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MWWA (Road To Glory using One Year Later C-Verse Mod)

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OOC: I was trying to do a watcher’s diary with Nachtfalter’s awesome One Year Later mod, but the amount of great Road To Glory ones kicking around at the moment inspired me to start playing one. Hope people enjoy this.


Hi, all. You may have heard of me.


Scratch that… you probably haven’t heard of me.


Name’s Ben Maynard. Those half a dozen of you who have seen me in action, though, will know me as The New York Yankee. At least until the Steinbrenners send me the ‘cease and desist’ letter I’ve been expecting ever since I thought of the gimmick. Still, wrestling in front of crowds who could fit in my front room has its benefits, I guess…


Of course, I’m hoping to change that with the Mid-West Wrestling Alliance. That’s right, the lovely Miss Farrah Hesketh has not only started up her own federation, she’s given me the reins as booker. The good news is, I should finally get to win a match for the first time in my 2 year career now. The bad news is, she’s got high standards, and a low budget.


She tells me she wants guys who are legitimately tough, can sell a beating, know how to wrestle properly, and will work for $150 a night. I do manage to persuade her to pay travel expenses in a couple of cases – although we don’t actually negotiate exactly what they are. From what I’ve learnt of her in the few days I’ve been working for her, I have a bad feeling she’ll be telling guys to walk from Canada and then paying for their shoe leather…


Somehow, I find 11 guys willing to work for this rate who fit her standards. So, let me present to you, the inaugural MWWA roster!


Cameron ‘J-Man’ Jones - The North Carolina native is a decent all-rounder who graduated from the famous Mid Atlantic Boot Camp. He’ll split his time between us and MAW, and will play an old school face gimmick.


Xavier Reckless – The former owner of backyard federation XDW is a very athletic brawler. He’ll play an arrogant jerk. It won’t require much acting.


Cal Sanders – Winnipeg’s Cal Sanders is a very good technician who’s one of the most experienced men I’ve picked up. He should be a great guy for the rest of us to learn from. Playing off his love of ice hockey, we’re packaging him as a fan of the Dubuque Fighting Saints, the nearest local team to Hunter’s Town Hall where we’re going to be holding shows.


Mad Dog Mortimer – Morty is one of the other experienced guys on the roster, a fairly bland brawler who I’ve always been a secret fan of. I don’t think we’re going to revitalize his career, but I’ll be glad to give someone I look up to a regular payday. He’ll be playing a strange guy who takes his ‘Mad Dog’ nickname a bit too seriously.


Malik Cash – ‘Money’ Malik is the second guy to get travel expenses from us, along with Sanders. A highflying spot monkey, he can’t tell a story in the ring but hits enough big spots to make up for that. He’ll be packaged as a street thug in a similar gimmick to the one he uses up in Canada as half of the Inner City Express.


Crash Lewis – The elder statesman of the fed, even compared to Mad Dog and Cal, Lewis is an unremarkable brawler but will fill the roster out. He’s unlikely to be important enough to need a gimmick.


Roger Monteiro - The proud Native American cruiserweight will be working a gimmick playing off his heritage. He may have the most upside of anyone in the fed.


Buzz Reid – The brawler from Georgia isn’t particularly good in the ring but at least looks tough. He’s a perfect fit to play an ex-convict, just released, who’s looking for trouble.


Super Sonic – Former XDW wrestler Super Sonic was contacted on Xavier’s recommendation. The Redneck Luchador, a surprisingly good flyer, will work a cocky youth gimmick which seems fairly close to his real life personality. He even talked us into providing him with travel expenses despite living just half an hour’s drive away from Hunter’s Town Hall. At least he shouldn’t be claiming much…


El Medico – The Mexican-based luchador, on the other hand, may cost us a bit more on travel. However, his high-flying ability and flashy style should make it worthwhile. He’ll play a thrill seeker who loves hitting big top rope moves, to show off his great attacks.


Paranoia – I wanted his two friends as well, but Farrah isn’t keen on either as she thinks they look wimpy. Coastal Zone grad Paranoia is, like El Medico and Cash, poor at structuring a match but hits some great high-risk moves. He’ll play a fun babyface who loves slapping hands with the crowd. If we get a crowd…


The New York Yankee – I’ll be the same cocky, obnoxious, downright rude SOB that indie fans have come to… barely notice. This is MY time, though. Don’t you forget it!


The New York Yankee's opening stats.



MWWA's product




Card for MWWA Mid West Madness 1, February 2011


Crash Lewis vs Paranoia

Cameron Jones vs Xavier Reckless

Buzz Reid, Roger Monteiro and Super Sonic vs Cal Sanders, Cameron Jones and The New York Yankee

Crash Lewis vs Roger Monteiro

Paranoia and Mad Dog Mortimer vs Xavier Reckless and Malik Cash


Cal Sanders vs El Medico


All predictions and comments would be very welcome. Given the last time I tried a diary like this I eventually burnt out after posting nearly every day, I'm going to try and do this sensibly and go for about 48 hours between shows. Have got a few written up ready so should be able to stick to that for the first couple of weeks, at least.

