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Tigerkinney's Anime Reviews


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I echo Timber´s words, lots of good reviews here. I already did watch Sacred Blacksmith and first season of School Rumble and I have found quite a few other series that I will watch once I´m done with Star Wars Clone Wars animation series. :)
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Good stuff. What i like is the wide range of reviews on here. Covers most of the genres out there. Needs more I've found a few series to watch from this. Keep it up.


I was trying to think which genre's I haven't covered yet, and pretty much stuff I have yet to cover, is just the sort of anime I'm unlikely to watch.....


Hentai- Though saying that Rin-Daughters of Mnemosyne was rather raunchy- but that being said I'm unlikely to be seeking out the latest bit of tentacle porn. Those waiting for a review of Urotsukidoji will be left disappointed :p


Sport's Anime- I suppose Initial D (street car racing) and Bamboo Blade (Kendo) could be considered borderline in this area but in all honesty this is one type of anime that doesn't really appeal to me and it's not as if though I dislike sport (I don't buy into that whole bullcrap that just because you like something like anime you can't like sport). The main problem I see with sports anime, is that they're usually a zillion episodes long- repeating the same formula over and over again.


Trading Card Game Anime- Never got into the whole trading card thing, so why would I want to sit through an anime based around one of these games. Apart from the fact that they also follow the same repetitive formula as sports anime- the bigger problem I have with them is that they're blatant commercials for the card game.

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Casshern Sins


http://www.anime-planet.com/images/anime/screenshots/casshernsins3.jpg http://www.anime-planet.com/images/anime/screenshots/casshernsins8.jpghttp://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/?q=tbn:ANd9GcT3iSFAP-hhtfqNG59XHTCsz3-vUukmgcTbkNv9u2IfyKZ0hoqHPQimages?q=tbn:ANd9GcTEiL5viloGUY1BAFc_1GGT9AcGK2vUhNMeni_i4mYYDBl_bCEM







Genre: Science Fiction, Post Apocalyptic Drama, Action

Studio: Madhouse, Director: Shigeyasu Yamauchi /Writer: Yasuko Kobayashi Source: Anime Original

Original Broadcast: October 2008- March 2009 , Episodes: 26


Notes: This series is a reboot of a 1973 anime series called Casshan. Alternative versions of this story also include a 4 episode OVA called Robert Hunter Casshern from 1993, and a live action film adapatation from 2004. Various characters from the kitschy 70's series return but this is very much a reboot, rather than a remake.


Plot: In a bleak future where the world is in ruin, humanity is almost extinct whilst Robot's look to cling onto survival by seeking out new parts to replace their rusting bodies, it seems that their only true hope for survival is to devour an immortal robot known as Casshern. Meanwhile an amnesiac Casshern walk the earth, wondering why these robots are attacking him and being made aware that he killed the one known as Luna, the Sun that was called Moon and that in doing so his actions has caused the world to descend into ruin. Casshern must reconcile his actions


Animation Quality/Art Style: Whilst the character designs and general art style is different to that of the 1970's original, it still gives off a look of being a updated version of a more classical anime, feeling both retro yet new at the same time. I suppose in some ways with an anime market somewhat over-saturated by the atypical Moe/Bishojo style- the character designs of Casshern standout as being striking and stylish.


The animation itself though does seem to suffer from a low frame rate, most evident in the fight scenes (something I will comment on a little more later), meaning that whilst Casshern Sins can earn a little praise for an art style that manages to stand out, it is far from outstanding as far as the visual side of things are concerned.


Music: Opening Aoi Hana by Color Bottle, is a lively pop/rock song and very much has the feel of an opening theme from a previous era of anime- the songs not bad but it feels utterly out of place with the bleak feeling that permeates throughout this series. Both of the ending songs used for Casshern Sins, are typical standard fare melancholic ballads- the opener's a better song but the ending songs fit the series better.


Whilst the opening and ending songs are mediocre, the background soundtrack is a triumph and one of the series true strong points- often beautifully simplistic to the point where just a single guitar being strummed it manages to capture the desolate atmosphere that permeates throughout the series.


Action: Casshern fights alot of robots in this series, often taking on many assailants at the same time. And though these fights are quite frequent, you normally get at least one per episode, the action fight scenes do lack in variety, leading to this part of Casshern Sins being unfortunately quite dull.


Drama: Casshern Sins at heart is less about being an action series, and more about being a soul-searching drama, with Casshern gradually finding the truth of what really happened and why he is the only one to be unaffected by the ruin. Along the way we meet a variety of characters, many of whom are looking to kill Casshern for a variety of reasons, one of these is the key character of Lyuze- who is looking for revenge against Casshern- as she believes that her death was caused by him killing Luna and sending the world into ruin.


Another key character that Casshern meets from the very start is the cheerful young girl Ringo, who manages to exude a hopeful demeanour despite the world around her having seemingly lost all hope itself.

The storyline changes mid-way through, when Casshern has become fully aware of what he had done, whilst there are rumours that Luna is still alive, and that 'the Ruin' can be reversed, of course as is always the case, there's a twist to be had at the end.


Comedy: Casshern Sins has a serious/depressing tone throughout- Ringo does have cheerful outlook as a character but is not there to be comic relief, she's there to tug at the heart-strings.


Moe/Kawaii: Ringo could be considered a Mini-Moe character, but overall this is not a Moe series.


Adult Content (Fanservice etcv): Series that are entirely serious in tone throughout, don't tend to be stock full of fanservice- so no one should be surprised that Casshern Sins delivers no fanservice what so ever.


