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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="crownsy" data-cite="crownsy" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33970" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I'm enjoying both the new Euerka Seven show and Space Battleship Yamamto's reboot. Love to see your thoughts on either at some point tiger.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I'll certainly keep them in mind, but it'll probably be a long while before I get round to them. As I said in an earlier post I'm currently alternating between a batch of older series on DVD and whatever random stuff I decide to watch on Crunchyroll (my most likely source for anime I'll suffer, so you don't have to <img alt=":p" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/tongue.png.ceb643b2956793497cef30b0e944be28.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" />). Then I'm following up on earlier reviews with any sequel series that I have missed before moving onto any suggestions in the thread.</p><p> </p><p> Anyway my next review, is for a series that couldn't be any more different to something like Sekirei.</p>
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong><span style="color:#2F4F4F;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Boogiepop Phantom</span></span></strong></span></p><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><strong><span style="color:#2F4F4F;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">


<span>http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/</span><img alt="images?q=tbn:ANd9GcShBJOPz3zFa1V_ClBZOuQhm454VObe9W7QDg1EJkMKOtHNYQZ8" data-src="https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcShBJOPz3zFa1V_ClBZOuQhm454VObe9W7QDg1EJkMKOtHNYQZ8" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRgfxL1MOups_HA3hi_RYf0ouCZTAabvQZS7ymrPQMbGZazjMC_5Q" data-src="https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRgfxL1MOups_HA3hi_RYf0ouCZTAabvQZS7ymrPQMbGZazjMC_5Q" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSR-gFXGnp9XRwH7hAMHj0qntiB73LClh7WvxYnpWRALAXJx8VxYQ" data-src="https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSR-gFXGnp9XRwH7hAMHj0qntiB73LClh7WvxYnpWRALAXJx8VxYQ" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><span>http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/</span><span>http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/</span><img alt="images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTHT7ajc_t-p96NbpSBKFBzrn75yTw8rTDjBjxjkD2UbhjwNI8R" data-src="https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTHT7ajc_t-p96NbpSBKFBzrn75yTw8rTDjBjxjkD2UbhjwNI8R" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://www.anime-planet.com/images/anime/screenshots/boogiepopphantom4.jpg</span><span>http://www.anime-planet.com/images/anime/screenshots/boogiepopphantom5.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Genre: </strong>Mystery, Psychological Drama, Horror</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Studio</strong>: Madhouse, <strong>Director: </strong>Takashi Watanabe,<strong> Writer:</strong> Sadayuki Murai <strong>Source:</strong> Boogie Pop Light Novel Series by Kouhei Kadono </p><p>

<strong>Original Broadcast:</strong> January-March 2000 <strong>Episodes: </strong>12</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Plot: </strong>Five years previous there were a rash of grisly murders now students from the same high school have been mysteriously disappearing or suddenly dying.</p><p> </p><p>

Nagi Kirima is determined to find out what is happening to her classmates, each case cannot be a mere coincidence, there must be something that connects them. There are rumours that the 'Angel of Death' Boogiepop must be behind it- but just who is Boogiepop is she real or just an urban legend? </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Animation Quality/Art Style: </strong>Boogie Pop Phantom features a reduced colour palette and hazy quality for much of the series- whilst this is effective in establishing the gloomy atmosphere that parades throughout the series, sometimes the shading can be a little too dark- making much of the art difficult to distinguish, and after a while it feels like you're walking down the same poorly lit back alley.</p><p> </p><p>

Given the story and general atmosphere of Boogiepop, the character designs are suitably on the 'realistic' side- though the series does suffer from a number of characters looking rather similar to one another, which becomes a problem with a show featuring a large cast of characters (many of whom are only in one or two episodes, scattered throughout the series).</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Music:</strong> Shikao Suga's opening song 'Evening Shower' has a sleazy feel to it, that works surprisingly well with the series (though I would say Boogiepop is more gloomy than sleazy), ending song 'Future Century Secret Club' by Kyoko is a not bad slice of energetic J-Rock but for me didn't really fit with the series. </p><p> </p><p>

The unique soundtrack is a minimalist/ambient mix, often consisting of little more than sound effects- rather than actual pieces of music. It's not the sort of soundtrack you would be rushing to download but it works perfectly within the context of the show, and helps to further enhance it's claustrophobic atmosphere. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Action:</strong> There is some horror type violence in the series, and some blood is spilled but what is there isn't particularly action packed. Those looking for plenty of thrilling action, should be looking elsewhere. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Drama:</strong> The plot of Boogiepop phantom is constructed in a very non linear format, with the story often jumping between various points in time within the same episode, as well as throughout the series. There is an over-arching mystery element throughout the series that connects all the individual episodes together, but each episode focuses on a different character affected by the events. Various emotional issues are dealt with throughout the show ranging from dealing with grief, drug problems, suicidal thoughts, a yearning to return to childhood etc. </p><p> </p><p>

Boogiepop Phantom is a mystery series, with a very fractured puzzle that needs to be pieced together but it is also psychological study on the human condition and it's darkest and most testing moments. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Comedy: </strong> One of the manga's in the Boogiepop Series is called Boogiepop Doesn't Laugh- and one thing you won't be doing with this series is laughing- this is an anime that is grim and gloomy from start to finish. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Moe/Kawaii: </strong>Realistic characters, grim atmosphere- if you hate 'moe' but are an anime fan, this may be the series for you. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Adult Content (Fanservice etc):</strong> Boogiepop is one those series that is an antithesis to stereotypical 'otaku-bait' anime, so as with 'moe', there is of course no fanservice either. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Analysis:</strong> There is no doubt that Boogiepop Phantom is an interesting show, and it's just the sort of 'mature' anime you would show to someone to prove a point that not all anime is Fanservice, Moe and/or giant Mech's.....not that there's anything wrong with those three things but a show like Boogiepop Phantom is a prime example that the entertainment medium that is anime, isn't all the same. </p><p> </p><p>

Saying all that is Boogiepop Phantom actually any good?</p><p> </p><p>

Sort of, it's one of those shows you end up respecting more, for the fact that it's a not a 'safe' show, rather than being entertained by it. With it's depressing atmosphere and miserable characters Boogie Pop Phantom is not the sort of show that you would 'marathon'....it's really the sort of series, that is best to watch one episode a week, absorb everything that has happened and then return to it the next day. </p><p> </p><p>

The story also jumps around a lot, and you will see the same scene repeated (albeit from a different viewpoint) repeated a few episodes down the line. This kind of 'mind-screw' storytelling demands attention from it's viewer for anything to make sense. And making sense of Boogiepop Phantom can be a struggle, even if you do pay attention to everything and even by the end of the series you're left wondering what it really was all about. In truth it's probably trying to be too many things at once- the world being under control from a shadowy organization, a commentary on the struggles of youth, the importance of memories- in the end the shows focus and philosophical elements feel rather meandering in their execution. </p><p> </p><p>

Possibly a major reason why Boogie Pop Phantom feels like it is cramming too much in, is the fact that the anime adaptation is an amalgamation of several light novels in the Boogie Pop series, added to that is that they are trying to cram everything into a 12 episode series, as opposed to one double that. </p><p> </p><p>

Boogie Pop Phantom's look at the darker side of humanity will draw comparisons to a show that came out about five years after it Paranoia Agent- though that show was a lot more humorous and satirical where as Boogie Pop Phantom is just depressing and/or screwy. It's also difficult to really care about any of the shows large cast of characters, pretty much all of whom have little more to them than having a defining problem that they have to deal with. </p><p> </p><p>