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<p>You predict for my RTG diary, so I guess I should give my predictions for yours.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Crash Lewis</strong> vs Paranoia</p><p>

<em>The Paraboys just aren't worth the push in my opinion.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Cameron Jones </strong>vs Xavier Reckless</p><p>

<em>Xavier might be better than his fellow questor Super Sonic, but that's not saying much.</em></p><p> </p><p>

Buzz Reid, Roger Monteiro and Super Sonic vs <strong>Cal Sanders, Cameron Jones and The New York Yankee </strong></p><p><strong>


<em>Sanders is one of your main eventers and you have him working with your UC.</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Crash Lewis</strong> vs Roger Monteiro </p><p>

<em>Roger is a jobber</em></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Paranoia and Mad Dog Mortimer </strong>vs Xavier Reckless and Malik Cash</p><p>

<em>Wild guess here,</em></p><p> </p><p>

MAIN EVENT:</p><p>

<strong>Cal Sanders</strong> vs El Medico </p><p>

<em>Cal for the win.</em></p>

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Coming to you from Hunter’s Town Hall, it’s the MWWA’s debut show! Non-wrestling personnel on board are referees Royce Greig ($400) and Alan Gray ($100), announcer Lee Bambino ($150) and colour commentator Farrah Hesketh ($900) – I guess when you’re the boss, the budget doesn’t apply!


Mid West Madness 1


Crash Lewis vs Paranoia


We kick this off with an evenly matched contest between a rookie on his way up and a wily veteran. That’s the idea, at least. What story they think they’re telling in there is anyone’s guess… it basically sees them take turns to get moves in, Paranoia hitting some top rope attacks and Crash throwing him about a bit, before they go home with Paranoia hitting the Freak Out for a win in 7 minutes. It felt much, much longer.





Cameron Jones vs Xavier Reckless


This was originally going to be a fairly competitive match, but pre-show Reckless stole Paranoia’s towel when he was showering. Since I prefer my wrestlers with a bit more maturity, I tell Jones that he’s going over in a squash here. The MAW-trained guy gets to show off the offense Rip Chord taught him as he takes Reckless apart methodically, finishing off with an STF.





Buzz Reid, Roger Monteiro and Super Sonic vs Cal Sanders, Cameron Jones and The New York Yankee


And Jones gets his second squash of the night, as the three of us showcase as many moves as we can in six minutes. The most impressive is probably a spiked powerbomb as the other two lift up Buzz Reid and I come off the top to drive him into the mat, then pick up the victory with an easy pin.





Crash Lewis vs Roger Monteiro


Think back to the Crash vs Paranoia match earlier in the night, and this is very similar. It’s perhaps marginally better – but only in the same way being punched in the chest by a heavyweight boxer is marginally preferable to being punched in the groin by the same guy. Roger takes it with an Eagle Chop from the top rope.





Paranoia and Mad Dog Mortimer vs Xavier Reckless and Malik Cash


Given Reckless has annoyed me, I just tell him to stay on the outside as much as possible in this one and let the other three get over. Mortimer at least manages to talk his rookie partner through to some extent, as they double team Malik Cash, who pulls off a strong comeback only for his side to lose after Reckless blind tags himself in and walk straight into a Dog’s Jaws DDT from Morty.






Cal Sanders vs El Medico


Match of the night honors tonight aren’t something to be that proud of, but I’m glad these two take them. An open match lasting nearly 12 minutes – our longest by some way – sees Sanders goes after El Medico’s leg, stopping him from flying much and eventually trapping him in a figure four for the submission victory after Medico goes for a desperation moonsault attempt but his knee gives out.





Overall rating is 22 for the show. 10 people were there – incredibly, 8 thought it was better than expected. (Yes, we handed out a ‘customer satisfaction’ survey. Sanders won most votes for performance of the night on it, by the way.) God knows what they were expecting.


Quick results:


Paranoia over Crash Lewis

Cameron Jones over Xavier Reckless

Cal Sanders, Cameron Jones and The New York Yankee over Buzz Reid, Roger Monteiro and Super Sonic

Roger Monteiro over Crash Lewis

Paranoia and Mad Dog Mortimer over Xavier Reckless and Malik Cash

Cal Sanders over El Medico


Any thoughts on presentation, etc, whether the quick results is worth doing, if you like the ratings where they are or whether they'd be better in the quick results section... all very welcome.

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Post-show, I decide to inform Xavier Reckless we won’t be booking him again. He looks shocked, as do most of the others – but I want to make it very clear that being a prick won’t get you far here. Besides, a Canadian guy called Blockbuster has just graduated from the DeColt Power House, and is also willing to work for $150. The extra travel expenses are worth it given his much better attitude. We bring him in under a Metalhead gimmick.