Analysis: zzzzzz...If you're having trouble sleeping then this is the anime for you, because it saddens me to report that Casshern Sins is is mind numbingly boring, well at least certainly the first half is. Because the first half of Casshern Sins basically follows a frustatingly lazy format of Casshern walking, meeting someone,having a turgid philosophical chat, fighting off bad robots during a lame repetitive fight sequence, then some more walking and emo soul searching- rinse and repeat for about 13 coma inducing episodes!


If it wasn't for the fact that I was determined to make a fair judgement on this anime as a 26 episode series, then I would have dropped this before even making it to the half way point, that's how much of a struggle to get through it was. The repetitive fight sequences, which are amongst the most boring I have seen in an anime really don't help- instead of bringing a spark of much needed excitement, they made Casshern Sins even more of a chore to get through.


All that being said, the series does improve around the half way point, with the focus of the story shifting away from Casshern walking around trying to work out why everyone seems to hate him. The second half gives us some clearly defined antagonist's, a nice little twist at the end regarding Luna and as the series progresses towards it's conclusion you do begin to become emotionally invested in the main characters...... the fight's are still rubbish though! :p


Closing Verdict: Casshern Sins had all the potential to be an interesting reboot of a kitschy 70's action series- and it could well have achieved this had it been a shorter 12/13 episode series or even done as an OVA series. The second half is actually that fairly decent series it could have been, but I shouldn't have to sit through a painfully repetitive coma inducing first half, before the series even begins to become at the very least half decent....in my view if a series fails to grab you a quarter of the way in, it's too little, too late, no matter how well it manages improve toward the end.



Is The Dub Any Good?: I can't really fault Funimation's English dub for this which is actually really strong but as the saying goes, you can't polish a turd.

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I just recently finished catching up on "The World God Only Knows" and while I still don't see the anime or know how far the story goes in the anime, Keima gains a load of characterization as the story goes on. While I can't recommend the anime at the moment the manga is a very good read especially if you're the type who likes "light romance". Most of the girls arcs could easily be extended into mangas themselves but TWGOK condenses them to the dating sim equivalent where love is a series of meetings at certain time resulting in love.


I don't know if you can find them online but the Cyborg 009 OVA? episodes are pretty good and in my view they have the same new retro style as casshern sins but leaning a little more retro.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Wrestling Century" data-cite="Wrestling Century" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33970" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I agree with your review of Casshern Sins. I thought that the concept of the show was good, but the execution was terrible and the end result is a very boring experience. I stopped watching around the ninth episode.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I have seen a fair amount of positive reviews for Casshern Sins, floating around the internet- though I would have stood by my own opinion regardless, it is nice to know that I'm not the only one 'missing something'. </p><p> </p><p> You will be unsurprised to find out, that Casshern Sins was the rubbish anime, I mentioned a few posts back that I was in the process of watching. In it's defence it did get better after I put that post up <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /> If it it were to be split into 2 seperate 13 episode seasons....the first part would get at best 3/10, second part would get 6/10.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Tigerkinney" data-cite="Tigerkinney" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33970" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I Those waiting for a review of Urotsukidoji will be left disappointed <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4B0082;">Miko minireview for Urotsukidoji: HAHAHAHAHA! Seriously? Someone has issues. </span></p><p><span style="color:#4B0082;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#4B0082;"> True story. I was travelling and decided to do some anime shopping. The store had the anime next to the childrens animated and had Overfiend on the bottom shelf right next to the kids DVDs. It was fun trying to explain to them why that was such a truly bad idea.</span></p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Infernalmiko" data-cite="Infernalmiko" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33970" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div><span style="color:#4B0082;">Miko minireview for Urotsukidoji: HAHAHAHAHA! Seriously? Someone has issues. </span><p> </p><p> <span style="color:#4B0082;">True story. I was travelling and decided to do some anime shopping. The store had the anime next to the childrens animated and had Overfiend on the bottom shelf right next to the kids DVDs. It was fun trying to explain to them why that was such a truly bad idea.</span></p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:center;"><img alt="images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS81GXDqvy556mdeL91Icnjce6JRR1wFavmMThzo4BUI7bi9Ty_5w" data-src="https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS81GXDqvy556mdeL91Icnjce6JRR1wFavmMThzo4BUI7bi9Ty_5w" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><div style="text-align:left;"><p>Not quite as 'wrong' as Overfiend in the Childrens section- but my niece recently joined facebook and she's added as one of her likes Higurashi- lets just say she's not at the appropriate age to be watching or reading Higurashi </p><img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></div><p></p><p></p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="J-Money" data-cite="J-Money" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33970" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Your reviews are pure awesomeness Tigerkinney. Gonna check out some of these anime's once I catch up with One Piece and Fairy Tail.....</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Thanks, glad to have you on board as a reader/follower of this thread <img alt=":)" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/smile.png.142cfa0a1cd2925c0463c1d00f499df2.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p>
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<p>Tiger, what are you doing here? You have a DIASPORA thread to make for TEW2013! /cracks the whip</p><p> </p><p>

But while I'm here. I'm currently watching

</p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="113" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/FG_yp3Vo9Ms?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="Mitsudomoe opening 1 Full HD"></iframe></div></div>. Middle schoolers from hell indeed.

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Tiger, what are you doing here? You have a DIASPORA thread to make for TEW2013! /cracks the whip


But while I'm here. I'm currently watching

. Middle schoolers from hell indeed.


Well in all honesty I haven't really been posting any reviews lately either :p- Though that will change at the weekend. Actually right now I'm doing some prep work for my DIASPORA TEW 2013 thread (such as roster and stable profiles).


