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Ef: A Tale Of Memories






Genre: Romance, Drama


Studio: Shaft Director: Shin Onuma Source: Based on the Visual Novel series Ef: A Fairy Tale of the Two by Minori

Original Broadcast: October- December 2007 Episodes: 12


Synopsis: On a cold Christmas eve night, high school student and budding mangaka Hiro Hirono suddenly has his bike taken by a girl chasing after a thief who has stolen her purse. Upon catching up with the girl (Miyako Miyamura) he becomes charmed by her beauty and free spirited personality. However Hiro's new love interest causes upset for his childhood friend Kei Shindou, who blinded by jealousy fails to pick up on the admiration towards her from fellow student Kyosuke Tsutumi.


Meanwhile Renji Aso, meets Kei's, introverted twin sister Chihiro at an abandoned train station, and over time as the pair meet at the same spot on a daily basis, romantic feelings begin to blossom between the pair. However just as it looks as though their relationship is about to develop beyond being friends, Chihiro reveals the startling revelation that due to an accident in her childhood, she has been left with a condition where she can only create memories for the past thirteen hours and that she has to rely on diary entries in order to help her recollect her past self from the previous day.


Recommended Viewing Age: Teenagers (approx 13+) and up- The show isn't packed with fanservice, but there is some mild nudity and it's pretty obvious at certain points, that the characters have just made love to one another. The at times heavy emotional drama, which leads to some characters having some pretty traumatic breakdowns, leads towards Ef: A Tale of Memories only really being suitable for at the very least mid-teens and upwards.


Action Level: Virtually Non Existent- There's a punch up in one of the latter episodes! But seriously, if you're expecting action, then you're looking at the wrong series.


Moe/Kawaii Level: High- If you can't stand 'Moe', then you would be well served to give this show a miss, because it's chock full of cute girls, with emotional issues, and it doesn't get much more 'Moe' than medical eye-patch wearing 'ill-girl' Chihiro Shindou.


Animation Quality/Art Style: Whilst Ef: A Tale Of Memories is directed by Shin Onuma, as opposed to Akiyuki Shinbo, the series has all the visual hallmarks of a typical Shaft: Production, with the typically 'Marmite' experimental visuals that have become the studio's hallmark over the years.


The character designs themselves are relatively standard Bishojo fare, but it's elsewhere that gets the Shaft treatment (minimalist two tone Frames, artsy camera angles), with Shaft's fondness for trying something out of the box really coming to a head with the end of Episode 7- which just ends up being Japanese words filling up a screen, accompanied only by the voice of the actor and depending on what side of the Shaft fence you are on, you will either see this a bold artistic decision or a baffling cop out.


Away from the more unconventional tricks however of Shaft's style, the background art can also be majestically beautiful and truly adds a slightly ethereal edge to the story.


Music: The opener (initially used as the first ending) Euphoric Field, is a slice of J-Pop sung entirely English with lyrics that tie in quite well with the motivations of the characters. Similar to what Shaft did later on for their adaptation of the Monogotari series, there different ending themes, sung by the respective Seiyuu for the three lead heroines Miyako (Hiroko Taguchi), Kei (Junko Okada) and Chihiro (Natsume Yanase), with the respective songs appearing when a key dramatic moment has happened to that character at the end of an episode. All the songs have quite a melancholic edge to them and suitably match the mood of the series.


Plot and Characters: Ef: A Tale of Memories revolves around two romance arcs, interconnected by two of the central characters being twin sisters, the energetic Kei and the reclusive Chihiro.


The first romance centres around Hiro Hirono, a writer of Shojo Manga, who struggles to juggle his priorities between continuing his already successful career as a Mangaka and attending/finishing high school. Hiro's friend since childhood Kei, wants him to concentrate more on school but Hiro already feels he has as commitment to keep up with his career as a mangaka.


A random meeting over Christmas see's Hiro meet up with the free spirited Miyako Miyamura, and the two continue to see each other at school (the two did not realise before then they were at the same school, as both have abysmal attendance records) and gradually fall for one another. However their growing relationship, aggravates childhood friend Kei (who paints Miyako as a bad influence on Hiro) making her own feelings towards Hiro come to the fore and making her realise that she wants more than the brother/sister kind of relationship they have had since childhood.


As the battle for Hiro's heart becomes heated between Miyako and Kei, it is revealed that Miyako's carefree nature is something of a front and that she has issues with abandonment and feeling unloved, due to difficult family issues. Meanwhile a fourth wheel is thrown into the mix, with Kei's friend Kyosuke Tsutumi (an artsy filmmaker, who is at odds with the rest of the film club), who has became infatuated with Kei since shooting her through a camera lense.


The second romance, is built around the affable bookworm Renji Aso and Kei's, twin sister Chihiro, after the pair meet at an abandoned train station. We learn that Chihiro wants to right a novel but a childhood accident has left her with a condition where she can only recall the last 13 hours of memories. However despite being warned off getting close to Chihiro by her guardian Yu Himura (it is hinted throughout the series that he has had his own challenging relationship in the past), Renji continues to fall for Chihiro and helps her with writing her novel, but Renji soon learns that pursuing a relationship with someone like Chihiro will put a heavy strain on not only his, but her emotional well-being.


As well as the obvious theme of falling in love/competing for love, there's a central thread of the characters trying to keep hold of their dreams or make their dreams happen, no matter the challenges put in front of them.

Mostly built around emotional melodrama, Ef: A Tale of Memories does throw in some light relief along the way, to give some balance to the series. Much of the comedy to be found is built around the quirks of the characters, such as the Shindou sisters (especially Kei) being terrible cooks or supporting character Shuichi's (a bishonen professional violinist, and a friend of Renji's mother) hint towards fetishist tastes, with his collection of uniforms.


Analysis: Tearjerker romances, are a well trodden form of storytelling in any medium, not just anime but that doesn't mean that effort cannot still be made to bring something new to the table, when it comes to love based melodrama.


Two weapons Ef: A Tale of Memories has at it's diposal, is the intertwining of two independent threads that though connected through the relationship of two of the characters are completely separate stories in their own right and of course the bold and unique art style and animation choices of Studio Shaft.


The thing with Studio Shaft's work, is that you're either going to be charmed by their unique style or you're going to hate it, there really is no middle ground here and in a lot of ways your appreciation of Ef: A Tale of Memories will live or die with the ubiquitous avant garde nature of the art and animation showcased throughout.


In a genre where the art and animation choices can often end up being on the bland side, studio Shaft bring a unique style (unless compared to some of their other works) combining majestic beauty and unconventional tricks to Ef:A Tale of Memories. Rather than overwhelm or take away from 'Memories' the art and animation manages to succeed in enhancing the intense drama and beautiful romantic moments that the two respective stories that make up the whole of 'Memories are built upon.


But if you're not someone who can take to Studio Shaft's unorthodox approach to anime, then you're unlikely to fully appreciate the efforts that have gone into giving Ef a unique feel all of it's own, when it comes to a romance based anime.


Admittedly thus far, my opinion of Ef: A Tale of Memories has centred more around the marmite stylings of the production studio that crafted the anime adaptation, so away from the technical elements of the show, is the romance and the drama actually engaging in it's own right?


The short answer to that is on yes, but yes in small letters. The thread revolving around the highschool mangaka, his childhood friend, the free spirited girl he gets acquainted with over Christmas and the artsy film maker student, is pretty generic and does get a bit predictably melodramatic, but it's not unwatchable and if you're a fan of romantic drama's anyway you should still be charmed by what this side of 'Memories' has to offer. And at least it's not a eye roll inducing unrealistic harem, where the male lead meets five girls who then superficially compete for his affections.


However the other story between the affable bookworm Renji and the memory impaired Chihiro feels unique and is beautifully done- where as the other thread sometimes stepped over into grating angsty teen drama, the Renji x Chihiro story managed to keep a lid on the melodrama, whilst also managing to add enough emotion to the story to keep the viewer engaged with Renji and Chihiro's challenging and awkward romance, whilst the continually dark overtones in regards to Chihiro's condition gives the thread a consistently tragic air, that only elicit anything but sympathetic reactions from the viewer to this charmingly low key couple.


The intertwining of the two threads, is also executed rather well, and there is a nice contrast between Hiro in the first story trying to keep his 'dream' of being a mangaka alive and Chihiro in the second story, struggling to achieve her 'dream' of being a novelist.


Throughout Ef: A Tale of Memories, there are also hints towards this not being the whole of the story but the hints never make you feel as though a sequel is desperately needed to fill in the gaps or make you full appreciate the stories being told with Memories.


It should be pointed out that there is a sequel Ef: A Tale of Melodies, that centre around some of the supporting characters to be found in Memories, and it will be interesting to see if the stories told can be as engaging as Renji x Chihiro or as passable as the thread revolving around Hiro.


Closing Verdict: Ef: A Tale of Memories, isn't flawless, but it is at the very least one of the more interesting takes on the romance genre, that at times is beautifully executed and only further enhanced by Studio Shaft's resolutely unconventional art style and animation choices.


It's a show that certainly won't be everyone's cup of tea, but if you're fond of tearjerker romances and also appreciate the work of Studio Shaft, then Ef: A Tale of Memories comes with a strong recommendation. If you like neither of those two key components, then you may want to give this one a miss.




Is the Dub Any Good?: Whilst the Sentei Filmworks dub, does feature their aggravating penchant for using Japanese honorifics throughout an English translation of the script, it is overall rather decent, with stellar effort all round from an experienced cast. Whilst the casting choices of Luci Christian (Miyako), Kei (Brittany Karbowski) and Chihiro (Monica Rial) are predictable, they are safe hands that match well with the characters.

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Vividred Operation






Genre: Sci-Fi, Magical Girl


Studio: A-1 Pictures Director: Shin Onuma Writer: Hiroyuki Yoshino Source: Anime Original

Original Broadcast: January 2013- March 2013 Episodes: 12


Synopsis: In a peaceful future, Earth's energy is supplied through an invention called the Manifestation Engine. On the island of Oshima cheerful schoolgirl Akane Ishiki lives a modest but peaceful life with her younger sister and her inventor Grandfather., however that comes under threat when the Earth is attacked by an alien lifeforce known as 'the Alone'.


Akane's Grandfather Kenjirou (who happens to be the genius behind the Manifestation Engine) gives Akane a special key which allows her to access the only thing that can combat the Alone- the Vivid System.


Akane is soon joined in her battle to protect the world from the Alone, by her closest friends (who are also given keys to access the Vivid System), but as much as Akane and her friends want to stop 'the Alone' there is someone who desperately wants 'the Alone' to succeed in their invasion and their impending destruction of the Manifestation Engine.


