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BLITZed to Hell - A 12 year rise...

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===An Unexpected Call===


2023... I was just coming off of my final in ring appearance before settling into my management role backstage. It had been a long journey to this point, with many ups, and <a class="inlineAdmedialink" href="#">very</a> few downs. I had broken into the industry at a very late stage, 29 years old to be exact, and now, at 41 years old, it was the right time to realise I had lived a dream for 12 years and like everything in life, it was time for a new chapter to begin... but I realise you haven't even read the first chapter so let me take you back...


May 2011... Somewhere in the UK a telephone rings. "Hello, Ritchie residence." A voice on the other end begins to speak; "Oh yes is this Mr. Ritchie? We are calling from..."


"Look whatever it is your selling, I'm not interested. I've got a phone, I've got double glazing and I've got...."


"Oh no, I'm sorry we're not calling to sell you anything. We received your application to spearhead a new project in the United States and were wondering if we could discuss your vision and maybe come to an arrangement with regards to the opportunity you are seeking."


"Wait... really?" I guess I need to backtrack a bit here. You see I had filled in an application the month before to set up a local promotion in the United Kingdom. I mean I had seen the British <a class="inlineAdmedialink" href="#">wrestling</a> scene was in the toilet and was all set to put my money into opening a company on home soil... but clearly I had misread the online advertisement! Could I really make a name for myself in a country that was spilling over with local promotions?


"Hello? Mr. Ritchie? Are you still there?"


"Er... yes. Sorry. did you say United States? I thought I was applying to <a class="inlineAdmedialink" href="#">work</a> in the United Kingdom."


"Oh. Well we're funding a small local promotion over here in America and are in need of someone who has some new ideas. Your application stood out from the rest due to the passion you showed for wrestling. We're willing to put the money in, but we will need to establish a firm fanbase and that means starting from the ground up. We will give you a generous start up balance of $275,000 in order to get the promotion off the ground from point 0-0-0-0 and build from there. Funding is no issue, however we do ask that you keep us informed with the progress and obviously any profit will go to our parent company. We can offer you a starting wage of $450 a month, plus living allowance to get an <a class="inlineAdmedialink" href="#">apartment</a>. We understand this might seem a little low for the task we are asking you to undertake, however keep in mind we're taking a chance on you and if after the first year we see a rise in ticket and merchandise <a class="inlineAdmedialink" href="#">sales</a>, we will up your wage accordingly. This will be the way your wage is calculated (If ticket sales are up 10% by the end of the year, your wage will go up by 10% and so forth). so what do you say?"


Well they were offering me a pitance compared to what i was earning in England, however they were also offereing me a chance to live my dream rather than a mundane 9 to 5 <a class="inlineAdmedialink" href="#">job</a>.


"Well that wage is a lot less than I am earning, however I hate this job so consider me on the next plane to your offices!"



===Welcome to BLITZ===


I arrived in New York at 6am a week later. Tired after the near 8 hour flight I stumbled into the baggage claim and noticed a rather weasley looking guy holding a sign up with my name.


"Mr Ritchie? I am Ernest and I am here on behalf of the BLITZ corporation. Would you like me to take your bag?"


"Ummm... no you can keep your hands away from my bag thanks all the same." I did not like the look of this guy... definately someone you wouldn't leave your kids with.


I'd never been in a limo before... and today was no different as Ernests car was a beaten up old Prius. I shoved my bag in the back (I travel light... and had to sell most of my stuff ot raise money for the ticket) and sat in the passenger seat. There were wrappers everywhere.


"Excuse the mess. It's the maids day off. ARHARHARHAR"


I looked at Ernest with a nervous smile as we pulled away, my eyes widened and I began looking out of the window with Ernest jibbering away about New York. We arrived at an office complex where Ernest showed me up to the BLITZ offices... elevator broken... 12 flights of stairs. Great. It was at this point I was starting to wonder what I had gotten myself into and whether or not this was all some elaborate hoax. I entered the reception area of what I would soon call "the witches lair" due to the fact that, Pauline who was the receptionist was a sour faced old cow with a crooked nose.


"Name and nature of business?" Pauline barked at me.


"Er. Ritchie and I'm here for a meeting with Mr Rhey."