Only really the disturbing pair of Manaka (a character who can only speak the words back that are spoken to her) and the pied piper-like Poom Poom leave any sort of great lasting impression as characters. </p><p> </p><p>

Boogie Pop Phantom greatest triumph is that manages to successfully create it's moody and at times creepy atmosphere throughout the show (helped a lot by it's unique soundtrack) and despite it's meandering story does manage draw in most viewers, provided that they have a reasonable attention span. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Closing Verdict : </strong>Boogiepop Phantom is exactly the sort of show, that will have some people gushing over it or despising it, for exactly the same reasons- the fact that it's not your 'typical' anime and it's mind-screw plot. At the end of the day, from my personal viewpoint I felt it was a series that was artistically admirable- rather than entertaining and for me a series has to be both to be considered great. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="color:#808000;"><strong>Mildly Recommended</strong></span></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Is the Dub Any Good?: </strong>The early 2000's done by Right Stuf International /Nozomi Entertainment isn't the worst but comes across as being a little 'stiff' in it's execution. The show features a respectable cast that includes the usually excellent Crispin Freeman amongst it, but the fact that the cast is so big that no one is really able to grow into their roles leads to underwhelming performances (Freeman included). Only really Rachel Lillis performance as Manaka stands out to any sort of degree. </p><p> </p><p>

So though I wouldn't say the dub is horrendous, watching with the original Japanese voice track with subs is the better option.</p>

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Bakemonogatari is a great series as is the other series, Nisemonogatari, There's not a lot of action in them but they are very good. Easily one of my favs on Crunchyroll.com.


I watched both seasons of Sekirei, you're synopsis is right on the money. It's a fan service and action driven series, i wouldn't go looking for a real plot, it's just vaguely there. Still if you like boobs and violence, it's worth a watch. I did like the voice acting and i'd grab Tsukiumi if i had the choice. :)


Boogiepop Phantom sounds like something i need to check out. I do like the horror titles as i've posted a time or two for Another and Dusk Maiden of Amnesia. I'll be on the look out for it.


Love the reviews and glad you are posting the not so good with the good ones as well. Nothing like a scathing post about some crappy anime, the one about the beast planet was pretty funny.



Keep posting and i'll keep reading.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Timber" data-cite="Timber" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33970" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div> Nothing like a scathing post about some crappy anime </div></blockquote><p> </p><p> The crappiest things, do tend to lead to the funniest reviews. I don't plan to make a habit out of watch crap anime though:p</p><p> </p><p> Talking of crappy opinion- there's this regular reviewer on Anime Planet (goes by the name of Roriconfan), that somehow finds the time to watch every anime going- yet rarely gives a show more than 4/10. His 'opinion' sticks out like a sore thumb most of the time. It's like he hates about 90% of what he watches <img alt=":rolleyes:" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/rolleyes.png.4b097f4fbbe99ce5bcd5efbc1b773ed6.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p> At the moment I don't forsee that day coming, but should I reach the point where I have become 'jaded' from watching too much anime and started thinking that every show was various shades of shit, I will know that is is time to move on. So beats me why this self gratifying jerkass would put himself through personal torture.</p>
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="color:#FF8C00;"><strong><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;">Kids On The Slope </span></span></strong></span></p><p><span style="color:#FF8C00;"><strong>

(aka Sakamichi No Apollon) </strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/</span><img alt="images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTmws_MkMYRh82gXX_4GUu4a0_XcedRbQEkze4vS8Zbxt2mqVBX" data-src="https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTmws_MkMYRh82gXX_4GUu4a0_XcedRbQEkze4vS8Zbxt2mqVBX" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTBMB69nIGLkoK77PnJV714POScrTJqN9vUPEeTUkLVoXepd6e1" data-src="https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTBMB69nIGLkoK77PnJV714POScrTJqN9vUPEeTUkLVoXepd6e1" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum/</span><img alt="images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQVVcGL8v7apvsQIAtyGHrtcfQQ8iOGx-UEUcTNtEUOr8KSPt37" data-src="https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQVVcGL8v7apvsQIAtyGHrtcfQQ8iOGx-UEUcTNtEUOr8KSPt37" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSv5q1NnryXKWeU316VSJAk5o7v_Uk90I6VGtNJps8E3TA6Att7" data-src="https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSv5q1NnryXKWeU316VSJAk5o7v_Uk90I6VGtNJps8E3TA6Att7" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Genre: </strong>Coming of Age Drama, Music, Romance</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Studio</strong>: MAPPA/Tezuka Productions, <strong>Director: </strong>Shinchiro Watanabe, <strong>Writers:</strong> Ayako Katoh/Yuko Kakihara <strong>Source: </strong>Manga by Yuki Kodama</p><p>

<strong>Original Broadcast:</strong> April-June 2012 <strong>Episodes:</strong> 12</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Plot:</strong> Kaoru Nishimi is an introverted honor student, forced to constantly move schools due to his father's job and the fact that his mother has been estranged from them from years, he has never been able to form a real friendship. In the summer of 1966 he moves to Kyushu to live with relatives. Feeling like the outsider once again starting at his new school, Kaoru's life begins to change when he meets the school's notorious troublemaker Sentarou Kawabuchi. </p><p> </p><p>

Kaoru a classically trained pianist, discovers that Sentarou has a hidden talent as jazz drummer- the two soon find themselves jamming together regularly, in the basement of the music shop owned by the family of Sentarou's childhood friend Ritsuko. For the first time in his life Kaoru forms a true friendship</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Animation Quality/Art Style:</strong> Kids on the Slope features character designs that lean towards the more 'realistic' end of the spectrum and there has been great effort put into making each character look unique within that framework of character design. No character design comes off as bland or lazy. The background art is finely detailed and certainly up to the best of today's anime standards.</p><p> </p><p>

It's within the music set pieces of the friends jamming together whether in their basement or on stage, that the animation truly shines. The fluid animation within these moments is staggeringly good, whether it be Kaoru tinkling the ivories, Sentarou bashing out a rhythm or 'Brother' Jun blowing his trumpet. Kids on the Slope is as close you're going to get to a visual document of a musical performance, without it actually being the real thing. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Music: </strong> Lets get the first thing out of the way, I'm no great fan of Jazz music, a lot of the time it sounds like a bunch of people randomly making a cacophony of noise and at times when they are jamming together it does sometimes end up degenerating into that.</p><p> </p><p>

But the soundtrack composed by the much revered Yoko Kanno, is superbly crafted together and the research put into it, and the incorporation of some frankly obscure jazz songs from the likes of Bill Evans- give it a real genuine quality. It also wisely references 60's pop, that further gives the soundtrack and air of period realism. Amongst the soundtrack highlights, is a poignantly touching jazz reworking of 'My Favourite Things' from the Sound of Music- and you know what I dislike that film more than I dislike jazz but in the context of the show and the scene that it is placed in- it provides a perfect soundtrack to one of the series most life affirming moments.</p><p> </p><p>

The opening song Sakamichi No Melody by YUKI is a whimsical J-Pop song, that fits perfectly with the atmosphere of the show, ending them 'Altair' by Motohira Hata is your typical downbeat/reflective ending song ballad- it does fit within the context of the shows more heartbroken moments but for me does come across as a disappointingly lazy choice when it comes to an ending theme, especially given the shows jazz themed soundtrack. </p><p> </p><p>