Recommended Viewing Age: Approx 15 +: The flying moe girls comparison wasn't going to be enough, for this show to look like a Strike Witches tribute, because just like that show the creators of this show have an obsession with adolescent girls in extremely short shorts and constantly showing their derrieres. The combination transformation sequences also feature nudity and the girls embracing one another. Without the fanservice this show could have been suitable for near enough all ages, but they obviously felt the need to throw in the titillation.


Action Level: Medium- In short it's a futuristic magical girl version of Strike Witches. Think that and you'll get a good idea of the kind of action presented in Vividred Operation.


Moe/Kawaii Level: High- Flying technologically enhanced magical 'moe-blobs'- that's all you really need to be made aware of.


Animation Quality/Art Style: Character designs are a bit modern day generic- and one of the characters looks like a copy of a character from a more well known anime franchise. However in general the bright and slick art and animation is up to a good standard for a recent anime. In all honesty that is to be expected from an anime knocked out by A-1 Pictures, who aren't always the most imaginative when it comes to art style but are consistently strong in their execution of being safe but reliable.


The transformation sequences are good fun and well done, though after you've seen them once, like all magical girl transformations they get repetitive after the first set of viewings.


Music: The opening song Energy by Earthmind is energetic but relatively forgettable J-Pop, that does admittedly fit well with the mood of the series. There are also five different ending themes, all sung by the seiyuu for the respective main characters but none of the songs end up leaving much of an impression.


Plot and Characters: Cheerful airhead Akane delivers the morning papers on her flying bike Wanko and lives with her more responsible younger sister Momo (who does all the cooking and cleaning) and her oddball inventor granddad Kenjiro. When Akane's peaceful existence is interrupted by 'the Alone' who's goal appears to destroy the Manifestation Engine invented by Kenjiro- she is given the key to the Vivid System, which allows her to transform into a palette suit, that allows her to fly and is able to summon her own special attack. However she cannot fight the good fight alone, and for the Vividred System to be used to it's full potential she needs to combine her own power with others.


She get's help from her friends, firstly in the form of Aoi her rich but frail best friend, and then wins the friendship of the Kendo Captain of Oshima Academy Wakaba and finally the socially anxious technology geek Himawari (who attends class by setting up a camera in the classroom).


However due to an accident involving the Manifestation Engine, that left her orphaned another girl in their class Rei Kuroki, wishes that 'the Alone' would succeed in their mission to destroy it and struggles with Akane and co.'s attempts to befriend her. However it is also revealed that Rei's bitter feelings towards the Manifestation Engine, are being manipulated by a higher power that has sent a creepy crow to entice Rei into doing their bidding in helping 'the Alone'.


Despite there being some dark elements, which mostly revolve around Rei's manipulated feelings and the impending destruction of Earth from the faceless alien invaders, Vividred Operation is on the whole a relatively light hearted show.


As expected with a show centering around the bonds of friendship between four girls, much of the comedy comes from the character quirks, such as Akane being an airhead or Himawari getting all super nerdy about power plants. Also one of the main supporting characters ends up being transformed into a stuffed toy weasel for much of the series but manage to maintain their personality from their human form.

Analysis: It has to be said that most new shows, are influenced by what has come before, especially shows with formula's that have had recent success in capturing the viewers imagination. There is nothing wrong with a story showing it's influences as long as it is well written and at least attempts to bring something new to the table.


The problem with Vividred Operation is that it all it's influences are so blatant, that if instantly feels like an inferior version of the shows it's ultimately, as to put it bluntly ripping off. In a nutshell Vividred Operation is Strike Witches meets Madoka Magica.


Now Strike Witches, though relatively popular, in all honesty wasn't all that great and was the epitome of a relatively fun but mediocre show. In it's defence the flying girls element in Vividred Operation does make more sense than it ever did in Strike Witches, so it that regard is does manage to improve on the show it is clearly influenced by, but it also follows Strike Witches lead for needless fanservice. The fanservice itself doesn't bother me, it's the fact that it ends up soiling a show that could have been family friendly and suitable viewing for younger eyes, especially as it's positive central message of friendship conquering all has a good heart.


The reason the show will draw comparison to Madoka Magica, will mostly be for the character Rei, not only does her character design make her look like a clone of Homura, she is also the surly loner, who doesn't want to get too friendly with the other girls. The twist here is that she's the one being manipulated by the Kyubey clone and not the Vivid Operation girls. If Madoka Magica hadn't already come out, then this story would be pretty good but unfortunately for the creative team behind Vividred Operation, that show came out a few years earlier and thus this show ends up looking like at best a homage and at worst a blatant rip off.


Despite it's unoriginality and it's pointless fanservice, I didn't hate Vividred Operation, it's a watchable show- it's good fun in places (the weasel mascot is genuinely amusing) and despite the characters lacking depth, they do enough to make you care about them succeeding in fighting off 'the Alone' and trying to reach to Homura....oh I meant Rei- and admittedly if you've not already seen Strike Witches or more crucially Madoka Magica- then it'll probably end up being more enjoyable to you.



Closing Verdict: Vividred Operation is a fun sci-fi magical girl show, that unfortunately wears it's influences too closely on it's sleeve, and also ends up hurting itself with unnecessary levels of rear view obsessed fanservice.


Ultimately the question is, did I enjoy this more than Strike Witches ? ......


And the answer to that would be no, but I also didn't enjoy it any less- so in my view both shows end up being deserving of being held in the same regard.




Is the Dub Any Good?: Aniplex of America have picked up the license for this series, but have yet to produce an English Dub.



Some extra observations:


The Japanese aren't aware of how rude it is, and non British English speakers may not get why it's rude, but the fact that Akane's flying bike is called Wanko, should raise a chuckle from British viewers :p


Less obvious than the Strike Witches or Madoka Magica influences, but the sister relationship between airheaded Akane and responsible Momo, is rather similar to the relationship between Yui and Ui in K-On!



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Ah! My Goddess- Flights of Fancy

(Aa! Megami Sama- Sorezore No Tsubasa)






Note: This is the second season of the TV Adaptation of the Oh! My Goddess ( aka Aa- Megami-Sama) Manga. If you have not already seen Season 1 and wish to do so, then stop reading here, as this will inevitably contain spoilers. So read on at your own risk.


Genre: Romance, Comedy, Fantasy


Studio: AIC Director: Hiroaki Goda Source: Manga by Kosuke Fujishima

Original Broadcast: April- September 2006 Episodes: 24


Synopsis : It's been one year since the Goddess Belldandy, entered Keichi Morisato's life. After seeing of the Lord of Terror, things have become relatively peaceful, however new threats are on the horizon that will test Belldandy and Keichi's promise to stay together.


Recommended Viewing Age: Teens (approx 13+ and up): Slight increase in fanservice, with the new character of Peorth possibly even outstripping Urd in the stripperiffic outfit stakes. Though there is nothing in this second season, as darkly suggestive as the sexual predator Toshiyuki trying to force himself onto Belldandy.


Action Level: Low- Even less emphasis on the supernatural goddesses vs demon's element, and increased emphasis on the personal relationship between Keichi and Belldandy, in comparison to season 1.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Fairly High- Belldandy still remains very nice, and is still a little bit naive- so she remains the series standard bearer for Moe. Skuld remains as bratty as ever, but her first love romance arc, see's her edge even closer to fulfilling the position of the series 'token mini-moe'. Though the new Angel that appears (Nobel Scarlet) takes the prize for being the most adorable character of the entire series.


Animation Quality/Art Style: Character designs remain the same from the first season, whilst the background art is still flat and uninspired. However the animation quality does appear to be sleeker, so I would say that overall Flights of Fancy is marginally more aesthetically pleasing than the first season.


Music: The opening song Shiawase no Iro sung by Yoko Ishida, is a folky song with a scottish flavour (It has Bagpipes). I'll fully admit it's not my cup of tea, but some people will like it and it does match fairly well with the idea of the Goddesses, especially the central character of Belldandy.


Yoko Ishida, provides another ballady number (Bokura No Kiseki) for the first ending theme, whilst Jyukai perform the slightly more up beat but equally forgettable Koibito Doshi as the second ending theme.


Plot and Characters: The story this time centres much more on the growing relationship between Belldandy and Keichi, and their feelings for one another. However as with the first season, neither one can really spit it out, despite Urds' best efforts to get them to at least kiss and hold hands, whilst Skuld continues to be possessive over her big sister.


As well as the very slow burning romance between Belldandy and Keichi, there are plenty of situations that crop up throughout the season, that test Belldandy's demeanor as being perfectly nice all the time, with the angelic goddess particularly struggling with the feeling of jealousy, whenever another female appears to be making moves on Keichi.


Sayoko the self proclaimed 'queen bee' of Nekomi Tech, still wants to compete for Keichi's affections and is still irritated by Belldandy's 'Little Miss Perfect' demeanour, however she pretty much gets put on a bus, after the first arc, and Belldandy faces further tests, from a rival goddess in the form of Peorth (who holds a grudge against Belldandy over an incident, when the two goddesses once worked together), who has a provacative nature of rival that of the half demon/half goddess Urd, whilst Urd's Demon mother Hild also turns up to cause some problems, along with the returning Mara.


It's not all about Keichi and Belldandy however, as the second season also has the odd episd or two, that focuses on the supporting cast. Urd has an old flame appear in her life, Skuld grows up a little, as a friendship with a boy around her age, gets her to experience new feelings. The founder of the Nekomi Institute Technology Motor Club also turns up as a main protagonist in an arc that centre's around Keichi's love of fixing bikes, whilst one half of comic relief duo Tamiya and Otaki, even get's to have their own surprising romance early in the series.


Analysis: The Goddesses and Demon's element of Ah! My Goddess did get a little bit silly by the end of the first season, and whilst giving the series it's own unique flavour, also ended up getting in the way of what the series truly is, a romantic comedy. In 'Flights of Fancy' the magical elements are still there, but take more of a back seat to the developments between Belldandy and Keichi....


However things still move along at a frustratingly slow pace for the central couple and by the end of this second season, there inability to even reach first base, yet alone go past it will leave you feeling as though this second season has been an utter waste of time. The slow burning innocent romance between Keichi and Belldandy worked in the first season, but within the timeline of the story, at the start of season they have supposedly been part of each others life's for about a year now, and you would expect at least some minor progress by now.


In a lot of ways 'Flight's of Fancy' is more enjoyable than the first season, with the supporting cast having some fun side stories, that whilst some people may see as filler, I felt actually did a good job of giving the audience a break from Belldandy fretting over feeling jealous or Keichi failing to man up and admit that he wants to get a bit more friskier than holding hands (actually he even has problems doing that!)


