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Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind






Genre: Post Apocalyptic Fantasy


Studio: Top Craft* Director/Writer: Hayao Miyazaki Source: Manga by Hayao Miyazaki

Original Japanese Cinema Release: March 1984 (Run Time: 116 Mins)


* Though Nausicaä was produced by Top Craft (a now defunct studio set up by former Toei Animation producer Toru Hara), it is seen as the first 'Studio Ghibli' film, as the main players who would go on to set up Studio Ghibli director/writer Hayao Miyazaki and producer Toshio Suzuki, were the driving force behind this film, and went on to effectively buy out Top Craft (roughly a year after Nausicaä had it's cinematic release) along with fellow director Isao Takahata to set up Studio Ghibli. Much like 'Are Friends Electric was the first Gary Numan single under a different name (Tubeway Army), Nausicaä is the first Studio Ghibli film under a different name.


Synopsis: A thousand years after the apocalypse known as the 'Seven Days of Fire' civilization lays in ruins and the world is engulfed by a 'Toxic Jungle' inhabited by giant insects, whilst humanity just about survives on the outskirts.


Nausicaä a Princess from the Valley of the Wind, wishes to find a cure for the 'Toxic Jungle' and to find a way for the humans and the insects to co-exist in harmony. However other human rulers aim to take back that place at the top of the food chain by force, having discovered a secret power that can wipe out the Toxic Jungle and the giant insects that inhabit it.


Recommended Viewing Age: Suitable for Most Ages- There's no fanservice to speak of (as is the case with all of Miyazaki's films) but with a theme of war, there are a few on-screens death, and the odd bit of blood. The violence that is there isn't gratuitous and whilst it's not quite suitable for all ages, it should be perfectly fine for those around 10 years and up.


Action Level: Fairly High- Whilst 'Nausicaä' is not necessarily a film carried by it's action sequences, it does have it's fair share of them, with some battles in the sky between airships and armies from different tribes doing battle with one another.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Low- As with fanservice, Miyazaki (who identifies himself as a feminist) doesn't do Moe. If Miyazaki does 'cute', it'll also be with some form of mascot animal or pet- and wouldn't you know it, our heroine Princess Nausicaä manages to procure a cute cat like critter, at the beginning of the film, that spends a fair amount of time perched on her shoulder- even when she's zooming around on her rocket glider.


Animation Quality/Art Style: 'Nausicaä' set the template for Miyazaki's later works, from the character designs, to the lavishly detailed backgrounds. Whilst some elements of the artwork, do feel a bit dated (the slightly washed out colouring, arguably the designs of the giant insects), the animation levels will still quite often leave you in awe, especially during the beautifully done flying sequences. When this film was released in 1984, the art and animation levels would have to be considered to be amazing, and whilst I don't think they are no longer at that level, the film still manages to look good up against many modern era anime.


Music: This is the film where composer Joe Hisaishi began his close working relationship with Hayao Miyazaki. I'll be honest, this isn't one of his best soundtracks and anyone who claims this to be a great soundtrack, are delusional or too much of a Ghibli fanboy to notice. It's a strange mix of traditional classical style film score and 80's synths, that sound horrendously dated. It's pretty much the 80's synths that lead to the iffy film score, because when Hisaishi keeps to the tried and tested orchestral formula, the soundtrack is perfectly fine. Thankfully he ditched the synths going forward.


Plot and Characters: The people of the Valley of the Wind, live a difficult but mostly peaceful existence, in which they try not to antagonize the giant insects (most notably the building sized centopods known as the Ohm) that reside in the toxic forest, and it appears that one person who understands this better than anyone is their beloved Princess Nausicaä, who has been striving to find a way for the humans and insects to live in harmony with one another, and appears to be the only human who can find a way to calm the Ohm, when they become enraged.


However a cargo plane from neighbouring Tolmekia, crashes into the Valley of the Wind. The wounded Princess of Pejite (a hostage on the plane) pleads for Nausicaä to destroy the cargo that is on board, but before she is able to do that forces from Tolmekia lead by the ruthless Princess Kushana, invade the Valley of the Wind and secure the dangerous cargo- which turns out to be an embryo for a weapon of mass destruction known as a God Warrior (giant warrior in the English dub).


After witnessing her father be killed in the attack, Nausicaä becomes consumed with rage and kills several Tolmekian warriors, but Lord Yupa (the Valley's master swordsman) intervenes and calms Nausicaä down.


After being taken hostage by the Tolmekians, Nausicaä, pleads with Kushana not to go through with her plan to revive the 'God Warrior' and that it will only enrage the Ohm and that her actions will only continue to lead the world to it's death, but Kushana see's no way of living harmoniously with the giant insects and is hell bent on wiping out the toxic forest.


Nausicaä finds out that it's human pollution that has caused the Toxic Forest to emerge, but her knowledge falls on deaf ears, not just from the Tolkmekians but also from the rival country of Pejite. In the end it becomes a battle of ideals, between Nausicaä who is determined to find a peaceful solution and the leaders of Tolmekia and Pejite, who feel that destruction is the only solution.


Providing the story with some light relief are the villagers who try to rebel agains the Tolmekian forces that have invaded them (most notably in a scene, where they take over a Tolmekian tank, and have trouble working out the controls), whilst Kurotowa, Kushana's smarmy (and mostly ineffective) second in command, could be considered a comic relief villain.


Looking at the story from an overall perspective, Nausicaä comes packaged with a strong 'environmental' message and is cautionary tale on how human's shouldn't try to 'play god' and interfere with the natural world around them.


Analysis: There can be no doubt that Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, is a very important and influential film in the history of anime, as it effectively launched Studio Ghibli (probably the most respected anime studio, around the world not just in Japan) and set the template for much of Miyazaki's works. The question that needs to be investigated here, is does 'Nausicaä' still stand up as classic anime film, or is much of it's reputation down to the fact that it's the film that put the acclaimed Hayao Miyazaki on the map.


Most of Miyazaki's favourite ingredients are in place: the strong willed female lead, beautiful landscapes, flying sequences and an environmentalist message. The only thing missing is nostalgia, because 'Nausicaä' after all is a fantasy film. Miyazaki's mindset is very predictable, but that doesn't mean that he's a bad storyteller, in fact one should be impressed by how much he has been able to squeeze out so many variations on the same basic themes over his acclaimed career as an anime director/screenwriter.


The environmentalist message, on this occasion is a bit more heavy handed than in some of his later films, but the writing and character portrayals are still pretty good. Kushana, as a villain is not necessarily 'evil' and she's been written so that her viewpoint makes sense but ultimately still portrayed in such a way that the viewer should be siding with 'tree hugging' Nausicaä. Whilst Nausicaä is portrayed to be kind and brave, Kushana is ruthless and fearful.


The supporting cast are fun but a little underdeveloped (but that's the trade off to be expected when the story is condensed into a film, as opposed to a TV series), Lord Yupa is pretty cool as the Obi-Wan figure, whilst the slimy Kurotowa makes for an effective sidekick villain, but Asbel a teenage warrior from Pejite, who ends up allying with Nausicaä doesn't really add all that much to the film (his presence didn't harm the story, he just didn't feel all that important to the plot and wouldn't have been missed if he did not appear in the story)


The pacing and balance between action and dialogue sequences are pretty much spot on, and overall 'Nausicaä' manages to be an effective family friendly fantasy, with a nice (though slightly heavy handed) message and a strong role model protagonist in the titular character.


The film is beginning to show it's age in places but in general the art and animation remains impressive, but the soundtrack, from the 80's synths to the equally dated sound effects are now an unfortunate blot, on what remains a very good film and on the whole deserving of the praise it received from the time it came out, right through to this very day


Closing Verdict: 'Nausicaä' is a difficult film to rate, because it's very much a product from a different era, even if at the time of it's release, it was ahead of it's time. If I was reviewing this film 15 years ago, I would probably be more awestruck by it, but up against today's anime 'Nausicaä' is starting to show it's age. Though I feel that there is a slight bit of 'over-praise' when it comes to this film (I feel much of that is to do, with the film's importance in effectively launching Studio Ghibli), Nausicaä does deserve to be viewed as an anime classic.




Is the Dub Any Good?: In 1993 New Line Pictures released a dubbed and cut down version of 'Nausicaä' retitled as 'Warriors of the Wind'. Miyazaki himself hates this dub so much, that he actually said 'people should put it out of his minds' and lead to Studio Ghibli, laying down a strict no edits policy for their foreign releases, because 'Nausicaä' in it's Warriors of the Wind form was so badly butchered.


The Warriors version cuts out roughly 30 minutes of footage from the original film and even has the audacity to change the names of the characters (most notably Nausicaä, is renamed Zandra). Whilst Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind is still seen as anime classic, 'Warriors of the Wind' is viewed as one of the most tragic examples of 1980's English dub butchery.


Thankfully the only way people can suffer the indignity of 'Warriors of the Wind' is if they have a VHS player, and quite honestly who still has one of those knocking about?


In 2005 the film was re dubbed with an all star cast provided by Disney with Alison Lohman in the lead role as Nausicaä, Uma Thurman as the films arch antagonist Kushana and Patrick Stewart as Lord Yupa. As expected the dub here is much better than 'Warriors of the Wind', though honestly that's not a difficult achievement.