I'm watching a lot of stuff on crunchyroll.com, Hulu and Netflix. Are there other good places to find Anime out there?


If you're living in the U.S your in a better position to find places to watch anime, than here in the UK- where video's are often blocked because there not made available in this country. Personally I get my anime fix from a combination of online viewing crunchyroll/anime on demand and picking stuff up on DVD.


As someone who has watched alot of anime, I did find this quite amusing- when I found this recently on the interweb....


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D.Gray-Man (Season 1)











Genre: Dark Fantasy, Supernatural, Action

Studio: TMS Entertainment, Director: Osamu Nabeshima Source: Manga by Katsura Hoshino

Original Broadcast: October 2006- September 2007, Episodes: 51


Plot: The World is being terrorized by Akuma, soul's turned into weapon's of destruction after those saddened by their loss are tricked into bringing them back by the Millenium Earl. Looking to stand in the evil Millenium Earl's way are the Black Order, a group of Exorcists that have sworn to rid the world of Akuma and collect the substance known as Innocence- which can be used to form an anti-akuma weapon.


Allen Walker a young Exorcist, who has the ability to tell who is a Human and who is an Akuma with the help of his cursed eye and together with the rest of the Black Order, Allen must find all 109 pieces of Innocence to prevent the world form being destroyed at the hands of the Millenium Earl- of course that is easier said than done and the Earl himself is looking to grab the Innocence for himself and prevent the Black Order from halting his plans.


Setting: D.Gray-Man is set in a fictional 19th century- whilst it often has the feel of that era, it is not meant to be historically accurate and their are modern things such as computers and robots- though these only seem to exist within the realm of the Black Order- so it appears that whilst the rest of society in this fictional 19th century aren't particularly technologically advanced, the Black Order are as advanced as the 21st century.


Animation Quality/Art Style: There's no real innovation with the human character designs, but are pleasant enough to look at- though the design of the Millenium Earl is uniquely grotesque- whilst the Level 1 Akuma in particular have a unique design. The background art again like the character designs has nothing particularly innovative about it, but is done well and does a decent enough job of setting the mood for the gothic tinged world that D.Gray-Man is set within. The animation itself is pretty consistent with some well animated action sequences.


Music: Both openers Innocent Sorrow by Abingdon Boys School and Brightdown by Nami Tamaki are rock tracks, that are well suited to the mood of the anime. Personally I really like both tracks, and though I'm always disappointed to see a good first opening theme get switched for something else, but Brightdown managed to be as good as Innocent Sorrow.


The ending theme's are more of a mixed bag, first theme Snow Kiss by Nirgilis has a dance like groove but also has an ethereal edge well suited to the feel of the show, the 4th ending theme the atmospheric ballad Antoinette Blue by Nana Kitade also suited the show well, actually the rock ballad Yume No Tsuduki He by Surface, isn't at all bad either- if not particularly that memorable. The second opening Pride of Tomorrow by June, is in my opinion pretty awful- it's a dancey urban pop track- and whilst admittedly it's not my taste in music to begin with, my criticism here is more to do with the fact that the song completely fails to capture the mood of the series.


First Opening; Innocent Sorrow:


First Ending; Snow Kiss:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0Mo2UxKmRM


Second Opening; Brightdown:


Action: D.Gray- Man provides plenty of action, with the Exorcists each having unique powers and fighting styles. Ranging from the main protagonist Allen Walker has a hand that can grow bigger/turn into a gun to another exorcist that exterminates the Akuma, by biting into them like a Vampire!. The Akuma themselves when outside of their human form, don't tend to have much variation in their attacks (even the higher level ones) but the various fighting styles of the Exorcists, are able to keep the action fresh and engaging throughout.


Drama: D.Gray-Man is a shonen action series with your typical good vs evil plot and things start out simply enough with the Millenium Earl and the Akuma as the main antagonists- however things turn more intriguing and actually a little darker when a mysterious set of antagonists called the Family of Noah are introduced. Without really wanting to give anything away, the family of Noah are the real threat to the heroes not being able to succeed rather than the Akuma.


As the Akuma are conceived from the Millenium Earl preying on the despair of those who have just lost someone close to them, D.Gray- Man has plenty of one-shot characters with emotional stories and because this a long series we also see a fair share of character development/back-story for the Exorcists, in particular Allen and what has to be considered the secondary protagonist Lena Lee.


Comedy: Whilst this isn't really a comedy series, despite it's often dark tone D.Gray-Man does have a good dose of light relief, though admittedly this much more evident earlier on in the series. Much of the comic relief is provided by the disorganized and somewhat crazy supervisor of the Black Order Komui Lee, which is particularly highlighted by an episode where one of Komui's robot creations (which always have the name of Komlin) runs amok and causes havoc; though as the series progresses he is shown to be more than comic relief.


Other than Komui, two of the exorcists provide some comic relief by being neurotic (Miranda) or naive (Krory), whilst Lavi (Chivalrous Pervert) and Allen (Big Eater) display classic anime comedic tropes.


Moe/Kawaii: Whilst I wouldn't say that this series has an overtly Moe tone to it (we're not talking K-On! levels here), there are some characters that could illicit moe like fandom, such as the series nice girl heroine Lenalee- of course the fact that we get flashbacks to a 'difficult' past certainly does not hurt the case for those who would deem her a moe character.


Adult Content (Fanservice etc): There's really not much fanservice at all with D.Gray-Man, the aforementioned Lenalee had the potential to be a 'Miss Fanservice' character but things are always kept tasteful with her, as with any of the femme fatale villains that feature throughout the show.