<em><strong>Opening song; Sakamichi No Melody: </strong></em><em>

</em></p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="113" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/BekvbaEfbjg?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="Sakamichi No Apollon - Opening - Sub Esp"></iframe></div></div><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Ending song; Altair</strong></em><em>: </em><a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJ26mi_6t9Y" rel="external nofollow"><em>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJ26mi_6t9Y</em></a></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Action:</strong> The show features a few punch-up's but they're played up more as 'Drama' rather than thrilling action. The series was adapted from a Josei (women's) manga after all, and I don't think wall to wall action is what the Josei crowd would be looking for anyway. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Drama: </strong>Though the music of Jazz features heavily in Kids on the Slope- the show is primarily more a 'coming of age' drama- rather than a show about some kids forming a band. Though often it is through playing jazz that they manage to resolve their differences, whenever their friendship is tested. </p><p> </p><p>

The central theme is one of friendship and the way that is tested and of course one of the primary ways their friendship is tested is through romance. The romance element is by no means simplified to a central romance, nor is it trivialized into a harem- things in fact get complicated and in the process the characters do get their hearts broken.</p><p> </p><p>

As well as the central themes of friendship, romance and the joy of making music- other issues are also explored such as racism, alcoholism, political activism and family disownment. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Comedy: </strong> Whilst I wouldn't say that Kids on the Slope is 100% serious all the time, it is primarily a drama rather than a comedy. It does have it's lighter moments, many of them instigated by Sentarou. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Moe/Kawaii:</strong> Kids on the Slope features primarily realistic characters, rather than cliched anime stereotypes- no moe-blobs to be seen here. Ritsuko is your standard cute/nice girl but she's portrayed as such realistically. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Adult Content (Fanservice etc): </strong> There's a few suggestively adult moments, but none of which I would consider to be fanservice- there certainly wasn't any gratuitous panty shots or anything of that ilk. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Analysis: </strong>Being adapted from a josei manga and also centred around one of my least favourite musical genres Jazz- Kids on the Slope is not exactly an anime that would jump out to me be, as being on my priority list. Except for the fact that it's the first anime to be directed by Shinchiro Watanabe, since Samurai Champloo in 2004. He is of course the same director behind the much revered Cowboy Bebop. He's not prolific but when he does direct an anime, it normally turns to gold and i'm happy to say that Kids on the Slope continues his line of quality work.</p><p> </p><p>

Watanabe has always been a director able to deftly incorporate music and cultural references into his work and his reunion with Yoko Kanno (Cowboy Bebop) pays off- as I've already mentioned I'm hardly a big jazz fan but the soundtrack is so superbly done, it had me looking up the likes of Bill Evans on Wikipedia. </p><p> </p><p>

As superbly well as the soundtrack has been crafted and the musical performances animated, those looking primarily for a music show, will be left a little disappointed. The music here is used more as a plot device, rather than being the central point of the show but disappointment in that regard would be more about the own viewers expectations, rather than the actual execution.</p><p> </p><p>

What Kids on the Slope actually is about, is executed very well- and it paints a very realistic and balanced portrayal of high school life. As much as sunny slice of life anime (e.g K-On!) can be enjoyable, in the fact that they present an idealized escapist version of friendship- it is refreshing to see a show set in high-school with a much more realistic portrayal of that period of people's lives. There are times when it does creep towards straying into 'angsty' territory, especially when it comes to the more 'dramatic' moments, mostly centred around bust-ups pertaining love interests but for the most part it manages to maintain a nicely balanced atmosphere. </p><p> </p><p>

Whilst Kids on the Slope, features plenty of conventional boy/girl romances- that goes through many twists and turns,- it is the central 'bromance' between Kaoru and Sentarou that holds the show together. This is by no means a yaoi relationship, there isn't even any hint towards that, this is two boys very much interested in the opposite sex, who end up having close feelings for one another- and you really become invested in their relationship and after a when things do come between, it is really heart-wrenching stuff....it all leads up to a slightly cheesy but genuinely heart-warming ending. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Closing Verdict:</strong> Kids on the Slope isn't a perfect show, and it's slow genial pace means that it won't appeal to be everyone, but once again Shinchiro Watanabe finds himself at the helm of another quality anime project. Lets hope we don't have to wait nearly 10 years again, for his next one. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="color:#006400;"><strong>Recommended </strong></span></span></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:left;"><p> </p><p>

<strong>Is the Dub Any Good?:</strong> Sentai filmworks did the dub for this, with Chris Patton in the main role of Kaoru. Though I must say I don't really have much of an opinion on it, as I watched this in the original Japanese on Crunchyroll. I've seen a snippet of the dub on You Tube, and it all honesty it didn't quite work for me, but that may be more to do with the fact that I had become accustomed to the original Japanese performances.</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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Shigurui- Death Frenzy








Genre: Samurai Drama


Studio: Madhouse Director: Hiroshi Hamasaki Writer: Seishi Minakami Source: Manga by Takayuki Yamaguchi

Original Broadcast: July-October 2007 Episodes: 12


Plot: During the Kan'ei era (at the beginning of the Edo Period), Japan finds itself at a time of peace but amidst the tranquility Lord Tokugawa Tadanaka decides for his own pleasure to hold a fighting tournament where real swords are used- despite laws that forbid their use.


In a match to the death two highly skilled Samurai face off- the one armed Fujiki Gennosuke and the blind Iraki Seigen. As the two make their stances, preparing to engage in battle- a flashback begins that paints a picture of a twisted and violent past that intertwines the two rivals.


Animation Quality/Art Style: Shigurui features a very subdued colour palette that sometimes borders on black and white, with the only vibrant colour being red where there are splashes of blood- which is a frequent occurrence. The background art is artistically detailed, whilst there are some interesting artistic touches, such as an x-ray type effect that peers under the skin of the characters to show their muscles.


The character designs themselves are generally 'realistic' but can often be grotesque, a signal that these are 'ugly' characters that inhabit this world- this is depicted none more so than in the almost demonic like Kogan Iwamoto.


The animation features a lot of still frames, but in this case it feels like an artistic choice in keeping with the shows deliberately slow pace, rather than as a budget restraint. Overall the visuals in Shigurui, are not for the faint of heart, something sign-posted in an instant when one of the characters rips his own guts out.


Music: The soundtrack of Shigurui is a minimalist mix of traditional Japanese instrumentation and noises such as a chorus of Cicadas. Even the opening and ending songs keep to simple instrumentation- and the decision not to insert in any modern j-pop/rock...certainly fits in with the atmosphere and theme of the anime.


Opening Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eyq6fVQ57Vo


Action: Shigurui features plenty of gore, with someone's blood and guts being spilled in every episode. However it's not a show for action junkies, the fight scenes are as alluded to in the animation and art style section of this review, are deliberately slow and usually end in one fatal and graphically detailed blow.


Drama: The first episode of Shigurui is a curveball- as the series is really about the history of the two warriors set to fight to the death- before they engage one another.


The story centres around the Kogan dojo, with the blindly loyal Fujiki in place to become the heir of the dojo, something that will see him win the hand of Kogan's daughter Mie but also see him learn the secrets of their master's sword technique- however that is challenged when the naturally skilled but over confident Seigen ends up joining the dojo. However one of them gets involved with Kogan's mistress Lady Iku and it's from this ill advised liason that the shit really hits the fan and we really come to learn as to why these broken men are determined to kill one another.