Overall the Disney Dub is OK but I still wouldn't rave about it and the film is still probably best viewed in it's original Japanese. Patrick Stewart is good value as Lord Yupa, but in my opinion they just threw a load of money at getting in proper Hollywood actors to churn out average performances.

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Unfortunately FLCL does not qualify for the request month, as it's not being streamed on Crunchyroll in the UK. Though, I'm pretty sure it's something I'll come round to reviewing eventually.


Do you have Netflix? I'm not sure how similar the UK selection is to the US, but FLCL is on the US version of Netflix at least.

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Do you have Netflix? I'm not sure how similar the UK selection is to the US, but FLCL is on the US version of Netflix at least.


I've dipped in and out of being subscribed to Netflix (right now I'm not subscribed to it), when I have had it, the selection of anime has been absolutely pathetic.

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Night Raid 1931

(aka Senko No Night Raid)






Genre: Historical Drama, Spy Thriller, Supernatural


Studio: A-1 Pictures Director: Jun Matsumoto Writer: Shinsuke Onishi Source: Anime Original

Original Broadcast: April-June 2010 Episodes: 13 ( + 3 OVA)


Synopsis: Over a decade has past since the first world war, but tensions are at an all time across the world, as a complex web of conspiracies appear to be on track to send nations into conflict with one another once again. It's 1931 and an ultra-intelligence agency staffed by extraordinary individuals from Japan, known as 'Sakurai Kikan' has been dispatched to Shanghai, in order to eliminate the gravest of threats to the current 'peace', but can they really do anything to prevent the destiny of impending darkness from coming to fruition.


Recommended Viewing Age: Approx 15 and up- Night Raid 1931, is pretty much devoid of fanservice, a wise move given the serious subject matter- however the dark and serious subject matter that the series ultimately revolves around, means that the series is unsuitable for younger audiences and will only really be appreciated by more mature viewers.


Action Level: Medium- The members of the Sakurai Kikan Agency, and also some of the antagonists that they come into conflict with have X-Men style powers, for instance the lead female Yukina can read minds (which admittedly doesn't lead to many action sequences) but Aoi can deflect Bullets and Kazura can teleport.


Despite these powers, the fight scenes tend to be quite short and not really all that flashy- overall Night Raid 1931 is a series with some action in it, but it's more of a dialogue driven show- so those looking for some X-men style supernatural showdowns may end up feeling disappointed with this.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Low- Your not really going to find any cuteness here either, Yukina is admittedly kind of cute, as is genki girl comic relief Feng Lan, but to refer to them as 'moe' characters would be clutching at straws.


Animation Quality/Art Style: The character designs are standard fare for a modern era anime, they are pretty unremarkable but are attractive enough not to take anything away from the series. However it's in the detailed background art where this series truly shines. The 1931 period setting is gorgeously brought to life, and once could certainly use the term 'scenery porn' when discussing the art for Night Raid 1931.


Music: Taro Hakase and Satoshi Kadokura collaborated on a cool, and varied soundtrack that managed to elevate my enjoyment of the series, it's a well balanced mix of cool sounding spy themes, sombre classical pieces and oriental sounding tracks, that really get across all the elements of the series- the covert action, the human drama and the setting.


Japanese rock band MUCC, provide the opener 'Yakusoku' and it does a pretty decent job of getting across the tense drama that lies ahead. The sombre and reflective ending ballad Mirai e, is sung by Himeka (who curiously enough is actually an expatriate Canadian singer, who has taken on a Japanese stage name).


Plot and Characters: The members of the Sakurai Kikan Agency have been brought together by the polite yet suspiciously sly gentleman Shin'ichirou Sakurai, in order to foil a series of plots that will lead Japan into conflict, however can Sakurai truly be trusted and is he just using the members of the Sakurai Kikan Agency in order to see his own plans come to fruition.


Making up the Sakurai Kikan Agency, is Yukina Sonogi, a demure young woman with the powers of clairvoyance and shares a personal connection with the teams main target Isao Takachio, whilst standing alongside Yukina at all times is her stern yet earnest bodyguard Natsume Kagiya, the ex Imperial Japanese Army member Kazura Iha and the brash Aoi Miyoshi.


Aoi and Kazura, with their differing views make for the most interesting dynamic within the Sakurai Kikan Agency. Aoi is an optimistic man, who believes in strong personal justice- at times that can lead him to act in a rash impulsive manner, which contrasts greatly to the regimented Kazura, who has a strong sense of pride and being an ex member of the Japanese Imperial army, takes great pride in his country. Aoi feels that Kazura, can be a bit blinkered when it comes to the action's of the Japanese, however we do learn that by the end of the series that even Kazura has his limits when it comes Japan aggressively furthering their own agenda across Asia.


The main target that the Sakurai Kikan Agency, is ordered to take down is Isao Takachio, a man who disappeared from the Kwantung Army- it appears that he has teamed up with a physicist known as Ichinose, and apparently has the means to develop a devastating new bomb (a clear reference to the atomic bomb that would eventually be used to end World War II).Isao wants to achieve Pan-Asianism and remove all forms of western colonization, and feels that the best way to achieve this is through the threat of the ultra destructive bomb.


Whilst Isao Takachio, shares a personal connection, Aoi Miyoshi shares one with another mysterious figure, a girl referred to by Japanese officials as 'The Prophet', who apparently has such strong foresight that she effectively serves as a guide for decision makers of Japan. However we learn that the current 'Prophet' is a successor, and that she is not all that comfortable with the position she has been thrust into.


The events of Night Raid 1931, are semi based on real life events, most notably the Mukden (Manchurian) incident, that lead to Japan setting up the puppet state of Manchukuo, and eventually lead to the second Sino-Japanese War and ultimately Japan's involvement in World War II, whilst the epilogue OVA episode deals with the failed coup d'etat by young officers in the Japanese Army, known as the February 26th incident.


Ultimately Night Raid 1931 is a series where you know that things aren't necessarily going to end all that well, and that the grim future they are trying to prevent will inevitably come to fruition, so the interest is seeing how the events unfold and the decisions taken, that lead to Japan's path towards aggressive militarism and the personal character development of the main characters.


Understandably given the subject matter, Night Raid 1931 is for the most part a dark and serious anime, especially after the key and controversial episode centred around the Mukden Incident (apparently the episode was only streamed online when the series was aired on Japanese TV,due to the controversial subject matter).


However there is the odd bit of light relief to be found, Feng Lan an energetic waitress who works at a chinese restaurant, next to the photo studio (used as a cover) where Aoi and Kazura work, is primarily there to be a light relief character, whilst Aoi's dreadful violin playing is also a running gag. There is even an entire episode of light relief (save from one argument between Aoi and Kazura over their differing viewpoints) fairly early on in the series, that revolves around Feng Lan wanting Aoi and Kazura to take pictures of her restaurants food, and end up spending much of the episode chasing after a stray cat.


Analysis: At the very least Night Raid 1931, is an interesting anime that at least appears to be trying something different from the norm. It's blend of historic fact and supernatural based fiction, is indeed a curious one, and whilst it doesn't quite come together, the series is well made and does a decent job of trying to bring together it's various elements.


A major problem I see with Night Raid 1931, is that the supernatural element feels kind of tacked on, and unnecessary. It's as though the creative team behind this series, felt brave enough to tackle a troubling period in Japanese history, but must have felt playing it straight wouldn't fly with audiences, and that they needed to add in the Supernatural element to spice things up a bit.


It also has to be said that the Supernatural element of the series, is probably also there to give them the excuse to be creative with the historical facts and put over the series as a work of fiction. Though to their credit, they do not even attempt to brush over the fact, that the Kwantung Army (the Japanese Armies division in Manchuria), were behind the Mukden incident, that pretty much served as the trigger towards Japan heading into an aggressive militaristic direction.


Night Raid 1931 is the sort of series, that probably struggled to find an audience, and why just a few years later, it's pretty much been forgotten about- the mix of speculative fiction and supernatural fantasy probably wouldn't sit well with serious history buffs, whilst fans of supernatural action series, could well find the series to be a bit dull.


However it is a series, I feel that despite it's major flaw of not quite knowing what it's supposed to be, is something of a hidden gem. It's well made from a technical standpoint, with a well crafted soundtrack and art and animation that is very pleasing to the eye.


Whilst some characters do suffer from being a little underdeveloped, the cast is generally well written, with the opposing view points and attitude of the rash and care-free Aoi Miyoshi and the proud and rigid Kazura Iha, giving the story it's heart.


The persuasive Isao Takachio, is an effective 'well intentioned extremist' antagonist, whilst the polite but oily Mr Sakurai, will have you guessing throughout just what is motives are. The only character I found to be odd and left me scratching my head like a confused baboon just to what his purpose was to the story, was Sakurai's rapier thin assistant Ichisi. He actually ends up making a pretty important contribution right at the very end, but he spends much of the series standing around in the background, saying nothing and even when he finally does do something important, it's still kind of bewildering as to what exactly his intentions were for doing so.


Though the series, as expected ends up being open ended in regard to it's finale, it at the very least (specifically with the addition of the epilogue OVA) does bring some satisfying closure, to the personal journey's that the members of the Sakurai Agency have been on. Whilst the series is enjoyable enough without viewing the OVA episodes, this a series where the OVA's add something to the story, rather than being mere 'fanservice' driven fluff. The prequel OVA (episode 0 on the DVD release) is a nice origin story, that explains how the Sakurai Agency were formed, before they landed in Shanghai, and the epilogue episode (though several years after the events of the end of the series) brings the proper closure, that perhaps was slightly missing at the end of the televised episodes.


