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Impact Xtreme Wresting....1997

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{The camera shows a nice looking office building. Wel decorated, people buzzing around working on things. In the center of the office is a man. Standing beside this man are two people dressed nicely. The group of people stops, observing closely


Man #1: So, Mr. Keller, you came here today to be awarded your winnings. We have here for you a check. This check is for Ten Million dollars. We wanted to thank you for playing in the Powerball. Now, we would be pleased if you would take questions from the crowd.


Mr. Keller shrugs, looking to the crowd. He sees a beautiful young woman standing in the crowd with a notepad. "A reporter, obviously" he thinks to himself...lets see what she has to say.


Woman: Well, I'm sure everyone else is wondering what exactly you are planning to do with the ten million dollars?


Mr. Keller: Of course. Well, there isone thing that I have always wanted to do. So, I am going to take advantage of this opportunity to announce that I am founding a professional wrestling company. This company will be like no other. This company will compete. We will compete from day one! Impact Xtreme Wrestling...will arrive soon!

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Negotiations Break Down!


Breaking News from the IXW Hotline!


The main girl JoJo has heard rumors that recent negotiations between IXW and Sid Vicious have come to a stand still as Mr. Vicious feels the company wasn't offering him enough money. She has also heard that the owner, Mr. Keller, is unsure weather or not they will be able to come to an agreement since they seem to be so far apart. In related news, the negotiations between IXW and Ultimate Warrior have stalled as well. The feeling is that this deal will be met in the next day or two!


Miss JoJo has also learned that the following talents have agreed to deals with IXW:


Adam Copeland Upper Midcard

Bob Orton Jr. Main Event

Chavo Guerrero Jr. Main Event

Christian Cage Lower Midcard

Chris Daniels Upper Midcard

Don Muraco Road Agent

Erin O'Grady Midcarder

Flash Flanagan Upper

Hayabusa Upper

Jack Doan Ref

Jinsei Shinzaki Main Eventer

Mike Tyson Backstage

Robert Fuller Colour Commentator

Tracy Smothers Main Eventer



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So, I'm not really sure what is going on. I never requested nor held negotiations with Mike Tyson...He just kinda showed up...anyone know what happened? Also I would have put the face/heel status of everyone...however they are ALL heel...well one face...so there are going to be some changes...plus I have several more signings in the work...Anyway hope you are enjoying this so far.
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Welcome again to another episode of "The Real Deal" The RD has recently learned that Beaulah Mcgilicutty, Bob Caudle, and "GentleMen" Chris Adams have all signed deals with the company. The deals with Kurt Angle and Jake Roberts both fell through, with both men joining WWC.


The following is from an interview with Mr. Keller


Mr. Keller: Well, as all of you know I have been making a great deal of effort to bring IXW into competition with the rest of the feds in the US. Well, I will have a MAJOR announcement at IXW's First show...Christmas Meltdown!


The preliminary card for the show will include the following:

Hayabusa VS Sid VS Chris Adams VS Chavo Guerrero VS Jinsei Sazaki VS Tracy Smothers for the IXW Heavyweight championship

Christopher Daniels VS Erin O'Grady Vs Christian IXW Internet Championship!

Plus Much, Much More!

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IXW Presents: Christmas Meltdown!


Bob Caudle: Welcome to IXW Christmas Meltdown from Knights of Columbus Hall in beautiful Downtown Indianapolis, Indiana!


Robert Fuller: Thats Right Bob, you say beautiful and I say DUMP!


Bob: Take it is Fuller! Forget it, lets just get right down to the action!


IXW Internet Championship

Triple Threat Match

Christopher Daniels VS Christian Cage VS Erin O'Grady


The match started off with Christian Cage and Erin O'grady jumping onto Christopher Daniels.


Bob: I can't believe this, what kind of chance does Daniels stand here if they are taking him out before he can do anything?


RF: Well, you moron, if Daniels can't take a little bit of punishment he doesn't deserve the championship.


Daniels is able to roll out of the ring for a brief moment while Erin and Christian start pounding the hell out of each other. Christian gains the momentum with a swinging kneckbreaker. He begins stomping away at Erin as Daniels is able to slide back in and attack him from behind. The double team starts again as Christian takes out an illegal object. He swings for Daniels who was able to avoid it. O'Grady is down! Daniels nails Christian over the top to the floor. There it is 1.....2.......3..!


BC: Holy Smokes! I can't imagine! Daniels has done it! Daniels is the first ever IXW Internet champion!


