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[jhdverse] Paragons of Wrestling: Bring Me The Head of Kay Fabe

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Bollywood Knights (Amaan Singh & Ranjin Vidur) vs. Team WANG (Richard Ryder & John Thomas) w/ Jenna Talia


El Popcorn vs. W.M.D.

El Popcorn's going to get popped!


Discotheque (Donny Chic & KC Summer) vs. DISCO Fox & P.L.A.Y.A. 2


The Seekers (Charles Vine & Ebi Kadivar) vs. Dreamscape (Frightening & Scaremare)



Richie Santana Jr vs. Christian Prophet ©


Shay Kinsella vs. Iago De Brun





Slo-Mo Dojo (El Scorcho & Sky Panther) vs. Team DRAGON (RIKU & Super TIGER)

Even though I want want Team Dragon to win this would be show 3 for them :(

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Prediction Key:

Bollywood Knights (Amaan Singh & Ranjin Vidur) vs. Team WANG (Richard Ryder & John Thomas) w/ Jenna Talia


El Popcorn vs. W.M.D.


Discotheque (Donny Chic & KC Summer) vs. DISCO Fox & P.L.A.Y.A. 2


The Seekers (Charles Vine & Ebi Kadivar) vs. Dreamscape (Frightening & Scaremare)



Richie Santana Jr vs. Christian Prophet ©


Shay Kinsella vs. Iago De Brun





Slo-Mo Dojo (El Scorcho & Sky Panther) vs. Team DRAGON (RIKU & Super TIGER)

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Bollywood Knights (Amaan Singh & Ranjin Vidur) vs. Team WANG (Richard Ryder & John Thomas) w/ Jenna Talia

I planned to go with WANG but to be honest Ryder & Thomas is pretty much B-team as far as WANG goes and based on the angle in last show it looks like Knights will be seen again even if they aren´t regulars.


El Popcorn vs. W.M.D.

Not much question here.

Discotheque (Donny Chic & KC Summer) vs. DISCO Fox & P.L.A.Y.A. 2

On my last predictions I said that both Fox and P.L.A.Y.A were still unknown quantity for me. Well, to be honest they still are but neither didn´t impress (meaning that they both lost a match that I thought they could win) so I go with real team instead.


The Seekers (Charles Vine & Ebi Kadivar) vs. Dreamscape (Frightening & Scaremare)

Not sure if Vine is on a same page than his ally so Dreamscape just looks like safer bet this time.



Richie Santana Jr vs. Christian Prophet ©

Sorry Richie, but you still have some way to go before I see you seriously challenging one of the main belts.

Shay Kinsella vs. Iago De Brun

No idea who Iago even is but doesn´t matter since I have hard time to pick against Kinsella anyway.





Slo-Mo Dojo (El Scorcho & Sky Panther) vs. Team DRAGON (RIKU & Super TIGER)

Hmmm, I actually wonder if you using this tournament as a way to introduce Team DRAGON as permanent members of the roster (I guess they would become one if they win the titles, right?)... Still I go with safer option and pick team that I know will be here past this show.

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Bollywood Knights (Amaan Singh & Ranjin Vidur) vs. Team WANG (Richard Ryder & John Thomas) w/ Jenna Talia

Stiff shot to the Knights by WANG! WANG all the way!


El Popcorn vs. W.M.D.

Yeah. If El Popcorn wins, I'll eat my hat.


Discotheque (Donny Chic & KC Summer) vs. DISCO Fox & P.L.A.Y.A. 2

My creation will win. He has to! Oh, and he has a wrestling robot as a partner.


The Seekers (Charles Vine & Ebi Kadivar) vs. Dreamscape (Frightening & Scaremare)

Vine isn't fully functional, Dreamscape rule.



Richie Santana Jr vs. Christian Prophet ©

He seems like the one person who is against all the comedy. Maybe this pays off.


Shay Kinsella vs. Iago De Brun

Sorry Shay but I love Iago. So much.





Slo-Mo Dojo (El Scorcho & Sky Panther) vs. Team DRAGON (RIKU & Super TIGER)

The winners, by way of Tokyo, Newcastle (It's a real place...maybe), DRRRRRRAAAAAAGGGGGGGGOOOOOOOOONNNNNN!

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Prediction Key:

Bollywood Knights (Amaan Singh & Ranjin Vidur) vs. Team WANG (Richard Ryder & John Thomas) w/ Jenna Talia


I know Knights wanted a rematch with Slo-Mo Dojo, but I think Wanf will be too hard a job for them.


El Popcorn vs. W.M.D.


El Popcorn has no chance, not even if he coats himself in salt and butter.


Discotheque (Donny Chic & KC Summer) vs. DISCO Fox & P.L.A.Y.A. 2


They're a real team, where as I suspect there will be communication issues between the dancing fool and the robot on the other team.


