Luger with a kick to the gut. Luger doubled over and took a couple of steps back. Greg moved in on Luger and nailed Luger with a swinging neckbreaker. Both men briefly down.


Greg got to his feet and snapped up Luger by the hair. The champ blasted Luger with a suplex and then a big elbow smash. Greg for the cover. 1... Luger kicked out. Greg got up as Luger got to his knees and Greg came up behind Luger, grabbed Luger under the chin with his left hand and popped Luger in the side of the head with a series of rapid-fire rights. Luger grabbed Greg in a front facelock and pulled Luger up to his feet. While in the front facelock, Luger found the strength to grab Greg around the waist and ram the champ hard and back first into the buckles. Greg let go of the front facelock and Lex battered Greg with a series of rapid-fire shoulder blocks to the gut. Greg hurting as he wandered out of the corner by the ropes. Luger whipped Greg into the ropes and caught Greg coming off with a military press slam. Greg crashed to the mat and scooted on his ass next to the ropes. Greg was begging off as Luger moved in. Luger grabbed Greg and hoisted Greg up by the ropes for a suplex. As the ref looked up at Greg, Hart reached in the ring and clipped Luger's ankle, causing Luger to lose his balance. Luger toppled over with Greg on top of him. Greg for the cover. 1...2... Luger kicked out. Luger got to his feet and pointed an accusatory finger at and had words for Hart. Hart threw up his hands gesturing that he had done nothing. This allowed Greg time to get to his feet behind Luger.


Luger turned around and walked right into a kick to the gut from Greg. Greg caught Luger in the double underhook position between his legs. Greg was going for his Hammerhead finisher but Luger instead backdropped Greg to the mat. Luger dropped to his knees. Both men made it to their feet and Greg caught Luger with a thumb to the eye. Luger back against the ropes holding his eye. Ref warned Greg. Greg moved in and nailed Luger with a few punches to the head and body. With Luger against the ropes, Greg leaned Luger's upper body back over the top rope and proceeded to pound Luger with three brutal forearm smashes to the chest. Luger staggered away hunched over and grabbing his chest. Greg followed Luger and nailed Luger with a trio of elbow smashes to the back of the neck. Luger hurting. Greg whipped Luger into the ropes and caught Luger coming off with another kick to the gut. Greg once again went to re-apply the Hammerhead but Luger wriggled free from Greg's grasp, reached down and pulled Greg's legs out from under him. Greg went down as Luger held Greg's legs. Luger then catapaulted Greg and Greg's head slammed hard into the top buckle. Greg's head snapped back and Greg fell back in the ring. Luger quickly covered Greg and hooked the leg. 1...2...2-1/2... Greg got a shoulder up. Crowd groaned.


Luger grabbed the champ and whipped him into the ropes but Greg caught the top rope and held on. Luger charged at Greg and Greg ducked down and backdropped Luger over the top rope. Luger landed on the apron. Greg had turned his back and thought Luger had landed on the floor. Greg started briefly playing to the crowd as Luger got to his feet on the apron and got back in the ring. When Greg turned around...WHAM!...the champ was rudely greeted by Luger's patented running forearm smash to the head. Greg crashed to mat near the ropes. Luger for the cover. 1...2...2-3/4... Greg got his foot on the bottom rope and the ref saw it. Crowd in agony again. Luger frustrated. Luger snapped Greg up and whipped Greg into the ropes and looked to catch Greg coming off with a backdrop but Greg instead caught Luger with a forearm smash to the upper back. Luger didn't go down but was still hunched over. Greg quickly locked Luger into position for the Hammerhead and this time there would be no escape. Greg blasted Luger with the Hammerhead, rolled Luger over, covered Luger and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. About 15-20% of the crowd cheered Valentine. A heavy breathing Valentine got to his feet as the ref took the belt from r.a. Marshall. Ref went over and raised Greg's hand in victory and handed him the title. Hart got in the ring and had a few words with the tested Valentine. Greg slung the belt over his shoulder and he and Hart left the ring and headed to the back to boos.


WINNER: Valentine - Pinfall - Hammerhead - 8:36)


(Announcers discussed Valentine successfully defending the WT against Luger. Hyped still to come: Valentine's second UWL WT Match: Valentine © vs. Patera; $50,000.00 Bounty Match (Great Christopho's mask is on the line): Great Christopho vs. Tully Blanchard; President's Championship: Harley Race © vs. Wahoo McDaniel; The Firm is here; a replay of last week's confrontation between Madusa and Bull Nakano where a re-match between the two was made for the 'Holiday Havoc' PPV; a look back at Father Dutch's introduction of a member of his 'congregation', Grog; a post-match video message from the Anderson bros. about the controversial finish last week where Pres. Watts counted the pinfall in the tag team title match where the Dog Pound retained the belts after the sanctioned ref had been knocked out of the ring; and more. Said Hall and Nash see tag team action next.)


(Video aired for 'Immodium A-D Presents: Holiday Havoc! Winner Takes It All!' - Sunday - Dec. 9 - Portland, OR - Rose Garden - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


Match 2

Hall & Nash (w/ DiBiase) vs. Mulkey Bros.

(WINNER: Hall & Nash - Pinfall - Nash pinned Randy with the Jack-knife Powerbomb - 3:29)


(Hall, Nash & DiBiase came out to the usual mixed crowd reaction. Match probably should have never been booked as Hall and Nash dominated the former tag champs from the opening bell and finally put Bill and Randy out of their misery when Nash put Randy away with the powerbomb.)


(Announcers discussed the lopsided win for Hall and Nash and said the entire Firm crew would be out later for an interview. Hyped still to come: Valentine's second UWL WT Match: Valentine © vs. Patera; $50,000.00 Bounty Match (Great Christopho's mask is on the line): Great Christopho vs. Tully Blanchard; President's Championship: Harley Race © vs. Wahoo McDaniel; The Firm is here; a look back at Father Dutch's introduction of a member of his 'congregation', Grog; a post-match video message from the Anderson bros. about the controversial finish last week where Pres. Watts counted the pinfall in the tag team title match where the Dog Pound retained the belts after the sanctioned ref had been knocked out of the ring; and more. Said the complete replay of the confrontation between Madusa and Nakano from last week where the re-match was ordered at 'Holiday Havoc' between the two is next.)


Video replay of last week's Madusa-Nakano confrontation


(In-ring: Marshall intro'd Nakano and Saito. They came to the ring with their translator Mr. Nagasaki. They were heavily booed. On the entrance stage, Nakano proudly waved the flag of Japan. The three were yelled at and had garbage thrown in their direction as they came to the ring. Once in the ring, Nakano walked around and continued to wave the Japan flag high as the boos increased.


Marshall asked about the victory over Madusa at 'Helloween'.


Nagasaki spoke to Saito in Japanese and Saito replied in Japanese


Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito says that at 'Helloween', Bull Nakano showed Japanese superiority over the Americans by beating the decadent, shameless Madusa."


Marshall then asked about Bull covering Madusa with the American flag before pinning her.


Nagasaki relayed the question to Saito and Saito again responded in Japanese.


Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito says that covering Madusa in the American flag and pinning her was symbolic. He says that it was representative of the burial of America at the hands of the superior Japanese and it also represented the destruction of the United States."


Crowd boos rose and garbage was flung at the ring.


Marshall pointed out the anger in the crowd.


Nagasaki relayed the message to Saito in Japanese and Saito laughed and then spoke to Nagasaki in Japanese.


Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito says that the behavior of these American fans shows just how classless and awful most Americans really are. They should learn proper manners which are a hallmark of Japanese society; but most would be too stupid to grasp the concept of decent standards of behavior."


More boos and garbage.


Suddenly, Madusa came out on the entrance stage. She was in street clothes. She got a strong ovation as she came to the ring. She had a mic. Madusa climbed into the ring as Nakano and Saito and Bull glared at her. Saito said something to Nagasaki in Japanese.


Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito wants to know if you've come here to admit that the Japanese are superior to you Americans."


Madusa walked around in the ring a little.


Madusa: "You're not superior to us Americans. No, no."


Crowd popped.


Nagasaki translated for Saito and Bull and both were not happy. Saito then said something to Nagasaki in Japanese.


Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito says that Bull beat you which proves that the Japanese are superior to the Americans."


Madusa: "You tell Bull and Saito that it proved nothing of the sort! If Saito doesn't distract me, I win the match!"


Nagasaki relayed the message to Saito. Saito angrily responded in Japanese.


Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito says that you should learn to respect your superiors and show some smebolance of dignity in the face of cruching defeat."


Madusa: "Let me tell you this! I know that when Bull Nakano signed to wrestle for the UWL, the contract calls for her to wrestle two pay-per0view matches for the promotion!"


Nagasaki spoke with Saito again and Saito spoke to Nagasaki once more in Japanese.


Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito says that is correct. Bull Nakano signed to wrestle on two pay-per-views for the UWL. Unfortunately, Bull is due to go on a lengthy tour of Japan starting in a three days and could not wrestle on another UWL pay-per-view at this time."


Madusa: "Ask him when her tour ends then."


Nagasaki spoke with Saito again and Saito spoke to Nagasaki once more in Japanese.


Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito says Bull's tour of Japan ends in late November. He wishes they could accomodate you but you'll just have to wait."


Madusa: "Late November, huh? Well, I have some good news for them. Our next pay-per-view is in early December!"


Crowd popped.


Nagasaki spoke with Saito again and Saito spoke to Nagasaki once more in Japanese.


Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito says he didn't know that. But he's sorry, they will not be coming back to America for a pay-per-view in December even though she has no tours planned for that month."


'Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system. Pres. Watts came out on the entrance stage to a decent ovation with mic in hand.


Watts: "Mr. Nagasaki and Bull Nakano! Let me fill you two in on something! I have here in my American-made hand Bull's contract! It states on page two that if Bull Nakano doesn't have commitments to wrestle elsewhere then she is obligated to wrestle her two UWL pay-per-view dates at the discretion of the Universal Wrestling League, Inc.!


"She's already fulfilled one of her pay-per-view dates! Now, Saito, you just said that Bull has no wrestling tours booked in December! So guess what?! Bull Nakano will be wrestling in December! And she'll be wrestling her second pay-per-view date for the UWL on December 9th at the 'Holiday Havoc' show in Portland, OR! And she'll be facing Madusa in a re-match!"


Crowd popped.


Nagasaki had been translating what Watts said for Saito. Saito got very angry and spoke to Nagasaki in Japanese.


Nagasaki: "President Watts, Mr. Saito says that Bull Nakano will not be bullied into making an appearance on a UWL show in December. He says they stand in defiance of the inferior Americans' contractual intimidation."


Watts: "You tell Saito and Nakano this! I know they've read their contracts! And it says right here on page three that if Bull Nakano and Mr. Saito refuse to fulfill their contractual obligations when ordered by the UWL, then they will not be paid for any pay-per-views they've previously appeared on!"


Nagasaki relayed the message and Saito exploded and spoke again Japanese.


Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito says this is an outrage and is a scheme that could only be concocted by devious American minds."


Bull then leaned in and talked off-mic to Nagasaki in Japanese.


Nagasaki: "Bull Nakano says she accepts the terms laid out in the contract and that she would consider it an honor to humiliate Madusa even more at the December pay-per-view."


Saito then spoke off-mic with Nagasaki.


Nagasaki: "Saito says it is not Bull's right to accept or reject a contract since he is her manager. But, since they have no choice but to accept the terms or be ripped off in a typical American fashion, consider the match made."


Watts: "Bull and Madusa, you two had a great match at 'Helloween' that ended under controversial circumstances! Now, you ladies will be hooking 'em up again at 'Holiday Havoc' on December 9th! And Saito, you better be on your best behavior and exude some of those 'superior' Japanese manners you boasted about earlier!"


Madusa: "Bull, I'll see you at 'Holiday Havoc' right here in the good ol' USA, spikey head!"


Some in the crowd chanted 'USA! USA!' as Bull and Madusa locked eyes in a brief staredown as the segment ended.)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Thu. - Nov. 15 - Cincinnati, OH - Cincinnati Gardens; Fri. - Nov. 16 - Athens, OH - Convocation Ctr. @ Ohio Univ.; Sat. - Nov. 17 - Kent, OH - Mac Center; Thu. - Dec. 13 - Valdosta, GA - The Complex; Fri. - Dec. 14 - Savannah, GA - MLK Arena; Sat. - Dec. 15 - Augusta, GA - James Brown Arena; Sun. - Dec. 16 - Kennesaw, GA - Kennesaw State University Conv. Center. More info, visit: uwlslam.com!)


(Announcers intro'd video footage from last week of Father Dutch intro'ing his 'congregant' Grog who attacked and laid out Wahoo with a pumphandle slam during the 'Armageddon' cage match at 'Helloween'.


Highlights from last week:


FD: "I'm sure everyone wants to know who that man is. And he is here tonight. He is a loyal member of my congregation. Would you like to meet him?"


LM: "I hope I don't regret this. Yes, I want to meet this man."


FD: "I know I can trust him. He's a man who was once a rebellious sinner like Wahoo. The difference is that he listened to my sacred words and gave himself over to my teachings and changed his life for the better. I present to you...Grog!"


Out on the entrance stage walked Grog. He was a big man wearing a black mask with white trim and the mask had a cross on the top. He was also wearing black leg-length tights with a white cross on the ouside of each leg and heavy black boots. He was booed as he made his way into the ring. Once in the ring, Father Dutch blessed Grog.


LM: "May I speak to Grog?"


FD: "You may. Just let me say that I am so proud of him. He respects and submits to proper authority. And I am the proper authority in his life."


LM: "Grog, we just heard the story from Father Dutch about how you came to be a loyal follower of Father Dutch. But why the attack on Wahoo McDaniel during the 'Armageddon' cage match at 'Helloween'?"


Grog: "I owe Father Dutch my life. He saved me from a life of wickedness. I was on a downward spiral to my destruction and he pulled me out of that spiral. I am proud to be a member of Father Dutch's congregation. I owe him my loyalty, my honor and my submission."


LM: "Your submission?!"


Grog: "Yes, he saved me. Everything I have is his. If he wants me to do something then I do it. Father Dutch wanted me to attack Wahoo McDaniel during their match and I did it. And I have a message for Wahoo McDaniel. You're a lost cause. There's no hope for you. And while Father Dutch may be done with you...I am not. What I did to you at 'Helloween' was just the start between you and me, Wahoo. You've still got hell to pay. Amen.")


Match 3 (President's Championship)

Harley Race © (w/ JJ) vs. Wahoo McDaniel


(McDaniel came to the ring to a stong ovation. Race and JJ were loudly booed but also had their supporters in the crowd.


Match was a short back-and-forth battle. At the end of the short affair, Race had gained the upper hand and was working over Wahoo. Race went to whip Wahoo into the buckles but Wahoo reversed and sent Race crashing into the buckles. Wahoo charged in and nailed Race with a running big splash. Race staggered out of the corner, spun around and crashed flat on his back in the ring. Wahoo went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle as Race got to his feet. JJ concerned at ringside. Race got up, turned around and was greeted by a big chop to the head from off the top buckle by Wahoo. Race went down again. JJ now in panic mode. As Wahoo pulled Race up, Grog hit the ring and bashed Wahoo from behind with a forearm smash to the upper back. Ref called for the bell. Father Dutch looked on from the aisle. Grog nailed Wahoo with a couple of head shots and then Grog dropped Wahoo with a kick to the side of the face. Grog then snapped up Wahoo and nailed him again with a pumphandle slam. Wahoo laid out. Grog stood over the downed Wahoo when Father Dutch raised his wooden crucifix in the air and gestured for Grog to leave the ring and come to him. Grog dutifully left the ring and met Father Dutch in the aisle. Dutch then blessed Grog. Wahoo slowly recovering his senses in the ring. Mics picked up Father Dutch.


FD: "Well done, my son. Very well done."


The two looked on at the shaken Wahoo in the ring before turning and heading back up the aisle to loud boos.


DECISION: No Contest - Grog interfered - 3:51)


(Announcers discussed Grog attacking and laying out Wahoo a second time with his pumphandle slam and Father Dutch holding up the crucifix and ordering Grog to leave the ring and come back to him.


Pedicino: "Father Dutch seems to have some sort of hold on Grog, and that's a really scary thought."


Hyped still to come: Valentine's second UWL WT Match: Valentine © vs. Patera; $50,000.00 Bounty Match (Great Christopho's mask is on the line): Great Christopho vs. Tully Blanchard; President's Championship: Harley Race © vs. Wahoo McDaniel; a post-match video message from the Anderson bros. about the controversial finish last week where Pres. Watts counted the pinfall in the tag team title match where the Dog Pound retained the belts after the sanctioned ref had been knocked out of the ring; and more. Said an i'view with The Firm was coming up. Then sent it backstage.)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed UWL WC Greg Valentine and mgr. Hart in the champ's private dressing room. Valentine was in his tights and boots and drinking water while sitting on a small couch as Hart was standing.


LN: "Before I go any further, would you like to stand up for this interview?"


GV: "No! I'm standing up for you or anyone else right now, Nelson."


LN: "You survived the challenge from Lex Luger earlier tonight but your job is not finished. Now, you have to defend the championship against Ken Patera later in the program."


GV: "How very observant of you, Larry. I defeated Lex Luger, as if that was not expected to happen, and now Ken Patera gets another shot at the gold."


LN: "Any concerns about having to defend the World Title twice in one night?"


GV: "Of course there are concerns. I shouldn't have to defend the World Title more than once a night. President Watts thought he'd be cute and put the screws to me and make me defend the belt twice in one evening because it's obvious that he wants to crown a new World Champion. I don't think Watts envisioned me holding the big belt for almost year when I won it last December. But here I am. I'm still the UWL World Champion. And after my match with Ken Patera later tonight, guess what? I'll still be the UWL World Champion! I am the best wrestler in this business today, bar none!


"Since Roddy Piper's never wrestling again, President Watts is probably gonna try all sorts of crazy things to get this belt off of me! But guess what, Bill?! I'm not losing this title for a long, long time! You hear me, Watts?! You need to sit up and pay attention, Billy boy, because I...am...the man! And you need to resign yourself to that fact!"


Valentine was starting to turn red and become very angry.


Hart: "Champ. Champ. Calm down. You've got another World Title defense coming up and you need to preserve your strength and stamina and mentally focus only on Ken Patera. Let's just chill out here."


Greg was stewing.


Hart: "As the champion said, President Watts is doing this because the man he would love to see beat Valentine and win the World Title, Roddy Piper, is finished in this business. He's not gonna lace up the boots again because he'll never be medically cleared to wrestle again. So, Watts will probably pull more suprises on Mr. Valentine in an effort to cost him the World Championship after tonight."


LN: "That's if he gets past Patera tonight."


Hart: "Hey..."


Greg shot up from his seat and got in Nelson's face.


GV (screaming): "I will defeat Ken Patera tonight, dammit! I will still be the World Champion! And the one person I can guaran-damn-tee you that I will never lose the title to is Roddy Piper! You got that, Nelson?! Get the hell out of my dressing room!"


Hart: "Champ, just sit down and get your head together. Concentrate on the match that's coming up. Don't lose focus or we could be in trouble.


"Go, Nelson."


GV (screaming): "I told you to get out of here!"


LN: "We're going. We're going."


Nelson and the cameraman started leaving the dressing room when Greg winged his bottle of water in their direction. The bottle slammed into the wall off-camera. Hart started talking to Valentine to cool him down as Nelson and the camerman walked out of the champ's dressing room and closed the door behind them.)


(Announcers discussed the Nelson interview with Valentine and Hart.


Pedicino: "Steve, it seems obvious to me that Greg Valentine is very rattled about having to defend the World Title a second time to night. He can say he'll beat Ken Patera later on, but his behavior shows a man who is not as confident as he wants to appear heading into the match."


Stack: "I agree, Joe. Valentine was in a very physical match with Luger earlier tonight. While their styles are different, both Luger and Patera are power wrestlers. And when you wrestler a power wrestler you are guaranteed to be punished during the match even if you come out the winner. But facing two power wrestlers in one night, well, it has to be weighing on Valentine's mind. Somewhere behind that cocky exterior lies some doubt about being able to successfully defend that title against two punishing, hard-hitting wrestlers on the same night. His body has no time to heal from the punishment inflicted by Luger. I don't think Greg Valentine's title reign has ever been on shakier ground than right now."


Said The Firm interview was next.)


(In-ring: The DiBiase 'Hahaha' laugh echoed over the p.a. system followed by 'Money' by Pink Floyd. The Firm came to the ring to a mixed crowd reaction. All were in street clothes and each had a mic. Once in the ring, they soaked in the crowd response for a moment.


Hall: "Hey yo! Look who's here. The elite group in all of wrestling, The Firm.


"Now, before this goes any further, Big Kev, I just want to say that our match with the Mulkey brothers earlier tonight was the toughest match I've ever been in in my entire career. I really didn't know if we could beat them since Bill and Randy are such intimidating physical presences. But, whew, we pulled it out, bro."


Nash: "Scott, I have to agree! Wrestling the Mulkeys, man, that was the scariest three minutes of my life! I was shaking when we stepped into the ring with them! I'm still shaking inside right now! But, we did it, Scott! We overcame our fear and somehow managed to pull one out against the physically imposing Mulkey brothers! I don't know how we did it, but we did! But it was 180 seconds of pure terror for us!"


Hall: "Oh! I hear you! But after beating the Road Warrior-like Mulkeys I now feel we can beat any tag team!"


Nash: "If we can beat the Mulkeys you know what that means?!"


Hall: "What?!"


Nash: "It means we deserve a shot at the tag team champions the Dog Pound!"


Hall: "I think we've earned that privilege since we beat the awesome Mulkeys! Do you people think we deserve a World Tag Team Title shot?!"


Mixed crowd reaction.


Hall: "Those of you who said 'yes', you are alright in our book! But to those who said 'no', guess what, your votes don't count! Kind of like in a Presidential election!"


Rude: "We are now well into the fall. That change you feel in the air isn't just the weather. It's the change that's coming to the UWL, courtesy of The Firm. The long march has begun in earnest. No titles are safe. None. All the champions are put on notice. We're gunning for you. And we aren't gonna stop coming after you until we own the World Title, TV Title, Tag Team Titles and the President's Championship. And once we have all the gold, you people know what happens next. The Firm will pull the ultimate power-play and take complete control of the UWL! The clock is ticking! It's only a matter of time!"


Schultz: "The Redneck of Rednecks has something to say to one man and you know who you are! Ken Patera! Son, did you enjoy it at 'Helloween' when I laid you out with my Redneck Death Drop during your World Title match with Greg Valentine?! How did it feel when the back of your head slammed into that mat?! I know that for me it felt great! And I've got plenty more where that came from just for you, Ken!


"And tonight, Ken Patera gets another World Title shot! Talk about deja vu all over again! Ken, know this, it could be groundhog day for you, boy! You really need to watch your back!"


DiBiase: "I am so proud of the crew that I have assembled so far. These are four of the finest wrestlers in the world. We are going to accomplish every last one of our goals here in the UWL. And in the end, you're looking at the man who will one day be the new owner of the UWL! Hahahaha!


"Also, The Firm is not done growing. Not by a longshot. You have to ask yourselves, who will the next member of The Firm be? Is he already in the UWL or will he be brought in from outside the company? I already know the answers to those questions. But all of you will have to wait to find out the answers to them.


"As you know, I had my UWL debut match at 'Helloween'. I won. And I must say that I won in a very impressive fashion. Since I know some of you watching this progam are deadbeats who were too cheap to pay to see my in-ring debut, I have some good news for you. The contract has been signed. I'll be wrestling for the first time ever here on 'Slam!' next week. So, you cheapos, be sure to call all your friends and let them know the Director of The Firm, truly one of the greatest wrestlers alive, Ted DiBiase, will be showing off his exceptional ring skills right here on cable TV.


"And this is a message for owner KD Smith. KD, when the time comes for us to make a deal for The Firm to seize total power of the UWL, make it easy on yourself and let's negotiate the transaction peacefully. Don't make us do things the hard way. Because in the end, KD, you'll lose...badly.")


(Announcers discussed The Firm interview. Talked about Ted wrestling next week on the program and making a thinly velied threat to the owner of the company. Also discussed Schultz and wondered if might be planning to attack Patera tonight like he did at 'Helloween'. Hyped still to come: UWL WT Match #2: valentine © vs. Patera. Said the Bounty match was coming up. Then sent it backstage.)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Tully Blanchard. JJ was with Tully. Asked Tully about tonight's bounty match with the Great Christopho.


TB: "I've already ordered it."


LN: "What?"


TB: "The Ford Mustang that's gonna be paid for with the $50,000 dollars I'm gonna earn tonight when I rip the mask off of the Great Christopho and expose him as Daniels. Man, this ride is gonna be the envy of everybody. And I can't wait to show it off on the streets of America! Talk about a chick magnet! I may not even be able to drive all the way down the street because so many women will be throwing themselves at me because they want a ride in my brand new machine! And it's gonna be fully loaded with some of the finest and most expensive equipment around! I'm gonna be the envy of every guy that drives past me in their sad sack automobiles! They're gonna wish they had the money I'll have after tonight to afford a ride like mine! But they'll only be able to fantasize about it! Most men wish they were Tully Blanchard right now! But they'll want to be Tully Blanchard even more when I'm cruising around town in hottest car legally allowed on the road!


"And I owe it all to the Great Christopho! Thank you, Chris! Tearing that mask off of you is gonna be one of the greatest joys of my career!"


JJ: "I can't wait to see the car that's bought and paid for with Great Christopho's mask. And, Tully has already promised me the first ride in his new car. Tully, it's time to go out there and collect you $50 grand!")


Match 4 ($50K Bounty Match for Great Christopho's mask)

Tully Blanchard (w/ JJ) vs. Great Christopho


(Tully and JJ came out to strong boos. TGC came to the ring to a solid ovation.