"Sit down and I'll show you in when he's ready." I took that to mean she was too busy to get off her fat ass at this point in time so took a seat and waited... and waited... and waited... an hour that surley old hag kept me hanging around for before looking up and telling me to go in. I could have swung for her!


"Ah Marty, may I call you Marty? Sit down. sit down." Don't you just hate it when someone calls you by your first name and THEN asks if it's ok?


I'm not going to bore you with the details of this meeting because my motto, meetings only get in the way of progress. Needless to say deal done, I was now Head Booker of my very own promotion (well backed by the BLITZ Corporation) and also I wasn't keen on the name... BLITZ Wrestling Federation (or BLITZ for short) but those little niggles aside, I was ready and so I began reaching out to people I thought would benefit the company and gain some exposure. I wasn't limiting my search to just America though...


===So What's Next?===


A few weeks had passed and finally we had managed to get a few workers in for initial one time deals, except for 1 guy who was so impressed decided he would like to work for us any time he didn't have another commitment. we shook on the deal, as it was we couldn't guarantee him a payday every month, and likewise he couldn't guarantee he would be available for every show.


I called a creative meeting with my bookers and we came up with an event based on the talent we had persuaded to appear. Mike Tibbs, who was a longtime friend had found an old title belt for sale online, and with some modifications it would become our first Heavyweight title (but not our last design). We were ready to get the ball rolling, and with the line-up set (subject to change) all we needed to do no was come up with a name for our inaugural event... and this would be the first ever... All or Nothing, scheduled for October of 2011.


[OOC: for those following my WWF 1994 diary, I will still be doing that as well (however you will probably have to wait another week before I post the next Raw), but this is a diary I have had planned for months. I have already played through the 12 years needed.]

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Ace Steel

Amazing red



Caylen Croft

El Mesias

Extreme Tiger


Jack Evans

Jody Fleisch

John Elliott

Jonny Storm

White Venom





Defeated Averno at All or Nothing 2011 to become the first BLITZ Heavyweight Champion.

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Week 3, October 2011


MT: Welcome Ladies and gentlemen to this DVD presentation of our first ever show! We are coming live from New York City and we thank you for purchasing the DVD. My name is Mike Tibbs and I will be the man calling the action here tonight. Let me run down the card with you!


We will see The Amazing Red in action against former WWE development talent, John Elliott in our opening bout. A newcomer to the scene, White Venom will be taking on my good friend, and veteran of the Independant scene, Ace Steel. Remember Steel is one of the men who trained CM Punk and Colt Cabana so this will not be an easy match for the mysterious White Venom. In our 3rd match of the night we will see Caylen Cage take on Hornet. Two hungry young stars looking to make names for themselves. In the 4th match of the night it will be an international affair as the UK's Jody Fleisch and Jonny Storm take on the AAA duo of Extreme Tiger and Jack Evans in what promises to be a high impact match. And our main event of the evenin will pit El Mesias against Averno to crown the first ever BLITZ Heavyweight Champion!



Amazing Red vs. John Elliott


The crowd are firmly behind Red in this match to the anger of John Elliott.

Red flies all over the ring, whilst Elliott opts for a more grounded approach.


Winner: Amazing Red (via Pinfall)





MT: That was an amazing match and I for one would love to see these 2 back in BLITZ again! Elliott showed potential, and I really like his arrogant approach to things. He reminded me of myself and there's nothing wrong with that! Wait a minute, who is this coming to the ring? This isn't a soap opera son get the hell to the back!




Mr. Grey: For those of you who don't know me, my name is Mr. Grey and I am the General Manager of BLITZ. For those who don't know what that means, I'll put it simply as, I tell you what you want to watch, and you watch it! Some of you in the audience look like you've come to see a Sports Entertainment, trash talking, diva stripping promotion. It will be you people security escorts from the premises because this is BLITZ and we do our talking in the ring! So without anymore delay, Mikey... MC this match!





White Venom vs. Ace Steel


It took Venom a while to come out which frustrated Ace Steel. When the mysterious masked man finally did appear, the crowd din't know how to take him. So he stuck his middle finger up at them, which got the boo's he (I) wanted!

Ace Steel grounded White Venom. Both men showed some good technical ability.


