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Guilty! A WWF Alternate History

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July 22, 1994 - Vince McMahon, owner of the World Wrestling Federation has been found guilty for multiple charges of distributing a controlled substance. McMahon has been sentenced for 2-4 years.


July 24, 1994 - Titan Sports, owner of the World Wrestling Federation has announced that due to decreasing profit and the incarceration of owner and head booker Vince McMahon that the WWF will be going up for sale.


July 31, 1994 - Titan Sports and Griffin Entertainment have announced that all WWF related intellectual property, contracts and physical property has been purchased by Griffin entertainment. While the exact figures have yet to be released rumor has it that a short bidding war with Ted Turner's Turner Broadcasting raised the price to over 100 million. Griffin Entertainment has issued a statement that it plans a near seemless transition.


Monday, Week 1, August 1994 - Griffin Entertainment has announced that all WWF broadcasts will be aired live starting on August 8th. Also announced is the creation of North Eastern Wrestling Federation, a farm propotion to train future superstars.


Tuesday, Week 1, August 1994 - WWF has released the following employees: Steve Lombardi, Barry Hardy, Barry Horowitz, Mike Shaw, The Bushwhackers, Dan Marsh, Duane Gill, Duke Drose, Harvey Whippleman, Hugo Savinovich, Jeff Warner, Luna Vachon, Nelson Knight, Ace Darling, Mike Sharpe, Bobby Knigt, Rich Myers, The Rock and Roll Express, Steve Doll, Rex King, Todd Pettengill, Tony Chimel, Tony DeVito, Fred Ottman, Vince Russo, Virgil


Additionally the WWF has announced that the Woman's World Title has been retired.



Thursday, Week 1, August 1994 - It has been announced that the WWF has signed now former WCW wrestlers, Mick Foley, Ron Simmons and Alex Wright to written deals.


Weekend Report - It has been rumored that the WWF has signed multiple wrestlers to contracts including multiple members of the Guerrero family, and one of the most contraversial figures in wrestling, Roddy Piper.


WWF Superstars


The Headshrinkers defeated The Heavenly Bodies *

Diesel defeated Nikolai Volkoff * 1/2

The Undertaker w/Ted Dibiase defeated Tatanka **

Bam Bam Bigelow defeated Bob Howard ** 1/2

Bob Backlund defeated Jacques Rougeau **

Owen Hart defeated Lex Luger ** 1/2


Monday, Week 2, August 1994 - The WWF has announced that Pat Patterson has asked for and was given his release, rumors are circulating that Patterson was upset for the release of Steve Lombardi who he may have been having a relationship with. Also announced is the signing of two more WCW wrestlers, Brian Pillman and Vader.


WWF Monday Night RAW Preview:


Sachinoshima "The Barbarian" vs Sean "The 1,2,3 Kid" Waltman


The Undertaker w/Ted Dibiase vs Nikolai Volkoff


Lex Luger vs Brian Blair


Razor Ramon vs "The Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels


Bret "The Hitman" Hart and TBA vs Bob Backlund and Owen "The King of Harts" Hart

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Monday, Week 2, August 1994




JR: Welcome to WWF Monday Night Raw! I'm Jim Ross and with me are Jerry "The King" Lawler and "Macho Man" Randy Savage. We've got a barn burner for you tonight! Lex Luger will be challenging one half of the Killer Bees, Brian Blair in singles action. Also Shawn Michaels will be taking on Razor Ramon.


Lawler: I hope that greasy slimeball gets what he has coming!


Savage: I wouldn't count out The Bad Guy, he's one bad dude yeah!


JR: Well there is little doubt that Razor will have to contend with the Intercontinental Champion, Diesel as well, because wherever the Heartbreak Kid is, Diesel is usually not far behind.


Also tonight, The Undertaker will face former corporation member Nikolai Volkoff in what will no doubt be a very interesting match up.


Lawler: I just hope that creep Paul Bearer doesn't show up!


JR: And in the mainevent, Owen Hart will team up with Bob Backlund, who just a little over a week ago took Bret Hart to the limit on Superstars. After the match Backlund snapped and put Bret in his crossface chicken wing.


Lawler: Backlund was screwed! He had a three count, but the referee was inept!


Savage: It was close no doubt about it, but Bret Hart won that match fair and square, I think Backlund is just a little emotionally unstable.


Lawler: Well I'm sure you would know all about that Savage.


