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The official contract signing takes place for the UWL World Title match at 'Holiday Havoc' between champion Greg Valentine and Roddy Piper!




- Tully Blanchard and Harley Race defend the UWL World Tag Team Titles against the Anderson Brothers


- Wahoo McDaniel rejected Director Ted DiBiase's offer to join The Firm last week and the Chief paid a heavy price for his decision. What will the fallout be from this incident?


- Luna vs. Mad Maxine




Ep. 97 of 'Slam!' will be posted either Monday or Tuesday.

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(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Announcers Steve Stack and Joe Pedicino welcomed viewers and ran down the program: Official Contract Signing for the UWL WT match for 'Holiday Havoc': Greg Valentine © and Roddy Piper; Dog Pound vs. Hall & Nash; a look back at Wahoo rejecting The Firm's offer to join them and the assault on Wahoo; an i'view w/ UWL Women's WC Tina Ferrari; Luna vs. Mad Maxine; The Firm is here; another Ron Garvin video; Lex Luger sees action; another 'Holiday Havoc' PPV update; and more.)


(Video aired from last week of Pres. Watts informing WTT Champs Tully Blanchard & Harley Race that they'd be defending the titles this week against the Anderson Brothers.)


Match 1 (UWL World Tag Team Title Match)

Tully Blanchard & Harley Race © (w/ JJ) vs. The Anderson Brothers


(All three Anderson brothers came to the ring first to strong boos. All were in their ring attire. Champs Tully and Harley, with mgr. JJ, came to the ring with the belts around their waists. They were booed as well, but not as strongly as the Andersons.


After the usual pre-match drill of the ref taking the titles and holding them up for all to see and calling the combatants to the center of the ring and patting all five men down, ref sent the teams to their corners. All three Anderson bros. still in the ring. Ref went over and asked which two would be wrestling in the match. Lars high-fived Gene and Ole and left the ring and went to the floor. Ref called for the bell and the match was on.


Hard fought battle as expected from these grizzled veterans. Fans didn't seem to know who to get behind since all involved were congenital heels. Both sides took shortcuts during the match and both had their chances to win but couldn't seal the deal. JJ got a couple of kicks in on Gene when Gene was out on the floor and Lars pounded away on Tully at one point when Tully was out on the floor.


At the end of the match, Ole and Tully were the legal men in the ring. Ole had worked over Tully's left arm in spots during the match. Ole started taking control at the end. JJ panicked and ran over and grabbed one of the tag belts off of the timekeeper's table and snuck over and blasted Lars upside the head with the belt. Lars went down. In the ring, Tully turned the tables on Ole and stunned Ole with a DDT. JJ tossed the belt to Race. Race got in the ring with the belt as Tully pulled Ole up and held Ole from behind. As Race raised the belt to hit Ole with the title, Gene charged in and tackled Race and the pair fell through the top and middle rope down to the floor. Ole escaped Tully's grasp and spun around and Tully kicked Ole in the gut. Tully then slammed Ole into position for a turnbuckle move. Race and Gene fighting on the floor as JJ looked on. Tully came off the top buckle and caught Ole with a big elbow from the top rope and went for the cover. 1...2...2-3/4... Ole kicked out. Tully grabbed Ole and prepared to blast Ole with his slingshot suplex finisher but Ole blocked the move, punched Tully in the side of the ribs, slipped out of Tully's grasp and stunned Tully with the Divorce Court. Some in the crowd popped. Ole then turned Tully over into the cross arm breaker. Tully struggled in the hold. Race and Gene still battling at ringside. JJ started to climb up on the apron but Lars had recovered and went over and tackled JJ to the floor. A few seconds later Tully tapped out. Ref called for the bell.


Ref went over to r.a. Lee Marshall, took the one title he had and said something to Marshall. Gene had fought off Race and Lars picked the other title up off the floor and got in the ring with it. Ref handed Ole the one title he had and raised Ole's hand in victory as Lars handed Gene the other title and raised his brother's hand in victory. Anderson brothers were ecstatic in the ring as Ole clutched his title close to his chest with his right arm while Gene raised his title in the air.


Marshall: "Ladies and Gentlemen! In a time of 9 minutes, 49 seconds, your winners...and for the second time UWL World Tag Team Champions...the Anderson brothers!"


Most of the crowd booed the announcement.


Gene and Ole slung the belts over their shoulders and left the ring with Lars right behind them.


WINNER: Ole & Gene Anderson - Submission - Ole made Tully submit to the Cross Arm Breaker - 9:49)


(Announcers discussed the Anderson bros. regaining the WTT Titles. Hyped still to come: Official Contract Signing for the UWL WT match for 'Holiday Havoc': Greg Valentine © and Roddy Piper; Dog Pound vs. Hall & Nash; a look back Wahoo rejecting The Firm's offer to join them and the assault on Wahoo; Luna vs. Mad Maxine; The Firm is here; another Ron Garvin video; Lex Luger sees action; another 'Holiday Havoc' PPV update; and more. Said an i'view w/ UWL Women's WC Tina Ferrari was coming up!)


(Video aired for the 'Immodium A-D Presents: Holiday Havoc! Winner Takes It All!' PPV - Sunday - Dec. 9 - Portland, OR - Rose Garden - 8pm E/5pm P - SOLD OUT!)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed UWL Women's WC Ferrari. Ferrari came to the ring to mainly boos in an expensive dress, heels and her trademark tiara. She had the belt slung over her shoulder.


Tina: "Life is so great when you're the best at what you do. Since February, I have held this championship. All these women wrestlers have tried to beat me and take this title. But I have dispatched every single one of them back to Challenger's Land in decisive fashion! The spirit of Mildred grows in strength within me with each passing day! There is not one female wrestler out there who can beat me! I'm still undefeated since I arrived in the UWL and it's going to stay that way...possibly forever and a day! I am greatness! Look at me! I'm the best female wrestler on planet earth! They may have to go on an interplanetary space mission to try and find a wrestler who has a chance to beat me and take this title! I'm also an extremely beautiful woman! I get tweets and e-mails from women all the time telling me how much they hate me! What they are is jealous! They want to be Tina Ferrari! But they know that's not possible and so their frustration grows! And Kim Kardashian, if you keep sending me those nasty e-mails, I might just have to get a restraining order against you!


"You people need to face it! I'm your UWL Women's World Champion for eternity! There's no one out there who can knock this queen of the ring from her throne!"


Marshall asked about Luna interfering and costing Maxine a chance to win the Women's belt a few weeks ago on 'Slam!"


Tina: "I have nothing to do with Luna. But I will say this. It's obvious that since Luna knows she'll never beat me for this title, she's decided to make trouble for others. And I have to admit, I kind of admire that in her. She's showing an edge now that she hasn't showed before. Gotta like a gal with some attitude."


'Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system and out on the entrance stage came President Watts. He had a mic and was in street clothes. He got a modest ovation coming out.


BW: "Tina, I have to say you have been on one helluva run since you came into the UWL."


Tina: "Tell me about it!"


BW: "You say there's not one woman wrestler out there who can beat you."


Tina: "The devil is in the details, hon. My record speaks for itself."


BW: "Your record indeed speaks volumes. So I've been doing a little thinking. In 12 days 'Holiday Havoc' is coming up. The show wouldn't be complete without a Women's World Title match. So, you're gonna defend that title at the pay-per-view."


Tina: "OK. Who's my victim, I mean opponent, gonna be for 'Holiday Havoc'?"


BW: "Well, you say that not one female wrestler can beat you. At 'Holiday Havoc', Tina Ferrari, you'll be defending that title against three women in a Gauntlet match!"


Crowd popped.


Tina: "Excuse me?! Three?!"


BW: "That's right! You'll be defending that title against Queen Kong and the winner of the match later tonight between Luna and Mad Maxine!"


Tina: "That's only two wrestlers! Who's the third?!"


BW: "Wanna meet her? She's here tonight."


Tina: "Hell, yes, I want to meet her! Bring her out here right now!"


BW: "Tina, the third female wrestler you'll be facing in the Gauntlet match for the Women's Championship at 'Holiday Havoc' is..."


Long pause.


Tina: "Cut the freakin' drama, Bill! Who is she?!"


BW: "...LITA!"


Crowd exploded as Lita walked out on the entrance stage. Lita walked to both sides of the stage and took in the positive crowd vibe and then stopped in the middle of the stage and pointed at Tina and then made the gesture of having the title around her waist as a stunned Tina looked on.)


(Announcers discussed Watts making a Gauntlet match for the UWL Women's WT at 'Holiday Havoc' and announcing one of the participants as being Lita and champ Ferrari being shocked at the turn of events. Hyped still to come: Official Contract Signing for the UWL WT match for 'Holiday Havoc': Greg Valentine © and Roddy Piper; Dog Pound vs. Hall & Nash; a look back Wahoo rejecting The Firm's offer to join them and the assault on Wahoo; Luna vs. Mad Maxine; The Firm is here; another video from Ron Garvin; Lex Luger sees action; another 'Holiday Havoc' PPV update; and more. Said Hall & Nash vs. The Dog Pound was next!)


Match 2

Hall & Nash (w/ DiBiase) vs. Dog Pound


(Dog Pound came to the ring first and did their barking routine with the fans in the front row before getting in the ring and running around and barking some more. Hall, Nash and DiBiase came to the ring to a mixed crowd reaction.


DiBiase never interfered in the match. The Dog Pound gave Hall and Nash a strong fight. But in the end, it was just too much Hall and Nash as Sawyer came off the top rope and looked to nail Hall with a big move but Hall turned it into a Hallinator out of nowhere to score the 1...2...3 for his team. WINNER: Hall & Nash - Pinfall - Hall pinned Sawyer with the Hallinator (aka, Rock Bottom) - 7:32)


(Announcers discussed the impressive win scored by Hall and Nash. Hyped still to come: Official Contract Signing for the UWL WT match for 'Holiday Havoc': Greg Valentine © and Roddy Piper; a look back Wahoo rejecting The Firm's offer to join them and the assault on Wahoo; Luna vs. Mad Maxine; The Firm is here; another video from Ron Garvin; Lex Luger sees action; another 'Holiday Havoc' PPV update; and more.)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Thu. - Dec. 13 - Valdosta, GA - The Complex; Fri. - Dec. 14 - Savannah, GA - MLK Arena; Sat. - Dec. 15 - Augusta, GA - James Brown Arena; Sun. - Dec. 16 - Kennesaw, GA - Kennesaw State University Conv. Center. More info, visit: uwlslam.com!)


(Announcers intro'd video from last week of Greg Valentine sneak attacking Piper as Piper walked to the ring for an interview and Valentine putting on a black leather glove and trying to punch Piper in the ear with it and a pull-apart brawl ensuing until security separated the warring parties and Valentine was able to break through security and strike Piper in his damaged left ear with a blow with the gloved hand and Piper needing help to the back. Video aired.)


(After the video aired: Announcers said that there was no serious damage done by Valentine's punch with the gloved right hand because it was only a glancing blow. Piper had some pain in the ear for a couple of days afterward, but now is said to be fine and is ready for the 'Holiday Havoc' PPV World Title contract signing with Valentine later tonight.)


Match 3

Lex Luger vs. Mike Sharpe

(WINNER: Luger - Submission - Torture Rack - 3:19)


(Before Luger came to the ring, video footage aired from last week's 'Battle of the Submission Holds' where Luger had Graham up in the rack and Grand Wizard once again used his cane on Luger by driving the head of the cane into Luger's lower back and Luger dropped Graham and Wizard and Graham attacked Luger and Graham locked Luger in his 'Superstar Squeeze' and punished Luger by squeezing the breath out of him and leaving Luger laid out.)


(After the match: As Luger was having his hand raised in victory, Pres. Bill Watts made his way to the ring with mic in hand.


BW: "Stay in the ring, Lex."


Watts got in the ring.


BW: "Right now, I need 'Superstar' Graham and the Grand Wizard to come to the ring."


After a brief pause, Graham and Wizard made their way out on the entrance stage. Graham was in his ring gear and Wizard was in his usual tie-dyed tuxedo and turban and had his trusty gold-tipped cane with him. The pair was heavily booed as they got into the ring.


BW: "Over the last several weeks we have seen 'Superstar' Graham and Lex Luger in different stipulation matches and last week's 'Battle of the Submission Holds'. And every time you two have locked up recently, the Grand Wizard has seen fit to interfere and use his cane on Luger and cost Luger wins.


"'Superstar' and Lex, you both have impressive submission hold finishers. Lex, you have the torture rack. And 'Superstar', you have the 'Superstar Squeeze' bearhug. I have decided that since nothing has been cleanly decided between you two in your battles that you guys are gonna have another match. At 'Holiday Havoc', it's gonna be 'Superstar' Graham vs. Lex Luger in a Submission match!"


Crowd cheered. Graham, Wizard and Luger all seemed pleased with the news.


BW: "The only way for a man to win the match will be to make his opponent submit to his submission finishing hold. Lex must win with the rack. And 'Superstar' must win with the 'Superstar Squeeze'. And there must be a clean winner in this match. To make sure there is a clean winner in this match, the Grand Wizard will be in the arena."


Wizard and Graham were pleased with the news, especially Wizard.


BW: "Grand Wizard, you will be in the arena for the duration of the bout. But, to make sure you do not interfere, you will not be at ringside."


GW: "What are you talking about?! You just said I was going to be in the arena for the match!"


BW: "You are going to be in the arena. Grand Wizard, you are going to be put in a cage! And that cage will then be suspended in mid-air above the ring!"


Crowd popped. Wizard lost it and Graham was furious and Luger was quite

happy with the news.


GW: "This is an outrage! It's an insult to put a man such as myself in a cage! How dare you..."


BW: "No! How dare you, Wizard, constantly interfere in matches and challenges between these two men on behalf of your man! That's why you're gonna be airborn at 'Holiday Havoc', mister! I'm making sure you can't get involved in the match in any way, shape or form! And as for that cane of yours! Buster, you're gonna have it in that cage with you to make sure it can't be used as a weapon at all!"


Graham furious. Wizard started having a tantrum and jumping up and down and stomping his feet.


BW: "That's all I've got to say about this! Luger vs. Graham in a Submission match at 'Holiday Havoc' and there will be a clean winner! Gentlemen, get ready to hook 'em up on December 9th in Portland!"


Graham and Wizard were furious and arguing off-mic with Watts as Luger played to the crowd as the segment ended.)


(Announcers discussed the Submission match made by Watts with GW suspended in a cage above the ring during the match for 'Holiday Havoc'. Hyped still to come: Official Contract Signing for the UWL WT match for 'Holiday Havoc': Greg Valentine © and Roddy Piper; a look back Wahoo rejecting The Firm's offer to join them and the assault on Wahoo; Luna vs. Mad Maxine; The Firm is here; another 'Holiday Havoc' PPV update; and more. Said another video of Ron Garvin, who's coming to the UWL, is next!)


(Announcers intro'd the second video of a wrestler coming soon to the UWL, Ron Garvin.)




Video opens with the cameraman walking up the driveway to the front door of Ron Garvin's house. Just before getting to the door, a good looking blonde in a bikini comes around the side of the house.


Blonde Woman: "Hey! Over here! He's out back! Follow me!"


Blonde led the cameraman around the side of the house to the backyard where Garvin was sitting at a round table by the pool. The table had an umbrella covering it on this warm, sunny day. A stacked red head was laying on a towel sunbathing next to the pool.


Garvin was sitting at the table in swim trunks and flip flops. He had a glass of lemonade in front of him and was smoking a cigar. There was also a pitcher of lemonade and drinking glasses on the table.


RG: "Hey! Look who's back. Have a seat, man."


Cameraman took a seat.


RG: "Lemonade?"


Cameraman (off-camera): "That would be great. Thank you."


Garvin poured a glass of lemonade and slid it over to the cameraman. Cameraman took a gulp of the drink.


RG: "What's on your mind this time?"


Cameraman (off-camera): "Last time I was here we talked about you being a man who's paid to beat people up for a living. You called yourself a bounty hunter. If the pay's right, you'll beat anybody up. I want to ask about the wrestling end of things. You are a trained professional wrestler, Mr. Garvin. What are you looking to accomplish in the UWL?"


RG: "First of all, call me Ron. I'm headed into the UWL to do what I do best. And what I do best is beat people up. You see, in the wrestling business, there are a lot of people who don't like each other at all. If someone, and I don't care who it is, wants me to put someone's lights out for them and the price is right then that's what I'll do. I am the ultimate independent contractor."


Garvin chuckled and then took a drag on his stogie. Cameraman then caught a shot of the blonde diving into the pool.


Cameraman (off-camera): "So, you're coming to the UWL just to kick people's asses for a price?"


RG: "Yeah. You could say that."


Cameraman (off-camera): "What about the wrestling end of things? I mean, this is the Universal Wrestling League and the name of the game is wrestling."


RG: "Oh! I'm gonna wrestle. As you said earlier, I am a trained professional in this sport. I'll have my matches. But I'm not going to the UWL to make friends. I'm going to make money, pure and simple."


Cameraman (off-camera): "What about championships? Most people who get into this business do so to be champions. Do you even care about winning titles?"


RG: "Championships are nice. I've been a wrestling champion before on more than one occasion. If I win a title, great. But I like making money more than I like winning championships. And I'm coming to the UWL to make serious money. I look at the landscape and see so many guys who hate each other and, trust me, some of those guys will be willing to pay big money for my bounty hunting services to lay out someone they truly despise. And I'll be happy to oblige...if the money is good. And by good money, I mean a pay-off starting at least in the five figures."


Cameraman (off-camera): "So, you'll beat someone to a pulp for five figures?"


RG: "Let me clarify. I work on a sliding scale. Different jobs will call for different payoffs. Depending on the target, some bounty's may be in the six figure range."


Cameraman (off-camera): "And if someone only wants to pay, say, five figures for what you feel is a six figure bounty, then what?"


RG: "I won't do it then. Simple as that."


Cameraman (off-camera): "Can you tell us who some of the six figure bounty candidates might be?"


RG: "No. A good bounty hunter never tips his hand if he can help it. In the wrestling business, the element of suprise is important when bounty hunting."


Cameraman (off-camera): "I think that pretty much wraps up this interview. Thank you for your time, Ron."


RG: "No sweat. As you can tell by the life I lead...bounty hunting has been very good to me. And my lifestyle should get even better once I enter the UWL and start swimming with the sharks."


Garvin and the cameraman stood up and Garvin shook the camerman's hand and the cameraman turned and started to head out the way he came as the picture faded to black.)


(Announcers discussed the interview with Ron Garvin and hyped him coming soon to the UWL. Hyped still to come: Official Contract Signing for the UWL WT match for 'Holiday Havoc': Greg Valentine © and Roddy Piper; Luna vs. Mad Maxine; The Firm is here; another 'Holiday Havoc' PPV update; and more. Said a look back from last week at the assault on Wahoo by The Firm after Wahoo rejected their offer to join them was next!)


(Announcers intro'd video from last week of Wahoo turning down The Firm's

offer to join them and The Firm, led by DiBiase, assaulting Wahoo and laying him out.)


(VIDEO (Edited):


In-ring: Wahoo came to the ring. He was in street clothes and had a mic. Wahoo received a strong ovation coming to the ring.


WM: "As you know, the Director of The Firm, Ted DiBiase, has extended and invitation to me to join his organization. Well, I have come to a decision. Director DiBiase, would you come to the ring?"


Out came DiBiase and all the members of The Firm. All were in street clothes except for Hall. DiBiase had a mic.


TD (smiling): "Wahoo! I knew this day was coming sooner rather than later. I am so glad to hear you've made your decision. And I know you've made the right decision."


WM: "Oh, yes. I know that I have made the right decision in this case. I was quite shocked when you called me out two weeks ago and asked me to join The Firm. I had to take some time and seriously think about what I was offered. An offer like this certainly doesn't come to most people in their lives."


WM: "After thinking long and hard about your offer, Ted, I came to a couple of conclusions."


TD: "Let's hear those conclusions, friend!"


WM: "First, the four men you currently have working for you, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, David Schultz and Rick Rude. I have to admit...I think they're all scum."


Crowd popped.


DiBiase and his Firm brethern had the happy looks melt from their faces. DiBiase looked like he was about to go into shock.


WM: "But, Ted, you'll be happy to know...I consider you the biggest scumbag of the group!"


More crowd cheers.


DiBiase now getting pissed.


WM: "So, as you can tell, my response to your invitation to join The Firm is a resounding NO!"


TD: "You call me and these members of pro wrestling's elite 'scum'?! You are saying 'no' to me?! I could buy you and sell you several times over, Wahoo! I extended an invitation to join The Firm in good faith because I thought you were serious Firm material! And you turn right around and spit in my face! No one does that to me! You hear me, Chief?!"


Wahoo blew TD off and turned to walk out of the ring when Hall, Nash, Rude and Schultz attacked Wahoo from behind. The hammered Wahoo with punches and drove him to the mat and then put the boots to him. DiBiase ordered Rude and Schultz to hold Wahoo up by the arms. DiBiase pointed outside the ring and ordered Nash to get something. With Wahoo not going anywhere, DiBiase got in Wahoo's face and had a few words off-mic for Wahoo. DiBiase then slapped Wahoo a few times. Nash came back into the ring with a steel chair he pulled out from under the ring. DiBiase nailed Wahoo with some punches that stunned Wahoo. Nash then gave the chair to DiBiase. DiBiase took the chair and held it high in the air and then smashed Wahoo over the head with it. Rude and Schultz let Wahoo go and Wahoo crumpled to the mat. Crowd popped as Arn, Hugh, Patera and the Dog Pound came charging to the ring. Steiner had a baseball bat and Buzz had a chair. The Firm saw the quartet coming and, before they could inflict more damage on Wahoo, they bailed from the ring to the floor as Arn and co. hit the ring. Rick and Buzz stood at the ready with their weapons, daring The Firm to step back in the ring. Arn and Patera looking on and ready for a fight. Security came charging to the ring to try and defuse the tense situation. Some security members fanned out on the floor to keep The Firm from getting back into the ring as other security members got in the ring to prevent Arn and friends from hitting the floor and attacking The Firm. Wahoo was in the sit-up position in the ring and was bleeding heavily from the head. Hugh helped the Chief to his feet in the ring.)


(In-ring: The Firm came to the ring to a mixed crowd reaction. Hall, Nash, Schultz & Rude were in their ring attire. DiBiase was in a suit. Schultz, Rude and Ted each had mics. Once in the ring, they briefly soaked in the crowd reaction.


Rude: "Hugh Morrus! You've started to develop a bad habit of sticking your nose in Firm business! You've placed a big bullseye on your head because of your misbehavior! You are being targeted by The Firm! And the main member of our elite group that's hunting you right now...is me! Morrus, you'd better watch your back! The 'Ravishing One' is gunning for you! And you're gonna learn the meaning of the phrase 'rough justice' because you've messed with The Firm!"


Schultz: "Hugh Morrus has really stepped in it! He's gonna suffer at the hands of Rick Rude! And the man who's gonna suffer and suffer greatly at MY hands is Ken Patera! Patera, boy, a showdown is on the horizon between you and me! You need to be put in your place and taught a lesson about respecting The Firm! You keep waging this war against us! You enlist some help! Oh, you're all gonna pay! Make no mistake about that! But, Ken Patera, you're payment to The Firm is gonna be in blood, sweat and tears at the hands of 'Doctor D' David Schultz! And maybe when I get through with you, you'll finally see the light and realize that screwing with The Firm is bad business!"


The four Firm members stood back as DiBiase paced back and forth in front of them for a moment.


TD: "Wahoo McDaniel. Last week, you were offered the opportunity of a lifetime. You could be standing here with The Firm tonight. You could have been a member of pro wrestling's most elite organiztion. But you chose to spit in our faces. You chose to call us all scumbags. And you said I was the biggest scumbag of them all.


"Wahoo, I wanted you to be a part of this group. You exude greatness. And only greats can be in The Firm. But now, you've decided to throw away the chance to be even greater in this sport. No one who is smart says no to Director Ted DiBiase. What I want, I get. You should be in this ring with The Firm, Wahoo. Now you've made sure that will never happen. You suffered greatly last week. Everyone saw me smash that chair over your head and bloody you. The UWL has fined me for my actions last week. They can fine me all they want. The fines mean nothing to me or my organization.


"But that chair shot, Wahoo, that's not the end of this situation. You've got to pay an even stiffer price for saying no to me. You have put yourself in a position where the punishment will exceed your crime against us. And because..."


Wahoo came out on the entrance stage with mic in hand. He got a strong ovation coming out. He was in his ring duds.


WM: "Ted, as you can see, I'm still in one piece. I was more than a little suprised when you asked me to join your organization a few weeks ago. But in weighing all the positives and negatives of joining The Firm, I came to the conclusion that the negatives far outweighed the positives. You may be a great wrestler, Ted. But you're scum as a person. You guys are pro wrestling's version of organized crime. I would never have anything to do with any of you as allies. And let me state for the record...I am an ally of Ken Patera and all those who are waging a counter-war against The Firm!"


Crowd cheered.


TD: "I don't doubt it, Wahoo. You seem to have a self-destructive streak that won't allow you to achieve the legendary greatness you could have had if you would have said yes to joining The Firm last week. Now, you're another enemy on our radar."


WM: "I wouldn't have it any other way."


TD: "I have an idea, Wahoo. Since you're so determined to fight against us, how about, at 'Holiday Havoc', it's Ted DiBiase vs. Wahoo McDaniel!"


Crowd cheered. Ted got a cocky smirk on his face.


WM: "Haha! Ted, I never thought you'd ask! Consider your challenge accepted for a match at 'Holiday Havoc'!"


More crowd cheers. Ted looked cocky and confident. Pres. Watts walked out on the entrance stage with mic in hand.


BW: "Ted. Wahoo. A match between you two would certainly be an epic battle. Two of the greatest wrestlers in the history of our sport squaring off in one for the ages. Both the President and the fan in me says 'yes' to this match! And it will take place at 'Holiday Havoc'!"


More cheering.


TD: "Wahoo, you're an elite wrestler. But you'll be facing the elite of the elite when you step into the ring with me in 12 days! Prepare to be schooled by the best!"


WM: "Ted, I doubt this will be a technical classic. Because I'm gonna be the one taking you to school. And in my school, Professor Wahoo is gonna give you a lesson in Payback 101!"


Crowd cheered as Wahoo looked on at DiBiase and The Firm.)


(Announcers discussed Wahoo vs. DiBiase being made for 'Holiday Havoc'. Hyped still to come: Official Contract Signing for the UWL WT match for 'Holiday Havoc': Greg Valentine © and Roddy Piper; Luna vs. Mad Maxine; another 'Holiday Havoc' PPV update; and more. Said they'd just gotten word that Pres. Watts has a major announcement coming up next.)


(In-ring: Back from commercial, Watts was already in the ring with mic in hand.


BW: "I have two major announcements to make. First, next week on 'Slam!', we're gonna have a 10-man tag team match. It's gonna be all five members of The Firm vs. TV Champion Arn Anderson, the Dog Pound, Hugh Morrus and Ken Patera!"


Crowd cheered the news.


BW: "Now, I need the new World Tag Team Champions the Anderson brothers to come to the ring."


After a brief pause, the Anderson brothers came out on the entrance stage. They were booed as they made their way to the ring. Ole had a mic. All three were still in their ring attire and Gene and Lars had the titles slung over their shoulders.


Once in the ring, Lars held his tag title up in Watts' face and laughed. Watts just looked on at Lars.


Ole: "Here we are, Bill. What is this major announcement you've got to tell us."


BW: "Ole, since the Anderson brothers regained the World Tag Team Titles tonight, I'm here to announce that at 'Holiday Havoc' you will be defending the World Tag Team Titles. And, your opponents, since they also won their match earlier this evening, are gonna be Hall and Nash."


Mixed crowd reaction. Ole looked at Watts without a reaction.


Ole: "That's fine, Bill. Just fine with us. And I can tell you which two of us Anderson brothers will be defending the titles against Hall and Nash. It's gonna be Gene and Lars."


BW: "Hmmm... That's quite a stunner, Ole. You guys never let your opponents know which two Anderson brothers they'll be facing until bell time for the match. This is definitely something different."


Ole: "The reason we're able to do that is because I'm wrestling somebody else at 'Holiday Havoc'."


BW: "Really, Ole? And who might that be?"


Lars moved to Watts' right side and Watts looked over. Big mistake. Ole sucker punched Watts in the jaw and Watts dropped his mic and Ole then nailed Watts with the Divorce Court and turned Watts over and locked Watts into the cross arm breaker.


Ole tightened up on the hold and Watts was struggling to try and free himself but he couldn't get loose. Ole kept the pressure on the hold and Watts was slamming the mat with his free hand because he was in obvious pain. Security came charging to the ring and Ole broke the hold on Watts and the Anderson brothers bailed just as security got into the ring. Watts on the mat in a serious world of hurt and grabbing his left arm. On the floor, Ole took the r.a. mic from Lee Marshall.


Ole: "Watts! You're who I'm wrestling at 'Holiday Havoc'! That's if you're man enough to face me!"


Crowd booed as Ole and his brothers started back towards the aisle. In the ring, security helped Watts to his feet as he was still holding his left arm and his face was a mask of pain. Andersons made it to the back as security kept checking on Watts in the ring as the segment ended.)


(Announcers discussed the shocking turn of events as Ole attacked Watts and hurt Watt's left arm and shoulder with his brutal cross arm breaker and Ole challenging Watts to a match at the PPV. Hyped still to come: Official Contract Signing for the UWL WT match for 'Holiday Havoc': Greg Valentine © and Roddy Piper; and another 'Holiday Havoc' PPV update. Said Luna vs. Maxine was next with the winner getting a slot in the UWL Women's WT Gauntlet match at 'Holiday Havoc'.)


(Video aired from three weeks ago of Maxine defeating Luna in the Women's #1 Contender's Match for a UWL Women's WT shot later that evening against Tina Ferrari © and Luna not being happy about it and Luna interfering and costing Maxine in the Women's WT match.)


Match 4 (Winner gets a slot in the UWL Women's World Title Gauntlet match at 'Holiday Havoc')

Mad Maxine vs. Luna


(Luna came to the ring first to a fair amount of boos. Maxine came to the ring to a modest but positive crowd ovation.


Brief hard-hitting battle between these two women. It was back-and-forth the entire way. Luna tried to pin Maxine while holding a handful of tights at one point during the match but Maxine escaped at the count of 2-1/2... At the end of the match, Luna had just gained the advantage. Luna had blasted Max with an enzuigiri and then positioned Max for a turnbuckle move. Luna mounted the middle buckle and came off with a slingshot splash but Max got her knees up and Luna slammed into them. Luna went down. Both women made it to their feet at the same time with Luna facing away from Max. When Luna turned around, Max caught Luna by the throat and chokeslammed Luna to the mat. Max covered Luna and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Modest crowd response as Max had her hand raised in victory. WINNER: Maxine - Pinfall - Chokeslam - 4:20)


(Announcers discussed Maxine beating Luna to earn the slot in the Women's WT Gauntlet match at 'Holiday Havoc'. Announcers then said they'd gotten word that Watts' left arm was being tended to by medical personnel in the back. Hyped still to come: Official Contract Signing for the UWL WT match for 'Holiday Havoc': Greg Valentine © and Roddy Piper.)




Announcers ran down the card so far:


UWL WORLD TITLE MATCH (If Roddy Piper loses, he MUST retire!): Greg Valentine © vs. Roddy Piper


RE-MATCH: Madusa vs. Bull Nakano


UWL WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: Anderson Brothers © vs. Hall & Nash


SUBMISSION MATCH (Grand Wizard will be suspended above the ring in a cage! There must be a clean winner!): Billy Graham vs. Lex Luger


Wahoo McDaniel vs. Firm Director Ted DiBiase


UWL TV TITLE MATCH: Arn Anderson © vs. Rip Oliver


PRESIDENT'S CHAMPIONSHIP: Harley Race © vs. The Great Christopho


UWL WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE GAUNTLET MATCH: Tina Ferrari © vs. Queen Kong, Mad Maxine & Lita


PLUS! Rock legend Sammy Hagar will be performing the theme song for 'Holiday Havoc'...'Winner Takes It All!'...LIVE...before the World Title match!


'Immodium A-D Presents: Holiday Havoc! Winner Takes It All!' - Sunday - Dec. 9 - Portland, OR - Rose Garden - 8pm E/5pm P - SOLD OUT!)


(Announcers hyped for next week on 'Slam!':


- 10-Man Tag: The Firm vs. Arn Anderson ©, Hugh Morrus, Ken Patera & the Dog Pound


- A special message to the fans from Roddy Piper


- An interview with UWL WC Greg Valentine


- Madusa sees action


- An interview with Wahoo McDaniel


- Lita makes an appearance


- The Mighty Texans vs. Father Dutch & Grog


- Another interview with 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin


- Rip Oliver sees action


- The Great Christopho sees action


- More on the injury to Pres. Watts' left arm at the hands of Ole Anderson


- The final 'Holiday Havoc' PPV Update


And more!!!


Said the UWL WT contract signing for 'Holiday Havoc' was next!)


(In-ring: UWL WT Contract Signing.


A table was sitting in the center of the ring and two chairs were on one side of the table and one chair was on the other side of the table. There was a chair at the head of the table. Four mics were on the table. There were cups of water in front of where each man would sit. Ring announcersLee Marshall was standing at the head of the table with mic in hand.


LM: "Ladies and Gentlemen. May I have your attention. Due to the incident that happened earlier tonight between President Watts and Ole Anderson, President Watts has suffered an injury to his left arm and is being attended to by medical personnel in the back and unfortunately will not be able to be out here to oversee this historic contract signing.


"Instead, UWL official Wally Karbo will oversee the proceedings. It is now time for the official contract signing for the UWL World Title match at 'Holiday Havoc' between World Champion Greg Valentine and challenger Roddy Piper."


Crowd cheered.


LM: "Allow me to introduce first, the man who will oversee the contract signing...UWL official Wally Karbo."


Karbo came to the ring in a suit and was followed by a man in an expensive looking suit.


LM: "Seconding Mr. Karbo to the ring is UWL attorney Gustav B. Schirach the third."


The pair stepped into the ring to very little crowd response and shook hands with Marshall. Four members of the security team came out and were stationed on the floor.


LM: "And now, would you please welcome the reigning UWL World Champion Greg Valentine and his manager Gary Hart."


After a brief lull, Hart and Valentine came out to strong boos. Virtually no Valentine fans in this audience. The pair were wearing suits and Valentine was carrying the title. They got in the ring and the boos got louder. Valentine and Hart shook hands with UWL official Wally Karbo, who was standing at the head of the table. Hart and Valentine were standing behind their seats at the table.


A buzz then started rippling throughout the arena and fans started chanting 'Roddy! Roddy!'


LM: "And now, introducing the challenger! 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper!"


Crowd exploded when the bagpipe music played over the p.a. system. Crowd got even louder when Piper, in street clothes, walked out on the entrance stage. Piper was looking straight ahead and didn't make eye contact with the fans as he power-walked to the ring.


Once in the ring, Piper came to the table and engaged in a staredown with Valentine and Hart.


Crowd buzzing and still chanting Roddy's name. Karbo picked up his mic.


Karbo: "Gentlemen, would you please take your seats."


Valentine and Piper remained standing and staring at each other.


Karbo: "Please sit down."


After a few more seconds of staring, Valentine and Hart sat down first. Valentine placed the belt on the table. Piper glared at the pair a few seconds more and then took his seat. The champ and the challenger kept their eyes locked on each other. Karbo then sat at the head of the table with lawyer Schirach standing behind Karbo and just to his right.


Karbo: "We know why we are all here. I have in front of me the contract for the UWL World Title match which will be taking place on Sunday, December 9th, at 'Holiday Havoc' in Portland, Oregon. Roddy..."


GV: "Mr. Karbo. Before we go any further, I have something to say."


Crowd booed.


GV: "I need to make a public apology. Roddy, I want to apologize to you for what transpired last week. I am sincerely sorry...for not hitting you in your left ear with a cleaner punch and doing much more damage to the ear.


"But I'm not sorry for what I'm going to do to you in 12 days in your adopted American hometown of Portland, Oregon. Wally, please continue."


Crowd booed as Valentine chuckled and Piper kept glaring at the champ.


Karbo: "Now that the pleasantries are out of the way... Roddy, since you are the challenger, you will sign the contract first."