Tully attacked TGC before the bell rang as soon as TGC stepped into the ring. Ref called for the bell. Tully spent the bulk of the match going for the mask but TGC was able to resist being unmasked. Tully took most of the match. At the end of the match, Tully nailed TGC with a big elbow from off the top rope. Tully again went to try and unmask TGC but failed. Tully nailed TGC with a few punches to the head, pulled TGC to his feet, whipped TGC into the ropes and looked to catch TGC coming off with a clothesline but TGC ducked and came back and blasted Tully with a flying lariat. Both men now down. Both men made it to their feet and TGC popped Tully with an enzuigiri. Tully back down on the mat. TGC positioned Tully for a turnbuckle move and went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle and came off with a frog splash on Tully. TGC bounced off of Tully and was on the mat grabbing at his gut. Both men down. DDP came charging to the ring with the briefcase and slid it in the ring to Tully. Tully grabbed the case and stated making it to his feet with the case. TGC also getting up. Tully went to hit TGC with the case. Tully had raised the case up to his face when TGC blasted Tully with a dropckick into the case. Case slammed into Tully's face. Crowd popped as Tully dropped the case and crashed to the mat. JJ jumped up on the apron. TGC saw JJ and ran over and grabbed JJ by the lapels of his suit jacket and was shaking JJ. DDP hit the ring and charged at TGC from behind but TGC moved at the last second and DDP collided with JJ. JJ crashed to the floor. Fans popping. DDP turned around and TGC blasted DDP with a reverse STO. DDP laid out in the ring. A wobbly Tully got to his feet and TGC moved in and punched Tully, whipped Tully into the ropes and nailed Tully coming off with the reverse STO. TGC then covered Tully and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Fans loved it. TGC all excited in the ring. Ref raised TGC's hand in victory. TGC then quickly left the ring and half-way up the aisle turned and was jumping up and down in celebration as the fans ate it up. WINNER: TGC - Pinfall - Reverse STO - 6:22)


(Announcers discussed TGC resisting being unmasked by Tully Blanchard in the Bounty match. Hyped still to come: UWL WT Match #2: Valentine © vs. Patera. Said the post-match video message from the Anderson bros. about the controversial finish last week where Pres. Watts counted the pinfall in the tag team title match where the Dog Pound retained the belts after the sanctioned ref had been knocked out of the ring was coming up.)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Ken Patera. Asked about tonight's WT match with Valentine.


KP: "It's like this, Larry. Nine days ago at 'Helloween', I had a golden opportunity to become the UWL World Champion. Thanks to 'Dr. D' David Schultz that didn't happen. I now have a chance at redemption. Greg Valentine has never been on shakier ground. And I think most of the fans would agree with me that it's time for a change at the top of the UWL. This might as well be that time. I've beaten Greg Valentine before and it was right here on 'Slam!'. It was a non-title match. But I know, and Greg Valentine knows, that I can get the job done. He is beatable.


"The wild card in all of this, of course, is David Schultz. We know he's here. Is he going to try and interfere again like he did at 'Helloween'? I wouldn't bet against it. And I'm gonna tell Schultz this right now. David, if you cost me this match tonight then I promise that you will pay a steep price for it! The Firm is nothing but trouble! And I swear to God Almighty, if I have to ultimately be destroyed by The Firm just so I can destroy David Schultz then that's what I will do!")


(Announcers briefly discussed the Patera interview.)


(Video then aired of the controversial finish to the WTT Title match between the Dog Pound © and Ole & Gene Anderson where the ref was knocked out of commission late in the match and Watts came to the ring to count the winning pinfall as Steiner pinned Ole.)


(Announcers then intro'd a post-match video from last week of the Anderson bros.


VIDEO: Angry Anderson bros. were in the locker room after the match. They were still in their ring gear. Ole had a mic. Gene and Lars were stalking around angrily in the background.


Ole: "We just got back here to the locker room a few minutes ago. Everyone saw what just happened to us. We were cheated out of a chance to win the tag team titles back because President Bill Watts decided to act as an impromptu referee and count the winning fall on behalf of the Dog Pound! This is a travesty of justice! And you know what? Right after we got back here, we asked where Watts was. It turns out that after Watts made the three count in our match, he left the ring and just kept on going to the parking lot and jumped in his car and sped off to the airport! We were just told he had to be at an important meeting at the UWL offices in Seattle tomorrow! How convenient! The President of the company shafts us and then just takes off!


"But this message is for him. Watts, are you going to be acting as an unsanctioned referee for any other title matches here in the UWL in the future when the sanctioned ref gets taken out of commission for some reason?! Or did you do this because Rick Steiner and Buzz Sawyer are old friends of yours?! Yeah, I know all about your history with those two! They've worked for you in this business before! I think that you saw an opening to help some old friends and you decided to take advantage of it! You didn't want to see your boys lose those titles back to us! That's what this is about as far as we Anderson bros. are concerned!"


Gene: "Yeah!"


Ole: "So, Watts, I just wanted to let you in on a little secret! We're not gonna take this grave injustice lying down! You weren't the sanctioned official for the match and therefore your counting of the pinfall should be rendered null and void! We would be standing here as the 2-time UWL World Tag Team Champions right now if it wasn't for you!"


Lars: "This matter will not go without a response from us!"


Ole: "That's right, Lars! Watts, you're gonna have a meeting with us! And you're gonna explain your actions to Lars, Gene and me in what can only be considered an act of theft! See you around, Billy boy!")


(Announcers discussed the harsh words from Ole and said it looks like a major confrontation was coming between Watts and the Anderson bros. Pointed out that Watts wasn't at the show tonight. Said UWL WT match #2 was next!)


Match 5 (UWL World Title Match #2)

Greg Valentine © (w/ mgr. Hart) vs. Ken Patera


(Patera came to the ring first to a solid ovation. Valentine and Hart came to the ring to loud boos. Valentine was just wearing his tights, boots and title against his waist.


Announcers said they will stay with the match to its conclusion.


Ref took the belt from Greg and held it up for all to see and then handed it off to r.a. Lee Marshall. Ref called both wrestlers to the center of the ring and laid down the ground rules and patted each man down as Patera and Greg stared at one another. Ref then sent each man to a neutral corner. Hart had a few more words with the champ and then went to the floor. Ref called for the bell.


The two men came out of their neutral corners and circled one another and then engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up and Patera threw Greg off and Greg crashed to the mat. Greg got to his feet and angrily raised his fists. Ken gestured for Greg to come out to the center of the ring and raised his fists. Greg hesitated and then left the ring and dropped to the floor and started walking around as the crowd booed. Greg had words with Hart on the floor. Greg climbed back on the apron and ordered the ref to make Patera step back. Ken obliged and Valentine got back in the ring. The two men circled each other and engaged in another collar-and-elbow tie-up and Ken drove Greg into the corner. Ref signaled for a break. Greg raised his hands showing he wasn't going to do anything. Greg came out of the corner and stunned Ken with a quick boot to the gut. Greg then popped Ken with some forearm smashes to the back and some punches to the head. Greg whipped Ken into the ropes and looked to nail Ken coming off with an elbow to the chest but Ken ducked the move and came back and tackled Greg to the mat and pounded Greg in the head with punches. Ken snapped Greg up, whipped Greg into the ropes and caught Greg coming off with an elbow to the chest. Greg crashed to the mat. Ken went for the cover. 1... Greg kicked out. Ken pulled Greg to his feet and rammed Greg's head into the top buckle 10 straight times as the crowd counted along. Greg stunned in the corner. Ken then mounted the middle buckle and started pounding Greg in the head with more punches. Greg then grabbed Ken around the waist and nailed him with an inverted atomic drop. Ken crashed to the mat.


Greg went over and dropped an elbow smash on Ken's chest. Greg repeated the move. Greg went for the move a third time and Ken rolled out of the way and Greg crashed to the mat. Both men down. Ken made it to his feet just before Greg and nailed Greg with a series of European uppercuts that stunned the champ. Ken then went to whip Greg into the buckles but Greg reversed and sent Ken into the buckles. Greg moved in on Ken and Ken charged out of the corner and dropped Greg with a Russian Hammer. Crowd popped. Ken then snapped Greg up and started locking Greg in the full nelson in an effort to drop the champ with his full nelson slam finisher but Greg escaped by driving the back of his lower leg into Ken's groin area. Ref reprimanded Greg. Ken grabbing at his jewels. Greg moved in and nailed Ken with a deliberate series of punches and then whipped Ken into the ropes and nailed Ken coming off with a clothesline. Ken crashed to the mat. Greg went out on the apron and mounted the buckles. Greg turned to play to the crowd briefly which allowed Ken to make it to his feet. Ken caught Greg on the buckles and Greg tried to beg off to no avail as Ken press slammed Greg off the top buckle. Greg slammed into the mat. Greg scooted on his ass into the corner as Ken moved in. Ken started pulling Greg up by the hair when Greg reached down and pulled Ken's legs out from under him. Ken went down. Greg went for the cover in the corner. As the ref started counting, Greg placed his feet on the middle rope for leverage. 1...2... Ken got a shoulder up and Greg took his feet off the rope before the ref could see. Greg tried to cover Ken again and placed his feet on the middle rope once more. 1...2... Again, Ken got a shoulder up. Greg again took his feet off the buckle before the ref noticed. Greg tried a third pin attempt and again placed his feet on the middle rope for leverage. 1...2... Ref looked up and saw Greg's feet on the ropes and ordered a break. Greg got up and had words with the ref as Ken recovered. Greg shoved the ref. Ref shoved Greg backwards and Ken caught Greg in a roll-up from behind. 1...2... Greg kicked out.


Ken and Greg got up and Greg moved in and struck Ken with a punch to the face. Ken no-sold it and fired back with a series of head shots on Greg and then whipped Greg into the corner and followed Greg in with a big clothesline. Greg staggered out of the corner and crashed face first to the mat. Ken grabbed Greg, hoisted Greg up on his shoulder and blasted the champ with a running powerslam. Ken for the cover. 1...2...2-3/4... Greg got a shoulder up. Crowd buzzing. Ken then pulled Greg up and nailed him with a gutwrench suplex. Champ in a bad way. Greg down. Ken ran and hit the ropes and Hart reached in and grabbed Ken's ankle. Ken turned and looked at Hart. Hart, like in the match with Luger, threw up his hands like he'd done nothing. Greg recovered and came up behind Ken and caught Ken with a chop block to the back of the left knee area. Ken crumpled to the mat. Valentine grabbed Ken and dragged him into the corner. Greg went to the floor and pulled Ken's legs around the post. Greg smashed Ken's left knee area hard into the post three times. Ken scooted back into the middle of the ring. Greg put the boots to Ken and then grabbed Ken's legs and turned Ken over on his gut. Greg took Ken's left leg, lifted it up and slammed it three times hard into the mat. Ken hurting. Greg turned Ken over on his back and went for the figure four but Ken kicked Greg off. Greg went down. Ken fighting through the pain. Greg got up and tried to apply the figure four again but Ken stunned Greg by catching him in a small package. 1...2... Greg kicked out. Crowd groaned. Greg got up as Ken uneasily made it to his feet. Greg kicked Ken in the left knee area and Ken went down again. This time, Greg succeeded in applying the figure four. Ken struggling not to submit. Ken scooting slowly towards the ropes. Greg had the hold tightly locked in. Ken still battling. Ref asked Ken if he wanted to submit and he shook his head 'no'. After several more seconds in the painful hold, Ken finally made it close enough to the ropes and got his hand on the middle rope to force a break.


Ken still down and hurting as Greg got to his feet. Greg reached down and pulled Ken up by the hair. Greg leaned Ken's upper body back over the top rope and Greg delivered a series of his patented, bruising forearm smashes to Ken's chest. Greg then went to whip Ken into the ropes but Ken reversed and caught Greg coming off with a double sledge to the chest. Greg crashed to the mat and Ken fell back to his knees as the crowd was buzzing. The move took a lot out of Greg and he and Ken slowly got to their feet with Greg facing away from Ken. Ken hobbled up behind the dazed Greg and caught Greg in the full nelson. Ken locked in the hold. Ken reached down and summoned everything he had and blasted Greg with the full nelson slam. Crowd popped. Unfortunately, Ken's left leg failed him and he went down as well. Both men down. Hart concerned at ringside. Ken slowly made his way over and covered Valentine. 1...2...2-9/10... Greg got a shoulder up. Crowd groaned. Ken struggled but managed to pull Greg up. Ken went to whip Greg into the buckles but Greg reversed and went to shoot Ken into the opposite buckles but Ken smashed into the ref. Ref crashed to the mat near the ropes. Ref knocked senseless. Greg went over and started pulling Ken up but Ken nailed Greg with a couple of gut punches. Greg backed up as Ken rose to his feet and started hobbling towards Greg. Greg went to punch Ken but Ken blocked the punch and Ken hammered Greg with a series of punches of his own. Ken whipped Greg into the buckles. Ken backed up. Mustering every ounce of strength he had, Ken charged at Greg in the corner and went to blast the champ with a running shoulder block but Greg moved and Ken slammed the post with his shoulder and fell out of the ring to the floor. Greg went down in the ring.


Ken struggled to make his way to his feet next to the apron. Hart looked to take advantage of the situation and came over to where Ken was. Hart brandished a pair of knux as Ken was now on unsteady legs. Hart went to punch Ken but Ken blocked the punch try and Ken popped Hart with three punches to the head, the third dropping Hart to the floor. Crowd popped. Ken dropped back to a knee on the floor and was in serious pain. Ken again tried to get to his feet as Valentine started making it to his feet in the ring. Just as Ken made it to his feet on the floor, Schultz came down to ringside. Dr. D snuck up behind Patera and kicked Ken in the left knee area twice. Ken crumpled to the floor. Schultz then stomped on Ken a few times and then pulled Ken up and threw Ken back into the ring. Ken in serious pain in the ring. Schultz went over to where the ref was. Greg wasted no time in locking Ken in the figure four. Schultz got in the ring slapped the ref in the face a couple of times and dragged the groggy official over to where Valentine had Ken locked in the figure four. Schultz then fled the scene. Ken wasn't in the hold for long before tapping out. Shaken ref called for the bell.


Greg held Ken in the hold for several seconds after the bell before letting go. Ref made it to his feet as r.a. Marshall came into the ring and handed the ref the belt. Ref handed Greg the title and raised his hand in victory. Hart had recovered enough to get back in the ring with the champ. Ken rolled out on to the apron as Luger and TV Champ Arn Anderson made their way to the ring. Patera was now sitting up on the apron as a weary Valentine played to the crowd by going and standing on the middle buckles around the ring and holding the belt high for all to see as fans booed. Luger and Arn helped Ken off the apron and then Ken put his arms around the men's shoulders as they helped him to the back.


WINNER: Valentine - Submission - Figure Four - 14:08)


(After the match: While Valentine was still in the ring pissing off the fans and Hart was applauding the champ, the boos suddenly melted into a loud roar. Roddy Piper came down the aisle to the ring. He was in street clothes. He also had a folded up piece of paper in his hands. Piper went over and took the r.a. mic from Lee Marshall and then climbed into the ring as Valentine and Hart looked on.


RP: "Greg Valentine and your 'I'll paint your address numbers on the sidewalk in front of your house for $20 bucks' manager! I have in my hands a document. You two say my wrestling career is over, huh?!"


The two men looked on at Piper.


RP: "Read this."


Valentine gestured for Hart to take the document. As Piper and Valentine looked on at each other, Hart started reading the document. Hart's eyes became wide with disbelief. Hart mumbled something.


RP: "These people can't hear you, Gary. What did you say?"


Piper put the mic close enough to Hart's mouth to be heard.


Hart: "This document says you've been...been cleared to wrestle again."


Crowd erupted at the news.


GV: "What?! Let me see that!"


Greg took the document from Hart and looked it over. Greg looked at Piper with stunned disbelief.


RP: "Greg Valentine! I challenge you to a World Title match at 'Holiday Havoc'!"


Crowd roared even louder as a shocked Greg and Hart looked at Piper as the program went off the air.)




Dark Match (UWL TV Title)

Arn Anderson © vs. Rick Rude

(WINNER: Arn - Pinfall - Gourdbuster after Hall's interference backfired - 10:17)

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Roddy Piper stunned the wrestling world last week when he showed up on 'Slam!' unannounced with a medical clearance to resume his wrestling career and challenged UWL World Champion Greg Valentine to a World Title match at 'Holiday Havoc'. What will the fallout be on this week's episode of 'Slam!'?!




- Wahoo McDaniel vs. Father Dutch's disciple Grog


- An interview with Ken Patera


- Non-Title Match: TV Champion Arn Anderson vs. DDP




Ep. 93 of 'Slam!' will be posted on Tuesday.

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(Show opened with a video replay from last week of Piper coming to the ring after Valentine successfully defended the title for the second time in one night on 'Slam!'




(After the match: While Valentine was still in the ring pissing off the fans and Hart was applauding the champ, the boos suddenly melted into a loud roar. Roddy Piper came down the aisle to the ring. He was in street clothes. He also had a folded up piece of paper in his hands. Piper went over and took the r.a. mic from Lee Marshall and then climbed into the ring as Valentine and Hart looked on.


RP: "Greg Valentine and your 'I'll paint your address numbers on the curb in front of your house for $20 bucks' manager! I have in my hands a document. You two say my wrestling career is over, huh?!"


The two men looked on at Piper.


RP: "Read this."


Valentine gestured for Hart to take the document. As Piper and Valentine looked on at each other, Hart started reading the document. Hart's eyes became wide with disbelief. Hart mumbled something.


RP: "These people can't hear you, Gary. What did you say?"


Piper put the mic close enough to Hart's mouth to be heard.


Hart: "This document says you've been...been cleared to wrestle again."


Crowd erupted at the news.


GV: "What?! Let me see that!"


Greg took the document from Hart and looked it over. Greg looked at Piper with stunned disbelief.


RP: "Greg Valentine! I challenge you to a World Title match at 'Holiday Havoc'!"


Crowd roared even louder as a shocked Greg and Hart looked at Piper as the program went off the air.)


(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Announcers welcomed viewers and discussed the stunning turn of events from last week where Roddy Piper presented documentation to WC Greg Valentine and mgr. Gary Hart that he has been cleared, after almost 13 months, to resume his wrestling career and Piper challenging Valentine to a WT match at 'Holiday Havoc'. Said that tonight on 'Slam!': Piper, Valentine, Hart and Pres. Watts will meet in the ring to discuss where all this is headed.


Hyped also for the program: Wahoo McDaniel vs. Grog; Ted DiBiase wrestles; Non-Title: Arn Anderson © vs. DDP; an i'view w/ Ken Patera; Billy Graham vs. Jim Brunzell; Rip Oliver wrestles; Lex Luger sees action; the first 'Holiday Havoc' Update; and more.)


(Video aired from two weeks ago of Pres. Watts coming to the ring and counting the pinfall win for the Dog Pound © over the Anderson Bros. during the WTT Title re-match after the sanctioned ref had been knocked out of the ring and post-match comments after the title match that aired last week.


VIDEO (comments have been edited): Angry Anderson bros. were standing in the locker room after the match. They were still in their ring gear. Ole had a mic. Gene and Lars were stalking around angrily in the background.


Ole: "We just got back here to the locker room a few minutes ago. Everyone saw what just happened to us. We were cheated out of a chance to win the tag team titles back because President Bill Watts decided to act as an impromptu referee and count the winning fall on behalf of the Dog Pound! This is a travesty of justice!


"But this message is for him. Watts, are you going to be acting as an unsanctioned referee for any other title matches here in the UWL in the future when the sanctioned ref gets taken out of commission for some reason?! Or did you do this because the Rick Steiner and Buzz Sawyer are old friends of yours?! Yeah, I know all about your history with those two! They've worked for you in this business before! I think that you saw an opening to help some old friends and you decided to take advantage of it! You didn't want to see your boys lose those titles back to us! That's what this is about as far as we Anderson bros. are concerned!


"So, Watts, I just wanted to let you in on a little secret! We're not gonna take this grave injustice lying down! You weren't the sanctioned official for the match and therefore your counting of the pinfall should be rendered null and void! We would be standing here as the 2-time UWL World Tag Team Champions right now if it wasn't for you!


"Watts, you're gonna have a meeting with us! And you're gonna explain your actions to me, Lars and Gene in what can only be considered an act of theft!")


(In-ring: Pres. Watts was already in the ring. He was in street clothes and had a mic.


Watts: "It appears we've got a little bit of a problem. The Anderson brothers think they got some sort of a raw deal when I made the three count on them in their World Tag Team Title re-match with the Dog Pound two weeks ago. Well, I'm out here to reply to the Anderson brothers face-to-face. So, would Ole, Gene and Lars Anderson come out here right now."


Anderson bros. appeared on the entrance stage. They were booed. Ole and Lars had mics and all three were in street clothes. They got in the ring.


Ole: "Here we are. In the ring with the Commander-and-Thief of the UWL."


Ole pointed an accusatory finger at Watts.


Watts: "Commander-and-Thief, huh? That's a new one. Very clever...especially coming from an Anderson brother."


Ole: "You listen to me, Watts. We just saw it again. You were not the sanctioned referee for our tag team title re-match with the Dog Pound two weeks ago here on 'Slam!'. Because of that, the pinfall you counted should be thrown out."


Watts: "Well, Ole..."


Ole: "And, the Dog Pound should be stripped of the World Tag Team Titles and the belts should be put up in another re-match between us."


Watts: "Ole, if you were the man who enforced the rules in the UWL then I'm sure that's what would happen. But, you're not the boss. I am. The pinfall stands and the Dog Pound are still the UWL World Tag Team Champions."


Crowd cheered.


Ole: "We're not ignorant of your past, Watts. Rick Steiner and Buzz Sawyer worked for you when you ran another promotion. When the sanctioned ref for the match went down, you saw that as an opportunity to screw us over and cheat us out of a chance to regain the belts. If that match would have continued there's no doubt that we would have won. We should be standing before you and all these people out here right now as the 2-time UWL World Tag Team Champions. As it is, thanks entirely to you, we're not."


Gene (leaned in to Ole's mic): "Yeah."


Watts: "Ole, face reality. You were pinned fair and square. Just because the referee who was sanctioned to officiate the match was accidentally hurt during the bout changes nothing. I made a fair count and the bottom line is you never kicked out before the three count. And yes, I get along with Rick and Buzz, but we're not close friends by any stretch of the imagination. It's a professional working relationship."


Ole: "Let me say this to you again really slow so you understand. You...were...not...the...official...referee...for...the...match. That...means...you...should...not...have...been...allowed...to...enter...the...ring...and...make...

the...three...count. Got it? And I don't believe a word you just said about your relationship with Steiner and Sawyer."


Watts: "I made the three count, Ole, and my decision stands and that's final. And as it regards what you think about my association with Rick and Buzz, suit yourself. I'm telling you the truth. Believe it or not."


Ole: "Hmmm... So that's it, huh? That's all there is to it?"


Watts: "Yep."


Ole: "Well, let me inform you of something. This issue isn't settled between us as far as the Anderson brothers are concerned. You stole our chance to regain the tag team titles. That doesn't sit well with us."


Watts: "I'm gonna tell you guys this right now. Don't do anything stupid. Remember, I'm the President of this company and it's my job to make the bottom-line decisions concerning the wrestling operations around here."


Lars: "President Watts! What you did was steal from us! We can't let that go without a response!"


Lars raised his right fist and moved in the direction of Watts like he was going to take a swipe at him when Ole put his arm in Lars' way and stopped him from attempting his assault.


Watts: "It's a good thing you stepped in, Ole. If you didn't, you would be picking your brother up off the mat right now. Like I said, don't do anything stupid."


Ole: "You're a real confident man, Watts. Maybe too confident sometimes. Don't worry. We won't do anything stupid. If we do something, trust me, it will be anything but stupid."


Watts: "And that would be?"


Ole looked at Watts for a few seconds.


Ole: "See you around, Bill."


Ole and his brothers left the ring to boos as Watts stayed in the ring and looked on at the trio as they made their way up the aisle to the back without turning to look back at Watts.)


(Announcers discussed the confrontation between Ole and Watts and Ole making what appeared to be a thinly veiled threat towards Watts. Hyped also for the program: UWL WC Valentine, mgr. Hart, Piper and Pres. Watts will meet in the ring to discuss Piper's challenge to Valentine for a WT match at 'Holiday Havoc'; Wahoo McDaniel vs. Grog; Ted DiBiase wrestles; Non-Title: Arn Anderson © vs. DDP; an i'view w/ Ken Patera; Rip Oliver wrestles; Lex Luger sees action; the first 'Holiday Havoc' Update; and more. Said Billy Graham vs. Jim Brunzell is next!)


Match 1

Billy Graham (w/ Grand Wizard) vs. Jim Brunzell


(WINNER: Graham - Submission - Bearhug - 2:47)


(Brunzell got very little offense in as Graham dominated the match. Graham again finished off his opponent with the bearhug rather than the jackhammer. Graham held Brunzell in the bearhug for a few seconds after Brunzell had submitted and then tossed Brunzell to the mat like a rag doll.)


(After the match: Ring ann. Lee Marshall i'viewed Graham and Wizard. Graham struck some bodybuilder poses as GW talked.


GW: "As you just saw, Billy Graham finished off another opponent, not with the jackhammer, but with his bone crushing bearhug. The jackhammer is devastating enough. But I told Billy he needs to incorporate the bearhug as a finisher as well. He is so powerful. When the 'Superstar' wraps his boa constrictor-like 22-inch arms around another man it is beautiful devastation! Standing at ringside, I can hear the life being squeezed out of the unfortunate opponent who gets trapped in 'Superstar's vice-like grip! Billy needed to make that bearhug a bigger part of his arsenal; and he's heeded my sage advice and done it! And now, you can expect a trail of broken bodies in this man's wake!"


BG: "I am the reflection of perfection, daddy. The Grand Wizard, the wise one, did tell me that I needed to use the bearhug more effectively in my matches. Naturally, I listened to this genius of a man. And you've seen the results of his suggestion twice now.


"And there's one man who I really want to lock in my bearhug. That man is Lex Luger. I want to lock Lex Luger in my bearhug and squeeze and squeeze and squeeze him until I hear bones break and feel the life drain from his body! Luger! I'm not finished with you! I want to beat you again! Only this time I wanna do it by making you scream out in submission to my bearhug! But even after you submit to me, Luger, I'm gonna keep you locked in my bearhug until there's nothing left of you but a defeated, whimpering shell of a man!")


(Announcers discussed Graham using the bearhug again to defeat an opponent and wanting to crush Luger with it. Hyped also for the program: UWL WC Valentine, mgr. Hart, Piper and Pres. Watts will meet in the ring to discuss Piper's challenge to Valentine for a WT match at 'Holiday Havoc'; Wahoo McDaniel vs. Grog; Ted DiBiase wrestles; Non-Title: Arn Anderson © vs. DDP; an i'view w/ Ken Patera; Lex Luger sees action; the first 'Holiday Havoc' Update; and more. Said Rip Oliver sees action next!)