The Seekers (Charles Vine & Ebi Kadivar) vs. Dreamscape (Frightening & Scaremare)


This is just a guess to be honest.



Richie Santana Jr vs. Christian Prophet ©


I sense Prophet retaining by illicit means.


Shay Kinsella vs. Iago De Brun


Nice to see a cameo from Iago, but I see no reason for him to win here.





Slo-Mo Dojo (El Scorcho & Sky Panther) vs. Team DRAGON (RIKU & Super TIGER)


Team DRAGON winning only makes sense if you've signed them to permanent contracts. It's possible you've done that, but Slo-Mo Dojo is a real team and deserves the belts.

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Bollywood Knights (Amaan Singh & Ranjin Vidur) vs. Team WANG (Richard Ryder & John Thomas) w/ Jenna Talia

The Knights were good to put your guys over, so let's send them away with a victory over WANG's B-Team.


El Popcorn vs. W.M.D.

Yeah but no.


Discotheque (Donny Chic & KC Summer) vs. DISCO Fox & P.L.A.Y.A. 2

Longer-serving team, probably more talented.


The Seekers (Charles Vine & Ebi Kadivar) vs. Dreamscape (Frightening & Scaremare)

Buoyed up by some genuine romantic gesture from Nevada Van Sant, no doubt.



Richie Santana Jr vs. Christian Prophet ©

RSJr won't show off a gimmicky belt to its true potential, considering his character.


Shay Kinsella vs. Iago De Brun

Everyone loses to Shay Kinsella the first time.





Slo-Mo Dojo (El Scorcho & Sky Panther) vs. Team DRAGON (RIKU & Super TIGER)

They're a POW team, they need something to keep them in the spotlight, and RIKU and Super TIGER are outsiders.

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Bollywood Knights (Amaan Singh & Ranjin Vidur) vs. Team WANG (Richard Ryder & John Thomas) w/ Jenna Talia


El Popcorn vs. W.M.D.

Discotheque (Donny Chic & KC Summer) vs. DISCO Fox & P.L.A.Y.A. 2


The Seekers (Charles Vine & Ebi Kadivar) vs. Dreamscape (Frightening & Scaremare)



Richie Santana Jr vs. Christian Prophet ©


Shay Kinsella vs. Iago De Brun





Slo-Mo Dojo (El Scorcho & Sky Panther) vs. Team DRAGON (RIKU & Super TIGER)

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POW: The Left Hand Chop Of Darkness


Monday Week 4 May 2013


Perry Hall (Great Lakes)


Attendance: 1,045




Buccaneer * “The Chef” Chet Rio * Ford Memphis



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/Christmas%20Invasion/AmaanSingh.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/Christmas%20Invasion/RanjinVidur.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/ScottSeal.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/KrisBryant.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/TatianaPetrov.jpg

Bollywood Knights vs. Team WANG w/ Jenna Talia

In their last appearance for the time being the Knights look to get a win over WANG, having been fought to a draw by the former tag champions just six months prior.


Ryder and Thomas are regarded as WANG's B-Team, but the offence they mount against the Knights here makes a strong case against that; they hold the Knights to an even contest, just as Lox and Willy did, Still, while they fight so hard and so well – and while their stalwart opposition forces the crowd to rally still harder behind the Knights – in the end, it's Ranjin Vidur who wins this, scoring a top rope crossbody on John Thomas tos ecure the pin.

Bollywood Knights defeated Team WANG

Rating: C-





Stallion Stanley struts backstage, whistling a jaunty tune as the camera finds him. He turns at a corner and pauses, seeing Alexia Dynamite sat on a steel chair, watching herself eat the pinfall against Discotheque back in March.


After a moment she rewinds the DVD and watches again. Then again. Stanley watches a little longer, biting his lip, then moves away again, leaving much unsaid.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/ElPopcorn.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/WMD.jpg

El Popcorn vs. W.M.D.

Nice work by El Popcorn – but much nicer by the reigning champion, who doesn't allow Popcorn to even attempt a competitive match.


The sheer power on display here is a revelation to at least some of the Perry Hall crowd – and the Tactical Air Strike hits with its usual finality. W.M.D has stopped doing more than a very cursory cover after the TAS now, but it's always been enough – and it is here, too.

W.M.D. defeated El Popcorn

Rating: D




The Funeral March begins to play as always.


“It's always sad when a wrestler is killed for the first time,” the Chef says.


“Mm,” the Buccaneer replies. “Some folks retire less than WMD kills wrestlers.”




The DVD shows a camera view next which seems more than a little odd; it's pointed at an air vent in the ceiling of the WANG locker room.



Beneath this air vent is Jenna Talia, seated, reviewing her clipboard, and beside her is a coffee table on which is a tall cocktail glass – and the remote control for P.L.A.Y.A. 2.