The new main supporting character Peorth, makes for a fun rival to super nice Belldandy, even if she is basically a plot device and sort of Urd version 2. As for the three original goddesses to invade the life of the impotent male lead, Belldandy is still borderline irritatingly nice (but at least they address the fact that her permanent do gooder stance, can cause it's own problems), the more well balanced Urd still remains the most relate-able character and Skuld is still quite annoying (Though the arc where she starts to experience love for herself, did do a fairly decent job of crafting her into a more sympathetic character and introduces us to the utterly adorable Nobel Scarlet).


Closing Verdict: 'Flights of Fancy' benefits from focusing more on the romance and comedy elements and downplaying the fantasy action element of the series, that felt unnecessarily tacked on, rather than as a core component of the story.


However Keichi's inability to take things further with Belldandy will leave you frustrated at their insipid relationship. Despite frustrations, if you enjoyed what the first season of Ah! My Goddess had to offer, you should still enjoy 'Flights of Fancy'.


Mildly Recommended


Is the Dub Any Good?: Funimation have the license for this show, but this remains a New York based dub, with the cast from the Media Blasters dub from season 1 reprising their roles. Because of that fact, the dub is no better or no worse than the first season, and remains in that area of being serviceable but not great, with Eileen Stevens well pitched performance as Belldandy remaining the best thing about the dub.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="color:#4B0082;"><span style="font-size:12px;"><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><strong>Brynhildr In The Darkness</strong></span></span></span></p><p><span style="color:#4B0082;">

</span><span style="color:#4B0082;"><strong>(Gokukoku no Buryunhirude)</strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS78uEZSWV4tKMRAqCa4QnuDCaRpjLRLhQYeJPhLXFEFsJZTzdE" data-src="https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS78uEZSWV4tKMRAqCa4QnuDCaRpjLRLhQYeJPhLXFEFsJZTzdE" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSz0vWtlec-OO8NtSWYyQacRjmcR9bPftwlrGMLdaILaIRUVZbz" data-src="https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSz0vWtlec-OO8NtSWYyQacRjmcR9bPftwlrGMLdaILaIRUVZbz" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p><p> </p><p>

<img alt="images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQk0vA5-j_o1vrE9PX4se7Rqo0EHW3kDoqoc1sJO9guGSdIPCC71w" data-src="https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQk0vA5-j_o1vrE9PX4se7Rqo0EHW3kDoqoc1sJO9guGSdIPCC71w" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /><img alt="images?q=tbn:ANd9GcToBAPsCqs0SiRq9-z-KqaWE9_L1tC9_BJsWv9cuFC5TWnXYwrC" data-src="https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcToBAPsCqs0SiRq9-z-KqaWE9_L1tC9_BJsWv9cuFC5TWnXYwrC" src="<___base_url___>/applications/core/interface/js/spacer.png" /></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Genre:</strong> Sci-Fi Fantasy, Harem </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Studio:</strong> Arms <strong>Director:</strong> Kenichi Imaizumi, <strong>Writer:</strong> Yukinori Kitajima <strong>Source: </strong>Manga by Lynn Okamoto</p><p>

<strong>Original Broadcast:</strong> April- June 2014<strong> Episodes: </strong>13 + (1 OVA) </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Synopsis : </strong> During his childhood Ryota Murakami witnessed his friend Kuroneko die in a freak accident, that he himself barely survived. Kuroneko wanted to prove to Ryota that Aliens exist, and feeling guilt over the loss of his friend he dedicates his life to proving the existence of the extra terrestrial lifeforms that Kuroneko believed to exist.</p><p> </p><p>

Now in highschool Ryota's life is shaken further when a girl that looks just like Kuroneko and also has the suspiciously similar name of Kuroha Neko transfers into his class. He soon learns that Kuroha is a 'witch' a girl with superhuman powers and that she has escaped from a lab <em>(along with several other 'witches')</em> and on the run from the scientists that have been performing experiments on them.</p><p> </p><p>

Ryota vows to shelter the 'witches' from their pursuers but soon learns that time in running out on giving them back a normal life, whilst also trying to figure out if Kuroha is the childhood he thought he had lost forever.</p><p>

<strong>Recommended Viewing Age:</strong><em> Adults Only- </em> Brynhildr In The Darkness' anime adaptation was taken on by the Arm's studio, an anime production studio with a track record of taking on project's with extreme adult content (both in terms of strong levels of fanservice and graphic violence), most notably the infamous Elfen Lied. </p><p>

</p><p><em><span style="color:#8B0000;">

</span></em><em><span style="color:#8B0000;"><strong>Here's what </strong></span></em><a href="http://www.themanime.org/viewreview.php?id=1694" rel="external nofollow"><em><span style="color:#8B0000;"><strong>Social Justice Warrior Anime Reviews</strong></span></em></a><em><span style="color:#8B0000;"><strong> had this to say in regards to it's content: </strong></span></em></p><p><em><span style="color:#8B0000;"> </span></em></p><p><em><span style="color:#8B0000;">

Absolutely not for children. There are some graphic scenes of dismemberment and bloodshed, while a character literally melts in one episode (though some of the worst of this is censored in crunchyroll's broadcast). The fanservice is extreme, also: girls sexually harass each other, a paralyzed girl is sexualized, and there's a suffocating amount of sexual nudity in some episodes.</span></em></p><p> </p><p>

Despite sounding like I've just been lectured by the anime reviewing equivalent of Mary Whitehouse and it's not on the same level as<a href="http://www.greydogsoftware.com/forum...&postcount=349" rel="external nofollow"> Elfen Lied</a>, they are pretty much right and this is isn't a series to be sitting down to watch with anyone well under the age of consent. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Action Level:</strong> <em>Medium-</em> It's a series that features girls with superpowers, so as expected they sometimes do battle with one another. However I wouldn't really call this an action focused series- there is some violence and plenty of blood and the aforementioned superpowered based showdowns but there is much more emphasis put upon the relationship between the male lead and his ever expanding 'harem'.</p><p>


Moe/Kawaii Level: </strong> <em>Fairly High-</em> Not a 'moe' series as such, but the vulnerability of the girls situation, makes them 'moe' fodder of the Rei Ayanami kind, rather than of the cute girls doing cute things strain of 'moe'.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Animation Quality/Art Style: </strong> Fans of the manga may be a little disappointed that the character designs for the anime adaptation have been homongenized into the current generic anime character design choice of the moment. The character designs aren't bad to look at, but it's always preferable when the art style can stay as near to the original artwork as possible.</p><p> </p><p>

Overall I would say the art and animation, here is competent- it's not blow your mind fantastic but it's not spectacularly bad either, it's pretty much slap bang in the middle for a post 2010 anime series. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Music:</strong> The first opener- BRYNHILDR IN THE DARKNESS -Ver. EJECTED' by Nao Tokisawa, is a curious instrumental mix of classical elements and crunching synths, that has a real ominous quality that whilst not necessarily the catchiest of the openings does suit the series well. Now with only 13 episodes, I was expecting this to be the opening for the entire series, but for some odd reason they bring a second opening in from episode 10, a techno-rock 'screamo' number called 'Virture and Vice' by Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.</p><p> </p><p>

The ending song 'Ichiban Hoshi' is a sweetly sung but relatively forgettable J-Pop ballad, sung by the Seiyuu for the four major female characters that feature in the story.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Plot and Characters:</strong> Brynhildr In The Darkness mostly revolves around the escaped 'witches', attempting to stay alive whilst trying to avoid their captors and other witches that have been brainwashed into eliminating the rogue 'witches'- the real kicker for the escapees is that they need a special pill to stay alive, or they will melt away if they don't take the pill and the only people that have the pills, before their stockpile runs out is the very people they are trying to get away from. Ryota's uncle, does happen to be a scientist however but does he have the time and resources to come up with the goods in time to save Ryota's new friends from their plight?</p><p> </p><p>

The other main story thread, revolves around whether or not Kuroha is the childhood friend that Ryota thought he had lost forever- Kuroha does not remember Ryota but whenever she uses her powers, it causes her to lose part of her memory.</p><p> </p><p>

We learn that Kuroha has formed a close bond with another fellow escapee, called Kana, who has clairvoyant powers where she can predict when people are going to die, however Kana has traded in the ability to move in order to use her powers<em> (which has left in her a doll like state)</em>. Ryota and his band of escaped witches are soon joined by Kazumi, a superhacker, who is obsessed by matters of a sexual nature and then by the cheerful klutz Kotori, who appears to be a regular witch but does in fact has hidden secrets, which make her more powerful than she first appears.</p><p> </p><p>

Along the way we learn that the brains behind the 'magic user' experiment, has a rather warped view on the value of human life, and that the witch most loyal to him is super powerful and equally psychotic, whilst a resistance group that is trying to eliminate all of the witches is also thrown into the mix to make life even harder for Ryota and his desperate band of escapees.</p><p> </p><p>

For the most part Brynhildr In The Darkness is a series with a somber mood, though amongst the generally dark mood it does find time for little rays of light relief - which inevitably are mostly based around the quirks of Ryota's expanding harem. Kuroha gets overcome by jealousy whenever another girl gets too close to Ryota, Kotori is a big boobed airhead, Kana has a rather biting tongue and Kazumi's sex obsession hovers the line between funny and tragic. </p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Analysis</strong>: Inevitably Brynhildr In The Darkness, was always going to draw comparison to Lynn Okamoto's infamous predecessor Elfen Lied, and the two stories do share the similarity that both revolve around experimented upon girls, that have been turned into weapons of mass destruction on the run from their 'creators', plus the fact that both stories are chock full of sex and violence. However despite the fact that Brynhildr ramps up the harem element, it's certainly less extreme than the infamous Elfen Lied and makes more of an effort to appeal to a wider audience <em>(rather than just sexually frustrated otaku )</em>, especially during the first few episodes where the fanservice in particular is toned down.</p><p> </p><p>

The fanservice levels do increase significantly however, and some may be left a feeling a bit uneasy over the fact that even the paraplegic Kana has sexualized moments and that Kazumi's obsession with trying to lose her cherry borders on the psychotic. However if you're going into this series with the hope that it's going to be family friendly, you're barking up the wrong tree- the story is written by the same author that brought you Elfen Lied. Sure the fanservice doesn't add anything <em>(it rarely does)</em> but it's not a major negative either- as I never felt that this was something that ever had the potential to be family friendly fare- and that's when fanservice irritates me most, not with something like this where the show is already violent and bloody and has a premise that revolves around a shady organization that has been experimenting on people to turn them into human weapons.</p><p> </p><p>