(Video aired for the 'Immodium A-D Presents: Holiday Havoc! Winner Takes It All!' PPV - Sunday - Dec. 9 - Portland, OR - Rose Garden - 8pm P/5pm E - Tickets on sale NOW!)


Match 2

Rip Oliver vs. Buddy Moreno

(WINNER: Oliver - Pinfall - Superkick - :15)


(Oliver came to the ring to loud boos. Moreno came out of the corner when the bell rang, swung at and missed Oliver and then tasted the superkick and was finished.)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed Oliver. Marshall said it was another impressive win for Rip in quick fashion.


RO: "It was another Rip Oliver special. Right now, there's not a wrestler out there who steps in the ring with me who can avoid feeling the power of my superkick. I'm thinking about having my right leg insured for millions of dollars because it's such a money-maker for me. It's also been suggested to me that I have the leg registered as a lethal weapon because of the damage I cause with the kick.


"The reason I'm scoring all these impressive, lightning quick victories is because I've been honing my superkick to perfection. The training has been intense. And you see the results. You know, there are other wrestlers who use the superkick in our sport. But none of them deliver it with the devastating force that I do. Other wrestlers who use the kick just want to beat their opponents with it. I want to beat them and hurt them with it. And as you can tell by the results over the last few months that's exactly what I'm doing. And it's gonna continue. I don't care if you're a jobber like this guy I just beat or a superstar. You'll all meet the same fate when your chin meets my boot.")


(Announcers discussed another Oliver quickie win and his destructive superkick. Hyped also for the program: UWL WC Valentine, mgr. Hart, Piper and Pres. Watts will meet in the ring to discuss Piper's challenge to Valentine for a WT match at 'Holiday Havoc'; Wahoo McDaniel vs. Grog; Ted DiBiase wrestles; an i'view w/ Ken Patera; Lex Luger sees action; the first 'Holiday Havoc' Update; and more. Said TV Champ Arn Anderson faces DDP in a non-title match next!)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed TV Champ Arn Anderson. Asked about tonight's match with DDP.


AA: "Larry, early this year, Dallas Page came out and boasted that 2012 would be the 'Year of the Diamond'. When you look at the results, 2012 has hardly been Page's year. I hope to continue that trend tonight. Even though this is a non-title match, I know DDP is a tough customer. 2012 is rapidly drawing to a close and one has to believe that DDP is getting desperate. I don't take this match lightly because the title isn't on the line. But a desperate man can be a very dangerous man and Page may be willing to do whatever he feels he has to do to win the match and salvage what's left of what's been a big bust known as the 'Year of the Diamond'.")


Match 3 (Non-Title)

Arn Anderson © vs. DDP


(DDP came to the ring first to boos. He had the briefcase containing the bounty for Great Christopho's mask with him. Arn came out to a strong ovation and slapped hands with some of the fans on the way to the ring.


Match was a battle between two crafty ring vets. DDP took a couple of shortcuts during the match but was unable to pin Arn. At the end of the match, the two were fighting back-and-forth. Arn had just gained the advantage when DDP stunned Arn with a jumping DDT out of nowhere. Arn crashed to the mat near the ropes. DDP for the cover. 1...2... Arn got his foot on the bottom rope at 2 and the ref saw it and ordered a break in the pin try. DDP got up and put the boots to Arn. Arn down and hurting. DDP bolted the ring and went over to the timekeeper's table and grabbed his briefcase off the table. Timekeeper tried to rip the case away from Page but DDP won the brief struggle and threatened to hit the timekeeper with it. Arn starting to recover in the ring. DDP got in in the ring and walked over to Arn with the case over held over his head. Arn, on his knees, nailed DDP with two gut shots. DDP wobbly but still holding the case at his side. Arn then got to his feet and drilled DDP with his left-handed KO punch. DDP dropped the case and was on stagger street. Arn whipped DDP into the ropes and caught DDP coming off with the spinbuster. Arn made the throat-slitting gesture as the fans popped. Arn grabbed DDP in a front facelock and prepared to blast DDP with his gourdbuster. DDP twice blocked Arn attempting to lift him, escpaed Arn's grasp, spun around and stunned Arn with the Diamond Cutter out of nowhere. DDP covered Arn. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. An ecstatic DDP got to his feet and the ref raised his hand in victory.


Ref took the TV belt from r.a. Marshall and was going to hand it to Arn who was still down but recovering. DDP snatched the title out of the ref's hands and looked at it. Arn got to his knees. Unlike with the briefcase, DDP connected with a belt shot to the top of Arn's head, tossed the belt down and left the ring. Arn was still on his knees and holding the top of his head with both hands. In the aisle, DDP turned back towards the ring and made the Diamond sign and then did the 'BANG!' as the crowd booed as Arn got to his feet in the ring.


WINNER: DDP - Pinfall - Diamond Cutter - 6:09)


(Announcers discussed DDP defeating Arn © in the non-title match. Hyped also for the program: UWL WC Valentine, mgr. Hart, Piper and Pres. Watts will meet in the ring to discuss Piper's challenge to Valentine for a WT match at 'Holiday Havoc'; Wahoo McDaniel vs. Grog; Ted DiBiase wrestles; Lex Luger sees action; the first 'Holiday Havoc' Update; and more. Said an i'view w/ Patera was next.)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Thu. - Nov. 15 - Cincinnati, OH - Cincinnati Gardens; Fri. - Nov. 16 - Athens, OH - Convocation Ctr. @ Ohio Univ.; Sat. - Nov. 17 - Kent, OH - Mac Center; Thu. - Dec. 13 - Valdosta, GA - The Complex; Fri. - Dec. 14 - Savannah, GA - MLK Arena; Sat. - Dec. 15 - Augusta, GA - James Brown Arena; Sun. - Dec. 16 - Kennesaw, GA - Kennesaw State University Conv. Center. More info, visit: uwlslam.com!)


(Video aired from last week of Schultz attacking Patera outside the ring late in Patera's WT match against Valentine © and playing a major role in costing Patera the match.)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed Patera. Patera came to the ring in street clothes and had a slight limp as he still felt the effects of the damage caused to his left knee by Valentine and Schultz. He got a good ovation coming to the ring.


Marshall asked about Schultz attacking Patera a second time in a WT match in nine days and figuring prominently in Patera's loss in each match.


KP: "Two times. Two times now, David Schultz has cost me chances at winning the UWL World Title. And as of right now, I don't give a damn about any championships. My war with The Firm has just escalated. And the main man I'm focusing on is David Schultz. I am now driven by a fierce of hatred of this man! I want to destroy him! David Schultz! This is very personal between you and me! Things aren't anywhere near over between us! In fact, our own war is just beginning! You haven't even begun to feel the wrath I'm going to pour out upon you! I'm willing to suffer the setbacks! I'm willing to take being assaulted by your running mates in The Firm just to get my hands on you and make you pay again and again at my hands! I am declaring myself the hunter in this game! And David Schultz, you are the big game I'm hunting for! I feel like a lone wolf here! Ted DiBiase thinks bigger is better! But sometimes the lone wolf on the prowl can do a lot more damage than a big congolmerate!


"The question I have is, how much of a lone wolf am I in this war?! I want some answers! So I want Arn Anderson and Lex Luger to come to the ring!"


After a pause of about 15 seconds, Anderson and Luger, both in their ring gear, made their way to the ring. They got a good ovation. Arn had recovered from his match with DDP minutes earlier. The pair got in the ring.


LL: "What's this about, Ken?"


KP: "Last week, after my match with Greg Valentine, I could barely walk. I don't know if I could have made it to the back on my own. You guys came to the ring to help me and I'm grateful for that.


"But, where were you two when Schultz came down to the ring and was attacking me?"


LL: "I was back in the locker room still winding down after my World Title match against Greg Valentine earlier in the evening. And Arn was back there, too, preparing for a non-televised match he was wrestling in last week."


AA: "Ken, right now I've got an awful headache from where Dallas Page hit me on the head with the TV Title. I'm really not in the mood for what I think is coming."


KP: "Arn, you and Lex here have made it clear you're on my side in this war against The Firm. Schultz caught everyone off-guard when he came out to ringside and assaulted me. But you guys were awfully slow to respond."


AA: "Lex just told you, Ken. We were in the dressing room and had no idea what was happening at ringside. Someone ran in and told us what had happened and we left that locker room as soon as we got the news. When we got to the ring, the attack by Schultz was done and he'd fled the scene and the match was over. We did what we could given the circumstances."


KP: "Maybe it's just my paranoia kicking in. I'm having a real hard time trusting anybody right now. How do I know you're not working for The Firm. How do I know you're not setting me up for something?"


LL: "Ken, that is your paranoia kicking in. But your skepticism is understandable. You don't know who The Firm might try and use to turn on you and screw you over. But, it's not Arn or me. We're with you 100 percent in your war with The Firm. We're telling you the truth about last week. That's all I can say. Either believe it or not."


KP: "I don't know if I can trust you guys. I don't know if I can trust anyone in this business again! I begin to really trust someone, then bam, The Firm has gotten to them and turned them against me! Everyone in that locker room is a potential candidate for The Firm!"


AA: "I need to go take a few extra-strength aspirin and place a bag of ice on my head because it's throbbing like crazy. Ken, you can either believe us or not believe us. You've been told the truth. And that's the bottom line. We want to stop The Firm before they can fully implement their plans for the UWL just as much as you do. But if you're constantly gonna question us and wonder whether or not we're on your side, then you might as well go your way and we'll go ours and fight our battles with The Firm separately."


Patera eyed Luger and Arn.


KP: "I'm not liking this at all. I don't feel I can trust you guys right now."


LL: "Ken..."


Ken waved off Luger and started to leave the ring when Arn was picked up on the r.a. mic.


AA: "Let him go."


Patera stopped and turned and looked back at Arn and Lex. They looked at Patera with no reaction. Ken then turned and left the ring and limped back up the aisle to the back as Arn and Lex started having an animated discussion off-mic in the ring.)


(Announcers discussed the Patera i'view and Patera's not trusting his allies in the struggle against The Firm. Hyped also for the program: UWL WC Valentine, mgr. Hart, Piper and Pres. Watts will meet in the ring to discuss Piper's challenge to Valentine for a WT match at 'Holiday Havoc'; Wahoo McDaniel vs. Grog; Ted DiBiase wrestles; Lex Luger sees action; and more. Said the first 'Holiday Havoc' PPV Update was coming up.)


(Video aired showing Grog laying out Wahoo McDaniel with his pumphandle slam in the 'Armageddon' cage at 'Helloween' and last week on 'Slam!' when Wahoo was wrestling President's Champion Race for the title.)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Wahoo McDaniel. Nelson asked Wahoo about the match tonight with Grog.


WM: "I may be finished with Father Dutch, but now his loyal disciple, this character named Grog, has decided he wants to tangle with me. That's fine. Grog wants a fight and he's gonna get one. I punished and defeated his 'spiritual leader' in the 'Armageddon' cage and now I'm gonna open up a can of righteous whoop-ass on the follower! Grog! You better be prepared for one hell of an apocalyptic battle!")




Announcers ran down the card as it stands:


Re-Match: Madusa vs. Bull Nakano (w/ Mr. Saito)


'Immodium A-D Presents: Holiday Havoc! Winner Takes It All!' - Sunday - Dec. 9 - Portland, OR - Rose Garden - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(Anns. hyped still to come: UWL WC Valentine, mgr. Hart, Piper and Pres. Watts will meet in the ring to discuss Piper's challenge to Valentine for a WT match at 'Holiday Havoc'; Ted DiBiase wrestles; Wahoo vs. Grog; said Lex Luger sees action next.)


Match 4

Lex Luger vs. Spike Huber

(WINNER: Luger - Submission - Torture Rack - 1:57)


(During the match, Graham and Grand Wizard came out on the entrance stage. Graham had a mic. After Luger forced Huber forced to submit to the rack, Luger looked over and saw Graham and Wizard on the stage.


BG: "Lex, that torture rack of yours is quite impressive! But the torture rack is still not my bearhug, which I'm now calling the 'Superstar Squeeze'! You put me in your rack and it won't break me! But if, I mean when, I put you in the squeeze, daddy, you're as good as finished! When I wrap these 22-inch pythons around your body I'm gonna grind your ribs to powder!"


Luger took the mic from r.a. Lee Marshall.


LL: "Why don't you come down here and see if you can grind my ribs to powder in your 'Superstar Squeeze'."


Crowd cheered.


Luger gestured for Graham to come and get in the ring. Graham hesitated and then Wizard whispered something in his ear.


BG: "It's not gonna happen right now, jack! But it will happen in due time!"


Luger shook his head and again gestured for Graham to come to the ring. Wizard again whispered something in Graham's ear.


BG: "Luger! I challenge you to a battle of the submission holds! My squeeze vs. your rack! How about it, daddy?!"


LL: "You're on! Let's do it!"


The two stared each other down from a distance and Graham suddenly struck a bodybuilder pose and then started laughing in Luger's direction as Luger continued to look on.)


(Announcers discussed the confrontation between Graham and Luger and Graham challenging Luger to a 'battle of the submission holds' and Luger accepting. Hyped also for the program: UWL WC Valentine, mgr. Hart, Piper and Pres. Watts will meet in the ring to discuss Piper's challenge to Valentine for a WT match at 'Holiday Havoc'; Wahoo McDaniel vs. Grog and more. Said Ted DiBiase in action is coming up.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed an exstatic DDP. DDP was holding the briefcase containing the bounty.


DDP: "Did you see what I did?!"


LN: "You beat TV Champ Arn Anderson in a non-title match."


DDP: "That's right, Nelson! I pinnned the TV Champion's shoulders to the mat! I heard Arn Anderson in a pre-match interview say that 2012 hasn't been the 'Year of the Diamond' that I expected! Well, there's still two months left in the year! And it can still be the 'Year of the Diamond' if I win a championship! Do you know which championship I'm gunning for?!"


LN: "Would that be the TV Title?"


DDP: "It certainly would! I beat Arn Anderson tonight in a non-title match! So, logic dictates that I should be next in line for a TV Championship match! I've got your number, Arn! I will get my TV Title match and I will become the new TV Champion and 2012 will officially, finally become the 'Year of the Diamond'!"


Father Dutch walked into the interview area.


FD: "Dallas Page. Greetings, my dear brother. Congratulations on your win over Arn Anderson earlier tonight. And please let me shake the hand of the next UWL TV Champion."


The two shook hands.


DDP: "Father Dutch, it's great to hear such wonderful words from an upstanding holy man such as yourself."


Nelson rolled his eyes.


FD: "I also couldn't help but notice that you still have that briefcase containing the $50,000 dollar bounty on Great Christopho's mask. Dear Brother Page, my ministry could use $50 grand. It would help my congregation spread the good news of holiness and decency."


DDP: "You want this bounty, brother, you know what you've got to do."


FD: "Indeed I do. That's why I'd like to be the next wrestler who gets a crack at Great Christopho's mask in a bounty match."


DDP: "Father Dutch, consider your prayers answered! The next bounty match is yours!"


The two then hugged briefly.


FD: "Brother Page, thank for this wonderful opportunity. I assure that the money will be put towards purposes that are pure and holy."


DDP: "Amen, Father Dutch! Say, where's Grog?"


FD: "He's in his prayer closet mentally preparing himself for his match with Wahoo tonight."


LN: "Prayer closet?! You didn't by any chance know Carrie White, did you?"


FD: "I never met her. But Carrie, and her mother, were shining examples of the faith.


"Brother Page, I need to do one thing before I go."


Father Dutch reached over and blessed the briefcase holding the bounty and then blessed himself.


LN: "I'm getting really creeped out here. Steve and Joe, back to you.")


(Announcers discussed the i'view w/ DDP and DDP demanding a TV Title match since he beat Arn earlier in the evening and DDP giving the next bounty match shot against Great Christopho to FD. Said Ted DiBiase wrestles next!)


Match 5

Firm Director Ted DiBiase (w/ Hall, Nash, Schultz & Rude) vs. Jerry Allen


(DiBiase and crew came out to a mixed crowd reaction. Firm members stood at ringside and watched the match. DiBiase dominated Allen in the short affair and once again put on a wrestling clinic and DiBiase stopped a couple of times during the match and played to his Firm members as they cheered and applauded for the Director of the outfit. DiBiase put Allen out of his misery when he blasted Allen with the Elitist (Styles Clash) and scored the 1...2...3! WINNER: DiBiase - Pinfall - The Elitist - 3:26)


(After the match: Marshall i'viewed DiBiase with all members of The Firm now in the ring with him.


TD: "What another fine performance by me. Things are really starting to pick up for The Firm here in the UWL. And we won't be stopped until we have attained all of our goals. There's no need to repeat those goals here. You know what they are. We're on the hunt for championships right now. And the titles I would really like to see in The Firm's hands are those World Tag Team Titles currently held by the Dog Pound. And I cannot think of two better men to win those titles than Hall and Nash!"


Mixed crowd reaction as DiBiase pointed at the pair and they briefly played to the crowd.


TD: "So, Rick Steiner and Buzz Sawyer! You've been put on notice! The Firm is coming for you! We want those tag team titles and we're gonna get 'em! Hahaha!"


DS: "I heard Ken Patera out here earlier sayin' he didn't think he could trust Arn Anderson and Lex Luger! Ken Patera is paranoid! And he has every right to be that way! Ken knows he can't trust anyone in that locker room now! Are they really his allies?! Or could Lex Luger or Arn Anderson be future members of The Firm?! Patera! You just go on wonderin' who's who! Because you'll never really know who's truly on your side!"


DiBiase 'Hahaha' laugh played over the p.a. system followed by the song 'Money' by Pink Floyd.)


(Announcers discussed the impressive ring performance by DiBiase. Hyped also for the program: UWL WC Valentine, mgr. Hart, Piper and Pres. Watts will meet in the ring to discuss Piper's challenge to Valentine for a WT match at 'Holiday Havoc'. Said Wahoo vs. Grog was next.)


Match 6

Wahoo McDaniel vs. Grog (w/ Father Dutch)


(Wahoo was intro'd first and made his way to the ring to a strong ovation. Grog came charging down the aisle with Father Dutch in tow behind Wahoo. Grog attacked Wahoo from behind with a couple of big forearm smashes to the upper back. Wahoo spun around and Grog blasted Wahoo with a series of punches to the head that sent the Chief staggering towards the ring. Grog grabbed Wahoo and threw Wahoo into the ring. Ref called for the bell.


Grog followed Wahoo into the ring. As Wahoo got to his feet, Grog laid into Wahoo with more punches. Grog then whipped Wahoo into the ropes and looked to catch Wahoo coming off with a clothesline but Wahoo ducked the move and came back and floored Grog with a flying shoulder tackle. Crowd popped. FD looking on from the floor. Grog got to his feet and was battered with a series of big chest chops from Wahoo. Wahoo picked up Grog and nailed Grog with a back breaker across the knee. Wahoo went out on the apron and was about to climb the buckles when FD came over and grabbed Wahoo by the leg. Wahoo used his free leg to stomp on FD's head, breaking FD's grip on his leg. Wahoo mounted the buckles as Grog was getting to his feet. Wahoo came off with a chop attempt to the top of Grog's head but Grog caught Wahoo coming off with a punch to the gut. Wahoo grabbed his gut and Grog moved in and smashed Wahoo with some more big forearms to the upper back and then drove Wahoo against the ropes with a series of head and body punches. Grog then nailed Wahoo with a rapid fire series of boot shots to the gut, whipped Wahoo into the ropes and caught Wahoo coming off with a flying lariat. Wahoo down. Grog went for the cover. 1... Wahoo kicked out. Wahoo got up and Grog drove a knee into his gut and then slammed Wahoo's head into the top buckle repeatedly. Wahoo leaned against the buckles facing the crowd. Grog backed up and charged in and nailed Wahoo with a running big splash to the back. Wahoo limp in the corner.


Grog mounted the buckles behind Wahoo and nailed Wahoo with more forearm smashes to the upper back. Wahoo reached around and grabbed Grog by the legs. Grog holding on as Wahoo backed out of the corner, turned around and rammed Grog back first into the buckles three times and broke the hold. Grog hurting in the corner but still on his feet. Wahoo fired away with another blistering round of chops on Grog. FD looking on intently from ringside. Wahoo whipped Grog into the buckles and charged in and nailed Grog with a running big splash of his own. Grog stunned in the corner. Wahoo pulled Grog out of the corner and tried to suplex Grog but Grog blocked the move, spun out of Wahoo's grasp and stunned Wahoo with a jawbreaker to the top of the head. Wahoo crashed to the mat near the ropes. Grog made it to his feet and went over and grabbed the top rope for leverage and laid into Wahoo with a series of boots to the back. Ref counting. Grog let go of the top rope at the count of four. Grog moved in and repeated the move. Ref counted again and Grog let go of the top rope at four. Wahoo's leg under the bottom rope. Grog went to go after Wahoo again but the ref stopped him and ordered Grog to step back. Grog backed up and had words with the ref. While the ref was distracted by Grog, FD snuck over, pulled a small chain out of his pocket and wrapped it around his fist, reached through the ropes and grabbed Wahoo by the hair and popped Wahoo in the head with a chain-laden fist punch. FD quickly backed off and and Wahoo rolled over and was holding his head. Grog came over to Wahoo and stood over him for a few seconds. Grog then picked up Wahoo in the horizontal bodyslam position and walked around the ring holding Wahoo. Grog then hoisted Wahoo up vertically upside down and charged towards the corner and slammed Wahoo back first hard into the buckles. Grog repeated the move and let Wahoo down in the corner upside down and locked Wahoo's foot under the ring bolt that connects the top buckle to the ring post. Grog moved in and nailed the Chief with kicks to the gut as the ref counted. Grog stopped the assault at four and the ref moved in to try and help Wahoo free himself from his predicament.


As the ref worked to free Wahoo, FD hopped up on the apron and signaled Grog over. FD leaned in and said something to Grog and Grog shook his head in the affirmative. Ref freed Wahoo. Wahoo laying in a heap in the ring. Grog moved in and grabbed Wahoo. Grog whipped Wahoo into the ropes and looked to catch Wahoo coming off with a clothesline but Wahoo ducked the move and came back and caught Grog with a flying bodypress. Wahoo for the cover. 1...2... Grog kicked out. Both men to their feet. Grog moved in and nailed Wahoo with a couple of punches and then Wahoo fired back with a couple of big chops of his own. The two then engaged in a punch-chop exchange. Wahoo got the upper hand and fired away with an uncontested series of chops on Grog that staggered Grog. Wahoo grabbed Grog by the mask, did a brief war dance and nailed Grog with a jumping chop to the head that stunned Grog. Grog staggered back. Wahoo moved in and Grog blasted Wahoo with a kick to the side of the face out of nowhere. Wahoo crashed to the mat. Grog picked up Wahoo and positioned Wahoo for his pumphandle slam. Grog hoisted Wahoo up on his shoulder but Wahoo escaped Grog's grasp and dropped down behind Grog. Grog spun around and Wahoo blasted Grog with a series of chops, the last of which sent Grog hurtling to the canvas.


FD jumped up on the ring apron and distracted Wahoo. Ref tried to get FD off the apron. Wahoo came over and got in FD's face and had a few words for FD. As Wahoo turned to go back after Grog, FD grabbed Wahoo from behind by the arms. Wahoo trying to break free of FD's grasp. Grog made it to his feet and charged in on Wahoo and attempted to hit Wahoo with a running high knee but Wahoo moved at the last second and Grog nailed FD. FD crashed to the floor. Crowd popped. Grog shocked by what happened and when he spun around, Wahoo peppered Grog with more chops that stunned Grog, whipped Grog into the ropes and blasted Grog coming off with his big chop finisher. Wahoo covered Grog and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Fans roaring. As the ref raised Wahoo's hand in victory, Firm Director DiBiase came walking out on the entrance stage. As Wahoo left the ring and got out on the apron he noticed DiBiase standing on the stage. As Wahoo looked on, DiBiase slowly applauded Wahoo and nodded his head in approval with a thin smile on his face at the Indian star. DiBiase then turned and left the stage as Wahoo stood on the apron with a puzzled look on his face.


WINNER: Wahoo - Pinfall - Big Chop - 8:04)


(Announcers discussed Wahoo defeating Grog and Director DiBiase coming out after the match and applauding and seemingly approving of Wahoo's win. They wondered what DiBiase was angling for. Said the Piper, Watts, Valentine ©, Hart confrontation was next!)


(Hyped for next week on 'Slam!


JUST SIGNED: $50,000.00 Bounty Match: Great Christopho vs. Father Dutch


- David Schultz vs. Hugh Morrus


- Women's Fatal Four-Way #1 Contender's Match: Madusa vs. Luna vs. Mad Maxine vs. Queen Kong with the winner getting a UWL Women's WT shot against champ Tine Ferrari later in the program


- Hall & Nash vs. The Killer Bees


- Another 'Holiday Havoc' PPV Update


And more!!!)


(In-ring: Marshall was standing mid-ring.


LM: "At this time would you welcome UWL President Bill Watts."


'Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system as Watts came out with mic in hand and got a decent ovation coming to the ring. Watts got in the ring and shook hands with Marshall.


LM: "And now, would you welcome UWL World Champion Greg Valentine and his manager Gary Hart."


The pair came to the ring to almost unanimous boos and a smattering of cheers. Both were in suits and GV was carrying the belt. Both had mics. Marshall went to shake the champ's hand and the champ ignored him. Hart and Valentine looked at Watts and Watts looked right back at them. Boos turned into a buzz.


LM: "Finally, would you welcome...'Rowdy' Roddy Piper!"


Bagpipe music filled the arena. After a several seconds, Piper, with mic in hand and wearing street clothes, came out on the entrance stage. Crowd erupted. Piper came to the ring with a walk of determination. Crowd grew louder when Piper got in the ring. Piper shook Marshall's hand. All parties were now in the ring.


LM: "President Watts, if you would."


Watts stepped forward.


BW: "Gentlemen, we know why we are all here tonight. We got the great news last week that Roddy Piper has been medically cleared and can resume his wrestling career."


More cheering.


