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[jhdverse] Paragons of Wrestling: Bring Me The Head of Kay Fabe

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Prediction Key:

Legion of Snackfoods (El Hot Dog, El Popcorn, & Kosmo Supreme) vs. The Living Dead (Ashmedai, Frightening & Scaremare)


Richie Santana Jr vs. Lance Van Der Beek w/ Jenna Talia


Frat Pack (Scott Bingington & Freshman Patel) vs. Team WANG (John Thomas & Richard Ryder) w/ Jenna Talia


Shay Kinsella vs. DISCO Fox


Darius King & Johnny G Wells vs. Glenview Bad Boyz


Meido Machine vs. Hugh Johnson w/ Jenna Talia


POW Sidekicks Championship

Slo-Mo Dojo (El Scorcho & Sky Panther) © vs. Nightmares (All Hallows Eve & Christian Prophet)

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Legion of Snackfoods (El Hot Dog, El Popcorn, & Kosmo Supreme) vs. The Living Dead (Ashmedai, Frightening & Scaremare)

This is actually a close one but even with Kosmo I still have hard time taking Legion seriously.


Richie Santana Jr vs. Lance Van Der Beek w/ Jenna Talia

Another close one but Santana is slighly lost into shuffle right now while Van Der Beek is more visible thanks to him being part of WANG.


Frat Pack (Scott Bingington & Freshman Patel) vs. Team WANG (John Thomas & Richard Ryder) w/ Jenna Talia

If King would be in this one I could see Frat Pack winning but Scott and Patel are the weaker two thirds in my opinion so I go with WANG instead.

Shay Kinsella vs. DISCO Fox

No way Fox gets a win here.


Darius King & Johnny G Wells vs. Glenview Bad Boyz

Real team over ramdom pairing.


Meido Machine vs. Hugh Johnson w/ Jenna Talia

Tough one but I go with personal preference this time.


POW Sidekicks Championship

Slo-Mo Dojo (El Scorcho & Sky Panther) © vs. Nightmares (All Hallows Eve & Christian Prophet)

I don´t see Slo-Mo dropping the title just yet.

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Legion of Snackfoods (El Hot Dog, El Popcorn, & Kosmo Supreme) vs. The Living Dead (Ashmedai, Frightening & Scaremare)


Richie Santana Jr vs. Lance Van Der Beek w/ Jenna Talia


Frat Pack (Scott Bingington & Freshman Patel) vs. Team WANG (John Thomas & Richard Ryder) w/ Jenna Talia


Shay Kinsella vs. DISCO Fox


Darius King & Johnny G Wells vs. Glenview Bad Boyz


Meido Machine vs. Hugh Johnson w/ Jenna Talia


POW Sidekicks Championship

Slo-Mo Dojo (El Scorcho & Sky Panther) © vs. Nightmares (All Hallows Eve & Christian Prophet)

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Legion of Snackfoods (El Hot Dog, El Popcorn, & Kosmo Supreme) vs. The Living Dead (Ashmedai, Frightening & Scaremare)

Ashmedai, eh? I don't know whether this is going to be an even match or not, the LOS are two jobbers and a Main Event guy, while TLD are two midcarders and a guy of uncertain status. Let's predict for the debut win.


Richie Santana Jr vs. Lance Van Der Beek w/ Jenna Talia

RSJ has had more wins lately; let's give WANG the rub, see if anything comes of it..


Frat Pack (Scott Bingington & Freshman Patel) vs. Team WANG (John Thomas & Richard Ryder) w/ Jenna Talia

They're WANG's B-team, but they're surprisingly good by the numbers. Still, the Frat Pack have to start winning eventually.


Shay Kinsella vs. DISCO Fox

Can he do it? I think that he may just have the groove to pull it off.


Darius King & Johnny G Wells vs. Glenview Bad Boyz

The GBBs had an angle pointing up their new focus last show, and against perennial putter-over Johnny Wells? That's the time to show it.