RF: Shut up Bob! I am so mad at Christian for screwing this up! I knew this was gonna happen!

BC: What do you mean? What's going on!?

RF: You will see you moron!

Daniels celebrates his win by climbing the turnbuckles and holding his championship in the air!

The celebration is interupted when Mr. Keller comes from the back and states that next week Christopher Daniels will face Chrstian Cage. He also announces that Jinsei Sazaki will no longer be working for the company as he decided to no-show tonights event!


Main Event 6 way match for the IXW Heavyweight Championship

BC: I'm so excited for this match! The IXW Heavyweight championship match is underway!

RF: I am pulling for that crazy S.O.B. Sid to pull this victory out!

BC: I have to go with the newcomer to the match Adam Copeland. Bright young guy![/i]

The match is underway as Adam and Flash Flanagan take it to the outside and start brawling. Inside the ring Sid is squaring off with Tracy Smothers. Tracy uses his skills to quickly dispose of sid to the floor. From behind Tracy comes Chris Adams. Chris uses an abdominale strech to wear Tracy out. Tracy manages to reverse and hit Adams with a hip toss, quickly followed by a legdrop. Smothers covers for the elimination! Tracy exits the ring to get involved in the fight with Adam and Flash. In the ring Sid gives Chavo a chokeslam. Sid covers him with an arrogant foot and gets the three count. Adam gives Flash a spear through the steel baricade. Paramedics come to ringside and help the two to the back.


RF: So far my prediction is coming true! glad to see that punk Flash taken out of here on a stretcher!

BC: Well, I hope everything is alright with them. Tracy Smothers isn't out of this one either.

Sid signals for the powerbomb after a back and forth match. He sets him up, out of nowhere Adam Copeland is able to nail a top rope dropkick. Tracy Smothers follows him over for the pin and Sid is eliminated! Tracy stands and gets a spear for his effort. Suddenly Robert Fuller is up from the announce table and slides a chair into the ring while Sid distracts the ref. Tracy stands while Adam is distracted. CHAIRSHOT! 1....2.......3 The show ends with Sid, Tracy, and Robert fuller raising each others arms as they stand over Adam Copeland!


Overall rating: D the fans were NOT pleased with the angle segments. This show helped our popularity! sorry for the messed up main event, but Hayabusa was not available as was Jensei Sazaki...who is no longer with the company! Hope the results were ok. I do beileve they will be short results from now on...Thanks for your interest so far. also the attendance was....a massive, staggering, jaw dropping.....70 fans. YAY!

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New Years Pretenders Preview

The IXW would like to announce that the following matches are scheduled to take place at our next event:

Christian Cage VS Daniels (IXW Internet Championship)

Erin O'Grady VS Mystery Opponent

Tracy Smothers VS Adam Copeland (IXW World Heavyweight Championship)

Plus, Mr. Keller is going to be in attendance for a MAJOR announcement!

Plus MORE!

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New Years Pretenders event!

Live from the Austin High School Gymnasium in Austin, IN

Attendance: 78!


Christopher Daniels VS Christian Cage

The match was back and forth and saw some decent action Christopher Daniels pulled out the win over Christian Cage. Winner and STILL IXW Internet Champion: Christopher Daniels


Erin O'Grady came to the ring for his match against a mystery opponent. The debuting Doug Williams snuck in through the crowd. However the match ended when the referee was distracted and for reasons unknown Sid Vicious delivered a Powerbomb to Doug Williams


Chris Adams and Dave Taylor defeated Lance Diamond and Fit Finlay. The match seemed as somewhat of a let down as Chris Adams and Dave taylor were both off of their game tonight.


The next contest was Sid Vs Roddy Piper. Piper was about to apply his sleeper hold when Robert Fuller distracted the referee allowing Sid to use brass knuckles to lay Piper Out. Sid then Chokeslamed Piper for the pinfall.


Tracy Smothers was up next versus Adam Copeland. Adam put on one of the best matches of his young career. However, there were several interferences in this one. The match saw Robert Fuller, Erin O'Grady, Christian Cage, and Sid interfere at different points. The end came while the original referee was down. Adam Copleand had him ready for the impaler DDT when Sid gave Adam a boot to the face allowing Smothers to pin him for the win.


After the match the men continued the beatdown for a few moments when none other than the ULTIMATE WARRIOR ran to the ring for the save. The show ended with Warrior standing over the fallen Adam, protecting him from this new powerful group!

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IXW 1-800 Hotline news and reports!