Closing Verdict: Night Raid 1931 is an interesting and generally well made series, that certainly won't appeal to everyone, but if you're looking for something a little bit out of the ordinary, then this hidden gem of sorts, is worth checking out. In all fairness the people who will enjoy this series the most are people who take an interest in world history but accept this series for what it is, and aren't going to get hung up over the exact details - and I can honestly say that I would count myself amongst those people.



Is the Dub Any Good?: Sentai Filmworks dub, will depend on just how much you care about the characters doing accents, in order to immerse yourself more in the setting of Night Raid 1931. The original Japanese version, had it's actors attempting various accents, but Sentai decided to pretty much do away with this, and have the Japanese and Chinese characters all speak the same- whilst it does take away that aspect from the story, it does save the viewer from having to listen to the actors force themselves to do accents.


In fact, I personally think the decision to do away with the accents, actually works out pretty well and for me this ends up being one of Sentai's better English dubs, with natural sounding performances from the actors in the lead roles.

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I've dipped in and out of being subscribed to Netflix (right now I'm not subscribed to it), when I have had it, the selection of anime has been absolutely pathetic.


yeah, ive only found a couple series on Netflix that couldn't be found on crunchyroll such as Kaze no Stigma.


One thing I really hate about Netflix is that they do their subbed lines in a light yellow, and they are hard as hell to see half the time.

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yeah, ive only found a couple series on Netflix that couldn't be found on crunchyroll such as Kaze no Stigma.


One thing I really hate about Netflix is that they do their subbed lines in a light yellow, and they are hard as hell to see half the time.



That was a fun series for me since the male lead is so powerful the tsundere heroine can't do the usual wacky attack when she gets embarrassed.


I don't know if its on crunchyroll but I like to recommend Legend of the Legendary Heroes or My Little Monster. Like to see what others thought of them.

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You are a bad man and should feel bad. :)


School Days is one of those things that will either make you like anime more, or kill your love of it. I still not recovered from it.


I had to get round to reviewing this infamous series eventually, and seeing as all the other previous suggestions for the final series don't show up on UK Crunchyroll and School Days does, it'll be the final selection for request month.


So next month reviews will be posted up for the following requested shows:


Captain Earth

Black Bullet

Dog & Scissors

School Days

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That's a good way to review them. I haven't seen Captain Earth but i'm assuming it's just a cheeky Mecha series. Black Bullet is a tad darker of a tale but very good. Dog and Scissors is just silly and fun. Then there's School Days, we'll remember you fondly around here my friend. :)


1st: Captain Earth

2nd: Black Bullet

3rd: Dog & Scissors

4th: School Days

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Porco Rosso






Genre: Comedy Adventure


Studio: Studio Ghibli Director/Writer: Hayao Miyazaki Source: Anime Original*

Original Japanese Cinema Release: July 1992 (Run Time: 94 Mins)


* The film is an anime original but it's based loosely on Miyazaki's own manga Hikotei Jidai, where the film's titular character Porco Rosso featured as a main character.


Synopsis: It's the 1920's and over the skies of the Adriatic Sea and ex World War I Italian ace fighter pilot works as a bounty hunter, foiling the plots of sky pirates. However an unusual course has cause this revered and reviled in equal measure pirate, to take the form of an anthropomorphic and is now known by the moniker Porco Rosso ( Italian for Crimson Pig).


And when Porco Rosso is challenged by a brash American pilot known as Curtis, his own chauvinistic nature is challenged, when he receives vital help from someone he would never think of asking help from.


Recommended Viewing Age: Suitable for most ages- As with all Studio Ghibli films, there is no actual fanservice to speak of, however there is some violence (cartoonish and silly though it may be) which perhaps makes it unsuitable for very young children, however the general feel, pacing and subject matter of the film is more likely to appeal more to nostalgic adults than youngsters anyway.


Action Level: Medium- Porco Rosso is one of those films that features a few action sequences (notably the Dog Fights in the sky) but isn't really a full blown action film.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Low- The plucky Fio is cute in a realistic and natural way, but certainly don't go mistaking her for a calculated 'Moeblob'


Animation Quality/Art Style: If you like planes- especially early 20th century propeller planes, then this is the film for you, because Hiyao Miyazaki clearly loves plane. You can tell that Miyazaki has a passion for planes, because the detail, care and attention he has put into the aircraft and the flying sequences is top notch, even by today's standards.


Given the slightly more comedic nature of the film, some of the character designs (notably the bumbling sky pirates) are a little more goofy than some of his other works, and the main character is a human/pig hybrid after all.


As always with Studio Ghibli films, there are some beautiful landscapes to be awed at in the background art- which this time is based on a specific real life location of the Dalmatian islands in the Adriatic, rather than being a made up fantasy setting. Whilst imaginary worlds can look fantastic, I personally am always left more impressed, when an anime can successfully recreate real world scenery.


Music: Another Miyazaki film, another Joe Hisaishi soundtrack.....


Hisaishi gets it spot on here, with a smooth jazz inspired soundtrack that helps to conjure up the mood of 1930's/1940's classic black and white Hollywood movies (a la Casablanca) that this film is clearly shooting for. The soundtracks set piece is of course, the french ballad crooned out by Gina, when Porco and his Sky Pirate rivals are all wearily downing a few hard earned drinks in the bar of the Hotel Adriatico.


Plot and Characters: Before he became a pig Porco Rosso, was the admired World I ace Marco Pagot- however despite being an apparent hero of the war, he abandoned his squadron during a dogfight with Austro-Hungarian planes and that he is now in hiding from the Italian secret police, for defecting from the Italian air force. One one hand Porco Rosso is an exceptional pilot, who performs heroic acts on a regular basis in order to foil the plots of the sky pirates, but he only carries out these heroic acts for mercenary reasons.


He's self absorbed, a chauvinist and a womaniser and he's clearly aware of these negative character traits- his public image may be one of a hero, but the self deprecating Porco is fully aware that his image as a hero is a sham.

Though the Sky Pirates, are desperate to bring down Porco for regularly foiling their plots and embarrassing them, they do have a truce of sorts after battling each other in the skies, when they all relax in the confines of the bar at the Hotel Adriano, run by Porco's friend Gina. We learn that Gina cares for Porco, but that Porco is ignorant of her feelings.


After getting their asses handed to them over and over again, the sky pirates manage to hire a man who can be a match for Porco, in the form of the arrogant and ambitious pilo Donald Curtis- Porco is reluctant to be drawn into a rivalry with Curtis, but the actions of the brash American ends up pulling Porco into one.


When Porco's plane becomes damaged, he takes the risk to go back to Milan in order to get it fixed by his trusty mechanic Picciolo, despite being on the run from the Italian secret police. However when he gets there, he learns that Picciolo's sons have left to find work elsewhere, and that the repair job will be in the hands of Picciolo's 14 year old granddaughter Fio.

Porco is reluctant to have Fio take care of his plane, but her natural talent for plane repair wins him over, and when the Italian secret police find that he has been hiding at Picciolo's, Fio then convinces him to take him with her back to his hideout in the Adriatic in order for her to properly maintain his plane. With Curtis waiting for him when he gets back, Fio encourages Porco to rise to the challenge set before him.


The Sky Pirates are mostly portrayed as bumbling buffoons, with Porco's rescue mission at the start involving him saving a bunch of kindergarten age schoolgirls, who aren't the least bit worried about being kidnapped by Sky Pirates, whilst Porco's main rival is brash and arrogant in a very over the top and cartoonish manner.


Analysis: Porco Rosso is a film made by Miyazaki for people like Miyazaki. Fantasy epics like Nausicaä and Castle In The Sky were always on more solid ground to appeal to a broad anime audience, as were the family friendly My Neighbor Totoro and Kiki's Delivery Service. But an anime about early twentieth century planes with a mood that harks back to classic hollywood films of the 1930's and 1940's, who exactly was that supposed to appeal to? Other than to please Miyazaki himself.


But a risky project like Porco Rosso, is exactly why the anime industry needs directors like Hayao Miyazaki, that are prepared to go against the grain and be prepared to deliver something out of the norm for an anime. Porco Rosso ends up being a fine example, that anime doesn't need to be restricted to a handful of well trodden genres.


So admirable as it may be that Miyazaki had the vision and the drive to see Porco Rosso made into an anime, is it actually any good? In all honesty, it's an enjoyable film but a film who's weaknesses are covered up by the mood of the film, just as My Neighbor Totoro got by on whimsical charm, Porco Rosso gets by on recreating the effortless romanticism of classic Hollywood.


Maybe dismissing Porco Rosso as simply getting by on it's mood is a little harsh, but the comedy isn't what you would call laugh out loud funny, and whilst the flying sequences are nicely animated, the action lacks any real threat or outlandishness to be particularly eye catching or exciting.