Karbo flipped the contract to the proper page, pulled a pen out of the front breast pocket on his jacket and slid the pen and contract over to Piper. Piper briefly looked at the page and signed his name on the contract and slid it and the pen back to Karbo. Piper then returned to glaring at Valentine as Karbo held the contract up so Schirach could look at the signature. Schirach shook his head in the affirmative.


Karbo: "Now, World Champion Greg Valentine, if you would sign your name on the contract."


Karbo slid the pen and contract in the champ's direction. Valentine and Hart briefly looked it over and Valentine signed the contract and slid it and the pen back to Karbo. Karbo had lawyer Schirach look at the signature and Schirach again shook his head in the affirmative. Karbo held up the contract.


Karbo: "Fans! It is now official! Greg Valentine will be defending the UWL World Title against Roddy Piper at the 'Holiday Havoc' pay-per-view in 12 days! Good luck to both of you!"


GV: "I just want to point out to everyone that that contract is the last pro wrestling contract Roddy Piper will ever sign! After December 9th, you will be gone from wrestling forever, Piper! No more matches! No more interviews! No appearances of any kind ever again at wrestling events for you!


"And I can't begin to tell you how excited I am to be ending your career in of all places...your adopted American hometown of Portland! I can't wait to see the looks on the faces of those damned idiot fans that night as they see their hero go down in flames! And I'm never gonna let anyone forget that I was the man who ended the career of the legend, 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper!"


Hart: "I want to add something to what the champ just said..."


RP (brooding): "Shut up, Hart."


Crowd cheered.


RP: "Greg Valentine...you talk too much. Know what I mean? You've been the World Champion for almost a year now. These fans, they're tired of you and cue ball's antics. The people want change. And at 'Holiday Havoc', I intend to give it to 'em. We're 12 days from your year-long reign of error coming to an end. You're an SOB now and you've always been one.


"For almost 14 months, the rage has been building inside me. I never knew if I would be able to return to doing what I love. Make no mistake, I want revenge. And the best revenge I can think of is taking that World Title off of you in Portland. That belt is your life-support. Without it, you are..."


GV: "Take a good look at the World Title, Piper! Everything you say now is just talk! You're gonna beat me! You're gonna get your revenge by beating me and becoming the new UWL World Champion!


"That's what they've all said, Roddy. For almost one year now, all the challengers thought they were the one who was gonna put me down for the three count. But none were able to do it. So, you keep on talking. I'll give you credit, talking is what you're best at; running that mouth of yours 200 miles an hour. But you've accomplished nothing. You have to win the title from me in front of your hometown fans or your career will always be remembered as an epic failure. People will remember nothing else about you. They'll just remember when you lost to Greg Valentine at 'Holiday Havoc' in a match you had to win.


"The Buffalo Bills went to four straight Super Bowls. They lost all four. And that's what they're remembered for. No one remembers the great seasons and all the hard work it took to get to the championship game. The fans remember that they lost in the Super Bowl every single time they got there. That's how you're gonna be remembered. As the man who couldn't win the big one. And the only way you're ever wearing the World Title is if you steal it from me."


RP: "Let me tell you something, mister! I've overcome the odds all my life! I've always been the underdog! I'm a fighter, dammit! And I've succeeded because I've never given up! And our match at 'Holiday Havoc' is the biggest fight of my life! Just when you think you've got all the answers, I change the question, brother! I'm at my best when things look their bleakest for me! I've made my way back this far and I'm not stopping now! I'm not just fighting for the World Title! I'm also fighting for my career! And I'm gonna give these fans an early Christmas gift when I leave that ring on December 9th with my career still intact and as the new UWL World Champion!"


Crowd popped.


Valentine stood up and threw his cup of water on the seated Piper. Hart got up and backed off. Piper shot up and turned the table over and went to go after Valentine but security got in the ring to keep the champ and challenger separate. Crowd buzzing as more security came to the ring to maintain order. Piper and Valentine looked like they both wanted to tear each other to bits but a wall of security kept them from doing so as the program went off the air.)




Dark Match (Spokane Street Fight)

Hall, Nash, Schultz & Rude (w/o DiBiase) vs. Arn ©, Wahoo, Luger & Great Christopho

(WINNER: Team Arn - Pinfall - Wahoo pinned Schultz with a Small Package - 11:02)

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Roddy Piper has a special message for the fans. Will it be his pro wrestling farewell address?




- An interview with UWL World Champion Greg Valentine


- 10-Man Tag: The Firm vs. Arn Anderson ©, Hugh Morrus, Ken Patera & The Dog Pound


- Lita makes a special appearance


- The rundown of the complete card for 'Holiday Havoc'!




Ep. 98 of 'Slam!' will be posted either Monday or Tuesday.

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(Video highlights of last week's Valentine ©-Piper contract signing for their UWL WT match at 'Holiday Havoc' aired to open the show.)


(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Announcers Steve Stack and Joe Pedicino welcomed viewers to the 'Countdown To Holiday Havoc' edition of 'Slam!')


(Video aired from last week of Ole Anderson sucker punching Pres. Watts and then nailing Watts with the Divorce Court and placing Watts in the cross arm breaker.)


(In-ring: 'Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system and Pres. Watts came out to a decent ovation. Watts had a mic and his left arm was hanging down by his side. Watts got in the ring and walked around for a moment.


BW: "I have three new matches to announce for 'Holiday Havoc'. Contracts for two of those matches were signed earlier today. First, Rick Rude of The Firm will be wrestling Hugh Morrus. And, they're gonna clash one-on-one, David Schultz of The Firm will square off against...Ken Patera!"


Crowd cheered the news.


BW: "As you can see, my left arm isn't working too good right now, thanks to Ole Anderson. My left soulder area is taped up. I can barely raise my arm past my waist. But I'm so mad right now... Ole Anderson! Get your ass down to this ring, son!"


The Anderson brothers came out on the entrance stage to loud boos. They were in street clothes. Gene and Lars were carrying the tag titles. Ole had a mic. The trio made their way to the ring.


Ole: "Well, well, well. Look at this. President Watts now has a useless left arm. I can't think of a guy who deserved what he got more than you did courtesy of me last week."


BW: "Ole, last week you said you wouldn't be wrestling in the tag team title match because you were facing someone else at 'Holiday Havoc'. You made it quite clear by your actions that you want a match with me. I don't care if I only have one good arm right now. You want that match with me at 'Holiday Havoc'...well you've got it!"


Crowd popped.


Ole: "That's the news I wanted to hear. Watts, at 'Holiday Havoc' I intend to teach you a lesson that you never screw with the Anderson brothers! And when the smoke clears, I'm gonna make that left arm of yours permanently useless when I lock you into the cross arm breaker again! And this time I won't be letting go! The UWL is gonna have a crippled President after Sunday!"


BW: "Ole, you may be a tough guy. You and your brothers may work over body parts in a match with surgical prescision. But I'm willing to put my long-term health at risk just to get you in the ring and have the chance to slap the taste right out of your mouth! I may be retired, but I'm still enough of a badass to go toe-to-toe with you! You'd better be prepared for one helluva fight, Ole! Because that's what you're gonna get from me!"


Ole: "You'd have enough trouble beating me if you were 100% healthy right now. Do you really think you stand a chance with only one good arm against a man who's a master at taking a body part and torturing it like no one else?! Ha!"


BW: "Let me tell you something! If I didn't think I had a chance to beat you, bad arm or no bad arm, I wouldn't have made the match! We're two of the toughest men ever to step in the squared circle! And only the tough survive! The question is which one of us is gonna be that much tougher at 'Holiday Havoc'?!"


Ole: "You're coming out of retirement. Your ring career is in the rear view mirror, Watts! You were tough as nails in your day, I'll grant you that! And you may be tough for your age right now! But you are not tough enough to defeat an active veteran who is the caliber of Ole Anderson! That left arm of yours may be dangling down by your ankle by the time our match is over!"


BW: "We'll see about that! Just remember that there's a lot of piss and vinegar in this body of mine! And if I had to be carried by six men and propped up in the ring, I would do it just to get my hands on you! It will be a fight, Ole! You can take that to the bank!"


Ole: "Fight, huh? I'm not even gonna try and disguise my game plan. Watts, I'm zeroing in on that left arm of yours. And I'm gonna work it over until you can't stand it anymore! It might get to a point in the match where I can put you away and make you tap out on a number of occasions! But I'm not gonna give you the luxury of an early tap! No, sir! I'm gonna punish you! You're gonna beg for mercy! When you tap out on Sunday it will be on my terms!"


BW: "Don't get too overconfident, Ole. Our match will be a battle to the bitter end."


Ole: "Once I start working that lame left arm of yours, you're all mine, pops."


Ole and Watts engaged in a brief staredown before Ole got a sly smirk on his face and chuckled and then he and his brothers left the ring to boos as Watts looked on as the segment ended.)


(Announcers discussed Watts making three more matches for 'Holiday Havoc' including himself vs. Ole. Wondered how much better Watts' left arm will be by Sunday. Hyped still to come: A Special Message to the Fans from Roddy Piper; an i'view with UWL WC Greg Valentine; 10-Man Tag: The Firm vs. Arn ©, Hugh, Patera & the Dog Pound; Mighty Texans vs. Father Dutch & Grog; another Ron Garvin video; an i'view w/ Wahoo McDaniel; Lita makes an appearance; a video message from Sammy Hagar; Madusa wrestles; Great Christopho in action; and the final 'Holiday Havoc' PPV Update. Said Rip Oliver sees action next.)


Match 1

Rip Oliver vs. Kendall Windham

(WINNER: Oliver - Pinfall - Superkick - :14)


(Oliver came to the ring to loud boos. At the start of the match, Windham came out and briefly stunned Oliver with a shot to the jaw but Oliver immediately recovered and came back and blasted Windham with his patented superkick and scored the quick win.)


(After the match: Lee Marshall i'viewed Oliver. Asked Rip about his TV Title shot against champion Arn Anderson this Sunday on the PPV.


RO: "I've made my views quite clear in the past about how I used to have a lot of respect for Arn Anderson. But now, since he's become a groveler for the fans' approval, I've lost all respect for him. I can think of nothing better than showing Arn how much I disrespect him than by dropping him with the best superkick in all of wrestling, pinning his shoulders to the mat and becoming the new TV Champion."


Marshall pointed out that all of Oliver's victories the last few months have been quick wins, that none have even gone a minute. Marshall asked Rip if he was still in shape to work a longer match against Arn.


RO: "If I catch Arn with my superkick early on then the match is over. Just like it's been over against guys like Kendall Windham here in a matter of seconds. But if it takes longer to beat Arn then so be it. If it takes 20 minutes to nail Arn with my superkick, it doesn't matter. I'm still walking out of that ring as the new TV Champion.")


(Announcers discussed Oliver scoring another lightning fast win and his confidence going into his title match with Arn at 'Holiday Havoc'.


Pedicino: "Rip Oliver has every reason to be extremely confident heading into the match with Arn Anderson this Sunday. Arn's an outstanding wrestler. But Oliver has been on such a tear that I believe if he catches Arn with his superkick at any time during the match, Rip Oliver will be the new TV Champion."


Hyped still to come: A Special Message to the Fans from Roddy Piper; an i'view with UWL WC Greg Valentine; 10-Man Tag: The Firm vs. Arn ©, Hugh, Patera & the Dog Pound; Mighty Texans vs. Father Dutch & Grog; a video from Wahoo McDaniel; Lita makes an appearance; a video message from Sammy Hagar; Great Christopho in action; and the final 'Holiday Havoc' PPV Update. Said Madusa sees action in just minutes!)


(Video aired for the 'Immodium A-D Presents: Holiday Havoc! Winner Takes It All!' PPV - This Sunday - Dec. 9 - Portland, OR - Rose Garden - 8pm E/5pm P - SOLD OUT! - Order on PPV! Cable: $39.95 Satellite: $49.95!)


(Announcers said during the program tonight, special video messages for Roddy Piper will air throughout the program. They then intro'd the first video which was a message from legendary horror film director John Carpenter.




Carpenter was seated behind a desk in an office. On the wall behind him were big posters of three famous horror/sci-fi movies he did: 'Halloween'; 'The Fog'; and, of course, 'They Live'.


Carpenter: "Hello, UWL wrestling fans. This is film director John Carpenter. I had the pleasure of working with Roddy Piper in making the movie 'They Live'. Roddy is not only a great pro wrestler and a wonderful actor; he's also one of the most outstanding people I have ever met. I consider it an honor to count him as a good friend of mine. And this Sunday at 'Holiday Havoc', I support Roddy Piper all the way. Get it done, 'Hot Rod'. World Champion Roddy Piper has a real nice ring to it and it couldn't happen to a better person.")


(Video aired chronicling the Madusa-Nakano feud. Announcers hyped their match-up for 'Holiday Havoc' this Sunday.)


Match 2

Madusa vs. Rita Marie

(WINNER: Madusa - Pinfall - German Suplex into a Bridgeout - 1:36)


(After the match: Marshall i'viewed Madusa. Told Madusa to watch the video on the JumboTron from Nakano, Mr. Saito and their translator Mr. Nagasaki. The three appeared on screen to strong boos and Nakano was holding the Japanese flag.


Saito said something in Japanese and Mr. Nagasaki translated it.


Nagasaki: "Mr. Saito says that Bull Nakano is looking forward to beating Madusa again on American soil and re-asserting the superiority of the Japanese over the decadent, narcissistic, shallow Americans. Madusa, you will suffer even more shame and humiliation in front of your pathetic countrymen this time around than you did the last time."


Marshall asked Madusa about the video message.


Madusa: "At 'Helloween', I gave Bull Nakano all she could handle. Yes, she won that round. And she humiliated me and my fellow Americans by draping the American flag over me before pinning me. But I'll be damned if she's gonna pull that again at 'Holiday Havoc'! That desecration of our great flag and what it stands for has lit a fire in me! I've now waited two months for this re-match and I am gonna make the most of this chance to exact a measure of revenge by beating Bull Nakano and then waving Old Glory proudly in the middle of the ring! USA! USA! USA!"


Many in the crowd chanted 'USA! USA!' along with Madusa.)


(Announcers discussed the war of words between Madusa and Nakano's team heading into their match on PPV this Sunday. Hyped still to come: A Special Message to the Fans from Roddy Piper; an i'view with UWL WC Greg Valentine; 10-Man Tag: The Firm vs. Arn ©, Hugh, Patera & the Dog Pound; Mighty Texans vs. Father Dutch & Grog; an i'view w/ Wahoo McDaniel; another Ron Garvin video; Lita makes an appearance; a video message from Sammy Hagar; and the final 'Holiday Havoc' PPV Update. Said the Great Christopho sees action coming up!)


(Announcers hyped the President's Championship match coming up at 'Holiday Havoc' between Harley Race © and the Great Christopho. Then intro'd these pre-recorded comments from both wrestlers.




Race (title around his waist): "Great Christopho! This Sunday at 'Holiday Havoc', you have a shot to win the President's Championship! But you're not getting this title! Not only are you not gonna become the new President's Champion! But I'm also gonna collect the $50,000 dollar bounty that Dallas Page still has out on you by ripping off your mask and exposing you as Daniels!"


TGC (spoken in the voice of an adult figure on those 'Peanuts' TV cartoons): "Wa wa wa wa wa! Wa Wa! Wa Wa Wa...wa wa wa wa wa!")


(Announcers had no idea what TGC said in his interview.)


Match 3

The Great Christopho vs. Jose Luis-Rivera

(WINNER: TGC - Pinfall - Reverse STO - 2:15)


(Announcers intro'd another special video message for 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper. This one was from Cindy Lauper.




Music from 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun' by Lauper played in the background as Lauper stood in front of a black screen with her name spelled in pink cursive letters with a pink star next to her name in the background.


Lauper: "Roddy! We've been enemies in the past! But we've been friends a whole lot longer! I love you like a brother from another mother! Wrestling wouldn't be the same if you were forced to retire! I know you can do it! You've got the power of the people behind you, Roddy! Beat that sleazoid Greg Valentine and become the new UWL World Champion!")


(Announcers intro'd a video chronicling the Lex Luger-Billy Graham feud. Video aired. Announcers hyped the Submission Match (Grand Wizard will be suspended in a cage above the ring to make sure he doesn't interfere): Luger vs. Graham for 'Holiday Havoc' this Sunday.


Hyped still to come: A Special Message to the Fans from Roddy Piper; an i'view with UWL WC Greg Valentine; 10-Man Tag: The Firm vs. Arn ©, Hugh, Patera & the Dog Pound; Mighty Texans vs. Father Dutch & Grog; avideo from Wahoo McDaniel; another Ron garvin video; a video message from Sammy Hagar; and the final 'Holiday Havoc' PPV Update. Said Lita is here next!)


(In-ring: Lee Marshall was standing center ring.


LM: "Would you please welcome my guest at this time. She is one of the challengers in the Women's World Title Gauntlet match at 'Holiday Havoc'...Lita!"


Crowd roared as Lita came out on the entrance stage. Lita walked to both sides of the stage and saluted the fans before making her way to the ring. Lita walked to two corners, stood on the middle buckle and saluted the fans once more before joining Marshall.


LM: "Lita. Welcome to the UWL. This Sunday, you have a chance to do something no one else has done before and that's beat Tina Ferrari in the Gauntlet match and become the new UWL Women's World Champion!"


Lita: "It's great to be here in the hottest wrestling organization in America...the UWL!"


Crowd cheered.


Lita: "Lee, I've got a great chance to make history this Sunday! Tina Ferrari has been the Women's Champion for a long time now and she's never lost a match here! She's got three tough gals to face in the Gauntlet match! Not only does she have to deal with me, she's also got to beat Queen Kong and Mad Maxine! I may not be a psychic, but something tells me Tina's losing both her undefeated streak and the title at 'Holiday Havoc'!"


More crowd cheers. 'Invincible' by Pat Benatar played over the p.a. system and Tina Ferrai, dressed expensively with the title in her arm and her trademark tiara on her head, came out on the entrance stage.


Tina: "Lita! It's so nice to see you. I'm glad you were able to get away from sleeping around with some of the wrestlers to fit this appearance into your schedule. I gotta say, President Watts really pulled a fast one on me last week when he announced you as the third wrestler I'd be facing in the Gauntlet match. But now, the initial shock is gone. You come out here and run your mouth, which is usually full of...hmmm...let's see..."


Lita: "Tina, you're the last person who should talk about sleeping with any of the boys. From what I've heard, you've been on your back more than Jenna Jameson."


Tina: "Lita the slut! Let me fill you in on something, hon! I may get around. But I only sleep with classy, wealthy men. You're just a skeevy sleaze who would sleep with a jobber if you got the chance. You're just a run-of-the-mill skank in every sense of the word. And I'm not losing this title to some lowly skank."


Lita: "Call me whatever you want! The fact is that you've got to beat three of the best women wrestlers out there to retain that title at 'Holiday Havoc'! The odds are seriously stacked against you, Tina! This match is the biggest threat to your reign so far! And I think you're going down!"


Crowd cheered.


Tina: "When you say 'going down', do you mean I'm losing the Gauntlet match?! Or, do you mean 'going down' like you do at some trashy dive bar anywhere in America on a Friday night?! Face it. You're just trash, Lita. And as the UWL Women's World Champion I take out the trash."


Lita: "Well, I may be 'trash' to you. But I may just be the one to 'trash' your World Title reign at 'Holiday Havoc'! That's if Queen Kong or Mad Maxine doesn't defeat you first!"


Tina: "You're ending nothing, Lita! You don't seem to realize that I'm powered by the spirit of the great Mildred Burke! Her spirit will be in overdrive within me this Sunday and I will still be the Women's Champion and unbeaten here in the UWL! And you'll just be another notch on my belt! I know of your work and I know what you can do! But no one has beaten me yet! And there's no reason to think it will happen in five days! I'm the greatest women's wrestler since Mildred Burke!"


Lita: "Tina, if you're so great, why don't you prove it right now by coming to this ring and matching up with me. Come on."


Crowd buzzing. Tina looked around. Lita gestured for Tina to get in the ring. Tina hesitated momentarily and then walked to ringside and stopped.


Tina: "You know what. I'm not giving these fans anything for free. If they want to see you and me lock up...then they can order 'Holiday Havoc'."


Fans booed as Tina and Lita briefly locked eyes and then Tina turned and made her way back up the aisle and to the backstage area as Lita looked on.)


(Announcers discussed the confrontation between Lita and Women's WC Tina Ferrari. Hyped the Gauntlet match for the 'Holiday Havoc' PPV. Hyped still to come: A Special Message to the Fans from Roddy Piper; an i'view with UWL WC Greg Valentine; 10-Man Tag: The Firm vs. Arn ©, Hugh, Patera & the Dog Pound; Mighty Texans vs. Father Dutch & Grog; a video from Wahoo; a video message from Sammy Hagar; and the final 'Holiday Havoc' PPV Update. Said another Ron Garvin video was next!)


(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Thu. - Dec. 13 - Valdosta, GA - The Complex; Fri. - Dec. 14 - Savannah, GA - MLK Arena; Sat. - Dec. 15 - Augusta, GA - James Brown Arena; Sun. - Dec. 16 - Kennesaw, GA - Kennesaw State University Conv. Center. More info, visit: uwlslam.com!)


(Announcers intro'd the third video of a new wrestler coming to the UWL...Ron Garvin.




Video opened with the cameraman standing on the beach. He was taking shots of the water and the beach when a voice comes from the opposite direction.


Garvin: "Hey! If it isn't my favorite cameraman-slash-interviewer."


Camera turned and Garvin was walking towards him. He was in swim trunks, tank top and flip flops.


Cameraman (off-camera): "Hello, Ron."


Garvin then shook the cameraman's hand.


Cameraman (off-camera): "Great day to be at the beach."


Garvin: "It's always a great day to be at the beach here. I'm taking the boat out me and some friends are going water-skiing a little later. Wanna come and test your skills on the skis?"


Cameraman (off-camera): "I'd love to. But I'm working right now."


Garvin: "You're gonna miss a great party."


Cameraman (off-camera): "I know I will. I'll beat myself up over it later."


Garvin (chuckles): "Alright. What do you want to ask me about now?"


Cameraman (off-camera): "Well, we've talked about your career as a bounty hunter who beats people up for money and what you hope to accomplish as a wrestler in the UWL. What I wanted to ask you about this time was this knockout punch you use. Is there anything special about this punch?"


Garvin: "No. I just have a strong right hand and I use it as a weapon to take people out."


Cameraman (off-camera): "How powerful is it?"


Garvin: "Well, usually it just takes one punch and the target is finished. In other words, one punch and out go the lights for the victim."


Cameraman (off-camera): "I'm guessing that means you'll use it as a weapon in the UWL, then?"


Garvin: "You got that right. I'll use it to finish my opponents in matches and if some wrestler wants me to use it to take out someone they're having problems with. That's if the price is right for the bounty, of course."


Cameraman (off-camera): "Do you feel any moral qualms at all about the style of bounty hunting you do?"


Garvin: "Business is business, my friend. I feel no guilt whatsoever about what I do. It's not personal for me at all."


Cameraman (off-camera): "Are there only certain types of wrestlers you'd go after for a bounty."


Garvin: "Frankly, I don't care if they're loved by the fans or hated by 'em. You pay me what I feel is a fair price then I'll go after the target for you."


Cameraman (off-camera): "What's the bottom-line goal for Ron Garvin in the UWL."


Garvin: "To make as much money as possible while I'm there. If I win some wrestling championships along the way, great. But the bottom line for me is always money and continuing to live the high lifestyle that I do."


A group of bikini-clad women came running down the beach.


Tall, Nordic blonde: "Ronnie! Let's go! You said you were gonna teach me how to drive your boat!"


Garvin: "I'll be there in a minute, ladies!"


Cameraman (off-camera): "Are there any guys who are going to be partying on your boat?"


Garvin: "Yeah. Me. Haha!"


Cameraman (off-camera): "I'm already regretting turning down your invitation."


Blonde: "Ronnie!"


Garvin: "Look, I gotta go. You don't want to keep a bunch of women waiting. It can get very ugly."


Cameraman (off-camera): "Thanks for your time, Ron."


Garvin: "My pleasure. To those fans out there watching this...you can call me the 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin."


Garvin turned and started jogging in the direction of the ladies.


Garvin: "I'm coming! I'm coming!"


Picture then faded to black.)


(Announcers discussed the Garvin interview. Hyped the Gauntlet match for the 'Holiday havoc' PPV. Hyped still to come: A Special Message to the Fans from Roddy Piper; 10-Man Tag: The Firm vs. Arn ©, Hugh, Patera & the Dog Pound; Mighty Texans vs. Father Dutch & Grog; a video from Wahoo; a video message from Sammy Hagar; and the final 'Holiday Havoc' PPV Update. Said an i'view with UWL WC Valentine is next!)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed UWL WC Greg Valentine and mgr. Gary Hart. The pair came to the ring in suits and Greg was carrying the title. They were roundly booed. The two soaked in the boos for a moment once in the ring.


LM: "Greg Valentine. This Sunday at 'Holiday Havoc', you will have the biggest title match of your reign. What are your thoughts going into this match with Roddy Piper?"


GV: "So far. It will be the biggest title match of my reign so far. But, nothing will change this Sunday. I'm very confident about that. Roddy Piper has not wrestled in 14 months. I've been the best wrestler on the planet for the last year. I think it's safe to say I'm much better prepared for this match than Piper is. He's gonna have a lot of ring rust. But the fans are hot for this match. They want to see it. I'm gonna give it to them. And they're gonna be gravely disappointed when I defeat their hero in his adopted American hometown of Portland, Oregon and walk out of the ring still the UWL World Champion and Roddy Piper will be forced into an early retirement."


LM: "Do you think you're underestimating Roddy Piper at all?"


GV: "Hardly. The last year speaks for itself. I've been wrestling night-after-night and putting the World Championship on the line against several different opponents. And here I stand, still the UWL World Title holder. Roddy Piper coming back after all these months out of commission, courtesy of yours truly, makes for a nice story. But the feel good part of this story ends for him at 'Holiday Havoc'."


LM: "A lot of people are pulling for a Piper victory including many celebrity friends of his. Do you..."


GV: "I saw those videos earlier tonight as I was sitting in my private dressing room. You know, the private dressing room that the World Champion gets. John Carpenter and Cyndi Lauper shouldn't have been wishing Piper the best of luck. They should have been saying their farewells to the man; because he's done for good this Sunday."


LM: "There's one more video still to come from a Piper supporter."


GV: "Oh, boy! Another video for 'Hot Rod'! Is it a farewell video?"


LM: "No. It's from another Piper supporter."


GV: "What a moron. These people are gonna be left cryin' in their beers. You have to be delusional to think that a man who's at the peak of his career is gonna lose to 'Rusty' Roddy Piper!"


Crowd booed.


LM: "Gary Hart. Your man is very confident heading into the biggest match in UWL history this Sunday. What are your thoughts at this time?"


Hart: "My thoughts at this time are this. First, people can hate and boo the World Champion all they want. But he's been the champion for almost a year now. He has shown repeatedly that he backs up what he says. He would not be holding the World Title today if he wasn't just that good. I am extremely confident as we head into this match. Just like Mitt Romney walked into an unwinnable situation when he faced Barack Obama in the Presidential election, Roddy Piper is heading into an impossible situation here. Roddy Piper is the Mitt Romney of wrestling right now. He will lose and lose badly to Mr. Valentine. Only the voting in this case won't be done by the people, thank God. The voting will be done by Valentine's outstanding ring skills. And I believe it will be a resounding victory for Greg Valentine on December 9th.


"Having Roddy Piper wrestle his first match after 14 months against the hottest wrestler in the world right now is not the best idea. It's like an injured, beat up veteran baseball player having to come off the disabled list to face Jason Verlander and being told if he doesn't get a hit he's finished. Most likely, that batter would strikeout. And Roddy Piper, just like that hobbled veteran batter, is gonna whiff in his attempt to win the UWL World Title."


LM: "If Greg Valentine loses, do you have a back-up plan?"


Hart: "We're not even thinking that way. That's not even on our radar because we don't believe it will happen."


GV: "Marshall, you should be fired for asking an absurd question like that. When I wake up on Monday morning in my hotel room in Portland, I will look over at the nightstand and there it will be, the World Title, as it always is. And I will smile the smile of a champion as I realize I'm still the man and Roddy Piper's applying for retirement benefits."


LM: "You two are confident bordering on extremely cocky heading into this match. You don't think you should tone it down a little. I mean, pride comes before a fall."


GV: "I'll take this, Gary. I have a lot to be proud of. 'Holiday Havoc' will mark the one-year anniversary of me becoming the UWL World Champion. I take great pride in my wrestling ability which is second to none. You can call us cocky, arrogant or whatever you like. Why be humble when you're the best at what you do? And you have standing before you the best wrestler and wrestling manager going today. Sunday will mark the first of what will be, not should be but will be, many anniversaries celebrating me as the UWL World Champion.


"See you Sunday, Roddy. Don't forget that you'll need to start exploring other career options on December 10th."


Valentine strutted around the ring with the title held high in the air as Hart applauded the champ and the fans booed before the pair left the ring and headed to the back.)


(Announcers discussed the extreme confidence of WC Valentine and manager Hart as they head into the WT match at 'Holiday Havoc' against Piper. Hyped still to come: A Special Message to the Fans from Roddy Piper; 10-Man Tag: The Firm vs. Arn ©, Hugh, Patera & the Dog Pound; a video message from Sammy Hagar; and the final 'Holiday Havoc' PPV Update. Said the Mighty Texans vs. Father Dutch & Grog was next!)


Match 4

Father Dutch & Grog vs. The Mighty Texans

(WINNER: FD & Grog - Pinfall - Grog pinned Sam Houston with the Pumphandle Slam - 4:26)


(Announcers discussed the victory by FD & Grog. Hyped still to come: A Special Message to the Fans from Roddy Piper; 10-Man Tag: The Firm vs. Arn ©, Hugh, Patera & the Dog Pound; a video message from Sammy Hagar; and the final 'Holiday Havoc' PPV Update. Said a message from Wahoo was coming up!)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Arn Anderson ©, Hugh Morrus, Ken Patera & the Dog Pound.


AA: "Sunday night, I'm putting the TV Title on the line against Rip Oliver. Rip, you've been on quite a roll lately. You're matches aren't even going a minute. But I'm gonna tell you this right now. You aren't gonna score any quick victory in a few seconds over me. You wanna win this TV Title at 'Holiday Havoc'... then you better be prepared to work overtime.


"As for tonight, the war with The Firm gets ratcheted up another notch. This is gonna be a fight of major proportions and we are armed for battle."


HM: "Rick Rude, it's you and me this Sunday at 'Holiday Havoc'. You've made it quite clear that I'm being targeted by you on behalf of The Firm. Well, Rick, I'm looking forward to our match. Because this target of The Firm is gonna turn the proverbial guns around on you and it will be you...Rick Rude...who is fighting for his survival!


"And I'm so looking forward to tonight! A 10-man tag match with The Firm! This is war! Bring it on!"


KP: "We're going to have a big match with every member of The Firm this evening. This will be another battle in what is shaping up to be a protracted war. Those on our side want to save the UWL. The Firm wants to destroy it. There is no middle ground. In the recent Presidential election, battleground states were constantly talked about. Those states were the key to winning the election. Wherever members of The Firm clash with any of the resistance fighters on our side it will be a battleground state. War is long! War is ugly! War is hell! And at the end of this this war only one side can prevail! And our side has to be the one that prevails if the UWL is not to fall into darkness under the rule of The Firm!


"At 'Holiday Havoc', David Schultz, our own war within the bigger war gets cranked up to another level! And 'Doctor', I'm gonna fight like I've never fought before to score a key victory for our side Sunday! You've got Hugh Morrus vs. Rick Rude! The Anderson Brothers vs. Hall and Nash! Hell, I'm no fan of the Anderson brothers! But, like the old saying goes: The enemy of my enemy is my friend! I want the Anderson brothers to soundly defeat Hall and Nash! Our ally Wahoo McDaniel is facing the Director of The Firm in Ted DiBiase! These aren't just matches! No, sir! As I said earlier, these are battles in a much bigger war! And business really starts picking up in this war at 'Holiday Havoc'!"


Dog Pound then moved in front of the camera.


DP (together): "WOOF! WOOF! WOOF!"


DP then walked out of the picture as the segment ended.)


(Announcers intro'd video from Wahoo.




Wahoo was in street clothes and holding a mic. He was standing in front of a black curtain.


WM: "Ted DiBiase, this Sunday at 'Holiday Havoc', you and I will square off in a match before a sellout crowd in Portland, Oregon. The moment you hit me over the head with that chair when I refused to join your band of outlaws known as The Firm, there was no way I could let that slide. I'm mad as hell right now. Enraged beyond belief. Ted, I'm out for a ruthless and violent revenge against you. I'm not gonna pull any punches. This will be a fight. It's gonna get ugly and it's gonna get brutal.


"You couldn't just walk away when I said 'no' to your invitation to join The Firm. If you don't get your way, Ted, you react like a spoiled brat. That wouldn't be a big deal if there wasn't the constant threat of serious violence lying behind your tantrums. Now, in just five short days, we'll meet on even ground. You and me, one-on-one. People rave about what a great technical wrestler you are. Well, the match between us is going to be anything but a technical masterpiece. It's gonna be a ferocious dogfight. And I know we're gonna tear each other apart. The only question is, who's going to tear apart who more? That's the question that will be answered this Sunday.


"Ted, money can't buy everything. I've shown it can't buy me. And it's not buying you a victory this Sunday.")


(Announcers discussed the Wahoo interview and hyped the Wahoo-DiBiase match on PPV this Sunday. Hyped still to come: A Special Message to the Fans from Roddy Piper; 10-Man Tag: The Firm vs. Arn ©, Hugh, Patera & the Dog Pound; a video message from Sammy Hagar; and the final 'Holiday Havoc' PPV Update.)


(Announcers intro'd a special video message from rock star Sammy Hagar, who will be performing the theme song for 'Holiday Havoc'...'Winner Takes It All!'...LIVE!...before the WT match between Valentine © and Piper.




Sammy's in a studio recording a song. Sammy wraps up the last few seconds of his vocals.


Hagar (to someone in the sound booth): "How was that? It was good? Excellent."


Hagar then removed his headphones.


Hagar: "Hello, UWL! This is Sammy Hagar! This Sunday, I am excited to be performing the theme song 'Winner Takes It All' at the 'Holiday Havoc' pay-per-view live in the Rose Garden right before the big World Title match! And baby, the man who is gonna be the winner who takes it all is my man...'Rowdy' Roddy Piper! I can't wait to be a part of wrestling history! See all of you there!")


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed The Firm.


Rude: "Hugh Morrus. This Sunday at 'Holiday Havoc' I get my wish! I get an early Christmas present as I get you in a match! You're my target! You mess with The Firm and, not only will you pay in the 10-man tag coming up in minutes; you're also gonna pay a heavy penalty for allying yourself with Ken Patera against us! Hugh, you're in for a rude awakening at 'Holiday Havoc'!"


Hall: "Hey yo! Gene and Lars Anderson! 'Holiday Havoc' is the beginning! It's the beginning of The Firm's objective to capture all the championships here in the UWL! Your tag team titles will be the first belts we capture! But they won't be the last, boys! The tag team titles are just the first step up the ladder to one day completely controlling the UWL! And just five days away from the biggest event in UWL history, you five who are facing us tonight probably should have gone to President Watts and begged out of this match! Because it would be a real shame if something happened to you guys on the way to 'Holiday Havoc'!"


Nash: "This match tonight could get real ugly for five of the wrestlers in it! But it won't be for the members of the elite organization in all of wrestling! It could be a bad night for those guys on the other side of the ring! You can feel the intensity starting to pick up in this war! There will be many struggles along the way! But ultimately, we will attain all our goals here in the UWL! No one can stop us!


"Gene and Lars Anderson, Scott just said all that needs to be said! This is the just the first step, the first battle to be won, in our quests for winning all the championships here! Come this Sunday, the only thing Gene and Lars need to be asking themselves is which one of them is gonna be looking up at the lights when the ref counts three and we become the new World Tag Team Champions! Mark it down! Hall and Nash become the tag team champions on December 9th, 2012!"


Schultz: "Ken Patera! It's come down to this! A showdown between you and me at 'Holiday Havoc', son! We've both screwed each other over real good in the past, Ken! But in five days, I'm gonna be the better screwer and you're going down to total defeat at my hands! You got that?! You've said that you were willing to lose your war with The Firm just to destroy me! Well, not only are you gonna lose your war with us in the end! But it's you who's gonna get destroyed! And your destruction might just start tonight in our 10-man tag team match, Ken! You'd better watch your back!"