Meido Machine vs. Hugh Johnson w/ Jenna Talia

Meido Machine is dangerous, but ultimately a lackey, I think.


POW Sidekicks Championship

Slo-Mo Dojo (El Scorcho & Sky Panther) © vs. Nightmares (All Hallows Eve & Christian Prophet)

We may see Persuaderference here. Or something like it, anyway. I doubt Prophet will hold two straps at once, especially not at the cost of the Slo-Mo Dojo.

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Legion of Snackfoods (El Hot Dog, El Popcorn, & Kosmo Supreme) vs. The Living Dead (Ashmedai, Frightening & Scaremare)


Could go either way, but I go with personal preference here.


Richie Santana Jr vs. Lance Van Der Beek w/ Jenna Talia


Close match, but Lance is doing more.


Frat Pack (Scott Bingington & Freshman Patel) vs. Team WANG (John Thomas & Richard Ryder) w/ Jenna Talia


Frat Pack are jobbers.


Shay Kinsella vs. DISCO Fox


When you come at Da Commish, you best not miss.


Darius King & Johnny G Wells vs. Glenview Bad Boyz


Real team over random pairing.


Meido Machine vs. Hugh Johnson w/ Jenna Talia


He beat WMD, so I think he can take this one as well.


POW Sidekicks Championship

Slo-Mo Dojo (El Scorcho & Sky Panther) © vs. Nightmares (All Hallows Eve & Christian Prophet)


I think the Dojo will hang onto the belts.

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Legion of Snackfoods (El Hot Dog, El Popcorn, & Kosmo Supreme) vs. The Living Dead (Ashmedai, Frightening & Scaremare)

Richie Santana Jr vs. Lance Van Der Beek w/ Jenna Talia


Frat Pack (Scott Bingington & Freshman Patel) vs. Team WANG (John Thomas & Richard Ryder) w/ Jenna Talia

Shay Kinsella vs. DISCO Fox


Darius King & Johnny G Wells vs. Glenview Bad Boyz


Meido Machine vs. Hugh Johnson w/ Jenna Talia


POW Sidekicks Championship

Slo-Mo Dojo (El Scorcho & Sky Panther) © vs. Nightmares (All Hallows Eve & Christian Prophet)

Slo-Mo will probably win, but I can't pick againest Prophet!

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POW: Swords & Sorcery


Monday Week 2 September 2013


Perry Hall (Great Lakes)


Attendance: 1,808




Buccaneer * “The Chef” Chet Rio * Ford Memphis




Legion of Snackfoods



The Living Dead

The opening contest stuns just about everyone watching – this one is a blinder, with everyone involved giving of their best. Los Cinematicos team up to take the giant Ashmedai down with a double flying neckbreaker after the powerhouse routs the Legion, but in due course, it's Kosmo who turns the tide – and it's Frightening who, seeming a little dissatisfied with his allies, abruptly walks out and seems to just wait for the Enter the Kosmos that ends the match.

Legion of Snackfoods defeated The Living Dead

Rating: C-






Lance Van Der Beek shadowboxes while John Thomas, the master of the Five-Finger Palm Technique, lovingly polishes WANG's purple helmet. The others simply prepare for their matches as Jenna... well, she's moved from clipboard to iPad.


But she finishes playing World of Goo eventually anyway and pulls up her briefing notes.


“Right,” she says. “Richie Santana Junior. I've trained with his dad, but basically, Lance, he's pretty much you but younger. Use his naivete against him. The Longhorn has the Jenna Talia seal of approval. Richie doesn't.


“As far as the Frat Pack goes... well, I've been sick of them for a while. It's going to take time, I suppose. Time to stop with the performance we've given so far. You two need to get hard, and you two need to get hard fast. I'm talking bone-shatteringly hard. I want these two to be unable to stand once you're done with them. Do I make myself clear?”


Ryder and Thomas nod.