Predictions This Show


Mvargas 4/6 – With just Crash Lewis messing you up.


Predictions Overall


Mvargas 4/6


Card for MWWA Mid West Madness 2, March 2011


Buzz Reid vs Roger Monteiro

Blockbuster vs Cameron Jones

Buzz Reid vs Cal Sanders

Crash Lewis, Roger Monteiro and Super Sonic vs Paranoia, Mad Dog Mortimer and Malik Cash

Blockbuster vs Mad Dog Mortimer


New York City Docs (El Medico and The New York Yankee) vs Cal Sanders and Cameron Jones

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OOC: I never know whether these are worth doing, but as a way to hopefully build some characters without running angles for a while, I'll give it a go.

Prior to tomorrow's Mid West Madness, we're proud to bring you the first ever edition of MWWA Talk To Us, where your favourite stars tell you what they're thinking ahead of their matches.


Cameron Jones: I hear he got trained by legends. So did I. Rip Chord or the DeColts – whose methods are better? Guess we’re going to find out. Then, the main event. Cal Sanders has worked as hard as anyone in this sport over the last decade. It’s an honour to be teaming with him. I don’t know the two guys over the other side of the ring that well – but I have a feeling I’m going to end up shutting the Yankee’s mouth.


Blockbuster: I have the power, I have the training, and I’ve been waiting three years for this chance. Jones, Mortimer – you’re going down.


Super Sonic: Eff'n yer gwine up aginst me, ah's a-gonna beatcha so bad thet yer own Mammy won't recognise yo'! Fry mah hide! Th' Redneck Luchado' is on his way t'th' top, baby! Fry mah hide!


Buzz Reid: They called me the King of San Quentin. I made every other inmate my <BLEEP>. Last week, I was let down by my partners. Put me in there on my own this week, and watch the Red Indian reject and the ice hockey idiot get crushed.


Roger Monteiro: It shows the respect that the MWWA bosses have for me that they have asked me to fight twice in one night. I won’t let them down.


Mad Dog Mortimer: WOOF WOOF!


The New York Yankee: I got no clue why they think I need a tag partner, but I kinda like the guy. As long as he can keep out of my way while I beat on these guys, he’s fine by me. Because just like the great state of New York… I’m moving ever upwards!


Cal Sanders: The Yankee talks a good game. Over the last 15 years, I’ve seen a lot of people do that. Some of them backed it up in the ring. A lot didn’t. Time to find out what you’re made of, Mr New York.

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Oh Good, I have time to predict. :)


Buzz Reid vs Roger Monteiro -Just a guess

Blockbuster vs Cameron Jones - Cam is one of your big guns

Buzz Reid vs Cal Sanders - another case of a big gun wrestling

Crash Lewis, Roger Monteiro and Super Sonic vs Paranoia, Mad Dog Mortimer and Malik Cash - You seem to like Roger and crash

Blockbuster vs Mad Dog Mortimer another wild guess



New York City Docs (El Medico and The New York Yankee) vs Cal Sanders and Cameron Jones - tough call, but Im' guessing you'll give this to your user character.

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Good RTG read here


Buzz Reid vs Roger Monteiro

Monterio is a jobber


Blockbuster vs Cameron Jones

Debut win


Buzz Reid vs Cal Sanders

I imagine Cal is a big name for you at this size


Crash Lewis, Roger Monteiro and Super Sonic vs Paranoia, Mad Dog Mortimer and Malik Cash

Complete guess


Blockbuster vs Mad Dog Mortimer

What the hell, why not?



New York City Docs (El Medico and The New York Yankee) vs Cal Sanders and Cameron Jones

Gotta pick in favour of the team with a name

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MidWest Madness 2


Buzz Reid vs Roger Monteiro


Monteiro goes after Reid’s right leg, diving in and out and continually hitting it with hard kicks and a few basic holds to wear it down, and it almost seems to have paid off as Reid fights back but his knee gives out when going for a Termination Slam. Monteiro can’t quite capitalize, though, and Reid eventually puts him away with a DDT. If the crowd were into either of these guys this could have been a decent storytelling match, but they’re not and it isn’t.





Blockbuster vs Cameron Jones


Blockbuster gets a strong debut as this pair go back and forth trading blows, and the big Power House graduate gets a couple of 2-counts with some impressive power moves. In the end, though, Jones fights back and is able to show off some power of his own, taking the bigger man down with a Fireman’s carry powerslam. It’s slightly too long for the debutant, to be honest, but it’s not a bad match by our low standards.





Buzz Reid vs Cal Sanders


Sanders immediately goes after Reid’s right knee and locks on a figure four, claiming an ultra-quick submission victory. Nothing to see here.