DiBiase: "This match coming up tonight is really a microcosm of The Firm's war with the UWL. Whichever team wins this match tonight will score a major victory. And I wouldn't bet against The Firm in this one.


"And then there's this Sunday. Wahoo, you could be standing here with us right now as a member of the elite. But you spat in our faces. Chief, the faces you see here, except Larry Nelson's, are the wrong faces to spit in! I heard your message earlier this evening! You said that you can't be bought and that I can't buy a victory against you at 'Holiday Havoc'! Ha! I don't need to 'buy' my way to victory, Chief! I guarantee I am going to defeat you, Wahoo! You will not hold up against the withering assault I've got planned for you! And you will rue the day you said 'no' to joining The Firm!


"And I'm gonna make another guarantee right now! At 'Holiday Havoc', not only will I beat Wahoo McDaniel! But Rick Rude will beat Hugh Morrus! Hall and Nash will become the new UWL World Tag Team Champions! And David Schultz will knock off that former member of The Firm, Ken Patera! The Firm is gonna run the table on Sunday night! And once that happens, every single wrestler in those locker rooms will have to ask themselves if they really can stop The Firm!"


Firm members were shaking their heads in agreement as a confident DiBiase looked directly into the camera with a serious, determined look on his face.)


(Announcers said the 10-man tag was next! Hyped still to come: A Special Message to the Fans from Roddy Piper.)


Match 5

The Firm (DiBiase, Hall, Nash, Rude & Schultz) vs. Arn Anderson ©, Ken Patera, Hugh Morrus & The Dog Pound


(Firm came to the ring first to a mixed crowd reax. Team Arn came to the ring to a stong ovation.


The match was an intense back-and-forth battle with a lot of crowd heat. During the match, Patera and Schultz fought each other but neither could gain a firm advantage. Same for Rude and Morrus. Some pin tries during the match, some broken up by outside parties. At the end of the match, Steiner and Hall were the legal men in the ring. Steiner had gained the advantage and was starting to punish Hall. Steiner nailed Hall with a diving bulldog. Steiner then snapped up Hall and nailed him with a Death Valley Driver. Steiner covered Hall and hooked the leg. 1...2... Schultz hit the ring and stomped on Rick's head to break up the pin try. Patera hit the ring and clotheslined Schultz to the mat as the crowd roared. Schultz rolled out onto the apron and dropped to the floor and Patera followed him out. DiBiase and Rude left the apron and went over and attacked Patera. They were soon met with resistance from Arn, Hugh and Buzz Sawyer. As those parties battled it out on the floor, the ref went over by the ropes and tried to get the warring factions back to their corners. Steiner got to his feet first. Nash hit the ring behind the ref's back and blasted Steiner with a boot to the face. Steiner crumpled to the mat. Nash dragged Hall over to his corner. Nash yelled at the ref and the ref turned. Battle on the floor continued. Hall weakly tagged Nash in. Just as Steiner made it to his feet, Nash doubled over Rick with a kick to the gut. Nash then blasted Steiner with the jack-knife powerbomb, covered Steiner and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Ref raised Nash's hand in victory as Hall was coming to his senses in the corner. Hall dropped off the apron and dropped to the floor and briefly joined in the floor fray before the fighting petered out. Nash raised his arms in victory and left the ring and joined his Firm mates by the entrance aisle. Arn and crew got in the ring as Steiner was shaking off the effects of the powerbomb. DiBiase was now jubilant and raised Nash's hand in victory to a mixed crowd reaction. Arn and co. looked on from the ring as Buzz checked on Steiner, who was now on his knees. DiBiase started laughing his 'hahaha' laugh as The Firm made their way back up the aisle and headed towards the back. WINNER: The Firm - Pinfall - Nash pinned Steiner with a Jack-knife Powerbomb - 9:37)


(Announcers discussed The Firm winning the 10-man tag. Hyped still to come: A Special Message to the Fans from Roddy Piper. Said the final 'Holiday Havoc' PPV Update was next!)




Announcers ran down the complete card:


UWL WORLD TITLE MATCH (If Roddy Piper loses, he MUST retire!): Greg Valentine © vs. Roddy Piper


RE-MATCH: Madusa vs. Bull Nakano


UWL WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: Anderson Brothers © vs. Hall & Nash


SUBMISSION MATCH (Grand Wizard will be suspended above the ring in a cage! There must be a clean winner!): Billy Graham vs. Lex Luger


Wahoo McDaniel vs. Firm Director Ted DiBiase


UWL TV TITLE MATCH: Arn Anderson © vs. Rip Oliver


PRESIDENT'S CHAMPIONSHIP: Harley Race © vs. The Great Christopho


UWL WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE GAUNTLET MATCH: Tina Ferrari © vs. Queen Kong, Mad Maxine & Lita


Pres. Bill Watts vs. Ole Anderson


Ken Patera vs. David Schultz


Hugh Morrus vs. Rick Rude


PLUS! Rock legend Sammy Hagar will be performing the theme song for 'Holiday Havoc'...'Winner Takes It All!'...LIVE...before the World Title match!


UWL EXCLUSIVE! Only on uwlslam.com!



The Dog Pound vs. Father Dutch & Grog


'Immodium A-D Presents: Holiday Havoc! Winner Takes It All!' - Sunday - Dec. 9 - Portland, OR - Rose Garden - 8pm E/5pm P - SOLD OUT! Order on PPV! Cable: $39.95! Satellite: $49.95!)


(Announcers intro'd the final video message for Roddy Piper. This one from Portland Mayor Sam Adams.




Adams is seated at his desk in the mayor's office.


Adams: "Hello. Greetings from Portland, Oregon. I'm Sam Adams, the mayor of this great city. Portland is a vibrant city. We are proud to be hosting the annual UWL extravaganza 'Holiday Havoc' this Sunday, December 9th. And we are excited that one of Portland's favorite sons, Roddy Piper, is wrestling for the UWL World Title against the champion Greg Valentine in the main event.


"As you know, Roddy's originally from Glasgow, Scotland. When he chose to come to America and become a U.S. citizen he could have lived anywhere in this great country. We are glad that he picked Portland as his hometown. Roddy is truly an American success story. He is a man who overcame great obstacles when he was younger, pulled himself up by his bootstraps, and went on to become one of the greatest pro wrestlers of all-time. The city has been buzzing recently about Roddy having the chance to become the new UWL World Champion in his own backyard.


"Roddy, as the mayor of your American hometown, I speak for all of Portland when I wish you the best of luck at 'Holiday Havoc'. We know you'll make us proud and win the World Title before the home crowd.")


(Video aired chronicling the Piper-Valentine feud.)


(In-ring: Bagpipe music played over the p.a. system. Fans erupted when Piper walked out on the entrance stage with mic in hand. He was in street clothes and wearing a 'Hot Rod' t-shirt. Piper slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring.


Piper got in the ring and soaked in the 'Roddy! Roddy!' chants before speaking.


RP: "You guys are awesome, man!"


Crowd cheered more.


RP: "This Sunday in my American hometown of Portland, Oregon, I've got a chance to make history. And I want all of you to make that journey with me."


More cheers.


RP: "I have had a great career. Pro wrestling has been a blessing for me and the Piper clan. I consider myself a very lucky man. I've loved entertaining you people night after night for years. I like to fight. This sport was made for me. Wrestling has allowed me to travel the world and make a good living. I've had enough fun in this business to last five lifetimes. I've been loved by the fans and I've been hated by the fans. I've heard every cheer and every boo for me. I've had to have heavy security lead me to and from the ring and out of the building because there have been times when fans wanted to rip my head off. I've had thousands of matches. But none as big as this Sunday. And I want to win the World Title for you just as much as for myself."


More cheers and 'Roddy!' chants.


RP: "Wrestling's a macho business. Guys like to talk tough about what they'll do to their opponent or guarantee victory. But sometimes, things don't work out quite the way you envisioned. The talk and guarantees don't add up to the reality of what happens. There are no sure things in this business. And this Sunday at 'Holiday Havoc', there is a chance I could lose to Greg Valentine."


Crowd booed. Piper raised his hand to quiet the crowd.


RP: "I am confident going into this match. I feel that momentum is on my side. I owe Greg Valentine a sound thrashing of Biblical proportions for what he did to me 14 months ago. But like other sports, this one is also unpredictable. Anything can happen once you step between those ropes. The result we want to happen sometimes doesn't materialize.


"With that in mind, I wanted to come out here and say thank you to all you fans. Whether you've loved me or wanted to tear my guts out, know that you made Roddy Piper the man he has become. Without you, I wouldn't be here today. There's one thing I've been able to do my whole life. Fight. Whether it's fighting for my next meal as a young man growing up on the streets or fighting in this ring, fighting has been the one constant in my life. I am a born fighter.


"But, if the unthinkable happens and Greg Valentine has his hand raised in victory, that's it. I will be forced to retire. And I have made it clear that I will never appear at another pro wrestling event again as long as I live. Every fan in the Rose Garden this Sunday, I need to hear you. I need your support. I can't win without you. In other sports, vocal fans can make a difference in the outcome of a game. At 'Holiday Havoc', you can make a difference in the outcome of my match with Valentine! So I want hear you on Sunday! I know I've got the support! Let's make sure that Greg Valentine knows he's the visitor in the Rose Garden! He deserves to have his cage rattled by the people! The fans in that arena want to see him lose the World Title! You're important! You're a vital part of me going out there and becoming the new UWL World Champion! So, let's send Greg Valentine and that Uncle Fester manager of his a message tonight that will still be rattling around in their heads when they enter the ring at 'Holiday Havoc'!


"Spokane! Let me hear ya!"


Crowd started cheering and many started chanting 'Roddy! Roddy!'.


RP: "The World Champion needs to hear you! He needs to know that you the people are determined to see him become the FORMER World Champion! Come on!"


Piper started walking around to all sides of the ring and leading the crowd in making noise. Crowd grew louder with cheers and 'Roddy! Roddy!' chants.


RP: "Thank you! Thank you all!"


Crowd was still cheering loudly as Piper soaked in the repsonse as the program faded to black.)


(Final video aired for the 'Immodium A-D presents: Holiday Havoc! Winner Takes It All!' PPV - This Sunday - Dec. 9 - Portland, OR- Rose garden - 8pm E/5pm P - SOLD OUT! - Order on PPV! Cable: $39.95! Satellite: $49.95!)




Dark Match

Billy Graham vs. Lex Luger

(WINNER: Luger - Pinfall - Forearm Smash to the head - 5:29)

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<p><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">UWL FACE-OFF</span></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;">UWL announcers Steve Stack and Joe Pedicino give their predictions and thoughts on the UWL World Title Match between Greg Valentine © and Roddy Piper* coming up this Sunday on the 'Holiday Havoc' PPV! (* Piper MUST retire if he loses!)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Joe Pedicino:</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

I had a war raging between my head and my heart here. In my heart I want Roddy Piper to win and become the new UWL World Champion. After Greg Valentine nearly ended Piper's career 14 months ago with a brutal battering at 'Helloween' in 2011, how can you not root for Piper to succeed in this match considering all the obstacles he's had to overcome. Piper defeating his most hated rival and winning the title would be the stuff of legend. Hollywood couldn't write a happier ending. Can you imagine the reaction in the Rose Garden this Sunday night when Piper walks to the ring? It will be electric. It will be highly emotional. This is Piper's first match since that dark night in Las Vegas 14 months ago.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

The fans may just blow the roof off of the building if Piper wins the title. In my heart, like most wrestling fans, that is what I want to see. I'll be calling the match with my broadcast partner Steve Stack. We'll be at ringside. I can only imagine what the moment will be like if Piper is crowned the new UWL World Champion. That's what my heart says to me about this match: Piper wins the title as a fitting end to this story.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

But my head tells me something completely different...</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

For one year, Greg Valentine has been the UWL World Champion. And he has not been a shrinking violet at all. Valentine's taken on all challengers with the gold on the line and every night...he's walked out of the ring with the World Title still firmly around his waist. Valentine has bragged endlessly about being the best wrestler in the world right now and he's also stated confidently that Gary Hart is the best manager in the sport. Who can argue with those sentiments?</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

No matter what one thinks of Greg Valentine, he's backed up everything he's said with his actions. He's successfully defended the title on 'Slam!' and on pay-per-views. But his most impressive accomplishment may be something most people don't see. The UWL tours around the country quite frequently. The shows on the tour are called 'house shows'. They are shows that are not taped for broadcast. The only people who see them are the fans in the arena. Greg Valentine is not a guy who will only defend the title on TV; he has defended the title on almost every single 'house show' since he's been the World Champion. Some nights he's been sick when on the road. Other times he's had to fight through nagging injuries. But, Greg Valentine never ran away from a fight. No matter how he was feeling, he went to the ring and put the World Title on the line, no excuses. The fact that he's still the World Champion today tells us all we need to know. Love him or hate him, that's the sign of a winner. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Greg Valentine is a very driven man. He was determined to win the World Title and he did it. He's determined to hold on to the title and, so far, he has. Being the World Champion is what drives Greg Valentine. He likes being what Ric Flair calls 'The Man'. Valentine loves the challenge of putting the belt on the line constantly against a myriad of opponents and emerging the victor. He also likes to live life in the fast lane. He loves a good party and being surrounded by beautiful women. He loves the attention he gets being the World Champion. When you win the World Title in wrestling, you are placed in a unique position. People want to be around you because you're the one wearing the 10-pounds of gold. The sky's the limit as to what some people will do for you just because you have the title 'World Champion' next to your name. Greg Valentine thrives on the lifestyle. Plus, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the hefty pay raise and perks that come with being the World Champion. You hold the World Title and you hold a great deal of power. You don't think Valentine loves that power? It's oxygen to him. He can call a lot of his own shots in this business simply because he's the World Champion. Greg Valentine is a man who knows his own worth. He since of self-importance often comes across as being quite conceited. But, Greg Valentine is a man who almost always shuts up his detractors with what he does in that ring. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

No discussion of Greg Valentine would be complete without a few words about his manager Gary Hart. When you meet Gary Hart, he comes across as boorish and arrogant. Hart always believes he's the smartest person in the room. It would be easy to dismiss him if he wasn't so successful. The fact is that Gary Hart is successful precisely because of his intelligence. Would Greg Valentine have become the World Champion if not for Hart's guidance? That's hard to say. Valentine has had other managers in his career. But only Hart has managed Valentine to the World Championship.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Gary Hart is a tireless worker. He's always watching video of current and potential future opponents for Valentine. He's a man known to hole up in his luxury home for days at a time and study video frame-by-frame and repetitiously. He's a master at discovering the subtle nuances of an opponent's strengths and weaknesses; and he really knows how to exploit a weakness in a challenger to his man's advantage. When Valentine trains, Hart is always there to offer advice to the champ on things he can do just a little bit differently. Hart is always looking for moves he thinks would be strong additions to Valentine's already impressive ring arsenal. The Hammerhead, which is a fancy name for the double underhook facebuster, was a move that Gary thought would be perfect for Greg to use as a finisher; and the smashing success Valentine has had using the move to finish off challengers shows that Hart made the right call to incorporate it into Greg's repertoire. Gary Hart is like a lot of great coaches in sports. They themselves were often mediocre if not outright bad at the top level of their chosen sport. But they're great at coaching. They're great at getting the most out of those they manage/coach. That's Gary Hart in a nutshell. He was average during his career as a wrestler. But he's a surefire Hall of Famer as a manager. And Greg Valentine is his greatest success to date. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Serious questions surround Roddy Piper coming into this match. Just how seriously damaged is Piper's left ear at this time? How will Roddy's ring skills be in his first match in 14 months? Will he have a lot of 'ring rust'? How will his conditioning be? Will he tire in the ring after just a few minutes because of the long layoff? Will Valentine zero in on Piper's left ear to inflict more damage to it? Since we know Roddy wants to physically punish Valentine, can Roddy contain his rage during the match and concentrate solely on trying to win the belt? We all know Roddy's an emotional man and it's not out of the realm of possibility for him just to snap and go crazy on Valentine and lose his train of thought which could wind up costing him the match.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

As I said in the first paragraph of this article, I want to see Roddy Piper emerge from this match as the new World Champion. But the facts speak volumes in this case. Greg Valentine has been the World Champion for a year and he has confidently told us that he will be the champ for a long time to come. Considering his track record during his reign, I have yet to find a reason to disagree with that sentiment. Sure, Valentine's lost some matches in the last year. But he's never lost the title! And that's the bottom line in this bottom line business. No matter the challengers. No matter the rigors of being on the road defending the title night-after-night. No matter how he's feeling. Greg Valentine is a man who goes out there and takes care of business. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

I predict that Piper will be at a little bit of a disadvantage because of his time away from the ring. To be fair, it wasn't Piper's fault he was away from the ring for so long; it was Valentine's fault. But I don't see how he will be at the top of his game in the ring this Sunday. He's been training hard. But I think Roddy should have had a few matches with some lesser opponents before this match to get back in true ring shape and shake off the rust. This might prove big-time costly in the match with 'The Hammer'. Also, no one really knows how bad Piper's left ear really is. He may have gotten a medical clearance to return to wrestling, but even Piper has said the ear is not 100 percent and probably never will be again. Just how extensive is the damage as of right now? That's the crux of the matter. And I look for Valentine to zero in on Piper's left ear. You can bet Valentine and Hart have studied video of Piper's defense. Valentine will look for an opening to exploit and go after that ear. If Valentine can get some stiff shots in on that left ear and inflict further serious damage, Piper is finished.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

This was not an easy thing for me to write because of the conclusion I've come to. Roddy Piper will give Greg Valentine a fight. And it will be a helluva fight. But, Piper's 14 month layoff from wrestling and his unknown left ear issues pose major problems for the challenger. Gary Hart has often said that Greg Valentine is 'money' when the World Title is on the line. Hart has yet to be proven wrong. With Valentine wrestling better than he ever has and with the managerial acumen of Hart guiding the way, I can't see things changing this Sunday at 'Holiday Havoc'. Greg Valentine retains the World Title and, tragically, Roddy Piper is forced into early retirement from the sport he loves so much and has dedicated his life to. And the latter part of that last sentence would be sad to see.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>PREDICTION:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> Greg Valentine retains the UWL World Title</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Steve Stack:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

I read my good friend and colleague Joe Pedicino's reasons for why he is picking Greg Valentine to retain the UWL World Title this Sunday against Roddy Piper at 'Holiday Havoc'. There's really nothing I can disagree with as to what he wrote. Pedicino makes a very strong case for why Valentine keeps the belt and Roddy Piper is forced into a permanent retirement from professional wrestling.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

However, I believe Joe will be proven wrong on Sunday.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

More than once, Greg Valentine has said that one of the reasons for his success as champion is that he has 'momentum' on his side. Momentum can indeed play a major role in an athlete getting on quite a roll. With momentum on their side, an athlete can rack up victory after victory. Momentum is one of those things that really can't be explained; It just happens. A guy catches fire and he gets hot, either for a short period of time or a long period of time. Valentine has been scorching hot for the last year. Momentum has been known to swing back-and-forth in athletic contests. Whether it be wrestling, football or some other sport, a momentum shift can happen at any time. Take the Denver Broncos vs. the San Diego Chargers from earlier this year. The game was in San Diego and the Chargers went into the locker room at halftime with a 24-0 lead. The Chargers had ALL the momentum coming out for the second half. Things weren't looking good for the Broncos. What happened in the second half? The Broncos seized the momentum and scored 35 unanswered points and won the game, 35-24. Momentum can be a very touchy thing. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

So far during Valentine's title reign, his opponents have often gotten momentum going during a match. But in the end, Valentine has always found a way to shift the momentum back in his favor and keep the title. It's been an amazing run. Joe says Piper may have some 'ring rust' from the long layoff because of the injury that kept him out of action for over a year. That could be the case. But then again it might not be. At Wrestlemania 28 this year, The Rock, who had not wrestled a match in eight years, came back, looked impressive and beat John Cena. Now, The Rock hadn't suffered a terrible injury like Roddy Piper did last year; but The Rock was great in his return. Roddy Piper has been out of action for far less time. The bottom line is we won't know how well Piper holds up in that ring until the match actually happens. Until then, it's all just speculation about the ring shape Piper's in. But know this, Roddy Piper is one of the best at training. He works really hard and is dedicated to working out and sparring in the ring. Roddy may start the match a little rusty. But with his training regimine, I think he'll shake off the rust and give the champion all he can handle.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Joe was spot on about Piper's left ear. You can bet the house that Valentine will look to go after Piper's ear throughout the match. Piper his going to have to have his defenses up to repel Valentine's attempts to do further damage. If Valentine does get in some clean punches on that ear, Piper will be in serious trouble. It is imperative that one of the things Piper does during the match is protect that left ear at all costs.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Greg Valentine has shown that he considers Piper to be a serious threat to his title reign. Remember Greg's attack on Roddy a couple weeks ago where Greg Pearl Harbored Roddy as Piper walked to the ring for an interview? Remember how Valentine put on an obviously loaded black glove and attempted to hit Piper in the left ear repeatedly with that gloved hand? Greg wasn't just trying to hurt Roddy. He was trying to take Piper out of the World Title match coming up this Sunday at 'Holiday Havoc'. Piper was able to defend himself from the attempted attack on his ear. However, Greg did manage to nail Piper with a cheap shot to the ear with the gloved hand; but luckily it was just a glancing blow and caused no real damage. The World Champion is quite worried heading into this match. When he and manager Gary Hart say they're not even thinking about losing the match to Piper, they're not being honest. The reality that Piper could be the man to end Valentine's reign weighs heavily on the minds of Valentine and Hart. They know that Sunday, December 9th, could be Valentine's last day as World Champion.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

The home field advantage will definitely play a role on Sunday. Valentine has wrestled and defeated challengers all over the U.S. But, he's never had to face an opponent on their turf. This will be like a road game, if you will, for the champion this Sunday. Outside of Gary Hart, no one else in the Rose Garden will be on Greg's side. For Piper, this will be like Ric Flair wrestling in Charlotte, North Carolina or Verne Gagne wrestling in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It's Piper's home turf. And the hardest place to beat someone in sports is on their home field. The crowd will be so strongly pro-Piper that it could rattle the champion just enough into making some serious miscues during the match to cost him the title.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Roddy also needs to keep his rage in check. My broadcast partner pointed this out in his statement and I wholeheartedly agree. Roddy wants the World Title. But he also wants revenge. Piper would love to go off on Valentine and pay him back with a massive beating for what Valentine did to him in October 2011 at 'Helloween'. But if Piper loses his cool, it could lead him to make a big mistake or mistakes that leads to a Valentine victory. Roddy has to do his absolute best to stay under control. He needs to wrestle with great passion. But, he absolutely cannot go crazy. He has to wrestle smart.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Here's what Piper needs to do to win:</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

1) There will be momentum swings throughout the match. With two great competitors like this, how can there not be? Piper needs to focus on gaining momentum at the end of the match; something Valentine's other challengers have been unable to do.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

2) A top priority for Piper has to be the protection of his left ear. If Valentine is able to get inside on Piper and land solid blows to that ear then Piper probably loses the match.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

3) Piper knows that deep down Valentine is worried. Piper has to take the fight to Valentine and increase Valentine's concern during the match that his title reign is on the verge of crumbling.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

4) The home field, or in this case home ring, advantage will prove huge for Piper. Visiting teams are often intimidated when they play at certain stadiums. This crowd will be so raucous in their support for Piper that it may be a big factor in dictating the outcome of the match.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

5) Roddy Piper must not let his anger towards Valentine get the best of him. If he can keep a level head throughout the match, Valentine is in major trouble.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Taking all things into account, if Piper can minimize the negatives during this match against the man who is currently the best wrestler in the world, Roddy Piper should emerge victorious on Sunday.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>PREDICTION:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> Roddy Piper wins the UWL World Title and his career continues</span></p>

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UWL WORLD TITLE MATCH (If Roddy Piper loses he MUST retire!)








(Graham's manager The Grand Wizard will be suspended above the ring in a cage during the match to prevent him from interfering!)





























Will this be the end of Roddy Piper's career...or Greg Valentine's 1-year UWL World Title Reign?!




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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"><span style="font-size:12px;">PRE-SHOW MATCH (Exclusively on uwlslam.com!)</span></span></span></strong></p><p>

<span style="color:#FF0000;"><span style="font-size:12px;">The Dog Pound vs. Father Dutch & Grog</span></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;"><span style="font-size:12px;">

(WINNER: Dog Pound - Pinfall - Steiner pinned FD with the Double Underhook Powerbomb - 7:24)</span></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:14px;">'HOLIDAY HAVOC' PPV RESULTS - PORTLAND, OR - ROSE GARDEN - 12-9-12 (Live)</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;">(Special video built around the Valentine ©-Piper World Title match aired to open the show)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

('Holiday Havoc' Show Intro to the tune of 'Winner Takes It All!'by Sammy Hagar)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Crowd Shots/Pyro)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers Steve Stack and Joe Pedicino welcomed viewers and said they were broadcasting live before a sellout crowd in Portland. Hyped for the PPV: UWL WT Match (If Piper loses, he MUST retire!): Greg Valentine © vs. Roddy Piper; UWL World Tag Team Title Match: Gene & Lars Anderson © vs. Hall & Nash; Ted DiBiase vs. Wahoo McDaniel; Submission Match (Grand Wizard will be suspended in a cage above the ring): Lex Luger vs. Billy Graham; and more!)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 1</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Madusa vs. Bull Nakano (w/ Mr. Saito)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Nakano and Saito came out on the entrance stage to loud boos. Nakano was carrying the flag of Japan. They came to the ring and Nakano walked around in the ring waving the flag as the boos rose.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Madusa came to the ring in a red, white and blue singlet and waving the American flag and got a strong ovation from the fans. Once in the ring, Madusa strutted around and waved the flag high for all to see.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Saito took the Japan flag from Nakano and left the ring. Madusa handed her flag off to a ring attendant who stood the flag in the corner next to the ring post on the floor.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Ref called for the bell and it was on!</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Madusa charged out of the corner and started flailing away on Nakano with a barrage of punches. Crowd hot. Madusa whipped Nakano into the ropes and caught Nakano coming off with a dropkick. Nakano staggered but not off her feet. Madusa nailed Nakano with a second dropkick. Nakano still staggered but not down. Madusa backed up and came at Nakano and nailed her with another flying dropkick. Nakano staggered and crashed to the mat. Bull rolled out of the ring and dropped to her feet on the floor. Saito came over and had words with Bull as the hot crowd was roaring. Bull cautiously made her way back onto the apron. Madusa ignored the ref's order to stay back and went over to grab Bull on the apron. Bull nailed Madusa in the solar plexus with a shoulder block. Madusa grabbed her gut and staggered backwards. Bull got back in the ring and came at Madusa and Madusa stunned Bull with a kick to the chest that sent Bull toppling back to the canvas. Bull got up and Madusa moved in with a series of kicks and whipped Bull into the ropes and looked to catch Bull with another dropkick but Bull grabbed the top rope and Madusa crashed to the mat. Bull moved in and stomped on the downed Madusa. Bull pulled Madusa up by the hair and rammed Madusa's head into the top buckle. Madusa spun around in the corner and Bull delivered a series of kicks of her own on Maddy. Madusa limp in the corner.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Bull pulled Madusa out of the corner and nailed Madusa with a suplex. Bull then went for a standing legdrop on Madusa and Madusa rolled out of the way and Bull crashed to the mat. Both women down. Bull made it to her feet as Madusa had gotten to a knee. Bull grabbed Madusa by the hair and started to pull her up when Madusa nailed Bull with a series of punches to the side of the ribs. Madusa then nailed Bull with more punches to the head. Bull staggered. Madusa then backed up and charged at Bull and looked to catch her with a flying bodypress but Bull caught Madusa. Bull then blasted Madusa with a spinning powerslam. Bull for the cover. 1...2... Madusa kicked out. Bull got to her feet and Madusa got to her feet and was bent over. Bull popped Madusa with a knee-lift to the chest. Madusa crashed to the mat. Bull went over and stomped on Madusa some more. Bull grabbed Madusa by the hair and pulled her over by the ropes and placed her throat on the bottom rope. Bull then placed her foot on the back of Madusa's neck and choked Madusa on the rope. Ref counted and Bull broke the illegal move at 4. Bull then pulled Madusa up and draped her head and shoulders over the middle rope. Bull backed up and charged at Madusa and jumped on Madusa's back. Madusa in a real bad way. Bull then pulled Madusa up, pounded on her back, draped Madusa's head and shoulders across the top rope and grabbed the back of Madusa's neck and pressed her throat down on the top rope. Ref counted and Bull again broke the illegal move at 4. Madusa draped over the top rope and Bull violently yanked on the rope and Madusa snapped back and crashed to the mat again. Bull stood over the downed Madusa and briefly played to the crowd by raising her arms in the air. Crowd booing. Madusa grabbing at her throat. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Bull pulled Madusa up and whipped Madusa into the corner. Bull went for the running big splash on Madusa but Madusa moved and Bull crashed into the buckles full-force. Crowd buzzing. Madusa down. Bull hurting against the buckles. Madusa made it to her feet just as Bull extricated herself from the buckles. Bull kicked Madusa in the side of the ribs and whipped Madusa into the ropes. Bull looked to catch Madusa coming off with a clothesline but Madusa ducked the move and came back and stunned Bull with a low dropkick to the left leg. Madusa then swept Bull's left leg and Bull toppled to the mat and Madusa locked Bull in the spinning toe hold. Fans cheering. Madusa working the hold and Bull struggling not to submit. Bull tried to scoot towards the ropes but was having problems getting there. Eventually, Bull was able to sit up enough and catch Madusa with the dreaded eye rake. Madusa let go of the hold and was grabbing at her eyes. Bull hobbled to her feet and came over and kicked Madusa in the chest. Madusa fell back against the ropes.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Bull popped Madusa with a double chop to the sides of the neck, whipped Madusa into the ropes and caught Madusa coming off with a monster lariat. Madusa crashed to the mat. Bull for the cover. 1...2...2-1/2... Madusa got a shoulder up. Bull picked Madusa up and hoisted Madusa up on her shoulder and went for a running powerslam but Madusa escaped Bull's grasp, dropped down behind Bull, ran Bull into the ropes and rolled Bull up for the pin try. 1...2... Bull kicked Madusa off. Both women to their feet. Madusa walked right into a belly-to-back suplex from Bull. Bull for the cover. 1...2...2-3/4... Madusa kicked out. Bull got up as Madusa got to her hands and knees. Bull put her foot on Madusa's back and drove Madusa to the mat. Madusa lying face down on the mat. Bull dropped an elbow on Madusa's back. Bull then picked up the battered Madusa and bodyslammed her into position for a turnbuckle move. Bull mounted the middle buckle and then shook her head 'no' and went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle. Bull came off with a diving guillotine leg drop but Madusa rolled out of the way and Bull crashed to the mat. Crowd buzzing. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Madusa got up just as Bull was making it to her feet and nailed Bull with a series of stiff kicks that stunned Bull. Madusa hit the ropes and came off and nailed Bull with a double flying forearm smash. Bull wobbled and then crashed to the mat. Madusa snapped Bull up and, with every ounce of strength she had, nailed Bull with a snap suplex. Crowd cheered. Saito looking on intently from ringside. Madusa then repeated the move with every ounce of strength she had. Madusa then positioned Bull for a turnbuckle move and nailed Bull with a couple of stomps. Madusa went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle and came off with a frog splash on Bull. Madusa bounced off Nakano and was holding her gut. Crowd thinking this was it. Madusa a little slow in covering Bull. 1...2...2-7/8... Bull kicked out. Crowd groaned. Madusa got up and caught Bull as she was getting up. Madusa whipped Bull into the ropes and caught Bull coming off with an elbow to the chest that staggered Bull but didn't take her off her feet. Madusa ran and hit the ropes and came back and caught Bull with a flying crossbody. Bull caught Madusa but Madusa shifted her weight and Bull crashed to the mat with Madusa on top of her. Madusa tried for the pin again. 1...2... Bull kicked out again. Madusa went out on the apron again and this time Mr. Saito jumped up on the apron with the Japan flag in hand. Saito tried to jab Madusa with the top end of the flag pole but Madusa caught the pole. The two engaged in a brief tug-of-war over the the flag and Madusa was able to briefly loosen the pole from Saito's grasp and slam the the lower end of the pole into Saito's side. Saito crashed to the floor. Fans eating it up. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Unfortunately, this gave Bull time to recover. As Madusa tossed the flag to the floor she turned her back to the ring. When she turned back around, Bull slapped her hard across the face. Madusa staggered and hanging on to the top rope. Bull grabbed Madusa by the hair, ran her down the apron and slammed her head into the top buckle. Bull then suplexed Madusa back into the ring. As Madusa was getting to her feet, Bull nailed Madusa with a vicious spin kick to the chest. Madusa fell back against the ropes. Bull moved in and blasted Madusa with a couple of open slaps to the side of the head and maneuvered Madusa into the corner. Bull whipped Madusa into the opposite buckles and followed her in with a big running splash. Madusa hanging on for dear life in the corner. Bull paintbrush slapped Madusa across the face a couple of times and then whipped Madusa into the opposite buckles. Bull slowly raised her right fist in the air, yelled something in Japanese and charged at Madusa in the opposite corner and Madusa charged out of the corner and blasted Bull with a spear. Fans went nuts. Bull down. Madusa down briefly. Madusa got to her feet and went back out on the apron and started mounting the buckles as Bull slowly and unsteadily made it to her feet. Madusa mounted the top buckle. Bull got up facing away from Madusa and, in wobbly fashion, turned around. Madusa greeted Bull with a missle dropkick. Madusa covered Bull and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Crowd roaring. Madusa got to her feet and the ref raised the weary winner's hand in victory. Bull still down.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Madusa went over by the ropes and demanded the American flag and it was handed to her. Madusa stood over the downed Bull and proudly waved Old Glory as many in the crowd chanted 'USA! USA!' An unhappy and defeated Saito stood at ringside watching the spectacle. Madusa went and stood on the middle buckle and continued waving the flag a little more before finally leaving the ring as the winner. She walked all the way to entrance stage with the flag flying high and, once on the stage, turned and waved it one more time to the delight of the crowd. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