Little by little, the vent cover slides to one side, revealing Johnny G. Wells poised in the vent itself.


Talia takes another sip of her cocktail.


Johnny leans forward slowly out of the vent cover, reaching down for the control.


Jenna puts her cocktail glass back down.


Closer goes Johnny's hand...


Jenna hauls off, without looking, and whacks him full in the face with her clipboard.


“Gah!” Johnny loses his grip. “Agh!”


He makes a snatch for the controls but Jenna sweeps them out of his way, then throws the remnants of her cocktail in his face. His unmonocled eye screws shut and he yells in shock and pain.


“You thought, because I didn't have my big strong man around any more, that I was fair game?” Jenna asks. “I don't need Bo Lox to take care of me. I've got more balls than you ever had...”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/DonnyChic.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/KCSummer.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/DISCOFox.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/PLAYA.jpg

Discotheque vs. DISCO Fox & P.L.A.Y.A. 2

Again the Fox goes up against his rivals, and again Discotheque show their incredible capacity for teamwork and trust as they face off with two fighters who don't particularly have an alliance. And with nobody at his controls, the android isn't as fast as he can be, and doesn't hit quite as hard as he can – or show as much tactical skill as he might.


And that's how it comes to be that, coming out of an extensive dance-off sequence, he gets caught with the Gone Platinum. Once again, DISCO Fox walks away in disgust rather than continue the fight.

Discotheque defeated DISCO Fox & P.L.A.Y.A. 2

Rating: D





The DVD can exclusively reveal that Richie Santana Jr is waiting for Discotheque as they come back through the curtain, and he's looking somewhat freaked out.


“What's up, cat?” KC Summer asks.


“Why were you dancing?”


The former Sidekick champs look at each other.


“Why were THEY dancing? I mean, one of them's not even into disco!”


Donny smiles. “OK, dig it.


“EVERYONE's into disco, cat. Some people just deny it.”


“Even robots,” Summer chimes in helpfully.


“There's no... freaking... way... that he's a robot,” Richie says again. Discotheque smile tolerantly.


“But, I mean, you made something out of dancing. In a wrestling match. Isn't that kind of a risk?”


They shrug. “You do what you gotta do, cat. It works for us,” KC explains.


“You get ready for your match with the Prophet,” Chic continues. “Anyone who'd rip his face off is a seriously bad cat.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/PaulCrowley.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/EbiKadivar.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/Frightening.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/Scaremare.jpg

The Seekers vs. Dreamscape

A lovely little return to a bout we've seen a lot of times over the past near year-and-a-half – but somehow, there's always enough new to keep the crowd interested, usually from the Seekers busting out yet another innovative series of moves.


This time culminates in a huge tope-rope flip neckbreaker from Kadivar to Frightening. Scaremare breaks the pin once, but – after Vine takes him out with a running spear – Kadivar simply pins Frightening again. The impact was enough to keep him down, securing the win.

The Seekers defeated Dreamscape

Rating: D





DVDs next show Shay Kinsella strutting cheerfully down a corridor, whistling to himself, and once again playing hackey sack as he struts.



“Mister Kinsella,” comes a bad attempt at a crisp English accent. Shay misses his shot and the sack goes wild. He turns to face the First Lady of Professional Wrestling.


“I wonder if I might be able to beg a favour,” she smiles. “I've got a couple of matches I'd like you to make.”


Shay smiles, spreads his arms wide. “No promises,” he says, “but I'm listening.”



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/RichieSantanaJr.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/ChristianProphet.jpg

Richie Santana Jr vs. Christian Prophet ©

Richie Santana is as much a fighter as his father. And a chance to hold a title his father had held, before? That drives him to step up his game here, with excellent results. It's half brawl, half daredevil flying action as control passes back and forth on multiple occasions.


Richie eventually climbs to the top rope for his flying crossbody, but once again, the Prophet snags the belt. It flares in the spotlight, and Christian Prophet nails a top-rope brainbuster for the win.

Christian Prophet defeated Richie Santana Jr

Rating: C-




DVDs show the POW logo backstage next, and after a few moments, a man known from PWI steps out.



Iago de Brun has his head very slightly bowed, his attitude slightly reverent.


“Good evening,” he says. “I am, I trust, an humble man. And upon arriving here, a Paragon I become; well, by the faith of man, I know my value. I am worth no worse a place.


“And yet I am an humble man. And I am assured that 'Da Commish' wishes the measure of his roster; and so, of course, shall he have, so must he have.


“And so am I come here, to compete with the Living Legend.” He allows himself a small smile. “A Paragon and a Legend; measure for measure, a contest worthy of the name.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/ShayKinsella.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/IagodeBrun_zpscd934363.jpg

Shay Kinsella vs. Iago de Brun

One hell of an exchange here, and either man truly could win. Kinsella dominates in the early going, before de Brun rallies and starts coming back fast and hard.