Crash Lewis, Roger Monteiro and Super Sonic vs Paranoia, Mad Dog Mortimer and Malik Cash


This is meant to be a showcase for Paranoia and Cash to hit some big moves, but both of them look really nervous out there and it’s poorly received by the crowd. Paranoia’s Freak Out big splash brings it to a close mercifully quickly. Noticeably, Mad Dog Mortimer spends the entire match on the apron, playing to the fans by doing dog impressions and keeping away from any offers of a tag.





Blockbuster vs Mad Dog Mortimer


Mortimer plays it safe here, continually frustrating Blockbuster – and the fans – by rolling to the outside frequently to get away from the bigger man. Eventually the effort that Blockbuster’s long singles match took out of him shows, and Morty is able to hit a quick roll-up for the win. Like our opener, it’s a good story, but they’re not exactly great at telling it.





New York Docs vs Cal Sanders and Cameron Jones


It’s great to be in the clear match of the night! Sanders and Jones don’t look as smooth a team as myself and the luchador do, with the pair of us making lots of frequent tags and double teaming each of our opponents whenever possible. Eventually, we isolate Sanders and hit him with our yet-to-be-named finisher, in which El Médico flies off the top rope with a 360 splash before I follow up with a moonsault.




Overall rating is 26 for the show, a nice improvement. We had a big increase in attendance, compared to our first show, with 15 people turning up. Performance of the night went to Cameron Jones, who was involved in both of the best matches.



Quick results:

Buzz Reid defeated Roger Monteiro in 6:57 by pinfall with a DDT

Cameron Jones defeated Blockbuster in 12:07 by pinfall with a Fireman’s carry powerslam.

Cal Sanders defeated Buzz Reid in 1:35 by submission with a figure four.

Paranoia, Mad Dog Mortimer and Malik Cash defeated Crash Lewis, Roger Monteiro and Super Sonic in 5:32 when Paranoia defeated Super Sonic by pinfall with a Freak Out.

Mad Dog Mortimer defeated Blockbuster in 9:43 by pinfall with a roll-up.

New York City Docs defeated Cal Sanders and Cameron Jones in 10:50 when El Médico defeated Cal Sanders by pinfall after a 360 followed by a moonsault.

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Predictions This Show


Mvargas 5/6 – For the second show in a row, everything except Crash Lewis right.


Predictions Overall


Mvargas 9/12

Occasional Z 3/6


Now I've got more than one person predicting (thanks for coming back, Mvargas, and welcome on board Occasional Z!) let's make a contest of it - winner gets to ask a question of either The Yankee or another MWWA superstar. (Using that word as loosely as possible.) MVargas, fire away if you'd like to take this opportunity.


Card for Mid West Madness 3, April 2011


Cal Sanders vs Roger Monteiro

Buzz Reid and Roger Monteiro vs Crash Lewis and Super Sonic

Blockbuster, Paranoia and Mad Dog Mortimer vs Cal Sanders, Cameron Jones and El Médico

Blockbuster vs Buzz Reid

Malik Cash vs Paranoia


Cameron Jones vs The New York Yankee

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Cal Sanders vs Roger Monteiro He's definitely your bigger star


Buzz Reid and Roger Monteiro vs Crash Lewis and Super Sonic I'm not a big fan of Roger, but he's gotten some push, but I always miss my prediction if crash is in the match


Blockbuster, Paranoia and Mad Dog Mortimer vs Cal Sanders, Cameron Jones and El Médico Your bigger names should take this


Blockbuster vs Buzz Reid A shot in the dark


Malik Cash vs Paranoia anyone is better than one of the para boys



Cameron Jones vs The New York Yankee I'm guessing a draw. It's a bit too early to put yourself over Cameron, but I can't see you losing to him either.


No really "questions" at this time. I wouldn't know what to ask anyways. It's not like my booking is that good.

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(24 hours or so until the card, by the way.)


MWWA Talk To Us 2


Buzz Reid: Seems like the little guy got told to take out my leg, so Sanders could beat me. If he got paid for it, he’s smarter than I thought. If he’s smart enough to stay out of my way in the tag match, we could be a good team.


Cal Sanders: Did I have anything to do with Monteiro’s strategy? No. But you don’t wrestle for 15 years without being able to take advantage of an opportunity.


Roger Monteiro: I don’t know what Reid is talking about. I don’t take money to injure people. I just try my best to win. Last time, he was the better man. This time, I hope he’s just as good in our tag match. As for Cal Sanders – I respect him, but I’m too young and fast for him to keep up with.


Mad Dog Mortimer: WOOF WOOF!


Super Sonic: Crash Lewis let me down last time aroun'! Fry mah hide! This hyar time, he'd better show me he has whut it takes t'be th' tag team partner of th' Redneck Luchado'! Fry mah hide!


Blockbuster: Was I expecting to go 0 for 2? No. But the DeColts have trained me to deal with anything, including coming back after a couple of losses. Buzz Reid – be prepared to get Blockbusted!


