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Just finished watching the first season of No Game No Life on Crunchyroll, and I highly recommend it. Although it does go heavy with fanservice comedy ( given that one of the main protagonists is an 18 yr old virgin gamer) it doesn't detract from the overall story where he and his sister lead another worlds version of humanity against 15 other races, all deemed more powerful than humanity, and to challenge a god in a world where there is no murder or robbery and all disputes are settled by games.
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Dragonmack" data-cite="Dragonmack" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="33970" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>Just finished watching the first season of No Game No Life on Crunchyroll, and I highly recommend it. Although it does go heavy with fanservice comedy ( given that one of the main protagonists is an 18 yr old virgin gamer) it doesn't detract from the overall story where he and his sister lead another worlds version of humanity against 15 other races, all deemed more powerful than humanity, and to challenge a god in a world where there is no murder or robbery and all disputes are settled by games.</div></blockquote><p> </p><p> I second the recommendation.</p>
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No Matter How I Look At It, It's Your Fault I'm Not Popular!







Genre: Comedy Drama, Slice of Life


Studio: Silver Link Director: Shin Onuma Writer: Takao Yoshioka Source: Manga by Nico Tanigawa

Original Broadcast: July-September 2013 Episodes: 12 *


* OVA episode scheduled for October 2014


Synopsis: Tomoko Kuroki has never had many friends, spending most of her time playing dating sims and surfing the internet. However upon joining highschool Tomoki believes that will change and sets about to obtain that 'perfect' high school life, that is always depicted in anime where the main protagonist always manages to have a close knit group of friends around them.


Recommended Viewing Age: Approx 15 and up- WataMote does not feature a strong amount of fanservice (though some attention is given to how buxom Tomoko's blossomed friend from middle school Yu has become), but the series does feature consistent sexual based humour and some strong language, along with an often depressive vibe that adds up to Watamote even being unsuitable even for young teens.


In all honesty I think this series is best viewed as an adult, when you've made it through the awkwardness of adolescence.


Action Level: Virtually Non Existent- Not a series that will thrill action junkies, so lets move on....


Moe/Kawaii Level: Fairly Low- The lead character Tomoko, is not a stereotypical moe character, nor does the series as a whole present itself with that image, but there may just be someout there who will find Tomoko 'moe' in her own odd way.


In a lot of ways WataMote is a deconstruction of the typical moe anime (where everything is sunshine and roses but nothing much happens), being a series where the general vibe is doom and gloom but like the moe series it places itself in opposition to, nothing of real consequence happens either.


Animation Quality/Art Style: Outside of delving into Tomoko's delusions and anxieties, the art and animation is relatively run of the mill, with rather generic background art and supporting characters, but the animation really comes alive and pulls you into Tomoko's cracked and frenzied emotional state, whenever she goes into one of her breakdowns/rants.


Tomoko herself is one of the most striking main leads in anime, and is probably the most realistic portrayal from a character design perspective of someone that would be a labelled as a 'loser' in life. Tomoko's not grotesque, but her dishevelled and appearance get across that this is someone who finds social interaction difficult and that it's chipping away at them.


Music: Opening theme 'Watashi ga Motenai no wa dō Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!' (which is the literal full title of the series) by Konomi Suzuki and Kiba of Akiba, is a frenzied schizophrenic mix of screemo and J-Pop....it's not necessarily the most easiest track on the ear but it does show a good representation of the main characters mindset and emotional state.


Though there are several closing themes throughout the series, the one used for the majority of the episodes is ~Dō Kangaetemo Watashi wa Warukunai" sung by the seiyuu for Tomoko, Izumi Kitta. It's a song that is a cheerful J-Pop in tempo, but has an often hint of underlying desperation and sadness, that perfectly encapsulates the consistent failure of the main character to turn her life around.


I also found the BGM soundtrack to do a pretty good job of ebbing and flowing with Tomoko's mood and consistent desent into yet another failure to improve her tragic situation by the end of each episode.


Plot and Characters: Front, center and dominating Watamote is the main protagonist Tomoko, an unpopular girl that wishes she was popular but can't quite seem to do anything about it, due to the fact that she appears to suffer from crippling social anxiety, and is barely able to string a sentence together in front of most people. Being so withdrawn within her shell and unable to put into action the 'fantasy' school life she wishes she has, has lead to Tomoko having a rather dark outlook on life and she often displays signs of jealousy towards her classmates in school that are doing the kinds of things, she wishes she could.


Even though the series pretty much follows Tomoko around for the whole show and spends much of that time delving into her delusional subconscious, the small supporting cast manages to play it's role. Tomoko's family includes the exasperated mother, who tries her best to tolerate her daughters ineptitude and her brother Tomoki, who once looked up to his older sister but now views her with frustrated disgust at what she has turned into.


Then there is Yu, Tomoko's best friend in middle school, who she has not seen since graduation. A fellow geeky outsider like Tomoko, unlike the protagonist of the series Yu has blossomed into a beautiful buxom young lady- which further drives home the point that Tomoko's life in high school has not improved but has gone backwards. Despite changing into the sort of person that Tomoko is jealous of and delusionally down upon (often referring to Yu, as her 'bitch' friend throughout the series), it appears that Yu still cares for her old friend- though just how much that is out of 'pity' is up for interpretation and debate.


Despite WataMote revolving around a main character with what could perceived to be a sensitive issue in social anxiety, the comedy is wholly based upon Tomoko's constant misfortune, however that misfortune Tomoko suffers throughout can often be of her own making, due to her misguided schemes to become more popular that are always destined for failure.


Away from that the series pulls off some neat twists based around typical anime cliches (particularly those to be found in the slice of life genre) and those familiar with the series being referenced, should be amused by several parodies of well known anime scattered throughout the series.


Analysis: A series as challenging in it's subject and it's portrayal of it's main character, such as WataMote is always going to divisive and draw strong opinions both in defense of the series brutally realistic portrayal of a social outcast and from those who feel that portrayal is far too cruel and offensive to endure.


As main characters go, Tomoko must be one of the most downtrodden in the history of fiction- just when it looks like there might be a chink of light, a modicum of progress, it all comes crashing down and she always finds herself back at square one. It's one of the criticism's that can be leveled at WataMote, is the fact that Tomoko never really develops or there never seems to be any real hope that she will fight her way out of her the malaise she finds herself in. Though it has to be said, that by the end of the series, she has ever to subtly changed and there is an ever so miniscule hint that after the events portrayed in the anime, things might just turn around for her. The open ended nature of the ending and the lack of progress from Tomoko, will frustrate many but it suits the stark realism that the series is clearly shooting for and hammers home it's message that life doesn't always work out the way you want it to.


The ultimate divisive point though is whether or not you think it is OK to laugh at the expense of someone with a crippling social disorder- and there will be many who will feel that the series goes to far in constantly kicking someone like Tomoko down , and for those who are going through what Tomoko it may well strike too close to the bone, and be a far too sensitive watch to endure.


However, I never truly felt watching WataMote that it was pitching itself as a straight laugh out loud comedy, and throughout the series the situations that Tomoko finds herself in, are rather open to interpretation in the way that the viewer should react to them....some may chuckle, some may feel sorry, some may feel angry and some may feel upset, quite simply the emotional response to WataMote and Tomoko's situation in general will all depend on who you are and how you relate to the character.....


Those most likely to 'get' the humour to be found in WataMote, will be those who have experienced what Tomoko is going through on some level, but have either pulled through or a getting past the phase she finds herself in. And though it's obvious that social anxiety plays a part in her inability to make friends, much of the humour is at the expense of her own delusions of grandeur and often hypocritical attempts (calling the popular/fashionable girls bitches, and then deep down wishing she was just like them), to try and become someone that she is not. Make no mistake, though one can feel sorry for the state that Tomoko finds herself in, she is no angel and much of the misfortune that besets her, is through her own misjudgement and at times twisted viewpoint. That twisted viewpoint can sometimes make for some 'humour' that won't sit comfortably with many viewers, something that comes to a particular head in an episode centred around being molested on a train.


I don't usually bring my own personal experience into my reviews, but I will admit that WataMote and the character of Tomoko did resonate with me to a certain degree. In senior school, I had a pretty bad stammer that forced me into my shell and made it hard for me to socialise and much like Tomoko I began to cultivate the same sort of attitude and misguided stubbornness that things would turn around for me, without having to really change anything at all. What anyone in Tomoko's situation needs is a chink of hope to latch on to, and though we don't see any real progress from Tomoko by the end of the series, we do get that chink of hope when one of the older students in her school, starts to take an interest in her.


The general handling of the small supporting cast must be given credit here, as the one person that Tomoko can open up to younger brother Tomoki, viewpoint of her is just as the annoying older sister and he somewhat ignorant to just how more deep rooted her problems are, likewise the mother probably feels her teenage daughter is just going through 'a phase' and her classmates just view her as the weird quiet girl, unaware the main reasons she is unable to communicate with them is because of her crippling nerves. This ignorance towards Tomoko, makes the situation she finds herself in all the more painfully realistic.


The only main supporting character I have mixed feelings on is Tomoko's middle school friend Yu- who you are never quite sure is genuinely still friends with Tomoko or just letting Tomoko associate with her out of sympathy. And whilst Yu's transformation from geek to fashionista, shows a neat contrast from Tomoko's lack of progress since entering high school, such a transformation perhaps goes a little too far in bringing home the point to be made.


Even if you fail to connect with Tomoko as a character or her fail to truly understand the struggles she is going through or if her the humour to be had her constant misfortune offends you or the sheer hopelessness of her situation cuts too deeply that it's too difficult to watch what cannot be brought into question is whether or not the series is well made. From an animation stand point, Silver Link have done a fine job of portraying Tomoko's state of mind, whilst one can also admire the sheer hard work Izumi Kitta has put in to what must be a relatively draining performance as Tomoko. Kitta consistently has Tomoko on the brink of sounding like she is heading for a total breakdown, but reigns it in just enough for her performance as Tomoko to remain relate-able.