Comedy: Unless your a sick bastard who gets a kick out of watching people getting sliced, diced and having their guts ripped out- then there isn't anything at all funny about Shigurui. The story of Shigurui is exceptionally bleak in a bleak world populated by equally bleak characters.


Moe/Kawaii: Well at the dojo you've got Mr Average as the lead character and he's surrounded by the determined airhead, the loud and enthusiastic one, the quiet and 'emotionless' one and the pompous Tsundere.......


*Wakes up from dream about a cliched harem show*


Adult Content (Fanservice etc): There's plenty of nudity and a lot of sexual content in Shigurui- but I really wouldn't call any out of fanservice. The sexual content in this series is not designed to titilate or amuse, it is designed to shock and disgust. Amongst it's most disturbing/shocking scenes, are an attempted group rape (thankfully one of the characters has the sense to stand up against it, and we don't actually see it go ahead), a female character having her nipple removed and then eaten and a male character giving himself auto-fellatio whilst thinking about what appears to be an underage boy at the dojo.


I feel kind of disturbed just writing about some of the stuff that went on in this show.


Analysis: As you may have gathered already Shigurui is a bleak, bloody and often 'nasty' show. Whilst many samurai drama's will paint Bushido (the Samurai code) in a nostalgic light and positively displays it's virtues, Shigurui paints a harsh reality and most of all questions the undying loyalty to actions that are clearly morally reprehensible.


In Kogan, Shigurui features one of the most vilest characters, I have ever witnessed in any drama be it anime or live action- and whilst Kogan is the worst of the lot, the rest of the cast in Shigurui are hardly shone as being shining examples of humanity. Only really the female characters come away with an dignity, inspite of being placed in a world where it is practically stripped from them and at one even sends one of them insane.


Shigurui will often make for uncomfortable viewing, and for those who do not find themselves completely desensitized to extreme and at times sexual violence, will be turned off by Shigurui- and that would include quite a lot of people. When you have one of the characters eat the eyeball of someone he has just killed it makes for stomach churning stuff.


In it's defence the series does not feel like it's being shocking for sensationalist purposes, and the imagery is so strong and the situations so questionable, because the story it is telling is an uncompromising version of events, and one that is un afraid to take any prisoners. And it has to be said that there is an artistic beauty, within in the ugly blood stained world that it depicts.


The pacing of the story is deliberately slow, and like the art and soundtrack that accompanies it has artistic merit but it is so slow in it's pacing, that if people were not already put off by the unsympathetic characters and shocking subject matter, then they could well have lost patience with the extremely slow rate that each episode, yet alone the entire series moves along at.


Closing Verdict: Shigurui is an extremely difficult series to rate, because it's controversial content will be so polarizing and is very likely to disgust a lot of people will see it.


I myself found it a bit of a chore to get through (though the pacing was the bigger stumbling block for me, than the content), yet I could see that Shigurui was a beautifully crafted show and appreciated it's guts to bring a brutal honesty to the samurai genre.


Mildly Recommended


Is the Dub Any Good?: Funimation picked up the dub rights for this show, and its predominantely male cast (there are very few female characters), do a generally solid show but it does suffer from what I call Funimation fatigue*


* Funimation Fatigue- The performances are recognisably decent and professional, but because you keep hearing the same old voices, some of their dubs start to sound samey and come across as 'tired'. It's highlighted even more by the voice actors that lack range, something I find is more noticeable in their stable of male V.A's.

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GA- Geijutsuka Art Design Class










Genre: Slice of Life Comedy


Studio: AIC Plus Director: Hiroaki Sakurai Source: Manga by Sotoko Kiyuzuki

Original Broadcast: July- September 2009 Episodes: 12 (+ 1 OVA)


Plot: Follow the school life adventures of five freshman at a vocational art school, shy and ditzy Kisaragi, the cute but michievous Noda and her partner in mayhem the brash tomboy Tomokane, 'straight man' Namiko who tries and fails to keep the energetic duo focused on their studies and finally the mysteriously enigmatic Kyoujyu.


Animation Quality/Art Style: There is some creative background imagery at times in Geijutsuka, in keeping with the art theme of the show and it's during these more abstract moments that the art appropriately gets to shine. But the art and animation in general fails to generate a consistent wow factor, and at times you can tell this series was done on a relatively tight budget- the faceless 'extras' will point towards this.


Character designs are done in the Puni Plush style, a very rounded art style designed to make the characters's look cute and childlike and very much heading towards the characters being in chibi form, they actually do appear as chibi's in the end credits. For some reason Kisaragi's glasses are very large and down the end of the nose.


Music: Both the seiyuu sung opening and ending songs are cute and energetic J-Pop that fits in well the series happy mood, as does the sprightly OST.


The closing song is quite clever in the fact, that the song is sung by a different character each episode- and though the song keeps the same tune, it is done in a different arrangment and lyrics in keeping with the personality.


Opening theme:


Ending theme:


Action: Unless you count their art class inspired spoof of the Power Rangers, called the Irodo Rangers then there isn't any action here, and yes I am completely clutching at imaginary straws.


Drama: There is no deep drama to this series, each episode is just made up of a series of sketches, involving the five freshmen art school students, plus also one 'sketch' featuring some older students, who are part of the Fine Arts Club- which is just another excuse for five students to dick about.

Amongst the student tomfoolery though, they do manage to sneak in a bit of educational information regarding art techniques- so whilst there is absolutely no plot or in fact any real character development in this series, what you end up with is a sort of curious blend of infotainment through the medium of gag comedy.


Comedy: As with any slice of life series, comedy will be mined from the characters various quirks- see the 'plot' (though you can barely call it that) description regarding what to expect from the main characters. The secondary team of the Fine Arts Club is headed up by an overly enthusiastic girl, who speaks in a Kansai regional accent (because Kansai regional accents are apparently funny)- though she's actually from Chubu and her accent gets mistaken for being Kansai.


From a more creative comedic standpoint they do actually manage to create some clever situations, involving whatever art project the class are doing in that episode, and those that have an interest in art/have taken art class may well find these situations both humorous yet informative at the same time.


Moe/Kawaii: There is no doubt that this series was made with having some Moe charm in mind- ditzy Kisaragi and cute mischief maker Noda are the most stereotypically 'moe characters', whilst monotone Kyoujju flies the flag for the emotionless girl trope.


Adult Content (Fanservice etc): This series does feature some 'nudes'.....yeah sculptures and replica's of paintings during an episode that discussed 'painting nudes'....the only form of 'fanservice' in this series is of the cute girls doing cute things kind......You can feel safe showing this one to anyone above five years old.


Analysis: If you're looking for a series that features a narrative and characters that develop then Geijutsuka won't the series for you- every character in the series fits a certain role and they never deviate from it- but it has to be said, at least from a comedy viewpoint they fit their role pretty well.


Noda and Tomokane are an entertaining comedic double act, Namiko is a solid Tsukommi (straight man) to their Boke (funny man), and Kyoujyu provides some good moments just by being the weird/quiet one, and whilst Kisaragi's ditzy girl routine is cliched, she does at least provide a nice subversion to megane (spectacle wearers) being clever- and this is coming from someone inflicted with short sightedness since childhood.


The secondary unit of the Fine Arts Club, aren't wholly unlikeable but come across as a relatively pointless addition to the show, and most of their scenario's/gag's probably could have been adapted to the main cast.


