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Watcha gonna do WCW when Hulkamania runs wild over you? The 2nd comming of Hulkamania

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1993 was not a good year for WCW. Through poor management and bad writers we the fans were treated to storylines such as the Catuc Jack M.IA storyline only to find him later in Cleveland and with amnesia,also the dreaded Bash at the beach promos with Vader and Sid and some evil midget acting like they planted a bomb on Sting's boat with Sting moments from being blown to oblivion only to be saved by the Davey Boy Smith in the nick of time,Oh yeah lets don't forget about some of the best gimmicks/characters that WCW produced such as the Rap master P. N News(maybe that's were John Cena got his degree in thuganomicks) and lets don't forget the fantastic debut of the Shock master.(the fattest storm trooper I ever seen)Oh yeah we can't forget about there real life altercation between Arn Anderson and Sid Vicious which led to both being stabbed(I think Arn got the most puncture wounds) but led to Sid's firing of WCW. No wonder the company was hemmoraging money.Fast forward to 1994 ,WCW seemed to be starting the new year in the right direction. They made a few management changes and brought in Cowboy Bill Watts to act as the new WCW Commissioner. The future was looking bright for a change,Eric Bischoff had convinced WCW owner Ted Turner to take a chance and add a live Wrestling show to his cable network TNT, with the success that wrestling has done over the years on TBS,I guess Turner decided what the heck and starting in the spring of 94 Monday Night Nitro was born. Eric knew to keep Nitro going that he had pull in some awesome ratings and what better way to do that? Simple you get Uncle Ted to dip inside that huge bank account and spend.All and all everything is looking good for WCW and to put the icing on the cake,Eric managed to talk Ted into dipping into his bank account and acquire wrestling's biggest free agent and probably wrestling's biggest star HULK HOGAN( I guess someone forgot to tell Eric that Hogan came with extra baggage,which meant you would be signing Hogan's friends too,which we will cross that bridge later) The light seems to be getting a little brighter at the end of the tunnel but only time will tell,so sit back enjoy the ride because it is summertime in WCW and things are starting to heat up.

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more info to come later today. I hope the backstory isn't to corny,anyways I have big plans and suprises in store.My goal is to have fun with this and hopefuly gain a few readers along the way.Please feel free to give any advise or any suggestions.
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Monday Night Nitro





-The arrival of Hulk Hogan

-The WCW Worlds Champion Ric Flair will be in action

-Sting will defend the United States Title as he goes one on one with Big Bubba Rogers

-Col. Robert Parker reveals his newest member of the Stud Stable

-The Unstoppable monster Vader will be in action

-All this and more matches to be added also an announcement by the WCW Commish Cowboy Bill Watts

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Monday Night Nitro




-The arrival of Hulk Hogan

-The WCW Worlds Champion Ric Flair will be in action

-Sting will defend the United States Title as he goes one on one with Big Bubba Rogers

-Col. Robert Parker reveals his newest member of the Stud Stable

-The Unstoppable monster Vader will be in action

-All this and more matches to be added also an announcement by the WCW Commish Cowboy Bill Watts




Confirmed Matches



United States Championship Match

Sting © vs Big Bubba Rogers


"Mr.Wonderful" Paul Orndorf vs Marcus Alexander Bagwell



The Nasty Boys © vs Kevin Sullivan & Cactus Jack




all predictions and comments welcomed also plus who do you think is gonna be Col Parkers newest member to his stud stable

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- just to let everyone know that there will be more than 3 matches,just don't wanna give everything away(suprises and everything) plus to keep the suspence going (also in reality on Raw or even nitro, or the internet or either show itself may have told you a few matches for that night but they didn't give away the whole card up front, I want to keep it to that kind of format , by adding some matches in and keeping it kind of realistic)I will do a preview layout and confirm some of the matches,plus remember when you are predicting matches ,don't forget to look at the preview,because there are some things in the previews you can predict or comment on (such as who do you think Col. Parkers mystery guy will be)

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Monday Night Nitro

Live from the Amway CenterOrlando,Flordia




As Nitro kicks off we are shown clips from a parade that is en route to the Amway Center in Orlando,Florida. The clip shows a convertible sports car(with the red and yellow graphic colors on them) with Hulk Hogan in the backseat playing to the crowd as Jimmy Hart is talking through his megaphone as the convertible heads through downtown Orlando headed to the Amway Center.After the clip we are shown Tony Schiavone and Bobby Hennan at the announce table. Schiavone hypes up the arrival of Hogan and Hennan playing the heel could give a rats a$$.


Paul Orndorff vs Marcus Alexander Bagwell

Mr. Wonderful receives a lot of heat from the crowd as Bagwell receives cheers (especially from the females) A pretty good match up with Bagwell almost scoring an upset a few times,but after about 10 min The veteran and experience of Mr. Wonderful paid off as took advantage of a rookie mistake made by Bagwell and finished him off with the pile driver.Mr. Wonderful argues with some of the fans afterwards as Bagwell plays the defeat off by holding the back of his neck as he leaves the ring.