That premise is quite intriguing<em> (even if it does share the same basic idea as Elfen Lied)</em> but the sad fact, is that it does end up being a harem in sci-fi horror clothing and that's where Brynhildr In the Darkness' problems begin, not because it has questionable sexual content.</p><p> </p><p>

I will give it credit for making Kuroha so blatantly like Ryota's childhood friend Kuroneko, that it makes you think that they wouldn't be so obvious- they even drop clues along the way to make you believe it can't not be Kuroneko, but the fact that she can't not be Kuroneko, does make you doubt the fact and you're waiting for the twist that reveals that she isn't Ryota's childhood friend.</p><p> </p><p>

Ryota himself as the harem lead, is fairly bland but he's not wholly unlikeable, and his willingness to stand by his new friends is kind of admirable, even if some of them <em>(mostly Kazumi)</em>, blatantly gets on his nerves, mind you Kazumi and her constant bleating on about sex, could well get on most viewers nerves, so plenty will sympathize with Ryota's 'pain'.</p><p>

One thing I did really like about the show, is that 'the witches' though obviously blessed/cursed with superpowers, all have their weaknesses- Kuroha's memory is effected whenever she uses her powers, Kana is a paraplegic, whilst Kazumi's powers are only effective if she has access to a computer- add to the fact that their lifespan is quickly running out of time, whilst their stockpile of life giving tablets rapidly goes down and that collective vulnerability instantly makes them more interesting as lead characters and gets the viewer more invested in their difficult plight.</p><p> </p><p>

The series does suffer a little from Deus Ex Machina syndrome, with difficult situations regularly solved by a convenient plot twist, but with shows like this you have to suspend your disbelief, and if the pacing is good then that be forgiven....</p><p> </p><p>

Unfortunately the show suffers greatly from being extremely rushed in the last few episodes, bombarding you with plot twist after plot twist. A lot of stuff that felt important at the start of the story, ends up being utterly irrelevant because the last few episodes are packed full of so many ridiculous plot twists, that your investment in the 'witches' difficult plight diminishes.</p><p> </p><p>

'Brynhildr' was clearly a show that needed a two coeur length <em>(22-26 episodes)</em> for the series to fully realise it's potential and it's ended up getting short changed by simply not having enough episodes to fully adapt Lynn Okamoto's manga without devolving into a total mess. I judge anime on their merit as an anime, as I rarely read the manga, but even without reading the manga I can tell that this is a messy adaptation.</p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Closing Verdict:</strong> Brynhildr In the Darkness is not entirely without merit, and is a relatively entertaining series, as long as you don't go into it with lofty expectations<em> (or get your hopes raised by the promise of the opening episodes</em>), but sadly this will join a myriad of anime that failed to deliver on it's potential. At least unlike something like Guilty Crown it at least has the excuse of simply not having enough episodes to have had a chance of ever delivering on it's promising premise. </p><p>

</p><p><span style="color:#FF0000;">

</span><span style="color:#FF0000;"><span style="color:#8B0000;">Finally- </span></span><a href="http://www.themanime.org/viewreview.php?id=1694" rel="external nofollow"><span style="color:#FF0000;"><span style="color:#8B0000;">Social Justice Warrior Anime Reviews</span></span></a><span style="color:#FF0000;"><span style="color:#8B0000;">, really hated this series: Actually to their credit their reviews are professionally written but a lot of the reviewers that contribute to that site are a bit condescending in their views when it comes to anime with 'controversial'/ 'politically incorrect' content and are particularly snobby when it comes to the harem genre. </span></span></p><p> </p><p>

<span style="color:#808000;"><strong>Mildly Recommended </strong></span></p><p> </p><p>

<strong>Is the Dub Any Good?:</strong> Sentai Filmworks <em>(they tend to be the one's that pick up the the 'sleazier' titles</em>) have picked up the license for this show- unsurpisingly as it is a relatively new show, no dub has been released yet.</p>

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Genre: Supernatural Drama


Studio: Shaft Director: Akiyuki Shinbo Source: Light Novels by Nishio Ishin

Original Broadcast: January- March 2012 Episodes: 11


Synopsis: Following the events of Bakemonogatari, Koyomi Araragi wakes up to find himself held captive by his girlfriend Hitagi Senjougahara. Flashing back to earlier in day, he recalls a meeting he had with a strange man called Kaiki Deshu. As it turns out Kaiki is a con-man who once targeted Hitagi, and Hitagi is keeping Koyomi captive, in order to keep him away from Kaiki, however Koyomi's little sister Karen puts herself in danger, when she challenges Kaiki for being the cause of curses being spread all around her school.


Recommended Viewing Age: Older Teens (approx 16+) and up- The amount of fanservice and sexually charged situations appears to have risen in frequency in Nisemonogatari compared to it's predecessor with just about every female that is in contact with Koyomi, testing his nerve not to be seduced by their feminine charms and give in to his perverted ways. Most infamously this series features a rather incestuous episode involving a toothbrush.


The violence is a lot more sporadic, than the questionable sexual situations but when there the extreme bloodiness of it, only adds further fuel to Nisemonogatari being a series that is near enough a series that will be only be suitable for more mature audiences.


Action Level: Fairly Low- The Monogatari series, isn't exactly one for action junkies and is more of a dialogue based series, however it's not completely devoid of action, and towards the end of Nisemonogatari there is an ultra violent one sided curb stomp of a fight.


Moe/Kawaii Level: High- What I said in my Bakemonogatari review, regarding the 'moe' content remains the same for Nisemonogatari.


Animation Quality/Art Style: Nisemonogatari retains that 'Marmite' art and animation style that is a trademark of Studio Shaft's works and was a key feature of Bakemonogatari (the first of what promises to be a full adaptation of Nishio Ishin's Monogotari Light Novel series), however the production values here are generally better, with more consistent animation and a few less 'cost cutting' tricks (e.g the 'wall of text' that was prevalent in Bakemonogatari has been virtually cut out from Nisemonogatari). All in all Nisemonogatari succeeds in retaining the unique visual style associated with it's predecessor, whilst also making it slightly more accessible for those who prefer their anime to be a little more conventional.


Music: Once again as with Bakemonogatari, the opening themes are character specific pieces sung by the respective seiyuu for that character. The 'Karen Bee' arc features two openings, the lively and upbeat Marshamallow Justice by Eri Kitamura (Karen Araragi ) and the more ambient pop of Fukatome by Chiwa Saito (Hitagi Senjougahara) which is used as the opening for episodes 1 and 3.


The Tsukihi Phoenix arc, opens with the cute enka inspired Platinum Disco sung by Yuka Iguchi (Tsukiya Araragi), and for me the highlight of the three Nisemono openings as it really captures the personality of the more feminine of the 'Fire Sisters', whilst the energetic pop rock of Naisho No Hanashi by CLariS provides the ending theme for Nisemomo.


Plot and Characters: Even though all the girls from Bakemonogatari make a reapperance throughout Nisemonogatari, most of them (with the exception of Senjougahara in the first arc) are reduced to supporting roles, with the focus of the two arcs that feature this time on Koyomi's, younger sisters- Karen and Tsukihi, nicknamed the 'Fire Sisters' because of their feisty demeanor.


The first arc see's Karen wanting to bring down the curse spreading con-man Kaiki, who also has history with Koyomi's girlfriend Hitagi Senjougahara. Karen ends up putting herself in danger and Koyomi feels it his duty to come to his sisters rescue, likewise in the second arc where Tsukihi is suddenly targeted by a pair of demon hunters (you'll have to watch the series to find out why Tsukihi is perceived to be a dangerous being). So overall the theme here for Nisemonogatari is Koyomi's bond with his sisters being put to the test, rather than the focus being on Koyomi himself.


Koyomi Araragi continues to be portrayed as someone that on the whole is a good guy that cares for and is willing to protect his family and friends from harm , but is also a pervert that struggles with certain urges when faced with members of the opposite sex.


Analysis: Even though each arc in the Monogatari series can be appreciated on it's own, it's best to understand it, by watching the whole thing, so in order to enjoy Nisemonogatari to it's fullest, it is necessary to watch it's predecessor Bakemonogatari.


As I already pointed out in the art and animation, section the unique visual flair of Bakemongatari remains but is smoother and more accessible, but I'm afraid to say that is the only area where Nisemomogatari manages to top it's predecessor, it's not that Nisemono is a bad series, it just doesn't reach the heights of Bakemono and is unfortunately packed full of minor gripes that all add up to dragging the second volume of the Monogatari anime adaptation down.


I'll continue to start with the good stuff though, and that is both arcs featured in Nisemonogatari (both of which are longer than any of the arcs in Bakemono, with 'Karen Bee' lasting a whopping 7 episodes) remain interesting, with strong antagonists whose points of view are easy to understand. You won't necessarily agree with Kaiki but his cold hearted , money driven world view is easy to relate to as a motivation for his corruptive deeds, whilst the demon hunters that show up in the second arc 'Tsukihi Phoenix' are extreme and misguided but admirable in their convictions in carrying out what they believe to be right.


However both arcs feel padded out compared to those featured in Nisemonogatari, both stories are really good when they finally get to the point, but both take their time to get going and most of the padding is centred around Koyomi and his perverted urges, with one episode infamously revolving around him and his younger sister getting intimate with a toothbrush. Though there is something to be admired by the sheer audacity of that episode.


Curiously enough both of the 'Fire Sisters' feel like background characters in their own arcs, until the conclusion, especially with Tsukihi in her arc, which curiously enough is the shorter arc of the two and whilst the series most dynamic character Senjougahara features relatively prominently in 'Karen Bee' because of her own past history with the arc's antagonist Kaiki, she gets put on the proverbial bus for Tsukihi and whilst all the girls that have flocked into Koyomi's life return, their prescence in this series feels relatively pointless, other than to provide him with an endless stream of morally questionable situations.


Other than the interesting visuals, the witty dialogue and interesting philosophical discussions were another strong point of Bakemonogatari and whilst they remain to a certain degree in Nisemonogatari, they aren't as sharp as they were in their predecessor. Despite all the minor gripes however, Nisemonogatari is still an interesting and engaging watch, but it's just not able to live up to the standards of the series that preceded it.


Closing Verdict: Where as Bakemonogatari was an excellent series that won't be everyone's cup of tea (Shaft's visual style, the questionable morality of the perverted situations), Nisemonogatari is a relatively enjoyable series that won't be everyone's cup of tea. It's still worth your time, if you want to be pulled into the intriguing world of the Monogatari series, but it's certainly the weaker of the first part of Shaft's anime adaptation of Nishio Ishin's Light Novels.