Winner: Ace Steel (via Pinfall)





MT: I think the referee needs to be investigated for corruption! White Venoms foot was clearly under the ropes. Guess he'll be heading to the opticians soon - no doubt paid for by the corporate suits in the BLITZ offices. Whilst we're on the subject of corporate, I'd just like to say what a fine job you've done, and I hope you'll get back to me soon with regards to a closer parking space.





Caylen Cage vs. Hornet


2 Hungry young wrestlers looking for their big break put on a very good, solid match. Caylen Cage is of course former WWE development wrestler Chris Cage/Caylen Croft.

Hornet showed some good "spots", however it was the ground work of Cage that really stood out, as well as his arrogant mannerisms.


Winner: Caylen Croft (Pinfall)





MT: I like this Caylen Croft! A deserved win - and what a devastating Superkick! I thought Hornets head was going to land in my lap here at ringside! Now what's this? Who is interupting me now?




Jonny Storm: We heard there was a promotion opening up in the good old United States and just had to fly over to see what all the fuss was about. What a disappointment. What is there here? 2 fans and a 3 legged dog? I fear Jody, we may have turned up at the worng place! How dare this flea bitten "promotion" ask us to appear with their lies about going places? We're out of...


Jack Evans: Did I hear you right there? You think this promotion is destined for the gutter? Well we think once word egts out, we're going to see a rise in this promotions fortunes... but first, me and Extreme Tiger are going to kick your asses back to the UK!





Jack Evans & Extreme Tiger vs. Jonny Storm & Jody Fleisch


One of AAA's top tag teams against 2 of the UK's finest juniorweights.

Exactly as was expected, this match was full of high flying, hard hitting moves (including a missed attempt by Jody Fleisch for his Pheonix 720 DDT finishing move).


Winners: Jack Evans & Extreme Tiger (Pinfall)





MT: Well I'm tired just from watching that match! What a great match, but I tell you what Storm, if you and Fleisch don't want to be here... there's a pretty big exit sign above one of the doors I suggest you use! And now it's time for the Main Event! This match is to crown the first ever BLITZ Heavyweight Champion! But here's a word from our sponsor... they told me I had to do this bit.




MAIN EVENT - BLITZ Heavyweight Title Match

El Mesias vs. Averno


El Mesias came out with some scary music... first time we'd heard any original music tonight! Averno came out to an explosion of cheers from the... er... tiny crowd.

A pretty good match pitting strength against speed. One notable spot was El Mesias spitting what appeard to be blood into the eyes of Averno, blinding him temporarily.


Winner: El Mesias - FIRST BLITZ Heavyweight Champion






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===First Show - Board Reaction===


So with our first show out of the way, I was summoned to the head offices. The meeting was arranged for tomorrow afternoon. To be honest I was a bit pissed off none of "corporate" had turned up to see the event. It was after all their money I was using... and using it freely with the price some of these guys had cost to appear! I was pleased with how the first show went, I mean a great show for our size. We just needed a bigger crowd, and to get word out would mean spending a few dollars more...


I arrived at the HQ with my head held high, and a sense of pride in what we had accomplished with our first show. We had a champion and now it was time to see how those men in the suits had rated things.


"Well Mr. Ritchie... or should we refer to you as White Venom these days? Haha. I must admit that the books don't look good. I mean you lost us money - however the fans left seemingly happy with the product."


"It will take time. I'm not going to lie, the first couple of years will be tough to make a significant profit, but long term I believe we can gain back your investment and double the capital you have put in." I wasn't going to lie, there was no way on the budget I had that we were getting anywhere in months.


"YEARS?! We were thinking maybe a few months before we saw some return on our investment! Now you mean to tell us it could be years before we see any sort of return?"


"Well if you want a quick turn around in this business you are going to have to spend millions. I'm not going to butter it up for you. The likes of Vince McMahon, Ted Turner etc sunk millions into advertising and promotion alone."


After some more back and forth (and a bit of B.S. on my part) it was decided that the promotion would continue to operate. I informed the board that for the foreseeable future we would lose a few thousand - unless they upped the wages I could offer people. They however felt at this stage, the budgets would have to suffice until the promotion was at least known in a few other areas.


I arrived in Creative and alongside Mikey T we began planning for our next event, which we decided to call... Bonded by Blood.

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