Malik Cash: People say I’m a street thug, but I’m not a bad man, honey. I just take what I want. And this week, I want to beat Paranoia until he bleeds.


Paranoia: Three and oh, yeah! Malik Cash may think he’s a bad man, but he’s not a Paratrooper!


Cameron Jones: Last week, they had the teamwork that we didn’t. Stepping in the ring with a veteran like Cal Sanders was an honour, and I’d like to do it again. But in singles competition, I have the edge. After all, he wasn't trained by Rip Chord.


The New York Yankee: Mr New York does it again! Cam Jones, you may be good, you may be trained by a legend – but if you’re not from The Big Apple, you’re a nobody!

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Cal Sanders vs Roger Monteiro

Buzz Reid and Roger Monteiro vs Crash Lewis and Super Sonic

Blockbuster, Paranoia and Mad Dog Mortimer vs Cal Sanders, Cameron Jones and El Médico

Blockbuster vs Buzz Reid

Malik Cash vs Paranoia


Cameron Jones vs The New York Yankee

--just to build the NY persona up a bit. I liked the quote at the end of his "Talk to Us" bit. Certainly could be someone who could be "disliked." I see a tainted/cheap finish here.

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MidWest Madness 3


Cal Sanders vs Roger Monteiro


Despite the speculation about these two working together last week so Sanders could take down Reid, there’s no sign of any alliance here. Sanders has this one won fairly easily, with the younger man never able to get the better of him, and a figure-four leglock seals the submission victory for the veteran.





Buzz Reid and Roger Monteiro vs Crash Lewis and Super Sonic


Reid and Monteiro work together surprisingly well and this is marginally better than expected. Highlights include Reid’s impressive double chokeslam on his opponents and the finish, a massive assisted splash which sees Buzz hurl the smaller man down hard onto Lewis.





Blockbuster, Paranoia and Mad Dog Mortimer vs Cal Sanders, Cameron Jones and El Médico


This is a showcase for three of our better guys, with Sanders and Jones doing some good work double-teaming first Blockbuster, then Morty, and eventually taking a win after Medico hits a moonsault on Mad Dog which is followed up by a Sanders second rope kneedrop. Paranoia doesn’t even make it into the match.





Blockbuster vs Buzz Reid


Blockbuster is clearly annoyed at losing the previous match and takes it out on Reid, absolutely tearing through him and eventually hitting two BusterBombs for the victory. The big ex-con does a surprisingly reasonable job of selling but this is still dire.





Malik Cash vs Paranoia


Given these two were both dreadful last month, I’m not quite sure what possessed me to put them on in the semi-main – I think alcohol may have been involved. And if it wasn’t there, it certainly is during the match, with half the crowd needing a beer to get through this one. I told them to keep things even but wasn’t really planning on them just taking it in turns to hit top rope moves for five or six minutes. Paranoia’s Freak Out is enough to bring this one to an end – but not quickly enough for anyone’s liking.





Cameron Jones vs The New York Yankee


Well, it’s easy to look good after that one! We have an even contest which is the longest yet seen in the MWWA, with me cheating ever so slightly on those occasions when Jones looks like he’s going to take control. A thumb to the eyes as he goes for a belly to belly suplex is enough to swing things my way, and from there I get a relatively clean victory with a top rope DDT.




Overall rating is 24, with 13 people attending. The generally acknowledged best performer of the night is Cal Sanders, who wrestled in 2 of the 3 reasonably non-offensive matches.



Quick results:

Cal Sanders defeated Roger Monteiro in 6:08 by submission with a figure four..

Roger Monteiro and Buzz Reid defeated Crash Lewis and Super Sonic in 5:52 when Buzz Reid defeated Crash Lewis by pinfall after an assisted splash.

Cal Sanders, Cameron Jones and El Médico defeated Blockbuster, Paranoia and Mad Dog Mortimer in 5:36 when Cal Sanders defeated Mad Dog Mortimer by pinfall with a second rope kneedrop.

Blockbuster defeated Buzz Reid in 7:22 by pinfall with a BusterBomb.

Paranoia defeated Malik Cash in 8:42 by pinfall with a Freak Out.

The New York Yankee defeated Cameron Jones in 14:16 by pinfall with a top rope DDT.

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Predictions This Show


Mvargus 4/6 - Congratulations on getting Crash right at last!

CQI13 4/6 - Welcome aboard!


Joint winners mean both/either of you are welcome to ask a question of an MWWA superstar if you want to.


Predictions Overall


Mvargus 13/18

CQI13 4/6

Occasional Z 3/6



Big news is, a title tournament has been announced! 12 wrestlers will compete in it, with Cameron Jones, Cal Sanders, El Medico and The New York Yankee being given byes to the quarter finals. This month will see the first matches in the first bracket.