Mildly Recommended


Is the Dub Any Good?: As with Bakemonogatari, there is no dub with the general consensus over Aniplex's decison not to provide a dub being centred round the fact that the series was too difficult to adapt into an English language version.

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I really loved Bakemonogatari. Such great style and good story. I have yet to see teh others in the series but i'm going to have to. If it's close to how Bakemonogatari is, then i'll know i'll dig it.


Good stuff bud.


Well thus far I've only seen Bakemono and Nisemono myself, though obviously will get round to seeing the rest of the Monogatari series at some point. If you liked Bakemono, you should still like Nisemono and if you didn't like Bakemono, Nisemono isn't going to make a convert of you.

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Summer Wars






Genre: Sci-Fi Drama


Studio: Madhouse Director/Writer: Mami Hosada* Source: Anime Original

Original Japanese Cinema Release: August 1, 2009 (Run Time: 114 mins)


* Note: Hosada came up with the story's concept, but the screenplay is by Satoku Okudera

Synopsis: When nerdy maths genius Kenji Koiso is approached by pretty senior Natsuki Jinnouchi to come to her family home in Nagano, he does not hesistate in agreeing to Natsuki's request to be nearer his secret crush.

Natsuki's family are celebrating the 90th birthday of Sakae, the feisty matriarch of the family and Kenji's 'job' is to pretend to be Natsuki's fiance.


As Kenji attempts to help Natuski with keeping up the charade, he receives a curious maths problem on his phone and being the maths genius that he is, he can't help but solve it- however in doing so he ends up causing OZ the online server that pretty much controls daily life, end up being hacked into and going into meltdown. It's now up to Kenji and his new 'family' to stop the hacker, before the whole world is plunged in chaos.

Recommended Viewing Age: Suitable for Most Ages- PG level stuff, with a bit of fantasy violence, though it's actually in the real world where a kid punches out an adult, where the film gets as close to being edgy than at any point. There is also some non sexual nudity (the family bathing) but this is pretty much family fare, though saying that most children under 10 probably won't appreciate this film.


Action Level: Fairly Low- Those looking for an action packed Sci-Fi should probably look elsewhere, there's a little bit of fantasy violence that takes place within OZ (the virtual reality online world) but it's a small percentage of a film, that is definitely more dialogued based than action based.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Very Low- It's not that Hosada's work is particularly dark, edgy or cynical, he's just clearly from the Miyazaki mold of anime visionaries and does not believe in serving up manufactured cuteness that he feels panders to hardcore otaku.


Animation Quality/Art Style: Very similar to Hosada's preceding film 'The Girl Who Leapt Through Time' continues with the 'realistic' character designs of that film, whilst the art and animation for the real world sequences continue with the same understated elegance, that appear to be Hosada's hallmark for his films. The art and animation for OZ is pretty trippy however and provides a nice contrast to the grounded reality that the majority of the film takes place in.

Music: Akihiko Masumoto put together what is mostly a very traditional orchestral based soundtrack for Summer Wars, which whilst it doesn't intrude upon the film is not particularly memorable either- ultimately the soundtrack does it's job, without really adding anything to the film, whilst the end credits theme song Bokura No Natsu No Yume by Tatusuro Yamashita, is a rather old fashioned sounding ballad.


Plot and Characters: Taking place in a modern society where pretty much everyone has an avatar in the virtual reality known as OZ, Summer Wars revolves around Kenji Koiso and the Jinnouchi clans attempt to stop a rogue A.I, called Love Machine from taking over and sending the world towards destruction, whilst also overcoming the bickering and feuding that runs throughout the family.


Love Machine ultimately has to be stopped, because not only does his actions affect what goes on in OZ, the A.I also affects what goes on in the real world, as he is able to cause traffic jams, disable electronic devices and even eventually take control of WMD's.


It all starts with Kenji getting roped in to be Natsuki's faux fiance, because Natsuki wants to impress Sakae the 90 year old matriarch of the family,and give her great grandmother the impression that she is going to be settled with a good man. The plan ends up going to pot when Kenji can't resist solving the maths problems, that causes Love Machine to carry out going rogue over OZ.


Chaos inevitably ensues and there is much bickering amongst the family, and as well as Kenji being exposed for not really being Natsuki's boyfriend, much consternation is caused by the return of Natsuki's half uncle Wabisuke, an expert computer programmer who has worked in the U.S but has a very strained relationship with the rest of the family, especially with the dominant matriarch Sakae.


At the end of the day though, it's up to the Jinnouchi clan to put their bickering aside and come together as a team to stop Love Machine, as it turns out they're the only people in the entire world who have the combined resources to prevent the rogue A.I from completely taking over and plunging Earth towards total destruction.



Analysis: As a director Mamoru Hosada, has been drawing comparisons to the legendary Hiyao Miyazaki, most likely because both directors shy away from fanservice in all it's forms. However I personally feel that Hosada's work feels more like a halfway house between Miyazaki and the late Satoshi Kon. Whilst Hosada's films are nowhere near as cynical or dark as Kon's, they do share the idea of presenting a realistic world with a fantastical or surreal twist.


It's the bright and colorful alternate world of OZ (the A.I programme that practically seems to run modern life in Summer Wars) that gives the film a captivating contrast to the Japanese Kitchen sink drama, that makes up the majority of the film. Whilst the ultimate goal of the films protagonists is to save the world from destruction, the heart of Summer Wars is the interpersonal relationships of the various members of the Jinnouchi clan and their ability to overcome their differences and pull together as a family in a time of crisis.


Whilst it is ultimately traditionalist and non computer savvy matriarch Sakae, that organizes the fightback, whilst everyone runs around like headless chickens as the modern technology they rely upon goes tits up, Summer Wars neither glorifies the online community of OZ, nor does it position itself to be something that only computer nerds would enjoy. Much like how people from all walks of life, now have a Facebook account, pretty much everyone here has a OZ account- the film doesn't condemn modern technology but it does a good job of pointing out that perhaps society is becoming over reliant upon it.


Though Summer Wars is a Sci-Fi, the majority of the film takes place in the real world and not in the trippy online community of OZ, and though there is some action, the film is slow paced and those looking for a thrill a minute won't get it with this film. The slow pace does mean that the film, does drag a bit in places, especially during the middle where it perhaps puts the focus on too many members of the Jinnouchi clan and loses sight of who the main character is supposed to be. However the story ultimately does manage to draw it's audience in, and the concluding half hour or so, is really enthralling and does a good job of making you hope that Keichi and the Jinnouchi clan can pull it together before it's too late.


At the end of the day I came away feeling.....'Who knew that a game of Koi Koi with Hanafuda cards could be so compelling?!


Closing Verdict: It's a bit slow paced and does drag in places, but ultimately Summer Wars is a well written family drama with a sci-fi twist, that has thought provoking views on the over reliance of modern technology and the strength of family- and it may just make you become interested in learning the rules of Koi Koi! :D




Is the Dub Any Good?: Funimation did the dub for this, and like much of their work it's pretty good and should at the very least appease those willing to give dubs a chance. Of the individual performances, Maxey Whitehead continues to show that she is very adept at playing young male characters, by putting in a good performance as Kazuma (Natsuki's cousin). Brina Palencia (Natsuki) and J.Michael Tatum (Wabisuke) put in solid performances in two of the films key roles, however whilst his performance wasn't terrible Michal Sinterkilaas was a little bit flat as the films lead Kenji.

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Every time I see you have posted I'm hoping for it to be about FMA or Brotherhood. My heart dies a little each time :(:p


I was going to do a comparison review between the original and Brotherhood, but just haven't got round to watching the original. So I'm just going to go ahead and do Brotherhood review from the perspective of someone, who isn't going to compare it to the original.


I don't think, I'll have anything particularly new to say about FMA Brotherhood (I do find reviewing well known popular series more challenging than the obscure stuff) but I suppose people are just interested in my opinion :p


There will still be a few others I'll post before Brotherhood though, so your heart is going to have a die a few more times :p

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Dog Days








Genre: Fantasy Adventure


Studio: Seven Arcs Director: Keizo Kuzakawa, Writer: Masaki Tsuzuki Source: Anime Original*

Original Broadcast: April-June 2011 Episodes: 13


* The creator and screenwriter Masaki Tsuzuki has also written Dog Days Light Novels, but these were written in conjunction with the launch of the anime, rather than the anime being adapted from them.


Synopsis: Athletic middle schooler Cinque Izumi suddenly finds himself summoned to an alternate world (Flonyard) that is inhabited by people with animal ears and tails. Dubbed 'The Hero' Cinques task is to help defend the Republic of Biscotti from the invading Kingdom of Galette, however he soon finds out that these battles are not the bloody wars waged back on Earth, but just war games with no loss of life.


However as Cinque becomes more and more involved with the inhabitants of this strange new world, he learns that Flonyard's peaceful existence is fragile and that he truly will have to become a hero. But as Cinque gets caught up in Flonyard's unique version of 'war', there is also the matter that after being summoned to Flonyard, he might not even be able to make it back home.


Recommended Viewing Age: Approx 15 and up- Though much of the series features fantasy violence where the injured get turned into cat blobs, rather than being left a bloody pulp- there is some blood and more of a real threat towards the end of the series. It's not that the series suddenly does a 180 and ramps things up to Black Lagoon/Elfen Lied levels of violence but it does become a little less 'fluffy' towards the end.


As well as some fantasy violence, Dog Day's also has it's fair share of fanservice (including relatively non sexualized nudity)- despite the cutesy character designs, the series is fully intended to be 'Otaku Bait' rather than family friendly fare for younger viewers to enjoy.


Action Level: Fairly High- Flonyard's Battles might not be as bloody as Earth's, but Dog Days still delivers plenty of fantasy action of the sword wielding and spell summoning kind.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Very Moe- Cute girls with cute little ears, cute fluffy tails and cute personalities- this series couldn't be any more 'Moe' if it tried to be.


Animation Quality/Art Style: As you can imagine with a series that features a world inhabited by people with animal ears and fluffy tails, the character designs are very much in the Bishojo/Moe mould. That being said the main characters, all instantly recognizable designs from one another and don't come off as generic- and I did find the extra's (the pleb soldiers on either side of the battlefield) all being drawn exactly the same with their small beedy eyes to be quite amusing, in highlighting just how unimportant they are.


There's nothing revolutionary about Dogs Days but unless you really dislike cutesy character designs, Seven Arcs do a pretty good job in delivering a smoothly animated, bright and colourful series.