The biggest news out of the hotline is that Mr. Keller has made a MAJOR announcement regarding the fact that IXW will now be holding a show EVERY Wednesday!


The other piece of news was the fact that Robert Fuller is now leading his group of men and told everyone to refer to them as "The Good Ol' Boys"


A Preview for the FIRST ever IXW Show called IXW FreeFall:


Tracy Smothers© VS Ultimate Warrior for the IXW Heavyweight Title

Christopher Daniels© VS Sid for the IXW Internet Title

Lance Diamond and Finlay VS Tajiri and Dave Taylor

Chavo Jr. VS "Gentleman" Chris Adams

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IXW Presents: FreeFall!

Live from Redman's Club

Attendance: 59


BC: Welcome to IXW FreeFall everyone! We have a great show in store for you tonight. I can't wait for the main event.

RF: Neither can I Bob. My Good Ol' Boys will be retaining the title over that no good, rope shaking, crazy haired Warrior. We have something coming for that Adam Copeland as well.

BC: Why? What did this young man do to you? Hmm? I can't wait to see someone put you in your place!

RF: Just call the match you moron!


Lance Diamond and Fit Finlay VS Dave Taylor and Tajiri

Dave Taylor started in the ring against Lance Diamond. Lance hit a big kick to the face of Dave Taylor. Taylor dropped to his knees. Lance quickly delivered a drop-kick to the face of Taylor. Lance plays to the fans for a few moments allowing Taylor to recover. Taylor is able to hit a small package as Lance tried to pick him up.


BC: Wow, Kick out at two!


Lance is able to make the hot tag as Taylor tags Tajiri in as well! The Tajiri nails a spring-board back elbow to Finlay. Finlay is down as Tajiri continues to lead the match. Tajiri goes to run off the ropes but is met with a big kick to the back of the head. He is down as Finlay picks him up for the Irish Driver. Lance is fighting with Dave Taylor at the side. Finlay covers himfor the three count!


WINNERS: Lance Diamond and Fit Finlay!


Sid is seen walking towards the ring for his match, Up NEXT!


Sid blindsides Christopher Daniels as he was making his way to the ring. Sid started pounding away at Christopher Daniels before taking him to the announcers table. Sid gives Daniels a Chokeslam onto the concrete floor. Sid raises a finger to the sky signaling for the powerbomb. Sid stands Daniels up...and Delivers the Vicious Powerbomb to Daniels through the announce table. Sid then walks to the back....


BC: What the heck!? What is that to prove Fuller? He gave up a chance at our Championship match!

RF: We have our sights set on a bigger scale...At IXW BattleFest you will see what we are talking about. We are gonna dominate this place!

BC: That was totally uncalled for! there is NO reason for this! I understand there is something going on backstage!


The bigscreen for the event shows Sid, Erin O'Grady, Christian Cage and Tracy Smothers beating down Adam Copeland backstage. Sid picks him up and delivers a Vicious Bomb to Adam on the buffett table!


BC: You guys are OUT of control! What was that for?

RF: TO show you MORONS that WE are in charge!

BC: I can't wait for someone to stop you all!


IXW Championship Match

Tracy Smothers VS Ultimate Warrior

Tracy Smothers was a little overwelmed by Warrior for the beggining of the match Warrior hit the big splash as the referee was making the count when Chrisian Cage pulled the referee out. While the two argue Sid gives Warrior a chokeslam! Christian throws the referee back into the ring who quickly makes the three count!

WINNER AND STILL IXW Champion: Tracy Smothers


BC: I can't believe you guys! The lot of you are out of control!

RF: No, BOB, We are IN control!


The event ends with the Good Ol' Boys beating Warrior down. Each man in turn delivering his finisher to warrior. The fans begin waiting for someone to come to the save, but it doesn't happen!

Overall rating: C- Show helped our popularity! Unfortunatley we had a drop in attendance for this show..

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From the IXW Hotline:

Lance Diamond and Fit Finlay have decided to go with the name "Irish Diamond"


Ultimate Warrior is very angry about what happened to him. Plans are in the works for him to take his vengeances


IXW FreeFall preview:

Will the evil Good Ol' Boys finally get what is coming to them? Several reports show that their are several IXW Superstars that have had enough of the Good Ol' Boys. We will also see the following matches:

Christopher Daniels© Vs Erin O'Grady

Has Christopher Daniels been able to recover from the beating he took last week?

Dave Taylor VS Lance Diamond

Dave Taylor has had a different partner two shows in a row. This time he is taking solo action against Lance Diamond will he gain the upper hand over Diamond?