Analysis: D.Gray-Man's mix of great action, intriguing story and solid character development makes for an engaging show, that never really gets 'boring' at any point- sure at times it feels maybe a little derivative, but it never gets to the point where the show feels laboured.


The shows major strength is that though the protagonists are powerful, they feel vunerable and we see them take some pretty hard blows along the way- likewise the antagonists are put over as being incredibly difficult for the heroes to overcome, but not impossibly difficult- there's always that hope the heroes can overcome the odds stacked against them but there may have to be sacrifices made along the way. At the end of the day it makes for a good vs evil action show that is unpredictable to call what happens next without ever feeling nonsensical.


That being said, though the show never feels laboured, there are times when D.Gray-Man kind of meanders from the real meat of the plot, and whilst these 'filler' arcs are watchable, there's always that feeling they could have perhaps been done away with- nice at it is to get a little bit of backstory on some of the side characters, it's not necessarily needed.


At this moment in time, I can't really criticise the cliff hanger ending, because admittedly this is only the first half of the series that I am reviewing but I what I have seen thus far, I am certainly going to pick up the second half of the series one or another at some point down the line.


Closing Verdict: The 'first half' of D.Gray-Man set itself up as an enjoyable Shonen action series with likeable protagonists, set against intriguing antagonists (Millenium Earl, Family of Noah). All in all these first 51 episodes did a good job of setting up the second half of the series.




Is The Dub Any Good?: Funimation's dub for this series, is as expected from them- rather stellar. It's the sort of the show they excel with, and they don't disappoint here....particular credit has to go to Jason Liebricht he doubled up as both Lavi and the Millenium Earl, whose voice is uniquely evil and Monica Rial who despite having a more natural higher range, showed that she can do lower range stuff as the sultry villain Lulubell.


It's a real shame then that the series apparently didn't sell well enough (odd as I thought this would have been just the sort of action anime to do well with the U.S audience) for Funimation to continue with dubbing the next 50+ episodes. There does seem to be a fair deal of support though from D.Gray-man fandom for Funimation to dub the rest- and more than likely word of mouth that this is a good series, has probably helped it's cause after what were probably initially disappointing sales- so here's hoping that one day these remaining episodes get the full english release that they deserve..... I would certainly prefer that to be the case, as it will actually feel a little odd to switch to the Japanese version- but at the end of the day I may have to do that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Time for me to post up another review-


The one I'm about to put up, is one that admittedly I've been putting off for fear of coming across like some 'fanboy'.


After all 'The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya' whose titular character features in my avatar, I own all the Haruhi Figma and have read all the English language adaptations of the light-novels (thus far that have beem released) the the series is based upon- And there's not actually that many series where I decide to delve further into the manga and/or light novel.




Figma Rules!


Also the fact that the series had a season 1 and 2 of sorts, but not in a conventional sense also makes it somewhat tricky to review- but I've finally tackled it and my review of the series will be coming up in my next post....


Seeing as Haruhi is my avatar, it should be expected that this won't be a negative review but I feel I have been subjective in both praise and criticism and have avoided.....

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The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya







Genre: Science Fantasy, Comedy (Slice of Life/Parody),

Studio: Kyoto Animation, Director: Tatsuya Ishihara Source: Light Novels by Nagaru Tanigawa

Original Broadcast: April-July 2006, April-October 2009*, Episodes: 14+14


Notes: There wasn't really a second season as such, in the conventional sense of there being a second season, the second season was the first season re-broadcast in linnear order with the new episodes slotted in. Which brings me to......


How to watch Haruhi, linnear or non-linnear that is the question?:The broadcasting of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is ordered in several different ways. The original first season was broadcasted in a nonlinear order with the prologue and first seven chapters of the first novel intermixed with chapters from some of the later novels. The "next episode" previews feature two different episode numberings: one number from Haruhi, who numbers the episodes in chronological order, and one number from Kyon, who numbers them in broadcast order. The second season was not broadcasted until 2009 combining previous episodes with new episodes as a single season.


Plot: On the first day of high school a beautiful girl named Haruhi Suzumiya introduces herself as having "no interest in ordinary humans". She asks for any aliens, time travelers, sliders or espers to join her. Watching her weird behaviour is Kyon who sits in front of Haruhi and is the only person who talks to her.


When Kyon comments about Haruhi's joining every club in school and then quitting he unwittingly gives Haruhi an idea to start her own after school club. Thereafter Kyon and several others find themselves dragged, literally, into the Save our world by Overloading it with fun Suzumiya Haruhi's Brigade (the S.O.S. Brigade for short). These members soon reveal themselves to Kyon as the extraordinary characters Haruhi is seeking, sent by their various organizations to observe her and hold her reality warping powers in check by maintaining the illusion of a normal life.


Animation Quality/Art Style: The characters are drawn in the commonly seen 'big eye' Bishojo/Moe style and whilst admittedly this sort of style can split opinion, the characters are well drawn and it's a style that Kyoto Animation are more than comfortable with. The Background art is as expected from Kyoto Animation, incredibly detailed.


Though the series doesn't have many jaw-dropping action set pieces, that unless Moe/Bishojo character design is a major turn off, TMHOS is pretty much flawless in it's art and animation.


Music: Both openers are sung by the seiyuu for Haruhi, Aya Hirano.....Bouken Desho Desho is a charming J-Pop song that instantly captures the feel of the series, whilst 'Season 2' opener Super-Driver is an energetic song with a punk-pop feel, that perfectly encapsulates the brashness of the Haruhi character.


The first closing song is the incredibly catchy Hare Hare Yukai, the brilliantly animated dance routine that goes with it- makes it one of the most memorable anime endings you will see. The second ending theme 'Tomare!' isn't bad but is nowhere near as memorable as Hare Hare Yukai.