Music: Opening theme 'Scarlett Knight' sung by Nana Mizuki (who plays Ricotta) is an energetic slice of J-Pop, that does a good job of setting the mood for the kind of anime that the viewers can expect, which is an anime with it's fair share of energetic action, but not something exactly dark or deep.


Ending theme 'Presenter' sung by Yui Horie (Princess Milhiore) is pretty much more of the same, another cutely sung but disposable J-Pop number that suits the series well but will quickly be forgotten after you've finished the series. Horie also gets to sing a few equally cute but forgettable J-Pop style numbers, as insert songs when Milhiore performs in front of her loyal subjects.


Plot and Characters: On Earth Cinque is an athletic schoolboy who regularly enters athletic competitions called 'Iron Athletics' in the vein of Sasuke (Ninja Warrior), meanwhile on Flonyald the Republic of Biscotti have regularly been getting their tails whipped in battle by neighbouring Galette. So their ruler, Princess Millfiore summons a 'hero' to help turn the tide.


Cinque ends up being summoned to this strange new world and plunged straight into battle, except that Flonyard's wars, aren't really wars as such, they are just highly competitive 'war game' competitions, where the victorious nation get to celebrate in the manner of their choosing.

Cinque later learns that Flonyard's non lethal battles, are due to taking place in specially designated area's that allow the inhabitants to heal quickly, and that the real danger (which he will confront later) has been sealed away.


Though the 'battles' between the Biscotti Republic and the Kingdom of Galette, are generally friendly in nature- Galette's leader Leonmichelli, has been increasingly more aggressive of late in declaring battles between the two nation's. Though not painted as 'evil', she is the 'antagonist' of the story, and the inhabitants of Flonyald are increasingly concerned by her actions, not least Princess Millhiore, who once had a very close relationship with Leonmichelli, but now finds herself increasingly distanced from the rival leader, she once thought of as being like a sister.


Meanwhile, after the first battle that Cinque takes part in, to Cinque and Millhiore's shock, they learn that Cinque might not be able to make it back to his home world. Chief Researcher Ricotta works tirelessly to find a way for Cinque to make it back home, but after having so much fun and developing bonds of friendship with everyone on Flonyald, does he want to go back- especially if in doing so, would cause him to forget everything that has happened?


Analysis: Taking place in a perky world where people with animal ears ride effeminate looking giant birds and celebrate winning a battle by putting on J-Pop idol style concerts, Dog Days is pure 'Otaku Bait' that would have some people rolling their eyes in disdain at what they have just watched. I'm not some snobby 'anime elitist' who believes that anime like this should completely wiped away, but when shows like this are clearly there to push merchandise, they usually end up being rather shallow and mediocre, and quite honestly Dog Days isn't the exception to the rule.


The series can be divided into three intertwining but simple to follow plot-threads, Cinque being summoned to help Biscotti finally win a battle against Galette, finding a way to send Cinque back home and the reason's behind Leo's aggressive actions/coldness towards Millfi. It's hardly taxing stuff, yet alone thrilling stuff but in the series defence it does get slightly more engrossing when a real threat does appear and Cinque actually has to rise to the occasion and be a real hero.


On a positive note, as a fantasy world setting Flonyard is colourful and attractive to look at, whilst the 'battles', are actually well animated and unless you're clamouring for some proper violence, actually quite thrilling in the same way that a game of basketball might be in say Kuroko's Basketball. From an aesthetic standpoint, unless you have an extremely low tolerance level to cute girls with animal ears and fluffy tails, then Dog Days manages to succeed in that regard.


But unless you specifically have a girls with animal ears fetish, everything else about Dog Days is just so mediocre- from the serviceable but hardly riveting plot to the shallow characters. And everything else about the series is probably done better by other series, from the serviceable action to the mildly amusing attempts at comedy. Quite simply to directly compare Dog Days to it's fantasy adventure competition, there are other shows in the genre that provide better action, better plot, more engaging characters or are simply more amusing- the only thing Dog Days can probably beat every other show on is providing an enormous dose of animal ear related cuteness.


Speaking of the characters, Dog Days has a relativelty large cast for a 13 episode series, but most of them barely add anything to the story, and the one's that do at least feel somewhat important are mostly well trodden stereotypes- Cinque is the energetic shonen hero, Milhiore is the kind and earnest Princess, whilst Eclair (the captain of Biscotti's Imperial Guards who is charged with guiding Cinque in the ways of Flonyard's battles) is a textbook Tsundere.


Everything leads to a predictably convenient ending, that sets up things for a second season (and to be fair a second season was delivered, and a third is on it's way), and whilst Dog Days is the epitome of a mediocre 'otaku bait' anime- I'm not going to knock it for being made, or the people who happen to enjoy this and whilst far from great, it wasn't a chore to sit through either.


Closing Verdict: Dog Days is shameless 'otaku bait' fluff, it's not particularly good but it's far from the worst thing ever to be made, and all power to someone that will get more enjoyment from watching this series than myself. At the very least the series is fun, and if you really like cute animal eared girls, you'll probably give this a more generous grade, than the one I have.



(Highly Recommended if you have a really strong cute girls with animal ears fetish. :p)


Is the Dub Any Good?: Thus far there has been no dub produced for Dog Days, which doesn't surprise me. Whilst the line's between Japanese and western anime fans are blurring year by year, Dog Days is still a show that will sell better to the core Japanese 'Otaku' fanbase than to anime fans in the west.

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I've decided that I'm going to do away with providing the links to the opening and ending themes in my reviews:


The reason for this, is that I clicked on a few the other day, and quite honestly there were just too many dead links. So you the readers, are just going to have to search out the songs on the internet- to be honest they were just window dressing anyway and won't take anything away from the content of the reviews:


Anyway talking of reviews, up next is the one everyone (well Jaysin in particular) has been waiting for........

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Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood







Genre: Science Fantasy Action Adventure Epic


Studio: Bones Director: Yasuhiro Irie Writer: Hiroshi Onogi Source: Manga by Hiromu Arakawa

Original Broadcast: April 2009-June 2010 Episodes: 64 (+ 4 OVA)


Setting: Full Metal Alchemist takes place in an alternate reality fantasy world, with technology levels similar to 19th/early 20th century Europe in the real world (hard to put an exact placement on it, but it's a fantasy story after all)


Most of the story takes place in the country of Amestris (which is loosely based on central Europe, most notably Germany), which is bordered by Ishvala (loosely based on the middle East) to the south, Xing (based on the Far East, notably China and Japan) to the East and Drachma (i.e Russia) to the North. Another location mentioned is the lost civilization of Xerxes ( which is somewhat representative of Ancient Greece).


Synopsis: Abandoned by their father Hohenheim, brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric are raised by their mother Trisha, in the remote village of Rismembool, in the country of Amestris- however they find themselves 'orphaned' when Trisha succumbs to a chronic illness.


Showing an affinity for alchemy the brothers, travel the world to advance their skills and on their return home, make the decision to try and bring their beloved mother back to life. But human transmutation' is the biggest taboo in alchemy and impossible to complete successfully. When the 'human transmutation goes awry, resulting in Ed losing his left leg and Al's body being lost entirely, Ed sacrifices his right arm to bring Al's soul back and binds it to a suit of armour.


After being nursed back to health and receiving automail prosthetics from best friend Winry Rockbell, Edward and Alphonse (now a walking suit of armour) burn down their childhood home and head for the capital city, to enlist as State Alchemists.


Having learned that the Philosophers Stone, is their only hope of brining Alphonses real body back, the Elric Brothers seek to obtain the fabled item, however along the way they learn that a deep government conspiracy involving homunculi hides the true nature of the Philosophers Stone.


Recommended Viewing Age: Teenagers (approx 13+) and up- There is some light fanservice (Lust's cleavage, one scene where Edward walks in on Winry undressed) but the main reasons I would say FMA Brotherhood is only really for teenagers and up, is that the action can get quite bloody and there are some dark storyline elements that require a certain amount of emotional maturity to properly comprehend. FMA Brotherhood is still very much a shonen fantasy action series, but it's certainly one of the more 'mature' takes on the genre.


Action Level: High- There's a hell of a lot more to FMA Brotherhood, than just the action- there's the rich and complex story, that truly deserves to be considered an 'Epic', but those looking for action can be assured, that this isn't a series that is 90% exposition and 10% action either, as FMA Brotherhood is still a series packed full of exciting, edge of the seat action sequences. The various powers of the alchemists and the homunculi, lead to plenty of unique exchanges and what I personally found great and refreshing about the battle's in FMA, is that there is very little to be seen of the tired shonen trope, of people standing around and waiting for their opponent to call out their attack.


Even though the action here is still very unrealistic and fantastical, compared to several other shonen series, the characters behave and react relatively realistically when facing danger. Admittedly the Elric's do end up surviving a lot of battles, which they should have no right to survive, but they are the series two central leads, so the viewer just have to suspend their disbelief and accept their ability to consistently find a way to bounce back from being blasted/pounded etc.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Low- FMA Brotherhood, is far from a 'moe' series, but I'll challenge anyone not to find the badass adorable Xingese princess May Chang and her tiny pet Panda Shao May anything but utterly cute.


Animation Quality/Art Style: The character designs for Full Metal Alchemist have a unique look to them, that feel very 'shonen' action, without giving the characters, ridiculous hairstyles in equally ridiculous colours.


The background art is rich, deep and well detailed, whilst the animation especially during the action sequences is fluid and superbly directed. I will admit (at the time of writing this review), I have only seen screenshots of the original anime adaptation, and though they look far from bad, Brotherhood's art appears to have more depth. The original FMA had a solid base in place in terms of the art style for FMA but now admittedly looks a little drab and dated. Brotherhood successfully polishes that solid art style up, to ensure that the series has the visual punch to accompany the equally rich and involving story.


My only minor gripe is that Full Metal Alchemist's moments of light relief, do tend to lead to some super-deformed oddities with the character designs but saying that they don't take away too much from what is generally an attractive and uniquely styled series to look at.


Music: The orchestral soundtrack composed by Akira Senju compliments and enhances the epic story being told. In terms of serving it's purpose as a soundtrack to accompany the action or drama to be seen on screen, Senju's soundtrack (which is composed of over 80 pieces of music) is as good as anything I have heard, be it anime or live action film.