Closing Verdict: 'WataMote' won't be to everyone's liking, it's a challenging series that straddles the line of what many will find acceptable as comedy. It's a series that has the gumption to tackle a difficult subject, daring to present a tragic lead character in a possibly humorous manner and whilst it's understandable that some will be offended in some shape or form, the struggles of the main character is something that will resonate with many.




Is the Dub Any Good?: Sentai Filmworks have been confirmed as the English studio to handle the dub. I've yet to hear the dub (having watched this in sub on Crunchyroll)- but it's Sentai, who whilst their dubs aren't pre millennium bad, they never quite reach the consistent heights of a Funimation dub (despite sharing some of the same Texas based talent) or the better quality L.A based dubs.


On a promising note, whilst Izumi Kitta's performance will be hard to live up to, veteran performer Monica Rial has been cast in the main role of Tomoko- and in all honesty of the talent at Sentai's disposal, Rial has the experience and vocal range to take on such a demanding role.

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I should probably finish watching the show. I stopped after the first episode for some reason even through I had no problem with the content probably because I was friendly with enough people to not be lonely yet not friendly enough to be popular. My friends were more the joking in class type than the let's hang out after school.


Funny enough I never witnessed that popular kid mentality that you see in movies. Maybe it's a cultural thing since my school was in the south side of San Antonio and around 90% hispanic with the rest being black. The only people that could fit that stereotype were some of the athletes but they never were really popular to the stereotypical level.

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I only watched a few eps of 'WataMote'- but the Opening is awesome. The show is either great or not depending on if you can handle all of the cringe worthy parts of the show. I wasn't as bad as the MC is but it does hit close to home.



Great review and i might have to finish the series.

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Black Butler

(aka Kuroshitsuji)







Genre: Dark Fantasy, Black Comedy


Studio: A-1 Director: Toshiya Shinohara Writer: Mari Okada Source: Manga by Yana Toboso

Original Broadcast: October 2008- March 2009 Episodes: 24 (+ 1 OVA)


Synopsis: In Victorian England, the Phantomhive's are a family of noble's that own a toy manufacturing company, but that is merely a front for their true role, as the 'Queen's Guard Dog' to keep an eye and maintain order over the criminal underworld.


However the Phantomhive manor is set alight, and Ciel see's his parents brutally murdered before being captured and then tortured by a mysterious organisation. Facing death himself, Ciel makes a Faustian pact with a demon, in order to stay alive long enough to have his revenge on those responsible for murdering his parents.


As Ciel returns to the Phantomhive Estate, now as it's head he will have his Butler Sebastian protecting him every step of the way, until he will have to eventually pay the ultimate price for his Butler's impeccable service.


Recommended Viewing Age: Teens (approx 14 +) and up- It won't got unnoticed that Black Butler's primary target for 'fanservice' is not of the hetero male variety....It features it fair share of Bishonen, in possibly suggestive situations, but 'suggestion' is pretty much as far as it goes, and this can't really be considered to be a full blown yaoi series, for those either aroused or put off by that genre of anime.


Though mostly suggestive, there is no denying that Black Butler has a kinky side and features some relatively strong suggestions towards sexual happenings, whilst there is also enough moderate violence and blood for the series to perhaps even be unsuitable for young teenagers.


Action Level: Medium- Though not every episode is action packed, Black Butler features it's fair share of fight scene's, most of them involving Sebastian, who is as his catchphrase goes 'One Hell Of A Butler'. What Black Butler mostly has going for it's action sequences is a degree of quirky creativity...there's a Reaper who's scythe is a chainsaw, then there is Sebastian himself being rather handy with a set of cutlery and finally who doesn't enjoy gun toting maids?!


Moe/Kawaii Level: Medium- Overall Black Butler, probably couldn't be considered a 'moe' type of series, though as ever with a vulnerable main character (Ciel) certain elements of the fanbase might find their own 'moe' element to the show, likewise with Ciel's future wife to be Lizzy, whose bubbly and cheerful nature is a front for just how much Ciel's perpetual misery is affecting her.


Animation Quality/Art Style: Overall Black Butler is a good looking series, that does an admirable job of bringing to life it's Victorian setting and dark gothic mood. The character design's are attractively drawn, and whilst most of the characters are stuck with the same outfit, the co-main protagonist Ciel Phantomhive has a great number of wardrobe changes.


The character design artwork, does go super deformed during more comedic moments, most notably with the Phantomhive manor House Steward Tanaka (with a running joke being that he is mostly seen in that form, until he has something worthwhile to say), I'm not always the biggest fan of that artwork trick but it does work pretty well here to highlight Black Butler's less serious moments.


Music: Both the opening theme Monochrome Kiss by J-Rock band Sid and the second ending theme 'Lacrimosa' by orchestral pop trio Kalafina, capture the gothic feel of the series, but the first ending theme 'I'm Alive' by American pop-rocker Becca (she's one of those 'Big in Japan' cases) fails to really have any connection with the series. It's not terrible, as far as generic pop-rock goes but it just doesn't bring to mind Demon Butlers and murky Victorian backstreets. The OST soundtrack by Taku Iwasaki is solid enough in supporting the story being told on screen, but no themes managed to particularly stand out.


Plot and Characters: Set in Victorian London, Black Butler can be divided into a set of arcs (varying in length) based around various investigations into criminal activity that catch the attention of Ciel Phantomhive, in his guise as the 'Queens Guard Dog'- many of which reference real life historical events (particularly those of the era it is set in) or literature (there is an episode that is clearly a spin on the Hound of the Baskervilles). However most arcs can be considered as a building block of the overarching storyline, centred around Ciel tracking down and eventually coming face to face with those responsible for the murder of his parents.


Whilst the investigations drive along what is an overall plot that inevitably ends up with plenty of twists and turns, the heart of the show is the relationship between the young master Ciel and his loyal and extremely able butler Sebastian. Though Ciel is the master of the relationship and Sebastian always waits for the commands, from his chess playing master and is willing to be referred to as Ciel's pawn, it is the Demon Butler that always appears to be in true control of their relationship, due to the faustian pact that the two have struck.


As main protagonist's go, Ciel is not initially the most likeable due to his pompous attitude and spoiled nature- but this persona is effectively a wall he has built up as coping mechanism to deal with the loss of his parents and the trauma he has been through, and when flashbacks show the trauma he has been through, you can understand why he is not exactly ready to lighten up anytime soon and why he would be so desperate enough to go through with the pact he formed with Sebastian and the drive he has towards tracking down those responsible for turning his life upside down and effectively making it a living hell.


The personable Sebastian, makes for a more immediately likeable co-protagonist and though as a Demon he is effectively 'evil', you can tell that he is loyal to and will care for his master right and till the very end, and though he has essentially taken advantage of someone at their most vulnerable, he is so great at his job that can't help but be on his side. And though Sebastian is far from whiter than whiter, the antagonist responsible for Ciel's nightmare is much, much worse- due to their holier than thou attitude and hypocritical motivation.


Black Butler has a relatively large supporting cast of characters, that enrich the storyline, many of whom end up as minor antagonists. Amongst these are the Grim Reaper's, one of whom becomes particularly troublesome for Ciel and Sebastian, Ciel's aunt Lady Red, Ciel's future wife to be Elizabeth (who just want's to see him be happy again), shifty Chinese Opium dealer Lau and copper Fred Aberline (who catches onto the fact that something is not quite right about Ciel), as well as the staff of the Phantomhive manor (mainly used as comic relief, though they do get an episode in the limelight that reveals more depth to their characters and the reason why such an incompetent set of people happen to be in employment),and finally Queen Victoria herself (and she is not merely a background character in the story, she has a major role to play). I won't however reveal all the supporting cast, because the main antagonist is hinted at fairly early but we don't see their true form and the extent of their twisted motivation until the final arc.


Though Black Butler has a dark and gothic atmosphere right from the start, it does have it's fair share of comedy, especially during the first half, before the over-arching storyline really kicks into gear and the show ultimately gets more serious. Black Butler's lighter moments are primarily served up by the Phantomhive manor's staff whose incompetence contrasts with Sebastian's absurdly impeccable efficiency, whilst the camp and hammy Grim Reaper Grell, though a sadistic character is also a regular comedic source, especially when it comes to his interactions with Sebastian.

Analysis: It has to be said, that most series that feature a good proportion of it's time featuring the main characters drinking tea and eating cake, nothing much of consequence happens, but rest assured that Black Butler is not K-On! (not that anyone would make such as comparison in the first place).


Black Butler follows the well trodden but generally effective storytelling format, of having small arcs that introduce the main characters and hint at a bigger picture, before ramping up the intensity and concentrating on the over-arching main story towards the end of the series. Inevitably the first half is lighter and the series does not appear to be taking itself at all seriously, which at times can make the shows focus feel a little disjointed but by the end of the series, it is able to hone in on the meat of the story and deliver a captivating and effective primary antagonist.


The earlier story arcs borrow heavily from history, or in the case of the Hound of the Baskervilles other literature- whilst this could be deemed to be a bit lazy, Black Butler was always able to put it's own spin on these well known stories to make it's own versions able to stand out on their own.


However it's not the plot, that enriches Black Butler- it's the melting pot of morally grey characters, and the series does a generally good job of getting across their motivations, whilst in Sebastian's case maintaining a mysterious air that only serves to enhance the effectiveness of the character. It's hard not to like Sebastian, who is so effortlessly fantastic at being a Butler, that is easy to forget that he is in fact Demon, who has taken advantage of someone at their most vulnerable. Whilst Sebastian will undoubtedly be most people's favourite character, the real triumph in terms of character depth and development is the co-protagonist Ciel- on the surface he's not the most likeable of characters, but characters don't always have to be likeable to be great- and over the course of the series it does a good job of peeling off Ciel's hardened layer and showing you the emotions and motivations behind Ciel's decisions and ultimately his demeanor.