-As Nitro cuts to a commercial we are shown Vader walking backstage with Harley Race as it looks like Vader will be in action next.


Vader w/Harley Race vs Keith and Kent Cole

Your normal squash handicap match here. The Cole twins both tried to attack Vader,but it was like to fly's attacking Godzilla. Vader toys around with them like a cat would a mouse,then he gives both men a Vader bomb for the victory.After the match Vader gives both Cole twins another Vader Bomb as the ref warns Vader,Harley Race stops Vader from causing anymore injuries as a smiling Vader looks on as some of the WCW officials and refs attend to the broken Cole twins.


-Nitro returns from a commercial playing a live clip of the convertible with Hogan making his way the arena,with Schiavone acting like a little girl on prom night and of course The Brain still playing the heel telling the fans that he hates Hogan.



Col. Parkers mystery man

Col. Parker who is already in the ring with Bunkhouse Buck,introduces us to his newest member to the Stud Stable non other than Roy Wayne Presley (you know him better as The Honky Tonk Man) Roy Wayne Presley comes out in his usual Elvis jumpsuit with his hair slick back,..guitar strapped to his side. Col. Parker tells us that Roy Wayne Presley is a descendant of Elvis. Roy Wayne Presley lets everyone know that he is better looking than Elvis,a better singer than Elvis a way better dancer and lets everyone know that Elvis may have been the king of rock an roll, but Roy Wayne Presley is the king of honky tonk.


-Nitro fades to commercial as the fans start to boo Presley as he does his usual Singing routine.




The Nasty Boys © vs Kevin Sullivan & Cactus Jack

This match is exactly what it was going to be, a pure brawl with a little bit of comedy.The ref never had control of the match as both teams brawled out of the ring.. up the stands back in the ring and out again. The match finally ended when Sullivan accidentally hit Cactus with a fireball meant for Brian Knobbs. After Sullivan had seen what he had done he stared at a fallen Cactus Jack and as Brian Knobbs pinned Cactus,,,Sullivan left the ring alone.


-backstage we see Sting warming up for his title defense against Big Bubba Rogers.



Sting © vs Big Bubba Rogers

Big Bubba attacks Sting before the bell rings. Bubba man handles Sting by throwing him into the ring post outside and body slamming him outside the ring. It looks as Bubba may have injured Stings ribs, but Sting comes back and after a couple of stinger splashes Sting wins via submission as Bubba taps out to the scorpion death lock. Sting celebrates his victory but favors but the pain in his face show that he has maybe injured his ribs.


-The cameras cut backstage as WCW officials and EMT's are shown looking over a fallen Hacksaw Jim Duggan who is shown holding his knee as a snickering Ric Flair and Arn Anderson are shown and Arn looks in the camera and says let the celebration begin.( SO that takes care of the Flair vs Duggan match)

-As Nitro cuts to its last commercial we are shown Hogan arriving to the arena as Shiavone is heard yelling he's here ...he's here .


Hulkamania has Arrived

As Nitro returns WCW CEO Eric Bishoff and WCW Commish Bill Watts are already in the ring. Bischoff tells everyone how thrilled and happy he is to finally introduce Hulkamania to WCW. Hogan's Real American starts playing as red and yellow confetti start to fall from the arena celling. Hogan finally makes his way out to the stage as a lot of pyros start going crazy. Hogan makes his way down to the ring and does his usual hand to ear thing. after about 5 minutes of posing and playing to the crowd Hogan shakes Bischoffs and Watts hands. Watts tells Hogan It is history making day in WCW and he is glad to have him here,but lets Hogan know that this is WCW and not the WWF. Hogan is then given the mic and lets everyone know that he is happy to be in WCW and to be where the big boys play. after rambling about how happy is to be making a fresh start in WCW,the celebration is interrupted by the music of the Nature Boy Ric Flair. Flair makes his way down to the ring as the fans boo him. Flair wants to know why WCW,the company that he built is having a celebration for a has been. Flair talks about how he is the man in WCW and The WCW Worlds champion. He tells Hogan he doesn't appreciate the special privileges WCW officials have giving him and for the past few weeks all he has heard is Hogan this and Hogan that.He tells Hogan that he doesn't like him and reminds him this WCW and he tells Hogan he is a long way from home (Arn Anderson slides into the ring giving Hogan the thumb across the neck routine.) Flair slaps Hogan,who gives Flair that Hogan death stare. as Hogan try's to go after Flair, AA slips behind Hogan, but Hogan catch's Arn with a right hand and sends him out of the ring.


-Nitro ends with Flair yelling at Hogan as Hogan is smiling and playing to the fans.

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