WINNER: Madusa - Pinfall - Missle Dropkick - 13:12)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers discussed Madusa winning the re-match with Nakano. Said Hugh Morrus vs. Rick Rude was coming up. Then sent it backstage.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Pres. Watts. Watts was in a blue UWL t-shirt, black tights and his cowboy-style black ring boots.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>LN:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "President Watts, as you go into your match with Ole Anderson tonight how is your left arm doing?"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>BW:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Larry, I've got most of the movement back in my left arm. But it's still very painful to move it past a certain point."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>LN:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "People are saying it's very risky for you to step into the ring with a submission master like Ole Anderson considering the state of your arm. Do you think you made the right decision making this match?"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>BW:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Sometimes you have to stand up for what is right even if you aren't at 100 percent. Tonight is one of those times. Ole Anderson's a bully. He likes to push people around and hurt them. But you know what? I like to push people around and lay a beating on them when they deserve it. And Ole deserves it. Ole Anderson wanted a match with me and he's got his wish! Only this isn't going to be a match! It's gonna be a fight! And I may be a retired wrestler! I may not be at my physical best thanks to Ole Anderson! But I'm going out there and I'm gonna give Ole more than he can handle! I can't guarantee I'll win! But Ole's gonna know he's been in one helluva brawl once all is said and done!") </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 2</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Hugh Morrus vs. Rick Rude</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Before the match, announcers reminded viewers that Firm Director Ted DiBiase had guaranteed The Firm would win all of their matches tonight.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Rude came to the ring alone to a mixed crowd reaction. Morrus got a good ovation coming to the ring.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Rude attacked Morrus as Morrus was stepping through the ropes. Ref called for the bell. Rude pounded briefly on Morrus and whipped Morrus into the ropes. Rude went to blast Hugh with a clothesline but Hugh ducked the move and came back and dropped Rude with a flying shoulder tackle. Rude got to his feet and Morrus dropped Rude with a clothesline. Rude quickly rolled out of the ring and dropped to his feet on the floor. Rude angrily pounded the apron with his hands and then started pacing around ringside as the fans cheered. Rude had words for a heckler at ringside. Rude then jumped back on the apron and quickly climbed back in the ring and went to tackle Hugh but Hugh ole'd Rude and then dropped Rude with a tackle of his own. Hugh got on top of Rude and started popping Rude in the head with punches and grabbed Rude's head and bounced Rude's head off the mat. Hugh pulled Rude up and whipped Hugh into the buckles. Hugh charged in on Rude but Rude came out of the corner and popped Hugh with a clothesline that dropped Hugh to the mat. Rude slowly moved over and put the boots to Hugh. Rude picked Hugh up and dropped Hugh across his knee with a side backbreaker. Rude left Hugh in position for a turnbuckle move. Rude went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle. Rude came off and nailed Hugh with a diving kneedrop across the chest. Rude went for the cover. 1...2... Hugh kicked out. Rude grabbed Hugh in a front facelock and popped Hugh with a DDT. Rude again for the cover. 1...2...2-1/2... Hugh kicked out again. Rude snapped Hugh up and whipped Hugh into the buckles and followed Hugh in with running knee to the chest. Hugh grabbed his chest and staggered out of the corner holding his chest and dropped to a knee. Rude delivered a boot to the side of Hugh's face and Hugh toppled over on the mat.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Rude grabbed Hugh and went to place Hugh in the hold for the Rude Awakening but Hugh escaped. Rude turned and was greeted by a series of punches from Hugh. Hugh grabbed the stunned Rude, whipped Rude into the ropes and nailed Rude coming off with his flying headbutt to the chest. Crowd popped as Rude crashed to the mat. Hugh down as well. Hugh slow in making the cover on Rude. 1...2... Rude kicked out. Hugh grabbed Rude by the hair and was pulling Rude to his feet when Rude stunned Hugh with the mandible claw out of nowhere. Hugh struggling and choking, trying to get Rude's fingers out of his mouth. Suddenly, Hugh was able to bite Rude's fingers. Rude yelled out in pain and was able to extract his fingers from Hugh's pie hole. Rude turned away from Hugh and was shaking off the effects of the bite as Hugh shook off the mandible claw's effects. Rude turned and walked right into an inverted atomic drop from Hugh. Rude didn't go down but was singing soprano. Hugh blasted Rude with a running clothesline that dropped Rude. Hugh went for the cover. 1...2... Rude kicked out. Both men to their feet. Rude swung wildly at Hugh and missed and Hugh made Rude pay with the an uppercut to the jaw. Rude on stagger street. Hugh whipped Rude into the ropes and caught Rude coming off with a sidewalk slam. Hugh jumped up and briefly played to the crowd. Hugh picked up Rude and bodyslammed him into position for a turnbuckle move. Hugh mounted the top buckle and came off with a moonsault but Rude got his knees up and Hugh crashed into them. Both men now down. Ref started counting. Just before the 10 count, both men made it to their feet. Rude was bent over. Hugh charged at Rude and went to kick Rude in the chest but Rude move and Hugh missed and crashed to the mat. Rude grabbed Hugh and nailed Hugh with the Rude Awakening. Rude covered Hugh and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Rude got to his feet. With Hugh still down, Rude added insult to injury by placing his hands behind his head and gyrating over the downed Hugh. Rude then wiped sweat off his chest and flicked it on Hugh and got in one last stomp before finally leaving the ring to a mixed crowd reaction. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

WINNER: Rude - Pinfall - 6:29)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers discussed Rude beating Morrus and making The Firm 1-0 in their matches on the PPV. Said Ole Anderson vs. Pres. Watts was next!)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Video aired chronicling the Watts-Ole Anderson feud.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 3</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

President Watts vs. Ole Anderson</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

('Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system and out came Pres. Watts to a nice ovation. Watts slapped hands with fans using only his right hand as he made his way into the ring. Ole came to the ring alone and was greeted by strong boos.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Ref called for the bell and both men came out of their respective corners. Watts wrestled wearing the blue UWL t-shirt he was wearing in the interview. The two men circled one another in the ring. Ole went to grab Watts' left arm but Watts evaded it. The two circled each other some more and Watts slowly raised his right hand to lock up with Ole. Ole feigned like he was going to lock up with Watts but instead was able to grab Watts' left arm. Watts countered with a series of rights to Ole's head. Watts drove Ole into the corner with punches and continued the punch assault. Watts then pulled Ole out of the corner and whipped Ole into the ropes and caught Ole coming off with an elbow to the chest that dropped Ole. Ole got to his feet and Watts kicked Ole in the gut that doubled over Ole and then Watts clubbed Ole across the back with a couple of big forearms. Watts then suplexed Ole in the ring. Watts hit the ropes and came off and looked to nail Ole a running elbow smash but Ole rolled out of the way and Watts crashed to the mat. Ole got to his feet as Watts got to his knees. Ole peppered Watts with some head shots. Ole grabbed Watt's left arm and violently yanked on it and then locked on an arm bar. Watts in pain. Ole cinched up on the hold as Watts got to his feet. Watts tried to fight out of the armbar. Watts made a fist with his right hand and was preparing to pop Ole when Ole grabbed the back of Watts' hair and yanked Watts down to the mat, killing Watts' chance. Ole firmly re-applied the arm bar. Watts once again got to his feet. Ole now started pounding on Watts' left shoulder. Watts went back down to a knee in great pain. Ole popped the shoulder a few more times as Watts once again made it to his feet. Watts again started showing signs of life and Ole again grabbed Watts by the back of the hair and yanked him down to the mat, only this time the ref saw it. Ref ordered a break. Ole turned and had words with the ref which allowed Watts to make it to his feet behind Ole's back.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Ole turned around and Watts fired away with a series of head and body punches on Ole. Watts then whipped Ole into the buckles. Watts moved in and, in a rage, started choking Ole. Crowd popped. Watts broke the illegal choke at the count of 4. Watts then pounded away on Ole in the corner some more and drove Ole to his ass. Watts then started choking Ole with his boot. Watts once again broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Watts pulled Ole up out of the corner and went to whip Ole into the ropes but Ole instead blocked the attempt and kneed Watts in the gut. Ole whipped Watts into the ropes and looked to nail Watts with a clothesline but Watts ducked the move and came back and obliterated Ole with a right cross to the jaw. Crowd popped as Ole crashed to the mat. Watts then painfully picked Ole up in the horizontal position. Watts mustered everything he had and and nailed Ole with the Oklahoma Stampede. Watts rolled over and sat up and was holding his left arm. Watts went for the cover. 1...2... Ole kicked out. Crowd groaned. Both men got to their feet at the same time. Ole was standing by the ropes. Watts charged at Ole and and went to hit him with a clothesline but Ole ducked and, with Ole's kind assistance, Watts went over the top rope and crashed to the floor. Ole followed Watts out. As Watts got to his feet, Ole kicked Watts in the left arm. Watts staggered away. Ole followed and kicked Watts' left arm again and then a third time. Watts grabbing at his left arm as Ole quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the ref's 10-count as Watts leaned against the ringside barricade. Ole went back to the floor and clubbed Watts in the left shoulder with three double sledges. Watts still leaned against the barricade. Ole then mounted the ring apron and came off and attempted to nail Watts with another double sledge to the left shoulder but Watts moved and Ole smashed into the ringside barricade. Crowd buzzing. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Watts then became pissed. As Ole separated himself from the barricade and turned around, Watts caught him with a shot to the gut. Watts then started firing away on Ole with both fists, connecting with head and body punches. Watts then slammed Ole's head into the ringside barricade. Watts then quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the ref's 10-count. As Watts dropped back to the floor, Ole charged at Watts and Watts backdropped Ole on the floor. Crowd getting into it. Watts grabbed Ole by the head and slammed Ole's head again into the barricade and then went to whip Ole into the ring post but Ole reversed and sent Watts crashing left shoulder-first into the post. Watts stumbled off grabbing the left arm as Ole grabbed Watts and threw him back in the ring. Just as Watts got to his feet in the ring, Ole grabbed Watts' left arm and folded it behind Watts and punished Watts with a hammerlock bodyslam. Watts in serious trouble. Watts was leaned over on his side when Ole stomped on his left arm a couple of times thus inflicting further damage. Ole then grabbed Watts in another excruciating armbar. Watts got to his feet as Ole walked him into the corner. Ole slammed Watts' arm on the steel ring bolt that connects the turnbuckle to the post. Watts took a couple of steps out of the corner and dropped back down to the mat holding the arm. Ref asked Watts if he wanted to quit and Watts was audibly picked up saying, in a painful tone, 'no'. Ole then bent down to grab Watts' arm and apply the cross arm breaker. As Ole bent over Watts, Watts grabbed Ole by the throat with his right hand. Ole couldn't free himself as Watts got to his feet. Watts then briefly struggled before nailing Ole with a chokeslam. Fans popped. Watts shook out his left arm. As Ole got to his feet, Watts kicked Ole in the ribs, whipped Ole into the ropes and nailed Ole coming off with a monster clothesline. Ole crashed to the mat. Watts moved to the corner and got down in a 3-point stance. An unsteady Ole got up facing away from Watts. Crowd buzzing. Ole turned around and Watts charged out of the corner and blasted Ole with a 3-point clothesline. Watts covered Ole and hooked the leg. 1...2...2-9/10... Ole got a shoulder up. The crowd groaned. Watts pulled Ole up and whipped Ole into the corner. Watts charged in and looked to nail Ole with another clothesline but Ole moved and Watts slammed front-first into the buckles. Ole maneuvered around behind Watts. After a few seconds, Watts separated himself from the buckles and turned around...WHAM!...Ole blasted Watts with the Divorce Court. Ole then locked Watts in the cross arm breaker. Watts sturggled briefly in the hold but his left arm and shoulder couldn't take it and Watts tapped out. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Ref called for the bell. Ole kept the hold locked on and Watts was in dire pain. Ref ordered Ole to break the hold but Ole kept it locked in. Watts in a world called serious hurt. Crowd popped as TV Champion Arn Anderson came charging to the ring with a crowbar in hand. Ole saw Arn and quickly broke the hold and bailed from the ring to the floor. Arn looked on at his cousin from the ring and Ole looked up at Arn. Ole then made the throat-slitting gesture at Arn and then started making his way up the aisle as Arn and the ref checked on Watts.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

WINNER: Ole - Submission - Cross Arm Breaker - 10:53)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers discussed Ole forcing Watts to submit and Arn coming to Watts' aid after the match when Ole refused to release his submission finisher on Watts. Hyped the UWL WT Match (If Piper loses, he MUST retire!): Valentine © vs. Piper; and rock star Sammy Hagar singing the 'Holiday Havoc' theme...'Winner Takes It All!'...Live!...before the WT match!)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers then intro'd a video for the next UWL PPV.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Video opened with a green screen. You then heard the sound of marching boots and an animated figure walked onto the screen sideways. They then turned, in full army battle gear and carrying a rifle. They walked closer to the front of the screen, stood silently for a minute and then opened fire with the rifle blowing several holes in the picture:</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

'Hello Kitty Presents: Winter Warfare! The War Games!' - Sunday - Feb. 17, 2013 - Morgantown, WV - WVU Coliseum - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale Saturday, Jan. 5, 2013 @ 10am EST!) </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers briefly discussed the 'WW' PPV coming up in Feb. of next year. Said the TV Title Match: Arn Anderson © vs. Rip Oliver was next!)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Video aired chronicling Rip Oliver's stunning quick victories in recent months and how it led to this match.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 4 (TV Title Match)</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Arn Anderson © vs. Rip Oliver</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Oliver came to the ring first to strong boos but also had his fans. Arn, who came out to help Pres. Watts after the last match, came out again and was wearing the TV Title. Arn got a solid ovation coming to the ring.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Ref took the TV Title from Arn and held it up for all to see. Ref handed the belt off to guest ring announcer Gary Michael Capetta. Ref called both men to the the middle of the ring. Ref laid down the rules and patted each man down. Ref sent each man to a neutral corner and called for the bell.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

The men came out of their respective corners and Rip went to superkick Arn right away but Arn caught Rip's leg. Rip tried to beg off but Arn popped Rip with a flurry of head shots, spun Rip around and nailed Rip with an atomic drop. Rip dropped to his ass in the ring. Arn ran and jumped over Rip and snapped Rip's head forward. Rip snapped back and was laying on the mat grabbing the back of his head and stomping his feet on the canvas as he was feeling the pain. Arn grabbed Rip, whipped Rip into the ropes and drilled Rip coming off with a left-handed punch. Oliver staggered back against the ropes. Arn moved in with some head and body punches and whipped Rip into the opposite ropes and bent down looking to backdrop Rip but Rip leapfrogged Arn and caught Arn in a backslide attempt. Arn resisted the Rip's attempt to take him over and Arn reversed and took Rip over in the backslide instead. 1... Rip kicked out. Rip got up and angrily kicked the bottom rope in frustration. Arn moved towards Rip and Rip leaned his upper body out between the top and middle rope to force Arn to back off. Ref ordered Arn to step back. Oliver back in the ring. The two men circled one another and engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up and Arn drove Rip into the buckles. Ref forced a break. Rip put his hands up like he was going to do nothing as the ref got between them to keep then apart. Rip then sucker punched Arn in the jaw. Arn staggered back in the ring. Rip started popping Arn with punches, whipped Arn into the ropes and looked to catch Arn coming off with his superkick but Arn dropped to his ass and scooted back against the ropes before Rip could deliver his patented finisher. As Arn got to his feet, Rip charged over and started clubbing Arn with forearms and punches. Rip then went to whip Arn into the ropes again but Arn held onto the top rope. Rip kneed Arn in the gut forcing Arn to let go of the rope. Rip whipped Arn into the ropes and caught Arn coming off with a knee to the gut. Arn flipped head over heels over Rip's knee and crashed to the mat. Arn got into the sit-up position and Rip hit the ropes and came off and popped Arn with a low flying dropkick to the chest. Rip went for the cover. 1...2... Arn kicked out.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Rip grabbed Arn and went to ram Arn's head into the top buckle but Arn blocked the move twice, elbowed Rip in the gut forcing Rip to let go of the back of Arn's head and Arn grabbed the back of Rip's head and slammed Rip's head into the top buckle five straight times. Arn then nailed Rip across the upper back with clubbing forearms and a couple of shots to the side of the ribs. Arn then grabbed Rip and dropped Rip on the top buckle with a modified atomic drop. Rip facing the crowd as Arn mounted the middle buckle behind him. Arn delivered a couple of more forearms to the back and then nailed Rip with a belly-to-back superplex. Arn for the cover. 1...2...2-1/2... Rip kicked out. Arn got to is feet as Rip was getting up. Arn moved in the went to nail Rip with a DDT but Rip grabbed the top rope and Arn crashed to the mat. Rip moved in and started dropping knees on Arn while holding the top rope. Ref counting. Rip broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Arn rolled out on the apron. Ref ordered Rip to stand back. Ref started counting. Rip came over as Arn was getting to his feet and nailed Arn with shoulder block to the mid-section through the top and middle rope. Rip then caught Arn in a front facelock and dragged Arn through the top and middle rope and nailed Arn with a draping DDT. Arn hurting. As Arn started to sit up in the ring, Rip came up behind Arn, grabbed Arn's head and yanked it violently sideways. Arn down grabbing his head and neck. Rip stayed on the offensive and grabbed Arn. Rip hoisted Arn into position for an inverted piledriver but Arn started wriggling his legs and was able to reverse the hold and Arn popped Rip with an inverted piledriver instead. Both men down. Arn grabbing at his neck. Arn to his feet first as Oliver was getting up and still doubled over. Arn nailed Rip with some punches to the head. Arn then went to whip Rip into the ropes but Rip reversed and sent Arn into the ropes and Rip bent over and looked to catch Arn coming off with a backdrop but Arn stunned Rip with a DDT. Crowd popped. Arn covered Rip and went for the pin. 1...2...2-3/4... Rip barely kicked out. Arn picked up Rip near the ropes and grabbed Rip in a front facelock and went to nail Rip with his gourdbuster finisher but Rip twice blocked the move and hoisted Arn up and crothced Arn on the top rope. Arn teetering. Rip then backed up and charged at Arn and recklessly crashed into Arn. Arn tumbled from the top rope to the floor. Rip went to go after Arn but the ref ordered him to stand back. Ref started the 10-count.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

As the count escalated, Arn made it to his feet next to the apron. Rip ignored the ref, climbed out on the apron and stomped Arn in the head. Arn back down on the floor. Rip climbed back in the ring and had words with the ref. Rip backed off as the ref started counting. Arn made it back onto the apron and was on one knee when Rip again ignored the ref and came over to attack Arn. As Rip moved in, Arn nailed Rip in the gut with a shoulder block through the top and middle rope. The briefly stunned Rip tried to grab Arn again and Arn repeated the move. Rip doubled over. Arn dove over the top rope and caught Rip in a sunset flip try. Rip grabbed onto the top rope and wasn't going over. Ref saw Rip grabbed the rope and kicked Rip's hand and Rip let go of the rope and Arn flipped Rip for the pin try. 1...2... Rip kicked out. Crowd groaned. Both men got to their feet. Rip charged over and jumped on Arn and started battering Arn with punches that drove Arn next to the ropes. Rip then went to whip Arn into the opposite ropes but Arn reversed and caught Rip coming off with the spinebuster. Crowd popped. Arn made the throat-slitting gesture. Arn then nailed Rip with the gourdbuster next to the ropes. Arn for the cover. 1...2... Rip got his foot on the bottom rope. Ref patted Arn on the back. Arn, thinking he had won, jumped up and turned his back on Oliver. Arn walked away from Rip and raised his arms in the air victoriously. Ref came over and pulled Arn's arm down and explained to Arn what happened. Ref and Arn both facing away from Rip. This allowed Rip time to recover. Rip on his feet behind Arn had assumed the position. Arn turned around...WHAM!...Rip blasted the champ with his superkick. Arn crashed to the mat. Rip covered Arn and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Ref went over to guest r.a. Capetta and had a few words with him and then took the title from Capetta. Rip on his feet. Ref raised Rip's hand in victory and handed him the title. Oliver held the belt high with one hand for all the booing fans to see.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Capetta:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Wrestling fans! In a time of 9 minutes, 8 seconds, your winner....and NEW UWL TV Champion...'Crippler' Rip Oliver!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

More booing. Rip left the ring with title in hand and dropped to the floor. Riop slung the belt over his shoulder and made his way back up the aisle and saluted the fans along the way by giving them the bird as he passed by. A dazed Arn made it to his knees in the ring and angrily slapped the mat before slowly making it to his feet and leaving the ring in defeat.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

WINNER: Rip - Pinfall - Superkick - 9:08)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers discussed Oliver defeating Arn and becoming the new TV Champion. Camera shot of the cage suspended high in the air as announcers hyped the Submission Match (Grand Wizard will be suspended above the ring in the cage): Graham vs. Luger; UWL WT Match: Valentine © vs. Piper. Said Patera vs. Schultz was next!)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Video aired chronicling the Patera-Schultz feud.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 5</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Ken Patera vs. David Schultz</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Schultz was intro'd first and came to the ring to a mixed crowd reaction. Announcers re-iterated that DiBiase has guaranteed The Firm would win all four of their matches on the show and so far he was 1-for-1. Schultz got in the ring and soaked in the crowd response.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Patera was intro'd and came charging to the ring to a solid ovation. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Patera ran up the steps and quickly climbed in the ring and Schultz attacked him immediately. Ref called for the bell. Patera fought back and he and Schultz were exchanging punches in the ring. Patera gained the advantage, whipped Schultz into the ropes and caught Schultz coming off with a clothesline that nearly decapitated Schultz. Crowd roaring. Patera pulled Schultz up and whipped Schultz into the buckles. Patera moved in and nailed Schultz with a rapid fire series of shoulder blocks. Schultz hurting in the corner. Patera backed up and charged in on Schultz and blasted Schultz with a running shoulder block. Schultz staggered out of the corner and crashed to the mat holding his stomach. Patera dropped down on Schultz and nailed him with a series of head shots. Patera then grabbed Schultz by the throat and pulled Schultz to his feet. Patera marched Schultz next to the ropes and was choking the hell out of him. Ref counting. Patera broke the illegal move at the count of 4. Patera whipped Schultz into the ropes and nailed Schultz coming off with an elbow to the chest that dropped Schultz back to the mat. Patera grabbed Schultz and whipped Schultz into the corner. Patera nailed Schultz with a running clothesline in the corner. Patera then pulled Schultz out of the corner, whipped Schultz into the ropes and caught Schultz coming off with a double sledge to the chest. Schultz down and looking out. Patera anngrily looked down on the battered Schultz and doesn't go for the pin. Patera then grabbed Schultz by the hair and was pulling him up when Schultz drove a forearm into Patera's groin, thus killing Patera's offensive tear. Patera staggered back holding his goods. Schultz made it to his feet and moved in and blasted Patera with a series of rights to the head. Schultz whipped Patera into the ropes and caught Patera coming off with a flying lariat. Patera down. Schultz put the boots to Patera and then pulled Patera up and maneuvered Ken into the corner. Schultz drove a series of knees into Patera's gut. Patera partly bent over grabbing his stomach. Schultz slapped Patera upside the head three times and yelled at Patera. Schultz then nailed Patera with an open hand slap to the chest and then started biting Ken's forehead. Ref counting. Schultz broke the snacking at 4. Schultz got right in Patera's face and yelled at Patera that he was going to "John Stossel your ass!" Schultz then smacked Patera hard in the right ear. Patera staggered out of the corner.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Schultz followed Patera and blasted Ken with a double sledge to the back. Schultz then whipped Patera into the ropes and caught Ken coming off with a dropkick that sent Ken down. Schultz then went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle as Ken made it to his feet and came off and popped Ken with an elbow smash to the head. Ken staggered back. Schultz then charged at Ken and attempted to nail him with a running clothesline but Ken instead blasted Schultz with a sidewalk slam out of nowhere. Crowd buzzing. Both men down. Schultz made it to his feet first. Schultz assaulted Ken as he was getting up with more punches. Schultz whipped Ken into the ropes and bent down looking to catch Ken with a backdrop but Ken leapfrogged Schultz. Schultz turned around and was greeted with a big right to the jaw by Patera. Patera hit the ropes and came off and pulverized Schultz with a flying forearm shiver to the side of the head. Schultz down. Ken for the cover. 1...2... Schultz kicked out. Ken grabbed Schultz and whipped Schultz into the buckles. Ken charged in and Schultz got a foot up and caught Ken flush in the face with it. Patera staggered backwards. Schultz hopped up on the second buckle and came off with another attempted elbow to Ken's head but Patera caught Schultz coming off and reversed it into a spinebuster. Crowd popped. Ken for the pin. 1...2...2-1/2... Schultz weakly kicked out. Patera grabbed Schultz and bodyslammed him into position for a turnbuckle move. Patera mounted the middle buckle and came off with a knee drop attempt on Schultz's head but Schultz rolled out of the way and Patera crashed to the mat knee first. Schultz to his feet just before Patera. Patera walked right into a fireman's carry by Schultz. Schultz held Patera for a couple of seconds and then nailed Patera with a brutal fireman's carry neckbreaker. Patera down holding his neck. Schultz left the ring and went over to the timekeeper's table and grabbed the ringbell. Timekeeper tried to keep Schultz from taking it but Schultz shoved the timekeeper back down in his seat. Schultz climbed back into the ring and the ref tried to stop him but Schultz ignored him. Schultz held the ring bell high over his head and was preparing to bash Patera in the head with the weapon as Patera had made it to a knee. As Schultz delierately moved in with the bell, Patera suddenly sprung to his feet, charged at Schultz and stunned Schultz with his Russian Hammer. Crowd erupted. Schultz crashed to the mat and dropped the bell. Patera let out a gutteral yell and angrily moved in and was preparing to grab Schultz in the full nelson when Rude charged to the ring, still in his ring duds, and hopped up on the apron. Patera let go of Schultz as Rude stood on the apron taunting Patera. Patera went over and blasted Rude with a big right hand and Rude crashed to the floor. Patera looked down at Rude on the floor as Schultz had recovered and came up behind Patera and grabbed Patera from behind. Schultz pulverized Patera with the Redneck Death Drop and covered Patera and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Ref raised Schultz's hand in victory. Schultz left the ring and met Rude, still feeling the effects of crashing to the floor, at the entranceway aisle. The two made their way back up the aisle to a mixed crowd reaction.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

WINNER: Schultz - Pinfall - Redneck Death Drop - 9:32)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers discussed Schultz beating Patera thanks to interference from Rude. They then pointed out that The Firm was 2-0 in the matches tonight. Halfway to DiBiase's prediction that they would win all their matches on the PPV. Said the President's Championship match was next.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 6 (President's Championship)</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Harley Race © (w/ JJ Dillon) vs. The Great Christopho</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(TGC came to the ring first to a good ovation. Race and JJ came to the ring to pretty strong boos but they also had their supporters.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Ref took the belt from Race and held it high for all to see and then handed the belt off to Capetta. Ref called both men to the center of the ring and laid down the rules and patted each man down. Ref sent each man to a neutral corner. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Announcers pointed out that the $50K bounty put up by DDP on TGC's mask was still in effect.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Ref called for the bell.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

The men came out of their corners and circled one another. Race lunged at TGC and missed and TGC stunned Race with a kick to the backside. Race turned and TGC caught Race with an arm drag. Race got up and charged at TGC and TGC hip tossed Race. Race got to his feet and carefully moved in on TGC. Race again went to grab TGC and TGC evaded Race once more and started running around the ring. Race chased TGC and then TGC suddenly stopped and Race ran into a boot to the gut from TGC. TGC whipped Race into the ropes and caught Race coming off with a leg lariat that dropped Race to the mat. TGC went for the cover. 1... Race kicked out. TGC snapped up Race in a side headlock and Race countered with a belly-to-back suplex. Race nailed the downed TGC with stomps and moved in and wrapped up TGC in the Indian deathlock. TGC struggled briefly but was able to get close enough to the ropes and get his hands on the middle rope to force a break in the hold. Race and TGC to their feet. Race blasted TGC with a couple of vicious headbutts. TGC on stagger street. Race then picked up TGC and nailed him with a suplex. Race then dropped an elbow smash on TGC and went for the cover. 1...2... TGC kicked out. Race pulled TGC up and whipped TGC into the ropes and looked to catch TGC coming off with a clothesline but TGC ducked the move and came back with a flying lariat that took Race down. TGC then nailed Race with a backflip onto the champion and went for the cover. 1...2...2-1/2... Race kicked out. Crowd groaned. TGC snapped Race up, whipped Race into the ropes and caught Race coming off with a kick to the gut and then TGC blasted Race with an axe kick. Race down. TGC positioned Race for a turnbuckle move and went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle. TGC came off with a frog splash but Race rolled out of the way and TGC craashed to the mat. Race crawled over and popped TGC with a couple of punches and then tried to rip the mask off of TGC but TGC fought back and kept the mask from being pulled off. Race pulled TGC to his feet and nailed TGC with a couple of more big headbutts that staggered TGC even more. Race then bodyslammed TGC into position for a turnbuckle move. Race mounted the middle buckle and came off with his diving headbutt. TGC now mentally in another universe. TGC rolled over and got into the sit-up position. Race stood behind TGC and tried to unmask him once more. Race got the mask over TGC's mouth but TGC furiously fought once again and was able, with a struggle, to pull the mask back down over his face. JJ frustrated at ringside. Race pulled TGC up and stunned TGC with a series of European uppercuts. Race whipped TGC into the ropes and caught TGC coming off with his belly-to-belly suplex. Race for the cover. 1...2...2-3/4... TGC got a shoulder up. Race grabbed TGC and whipped TGC into the corner. Race moved in and nailed TGC with a couple of punches and then went for the mask again. Another struggle ensued as Race tried to rip TGC's mask off. During the struggle, TGC was able to reach down and pull Race's legs out from under him. TGC held Race's legs and flipped over on top of Race for the pin try. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Crowd exploded. JJ with his hands on his head at ringside and a picture of frustration. An ecstatic TGC got to his feet and was playing to the fans. Ref went over and took the title and talked with Capetta. Ref handed TGC the belt and raised his hand in victory.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Capetta:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Wrestling fans! In a time of 4 minutes, 49 seconds, your winner...and NEW President's Champion...The Great Christopho!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

WINNER: TGC - Pinfall - Flip over on Race - 4:49)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(After the match: Ref left the ring. TGC was celebrating in the ring and was walking around and standing on the middle buckles holding the belt high in the air for the cheering throng to see. While TGC was caught up in the moment and not facing the entrance aisle, a man with another man follwing close behind him, both in street clothes, made their way to the ring.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Stack:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "That's Ronnie Garvin! The 'Bounty Hunter' is here!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Pedicino:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "And Dallas Page is right behind him!" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

DDP had the briefcase with the money in it. TGC was still facing the other way and celebrating as he got up on the last middle buckle and held up the title. Garvin got in the ring and satrted bouncing around on the balls of his feet and had his right fist cocked. TGC got down off the buckle and turned around and took a step forward...WHAM!....Garvin leveled TGC with his knockout punch. TGC crashed to the mat and dropped the title. TGC was out of it. DDP climbed into the ring and was frantically pointing at the mask and yelling. Garvin knelt down and ripped off the mask without a fight and then sat TGC up. Mics picked up Garvin and DDP.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>RG:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Is this him? Is this the man?"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>DDP:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "THAT'S HIM! THAT'S HIM! THAT'S HIM!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

DDP was jumping up and down and going crazy in the ring. Garvin stood up and DDP handed him the briefcase containing the $50 grand. Garvin then handed the mask to DDP and was again picked up on a mic.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>RG:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Here's a souvenir for you!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

DDP was laughing almost maniacly as he held the mask close to his chest. Garvin took the case and left the ring and headed back up the aisle on his own as fans booed him. Garvin did not react. DDP was still in the ring and yelled.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>DDP:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Bye-bye, Daniels! So long, punk! Hahahaha!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Daniels still out on the mat as DDP exited the ring and held the mask up as he made his way back up the aisle.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers discussed Great Christopho beating Race to become the new President's Champion and 'Bounty Hunter' Garvin coming to the ring after the match, KO'ing TGC and unmasking him as Daniels. Said Watts had stated before that if TGC was ever unmasked and exposed as Daniels, he was gone from the company. Said fans will have to tune into 'Slam!' this Tuesday night on FX at 9:30pm E/P to find out the fallout from all this. Hyped still to come: UWL WT Match: Valentine © vs. Piper. If Piper loses, he MUST retire!)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers then intro'd video of Lita in action. Video showed Lita wrestling in Australia and hitting opponents with a stunning array of moves.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 7 (UWL Women's World Title Gauntlet Match)</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Tina Ferrari © vs. Queen Kong, Mad Maxine & Lita</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Before the match, announcers explained the rules for the match:</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

1) The three challengers will enter every three minutes.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

2) If the champion has not defeated challengers 1 and/or 2 before the three minute time-limit, the challenger(s) get to remain in the match. If 2 or all 3 challengers remain in the match then the winner will be the first wrestler to pin one of the other wrestlers in the match.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

3) If challenger 1 or 2 defeats the champion, they become the new Women's World Champion and will defend the title against the remaining challenger(s) in the match.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

4) After the last challenger gets in the ring, the match becomes a 30-minute World Title match.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

5) If a fall should occur before the three-minute time-limit expires in either of/or both of the first two rounds of the match, the winner of the fall gets a 30 second rest period before facing the next challenger.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Challenger 1:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> Queen Kong was introduced first. She came to the ring to very little fanfare. She bellowed once in the ring. Ferrari came to the ring to the song 'Invincible' by Pat Benatar. She was strongly booed. She was wearing a flowing Flair-style robe and her trademark tiara. Once in the ring, Ferrari opened her robe to reveal the title.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Ref took the title from Ferrari and held it up for all to see and then handed it off to Capetta. Ref then called the two combatants to the middle of the ring, laid down the rules and patted each wrestler down. Ref sent each wrestler to a neutral corner and then called for the bell.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Tina and Kong came out and circled each other. Tina moved in and delivered a stiff kick to Kong's leg. The two continued to circle one another and Tina delivered another stiff kick to Kong's left leg. Kong feeling it. Tina started to dance around and put her fists up and Kong did the same. Tina feigned a punch and then moved in with a series of brutal stiff kicks to Kong's left leg area. Kong not down but wobbly. Tina hit the ropes and came off with a running dropkick to Kong's left leg. Kong wobbled and crashed to the mat. Tina stomped on Kong's left leg. Kong hurting. Tina grabbed Kong by the legs and maneuvered Kong into position for a turnbuckle move. Tina went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle and came off and attempted to further damage Kong's left leg but Kong raised her leg and Tina slammed jaw-first into her foot. Tina fell back against the buckles. Kong made her way to her feet but her left leg was clearly hurting. Kong moved in and nailed Tina with a clothesline in the corner. Tina hurting in the corner. Kong, channeling Andre the Giant, then turned away from Tina, grabbed the top rope and backed into the champ three times with her big caboose. Tina went down on her ass in the corner. Kong slowly pulled Tina up by the hair and picked Tina up and bodyslammed her in the middle of the ring. Kong then briefly grabbed her hurting left leg and winced in pain. Kong bellowed and then hit the ropes and came off with a diving big splash but Tina rolled out of the way and Kong crashed to the mat. Kong rolled over on her back and Tina took immediate advantage and locked Kong's injured left leg in the spinning toe hold. Kong was in the hold for only a few seconds before tapping out. Ref called for the bell.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Capetta:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Wrestling fans! Your winner of the first leg of the Gauntlet match...Women's Champion Tina Ferrari!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Crowd booing.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

WINNER: Ferrari - Submission - Spinning Toe Hold - 2:14</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Ferrari went over and stood in the corner and waited for Mad Maxine. A buzzer went off signaling there were 10 seconds left before Maxine came out. A clock appeared on the JumboTron and the fans counted down the final 10 seconds and a horn sounded.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Challenger 2:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> Mad Maxine came charging to the ring to a modest ovation. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Tina and Maxine circled each other and Tina went for a punch and Max blocked it and fired back on Tina with some punches and whipped Tina into the ropes and caught Tina coming off with a clothesline. Tina crashed to the mat. Max grabbed Tina and bodyslammed her and then went for a standing leg drop but Tina rolled out of the way and Max crashed to the mat. Tina quickly rolled Max up into a pin attempt while holding Max's tights. 1...2... Max kicked Tina off. Tina got up and charged at Max and ran right into a boot to the gut from Max.Max then nailed Tina with a fisherman's suplex into a bridgeout for the pin. 1...2... Tina kicked out. Max whipped Tina into the buckles and charged in with a running splash but Tina moved and Max slammed front-first into the buckles. Tina rolled Max up from behind and again went for the pin. 1... Max kicked out. The two got to their feet and Tina kicked Max in the gut. Tina whipped Max into the ropes and caught Max coming off with a dropkick that sent Max crashing to the mat. Tina then grabbed the 9 inches taller Max and, mustering all the power she had, suplexed the amazon. Tina turned and started playing to the crowd and didn't see Max pop right up behind her. Tina turned around and Max caught Tina by the throat with both hands. Max lifted Tina off the ground and blasted her with a chokebomb. Crowd popped. Max for the pin. 1...2...2-1/2... Tina barely kicked out. Crowd groaned. Max flustered. Max grabbed Tina and pulled her to her feet and went to whip Tina into the ropes but Tina reversed and sent Max into the ropes and caught Max with a kick to the gut that doubled Max over. Tina quickly nailed Max with a sitout facebuster. Max rolled over and Tina covered her and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Capetta:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Wrestling fans! Your winner of the second leg of the gauntlet match...Tina Ferrari!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