However where the film does excel is with the development of it's main character. The titular 'Porco Rosso', manages to come off as an interesting character throughout the film, and despite having the appearance of a pig, he comes off as a complex human being by the end of the film. He's a self deprecating anti-hero and the very embodiment of a hard drinking, heavy smoking, slovenly male chauvinist (the fact that Porco has ended up as a pig, is pretty heavy symbolism for the more negative traits of his character), and it takes being forced to work with someone he would have dismissed as a nuisance, to make him open his eyes and find the true hero that is actually lurking within. In the end Porco Rosso isn't so much a film about two competing sea plane pilots, but more about one man/pig facing up to his own personal demons.


Whilst Porco may be the main character, Fio as the sort of feisty female heroine that Miyazaki loves, is just as important to the film...without her as a catalyst, we would see no character development from Porco, and that is where the heart of the film is, not the goofy rivalry with Curtis and the Sea Pirates.


As for Donald Curtis he may be a little bit silly in places as an antagonist to truly take seriously, but his brash demeanour, contrasts well with the more self deprecating Porco, and whilst Curtis is clearly the guy you are supposed to root against, he's not really a fully fledged villain, more of a much needed rival who helps Porco find true joy in his passion for flying again.


I needn't really talk again about the fantastic flying sequences and the detail poured into bringing the airplanes to life on screen, but without that passion seeping out from every line of ink for the world Porco Rosso inhabits, this film would fail to be as much as a delight as it ends up being.


Closing Verdict: Porco Rosso may not be a contender for one of the best films ever made (yet alone best film by made by Studio Ghibli), but it's a charming and enjoyable story, that you can tell has had a lot of love put into it and therefore another fine addition to Hayao Miyazaki's and Studio Ghibli's admirable catalogue.




Is the Dub Any Good?: Disney's dub with Michael Keaton in the main role of Porco, is to be my ears fine enough, not outstanding enough to make you feel that the film works better in the English, but not so bad to make you immediately turn over to the original Japanese track.


The thing to remember with these Disney dubs, is to not put them on a pedestal just because they have the money to fork out for some big name Hollywood actors in the starring roles. Keaton to his credit is actually pretty good as Porco, but for me the strongest peformance comes from a lesser known name, with Kimberley Williams-Paisley's natural sounding turn as Fio.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Not had much chance to watch/review any new anime, as I've been entertaining the niece this week during her half term.


Anyway I re watched Rozen Maiden this week with her, and to be honest I think I underrated the show slightly when I reviewed it. I've definitely enjoyed it more the second time round, but I think that's because I had my 'nit picky' critical hat on when I watched it the first time round, and this time round I've just sat down, watched it and enjoyed it.


Another factor may be that, the first time round I mostly watched the series in the O.K but not exactly great English dub version, where as this time round (on my niece's request) we watched the Japanese subtitled version.*


Anyway in my original review(s) for Rozen Maiden I gave the first season a C and Träumend a C-, but watching it the 2nd time round, I would happily give it a B-/C+ score. To be honest quite a few of the early reviews* I feel like re-reviewing but I just don't have the time to do re-reviews and then new reviews on top of that.


* Footnote 1: I think reading subs is still a novelty for her, and she likes the Japanese voices- I want to show her that English Dub anime can be just as enjoyable, but to be honest most of the stuff she can watch with me right now, does genuinely tend to be better in Japanese.


* Footnote 2: When the anime reviews were more of a side project to my TEW diary- which is on indefinite hiatus right now, because I'll fully admit that I'm struggling to get back into doing that.

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Captain Earth






Genre: Mecha, Sci-Fi Action


Studio: Bones Director: Takuya Igarashi Writer: Yoji Enokido Source: Anime Original

Original Broadcast: April-September 2014 Episodes: 25


Synopsis: The Earth is on the edge of extinction, as it finds itself fighting off alien lifeforms known as Klitgangs, whose objective is to drain all the lifeforce from mankind. The organization known as Globe have taken on the task of protecting humanity from these invaders, using giant mecha known as Earth Engine Impacters to protect the Earth from the Killtgangs.


Directionless highschool student Manatsu Daichi's own father piloted one of the Earth Engine Impacters but died in combat when engaging one of the Kiltgangs in battle. When Daichi visits the Japan base of Globe on Tanegashima Island, to pay his respects to his late father, he suddenly finds himself able to summon a mysterious laser gun , which then enables him to pilot one of the Earth Engine Impacters.


Manatsu then finds himself following on his fathers footsteps, taking on the mantle of 'Captain Earth' and doing everything in his power to protect the world from extermination at the hand of the Kiltgangs.


Recommended Viewing Age: Teens (approx 13+) and up- There's enough light fanservice to push Captain Earth into being shonen fare for teenagers, rather than shonen fare for pre teens. Mysterious girl/love interest Hana is a buxom bishojo, who is often seen in situations of (non explicit) nudity, whilst a few of the Planetary gears, notably the pink haired Moco and the idol singer Ai are often seen in stripperiffic outfits


Action Level: High- If you like mecha battles, with lots of laser beam explosion and cockpit trash talking, then Captain Earth, should satisfy your action needs. Nearly every episode has a battle between the Midsummers Knights (the heroic defence unit of Globe, headed up by Daichi 'Captain Earth' Manatsu) and one of their enemies engaging in galactic based mecha warfare


Moe/Kawaii Level: Medium- Mysterious 'not quite human' girl Hana is pretty moe in herself, but that is only heightened by the fact that she has a ridiculously cute critter companion, in the form of her brightly coloured pet squirrel Pitz. And if one brightly coloured, squeeking squirrel wasn't enough, it turns out that one of the Planetary Gears Setsuna, also has one.


Animation Quality/Art Style: Captain Earth is a visually pleasing and vibrantly coloured series. Whilst the character designs here aren't anything revolutionary, they are well designed, with everyone standing out from one another, especially when it comes to the various Kiltgangs (also referred to as the Planetary Gears) in their human avatar forms, whilst the background art is also consistently pleasing to the eye. However it's in the mecha transformation sequences, when the Earth Engines are launched into space and grow into super robots fighting in outer space that Captain Earth truly shines.


Music: The two openings (Believers High by Flumpool, and Tokyo Dreamer by Nico Touches the Walls), and the two endings (Amethyst by Ai Kayano and Glory Days by Tia) are all fairly generic J-Pop songs, with the first opening being a little more rock orientated in order to get the viewer pumped up for the show. None of the openings and endings are bad (and all manage to be a fairl good fit for the show) but nor are they going to remembered as great OPs/EDs.


Plot and Characters: Captain Earth revolves around ordinary highschool student Daichi, following in his late father's footsteps, and leading the fight against an invasion of aliens, who want to consume all the Earth's energy.

Daichi ends up becoming an Earth Engine pilot for the Globe organization, and ends up heading a special unit, tasked with leading the fight against the Kiltgangs. What we also come to learn is that part of the team Daichi ends up forming, are two friends from Daichi's childhood when he would visit the Tanegashima base whilst his father was still alive. However Teppei (who Daichi's best friend) and Hana (who becomes romantically intwined with Daichi) are no ordinary humans and share a link with the very aliens they are tryng to fend off.


The final member of the 'Midsummers Knights' is Akari, whose divorced parents are both members of Globe (Father Tsutomu is the head of the Tageshima base, whilst mother Tsukubaki is the head of the Tenkaido Space Station). Whilst Akari is unable to pilot an Earth Engine, her genius computer hacking skills are just as valuable a weapon in the fight against the Kiltgangs/Planetary Gears. Akari with her genki girl personality, also serves as the primary source of light relief within Captain Earth, with her 'Belly Button Forte' a tension breaking (both in universe and for the viewer) piece of absurdity from Akari, being the series most prominent running gag.


However not all members of Globe are on the same page, with the organization split into two radically different factions- the Intercept Faction (of whom the Midsummers Knights are members) believe the way of ensuring the human race lives on, is to fight the Kiltgangs head on, but the 'Ark Faction' headed up by the organization known as 'Salty Dog' believe that a select group of humans should be put into a cryogenic sleep and launched into space on a giant spaceship, before the earth is destroyed.


The Kiltgangs (otherwise known as the Planetary Gears) are a group of immortal alien lifeforms, who feed off 'Orgone Energy' in order to maintain the lifeforce. They see the Earth humans, with their short lives as being disposable compared to the centuries long lives that they are able to sustain, and perceive themselves to be the true form of the human race.


The Planetary Gears, were able to inhabit genetically engineered bodies, to take up human form. However at the start of the series only two of the Planetary Gears (Amarok and Malkin), have awakened to their Kiltgang form and seem intent on draining the Earth of it's orgone energy. However Amarok and Malkin, make contact with the rest of the Planetary Gears, one of whom turns out to the true leader of the group. However despite ultimately sharing the same goal, the Planetary Gears motivations for destroying the Earth do vary a little from one another and as the show reaches it's conclusion some even begin to question why they seem to intent on destroying the Earth.


Meanwhile it turns out the Planetary Gears, had help taking a human form on Earth, through an organization known as Macbeth Enterprises, headed up by the shady Masaki Kube, who spends much of his time speaking to a mysterious computer called Puck. As it turns out Puck is in communication with Amarok and Malkin, but by the end of the series the super computers motivations may not be the same as the Planetary Gears.