As already mentioned Geijutsuka manages to subtly weave in some genuinely educational information about different styles of art and how to use different kinds of art materials- something that gives the series a curiously unique angle and I found myself respecting the way it managed to sneak that educational element, amongst the moe cliches and madcap comedy.


The comedy in Geijutsuka is consistently amusing and often clever (especially the art based gags) but is rarely side-splittingly so and a lot of that is down to the overly energetic pacing. At times it could benefit from the more typically gentler pacing of other slice of life genre series and perhaps prevents Geijutsuka from fully realising it's potential.


Closing Verdict: Geijutsuka is a curious blend of madcap comedy, moe slice of life and art education, that is probably a little too energetic for it's own good and has cliched characters with zero development, but despite these weaknesses it still manages to cultivate it's own unique charm.


Mildly Recomemended

Is the Dub Any Good?: No English dub has been created for this series, and with this already been over three years old- it seems unlikely that this series will ever get one.

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<p>Attack on Titans has been really good, although the first 6-8 episodes are so tough to get through, just because the amount of horror you have to watch inflicted on characters you like before ANY sort of pendulum swing the other way.</p><p> </p><p>

Fight scenes are amazing, as is the score and character interactions, love to see a review once your caught up.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="crownsy" data-cite="crownsy" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33970" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Attack on Titans has been really good, although the first 6-8 episodes are so tough to get through, just because the amount of horror you have to watch inflicted on characters you like before ANY sort of pendulum swing the other way.<p> </p><p> Fight scenes are amazing, as is the score and character interactions, love to see a review once your caught up.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Looks like the series has been getting pretty good reviews so far, and it's from a studio I think has a pretty decent track record in Production I.G. </p><p> </p><p> Once the series has finished, it's certainly something I will definitely be watching. I tried the whole streaming weekly thing for a few anime's earlier in the year, but I found having to wait for the next episode to be a bit irritating.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Tigerkinney" data-cite="Tigerkinney" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33970" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Looks like the series has been getting pretty good reviews so far, and it's from a studio I think has a pretty decent track record in Production I.G. <p> </p><p> Once the series has finished, it's certainly something I will definitely be watching. I tried the whole streaming weekly thing for a few anime's earlier in the year, but I found having to wait for the next episode to be a bit irritating.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I hear you there, and really it's going to need it, as I said it's a very brutal anime...I almost gave up on it after 5 or 6 episodes not because I thought it was bad but because I was like "Jesus, is ANYTHING good going to happen to anyone in this story or are all my favorite characters just going to have SAW level horrors inflicted on them for this entire series..."</p><p> </p><p> It's still a very "Don't get attached, the is game of thrones level death people" going on but at least it's not just mind numbingly sadistic after the good guys try to claw back a little as the series gets humming.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="crownsy" data-cite="crownsy" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33970" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Attack on Titans has been really good, although the first 6-8 episodes are so tough to get through, just because the amount of horror you have to watch inflicted on characters you like before ANY sort of pendulum swing the other way.<p> </p><p> Fight scenes are amazing, as is the score and character interactions, love to see a review once your caught up.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I just couldn't get into the show. The killing of so many of the characters early in the show and even through this is not something I have a problem with regularly I found it too violent for me.</p>
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<p>I've been waiting for your thoughts on Shigurui- Death Frenzy for some time. It's a personal favorite of mine. I think it's a "beautifully ugly" little tale. The art style mixed with the brutality and the darkness of the characters involved it just really hit me. Extremely striking and visceral and just a very unique storytelling structure... this really is the kind of thing you don't see everyday. I guess as a casual anime fan who is a foreign film buff, I just kind of saw that and was really moved by it in a way.</p><p> </p><p>

At the time I first saw it I was watching anime for bloody action and I thought this would satisfy that craving. What I got was something else entirely and something so much more. </p><p> </p><p>

I can't say I disagree with what you felt because your knocks against it are simply a matter of taste. The darker stuff is unsettling and that's either going to be a plus for some people or a minus. Great review though, sir.</p>

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I've been waiting for your thoughts on Shigurui- Death Frenzy for some time. It's a personal favorite of mine. I think it's a "beautifully ugly" little tale.


Shigurui is a series I admired from an artistic standpoint but I didn't 'enjoy' all that much- and that had less to do with the unsettling content and more to do with the extremely slow pacing. Though admittedly Shigurui was so dark and disturbing, I had to seek out an anime that was the complete opposite- hence why my next review was something fluffy like GA Art Class :D


I do always try to form a balanced opinion on the shows that I watch, of course the subjective opinion of one's personal taste will always come into things, but I think when reviewing stuff you have to try and understand other perspectives other than your own.

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Tigerkinney" data-cite="Tigerkinney" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33970" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Shigurui is a series I admired from an artistic standpoint but I didn't 'enjoy' all that much- and that had less to do with the unsettling content and more to do with the extremely slow pacing. Though admittedly Shigurui was so dark and disturbing, I had to seek out an anime that was the complete opposite- hence why my next review was something fluffy like GA Art Class <img alt=":D" data-src="//content.invisioncic.com/g322608/emoticons/biggrin.png.929299b4c121f473b0026f3d6e74d189.png" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><p> </p><p> I do always try to form a balanced opinion on the shows that I watch, of course the subjective opinion of one's personal taste will always come into things, but I think when reviewing stuff you have to try and understand other perspectives other than your own.</p></div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Oh absolutely. I love your reviews dude even if I disagree at times (and I do!) One of my least favorite things people do is read a review and be pissed because it wasn't what they thought. I feel like that's kind of the opposite of the purpose of a critical article. I mean criticism wasn't originally printed in the media for people to decide whether to spend their money on a product or not. At least not good criticism. The purpose is the exchange of ideas on the artform being discussed. Why I might have liked it vs why the critic may not or vice versa. Or even less black and white than that, what I thought about aspects of the medium being discussed versus what they thought. </p><p> </p><p> I wish we didn't have to use a "Grading" system as to me this goes so far into the realm of "buy it or don't buy it" rather than the realm of discussing ideas and interpretations, but I think you do a great job at the latter so it works in your reviews. Besides, you are one of the few reviewers who use an actual 10-point grading system lol. To you a 6/10 is not a bad review. To many, a 1-10 grading scale really is a 5-10 grading scale, where if something is at or around 5 it must be really terrible. (thats right, video game magazines I'm looking right at you here)</p>
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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="color:#FF0000;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>Rideback </strong></span></span></span></p><p>



<span>http://www.anime-planet.com/images/anime/screenshots/ride-back-2284-6.jpg</span><span>http://www.anime-planet.com/images/anime/screenshots/ride-back-2284-9.jpg</span></p><p> </p><p>

<span>http://www.anime-planet.com/images/anime/screenshots/rideback9.jpg</span><span>http://www.anime-planet.com/images/anime/screenshots/rideback7.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Genre:</strong> Action/Drama/Mecha</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Studio:</strong> Madhouse Director: Atsushi Takahashi, <strong>Writers:</strong> Hideo Takayashiki/Ken Iizuka <strong>Source:</strong> Manga by Tetsuro Kasahara</p><p>