Card for Mid West Madness 4, May 2011


MWWA TITLE TOURNEY QUALIFIER: Paranoia vs Roger Monteiro

MWWA TITLE TOURNEY QUALIFIER: Blockbuster vs Crash Lewis

Cal Sanders and Cameron Jones vs Mad Dog Mortimer and Malik Cash

Buzz Reid and the New York City Docs vs Crash Lewis, Roger Monteiro and Super Sonic

MWWA TITLE TOURNEY QUARTER-FINAL: Cameron Jones vs Winner of Paranoia/Monteiro

MWWA TITLE TOURNEY QUARTER-FINAL: Cal Sanders vs Winner of Blockbuster/Lewis

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MWWA TITLE TOURNEY QUALIFIER: Paranoia vs Roger Monteiro

Roger has more upside according to your own words.

MWWA TITLE TOURNEY QUALIFIER: Blockbuster vs Crash Lewis

Cause I always get him wrong.


Cal Sanders and Cameron Jones vs Mad Dog Mortimer and Malik Cash

They have been your two stars


Buzz Reid and the New York City Docs vs Crash Lewis, Roger Monteiro and Super Sonic

Let;'s see, user character in named team v 3 jobbers. I take UC for the win.


MWWA TITLE TOURNEY QUARTER-FINAL: Cameron Jones vs Winner of Paranoia/Monteiro

I can't see an upset here


MWWA TITLE TOURNEY QUARTER-FINAL: Cal Sanders vs Winner of Blockbuster/Lewis

I can't see an upset here either

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(Card in 24 hours or so)


MWWA Talk To Us 3


Paranoia: I can't believe I have the chance to be the first ever MWWA title! Mom, I'm going to make you proud of me!


Roger Monteiro: To be the first ever champion - it is my destiny.


Cal Sanders: People are talking about me as if I'm the favourite for this thing. Gotta say, they may be right. There's some great young talent in it, but I have more experience than nearly all of them.


Mad Dog Mortimer: Woof woof!


Malik Cash: Guess I'll have to wait until next week for the tournament. Time to split some heads open in tag action to show whoever I face they'd be better off not turning up.


Cam Jones: Rip Chord just called to say good luck. Can anyone else say that?


Buzz Reid: The kid was a good tag partner. Doesn't mean I won't squash him like a bug.


The New York Yankee: I'm not just the new kid. I'm not just the new star. I'm NEW YORK, BABY!

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MWWA TITLE TOURNEY QUALIFIER: Paranoia vs Roger Monteiro

Paranoia is a career jobber


MWWA TITLE TOURNEY QUALIFIER: Blockbuster vs Crash Lewis

Because I picked Blockbuster twice last time and he lost both times!


Cal Sanders and Cameron Jones vs Mad Dog Mortimer and Malik Cash

Bigger names


Buzz Reid and the New York City Docs vs Crash Lewis, Roger Monteiro and Super Sonic

UC wins here


MWWA TITLE TOURNEY QUARTER-FINAL: Cameron Jones vs Winner of Paranoia/Monteiro

Neither Paranoia or Monterio are that good, Jones should beat them


MWWA TITLE TOURNEY QUARTER-FINAL:Cal Sanders vs Winner of Blockbuster/Lewis

Again, Sanders is better than both of these guys

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MWWA Mid West Madness 4


MWWA TITLE TOURNEY QUALIFIER: Paranoia vs Roger Monteiro


This is a back and forth battle of two high-flyers which, as usual with Paranoia's matches, struggles to get going. I swear that at some point I'll get through to him that the idea is to convince people you're in a fight rather than a gymnastics display. Eventually, he hits the Freak Out big splash for the win.





MWWA TITLE TOURNEY QUALIFIER: Blockbuster vs Crash Lewis


Nothing to see here... Blockbuster is a house on fire, taking just a few minutes to destroy the older guy and finishing with an Irish whip, a devastating lariat, then his Busterbomb powerbomb. Pretty dreadful as a match but builds Buster up a bit.





Cal Sanders and Cameron Jones vs Mad Dog Mortimer and Malik Cash


Sanders and Jones make fairly short work of this one, isolating Cash for much of the match and working over his right leg with some good double team moves. Mortimer seems more interested in barking at the crowd than saving his partner, and a figure-four gets Cash to tap quickly.





Buzz Reid and the New York City Docs vs Crash Lewis, Roger Monteiro and Super Sonic


Note to self: Maybe booking three squashes in a row isn't great... Buzz Reid starts off by manhandling Super Sonic and when Sonic eventually manages to tag in Monteiro myself and El Medico take over, double-teaming him constantly. I pick up the victory after hitting a moonsault.







The plan here was to try and really elevate Paranoia, who lasts nearly quarter of an hour with the bigger man. Unfortunately, Jones is having an off day here and it's not as good as we were expecting, although it's much more open than our last trio of matches. A Fisherman's suplex eventually gets Jones the win with the time-limit fast approaching.