Whilst it helps to always have a good main protagonist and antagonist, it also helps to have an effective supporting cast, and overall Black Butler is able to deliver that. Flamboyant Grim Reaper Grell Sutcliff, is a real scene stealer of a character that manages to be an effective mix of sinister and comical, whilst Ciel's future betrothed Lizzy Milford, is as expected kind of annoying but still manages to be a sympathetic character.


Admittedly not all the supporting characters are great- and it's these poorer supporting characters that contribute to one of Black Butler's weaker arcs, based around the immigrant Indian population in England, with the characters ending up as poorly conceived racial stereotypes. It doesn't help that the arc comes right at the point where the series is beginning to pick up steam, but it does introduce us to Queen Victoria and the story is able to find it's focus again after that brief derailment. The Phantomhive house staff, will possibly be the most divisive characters in a series like this, they are primarily there to be comic relief, but it's understandable if their silly antics and unbelievable levels of ineptitude may not be to everyone's taste.


In terms of being close to the Manga, the anime adaptation does veer off in it's own direction, which will inevitably disappoint some but in terms of judging the story of the anime on it's own merits, it delivers an excellent final arc. The ending manages to be both finite and open- the very final act is not shown, and this appears to be a conscious decision to keep open the possibility of a sequel (which there did end up being) and let the viewer decide in their own mind, exactly what happens at that point.

So all in all Black Butler is an effective if sometimes inconsistent mix of gothic suspense, black comedy and thrilling action, with an intriguing setting and a well drawn cast of characters. However there will be a major sticking point for some people regarding Black Butler.....


Due to the relationship between the older Sebastian and the much younger Ciel, I've seen the term shotacon (which refers to an attraction to young boys) bandied around for this series- personally I didn't interpretate it as such, but that may be the fact that I don't already share the same mindset as someone about to be investigated by Operation Yewtree. I can kind of see the possibility of interpreting Sebastian and Ciel's relationship in that context but in doing so that is really a bigger judge on the viewer's own character and moral make-up than the creators of Black Butler.


Then there is the general yaoi element, which much like the the aforementioned hints at shotacon, that has been discussed for this series, is also little more than suggestion and interpretation on behalf of the viewer- if anything yaoi fans, hoping for some boys love action will be sorely disappointed by Black Butler.


At the end of the day from my own personal viewpoint, I am pleased that I finally gave this series the chance it deserves and that it does not really deserve it's frankly misjudged reputation as either a yaoi or a shotacon.


Closing Verdict: The bottom line here, is that do not be put off by the more questionable or negative elements around Black Butler's reputation- it's by no means perfect and does suffer from inconsistency but overall this a series with an interesting concept and setting, with an engaging storyline and strongly written characters.




Is the Dub Any Good?: The only people who will not have an appreciation of Funimation's English dub here, are either dyed in the wool dub haters or those who heard the original Japanese version first and are used to those voices for those characters.


Admittedly the decision by Funimation to go with English accents for pretty much all of the characters, leads to an inconsistent level of performances, but it's the correct decision given that the series is set in Victorian England and though I have nothing against the original Japanese version, I feel that the English dub is more likely to give a closer portrayal to what the creator of Black Butler had in mind. I would be surprised if the Yana Toboso (the Mangaka) visualized these 'English' characters conversing in Japanese.


As for the individual performances I feel that both J Michael Tatum (Sebastian) and Brina Palencia (Ciel) delivered enjoyable turns in the main role. Some feel that Brina is too awkward and a little bit stiff as Ciel but in my view, the character is kind of awkward and stiff anyway.


Daniel Frederick is excellent as Grell (though a large part of that is down to the writing and direction of the character itself), whilst Jerry Jewell delivers a nuanced performance as shifty Chinese man Lau, applying an English accent with just enough hint of Chinese to not sound like a caricature but hint at the characters origins.


It's the more working class characters, rather than the upperclass one's that tend to deliver the more shaky performances- John Swasey's Undertaker misses the mark, and sounds too comedic, whilst Jason Liebricht's Fin sounds more Australian than English.


The performance I find myself to be on the fence on, is Monica Rial's performance as Mey-Rin which is delivered with a ridiculously over the top English working class accent, that sounds as though she has been to the Dick Van Dyke school of cockney, but it does have to be taken into account that the character is primarily there to be comic relief.

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Chronicles Of The Going Home Club

(aka Kitakubu Katsudō Kiroku)








Genre: Comedy, Slice of Life


Studio: Nomad Director: Hikaru Sato Writer: Go Zappa Source: Manga by Kuroha

Original Broadcast: July-October 2013 Episodes: 12

Synopsis: When a friend asks highschool freshman Natsuki, what club she is going to join, she jokingly retorts the 'Go Home Club' which means she isn't planning on joining any of them but she soon realises that oddly enough this club actually exists at her school and because of accidentally showing interest in the club Natsuki (along with fellow first year Karin) soon finds herself the newest member of an eccentric club where there appears to be no limit on the purpose of the club and the activities of it's members.


Recommended Viewing Age: Teens (approx 13+) and up- There's a smidge of mild fan service (swimsuits) and the occasional edging towards more adult humour (censored swearing, the concept of fanservice being referenced during the many times the series breaks the fourth wall).


Action Level: Virtually Non Existent- One of the main characters is a deadly martial artist that fights bears!-


No really, I'm not kidding but other than the occasional random bit of bear fighting, there really isn't much in the way of thrilling action to be found in this series, as one would probably expect from a slice of life gag comedy.


Moe/Kawaii Level:Fairly High- Though the series is essentially spoofing the 'cute girls, doing cute things' genre, at the end of the day the series still features the same moe-blob crew stereotype that the series is apparently sending up.


Animation Quality/Art Style: Character designs are fairly generic, though the main protagonist Natsuki is memorable for the ridiculously large Ahoge (cowslick) that adorns the top of her head. In fact the whole series from the characters to the background art is competently drawn and animated but nothing more than that, which is fine for what is basically a gag comedy series such as this. There a few times where it gets a bit more creative regarding the art style and animation, most of which is the art and animation getting 'worse' for comedic effect.


Music: Opening theme '2 Gakki Daisakusen' by Otome Shinto, is generic high energy J-Pop that does at least match the general feel of the show and the idea of the 'Going Home Club'. There are 3 different ending themes, all listenable but not particulalry memorable J-Pop ditties. The most interesting thing of note, is that the second ending theme is born out of a fourth wall breaking gag.


Plot and Characters: 'Going Home Club' is a gag comedy series, with each episode divided into a series of skits (or as they are referred to throughout ''Records'), so as to be expected there really isn't much of a plot to speak of. It's just the 5 main protagonists doing random and/or cute stuff and the closest we get to any form of serious drama is a 'Record' that shows a flashback of how the club was formed. The scattershot comedy often takes in references ranging from other anime to ancient Japanese Culture. One of the series signature running gags is a rather random mascot of a white seal that constantly appears throughout the series, whilst the other is the consistent breaking of the fourth wall, with several jokes referencing the anime making progress and the characters consistently being aware that they are in an anime series.

The character you could consider to be the lead protagonist is new member Natsuki, who plays the role of confused 'straight man' who doesn't always get the antics of the club and in a lot of ways plays the role of audience surrogate in terms of her reactions to the rest of the club and their odd behaviour.

Rounding out the rest of the club are fellow newcomer, the extremely cute airhead (it's constantly lampshaded in the series, with how the rest of the club, one in particular fawns over her) Karin, martial artist Botan, 'no sense of the real world' heiress Claire (a blatant expy of Tsumugi from K-On!- they even have the same hair colour) and energetic club leader Sakura.

There are few recurring supporting characters (Natsuki's Brother, a rival martial arts school and one fellow first year that gets 'put on a proverbial bus' until the final episode) and a random white seal that keeps popping up, but the five main girls dominate the screen from start to finish.

Analysis: 'Going Home Club' is a comedy that is often too 'clever' to actually be funny. Whilst I admire it's resolve not to constantly pander to the masses in terms of it's references, it often goes too far the other way....if too many people are having to look things up, to 'get' the joke, then that is too many people missing out- at times it comes across as a series where the creators are only really interested in amusing themselves and not their audience.


However despite a plethora of obscure references, there should still be enough material for 'Going Home Club' to maintain a better strike rate- unfortunately another one of it's weaknesses is delivery- which is too scatter shot and comes across as though the series has comedy attention deficit disorder. In terms of this sort of rapid fire gag comedy, I feel that the similar(ish) Daily Lives of Highschool Boys, consistently delivered better.


There are many moments where 'Going Home Club' breaks the fourth wall, with the characters being consistently self aware that they are in an anime. Whilst this does deliver some of the series best skits, even this gimmick ends up becoming over-used and there are occasions where even the 'fourth wall' gags end up misfiring.


Whilst the moe-blob 'Cute Girls Doing Cute Things' genre is ripe for spoofing, I never felt that 'Going Home Club' was particularly creative in sending it up, with the main characters coming across as more flat and two dimensional than the type of cliched characters, the series is supposedly sending up. To it's credit the series does capture the essence of 'friendship' that these five school friends form a club shows tend to shoot for, but the series would be a complete failure if it didn't at least manage to capture that quality.


Oddly enough though despite my general malaise towards the series, it did actually manage to get stronger towards the end of the series- the delivery of the gags seemed to get stronger and I managed to care about the characters more (though I think that was just familiarity after 12 episodes). Usually with these sort of gag comedies it's a case of diminishing returns after a strong set of opening episodes, but in the case of 'Going Home Club' it ended up being the opposite. That's because the opening set of episodes misfire so much, that if I wasn't committed to reviewing the show, I may well have dropped this after the fourth episode.


Closing Verdict: A misfiring gag comedy that sends up the 'moe-blob' slice of life genre, that is often a little too 'smart' for it's good. 'Going Home Club' does get better towards the end of the series but doesn't turn it around enough for me to whole-kindheartedly recommend it. As ever with a comedy though, there probably will be people who will enjoy this more than me...especially those who like Japanese literature references, random white seal mascots doing random things and breaking the fourth wall.