The battle shifts style, becoming a technical exhibition, and the crowd rally behind Shay, who picks up his game again – only to be cut off partway through with a crisp backdrop driver, Iago's famed Venom, which gets the humble man the win.

Iago de Brun defeated Shay Kinsella

Rating: C-



Best of Three Falls

http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/ElScorcho.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/SkyPanther.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/Christmas%20Invasion/RIKU.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/Christmas%20Invasion/SuperTIGER.jpg

Slo-Mo Dojo vs. Team DRAGON

The opening fall is slow and steady, a long feeling-out process by each team as they seek to get a full handle on their opponents. Ultimately, RIKU lines up against Sky Panther and sets for the RIKU Rush. In defence, Panther goes into slo-mo – and evades the Rush by the skin of his teeth!


Still slowed, he wipes the sweat off his mask, and turns – and RIKU connects with the Rush, still slowed down, but time bursts back to normal as Panther goes flying! Super TIGER nails a missile dropkick to keep El Scorcho out of the way as the first fall is scored for Team DRAGON!


With the stakes rising, the second fall is fast and hard-hitting. The Dojo dig down deeper than ever before – at one point, in the middle of the contest, El Scorcho slows time enough that, while Super TIGER sets up to slam him, the slowdown actually hits frozen.


For a full thirty seconds, nothing in that ring moves – and as time starts to speed up again, Scorcho twists clear, more at home in a slow pace than his opponent. TIGER tries for the Tiger Triangle, but Scorcho evades and exits the ring – and the Slo-Mo Stunner catches Super TIGER unawares to pull the second fall back for POW's representatives.


And then all hell breaks loose. The team at the commentation station do a good job stresssing how hard these men are fighting and what winning the championship clearly means to them, and the match stays within the legal rules of wrestling, but it's still astonishing stuff. Super TIGER and Sky Panther engage in a stunning aerial battle that ultimately sees both men spill out of the ring; Panther recovers first, dodging the RIKU Rush.


RIKU hits the ropes and goes for the Rush again – and Panther does as Scorcho did before, slowing time until it freezes – but as every POW devotee knows, any object already in the air continues moving at its original speed, and El Scorcho is airborne with the Bullet Time, sending RIKU crashing to the mat, grabbing the pin – and the win!

Slo-Mo Dojo defeated Team DRAGON

Rating: C




The Slo-Mo Dojo erupt into celebration and the crowd come to attention following what they've seen here today. Team DRAGON look ruefully at one another... and Super TIGER takes the belts from Kay Fabe.


He passes one to RIKU and the defeated finalists move to strap them around the new champs' waists... and time slows down as they do so. In slo-mo, Team DRAGON move to raise the Dojo's arms... and time returns to normal pace, as do the chants of “Thank You All” from the crowd.


Show Rating: C-

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Prediction Key:

Los Cinematicos (El Hot Dog & El Popcorn) vs. Dreamscape (Frightening & Scaremare)


Johnny G. Wells vs. Little Willy w/ Jenna Talia


Stallion Stanley vs. DISCO Fox


Discotheque (Donny Chic & KC Summer) vs. Glenview Bad Boyz (Brian King & Lil Swag)


The Seekers (Charles Vine & Ebi Kadivar) vs. Nightmares (All Hallows Eve & Christian Prophet)


Meido Machine vs. W.M.D. (non-title)

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Los Cinematicos (El Hot Dog & El Popcorn) vs. Dreamscape (Frightening & Scaremare)

The Dreamscape boys need more wins, and Los Cinematicos are still jobbers, really.


Johnny G. Wells vs. Little Willy w/ Jenna Talia

Johnny knows his role.


Stallion Stanley vs. DISCO Fox

At last, DISCO Fox wins one.


Discotheque (Donny Chic & KC Summer) vs. Glenview Bad Boyz (Brian King & Lil Swag)

The Trios Champions will only triumph in Trios competition.


The Seekers (Charles Vine & Ebi Kadivar) vs. Nightmares (All Hallows Eve & Christian Prophet)

They aren't going to go over Christian Prophet, no way.


Meido Machine vs. W.M.D. (non-title)

If Meido Machine pulls this off, I'll buy him winning anything. As it stands? No.

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Los Cinematicos (El Hot Dog & El Popcorn) vs. Dreamscape (Frightening & Scaremare)


Johnny G. Wells vs. Little Willy w/ Jenna Talia


Stallion Stanley vs. DISCO Fox


Discotheque (Donny Chic & KC Summer) vs. Glenview Bad Boyz (Brian King & Lil Swag)


The Seekers (Charles Vine & Ebi Kadivar) vs. Nightmares (All Hallows Eve & Christian Prophet)


Meido Machine vs. W.M.D. (non-title)

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Los Cinematicos (El Hot Dog & El Popcorn) vs. Dreamscape (Frightening & Scaremare)

This is closer match that it would have been few shows ago but I still think Dreamscape as better team.