Sanders goes after Blockbuster's leg and the bigger man isn't able to put up a good enough defense, despite hitting some hard moves including a chokeslam for a nearfall. The figure-four gets Cal the tap-out in the clear match of the night.





Quick Results:

Paranoia defeated Roger Monteiro in 9:45 by pinfall with a Freak Out.

Blockbuster defeated Crash Lewis in 4:05 by pinfall with a BusterBomb.

Cal Sanders and Cameron Jones defeated Mad Dog Mortimer and Malik Cash in 7:01 when Cal Sanders defeated Malik Cash by submission with a figure four.

The New York Yankee, El Médico and Buzz Reid defeated Roger Monteiro, Super Sonic and Crash Lewis in 5:33 when The New York Yankee defeated Roger Monteiro by pinfall.

Cameron Jones defeated Paranoia in 13:37 by pinfall with a Fisherman's Suplex.

Cal Sanders defeated Blockbuster in 7:03 by submission with a figure four.

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Predictions This Show


MVargus 4/6

Occasional Z 4/6


As joint winners, you both get to ask a question of an MWWA superstar if you want to.


Predictions Overall


Mvargus 17/24

Occasional Z 7/12

CQI13 4/6


It's the other half of the bracket for the title tourney at Mid West Madness 5! Semi-finals will take place at Mid West Madness 6 in July, and our first champion will be crowned at Mid West Madness 7 in August.


Mid West Madness 5, June 2011




Blockbuster and Paranoia vs Cal Sanders and Cameron Jones

Buzz Reid, Crash Lewis and Fearless Blue vs Cal Sanders, Cameron Jones and Roger Monteiro

MWWA TITLE TOURNEY QUARTER-FINAL: El Medico vs winner of Blue/Cash

MWWA TITLE TOURNEY QUARTER-FINAL: The New York Yankee vs winner of Reid/Mortimer

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-I originally had Buzz, but Mad Dog isn't scheduled to wrestle later and Buzz is. I don't think Buzz will be in 3 matches.


-Blue is new, so the guy who's been here goes over.

Blockbuster and Paranoia vs Cal Sanders and Cameron Jones

-Sorry guys, Sanders and Jones don't lose.

Buzz Reid, Crash Lewis and Fearless Blue vs Cal Sanders, Cameron Jones and Roger Monteiro

-Neither do Sanders, Jones and Monteiro.

MWWA TITLE TOURNEY QUARTER-FINAL: El Medico vs winner of Blue/Cash

-That bye helps a lot.

MWWA TITLE TOURNEY QUARTER-FINAL: The New York Yankee vs winner of Reid/Mortimer

-So does being the user character.

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cause I always get matches like this wrong



You've supported Malik a bit more


Blockbuster and Paranoia vs Cal Sanders and Cameron Jones

Sanders and Jones don't lose this kind of match


Buzz Reid, Crash Lewis and Fearless Blue vs Cal Sanders, Cameron Jones and Roger Monteiro

Sanders and Jones don't lose this kind of match either


MWWA TITLE TOURNEY QUARTER-FINAL: El Medico vs winner of Blue/Cash

bye character for the win


MWWA TITLE TOURNEY QUARTER-FINAL: The New York Yankee vs winner of Reid/Mortimer

Used character for the win.

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(24 hours until the card)


MWWA Talk To Us 4


Paranoia: I may not have won the second match, but I know I made my mom proud!


Roger Monteiro: It is an honour to team with a veteran like Cal Sanders.


Malik Cash: I don't know why this kid gets a shot in the tournament in his first time out - but whoever got that spot would just be making up the numbers. I'm gonna knock him out without breaking a sweat, then do the same to the weird guy in the mask.


Mad Dog Mortimer: WOOF WOOF WOOF!


Buzz Reid: You don't get to wear a lot of gold when you're locked up. Looking forward to getting my hands on this big belt. The first people in my way are a guy who thinks he's a dog and Mr New York... I don't think that's much of an obstacle.


The New York Yankee: Buzz Reid, Mad Dog Mortimer, I hope you enjoy your time in the ring together. Soak up the applause if you get any, show off your big moves - and then whoever wins gets to step in there with Mr New York and see just how superior the Big Apple is to the rest of this country.


Cameron Jones: Rip Chord gave me some good advice. Don't trust anybody. Am I expecting Cal Sanders to try and soften me up before the tournament continues? Not really. Will I be prepared if he does? You know it.


Cal Sanders: In two months time, I might be taking on this kid in the tournament. This time around, he's my partner. I'm experienced enough to take it one match at a time. We're going to go out there and win, and worry about fighting each other if it comes to that.