Analysis: I read another review for Captain Earth, that basically stated that the show, is the antithesis of Evangelion, when it comes to giant mecha shows, and to be fair that statement isn't too far wrong. Whilst Evangelion's lead Shinji Ikari is reluctant to pilot the EVA and feels forced in to going into battle against the 'Angels', Daichi is keen as mustard to step into an Earth Engine and lead the fight against the 'Kiltgangs', and as mysterious not quite human girls go, Hana has a 'warm and gentle' personality in complete contrast to the cold and emotionless Rei Ayanami.


Stepping aside from the contrast towards Evangelion, Captain Earth is a show that presents itself as having a complex plot, but really isn't that difficult to follow, though that's not necessarily a bad thing. Basically the show features three factions with differing goals, the Kiltgangs (who want to drain the Earth of it's Orgone Energy), the 'Intercept' faction of Globe (who want to protect the Earth by fighting off the Kiltgangs) and the 'Ark Faction' of Globe (who believe the only way of saving the human race, is by sending a select few into space on a giant spaceship and let the Earth itself be destroyed). The show can also be split into three basic arcs- the formation of the Midsummers Knights, the reveal/awakening of the various Plantetary Gears and the battle between the Midsummers Knights and the Planetary Gears (with the Ark Faction also being an annoyance to the heroes).


The first arc is very much one of a generic and slightly bland mecha series, but the middle arc with the introduction of the various members of the Planetary Gears did manage to pique my interest (though some of the members barely get any development beyond their introduction)- the show however does fall apart a little towards the end- falling into the trap of making the bad guys super powerful and thus in turn having to fire off a series of 'deus-ex-machinas' for the heroes to use in order to overcome the various obstacles that get in their way. The show also features a huge cast of characters (most of whom are barely worthwhile being in the show), whilst the main protagonist is as generic and dull as main protagonist as you're likely ever going to see.


Whilst plot and character development aren't Captain Earth's strongest point, the show is visually pleasing enough and the mecha battles exciting and engaging enough, to please fans of the mecha genre. The Earth Engine launch sequences, as I have already stated are superbly done, and it's the visual side of Captain Earth, that admittedly saves the show from being a bit of a dud.


Closing Verdict: Unless you're a big mecha fan, Captain Earth isn't really a show that I could whole heartily recommend watching, then again it's not a show I would definitely say to avoid either. It's just a very average shonen mecha show, whose strengths lie more in it's style (the art and animation), than it's substance (plot and characters).


Mediocre- Bordering on a mild recommendation to fans of the mecha genre.


Is the Dub Any Good?: Thus far no dub has been produced for this show (no surprise their seeing as it's only just finished airing, at the time of me writing this review) but Sentai Filmworks have obtained the North American license, so a dub should be expected to be produced in the future. From their usual roster of dub voices- Brittney Karbowksi surely has to be a shoe-in for playing Akari.

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Mawaru Penguindrum






Genre: "Idiosyncratic Supernatural/Psychological Thriller"


Studio: Brains Base Director: Kunihiko Ikuhara Writer: Kunihiko Ikuhara/Takayo Ikami Source: Anime Original

Original Broadcast: July- December 2011 Episodes: 24


Synopsis: Twin brothers Kanba and Shouma Takakura have been looking after their terminally ill sister Himari, after the disappearance of their parents. A trip to the Ikebukuro Aquarium is abruptly ended when Himari collapses and then is rushed to hospital, where she ends up dying.


However just as her brothers are mourning her loss, in a bizarre twist of fate Himari is brought back to life by a spirit residing in a Penguin Hat bought from the souvenir shop. However Himari's second chance of life comes with demands, and the spirit residing in the hat orders Kanba and Shouma to find the 'Penguindrum' in order to keep their sister alive.


Recommended Viewing Age: Approx 15 +: Whilst I wouldn't necessarily say that Penguindrum is littered with fanservice, it does includes several adult situations, such as strongly implied sexual threat and the odd bit of blood, which ends up making it the sort of show which may even be unsuitable viewing for younger teens.


For some absurd reason the BBFC decided to make the second DVD box set of Penguindrum an 18 certificate in the UK for 'Strong Sexual Threat'. Whilst the show does have sexual threat, it is more implied than explicit and the 18 cert feels over the top.


Action Level: Low- The character of Masako who uses a slingshot to fire red projectiles at people is the nearest the show gets to an action type of character, and whilst Penguindrum carries several scenes of threat, it can't really be called an action series.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Medium- Ill girl Himari, with her alternately sunny and melancholic dispositions, could be considered to be a fairly moe-ish type of character, whilst the antics of the Penguin's can be viewed to be adorably cute as well as funny.


Animation Quality/Art Style: Mawaru Penguindrum is a visually engaging series, whilst the character designs are unremarkable in the fact that they pretty much follow the current trend, the background art is much more bolder in the vein of an anime that could have been produced by Shaft, rather than Brains Base. Penguindrum makes inventive use of repetitive patterns, that ties into the story's heavy use of symbolism, whilst the animation during the 'Seizon Senryaku!! (Survival Strategy!!) scene is particularly striking, whilst the use of Stickmen as the 'extras' is an idiosyncratic touch that suits this rather unorthodox show.


The only real downside, when it comes to the animation is that sometimes it's ambitions don't quite meet the T.V sized budget, whilst things such as the aforementioned 'Seizon Senryaku' sequence doesn't suffer, there are several episodes where the character designs end up going 'off model'. That being said Penguindrum's striking stylishness is able to overcome the odd corner being cut here and there, in the terms of it's visual delivery.


Music: Whilst most background music soundtracks end up just being 'there' in the background, Mawaru Penguindrum's is emotionally on point, and actually serves to subtly heighten the mood of each scene- it does what a great soundtrack should, not only compliment each scene but actually add an extra layer of emotion.


The soundtrack features several cover versions sung by Triple M (featuring the seiyuu for Himari and her J-Pop idol friends Hikari and Hibari) of songs originally written and performed by the Japanese rock band ARB- that are used as insert songs and then later as several ending themes during the second half of the series. The highlights here are the punchy 'Rock Over Japan' that accompanies the 'Seizon Senryaku!!/Survival Strategy!!' sequence and the tear inducing ballad 'Haiyo no Suiyobi' (Gray Wednesday) used to great effect during and just after some of the series most heart wrenching scenes.


First opening the infectious but beautiful and dreamlike 'Nornir' Etsuko Yakushimaru perfectly encapsulates the mood of the series, Yakushimaru returns to sing the second opening 'Boys Come Back To Me' that retains the same blue print of the first opening, but is different enough to stand on it's own right.


First ending the subtly rocking and infectious Dear Future by Coaltar of the Deepers (though featuring a different arrangement and vocals by Yui Horie- the voice actress for Masako- for one of the episodes) retains the ethereal mood of the openings- and just like those tracks successfully matches the idiosyncratic feel of Penguindrum.


Plot and Characters: The beginning of Mawaru Penguindrum, throws up a bizarre premise where twin brothers Kanba and Shouma, are tasked with finding the mysterious item known as the Penguindrum, by the spirit residing in a souvenir Penguin Hat that has revived their sister from the dead- this leads to the twins following a highschool girl Ringo, who carries around a diary and is obsessively stalking their teacher Keiju Tabuki and amongst all this the three siblings now have a Blue Penguin each following them around, that only they can see.


The mission to find the Penguindrum, ends up linking together various people who had involvement/connection to a major life changing incident from when ladies man Shoma and domesticated Kanba were only young boys- whilst the boys mission to find the Penguindrum is initially presented with the twins effectively stalking Ringo, whilst Ringo stalks their teacher- the story gradually reveals darker secrets, that take in terrorist plots, abandonment issues and child abuse amongst other things that end up being the threads that tie everyone back to the life changing incident.


The story ends up becoming a rollercoaster of emotions that ends up placing two people's philosophies in the face of a difficult world up against one another- taken to it's simplest of forms the story of Mawaru Penguindrum does not so much revolve around the 'Macguffin' that the Takakura twins are charged with finding but a battle between 'This world sucks- to hell with it' and 'Let's try and make the world a better place'


The supporting cast are lead by the aforementioned Ringo Oginome (effectively the 4th main character by the end of the series) whose stalking of teacher Keiju Tabuki, mask darker issues regarding Ringo's acceptance when it comes to her place within her own family, but she's not the only one who has issues, Keiju's actual girlfriend the Takarazuka actress Yuri Tokikago, ends up being more than a mere thorn in the side of Ringo's unrequited love towards Keiju. Whilst Shoma appears to have his own stalker in the form of the forceful Masako Natsume, a heiress to a powerful corporation who like the Takakura family, has her own Penguin that follows her around (A Black one called Esmeralda).


Rounding out the cast, but certainly no less important to driving along the plot are the enigmatic Sanetoshi Watase, who takes an interest in Himari and Momoka a positive thinking girl with links to several key characters in the past.


Though Mawaru Penguindrum ends up being quite a dark and at times tragic series by the end, it does feature a quirky comedic side (especially during the first half) starting with the fact that Himari is revived by the Penguin Hat, and when ordering the Takakura twins to find the titular 'Penguindrum', during the 'Survival Tactic' sequence the possessed Himari's personality changes to a much more acerbic one. And though Ringo's stalking of Keijo could well be interpretated as creepy, her continued failure to get closer to Keijo during the early part of the series does have a touch of black humour.