BW: "Roddy Piper has challenged UWL World Champion Greg Valentine to a World Title match at the 'Holiday Havoc' pay-per-view on December 9th. We were all caught off guard by Roddy's challenge. What I want to do right now is allow both parties to make a statement. As President of this company, I can tell you that no decision has been made yet as to whether or not this match will take place. Greg Valentine, since you are the reigning World Champion, you will speak first."


GV: "Roddy, first of all, I have to admit that I was rather stunned when you showed us that medical clearance last week. I really thought I had finished you. But it looks like I didn't get the job done.


"I know you want to get your hands on me, Piper. You would love to take out all your anger and frustration on me for ripping over a year off of your career. But what the hell makes you think you deserve a World Title shot just because you've come back now? You haven't wrestled in 13 months! Yet, you get a doctor's OK to resume your career and you just seem to think: 'I'm Roddy Piper! I'm back! Now where's my World Title match! It's not that cut and dried, Hot Rod!


"In the 13 months you've been out of commission, courtesy of me, there are other wrestlers here in the UWL who have worked hard to get a shot at the World Title! What makes you think you deserve a title match just because you're back and want to tear my head off?! The only thing I can tell you is that you need to take a number and get to the back of the line because you have done nothing in the last year to earn a shot at winning the most prized belt in our sport!"


Hart: "Let me just say that I was as shocked as the champ when you showed up with that medical clearance last week. But, Mr. Valentine makes the strongest argument possible. You haven't been here for over a year and just because you hate this man (pointed at Greg) that doesn't automatically make you the #1 contender. Piper, you want a World Title shot against Greg Valentine, then you do it the old fashioned way...earn it."


RP: "I thought I would hear something like that from you two. I'm willing to up the stakes to get that title shot at 'Holiday Havoc'."


Hart: "What are you talking about? We're all ears."


RP: "Greg Valentine. 'Holiday Havoc' is taking place in my adopted American hometown of Portland, Oregon."


GV: "So what?! You..."


RP: "Let me finish! If I can't beat you in my adopted American hometown of Portland...then I will retire from wrestling!"


Hart: "Piper, if you think you're just gonna..."


GV: "Hold on, Gary."


Valentine pulled Hart aside and they had a brief but animated conversation off-mic. Hart shook his head 'no' like he didn't agree with something that Valentiune was saying. Greg then turned back towards Piper. Hart looked edgy.


GV: "Let me see if I've got this straight. You want one World Championship match against me in your adopted American hometown of Portland and if you don't beat me then you'll retire from wrestling forever?!"


RP: "You got it, mister."


GV: "This is too good to be true. So, I beat you in Portland in front of your 'hometown' fans and you're gone?! You'll never wrestle again?!"


RP: "You have my word that if I can't beat you at 'Holiday Havoc' and become the new UWL World Champion then I will walk away from this sport and never wrestle or appear on another wrestling program again! I'm gone! I'm done!"


GV: "I really want to finish the job that I started last year. And I know your left ear is still damaged from all the punishment I inflicted on it in that dog collars and chain match we had at 'Helloween' last year. You know what, Roddy, there are so many ways I am capable of destroying you. Ummm... While I would much rather mangle that left ear some more or tear your legs up with my figure four, man, beating you and sending you into permanent retirement and never having to see your ugly face again is good enough for me!"


Hart pulled Greg aside and the two talked in private and off-mic again as the crowd booed. Hart's gestures and facial expressions made it seem like he wasn't 100% on board with this idea.


Greg turned back and looked with an amazed expression at Piper. Hart didn't seem as excited.


GV: "For me, this is like a dream come true. President Watts, make the match! Greg Valentine vs. Roddy Piper for the UWL World Title at 'Holiday Havoc'!"


Crowd buzzing.


BW: "Roddy and Greg. I can feel the intensity in this ring. There's no love lost between you two to say the least. A UWL World Title match between you guys would be a dream match. Valentine, this man owes you some serious payback as far as I'm concerned. You tried to end his career a year ago in the most brutal fashion. But you failed. Roddy Piper is back. And his first match back will be against you, Greg Valentine, for the UWL World Title at 'Holiday Havoc' on December 9th in Piper's adopted American hometown of Portland, Oregon!"


Crowd roared.


Valentine was shaking his head in the affirmative at Watts' decision as Piper looked on and Hart looked uneasy.


BW: "We will have the official contract signing for the match on an episode of 'Slam!' in a few weeks! Let's hook 'em up!"


Valentine was now smirking at Piper. Piper slowly raised his mic to his mouth.


RP: "Greg Valentine! Let me tell you something now! I would love nothing better than to smash your ass and leave you in a bloody heap in the ring! That would be great revenge in and of itself! You deserve it for what you did to me!


"But, there's an even better kind of revenge. And it's that kind of revenge I will take against you at 'Holiday Havoc'! Valentine! I WILL defeat you, (pointed at the title), and take the most important thing in YOUR life!"


Crowd went nuts.


Piper glared at Valentine with a look of vengeance in his eyes as the smirking arrogance of Valentine melted away into a look of mouth agape shock. Valentine clutched the title close to his chest. In the background, Hart had dropped his head part-way and covered his eyes with his hand as the program went off the air.)




Dark Match

Ken Patera vs. Scott Hall (w/ DiBiase)

(WINNER: Patera - Pinfall - Patera pinned Hall after DiBiase's interference attempt backfired - 11:24)

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A look back at last week's confrontation between UWL World Champion Greg Valentine and Roddy Piper and the World Title match being made between the two for 'Holiday Havoc'!




- Last week, Ted DiBiase asked Wahoo McDaniel to join The Firm and Wahoo didn't give DiBiase an answer. Will Wahoo have an answer for the Director of The Firm this week?


- David Schultz vs. Hugh Morrus


- Women's Fatal 4-Way match with the winner getting a UWL Women's World Title match against champion Tina Ferrari later in the evening




Ep. 94 of 'Slam!' will be posted Monday or Tuesday.

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(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Announcers Steve Stack and Joe Pedicino welcomed viewers and ran down the program: More on the UWL WT match for 'Holiday Havoc' with Valentine © defending against Piper and Piper putting his career on the line in the match; David Schultz vs. Hugh Morrus; $50,000 Bounty Match (for Great Christopho's mask): Great Christopho vs. Father Dutch; The Firm is here; Women's Fatal Four-Way: Madusa vs. Mad Maxine vs. Queen Kong vs. Luna (Winner gets a Women's WT shot later in the program against champion Tina Ferrari); Billy Graham and Lex Luger are here; Ole Anderson sees singles action; Hall & Nash vs. The Killer Bees; another 'Holiday Havoc' PPV Update and more! Then sent it to the ring.)


Match 1 (Non-Title)

Dog Pound © vs. Barry Horowitz & Reno Riggins

(WINNER: Dog Pound - Pinfall - Steiner pinned Riggins with a Double Underhook Powerbomb - 3:04)


(Dog Pound came to the ring barking and the crowd barked back. Once they got to the front row, they climbed over the ringside barricade and held the titles in the air and barked some more as the crowd ate it up and returned the barking. Once in the ring, they ran around the squared circle barking some more.)


(After the match: Ring Ann. Lee Marshall i'viewed the Dog Pound.


LM: "Rick Steiner and Buzz Sawyer! We haven't seen you guys here on 'Slam!' the last couple of weeks! It's great to see you back in action!"


Rick: "Before I say anything else, I just want to say...WOOF! WOOF! WOOF!"


Crowd barked back.


Rick: "The Dog Pound is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!"


Rick barked some more and ran over and jumped on the middle buckle and held the title in the air as the crowd barked some more.


LM: "Rick seems to be having a lot of fun there on his own! Buzz, I guess you're the only member of Dog Pound I'll be interviewing tonight!"


Steiner was running around in the ring holding the title in the air and continuing to bark.


Buzz: "I guess I am! What do you want to know?!"


LM: "You guys defeated the Anderson brothers to retain the titles a couple of we... What?!"


Sawyer blew off the interview and also started running around the ring and barking with Rick and the crowd was eating it up.


Ted DiBiase's 'Hahahaha' laugh played over the p.a. system followed by 'Money' by Pink Floyd and out on the entrance stage walked Hall and Nash to a mixed crowd reax. Both had mics.


Hall: "Hey yo! Dog Pound! You guys seem to be a pretty fun-loving pair of guys! Bur we've got a message for you that's guaranteed to put a damper on your gaiety! 'Big Sexy' and the 'Bad Guy' are coming for those World Tag Team Titles! And we're gonna take 'em! It's the first step to The Firm's goal of owning all the titles here in the UWL! You two are our first major target! And since we want those belts, we're gonna make things real unpleasant for the Dog Pound until we get them!"


Nash: "Scott! Did I hear you use the word 'gaiety'?!"


Hall: "Did I say that, man?!"


Nash: "You did! I don't think we can use words like that on this program because we could be fined and forced to undergo diversity training with that big mountain of a broad in Human Resources at the UWL offices in Seattle!"


Hall: "No! Not with Big Bertha, bro! I couldn't handle being locked in a room with that woman for a few hours! The odor alone when she raises her arms would be punishing enough! I can't do it! To the UWL brass who's watching, I'm sorry for using the word 'gaiety'! I don't want to offend any 'gaiety' people because they might start picketing us wherever we go and we could be attacked by the 'gaietys'! Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!"


Nash: "Scott, I'm glad you apologized for using that word! 'Gaiety' will never be used again by Scott Hall on UWL programming! You're apology should be more than sufficient to let you off the hook this time!"


Hall: "That word will never spill from my lips again! I promise! No more making fun of 'gaiety' people! Hey, Kev! You know what I heard?!"


Nash: "What?!"


Hall: "Big Bertha there at Human Resources...I heard she's a lesbo!"


Nash: "No way?! Yuck! Big Bertha's a lesbo?! Please don't give me any more details! I just ate a little while ago and we have a match tonight!"


Hall: "Sorry, Kev! But I am never gonna say anything about 'gaiety' people again! I've learned my lesson in respect and tolerance for others tonight!"


Nash: "I'm proud of you, Scott! I always knew there was a sensitive and enlightened guy in there somewhere! Let's just hope what you said doesn't find its way back to the hefty lesbo at Human Resources!"


Hall: "No problem, man!"


Rick: "Hey! Over here! You guys want a tag team title match against us?! The Dog Pound is more than ready to take a bite out of Hall and Nash!"


Some in the crowd barked.


Nash: "You don't have to look too hard to find us! We're gonna stalk you guys until we get those titles!"


'Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system and out on the entrance stage came Pres. Watts. He had a mic.


Watts: "Before this thing goes any further, I'm gonna need to think about this a little bit. So, later in the program I'll give you guys an answer as to how we're gonna handle this situation."


Hall started sniffing at Watts' suit jacket.


Hall: "Presidente' Watts! Did you run into Big Bertha on the elevator or something?! You smell like you got some of her on you!"


Nash leaned in for a whiff.


Nash: "Nah! He's just been eatin' tuna fish!"


Watts: "Hall and Nash. I'm really trying hard to remain professional right now. You guys get your asses to the back and I'll be out later with a decision as to how we'll handle this situation."


Nash: "OK, Bill! We're goning! Please don't hurt us!"


Hall and Nash acted like they were all afraid of Watts as they walked past him as Watts looked on as the segment ended.)


(Announcers discussed Hall and Nash confronting the Dog Pound © and wanting a title match with the champs and Watts coming out and stating he'll have a decision regarding the matter later tonight. Hyped still to come: More on the UWL WT match for 'Holiday Havoc' with Valentine © defending against Piper and Piper putting his career on the line in the match; David Schultz vs. Hugh Morrus; $50,000 Bounty Match (for Great Christopho's mask): Great Christopho vs. Father Dutch; Billy Graham and Lex Luger are here; Ole Anderson sees singles action; Hall & Nash vs. The Killer Bees; another 'Holiday Havoc' PPV Update and more! Said the Women's Fatal Four-Way #1 Contender's match was next!)


Match 2 (Women's Fatal Four-Way #1 Contender's Match - Winner gets a UWL Women's WT shot later in the program)

Madusa vs. Mad Maxine vs. Queen Kong vs. Luna


(Announcers pointed out that all four were allowed in the ring at the same time. No tagging. First one to score a pin or submission was the winner.


All four women came out to cheers. Madusa got the strongest amount of cheers followed by Luna. Madusa was clearly the favorite of the fans.


The women battled it out with fierce determination as all four wanted the title shot against champ Tina Ferrari. Close falls during the match, some broken up by a third party saving their hopes.


At the end of the match, the four were battling in the ring. Madusa had just DDT'd Luna next to the ropes when Kong came up from behind and nailed Madusa with a clothesline to the back of the neck that drove Madusa over the top rope and sent her crashing to the floor. Kong let out a gutteral yell. Kong turned around and Maxine staggered Kong with a series of punches and then bodyslammed Kong next to the ropes. Kong rolled out on the apron. Luna recovered and stunned Maxine from behind with an enzuigiri. Max went down. Luna for the cover. 1...2... Kong got back in the ring and went to nail Luna with an elbow smash to the back but Luna moved and Kong blasted the downed Maxine. Kong went for the cover. 1... Luna stomped on Kong's head and broke up the pin try. Madusa recovered on the floor, got up on the apron and climbed to the top buckle. Luna dropped an elbow across Maxine's chest. Kong got up and was blasted with a missle dropkick by Madusa. Luna covered Maxine again. Ref started counting. 1... Madusa covered Kong. 2...2-1/2... Maxine kicked out. Madusa got up wondering what was going on and started having words with the ref. Luna snuck up behind Madusa and blasted her with a back stabber. Madusa down. Kong got to her feet and Luna stunned Kong with dropkick that drove her next to the ropes. Max had recovered and she and Luna grabbed hands and blasted Kong with a running double clothesline that sent Kong toppling over the top rope down to the floor. Crowd buzzing. Madusa recovered and when Max and Luna turned around, Madusa popped them with a double flying lariat. Both women down. Madusa moved in as Luna was getting up, grabbed Luna around the waist from behind and nailed Luna with her German suplex into a bridgeout finisher. Madusa for the pin. 1...2...2-3/4... Max made it to her feet and went over and stomped Madusa in the gut and broke up the pin try. Crowd groaned. Max snagged Madusa, whipped Madusa into the ropes and caught her coming off by the throat. Max held Madusa for a couple of seconds and nailed her with a chokeslam. Max covered Madusa and hooked the leg. 1...2... Luna recovered and charged over and grabbed Max by the leg and pulled her off Madusa. Luna then went for the cover. 1...2... Max dragged Luna off of Madusa. Luna got up and shoved Max and Max shoved Luna back. Luna stumbled backwards and Madusa caught Luna with a roll-up from behind. 1...2... Max yanked Madusa off of Luna and Max stunned Madusa with an RKO. Crowd into the match. As Max got up, Luna nailed Max with a bulldog. Both Madusa and Max down. Kong recovered on the floor and got back in the ring. Kong charged at Luna and attempted to clothesline Luna but Luna ducked the move. Luna then fired away on Kong with punches that drove Kong into the corner. Luna delivered a series of kicks to Kong and then backed up and charged at Kong but Kong came out of the corner and flattened Luna with a big clothesline.


Max recovered and charged over and knocked Kong senseless with a forearm shiver to the side of the head that knocked Kong back into the corner. Max and Kong started slugging it out in the corner. As Madusa got to her feet, Luna grabbed Madusa and whipped her into the ropes and bent over and looked to catch Madusa with a backdrop but Madusa caught Luna in a sunset flip pin try. 1...2...2-1/2... Luna kicked out. Luna got up and was popped with a spinning heel kick by Madusa. Luna staggered back and turned around and Madusa popped Luna with a front Russian legsweep. Madusa stood up and was on fire as the fans cheered. Madusa played to the crowd for a second. Max had staggered Kong in the corner with punches and kicks and turned and saw Madusa had stood up. Max charged over and blasted Madusa in the side of the face with a kick to the face. Madusa crashed to the mat. As Luna got up, Max moved in front of her with her back turned to Kong. Kong charged out of the corner and went to crunch Max from behind by running her over but Luna shoved Max out of the way and caught the full brunt of Kong. Kong crushed Luna against the buckles and Luna took a couple of steps out of the corner and crumpled to the mat. Kong spun around and Max blasted Kong with more punches that staggered Kong. Max then grabbed Kong by the throat and, with every ounce of energy she had, chokeslammed Kong. Kong finished as she rolled out on the apron. Crowd popped. Madusa recovering. Luna still laid out. Max covered Luna and hooked the leg. 1...2... Madusa pulled Max off. Madusa stood over the downed Luna. Max took advantage. Max charged up behind Luna and bashed her with a forearm smash to the upper back. Madusa stumbled and fell forward and caught her throat on the top rope. Madusa crumbled next to the ropes holding her throat. Max quickly rolled up Luna for the pin try. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Ref raised Max's hand to a now mixed crowd reaction.


Max went over and extended her hand to Luna, who was now sitting up on her knees, to help Luna to her feet. Luna took Max's hand and Luna was helped to her feet. Luna looked around and was not happy. Max was looking at Luna. Luna then stood right up to Max, pointed an accusatory finger in Max's face and said something off-mic to Max. Max started to plead her case but Luna would have none of it. Luna blew Max off and angrily left the ring as Max looked on. Luna, seething, made her way to the back without looking back nor slapping hands with fans.


WINNER: Maxine - Pinfall - Pinned Luna with a Roll-up - 8:45)


(Announcers discussed Maxine winning an exciting Fatal Four-Way match and earning the Women's WT shot against Ferrari © later tonight. Also discussed Luna's pissed reaction to losing and would try to get an interview to ask her why she was so angry about losing the way she did. Hyped still to come: More on the UWL WT match for 'Holiday Havoc' with Valentine © defending against Piper and Piper putting his career on the line in the match; David Schultz vs. Hugh Morrus; $50,000 Bounty Match (for Great Christopho's mask): Great Christopho vs. Father Dutch; The Firm is here; Pres. Watts' decision on whether or not Hall & Nash get a WTT Title shot; Billy Graham and Lex Luger are here; Ole Anderson sees singles action; another 'Holiday Havoc' PPV Update and more! Said Hall & Nash vs. Killer Bees was coming up!)


(Video aired for the 'Immodium A-D Presents: Holiday Havoc! Winner Takes It All!' PPV - Sunday - Dec. 9 - Portland, OR - Rose Garden - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


Match 3

Hall & Nash (w/ DiBiase) vs. Killer Bees


(Bees came to the ring to a fair reaction. Hall, Nash and Ted came out to the usual mixed crowd reaction. Bees put up a fight but Hall and Nash took most of the match. Nash blasted Brunzell with a jack-knife powerbomb and scored the pinfall victory for his team. WINNER: Hall & Nash - Pinfall - Nash pinned Brunzell with the Jack-knife Powerbomb - 4:11)


(After the match: Nash took the mic from r.a. Marshall.


Nash: "President Watts! You listen to me and listen good! You need to make the right decision about giving us a tag team title match with the Dog Pound! And I don't need to tell you what the right decision is!")


(Announcers discussed Hall and Nash beating the Bees decisively and Nash's thinly veiled threat directed at Pres. Watts about a tag team title match. Hyped still to come: More on the UWL WT match for 'Holiday Havoc' with Valentine © defending against Piper and Piper putting his career on the line in the match; David Schultz vs. Hugh Morrus; $50,000 Bounty Match (for Great Christopho's mask): Great Christopho vs. Father Dutch; UWL Women's WT Match: Ferrari © vs. Maxine; The Firm is here; Pres. Watts' decision on whether or not Hall & Nash get a WTT Title shot; Billy Graham and Lex Luger are here; another 'Holiday Havoc' PPV Update and more! Said Ole Anderson is in action coming up.)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Thu. - Nov. 15 - Cincinnati, OH - Cincinnati Gardens; Fri. - Nov. 16 - Athens, OH - Convocation Ctr. @ Ohio Univ.; Sat. - Nov. 17 - Kent, OH - Mac Center; Thu. - Dec. 13 - Valdosta, GA - The Complex; Fri. - Dec. 14 - Savannah, GA - MLK Arena; Sat. - Dec. 15 - Augusta, GA - James Brown Arena; Sun. - Dec. 16 - Kennesaw, GA - Kennesaw State University Conv. Center. More info, visit: uwlslam.com!)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson was standing outside the women's dressing room door with a fuming Luna. LN asked why she was so angry after the Fatal Four-Way match.


Luna: "Why am I angry, Larry Nelson?! Why am I angry?! Did you see what transpired in that ring earlier this evening?!"


LN: "I did."


Luna: "I saved Mad Maxine from being smashed by that behemoth Queen Kong! In saving Maxine, I took the full brunt of Kong's weight into me! I was crushed into the corner! And how does Maxine thank me?! She takes advantage of me when I'm at my lowest point in the match and pins me! If Maxine had any decency then she would have let me recover and we could have gone at it like the women wrestlers we are and then the best woman would have won! If I would have lost that way then I would have shook her hand and congratulated her on beating me! But no! Maxine showed just how classless and low she really is by beating me when I'm incapacitated! Maybe I should've let Kong steamroll that broad!"


Maxine walked into the picture from off-camera.


Luna: "What do you want?!"


Max: "Luna, I pinned you fair and square. I didn't hold your tights or anything. It was a clean pin. I appreaciate what you did for me in saving me from being run over by Queen Kong. But the match was for a title shot and I saw an opportunity and I took it. How can you fault me for that?!"


Luna: "You took advantage of me when I was hurt! You could have let me regain my bearings! But you couldn't do that! You saw me laid out, someone who saved you from being squashed like a grape, and you decided to pin me when you knew there was no chance of me kicking out! That's gratitude for ya!"


Max: "It was a fair, clean pin and I'm not going to apologize for winning the match and getting the title shot against Tina Ferrari tonight."


Luna: "I wouldn't expect you to apologize, darling! That's not your style! It takes some class to apologize for wronging someone!"


Max: "I did not wrong you, Luna! And you would have done the same thing if you would have had the chance!"


Luna: "I would have done the same thing, huh? Prove it!"


Max (exasperated): "I can't prove it! It was everyone for themselves in that match! You know, this is just getting ridiculous! I've got to get ready for the World Title shot!"


Max walked into the women's dressing room and slammed the door behind her. Luna was seething.


Nelson: "Anything else you want to say?"


Luna: "There's not much else to say except the die has been cast!"


Luna stormed off as a puzzled Nelson looked on.)


Match 4

Ole Anderson vs. Scotty Riggs


(Ole came to the ring alone and to strong boos.


Ole dominated from the opening bell and spent almost the entire match working over Riggs' left arm with a series of moves and holds. Ole finally put Riggs out of his misery by making Riggs tap out to the cross arm breaker. WINNER: Ole - Submission - Cross Arm Breaker - 3:49)


(After the match: Marshall i'viewed Ole.


Ole: "As I was beating on the young, helpless Riggs there, I was imagining that he was President Bill Watts. Watts, I hope you watched this match on a monitor backstage. Because one day I'm gonna torture you and tear your left arm right out of its socket. I'm not kidding, Watts. I'm gonna hurt you...bad.")


(Announcers discussed Ole's threatening words for Watts. Pointed out that Ole is obviously still pissed about Watts counting the pinfall on him in the WTT Title re-match with the Dog Pound ©three weeks ago. Hyped still to come: More on the UWL WT match for 'Holiday Havoc' with Valentine © defending against Piper and Piper putting his career on the line in the match; David Schultz vs. Hugh Morrus; $50,000 Bounty Match (for Great Christopho's mask): Great Christopho vs. Father Dutch; UWL Women's WT Match: Ferrari © vs. Maxine; The Firm is here; Pres. Watts' decision on whether or not Hall & Nash get a WTT Title shot; Billy Graham and Lex Luger are here; another 'Holiday Havoc' PPV Update and more! Said Billy Graham and the Grand Wizard are here next.)


(Video footage aired from last week of the Graham-Luger confrontation after Luger had forced Spike Huber to submit to the torture rack.


From last week:


BG: "Lex, that torture rack of yours is quite impressive! But the torture rack is still not my bearhug, which I'm now calling the 'Superstar Squeeze'! You put me in your rack and it won't break me! But if, I mean when, I put you in the squeeze, daddy, you're as good as finished! When I wrap these 22-inch pythons around your body I'm gonna grind your ribs to powder!"


Luger took the mic from r.a. Lee Marshall.


LL: "Why don't you come down here and see if you can grind my ribs to power in your 'Superstar Squeeze'."


BG: "Luger! I challenge you to a battle of the submission holds! My squeeze vs. your rack! How about it, daddy?!"


LL: "You're on! Let's do it!"



(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed Billy Graham and mgr. Grand Wizard. The two came to the ring to boos as 'California Dreamin' played over the p.a. system. The two got in the ring and Graham got more boos by arrogantly striking some bodybuilder poses.


LM: "Last week, 'Superstar', you challenged Lex Luger to a battle of submission holds. Does that offer still stand?"


BG: "That's such a stupid question. But it's what I expect from you, Marshall. Yeah, the offer still stands. I threw down the challenge to Lex Luger and I'm not backing away from it. I want to wrap Luger in these beautifully sculpted 22-inch pythons and crush him so hard in my 'Superstar Squeeze' that the audience in the arena and the people watching at home on TV can hear his ribs exploding in his body. I've been working hard in the gym and I've got the squeeze down to a perfect science. There will be no escape for Luger once I clamp it on him. He'll only get out of the squeeze when I decide to let him out of it. And that won't be until he's been reduced to a big pile of nothin', jack!"


GW: "Lex Luger! You made the biggest mistake of your professional career when you accepted the 'Superstar's challenge! When he locks you into the 'Superstar Squeeze' all hope will literally drain from your body! There will be no escape! None! When 'Superstar' says that he's perfected this hold to a science, he means it! Luger, you will not free yourself from the squeeze! This man will decide how much damage to inflict on your person and only the 'Superstar' will have the power to choose when to let you out of the hold! Once in the squeeze, Luger, you'll be completely at the mercy of the 'Superstar'!"


Graham started arrogantly posing again as the fans started booing some more. But those boos didn't last long as Luger came to the ring in street clothes and holding a mic. Luger slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring. Crowd cheers grew when Luger stepped in the squared circle.


LL: "So much talk about the 'Superstar Squeeze' from you two. But there's another hold in this submission challenge. And that's my torture rack."


Crowd cheered.