As expected with a long series, there are several openings and endings, ten in all....Yui's punchy rock song 'Again' perfectly sets the tone for what is to be expected from the series. 'Second opening see's Nico Touches The Wall provide another slice of catchy pop-rock, Sukima Switch serve up the funkier third opener 'Golden Time Lover' (admittedly wasn't too keen on this one at first and didn't think it was great fit, but it's a grower). Fourth opener is Chemistry by Period, a slightly more slower paced and reflective opener, and the change of pace serves the series well, as we head towards the serious meat of the story. The final opener is the reflective ballad 'Rain'. The decision to gradually move from more energetic pop-rock to more slower paced numbers, serves the series well in terms of how the viewer will become more emotionally invested in the story and characters.


Sid also provide the first ending theme ' Uso' a mid-tempo but fairly catchy pop-rock number, second ending is the emotional ballad 'Let It Out' by Miho Fukahara (this ending is perfectly suited to a certain episode centred around Winry), similar to the third opener, the unusual urban tinged pop of Tsuinada Te by Lil' B is what you would call a grower, SCANDAL dish up the fourth ending, the rocking 'Shunkan Sentimental', whilst the final is the light ballad 'Ray of Light' by Shoko Nakagawa, which contrasts well with the darker opener 'Rain' and perfectly lets the viewer know that 'not all is lost' despite the odds being stacked against our heroes, as their foes become seemingly more difficult to overcome.


Plot and Characters: The Elric brothers, with their quest to obtain the fabled Philosophers Stone, in order to see Alphonse return to his natural body, are very much at the centre of the story, but FMA Brotherhood is so much more than that, with intertwining subplot's that interconnect to make up a rich and engrossing story, built upon themes such as revenge or redemption.


Taking place after a war that took place between the victorious Amestris governed by Fuhrer King Bradley and Ishvala. We learn that the State Alchemist's had a large role to play in bringing Amestris victory in the war. The Ishvalan's despite their defeat, are still a threat to Amestris and carry out 'terrorist' attacks, with one notable individual being Scar, a man capable of not only matching up to, but being able to overpower the Alchemist's that fight for Amestris. At the start of the story Scar is very much portrayed to be a villain, but as the truth unravels, his motivations for revenge become more justified.


Within the Amestris Military, below the command King Bradley (who hides a major secret, as to who he truly he is) and various other Generals, there is the ambitious Colonel Roy Mustang and his loyal unit of soldiers (notably the sniper Riza Hawkeye)- Mustang suspects the upper brass are not the men who should be leading Amestris and that they hide a dark secret, whilst he also struggles with the guilt regarding some of his own actions in bringing Amestris victory during the Ishvalan war, and when one of Mustang's closet allies is murdered, his suspicions that something isn't quite right, are only fuelled further.


Meanwhile providing a major obstacle in the Elric's quest to obtain the philosophers stone, are the Homunculi, artificial (albeit super-powered) human's constructed to represent the seven deadly sins- amongst their number are the Self Righteous Wrath, the manipulative Envy and the smug Pride. Just what is their connection to the Philosophers Stone and perhaps more curiously why does the man they refer to as 'Father', resemble the Elric's own father Van Hohenheim?


Whilst the Elric brothers are after the Philosopher's Stone for their own reasons, to further complicate things there are also two members of the Xing Royal Family competing to obtain the fabled item, with the victor ensuring their place as the heir to the Xing throne.


Closer to the Elric's in terms of the story, are Izumi Curtis, the mentor who taught them Alchemy and Martial Arts and of course Winry Rockbell the Automail engineer, who is the Elric's childhood friend and neighbour, whose feelings towards Ed may just be more than friendship.


There are of course plenty of other characters, that add so much to the story of FMA Brotherhood, but obviously I don't want to give too much away (if you've not already seen it).


Much of FMA Brotherhood consists of action or drama, whether that be drama that drives the plot or develops a character, but the series still manages to find enough space to throw in some light relief now and again. Running gags used throughout the series, are Edward Elric being teased about his (lack of) height and MAJOR ALEXANDER LOUIS ARMSTRONG!! being a very loud and really quite over the top and camp presence throughout the series. Armstrong's contrast with his more stern and serious sister (who is introduced mid way through the series) is quite amusing.


Analysis: I'm always wary going into series that have universal praise, whether or not they can live up to the high expectations that have been put in place. You see the praise for FMA Brotherhood, goes beyond mere hype at the time, this is a series that has managed to maintain a position of very high regard (it's held in such high esteem by fans, that it's Ranked #1 on Myanimelist) amongst the anime community in general since it's initial release in 2009, and whilst not everyone praises it to the level of 'masterpiece', I've not seen masses of dissenting voices, feel that this a bad series.


So does FMA Brotherhood deserve, the near universal praise heaped upon it?


Oh you bet it does, to the point that I have to question why anyone wouldn't consider this series, anything but a masterpiece- FMA Brotherhood isn't merely good, it's not just simply excellent, it's outstanding to the point, that you wonder why everyone else hasn't just given up (thankfully they haven't), because this isn't just a near perfect anime, it's near perfect storytelling regardless of any art form.


Sure there are other anime I personally hold in Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood's esteemed company such as Haruhi Suzumiya, Madoka Magica, Ghost In The Shell Stand Alone Complex and Code Geass to give a few examples, but even with those I can see where someone's resistance to those shows would come from in regards to their storytelling- quite frankly the only people who should be critical of FMA Brotherhood are those who strongly dislike the fantasy genre and honestly someone with such a discriminate view towards a particular genre, shouldn't be watching and thus whingeing to begin with.


So just why is FMA Brotherhood the masterpiece many (and as you can already gather, I count myself amongst that number) claim it to be?


The main reason of course is in the writing (both from the original source of the manga and the successful adaptation of the story into an anime script). Over it's 64 episodes, there are plenty of twists and turns, but everything here makes sense and the characters actions are consistent with their personalities throughout. The length the series is given to tell it's deep, complex (but not over convoluted) story is absolutely spot on, and unlike most series of this length there is absolutely no filler- every episode feels important to the story, take just one episode away and you would be missing an important piece of the puzzle and no matter how minor a character, no one feels like a throwaway addition to the world that Full Metal Alchemist inhabits.


It's the writing and development of the characters, that truly anchor this show. The central leads, the Elric Brothers, truly capture the bond between two brothers, supporting one another but clearly having their own personalities and sometimes clashing, as all brothers do. The brasher, more impulsive Edward, contrasts with the calmer, more introspective Alphonse- whose calm demeanor, hides his own anxiety over the possibility of not being able to get his real body back from even his own brother.


The supporting cast is of course equally fantastic, being given well rounded personalities, and pretty much everyone at some point having their morality tested. For instance Winry Rockbell (the childhood friend and possible romantic interest of Ed) is merely more than just there to be 'Miss Fanservice', she has been affected by the war between Amestris and Isvala, with her own parents killed in the war, so when she comes face to face with the very person responsible for their deaths, does she enact cold blooded revenge, does she forgive them or does she become overwhelmed by the emotions swelling up inside of her at the time- Winry's dilemma and handling of a difficult moral situation is one of many faced by various characters throughout the series.


The exploration of human morality and various philosophical themes regarding humanity, is what ultimately the story being told throughout Full Metal Alchemist is founded upon but in doing so the series never becomes preachy or bores the viewer with over long exposition. The balance between giving the viewers thrilling action, human drama and a little bit of light relief is absolutely spot on. As I said in the comedy section, the light relief is the weakest of the three elements, but isn't so bad as to take anything away from the story and serves it's purpose to give the show a finely judged balance between light and shade.


As good as the overall story is, FMA Brotherhood would still fall short if the action served up, wasn't up to scratch but thankfully it delivers on that score too, with varied and thrilling action sequences, that will be enough to satisfy action junkies but thankfully do not outstay their welcome or overwhelm the series, and one will only have to read my views on the art, animation and sound that brings the story to life, to know that from an aesthetic and technical standpoint FMA Brotherhood also delivers in that regard.


The major difference between the original adaptation (which diverges away from the manga) and Brotherhood (which is a fully faithful adaptation) is the introduction of the Xingese royalty- and this leads to my point where the only gripe someone may have is if they have seen already seen the original series, because the first 14 episodes are basically a re-tread of the original FMA anime. But we are talking about the one fifth of the series, where things are basically the same and those who decide not to carry on beyond that point will truly be missing out.


If I really wanted to be critical for the sake of being critical, then I would say that the attempts at comedy are FMAs weakest element, and at times the face fault heavy hi-jinks do feel a little out of place when contrasted against the more dramatic parts of the series. Though that being said the amount of light relief is measured well enough not to get away in the story but more vitally ensures that the series does not become overly, dark or depressing. In conclusion it's a minor enough weakness, that can be largely overlooked, as everything else about FMA: Brotherhood hit's it's mark.


Closing Verdict: No T.V series, film or any other art form is absolutely perfect and sure there could be things I could nit-pick, if I truly wanted to but as an overall entity Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood is one of the finest stories ever told regardless of art form or genre.


Highly Recommended


Is the Dub Any Good?: Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood was already a great series to begin with, but it also got an outstanding English Dub from Funimation to go along with it (though there isn't much wrong with the Japanese original, this is actually one of those series where I would whole heartily recommend the English Dub over the Japanese). Of course many of the dub cast have revived their roles from performing the same roles in the original anime adaptation, but even without comparing their work between the two adaptations, this still comes across as a great dub regardless of that fact.


Some may get fed up of hearing Vic Mignogna by the end of the series, but I thought he did a stellar job as the central lead character Edward Elric, whilst Maxey Whitehead (taking over from Aaron Dismuke, whose voice was going through changes, meaning he could not revive the role) does an outstanding job as Alphonse, in a role that only served to further enhance her position as Funimation's go to girl for voicing adolescent boys.


So many great performances amongst the whole cast, but for me the personal stand-out's are J.Michael Tatum's Scar (a role where he steps out of the usual comfort zone of his vocal range and one he delivers with great gravitas) and Stephanie Young's strong yet still feminine performance as General Olivia Miria Armstrong, whilst the underused Ed Blaylock lends his distinctive tones to and inspired piece of casting as King Bradley. Those are my personal favourites but I can honestly say that there is not a bad performance or dodgy piece of casting amongst Funimation's stellar English dub.

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November is Request Month


Here's a chance for you the readers, to influence what I review for a month. Next month November, it's going to be request month....


Now of course in order to meet your 'requests' I will have to lay down a few ground rules.


* I'm looking to do one 'request' a week over November, so nothing over a 'two cour' length (approx 25 episodes).


* The show's will also have to be streaming on Crunchyroll in the UK (I appreciate American readers, aren't necessary going to know what is and what is not licensed to stream in the UK, so just put in your request and I'll let you know if it's valid).


* The show has had to be completed (so nothing currently airing right now), other than that it doesn't matter if the show is ancient history or was from the summer anime 'season' that has just past.