However the bulk of Penguindrum's comic relief comes in the form of Penguin's 1, 2 and 3 and Esmeralda, whose antics in the background mirror the emotions of their various masters to often humorous effect. Penguin 1 can often be seen looking at gravure idol mags, matching the libido of ladies man Kanba, whilst Penguin 2 is often seen spraying bug spray, mirroring the domesticated Shouma, whilst the female Penguin 3 keeps Himari company and often does the same activity as her (such as knitting jumpers), whilst Esmeralda stalks Penguin 1, just as Masako stalks Kanba.


Analysis: Mawaru Penguindrum was the first anime to be helmed by Kunihiko Ikuhara, the director of nineties classics Sailor Moon and Revolutionary Girl Utena, and it has to be said he came back with a 'bang'- a 'bang' so unique that it won't be appreciated by everyone, but those will appreciate Mawaru Penguindrum will surely be wowed by it's idiosyncratic brilliance.


The very premise of a series that starts off with a girl being revived by a Penguin Hat and then ordering her brothers to find something called a Penguindrum, whilst they then follow around a highschool girl stalking their teacher, whilst some Penguins that only they can see hang around them- may be too weird for some people to take- but at the end of the day in all honestly they'd be the one's missing out on a complex story that ends up peeling away layers beyond it's initially eccentric premise.


The story of Mawaru Penguindrum, does end up being a complex one, with many twists and turns but it's nothing that someone with an ounce of intelligence and an openness towards non linnear storytelling shouldn't be able to take in their stride. The plot of Penguindrum makes heavy use of flashbacks and symbolism to drive along it's story. In terms of the flashbacks they could have ended up feeling like a storytelling crutch, but they are used well throughout Penguindrum and do not break up the use of the show. For some the heavy use of symbolism and scenes that blur the lines between reality and fantasy, may come across as a bit pretentious but in my view Ikuhara ends up using these as an effective method to get across plot points in an interesting and subtle manner.


More impressive than the twisting rollercoaster of the plot, is the development of the characters- everyone introduced in the series ends up feeling like an important cog in the story, whilst everyone has development that ends up making them more interesting and/or sympathetic by the end of the series. Near enough all the main female characters (Ringo, Yuri and Masako) bar Himari all have traits at the beginning of the story that could be perceived to be annoying but by the end of the story they all end up being well rounded characters with motivations that easy to understand, if not necessarily empathize with, likewise with the character who ends up being the major antagonist of the story.


Whilst Penguindrum does end up delivering comedy and tragedy in equal measure, the show manages to avoid mood whiplash, by gradually introducing the darker elements of the plot and the motivation of the characters. By the end of the series it feels like a completely different proposition from what was presented at the start, but the transition from quirky comedy with dark undertones to thought provoking thriller with bursts of light relief is done in such a smooth manner, that it does not feel like the change in mood suddenly comes out of nowhere.


It's also the kind of show that can perhaps be appreciated even more with a second viewing, without any detriment to enjoying it the first time round. First time round the viewer can have an appreciation of the intricate plot, the character development and the off the wall humour, but with a little research the subtleties of the symbolism such as the repeated appearance of the number 95 can be appreciated, even the shows frequent use of the Tokyo Metro has a deeper meaning beneath the surface that ties into the incident that binds the fates of the major characters together.


From a presentation viewpoint, whilst it does have some issues regarding character animations from time to time, Mawaru Penguindrum has the visual flair to not only compliment but enhance it's intricately woven tale, whilst the music throughout successfully manages the same job in an aural capacity.


Finally Penguindrum is a show that if you do manage to get into it, will have you itching to see the next episode right away, as every episode ends with a cliffhanger that moves the story along- with not one of it's 24 episodes feeling like wasted filler or fluff.


Closing Verdict: Mawaru Penguindrum is a truly original work of genius, that admittedly won't be appreciated by everyone for the very fact that is such an unconventional series -but without meaning to come across as pompous, I'm not going to downgrade the show, just because 'Simple Simon' can't follow it. :p


In my view Penguindrum ends up being a show that is artistic, unique and thought provoking but manages to successfully avoid being pretentious.

There are some minor flaws (e.g the inconsistent quality of the character animation), but they aren't enough to prevent me awarding a Penguindrum, a High Recommendation.


Highly Recommended


Is the Dub Any Good?: Sentai Filmworks dubs can be a bit hit and miss, though mostly competent enough not to offend (only the most staunch of dub haters) but not outstanding enough to stand alongside or even outshine the original Japanese version.


Whilst the Penguindrum dub doesn't outshine the original Japanese version it does manage to be one of Sentai's better dubs in recent years, featuring good performances from Monica Rial (a natural and sensible piece of casting for Himari), Emily Neves (Ringo) and Adam Gibbs (Sanetoshi), whilst everyone else ranges from passable to pretty decent.


The dub even manages to successfully translate the iconic 'Seizon Senryaku!' catchphrase into the equally snappy 'Survival Strategy!'

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Black Bullet






Genre: Post Apocalyptic Sci-Fi Action


Studio: Kinema Citrus Director: Masayuki Kojima Writer: Tatsuhiko Iruhara Source: Light Novels by Shidan Kanzaki

Original Broadcast: April- July 2014 Episodes: 13


Synopsis : In the near future (the year 2021) mankind is nearly decimated by an invasion of bug like aliens called Gastrea- with the choice either ending up as being killed or being infected with a virus that will eventually turn a human into one of the invading alien beasts.


The remnants of human society are now forced to live behind giant monolith walls, made out of a black metal called Varanium that is able to repel the Gastrea. Women infected with the virus ended up giving birth to girls with superhuman powers, dubbed the 'Cursed Children'. these girls have the abilities to fight off the Gastrea, but are shunted by society due to the fact that eventually the virus they are infected with will eventually take them over and turn them into the monsters that have brought hell onto Earth.


Set up as loosely formed organization in order to fend off the Gastrea, the Civil Securities Agencies operate in pairs of a Promoter (a skilled fighter, armed with guns that can fire varanium bullets) and an Initiator (one of the cursed children). One such promoter is highschool student Rentaro Satomi of the Tendo Security Agency, alongside his initiator Enju Aihara- Rentaro conducts missions to protect the Tokyo area from being destroyed- but along the way he finds he has just as big a 'battle' with the humans he is fighting alongside.


Recommended Viewing Age: Approx 15 Plus- T&A Fanservice is relatively low, though some people may feel a little uncomfortable with the 'loli-harem' that the protagonist Rentaro ends up gathering around himself, even if nothing actually happens between Rentaro and any of the Cursed Children and is primarily played for laughs. The relatively strong violence content and some heart breaking scene's of death (including suicide) add to the relatively adult content for Black Bullet.


Action Level: Fairly High- Black Bullet is a relatively action packed show over the course of it's 13 episodes (though the action levels do vary wildly from episode to episode) with super powered fights between the Security Agency pairs and the Gastrea, or sometimes battles between pairs of 'Promoters' and 'Initiators' fighting amongst themselves. The 'cursed children' and their 'Promoters' all have varying fighting styles, that at least lend a degree of much needed variety to their battles.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Fairly High- The cursed children are all cute loli's, with often tragic backstories- so whilst not a typical 'moe' show from an overall sense being that it is a sci-fi action series rather than the kind of slice of life comedy fare more normally associated with 'moe'- it does have a fair amount of 'moe' characters.


Animation Quality/Art Style: Black Bullet is one of those current era anime, that is fairly decent to look at, but in an unremarkable sort of way (if a large percentage of anime over the past few years, didn't look like it- it might stand out a bit more)- which means that you'll get some nicely rendered backgrounds and the generic character design that is currently in vogue right now.


Overall Black Bullet is far from a badly animated series (though the CGI for the giant Gastrea is rather conspicuous by it's presence), and in fact it is quite nice to look at, it just doesn't standout from anything else.


Music: Synth pop duo Fripside, provided the titular opening track 'Black Bullet', it's not the most memorable of tracks and a little generic but it has good energy and few dramatic flourishes here and there,and in general suits the feel of the show. Nagi Yanagi's ending theme 'Tokohana' open up with some ethereal vocals before transitioning into what's a pretty good driving/hooky rock tune- it's a pretty good song and matches well with the mood of the show, though for me it's the sort of song that feels more like an opening song, than an ending one.


However one area, where the show does manage to excel is with Shiro Sagisu's rich and varied soundtrack. Using a well judged blend of synth based and acoustic tracks, Sagisu judges the right instrumentation and mood well for each scene, such as dramatic ominous sounding synths accompanying the battle scenes and low key acoustic guitar adding texture to some of Black Bullet's more reflective and melancholic moments.

Plot and Characters: Black Bullet centres around Rentaro Satomi, a highschooler who also works as a 'Civl Security' agent, special operatives who are paired with mutated girls to help fend off the plague of aliens known as the Gastrea.


As well as the fight against the Gastrea, Rentaro faces a fight of morals with other Civil Security members he is fighting alongside with, and societies general attitude towards the 'Lost Children'. Having worked alongside his partner Enju, he can see that the 'Lost Children' are more human, than alien. But for the majority, they see the 'Lost Children' as little more than the bugs who wiped out much of human civilization. Many of the 'Lost Children' are forced to live in underground communities, and even some of those lucky enough to used as an 'Initiator' for Civil Securities, some are viewed as little more than a tool. Apart from Rentaro's partner Enju, the most notable cursed Child/Initiator we are introduced to is Tina Sprout, a powerful Cursed Child being manipulated to carry out missions, she knows are morally wrong but feels she has no other choice but to do so.