The real star though when it comes to the music used in this series, is the insert song insert song 'God Knows' a really stirring rock tune, with an awesome lead riff, that features during the episode 'Live Alive'.


First opening; Bouken Desho Desho:


Second opening; Super Driver:


First Closing; Hare Hare Yukai:


Insert song; God Knows: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6kv3mMK7EP8


Action: This is isn't really an action anime, so if you're looking for Mecha Battles/Gun Fight's/Fist Fights on a regular basis then Haruhi isn't for you. But that's not to say there isn't any action at all and when it does come it's of a truly surpising nature. Most impressive and shocking of all (as it gets surprisingly bloody) is a key scene where the character Yuki Nagato saves Kyon. Beyond the initial regular slice of life comedy veneer, there is a sci-fi/fantasy element to the show, but in sci-fi comparison terms think more 'Quantum Leap’ than 'Star Wars'


Drama: When you first watch Haruhi, you will get the impression that this is just some run of the mill slice of life high school comedy, but then the unusual begins to happen. It's not something I want to go into great detail about, as in doing so would greatly spoil the series, if you have not already seen it.


THMHOS is an anime with alot of subtle depth, it's possible you can enjoy it as just a quirky slice of life comedy with sci-fi elements but if you yet yourself become truly immersed with the characters/storyline then as a series it becomes a lot more impressive.


Comedy: Comedy is not something THMOS is short of, the first impressions you will get of the series from the first episode, is that it's a slice of life/school comedy, of course as it progresses it reveals itself to be much more than that, and far from run of the mill.


The titular character is capital C crazy (admittedly mileage will vary on whether she is charmingly crazy, flat out annoying crazy or somewhere in-between)....Haruhi of-course is nicely off-set by Kyon who's dry wit and skepticism provides a nice counter balance to Haruhi's OTT enthusiasm. Though the interactions between the characters (and I mean all the characters, not just Haruhi and Kyon) provide plenty of funny moments in themselves, the story would truly be missing something without Kyon's snarky narration (which always sounds natural, rather than forced)


Moe/Kawaii: Mi-Mi-Mikuru BEAM!! - The character of Mikuru Asahina (cute, well endowed, clumsy and a bit of a door mat) fits this in bucket-loads. It is in-fact lamp-shaded early on, that Mikuru fits the stereotype for this sort of character.


Of course this being TMOHS, there's more to her than meets the eye and you're always left wondering, if she really is that cute and weak or whether or not it's just an act. Some might even consider the virtually silent bibliophile Yuki Nagato, to be somewhat ‘Moe’, more in the Rei Ayanami of Evangelion prototype. In fact at first Nagato comes across as a bit of a Rei Ayanami clone but in the story she does evolve into becoming a very well thought out character.


Adult Content (Fanservice etc): Tying in with the Moe factor- Mikuru is also the resident fan-service character- though again much of this is done as satire - not that there's anything wrong with a bit of fan-service ;)..... Haruhi too also has her moments....though the 'fan-service' here is never of the 'nude' variety and pretty much only up to 'swimwear/bunny-girl costume'- that sort of level.


Analysis: For me amongst TMOHS major strengths, is that it's two main protagonists, the titular character herself, and Kyon (whom the story is told through his perspective) are far from 'perfect characters' they are far from mary/marty sues. There are times where Haruhi's selfishness can make her highly unlikeable, but it's balanced by the fact that as the story progresses , you can see her subtly changing for the better- she's the sort of character where her brashness and actions can come across as annoying (something lampshaded by Kyon himself) but deep down both Kyon himself and the audience would love to have some of her Bravado.


As I also alluded to earlier Kyon himself is far from perfect, the polar opposite to Haruhi- in the fact that he appears to be somewhat lazy and willing to settle for mediocrity, he provides a perfect 'straight-man' of sorts for Haruhi to bounce off of- and their evolving relationship provides a very solid foundation for the series to sit upon.


The other three main characters that end up forming the SOS Brigade, Mikuru Asahina (Big Boobed Moe stereotype), Yuki Nagato (Quiet, 'emotionless' bookworm) and Itsuki Koizumi (Handsome 'mysterious' transfer student)- at first appear to be little more than stereotypes (especially Mikuru) but they soon reveal themselves to be much more richer and interesting characters than what they are on the surface and are just as vital to the progression of the plot as Haruhi or Kyon.


The story itself, feels very unique, with TMOHS able to seamlessly blend together elements of Slice of Life/School comedy, parody and Sci-fi with a sprinkling of romance- without ever feeling uncohesive, and though the over-arching storyline itself is highly intriguing- for the most part each episode is able to stand alone and be highly enjoyable by itself. Apart from one 'infamous' arc (which I will get to in the series weaknesses), this is a series without any filler nor does it take a few episodes to get going.


There are however two words that will produce a negative reaction from even the most ardent 'Suzumiya' fan.... 'Endless Eight'. Basically 'Endless Eight' is a series of episodes during the 'second season' where it's basically the same episode but with slight differences, literally for eight episodes. In truth it's not as bad a some people make out, as each episode is re-animated and re-dialogued, but in truth they could have got the point of the arc across (the same day repeating over and over again) across in about four episodes.


In my opinion, I can see what Kyoto Animation, were trying to accomplish, it's a interesting concept in theory, but in practice it doesn't work. I can fully understand that if you watched this when it was originally broadcast, then having to endure what is pretty much the same episode eight times in a row is really going to 'piss you off'. In a nut-shell Kyoto Animation were too clever for their own good here, and unfortunately in the eyes of many people, ruined what was a near perfect series.