“Alright. Finally, Hugh has Meido Machine, and let me just stress, this is a tough cookie even for someone who crossdresses then shows up at wrestling events. I think he'll prove susceptible to a Hugh Jammering, though. So let's try that and go from there, alright?”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/RichieSantanaJr.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/LanceVanDerBeek.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/TatianaPetrov.jpg

Richie Santana Jr vs. Lance Van Der Beek w/ Jenna Talia

The clash of the two young prodigies goes well, an interesting back-and-forth that turns into a game of one-upsmanship – which is ultimately won when Richie digs down deep and unleashes a volley of armdrags with his father's vaunted precision, leaving the Longhorn easy pickings for the Flying Crossbody.

Richie Santana Jr defeated Lance Van Der Beek

Rating: D+





In a corridor backstage, the DVD camera crew catch Scott Bingington and Darius King moving their way along. King has a keg slung over each shoulder; he dumps each down three paces from the last. As he settles it into place, Bingington bolts a pressure-pad keg-tap onto the top of each.


They pause and step into a doorway, allowing a clear view down the corridor – and the corridor has a good twenty kegs set up along the way.


King and Bingington play a brief game of rock-paper-scissors; Bingington wins it with an ingenious paper gambit. “OK,” Darius concedes. “You be Coach.”



Bingington draws in a deep breath. “FRESHMAN... HUT!” he bellows, and at the far end of the keg run Freshman Patel appears, in wrestling garb but with skater-style elbow and knee pads.


“Thirty second run,” Bingington continues, as King flourishes a stopwatch. “One swig minimum per keg. Ready?”


Patel opens his mouth to reply, when Scott grins. “Doesn't matter,” he says. “GO!”


Patel leaps forward, hitting the first keg's pad-tap as he flips up onto his hands, catching a shot in his mouth. He continues to flip forward, getting a swallow from a good eighteen of the twenty in his mouth.


King clicks the watch stopped. “Thirty-two seconds and two three-second beer fouls,” he says. “Thirty-eight seconds, brah.”


Patel reels into the nearby bathroom, his face green.


“When you come out, we run it again!” Scott yells. “Until you get it right!”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/FreshmanPatel.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/ScottBingington.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/ScottSeal.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/KrisBryant.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/TatianaPetrov.jpg

Frat Pack vs. Team WANG w/ Jenna Talia

Bingington retains his drill-sergeant style role early in this match. He pushes Patel hard, but equally, he does his own bit to keep WANG on the back foot, and almost gets the win when he counters the Five-Finger Palm Technique to hit the Spring Break Suplex – but it's not enough! Patel dropkicks Thomas into Ryder, Bingington lariats Thomas out of the ring, and the Frat Freshman Flapjack claims its first victim in comfortably over a year!

Frat Pack defeated Team WANG

Rating: D-





Jess Gilmour-Hart takes a sip of something that definitely looks like champagne from a champagne flute. “Well, it's been lovely having you around, Kyle, but I do wonder what you're doing.”



Kyle Hart smiles mysteriously. Jess continues. “Also why you showed up here looking like you'd just wrestled a match.” Kyle's smile disappears. He looks at his watch.


“Oh – I'd forgotten, Jess, I've got, uh, an appointment...”


He scurries off.



Jess takes another sip, sighing thoughtfully. “Whatever's got into him?” she asks, and as the camera pulls back, we see Richie Santana Jr stop uncertainly.


“Sorry, were you talking to me?”


“Hmm? No, not specifically. But if you've anything to contribute...”


Richie takes a seat near her; Jess gestures to the spare flute and the champagne bottle. “Please do help yourself.”


“Thanks,” he says, pouring himself a glass. “But, uh, if you want my opinion, I think Kyle's been wrestling.”


“Well, obviously.”


“No, I mean wrestling here.”


Jess looks at him sideways. “Richard, I respect your father and you seem like a great wrestler, so please don't take this the wrong way, but I'm sure we'd have noticed.”


Richie looks confused. “I... I'm pretty sure he's wearing a mask.”


Her eyes widen. “Yes,” she says slowly. “Yes, that could be it.”


“I thought so.”


