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WCW 1993---Where The Big Boys Play

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In 1992, Bill Watts was given the reigns of WCW, in a move that yielded great results creatively and athletically, but was a total disaster financially. Ron Simmons was given a run at the top in order to promote a "black friendly" image for the company, but the house shows he headlined barely drew 1,000 people on a good night. The signing of Jake "The Snake" Roberts provided a much needed boost in revenue for a short period, but his personal problems sent him crashing out of wrestling.However, the seeds of thought had been planted in the Turner hierarchy, and that's always a dangerous thing with them,And so, in the summer of 1993, Bill Watts was fired and a new era of WCW would begin.In June of 1993, the firing of Bill Watts sent shockwaves through the Turner organization, and sent everyone into frantic pangs of butt-kissing in order to be the Chosen One who would be given the task of running the company.The first order of business was to clean up the messy threads remaining from Bill Watts' tenure as Executive VP.The man WCW picked to pick up the broken pieces was a young freshed face guy by the name of Eric Bischoff. Could Bishoff fix what has already been broken?Or would the walls of WCW come crumbling down on him? Only time will tell.


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World Championship Wrestling Presents

::WCW Saturday Night Tv Taping::

::Ga.Mountain Center,Gainsville,Ga.::

::announce Team-Jim Ross and Jesse Ventura::





Main Event United States Title Match

Barry Windham© vs Ron Simmons



"The Brittish Bulldog" Davey Boy Smith vs "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair



"Mr. Wonderful"Paul Orndorff vs The Z Man


WCW Worlds Tv Title Match

Johnny B Badd© vs Bobby Eaton


Brian Pillman & The Patriot & Marcus Alexander Bagwell vs"The Freebirds" Micheal P.S Hayes & Jimmy Garvin and Bad Street



all comments and predictions welcomed

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