JR: Well the alliance of Owen Hart the Black Hart


Lawler: You mean King of Harts! You know he taught Bret everything Bret knows, but not everything Owen knows.


JR: and Bob Backlund will face Bret Hart, and a partner who has yet to be announced.


Lawler: I bet Bret couldn't find anybody to team up with so he's putting it off as long as he can.


JR: I doubt that very much.


And now its time for our openning match!




Sachinoshima "The Barbarian" vs "The 1, 2, 3 Kid" Sean Waltman


A standard, but short TV match that saw Sachinoshima dominate Waltman until Sean managed to connect with a 1,2,3 Kick.


Rating: ** 1/4



Jerry Lawler interviews Owen Hart and Bob Backlund


Lawler: Its my honor to indroduce the originator of the sharpshooter, and the only man to never lose in a WWF World Title match, Owen Hart, and Bob Backlund!


Owen comes down to the ring dressed in a crown, a cape with a sceptor. Behind him dressed in a suit and bow tie is Bob Backlund.


Lawler: Owen tonight you face Bret and an unknown partner, how can you be prepared?


Owen: First Jerr y I doubt that my brother has been able to find anybody in the back willing to be his partner, second there isn't a man in the WWF today that can go toe to toe with me, that includes my brother.


Lawler: Mr.Backlund just a little over a week ago you took Bret Hart to the limit...


Backlund grabs mic.


Backlund: Jerry I respect you because you show the proper repsect to those who deserve it. The truth is I beat Bret Hart, I got a three count, but that cowardly referee made sure the belt stayed on the waist of Bret Hart. So I am here to make sure the same thing doesn't happen to Owen.


Owen: That's right, and when I beat Bret, and prove to the world that I am the King of Harts, Mr. Backlund will be the first man I give a title match to because there is simply not a man here who is more worthy.



The Undertaker vs Nikolai Volkoff


A short squash match that saw Dibiase's Undertaker make short work of Nikolai and looked good doing it.


Rating: ** 1/2




While Dibiase and his Undertaker celebrate the lights dim and Paul Bearer appears at the entrance.


Bearer: Celebrate while you can because The Undertaker, the true Undertaker is coming and when he comes Ted Dibiase there won't be enough money in the world to protect you from his wrath.



Lex Luger vs Brian Blair


Another squash match, while Blair performed well Luger's limitations were showing and the match nearly bombed.


Rating: **




Razor: Shawn Michaels listen up chico, everywhere I see you, I see your amigo Diesel and man if I've got to beat both of you to win Razor Ramon's Intercontental title, then that's just what the bad guy will have to do. But tonight chio I will get my opportunity to take you out of the equation man. But I hope your bring Diesel to the ring, so I can give him a beating he won't forget chico.




A solid match that saw some fantastic action and psychology. The match was back and forth, but just when Razor set Michaels up for the Razor's Edge, Diesel made his presence known, distracting Razor long enough for Michaels to slip free and hit Sweet Chin Music.


Rating: *** 1/4




After Owen and Backlund make their way to the ring for the mainevent Bret Hart's music hits and he steps out from the entry way, mic in hand.


Bret: You know Owen I don't know what's gotten into you, or why you've surrounded yourself with lunatics like Bob Backlund. And you maybe my brother, but if this is what you want, then I'll be happy to take you back to our childhood and beat some sense into you. And I heard what you said, and while I could have had any of the superstars in the back as my partner tonight, I knew that I had to call in someone special. So its my honor to introduce, my partner, Davey Boy Smith, The British Bulldog!


Owen and Backlund look terrified as Bret and Davey Boy hit the ring.



Bret Hart and Davey Boy Smith vs Owen Hart and Bob Backlund


A fantastic match from top to bottom. Bret and Davey Boy got the offense in early, but thanks to some underhanded tactics from Owen and Backlund the tide soon turned leaving Bret at the mercy of Owen and Bob for nearly fifteen minutes before he was able to take advantage of some miscommunication and tag in Davey Boy, who quickly cleared the ring and crushed Backlund with a running powerslam.


Rating: ****


Overall Rating: *** 1/2

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I suppose Davey Boy was a bit obvious but who else?


Next week's RAW Preview:


Davey Boy Smith vs Jim Neidhart


The Undertaker vs Tatanka


Hostile Takeover (Bam Bam Bigelow and Vader) vs The Thrillseekers (Chris Jericho and Lance Storm)


Shawn Michaels vs Sean Waltman


Bret Hart and Razor Ramon vs Owen Hart and Diesel

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