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Ewing War: Fatal Four Way

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Sitting at the table that night, this wasn't going to get any better. All five of us (myself, my name is James, my sister Stephanie, younger brothers Chris and Lee, and our father Fred) continued to go back and forth on a certain topic we had brought up. What could that topic be? Let me let you into our conversation.


James: I just don't see what the big deal is.


Stephanie: Don't see the big deal? It's simple, you want complete and total control. That isn't fair.


Chris: Yeah, bro. I mean, you might have the best mind out of the five of us, but that doesn't make you our "leader".


Lee: I'm with Chris and Stephanie, James. Besides, why should you make our decision?


James: Why? Chris just admitted it. I have the best mind out of us. No offense to dad, but other than him, i'm probably the only one committed to this idea.


Stephanie: You are the ONLY one? Excuse me? What makes you think that, mister "I'm The Best In The World"?


Chris: Steph, no offense, but you aren't making things any better with those comments.


Stephanie: You siding with him, now? Is this how this is, the boys against me, because i'm the only girl?


James: This again? Stephanie, accept the fact that, for once in my life, i'm right and you aren't.


Fred: ENOUGH! All four of you are getting on my last nerve. When I saved up this $200,000 to start MY own wrestling company and bring you four along for the ride, that means I control it...not you four. Whatever I decide for the company is what the company will be.


James: Figures. Dad, you are just as bad as them. You won't listen to my, or even our, ideas for what the company should be. If you won't listen to our ideas, what makes us think you will even give any of us a chance on the inside?


Chris: ...damn, James is right, dad. He has a point. What makes us think you will even listen to what we have to say?


Stephanie: You'll bring us in and not even allow us to do what WE want to do. That isn't right.


Lee: Just hear dad out, guys. Maybe it's for the best for us.


James, Chris, Stephanie: Suck up!


Fred: Enough...all of you! Is that how all of you feel? Hmmm, is it? Now, if that is the case, why not I suggest something? Lee, I know you'll follow me, no matter what, but the rest of you...what would YOUR company be? I know none of you respect the "Old School" style of the late '80s.


Stephanie: Of course I don't, dad. I'm a girl...meaning I would want a company full of women.


Chris: I want apart of that...


Stephanie: ...perv. Anyways, "Women's Wrestling", like AAA or 5 Star. That's my ideal company.


Chris: I'm a man...that's why I react like that, Steph. Geez. Anyways..."Attitude Entertainment" is where it's at. Kinda a mix between the SWF and DaVE. Yeah, the perfect mix.


James: Really? Old School? Women's Wrestling? Attitude Entertainment? No way on my end. "Pure Wrestling", like TCW and NOTBPW. That's the BEST company, bar none.


Fred: Ok, ok. Here's the plan. How about I SPLIT the $200,000 to $50,000 each and all four of us run our own companies?


James: ...wha...what? Really? You'd do that...for us?


Fred: Of course. I mean, you ARE my children. Only rule for this, though.


Chris: Name it, pops. Anything you say, we'll follow.


Fred: If this goes through, no wars...period. I don't want this family falling apart because of this. I want us to work our own companies, but not attempt to destroy each other. If you three agree to that, we'll do this.


Stephanie: "Pretty United States Athletes" is on board, dad.


Chris: "Full Throttle Wrestling", for the win. You guys get it? Huh? Do ya?


James: ...idiot. "World Championship Wrestling" is a go.


Fred: "Grey Dog Pro Wrestling" is in, too. Ok, my children...let's begin.


**NOTE** Quick little note...this will be a 4 Player game, with me (of course) controlling all four companies. I WILL remain realistic for this. Been wanting to do a diary like this for awhile. Hope you guys like the concept and i'll post the basic info of the four companies tomorrow.

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