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MWWA Mid West Madness 5




Reid looks explosive here and gets some quick two-counts, notably with a chokeslam and a massive running powerslam, but Mortimer shows surprising resilience and kicks out every time. He also frequently rolls out of the ring, barking at the ringside fans and letting the big man chase him, and eventually Reid runs out of energy and Morty is able to hit an implant DDT for what must count as an upset victory. It tells the story we wanted it to, but the bad side of doing a story which involves Reid getting tired is it results in an ugly match because of the length of time they have to be out there for…







It’s not the greatest of debuts for Fearless Blue – he gets to stand there and get kicked hard as Cash shows off his lightning feet, before the ACPW star heads up top and flies off with a Cash Drop senton splash. Mercifully quick, although Cash looks sloppy out there.





Blockbuster and Paranoia vs Cal Sanders and Cameron Jones


Sanders and Jones are professional here, neither looking too happy to be teaming up but both able to work well together anyway. They isolate Paranoia and work over his right leg, eventually leaving him to fall prey to Sanders’ figure-four while Blockbuster watches, frustrated, on the outside.





Buzz Reid, Crash Lewis and Fearless Blue vs Cal Sanders, Cameron Jones

and Roger Monteiro


This continues the story of the last match as Sanders and Jones make a good team despite never looking very friendly. Monteiro is fired up, clearly happy to be teaming with two men he respects, and is involved in some good double team moves with both of his partners. Blue again gets no offense, and falls victim to a legdrop by Monteiro followed by a second rope knee drop from Sanders.







This is much more back and forth than the last three matches, with Medico getting several two-counts with top rope moves and Cash hitting a thunderous enziguri which nearly seals the victory for him. Eventually, though, the masked man flies from the top with a moonsault for the win.





MWWA TITLE TOURNEY QUARTER-FINAL: The New York Yankee vs Mad Dog Mortimer


I start off in clear control of this one, heeling it up and even imitating Mortimer’s barks a couple of times. Mortimer goes to the same strategy he used against Reid, slipping outside the ring whenever possible, and I chase after him and catch him the first time, throwing him into the guardrail and following up with a running clothesline which might have been enough to get me a count-out victory if I hadn’t thrown him into the ring to try for a pinfall. Morty kicks out on two and seven eights, and from there on it’s surprisingly even. With three minutes of the 15 minute time limit left – as Mortimer charges in on me in the corner, I sidestep and taunt the crowd by pointing to my head to indicate how clever I am, only for MDM to bounce out and grab

me in a crossface chickenwing! I fight it off for a couple of minutes – but can’t get out, and eventually I’m forced to quit!




Overall rating is 20, with 9 people attending. Once again, Cal Sanders wins Performance of the Night.


Quick results:

Mad Dog Mortimer defeated Buzz Reid in 10:51 by pinfall.

Malik Cash defeated Fearless Blue in 2:47 by pinfall with a Cash Drop.

Sanders and Jones defeated Blockbuster and Paranoia in 6:06 when Cal Sanders defeated Paranoia by submission with a figure-four leglock.

Cal Sanders, Cameron Jones and Roger Monteiro defeated Buzz Reid, Fearless Blue and Crash Lewis in 5:39 when Cal Sanders defeated Fearless Blue by pinfall with a second-rope knee drop.

El Médico defeated Malik Cash in 7:47 by pinfall with a moonsault.

Mad Dog Mortimer defeated The New York Yankee in 14:06 by submission with a crossface chickenwing.

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Predictions This Show


Rayelek 5/6 - Congratulations, and great to have you on board.

MVargus 4/6


Rayelek, feel free to ask a question of an MWWA superstar if there's anything you want to know about them.


Predictions Overall


Mvargus 21/30

Occasional Z 7/12

Rayelek 5/6

CQI13 4/6



Mid West Madness 5, July 2011


Blockbuster and Paranoia vs Cameron Jones and Mad Dog Mortimer

Roger Monteiro vs The New York Yankee

Cal Sanders and El Medico vs Fearless Blue and Super Sonic

Blockbuster, Malik Cash and The New York Yankee vs Buzz Reid, Fearless

Blue and Roger Monteiro


MWWA TITLE TOURNEY SEMI-FINAL: Cameron Jones vs Mad Dog Mortimer

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Dang, forget I had a question to ask! If I still can, I'd like to ask El Medico what inspired his medical gimmick and if he has any medical experience/qualifications?


Mid West Madness 5, July 2011


Blockbuster and Paranoia vs Cameron Jones and Mad Dog Mortimer

Can't see Jones losing to a Paratrooper


Roger Monteiro vs The New York Yankee

Roger will be jobbing for a while


Cal Sanders and El Medico vs Fearless Blue and Super Sonic

The backyarders are pretty poor initially, let Sanders and Medico teach em and beat em


Blockbuster, Malik Cash and The New York Yankee vs Buzz Reid, Fearless Blue and Roger Monteiro

Second team are jobbers



A toughie, but I'll pick Sanders


MWWA TITLE TOURNEY SEMI-FINAL: Cameron Jones vs Mad Dog Mortimer

Jones should beat Mad Dog here

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