Is the Dub Any Good?: NIS America picked up the U.S license for this show, so don't expect a dub for this series. Considering the type of show that it is, it's probably a wise decision that this won't be getting a dub.

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Guilty Crown






Genre: Sci-Fi, Action, Romance


Studio: Production I.G Director:Tetsuro Araki Writer:Hiroyuki Yoshino Source: Anime Original

Original Broadcast: October 2011- March 2012 Episodes: 22


Synopsis: In 2039, ten years after an apocalyptic virus outbreak known as 'Lost Christmas' Japan finds itself under the control of GHQ, a global organisation tasked with checking the spread of viruses and administering vaccinations.


Shuu Ouma, an average, slightly anti-social and somewhat apathetic highschool student, suddenly finds his relatively ordinary life turned upside down when he stumbles across the beautiful pop idol Inori, who happens to be on the run from GHQ soldiers. When Shuu decides to save Inori from her oppressive captors, he suddenly acquires a mysterious power known as the Void Gene, which allows him to pull items (referred to as Voids) from anyone under the age of 17.


With his new found power, Shuu suddenly finds himself caught up in the rebellion against the GHQ, by the radical terrorist group that Inori is a member of known as Funeral Parlor. Shuu must decide, whether to join the fight or attempt to shrug off his newfound power and try to resume a normal life.


Recommended Viewing Age: Approx 15 and up- Main character Inori often wears outfits, that show off cleavage and appear to be held together by magic, whilst Shuu's mother Haruku has a tendency to walk around their apartment in her underwear and has a nude shower scene. Overall though I would say that fanservice is there, but it's not overtly strong/constantly in your face (apart from Inori's wardrobe) and nowhere near ecchi levels.


What pushed Guilty Crown more into the territory of being only really suitable for those older than 15, is the relatively bloody violence, and the harrowing situations that the characters may find themselves in.


Action Level: Fairly High- The idea of the Voids (items that can be pulled out of a persons 'heart') is a relatively unique idea, and the variation of the voids, gives some variety to the battle's fought by the protagonist Shuu. The series also features mecha (of the kind somewhat similar to the basic models in Code Geass) and you get some battles between those but it's the fight's involving the usage of Voids that provide Guilty Crown's most impressive and bombastic action sequences.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Medium- Guilty Crown won't or certainly shouldn't be considered a moe type of series, but like these series normally do, they feature characters which may have a 'moe' like appeal to them to certain people. Inori being a sort of emotionless girl type, is very much from the Rei Ayanami school of Moe appeal.


Animation Quality/Art Style: Guilty Crown is a series that was afforded a relatively big budget, and it shows in the generally high quality of the art and animation, helmed by the consistently capable hands of Production I.G. The background art is deep and detailed, whilst the animation is consistent and holds up for the action sequences. The character designs are typical of a mainstream 2010's anime, but manage to remain striking enough and avoid looking average or generic, with Inori the lead female character of the story having an iconic look.


The most impressive feat of Guilty Crown from an animation standpoint, is the seamless blend between the 2D art elements and the CGI. Anyone with half-brain would be able to workout that there is CGI involved in the series, but it never sticks out like a sore thumb and you soon forget that it's there and is a series that shows modern anime techniques being used near to it's optimum potential. All in all Guilty Crown is a gorgeous looking anime, and only those with impossibly high standards will be left unimpressed by the aesthetic standards achieved by this series.


Music: One of Guilty Crown's more unique subplots, is the fact that series poster girl Inori, is an idol singer- and her songs are merely more than just insert song window dressing, and actually have an important role to play in the plot.


All of the opening, ending and insert music in Guilty Crown is written by the Japanese pop-rock collective Supercell, though some of the songs are credited to the fictional group 'Egoist' of which Inori is their front person. The first opening 'My Dearest'' is a song that is mostly a pretty ballad, but has a dramatic opening that en-captures the central relationship of the series, whilst 'Departures' is a pretty, slightly melancholic ballad that is also used to great effect as an insert song during the series.


Second opening ' The Everlasting Guilty Crown' is more of a generic pop-rock track, which taps a bit more into the action element of the series, but for me wasn't as memorable or connect as strongly as the first opening. The same can also be said for the second ending theme 'Kokuhaku'.


Hiroyuki Sawano's soundtrack is a good mix of more intense, rock and electronica based tracks for the action scenes, and low-key classical piano based pieces for series more sombre moments.


Plot and Characters: The over-arching plot of Guilty Crown see's the world trying to control the apocalypse virus (which involves peoples bodies turning into a crystal like substance and then breaking, when the virus completely takes over). The government that takes over Japan, known as GHQ are rather heavy handed with their methods and oppress against those who do not fall into line, inevitably this has lead to some starting a rebellion.


In fact despite having a large supporting cast, and many plot-twists along the way, Guilty Crown strongly revolves around the three main protagonists of Shuu, Inori and Gai. Shuu who is foggy about the details of what happened during 'Lost Christmas' is not someone who initially desires to be a hero/leader etc and he's a rather indecisive and weak character at the start, and it takes several incidents for him to come to terms with the power he has and the importance of his role in the world, and even after he does step up he is forced to make some difficult decisions, many of which don't end up painting him in a favourable light.


Gai the leader of Funeral Parlor, is the complete opposite of Shuu in terms of personality, giving off a stoic and ruthless image, where the 'cause' is more important than anything else- this puts him at loggerheads with Shuu, though we do learn that Gai does not make the tough decisions he does just for the sake of it and that he and Shuu share a much deeper connection than simply having just met.


Inori is a mysterious, somewhat emotionless girl who appears to have been roped into joining Funeral Parlor, but as with Gai and Shuu, we learn that her connection is a much deeper one with them that goes back to the Last Christmas incident. Despite initially being loyal to Gai and his rebellion, Inori inevitably begins to fall for Shuu and starts to develop feelings she has never experienced before and it's ultimately her presence that drives Shuu on to rise up from a life of apathy. However despite growing feelings Inori has another, more destructive personality, trying to take control of her.


Guilty Crown is a series that features several antagonists, most of which work for GHQ, though there is also a mysterious higher power that could prove to be more dangerous than those simply pushing the button, whilst Shuu will have to be aware of those ready to betray him (for various reasons) throughout the series.


The vast supporting cast includes, members of GHQ, Funeral Parlor, Shuu's highschool friends and even his own parents playing important roles in the story, but for the reason that I like to keep my reviews spoiler free as much as possible, I've decided not to go into too much detail about the supporting cast. Ultimately though the show is about Shuu's rise from apathetic nobody to hero, and the tough decisions/situations he has to deal with during his personal 'journey'.


Guilty Crown is a post apocalyptic, anime series that whilst not one hundred per cent dark and depressing throughout, takes a relatively serious tone for much of it's run, leaving little room for comedy. There are one or two 'lighter' characters that provide a smidgeon of light relief, such as the playful communications expert of Funeral Parlor Tsukomi or Gung-Ho American GHQ soldier Dan Eagleman but most of the characters to be found are intense, angsty or strange, in a similar vein to Evangelion, which is a series that Guilty Crown is clearly influenced by.


Analysis: Every year a series comes out that builds up a steamroller of hype, and gets everyone excited, and then receives a tidal wave of critical backlash for failing to live up to the fact that it did not turn out to be the 'Greatest Anime Of All Time!'. Before Sword Art Online got the same level of fawning hype/loathing backlash, Guilty Crown was receiving the same treatment a year earlier.


Several years on from it's time of release and the bilous backlash seems to have swallowed up the initial hype machine and with that sort of opinion floating around, it is admittedly difficult to ignore and not take it with you when forming your own opinion of the show. Instead of viewing Guilty Crown with completely fresh eyes, I was prepared for the series to be a 'total mess' given some of the hyper critical views it had gathered up during the backlash. Ultimately the question is, was Guilty Crown worthy of such caustic opinion or does the true value of this anime, actually lie somewhere between the bombastic hype and bitter backlash?


General consensus tells you that the criticism is not aimed at the production values of Guilty Crown. This is to anything to those who are clutching at non existant straws, a gorgeous looking anime and it's easy to understand why with the visuals and animation that it managed to achieve throughout, Guilty Crown achieved the level of hype that it did. The only thing that kind of looks odd in terms of the visual side, is the design of the virus- it's not so much that it's badly rendered but the idea of the virus manifesting itself as a crystal like substance just looks very odd.

Where the problems lie with the many critics of Guilty Crown, is with the plot and characters.


The plot which does admittedly come across as Code Geass ripoff/tribute does have it's problems, particularly towards the end, where there ends up being too many preposterous plot twists and shocking betrayals etc, leading to the whole thing crumbling under the weight of it's own unfocused mess. In its defence, though the plot does get utterly ridiculous Guilty Crown never ends up being dull- it's a show that simply ends up trying too hard, rather than not trying at all.


In terms of the structure of the series, it follows a similar one to Gurren Lagann, with the first half essentially being a first season with a climatic mid point, before the series slightly changes direction in the second half, with the protagonist further growing into the role of the main hero and much like Gurren Lagann, it's during a weaker second half that the show loses it's way. Gurren Lagann however manages to get away with it's ridiculousness due it's already over the top and bombastic tone, where as Guilty Crown (clearly influenced by Evangelion) ends up being hurt by it's nonsensical plot twists and character motivations.


Guilty Crown is the kind of series where the characters generally suffer chronic backstabbing disorder, and have inconsistent motivations- so in that sense it's hard to know who to root for. Code Geass, a series that Guilty Crown obviously draws comparison to, had morally grey characters but they tended to stick to the same side, and hold on to their convictions, it was up to you as the viewer to choose which side of the conflict you agreed with more, the problem with Guilty Crown is that too many characters change allegiance several times over, that it's hard to get invested in their struggle.