LL: "I don't doubt that the 'Superstar Squeeze' is a devastating submission hold. Especially when delivered by a physical specimen like you, 'Superstar'."


Graham nodded in approval and flexed his guns.


LL: "But you may not get to put the 'Superstar Squeeze' on me because you may not be able to get up off the mat after I've bent your body like a Gumby doll in the rack! I'll stretch your muscles in ways they were never meant to be stretched! I'll apply so much pressure that every muscle in your body will be close to popping! The only question is, 'Superstar', will I do the noble thing and just take you to the brink in the rack?! Or, will I cross the line and not let you go until I've torn you up inside because I can't stand you?!"


BG: "I'm not worried, daddy! You can put me in your rack and hold me in it all day long and it won't break me or force me to cry out that I submit because I am the most awesome physical package walking the planet today!"


GW: "Look at him, Luger! He is the reflection of perfection; the tower of power; the man who's too sweet to be sour! No one else is like him! He can withstand whatever you throw at him! But you will not survive in the 'Superstar Squeeze'!"


LL: "We'll see about that! 'Superstar'! Let's stop the talking and do this submission challenge!"


BG: "I couldn't agree more, daddy! No more talkin'! Let's get it on!"


Graham then gestured like he was squeezing Luger in the squeeze as Luger looked on and said something off-mic to Graham and Wizard.)


(Announcers discussed the Graham-Luger confrontation and the two discussing a battle of the submission holds again. Hyped still to come: More on the UWL WT match for 'Holiday Havoc' with Valentine © defending against Piper and Piper putting his career on the line in the match; David Schultz vs. Hugh Morrus; UWL Women's WT Match: Ferrari © vs. Maxine; The Firm is here; Pres. Watts' decision on whether or not Hall & Nash get a WTT Title shot; another 'Holiday Havoc' PPV Update and more! Said the $50,000 Bounty Match: Father Dutch vs. The Great Christopho was next!)


Match 5 ($50,000 Bounty Match for the mask of Great Christopho)

The Great Christopho vs. Father Dutch (w/ Grog)


(Father Dutch and Grog came to the ring to loud boos. Christopho came out to a strong ovation.


Match was mainly Father Dutch trying to rip the mask off of TGC and earn the $50K bounty. DDP came out on the entrance stage during the match. At the end of the match, Father Dutch threw TGC out on the floor. Father Dutch distracted the ref as Grog came over and blasted TGC with a boot to the side of the face that dropped TGC. Grog threw the stunned TGC back into the ring. As TGC got to his feet in the ring, Father Dutch came up behind TGC and locked TGC in the Confessional (rear naked choke). Father Dutch dropped to the mat with TGC on top of him near the ropes. TGC struggled in the hold but was able to get his hand on the bottom rope and force a break in the hold. FD released the hold and stomped on the downed TGC. FD then whipped TGC into the ropes and caught TGC coming off with an elbow to the chest that sent TGC staggering backwards. FD then backed up and charged at TGC and went to nail TGC with a running clothesline but TGC ducked the move and FD turned around and TGC stunned FD with the Reverse STO and went for the cover. 1... Grog hit the ring. ...2... Grog went to drop an elbow on TGC but TGC rolled out of the way and Grog elbow smashed FD instead. Grog rolled off of FD and TGC quickly covered FD again. ...3! Ref called for the bell. TGC got to his feet and Grog charged at TGC and went to hit him but TGC ducked the punch and started moving around the ring. Grog chased after TGC in the ring and took a couple of more swipes at TGC and missed and TGC bailed from the ring to the floor. TGC started running around the ring and pointing at Grog and the recovering FD as the fans ate it up as a frustrated DDP angrily walked off the entrance stage to the back. WINNER: TGC - Pinfall - Reverse STO - 5:09)


(Announcers discussed TGC surviving another bounty match for his mask and DDP clearly being frustrated at not being able to get the mask off of TGC once again and paying out the bounty. Said The Firm is here next!)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed UWL Women's WC Tina Ferrari. Asked about facing Mad Maxine tonight with the title on the line.


Tina: "I'm still the Women's World World Champion and undefeated here in the UWL. And there's no reason to think that will change tonight when I face Mrs. Ed, aka, Mad Maxine. The UWL has been touring across the country and I've been defending this title on almost every show. I've recently defended it in cities like Sacramento and Irvine, California; St. Paul, Minnesota; Green Bay, Wisconsin and a host of others. And every single night I've had my hand raised in victory on the UWL tour. The only thing Mad Maxine is in for tonight is more frustration and heartbreak as I, Tina Ferrari, powered by the spirit of Mildred, defeat her and remain the UWL Women's World Champion!"


Nelson asked about the apparent heat between Luna and Mad Maxine stemming from the Fatal Four-Way earlier tonight.


Tina: "I can't stand either one of them. And they can tear each other to shreds for all I care. As a matter of fact, I'd rather enjoy seeing Maxine and Luna pummel one another. That would mean there's two less perpetual contenders for me to deal with as my title reign continues and the legacy of Tina Ferrari grows.")


(In-ring: Four members of The Firm came to the ring. David Schultz was not with the group. They were all in street clothes. DiBiase and Nash had mics. They got a mixed crowd reaction.


After soaking in the crowd reax for a moment, Nash spoke.


Nash: "President Watts! We're still waiting for your answer about the Bad Guy and Big Sexy getting a World Tag Team Title shot! You promised to deliver your decision before the end of the show! You'd better live up to your word and tell us what we want to hear!"


DiBiase: "Well said, Kevin. One of things I've always liked about you is that you're direct and to the point. Watts, you really need to heed Nash's words.


"As you can see, David Schultz is not out here with us tonight. That's because he's in the back getting ready for his match with a man on The Firm's bad side in one Hugh Morrus. I would actually feel a little sorry for what's about to happen to Hugh tonight at the hands of Dr. D if he wasn't on our list of sworn enemies.


"There's a certain wrestler in the back that I want to talk to tonight. He's a man whose career, not just in the UWL, but his entire career in this sport, has been marked with great success. I like successful people. I like winners. And this man has been a winner since the first day he stepped into the ring. He's MY kind of wrestler. And I have a question I want to ask him, face-to-face. So, Wahoo McDaniel, would you please grace The Firm with your presence in this ring."


After a pause of several seconds, Wahoo walked out on the entrnace stage. He had a mic and was in his ring attire. Wahoo made his way to the ring. He stood on the ring apron and looked at The Firm for a moment and then cautiously made his way into the ring.


DiBiase: "Wahoo. I want to thank you for coming out here."


Wahoo: "What's this question you have for me, Ted?"


DiBiase: "Before I get to that, Wahoo, just let me say that I watched your match with Grog last week and must say I was very impressed. Grog is a big, tough, punishing wrestler. But you took everything he dished out against you, fought back and won the match. A lot of men would have folded in similar circumstances. You didn't. You know what it takes to be a winner. And as I said before...I like winners. And only proven winners can be invited to be members of The Firm.


"I'll cut to the chase, Chief. I want you to be the newest member of The Firm. How about it?"


Wahoo walked back and forth and looked at Ted and the other members of The Firm.


DiBiase: "I understand this is a big decision for you. I know it is an honor to be hand-picked by me to become a member of the most elite group in all of professional wrestling. I don't want to rush you. But, do you think you want to join us, Chief? You'll be welcomed with open arms and be a fine addition to The Firm."


Wahoo: "I don't need to make a snap decision?"


DiBiase: "That's right. A monumental decison like this in a man's life. Take your time and think it over."


Wahoo: "I don't have a decision right now. It's gonna take me some time to take this all in. You caught me off guard."


DiBiase: "Wahoo, you think about it. I know you'll make the right choice."


Wahoo then left the ring and headed back up the aisle and appeared to be in deep thought as he headed to the back.


DiBiase: "There goes true Firm material right there. I'm confident he'll be standing with The Firm very soon.")


(Announcers discussed The Firm i'view and DiBiase offering Wahoo a spot with the elite faction and Wahoo saying he needs time to think about it. Hyped still to come: More on the UWL WT match for 'Holiday Havoc' with Valentine © defending against Piper and Piper putting his career on the line in the match; David Schultz vs. Hugh Morrus; Pres. Watts' decision on whether or not Hall & Nash get a WTT Title shot; another 'Holiday Havoc' PPV Update and more! Said the UWL Women's WT match was next!)


Match 6 (UWL Women's World Title Match)

Tina Ferrari © vs. Mad Maxine


(Max came to the ring first to a fair ovation and some boos. Ferrari came to the ring to mainly boos and some cheers.


Max took the fight to to Tina in the title match and had Tina on the ropes throughout much of the short, explosive affair.


At the end of the match, Tina caught Max in the recliner. Max struggled and was able to make it to her feet with Tina on her back. Max steadied herself and took a couple of steps back and then dropped backwards with Tina holding on. Max crashed on top of Tina. Tina let go of Max. Both women down. Max made it to her feet as Tina was getting up. Max stood back as Tina made it to her feet. Max went to nail Tina with a kick to the face but Tina fell out of the way and Max accidentally kicked the ref in the face. Ref stumbled backwards and fell through the top and middle rope and crashed to the floor.


Max went over to the ropes and looked down at the ref as Tina got to her feet and nailed Max with a running knee to the back. Max fell forward. Tina pounded on Max some more and went to whip Max into the ropes but Max reversed caught Tina coming off with a flying lariat. Tina crashed to the mat. Crowd buzzing. Max reached down and grabbed Tina by the throat. After holding Tina by the throat for a few seconds, Max chokeslammed Tina. Instinctively, Max covered Tina for the pin try. No ref. Max quickly got up and went over by the ropes to check on the ref who was now recovering on the floor. Luna charged to the ring with a mic in her hand. Max continued to check on the ref. Tina started to recover. Luna mounted the top buckle. Max turned around walked a couple of steps...WHAM!...Luna came off the top buckle and blasted Max in the head with the mic. Max crashed to the mat. Luna looked down at Max for a couple of seconds as a stunned Tina looked on. Luna bailed the ring and headed back up the aisle. Ref up but facing the crowd. Tina grabbed the dazed Max in a front facelock and pulled Max to her feet. Tina nailed Max with the DDT. Ref had shaken out enough of the cobwebs and climbed back in the ring as Tina went for the cover. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Ref handed Tina the title and raised her hand in victory. Out on the apron, Tina held the belt high for all to see before heading back up the aisle to boos as a groggy Max was checked on by the ref in the ring. WINNER: Tina - Pinfall - DDT - 6:18)


(Announcers discussed Tina retaining the title thanks to unexpected outside help from Luna.


Pedicino: "Steve, it's obvious that Luna felt Maxine screwed her out of the title shot tonight even though she didn't."


Stack: "As they say, one's perception is one's reality. Luna felt Maxine took advanatage of her at a time when Luna was incapable of defending herself in the Fatal Four-Way earlier tonight. And she just made Maxine pay for her perceived stealing of the win in that match."


Hyped still to come: More on the UWL WT match for 'Holiday Havoc' with Valentine © defending against Piper and Piper putting his career on the line in the match; David Schultz vs. Hugh Morrus; another 'Holiday Havoc' PPV Update and more! Said Pres. Watts' decision on whether or not Hall & Nash get a WTT Title match is next!)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Pres. Watts. Asked about his decision on Hall & Nash getting a WTT Title shot against the Dog Pound.


Watts: "Larry, it seems to me that The Firm thinks they can demand things and they will just be handed to them. That will not happen in this case. Instead, I've come up with an idea.


"After watching the amazing women's Fatal Four-Way #1 Contender's match to kick off the program tonight, I've decided that next week we will have another Fatal Four-Way #1 Contender's match. And the winner of that match will get a World Tag Team Title shot later on in the show! It will be the Mighty Texans vs. the Anderson Brothers vs. Hall and Nash. And the fourth team will be a team that is comprised of two men who have had great success as tag team wrestlers in their own right. And the men who comprise that fourth and final team in the match will be Harley Race and Tully Blanchard!"


Nash could be heard off-camera.


Nash: "Hey, Watts!"


Nash walked into the picture and got in Watts' face.


Nash: "I just saw your little spiel on a monitor down the hall! All right! Me and Scot will be in your four-way match! And you know what?! We're gonna win that match and then we're gonna take those damn tag team titles from the Dog Pound! You need to face reality, Bill! We're gonna be the World Tag Team Champions one day whether you like it or not! And when The Firm is running this place in the future, your new job will be as the guy who carries our bags for us! You got that, Billy Boy?!"


Watts: "Kevin, when you guys control this company then you can make all the outrageous rules you like. But as it stands right now, The Firm doesn't run the show around here! That power was given to me as President of the company! And if you want a shot at the World Tag Team Titles then you've got to beat three other teams to get it! Be happy, Kevin! At least you're in the title picture! If I wanted to, I could just deny you the chance! But you've got your chance now! And I really suggest you do your damndest to take advantage of it!"


Nash: "Heh heh. Oh, we're gonna take advantage of this chance. There's no way in hell you can stop us from winning those belts. And you will rue the day you talked to me the way you did just now."


Nash and Watts stared at each other and then Nash patted Watts on the cheek and Watts angrily grabbed Nash's hand. Nash then got a sly smile on his face and turned and left the interview area as Watts looked on.)


(Announcers discussed Watts making a Fatal Four-Way Tag Team #1 Contender's Match with the winner getting a title shot later in the evening for next week's 'Slam!')




Announcers ran down the card so far:


UWL WORLD TITLE MATCH*: Greg Valentine © vs. Roddy Piper

(* If Piper loses, he will retire from wrestling!)


Re-Match: Madusa vs. Bull Nakano


'Immodium A-D Presents: Holiday Havoc! Winner Takes It All!' - Sunday - Dec. 9 - Portland, OR - Rose Garden - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(Announcers intro'd video highlights of the Valentine © - Piper confrontation from last week and the UWL WT match being made between the two for 'Holiday Havoc'.




(All parties were in the ring.


BW: "Roddy Piper has challenged UWL World Champion to a World Title match at the 'Holiday Havoc' PPV on December 9th. We were all caught off guard by Roddy's challenge. What I want to do right now is allow both parties to make a statement. As President of this company I can tell you that no decision has been made yet as to whether or not this match will take place. Greg Valentine, since you are the reigning World Champion, you will speak first."


GV: "Roddy, first of all, I have to admit that I was rather stunned when you showed us that medical clearance last week. I really thought I had finished you. But it looks like I didn't finish the job.


"I know you want to get your hands on me, Piper. You would love to take out all your anger frustration on me for ripping over a year away off of your career. But what the hell makes you think you deserve a World Title shot just because you've come back now? You haven't wrestled in 13 months! Yet, you get a doctor's OK to resume your career and you just seem to think: 'I'm Roddy Piper! I'm back! Now where's my World Title match! It's not that cut and dried, Hot Rod!"


Hart: "Let me just say that I was as shocked as the champ when you showed up with that medical clearance last week. But, Mr. Valentine makes the strongest argument possible. You haven't been here for over a year and just because you hate this man (pointed at Greg) that doesn't automatically make you the #1 contender. Piper, you want a World Title shot against Greg Valentine, then you do it the old fashioned way...earn it."


RP: "I thought I would hear something like that from you two. I'm willing to up the stakes to get that title shot at 'Holiday Havoc'."


Hart: "What are you talking about? We're all ears."


RP: "Greg Valentine. 'Holiday Havoc' is taking place in my adopted hometown of Portland, Oregon."


GV: "So what?! You..."


RP: "Let me finish! If I can't beat you in my American hometown of Portland...then I will retire from wrestling!"


Hart: "Piper, if you think you're just gonna..."


GV: "Hold on, Gary."


Valentine pulled Hart aside and they had a brief but animated conversation off-mic. Hart shook his head 'no' like he didn't agree with something that Valentiune was saying. Greg then turned back towards Piper. Hart looked edgy.


GV: "Let me see if I've got this straight. You want one World Championship match against me in your adopted American hometown of Portland and if you don't beat me then you'll retire from wrestling forever?!"


RP: "You got it, mister."


GV: "This is too good to be true. So, I beat you in Portland in front of your 'hometown' fans and you're gone?! You'll never wrestle again?!"


RP: "You have my word that if I can't beat you at 'Holiday Havoc' and become the new UWL World Champion then I will walk away from this sport and never wrestle or appear on another wrestling program again! I'm gone! I'm done!"


GV: "I really want to finish the job that I started last year. And I know your left ear is still damaged from all the punishment I inflicted on it in that dog collars and chain match we had at 'Helloween' last year. You know what, Roddy, there are so many ways I am capable fo destroying you. Ummm... While I would much rather mangle that left ear some more or tear your legs up with my figure four, man, beating you and sending you into permanent retirement and never hving to see your ugly face again is good enough for me!"


Hart pulled Greg aside and the two talked in private and off-mic again as the crowd booed. Hart's gestures and facial expressions made it seem like he wasn't 100% on board with this idea.


Greg turned back and looked with an amazed expression at Piper. Hart didn't seem as excited.


GV: "For me, this is like a dream come true. President Watts, make the match! Greg Valentine vs. Roddy Piper for the UWL World Title at 'Holiday Havoc'!"


Crowd buzzing.


BW: "Roddy Piper is back. And his first match back will against you, Greg Valentine, for the UWL World Title at 'Holiday Havoc' on December 9th in Piper's adopted American hometown of Portland, Oregon!"


Crowd roared.


Valentine was shaking his head in the affirmative at Watts' decision as Piper looked on and Hart looked uneasy.


Valentine was now smirking at Piper. Piper slowly raised his mic to his mouth.


RP: "Valentine! I WILL defeat you, (pointed at the title), and take the most important thing in YOUR life!"


Crowd went nuts.


Piper glared at Valentine with a look of vengeance in his eyes as the smirking arrogance of Valentine melted away into a look of mouth agape shock. Valentine clutched the title close to his chest. In the background, Hart had dropped his head part-way and covered his eyes with his hand.)


(Announcers said that Valentine © and Piper would be on 'Slam!' next week. Also hyped for next week on 'Slam!': Fatal Four-Way Tag Team #1 Contender's Match: Mighty Texans vs. Anderson Bros. vs. Hall & Nash vs. Race © & Tully - Winner gets a a UWL WTT Title shot against the Dog Pound later in the program!)


(Announcers said Morrus vs. Schultz was next.)


Match 7

David Schultz (w/ DiBiase) vs. Hugh Morrus


(Schultz and Ted came to the ring to a mixed crowd reaction. Hugh got a strong ovation coming to the ring.


Announcers said they would stay with the match to its conclusion.


The two slugged it out in a brawl that included brawling around the ring on the floor. At the end of the match, Hugh was on the offensive. Hugh had just dropped Schultz with a flying headbutt to the chest. Hugh backed up as Schultz unsteadily got to his feet next to the ropes. When Schultz got up, Hugh charged at Schultz and went to nail him with another flying headbutt to the chest but Schultz dropped down and Hugh flew over the top rope and crashed to the floor. Schultz got up and prepared to go after Hugh on the floor but the ref intercepted Schultz and ordered him to stand back. Schultz moved back and distracted the ref by arguing with him. While the ref was distracted by Schultz...Hall, Nash and Rude came charging down to ringside. The trio pounced on Hugh and started pounding on Hugh as DiBiase looked on.


Crowd then popped as Arn, Luger and the Dog Pound came rushing to ringside and started brawling with Hall, Nash and Rude. DiBiase, willing to get his hands dirty in order to help his fellow Firm-ites, jumped into the fray and a wild 8-man brawl was taking place on the floor as fans roared. Ref saw what was happening and left the ring to try and re-store some order. Schultz was looking on from the ring and had his back turned to the entrance aisle. Ken Patera came running to the ring and slid into it behind Schultz. As the fighting continued on the floor and the ref was trying re-store order, Patera came up behind Schultz and locked him in the full nelson. Patera then blasted Shultz with the full nelson slam. Crowd went nuts. Schultz laid out in the ring. As the eight men on the floor were still occupied with each other, Morrus, still hurting on the floor, was grabbed by Patera and thrown back into the ring. Hugh saw Schultz laid out. The brawl spread around two sides of the ring. Patera got the ref's attention and pointed to the ring. Ref got back in the ring as Hugh quickly mounted the top buckle and came off with a moonsault on top of Schultz. Hugh covered Schultz and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Crowd exploded. Fighting continued on the floor as the ref raised Hugh's hand in victory. Fighting then petered out and the two warring factions now looked and saw the match was over. Firm members rushed into the ring as Luger, Arn and the Dog Pound joined Patera and Hugh in the aisle. Schultz was helped to his feet by Rude. DiBiase looked over and saw the six men standing in the aisle and pointed in their direction. Firm members looked over. Patera raised Hugh's hand in victory as the crowd was still cheering. Schultz walked over next to the ropes and looked angrily at Patera. Schultz made a fist and said something off-mic as Patera and crew looked on from the aisle as the program faded to black. WINNER: Morrus - Pinfall - Moonsault - 7:50)




Dark Match ($100,000 Battle Royal)

PARTICIPANTS: Anderson Brothers, DDP, Grog, TGC, Dog Pound, Killer Bees

(WINNER: TGC - Backdropped DDP over the top rope - 7:38)

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Less than a month until 'Holiday Havoc', UWL World Champion Greg Valentine and Roddy Piper will square off in an interview!




- Last week, Director Ted DiBiase of The Firm extended an invitation to Wahoo McDaniel to join The Firm. Wahoo didn't make a decision. Will Wahoo have a decision this week?


- Fatal Four-Way Tag Team #1 Contenders match (Winner gets a UWL World Tag Team Title shot later in the evening against the champions the Dog Pound): The Anderson Bros. vs. Mighty Texans vs. Hall & Nash vs. Harley Race © & Tully Blanchard


- TV Title Match: Arn Anderson © vs. DDP


- Rip Oliver's been on a tear, winning matches in less than 30 seconds for the last few months. Will that streak continue when he faces Lex Luger this week?




Ep. 95 of 'Slam!' will be posted on Monday or Tuesday.

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(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Anns. Steve Stack and Joe Pedicino welcomed viewers and ran down the program: Greg Valentine © and Roddy Piper are here; Fatal Four-Way #1 Contender's Tag Team Match (Winner gets a WTT Title shot against the Dog Pound © later tonight); TV Title Match: Arn Anderson © vs. DDP; Rip Oliver vs. Lex Luger; The Firm is here and Director DiBiase wants to know if Wahoo McDaniel is prepared to accept his offer to join the group; a look back at the controversial finish of last week's Hugh Morrus-David Schultz match; Billy Graham sees action; an i'view w/ Ken Patera and Hugh Morrus; another 'Holiday Havoc' PPV Update; and more!)


Match 1 (Fatal Four-Way #1 Contender's Match - There MUST be a winner! - Winner gets a World Tag Team Title shot later in the program)

Mighty Texans vs. Anderson Bros. vs. Hall & Nash (w/ DiBiase) vs. Harley Race © & Tully Blanchard (w/ JJ)


(All four teams were already in the ring. Announcers pointed out that one man from each team would be allowed in the ring at one time and standard tag out rules apply. The Anderson team consisted of Gene and Ole. Lars was out on the floor along with DiBiase and Dillon.


It was a wild battle. Much of the action spilled outside the ring. Wrestlers had chances to score pinfalls but outside interference saved the parties in trouble.


Late in the match, LaRue of the MT's and Race, the legal men for their teams, had spilled out onto the floor and were fighting there. Hall and Gene were the legal men in the match for their teams and were battling in the ring. Hall was on the offensive and nailed Gene with a fallaway slam. Hall went to over to grab Gene, but Gene spun around on his back and kicked Hall twice in the gut with both feet from the lying position. Hall stumbled back and grabbed his gut. Gene made his to his feet and moved in on Hall with a series of punches. Gene whipped Hall into the ropes and caught Hall coming off with a legdive takedown and then caught Hall in a figure four armlock. Crowd buzzing. Race and LaRue still fighting on the floor. In the ring, Hall trying not to submit to the painful hold Gene had locked on him. With Gene on top of Hall, Nash hit the ring and stomped on the back of Gene's head twice and broke the hold. Ole hit the ring and popped Nash in the side of the head with a forearm shiver. The move momentarily stunned Nash and sent him stumbling back into his corner. Ref ordered Ole back to his corner. Ole went back to his corner and was having words with the ref. When Gene got up...WHAM!...Nash came out of the corner and blasted Gene with a kick to the side of the face. Gene went down again. Ole saw it and climbed back in the ring. LaRue and Race were now battling in the aisle. Tully and Houston stayed on the apron. Ref stopped Ole from coming in. With the ref's back turned to Nash, Nash flipped Ole the bird. Ole was pissed and wanted to go after Nash but the ref was now physically trying to hold Ole back. Hall recovered and went over and covered the downed Gene. Nash called for the ref to turn and the ref saw Hall pinning Gene. Ref went to make the count. 1... Ole charged in and stomped on Hall. Hall rolled off of Gene and was holding his head. Ole stomped Hall in the head again and then flipped the bird to Nash. Nash charged in and hit Ole in the side of the head with a forearm shiver of his own. Ole went down.


Race and LaRue had double clotheslined each other to the floor in the aisle. Tully and Sam now left the apron to check on their tag partners. Ref tried to get the two men back on the apron but to no avail.


In the ring, Nash and Hall grabbed Gene, whipped Gene into the ropes and blasted Gene coming off with a double clothesline. Announcers pointed out that it looked like the ref was losing control of the match. Ref ordered Nash back on the apron. Nash obliged. Hall pulled up Gene and whipped Gene into the ropes and caught Gene in position for the Hallinator. Ref was having words with Nash in the corner when Ole recovered and came over and low-blowed Hall, thus stopping the move dead in its tracks. Nash went to go after Ole but was stopped by the ref and ordered back to his corner. Ole and Gene took Hall and in a classic double team move, hoisted Hall up and dropped Hall throat-first across the top rope. Hall's head snapped back and he crashed to the mat. Ole left the ring as the ref turned around. Gene grabbed the stunned Hall by the legs and turned Hall over into the sharpshooter. Ref checking to see if Hall submitted. Race and LaRue still following the script and laying in the aisle still hurting from their double clothesline so the main part of the storyline can get over. Nash hit the ring and nailed Gene with a clothesline that broke the hold and sent Gene crashing to the mat. Ole came in and went to punch Nash but Nash blocked the punch try and sent Ole staggering back into his corner with a trio of punches and then a brief flurry of elbow strikes to the side of the head. Ole dazed. Hall slowly recovering. Ref tried to order Nash back to his corner but Nash ignored the ref, grabbed Gene and pulled Gene to his feet. Nash hoisted Gene over his head in the press positon and threw Gene over the top rope down to the floor. Nash followed Gene out. Hall recovering. Ole regained his senses, saw what had happened and jumped off the apron and nailed Nash from behind with a double sledge to the back. Nash stumbled forward and went down. Ole went over and started putting the boots to Nash. Hall, now OK, bolted the ring and went to the floor and shoved Ole from behind. Ole turned around and he and Hall started exchanging dukes. Lars came over and jumped on Hall. Nash now back on his feet joined in the fray. The four men were brawling at ringside.