Various other Promoter (Human)/Initiator (Cursed Child) partnerships are introduced along the way- some believe in the same morals as Rentaro, others want to stop the Gastrea invasion but their methods clash with Rentaro's and there is even a rogue partnership (the creepy masked man Kagetane Hiruko and his equally creepy cursed child daughter Kohina) who appear to care little for saving the world in it's current state, with the rogue pairs skewed beliefs and a series of horrifying incidents along the way testing Rentaro's belief in doing his best to try and save everyone.


As well as the 'Cursed Children' having powers, we also learn that some of the Promoters have special powers/enhancements themselves, including Rentaro. We learn that one of these people who had a hand in powering up Rentaro, was the eccentric female scientist Sumire Muruto, who was in charge of an initiative known as the 'New Human Creation' plan. However Sumire is not the usual shadowy figure in these kind of stories, and instead serves a role as a kind of mentor, albeit a rather oddball one to Rentaro.


Whilst many don't share Rentaro's belief that the 'Cursed Children' should be treated equally, he does at least have someone in high places that share his beliefs in the ruler of the Tokyo area, the naive wide eye idealist Seitenshi. However like Rentaro, she faces strong opposition to her viewpoints from other leaders and her own people. Amongst Seitenshi's bodyguards, is one who becomes severely jealous Rentaro being given special assignments/treatment by Seitenshi, and instead of giving assistance to Rentaro, becomes an irritating thorn in his side- who is willing to put everyone else in danger, just to stick it to the protagonist.


Amongst all the physical and moral battles, there is also the odd hint of romance, with Rentaro and his boss at Tendo Civil Security Kisara Tendo, have mutual feelings for one another- though they are never requited due to usually being interrupted by Enju. Kisara also has another rival for Rentaro's affections in the form of Miori Shiba, the student council president at Rentaro's schools, who also happens to be a rich weapons supplier.


Though Black Bullet is a dystopian post apocalyptic sci-fi series, it does make some room for some light relief. The light relief, includes Rentaro and Kisara's failed attempts to move things forward romantically (either being interrupted by Enju or Miori), Rentaro fighting off accusations that he's into lolis (because all the Cursed Children- who are loli girls end up flocking around him) and the oddball behavior of Rentaro's scientist mentor Sumire.


On a simplistic level Black Bullet is about, humans fighting off an alien invasion, but much of the drama is actually from the main characters moral beliefs being tested, in having to often work alongside people who clearly don't feel the same way.


Analysis: Originality is not exactly something you can throw out as one of Black Bullet's core strengths. The post apocalyptic dystopian sci-fi scenario is now a well trodden path, whilst the show also suffers unfavorable/perhaps even mildly unfair comparison to 2013's buzz anime 'Attack on Titan' which presented a similar scenario of the human race, saving near insurmountable odds to survive against an invasion of unstoppable invaders.


That's not to say that a story still can't be good, even it does throw out a bunch of well trodden tropes and cliches- at the end of the day it's all in the execution. Black Bullet tries but doesn't get there. Perhaps in all accuracy, it could be said that Black Bullet tries too hard within it's limiting 13 episode timeframe.


On one hand it want's to tell the story of the human's surviving the odds against the monsterous Gastrea, but it also desperately wants to add some complexity and though provoking intrigue to the proceedings, with part of human society (the Cursed Children) being treated as social pariahs,despite being humanity's best hope of defeating the Gastrea.


Some of the material, revolving around the mistreatment of the Cursed Children and Rentaro's steadfast belief in bettering their position is quite well done. Some of the key deaths, do a good job of highlighting the cursed children's wretched situation, and only the most stone hearted/cynical of viewers will not be moved.


The main problem though with this situation, is that the general human population, that Rentaro (and his allies) are trying to protect come across as heavily dumb and not worth saving, and that the nihilistic viewpoint of the masked man Kagetane, comes across as perfectly sane. Sure the 'Cursed Children' might well end up as one of the monsters, the humans are trying to fight off but when they are humanity's best hope of protecting the rest of the human race, you would expect the majority to cut them some slack, as what appears to be the minority. Perhaps if one of the 'Cursed Children' was shown going on some rampage, it would have addressed the balance a bit. The nearest we get to an 'evil' cursed child, is Kagetane's daughter Kohina, and even then she only really goes around picking fights with other 'Cursed Children'.


Black Bullet, does lack a great 'big bad' for the hero to defeat (unless you count the larger Gastrea) but it does provide enough antagonistic figures to present a challenge for Rentaro to overcome and helped get the viewers invested in the protagonists struggle, such as the aforementioned rogue Civil Securities promoter Kagetane, Civil Securities Promoters who want to do things differently to Rentaro and Seitenshi's jerk-ass head bodyguard.


Though the action is serviceable, Black Bullet is generally a more engaging show when it does delve more into the human drama. The main problem with the shows action set pieces in the battles against the Gastrea, is that it highlights the weakest element of the show's art and animation- the blatant CGI of the Gastrea. Another problem is the various battles, unfortunately fall into that cliched trap of people shouting out what move or fight style they are about to used- this always comes across as incredibly silly and only really works in ludicrously over the top shonen action series. You get some sense that Black Bullet want's to be taken fairly seriously (despite of it's lolicentric light relief) and cliched shonen cliches such as shouting out your next attack- 'TENDO FIGHT STYLE NUMER 375- BURNING SPHINCTER!!!' -don't exactly help in that regard (OK, so I made up the Burning Sphincter part, but I'm sure you get my complaint ).


As for the lolicentric light relief that the show throws out occasionally, it's not what you could call a shining strength of the show, but in all honestly (unless your seriously uncomfortable with it) it doesn't really take anything away from Black Bullet either and some form of light relief in these post apocalyptic scenario's, is always welcome to provide some balance to the story, no matter how lame it ends up being. In my honest opinion the loli 'fanservice' stays the right side of tasteful, as none of the 'Cursed Children' are seen in a state of undress and it's made clear that Rentaro's relationship with any of them is truly platonic and that any hormonal based feelings are saved purely for fully developed girls.



However despite all of it's obvious flaws, Black Bullet wasn't a show that I found a 'chore' to sit through- in all honesty it's fairly entertaining with an easily rootable protagonist and it's only really when you put your critical hat on, that you will notice Black Bullet's string of flaws.


Of course those flaws, could have been ironed out if the series was given two cours (approx 25 episodes), instead of just 13 episodes to play with. It wouldn't have guaranteed that the series would have been better (more chance of more padding/filler) but the story did feel rushed and unfocused at times.


The ending of the show puts in place seeds for a sequel (the light novels that the anime are adapted from are still on going) with one of Rentaro's closest allies showing signs of moving in a more darker direction. However despite leaving things open ended in some regards, the first (and perhaps only, if a sequel does not see the light of day) installment of Black Bullet does at least tie things up neatly enough for the chapter of the story that has been told.


Closing Verdict: Black Bullet is one of those show's that is enjoyable enough for what it has to offer, nothing more, nothing less. It's a relatively entertaining but also flawed sci-fi action series that won't go down as some great masterpiece, nor can it be regarded as a dreadful waste of time and resources.

Mildly Recommended


Is the Dub Any Good?: Thus far no English dub has been produced (as of June 2015) but Sentai Filmworks have acquired the U.S license, so it seems likely a dub will emerge at some point within the next couple of years.

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Loved the review for Black Bullet, i find it a really solid and good anime. It's both funny and heartbreaking. The relationship between Rentaro Satomi and Enju is really sweet and they make a nasty team. My fav is Tina Sprout. She's just adorable. :)


I'm waiting for the next season, i hope it's coming.

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Good review, i'll likely skip this show. Substandard Mecha shows are always skippable, maybe on a slow day i'll check out the first episode.


It'd be better to give the first 3 or 4 a shot instead of just the first one. The first episode doesn't really do the show justice. I'd give it a higher rating than a C-, but I'm also a massive mecha fan so I'm a little bias.

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i have just read the last lot of reviews and i have to say you are doing a fantastic job, i forgot all about Porco Rosso, i remember seeing it randomly on a movie channel with Metropolis


now i want to see it again


Thanks hellboy, really appreciate the fact that your are enjoying my reviews. :)


Loved the review for Black Bullet, i find it a really solid and good anime. It's both funny and heartbreaking. The relationship between Rentaro Satomi and Enju is really sweet and they make a nasty team. My fav is Tina Sprout. She's just adorable. :)


I'm waiting for the next season, i hope it's coming.


Must say out of the 'Cursed Children' I ended up being quite fond of Tina Sprout myself-her sleepy demeanor happened to be quite endearing.


It'd be better to give the first 3 or 4 a shot instead of just the first one. The first episode doesn't really do the show justice. I'd give it a higher rating than a C-, but I'm also a massive mecha fan so I'm a little bias.


I wouldn't say I'm a massive mecha fan, nor am I someone who dislikes the mecha genre...that being said one of my favourite shows of all time Code Geass can be classed as a mecha show.


I would say though that if you are going to give Captain Earth a shot, that it might be worth trying to stick it out to Episode 7- it's a nice place to decide if you want to continue watching or jump off, as the first story arc of the series concludes during that episode.