A less glaring weakness is that the final episode in the re-broadcast linear version, does feel a little 'flat' but this is something that is somewhat rectified by watching the follow-up film 'The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya'.


Closing Verdict: With it's Moe/Bishojo character designs, and knowing nods towards typical anime stereotypes, the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya- is a series that does not even remotely try to hide the fact that it's first and fore-most designed to appeal to the core anime/otaku audience- in that sense it will definitely split opinion.


However it's a series that is much more deeper that what it appears to be on the surface, both within the depth of it's main characters and the unique genre-melding story. The Endless eight fiasco aside, the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is an absolute triumph and should be seen as one of the true modern anime classics.


'Season 1' Original 2006 Broadcast- Highly Recommended

'Season 2' (2009 episodes)- Mildly Recommended


Is The Dub Any Good?: Two words - Crispin Freeman. Freeman's Kyon is absolutely superb and I actually prefer his Kyon, to the original seiyuu (Tomokazu Sugita)- even though Sugita's version is far from terrible.


The rest of the dub cast which includes Wendee Lee as Haruhi, Stephanie Sheh as Mikuru, Michelle Ruff as Yuki and Johnny Yong Bosch as Itsuki- also do a rather stellar job, though try as she might Wendee Lee's Haruhi isn't quite up to Aya Hirano's star making turn as the titular character in the original Japanese dub- Hirano's performance just feels more natural (which may well be down to the fact that Hirano was pretty much near the characters age, where as Lee (best known for voicing Faye Valentine in Cowboy Bebop) was well into her forties.

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you could try narutowire.com or anime44.com


Only problem with those sites, is that they aren't exactly legal :p


To be honest I wouldn't blame people using those sites, if there's a series they're absolutely desperate to watch and there is no other way of seeing it- I've been in that situation a few times myself (video isn't available in my country/legal stream site doesn't have it/the DVD is out of print and you'll have to take out another mortgage to buy it).


If you can afford a series on DVD or it's available on a legal stream site like Crunchyroll, I would encourage anyone to watch it that way, but as I said it would be hypocrytical of me to say that I haven't watched an anime via an Anime44 or any of those type of sites before.

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And next up for me was Mitsudomoe.


Mitsudomoe has one of my

of all time. Mostly for it being genki and fun. If I need a lift I sing along to it.


Yabe: AHHHHH! Oh, sorry Hitoha. I just suddenly felt this evil presence. [Yabe looks around and realizes Hitoha is the only one there.]


Miktsudomoe is a comedy about school. It begins with brand new teacher Satoshi Yabe being assigned to class 6-3 (6th grade, 3rd class) but the series is really focused on the Marui triplets and their misadventrures with the rest of the class. Mitsuba is the oldest of the three and is described in the manga as a precocious sadist (but she's not quite that bad). Futaba is a genki girl, clueless but with an abundance of enthusiasm and competitiveness (and an obsession with boobs). Hitoha is the youngest and least social, something of a bookworm (if bookworms were both cute and cruel).


For some reason, I really enjoyed this. It got off to a slow start but by the 3rd episode they seemed to have a good idea what they wanted to focus on. Over the top misunderstandings abound, a limited number of plots advance slowly. But there is alot of character and a few touching scenes that I'm always a sucker for. There are also continual references to panties but despite this it's not THAT kind of anime.


Mitsudomoe is on Crunchyroll last I saw so it's viewable legally.


Currently watching Shiki. Very creepy.

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The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya









Genre: Science Fantasy, Drama, Mystery.

Studio: Kyoto Animation, Director: Tatsuya Ishihara, Screen-Writer: Fumihiko Shimo Source: Light Novel by Nagaru Tanigawa, Running Time: 163 Minutues

Japanese Release Date: February 6 2010.


Plot: On a cold December 17th, Kyon is looking forward to a peaceful winter vacation, but as ever the bold and energetic leader of the SOS bridgade Haruhi Suzumiya has less mundane plans- an SOS Brigade Christimas Party.


The next day Kyon wakes up as usual, walks to school and takes his usual seat near the back of the class- however Haruhi who sits behind him is not there. When he mentions Haruhi, no one in the class remembers who she even is- somehow Kyon has found himself if a world where Haruhi has vanished.


Animation Quality/Art Style: From a visual sense this film is an absolute triumph- stunningly beautiful. As with the preciding television series, there's no real huge action set pieces, but the character designs, the background art, the smoothness of the animation, even the lighting - everything is spot on- even more spot on the television series, which was already at a very high standard in itself.


Music: The charming Bouken Desho Desho, makes a welcome return as the movies opening theme song, whilst the ending theme is an acapellla torch ballad (Yasashii Boukyaku) sung by the original seiyuu for Yuki Nagato, Minori Chihara. It's not the sort of thing I'd go out of way to listen to outside the context of say a film, but it's beautifully sung and is suitable within the context of the film, especially given that Yuki is a key character in this story.


The orchestral soundtrack is also very good, mostly soothing and understated but becoming more dramatic when it needs to be- the background music does a good job of helping to enhance the feel of the film.


Action: As with the T.V series, the Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya isn't chock full of action- so if you're looking for an adrenalin pumping action with this movie, then it's time to look elsewhere- however much like the T.V series there is one shockingly bloody scene.


