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I took a break from playing TEW and now I would like to start a new game with my created promotion at cult level. The promotion will be owned by J.K. Stallings Jr. I was wanting to add in some narratives that would slow the progress of TCW and NOTBPW. Right now I'm having some trouble thinking of narratives that would be realistic and could actually happen to one or both of these promotions. Anybody have any ideas?
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I personally have used Narratives to curtail NOTBPW. I used the economy crash one and I used the promotional financial crash one with the narrative that Dan Stone had gambling issues and was in debt as well as finding out that unnamed people in the company were embezzling funds. I'm currently in week 1 of June 2011 and they JUST hit national and have lost several big names. This has comboed into them being much more balanced to deal with. I play TCW so I can't speak to how to curtail them.
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Would prestige hits hurt them? I think prestige is taken into account for contract signings.


Yes, for me I tend to go for a 1-2-3 punch of econ crash,financial hit, and prestige crash(happens after the financial hit). It's an effective combo for me to temporarily stymie NOTBPW at the least and even the playing feild between them and CGC to a degree even though the economy crash can't help them either. Also of note is to be careful with the financial hit narrative, if you hit them too hard and put them too much into debt there's a chance they won't be able to get back out and close. That's not something I personally wanted, I just wanted to cut them off at the knees so to speak. For the econ and prestige crashes I tend to have it hit the hardest which is a 10 rating in the creator I believe.

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