Johnny G. Wells vs. Little Willy w/ Jenna Talia

Willy is step or two above Wells in ranks.


Stallion Stanley vs. DISCO Fox

Neither haven´t impressed with their results so far but I go with Fox.

Discotheque (Donny Chic & KC Summer) vs. Glenview Bad Boyz (Brian King & Lil Swag)

Bad Boyz are trios champs, but I don´t see them beating Discotheque.


The Seekers (Charles Vine & Ebi Kadivar) vs. Nightmares (All Hallows Eve & Christian Prophet)

Seekers are good team and all but I see Prophet as the top guy in this one.


Meido Machine vs. W.M.D. (non-title)

I don´t remember W.M.D losing any singles matches so far and I doubt it starts here even if it´s non-title.

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Los Cinematicos (El Hot Dog & El Popcorn) vs. Dreamscape (Frightening & Scaremare)


We have face tag team champions, so Dreamscape should take this.


Johnny G. Wells vs. Little Willy w/ Jenna Talia


Wells can't handle the Wang.


Stallion Stanley vs. DISCO Fox


Finally a match Fox can win.


Discotheque (Donny Chic & KC Summer) vs. Glenview Bad Boyz (Brian King & Lil Swag)


They're the better team.


The Seekers (Charles Vine & Ebi Kadivar) vs. Nightmares (All Hallows Eve & Christian Prophet)


Flip of a coin.


Meido Machine vs. W.M.D. (non-title)


I have a feeling Jess Gilmour Hart will get involved here, but I still don't see Meido winning here.

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POW: The Pinfall Of Hyperion


Monday Week 2 June 2013


Perry Hall (Great Lakes)


Attendance: 1,689




Buccaneer * “The Chef” Chet Rio * Ford Memphis



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Los Cinematicos vs. Dreamscape

A blur of action in places; Los Cinematicos are just starting to find their stride together, with a side of the two masked men trying to outdo their partners, and Dreamscape are by now capable of working as a unit almost on instinct.


As openers go, it's far from the best but it's not bad; a wild suicide dive by Scaremare pops the crowd before Popcorn rallies them behind the Cinematicos comeback, only for Frightening to shut it down and lock El Hot Dog into the Having Nightmares? and earn the submission.

Dreamscape defeated Los Cinematicos

Rating: D-





DVDs next see Los Cinematicos help one another into a darkened locker room, clearly disconsolate, after the match.


A gruff voice emerges from the shadows. “You lost,” it says. If anything, Los Cinematicos hang their heads still lower.


“But,” the voice continues, “because you battled them, tonight they did not go out to burgle. Tonight nobody was scared to death. Tonight no cash registers were emptied to fund their master.


“Console yourselves. It did not win the war, but the battle was not a loss.


“The war on crime has only just begun. It's time for the Supreme Solution.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/JohnnyWells.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/CameronCody.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/TatianaPetrov.jpg

Johnny G Wells vs. Little Willy w/ Jenna Talia

Wells is still smarting from Jenna Talia's attacks two weeks ago, evidently, and he puts up something of a fight – but Willy is just too fast. He overwhelms Johnny, beating him all over the ring, finally nailing a standing moonsault to set up for the Big Bang and the three count.

Little Willy defeated Johnny G Wells

Rating: D+





Jenna Talia is still congratulating Little Willy for his performance when the Frat Pack's music hits here.



Freshman Patel comes out and heads down to the ring. He stops by Kay Fabe to collect a microphone, and climbs in the ring.


Willy watches as Patel steps up. The young Freshman is tantalisingly close to Jenna Talia.


He doesn't seem that nervous, though.


“I want a match with one of your boys.”


“Let me guess,” she smirks. “You think you can measure up to the Longhorn.”


“I'm gonna beat him,” Patel promises.


“You? Beat the Longhorn?” She laughs. “Maybe you beat the Longhorn in your dreams.


“But in the ring? No. So yes – you get your match.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/StallionStanley.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/DISCOFox.jpg

Stallion Stanley vs. DISCO Fox

Kind of an ugly one, this, with little to recommend it – if anything. But they try, nonetheless, and there are glimmers of a good performance from both men.


Still, what really changes things is DISCO Fox's late-breaking offence, culminating in the Last Dance twisting STO – which picks up the win.

DISCO Fox defeated Stallion Stanley

Rating: E+





The DVD once again takes us backstage, where in front of the POW logo, Poco Loco is pacing back and forth. After a few moments, he turns to look at the camera, his body language shifting.