Gene came to his senses and jumped in the fray and it was a 3-on-2 fight in favor of the Anderson bros. DiBiase, willing to fight for his side, also joined the battle and the six men were brawling at ringside. Race and LaRue were regaining their bearings in the aisle. The fight at ringside was getting out of hand. This brought out Pres. Watts to ringside unannounced. He had a mic. The fighting continued between The Firm and the Anderson bros.


BW: "Stop the fighting! Stop the fighting right now!"


The fighting continued for a little bit longer and then flamed out. The Anderson bros. and Hall, Nash and DiBiase were now exchanging words with one another.


BW: "We need security to come to the ring immediately!"


Race, Tully and the Mighty Texans were standing in the aisle wondering what was going on as security members came to ringside.


The heated war of words continued on the floor between The Firm and Anderson bros. Security got in between the fighting factions and worked to keep them apart in an effort to keep the peace.


BW: "This match is halted right now! The match has broken down so badly that this is what we're gonna do! Hall and Nash! Ole and Gene! I've decided that you're all out of the match!"


Both sides were livid and started yelling in Watts' direction.


BW: "You guys can scream, holler and stomp your feet all you want! I've made a decision and that's final! Things were getting so out of control between you guys that I think it's best to remove you from the match! These fans want to see a winner! And they'll get one! But the way things were going, nothing was gonna be settled with you guys out here brawling with each other! Anderson brothers! Hall and Nash! You have heat with each other, fine! You can deal with it another time! But right now, we're gonna finish this match! It will be the Mighty Texans vs. Harley Race and Tully Blanchard and the winner gets the World Tag Team Title shot later tonight! Now, you guys get the hell to the back!"


The Firm and Anderson brothers had a few more heated words with one another and then Hall threw a punch at Lars and it was on again, security be damned. Things didn't last long, however, thanks to Watts.


BW: "Security! Zip-tie all six of them and get 'em to the back!"


Mixed crowd reaction. Security was able to corrall all six brawlers and zip-tie all of them. Hall put up the biggest fight and had to be driven to the ground and zip-tied.


Security marched The Firm back up the aisle first. Nash and Hall glared at Watts as they walked past him. DiBiase looked at Watts and was picked up on a mic. Watts showed no expression.


TD: "This is an indignity that will not go without a response!"


The Andersons were then marched past Watts. Much like Hall and Nash, Gene and Lars glared at Watts as they passed him. Ole, however, intentionally/untintentionally bumped into Watts. Watts got pissed. In the aisle, Watts got in Ole's face and was saying something not pleasant to Ole as Ole just looked on with a pissed look on his face. Ole never said a word and was herded to the back with his brothers.


Show went to a commercial.


Back from commercial break: The Mighty Texans and Tully and Harley were in the ring. Order had been re-stored. Ref called for the bell to re-start the match.


The re-start was short. Both sides fought it out as they each wanted the title shot later in the program. At the end of the match, Tully and Houston were the legal men in the ring. Tully had gained a brief advantage and went to whip Sam into the buckles but Sam reversed and sent Tully into the buckles. Sam came in and started popping Tully with punches then went to nail Tully with a bulldog but Tully shoved Sam off and Sam crashed to the mat. Tully got to his feet as Sam was getting up and was bent over. Tully moved in and blasted Sam with a knee-lift to the chest. Sam crashed to the mat. Tully grabbed Sam and nailed Sam with the slingshot suplex. Tully went for the cover and hooked the leg. 1... LaRue hit the ring in an effort to break up the pin. ...2... Race came in and tackled LaRue into the corner. ...3! Ref called for the bell. A euphoric JJ climbed into the ring. Tully started jumping up and down in the ring and Race came over and hugged Tully and JJ joined in. The three left the ring victoriously and Tully and Harley get their World Tag Team Title shot later tonight.


WINNER: Tully & Harley - Pinfall - Tully pinned Sam with the Slingshot Suplex - TIME OF MATCH BEFORE STOPPAGE: 11:17 - TIME OF MATCH AFTER RE-START: 3:27 - TOTAL MATCH TIME: 14:44)


(Announcers discussed Tully and Harley winning the match and earning the WTT Title shot later in the program. Also discussed the volatile situation between the Anderson Bros. and Hall, Nash & Director DiBiase and Watts getting involved.


Stack: "Joe, I think President Watts is rapidly putting himself into a position with two factions that I know I wouldn't want to be caught between."


Pedicino: "Steve, I certainly don't envy President Watts right now."


Hyped still to come: Greg Valentine © and Roddy Piper are here; TV Title Match: Arn Anderson © vs. DDP; Rip Oliver vs. Lex Luger; an i'view w/ Patera and Morrus; The Firm, they think, will be back later on in the show as Director DiBiase wants to know if Wahoo has made a decision yet about joining The Firm; a look back at the controversial finish of last week's Hugh Morrus-David Schultz match; another 'Holiday Havoc' PPV Update; and more. Said Billy Graham sees action next!)


Match 2

Billy Graham (w/ Grand Wizard) vs. Raul Mata


(Graham beat the hell out of Mata from the opening bell. Graham finished off Mata with a big running clothesline that floored Mata and then Graham scraped Mata up off the mat, whipped Mata into the ropes and caught Mata coming off in the 'Superstar Squeeze'. Mata wasn't in the crushing hold long before submitting. Ref called for the bell. Graham held Mata in the hold a little bit longer after the bell before letting go of Mata. Mata dropped to the mat like a rag doll. WINNER: Graham - Submission - Bearhug - 3:18)


(After the match, Mata crawled over next to the ropes and Graham went over and put the boots to his defeated foe just for the hell of it.)


(In-ring: R.A. Lee Marshall i'viewed Graham and Wizard.


LM: "The last few weeks we've heard you two challenge Lex Luger to a battle of the submission holds. What is the status of the challenge?"


GW: "You know our stand on the challenge! Lex Luger says he wants the challenge to take place! There's no need to delay things any further! Why doesn't lex Luger come out here right now so we can set up the battle of the submission holds!"


After several seconds Luger, in his ring attire, came to the ring with mic in hand. He got a good ovation coming to the ring.


LL: "I want this challenge to happen as soon as possible! Whatever we have to do to make it happen then let's do it! I wanna place the 'Superstar' in my rack and see how long he can withstand the excruciating pain I intend to to inflict!"


BG: "You may not even be able to put me in your rack, daddy! Because if I lock you in my 'Superstar Squeeze' first, then you're not gonna be able to lift me even a few inches up off the ground to put me in your trademark finisher! I'm gonna break your bones and drive all the air out of you! If you can't breath or you can't walk then you'll be in no condition to place me in the rack! The only thing you'll be doing, Lex, is going to the hospital to be pumped back up and glued back together! You got that, jack?!"


Graham flexed his biceps as the crowd booed.


Luger then struck his own biceps pose and then a series of body builder poses as the crowd cheered.


BG: "You people boo the 'reflection of perfection' for only one reason! You guys are jealous you'll never look like this! And most of the ladies know they'll never be in the private company of the 'Superstar'!"


LL: "Actually, 'Superstar', I think they're booing you because they don't like you and you're a buffoon!"


More cheers. Graham not happy.


GW: "It's not a good idea to speak to the most awesome physical specimen walking the planet like that! You could..."


Pres. Watts walked out on the entrance stage unannounced with mic in hand. He got a fair response from the crowd.


Watts: "Billy Graham. Lex Luger. We've all heard you two talk for weeks about wanting this battle of the submission holds. So, next week here on 'Slam!', we're gonna do it! We're gonna see who has the better submission hold. Will it be Lex Luger or Billy Graham? We're gonna find out in seven days. Get ready to hook 'em up!"


Both were in agreement with Watts. Graham and Luger got in each other's faces and started having words off-mic with each other. Graham then flexed and kissed his biceps. Luger then struck a bodybuilder pose and let out a gutteral yell. Graham then had more words for Luger and stuck his finger close to Lex's face. Luger slapped the hand away and Graham laughed.


BG: "We'll see you next week, daddy. Prepare to feel the pain of the 'Superstar Squeeze'!"


Graham and GW then turned and left the ring as an angry Luger looked on. Luger made the gesture of having Graham in the rack as the fans cheered as the segment ended.)


(Video aired for the 'Cialis Presents: Holiday Havoc! Winner Takes It All!' PPV - Sunday - Dec. 9 - Portland, OR - Rose Garden - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(Announcers intro'd video footage from last week of the David Schultz-Hugh Morrus match where Patera paid Schultz back for Schultz interfering twice and costing Patera two World Title matches against champ Valentine. Last week, Patera interfered and laid out Schultz with the full nelson slam setting up the win for Morrus. Video aired.)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed Ken Patera and Hugh Morrus.


The pair came to the ring in street clothes and got a good ovation from the crowd.


Marshall asked about the end of last week's Schultz-Morrus match.


KP: "Before I go any further, I want to apologize to Arn Anderson and Lex Luger. I was beginning to have my doubts about who I could trust. But Arn and Lex showed that they are solid allies in the war with The Firm.


"David Schultz! How did it feel to have the tables turned on you last week?! Haha! I know that it felt great to me! And you deserved it, David! That's payback for what you did to me in not one, but two matches where I was challenging Greg Valentine for the World Title! I might be standing here today as the UWL World Champion if it wasn't for Schultz! And now 'Dr. D' has gotten a taste of his own medicine! And it was the bitter taste of defeat!"


HM: "I want to make it perfectly clear to every last member of The Firm and their Director Ted DiBiase; I am standing with this man (pointed at Patera) in his war with you guys! You didn't think Patera could find allies?! He's got 'em! And his number of allies will grow as The Firm looks to implement its grand plans of taking all the championships and then trying to take over the UWL!


"We saw the Anderson brothers out here earlier tonight fighting with The Firm! I hate the Anderson brothers! But, the enemy of my enemy is my friend! No matter what side of the fence the wrestlers walk on here in the UWL, there is a growing concern over the threat these renegade outsiders pose to the company! The Firm always likes to talk about how they outnumber people! That's not gonna last much longer with the way things are going! The winds are starting to shift! It may take a while for us UWL wrestlers to unify in a concrete fashion because there's a lot of mistrust amongst us! But that unification will happen in due time! And The Firm is going to have its hands full with their opposition! They want war?! Well, the war is really starting to heat up now! And it may be The Firm who gets burned in the end!"


Out on the entrance stage walked Rick Rude and David Schultz. They received a mixed crowd reax. Schultz had a mic.


DS: "Ken Patera! Boy! You've really stepped in it now, son! You cost me a victory last week over Hugh Morrus! And that's gonna cost you...big time! You mess with one member of The Firm then you're messin' with every member of The Firm! Ken, you were once told you could just walk away from The Firm after you got the boot! You don't mess with The Firm and we won't mess with you! But you are bound and determined to be destroyed by us and take several UWL wrestlers with you! There's a big target right smack in the middle of your forehead! You are gonna suffer, Ken! You are gonna pay the penalty for what you did to me last week!


"And, Hugh Morrus! Since you've decided to ally yourself with Ken Patera in his suicidal war against us...you might just suffer the same awful fate that awaits Ken!"


KP: "We're not intimidated by any of you! You started this war! And now it's our job to fight to preserve the UWL! No matter how long it takes! No matter how many broken bodies pile up on both sides! We are gonna fight The Firm every step of the way! The outcome of this war is nowhere near settled! No one knows what the end result will be! But we are gonna do everything in our power to make sure that you never seize control of this company!"


DS: "Ken! I'm bringin' the pain, son!"


KP: "Why don't you bring that pain down to the ring right now!"


Crowd popped.


DS: "The Firm decides when it will attack! No one dictates the rules of war to us because we make the rules of the war!"


Rude took the mic.


RR: "You two, and all your allies back in those dressing rooms, are treading on ice that gets thinner by the day! One day the ice you're walking on is going to break! And all of you are going to drown in the frozen waters of your stupidity! All those wrestlers whose careers are ruined because they've decided to tangle with us, you can blame one Ken Patera for leading you straight down the path to your destruction! Wrestlers who don't bother us...we won't bother them! All UWL wrestlers would be smart to re-consider any plans you might have to align yourself with Ken Patera!


"Hugh! I'm the man who's been chosen to target you as an example to show all the other wrestlers on the roster that if you side with Ken Patera, you'll regret it!"


Firm members looked on from the entrance stage at Hugh and Ken and then exited stage left as the segment ended.)


(Announcers discussed the Patera-Morrus confrontation with Schultz and Rude of The Firm.


Pedicino: "When a member of The Firm threatens someone like Rick Rude just threatened Hugh Morrus, Hugh better take the threat very seriously."


Hyped still to come: Greg Valentine © and Roddy Piper are here; UWL WTT Title Match: Dog Pound vs. Race © & Tully; Rip Oliver vs. Lex Luger; The Firm, the announcers think, will be back later on in the show as Director DiBiase wants to know if Wahoo has made a decision yet about joining The Firm; another 'Holiday Havoc' PPV Update; and more. Said the TV Title Match: Arn © vs. DDP was coming up.)


(Video clip aired of DDP beating Arn clean with the Diamond Cutter in a non-title match two weeks ago to earn this week's TV Title shot.)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed DDP. Asked about tonight's title match with Arn.


DDP: "There are still six weeks left in 2012! And when I beat Arn Anderson for the TV Title tonight, 2012 will yet become the 'Year of the Diamond' as I predicted at the start of the year!


"Arn, brother, you've been a good TV Champion. But now it's time for the Diamond to replace you and become the greatest TV Champ of all-time in the UWL! When I win, it will be the biggest event in the history of the company! I am going to be the longest reigning TV Champion ever!"


LN: "You seem awfully confident."


DDP: "Why shouldn't I be confident?! I beat Arn two weeks ago in a non-title match! I beat him with my specialty, the Diamond Cutter! I Diamond Cut Arn again, 1...2...3! 'Diamond' Dallas Page, the NEW TV Champion! Sounds nice, doesn't it?!"


DDP held up the briefcase.


DDP: "And I've got even more good news, Larry Nelson!"


LN: "What's that?"


DDP: "The match has already been agreed to! Next week on 'Slam!', another wrestler has accepted my bounty match challenge! They want the $50 grand! The Great Christopho has got to lose that mask some time! And the man who is going to rip the mask off of Great Christopho and reveal him as Daniels and get him fired from the UWL is...President's Champion Harley Race! That mask is coming off the Great Christopho next week, man!


"I gotta go! I have a TV Title waiting for me!")


Match 3 (TV Title Match)

Arn Anderson © vs. DDP


(DDP came to the ring to strong boos. He was carrying the briefcase. Arn came to the ring to a novation


Short, explosive match between the two. DDP took it to Arn but could not put the TV Champ away. DDP tried to Diamond Cut Arn a couple of times during the match, but Arn escaped DDP's grasp each time. At the end of the match, Arn was on the offensive. Arn whipped DDP into the ropes and caught DDP coming off with the spinebuster. Crowd popped as Arn made the throat-slitting gesture. Arn grabbed DDP and went to nail DDP with the gourdbuster but DDP blocked the move, nailed Arn with a couple of shots to the side of the ribs, escaped Arn's grasp and fluidly moved into nailing Arn with the Diamond Cutter. DDP covered Arn and hooked the leg. 1...2...2-3/4... Arn kicked out. DDP couldn't believe it. DDP left the ring and went out and grabbed his briefcase off the timekeeper's table. Arn recovering in the ring. DDP got back in the ring. Ref ordered DDP not to hit Arn with the case. DDP raised the case over his head and the ref grabbed DDP's arm. A brief struggle ensued and DDP dropped the case. DDP shoved the ref away and said something to the ref. As DDP turned back towards Arn, Arn sprung to his feet and nailed DDP with a DDT onto the case. Arn covered DDP and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans were cheering. Ref took the tile from r.a. Marshall and handed it to Arn and raised Arn's hand in victory. Arn left the ring to cheers as DDP was still laying in the ring. WINNER: Arn - Pinfall - DDT onto the briefcase - 5:39)


(Announcers discussed Arn retaining the TV belt against DDP and Pedicino said that it looks like 2012 will not be the 'Year of the Diamond'. Hyped still to come: Greg Valentine © and Roddy Piper are here; UWL WTT Title Match: Dog Pound vs. Race © & Tully; Rip Oliver vs. Lex Luger; another 'Holiday Havoc' PPV Update; and more. Said The Firm makes an appearance and DiBiase asks Wahoo if he's made a decision about joining the group in minutes.)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Thu. - Nov. 15 - Cincinnati, OH - Cincinnati Gardens; Fri. - Nov. 16 - Athens, OH - Convocation Ctr. @ Ohio Univ.; Sat. - Nov. 17 - Kent, OH - Mac Center; Thu. - Dec. 13 - Valdosta, GA - The Complex; Fri. - Dec. 14 - Savannah, GA - MLK Arena; Sat. - Dec. 15 - Augusta, GA - James Brown Arena; Sun. - Dec. 16 - Kennesaw, GA - Kennesaw State University Conv. Center. More info, visit: uwlslam.com!)


(Backstage: Nelson was in the dressing room with the Anderson brothers. All three were now in their street clothes.


LN: "Ole, earlier tonight, you and your brother Gene were ejected by President Watts, along with Hall and Nash, from the Fatal Four-Way match for brawling at ringside with each other. As everyone saw, Firm Director Ted DiBiase and your brother Lars got involved in the brawl as well. And to cap it all off, your were all led away from the ring with your hands cuffed to prevent the situation from escalating. What are you and your brothers feeling right now?"


Ole: "What we're feeling right now is pissed. Real pissed. President Bill Watts, what gives you the right to kick us out of such an important match? What kind of wrestling have you been watching over the years? Brawls have been a part of this business for time immemorial. Sometimes, things can get a little out of hand. But in a match of this magnitude, where a tag team title shot is on the line, you don't come down and haul some of the participants off because they're having a disagreement with their fists at ringside. You just don't do that. Our fist-o-cuffs party with Hall, Nash and DiBiase should have been allowed to play itself out.


"The Anderson brothers and The Firm are grown men, Watts! We're not kids out on the playground involved in a scuffle who need some all-knowing adult to intercede in our affairs and send us back to the classroom for the remainder of recess. Watts, you are just determined to push my buttons. And then the grand absurdity of the whole situation was when you had us all hauled off handcuffed. The name on the sign outside the arena says wrestling. This is a violent, physical business. And if someone can't take it then they should get the hell out of it. The six of us who were fighting with each other, we can all handle ourselves like men. And sometimes being a pro wrestler means doing some things you wouldn't have to do in the regular 9-to-5 world.


"I'm telling you, Watts, that you need to quit over-stepping your authority where the Anderson brothers are concerned. Because if you don't, well..."


Hall and Nash barged into the locker room.


Ole: "What do you guys want?!"


Nash: "Ole! You talk about President Watts over-stepping his bounds?! Ha! You Andersons just over-stepped your bounds with us in that match earlier tonight! You guys are now added to the growing number of names on The Firm's shi... crap list!"


Ole: "That's fine, Kevin! Add our name to whatever list you want! If you guys think you can intimidate the Anderson brothers with all your intimidating big talk you'd better think again!"


Nash: "We do more than just intimidating big talk! We back up that talk with action, boys! You've just stepped in a pile so deep that you'll never be able to pull yourselves out of it!"


Ole: "You want more of us, Nash?! We're more than willing to give it to you!"


Security came into the locker room to make sure the arguing parties were kept apart.


Nash: "That's good, Ole! Keep running your mouth! You guys can expect to feel the wrath of The Firm!"


The two sides went to get their hands on each other but security intervened and were able to hustle Hall and Nash out the door.


Nelson then sent it back to the ring.)


(Video clips aired from last week of DiBiase offering Wahoo a spot with The Firm.




DiBiase: "There's a certain wrestler in the back that I want to talk to tonight. He's a man whose career, not just in the UWL, but his entire career in this sport, has been marked with great success. I like successful people. I like winners. And this man has been a winner since the first day he stepped into the ring. He's MY kind of wrestler. And I have a question I want to ask him, face-to-face. So, Wahoo McDaniel, would you please grace The Firm with your presence in this ring."


Wahoo walked out on the entrnace stage. He had a mic and was in his ring attire. Wahoo made his way to the ring. He stood on the ring apron and looked at The Firm for a moment and then cautiously made his way into the ring.


DiBiase: "I'll cut to the chase, Chief. I want you to be the newest member of The Firm. How about it?"


Wahoo walked back and forth and looked at Ted and the other members of The Firm.


DiBiase: "I understand this is a big decision for you. I know it is an honor to be hand-picked by me to become a member of the most elite group in all of professional wrestling. I don't want to rush you. But, do you think you want to join us, Chief? You'll be welcomed with open arms and be a fine edition to The Firm."


Wahoo: "I don't need to make a snap decision?"


DiBiase: "That's right. A monumental decison like this in a man's life. Take your time and think it over."


Wahoo: "I don't have a decision right now. It's gonna take me some time to take this all in. You caught me off-guard."


Wahoo then left the ring and headed back up the aisle and appeared to be in deep thought as he headed to the back.


DiBiase: "There goes true Firm material right there. I'm confident he'll be standing with The Firm very soon.")


(In-ring: Ted DiBiase, Schultz and Rude made their way to the ring to the song 'Money' by Pink Floyd. Ted had a mic. They were in street clothes and received the usual mixed crowd reaction.


Once in the ring, they soaked in the crowd response for a moment.


TD: "We all know what we're out here for. So, Chief Wahoo McDaniel, would you please come to the ring."


After a brief pause, Wahoo, in his ring attire, made his way to the ring. Wahoo got up on the apron, looked at the trio of Firm members and then made his way into the ring. Wahoo had a mic.


TD: "Welcome, Wahoo. Over the past seven days, I've thought a lot about my offering you a spot with The Firm. And I can tell you that I've only become more certain that you are truly Firm material. You are an elite member of this sport and deserve to be a part of the most elite organiztion in it. I know you've been thinking about my offer long and hard over the last week, Wahoo. An invitation like this is not something that's extended to just anybody. You're not like most wrestlers who get lost in the shuffle and become just another face in the crowd. Wahoo, you're a standout.


"You had a great football career in college and the pros. And your record as a pro wrestler speaks for itself. It's impeccable. You've held every championship there is to hold, including the World Championship. It's been a decorated career. Few wrestlers have ever come close to being your equal. And that's what makes you an elite. As I've said before, The Firm is all about building an organization made up of only top-notch talent. You would fit in here like a hand fits perfectly in a glove.


"With that said, Wahoo, have you made a decision to join with us and become part of a group that will one day control the UWL and rule wrestling?"


WM: "I have to admit that I was shocked by your offer last week. I'm still pretty shocked by it now. It's a lot to digest. Over the last week your offer has been on my mind 24 hours a day. I've lost sleep thinking about it."


TD (chuckles): "I hope losing all that sleep is a good thing."


WM: "Well, maybe it is and maybe it isn't. You see, I still haven't made up mind yet as to whether or not I want to join The Firm."


Schultz: "Haven't made up your mind?! Chief, the answer is simple! When you're invited to join The Firm, you accept! What the he..."


TD (put a finger up to stop Schultz from talking): "Wait a minute. Wahoo, I totally understand where you're coming from. This is a momentous decision for you. As a matter fact, I know it's the biggest decision you'll ever make; not just in in your wrestling career, but in your entire life. No other decision you've ever made or will make in your life will ever be as important as this one. And a decision like this cannot be made in haste. Not many people in their lives ever get invited to join an elite anything, Wahoo. The reason they're never invited to be part of something that's elite is because most people are not elite material. They're average at best and human garbage at worst. They'll never rise above their mediocre state of existence because they can't. It's not in them. You've risen far and above most people in your chosen profession. Your life is a bright shining star that says 'greatness' while the 99 percent are nothing but dim, flickering stars. That's if they flicker at all. We don't even think of wasting our time with people like that. They're dead weight and they can only drag the elite down to their lowly level.


"Greatness must remain separate from the everyday riff-raff. The four of us in this ring right now, we don't associate with people like those in this audience. The cream of the crop should only fraternize with other cream of the crop-types. Elites should walk only with other elites. And we in The Firm want to bring you into our circle of prestige. Wahoo, I can introduce you to a whole new world. I can open doors that never would have been opened for you. The best for the best. And you're one of the best. And you can live like the best if you just say 'yes' to my offer to join The Firm."


DiBiase placed his hand on Wahoo's shoulder.


TD: "You need more time to think about this? That's fine. You think about it some more. Wahoo...I know that you will make the right decision."


WM: "Yeah. I will make the right decision."


DiBiase's 'Hahaha' laugh and then the song 'Money' flowed from the p.a. system as a somber looking Wahoo left the ring and headed back up the aisle as a pleased looking DiBiase talked with Schultz and Rude in the ring.)


(Announcers discussed DiBiase asking Wahoo again to join The Firm and Wahoo saying he hasn't made up his mind yet. Wondered what's going on with Wahoo. Hyped still to come: Greg Valentine © and Roddy Piper are here; UWL WTT Title Match: Dog Pound vs. Race © & Tully; Rip Oliver vs. Lex Luger; and more. Said the 'Holiday Havoc' PPV Update was next!)




Announcers ran down the card so far:


UWL WORLD TITLE MATCH (If Roddy Piper loses, he will retire!): Greg Valentine © vs. Roddy Piper


RE-MATCH: Madusa vs. Bull Nakano


'Immodium A-D Presents: Holiday Havoc! Winner Takes It All!' - Sunday - Dec. 9 - Portland, OR - Rose Garden - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale NOW!)


(Announcers said Oliver vs. Luger was next!)