<strong>Original Broadcast:</strong> January-March 2009 <strong>Episodes:</strong> 12</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Setting:</strong> Rideback takes place in a near future Tokyo (2025), with the whole world under the regime of a global government. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Plot:</strong> Rin Ogata is following in her late mother's footsteps to be a Prima Ballerina, however during her first lead role performance she suffered an injury- and thus she lost confidence in herself as a dancer and quit ballet.</p><p> </p><p>

After enrolling at college, Rin comes across a state of the art machine, called a Rideback that is hybrid between a motorcycle and a robot. A member of the Rideback club called Haruki talks her into trying it out- it turns out that Rin's ballet skills make her a born natural upon a Rideback and she forms an affinity with one Rideback in particular known as Fuego. </p><p> </p><p>

However Rin's new 'love' sees her pulled into trouble and makes her a target of the oppressive regime known as the GGP (Global Government Plan). </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Animation Quality/Art Style: </strong> The art-style in Rideback from the character designs to the background art, leans towards being gritty and realistic without over-playing the dystopian atmosphere by creating a world that still has colour but is not an over-bright technicolour fantasy land.</p><p> </p><p>

The Ridebacks are obviously CG rendered, and do unfortunately standout a bit, but in general they are blended into the show pretty well and the animation is really fluid, especially during the key action scenes. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Music: </strong> The techno-pop of the self titled opener by MELL, fits in with the shows near future setting and generally urban landscape, whilst ending theme Kioku by Younha is a pop ballad, that is sung with enough emotion not to feel out of place as an ending theme.</p><p> </p><p>

The BGM is relatively understated, but blends in well the series- with the classical piano piece used during Rin's ballet performance at the start of the series, used to great effect in several scenes throughout the show.</p><p> </p><p>

<em><strong>Opening theme; Rideback:</strong></em><em>

</em></p><div class="ipsEmbeddedVideo"><div><iframe width="200" height="113" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/yTTOMukrtWo?feature=oembed" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="" title="Rideback Opening [subbed]"></iframe></div></div><p><em> </em></p><p><em>

</em><em><strong>Ending theme; Kioku:</strong></em><em> </em><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2g-EMBAdvVU" rel="external nofollow"><em>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2g-EMBAdvVU</em></a></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Action:</strong> Much of the action as expected takes place upon the Ridebacks with several chase scenes throughout the show. There is also a few explosions and gun battles with the GGP being at war with the BMA (labelled as terrorists by the GGP), so this is a show that is not short of action sequences.</p><p> </p><p>

Overall Rideback isn't a thrill-a-minute show and some episodes are definitely more action packed than others.....in a nut-shell its a show suited best to those looking for exciting action but with some meaty drama along with it. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Drama:</strong> Initially Rideback sets itself up as a generic 'sports' drama, with Rin as the new competitor learning to become the best at what she does, we even get a cliche of a friendly rival within the Rideback club that she joins, but a quarter of a way through a terrorist incident completely changes the complexion of the show. </p><p> </p><p>

Rin is very much the central character of the show, her personal battle regarding her feelings towards ballet (which are subconsciously reignited by the way Rin and her Rideback Fuego are able to move in perfect harmony together) set against a backdrop of political upheaval. </p><p> </p><p>

The political backdrop, conveys a message of standing up for yourself whether as a group or as an individual, but ultimately it is one particular individual that is at the heart of the show and it's her decisions/reactions that drive along the shows plot. </p><p> </p><p>

As the show progresses it also reveals that the Rideback club's grumpy advisor Okakura has links with both the leader of the GGP and the leader of the BMA. And it's through Okakura's back story that we learn what Ridebacks were originally developed for and how they played in a role in creating the oppressive situation that the world finds itself in.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Comedy:</strong> Though the show isn't completely dark and depressing.....Rideback doesn't really have any comedy, though the tone is definitely a bit lighter toward the beginning of the show. In particular Suzuri, who happens to be an over-enthusiastic fan-girl of Rin serves as the shows main source of 'light relief'. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Moe/Kawaii:</strong> The realistic aesthetic for this show, means that the moe is weak for this one. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Adult Content (Fanservice etc):</strong> Madhouse studios avoid the temptation to bring any kind of fanservice element into the show, and it's only some standard issue violence and a few heart-wrenching moments of tragedy that keep this out of the reach of a younger audience (under 12's). </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Analysis:</strong> In Rin Ogata Rideback has a strong lead protagonist- not strong in the sense that they come across as an invincible hero, but strong in the sense that her imperfections make her an interesting character. Rin has a generally quiet demeanor but underneath has a competitive streak, counter-acted by moments of self doubt. She feels an obligation to be there for those she holds close to her heart/her friends family but her impulsive decisions can often cause trouble both for herself and those she is trying to 'protect'. </p><p> </p><p>

Fusing together a story that involves up-rising against an oppressive regime, evolved motorbikes and the ballet...could have turned into a proverbial traffic accident but Rideback actually manages to merge all these elements together into a well paced plot, with the major plot-twists that change the tone of the show placed at just the right moment.</p><p> </p><p>

This is also one of those shows where good aesthetics (both visually and sonically) really add to the story....Rin's balletic handling of a Rideback, aren't just mere set pieces, they speak to the viewer visually, as much as any piece of dialogue will. </p><p> </p><p>

Unfortunately in a short series, with a strong focus on it's lead character...something has to suffer and what suffers is the supporting cast, who most of the time just come across as triggers for Rin to overcome several dilemma's throughout the series. Some of these characters only really justify their presence in the show by being the trigger to a major plot twist. </p><p> </p><p>

Apart from maybe Okakura who at least gets some back story, the characters range from pointless such as the fat one with the bowlcut in the Rideback Club<em> (he's such a worthless character, I can't be bothered to look his name up)</em>, to underdeveloped Tamayo Kataoka <em>(the Rideback champion of Japan, initially set up to be Rin's rival but later becomes her friend</em>). </p><p> </p><p>

Even the major players in the GGP/BMA war have little to them beyond the surface other than being a stereotypical authoritarian despot and someone who justifies their acts of terrorism because their driven by revenge. Then there's Romanov's right hand woman, who doesn't seem to see entirely eye to eye with her leaders 'shoot first, ask questions later' policy, all her character seems to be is a plot device to leave you wondering who she plans to screw over by the end of the series.</p><p> </p><p>

Rideback's ending, sums up the show- giving a strong ending to Rin's own personal journey that ends in a beautifully symbolic climax, but the conclusion of the military oppression/up-rising element of the show ended up being abrupt and unsatisfying. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Closing Verdict: </strong>In some ways being only 12 episodes long benefits Rideback- as the pacing of the story is pitched perfectly, unfortunately that comes at the expense of a weak supporting cast of underdeveloped or cardboard characters and a whole bunch of unanswered plot holes outside of the central characters journey. The main character though is engaging enough to carry the show on her back and in the end it is able to overcome it's weaknesses to be an enjoyable series. </p><p> </p><p>

<span style="font-size:10px;"><span style="color:#808000;"><strong>Mildly Recommended </strong></span></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Is the Dub Any Good?:</strong> Funimation did the dub for this show, and it's up to their usually solid standards. Most critically Tia Ballard, did a good job in the lead role of Rin.</p>

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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Rickymex" data-cite="Rickymex" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33970" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>I just couldn't get into the show. The killing of so many of the characters early in the show and even through this is not something I have a problem with regularly I found it too violent for me.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> Yea, those initial episodes are tough. I'd encourage you to give it another shot, mabey once the run is done as tiger said. It certainly becomes easier to watch once the humans figure out how to fight back, at least somewhat effectively, and start figuring out what the hell is going on.</p>
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My Little Monster

aka Tonari no Kaitbutsu-kun


The proper Japanese title actually translates to The Monster Sitting Beside Me- but Crunchyroll called the series My Little Monster on their simulcast.