“Well, lemme tell ya somethin', brutha,” he begins. “I've been here for months now and I can feel ALL the Locomaniacs getting' behind me and ready for the Big Push on the title, and brutha, lemme tell ya this,” his body language shifts, “lemme say, ooooooh yyyyyyeeeaah, when I git ma hands on Dubya Emm Dee, when I git into thit ring wit her and the Grend Chimpionship is on the line, it's gonna be,” his body language shifts again and he snorts audibly beneath the mask, “as if the planets throughout the Nineteen Galaxies had turned their attention, WMD, toward Perry Hall in the sure knowledge, WMD, that the alien life-forms known as professional wrestlers, WMD, will be giving it their all, WMD, on the grandest stage to ever coalesce from the cosmos, and you, WMD, will be... found...” and another change in stance, “lying on your BACK with – the – LUNATIC LUCHADOR – WHOO! - lying right on top of you – WHOO! - because I'm,” and another shift, “winning, I'm winning all the time, I'm winning right now and I'm winning most especially at Flow My Tears, The Champion Said.”


He comes to a halt and straightens up fully, then nods to the camera, giggles, and walks off.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/DonnyChic.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/KCSummer.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/BrianKing.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/LilSwag.jpg

Discotheque vs. Glenview Bad Boyz

Not too bad here by either the former champions or the always hardworking challengers, but the crowd aren't buying into it as hard as they might. Discotheque are back down to three steps on the Pecking Order and it's extremely clear that they're determined to climb up that mountain again – and while the Boyz would certainly like to get climbing again, their efforts aren't enough, with Lil Swag slow to react after the Gone Platinum takes Brian King out of consideration.

Discotheque defeated Glenview Bad Boyz

Rating: D-





Alexia Dynamite's music plays, and the former Grand Champion comes down to the ring. She climbs in and gestures for Kay to toss her the mic.


She takes a few moments before raising it to her lips. “I started my career five years ago,” she says. “AWW and here have been my home, but I've gone all over the USA to fight anyone I had the chance to.


“But here, in the heart of POW country, in the heart of AWW country, I've found the best fans in the world.


“So... that being said... I regret to inform you guys... my next match for POW will be my last.”


A “Please Don't Go” chant starts up, and she holds up a hand.


“The thing is... I'm not running out. I'm not leaving you behind and abandoning the company.


“I've been your Grand Champion... and that's as high an honour as I can expect from this business.


“I have this life, and I have my other life. And I always hoped that the way it would go would be that this life would take over. That this life would be enough, that I could leave the other behind.


“But that's not going to happen. And... what did happen is my other life has given me an opportunity I can't refuse. If I take it, I'm not going to be able to train. I won't be able to stay in match condition. I'm not going to let you guys down that way.


“I'm just hoping you guys come out one last time to see me fight.”


She passes the mic to Kay Fabe and actually glad-hands a few of the fans on her way out.



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/PaulCrowley.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/EbiKadivar.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/AllHallowsEve.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/ChristianProphet.jpg

The Seekers vs. Nightmares

Whatever tension and strain exists in the trio chasing the Undiscovered Championship, there's none in this tag team. They seem as strong and as eager together as they ever have been. They're hungry for the win, they're hungry to claw forward in this rivalry, and...


...they're doing better than the Nightmares.



But it couldn't last, it seems; Iago de Brun appears ringside toward the end, catching Kadivar's eye; All Hallows Eve sends him flying out of the ring with an attack from behind and follows him out herself, and Christian Prophet, seeing Jackson's attention on de Brun, catches Vine with a low blow then hits the Male Gesserit to score the win.

Nightmares defeated The Seekers

Rating: D+





Eve rolls back into the ring as Prophet continues to lay the boots into Vine. Without hesitation or question, she joins in the assault.


The crowd grow to boiling rage with this, especially as Iago de Brun prevents Kadivar from coming to his firend's rescue.



And then in runs Nevada Van Sant.


She takes All Hallows Eve down with a dropkick and goes toe to toe with Christian Prophet. Iago de Brun enters the ring with concern, approaching her from behind – and Tiny Jackson stops him!


Jackson orders Prophet out of the ring, and Eve, and then calls for Kay Fabe to ring the bell. We have an impromptu match!



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/SusieVanZant.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/IagodeBrun_zpscd934363.jpg

Nevada Van Sant vs. Iago De Brun

The battle is on almost instantly; de Brun gets a very marginal speed advantage at the opening, going for an instantaneous roll-up before the bell's even finished ringing. Nevada, however, kicks out and moves on to battle back. She's furious, clearly, and in that fury she's found a purity of purpose and a focus. De Brun, humble as he is, remains a hell of a combatant, however, and this one definitely doesn't seem to favour either wrestler, particularly when Van Sant shows she can counter the Venom, when Iago throws her clear rather than suffer the Edge of Forever.