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Dog and Scissors






Genre: Comedy, Mystery


Studio: Gonzo Director: Yukio Takahashi Source: Light Novels by Shunsuke Sarai

Original Broadcast: July-September 2013 Episodes: 12


Synopsis: Obsessive bookworm Kazuhito Harumi was quietly reading a book in a cafe, when a crazed criminal suddenly pulls out a gun. The frenzied robber, demands that everyone gets up but a girl writing on the table next to Kazuhito, ignores the man's demand, just as the frustrated fugitive is about to pop a bullet in her head, Kazuhito suddenly gets the urge to protect her only to end up being shot and ultimately killed himself....


Determined to read the as yet unreleased work of his favourite author Shinobu Akiyama, Kazuhito finds himself reincarnated as a Dashsund Dog. Kazuhito as a dog, finds himself adopted by Kirihime Natsuno (the girl he end dying for at the cafe) who can somehow telepathically understand his thoughts. He soon comes to learn that Kirihime is a scissor wielding sadist, who takes pleasure in terrorizing her new pet, however Kazuhito also comes to find out that his new owner is in fact his favourite author Shinobu Akiyama- and thus begins the oddball relationship between a sadistic scissor wielding novelist and her book obsessed pet dog.


Recommended Viewing Age: Approx 15 and up- Dog and Scissors is a series that contains plenty of fetishist elements in it's depiction of it's characters, mostly the sadist/masochist relationship between Kirihime and Suzuna.


There's also some light fanservice, and some concepts that push the taste boundaries (dog abuse- though the actual abuse is never actually seen, Hami's suicidal thoughts and what could be depicted to be the suggestion of bestiality at one point). Therefore Dog and Scissors is definitely not a series that you can show younger viewers, but depending on maturity levels- teenagers should be able to handle this- as the potentially controversial themes here are more suggested than graphically depicted.


Action Level: Fairly Low- Dog and Scissors can't really be viewed as an action series, but it does feature some comedic action, much of which sends up the sort of cliched one on one showdowns you will find in a shonen action series- such as a battle between a girl wielding scissors and a girl wielding a mop that transforms into a bladed staff.


Moe/Kawaii Level: Medium- Kazuhito in his Dachsund dog form is admittedly quite cute, whilst Kirhime can be quite endearing when she gets all flustered when she shows her true feelings/softer side to Kazuhito.


Animation Quality/Art Style: From a general sense the character design style of Dog and Scissors is relatively generic, but many of the individual characters have quirks to make them stand out, such as Kirhime Natsuno's striking red eyes or the blissfully dopey expression of Natsuno's masochistic editor Suzuna Hiiragi. Kazuhito is also really expressive in his dog form, whilst his human form is amusingly shown as a faceless character.


The background art however fails to really standout, whilst the animation in general plays it relatively safe. Dog and Scissors is not bad from an art and animation perspective but it also cannot be seen as anything above average. People will note that this series is produced by Gonzo, a studio with a reputation for producing series with much more flashier and ambitious animation, but it should also be noted that this is from the 'reborn' Gonzo, an operation with more modest ambitions since they effectively went bankrupt and it shows in a series like this where the art and animation is modest and serviceable.


Music: The opening theme 'Wan Wan Wan' by Inu Musume Club (the Seiyuu for the major recurring character performing under a collective name) is the sort of hyperactive J-Pop you would expect for an eccentric comedy like this and the song both silly and catchy, is a perfect fit for the series, whilst Yu Serizawa (the seiyuu for Idol author Maxi) sings the series ending theme 'Lemonade Scandal', another slice of perky J-Pop.


Plot and Characters: The basic premise of Dog and Scissors, is that an obsessive bookworm called Kazuhito Harumi gets murdered, and is then reincarnated as a dog and adopted by his favourite author, who turns out to be a sadist. The story has no real overarching storyline, other than the bizarre relationship between Kazuhito and Kirihime Natsuno. The plot could be broken down into a series of mysteries, which include Kazuhito tracking down his killer or finding out the identity of someone that is stalking Kirihime, but these mini arcs don't end up leading to a bigger picture, other than be loosely connected to one another by the characters involved.


Dog and Scissors therefore is first and foremost a comedy built around the oddball personalities that inhabit the life of the main character- bookworm come put upon pet dog Kazuhito. The main source of his anguish, but sometimes delight is his scissor wielding sadistic tsundere of an owner Kirihime (who also happens to really be his favourite author- Shinobu Akiyama). Though Kirihime constantly gets the urge to punish Kazuhito (usually for him teasing her about her flat chest) she does sometimes show her softer side and appears to genuinely care for Kazuhito, whilst Kazuhito despite often being on the wrong end of a pair of scissors, is also aware of this and he finds out that Kirihime is a dependable owner, whenever he finds himself in trouble.


And compared to some of the other oddballs that Kazuhito and the audience get introduced to the scissor happy Kirihime is relatively sane. Amongst this motley crew of personalities is Maxi Akizuki (a rival author to Shinobu Akiyama, who is that is obsessed with constantly being in the spotlight), Kazuhito's sister Madoka (who has a bit of a big brother complex, and loves to make him curry- even though she's a terrible cook), Hami Osawa (an extremely insecure girl that is always apologizing to everyone) and Kirihime's editor Suzuna Hiiragi (an unhinged masochist, who takes great pleasure in being tortured/ridiculed by Kirihime)


Pretty much a pure comedy, Dog and Scissors finds itself built upon the bizarre personalities of it's characters and a series of running gags, such as Kazuhito commenting on Kirihime being flat chested, Suzuna's desperation to be tortured, Hami's constant apologizing or Maxi being whisked away by her horde of black suited/sunglasses wearing servants/security just as she is in the middle of challenging rival author Shinobu Akiyama due to her busy idol schedule.


Analysis: Dog and Scissors is a show with a bizarre premise (though not that bizarre given the current obsession for scissor wielding female protagonists in Japanese pop culture) and humour that can at times push the boundaries of taste- if you're even slightly prudish, then this series that features dog abuse and masochism amongst other things being played for laughs then you'll probably want to stay clear of this one.


To Dog and Scissors merit however, is the fact that series humour and situations pushed the boundaries, rather than overstep them into complete tastelessness, at least that's the case from my perspective, where other viewers taste boundaries lie is another matter. Also to Dog and Scissors credit the humour to be found here isn't entirely based around fetishes and it's send ups of the Shonen Fight genre are often creative and amusing.


More than the potentially divisive concepts to be found within Dog and Scissors comedic tapestry being a weak point, the series major weak point is in fact that some of the running gags do come a bit repetitive and tired by the end of the series (notably Kazuhito teasing Kirihime about her lack of size in the breast department).


This is also a show that 'trolls' it's audience with flippant regularity. Just when it looks like the plot might actually be leading somewhere or taking a more serious direction, it will always end up taking a (by the end of the series expectantly so) preposterous twist. Those expecting some kind of constantly developing plot out of Dog and Scissors will be left sorely disappointed, it's not that kind of a show.


However what manages to hold Dog and Scissors together is weirdly enough, despite their unconventional relationship is the growth of the two main characters. Kazuhito becomes more astute and observant as a Dog, than he probably ever was as a 'head buried in books' human, without ever portraying the fact that he's still an obsessive bookworm, whilst the hardened layers of the cold and sadistic Kirihime gradually peel away to show a girl that is a little fluffier on the inside but obviously feels that showing that side, shows a sign of weakness.


Though perhaps frustratingly the series unique premise does feel a little bit wasted, when you see glimpses beyond the absurd comedy it ended up. Kazuhito's love of reading and Kirihime's love of writing really comes through and provides the series with some heart and much needed moments of poignancy amongst all the craziness but those moments simply don't get time to make any real impact. Though on the other hand the fact that the show does manage to have some heart and purpose beyond all the craziness could be seen as something that ends up helping Dog and Scissors have a little more value, than perhaps it would have had without that.


At the end of the day though your enjoyment of Dog and Scissors will come down to whether on how much you enjoy the kind of brash boundary pushing comedy that makes up much of the shows content.


Closing Verdict: It's hard to truly say if Dog and Scissors is something with an original and interesting premise that ends up being wasted on a mindless, fetish obsessed comedy full of wack jobs or if it's an eccentric comedy with enough feeling put into the main characters and ends up being as good as it could have been.


Hard to say, but one thing I'm more sure on after watching Dog and Scissors, is that it is highly likely to be the kind of show that will stir up vigorous declarations of love or hate towards it's brash, boundary pushing brand of merriment.


Mildly Recommended


Is the Dub Any Good?: Sentai Filmworks have the license for this show, and added a dub at the beginning of the year, with Blake Shepherd cast as Kazuhito and Jessica Calvello as Kirihime. I can't actually comment on the dub however, as I watched the Japanese version on Crunchyroll and also at the time, the dub cast wasn't even announced.

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I really dug Dog and Scissors. It's crazy and fun. It's different and has a charm all it's own. I agree with the review, a C is right where it is. I'm hoping for a second season but not hopeful. I have watched it a time or three, it's one of the few anime that i like to go back to just because it's pretty cool.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I can assure everyone that School Days didn't kill my anime passion, and more reviews (including my one for School Days itself- which was the last of the requests I took last month) will be coming soon. Was just feeling a bit under the weather last week, so didn't really have the energy to do the reviews.
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