This truly comes to a head, with a character that was presumed dead and comes back to life, whilst making a complete 180 on which side of the conflict they are fighting for- in all honesty this will likely be the point for many people where 'Guilty Crown' unfortunately 'Jumps The Shark'- In all honesty it pretty much was the point for me where Guilty Crown completely lost it's way and to a certain degree I can understand why a good number of people completely turned against it, because up until then the series had been a slightly generic sci-fi action series that shows it's influences a little too much (Code Geass/Evangelion) but managed to maintain a certain degree of coherence.


The characters that receive the most amount of criticism, are the protagonist Shuu and the poster girl of the series Inori. I'm not really going to step on the bandwagon, slating Shuu, as a protagonist- because most of the criticism stems from the character not being likeable or relateable. Personally I feel there is too much value on characters, being 'likeable'. Shuu is far from perfect and at times his indecision does aggravate, but I'm sure that people who criticize him for this, would very probably slate him if he was the complete opposite and ended up being a 'Gary Stu' in the vein of Kirito from Sword Art Online.


The fact that Shuu is not someone who completely embraces his new found power, like Lelouch from Code Geass, helps to at least give Guilty Crown some of it's own identity, rather than coming across a total facsimile of that show. Out of anyone in the series Shuu's changes in attitude and motivation are the one that make the most sense, even at a point where his character becomes very unlikeable, the event that leads to that change of character makes it perfectly understandable why he ends up acting like the way he does.


On the other hand though I didn't actively hate the Inori character, the criticism she receives is something I find more understandable. She's a character that pretty much represents the fact that Guilty Crown wears it's influences too closely on it's sleeve- pretty much coming across as a blend of C.C from Code Geass (mysterious girl that grants the hero his special power) and Rei Ayanami (emotionless girl, is she actually human?) with the split personality element throwing in a smidge of Lucy/Nu from Elfen Lied.


Apart from the fact that the plot does crumble into a mess, Guilty Crown's biggest problem is the fact that it does remind too much of notable series that have come before Code Geass, Neon Genesis Evangelion (though admittedly those both of those also have their fair share of critics) and those who have not seen either of those (especially Code Geass) will probably find Guilty Crown a more enjoyable experience, by not having those comparisons already floating around their subconscious.


Guilty Crown does have it's fair share of problems, but even with those problems it's still manages to be a thrilling if often preposterous, slice of popcorn entertainment, that admittedly does manage to paper over some it's cracks with it's stunning visuals. The attitude that needs to be taken as a viewer, when it comes to this series is despite it having a fairly serious tone throughout, is for you the viewer to not take it too seriously- it's simply one of those series that is best enjoyed with a 'leave your brain at the door' mentality.


Closing Verdict: Guilty Crown did fail to live up to it's hype and the messy execution of it's plot fails to match the high standards of it's production values, but it's far from the complete disaster many people would have you believe it to be either. As bombastic eye-candy it does it's job perfectly fine, it's when you try to get something more from this series, that it starts to fail.


Mildly Recommended


Is the Dub Any Good?: Funimation acquired the dub license for this show, and interestingly they do take a few risks with some of the casting choices, giving key roles to some relatively newer talent, rather than falling back on the usual suspects (the usual suspects, the likes of Tatum, Rial,Clinkenbeard et al do make an appearance given the size of the cast, but are used more in supporting roles).


Austin Tindle was cast as Shuu, and he does a generally solid job, but initially I thought Todd Haberkorn was cast in the lead role, given that their voices are similar and probably by design and not by coincidence Haberkorn was cast as Shuu's father, whilst Alexis Tipton (rising up the Funimation ranks in recent years) puts in a good performance as Inori.


There's no real standout performances amongst the cast, but overall the general quality of the dub is good, and it was nice to hear Funimation make use of some fresher/underused voice talent.

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Golden Time







Genre: Romantic Comedy Drama


Studio: J.C Staff Director:Chiaki Kon Writer:Fumihiko Shimo Source: Light Novels by Yuyuko Takemiya

Original Broadcast: October 2013- March 2014 Episodes: 24


Synopsis: Despite an accident during his final year of highschool that left him with amnesia, Banri Tada has rebuilt a new life for himself. During his first day at University in Tokyo, Banri instantly befriends Mitsuo Yanasigawa, who is desperate to escape his obsessive 'girlfiend' Koko Kaga.


Banri ends up falling for the beautiful Koko, however Banri's former highschool crush Linda happens to be a senior at the University, and his former self wants to take back control in the hope that he can rekindle their relationship.


Recommended Viewing Age: Teenagers (approx 13+) and up- Despite only light fanservice (Bikini's) Golden Time is a series I would say is really only suitable for teenagers and up, there is some relatively strong hints towards the characters thinking about sexual relationships, and the emotional drama towards the end will be too difficult for young viewers to handle/fully comprehend.


Action Level: Non Existent- Nothing more to be said.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Medium- Despite being a senior, Chinami is basically the series 'Token Mini Moe' character, whilst Koko with all her quirks could be considered a moe type of character, however despite the somewhat 'moe' appeal art style, I don't really perceive Golden Time to be an overtly moe or cutesy series.


Animation Quality/Art Style: In terms of art-style and animation quality, Golden Time is typical of the generic mediocrity, that J.C Staff tends to churn out for their series in recent years.


They've settled on a certain character design, that appeals to the Bishojo/Moe crowd, but doesn't completely alienate those who prefer more realistic designs, whilst the background art and general animation is competent but not exactly what you could consider to be eye candy. The opening and ending sequences look good, but in general the series looks as though it was completed on a relatively tight budget. It doesn't look bad, but on the whole Golden Time looks like a series that would look pretty average in 2004, yet alone 2014.


At least the characters do have a multi outfit wardrobe (rather than being contained to one outfit), and some considerable effort has been put into making Koko look glamorous and highly fashionable.


Music: Yukari Hashimoto's soundtrack is passable but completely forgettable, however there a few highlights to be found from the four opening and ending songs, all of which are sung by the voice actress for Koko, Yui Horie. Whilst the first opening 'Golden Time' and second ending 'Love Me Temporarily', were generic shots of J-Pop that didn't leave much of an impression, the first ending song 'Sweet & Sweet Cherry' had just the right amount of extra cuteness, to take it to that next level and really tied in well with Koko's personality.


However its the second opening ' The World's End' that impresses the most, being a song that is quite sweet but has a undercurrent of darkness that builds throughout the song, which seems ready to run away with itself. The song perfectly represents the panic/trepidation that the protagonists relationship could be brought to a crashing halt at any moment.


Plot and Characters: Golden Time, revolves around Banri's (or to be more accurate the two versions of Banri) competing affections for Koko and Linda. Banri is basically a good guy, but his struggles with his amnesia, and feelings over the two girls, leads to plenty of emotional drama, particularly towards the decisive end of the series.


Koko, is initially presented as a spoiled rich girl, with a stalkerish obsession over her 'boyfriend' since childhood Mitsuo. It soon becomes apparent that Mitsuo see's their relationship in a whole different light, however Koko's actions and behaviour are more misguided than anything, and Banri can see that she is a person with a good heart, she just needs to aim it at the right person- which inevitably leads to Banri falling for her. Koko's often kooky behaviour provide Golden Time with much of it's prime source for comedy, with her initial yandere like behaviour towards Mitsuo veering towards being played for laughs, as well as her general over the top showings of affection and her tsundere like friendship with Chinami (who she nicknames 'Miss Ultrasound' due to her high pitched energetic voice and demeanor).


Linda the childhood friend, who also happens to be a senior at the University, is presented as the more mature and stable of the two love interests. We don't know until the very end, if she was ever in love with Banri, as much as he was with her before his accident, but a series of flashbacks show that they were very close.


The main supporting cast also get caught up in the Banri-Koko-Linda love triangle with potential off shoot relationships, that don't really get fully explored, and are there to add more drama. Koko's initial boyfriend Mitsuo, develops feelings for Linda and the short, cute and energetic senior Chinami (who is part of the Film Club that Mitsuo has joined). Rounding out Banri's best friend circle is Takaya '2D-Kun' Sato, nicknamed as such because he's an otaku who would rather live in the 2-D world, though given the least amount of screen time/drama of the main supporting cast, he does have a major role to play at the end of the series.


Other recurring characters, include the punk rocker senior Nana- who fills the 'jerk with a heart of gold' role, the members of the Matsuri (Festival) club that Linda is a part of and both Banri and Koko come to join, and finally the leaders of the rambunctious Tea Club.


Overall Golden Time, starts out as more of a lighter comedic kind of series, but as it evolves over the course of the series, the serious drama takes precedent over the comedy, particularly in the second half of the series, where Banri becomes more troubled, as his memories from before his accident start to return.


Analysis: There is perhaps nothing more cliche in anime, than the amnesiac protagonist, but Golden Time takes a well trodden trope and builds one of the more intriguing romance anime in recent years.


Despite presenting the amnesiac protagonist as having two girls to choose over, it should become apparent to anyone but the most oblivious of viewers, that there is only really one girl in the race, due to the fact that Koko is present in both the Opening and Ending sequences, where as the 'rival' Linda doesn't feature at all. There is no mystery in that regard, so in some senses that is kind of disappointing, but rest assured following Golden Time to the very end isn't a complete waste of time, because the mystery here isn't so much who will Banri end up with, but will he end up with the girl at all?


Whilst Banri, is the protagonist of the series, it is Koko that steals the show and provides Golden Time it's spark. In a brave and interesting move, they initially invite the audience to dislike Koko, despite the fact that she is obviously going to end up being the primary love interest for Banri. Initially presented as a self centred and obsessive character- we soon come to learn that Koko's actions are more misguided than malicious, and that her kooky personality as well as her looks play a big part in attracting Banri to her.