More crowd boos.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

WINNER: Ferrari - Pinfall - Sitout Facebuster - 2:38</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Ferrari made her way to the corner and was breathing heavy waiting for you know who. Crowd buzzing. The buzzer went off signaling 10 seconds were left before the arrival of Lita. Clock appeared on the JumboTron and the fans counted down the final 10 seconds and the horn sounded.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Challenger 3:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> Lita came charging to the ring as the building erupted. Lita hit the ring and started chasing Ferrari around the ring and Ferrari bailed from the ring to the floor. Ferrari was walking around on the floor and not looking up. Lita charged in the ring and leapt over the top rope and nailed Tina with a suicide dive. Crowd went nuts as they crashed to the floor. Lita grabbed Tina and threw Tina back into the ring. As Tina got to her feet, Lita mounted the top buckle. Lita caught Tina with a diving hurracanrana. Lita for the cover. 1...2... Tina got a shoulder up. Lita picked Tina up, whipped Tina into the ropes and caught Tina coming off with a one-legged monkey flip. Tina got up and Lita came up behind Tina and blasted the champ with a Russian legsweep. Tina in a bad way. Lita then snap suplexed the champ. Crowd eating it up. Lita briefly played to an adoring crowd. Lita whipped Tina into the buckles and charged in and Tina came out of the corner and blasted Lita with a clothesline. Lita crashed to the mat and Tina to her knees. Tina clearly tiring as Lita got to her feet. Tina moved in and struck Lita with a couple of punches and then bodyslammed Lita into position for a turnbuckle move. Tina went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle and came off with a frog splash on Lita. Tina bounced off of Lita but quickly recovered for the cover. 1...2... Lita kicked out. Tina got up and stomped on Lita. Tina grabbed Lita in a side headlock and backed her into the corner and popped Lita with a running bulldog. Tina rolled up Lita and held a handful of tights as the ref counted the pin. 1...2...2-3/4... Lita kicked out. Crowd popped. Crowd started chanting 'Lita! Lita!'. Tina on her knees and frustrated. Tina pulled Lita up and went to whip Lita into the ropes but Lita reversed and Lita tried to clothesline Tina coming off but Tina ducked the move and came back and caught Lita with a flying bodypress but Lita rolled through the move and covered Tina and hooked the leg. 1...2...2-7/8... Tina kicked out. Crowd on the edges of their seats. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Both women to their feet. Tina swung at Lita and missed and Lita caught Tina in the crucifix and took Tina down for another pin try. 1...2... Tina kicked out. Lita grabbed Tina and went for the suplex but Tina blocked the move and stunned Lita with a snap suplex of her own. Tina pulled Lita up in a front facelock. Lita countered by drivng Tina hard back-first into the buckles. Tina let go of the hold. Lita popped Tina with some body shots and then whipped Tina into the ropes and caught Tina coming off with a tilt-a-whirl slam. Tina crashed near the ropes. Lita for the cover. 1...2...thr... NO! Tina got her foot on the bottom rope just before the three count. Crowd let out a loud groan. Lita grabbed Tina and whipped Tina into the ropes and bent down and looked to catch Tina coming off with a backdrop but Tina stunned Lita by catching Lita with a DDT out of nowhere. Tina covered Lita and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Ref then walked over and took the belt and had words with Capetta.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Ref then handed the belt to Tina and raised her hand in victory.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Capetta:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Wrestling fans! Your winner of the third and final leg of the Gauntlet match...and still UWL Women's World Champion...Tina Ferrari!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Most of the crowd booed.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Tina didn't wait around in the ring after she got the belt and left immediately. Tina was carrying the belt and just before entering the aisleway, Tina turned and looked back at Lita as Lita recovered in the ring. Tina had a wide eyed look on her face as if she knew she barely escaped with her title intact. Tina walked further up the aisle and turned and looked back again. Lita was making it to her feet. Tina and Lita locked eyes one last time. There was no celebration from the champ as she turned and made her way to the back as Lita soaked in a nice ovation and chants of her name from the fans before leaving the ring.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

WINNER: Tina - Pinfall - DDT - 4:31</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

TOTAL TIME OF THE GAUNTLET MATCH: 9:23)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers discussed Tina retaining the Women's WT in a grueling Gauntlet match. Camera shot of the cage that Grand Wizard will be suspended in the air in for the submission match was shown again and announcers hyped the match. Said DiBiase vs. Wahoo was next.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Video aired chronicling the DiBiase-Wahoo situation.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 8</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Wahoo McDaniel vs. Firm Director Ted DiBiase</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Wahoo came to the ring first to a strong ovation. DiBiase came out to a mixed crowd reaction.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Ref called for the bell.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

DiBiase and Wahoo came out of their corners and circled one another. The two locked up in a collar-and-elbow tie-up. After a brief struggle, Wahoo threw DiBiase off and DiBiase hit the mat. DiBiase got to his feet and sized up Wahoo. The two circled each other once again and engaged in another collar-and-elbow. This time, DiBiase drove Wahoo into the corner. Ref ordered a break. DiBiase and Wahoo separated and DiBiase backed up a step. Ref stepped back and DiBiase took advantage and drove Wahoo back into the corner with a series of rapid-fire shoulder blocks. DiBiase then nailed Wahoo with some punches to the head, pulled Wahoo out of the corner and snapmared Wahoo over in the ring. DiBiase locked Wahoo in a rear chinlock with a knee in Wahoo's back. DiBiase tightened up the hold on Wahoo. DiBiase got to his feet while still having Wahoo in the hold. DiBiase drove his knee into Wahoo's back twice and then let go of the hold. DiBiase yelled for Wahoo to get up. Wahoo got to his feet and DiBiase popped Wahoo with a few of Wahoo's own chops. DiBiase laughed at Wahoo. Wahoo then stunned DiBiase by firing back on him with a brutal series of chops of his own as the crowd popped. DiBiase staggered. Wahoo whipped DiBiase into the corner and nailed DiBiase with a big running splash. DiBiase staggered out of the corner and crashed on his back in the middle of the ring. Wahoo for the cover. 1...2... DiBiase kicked out. Wahoo grabbed DiBiase and pulled him up and DiBiase nailed Wahoo in the gut with a knee. DiBiase whipped Wahoo into the ropes and looked to catch Wahoo coming off with a clothesline but DiBiase missed and Wahoo came back and caught Ted with a flying bodypress. Wahoo again for the pin. 1...2... Ted again kicked out. Ted and Wahoo made it to their feet and Wahoo blistered Ted with more agonizing chops. Ted staggered away holding his chest. Wahoo rammed Ted's head into the top buckle. Ted spun around and Wahoo mounted the middle buckle over Ted and popped Ted with a couple of chops to the head. Ted grabbed Wahoo's legs and pulled them out from under him. Wahoo toppled to the mat. Ted went for the cover in the corner. As the ref started counting, Ted placed his feet on the middle rope for leverage. 1...2... Wahoo got a shoulder up. Ted took his feet off the rope just before the ref looked over. Ted went to pin Wahoo again and once again placed his feet on the middle rope. 1...2... Wahoo again got a shoulder up and Ted got his feet off the middle rope before the ref could see the cheating. Ted went for the pin again. Wahoo grabbed Ted's hair and nailed Ted with a series of chops to the to of the head that stunned Ted. Ted released the hold and Wahoo still down on the mat grabbed Ted in a brutal UFC-style front facelock. Ted struggling not to pass out or submit. Ted was able to get a foot on the bottom rope to force a break in the hold. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Wahoo got to his feet just before Ted. Wahoo grabbed Ted in a standing front facelock. After a brief struggle. Ted was able to drive Wahoo into the corner and force a break in the hold. Ted backed off and was wondering what to do. Wahoo came out of the corner and Ted bailed from the ring to the floor as the fans booed. Ted walked around a bit and then turned and said something to the fans and was standing by the ring. Wahoo came over, reached down from the ring and grabbed Ted by the hair and pulled Ted back on the apron and suplexed Ted back into the ring. Ted got up and walked right into an inverted atomic drop from Wahoo that sent Ted to his knees. Wahoo returned the favor on Ted by grabbing Ted in a rear chinlock and driving a series of knees into Ted's back. Ted hurting. Wahoo grabbed Ted and bodyslammed him and then nailed Ted with a knee drop to the head. Wahoo quickly covered Ted. 1...2... Ted kicked out. Wahoo got up and grabbed Ted in another front facelock. Ted punched Wahoo in the ribs a couple of times and nailed Wahoo with a suplex of his own. Wahoo down. Ted stomped on Wahoo's head and then Ted repaid Wahoo for the knee drop to the head with a fist drop to the head. Ted snapped up Wahoo and blasted him with a side suplex in position for a turnbuckle move. Ted mounted the middle buckle facing the crowd and came off with a diving back elbow drop on Wahoo. Ted covered Wahoo and hooked the leg. 1...2...2-1/2... Wahoo got a shoulder up. Ted grabbed Wahoo by the hair and nailed Wahoo with a couple of punches to the head. Ted pulled Wahoo up, whipped Wahoo into the ropes and caught Wahoo coming off with a legdive takedown and then locked Wahoo into the STF. Wahoo struggling. Crowd behind Chief. Wahoo started inching his way to the ropes. Only question was could he make it before submitting. Wahoo fought with a bulldog like tenacity and was able to get his hand on the bottom rope to force a break in the hold. Ted got up and put the boots to Wahoo before stepping back. Suddenly, the crowd popped as ring legend Dusty Rhodes made his way to ringside in street clothes.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Ted looked over and wondered what Dusty was doing here. Ted said something to Dusty as Dusty looked on. Dusty said nothing. The distraction gave Wahoo time to recover. Wahoo came up behind Ted, spun Ted around and started blasting away on Ted with chops. Ted staggered. Dusty now starting to walk around ringside. Crowd buzzing. Wahoo whipped Ted into the buckles and blasted him with a second big splash. Again, Ted staggered out of the corner and crashed to his back in the ring. Wahoo went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle as Ted got to his feet in the ring. Dusty walking around and looking on. Ted got up and was greeted with a big chop to the head from Wahoo. Ted crashed back down to the mat. Wahoo grabbed Ted and whipped Ted into the ropes and looked to nail Ted coming off with his big chop finisher but Ted grabbed the top rope. Wahoo charged at Ted and Ted backdropped Wahoo over the top rope to the floor. Wahoo down on the floor. Ref started to count. In the ring, Ted had backed up and suddenly crumpled to the mat. Ref saw Ted and stopped the count and went over to check on Ted. Out on the floor, Wahoo had gotten to a knee next to the apron when Dusty came over, took Wahoo by the arm and helped Wahoo to his feet. Ref tried to turn around and see what was going on on the floor but Ted grabbed the ref and wouldn't let him turn around. Dusty said something to Wahoo and then...WHAM!...Dusty nailed Wahoo in the top of the head with a series of bionic elbows. Many in the crowd popped. Dusty threw the stunned Wahoo back in the ring and Dusty walked off. Ted suddenly recovered and made it to his feet. Ref looked over and saw Wahoo down in the ring. Ted grabbed Wahoo, whipped Wahoo into the ropes and caught Wahoo coming off with an elbow to the chest. Wahoo went down. Ted then grabbed Wahoo in the full nelson and popped Wahoo with the full nelson facebuster (aka, Skull Crushing Finale). Ted covered Wahoo and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as many in the crowd cheered. Ted got to his feet and had his hand raised in victory. Ted went out on the apron and raised his arms in an outstretched fashion to a mixed reax before hitting the floor and heading to the back.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

WINNER: DiBiase - Pinfall - Full Nelson Facebuster - 11:19)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers discussed DiBiase defeating Wahoo with a shocking appearance by Dusty Rhodes and Rhodes attacking Wahoo out on the floor and then Dusty leaving the ringside area. Also pointed out that The Firm was 3-0 in their matches tonight and DiBiase was one win away from his guarantee becoming reality. Said the Submission Match: Graham vs. Luger was next!)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers intro'd video of these pre-recorded comments from the Grand Wizard:</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

VIDEO:</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Grand Wizard is standing in the UWL backstage interview area and holding a mic.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>GW:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "President Bill Watts! You may think you've put one over on the Grand Wizard and 'Superstar' Graham when you declared that I would be suspended above the ring in a cage for the submission match against Lex Luger! But you're wrong! The Grand Wizard always has a backup plan! I'm always thinking, 24 hours a day, every day! And the people will see my towering brilliance on display in the match even though I'm gonna be hanging 50-feet in the air! The Grand Wizard has spoken!")</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Video aired chronicling the Graham-Luger feud.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 9 (Submission Match: There must be a winner! Grand Wizard will be suspended above the ring in a cage!)</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Lex Luger vs. Billy Graham</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Luger came to the ring first to a strong ovation. Graham and Wizard came to the ring to the strains of 'California Dreamin' and were heavily booed.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Wizard, who had his gold-tipped cane with him, walked with Graham over to the cage that was now standing on the floor. Wizard gave Graham final instructions before stepping into the cage. Wizard held out his cane to show that he had it. A UWL official closed and locked the cage door and signaled for the cage to be raised. Cage lifted into the air with the Wizard in it. Graham looked on from the ring.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Announcers pointed out that to win the match, the wrestler must force his opponent to submit to his submission hold finisher.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Finishers: Graham: 'Superstar Squeeze' - Luger: 'Torture Rack'</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Ref called for the bell. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

The two men came out of their corners and circled one another. Luger raised his right hand to lock up with Graham. Graham cautiously put his hand up and then suddenly stopped and started strutting in the ring. Graham then struck a bodybuilder pose as an unamused Luger looked on. Luger again raised his hand to lock up with Graham. Once again, as Graham was about to lock up, he suddenly turned and started strutting again. Graham then turned back towards Luger and was greeted with a kick to the gut. Luger whipped Graham into the ropes and caught Graham coming off with a military press slam. Graham to his feet and Luger dropped Billy with a clothesline. Billy got up once more and Luger drove Billy to the mat again with another clothesline. Graham crashed to the mat and rolled out of the ring and dropped to the floor. While walking on the floor, Graham looked up at the Grand Wizard, who was looking down from high above at the scene. Wizard encouraged his wrestler from on high. Billy climbed back up on the apron and cautiously made his way back in the ring. Graham and Luger circled one another again. This time they engaged in a collar-and-elbow tie-up and Billy gained the advantage by driving a knee into Luger's mid-section. Graham started pounding away on Luger with punches and forearms smashes to the back. Graham whipped Luger into the buckles. Graham moved in and blasted Lex with a series of rapid-fire shoulder blocks to soften up Luger's back for the 'Squeeze'. Graham whipped Luger into the opposite buckles and charged in and blasted Luger with a big clothesline. Luger staggered out of the corner and dropped to a knee. Graham then picked Luger up in the military press position and then dropped Luger behind his back. Luger crashed face down into the mat. Graham then nailed Luger with a diving splash to the back. Wizard shown up in the cage quite happy with the way things were going. Billy pulled Luger up, whipped Luger into the ropes and caught Luger coming off in the squeeze. Before Graham could fully lock in the hold, Luger clapped Graham in the sides of his head with his arms, breaking the hold. Luger briefly grabbed at his back. Graham made Luger pay with a double sledge to the lower part of the back. Luger fell to his knees next to the ropes and his head and upper body were hanging out over the middle rope. Graham charged at Luger and jumped on Lex's back twice. Graham went for the move a third time and Luger moved and Graham flew through the top and middle rope and crashed to the floor. As Graham got to his feet on the floor, Luger went out on the apron and came off and caught Graham with a double sledge to the top of the head. Graham staggered back against the ringside barricade. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Announcers pointed out that since there must be a winner in this match the ref had to let things go. Luger moved in and punched Graham and then spun Graham around and slammed Graham's head into the ringside barricade twice. Graham staggered off. Luger dropped Graham on the floor with a clothesline from behind. Luger backed up as Graham got to his feet. Luger charged Graham and Graham grabbed Luger, hoisted Luger off his feet, backed up, dropped down and dropped Luger throat-first across the barricade. Ann. Pedicino said that Luger probably demanded extra pay for doing that spot. Luger hanging over the barricade. Graham moved in with punches to the lower back. Graham peeled Luger away from the barricade, grabbed Luger around the waist and drove Luger hard back-first into the ring apron twice. Luger hurting. Announcers pointed out that Graham was doing a brilliant job of softening up Luger for the 'Squeeze' by concentrating almost solely on Luger's back. Graham threw Luger back in the ring. Shot of a conifdent Wizard looking on from the cage. As Luger got to his feet in the ring, Graham came up behind Luger and nailed him with a series of forearms to the lower back. Luger hobbling and grabbing at his lower back as Graham signaled it was time for the 'Squeeze'. Graham drove one last forearm into Luger's lower back and whipped Luger into the ropes but Luger stunned Graham by coming off and nailing Graham with a Thesz Press. Graham driven to the mat. Luger got in some head shots on Graham but then rolled off as his back was hurting. Both men to their feet. Luger charged and dropped Graham with another clothesline. Graham down. Luger grabbed Graham as Graham was getting up. Luger backed Graham up against the ropes and Graham retaliated with a thumb to the eye of Luger. Graham gut punched Luger a couple of times and whipped Luger into the ropes and looked to catch him coming off with a clothesline but Luger ducked the move and came back and stunned Graham with a forearm smash to the head. Graham crashed to the mat. Crowd cheering. Graham laid out in a daze. Luger moved over and pulled Graham up off the mat and, mustering every ounce of strength he had, Luger was able to get Graham up in the rack. Crowd popped. Wizard not happy in the cage. Luger had Graham in the hold for a few seconds before he dropped Graham and crashed to the mat. Luger holding his lower back. Ref talking to Luger and asking if he wants to quit and Luger telling the ref 'no'. Graham saw this as his big chance. Luger was crawling on his belly in the ring. Graham came over and dropped an elbow in Luger's lower back twice. Luger cried out in pain. Graham grabbed Luger, whipped Luger into the ropes and caught Luger coming off in the 'Squeeze'. Graham this time was able to tighten up on the hold. Luger struggling. Crowd buzzing.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Luger tried to punch Graham in the head to escape but the punches were futile as Luger's back was in serious pain. Luger flinched with each punch thrown. Luger would not give up but quickly weakened in the hold. Ref raised Luger's arm twice and it fell by his side. Ref raised Luger's arm a thrid time and just before it could fall by Luger's side, Luger raised the arm in the air. Crowd cheering. Wizard looking on but helpless to do anything for his man. Graham kept the hold locked on. Luger started shaking in the hold. Luger reared back and punched Graham hard in the head. Graham kept the hold on. Luger punched Graham again and Graham's hold loosened. Luger nailed Graham a third time. Graham's grip almost gone. Luger then fired back with a series of punches to Graham's head. Luger broke out of the 'Squeeze'. Luger whipped the stunned Graham into the ropes and looked to catch Graham coming off with a clothesline but Luger and Graham instead clotheslined each other. Both men crashed to the mat. Ref didn't count because the match has to have a winner. Graham started coming to his senses first and slowly got to his feet as Luger struggled on the mat. Graham looked up at the cage Wizard was in and then left the ring. Graham reached under the ring and brandished a gold-tipped black cane. Graham made his way back on the apron as Luger was now getting to his feet in the ring. Graham stepped through the ropes. Luger to his feet. Graham raised the cane above his head and charged at Luger in an attempt to hit Luger over the head with it but Luger grabbed the cane. Both men holding the cane and struggling for control of it. Luger kicked Graham in the gut and Graham's grip loosened on the cane. Luger kicked Graham again and gained control of the cane. Luger then repaid Graham for all those past cane shots by shattering the cane over Graham's head. Graham stumbled back and fell against the ropes. Luger grabbed Graham, whipped Graham into the ropes and caught Graham coming off with a powerslam. Luger, in pain, signaled it was time for the rack. Again, Luger had to pull something from deep within to hoist Graham over his shoulders but he succeeded. Luger had Graham locked in the rack for around 10 seconds before Graham cried out 'Yes!' when the ref asked if he gave up. Ref called for the bell. Deflated Wizard looked on from the cage as it started to be lowered. Ref raised Luger's hand in victory as the crowd roared. A hurting Luger then left the ring to a strong ovation and headed to the back.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

WINNER: Luger - Submission - Rack - 12:04)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers discussed Luger finally getting payback against Graham. Shot of the stage off to the side of the entrance stage shown where Sammy Hagar will perform the theme song for 'Holiday Havoc'...'Winner Takes It All!'...just before the WT match. Hyped the WT match and said the WTT Title match was coming up next!)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Video re-aired for the next UWL PPV, 'Winter Warfare!'</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Video opened with a green screen. You then heard the sound of marching boots and an animated figure walked onto the screen sideways. They then turned, in full army battle gear and carrying a rifle. They walked closer to the front of the screen, stood silently for a minute and then opened fire with the rifle blowing several holes in the picture:</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

'Hello Kitty Presents: Winter Warfare! The War Games!' - Sunday - Feb. 17, 2013 - Morgantown, WV - WVU Coliseum - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale Saturday, Jan. 5, 2013 @ 10am EST!)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers briefly discussed 'Winter Warefare' and then sent it to the ring.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 10 (UWL World Tag Team Title Match)</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Gene & Lars Anderson © (w/ Ole) vs. Hall & Nash (w/ Schultz)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Hall and Nash, with Schultz, came to the ring to a mixed crowd reaction. Gene and Lars, with Ole, came to the ring to strong boos. Gene and Lars had the belts on around their waists.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Announcers pointed out that DiBiase had guaranteed that The Firm would win all four of their matches on the PPV tonight and that they're 3-0 so far.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Ref took the titles from Gene and Lars and held them high for all to see and then handed the belts off to Capetta. Ref called both teams to the center of the ring and laid down the rules for the match and patted all four men down. Off-mic the six men had words with one another in the ring. Ref sent the teams to their corners. Gene and Lars had words with Ole while Schultz had words with Hall and Nash.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Ref called for the bell.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

The match was a short back-and-forth battle and neither side could put the other away. At the end of the match, Gene and Hall were the legal men in the ring. Gene was on the offensive and had just caught Hall in the sharpshooter in the ring when Schultz ran over and attacked Ole and the two started brawling at ringside. This brought out Rude who hit ringside and joined Schultz in attacking Ole. Lars saw what was happening and left the apron and went to help his brother. The four men were brawling at ringside. Ref, distracted by the brawl, went out on the apron and tried to order the men to break it up...as if that ever happens in wrestling. Hall tapped but there was no ref. Nash hit the ring and nailed Gene with a boot to the face. Gene let go of Hall and crashed to the mat. Ref still distracted by the fight on the floor as Nash picked up Gene and blasted him with the jack-knife powerbomb. Nash left the ring and went back to his corner as Hall had gotten to his feet. Nash ran down the apron to get the ref's attention. Ref turned as Hall whipped Gene into the ropes and caught Gene coming off with the Hallinator (Rock Bottom). Hall covered Gene and hooked the leg. The fight had petered out on the floor and Lars tried to get in the ring and break up the pin try but Rude grabbed Lars' ankle just as he was about to step through the ropes and tripped Lars up. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Mixed crowd reaction. Schultz sent Ole crashing into the ringside barricade and Rude got in the ring and Rude Awakened Lars.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Ref went over and took the titles from Capetta and had a few words with him. Ref handed the belts to Hall and Nash and raised their hands in victory.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Capetta:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Wrestling fans! In a time of 5 minutes, 7 seconds, your winners...and NEW UWL World Tag Team Champions...Hall and Nash!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

More mixed reax from the crowd.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Hall stomped on the downed Gene and Rude put the boots to Lars before the group left the ring. Anderson body wreckage in and out of the ring. Hall, Nash and crew made their way partly back up the aisle before turning and looking quite pleased at the carnage they had just unleashed. They then made their way to the back.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

WINNER: Hall & Nash - Pinfall - Hall pinned Gene with the Hallinator - 5:07)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers discussed DiBiase being right in his guarantee that The Firm would go 4-0 on the PPV and it was topped off with Hall and Nash winning the tag team titles.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Video aired for UWL 'Slam!' Wrestling - Tuesdays - 9:30pm E/P - FX.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers told fans to tune in this Tuesday to see what the situation with Dusty Rhodes is after he attacked Wahoo McDaniel during his match with DiBiase and then fled the scene.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(In-ring: Guest r.a. Gary Michael Capetta was standing with mic in hand.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>GMC:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Wrestling fans! Would you please direct your attention to the stage just off the wrestler's entrance stage! He's singing the theme song for 'Holiday Havoc'...'Winner Takes It All'! Would you please welcome rock legend Sammy Hagar!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Strong reaction as Hagar and his bandmates performed the theme for the PPV live. Crowd gave Sammy and co. a nice ovation at the end of the song.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Video aired chronicling the Valentine ©-Piper feud.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Shot of Piper's wife, Kitty, and their children sitting at ringside.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 11 (UWL World Title Match: If Roddy Piper loses he MUST retire!)</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Greg Valentine © (w/ Gary Hart) vs. Roddy Piper</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Guest r.a. Capetta stood center ring and the ref was in the background.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Capetta:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Wrestling fans! It is now time for the Main Event of 'Holiday Havoc'!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Crowd buzzing in anticipation. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Crowd then roared as a bagpipe band, dressed in full Scottish garb, came out on the entrance stage in single file with a gap between the middle players and played bagpipe music. Crowd exploded as Roddy Piper came out and walked through the opening in between the bagpipers. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Piper was in his kilt and 'Hot Rod' t-shirt. Piper made his way to the ring and got in the ring and played to the loud crowd while the music still played.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

The bagpipers finished their music and exited the stage. Crowd chanting Roddy's name in full-throat.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

After a pause, UWL World Champion Greg Valentine and manager Gary Hart made their way to the ring. Valentine was wearing his famous black robe with red hearts on it. They were loudly booed as they got into the ring. Very few Valentine fans in this crowd.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

The house lights then went down and the wrestlers, Hart and guest r.a. Capetta were now bathed in spotlights.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Capetta:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "The referee for this match is Tommy Young!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Young stepped into the spotlight, waved and then stepped back into the shadows.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Capetta:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "This match has been sanctioned by the Universal Wrestling League Championship Committee and is for the Universal Wrestling League World Heavyweight Title! It is scheduled for one fall with a 60-minute time limit!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

More crowd roaring.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Capetta:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "If Roddy Piper loses the match, then he must retire!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Crowd booed that bit of news.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Capetta: </strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;">"And now, introducing the participants in this match! </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

"First, the challenger! Originally from Glasgow, Scotland! He now makes his home right here in Portland, Oregon! Weighing in at 231 pounds...'Rowdy' Roddy Piper!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Crowd roared some more as Piper stepped forward and acknowledged the crowd with a brief wave.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Capetta:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "And his opponent! He is seconded by his manager Gary Hart! He is from Seattle, Washington! Weighing in at 243 pounds! He is the reigining UWL World Heavyweight Champion...Greg 'The Hammer' Valentine!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Boos defeaning as Valentine stepped forward in the spotlight and opened his robe revealing the World Title around his waist.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Valentine removed his robe and handed it off to a ring attendant and took the title off and kissed the centerpiece of it before handing it to the ref. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Stack:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Valentine might be kissing the World Title goodbye."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

House lights came back up. Crowd chanting Roddy's name as the ref walked to all four sides of the ring and held the title up for all the fans to see. Ref handed the belt off to Capetta who took it to the timekeeper's table.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Ref called both men out of their corners. Hart came out with the champ. Both men stared each other down and didn't say a word as the ref laid down the ground rules and patted each man down. Ref then sent each man back to his corner. Hart had a few more words with Valentine and then went down to the floor.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Crowd loudly buzzing as the ref called for the bell.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

It was on...</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

The men came out of the corners and stood nose-to-nose at center ring. Both were talking to each other. Greg then chuckled and reared back and slapped Piper hard across the face. Roddy briefly felt at his jaw and then tore into Valentine with a series of boxing-style head and body punches that drove the champ back into the corner. Piper then mounted the middle buckle and popped Greg in the head with more punches as the crowd counted along. Piper got off the buckle and Valentine staggered out by the ropes. Piper whipped Greg into the ropes and caught Greg coming off with a dropkick that sent Greg to the mat. Greg got to his feet and Piper laid into him with more punches. Greg staggered next to the ropes. Piper maneuvered Valentine into the corner and nailed the champ with a running bulldog. Piper for the pin. 1...2... Greg kicked out. Crowd totally into every move. Valentine and Piper made it to their feet and Piper kicked Greg in the side of the ribs. Piper then went to whip Greg into the ropes but Greg reversed and sent Piper into the ropes and caught Piper coming off with a gut punch. Greg moved in and pounded on Piper with a series of big forearm smashes to the upper back. Greg picked up Piper and suplexed him. Greg nailed Piper with an elbow smash to the chest. Greg got up and went for another elbow smash but Piper rolled out of the way and Greg crashed to the mat. Both men to their feet. Piper charged at Greg and tackled Greg into the ropes. The two tied up like boxers and neither man was able to get a shot in on the other. Ref ordered a break. Piper backed off and Greg went to kick Piper in the gut but Roddy grabbed the leg. Greg tried to beg off. Piper raised his right fist and the fans cheered. Piper peppered Greg with a series of right hands to the head and then spun the stunned Greg around. Piper dropped down and hoisted Greg up on his shoulders and blasted Greg with an electric chair slam. Piper for the cover. 1...2... Greg kicked out. Piper circled around behind Greg as Greg made his way to his feet. Crowd popped as Piper moved in and grabbed Greg in the sleeper hold. Greg struggled for a few seconds in the hold before lunging forward through the top and middle rope and taking Piper with him to the floor. Both men down on the floor. Hart looking on. Piper got to his feet just before Greg and Piper moved in a stunned Greg with a knee to the chest. Piper nailed Greg with more punches but Greg stopped Piper's momentumn with an eye rake. Greg popped Piper with some methodical punches of his own and then whipped Piper into the ring steps. Piper crashed into the steps and went down in a heap. Greg quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the ref's 10-count.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Greg back down to the floor. Piper laying against the steps. Greg put the boots to Roddy and then Greg pulled Roddy up by the hair and slammed Piper head-first into the ring steps. Piper draped over the steps. Greg then threw Piper into the ringside barricade. Piper down in a heap next to the barricade. Greg rolled in and out of the ring to break the ref's 10-count. Greg left the ring and snapped Piper up on his shoulder and dropped Piper throat-first across the barricade. Piper back down. Crowd chanting 'Roddy! Roddy!' Announcers pointed out that the ref was letting some things go in this match because the fans want to see a winner. Greg went over and grabbed a steel chair from next to the timekeeper's table. Piper making it to his feet next to the barricade. Greg walked over and was preparing to hit Piper with it. Greg moved in and Piper kicked Greg in the gut twice. Piper grabbed the chair from Greg and clocked Greg over the head with it to the delight of the crowd. Greg went down. Piper quickly rolled in and out of the ring to break the 10-count. Piper grabbed Greg and slammed the champ head first into the ring post. Piper threw the champ back into the ring. Piper got in and Greg, on his knees, begged off and started backing up. Piper stalked Greg as Greg had backed up into the corner. Piper looked down at Greg and pulled Greg up by the hair. Piper went to nail Greg with another bulldog but Greg pushed Piper off and Piper crashed to the mat. Both men down. Greg to his feet and Piper in the sit-up position. Greg moved in behind Piper, grabbed Piper's chin and started peppering Piper with rights to the side of the head. As Piper was getting up, Greg moved in and nailed Piper with a swinging neckbreaker. Greg for the pin. 1...2... Piper kicked out. Greg punched the downed Piper in the head with some punches and then pulled Piper up. Greg whipped Piper into the the buckles and Greg moved in and hit Piper with a series of methodical shoulder blocks to the mid-section. Piper staggered out by the ropes and Greg leaned Piper's upper body over the top rope and blasted Piper with three brutal forearms to the chest. Crowd rooting for Roddy. Hart looking on intently from ringside. Piper staggered away from the ropes hunched over and grabbing at his chest. Greg then drove a series of elbows to the back of Roddy's neck. Piper went down and rolled over on his back. Greg went for the kill. Greg got on top of Piper and went to hit Piper in his damaged left ear but Piper got his arms up and blocked the move. Greg tried again and Piper again blocked the punch try. Greg tried again but Piper blocked again and a struggle ensued between the two and Piper was able to turn Greg over. Piper on top of Greg. Piper popped Greg with head shots. Piper pulled Greg up, whipped Greg into the ropes and caught Greg coming off with the sleeper for a second time. Crowd cheering. Greg struggling to get out of the hold or get to the ropes but Piper had the hold firmly locked on. Greg fighting with everything he had, Greg started to weaken in the hold but was still fighting. Greg managed to maneuver so he and Piper were facing the buckles. Greg moved towards the buckles, got his feet on the top buckle and pushed off. Piper went down with Greg on top of him and Greg still locked in the sleeper. Piper was so determined to put Greg's lights out with the sleeper that he didn't notice his own shoulders had hit the mat. Ref counted. 1...2...2-3/4... Piper got a shoulder up and turned over on his side. Crowd let out a gasp of relief. Hart was frustrated at being so agonizingly close to victory. Piper kept Greg locked in the hold as he got to his feet and pulled up Greg as well. Greg struggling to survive. After a few more seconds in the hold, Greg dropped down and popped Piper with a jawbreaker to the top of his head. Piper broke the hold and crashed to the mat.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Crowd shot of Kitty Piper and the kids concerned at ringside. "C'mon, dad!", yelled some black guy sitting behind the family. What was that about?</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Both men were down. Both men started getting to their feet and Piper was facing away from Greg. Greg took advantage. Greg came up behind Piper and nailed Piper with a chop block to the back of the left knee. Piper crumpled back to the mat. Greg got to his feet and grabbed Piper by the left leg, dragged PIper over to the ropes and placed Piper's left leg on the bottom rope. Greg grabbed the top rope and came down ass-first on Piper's left knee area three times. Greg then grabbed Piper's left leg, dragged Roddy away from the ropes and locked Piper in the figure four. Crowd buzzing. Piper struggling in the hold and trying not to submit. Piper powered up and started to reverse the hold but Greg was able to shift his weight and keep Piper in the figure four. Crowd chanting Roddy's name. Piper dropped his shoulders back on the mat. Ref counted. 1...2... Piper popped up off the canvas. Piper still fighting through the pain as the ref asked Piper if he submitted. Piper not giving up. Piper again powered up and started reversing the hold. Greg resisting with everything he had to not be turned over. After a few more seconds of struggle, Piper succeeded in turning Valentine over. Greg now hurting as well. Greg was able to move close enough to the nearby ropes to drape his arm over the middle rope to force a break in the hold. Both men got up on shaky legs. Greg moved in and punched Piper. Piper struck back with a punch of his own. A punch exchange ensued and Piper got the best of Greg and whipped Greg into the buckles. Piper came in with a flying knee to the chest of Greg. Piper then laid into Greg with a series of head and body boxing-style punches. Piper backed off and Greg walked out of the corner and crashed face-first in the ring. Piper moved in and grabbed Greg in his ankle lock finisher. Crowd popped. Greg was only the hold for a few seconds before being able to move near to the ropes and get his hand on the bottom rope to force a break in the hold. Crowd groaned. Hart looking on intensely from ringside. Greg got up next to the ropes and Piper stunned Greg with a right to the head and then repaid Greg. Piper leaned Valentine's upper body back over the top rope and blasted Greg with three forearm smashes to the chest. Crowd eating it up. Greg staggered away from the ropes and Piper came up behind and raked Greg's back twice. Greg a hurting customer. Piper whipped Greg into the ropes and looked to catch Greg coming off with a backdrop but Greg caught Piper with a kick to the chest. Piper shot up and staggered back. Greg then stunned Piper by moving in and nailing Piper with a solid right to Piper's damaged left ear. Piper crashed to the mat and was holding his left ear. Ref ordered Greg to stand back as the ref checked on Piper. Piper grabbing the ear. Shot of Piper's worried family at ringside. Piper got to his feet but seemed a little unsteady. Ref asked Piper if he could continue. Piper shook his head 'yes'. Piper leaning up against the buckles. Ref again asked Piper if he felt he could continue. Piper said an emphatic 'yes'. Ref allowed the match to go on.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Piper came out of the corner and was a little shaky. Greg charged in and nailed Piper with a forearm shiver to the left ear area. Piper crashed to the mat again. Greg covered Piper and hooked the leg. 1...2...2-3/4... Piper managed to kick out. Crowd cheered. Ref ordered Greg to stand back once more. Greg got distracted and turned away from Piper and was having words with the ref. Piper made it to his feet. Piper came up behind Greg as Hart was trying to get Greg to turn around. Piper spun Greg around and poked Greg in the eyes. Greg turned away from Piper and grabbed at his eyes when Piper dropped down and rolled Greg up from behind for the pin try. 1...2... Greg kicked Piper off. Greg still down as Piper moved around, grabbed Greg's legs and flipped over on top of Greg for another pin try. 1...2... Greg bridged up and attempted to catch Roddy in a backslide but Piper reversed and caught Greg in a backslide pin try. Crowd on its feet. 1...2...2-1/2... Greg kicked out. Crowd groaned. Piper to his feet and Greg to his knees. Piper moved in on Greg and was greeted by a low-blow. Announcers pointed out that the ref was letting the wrestlers have more leeway than usual because of what's at stake in the match. Piper fell back against the buckles and was covering his groin, Greg went for another punch to Piper's left ear but Piper got his arms up and blocked the punch try. Greg kept trying to find a way into Piper's left ear with his fist but Piper kept his guard up. Greg reverted to nailing Piper with a series of gut shots. Piper took the blows so he could keep the left ear covered. Greg maneuvered Piper out of the corner and whipped Piper into the ropes. Greg looked to catch Roddy coming off with a clothesline but Piper ducked the move and came back and plowed through Greg with a spear. Crowd lost it. Both Piper and Greg down. Piper moved over slowly covered Greg for the pin. 1...2...2-9/10... No! Greg kicked out. Crowd on a roller coaster ride of emotion. Piper made it to his feet just before Greg and Piper moved in and grabbed Greg by the legs and dropped Greg back to the mat. Piper then catapualed Greg into the corner and Greg's head slammed hard into the top buckle. Greg staggered back a few steps and crashed on his back in the ring. Piper moved over and covered Greg again. 1...2...2-1/2... Greg got a shoulder up. More crowd agony. Hart now wearing a hole in the ringside mats. Piper's family could not believe it. And the black guy sitting behind them was stunned, too. Both men got to their feet and Greg grabbed Piper and nailed him with an inverted atomic drop. Piper crashed to the mat. Greg grabbed Piper, whipped Piper into the ropes and caught Piper coming off with a kick to the gut that doubled Piper over. Greg then grabbed Piper in position for the Hammerhead and Greg nailed the move. Hart ecstatic at ringside. Greg covered Roddy and hooked the leg. 1...2...2-3/4... Piper got a shoulder up. Hart couldn't believe it. Crowd erupted.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Greg pulled Piper up, whipped Piper into the ropes and blasted Piper coming off with a clothesline. The battered Piper crashed to the mat. Greg went out on the apron and started climbing the buckles. Greg got to the top and turned played to the crowd briefly as Piper recovered in the ring and made it to his feet. Greg turned back to the ring and Piper caught Greg on the top buckle and slammed Greg to the canvas. Greg hurting. An exhausted Piper dropped to the mat. Both men down. Both men made it to their feet and moved in on each other and Greg stunned Piper with a kick to the gut again. Greg started to lock Piper in for another Hammerhead when Piper managed to slip from Greg's grasp and blast Greg with another series of head and body boxing-style punches. Greg stunned by the blows. Piper hit the ropes behind Valentine and came off and blasted Greg with a facebuster. Crowd going nuts. Hart shocked at ringside. Piper wasted no time in grabbing Greg in an ankle lock. Crowd now defeaning. Greg struggled and crawled towards the ropes, Greg finally was able to move close enough to the ropes to try and get a hand on them. Just as Greg's hand touched the rope, Piper dragged Greg back to the middle of the ring and had the hold firmly locked on. Greg raised his right hand like he was about to tap. Crowd blistering hot. After a few more seconds in the hold, Greg furiously tapped out. Ref called for the bell. Crowd nearly blew the roof off the building.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Pyro went off above the ring and on the entrance stage. Ref took the belt from Capetta and had a few words with him. An exhausted Piper raised his fists in the air victoriously. Ref came over and handed the belt to Piper and raised Piper's hand in victory.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Capetta:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Wrestling fans! In a time of 23 minutes, 14 seconds, your winner...and NEW UWL World Champion...'Rowdy' Roddy Piper!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Crowd continued to roar and many chanted his name as Piper's bagpipe music played over the p.a. system.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Fan favorite wrestlers all came into the ring to celebrate the joyous occasion: Wahoo, Arn, Dog Pound, Luger, Morrus, Madusa, Lita and Patera. They all congratulated Roddy with hugs, handshakes and high fives as Piper had the belt slung over his shoulder. Madusa and Lita each kissed Piper on the cheek. Wahoo and Roddy, long time friends, engaged in an emotional embrace and Wahoo raised Roddy's hand in the air as the loud cheering continued. Piper's wife and kids were then allowed into the ring. Piper kissed his wife on the mouth and hugged all of his kids. Wahoo and Morrus then picked up Piper on their shoulders and paraded him around the ring as a loud 'Roddy!' chant permeated the building. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