Hayabusa Vs Sid

Hayabusa makes his awaited Debut taking on the out of control Sid!

Tracy Smothers Vs Adam Copeland

Plus a worker has decided that he has had ENOUGH of the Good Ol' Boys!

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IXW FreeFall

Live from the Rave in WI

Attendance 54


Erin O'Grady Defeated Christopher Daniels

Lance Diamond Defeated Dave Taylor

Sid defeated Hayabusa

Tracy Smothers defeated Adam Copeland


***Sorry I accidently forgot to write down my results so I lost all of the other segments from the show. I am real sorry about that. I am going to make it up to you all soon!

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The scene shows Mr. Keller's office. He is sitting, looking through some papers. He sets the papers to the side before speaking.


Mr. Keller: So, as I have not been present at very many of the shows, I have noticed that some things have gotten out of hand. This group known as "The Good Ol' Boys" has been running things however they see fit. Well, everyone of them need to understand that I, MR. KELLER, am the owner of IXW. With that being said. I am booking the following matches for IXW No Return:


World Heavyweight Championship

Tracy Smothers© VS Adam Copeland in a STEEL CAGE MATCH

Irish Diamond VS Dave Taylor and a mystery opponent for the NEW IXW Tag Titles.

SID VS Hayabusa and Daniels

Flash Flanagan VS Mystery Opponent


Mr. Keller: Oh, I almost forgot, if ANYONE from "The Good Ol' Boys interferes in the cage match...I am stripping Tracy Smothers of the championship and we will hold a tournament for the title![/b]

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IXW No Return!


BC: Welcome to IXW No Return. Tonight our card is gonna be great! Mr. Keller has finally stepped in and is making sure things go the way they are supposed to!


RF: He had no damn right to stick his nose into our business. I am gonna take care of him soon enough. But Tonight when Tracy Smothers defeats Adam...AGAIN...Adam doesn't get another chance. It's over for Adam.


BC: I don't think you make that decision, Mr. Fuller.


RF: Just call the action you no brained moron!


Flash Flanagan is backstage where he decides he is gonna tease Christopher Daniels...



FF: So, Chris, you seem to be having trouble as of late. Sid destroyed you. You picked a fight with me your not gonna win. When it comes down to it, the fans, you, and MR. Keller KNOW that I deserve that championship thats around your waist.... I'm gonna take that title from you. Not tonight, but soon!


Flash Flanagan VS Rey Bucanero

Flash was in control of this match from the start. Flash quickly finished Rey off.

Winner: Flash Flanagan


Flash flanagan grabs a microphone and once again pokes fun at Christopher's losing streak.


the camera shows Christian Cage starting a fight with Adam Copeland. He is about to throw him through a glass window when Sid appears out of no-where kicking Christian in the face with a big boot. The big boot sends Chrsitian flying through the glass window. Sid stares into the camera for a few moments breathing deeply...


Sid: No ONE in the IXW is gonna stop me. I am NOT gonna face anyone in ANY matches tonight. You see...I am done with "the Good Ol' boys" I am tired of them treating me like a lap dog...I'm The RULER OF THE WORLD


Irish Diamond Vs Erin O'Grady and Dave Taylor

IXW Tag Team Titles

Lance and Dave start off going back and forth until Lance nails a massive DDT on Dave. Erin steps down off the apron when Dave goes for the tag. Fit Finlay tags in to deliver the Tombstone and cover him for the quick three count

WINNERS and NEW IXW Tag Team Champions: Irish Diamond


IXW World Heavyweight Championship

Tracy Smothers VS Adam Copeland

The cage lowers around the two men as Tracy quickly takes advantage of the young Adam showing a weakness. Adam had turned to look at the cage. Tracy continues his advantage smashing Adam into the cage a few times before Robert Fuller throws sand into Adam's eyes. Tracy Smothers hit his finisher for the 1.....2.........3!

Winner and STILL IXW Champion: Tracy Smothers


As Smothers is celebrating Sid comes from the crowd and hits him with a chair. Sid holds one finger to the sky and picks Tracy up. Sid is going for the Powerbomb when Christian comes into the ring, only to recieve a boot to the face. Erin jumps from the top rope, but NO is caught by Sid for a chokeslam. Sid finally picks Tracy up only to Powerbomb him onto the chair laying in the ring. Sid puts one foot on Smother's chest and claps his hand together three times.!!!! The scene ends with Sid holding the IXW Championship in the air!

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