The only downside to Koko being such a dominant personality that drives much of the series comedy and drama, is if you are unable to warm to her at all, then your enjoyment of Golden Time will be seriously stunted. Though in my opinion they do a good job of gradually portraying Koko in a more sympathetic light throughout the series, she remains a rather brash and impulsive character throughout.


As far as the whole of the main cast goes, they are a generally a likeable but realistically flawed bunch, they sometimes make frustrating and often irrational decisions but the show does a good job of portraying them as young adults, who haven't quite fully matured yet. This is particularly well showcased during arcs where one of the characters steals a bike to chase after someone and gets arrested for it, and during the aftermath of a car crash. These incidents don't get washed over quickly and it's nice to see these actions have some consequences to them. There are times where the dramatic moments can get a bit melodramatic but in all honesty a good chunk of teenagers tend to be make a drama out of a crisis in real life.


It is also refreshing to see a romance, where the story isn't about the pursuit of a girl and then ends up with that all important kiss, but instead is more about the primary couple over-coming difficulties to stay together. Admittedly the primary source of those difficulties, a ghost version of Banri prior to the accident that caused his amnesia, does end up feeling a bit hokey and it does end up leading to a rushed and slightly cheesy final episode, that just takes a little bit of shine off the series, even if it does ultimately deliver a satisfying conclusion to the story.


Another thing that Golden Time gets right, is the balance between comedy and drama over the course of the series. The tone is much more lighter and comedic at the start, but it gradually becomes more dramatic and serious in tone- the emphasis here is on gradual, as the shift in tone does not feel jarring and over the course of 24 episodes, they give you time to become emotionally invested in the protagonists and the main supporting cast.


Golden Time does fall short, when it comes to the more technical aspects, with average at best art and animation and a forgettable soundtrack, but this is always less of a sticking point, than if this was an action based anime or if the barely there supernatural element to the story (Ghost Banri) was more pronounced throughout the story.


Closing Verdict: A studio such as Kyoto Animation or P.A Works would have given Golden Time the artistic flourish on the technical side of things, to take the series to the next level, but even with J.C Staff's consistently mediocre animation, Golden Time still ends up being one of the most enjoyable and fairly original (even if the concept of an amnesiac protagonist is far from original itself) romance anime of recent years.




Is the Dub Any Good?: Sentai Filmworks have the license for this show, but thus far no dub cast has been announced

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I did like Golden Time quite a bit and the B rating is just right for the series. I thought the way Banri was handled was done rather well and the end was rushed but worked out for me at least.


I watched this off a recommendation after i saw Toradora on Crunchyroll. I do like Toradora better, mostly because of the characters and who doesn't like moe girls that can kick you butt. Still, Banri and his amnesia is handled well and some of the episodes are tough to watch because of that.


I'm less thrilled with Koko, she seems flighty and clingy, kind of fall to Banri after her rejection by her not quite boyfriend finally sinks in. I: can forgive that but i'd still go after Linda, she's awesome.


Good show, if you like the romance style anime, well worth wading through.

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I'm less thrilled with Koko, she seems flighty and clingy, kind of fall to Banri after her rejection by her not quite boyfriend finally sinks in. I: can forgive that but i'd still go after Linda, she's awesome.


Good show, if you like the romance style anime, well worth wading through.


Yup Linda>Kouko.


It really sucks when the main heroine doesn't connect and there's another female interest who's just way more awesome, has abetter personality, and doesn't come with the baggage tsundere/yandere stuff. Watching zero no tsukaima just made me wish Saito said **** it and got it on with Siesta.


The only time I don't mind tsundere's are when they are verbal instead of physical. It's one thing for her to deny that she likes the guy it's another when denying involves giving him a concussion.

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been catching up on some anime on Netflix and Crunchyroll.


Rosario + Vampire on Netflix - standard harem fanservice anime. Not great but entertaining. Is lighter faire than the manga its from


Kaze no Stigma on Netflix- Although reviews are so-so I actually found it quite good. 24 episode first season. Unfortunately, there wont be anymore as the writer for the manga died in 2009. Good artwork, above the normal level of anime. Both this and the previous one have English dubs as well, from Funimation.


Chaika the Coffin Princess - Crunchyroll Aired during the spring season, with the 2nd season coming in fall. I thought it was fairly good and am looking forward to the next season.

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new ones from this season I am following so far ( new being brand new this summer season and not continuations from spring)


Free- Endless summer


Bladedance of Elementalers


Akame ga Kill


Invaders of the Ryokujyoma


Persona 4 the Golden Animation


Sword Art Online- the GGO saga


All of these have got me interested enough to keep following them

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new ones from this season I am following so far ( new being brand new this summer season and not continuations from spring)


Free- Endless summer

Bladedance of Elementalers


Akame ga Kill

Invaders of the Ryokujyoma


Persona 4 the Golden Animation


Sword Art Online- the GGO saga

All of these have got me interested enough to keep following them


I'm only following 4 out of those 6. I'm caught up with the Akame ga Kill manga but the manga is dark enough I rather not watch all that animated.


Love the fact that Yuu from Persona 4 is basically max stats game plus.


BTW the girl from Bladedance of Elementalers is everything I dislike in the previous comment. There's some change between it and the manga but depending on how things go in episode 3 will tell me if Ill continue watching or not.

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I watched this off a recommendation after i saw Toradora on Crunchyroll. I do like Toradora better, mostly because of the characters and who doesn't like moe girls that can kick you butt.


You probably got the recommendation, because the light novels of Toradora and Golden Time, are written by the same author Yuyuko Takemiya. Unfortunately I can't get Toradora on Crunchyroll in the U.K (some claptrap about licensing).


Curiously I can enjoy a romantic comedy in anime, but I still wouldn't go near one if it was in live action form. I have no desire to sit down and watch Love Actually or worse still some generic American rom-com


Because I do these reviews, I force myself through some ropey shows. But I think if I didn't enjoy romance anime in general, I would have said 'hey I don't enjoy this genre at all, so I won't watch anything like that'. But I genuinely do enjoy some romance based anime, but I'm struggling to find any other concrete reason for doing so, other than it being anime. :p


So here's a question to readers, is there a genre of film/T.V that you can enjoy in one form, or not another...such as myself with romance anime compared to live action romance?

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been catching up on some anime on Netflix and Crunchyroll.


Rosario + Vampire on Netflix - standard harem fanservice anime. Not great but entertaining. Is lighter faire than the manga its from


Kaze no Stigma on Netflix- Although reviews are so-so I actually found it quite good. 24 episode first season. Unfortunately, there wont be anymore as the writer for the manga died in 2009. Good artwork, above the normal level of anime. Both this and the previous one have English dubs as well, from Funimation.


Chaika the Coffin Princess - Crunchyroll Aired during the spring season, with the 2nd season coming in fall. I thought it was fairly good and am looking forward to the next season.


I do dig Rosario +Vampire, i think it's cause of all the fan service and it has Mizore Shirayuki, one of my fav characters in any show. It's not great but a fun time and doesn't take itself overly serious. I haven't read the manga but if they do another season or three, i wouldn't be adverse to watching it


Kaze no Stigma was much better than i thought it'd be, i'm not really a fan of the wimpy Main Character type that is in most anime so the MC here is more my style, tough, sarcastic and not perfect. It's got some good animation and i really liked the rivalry between Ayano Kannag and Catherine McDonald with the MC getting involved. good stuff.


Chaika the Coffin Princess turned out to be solid as well, i'm glad it's getting a second season as i hate it when they leave so much of the plot just dangling in the wind. It's got good characters and an interesting over all plot. Not to mention that it's a tad gory in parts. I think it has my favorite depiction of a Unicorn though. :) Wonder if i can get myself a mini-dragoon somewhere.


Sorry that Toradora is off limits in the UK, i think that's why a lot of people spoof their location so they can watch stuff. License agreements are lame. Still, crunchy has some great stuff and i'm willing to pay them to get more. I haven't been watching much of the new summer season though Momo Kuyo Sword is hitting my comedy/fanservice button. Invaders seems to be funny as well. I need to rewatch Black Bullet and while i didn't care for the second half of Sword Art, i will check out the new season as i need my Asuna fix, she's one of the best characters that anime has seen in a long time.




And TK, go watch Nyarko-san: Another Crawling Chaos if you can get it in the UK, everyone should see it. So funny and weird.


Great stuff, will keep reading.

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So here's a question to readers, is there a genre of film/T.V that you can enjoy in one form, or not another...such as myself with romance anime compared to live action romance?


I would have to go with romance as well. In anime format I can ignore to a certain extent the feeling of "this isn't what normal people do" that I can't when watching real actors. Especially when dealing when characters cheat (male and female) yet end up being forgiven easily. I'm pretty sure that's the reason I also can't stand a lot of mexican soap operas.


Sorry that Toradora is off limits in the UK, i think that's why a lot of people spoof their location so they can watch stuff. License agreements are lame. Still, crunchy has some great stuff and i'm willing to pay them to get more. I haven't been watching much of the new summer season though Momo Kuyo Sword is hitting my comedy/fanservice button. Invaders seems to be funny as well. I need to rewatch Black Bullet and while i didn't care for the second half of Sword Art, i will check out the new season as i need my Asuna fix, she's one of the best characters that anime has seen in a long time.


I'm not 100% sure but from the few episodes I've seen I believe Asuna plays more of a background character in this season so you might be dealing with a smaller fix than needed.

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Sorry that Toradora is off limits in the UK, i think that's why a lot of people spoof their location so they can watch stuff. License agreements are lame.



Yeah, those licenses can be a bit of pain. I just looked up every show Tigerkinney had reviewed here so far and found that less than 40 of them are actually ones I could watch in Crunchyroll (guess that those narrow my list down nicely though :p). Not a big deal since if I really want to watch certain show, I can just watch somewhere else (for free) but still a bit annoying as the cost of Crunchyroll is actually one I´m willing to pay and would rather watch those shows there and support them instead of... well "cheating" for the lack of better word.