WINNER: Piper - Submission - Ankle Lock - 23:14)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers thanked viewers for watching the PPV and told them to tune in to 'Slam!' this Tuesday at 9:30PM E/P on FX to see what the fallout will be from the PPV.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Video re-aired for the 'Hello Kitty Presents: Winter Warfare! The War Games!' PPV - Sunday - Feb. 17, 2013 - Morgantown, WV - WVU Coliseum - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale Saturday, Jan. 5 @ 10am EST!)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

END PPV</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong><span style="color:#FF0000;">ATTENDANCE: 15,889 (Sellout)</span></strong></span></p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>ON THE NEXT </strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>

UWL 'SLAM!' WRESTLING!</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;"><em>The fallout from the 'Holiday Havoc' PPV!</em></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Roddy Piper does his first interview as the new UWL World Champion!</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

PLUS!</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

- Greg Valentine does his first interview as the former UWL World Champion</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

- Lex Luger vs. Kevin Nash of The Firm</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

- An interview with 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

- DDP vs. Ken Patera</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

AND MORE!!!</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:10px;">Ep. 99 of 'Slam!' will be posted on Tuesday.</span></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:14px;">UWL 'SLAM!' WRESTLING - EP. 99 - KENT, WA - SHOWARE CENTER - 12-11-12 (Live)</span></span></strong></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;">(Show opened with highlight pics from the UWL WT match between Valentine and Piper from 'Holiday Havoc' and the post-match celebration for Piper.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Show Intro)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Crowd Shots/Pyro)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(In-ring: Bagpipe music filled the arena and the fans popped big-time as Roddy Piper came out on the entrance stage and made his way to the ring. He was in street clothes and had the WT slung over his shoulder and was carrying a mic.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Piper slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring. Once in the ring, Piper walked around and held up the title for all to see as the fans kept cheering.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>RP:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "It's December 11th and I'm standing in a wrestling ring!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

More crowd cheers.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>RP:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I guess that means I must have beaten Greg Valentine at 'Holiday Havoc' and become the new UWL World Champion!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

More cheers.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>RP:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "On Sunday, when I walked out of the locker room, I was thinking that this could be my last match. But when I walked out in the Rose Garden and heard you fans roaring for me, I knew there was no way I was going into an early forced retirement!</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

"Greg Valentine! Brother, I am holding the very thing that you lived for! For one year, you dispatched every challenger that you faced! And then you ran into a determined 'Hot Rod' and all these fans who wanted to see your title reign come to an end! It was not just me who did this! It was WE who did this, man! You and me!" (Piper pointed at the crowd.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Fans cheered more.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>RP:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Roddy Piper...World Champion!Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?! The match was one helluva fight between two grizzled pit bulls! But this pit bull (pointed at himself) had just a little more tenacity in him at the end! I said in the weeks leading up to this match that defeating Greg Valentine would be the best revenge for what he did to me 14 months ago when he almost ended my career! And Valentine woke up on Monday morning as a challenger and no longer the champion! I haven't seen Valentine and his manager Dr. Evil since the match! But I've heard that Greg has been in a state of shock the last couple of days! He can't believe he's no longer the World Champion! He's having trouble dealing with the fact that he's no longer the guy who will walk to the ring with the World Title around his waist! If he wants this belt, he's gonna have to try and win it back! And Greg Valentine doesn't like that thought! He's back to square one! </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

"I think it's gonna be pretty fun to see how Valentine responds to not being the top dog in the UWL anymore! My guess is he's not gonna handle it too well! I took his most prized possession from him! He wants it back! I know Valentine will do whatever he feels he has to do to get this title back! But I'm ready for it! Greg! You just bring it on, man! 'Hot Rod' is more than ready for you! </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

"We are in a new era in the UWL! There are many worthy contenders for this title along with Valentine! I know things are going to be different now! Much different! I'm now the hunted rather than the hunter! In this sport, when you become the World Champion, you are immediately branded! Everyone wants what you have! And I promise you people that I will be a fighting champion and a champion you can be proud of after the last year of darkness during the reign of Greg Valentine! There are many challenges on the horizon! And I, along with you fans, are gonna rise to each and every challenge and meet it head on! A champion is only as good as his opposition! And the opposition here in the UWL is second-to-none! </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

"When you enter this business, your dream is to become the World Champion! That dream has come true for me now! But it's time to stop dreaming! We've got to roll up our sleeves and get down to the business of making this World Title reign a long and successful one!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Bagpipe music played again and Piper once more held up the title as the fans cheered. Piper then left the ring and slapped hands with the fans on the way to the back.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers Steve Stack and Joe Pedicino welcomed viewers to 'Slam!' Discussed Piper winning the title and then ran down the program: an i'view with former UWL WC Greg Valentine and mgr. Gary Hart; Lex Luger vs. Kevin Nash; The Firm is here; Harley Race vs. Wahoo McDaniel; Pres. Watts has a special announcement regarding the President's Championship; DDP vs. Ken Patera; an i'view with the 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin'; Madusa vs. Luna; a look at highlights from 'Holiday Havoc' and more! Said Father Dutch & Grog wrestle the Killer Bees next!)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 1</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Father Dutch & Grog vs. Killer Bees</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(FD and Grog came to the ring to Gregorian chants. Once in the ring, FD blessed Grog. They were booed. Bees came out to a medicocre crowd reaction.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Bees put up a fight but it was too much FD and Grog in the end as Grog pinned Blair after a pumphandle slam. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

After the match, FD took his little black bag and pulled out the Holy water, sprinkled it on the downed Blair, blessed Blair and then announced Blair's 'sins' had been forgiven. FD then blessed Grog once more before the pair left the ring.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

After FD and Grog were gone, Blair had recovered and made it to his feet. Blair said something to Brunzell off-mic and Brunzell snapped back at Blair in a very un-Brunzell-like fashion. The two started having a heated conversation in the ring before Blair said something to Brunzell that calmed the situation down. Brunzell patted Blair on the back and the two left the ring.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

WINNER: FD & Grog - Pinfall - Grog pinned Blair with a Pumphandle Slam - 3:17)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers discussed the win by Grog and FD and the Killer Bees having some sort of brief argument before things cooled down after the match. Hyped still to come: an i'view with former UWL WC Greg Valentine and mgr. Gary Hart; Lex Luger vs. Kevin Nash; The Firm is here; Harley Race vs. Wahoo McDaniel; Pres. Watts has a special announcement regarding the President's Championship; DDP vs. Ken Patera; Madusa vs. Luna; a look at highlights from 'Holiday Havoc' and more! Said an i'view w/ 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin was coming up.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Video aired for the 'Hello Kitty Presents: Winter Warfare! The War Games!' PPV - Sunday - Feb. 17 - Morgantown, WV - WVU Coliseum - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale Saturday, Jan. 5 @ 10am EST!)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(In-ring: Ring Announcer Lee Marshall was standing in the middle of the ring with mic in hand.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>LM:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Ladies and Gentlemen! Please welcome my guest at this time. He is the 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Fair booing response from the crowd as Garvin came out on the entrance stage. He was in street clothes and was carrying the briefcase with the $50K bounty in it from DDP.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

As Garvin made his way to the ring, pics aired from the 'Holiday Havoc' PPV showing Garvin coming to the ring with DDP after Great Christopho had won the President's Championship and Garvin blasting TGC with his knockout punch and dropping TGC and unmasking him and exposing him as Daniels and DDP handing the bounty over to Garvin. Announcers said PPV replays were available.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Garvin held up the briefcase once in the ring and garnered more boos.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>LM:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin! I have to say that you definitely made a major splash with your debut here in the UWL. You knocked out the Great Christopho and unmasked him and it was indeed Daniels under that mask. I have to ask you, does it bother you that you've ended Daniels' career here in the UWL?"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>RG:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Lee, it doesn't bother me a bit. I was offered $50 grand by Dallas Page to knock out this Great Christopho character and unmask him. That's what I did and it turned out to be the guy that Dallas Page wanted taken out. So, we both got what we wanted and we're both very happy men because of it. I can't wait to deposit the $50,000 dollars that's in this briefcase in my bank account."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>LM:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "You have made it quite clear you're mainly here for the money and that championships are not a priority for you. Roddy Piper was out here earlier talking about how he fulfilled his dream of winning the World Title. Do championships mean nothing to the 'Bounty Hunter'?"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>RG:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "It's like this. If I win championships over time here in the UWL, then that's great. But titles are won and lost. I'm in the business of making money by doing dirty work that other people don't want to do themselves. Make a lot of money...it lasts a lot longer than any championship, believe me.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

"So, I just want to say this to every UWL wrestler out there. I don't care whether you're loved by the fans or hated by them. You got someone you need knocked senseless, for whatever reason, and you've got the money...then you come and see the 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin. I'll take care of your problem."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

DDP came walking to the ring. He was booed and was in his wrestling attire and had a mic. He got in the ring and vigorously shook Garvin's hand.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>DDP:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Ron Garvin! My man! He earned every single dollar that's in that briefcase! And because of him, Daniels is no longer employed by the UWL! All those months of trying to unmask Great Christopho and prove it was Daniels! Man! All those teases of him being unmasked but always escaping by the skin of his teeth! Daniels' luck ran out at 'Holiday Havoc'! Good riddance, pal! That was the best $50,000 dollars I've ever spent! Now, I need to talk to you for a moment."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

DDP and Garvin huddled in the ring and DDP was talking off-mic to Garvin as Marshall tried to edge closer to hear what was being said.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>DDP:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Back off, Marshall! This is personal business!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Marshall obliged.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

DDP continued his private in-ring conversation with Garvin. Garvin then turned back to Marshall. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>RG:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Hate to cut this short, Lee. I gotta run."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Garvin and DDP headed back up the aisle together as the fans were now louder in their boos.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers discussed the interview with Garvin and DDP coming out and praising Garvin for ending Daniels' career in the UWL and then DDP talking with Garvin in private about something and the two abruptly leaving the ring. Hyped still to come: an i'view with former UWL WC Greg Valentine and mgr. Gary Hart; Lex Luger vs. Kevin Nash; The Firm is here; Harley Race vs. Wahoo McDaniel; Pres. Watts has a special announcement regarding the President's Championship; DDP vs. Ken Patera; a look at highlights from 'Holiday Havoc' and more! Said Madusa vs. Luna was next!)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 2</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Luna vs. Madusa</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Luna came out to fairly strong boos. Madusa got a strong ovation coming out. As Madusa made her way to the ring, pics aired from her victory over Bull Nakano at 'Holiday Havoc'. Announcers pointed out that replays of the PPV were now available.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Luna and Madusa battled it out in the short affair. But in the end, Madusa prevailed when Luna missed a slingshot splash on Madusa and Madusa was able to hit Luna with a German suplex into a bridgeout to score the pinfall victory.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

WINNER: Madusa - Pinfall - German Suplex into a Bridgeout - 4:01)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Video aired for the 'UWL on Tour': Thu. - Dec. 13 - Valdosta, GA - The Complex; Fri. - Dec. 14 - Savannah, GA - MLK Arena; Sat. - Dec. 15 - Augusta, GA - James Brown Arena; Sun. - Dec. 16 - Kennesaw, GA - Kennesaw State University Conv. Center. More info, visit: uwlslam.com!)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Lex Luger. Asked about his win over Graham in the Submission match at 'Holiday Havoc' and his match tonight with Kevin Nash.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>LL:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Sunday night, 'Superstar' Billy Graham found out what karma is all about! Even with his manager, the Grand Gizzard, suspended in the air in a cage, the less-than-dynamic duo had hidden a cane under the ring for the 'Superstar' to use in case of an emergency during our match! But instead, it was 'Superstar' Graham who felt the full force of the cane across his bald head! And it was 'Superstar' Graham who cried out that he submitted while I was pulling his body apart in the torture rack! That chapter is now over for me!</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

"Tonight, I'm wrestling Kevin Nash of The Firm! You can sense it and you can feel it evrywhere! The war between The Firm and the UWL is escalating higher and higher with each passing week! The stakes are getting bigger and bigger! And one day there is going to be a day of reckoning for either The Firm or the UWL! And when I battle Kevin Nash tonight, I'm gonna do whatever needs to be done to beat him and score a big victory for the UWL side!")</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Pics aired of the DiBiase-Wahoo match from 'Holiday Havoc' and showed Dusty coming to the ring during the match and Dusty playing a major role in costing Wahoo the match. Announcers said replays of the PPV were now playing.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(In-ring: DiBiase's 'Hahaha' followed by 'Money' by Pink Floyd played over the p.a. system. The Firm came to the ring to a mixed crowd reaction. All five had mics. They were in street clothes and DiBiase was in a suit. They briefly played to the crowd once in the ring and Hall and Nash proudly displayed the tag titles around their waists.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Hall:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Hey yo! Look at these, man! 'Big Sexy' and the 'Bad Guy' are now the UWL World Tag Team Champions! You all knew it was coming! We've been saying that the first step in our master plan here in the UWL was to win all the titles! And these tag team titles are now in the possession of The Firm! And these belts aren't going anywhere for a long, long time! All you other UWL champions, pay attention! Your titles are no longer safe! And The Firm won't rest until we come out here one night and stand in this ring with the World Title, President's Championship, TV Title and World Tag Team Titles around the waists of Firm members! It's now just a matter of when, not if, that happens!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Nash:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "This title looks so good around my waist that even I'm turned on by me! Scott just said it! We're coming for every title in the UWL! And it's only a matter of time before we control all the gold here! Not only did we defeat Lars and Gene Anderson to win these belts at 'Holiday Havoc'! We left all three Anderson brothers laying in a heap in and around the ring after the match! That image should be burned into the minds of every single wrestler on the UWL roster! Because if you wanna mess with The Firm...you can count on laying in a busted up pile just like the Anderson brothers! </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

"As for Lex Luger! Lex, haha, we're both coming off big wins at 'Holiday Havoc'! And tonight's match between us is huge! It's The Firm vs. the UWL in another battle in our un-civil war! And guess what, Lex?! I'm striking the big blow for our side this evening! The Firm is just getting started! I heard your interview, Lex! You're right! We're playing for bigger and higher stakes every week! And with every week that goes by, well, that just brings us one step closer to realizing all of our goals here and The Firm taking complete control of the company! Luger! For you, tonight begins a downward trend for your career in the UWL!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Rude:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "What a night Sunday was for The Firm! World Tag Team Champions! And the 'Ravishing One' took care of Hugh Morrus! Hugh, I told you that you were my own personal target! And I hit the target right in the bullseye! As Director DiBiase says, we are the elite faction in pro wrestling! And we're proving that every day! Time marches inexorably forward! Time can't be stopped by any man! And as time marches on, The Firm is just going to grow stronger and stronger! The World Tag Team Titles are just the start! Those belts are like the first chapter written in a book! And there will be more glorious chapters added to it! When the book is finally complete, it will be the long and glorious history of the greatness of The Firm! And it will be the Bible for those who want to know what true greatness is in this sport!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Schultz:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Ken Patera wanted me in a match! He got it at 'Holiday Havoc'! This is the time of year when wishes are fulfilled, man! Patera got his wish! But I can guaran-damn-tee you that he didn't like the end result! The Firm batted a thousand in their matches at 'Holiday Havoc'! We were perfect! What we're working so hard to build in the UWL is slowly starting to come to fruition! No road to the top is easy! We know we'll meet resistance from UWL wrestlers every step of the way! But if Sunday proved anything, it's that The Firm has come out firing and we're the ones on the offensive right now! The UWL took a big hit Sunday night! They pushed us! But we pushed back even harder and they're in retreat! They need to re-group and come up with a new battle plan! But no matter the plans of the UWL, in the end it's not gonna matter! Because The Firm will be the ultimate victors!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>TD:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Not only are these men standing in the ring with me four of the best wrestlers around; they're also great talkers! Well said as usual, gentlemen!</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

"Last week, I guaranteed that The Firm would win all four of their matches at 'Holiday Havoc'! What happened, huh?! I'll tell you what happened! We won all our matches! And we won them all because I knew we would! We established ourselves as the superior force in the UWL! We took no prisoners two nights ago! We were ruthless in attaining our goals! And we attained every one of them! The UWL wrestlers are being forced to go back to the drawing board! They're teetering like a boxer against the ropes! The only question is: when will the knockout punch be delivered by The Firm?! Will it be sooner or later?! Only we have the answers! And you'll know the answers when we decide it's time for you to know them!</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

"One man who got to enjoy losing a match against The Firm at 'Holiday Havoc' was Chief Wahoo McDaniel! He lost...to me! Hahaha! Being the great ring technician that I am, I'm always adding new moves to my already impressive arsenal! If you didn't see the pay-per-view, I didn't defeat Wahoo with the Elitist! Wahoo got to feel the full brunt of my newest move I'll be using to finish off my opponents! Let's see those pics of that finisher!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Pics came up on the JumboTron of DiBiase nailing Wahoo with his full nelson facebuster (aka, Skull Crushing Finale).</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>TD:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I like to name my finishing moves! And this one I call the Billion Dollar Blaster! How did it feel, Wahoo, when your face was crushed into that mat by me?! How did it feel when I covered you and scored the 1...2...3?! I wouldn't have had to humiliate you the way I did, Wahoo, if you would have just accepted my invitation to join The Firm! You could be standing in this ring with us right now! But you chose to go down the wrong road! And that road is UWL Boulevard! You could have been riding high with the elite on Firm Avenue! But you said no! And you had to pay for that! And pay you did! </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

"To all UWL wrestlers out there! If you're ever approached by me and asked to join The Firm, let what happened to Wahoo McDaniel at my hands be a lesson to you! You'll be much better off mentally and physically if you just accept my offer!</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

"And one more thing. People want to know if Dusty Rhodes is a member of The Firm. I'm not gonna talk about Dusty Rhodes. But I will tell you this. The 100th episode of 'Slam!' is next week. And we will be unveiling our newest member at that time."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

'Money' played over the p.a. and The Firm left the ring to a mixed crowd reax and headed to the back.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers discussed The Firm i'view. Wondered who the new Firm member is who will be revealed next week on the 100th episode of 'Slam!'. Talked about how if it's not Dusty, then why did Rhodes attack Wahoo and cost him the match with DiBiase at 'Holiday Havoc'. Hyped still to come: an i'view with former UWL WC Greg Valentine and mgr. Gary Hart; Lex Luger vs. Kevin Nash; Pres. Watts has a special announcement regarding the President's Championship; DDP vs. Ken Patera; a look at highlights from 'Holiday Havoc' and more! Said Wahoo vs. Race was coming up!)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Backstage: Nelson i'viewed Wahoo. Asked about the situation with Dusty Rhodes at 'Holiday Havoc' during his match with DiBiase and tonight's match with Race.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>WM:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Larry, when The Firm introduces their newest member next week, I would be shocked if it was anyone but Dusty Rhodes. There's no question in my mind that Dusty was in cahoots with DiBiase at 'Holiday Havoc'. Things happened way too conviniently during the match for that not to be the case. I've known Dusty for years and there's been no bad blood between us. The only reason that Dusty attacked me is because he's now on The Firm's payroll. Dusty's sold out for the money and glory promised him by The Firm. I have no doubt about it.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

"As for tonight, Harley Race is a tough customer in that ring. We may not like each other. But we respect each other because of what each of us has accomplished in this sport. It's gonna be a battle between two ring veterans who have accumulated quite a few championships over the years. We've wrestled each other quite a few times in our careers and I know Harley will try and take shortcuts if he thinks it will help him get his hand raised at the end of the match. We both know each so well that it will be like a game of human chess at its finest. Who can pull off that one move that will be the difference maker? But, if Harley's manager JJ Dillon tries to interfere in this match, be forewarned that if I get a hold of him, JJ's gonna be in for a major league hurtin'. He'd better just manage and not try and get cute...or else.")</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 3</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Harley Race (w/ JJ) vs. Wahoo McDaniel</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Race and JJ were already in the ring as Wahoo was intro'd. Wahoo came to the ring to a strong ovation.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Match was what you would expect from these two top wrestling stars. Back-and-forth battle with each man looking for the 'checkmate move'. JJ never interfered. At one point, Race did try to pin Wahoo while holding a handful of Wahoo's tights.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

At the end of the match, Race was on the offensive. He nailed the downed Wahoo with his diving headbutt from the middle buckle. Race covered Wahoo. 1...2... Wahoo kicked out. Race pulled Wahoo up and went to whip Wahoo into the buckles but Wahoo reversed and sent Race into the buckles. Wahoo nailed Race in the corner with his running big splash. Race staggered out of the corner and crashed to the mat on his back. Wahoo went out on the ring apron and mounted the top buckle. Race got to his feet and turned around and was blasted by a big chop to the head by Wahoo. Race crashed back to the mat. Wahoo pulled Race up, whipped Race into the ropes and caught Race coming off with his big chop finisher. Race crashed to the mat. Tully Blanchard charged down the aisle and hit the ring and attacked Wahoo. Ref called for the bell. Tully hammered away on Wahoo as Race made it to his feet. Race joined Tully in pounding on the Chief as JJ climbed in the ring to urge them on.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Crowd popped when Roddy Piper, minus the belt, came charging to the ring. Piper hit the ring and started firing away on both Tully and Race with rapid-fire punches. JJ bailed from the ring to the safety of the floor. Tully and Race fought back and got the upper hand on Piper and were now hammering him as Wahoo recovered and joined in the fray. The four scuffled briefly. Wahoo sent Race crashing down to the mat with a series of chops. Race quickly rolled out of the ring and dropped to his feet on the floor. Piper got the upper hand on Tully with a flurry of punches and then whipped Tully into the ropes. Tully grabbed the top rope and bailed from the ring. Fans cheering as Wahoo and Roddy stood at the ready in the ring if Tully and Harley wanted to step back in. Tully, Harley and JJ now all out on the floor together. Race pointed and said something in the direction of the pair. JJ's men kept looking back at Piper and Wahoo as JJ led them back up the aisle. Wahoo patted Piper on the back as the crowd cheered some more for the duo.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

WINNER: Wahoo - DQ - Tully interfered - 7:15)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers discussed Tully and Harley attacking Wahoo and Piper coming to Wahoo's aid. Then sent it backstage to Larry Nelson.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Backstage: Nelson was standing outside.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>LN:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Steve and Joe, we've just gotten word that the limo carrying former UWL World Champion Greg Valentine and his manager Gary Hart should be arriving any minute now. Wait. Here they come now. I'm gonna see if I can get a word with them."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Limo came around the corner and pulled up. Driver got out and opened the back door. Out stepped Gary Hart and then Greg Valentine. Neither man looked too happy. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>LN:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Gary Hart. Greg Valentine. May I have a word with you two. I have a couple of..."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Hart and Valentine didn't repsond and walked right past Nelson and headed into the building. Nelson threw up his hands.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>LN:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Let's get back to ringside.")</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Pics aired from the Watts-Ole match at 'Holiday Havoc'. Announcers plugged replays of the PPV were now available.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(In-ring: 'Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system and Pres. Watts came out on the entrance stage. He was in street clothes and his left arm was now in a sling. He had a mic. Watts got a decent ovation coming to the ring.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>BW:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "By now, everybody knows the results of my match with Ole Anderson at 'Holiday Havoc'. You can see the results by looking at my left arm in this sling. The Anderson brothers aren't here tonight. Ole Anderson, you may have won our match on Sunday night. But you have pissed me off so badly with your recent actions that I'm gonna tell you this! When this sling comes off and my left arm is completely healed...Ole, you and I are gonna hook 'em up again in this ring!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Decent crowd cheers.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>BW:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I have three announcements to make. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

"First, next week is the 100th episode of 'Slam!' And it's gonna be a big show. I'll tell you some of things that will be happening on that show in a minute. </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

"The second thing I want to talk about is the President's Championship. As you all know, as has been made quite clear throughout 2012, if the Great Christopho was ever unmasked and shown to be Daniels, then Daniels would be fired from the UWL. At 'Holiday Havoc', 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin was able to unmask the Great Christopho and prove that it was Daniels. This happened just minutes after Great Christopho defeated Harley Race to win the President's Championship. Because it was exposed to the world that Daniels was the Great Christopho, we had no choice but to fire Daniels effective immediately. We wish Daniels the best in all his future endeavors. The President's Championship has now been vacated. In the coming weeks, we will crown a new President's Champion. How and when has yet to be determined. So stay tuned for more information on this situation.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

"Now, onto some better news. As I mentioned, next week is 'Slam!'s 100th episode. It would never have been possible without all you great UWL fans supporting us these last 23 months. Thank you! Give yourselves a hand!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Crowd cheered.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>BW:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Here are some of the matches we've got lined up for next week. We're gonna have a women's tag team match. It's gonna be UWL Women's World Champion Tina Ferrari and Luna vs. Madusa and Mad Maxine! Plus, Rick Rude of The Firm will be facing Arn Anderson! Former, I love the sound of that, former UWL World Champion Greg Valentine will go one-on-one with Rick Steiner of the Dog Pound! We've also got interviews lined up with new TV Champion Rip Oliver; 'Superstar' Graham; and Hugh Morrus and Ken Patera! And as we heard earlier, The Firm will be unveiling their newest member!</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

"That line-up already makes for one helluva show! But there's one more match that I've decided to add to it! After what we just witnessed a few minutes ago, I'm ordering a tag team match for the 100th episode of 'Slam!' It will be Harley Race and Tully Blanchard vs. ... Wahoo McDaniel and new UWL World Champion Roddy Piper!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Crowd popped at the news of the last match.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>BW:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "So let's get ready to hook 'em up on the big 100th episode of 'Slam!' next week!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Watts' music played and he headed back up the aisle.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers discussed the announcements by Pres. Watts. Hyped still to come: an i'view with former UWL WC Greg Valentine and mgr. Gary Hart; Lex Luger vs. Kevin Nash; and more! Said DDP vs. Ken Patera was next!) </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 4</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

DDP vs. Ken Patera</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(As DDP made his way to the ring, video aired from earlier in the evening of DDP coming out and thanking Ron Garvin for unmasking Daniels as Great Christopho at 'Holiday Havoc' and Garvin earning the $50K bounty and DDP talking privately with Garvin in the ring and Garvin abruptly cutting his interview short and leaving with DDP.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

DDP was booed. Patera got a nice ovation coming to the ring and slapped hands with fans along the way.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

DDP and Patera battled it out but neither could put the other away. DDP tried to hit Patera with the Diamond Cutter but Patera escaped the hold before DDP could fully apply it.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

At the end of the match, DDP was on the offensive. DDP nailed Patera with a Russian legsweep. DDP circled around behind Patera as Patera slowly made it to his feet. Patera turned around and DDP went to nail Patera with the Diamond Cutter but Patera shoved DDP off and DDP collided with the ref. The two butted heads and the ref crashed to the mat and was holding his head and facing the crowd. DDP fell against the ropes. Patera moved in and worked over DDP with some punches and then whipped DDP into the ropes and caught DDP coming off with a double sledge to the chest. DDP crashed to the mat. Patera grabbed DDP in the full nelson position and blasted DDP with the full nelson slam. Crowd popped. Patera dropped and covered DDP. No ref. Patera had DDP covered for a count of longer than three. Patera got up and went over to check on the ref. While checking on the ref, Ron Garvin came to the ring. Garvin got in the ring behind Patera. Garvin had his right fist cocked and waited for Patera to turn around. Patera turned to go back after DDP...WHAM!...Garvin dropped Patera with his knockout punch. Patera laid out and barely moving. Garvin went over and grabbed the downed ref and dragged him over to where DDP and Patera were as DDP covered Patera and hooked the leg. Garvin left the ring and headed to the back as the ref slowly counted. 1.....2.....3! Groggy ref called for the bell from his knees. Crowd booing. DDP got to his feet and raised his arms in the air victoriously and then made the Diamond sign as the ref came over and raised DDP's hand in victory. DDP left the ring to loud boos. WINNER: DDP - Pinfall - Pinned Patera after Garvin hit Patera with his Knockout Punch - 6:33)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers discussed DDP beating Patera thanks to Ron Garvin's interference. Wondered if that's what DDP needed to talk about with Garvin so urgently earlier in the evening. Hyped still to come: Lex Luger vs. Kevin Nash. Said an i'view with former UWL WC Valentine and mgr. Hart was next!)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(In-ring: Former UWL WC Greg Valentine and mgr. Gary Hart made their way to the ring. They were in suits and had mics. They were heavily booed.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

They got in the ring and neither had a smile on his face. Some in the crowd chanted 'You tapped out!' at Valentine. Valentine glumly took it all in.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Hart:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "When I woke up on Sunday morning in Portland, Oregon, I was a very confident man. There was no doubt in my mind, none, that Greg Valentine would defeat Roddy Piper and be standing before you right now still the UWL World Champion. I'm still shocked at what happened. This man had held the World Title for one year. He'd been on such a roll during the year that I couldn't even begin to fathom him losing the title. But the reality of this busiiness is that titles are won and titles are lost. We certainly weren't expecting the end of this reign to come now. What makes this even worse is he lost the title to that no-good Roddy Piper."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Crowd cheered Piper's name.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>Hart:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Go ahead and cheer all you want. Your man won at 'Holiday Havoc'. But know this. We're now in the process of re-grouping. We're going to re-double our efforts. I'm gonna tweak the ring strategy a little because it doesn't need much tweaking. Greg has been watching the match the last couple of days and breaking it down second-by-second to see what he needs to do the next time he meets Roddy Piper for the World Title. There will be a re-match. And I am extremely confident that when that re-match happens, Greg Valentine will once again become the UWL World Champion."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Crowd booed.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>GV:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "For one year I ruled the UWL. For one year I was the World Champion. For one year I took on all challengers for the title and dispatched each and every one of them. Roddy Piper pulled the proverbial rabbit out of the hat at 'Holiday Havoc'. He's now the World Champion. But, mark my words. He won't be the World Champion for long!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

More boos.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>GV:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "I'm still the best wrestler in the world, dammit! And Gary Hart is the most brilliant manager in the world! We are already planing our next move! You can bet your last damn dollar that I'm gonna trigger the re-match clause in my contract! But, it's not gonna be right now! No, no! You see, we're already angling for when that re-match will take place! I'm not gonna come out here half-cocked and demand my re-match right away! In my current frame of mind that's not the best route to take! It's best to step back from the situation and take a look at the big picture! The race isn't always won by the swiftest, you know! The time for the re-match is coming! But it's gonna be on the schedule of Greg Valentine and Gary Hart and no one else! We're already eyeing a specific date for my World Title re-match with Piper! And that date will be announced in due time!</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

"Between now and the date we're aiming for, a lot of things can happen! Roddy Piper's gonna have to be a World Champion who's gonna have to be on his toes all the time! I ate, slept and breathed the World Title when I was champion! Piper! I'm getting the World Title back! And I'll do whatever the hell I have to to get it!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Crowd booed as the duo briefly soaked in the boos before leaving the ring and heading to the back.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers discussed the i'view w/ Valentine and Hart and talked about how the pair is already laying out a plan of when to strike for the re-match.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Announcers then said that they got word about a video recorded by a UWL cameraman backstage just minutes after the DDP-Patera match.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

VIDEO:</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Camerman was walking backstage filming and came across a door that was slightly ajar. He heard two men talking and laughing. The cameraman walked up and quietly pushed open the door just enough to film inside. It was Ron Garvin and DDP talking in an empty dressing room. DDP was video'd handing a fat white envelope to Garvin.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>DDP:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Here it is, brother. Haha. Count it if you like."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>RG:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Dallas, I don't need to count it. I trust you. I know the $20,000 is in here."</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>DDP:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Man! You did a number on Patera! Haha!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>RG:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "He wasn't getting up from that punch. Hell, he might still be laying in the ring! Hahaha!"</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong>DDP:</strong></span><span style="font-size:12px;"> "Hah... Hey! There's somebody filming us! Get out of here, man!" </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

DDP shoved the camera out of the door and slammed the door shut in the cameraman's face.)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Match 5</span></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Lex Luger vs. Kevin Nash (w/ DiBiase)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(Luger came out to a strong ovation. Nash came out with Ted and to the usual Firm mixed crowd reax.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

DiBiase never interfered in the match. Luger gave Nash a fight. The two power wrestlers slugged it out in the short, explosive affair.</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

At the end of the match, Nash had worked over Luger with some moves and whipped Luger into the buckles. Nash moved in on Luger and Luger charged out of the corner and dropped Nash with a running clothesline. Crowd popped. Nash got up and Luger dropped Nash with a second running clothesline. Nash got up again and was dropped a third time by Luger. Luger then backed up as Nash was getting to his feet and went to nail Nash with his forearm smash to the head but Nash instead killed Luger's offense with a big boot to the face. Luger crashed to the mat. Nash hoisted up Luger and blasted Lex with his jack-knife powerbomb. Nash covered Luger and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell and raised Nash's hand in victory as DiBiase got in the ring and got a few stomps of his own in on the downed Luger. DiBiase then raised Nash's hand in victory and started laughing as the announcers hyped the 100th 'Slam!' next week as the program faded to black. WINNER: Nash - Pinfall - Jack-Knife Powerbomb - 6:12)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

END PROGRAM</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

</span><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Dark Match</span></strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

Arn Anderson vs. David Schultz (w/ DiBiase)</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

(WINNER: Arn - Pinfall - Pinned Schultz with a roll-up from behind after DiBiase's interference backfired - 13:19)</span></p>

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World Champion Roddy Piper and Chief Wahoo McDaniel battle Harley Race and Tully Blanchard




- Greg Valentine vs. Rick Steiner


- The Firm makes an appearance


- Arn Anderson vs. Rick Rude




The next episode of 'Slam!' will be posted on Monday or Tuesday.