* One request per person, I'll be tackling one request a week over November- so that will be four in total over the month.


* Whoever gets their request in first will be reviewed first.



Away from request month, most of my up coming reviews, are mainly going to be films- I've just picked up a lot of film anime DVD's lately (I get the majority of my DVD's from a second hand chain in the U.K called Computer Exchange), including the 'sacred cows' that are Studio Ghibli films.


CEX is always stocked full of Ghibli films (that and single volumes of Naruto or Bleach), and I thought what the hell I'll buy a load the last time I was in there. In all honesty I'm not some Ghibli fanboy that puts them on a pedestal above all other anime studios, nor am I some reactionary 'hater' of their work- so I'll be coming at these reviews for their films from a pretty neutral standpoint.

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I am SO STOKED you finally posted the Brotherhood review. I love reading your reviews even when I disagree with them, but I'm so glad you enjoyed Brotherhood as much as I did.


Not sure if it's on Crunchyroll UK, but it's on the US version. I request Captain Earth. It was also done by Bones and has in my opinion some pretty darn good art.

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I am SO STOKED you finally posted the Brotherhood review. I love reading your reviews even when I disagree with them, but I'm so glad you enjoyed Brotherhood as much as I did.


I've got anime DVD's sitting on my shelf, that if I'm honest I'm probably not going to get around to watching again, but I just like having them in my collection, but Brotherhood was so good, that I'm sure I can find the time to watch it all the way through again.


Not sure if it's on Crunchyroll UK, but it's on the US version. I request Captain Earth. It was also done by Bones and has in my opinion some pretty darn good art.
Well both your request Captain Earth and Dragonmack's request Black Bullet, are on Crunchyroll UK- so that's 2 down, just 2 more to go for request month. :)


Even though I've got open minded taste when it comes to the anime I watch, if I wasn't doing these reviews, those are probably both shows I would gravitate to as a casual viewer.


Well with two requests already placed for Sci-Fi based shows, my preference now would be for someone to put in requests for a different kind of anime, just to mix things up a bit.

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My Neighbor Totoro







Genre: Family Friendly Fantasy Drama


Studio: Studio Ghibli Director/Writer: Hayao Miyazaki Source: Anime Original

Original Japanese Cinema Release: April 16, 1988 (Run Time: 86 mins)


Synopsis: University Professor Tatsuo Kusakabe, has just moved to an old house in the country with his two daughters Satsuki and Mei, to be nearer their mother Yasuko who is recovering from a long term illness in a nearby hospital.


They settle into their new life, with Satsuki going to elementary school and Kindergarten age Mei staying at home. One day whilst out playing, Mei see's two white rabbit like ears, and ends up following the mysterious creature to a hollow in a large camphor tree....


It is there that she meets a large racoon like creature called a Totoro, and thus begins the Kusakabe's sisters introduction into a magical world that exists in the nature that surrounds their new home.


Recommended Viewing Age: Suitable for All Ages- There is one scene where the father and his two young children bathe together, but it's completely non sexual (thankfully so), and with no threat what so ever to speak of, this is one of those rare anime films that can be genuinely be watched by viewers of all ages.


Action Level: Non Existent- My Neighbor Totoro is a fantasy film, but it's a fantasy where quirky 'magical' stuff happens, rather than heart pumping action happening. I would go as far as saying, that the film is completely devoid of action/threat, and thus if you're looking for that kind of film, you're not going to find it here.


Moe/Kawaii Level: High (of the non 'moe kind')- Studio Ghibli might not trade in the 'moe' form of kawaii, but they do trade on nostalgia and whimsical charm, and that's something that My Neighbor Totoro has in spades, it's pretty much the film's main selling point, as let's be honest the film's plot is tracing paper thin.


Animation Quality/Art Style: So I'm just going to start things off with a general Ghibli observation, before I specifically move onto Totoro itself.....


I'm sure most people will be aware that Studio Ghibli's or more specifically Miyazaki directed Ghibli film's human characters have a certain look to them, with small eyes, to give a more 'realistic' look in reaction to the larger eyed anime character designs that dominated (and pretty still do) anime at the time. Basically Miyazaki stumbled upon a character design that worked for him from the first film that he directed Nausicaa Valley In The Wind and he milked that character design right up to his retirement.


Where Miyazaki's film's do tend to be a bit more imaginative is with the characters designs of non humans, and in Totoro the film's titular character, Miyazaki certainly designed a unique and iconic character that has stood the test of time, and has become the studio's 'mascot', much like Mickey Mouse became for Disney. Whilst the Cat-Bus is another unique character, that has become an enduring favourite.


However it's the overall presentation of the art and the often magical animation (there's a particular scene involving rain dropping onto a makeshift umbrella, that truly is a joy to watch) in My Neighbor Totoro that along with the other early Studio Ghibli, set the high bar in art and animation quality that the studio became known for. The film's countryside setting pulls you in, whilst the films set pieces, the arrival of the Cat-Bus, Totoro flying in the sky- are animated beautifully and truly are magical.


With modern animation techniques, other studio's have managed to catch up to Ghibli's standards, and in my opinion as a studio they no longer stand head and shoulders above everyone else, but in the era that My Neighbor Totoro was made that certainly was the case, and the film manages to stand the test of time, even when put up agains the sleekest and flashiest looking anime being produced today.


Music: Joe Hisaishi (who started his close working relationship with Miyazaki from Nausicaa, and would provide many more soundtracks) provides a beautiful classical score, that gently underlines the whimsical and nostalgic mood of the film, whilst the Totoro theme song has an innocent childlike quality that places the exclamation point on My Neighbor Totoro's whimsical charm.


Plot and Characters: In all honesty My Neighbor Totoro has a very simple plot, with just a few moments of heightened drama, all of which revolve around the youngest of the sisters Mei. The set up of the film introduces us to the Kusakabe family and them moving into their new surroundings, before Mei discovers Totoro, predictably you then get the drama where Mei can't quite convince her sister that this mysterious creature actually exists and then the very end of the sisters react badly to the fact that their mother is going to be hospitalized for a while longer.


The angle with the ill mother, is the closest thing the film gets to any real drama, and much of My Neighbor Totoro is actually built upon the 'magical moments' that the girls end up sharing with their mysterious and charming new friend.


In essence the film is about transporting the viewer, to the innocence of childhood, though sadly in today's modern world, the care-free childhood depicted in My Neighbor Totoro is becoming increasingly rare.


Whilst My Neighbor Totoro can't really be considered fully fledged a comedy, the quirky antics of the Totoro, the very idea of a cat-bus and the children's joyful care-free innocence should bring a smile to near enough anyone's face.


Analysis: Most anime fans will be aware of Studio Ghibli and I'm pretty sure many will be aware of this film's esteemed reputation. Question is does My Neighbor Totoro deserve such praise and does it stand the test of time.


I've already covered that question from a technical stand point, the art and animation is still as good as near enough anything produced today and the simple but effective storytelling does make for a charming film. However I do feel that it's a little bit overrated. That's not to say that I think My Neighbor Totoro is a bad film, far from it, it's just not this flawless classic some might have you believe.


My Neighbor Totoro is very much a film that trades on it's charm, the setting gives the viewer a warm nostalgic feeling for a more innocent time, where children could play outdoors without a care in the world, whilst the imaginative fantasy element with the introduction of the Totoro is simply enchanting. There is no secret that Miyazaki feels that 'modern life is rubbish' and that certainly shines through in his often nostalgic work (This film was made at the end of the 1980's, but that is the decade when home computers really started to take off, and was pretty much the beginning of today's modern life), whilst his films also often have an 'environmental' message. However, and it's certainly the case here with Totoro, Miyazaki's viewpoint's never come across as preachy.


There really isn't much of a story to Totoro, and it's not a film, that is going to grab you with edge of the seat action or surprising plot twists, but what it does have in spades is charm. In that sense it's not too dissimilar much of today's slice of life shows, that trade on 'moe' appeal, but just like those show's Totoro doesn't need a complex story to work, it's simplicity, likeable characters and enchanting moments are enough to make the film a real delight to kids and adults alike.


So just why is My Neighbor Totoro merely a very good film, rather than the great one many purport it to be? The simply answer to that is the pacing.....


I watched this recently with my 8 year old niece (the ideal viewer for this film) and I could tell she was getting bored/restless around the twenty minute mark- there is only so much that one can take of watching two young girls, running around a dilapidated house with smiles of joy and excitement. It was only when Totoro was introduced that my niece perked up and became 'enchanted' by the film. Once My Neighbor Totoro does hit it's stride, it's a near flawless exercise in whimsical enchantment.


And there's your answer, when Totoro (and the Cat Bus) are introduced My Neighbor Totoro becomes the enchanting classic, it has the reputation of being but the opening third of the film is numbingly slow to the point that it could probably be used as a cure for insomnia.


Closing Verdict: Charming, enchanting, nostalgic....My Neighbor Totoro is a wonderful film with an enduring titular character, provided you can make it past the snails paced opening.




Is the Dub Any Good?: I can't comment on the original Streamline dub, as the DVD I have, has the later Disney dub...with the Fanning sisters (Dakota and Elle) in the main roles of the Kusakabe sisters Satsuki and Mei.


I could go into some rant here, about just because they are using well known 'Hollywood' actors, that the dub isn't going to necessarily be better than the dubs churned out by the likes of Funimation, Sentai and the various L.A based dubbing studios, but that's a whole other rant for another day.


As for the Disney dub itself for My Neighbor Totoro, it's OK but nothing special and the film is evidently more charming and works better in the original Japanese.

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Studio Ghibli really has a knack for putting out some of my favorite films and shows, reguardless if they are animated or not. My Neighbor Totoro is a fine example of what they offer. It's just a great film and worthy of the grade you gave it.


I need to get a full Studio Ghibli collection oneday. So much goodness there.

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If you are still looking for things to watch, i'll give ya these two. From Crunchyroll, so not sure if you'll get them or not.



Dog & Scissors:current day romp with a crazy writer and her, well pet, dog.

My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU: A slice of life comedy with one of my favorite MC's of all time.


If they aren't available then i'll see if i can find something else that i've seen that's not on the main pages list.

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Dog & Scissors:current day romp with a crazy writer and her, well pet, dog.


My Teen Romantic Comedy SNAFU: A slice of life comedy with one of my favorite MC's of all time.


Dog & Scissors is available, but SNAFU unfortunately comes up with this irritating message 'Sorry, due to licensing limitations, videos are unavailable in your region.'


So I have three in the bag for request month, just need one more. :)

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