Drama: Disappearance's story can draw comparisons with Christmas staple 'It's a Wonderful Life' and Charles Dickens Christmas Carol- in the fact that the main character is suddenly thrust into an alternate reality situation that makes them reflect upon their life. I wouldn't say though that Disappearance is a total homage/rip-off to either though- the story is clearly influenced by those stories but in those stories the characters have little choice but to change their ways/take heed of the warnings, in Disappearance the alternate reality presented to Kyon ends up being tempting enough to make him actually consider, if he actually does want to change things back to how they were and the decision made by him at the end of the film, would not be the obvious correct one for everyone watching the film- but it's the correct one for him.


After the prologue, all the main characters, eventually do turn up in the film (including Haruhi herself- I don't think I'm giving away anything here by saying that she does turn up eventually), but they're alternate versions of themselves. Personality wise Mikuru, Itsuki, even Haruhi are little different- however alternate Yuki is a shy bookworm- rather than an emotionless bookworm, and this change in personality provides a key role in the story, More than anyone Yuki gets the most significant character development in the film, and if you cared little for the character before, only the most heartless would not care a little more afterwards.


Comedy: Overall Disappearance is a much more sombre and reflective entry, than the energetic T.V series, but given the tone of the story, the slower change of piece and the more dramatic focus was required. That's not to say that the comedy element that was such a strength of the T.V series has been completely washed away, it's just no longer the focus. In fact the prologue, prior to Haruhi's disappearance and Kyon being plunged into the alternate reality scenario- is very much like a TMOHS episode- something that is very welcome and helps further set up the tone shift for the rest of the film.


Moe/Kawaii: Mikuru is still Mikuru, but it's actually Yuki (especially in her alternate reality form) who really 'bring the Moe' with his offering in the Haruhi Suzumiya series. That being said, even though the Moe is strong - the film can and should still be enjoyed by those who care little for Moe.


Adult Content (Fanservice etc): Mikuru Asahina get's to wear a figure hugging sexy santa outfit- during the more comedic focused prologue- but other than that there's less fanservice in the film, than the T.V series- which is an appropriate move given that Disappearance is a more sombre/dramatic story.


Analysis: Disappearance is a film that looks beautiful, but it also has an engaging story to go with it- one that starts out as an intriguing mystery but ends up more as a very strong piece of character development (especially when it pertains to the characters of Yuki Nagato and Kyon). What impressed me most about the story, is that it is one that has an emotional pull but never becomes melodramatic/sugary in tone- the mood sombre/reflective (post the more energetic mood of the prologue) is well measured and brought to life by top notch art/animation and an appropriate soundtrack.


The Film, is also very faithful to Nagaru Tanigawa's light novel and whilst an adaptation as faithful as this isn't always the right to go.....it's the right decision here- as there is very little you would leave out of the story. At around 2 and a half hours long the running time for the film is long, and the pace at times is deliberatley slow, but despite that the film never feels like it drags or there's the sense that the film could 'cut some of this out' in order to move it along. Disapperance is a film/story that demands the viewer to be fully engaged in it, not just in watching the film, but also feeling the mood of the film. It's not something for those with short attention spans, and it's gloriously unapolagetic for it.


The decision to adapt Disappearance into a film, rather than into around 7 television episodes, was the correct one, because as the most emotionally powerful entry in the Haruhi series, it just works better as one whole piece, rather than being broken up and as an adaptation it's near enough flawless. Also with it's change of pace from the more energetic/comedic focused T.V series, it's something than even those critical of the T.V series could enjoy, that being said it's Haruhi fans who will get the most out of this film.....


Which brings me to the only real weakness of the film- the fact that you really need to have been immersed in the Haruhi story and watched all of ....and I emphasize ALL OF, the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya T.V to get the most out of this film. There are quite a few scenes, that will leave viewers perplexed if they've not seen the T.V series and also watching the T.V series, will enhance the viewers understanding of the decisions that the characters make throughout the film.


* Alternatively if you've not seen the T.V series, you could read the Melancholy of, Sigh of, Boredom of and the Rampage of entries in the Light Novel series


As a dyed in the wool, Haruhi fan- this isn't really a weakness at all for me, but I recognise it as a weakness, in the fact that the film is very much focused on pleasing those who are already fans of the series, as opposed to reaching out to a wider audience, and requires the audience to already be familiar with the characters/story to get the most out of it.


Closing Verdict: Disappearance is the most powerful, emotionally engaging story in the Haruhi series and the film is a near enough flawless adaptation of the story. Most Haruhi fans, will be hoping that things get adapted beyond Disappearance- but if there is no further anime adaptations of the Haruhi Suzumiya Light Novel series- then this is quite an appropriate place to end- as it brings the story to a decisive point and helps to book end what began with the T.V series. That being said you really need to have consumed what has gone on before with the Haruhi Suzumiya story, to fully understand the film.

Highly Recommended*


* But you really do need to have watched The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya TV series first or read the Light Novel series to fully appreciate the film.



Is The Dub Any Good?: The dub cast for the T.V series return, and that's a good thing....especially as it means more Crispin Freeman as Kyon! It also has to be said that Michelle Ruff, also really raises her game as Yuki Nagato- something would have been required, seeing as Yuki plays such a key role in the story.

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I'm starting to explore more anime now that my usual fixes of Bleach and whatever current series of Gundam aren't airing. ( I actually think there is a new Gundam series, but the first few episodes didn't hook me the way Gundam 00 did a couple years ago.)


Watched the 24 episodes of Girl Bravo on netflix a couple weeks ago. short review, lots of fanservice, story doesn't end up going anywhere. Basically an over the top fanservice knockoff of Tenchi Muyo.


Starting to watch Fairy Tail now. Its kind of interesting, although having Blue, the carrot nosed dog with no ears be part of it kind of turned me off a little. Still in the first few episodes where all the characters slowly get introduced.