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UWL 'SLAM!' WRESTLING - EP. 100 - KENT, WA - SHOWARE CENTER - 12-18-12 (Taped)


(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Announcers Steve Stack and Joe Pedicino welcomed viewers to the 100th episode of 'Slam!' and then ran down the program: UWL WC Roddy Piper & Wahoo McDaniel vs. Tully Blanchard & Harley Race; The Firm introduces their newest member; Greg Valentine vs. Rick Steiner; Tina Ferrari © & Luna vs. Madusa & Mad Maxine; i'views w/ TV Champ Rip Oliver; Billy Graham; Hugh Morrus and Ken Patera; a video message from Ole Anderson to Pres. Watts; and more. Then sent it to the ring.)


Match 1

Arn Anderson vs. Rick Rude (w/ DiBiase)


(Arn came to the ring first and was heavily cheered. Rude and DiBiase came to the ring to a mixed crowd reaction.


Excellent match between two of the most solid, consistent performers in the business. Some good near falls throughout the match.


At the end of the match, Rude was on the offensive. Rude slammed Arn into position for a turnbuckle move. Rude mounted the middle buckle and came off with a knee drop attempt to Arn's head but Arn rolled out of the way and Rude crashed to the mat. Arn got to his feet as Rude got up. Rude was bent over and Arn moved in and popped Rude with a DDT. Crowd popped. Rude down near the ropes as Arn went for the cover. 1...2...2-1/2... DiBiase came over and placed Rude's foot on the bottom rope. Arn looked over and glared at DiBiase. Ref ordered a break. Arn pulled Rude up and Rude stunned Arn with a knee to the gut. Rude went to whip Arn into the ropes but Arn reversed and caught Rude coming off with the spinning spinebuster. Crowd popped as Arn made the throat-slitting gesture. DiBiase jumped up on the apron. Arn saw him and went over and DiBiase smarted off to Arn and Arn popped Ted in the jaw. Ted spun around on the apron and was facing the crowd as Arn put Ted in his own move, the million dollar dream. Ref trying to separate the two. Crowd eating it up. Rude recovered, came up behind Arn and nailed Arn with a running high knee to the back. Arn let go of DiBiase and DiBiase grabbed the top rope to keep from toppling to the floor. DiBiase then dropped to his feet on the floor. Rude took immediate advantage and nailed Arn with the Rude Awakening and covered Arn and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell and raised Rude's hand in victory.


After the match, DiBiase got into the ring as Rude put the boots to Arn. Ted ordered Rude to hold Arn up. Rude pulled Arn up and held him as Ted nailed Arn with some head and body shots. Rude let go of Arn and Arn crumpled to the mat as Ted went out and grabbed a steel chair from under the ring and slid it into the ring. Rude put the boots to Arn again to make sure he stayed down. Ted then grabbed Arn and was preparing to blast Arn with his new finisher, the Billion Dollar Blaster (aka, full nelson face buster). As Ted locked Arn in the full nelson and was preparing to drive Arn's face into the steel, the crowd roared as Roddy Piper and Wahoo McDaniel, both carrying steel chairs of their own, came charging to the ring. Ted let go of Arn before applying the move and he and Rude started to bail from the ring. Piper almost nailed Ted with his chair but Ted got out just in a nick of time. Wahoo and Roddy stood with chairs at the ready in the ring, waiting to see if Ted and Rude would get back in. Ted and Rude met up at ringside and started talking with one another before Ted gestured for them to head to the back. As they walked back up the aisle, Ted looked back at the ring and let out his evil 'Hahaha!' laugh before he and Rude headed to the backstage area. Roddy and Wahoo checked on Arn and Arn got to his feet on his own and made it to the back on his own with Piper and Wahoo. WINNER: Rude - Pinfall - Rude Awakening - 10:19)


(Annoucers discussed Rude beating Arn thanks to help from Ted DiBiase and Ted and Rude attacking Arn after the match and Wahoo and Piper © coming to Arn's aid. Hyped still to come: UWL WC Roddy Piper & Wahoo McDaniel vs. Tully Blanchard & Harley Race; The Firm introduces their newest member; Greg Valentine vs. Rick Steiner; Tina Ferrari © & Luna vs. Madusa & Mad Maxine; i'views w/ TV Champ Rip Oliver; Hugh Morrus and Ken Patera; a video message from Ole Anderson to Pres. Watts; and more. Said an i'view with Billy Graham and Grand Wizard was next.)


(Pics aired from the Luger-Graham submission match from 'Holiday Havoc'.)


(In-ring: Ring Announcer Lee Marshall i'viewed Graham and mgr. Grand Wizard.


'California Dreamin' played over the p.a. system and Graham and Wizard made their way to the ring to overwhelming boos.


Once in the ring, Graham struck a few bodybuilder poses as the crowd booed.


Marshall asked about Graham submitting to Luger's torture rack in the submission match at 'Holiday Havoc'.


BG: "Lee Marshall, let's get something straight! The 'Superstar' never said he submitted while in Lex Luger's rack in the submission match! I never said 'I submit'! Luger may have been given the victory! But as far as the 'Superstar' is concerned it was a hollow victory, daddy!"


LM: "But you did say 'yes' when the referee asked if you submitted."


BG: "I didn't say 'I submit'! 'I submit' would have meant I gave up! But saying 'yes', well, 'yes' can mean anything, jack! I never said the words that needed to be said to show that I was giving up in the hold!"


LM: "So, you didn't really lose then?"


BG: "No! I did not really lose! But the match is done and it will go down as a victory for Luger! It's a win for Luger that should have an asterik next to it!"


GW: "As the 'Superstar' has just said, he never said those words 'I submit'! If he would have said those words then there would be no argument here from us! But he did not submit! He just said 'yes'; and the word 'yes' can mean anything that anyone wants it to! And the referee obviously thought that when the 'Superstar' said 'yes', he was giving up while in Lex Luger's torture rack!"


LM: "It really seems like you two are mincing words here."


GW: "We're not mincing anything, Lee Marshall! The facts speak for themselves! Since some people wanted Luger to win the match, they'll delude themselves into believing that was the case! But the 'Superstar' and I know the truth! And anyone out there with any sense of fairness and decency knows what the truth is as well! We can't change what has already been done! No matter how great an injustice it was!


"But we're done with Lex Luger! It's time for us to move forward! 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper is the new World Champion! And that's the man we're zeroing in on right now! The 'Superstar' has been the WWF World Champion and the IWA World Champion! Being a 2-time World Champion should place him at the top of the list of contender's for that title! You are looking at the man who will one day defeat the Scotsman and become a 3-time World Champion! A lot of wrestlers want that title! But the 'Superstar' is the one who will get the job done!"


BG: "Just like Lex Luger didn't really make me submit to his rack at 'Holiday Havoc', there's no way Roddy Piper could ever make the 'Superstar' tap out to his ankle lock! I'm practically indestrucible in submission holds! The first time I get Piper in the ring with the title on the line will be the last day Piper's the UWL World Champion! And when that belt is handed to me, 'Superstar'-mania will start runnin' wild like a raging forest fire across the wrestling landscape!"


Graham then struck some more bodybuilder poses as fans booed before the pair left the ring.)


(Video aired for the 'Hello Kitty Presents: Winter Warfare! The War Games!' - Sunday - Feb. 17 - Morgantown, WV - WVU Coliseum - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale Saturday, Jan. 5 @ 10am E!)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Piper © and Wahoo. Both were in their ring gear and Piper did not have the belt with him. Asked about coming to Arn's aid as Ted and Rude attacked Arn.


WM: "Ted DiBiase and Rick Rude! You boys wanna fight?! Well, you've got a ready made fight standing right here in World Champion Roddy Piper and Chief Wahoo McDaniel! The Firm is getting more and more aggressive all the time! They are moving forward with their grand plans for the UWL! I'll be damned if they're gonna take over this company while I'm here! This whole situation is growing and growing! It is on the verge of enveloping the entire company! All UWL wrestlers need to wake up and realize the threat The Firm poses to our futures! This affects us directly! We are fighting for our livelihoods! Who wants to work for a guy like Ted DiBiase?! What UWL wrestler wants him holding their career in his hands?! What UWL wrestler wants Ted DiBiase to have the ability to make or break you?! Whether you're a fan favorite or despised by the fans, we have to put personal differences aside and fight this cancer known as The Firm! We all have people we don't like in this business! But we all need to concentrate on the long-term big picture here and realize what's at stake! Every man and woman on the UWL roster trained long and hard and paid their dues to make it in their chosen profession! Who wants a tight-ass control freak like Ted DiBiase taking over and shredding everything we've fought and bled for over the years so he can play games with our careers!


"And I'll bet my entire salary for 2013 that the man who is unveiled as the newest member of The Firm tonight is Dusty Rhodes! Who else could it be after what happened at 'Holiday Havoc'?!"


RP: "The Firm considers anyone who stands up to them to be an enemy. Well, you boys can now place Roddy Piper on your enemies' list! Just like I've heard members of The Firm say in the past, if you have a problem with one of them then you have a problem with all of them! When you attack one of ours like you attacked Arn Anderson earlier tonight, then you're attacking the entire UWL roster as far as I'm concerned! There was no way your assault could go without a response! This is the ultimate fight for survival! The Firm has a vision for this company! The UWL has a vision for this company! We have two competing factions here! The question is, who will win in the end?! The Firm has a dark vision where every single thing in the UWL is controlled by them if they can find a way to seize control of the company! The UWL has a vision based on solid wrestling competition because they know that's what the fans want to see! The good news is that people on both sides of the UWL aisle are crossing over when it comes to doing battle with The Firm! Hell, even the Anderson brothers hate 'em! But the roster is going to need to be unified in this war with The Firm! Because a divided UWL roster will only lead to defeat for our side! The Firm is tight, organized and they know what they want and are working towards their goals! We need to become organized and repel them on all fronts!"


Nelson asked about the tag match tonight against Tully and Harley.


WM: "Me and Harley were having a good match last week until Tully Blanchard interfered. Maybe they should change the name of JJ Dillon Enterprises to Interference Incorporated. Because interference seems to be a specialty with those guys. Tonight, I couldn't have a better partner than my long-time good friend Roddy Piper. I was in a bad spot last week and he came down and bailed me out. That's what real friends do for one another. Tully Blanchard and Harley Race, get ready. The Chief and the 'Rowdy One' are ready to rumble with you tonight. And JJ Dillon, if you so much as breath in the ring during our match, I'm gonna come after you and splatter you all over the floor."


RP: "As the old saying goes, me and Wahoo are like brothers from different mothers. Race and Blanchard! I hope you've got your fightin' shoes on tonight! Because this match is gonna be a good old fashioned donny-brook, boys! We will see you in the ring!")


Match 2

Madusa & Mad Maxine vs. Tina Ferrari © & Luna


(Madusa and Maxine came to the ring to a good ovation. Ferrari © and Luna were booed. Ferrari had the belt on under her gaudy robe and was wearing her trademark tiara.


Catfight to the nth degree. All the women were ready for this one. At one point in the match, Madusa caught Ferrari with a missle dropkick from the top rope. Madusa covered Tina and almost won but Luna came in and stomped on Madusa's head to break up the pin try just before the ref's hand slapped the mat a third time.


At the end of the match, Luna and Maxine were the legal women in the ring. After some back-and-forth, Maxine reversed a whip into the ropes and caught Luna coming off by the throat and chokeslammed Luna. Max for the cover. 1...2... Tina hit the ring and grabbed Max and dragged her off of Luna. Max got to her feet and glared at Tina and then nailed Tina with a kick to the face. Tina crashed to the mat and rolled out of the ring and dropped to the floor. Luna made it to her feet and Max turned around and blasted Luna with a boot to the face. Luna crashed to the mat. As Tina got to her feet on the floor, Madusa jumped off the apron and popped Tina with a flying clothesline. Crowd popped big-time. Both women crashed to the floor. Ref went over to check on the pair as they started making it to their feet. Max grabbed Luna, whipped her into the ropes and caught her coming off by the throat again and nailed Luna with another chokeslam, Max went for the cover as Tina was about to grab the ropes and climb back on the apron when Madusa yanked Tina back to the floor and started blasting the champ with punches. Ref distracted and trying to order Tina and Madusa back to their corners. Max was frustrated and got up and went to get the ref's attention. Just as Max tapped the ref on the shoulder, Luna had recovered enough to crawl up behind Max and roll Max up from behind. Luna had a handful of Max's tights as the ref counted. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Tina had extricated herself from Madusa's wrath and turned to see the ref raising Luna's hand in victory. Tina went over and grabbed her belt from the timekeeper as Luna left the ring. Madusa got in the ring and asked a frustrated Max what happened. On the floor, Tina was laughing and jumping up and down in celebratory fashion as Luna sneered and pointed at the losing team and said something off-mic. Max and Madusa then bolted the ring and chased the Luna and Tina up the aisle to the back. WINNER: Luna - Pinfall - Roll-up from behind while holding the tights - 7:09)


(Annoncers discussed Ferrari © and Luna winning the women's tag match. Hyped still to come: UWL WC Roddy Piper & Wahoo McDaniel vs. Tully Blanchard & Harley Race; The Firm introduces their newest member; Greg Valentine vs. Rick Steiner; i'views w/ Hugh Morrus and Ken Patera; a video message from Ole Anderson to Pres. Watts; and more. Said new TV Champ Rip Oliver is here next!)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed TV Champ Rip Oliver.


Oliver came out and was strongly booed. He was in street clothes and had the TV Title slung over his shoulder. As Oliver made his way to the ring, pics aired of Oliver defeating Arn to win the TV Title at 'Holiday Havoc'.


RO: "There was one thing Arn Anderson was right about heading into our TV Title match at 'Holiday Havoc'. He was right when he said I wouldn't be able to put him away with my superkick seconds into the match like I've been doing with my opponents lately. It took a while. But I did just what I said I would and blasted Arn with my superkick and pinned him and became the new TV Champion.


"There's no one more deserving of a title right now in the UWL than 'Crippler' Rip Oliver. I have been beating my opponents in lightning fast, dominant fashion. You had to figure that this day was coming. My superkick is the most devastating finisher in wrestling today. No one has gotten up from it. That list now includes Arn Anderson. No matter who steps in the ring with me, who can avoid feeling the raw power of my right foot?When I kick a guy under his chin the result is academic. He's not getting up until long after the referee has counted three.


"There are a lot of contenders out there. Guys who want this TV Title real bad. Go ahead and line up for your shot, boys. Because I'm gonna drop each and everyone of you in the ring with my superkick. You'll be falling like dominoes; one right after the other. Now, the question becomes which wrestler wants that first crack at me. Because they'll have the honor of tasting the best superkick in the business before anyone else with this title on the line. The future looks real bright for Rip Oliver."


LM: "Rip there's one potential contender I want to ask you about. How confident would you feel about defending that title against Hugh Morrus?"


Crowd buzzed. Oliver chuckled.


RO: "I've said in the past that Hugh Morrus would be nothing without me. As far as I'm concerned I've been proven correct. How many titles has Hugh won since I carried his sorry carcass for eight months when we were the tag team champions? He's won zero. I know Hugh would love a crack at this belt and that day may come. But I'll just expose Hugh for the weak link he was and still is. I'll make sure to give him an extra special serving of my superkick before I beat him.")


(Announcers discussed the Oliver © interview. Hyped still to come: UWL WC Roddy Piper & Wahoo McDaniel vs. Tully Blanchard & Harley Race; The Firm introduces their newest member; Greg Valentine vs. Rick Steiner; i'views w/ Hugh Morrus and Ken Patera; and more. Said a video message from Ole Anderson for Pres. Watts was next!)


(Announcers intro'd a video message from Ole Anderson.




Ole is standing outside on his farm on a cold, clear Minnesota day. He's dressed appropriately in the weather and holding a mic.


Ole: "This message is for President Bill Watts. Watts, I can't begin to tell you what a pleasure it was to do more damage to your left arm and force you to submit in our match at 'Holiday Havoc'. I would call it one of the greatest matches of my career. I saw you on 'Slam!' last week. As you stood in front of all those fans, you said, in what I believe must have been a moment of temporary insanity, that you wanna face me again in a match. Are you sure that's what you want, Bill? You may need to go and get your head examined to make sure that it's working properly. Because if we wrestle each other again, Bill, not only will I beat you....again, I will also do more damage to that left arm of yours. It's like you're determined to become a cripple. I can see it now. After our re-match, there goes President Watts to the ring with his left arm hanging uselessly by his side, courtesy of Ole Anderson. If you want to cross swords with me in another match, I won't object. I gladly accept the challenge. But you need to think about the quality of life you want to have away from the ring. And I'm confident it won't be a good quality of life for you if we meet in the ring again.")


(Announcers discussed the message from Ole to Watts. Hyped still to come: UWL WC Roddy Piper & Wahoo McDaniel vs. Tully Blanchard & Harley Race; Greg Valentine vs. Rick Steiner; i'views w/ Hugh Morrus and Ken Patera; and more. Said The Firm introduces their newest member next!)


(In-ring: The Firm came to the ring. DiBiase was in a suit and the rest were in street clothes. Hall and Nash had the tag titles slung over their shoulders. DiBiase had a mic. Usual mixed crowd reaction. Group briefly played to the crowd.


TD: "The time has come. This is the moment you've all been waiting for for the last week. I am about to introduce the newest member of The Firm. This man is truly a legend. He is a good fit with The Firm because he is truly an elite in this sport. And unlike Wahoo McDaniel, he appreciates greatness. I don't think it's a suprise who this man is. He's already made an appearance on our behalf at 'Holiday Havoc'. I present to you the newest member of The Firm...the 'American Dream' Dusty Rhodes!"


Mixed crowd reax as Dusty, in a suit, came out on the entrance stage and made his way to the ring. Once in the ring, Dusty was greeted with applause and hand shakes by the group. Ted put his arm around Dusty.


TD: "And now, a few words from our newest member."


Ted handed the mic to Dusty. Dusty briefly took in the crowd reaction before speaking.


DR: "I can't tell you what an honor it is to be part of the most dynamic organization in all of wrestling, The Firm. When Ted DiBiase contacted me about joinng forces with The Firm he didn't need to ask twice. I didn't need to think about it for a few weeks before deciding to accept Ted's gracious offer. I immediately jumped at the chance presented to me. I am a winner. And I run only with other winners. The Firm has a long-term plan here in the UWL. Ted has laid out in crystal clear fashion what The Firm's goals are. Seeing the already impressive core group of wrestlers he's assembled, I knew I wanted to be a part of it. The Firm is truly...truly...what greatness and winning is all about. There is nothing else like them in wrestling today. I have no doubts, none, that The Firm will accomplish all their goals here in the UWL. And I want to be a part of that. What you are looking at before you is not just an elite wrestling organization; it's also history. Because when all is said and done, The Firm will make the biggest impact ever in our sport. Think of all the greats that have come and gone in this bidness. Think of the great groups that have dotted the wrestling landscape down through the years. Think of the Four Horsemen. Think of the NWO. Think of DX. Think of the Dangerous Alliance. They'll all pale in comparison to The Firm when our work is done!


"Wahoo McDaniel. Whoo, daddy. You blew the opportunity of a lifetime when you decided against joinging The Firm. What were you thinkin', Chief?! How could you turn down being tied to greatness for eternity?! You made a bad choice, Wahoo! Real bad! And we're not done paying you back for that decision! No, no, no! You have got to keep on paying The Firm until you realize and publicly admit the mistake you made by not standing with us! You could be in this ring right now as part of the organization that's going to one day exercise complete control over the UWL! But you decided you were gonna play the rebel and spit in the faces of these men! History is littered with men who have made bad choices that ultimately destroyed them! And, Wahoo, you're gonna join that shameful group in due time unless you man up and come out here and admit your error and also state in front of God and everybody that you will no longer meddle in the affairs of The Firm! You should have just..."


Crowd popped as an angry Wahoo, in his ring attire, came out and started storming to the ring but Piper, Arn, Morrus and Patera came out and stopped Wahoo in the aisle. Wahoo was angry and trying to break through the quartet but they were able to keep Wahoo at bay.


DR: "Come on, Wahoo! Get in this ring and learn another hard lesson about saying 'no' to The Firm! You deserve more punishment!"


Piper, Arn, Morrus and Patera were able to get Wahoo to cool down but not before Wahoo yelled something at Dusty. The Firm stood at the ready in the ring. The four were able to finally get Wahoo to turn around and head to the back.


DR: "That's it, Wahoo! Run away! You can't avoid feeling more of our wrath forever, though!"


Wahoo then turned and broke away and charged back to ringside. Wahoo grabbed the middle rope and was preparing to climb in the ring when Piper and Patera pulled Wahoo back. The four had to cool Wahoo down once again and Arn gestured it was time to head to the back. Patera turned and pointed at The Firm and was picked up on a mic.


KP: "We'll be back! Don't worry about that! We're not going anywhere!"


Ted took the mic.


TD: "Everything will be settled in due time! Let 'em leave! They'll pay hard and heavy in the future!"


The four made their way to the back as The Firm soaked in the mixed crowd reax as the segment ended.)


(Announcers discussed The Firm intro'ing Dusty Rhodes as their newest member and Wahoo coming out to go after Rhodes and the group and Wahoo being restrained by four of his allies. Hyped still to come: UWL WC Roddy Piper & Wahoo McDaniel vs. Tully Blanchard & Harley Race; i'views w/ Hugh Morrus and Ken Patera; and more. Said Greg Valentine vs. Rick Steiner was coming up!)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Greg Valentine and mgr. Hart. Asked about tonight's match with Rick Steiner.


GV: "Tonight is the first step to re-claiming the UWL World Title. You see, Gary Hart and myself have our strategy firmly in place for when we intende to trigger the re-match clause in my contract and I get that championship match with Roddy Piper. We have set the date for when we want that match to take place. We're the only ones who know when that date is. The re-match...it's gonna be completely on our terms. Piper will dictate nothing. He's gonna dance to our tune. And when that tune stops playing, I will once again be the UWL World Champion just like I should be!


"Tonight, I'm facing Rick Steiner of the Dog Pound. One thing the people notice when Steiner wrestles is that he obviously comes from a strong amateur wrestling background. He does a good job of incorporating amateur-syle moves into his arsenal along with high impact professional moves. He can be a very tough nut to crack in that ring. One word that I want to stress that I just said is 'nut'. That's Rick Steiner's downfall right there. He's a nut. The guy clearly, for all his physical talent, is not playing with a full deck upstairs. No normal human being runs around barking and speaking the way Steiner does. He's mentally out to lunch. So, for all his natural wrestling ability, it's what's up here (pointed at the side of his head), or rather the lack of what's up here, that's gonna doom him tonight against me."


Hart: "Our plan now goes into full-swing starting with this match tonight. I am still very confident in Greg Valentine. And I know, I am certain, that he will regain the World Title at the time and place we have in mind. It's gonna be an interesting time leading to that day for one Roddy Piper. He may not realize it now, but Piper is about to start walking down a very rocky road. And Rick Steiner is about to be Valentine's first victim on the road to becoming the UWL Word Champion for the second time.")


Match 3

Greg Valentine (w/ Hart) vs. Rick Steiner (w/ Sawyer)


(Valentine and Hart came to the ring to strong boos. Steiner came out on the entrance stage alone and waved for Sawyer to come out. Sawyer came out in street clothes. The two came to the ring barking and got in the ring and ran around and barked some more as the crowd barked back.


Match was a tough battle. Steiner took a lot of the match and had Valentine teetering on the brink of defeat a couple of times but couldn't put Greg away. Sawyer mainly kept an eye on Hart to keep him from interfering on behalf of Valentine.


At the end of the match, Valentine had briefly worked over Steiner's left leg and locked Steiner in the figure four. Steiner was able to reverse the hold. Greg draped his arm over the middle rope to force a break in the reversal. Both men made it to their feet. Greg moved in and swung wildy at Steiner and missed and Steiner came back and blasted Greg with Steiner line. Greg down. Steiner then grabbed Greg by the legs and catapaulted Greg into the corner. Greg slammed head first into the top buckle, staggered back and crashed on his back in the ring. Steiner briefly barked and the crowd returned the favor. Steiner then ran and hit the ropes but Hart reached into the ring and grabbed Steiner by the leg. Steiner turned around and looked at Hart as Hart let go of Steiner's leg. Hart looked up at Steiner and then Hart saw Sawyer stalking him and Hart started to back off with his hands up, pleading for Sawyer not to do anything as Steiner looked on. Just as Sawyer grabbed Hart by the lapels of his suit jacket, Greg had recovered when Steiner turned around, Greg kicked Steiner in the gut and nailed Steiner with the hammerhead (aka, Pedigree). Buzz was violently shaking Hart at ringside as the ref counted. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Sawyer threw Hart down on the floor as Hart put his hands up hoping Sawyer would back off. Sawyer looked at the ring as the ref raised Greg's hand in victory. Sawyer jumped in the ring and glared at Greg as Greg slowly backed towards the ropes. Hart got to his feet on the floor. Sawyer's hands had balled into fists and he stood at the ready to go toe-to-toe with Greg, but Greg just smirked and then left the ring as Sawyer looked at Greg briefly and then went to check on Steiner. Hart and Greg met at the entrance aisle and made their way to the back to boos. WINNER: Valentine - Pinfall - Hammerhead - 8:29)


(Announcers discussed Greg beating Steiner. Hyped still to come: UWL WC Roddy Piper & Wahoo McDaniel vs. Tully Blanchard & Harley Race. Said an i'view w/ Patera and Morrus was coming up!)


(Video footage aired from last week of the DDP-Patera match where 'Bounty Hunter' Garvin came to the ring and KO'd Patera leading to DDP winning the match and DDP caught paying Garvin $20,000 backstage for taking out Patera.)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed Hugh Morrus and Ken Patera. The two came to the ring to a strong ovation. The pair was in street clothes.


Marshall asked Patera about the situation last week with DDP and Ron Garvin.


KP: "I've got enough on my plate right now doing battle with The Firm; especially with one David Schultz! Now, I'm also gonna have to deal with not only this man called the 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin. But I'm also setting my sights on Dallas Page. Dallas! I hope that $20 grand you paid Ron Garvin last week to knock me out during our match was worth it! Enjoy it while you can! Because I intend to make you choke on that money! As far as I'm concerned that's blood money! This is twice now that you've paid Ron Garvin a lot of money to do your dirty work for you! Well, I want another match with Dallas Page! And since a pattern seems to be developing where Page pays Garvin to punch people out, it needs to be a match where Garvin can't interfere! A match where it's just me and Page and the better man wins! You man enough for that challenge, Dallas?! Step up to the plate and go one-on-one with me like you were supposed to last week! If you're good enough, then you won't need any outside help!


"And 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin! You made it clear that you were coming to the UWL to make lots of money by being a hired gun for anybody that wants to hire you to hurt somebody! Well, I'm not interested in paying you, Garvin! But I am more than interested in paying you back for what you did to me last week and costing me my chance to beat Dallas Page! Don't go sneaking around and looking to knock me out! Come at me face-to-face like a man! Let's see if you can knock me out in this ring without the element of suprise! I'm calling you out, Garvin! Now it's up you to respond!"


HM: "Rick Rude can come out here and boast that he beat me at 'Holiday Havoc'! The Firm can trumpet that they won all four of their matches on that show! So while you dudes may have beaten us, you didn't break us! This is a long war that's being fought here between The Firm and the UWL! There are many more battles that are gonna be fought before a true victor emerges! The UWL side is ready for the setbacks that we know will come our way as they do in any war! We don't know what those setbacks are or when they'll happen; but we will be prepared to respond accordingly when things arise! Things aren't close to being settled between us! This thing is just beginning! And we are gonna do everything humanly possible to make sure The Firm never seizes control of this company!"


Crowd cheered modestly as the interview wrapped up.)


(Announcers discussed the Morrus & Patera interview.)


(Announcers then hyped next week's Christmas night edition of 'Slam!'


- Arn Anderson & Lex Luger vs. Ted DiBiase & David Schultz


- An interview with UWL WC Roddy Piper


- Wahoo McDaniel vs. Billy Graham


- 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin makes his wrestling debut


- President Watts announces plans to crown a new President's Champion


- Madusa vs. Luna


- More with Dusty Rhodes of The Firm


- Anderson Brothers vs. Killer Bees


And more!


'Slam!' - Tuesdays - FX - 9:30pm E/P!)


(Announcers said Tully & Harley (w/ JJ) vs. Piper © & Wahoo was next!)


Match 4

Roddy Piper © & Wahoo McDaniel vs. Tully Blanchard & Harley Race (w/ JJ)


(Race, Tully and JJ came to the ring first to strong boos. Piper and Wahoo got a loud ovation coming to the ring to bagpipe music.


What you would expect from these two teams. It was a wild battle.


At the end of the match, Wahoo and Tully were the legal men in the ring. Tully ws opn the offensive and had worked Wahoo over with some moves and then nailed Wahoo with his slingshot suplex finisher and went for the cover. 1...2...2-1/2... Wahoo kicked out. Crowd popped. JJ frustrated at ringside. Tully grabbed Wahoo, whipped Wahoo into the ropes and looked to catch Wahoo coming off with a clothesline but Wahoo ducked the move and came back and caught Tully with a flying shoulder tackle. Tully went down. Wahoo went for the cover. 1...2... Race hit the ring and stomped on Wahoo's head to break up the pin try. Piper came in and went to go after Race but the ref intercepted Piper and ordered Piper back to his corner. As the distracted ref and Piper argued. Race and Tully nailed Wahoo with a double suplex. Tully positioned Wahoo for a turnbuckle move as Harley went back to his corner. Tully mounted the top buckle and came off with the big elbow but Wahoo rolled out of the way and Tully crashed to the mat. Both men made their way to their feet and Tully punched Wahoo and Wahoo responded with a chop and a punch-chop exchange ensued. Wahoo got the better of it nailed Tully with an uncontested series of chops and then whipped Tully into the ropes and caught Tully coming off with his big chop finisher. Tully crashed to the mat. Wahoo went for the cover. JJ climbed into the ring and Piper hit the ring and nailed JJ with a big right to the jaw. Wahoo got to his feet. Ref didn't count and tried to get Piper and JJ out of the ring. Race hit the ring and Piper turned around and stunned Race with a big right to the jaw and then butted JJ's and Race's heads together. The two men were on stagger street and JJ crashed to the mat and rolled out on the apron and Race fell against the ropes. Wahoo re-covered Tully and hooked the leg as Piper held Race at bay. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell as the fans roared. Ref raised the winners' hands in victory and Piper and Wahoo put an arm aound each others shoulders as the program went off the air. WINNER: Piper & Wahoo - Pinfall - Wahoo pinned Tully with the Big Chop - 12:28)





Celebration of the 100th episode of 'Slam!'


(A table was set up in the ring and a giant cake to make the occasion was brought out and placed on it. Piper and wahoo stayed in the ring. President Watts, arm still in a sling, and all the other faces that were in the building: Dog Pound, Arn, Madusa, Maxine, Morrus and Patera came to the ring. Some of the wrestlers and Watts spoke to the crowd. JJ came back out to boos and got in the ring. JJ had a mic. He said he couldn't believe that he, Harley and Tully weren't invited to this party and then JJ yanked off a piece of cake and threw it in the face of President Watts. Watts moved on JJ and JJ tried to bail out of the ring but Piper caught JJ with the eye poke. JJ spun around Watts grabbed JJ by the hair and smashed JJ's face into the cake. JJ turned around with cake on his face and walked right into a big chop from Wahoo. JJ crashed to the mat. Fans cheered as the celebration ended with the faces leaving the ring and JJ laid out with cake all over his face.)

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Dec. 13 - Valdosta, GA - The Complex - Att: 3,497


Dec. 14 - Savannah, GA - MLK Arena - Att: 2,942


Dec. 15 - Augusta, GA - James Brown Arena - Att: 5,001


Dec. 16 - Kennesaw, GA - KSU Convocation Ctr. - Att: 4,109




(* The match between Greg Valentine and Wahoo was originally hyped as a World Title match. But since Valentine lost the title to Roddy Piper on Dec. 9, the match was changed to an Indian Strap match.


The World Tag Team Title match was originally scheduled to be the Anderson Bros. defending against the Dog Pound. But since the Anderson Bros. lost the tag titles on Dec. 9 to Hall and Nash, the match was changed to Hall & Nash defending against Ken Patera & Lex Luger.


The Dog Pound teamed with Sam Houston against all three Anderson Bros. each night in a Georgia Street Fight.)


INDIAN STRAP: Wahoo McDaniel def. Greg Valentine when Wahoo touched all four corners in succession. Both men bled each night.


UWL WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES: Hall & Nash © def. Lex Luger & Ken Patera via pinfall when Nash pinned Luger with the Jack-Knife Powerbomb


UWL TV TITLE: Rip Oliver © and Arn Anderson fought to a Double Countout


UWL WOMEN'S WORLD TITLE: Tina Ferrari © def. Madusa via pinfall with her feet on the ropes


Hugh Morrus def. David Schultz via pinfall with the Moonsault


GEORGIA STREET FIGHT: Dog Pound & Sam Houston def. Anderson Bros. via pinfall when Steiner pinned Ole after Gene accidentally struck Ole over the head with a garbage can lid


Grog def. Lash LaRue via pinfall with the Pumphandle Slam

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>ON THE NEXT</strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:18px;"><strong>

UWL 'SLAM!' WRESTLING!</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:14px;"><strong><em><span style="color:#2E8B57;">IT'S </span></em></strong></span><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong><em><span style="color:#2E8B57;"><span style="color:#FF0000;">CHRISTMAS</span></span></em></strong></span><span style="font-size:14px;"><strong><em><span style="color:#2E8B57;"> NIGHT!</span></em></strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;">Arn Anderson and Lex Luger tangle with Ted DiBiase and David Schultz of The Firm!</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

PLUS!</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

- A Christmas night interview with UWL World Champion Roddy Piper</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

- Wahoo McDaniel vs. Billy Graham</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

- Madusa vs. Luna</span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"> </span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;">

AND MORE!!!</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:10px;">Ep. 101 of 'Slam!' will be posted Monday or Tuesday.</span></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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(Show Intro)


(Crowd Shots/Pyro)


(Announcers Steve Stack and Joe Pedicino welcomed viewers to the Christmas night edition of 'Slam!' and then ran down the program: Arn Anderson & Lex Luger vs. Ted DiBiase & David Schultz; an i'view w/ Roddy Piper; Wahoo McDaniel vs. Billy Graham; newest Firm member Dusty Rhodes is here; Madusa vs. Luna; Pres. Watts has news regarding the held-up President's Championship; Ron Garvin makes his in-ring debut; Killer Bees vs. Anderson Brothers; and more. Then sent it to the ring.)


(In-ring: Ted DiBiase and David Schultz of The Firm came to the ring to a mixed crowd reaction as 'Money' by Pink Floyd played overe the p.a. system. Both had mics.


The pair were in their ring attire and both were wearing 'Firm' t-shirts. They got in the ring and soaked in the crowd reaction.


TD: "It's Christmas night, a time for giving. I have here in my hand one thousand dollars in crisp, new $100 dollar bills. Who in this audience would like a Christmas present from Billionaire Ted? Let me see those hands."


Many fans raised their hands hoping Ted would pick them. Ted scanned the audience.