Genre: Romantic Comedy


Studio: Brains Base Director: Hiro Kaburaki, Source: Manga by Robico

Original Broadcast: October- December 2012 Episodes: 13*

*An OVA episode has been confirmed for release August 2013.


Plot: Study-bug Shizuku Mizutani only cares about getting good grades, leaving her to have little interest in anything else. One day however her teacher gets her to deliver lesson notes to delinquent class mate Haru Yoshida- whose poor attendance will see him expelled from school, if he does not return to class soon.


Shizuku is initially intimidated by the 'trouble-maker' Haru, but she gradually begins to notice that Haru is actually misunderstood, innocent and kind if still rather strange. With Shizuku as his friend, Haru returns to school leading to an unlikely romance blossoming between the two, though one where their feelings for one another never quite seem to be on the same page.


Animation Quality/Art Style: Whilst I wouldn't say that the art and animation for My Little Monster is astoundingly great it is up to the expected standards for a recent anime. Character designs are attractive, realistically proportioned but with a Bishojo/Bishonen influence and the face faults (for comedic expressions) are handled well with good timing throughout the series.


Overall the My Litle Monster has a colorful aesthetic, but remains grounded enough in reality, that is does not detract from the shows more serious moments of drama.


Music: Opening song 'Q&A Recital' sung by Haruku Tomatsu (seiyuu for Shizuku) and closing song 'White Wishes' by 9nine, are both relatively catchy, energetic if rather forgettable and generic J-Pop. They're relatively charming and not entirely out of keeping with the feel of the show but they aren't going to win any prizes for being the most memorable/original anime themes any time soon.


The BGM is well measured however, playful trumpets providing extra energy to the more quirkier/comedic moments but then soft-strings able to provide appropriate background to the show's more sensitive moments, without ever veering into becoming too corny. The BGM does, what it should and that is provide the relevant support to each scene, when as and when needed.


Opening song; Q&A Recital: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPNGJOE2Sqo

Ending song; White Wishes:


Action: Haru gets into some fist fights, but it's played more for either comedic or dramatic effect, and this isn't really the show to be seeking if you're looking for action.


Drama: The central on again/off again romance between Shizuku and Haru is at the heart of the show. Before meeting one another, both were near enough for different reasons- Shizuku due to her obsessive studying, Haru for his poor social skills and tendency to react with violence. Their relationship is tested by the fact that Shizuku still puts studying before anything else and both also show signs of jealousy and/or possessiveness when both are approached by potential rival suitors.


The supporting cast get some spotlight turned on them too, especially Natsume Asako- a cute but ditzy girl, who actually does not crave the attention of boys and just wants to have a normal friendship with girls, she befriends Haru and Shizuku and becomes slightly obsessive about the friendship.


The show actually starts out more light hearted and comedic in tone, but gradually the more serious/dramatic elements of the story come to the fore-front more as the series progresses.


Comedy: Haru's often strange behavior and bluntness is the main source for comedy, plus of course Shizuku's reaction to said behaviour. The show also has a 'quirky' mascot in the form of school pet rooster, called Nagoya and as expected Natsume's poor academic skills are also mined for comedic purposes. There is also a running joke with the character of 'Yamaken' having no sense of direction.


Moe/Kawaii: My Little Monster isn't a moeblob show by any means, but the main female characters fo all have moe qualities. Oshima is your classic shy meganekko (glasses wearer), whilst Natsume's combination of cuteness and sad past/vunerability issues also make her potential moe material. Even Shizuku despite her often cold and blunt attitude, has her moe moments, in all honesty it's probably the fact that she isn't all that great socially, that gives her some moe appeal.


Adult Content (Fanservice etc): There is an episode where the central characters take the trips to the mountains, and we see Natsume in her swimming costume, but that's the only mild case of fanservice I can remember. Despite the fanservice being at a bare minimum, I would still only recommend this for teens and up, due to some mature dramatic themes.


Analysis: The central couple of Shizuku and Haru, are both endearingly flawed and frustrating in equal measure. Refreshingly it doesn't take an entire series for one of them to make a love confession to one another, but by their end of the state of their relationship is still left in limbo, and I get the feeling this going to be one of those frustrating cases where it's a 'read the manga' to get the proper ending scenario.


Though there are possible other love interests, that do cause feelings of jealousy for either of the two protagonists- it is really Shizuku's obsessive studying that proves to be the main rival to Haru, and it poses an interesting question on work/life balance. Shizuku may be getting high grades, but she was a dour loner, and in meeting Haru and also interacting with other people, she is actually having a 'life'. Shizuku however still see's studying as the priority, and her imbalance towards work over fun, is lampshaded by 'Yamaken' who develops feelings for her.


'Yamaken' as a love rival, is a little smug but he's not entirely unlikeable and in a lot of ways he is the more sensible match for Shizuku than the unpredictable Haru.


Haru himself is actually academically intelligent, and to Shizuku's frustration he gets better scores than her without really trying. But he is wildly unpredictable and his tendency to solve problems with violence, and here lies one of the problems with his relationship with Shizuku- several times he ends up 'accidentally' socking Shizuku, when he gets mad at someone. Accident's or not, you have to wonder why Shizuku would be willing to stay with someone with such a high trigger temper, and when he starts going into Yandere mode, he actually becomes quite scary and unpleasant to the point where you actually think he could end up killing someone.


Shizuku and Haru's reason's for being the isolated characters that they are handled with a sensitive believability, which make's their flawed characters very relatable something that is also extended to some of the show's supporting cast.


My Little Monster's relatively small supporting cast do get some focus put onto them but this also leads to frustration with their own stories being left in limbo by the end of the series- especially concerning beta couple 'likeable ditz' Natsume and 'nice guy' Sasayan.


Natsume is probably the most intriguing character in the whole show- she doesn't take pride in being the cute ditz, and in fact you can see she want's to improve herself academically...she can't help it if shes 'book-dumb', and she also can't help the fact that she's very attractive, which unfortunately for her invokes jealousy towards her. In Shizuku she manages to make a friend, because she appreciates Shizuku's honesty.


My Little Monster has a nice balance between comedy and drama, and the way the story evolves from a more comedic show to a more serious one is paced nicely, unfortunately the ending leaves more questions than answers and doesn't leave you with a satisfying conclusion. Hopefully the forth-coming OVA will provide a satisfying conclusion, but being a one-shot OVA I wouldn't get your hopes up- I wouldn't be surprised if this is a light-hearted episode (these things usually are).


The comedy element itself is pretty funny, though as the series progresses the running jokes as expected have diminishing returns. Haru's tendency to spurt out what he is thinking, is a real gold-mine, with his 'inappropriate' comments providing My Little Monsters most genuinely funny moments.


Closing Verdict: My Little Monster's believably flawed characters, make this a charming rom-com with a nice balance between quirky comedy and sensitively handled drama, Unfortunately it cuts the legs out from underneath itself with an ending that fails to bring a strong resolution to it's story and/or characters.


Mildly Recommended


Is the Dub Any Good?: My Little Monster has been licensed by N.I.S America, but at this moment in time it's a sub only release.