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I find Crunchyroll good for getting the current season animes, but it is by no means a complete inventory of animes. They even have several animes where they only have one season of , even though multiple seasons have been released.


To be able to see all the animes that may interest you, you really have to cultivate multiple sources, some paid, some not. I have one site I go to for stuff I can't find via Crunchyroll or Netflix, but even that site doesn't have everything and I have had to search the internet a few times to track down an anime I wanted to watch via some fansub site.

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I find Crunchyroll good for getting the current season animes, but it is by no means a complete inventory of animes. They even have several animes where they only have one season of , even though multiple seasons have been released.


To be able to see all the animes that may interest you, you really have to cultivate multiple sources, some paid, some not. I have one site I go to for stuff I can't find via Crunchyroll or Netflix, but even that site doesn't have everything and I have had to search the internet a few times to track down an anime I wanted to watch via some fansub site.


Crunchyroll certainly isn't it the be all and end all for anime, and it's pretty useless for anything pre around 2009.


My main frustration with something like Toradora, is the fact that it's available to watch on Crunchyroll in the U.S but not in the U.K/Europe, because of 'licensing'. Now I could pick it up on DVD (which I don't mind doing, but new anime DVD's aren't exactly cheap), or seek it out on a Fansub site (which I don't really like doing, but sometimes is needed as a last resort, if it's a series I really want to see, but isn't even available on DVD- such as with the 2nd season of Higurashi).


I am aware that some shows, aren't available on Crunchyroll, because the UK license for streaming has been taken on by Animax UK (though that doesn't appear to the case with Toradora!).


I was actually subscribed to Animax UK, at one point, when it was called Anime-On-Demand (I watched K-Project, Chu-2 and a few other shows from that site), but it stopped bringing out new shows, and then I cancelled my subscription and made the jump to Crunchyroll. I probably will resubscribe at some point, as it has a few things I actually want to watch there such as second season of Chu-2, Magi and Beyond The Boundary.

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Highschool DxD






Genre: Fantasy Action Fanservice Comedy


Studio: TNK Director: Tetsuya Yanagisawa Writer:Takao Yoshioka Source: Light Novels by Ichiei Ishibumi

Original Broadcast: January-March 2012 Episodes: 12 (+ 6 OVA Shorts)


Synopsis: Issei Hyoudou is a horny highschool student, whose one track mind wants to make out with sexy girls and have his own harem but along with his equally perverted buddies he doesn't have much luck in making his fantasy a reality.


One day it appears his luck has finally changed, when a pretty girl asks him to go out on date with her- well it turns out that luck was too good to be true, as the girl in question turns out to be a Fallen Angel, who is on orders to kill him.


In a twist of fate, Issei wakes up next to the beautiful and voluptuos red haired girl from his school Rias Gremory. As it turns out Rias is a powerful devil from an important clan, who has revitalized Issei from the dead because he has a great source of power inside of him called the Sacred Gear.


Recommended Viewing Age: Older Teens (approx 16 +) and up- If you haven't worked out already, Highschool DxD is a full on ecchi fanservice series- If you like boobs and panty shots, then Highschool DxD has them by the bucketload. To be honest, I've seen series that are more perverted but it's the consistent barrage of boobs, that has Highschool DxD solidly hovering around ecchi levels of fanservice. There is some fairly intense violence and blood too, but it's mostly the overflowing stream of jiggling bits that makes Highschool DxD NSFW.


Action Level: Fairly High- Between the boobs and panty shots, Highschool DxD has a fair amount of action with the Devils and Fallen Angels duking it out in OTT shonen type battles, with big powerful attacks and those in combat calling out/summoning the names of their attacks.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Medium- Highschool DxD is ultimately a fanservice series, and not really a moe type of series- some people may find the relatively vulnerable Asia 'cute', but this one's more about girls getting them out, than girls doing cute things.


Animation Quality/Art Style: For an anime produced in 2012, Highschool DxD falls into the category of not bad, but nothing special either. Background art is relatively good, the animation isn't bad, and the Bishojo character designs for the most part fairly attractive for the kind of series that this is.


Music: Despite the trashy nature of the show, Ryosuke Nakanishi's soundtrack is quite classy, with traditional orchestral pieces punctuating the potentially epic struggle between the Devils and Angels.


Opening song 'Trip Innocent of D' by Larval Stage Planning, is your standard slice of J-Pop with a slightly rocky edge- the song generally fits well with the mood of the show and is relatively catchy. Ending song 'STUDYxSTUDY' is sung by the seiyuu for the four regular female characters in the show, and is the usual slice of cheeky and energetic J-Pop fluff that these collaborations normally end up being.


Plot and Characters: The overarching plot see's Issei suddenly drawn into a world where Devils and Fallen Angels do battle with one another, after being revived from the dead by Rias. There isn't just conflict however between the Devils and Angels however, there is also a lot of political maneuvering between the various Devil Houses.


Each Devil House, it turns out organizes their legion like chess pieces, and Rias (the King) declares Issei as her pawn. Though Issei starts out weak of body and weak of mind, Rias see's great potential in him and believes that he can become the strongest pawn. But it also becomes clear that despite being a pervert with a one track mind, Rias can see that despite that Issei has a good heart, is a determined hard worker and despite generally putting on a stoic front as the head of the house of gremory, she cannot completely hide her growing feelings towards Issei.


Like Issei, the other members of the House of Gremory are from the same school. Rias,trusted second in command is the demure and gentile Akeno, who shows a more sadistic side during battle, whilst rounding out the House of Gremory are the good looking Knight Yuto, who Issei is intially jealous of, but the two soon form a brotherly bond once they team up together in the House of Gremory and finally Koneko, a super strong loli and the only one in the group who despite generally having a cool headed personality, is the only one to get regularly irritated by Issei's perverted nature.


A rival for Issei's affections to Rias, arrives in the form of the kind hearted nun Asia Argento, who has been labelled a heretic by the church, due to the fact she can heal devils, whilst antagonists come in the form of the Fallen Angels and rival Devil's such as Riser Phoenix, a smug Devil who wants Rias hand in marriage to ensure a full blooded Devil lineage.


As one can expect much of the comedy of Highschool DxD is built around the main character being a pervert and how the various characters, around him react to his perverted nature. If you do not like low brow, highly sexualized humour, then this most definitely will not be the series for you.


Analysis: If endless fanservice is your thing, then Highschool DxD delivers that in spades, if however the thought of a barrage of boobs and being pelted with panty shots, leaves you moaning and groaning (and not of the having a box of tissues at hand variety), then I'm afraid there is nothing to see here.


There is a semblance of a plot, with the overarching war between the Devils versus the Fallen Angels and Issei's determination to grow stronger to prove himself worthy of Rias attention, but whatever attempt of a storyline there is in this series, it takes a huge backseat to the fanservice. Even when the barely there plot appears to get a bit more intense, and puts the protagonists into threatening danger, it's hard to ever take this show seriously because from beginning to end the melons keep on being dished up. The potential is certainly there for an interesting plot, but the execution certainly always seems to be focused elsewhere.


In a lot of ways though Highschool DxD's commitment to fanservice isn't necessarily a bad thing, it knows exactly what kind of show it is, and viewing this show will not give you unnecessary mood whiplash. There is some violence in the show, and sometimes it does get a little bit bloody, but it doesn't get as nasty as some other shows of a similar ilk. The battle scenes are cheesy and reminiscent of shonen action anime, just punctuated with girls busting out of their clothing.


Highschool DxD's trump card however, is it's protagonist Issei- He's not exactly someone to look up to, but his perverted honesty certainly makes a change from the usual wimpy protagonist, who is instantly apologetic for seeing a girl naked. Issei doesn't care, he makes no attempt to hide that he has a perverted mind and that he wishes to have a fantasy harem. As the series progresses, Issei gradually gets portrayed in a better light, than simply a baseless pervert, and that beyond his horny urges, he is a hard worker with a kind heart, but his character remains consistently horny from beginning to end.


The fanservice itself, is admittedly rather enjoyable if you like that sort of thing, and at times the series gets relatively creative with it (highlighted in particular with a special attack that Issei learns during the series final arc), and the comedy itself can be relatively funny, especially if you like low-brow 'American Pie' style humour.


The final arc, which see's a battle that conjures up similarities to Baka To Test, gives the series itself a degree of closure, but is obviously setting things up for further series down the line (in fact a series 2 has already come out, and a 3rd is on it's way).


Closing Verdict: Highschool DxD is an unashamed paean to fanservice. If you can't get enough of animated boobs and panty shots, then this series will be heaven for you. It's a series that knows exactly what it is, and it's simplistic focus makes it evidently more enjoyable than similar shows of it's kind.


By no means this series, is a classic or anything but as long as you aren't a prude or just dead set against these kind of shows, as far as trashy fun goes, one can end up stumbling across a lot worse than this.


Mildly Recommended


Is the Dub Any Good?: Funimation did the dub for this series, and apart from the experienced and dependable Jamie Marchi, the main cast mostly consists of relative unknowns, with more established names only cast in cameo parts. I did check if the likes of Choe Daniels (Asia) and Teri Rogers (Akeno), weren't just the usual suspects working under an alias (given the series relatively risque content), but it turns out these are actually some fresh Funimation talent. Even Scott Freeman in the role of Issei, gets a chance to step up from his usual spot as a minor supporting character to having the lead role in the series.


Overall despite the relative inexperience of the cast, the dub here is actually pretty good, and it benefits from smart localization within the scripting on Funimation's part, and in doing so making the series actually more enjoyable as an English dub, compared to it's original Japanese form.


Despite the relatively stellar effort from a cast of newcomers, Jamie Marchi's performance as Rias, still manages to rise above everything else. It's a part she seems absolutely ideal for, and delivers a measured performance that gets across Rias authoritative calm, but also her vulnerability spiked with a degree of sassiness, that is Marchi's forte.