Nevada shows wiles toward the end, baiting Iago into an ill-advised charge, then dropping down, taking the top rope with her. Iago's impact against the guardrail clearly stuns him, nearly knocks him unconscious. Bac in the ring, Nevada dithers, uncertain which way to go here, before hitting the far ropes, then soaring over the top. She gets Iago. The problem is, she also gets the guardrail. After a long moment in the silence of anticipation, Tiny Jackson starts the count, and neither wrestler recovers in time to re-enter the ring.

Nevada Van Sant drew with Iago De Brun

Rating: D+





Backstage, for the DVD audience only, Shay Kinsella sits opposite Jess Gilmour-Hart at a table placed in front of the backstage monitor. Shay's hackey sack is visible as he bounces it around with his hands.


“So what's this supposed to accomplish?” he asks. “I made the match, but I sure as hell don't know why.”


Jess looks at him. “I suppose you're imagining that Meido has insulted me somehow.”


“It does look like a possibility.”


She laughs. “No, nothing of the kind. Meido has a... theory. A theory I should like to test before I next challenge for the Grand Championship.


“I've been killed and buried in this chase several times, darling. I have no desire, and no intention, to be slain again. If I do, I hope it shall be because I have the gold.”


After a long pause, Shay smiles. “Sounds a good enough answer to me.”


“Well, I should hope so.”


“What will you do if Poco Loco wins the Grand Championship next show?”


She doesn't even need to consider. “Find a way to beat Poco Loco, Shay. I don't need the title the way Prophet uses – at least, I don't believe I do – but titles come to Harts. I don't want to let my family down.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/MeidoMachine.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/WMD.jpg

Meido Machine vs. W.M.D.

Another fantastic match from the Woman of Mass Destruction. Meido fights a game contest, but he's hammered repeatedly, over and over, with huge moves, powerful moves, and he doesn't often find a good way to fight back.


When he does, near the end, it's a shock, as from almost nowhere he avoids being lawn-darted and attempts to apply his signature Nyan-Lock. W.M.D. doesn't even slow down; she's still got her sights on winning. What she does is throw herself backward, looking to land on the oddly-dressed grappler.


Somehow, the Machine twists with the fall, and the Woman of Mass Destruction lands with her shoulders on the mat. Tiny Jackson drops into place, counting the pin – and Meido Machine becomes the first person in POW to get a singles victory over the Grand Champion!

Meido Machine defeated W.M.D.

Rating: C-





It's worth noting, of course, that the moment the three count is achieved he relaxes his grip – and having relaxes his grip he all but collapses. Which isn't helped when he receives an immediate chokeslam, followed by a powerbomb, followed by the Tactical Air Strike.


For the first time, W.M.D. does not stay to celebrate during the Funeral March; she just heads for the ring, looking utterly furious.


“I have never been more glad not to be Poco Loco,” the Chef informs us.

Show Rating: D+

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Prediction Key:

Richie Santana Jr vs. Alexia Dynamite


Slo-Mo Dojo vs. The Great Juan & P.L.A.Y.A. 2


Freshman Patel vs. Lance Van Der Beek


POW Trios Championship

Legion Of Snackfoods (El Hot Dog, El Popcorn, & Kosmo Supreme) vs. Air Gangsta © (Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II, Brian King & Lil Swag)


Stallion Stanley vs. Mio Nawabe


Darius King vs. Iago de Brun


Wrestling Royalty & the Seekers (Jess Gilmour-Hart, Meido Machine, Charles Vine & Ebi Kadivar) vs. Nightmares & Dreamscapes (All Hallows Eve, Christian Prophet, Frightening & Scaremare)


POW Grand Championship

Best of Three Falls

Poco Loco vs. W.M.D. ©

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Prediction Key:

Richie Santana Jr vs. Alexia Dynamite


Slo-Mo Dojo vs. The Great Juan & P.L.A.Y.A. 2


Freshman Patel vs. Lance Van Der Beek


POW Trios Championship

Legion Of Snackfoods (El Hot Dog, El Popcorn, & Kosmo Supreme) vs. Air Gangsta © (Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II, Brian King & Lil Swag)


Stallion Stanley vs. Mio Nawabe


Darius King vs. Iago de Brun


Wrestling Royalty & the Seekers (Jess Gilmour-Hart, Meido Machine, Charles Vine & Ebi Kadivar) vs. Nightmares & Dreamscapes (All Hallows Eve, Christian Prophet, Frightening & Scaremare)


POW Grand Championship

Best of Three Falls

Poco Loco vs. W.M.D. ©

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That's too bad, really. An unexpected retirement in one of my own games just tripped up some of my plans. Wanted to use him to build up one of my younger guys in a veteran/rookie tag team as they had chemistry and then he dropped that out of nowhere. Ah well.