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<p>Just wanted to pop in and say keep up the good work Tigerkinney, really enjoy reading the reviews and use them to help decide if a show is worth watching. Recently watched Sword Art Online because it was so hyped and thought your review was pretty spot on. Lots of failed promise and a disappointing but still decent second season but entertaining overall. Really feel the show would have been better served by stretching out the first season and then ending it with the conclusion of the first season. I would rate it higher then a six though more 7 territory.</p><p> </p><p>

I know you normally don't do running shows but i'd like your initial thoughts if possible Attack of Titan and the new Battleship Yamato.</p>

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Elfen Lied







Genre: Action, Horror, Tragedy, Romance


Studio: ARMS Director: Mamoru Kanbe, Writer: Takao Yoshioka Source: Manga by Lynn Okamoto

Original Broadcast: July-October 2004 Episodes: 13 (+ 1 OVA, episode 10.5)


Plot: A humanoid test subject known as a Diclonious and referred to as Lucy by her captors makes her escape from the lab that she has being kept- protected by a form of supernatural power she plows through the opposition leaving a sea of blood in her wake- as she makes her way out of the facility she is shot by a sniper and falls into the sea....


Cousins Kouta and Yuka then come across a peculiar looking girl with horns atop her head standing naked in the ocean. The girl who looks lost and can barely speak (only able to say the word 'nyu') is taken in by the two cousins- little do they know that 'Nyu' hides a dark and bloody secret.


Animation Quality/Art Style: Elfen Lied is an artistically attractive and well animated show, with some often beautiful looking background art and smoothly animated action scenes, and the liberally splashed blood and the gore in this series is very attractive in a rather twisted way.


The only slight let-down is the somewhat generic looking character designs typical of early-mid 2000's anime, and with the art and animation being so good elsewhere, it's a shame that the characters couldn't look a little more unique.


The title sequence, made up of adapted copies of Gustav Klimt's most famous paintings- is both along with the accompanying music makes for one of the most memorable and striking openings seen in any anime.....


Music: ..... The accompanying song 'Lilium' sung in Latin by Kumiko Nouma, is a beautifully melancholic song that has an ominous air about it, and is a uniquely fits the mood of Elfen Lied, the song is also used to great effect in different forms as part of the series BGM, to the point that it even ties in with the story....


It's a shame that the Ending song 'Be Your Girl' a generic pop-rock ditty sung by Chieko Kawabe, completely misses the mark. It's not a terrible song, but it's just utterly wrong in the context of a show built on bloody carnage and tragic melodrama.


Opening song;Lilium: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cj1vYSWOvoo


Ending song; Be Your Girl:


Action: If you like your action bloody and I mean extremely bloody, then this may be the show for you....like seeing people getting ripped apart limb from limb...then sick bastards rejoice...Elfen Lied is your anime utopia!


Drama: The protagonist/antagonist whichever way you wish to see her, has a dark and troubled past, where she suffered bullying/discrimination, and that back-story ties in with her behaviour.


It turns out that Kouta, also had a tragic past of his own, which ends up tying in with Lucy/Nyu's tragic past, meanwhile his cousin Yuka is in love with him and gets jealous whenever Kouta gets close with Nyu- and they also end up taking in another young girl Mayu (who is running away from a rather unsavoury situation of her own)....


Meanwhile the lab facility has sent another Diclonious known as Nana, is sent after Lucy....whilst most Diclonious are seen as little more than monsters, the director at the lab facility see's Nana as a surrogate daughter for the one that he lost.....


As expected all the tragedy that the characters are made to suffer in this series all ties together, with themes such as neglect, abuse and amnesia being explored throughout a show dripping in tragedy.


Comedy: Curiously despite Elfen Lied, being a generally dark show, it manages to shoe-horn in some comedy via the form of Youta ending up with an unexpected harem, with much of the comedy coming from the fact that 'Nyu' has the personality and communication skills of a Pokemon, albeit one in humanoid form.


Moe/Kawaii: Humanoid Pokemon 'Nyu' is obviously written to be adorable, in total contrast to her sadistic alter-ego, and whilst fellow Diclonious Nana can string a sentence together, her naive child-like personality, coupled with her own tragic story makes her very moe.....throw in runaway Mayu, who also happens to be predictably 'cute' and you end up with a series that may be horrifically bloody but is also not short of 'moe' gooeyness.


Adult Content (Fanservice etc): If the copious amounts of blood wasn't going to warn people that Elfen Lied isn't one to show the kids, then the equally copious amounts of naked flesh surely will...you're greeted by it right at the very start of the season....


That being said the nudity, whilst extremely prevalent is rarely of a sexual nature, and in fact one scene featuring an underage girl is designed to be disturbing.


Analysis: Elfen Lied holds a somewhat infamous reputation for the amount of nudity and gore displayed throughout the series. The truth is it's not as perverse as something like Urotsukidoji but if you're a prude or even slightly squeamish then this is not the show for you. From the extreme nature of the very first scene the show sets it's stall out early in terms of 'taste' and if you can get past the first episode you should be able to handle the rest of the series.


The story itself is a bit hackneyed and relies way too much on plot convenience*, the characters often come across as being dumb, the little bits of light relief feel out of place and the melodrama is ladled on so thick, that in the end you become desensitized to it, rather than the dramatic/tragic moments reaching the required emotional impact that they could have.


* For example: Nyu just so happens to revert back to her bad-ass self whenever she is threatened, but then conveniently returns to being the humanoid pokemon, as soon as the threat has been dealt with.


And yet despite all these flaws, Elfen Lied is an awesome show. I've seen plenty of anime with a better executed plot/characters but rarely has anything been so compelling as Elfen Lied. If you can handle the gore/nudity it's a show that just grabs you and you can't take your eyes away from...and in truth you will only think about Elfen Lied's flaws after the event.


Of course the high level production values (generic character designs aside) help to hide the negatives and accentuate the positives of Elfen Lied...gore has rarely looked more beautiful and in Lilium (the series opener/key soundtrack song) it possesses a powerful piece of music that heightens the emotion/drama of any scene it is played in, whether in the form of a Gregorian chant or a music box.


Perhaps one day I'll come across it, but there really isn't anything else like Elfen Lied, and that uniqueness helps it stands out from the crowd. A series mixing together Ultra Violence, nudity and bleak melodrama with a splash of harem comedy shouldn't work....it really shouldn't work at all and yet somehow it does.


The ending whilst not totally unsatisfactory, but is left somewhat open-ended leaving it as a semi 'read the manga' ending. In fact I've seen plenty of opinion from those that have also read the manga, that the anime suffers from adaptation decay, but as stated before I rarely read the manga and my opinion is based solely on how good I felt the anime is, rather than how good of an adaptation it is. Admittedly though had I read the manga, then it probably would have more influence on how I feel about this series.


The OVA episode seems like your typical useless fluff bonus episode, but as it progresses some plot-holes are filled in, so it is worth seeking out along with the main series.


Closing Verdict: Elfen Lied won't be for everyone and it does have it's flaws and I don't mean the excessive gore and nudity. But there really isn't anything else quite like Elfen Lied, a uniquely perverse experience that instantly places this one in the category of being a flawed classic.




Is the Dub Any Good?: The dub by the now defunct ADV films, is unfortunately a bit shaky and the slightly wooden performances do not help sell the shows more emotional scenes. Kira-Vincent Davis is probably the standout of a mediocre bunch, handling the dual personality of the main character relatively well.

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