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Kamisama Dolls






Genre: Supernatural, Action, Drama


Studio: Brains Base Director: Seiji Kishi Writer:Makoto Uezu Source: Manga by Hajime Yamamura

Original Broadcast: July-September 2011 Episodes: 13


Synopsis: The village of Karakami hides a secret, wooden dolls with god like powers called Kakeshi, that can be controlled by selected humans called Seki. After a series of horrifying events that made him question his role as a Seki, Kyohei Kuga decided to leave the village and go to college in Tokyo, but he soon finds that his attemp to sever ties with Karakami Village and it's Kakeshi will not be easy for him.


Recommended Viewing Age: Older Teens (Approx 16 +) and up- Hibino, she of the gigantic jugs is the main source of fanservice during the show, but in all honesty she has them covered up most of the time, though we do get plenty of comedic/accidental fondling of her assets.


If that was only the case, I would say that Kamisama Dolls would be something that would be cautionary viewing for younger viewers but nothing more than that. However the sometimes bloody violence, and horrifying events of the backstory, that include mass murder and implied attempted rape- firmly place Kamisama Dolls as suitable viewing only for older teens and up.


Action Level: Medium- Kamisama Dolls, features fights between the Kakeshi, which are kind of like Mecha battles, except that instead of them being piloted from inside, they are telepathically controlled by their Seki. Each of their Kakeshi's have their own unique weaponry and attacks, so the fights do have some variation in that regard.


The battles between the Kakeshi are a noticeable component of the show, but are not the entire focus, so those looking for something that is primarily action based may be left a little disappointed.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Medium- Honestly hard to get a reading on this one, it pretty much falls squarely in the middle when it comes to shows that give off a 'moe/kawaii' vibe.


Animation Quality/Art Style: The art and animation for Kamisama Dolls is standard fare stuff for an anime produced during the current era. The character designs fall between a more realistic style and a more bishojo/moe style (with older characters leaning towards the former, and younger one leaning towards the latter), whilst the background art and general animation quality is decent but nothing special. The whole aesthetic of the show screams not at all bad, but unremarkable.


Music: Both the opening (Fukanzen Neshou) and ending (Switch Ga Haitarra) are performed by J-Pop singer Chiaki Ishikawa. Fukanzen Neshou, is a fairly quirky song that feels like a modern take on a more old-school sounding anime theme, whilst Switch Ga Haitarra is a dramatic sounding song with a slightly ethereal edge. Both songs actually manage to fit the mood of the show, in a relatively unique way.


A unique part of the Kamisama Dolls soundtrack, is the songs assigned to the Kakeshi, which have a really ominous and at times creepy quality, with each Kakeshi getting a unique 'song' to themselves an effectively getting across their 'personality'.


Plot and Characters: Kamisama Dolls revolves around Kyohei Kuga, a university student who has come to Tokyo, to 'escape' from the village that he was brought up in and to leave behind his position as a Seki, a special person that can control the mysterious wooden mecha 'gods' that only appear to exist in the village of Karakami.


However the affairs of Karakami village catch up with him, as his younger sister Utao has come to Tokyo, in an attempt to track down a destructive Seki called Aki, who has escaped from imprisonment in the village. Aki is initially positioned as the antagonist of the series, and is at loggerheads with all the other Seki, including Kyohei- but we learn that the two share a history of several horrifying incidents within Karakami village that have ended up pushing both Kyohei and Aki over the edge, it's just that both have headed down different paths in dealing with the same problem.


Several other Seki join in the hunt for Aki, and a long the way we learn that two families are feuding for supremacy in Kakashi village, Kyohei and Utao have a relation they weren't aware of and that one of the Seki for the rival Hyuga family, is a dangerous yandere who obsessively wants to Kyohei all to herself....


Standing in her way however is Utao (who clearly has a big brother complex) and more to the point fellow University student, Hibino Shiba- who Kyohei has a crush on but she is unaware of his feelings towards her (because predictably he can't spit it out). Hibino happens to have a link to Karakami village herself, as he father came from the same village. Whilst Kyohei and Hibino's eccentric paranormal obsessed classmate Kuko also gets caught up in the drama involving the Kakeshi and the Seki from Karakami Village.


Throughout the series, the Kakeshi are shown that they can be used for good (several times Utao's Kakeshi Kukuri comes to the rescue of those in trouble), but in the wrong hands can be weapons of mass destruction- and we see why Kyohei wanted to give up his power as a Seki, and why Aki see's the Kakeshi as nothing more than tools of destruction.


The back story which shows Kyohei and Aki's troubling history in Karakami, also paints the place as being very corrupt with nobody able to question or stand up against the priveleged families of the village- and it's someone attempting to make a stand against a particularly member of one of the head families of Karakami, that triggers off the horrific events that send Aki spiraling out of control and Kyohei questioning his own position as a Seki.


At times Kamisama Dolls, can be a very dark anime (especially with the horrifying backstory), but it does also have it's lighter moments, to the point that this could be considered something of a mood whiplash anime, as it veers from more lighthearted comedic scenes, to high octane action to intense drama.


Much of Kamisama Dolls source for comedy, comes from the fact that Kyohei's object of affection Hibino is very well endowed, and essentially her assets become regular 'gag boobs' throughout the series. Other sources of comedy are Utao's clumsiness and mood swings and the eccentric Koko gradually getting dragged further into the incidents involving the Kakeshi and relishing the fact that she has finally gotten involved in a real supernatural incident, rather than a disappointing hoax.


Analysis: I've seen Kamisama Dolls referred to as a 'mood whiplash' anime, due to the fact that it changes tone several times in a single episode, yet alone from episode to the next. Personally that didn't bother me, and I have nothing against a series trying to blend in some light relief, to a relatively dark story- the problem here is that the light relief for the most part, isn't particularly funny or adds anything to the show. The one exception I would give is the kooky university student Koko, who ends up being of Kamisama Dolls more interesting and entertaining characters due to her unpredictable actions.


The idea of the Kakeshi themselves, are fairly interesting and the fact that much of the story is built upon the idea of different Seki viewing them in different ways, with some seeing them as a tool for good, others seeing them as a tool of destruction provides a solid morally challenging base to build the show upon. But too often the show seemed to lose focus, as it would introduce several new characters along the way, that ultimately proved to be relatively useless to the plot and essentially set up the big bad, as a bunch of guys who end up getting barely any screen time.


Kamisama Dolls, is at it's very best during the flashback scenes, which show just how corrupt and a little bit creepy Karakami village is- mostly these sequences succeeded in making me have sympathy for the 'black sheep' of the Seki, Aki- and it's easy to empathize with why the character acts like he does, and why he has such a negative outlook.


The rest of the main cast though annoyed me no end for several reasons, Kyohei for being let another anime lead, who doesn't have the balls to let the girl he likes, know how he feels (complete with acting embarrassed/apologetic in situations where she is likely to turn him on), as for Hibino herself she is primarily a walking pair of boobs and useless damsel in distress (Though I did find the fact, that she did not exactly flaunt her assets by generally wearing modest clothing, to be a fairly refreshing). Utao is an irritating brat with annoying mood swings and a fairly pathetic big brother complex, but ends up being tolerable compared to the unreasonable yandere Mahiru, though in Mahiru's defence as a character, the viewer is likely meant to be irritated by her presence.


There are times where the series does get quite gripping and delivers on it's potential, but it doesn't do it enough and despite only being 13 episodes long, there are times where the series seems to drag- especially during the first half following an initially intriguing opening episode. The pace does pick up, and it does become more engaging following the series mid point, a flashback episode (that is probably the series high point), but despite starting to find some focus, the very end of the series, frustratingly hints that the story is incomplete.


Perhaps if a sequel were ever to materialize, given the inconclusive ending that Kamisama Dolls ended up having, then maybe just maybe we could see the plot points laid down built upon, but it seems unlikely that will happen, and the fact that one will likely have to 'read the manga' to get closure with this story, makes the series an even more frustrating experience.


Closing Verdict: Kamisama Dolls is one of those series, I really hoped would be good. It really did try to be something interesting, and at times showed glimpses of delivering on it's potential. Unfortunately those glimpses failed to be built upon and it's aspirations as a 'quality' anime, are ultimately let down by annoying/useless characters and at times equally poor plot execution (only during the flashback scenes, does it effectively tell it's story or develop it's characters).




Is the Dub Any Good?: I watched this show on Crunchyroll, but did watch a few dub episodes to get an idea of the quality of the English dub....


Sentai Filmworks did the dub for this show, and it's yet another dub from them, that just doesn't quite hit the mark. I largely put this down to their ADR direction (rather than the actors, several of whom also work for the consistently superior Funimation) and their penchant for picking up shows, which rarely stand a chance of translating all that well to an English dub version (the fact that this show is obviously set in Japan, does not help the dubs case). I also felt the mood whiplash more harshly with Sentai's English dub, especially when it came to Maggie Flecknoe's hammy portrayal of Koko.


The dub here isn't so terrible, that it's unwatchable compared to the original Japanese version, but I couldn't whole heartily recommend watching it over the sub, of an already disappointingly mediocre show.

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Liking the variety in the last few reviews nothing that i'd want to watch from DxD or the dolls, but with the amount you have reviewed it's not really a surprise to me.


I just finished School Days, i'm not sure if this is on your radar or not, but i'd be very interested in a review of it, no spoilers or thoughts about it. I think it'd be a very interesting review.


I think you've covered just all the genres other than Hentai and well, i'm ok with that. :) I'm still reading and can't wait for the next review.

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I just finished School Days, i'm not sure if this is on your radar or not, but i'd be very interested in a review of it, no spoilers or thoughts about it. I think it'd be a very interesting review.


I've read/heard a lot about School Days, not always good things but it is on my list of stuff on Crunchyroll to review. I've given myself a list of around 30 anime on Crunchyroll and then I randomly pick from there (it's a mix of stuff I have heard is good, some recommendations from readers on here and stuff I just like the title of)


Nyarko-San is on the list, so might come round to that one soon.

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