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Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni Rei

aka- When They Cry- Graditudes






Genre: Mystery, Drama, Comedy

Studio: Studio Deen, Director: Toshifumi Kawase, Source: Visual Novel Game by 07th Expansion (Ryukishi 07)


Released: February-August 2009, Episodes: 5 OVA


Plot: Rika and her friend have just beaten fate, but just when she thinks the worst is over- tragedy strikes again when she is killed in a collision with a truck.......


Rika miraculously wakes up alive and well, but she soon realizes the 'reality' she has woken up in isn't the one that she and her friends fought for. People that should be around don't exist and more significantly important events have never taken place. She soon finds out that she is stuck in an alternate reality- one where she is forced to make a cruel decision- return to a world where one faces one sins or permantly live in a world 'without tragedy'.


Rei is a 5 episode OVA series- though everything takes place after the end of Kai, the above plot only really applies to 3 of the episodes which are the 'Dice Killing arc', the other 2 episodes both of which bookend the main plot episodes for Rei, are stand alone comedic episodes- the opening episode is a 'dream story' involving punishment games, in the final episode Rena accidentally swallows a Magatama that holds the mysterious power of making someone who holds the matching Magatama, blindly fall in love with them.


Animation Quality/Art Style: As expected the actual art style for Rei, has not changed from that of previous entries in the Higurashi series- however what is noticeable is that the colours seem more vibrant and that the quality of the animation has noticeably improved. Perhaps it's the fact that is got an OVA budget, as opposed to a T.V budget.


It's still nowhere near the fantastic standards of say a Kyoto-Animation series, but it's nice to finally see an entry in the Higurashi franchise at least not be hampered by sub-par animation.


Music: Eiko Shimamiya, who also sung the previous two Higurashi openings, returns to sing the opening song (Super Scription of Data) for Rei. Really cool song actually- it's one of those poppy yet also quite inventive songs that is hard to pigeonhole,but is just a good song- that fits well with the opening credits and sets the mood (well it's at least appropriate to the mood for the Dice Killing Chapter arc).


Ending song Manazashi by enNina, is one of those soothing ballads- nicely sung by utterly forgettable- I will say in this case the song does feel quite appropriate at the end of the 'Dice Killing Chapter' episodes.


Action: There's none of the bloody horror, that was a key component in the first series of Higurashi and any action/violence that is there- is purely of the slapstick variety and played for laughs.


Opening song, Superscrition of Data: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6WmQG4XCjyU


Drama: All the drama, is in the 'Dice Killing Chapter' arc, that takes up the bulk of this OVA series. That arc has a very similar premise to the Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya (which coincidentally was my previous review), in the fact that the main character is plunged into an alternate reality situation, where they are given a choice whether to make the choice to go back or stay in the alternate world- much like Disappearance with Kyon, the choice isn't cut and dried for Rika.


Comedy: The two single story episodes, provide more of the over the top, in your face slapstick style comedy that was prevalent in the 'school daze' comedic episodes of the main Higurashi series.


Moe/Kawaii: Those already familiar with the main series, will know that Higurashi has a good number if characters that can be considered Moe, and seeing as Dice Killing Chapter heavily features two of the most Moe characters in the show Rika and Hanyuu- fans of Moe shows won't be disappointed- those who really can't stand Moe probably should continue to veer clear of Higurashi.


Adult Content (Fanservice etc): The Punishment game episode that takes place down at the pool- is also blatantly the fanservice episode- as it features the girls in swimming costumes.....though thankfully it's buxom older character Takano ( older, as in older than highschool age, not old as in someone's granny) that provides much of the fanservice moments. Rika or Satoko being the focus of the fanservice- would just be creepy and wrong.


Analysis: The Dice Killing Chapter arc manages to pull you in emotionally and is well paced and well conceived- it has a nice little twist at the end, and ultimately delivers a strong/powerful message both for the main protagonist of the story Rika and for the audience. That being said those who preferred the less horror focused Kai, to the original series will definitely enjoy this story arc more than those who preferred the first series.


As for the more comedy based episodes- though I was critical of the somewhat loud and annoying comedy of Higurasihi, in the main series- though it hasn't really changed in style some of the situations in the comedy based episodes, are admittedly actually quite funny this time round and had the comedy been up to the level it was with these two episodes, then I might not have been so harsh on it in the main series- then again I probably came into these episodes with relaxed expectations- that they were entirely going to be comedic episodes.


That being said the two comedic episodes still feel like comedic filler/fluff and not at all essential. And even as well told/good a story as the Dice Killing Chapter was, it still felt like a Bonus OVA story, as opposed to bringing Higurashi to a conclusion. It especially feels this way when the Dice Killing Chapter is bookened by the two fluff comedy episodes. All in all Rei's main weakness isn't that it's bad, it's just that it has the feel of an unessential bonus OVA, than it does of something that feels vitally part of the series.


Closing Verdict: Rei is a decent little bonus OVA- Dice Killing Chapter is a good story and the two comedy episodes are surprisingly watchable, but a decent little bonus OVA series is is all it is. If you stayed the course for both series of Higurashi, because you were actually interested in the plot and/or cared about the characters- then this is a nice bonus for those that did stay the course. Those who were only ever on board with Higurashi for the shock and gore of the first series and stepped off at Kai, then Rei will come as further disappointment.


Mildly Recommended


Is The Dub Any Good?: Just like Kai, there is no English dub for this and more than likely there probably never will be an English dub for Rei. But as I said with Kai, not that's a bad thing really- I've long come to the conclusion that a few exceptions aside (most notably Haruhi Suzumiya) shows with a heavily moe influence, tend to be better in Japanese.

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