Richie Santana Jr vs. Alexia Dynamite


Any other situation I'd call it the other way, but Alexia is, of course, on her way out.


Slo-Mo Dojo vs. The Great Juan & P.L.A.Y.A. 2


The Dojo just took the titles, the other team isn't bad, but Juan I can't see being highly compatible with someone under the 'control' of W.A.N.G... which makes the team thrown together and lacking the cohesiveness to take this one.


Freshman Patel vs. Lance Van Der Beek


By the nature of the challenge.


POW Trios Championship

Legion Of Snackfoods (El Hot Dog, El Popcorn, & Kosmo Supreme) vs. Air Gangsta © (Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II, Brian King & Lil Swag)


These titles haven't been seen a whole lot, but the opposing grouping, whilst Hot Dog has been coming along, includes a debuting guy and... well I dunno, Air Gangsta would look a little disappointing to just lose her, I think.


Stallion Stanley vs. Mio Nawabe


Stanley doesn't win.


Darius King vs. Iago de Brun


de Brun beat Da Commish. That puts him on a whole level higher than King.


Wrestling Royalty & the Seekers (Jess Gilmour-Hart, Meido Machine, Charles Vine & Ebi Kadivar) vs. Nightmares & Dreamscapes (All Hallows Eve, Christian Prophet, Frightening & Scaremare)


They have the momentum right now, I think. I could see a big schmozz draw too, but not Gilmour-Hart losing before her title tilt.


POW Grand Championship

Best of Three Falls

Poco Loco vs. W.M.D. ©



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That's too bad, really. An unexpected retirement in one of my own games just tripped up some of my plans. Wanted to use him to build up one of my younger guys in a veteran/rookie tag team as they had chemistry and then he dropped that out of nowhere. Ah well.


Yeah, it's a little frustrating, but then TCW had very few of these setbacks, so it's kind of nice to have a burst of scrambling to redo plans like I've had over the past three months' gameplay.

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Richie Santana Jr vs. Alexia Dynamite

Send her off on a high note.


Slo-Mo Dojo vs. The Great Juan & P.L.A.Y.A. 2

They're a real team, aside from anything.


Freshman Patel vs. Lance Van Der Beek

Patel's likely to have to chase for a while to get First Name privileges.


POW Trios Championship

Legion Of Snackfoods (El Hot Dog, El Popcorn, & Kosmo Supreme) vs. Air Gangsta © (Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II, Brian King & Lil Swag)

While I want the LoS to win, Air Gangsta haven't had much of a chance as champions.


Stallion Stanley vs. Mio Nawabe



Darius King vs. Iago de Brun

Honest Iago is on a higher level.


Wrestling Royalty & the Seekers (Jess Gilmour-Hart, Meido Machine, Charles Vine & Ebi Kadivar) vs. Nightmares & Dreamscapes (All Hallows Eve, Christian Prophet, Frightening & Scaremare)

I think this may spiral out of control, maybe see interference from the Women Of Doom to take out Meido Machine and JG-H.


POW Grand Championship

Best of Three Falls

Poco Loco vs. W.M.D. ©

W.M.D.'s title reign will be ended by Jess Gilmour-Hart, nobody else.

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Richie Santana Jr vs. Alexia Dynamite

This is actually tough one to me. Alexia would be clear favorite without that retirement but you might want to send him out with a win regardless... Still logical thing is to have her put someone over and Santana is good enough that Alexia wouldn´t look too weak even when losing.


Slo-Mo Dojo vs. The Great Juan & P.L.A.Y.A. 2

Tag champs over random pairing.


Freshman Patel vs. Lance Van Der Beek

No change for Patel, I´m guessing this is here to build up the eventual singles match between Lance and King.


POW Trios Championship

Legion Of Snackfoods (El Hot Dog, El Popcorn, & Kosmo Supreme) vs. Air Gangsta © (Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II, Brian King & Lil Swag)

Gangsta´s would look weak if the lose the titles already so Snackfood have to wait.


Stallion Stanley vs. Mio Nawabe

Stanley haven´t looked strong and with the potential storyline with Alexia gone he likely needs to wait a bit before he has change to rise any higher on pecking order.


Darius King vs. Iago de Brun

Iago beat Kinsella so he should have no trouples against King.


Wrestling Royalty & the Seekers (Jess Gilmour-Hart, Meido Machine, Charles Vine & Ebi Kadivar) vs. Nightmares & Dreamscapes (All Hallows Eve, Christian Prophet, Frightening & Scaremare)

Hard to see Wretling Royalty losing after their recent performances agains W.M.D.


POW Grand Championship

Best of Three Falls

Poco Loco vs. W.M.D. ©

You seem to be building another W.M.D vs. Hart and that means that Loco won´t get the title here.

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