Match 4

Lex Luger vs. Rip Oliver


(Oliver came to the ring to strong boos but also had his supporters. Luger came to the ring to a strong ovation.


Just before the match was about to begin, Graham and Grand Wizard came out and made their way to ringside. Luger spotted them. The pair were standing on the floor when the ref called for the bell. Graham jumped up on the ring apron. Luger turned and saw Graham and yelled at Graham and Luger approached the 'Superstar'. Graham dropped off the ring apron back down to the floor. Luger looked down and pointed at Graham and said something else to Graham. Luger turned around and took a step...WHAM!...Oliver blasted Luger with his superkick. Oliver covered Luger and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Announcers were stunned at what just transpired. Graham and Wizard were standing in the aisle and laughing. Graham was laughing so hard that he was doubled over and holding his sides. Graham was still laughing as he then pointed at the downed and defeated Luger who was laying in the ring. WINNER: Oliver - Pinfall - Superkick - :23)


(Announcers discussed the stunning turn of events in the Luger-Oliver match with Oliver scoring another quick victory, thanks in part to Graham distracting Luger at the start of the match. Hyped still to come: UWL WTT Title Match: Dog Pound vs. Race © & Tully; and more. Said Roddy Piper and Greg Valentine © are coming up.)


(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Race © & Tully w/ mgr. JJ Dillon. Asked about tonight's WTT Title shot against the Dog Pound.


HR: "You see here on my left shoulder the President's Championship. Tonight, I intend to cover my right shoulder with one of the World Tag Team Title belts. President Watts did the right thing when he put us in the Fatal Four-Way earlier tonight. Tully Blanchard and myself are outstanding tag team wrestlers as well as outstanding singles' wrestlers. You are looking at two wrestlers who have been multi-time tag team champions before. And we want to add the UWL World Tag belts to our trophy cases."


TB: "What you have standing before you, Larry Nelson, are two men who have held the World Title a combined total of nine times! Me and Harley have also each won so many tag team titles that we've lost count! But the number you've got to remember is one! This will be our first time holding the UWL tag team titles if we beat the Dog Pound! Harley, I think there's an excellent chance that when all is said and done tonight, you're right shoulder is gonna be covered with one-half of the UWL's tag team gold!"


JJ: "Larry Nelson, right now JJ Dillon Enterprises has one title in its stable. I want more championships in our fold! A golden opportunity has fallen into our laps this evening! And I can't think of two men I'd rather be managing right now than Harley Race and Tully Blanchard! They are two men who know the ins and outs of tag team wrestling! The Dog Pound has met its match tonight! I am confident in the extreme that JJ Dillon Enterprises will be adding those tag team titles to our championship tally sheet!"


LN: "Before we wrap up this interview, Harley, you have a chance next week to become $50,000 dollars richer if you can unmask the Great Christopho and expose him as Daniels. Do you have anything to say about that?"


HR: "Where others have failed, I will succeed. That mask is coming off the Great Christopho next week and I will gladly relieve Dallas Page of the $50 grand he so badly wants to part with.")


(In-ring: Ring announcer Lee Marshall stood center ring.


LM: "Ladies and Gentlemen. Would you please wlecome...'Rowdy' Roddy Piper!"


Crowd roared as bagpipe music played over the p.a. system.


Crowd got louder as Piper, in street clothes, came out and made his way to the ring. Piper slapped hands with fans along the way. He had a mic. Once in the ring, Piper briefly played to the cheering throng.


LM: "And now, would you welcome the UWL World Champion Greg Valentine and his manager Gary Hart!"


Crowd booed. Boos grew louder when Valentine and Hart came out on the entrance stage. Both were in suits and Valentine was carrying the title in his arm. Both had mics. The pair soaked in the overwhelmingly negative crowd reaction once in the ring.


LM: "Roddy Piper. Greg Valentine. We are just 26 days away from the biggest match in UWL history. The fans are counting down the days until 'Holiday Havoc' on December 9th in Roddy's adopted American hometown of Portland, Oregon. Roddy, you have put your career on the line in this one match against the biggest foe of your wrestling career. Have you had any second thoughts about risking your career in this match?"


RP: "I haven't had any second thoughts whatsoever about putting my wrestling career at stake! Because I firmly believe that when all is said and done on December 9th, I will still be wrestling and I will be the new UWL World Champion!"


Crowd cheered.


GV: "26 days! That's all that's left of your career, Piper! I'm still on one helluva roll as the UWL World Champion! 'Holiday Havoc' will mark the one-year anniversary of my title reign! And at 'Holiday Havoc' 2013, I'm very confident that I will be celebrating my second year as the World Champion! And I can guarantee you that at 'Holiday Havoc 2013' there's one of us in this ring right now who won't be there! And that's you, 'Hot Rod'! Because you'll have been wallowing in one year of your forced retirement after I beat you at 'Holiday Havoc 2012'! It's a great feeling knowing that Roddy Piper's wrestling days will end in less than a month! As a matter of fact, I'm marking off the days until you're finished on a special calendar I got just for this occasion! I'm like a kid counting off the days until Santa comes for Christmas! I'm already in a celebratory mood because I know that I'll never have to deal with Roddy Piper again after December 9th!"


RP: "Awfully confident there, are we?! Valentine, let me tell you something, mister! I have never been more determined in my entire career to beat someone! That World Title, it's your oxygen! It gives you life! It breaths for you! There's no better revenge in this case than defeating you and unhooking you from the oxygen supply that you hold in your hands right now!"


GV: "Roddy, a little history lesson in case you've forgotten! When I beat you at 'Helloween' 13 months ago, it was you who needed oxygen in the back of that ambulance when they were rushing you to the hospital after I beat you so badly that you collapsed in the ring! This time, there will be no oxygen available to you because your wrestling career is your oxygen! It's what makes you breathe! When you wake up on December 10th, that life-supporting oxygen will be gone! Once your wrestling career is over, you'll have nothing! It will be empty days and an empty life for you! Your life will become meaningless and you'll just dry up and blow away into nothingness as you become a forgotten man in the greatest sport in the world!"


RP: "Lot of oxygen talk there. Hey! Maybe we ought to wrestle the match wearing oxygen tanks and the winner is the one who shuts off his opponent's air supply! It's like this! Everything is riding on this match for both of us! We've both had big matches in our careers! But this is the biggest for both of us! And the loser is going to suffer immensely! Losing this match will be a huge blow! A setback that neither of us may never recover from! And I'm going to do my very best to make sure you're the big loser at 'Holiday Havoc'! I don't like to see people suffering! But in your case, Greg Valentine, I'll make an exception!"


Crowd cheered.


Hart: "I will be so glad when the World Title match is over at 'Holiday Havoc'. Because it means that we will no longer have to hear your obnoxious, grating voice and listen to your rambling diatribes, Roddy. Greg Valentine has proven himself over and over again. When the title is on the line, he's been invincible. I don't think that's going to change in 26 days. Why should it? The man has met every championship challenge thrown in his direction? There's a growing list of challengers out there who are all still challengers today. And that won't change because the challenger is you.


"But Roddy, I'm a compassionate guy. You're an icon in this sport. I might just feel a thimble full of sadness when you're forced into pro wrestling exile. Why, every Christmas, just to show that I remember you, I may send you a Christmas card. Your wife, Kitty, will go out to the mail box and pull out all the Christmas cards. And in that stack of Christmas cards will be mine. It will be just for you, Roddy. And every year, you'll open the card and find a picture of my smiling face with the caption, 'Gary Hart: Manager of the man who forced you into retirement on December 9th, 2012! Merry Christmas!' on it. I'd better go shopping for a big box of cards in the next few days. I'll send one of those to you every year."


RP: "Gary Hart. At 'Holiday Havoc', I think I'm going to bring my wife Kitty with me to ringisde. She'll have a camera. You see, I'll want her to take a picture of the shocked look on your face when I beat your man Greg Valentine and become the new UWL World Champion! I'll then take that picture and post it on every social media site on the Internet. And the caption at the bottom will read: 'Here's the zit on the ass of humanity who managed the UWL World Champion Greg Valentine to defeat on December 9th, 2012! Merry F-ing Christmas!"


Crowd cheered.


GV: "Piper, you're standing just a couple of feet away from me right now! And that's as close as you're getting to the UWL World Title! Everything you've ever worked for in this business is going to be ripped away from you in 26 days! The 250-pound Scottish yapping adrenal gland will be silenced...forever! I didn't finish you off like I thought I had in October 2011 at 'Helloween'! But I am gonna finish the job at 'Holiday Havoc'! You're done!"


RP: "Valentine! You and your manager Emperor Ming need to listen up real good! You didn't finish me off 13 months ago! My standing here today attests to that fact! I'm a fighter! I was born fighting! It's in my blood! This sport is my life! And I'll be damned if I'm gonna let the man I despise more than any other on the face of the earth end my career!"


Piper then turned and started leaving the ring. Valentine wanted to Pearl Harbor Piper but was stopped by Hart. Piper looked back at the pair from the apron and then dropped to the floor and headed back up the aisle without looking back as the fans cheered Piper as the bagpipe music played over p.a. system once again.)


(Announcers discussed the war of words between Piper and WC Valentine. Said the anticipation is building for their WT match at 'Holiday Havoc' in less than a month.


Hyped for next week on 'Slam!': Battle of the Submission Holds: Billy Graham ('Superstar Squeeze') vs. Lex Luger (Torture Rack); $50,000.00 Bounty Match (for Great Christopho's mask): Great Christopho vs. Harley Race ©; another 'Holiday Havoc' PPV Update; and more.


Said the WTT Title: Dog Pound © vs. Race © & Tully was next!)


Match 5 (UWL World Tag Team Title Match)

Dog Pound © vs. Harley Race © & Tully Blanchard (w/ JJ Dillon)


(Announcers said they would stay with the match to its conclusion.


Tully, Harley and JJ came to the ring first to strong boos. Dog Pound came to the ring to the strains of 'Welcome to the Jungle' by Guns 'N' Roses and a strong ovation.


Steiner and Sawyer climbed over the ringside barricade into the front row and stood on a couple of chairs holding the belts high and barking as the crowd barked back. The two then hopped the barricade to ringside, got in the ring and ran around barking some more and the crowd barked more as well.


It was a dog fight. Pound took the match early before Race and Tully fought their way back into the battle. Pound couldn't put the challengers away when they had their chances. At the end of the match, Tully and Rick Steiner were the legal men in the ring. Tully had the advantage and briefly worked over Steiner and then whipped Steiner into the ropes and bent down and looked to catch Steiner coming off with a backdrop but Steiner leapfrogged Tully, caught Tully around the waist from behind, ran Tully into the ropes and rolled Tully up from behind for the pin try. 1...2... Race hit the ring and charged at Steiner. Steiner let Tully go and nailed Race with a Steiner line. Race crashed to the mat. Fans into it. Race got up and was greeted with a second Steiner line. Race stumbled back against the ropes. Sawyer charged in and sent Race over the top rope to the floor with a running clothesline as Steiner looked on. Crowd roaring. Sawyer followed Race to the floor. Tully had moved over near the ropes and JJ handed Tully a pair of knux to Tully that Tully slid on his right hand. JJ moved to another side of the ring and distracted the ref from the floor by having words with him. Tully was down on his knees next to the ropes. Steiner came over and grabbed Tully by the hair and started to pulling Tully to his feet. Tully stunned Steiner with a knux-laden right hand to the jaw. Steiner crashed to the mat. Race and Sawyer fighting on the floor. JJ kept the ref distracted long enough to allow Tully slide the knux into his kneepad. JJ suddenly stopped jawing with the ref as Tully picked up the dazed Steiner and nailed Steiner with his slingshot suplex finisher. Ref had turned just in time to see the move. Tully covered Steiner and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. A small minority of fans in the crowd cheered. Ref took the belts (including the President's Championship) from r.a. Marshall and said something to him. The fighting had stopped on the floor and Race noticed an ecstatic Tully and JJ in the ring. Race got back in the ring and the ref handed Tully and Harley the tag belts and the trio celebrated in the ring as Sawyer checked on Steiner.


LM: "Ladies and Gentlemen! In a time of 9 minutes, 19 seconds, your winners...and NEW UWL World Tag Team Champions...Tully Blanchard and Harley Race!"


Loud boos from the crowd as the trio left the ring and were fired up heading back up the aisle. The three got to the entrance stage and Tully and Harley held their titles up as the program faded to black.


WINNER: Tully & Race - Pinfall - Tully pinned Steiner with a Slingshot Suplex - 9:19 - * Race & Tully are the new UWL World Tag Team Champions.)





Dark Match

Wahoo McDaniel & Hugh Morrus vs. Father Dutch & Grog

(WINNER: Wahoo & Hugh - Pinfall - Wahoo pinned Father Dutch with the Big Chop - 12:48)

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'Helloween' PPV Numbers!!!


The UWL 'Helloween' PPV in October drew an estimated 83,000 buys. The show was built around the 'Armageddon' Cage match between Wahoo McDaniel and Father Dutch. The show took place in Reno at the Lawlor Events Center and had a paid attendance of 7,266.


That's roughly 10,000 more buys than last year's edition which drew an estimated 73,000 buys. The 2011 'Helloween' was built around the Roddy Piper-Greg Valentine Dog Collars & Chain match where Valentine seriously 'injured' Piper's left ear and put Piper out of commission for 14 months; and the mystery wrestler 'HE' was finally revealed to be Bruiser Brody and Brody wrestled Lex Luger in an 'Open Challenge' match. The show was held at the Orleans Arena in Las Vegas and drew a paying crowd of 6,183.


All the key numbers were up for 'Helloween' this year.


* Also, Father Dutch's masked disciple Grog is wrestler Dave Sheldon. Sheldon made a name for himself in the past wrestling under the name Angel of Death.

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Nov. 15 - Cincinnati, OH - Cincinnati Gardens - Att: 5,018


Nov. 16 - Athens, OH - Convocation Ctr. @ Ohio Univ. - Att: 2,784


Nov. 17 - Kent, OH - Mac Center - Att: 2,591


RESULTS (Same in each city):


UWL WORLD TITLE MATCH: Greg Valentine © def. Wahoo McDaniel via pinfall with the Hammerhead


Lex Luger & Ken Patera def. David Schultz & Rick Rude via pinfall when Patera pinned Rude with the Full Nelson Slam


UWL WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: Tully Blanchard & Harley Race © (w/o JJ) def. The Dog Pound via pinfall when Tully pinned Sawyer after a Foreign Object shot


Billy Graham (w/o Grand Wizard) def. Hugh Morrus via submission with the 'Superstar Squeeze'


TV TITLE MATCH: Arn Anderson © def. DDP via pinfall with a roll-up


UWL WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE MATCH: Tina Ferrari © def. Madusa via pinfall with her feet on the ropes for leverage


The Great Christopho def. Father Dutch via pinfall with the Reverse STO

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It's the Battle of the Submission Holds! Will 'Superstar' Billy Graham force Lex Luger to submit to his 'Superstar Squeeze'? Or will Lex Luger have 'Superstar' Graham screaming for mercy in his Torture Rack?




- A special interview with Roddy Piper


- Will Chief Wahoo McDaniel finally make a decision regarding Firm Director Ted DiBiase's invitation to join the group?


- Ken Patera battles Scott Hall of The Firm


- Ole Anderson vs. Buzz Sawyer




Ep. 96 of 'Slam!' will be posted on Tuesday.

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(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Anns. Steve Stack and Jow Pedicino welcomed viewers and then ran down the program: An i'view w/ Roddy Piper; Battle of the Submission Holds: Billy Graham ('Superstar Squeeze') vs. Lex Luger (Torture Rack); BREAKING: Wahoo will make his decison on whether or not to join The Firm; Ken Patera vs. Scott Hall; an i'view w/ the new UWL WTT Champs Tully Blanchard & Harley Race; Grog wrestles; $50K Bounty Match (for Great Christopho's mask): Harley Race © vs. Great Christopho; a new wrestler is coming to the UWL; and more!)


Match 1

Ole Anderson vs. Buzz Sawyer


(Both men came to the ring alone. Anderson was strongly booed coming to the ring. Sawyer got a nice ovation coming out.


Announcers pointed out that the Dog Pound lost the tag titles last week to Tully & Harley.


The two battled each other back-and-forth. Ole worked on Sawyer's left arm throughout the match.


At the end of the match, neither man could gain a firm advantage. Ole worked over Sawyer's left arm briefly and then went to whip Buzz into the ropes but Buzz reversed and caught Ole coming off with a flapjack. Crowd popped. Ole down. Sawyer went out on the apron and climbed to the top buckle as Ole made his way to his feet. Ole got up and Sawyer went to nail Ole with his missle dropkick but Ole fell out of the way and Buzz crashed to the mat. Both men down. Both men slowly started making their way to their feet. Ole got up just before Buzz. As Buzz stood up...WHAM!...Ole nailed Buzz with the Divorce Court. Ole then locked Sawyer into the cross arm breaker. Buzz struggled briefly in the hold before tapping out. Ref called for the bell and raised the victorious Ole's hand in victory. Sawyer was still down when Ole started stompoing on Sawyer's left arm. Crowd popped as Steiner, in street clothes, came charging to the ring with a steel chair in hand. Ole saw Steiner coming at him with the chair and bailed out of the ring to the floor as Gene and lars, in street clothes, came down to ringside. Steiner looked on at the trio with the chair still in hand. Gene and Lars raised Ole's hand in victory at ringisde as the crowd booed. The trio then made their way back up the aisle as Steiner checked on his partner in the ring. WINNER: Ole - Submission - Cross Arm Breaker - 10:23)


(Announcers discussed Ole scoring a strong win over Sawyer in a singles match. Hyped still to come: An i'view w/ Roddy Piper; Battle of the Submission Holds: Billy Graham ('Superstar Squeeze') vs. Lex Luger (Torture Rack); BREAKING: Wahoo will make his decison on whether or not to join The Firm; Ken Patera vs. Scott Hall; an i'view w/ the new UWL WTT Champs Tully Blanchard & Harley Race; Grog wrestles; $50K Bounty Match (for Great Christopho's mask): Harley Race © vs. Great Christopho; a new wrestler is coming to the UWL; and more! Said Pres. Watts has a special announcement next!)


(In-ring: Pres. Watts came to the ring to the strains of 'Born in the USA' over the p.a. system. He was in a suit and had a mic. Watts received a decent ovation coming to the ring.


BW: "In just 19 days, we have one of our biggest pay-per-views of the year coming up in 'Holiday Havoc'.


"The first piece of news I have is huge. The theme song for 'Holiday Havoc' is 'Winner Takes It All' by rock legend Sammy Hagar. At 'Holiday Havoc', Sammy will be performing the song live right before the UWL World Title match between the champion Greg Valentine and Roddy Piper!"


Decent crowd reaction.


"The other piece of news I have is just as big. First, I need the TV Champion Arn Anderson to come to the ring."


Arn came out. He was in street clothes and carrying the TV Title in one arm and holding a mic in the other. Arn got a strong ovation coming to the ring. Arn got in the ring and shook hands with Pres. Watts.


BW: "Now, would Rip Oliver come to the ring."


Oliver came out in street clothes and was roundly booed but had his small army of supporters. Rip also had a mic. Oliver got in the ring and Watts extended his hand to shake Rip's but Rip ignored the gesture.


BW: "Gentlemen, I have called you both out here for a very special reason. 'Holiday Havoc', as I said, is one of our biggest pay-per-views.


"Rip, you have been on quite an impressive tear the last several months here in the UWL. Not only are you beating your opponents, you're beating them in record time with your devastating superkick. And last week you defeated Lex Luger. Rip, because of your string of wins here in the UWL, I feel that you have earned a TV Title match against Arn Anderson. And the match will take place at 'Holiday Havoc'!"


Crowd cheered. Rip remained cool.


RO: "If you were expecting me to react like some zit faced school girl who just got to meet Justin Beiber, you're gonna be sadly disappointed. President Watts, it's about time you sat up and took notice of my incredible run. I'm beating my opponents in seconds with a superkick that I have perfected. I hit you with it, you won't be getting up until well after the three count. I deserved this title shot a long time ago as far as I'm concerned. But I'm not gonna turn it down. This is my chance to be a singles' champion. And I will take full advantage of this opportunity at 'Holiday Havoc'. And I'm gonna do it in the usual fashion. Arn, it's gonna give me great pleasure to drop you to the mat with my patented superkick and pin you and become the new TV Champion.


"I used to really admire and respect you, Arn. You kicked ass and took names later. Now, you kiss the ass of these pathetic fans out here so you can hear their hollow cheers. They'd turn on you in a New York minute if you did something they didn't like. Standing before you right now, Arn, you disgust me. You make me sick seeing the man you've become. And I'm superkicking you into oblivion in 19 days."


AA: "Let's not put the cart before the horse, Rip. I'm not gonna deny that you're one hell of a talent. You deserve this title shot because of the win streak you're on and because of the lightning fast way you've been defeating your opponents with that superkick of yours. But, make no mistake, one thing I can guarantee you is that you will not be putting my lights out with that superkick just a few seconds after the bell rings. I've been studying video of you. You came on my radar as a potential future challenger weeks ago. If you want to take this title from me at 'Holiday Havoc', Rip, you're gonna have earn it. And that means you'll have to be at the top of your game that day to walk out of the ring with this belt."


RO: "Arn, did you see what I did to the Crusher at 'Helloween'? Did you see what I did to Lex Luger just last week? You're not thinking straight. If I can beat those men in seconds, then I can do the same thing to you."


AA: "Rip, I know what to look for. In poker they call them 'tells'. Breaking down the video of you, I can see some of the things you do that catches your opponents off-guard in recent months. You won't get away with any of that in our match at 'Holiday Havoc'."


RO: "And just what are some of my 'tells', Arn?"


AA: "Also like a good poker player, I'm not tipping my hand. You figure it out."


RO: "I will. I'm beating you Arn and taking that title with me. And I'm beating you with my superkick. Another facet of poker is bluffing. And I think you're probably bluffing when you say that you've seen something in my recent matches that tips my hand as to what I'm about to do."


AA: "The bottom line is...you'll find out if I'm bluffing when we step into that ring at 'Holiday Havoc'."


Oliver and Arn engaged in a brief staredown and Oliver chuckled while looking on at Arn. Oliver then looked down at the title and then left the ring and headed back up the aisle as Arn and Watts looked on from the ring.)


(Announcers discussed Watts making the TV Title match for 'Holiday Havoc' between Arn © and Rip. Hyped still to come: An i'view w/ Roddy Piper; Battle of the Submission Holds: Billy Graham ('Superstar Squeeze') vs. Lex Luger (Torture Rack); BREAKING: Wahoo will make his decison on whether or not to join The Firm; Ken Patera vs. Scott Hall; an i'view w/ the new UWL WTT Champs Tully Blanchard & Harley Race; $50K Bounty Match (for Great Christopho's mask): Harley Race © vs. Great Christopho; a new wrestler is coming to the UWL; and more! Said Grog sees action next!)


Match 2

Grog (w/ Father Dutch) vs. Sam Houston


(Houston came to the ring to a modest ovation. Gregorian chants then played over the p.a. system. Grog came to the ring with FD. Crowd booed. Once in the ring, FD blessed Grog.


Houston took the match early and almost scored a stunning pinfall victory before Grog fought back. Grog took complete control of the match and dominated Sam. Grog finished Sam off with his pumphandle slam and scored the pinfall. After the match, FD got in the ring with his little black bag. He sprinkled holy water on Sam, blessed him and then told the downed Sam that his sins were forgiven. FD once again blessed Grog before the pair left the ring to strong boos. WINNER: Grog - Pinfall - Pumphandle Slam - 3:39)


(Video aired for the 'Immodium A-D Presents: Holiday Havoc! Winner Takes It All!' PPV - Sunday - Dec. 9 - Portland, OR - Rose Garden - 8pm E/5pm P - Limited seats still available!)


(Video aired from last week of Race © & Tully defeating the Dog Pound to become the new UWL World Tag Team Champions.)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed new WTT Champs Tully Blanchard & Harley Race and mgr. JJ Dillon.


The trio came out on the entrance stage and were greeted by loud boos. Tully was in street clothes and JJ was in a suit and Harley was in his ring attire. Tully had the tag belt around his waist and Harley had his tag belt around his waist and was carrying the President's Championship slung over his left shoulder.


JJ: "I love just looking at these men with all this championship gold in their possession! It's a beautiful sight to behold! JJ Dillon Enterprises now owns the World Tag Team Titles and the President's Championship! This is why I signed these two men! They are champions and these belts prove it! And I'm the manager of champions! A wrestler signs with JJ Dillon Enterprises, they can expect to be managed to a championship! And we're not done! No, no, no! We've still got our eyes on the TV Title and the World Title! But right now, we'll concentrate on keeping these titles in JJ Dillon Enterprises!"


TB: "The bark of the Dog Pound was reduced to a sniveling whimper last week! After wrestling a taxing qualifying match earlier in the evening, no one gave us a chance to win these belts because the Dog Pound is tough! You've heard it said that dogs bite the man! Well last week...the man bit the dogs! Me and Harley, we are champions! And JJ is the manager of champions! These belts prove it! All tag teams are now on notice! You want the tag team titles?! Then you've got to try and take them from us! We're the kings of the hill now! Man! It is great to have a title around this gorgeous waist of mine again! I knew it would happen! Harley knew it would happen and JJ knew it would happen!"


HR: "I'm getting weighted down by all this gold. But I want more! My right shoulder is still bare! I want another championship to balance things out! I don't care how heavy it is! The more championships, the better! We went into that match last week and knew if we wrestled our match that we would win! And we did it! Tully and I have held numerous titles over the years! These tag team titles are just another addition to our already impressive championship resumes! It was our night! And we celebrated until the sun came up the next day in high style! The ladies who partied with us, they'll never forget the night they spent with the new World Tag Team Champions! Even the best have slumps! And these titles scream that the slump is over for JJ Dillon Enterprises! We are the stable of champions here in the UWL!"


Marshall asked Harley about the bounty match against Great Christopho later tonight.


HR: "Not only did we win the World Tag Team Titles last week! This week, things are gonna be capped off for JJ Dillon Enterprises when I tear the mask off of the Great Christopho and expose him to the world as Daniels and leave this arena tonight $50,000 dollars richer! What a memorable week for us! It's the kind of week most wrestlers can only dream of! But the dream will become full-blown reality..."


'Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system and Pres. Watts walked out on the entrance stage with mic in hand. Tepid crowd response.


BW: "Harley, Tully and JJ. Since you won the World Tag Team Titles last week from the Dog Pound, I've been giving a lot of thought to who should be the next challengers for those belts.


"Three teams sprung immediately to mind. First, I thought about the Dog Pound. They are entitled to a re-match since they are the team you defeated for the belts. I then thought about the former tag team champions the Anderson brothers. And finally, Hall and Nash are worthy contenders.


"After giving it much thought over the last week, I've made a decision. Harley Race and Tully Blanchard. Next week here on 'Slam!', you will be defending those titles against...the Anderson brothers! Let's hook 'em up!"


Watts walked off as Tully, Race and JJ had an animated conversation amongst themselves in the ring as the segment ended.)


(Announcers discussed the i'view w/ JJ Dillon Enterprises and Pres. Watts dropping a bomb and saying they'll defend their newly won WTT Titles next week against the Anderson brothers. Hyped still to come: An i'view w/ Roddy Piper; Battle of the Submission Holds: Billy Graham ('Superstar Squeeze') vs. Lex Luger (Torture Rack); BREAKING: Wahoo will make his decison on whether or not to join The Firm; Ken Patera vs. Scott Hall; $50K Bounty Match (for Great Christopho's mask): Harley Race © vs. Great Christopho; and more!)


(Announcers intro'd video of a new wrestler coming to the UWL. His name is Ron Garvin.




Video opened with a camera shot of an upscale home. Cameraman, with camera rolling, walked up the driveway to the front door of the house. As the camera closed in on a shot of the front door, Ron Garvin opened it. Garvin was wearing a black tank top, blue jeans and black tennis shoes.


RG: "Ah! You made it. Come on in."


Garvin waved the cameraman into the house.


RG: "Welcome to my home. Come on. Let me show you around the place."


Garvin led the cameraman on a tour of his lavish home. In the back yard, three good looking women, two blondes and one brunette, were sunbathing out by the pool. Garvin had a fancy game room; lavish bedroom; huge kitchen; TV room with 100" TV and large, comfortable recliners and a well-stocked bar; a 'trophy' room; state-of-the-art bathroom; and a top-line gym.


Garvin is then shown standing in the game room next to the red felt covered pool table.


Cameraman (off-camera): "This place is amazing. How were you able to afford all this?"


RG: "I knew you were gonna ask that. You see, my main line of work is rather unique. People pay me good money to take care of problems for them."


Camerman (off-camera): "Can I ask what that means? That's if you don't mind?"


RG: "Don't worry. It's not a problem. I make my money beating people up for other people. Does that bother you?"


Cameraman (off-camera): "It's...it's different."


RG: "People are put in contact with me by my reliable sources. I ask them what their problem is with a specific person and they tell me. Whether or not they're telling the truth in every case, I don't know. But if they're willing to pony up the money..."


Cameraman (off-camaera): "I'm getting a little nervous. You seem to be treading on questionable legal grounds here and the UWL doesn't advocate any kind of illegality."


RG: "Relax, man. It's cool. People pay me based on the magnitude of the job. If you're really wealthy, you're gonna pay me quite a bit more than some middle class joe to do your dirty work. I won't even consider beating somebody up for less than $10 grand. If you don't have at least that much money to fork over to me then don't even bother to try and contact me. I work on a cash only basis and I demand half of the agreed upon price up front and the other half when I've knocked out the target. And I only beat up men."


Cameraman (off-camera): "Knocked out the target?"


RG: "That's right. I beat the target into unconsciouness. I'm not a hitman. I don't go there. Most people want someone to pummel someone into submission as payback for something. They don't want the target of their ire wasted. Just hurt."


Cameraman (off-camera): "What kind of problems do these people come to you with?"


RG: "You name it. A husband is having an affair. Business dealings gone bad. Neighbors feuding with each other over something. List goes on."


Cameraman (off-camera): "Why can't these people handle these matters themselves? I mean, why come to you?"


RG: "Many have a reputation to protect. It would look bad if they tried to harm the target of their wrath. Others, well, they're wimps. They couldn't punch their way out of a wet paper bag if their life depended on it. So I become the hired muscle. And I'm happy to oblige...if the price is right."


Cameraman (off-camera): "May I ask if you have a weapon of choice to carry out these beatings?"


Garvin held up his fists.


RG: "My weapons of choice are right here. My hands have been dubbed the 'hands of stone'. My knockout punch is the best you'll find anywhere. Even better than boxers and cage fighters. Many of the jobs involve only two punches. Me hitting the target and the target hitting the ground stone cold out. But sometimes the client will want me to rough up the target quite a bit more, so for extra cash I do it."


Cameraman (off-camera): "That sounds sadistic."


RG: "It's strictly business to me. You can think what you want about it."


Garvin's cellphone rings. Garvin pulls the phone out of his jeans pocket and takes the call.


RG (on the phone): "Hey. Yeah, I'll be there in about 20 minutes. We can work out the details then. See you there. Bye."


Garvin hung up the phone.


Cameraman (off-camera): "Was that a client?"


RG (chuckles): "I plead the Fifth. I gotta get going, pal."


Garvin opened the sliding glass door to the back yard and pool. The two blondes were in the pool tossing a beach ball around.


RG: "Girls. I've gotta go. I'll be back in a couple of hours. Hey! How does Italian at Marco's sound tonight?"


Blonde #1: "Sounds great!"


Blonde #2: "Im in!"


Brunette: "I'll be ready, Ronster!"


Suddenly, one of the blondes, who only had her head and arms above the water, jumped in the air and was not wearing a top (boobs were blocked in post-production).


RG: "Whoa! I think you guys in production are gonna have to digitize those! Haha!"


Next shot showed Garvin getting into a fancy Porsche in the driveway.


Cameraman (off-camera): "Anything you'd like to say as we wrap this up?"


RG (looking right into the camera): "If anybody out there needs someone pulverized and beaten into unconsciousness and the price is right, I'm your man. The name's Ron Garvin. But you can call me the 'Bounty Hunter'."


Garvin got in the Porsche and sped off as the segment faded to black.)


(Announcers discussed the Ron Garvin video. Hyped still to come: An i'view w/ Roddy Piper; BREAKING: Wahoo will make his decison on whether or not to join The Firm; Ken Patera vs. Scott Hall; $50K Bounty Match (for Great Christopho's mask): Harley Race © vs. Great Christopho; and more! Said the Battle of the Submission Holds is next!)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Thu. - Dec. 13 - Valdosta, GA - The Complex; Fri. - Dec. 14 - Savannah, GA - MLK Arena; Sat. - Dec. 15 - Augusta, GA - James Brown Arena; Sun. - Dec. 16 - Kennesaw, GA - Kennesaw State University Conv. Center. More info, visit: uwlslam.com!)


(Video footage aired chronicling what led to tonight's Battle of the Submission Holds.)




Announcers said the objective of BOTSH was to make your opponent submit to your submission finisher.


In-ring: Marshall intro'd Billy Graham and mgr. Grand Wizard.


The pair came to the ring as 'California Dreamin' played over the p.a. system. They were booed. Graham was in his tie-dyed wrestling gear. Wizard was in his usual turban and tie-dyed tux and carrying his gold-tipped black cane. They were heavily booed. Once in the ring, Graham started posing as the crowd booed even more.


Marshall then intro'd Lex Luger. Luger came to the ring in his ring gear. He got a strong ovation and slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring.


Both men were in neutral corners.


LM: "And now, allow me to introduce the special referee for the Battle of the Submission Holds. He is a legend in the sport of professional football. Would you please welcome...former NFL referee Red Cashen!"


Cashen came out in his old ref's attire and was even wearing the white hat that NFL ref's wear. He had a whistle around his neck. Red got in the ring. He was mic'd. He got a modest ovation coming out mixed with boos.


Cashen: "Would Billy Graham and Lex Luger please come to the center of the ring."


Luger and Graham both came out and Wizard was with Billy. Cashen held out a coin.


Cashen: "Gentlemen, this side of the coin is heads and this side of the coin is tails. 'Superstar' Graham won the toss backstage to call the coin toss to see who would choose if they wanted to apply their submission hold first or defer. 'Superstar', please call it in the air."


Cashen flipped the coin.


BG: "Tails, daddy!"


Coin fell to the canvas. Both Luger and Graham moved in to get a closer look.


Cashen: "It's heads!"


Crowd cheered.


Cashen: "Lex Luger, you won the toss. Do you want to apply your submission hold first or have 'Superstar' Graham apply his submission hold on you first?"


LL: "I'll apply my submission hold first."


GW: "I demand a re-flip! I swear that coin toss came up tails!"


Cashen: "It was heads, Mr. Wizard. Luger won the toss and that's final."


GW: "Then I'm lodging a formal protest right now!"


Cashen: "Mr. Wizard..."


GW: "It's Grand Wizard!"


Cashen: "Grand Wizard has lodged a formal protest regarding the Battle of the Submission Holds."


Wizard and Graham were barking at Cashen like a head coach and player would during a football game.


Cashen: "Good luck to both of you! Let's have a clean Battle of the Submission Holds!"


Cashen sent both men back to their corners. Wizard had a few more words with Graham and rubbed Graham's shoulders. Cashen then ordered both men to come back out to the middle of the ring. Wizard stood in the corner looking on.


Luger prepared to pick up Graham in the rack. Graham backed off. Graham moved back towards Luger carefully and Luger once again prepared to rack Graham but Graham turned and went to his corner and started talking with Wizard. Crowd booed loudly.


Cashen then blew his whistle, waved his arms in the air and turned on his ref mic. Red crossed his arms in the football 'delay of game' signal.


Cashen: "Delay of Battle of the Submission Holds, Billy Graham and Mr. Wizard!"


GW (yelling): "IT'S GRAND WIZARD!"


Graham and Wizard had a few more words before Graham came back out of the corner as Luger was growing impatient.


Graham finally let Luger hoist him up into the rack. Luger firmly locked in the hold. There was no escape for Graham. Graham wasn't submitting but Luger was really stretching Graham and a submission from Graham appeared to be coming soon.


Graham was helpless in the hold for around 15 seconds when Grand Wizard snuck up behind Luger and drove the gold tip of his cane into the small of Luger's back. Luger dropped Graham and crumpled to the mat. Wizard started hitting the downed Luger with his cane as Graham made it to his feet and started putting the boots to Luger.


Cashen reached in his back pocket and threw a yellow penalty flag and blew his whistle and then started waving his arms in the air like football ref's do to stop a play. Cashen then turned his ref mic back on as the assault continued.


Cashen: "Personal foul, 'Superstar' Graham and Mr. Wizard! (Cashen did the football 'personal foul' gesture.) Unnecessary roughness!"


Graham pulled the battered Luger to his feet, whipped Luger into the ropes and caught Luger coming off in the 'Superstar Squeeze'.


Cashen again threw the flag, blew his whistle and waved his arms in the air and spoke using the ref mic.


Cashen: "Personal foul, 'Superstar' Graham! (Cashen again did the football 'personal foul' gesture.) Illegal use of a submission hold!"


Graham tightened the hold on Luger and Luger started to weaken. Cashen again blew his whistle, waved his arms in the air and spoke using the ref mic.


Cashen: "'Superstar' Graham has been disqualified from the Battle of the Submission Holds!"


Graham paid no attention to Cashen and Luger was now barely hanging on. After a few more seconds in the hold, Graham tossed Luger like a rag doll down to the mat.


Graham stood over the downed Luger as Wizard came over and raised Graham's hand in victory as the crowd booed vociferously. Luger was moving, but barely. And he was definitely hurting. Wizard and Graham then left the ring to loud boos and headed back up the aisle. Both had serious looks on their faces. In the ring, Marshall and Cashen checked on Luger as the segment ended.


WINNER: Luger - DQ)


(Announcers discussed the Graham-Luger BOTSH and Wizard cheap-shotting Luger allowing Graham to escape the rack and Graham placing Luger in the 'Squeeze' until Luger was almost lifeless. Hyped still to come: An i'view w/ Roddy Piper; BREAKING: Wahoo will make his decison on whether or not to join The Firm; Ken Patera vs. Scott Hall; another 'Holiday Havoc' PPV Update; and more. Said the $50K Bounty match was next!)


Match 3 (Non-Title: $50K Bounty Match - For the Great Christopho's mask)

Great Christopho vs. Harley Race © (w/ JJ)


(Race and JJ came to the ring first to loud boos. TGC got a solid ovation coming to the ring.


As the match started, DDP came out on the entrnace stage in street clothes to watch the match and was carrying the briefcase with the bounty in it hoping to pay Race the money when it was over.


TGC got some offense in but Harley largely dominated the match. Race spent much of the match trying to unask TGC. During the match, TGC had fallen with his head and arms hanging outside the middle rope. As Race distracted the ref, JJ went over and tried to pull the mask off of TGC but failed to do so. Some shots of DDP during the match appearing pleased that Race was dominating, but also some frustration from DDP as Race couldn't pull the mask off. At the end of the match, Race was pounding TGC. Race bodyslammed TGC into position for a turnbuckle move. Race mounted the middle buckle and came off and nailed TGC with his diving headbutt. Race didn't go for the cover and instead tried to pull the mask off again but TGC resisted. Race then nailed TGC with some punches to the head. Race pulled TGC up and whipped TGC into the buckles. Race came in and blasted TGC with a couple of staggering headbutts. TGC weak in the corner. DDP liking what he sees. Race backed up and charged at TGC in the corner but TGC moved and Race slammed front-first into the buckles. TGC then rolled the stunned Race up from behind for the pin. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Crowd popped big-time. JJ stunned on the floor and Race stunned in the ring. TGC on all fours in the ring still feeling the effects of the beating from Race. Race made it to his feet and tried to grab TGC and pull the mask off but TGC kept crawling around on his hands and knees and escaping Race's grasp before TGC finally bailed from the ring. DDP grit-your-teeth upset on the entrance stage. TGC on the floor. JJ came up behind TGC and tried to rip the mask off but TGC escaped JJ's grasp and turned around and popped JJ in the jaw and JJ crashed to the floor to the delight of the crowd. Race got out of the ring. TGC saw him and ran up the aisle. Race was pissed and went over and peeled his manager off the floor when DDP started to walk down the aisle holding the brief case with both hands as he was gonna attempt to hit TGC from behind with the case when Pres. Watts walked out on the entrance stage. Watts had a mic.


BW: "Don't take another step, Dallas! If you move I'll fire you right now!"


Crowd cheered.


DDP froze and Race and the now standing but groggy JJ were looking on from ringside.


BW: "Great Christopho! Over the last several weeks, we have seen you not only thwart the attempts of several wrestlers to unmask you and collect Dallas Page's bounty on your mask, but you've also won every bounty match! Now, because of that, and because you just beat President's Champion Harley Race in a match where the title wasn't on the line, I'm ordering a President's Championship match between Harley Race and the Great Christopho for 'Holiday Havoc'! Let's hook 'em up!"


Crowd cheered as Race and JJ didn't seem all that thrilled with the news and DDP was standing just at the end of rampway leading to the aisle. TGC was happy with the news and started jumping up and down and slapping hands with the fans. TGC then started to head back up the aisle and walked by DDP. DDP feigned like he might hit TGC with the briefcase but then saw Watts still standing on the stage and stopped.


DDP was then picked up on a mic.


DDP: "That mask is coming off one day, Daniels! You can bank on that!"


TGC then patted the sides of his head showing that the mask was still on his head. DDP was seething.


WINNER: TGC - Pinfall - Roll-up - 7:34)


(Announcers discussed TGC beating Race and Race failing to unmask TGC and collect the bounty and Pres. Watts coming out and making a PC match for 'Holiday Havoc': Harley Race © vs. TGC. Hyped still to come: An i'view w/ Roddy Piper; Ken Patera vs. Scott Hall; another 'Holiday Havoc' PPV Update; and more. Said Wahoo has his decision for The Firm next.)


(Video highlights aired from the last two weeks of Ted DiBiase offering Wahoo McDaniel a spot in The Firm and Wahoo not coming to a decision yet.)


(Announcers said they got word about an hour before 'Slam!' started that Wahoo would make his announcement about whether or not to join The Firm tonight.)


(In-ring: Wahoo came to the ring. He was in street clothes and had a mic. Wahoo received a strong ovation coming to the ring.


Wahoo paced in the ring for a moment before speaking.


WM: "As you know, the Director of The Firm, Ted DiBiase, has extended and invitation to me to join his organization. Well, I have come to a decision. Director DiBiase, would you come to the ring?"


DiBiase's 'Hahahaha!' laugh echoed and then 'Money' by Pink Floyd played over the p.a. system. Out came DiBiase and all the members of The Firm. All were in street clothes except for Hall. DiBiase had a mic. They received a mixed crowd reaction. The five men got in the ring and soaked in the crowd response for a moment.


TD (smiling): "Wahoo! I knew this day was coming sooner rather than later. I am so glad to hear you've made your decision. And I know you've made the right decision."


WM: "Oh, yes. I know that I have made the right decision in this case. I was quite shocked when you called me out two weeks ago and asked me to join The Firm. I had to take some time and seriously think about what I was offered. An offer like this certainly doesn't come to most people in their lives."


TD: "You are so right, Chief. Very few people have what it takes to even be considered for a position in an elite group like The Firm. Don't keep us in suspense, Wahoo. Let's hear the good news!"


WM: "After thinking long and hard about your offer, Ted, I came to a couple of conclusions."


TD: "Let's hear those conclusions, friend!"


WM: "First, the four men you currently have working for you, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, David Schultz and Rick Rude. I have to admit...I think they're all scum."


Crowd popped.


DiBiase and his Firm brethern had the happy looks melt from their faces. DiBiase looked like he was about to go into shock.


WM: "But, Ted, you'll be happy to know...I consider you the biggest scumbag of the group!"


More crowd cheers.


DiBiase now getting pissed.


WM: "So, as you can tell, my response to your invitation to join The Firm is a resounding NO!"


TD: "You call me and these members of pro wrestling's elite 'scum'?! You are saying 'no' to me?! I could buy you and sell you several times over, Wahoo! I extended an invitation to join The Firm in good faith because I thought you were serious Firm material! And you turn right around and spit in my face! No one does that to me! You hear me, Chief?!"


Wahoo blew TD off and turned to walk out of the ring when Hall, Nash, Rude and Schultz attacked Wahoo from behind. The hammered Wahoo with punches and drove him to the mat and then put the boots to him. DiBiase ordered Rude and Schultz to hold Wahoo up by the arms. DiBiase pointed outside the ring and ordered Nash to get something. With Wahoo not going anywhere, DiBiase got in Wahoo's face and had a few words off-mic for Wahoo. DiBiase then slapped Wahoo a few times. Nash came back into the ring with a steel chair he pulled out from under the ring. DiBiase nailed Wahoo with some punches that stunned Wahoo. Nash then gave the chair to DiBiase. DiBiase took the chair and held it high in the air and then smashed Wahoo over the head with it. Rude and Schultz let Wahoo go and Wahoo crumpled to the mat. Crowd popped as Arn, Hugh, Patera and the Dog Pound came charging to the ring. Steiner had a baseball bat and Buzz had a chair. The Firm saw the group coming and, before they could inflict more damage on Wahoo, they bailed from the ring to the floor as Arn and co. hit the ring. Rick and Buzz stood at the ready with their weapons, daring The Firm to step back in the ring. Arn and Patera looking on and ready for a fight. Security came charging to the ring to try and defuse the tense situation. Some security members fanned out on the floor to keep The Firm from getting back into the ring as other security members got in the ring to prevent Arn and friends from hitting the floor and attacking The Firm. Wahoo was in the sit-up position in the ring and was bleeding heavily from the forehead. Hugh helped the Chief to his feet in the ring.


There was pushing and shoving between Firm members and security on the floor as the security in the ring held Arn and co. at bay. Some words were exchanged between the factions. The stand-off lasted a little longer before security on the floor was able to hustle The Firm back up the aisle. Even heading to the back, Nash and Hall turned back towards the ring and shouted a few more words at Arn and pals before being shuttled off to the back. Wahoo was clearly still groggy from the chair shot that left him bloodied in the ring as his allies in the ring checked on him. Wahoo made it to the back with his allies on his own.)


(Announcers discussed Wahoo turning down the invite to join The Firm and The Firm assaulting Wahoo and Director DiBiase busting open Wahoo with a chair shot to the head and Arn, Hugh, Patera and the DP making the save. Hyped still to come: Ken Patera vs. Scott Hall; and an i'view w/ Roddy Piper.)




Announcers ran down the card so far:


UWL WORLD TITLE MATCH (If Piper loses, he must retire!): Greg Valentine © vs. Roddy Piper


RE-MATCH: Madusa vs. Bull Nakano


TV TITLE MATCH: Arn Anderson © vs. Rip Oliver


PRESIDENT'S CHAMPIONSHIP: Harley Race © vs. The Great Christopho


PLUS! Sammy Hagar sings the theme song of 'Holiday Havoc': 'Winner Takes It All!' LIVE!


'Immodium A-D Presents: Holiday Havoc! Winner Takes It All!' - Sunday - Dec. 9 - Portland, OR - Rose Garden - 8pm E/5pm P - Limited seats still available!)


(Announcers said they'd just gotten word that next week on 'Slam!', the official contract signing for the UWL World Title match between Valentine © and Piper at 'Holiday Havoc' will take place.)


(In-ring: Lee Marshall i'viewed Roddy Piper.


Bagpipe music played over the p.a. system and Piper, in street clothes, came out on the entrance stage to a loud ovation.


As Piper was coming down the aisle, Valentine, in street clothes, attacked Piper from behind by nailing Piper across with a forearm smash across the back. Piper stumbled forward and went down. Valentine stomped away on the downed Piper. Valentine then pulled Piper up and slammed Piper's head into the barricade. Piper staggered off towards the ring. Valentine then slammed Piper's head into the ring apron and then tossed Piper in the ring. Piper down in the ring as Valentine climbed in. Greg reached into his front right pants pocket and pulled out a black glove and put it on. Greg stomped on Piper a few more times and then dropped down on top of Piper and attempted to punch Piper in his damaged left ear with his gloved hand.


Stack: "That glove is clearly loaded and Valentine is attempting to do more serious damage to Piper's already injured left ear!"


Piper got his arms up and blocked the first punch try by Valentine. Greg tried again and Piper once again thwarted the punch attempt to the left ear. Greg tried a third time and Piper blocked it again. A brief struggle ensued and Piper was able to reverse and roll over on top of Valentine. Piper nailed Valentine with a series of rapid-fire punches to the head as the crowd went nuts. Security hit the ring and it took four of the security members to pull Piper off of Valentine. Security pulled Piper back into a corner as Valentine got to his feet. Security was able to push Valentine back into a corner as well. Crowd buzzing. Both men reacting like caged animals. Piper broke free from the security that was holding him back and charged across the ring and jumped on Valentine. Piper was hammering away on Valentine again as security tried to regain control of the situation. Security pulled Piper off of Valentine and was pulling him away when Valentine leapt out and caught Piper with a glancing blow to Piper's left ear with the gloved right hand. Piper's legs went wobbly as he covered his left ear area with his right hand. Other members of security tackled Valentine to the mat. Piper now standing in the corner surrounded by security and feeling at his left ear area. Security, acting like cops, kept Valentine pinned to the mat as other security members got Piper out of the ring.


Security got Piper to the floor and Piper signaled that he could walk on his own. Piper took a couple of steps and his legs went wobbly and two security members had to grab Piper to hold him up. Valentine still being held on the mat by security. Security escorted Piper to the back with Piper having his arms draped around the necks of two security members to make sure he didn't collapse. Piper was on wobbly legs as he was marched to the back.)


(Announcers discussed Valentine's sneak attack on Piper and the champ striking Piper in his damaged left ear with his glove-laden right hand. Announcers said they had no question that glove was loaded and Valentine was attempting to extinguish Piper's WT shot at 'Holiday Havoc'.


Hyped for next week on 'Slam!': Official contract signing for the UWL WT match at 'Holiday Havoc': Greg Valentine © vs. Roddy Piper; and a UWL WTT Title Match: Race & Tully © vs. Anderson Bros.


Hyped still to come: Ken Patera vs. Scott Hall.)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed the Anderson brothers. Asked about the WTT Title shot they have next week against champs Tully and Harley.


Ole: "President Watts, you did the right thing. We deserve another crack at those World Tag Team Titles. But, if Watts thinks we've forgotten that he screwed us a few weeks back when we were trying to re-capture the tag titles from the Dog Pound, he's badly mistaken. We should be standing here right now with the titles back around our waists. Watts made sure that didn't happen. Even if we win them back next week, Watts, you've still got some unfinished business with the Anderson brothers whether you like it or not.")


Match 4

Ken Patera vs. Scott Hall


(Patera came to the ring first to a strong ovation. Hall came out alone to a mixed crowd reaction.


Short, explosive bout with both men tearing into each other. At the end of the match, Hall was on the offensive and had just nailed Ken with a diving bulldog from the middle buckle. Hall yelled for Patera to get up. Patera made it to his feet and Hall moved in and slapped Ken upside both sides of his head. Hall whipped Patera into the ropes and looked to catch Kern coming off with a clothesline but Ken ducked the move and came back and dropped Hall with the Russian Hammer. Crowd popped big-time. Patera feeling it. Patera now yelling for Hall to get up. Hall got to his feet and Ken moved in and nailed Hall with a couple of punches, whipped Hall into the ropes and caught Hall coming off with a double sledge to the chest. Hall crashed to the mat. Crowd roaring. As Hall started to get up, Patera moved in from behind and grabbed Hall in the full nelson.


Schutz, DiBiase, Nash and Rude hit the ring and attacked Patera before he could nail Hall with his full nelson slam finisher. Ref called for the bell. The members of The Firm then started beating the hell out of Patera. Hall recovered and joined in the assault. Crowd roared when Arn, Morrus and the Dog Pound hit the ring and started slugging it out with The Firm. The 10 men then started brawling wildly with one another in and around the ring as the program went off the air and the fans were going wild.


WINNER: Patera - DQ - The Firm interfered - 5:14)




Dark Match

Greg Valentine © (w/ mgr. Hart) & Rip Oliver vs. Arn Anderson © & Rick Steiner

(WINNER: Arn & Rick - Steiner pinned Valentine with the Double Underhook Powerbomb - 16:27)

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