TD: "You there in the front row wearing the Canucks' jersey. You want this money?"


Fan yelled 'yes' and had his hand high in the air.


TD: "Security, let him into the ring."


Security helped the fan climb over the railing and he climbed into the ring. Fan was excited.


TD: "You seem pretty excited to be here. I can't blame you. Being in the presence of elites like Ted DiBiase and David Schultz is something that has probably never happened to you before and will never happen to you again. You want this grand I'm holding?"


Fan: "Oh! Most definitely! It would be a great Christmas gift! I could get my lady something real nice with that!"


TD: "You could get your woman a real nice gift for a thousand dollars. What's your name?"


Fans: "The name's Ryan."


Ted then went to hand the $$$ to the fan but as the fan reached for it, DiBiase snatched it away.


TD: "Most gifts are given voluntarily at this time of year. But I don't just hand out gifts, willy-nilly. You have to earn a gift from Billionaire Ted. So, you're going to have to do something for me?"


Fan: "Like what?"


TD: "It's real simple. You'll be able to buy that nice present you want for your girlfirend, or whatever she is, if you do this one thing..."


Fan: "What? What is it?"


TD: "Think you can do 20 push-ups here in this ring right now?"


Fan (excited): "Wow! Man, I don't think, I know I can do 20 push-ups right here, right now!"


TD: "Then let's see it."


Fan dropped down and started doing push-ups and Ted counted out loud. When the count got to 19 push-ups, David Schultz came over and kicked the fan's left arm out from under him and the fan crashed to the mat just before doing the 20th push-up.


TD: "Awwww! That's too bad, Ryan! You were one push-up away from earning a thousand bucks! But you failed! Don't feel bad though, Ryan! What happened to you would have happened to all these failures sitting in this audience out here! You're just another loser who will never be part of any elite crowd!"


Fan: "Wait a minute! Mr. Schultz kicked my arm out from under me before I could do the last push-up! I would have done 20 push-ups and you know it!"


TD: "Are you saying that I cheated you out of this money, Ryan? Because I don't like to be called a cheater! David, can you believe the nerve of Ryan here?!"


DS: "I can't believe what I'm hearing coming out of this ingrates mouth! Boy! Ted DiBiase gave you a chance to earn a thousand dollars! All you had to do was perform 20 push-ups and you failed!"


Fan: "But I failed because..."


Schultz got right in the fan's face and the fan got rather uncomfortable.


DS: "You failed because you couldn't get the job done! Isn't that what you were about to say, son?!"


Schultz standing at point-blank range in front of the fan who was getting more nervous.


Fan: "Yeah. Th-that's why I failed. I couldn't do all the push-ups."


DS: "Good answer, Ryan! That's just what we wanted to hear!"


TD: "Ryan, I think it would be in your best interest if you left the ring now and went back to your seat and watched the rest of the show. Maybe we'll cross paths some other time and you can try and earn some of my money again. But right now...scram! Hahaha!"


Schultz got back in the fan's face and the fan nervously left the ring.


TD: "Now, on to more important things. Tonight, 'Dr. D' and I are facing Arn Anderson and Lex Luger in the main event. Lex and Arn, please come on out!"


After a brief pause, Luger and Arn came out on the entrance stage. Both were in their ring attire and each had a mic. Crowd cheered their appearance.


AA: "What do you want, Ted?"


TD: "Well, boys, it's like this. It's Christmas night. And I thought we could give these fans a Christmas present to remember."


LL: "And what would that be?"


TD: "I'm glad you asked, Lex. Why don't we make our match a little more interesting. Instead of a match with standard tag team rules, let's make it no disqualification!"


Crowd mainly cheered. Arn and Lex briefly conferred with one another.


AA: "We're all for it, Ted. The thought of getting you two in a match where you can't be disqualified for anything is something we're not gonna pass up. You're on."


LL: "I can think of no greater gift to give these fans than the thrashing of two members of The Firm on Christmas night!"


Crowd cheered. Pres. Watts walked out on the stage with his left arm still in a sling. He had a mic and was in street clothes.


BW: "Do you fans wanna see a no disqualification match between these two teams tonight?!"


Crowd roared.


BW: "Then it's settled! The fans want this match and we're gonna give it to 'em as their final Christmas present for 2012! Let's hook 'em up!"


More crowd cheering.


TD: "Arn and Lex, just remember one thing. Red is the main color of Christmas...just like your blood."


Arn, Lex and Watts looked on.


AA: "Don't jump ahead of yourself, Ted. It may be you and 'Dr. D' who are giving the gift of blood this Christmas."


Crowd cheered as Ted and Schultz looked on at Luger and Arn.)


(Announcers discussed the main event for the show being changed to a No DQ match. Hyped still to come: No DQ: Arn Anderson & Lex Luger vs. Ted DiBiase & David Schultz; an i'view w/ Roddy Piper; Wahoo McDaniel vs. Billy Graham; newest Firm member Dusty Rhodes is here; Pres. Watts has news regarding the held-up President's Championship; Ron Garvin makes his in-ring debut; Killer Bees vs. Anderson Brothers. Said Madusa vs. Luna was next!)


Match 1

Madusa vs. Luna


(Madusa came to the ring to a good ovation. Luna came out to mediocre boos.


Luna took the fight to Madusa for much of the match, but Madusa was able to pull out the win when Luna missed a slingshot splash and Madusa went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle and caught Luna with a flying bodypress to score the victory. WINNER: Madusa - Pinfall - Flying Bodypress - 4:27)


(Announcers discussed Madusa beating Luna. Hyped still to come: No DQ: Arn Anderson & Lex Luger vs. Ted DiBiase & David Schultz; an i'view w/ Roddy Piper; Wahoo McDaniel vs. Billy Graham; newest Firm member Dusty Rhodes is here; Pres. Watts has news regarding the held-up President's Championship; Ron Garvin makes his in-ring debut. Said the Killer Bees vs. the Anderson Brothers was next!)


Match 2

Anderson Brothers vs. Killer Bees


(As the Bees came to the ring, video played from two weeks ago of the Bees losing their tag match and Brunzell and Blair having words with each other after the match but then cooling off and leaving the ring on good terms. Bees got a fair ovation coming out. All three Anderson brothers came to the ring in their ring attire and were strongly booed.


Ref called for the bell and went over to see which two Andersons would be wrestling. It was Ole and Gene. Bees gave the Andersons all they had and then some but in the end, it was too much Andersons as Gene forced Blair to submit to the sharpshooter. WINNER: Gene & Ole - Submission - Gene made Blair submit to the sharpshooter - 6:21)


(After the match: After the Andersons had left, a frustrated Brunzell got in the ring. Brunzell stood watching Blair as Blair made it to his feet. When Blair got up, Brunzell poked Blair in his left shoulder multiple times with his right forefinger. Blair seemed stunned and threw his arms out like he didn't know why Brunzell was behaving this way. Brunzell got in Blair's face and started having words for Blair. Blair started verbally firing back at Brunzell. The two argued for a moment and then Blair gestured he was blowing Jim off and went to leave the ring but Jim grabbed Blair by the shoulder and gently spun Blair around. The two now had a calmer conversation with each other and Brunzell extended his hand to shake Blair's. Blair hesitated for a moment and then shook his partner's hand. The two then left the ring together and were talking while headed back up the aisle.)


(Announcers discussed the Anderson Bros. victory and frustration again between the Killer Bees. Hyped still to come: No DQ: Arn Anderson & Lex Luger vs. Ted DiBiase & David Schultz; an i'view w/ Roddy Piper; Wahoo McDaniel vs. Billy Graham; newest Firm member Dusty Rhodes is here; Ron Garvin makes his in-ring debut. Said Pres. Watts has news regarding the held-up President's Championship next!)


(Video aired for the 'Hello Kitty Presents! Winter Warfare! The War Games!' PPV - Sunday - Feb. 17 - Morgantown, WV - WVU Coliseum - 8pm E/5pm P - Tickets on sale Saturday, Jan. 5 @ 10am EST! More info: uwlslam.com!)


(In-ring: 'Born in the USA' played over the p.a. system and Pres. Watts made his way to the ring to a decent ovation. Watts left arm still in a sling. He had a mic.


BW: "First of all, Merry Christmas to everyone."


Crowd cheered.


BW: "Am I still allowed to say that? Or do I risk being arrested by the Thought Police for offending someone? This is the West and Christmas is our historical holiday tradition at this time! Celebrate it!"


More cheers.


BW: "I have an announcement to make regarding the vacated President's Championship. I'll get to that in a minute. Right now, I want to respond to what Ole Anderson said in a personal message to me last week on the program. Ole, you can try to play your mind games with me all you want. They're not going to work. We had a helluva match at 'Holiday Havoc' and you emerged the winner. As you can see, 16 days later, my arm is still healing from the punishment inflicted on it by Ole. But when my arm is completely healed, Ole, we will have a re-match with each other! That's a promise you can take to the bank and cash!


"Moving on. As you all know, the President's Championship was vacated by the Great Christopho after Christopho won the title from Harley Race at 'Holiday Havoc' when he was unmasked as Daniels by 'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin. Since it was understood that if Great Christopho was ever unmasked and exposed as Daniels, he would be terminated from the UWL immediately. When the mask was ripped off, we had no choice but to cut Daniels loose. So, there is currently no President's Champion.


"Next week, on the New Year's night edition of 'Slam!', we will have a match to crown a new President's Champion. The match will pit the two previous President's Champions against one another. It will be Harley Race vs. Wahoo McDaniel in a one-fall, winner-take-all match and their must be a winner. Let's get ready to hook..."


DDP came out to the ring in his street clothes and carrying a mic. He was booed.


DDP: "Hey! Hey! Hey! What's the deal here, Bill?! You have a match for the vacated President's Championship and don't include me, a past President's Champion as well! Man, that's just not right, dude! I'm Diamond Dallas Page! And 2013 is going to be the 'Year of the Diamond'!"


BW: "Are you sure 2013 is gonna be the 'Year of the Diamond'? I mean, you said 2012 was gonna be and you were a little off in your prediction."


DDP: "According to the Mayan calendar, I was a year off! I got my dates mixed up, that's all! But back to the issue at hand! I deserve to be in that match next week! I beat a top level UWL star in Ken Patera two weeks ago and that should count for something, Bill!"


BW: "Heh. You beat Ken Patera two weeks ago because you paid Ron Garvin $20,000 dollars to interfere in the match and knock Patera out. I would hardly say that qualifies you for automatic entry into the President's Championship match next week."


DDP: "The bottom line is I won the match! Who cares how I won it...I won the damn thing! You know I should be in that match next week with a chance to become the new President's Champion! I've won it before and I can win it again! It needs to be a Triple Threat match for the title!"


Watts paced briefly in the ring.


BW: "Dallas, you may have a point there. Hmmm... Former President's Champion. Beat Ken Patera...with the help of the 'Bounty Hunter' a couple of weeks ago. Tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna give you chance to be in that President's Championship match next week."


DDP: "What?! Give me a chance to be in the match?! Just put me in the match because that's what I deserve, man!"


BW: "You can accept my terms or forget about being in the match."


DDP: "And just what are your terms, Bill?"


BW: "Next week, to kick off 'Slam!', you will wrestle Ken Patera in a re-match..."


DDP: "Is that it?! Oh, man! I thought you were gonna say something crazy! So I beat Patera and I'm in the President's Championship match! Sounds good to me! See you ne..."


BW: "I'm not finished. Since you have now twice hired Ron Garvin to take people out for you...I want to make sure he can't interfere this time. So, Dallas, you will get a spot in the President's Championship match next week if you can beat Ken Patera...in a steel cage!"


Crowd popped.


DDP: "Nooooooooo! That's not fair!"


BW: "Only this isn't going to be your typical cage! This cage is going to be completely enclosed from top to bottom! It's gonna be a covered cage! You beat Patera in that match, then you've got your wish! If you don't beat Patera then you can wave goodbye to a spot in the President's Championship match!"


DDP: "I wish I would have taken you out earlier this year when I had the chance! If this is my only choice then I guess I have to take it, don't I?!"


BW: "So it's settled! Next week here on 'Slam!', Page vs. Patera in a completely enclosed steel cage with a spot in the President's Championship on the line for you, Dallas ! Let's hook 'em up!"


Crowd cheered as Watts left the ring and headed to the back as a sneering Page looked on from the ring.)


(Announcers discussed Watts making Page vs. Patera in an enclosed cage with the stip that if DDP wins, he gets a spot in the match for the vacated President's Championship next week. Hyped still to come: No DQ: Arn Anderson & Lex Luger vs. Ted DiBiase & David Schultz; an i'view w/ Roddy Piper; newest Firm member Dusty Rhodes is here; Ron Garvin makes his in-ring debut. Said Wahoo vs. Graham is next!)


Match 3

Wahoo McDaniel vs. Billy Graham (w/ Grand Wizard)


(Graham and Wizard were heartily booed coming to the ring. Wahoo got a nice ovation coming to the ring.


Graham jumped Wahoo as Wahoo was stepping through the ropes. Graham beat on Wahoo but Wahoo fought back and drove Graham from the ring to the floor to the delight of the crowd. Match was the slugfest you would expect it to be from these two with Wahoo getting in plenty of chops. Grand Wizard got a cane shot into Wahoo's ribs when Wahoo was out on the floor during the match. During the match, Dusty Rhodes was shown backstage watching the match on a monitor. At one point, Wahoo had gained control of the match and had driven Graham to the mat when Dusty Rhodes walked out on the entrance stage and looked on. Wahoo saw Dusty and came over by the ropes and signaled for Dusty to come to the ring but Dusty wouldn't budge. Graham recovered and came up behind Wahoo and smashed Wahoo with a forearm smash to the upper back. Graham pounded away on Wahoo and then whipped Wahoo into the ropes and caught Wahoo coming off with an elbow to the chest. Wahoo crashed to the mat.


Dusty continued to look on. Graham then picked up Wahoo and nailed the Chief with a spinning powerslam. Graham then backed up and waited for Wahoo to get to his feet. Wahoo got up and Graham blasted Wahoo with his big running clothesline. Wahoo down once more. Graham grabbed Wahoo and went to hoist Wahoo up for his jackhammer finisher but Wahoo twice blocked the move and hoisted Graham up and crotched Graham on the top rope. Graham totering on the top rope and hurting. Wahoo violently shook the rope further aggravating Graham's groinal problems. Graham fell over into the ring. Wahoo went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle as Graham got to his feet. When Graham got up, Wahoo came off the top buckle and blasted Graham with a big chop to the head. Graham crashed to the mat. Wahoo looked over at Dusty, who was still on the stage. As Graham got to his feet, Wahoo turned and blasted Graham with a blistering series of chops. Wahoo then whipped Graham into the ropes and caught Graham coming off with his big chop finisher. Graham crashed to the mat. Wahoo covered Graham and hooked the leg. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Dusty turned and exited the stage. As Wahoo had his hand raised in victory, Wizard got in the ring and struck Wahoo from behind with his cane. Wizard struck Wahoo some more times with cane. Graham got to his feet and grabbed Wahoo from behind. Wizard reared back and went to smash Wahoo over the head with his cane but Wahoo broke free of Graham's grasp and Wizard shattered the cane over Graham's head. Crowd popped as Graham crashed to the mat. Wizard tried to bail from the ring but Wahoo grabbed the Wizard, whipped him into the ropes and caught Wizard coming off with a big chop that laid out Wizard in the ring. Wahoo left the ring to a strong crowd response and headed to the back while Graham and Wizard remained laid out in the ring. WINNER: Wahoo - Pinfall - Big Chop - 7:56)


(Announcers discussed Wahoo beating Graham and Dusty coming out on the stage to watch much of the match and then disappearing to the back. Hyped still to come: No DQ: Arn Anderson & Lex Luger vs. Ted DiBiase & David Schultz; an i'view w/ Roddy Piper; Ron Garvin makes his in-ring debut. Said an i'view with Firm member Rhodes was coming up!)


(Backstage: Larry Nelson i'viewed Ole Anderson. Asked Ole about Pres. Watts' earlier comments concerning a re-match between the two in the future.


Ole (chuckled): "Does President Watts really want a re-match? He says that when his left arm is completely healed he wants to tangle with me in the ring again. The question is...will President Watts' arm ever totally heal? I did a real number on that left arm of his at 'Holiday Havoc'. When does he expect the arm to be all better, huh? I think that what Watts might be doing is just coming out here full of bravado and saying we're gonna have this re-match when he knows that arm of his will never be back at full strength again. So, he'll get the fans all excited about the prospect of him getting his hands on me again and teaching me the lesson he failed to deliver at 'Holiday Havoc'. He can't face the fact in his own mind that his left arm may be screwed up beyond repair thanks to me. So, he's got to fantasize that he will heal and the match will occur. When will the match..."


Watts stormed into the interview area.


BW: "Ole! I know a lot more about the status of my left arm right now than you do! And I can tell you this! The re-match between us, it will happen! And it will be a lot sooner than you think!"


Ole: "I'll believe it when I see it, Watts!"


BW: "Seeing is indeed believing, Ole! And you're gonna be the biggest believer of 'em all when I get my hands on you in our re-match!"


Watts and Ole stared at each other and then Ole sneered and chuckled and walked out of the interview area as Watts looked on.)


(Video aired from last week of Dusty being intro'd as the newest member of The Firm and Wahoo coming out to confront Dusty and four wrestlers coming out of the back and stopping Wahoo from going after Rhodes.)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed Dusty Rhodes.


Dusty came out to a mixed crowd reaction. He was in a suit. Dusty soaked in the crowd reax for a moment when he got in the ring.


LM: "Dusty, we saw you out here just a few minutes ago watching the Wahoo McDaniel match. What was the reason for that?"


DR: "Lee Marshall, I came out to get an up close and personal look at Wahoo in action. Let me say that what I saw from Wahoo was very impressive. He could have been doing that as a member of The Firm but he chose not to. For the great career that Wahoo has had, there will always be that thought in the back of his mind of what could have been. He could have been tearing a swath through the UWL with us. He had a legendary status that he could have attained right in his hands if he would have just joined The Firm. But, he's made his bed and now he'll have to lie in it. Wahoo will now have to wonder when members of The Firm may strike against him. He still has to feel the wrath of us for turning down the offer of a lifetime. Life is full of hard lessons. And the lessons for Wahoo McDaniel are gonna get harder in the days and months ahead. We're going to make sure he regrets his decision to not cast his lot with the most elite organization in this bidness."


LM: "What are the goals of Dusty Rhodes here in the UWL?"


DR: "My goals are simple. To help The Firm attain all their goals. Look, I'm great. I'm one of the best of all-time in wrestling. Because of that, I had no choice but to join The Firm when invited by Ted DiBiase to do so. I'm here to help The Firm win all the UWL championship belts. And I'm here to help them attain their ultimate goal which is one day taking complete control of the UWL. All UWL wrestlers need to face it. You're either with us, or you're against us. For some of you UWL guys, that doesn't apply; because we don't want you. All the wrestlers on the UWL roster may be good in their own right. But they're not all elites in this sport. If you're not an elite, then I can understand why you will fight so hard to defeat The Firm in this war that's starting to rage here in the UWL. When the time comes and we take control of the company, you'll be working for us. And I can guarantee you that it's gonna be tough sledding for those on the outside looking in when that time comes. They'll be property of The Firm because we'll control your contracts. Their fate will be completely in our hands. We'll tell them how high to jump and how low to bow when we're running the show. I like that thought.


"I've been a power player for most of my wrestling career. But there's always been somebody who had more power over me who could overrule some of the things I was doing. If they didn't like an idea I had, no matter how brilliant it was, they could shoot it down. With The Firm, Ted DiBiase has promised me that I will have more power than Vince McMahon or Eric Bischoff has ever had. I want that power! I want the power to run things the way I want to! You may ask yourself why?! Why does Dusty Rhodes want the power to be in charge of an entire wrestling promotion with an elite cadre of men?! Because I deserve that kind of power, that's why! Like I said, I've had great power in my career! But I've never had total power! The Firm gives me that opportunity, jack! I'm willing to turn my back on these fans and former friends in this bidness if I can have total control! I want what's mine!"


LM: "You sound bitter. Are you?"


DR: "There's a bitterness there! And an anger! When The Firm rises to the top no one is going to tell Dusty Rhodes what to do ever again! I'm gonna be a champion! And then I'm gonna be one of the lords and masters of the UWL!"


Wahoo came out on the entrance stage with mic in hand. Crowd cheered.


WM: "If I have any say over the long-term fate of this company, Dusty, you're not going to be in control of anything!"


More cheers.


DR: "Words from a silly man. I hope you're still with the UWL when we seize power, Wahoo, because we're already planning for your role in the company."


WM: "Words from a deluded fool. Dusty, you could have come to the UWL at any time since they began in 2011. You could have been fighting with us to stop The Firm in its tracks. But, like me, you made your decision. You decided to step over to the dark side and go with The Firm. You said I've made my bed and will have to lie in it. What about you, Dusty? In the end, you could be lying in a bed of your own shattered dreams. You've given up everything to join forces with a group that's headed up by a man who thinks he can just take whatever he wants. He's filled your head with lies, Dusty. Do you really think Ted DiBiase would ever let you run this company on equal footing with him? Ha! He told you whatever he thought he needed to tell you so you would join his group. He played you like a fiddle and you don't even realize it! You, Hall and Nash, Rude and Schultz are doing the devil's bidding! DiBiase wants total power! But he knows he can't get it without having help! He can't do it by himself! He's a user..."


DR: "Enough! Ted DiBiase is one of the most decent and honorable men I know! His word is good! You come out here and, with great gall, slander the man! Ted DiBiase has a vision for The Firm and the long-term future of the UWL! He knows what he wants! He knows what he has to do to get it! Even if it took a thousand years, he would never deviate from the path his vision is taking him on! You could have been a part of his grand vision! All you had to do was say 'yes' when you were asked to join The Firm!"


WM: "I don't know what the future holds for the UWL. But I believe that this grand vision of DiBiase's that you speak so fervently about is going to lead to The Firm's destruction when the smoke clears and the proverbial last shot has been fired in this war. You've sold out, Dusty. And for what?"


DR: "If I've sold out, then it's for a glory that no one has ever attained in this sport before! If I'm a sell out, then it's for all the right reasons! Now, why don't you just shut up and get off the stage because this is my time!"


WM: "And if I don't do as you say?"


DR: "Wahoo, I'll say this as politely as possible. Get off the stage...or I'll come up there and remove you from the stage. Get my drift?"


WM: "Hey, you don't have to come up here. I'll come down there and you can get me out of here. Get my drift?"


Wahoo tossed the mic and charged to the ring as Dusty ripped off his suit jacket. Dusty attacked Wahoo as Wahoo stepped through the ropes. Wahoo fought back and the two were slugging it out in the ring. Rude, Hall and Nash hit the ring and jumped on Wahoo and were beating him. Arn, Luger and Hugh Morrus came charging to the ring and a brawl broke out in the ring as fans roared. Security came rushing out to quell the situation and restore order. Security was able to separate the brawling parties. Both sides wanted at each other. Crowd buzzing. Security was able to get The Firm members out of the ring. Other security members held Wahoo and friends at bay in the ring. Firm members were yelling from the floor. As The Firm was being led back up the aisle Hall turned and flipped the bird at the wrestling foursome in the ring before they were hustled to the backstage area. Wahoo and pals were left stalking angrily in the squared circle as the segment ended.)


(Announcers discussed the Dusty interview and the brawl with Wahoo that turned into a four-on-four situation with security having to get involved. Stack pointed out that while Arn and Luger came out to help Wahoo, Ted and Schultz were nowhere to be found.


Pedicino: "Ted DiBiase is an incredibly smart wrestler. He knows with a match coming up later on tonight, it might have been unwise for him or Schultz to get involved in that skirmish and risk injury. Lex and Arn are lucky they weren't seriously injured in that fray since they're also in the main event this evening. I understand their passion regarding this matter. But it may have been wise for them to hold back."


Hyped still to come: No DQ: Arn Anderson & Lex Luger vs. Ted DiBiase & David Schultz; an i'view w/ Roddy Piper. Said Ron Garvin makes his in-ring debut next!)


Match 4

'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin vs. Sam Houston


(As Garvin made his way to the ring to fairly strong boos, video aired of Garvin's two bounty knockouts since he's been in the UWL of Great Christopho and Ken Patera.


Garvin put on a clinic and took 95% of the match. Sam got in a little offense but not enough to make a dent in Garvin's ring display.


During the match, Garvin nailed Sam with a gutwrench suplex and tilt-a-whirl slam. Garvin took Sam down with an amateur go-behind and threw Sam down hard on the mat and rode Sam and toyed with Sam. Garvin popped Sam with a flying clothesline from the top rope that sent Sam crashing to the mat and Garvin could have pinned Sam but didn't even go for the pin and decided to inflict more punishment. Garvin popped Sam with some punches during the match but had yet to deliver his knockout punch. Garvin nailed Sam with a backbreaker across the knee and held Sam there and stretched Sam's body but broke the hold before Sam could submit. Garvin thrilled fans with one of the greatest moves in wrestling history, the Garvin Stomp. After the Stomp, Garvin went out on the apron and mounted the top buckle a second time as Sam got to his feet. Sam turned and walked into a sunset flip from the top rope from Garvin. Garvin held Sam for the pin. 1...2... Garvin pushed Sam out of the pinning predicament. Ref admonished Garvin. Garvin finally put Sam out of his misery. Sam made it unevenly to his feet and Garvin caught Sam with his knockout punch. Sam crashed to the mat and was clearly finished. Ron covered Sam. 1...2...3! Ref called for the bell. Garvin got to his feet and had his hand raised in victory. Garvin then grabbed the out of it Sam and dragged him over next to the ropes. As Lee Marshall got in the ring, Garvin said something to him.


LM: "Ronnie Garvin has requested that members of the UWL security team come to the ring and help Sam Houston to the back."


WINNER: Garvin - Pinfall - KO Punch - 4:47)


(After the match: Marshall i'viewed Garvin.


LM: "'Bounty Hunter' Ron Garvin, I have to admit that was quite a display of wrestling that you just put on. Sam Houston is no push-over in this ring. But once the bell rang, you took control and never let up. After seeing that, I have to ask, why not just concentrate on your wrestling and put the bounty hunting aside?"


Two security team members had come to the ring and were helping the seriously dazed Houston ease down to his feet on the floor. Security each put an arm of Sam's over their shoulders and helped him to the back. Sam was on shaky legs and had to be stopped from toppling over a couple of times as they went back up the aisle.


LM: "Before you answer that question, what was the deal with Sam Houston there? I mean, dragging him over by the ropes and asking for security to come out and help him to the back?"


RG: "I don't have anything against Sam Houston. I just wanted to beat him in the match and that's what I did. I requested security because there was no way he was making it back to the locker room on his own after getting hit with my knockout punch. He would have just laid next to the ropes for the rest of the show if no one helped him. Wrestling, like bounty hunting, is a business to me. Pure and simple.


"To answer your previous question, I have more in my ring arsenal than what I showed tonight. As I've said before, if I can win some championships while I'm here, great. But in this sport, there's a lot of peole who despise each other; and if some wrestler needs some dirty work taken care of against one of their enemies and they don't want to try and do it or can't do it themselves, then they can come to me. If the money's right, I'll take out the target."


LM: "Dallas Page has now paid you twice to take out different targets. Two weeks ago, Page was caught backstage paying you $20,000 dollars after you knocked out Ken Patera and helped Page win the match. He's paid you $70,000 dollars in bounty money for two hits so far. Are you and Page in cahoots on some level?"


RG: "Lee, I'm strictly business. I hardly know Dallas Page. But if he has any other targets in mind and the money's right, I have no qualms whatsoever working for him again."


LM: "Next week, Dallas Page faces Ken Patera in a re-match; only this time the match will be held in a completely enclosed steel cage. The idea for the cage was to keep you from interfering on Page's behalf. Do you think Page will try and pay you another bounty to take out Patera again?"


RG: "I'm a businessman first and foremost. I can't predict the future. I don't know the mind of Dallas Page."


LM: "One last thing. Ken Patera. What are your thoughts on him?"


RG: "Again, I knocked him out because it was a business deal with Dallas Page. If Patera wants to step into the ring with me at some point in the future because that's what pro wrestling protocol demands, I have no problem doing so.


"Look, I've got to go. I'm going out to party and check what I've heard are some of the best strip clubs in the world here in Vancouver."


LM: "I'm totally taken aback by your extremely calm demeanor. But thank you for your time."


RG: "You're welcome."


Garvin shook Marshall's hand and left the ring as Marshall just shook his head in disbelief in the ring.)


(Announcers discussed the Garvin match and interview.


Stack: "Considering what Ron Garvin has admitted he does to make money, his personality is very off-putting."


Pedicino: "It certainly makes me uneasy to hear him talk. He's a very cool customer. Too cool, in fact, for what he does."


Hyped still to come: No DQ: Arn Anderson & Lex Luger vs. Ted DiBiase & David Schultz. Said an i'view w/ UWL WC Roddy Piper was next!)


(In-ring: Marshall i'viewed UWL WC Roddy Piper.


Bagpipe music played over the p.a. system and the fans erupted when Piper came out on the entrance stage. Piper was in street clothes and had the belt slung over his shoulder. Piper slapped hands with fans on the way to the ring.


Piper soaked in the crowd repsonse for a moment.


RP: "Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas, Vancouver, BC!"


Crowd roared.


LM: "Roddy..."


RP: "Merry Christmas to you, too, Lee Marshall!"


LM: "Right back at ya, 'Hot Rod'! Roddy, it's Christmas. It's a time to look back at the previous year and be thankful for all the good things that have happened. And I have to ask this, what does Roddy Piper want for Christmas?"


RP: "I've got the best gift I could have gotten hanging right here on my shoulder! 2012 started out as a bleak year for me! But, as you can see, it ended great! Also, there's nothing better than being able to spend Christmas with a few thousand of your closest friends!"


More cheers.


LM: "One man who is not having a good Christmas is Greg Valentine."


RP: "I know he's not. And that's another great gift! The only thing Greg Valentine got for Christmas was a big steaming lump of sh... Op! Can't say that word on this program! It must kill Greg Valentine to be sitting down to his Christmas dinner and not having the World Title sitting next to his place setting! Instead, when I go home to Portland, the World Title will be sitting next to my place setting when I sit down to have my Christmas feast!"


LM: "Greg Valentine and his manager Gary Hart have made it quite clear that they are angling for the World Title re-match with you on a specific date. They won't tip their hand as to when that date is. But, they have promised that they are going to make things as unpleasant for you as possible leading up to it. What's your take on that?"


RP: "Oooooooohhhhhhhhh! I have no doubt that Valentine and Egg Head have a few tricks up their sleeves for me! Since Valentine is the former World Champion, he does have the right to a re-match! And, Greg Valentine, let me tell you, mister! You can pick whatever date you want for the re-match! Because 'Hot Rod' is good and ready for you, man!"


Crowd cheered.


Suddenly, Santa Claus came walking down the aisle. He was carrying his red gift bag and it was very thin.


Stack: "That's an awfully thin gift bag Santa has."


Santa waved to the fans on the way to the ring and then got up on the apron and turned and waved to them again.


RP: "I can't believe it! The jolly fat man in the red suit is here! Let's hear it for Santa Claus!"


Crowd cheered as Santa got in the ring and walked around and waved some more. He walked in front of Piper and Marshall and waved to them and they waved back.


RP: "Santa! Say a few words to these fans, will ya?!"


Santa shyly shook his head 'no' and continued to walk around and wave to the fans.


RP: "He used to say a lot when I was a kid and sat on his lap at the mall! Santa might have a sore throat from flying around all night in this cold air! I know if I was St. Nick, I'd move my operation to Phoenix year around!"


Santa started walking behind Piper and Marshall.


RP: "What a night! The new UWL World Champion and Santa in the same ring! What are the odds that would ha..."




Santa cracked Piper across the upper back with his gift bag. Piper crashed to the mat. Marshall dropped the mic and bailed from the ring. Santa then put the boots to the downed Piper. Santa then reached into the gift bag and pulled out a steel chair. Crowd buzzing. Santa placed the chair in the middle of the ring and grabbed Piper. Santa then lined Piper's face up over the chair and blasted Piper with a Hammerhead (aka, Pedigree). Santa turned and pulled off his hat and beard and revealed himself to be Greg Valentine. Crowd booed loudly. Valentine went over and picked up the mic left by Marshall. Piper rolled over on his back and his face was a bloody mess.


GV: "Hey, Piper! Merry (bleep)ing Christmas!"


Crowd seemed stunned by the word that was bleeped for TV. Some had their hands over their mouths. Valentine stood over the downed Piper. Crowd popped as Wahoo came charging to the ring with his own chair. Valentine quickly bailed to the floor as Wahoo hit the ring. Wahoo glared at Valentine briefly before kneeling down to check on Piper. Valentine looked on as he backed up up the aisle before turning and heading to the back.)


(Announcers discussed Valentine attacking Piper and bloodying Piper with a hammerhead into a chair.


Hyped for next week's New Year's night edition of 'Slam!':


ENCLOSED STEEL CAGE MATCH (If DDP wins, he gets a spot in the match for the vacated President's Championship!): DDP vs. Ken Patera


MATCH TO DECIDE THE NEW PRESIDENT'S CHAMPION: Harley Race vs. Wahoo McDaniel (and possibly DDP)


UWL WORLD TAG TEAM TITLE MATCH: Hall & Nash © vs. The Dog Pound


NON-TITLE: Tina Ferrari © vs. ????


Grog vs. Jim Brunzell


More on the Piper-Valentine situation




UWL 'Slam!' Wrestling - Tuesdays on FX - 9:30pm E/P!)


(Announcers hyped the main event coming up next!)


(Video footage aired from earlier in the evening of Ted DiBiase wanting to make the main event a No DQ match and Luger and Arn accepting and Watts giving it the OK.)


Match 5 (No DQ Match)

Lex Luger & Arn Anderson vs. Director Ted DiBiase & David Schultz


(Arn and Luger came to the ring first to a strong ovation. Ted and Schultz snuck down the aisle and ambushed Arn and Lex. Ref called for the bell. Announcers pointed out that in a No DQ match, pretty much anything goes. Arn and Lex fought back.


The wrestlers promised blood earlier in the evening and they delivered. Arn was opened up by Ted when Ted slammed Arn's head into the ring bolt that connected the top buckle to the ring post. Schultz got busted wide open when Luger slammed Schultz's head into the ring post. And Ted DiBiase joined the crimson mask club when Arn slammed Ted's head into one of the monitors on the announcers' table. Crowd was hot for the match as the wrestlers brawled in and out of the ring. A steel chair and the ring mic were used as weapons. Fighting between Schultz and Arn spilled briefly into the seats. Ref having trouble trying to maintain control.


At the end of the match, Arn and Schultz were slugging it out in the aisle. Ted and Luger were battling in the ring. Ted and Luger had traded moves and Ted got the upper hand and went to whip Luger into the ropes but Luger reversed and sent Ted into the ropes and blasted Ted coming off with his forearm smash to the head. Ted crashed to the mat. Rude, Hall, Nash and Rhodes came out of the back. Hall and Nash helped Schultz attack Arn and Rude and Rhodes hit the ring. Luger dropped Rude with a clothesline. Dusty came in and nailed Luger with a forearm smash to the back. Dusty started pounding on Luger and whipped Luger into the ropes and looked to catch Luger coming off with a clothesline but Luger ducked the move and came back and blasted Dusty with a clothesline. Rude and Dusty got up next to the ropes and Luger nailed them with a double clothesline that sent both men crashing to the floor as the fans went nuts. Wahoo, Patera, Hugh and Rick Steiner came rushing out. Hugh and Steiner helped out Arn against Schultz, Hall and Nash while Wahoo and Patera went after Rhodes and Rude. Luger looked at the fighting on the floor and Ted recovered, snuck up behind Lger and nailed Luger with a low blow. Luger didn't go down but staggered off in pain. Ted took advantage and grabbed Luger in the full nelson position and nailed Luger with the Billion Dollar Blaster (aka, Skull Crushing Finale). Ted covered Luger. 1...2...3! Luger kicked out right after the three count. Ref called for the bell. Ref then raised Ted's hand in victory and Ted started laughing as the program faded to black. WINNER: Ted & Schultz - Pinfall - Ted pinned Luger with the Billion Dollar Blaster - 11:33)




(No post-show dark match because the New Year's edition of 'Slam!' was taped 20 mins. after the taping of the Christmas night edition.)

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