“I knew there was something familiar about El Hot Dog,” she muses. “I need to check this out.” She rises. “Do excuse me...”


Richie Santana Jr stares after her in total bemusement.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/ShayKinsella.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/DISCOFox.jpg

Shay Kinsella vs. DISCO Fox

DISCO Fox is definitely maturing into a capable wrestler. Shay Kinsella finds himself, as he has a few times recently, pushed to at least near his limits.


Still, he seems to have it in hand – Fox retaliates with a thumb to the eye – but before Fox can capitalise, KC Summer appears at ringside. DISCO hesitates, but Kinsella doesn't; the commentation station gang have remarked before now that sometimes Kinsella fires off that Urbana Native without seeming to consciously register that there are targets available – it's pure instinct, and it's enough to get the win here.

Shay Kinsella defeated DISCO Fox

Rating: D





Stallion Stanley pauses outside a door, then turns his back on it and kicks it open, not looking. “Excuse my rudeness, goddess,” he begins. “But I need to speak. I can be silent no longer.


“Juan Angel Garces just wants to use you, to manipulate you... to change you. Pervert you from the goddess you are. And I can't stand for that, goddess...”



Alexia steps out, now in full patriotic stars-and-stripes garb, and it seems to be getting skimpier each week. “Stanley,” she purrs. “I'm not being changed. I'm doing the changing.”


She slides past him and struts down the hallway.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/DariusKing.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/JohnnyGWells.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/BrianKing.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/LilSwag.jpg

Darius King & Johnny G Wells vs. Glenview Bad Boyz

King and Wells actually aren't a bad combination, but the Bad Boyz are becoming an outright good one, and they provide a strategy that holds together well here, ultimately isolating Wells, using King's footballer-driven rushing style to bait and control him, with Brian King eventually dragging Wells in the way of Darius' Three Point Stance. The Boyz then rush Darius out of the ring and put Johnny back down with the South Central Slam to secure the fall.

Glenview Bad Boyz defeated Darius King & Johnny G Wells

Rating: D




Charles Vine and Nevada Van Sant have settled down backstage with one of the camera feeds, watching and scouting. Notably, Nevada isn't wearing the Cameo, but she is fiddling with a wooden box on her lap as if possessed of a nervous twitch.



“Problems?” purrs the voice of Christian Prophet. The couple wheel, discovering him watching them.


He smiles. “You wanted to be rid of us tonight... but it can't happen. Tonight I gain more gold. With that, I multiply the power of the Undiscovered Championship. You'll fall, Vine, despite your woman's protection. And I think, then, I'll have you take it from her... have you end her the way she tried to end Eve.


“Enjoy the main event, Vine. It's the moment where your final mission goes wrong for the last time.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/MeidoMachine.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/GarrettSouth.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/TatianaPetrov.jpg

Meido Machine vs. Hugh Johnson w/ Jenna Talia

The commentation station seems divided on whether or not this is an actual Grand Champion contendership match or not, but they do agree that the man with total mastery of his Hugh Jammer and one of only two people to hold a win in the record books over W.M.D. deserve to be in contendership in any case – and this match might well tip the decision “if we're not using Hungry Hungry Hippos this month,” as the Buccaneer puts it.


Meido Machine doesn't have half as detailed a plan for Johnson as he did for the former champion, but then again, while Johnson is an incredible competitor, he's indisputably not the kind of unstoppable force you'd describe W.M.D. as. The contest seems evenly matched, as a result – two excellent competitors moving at speed. Incredible speed.



It could go either way. And then something happens to change its direction entirely, when W.M.D. herself arrives in the ring, taking both men down while they're locked up with a double clothesline. Jackson throws the match out on double-disqualification.

Meido Machine and Hugh Johnson was ruled a double disqualification

Rating: C-





And then W.M.D. really gets going. Powerslams. Big boots. Suplexes. Powerbombs. Piledrivers. Slamming Tiny Jackson onto the pair, stacked, when he tries to intervene.



Ford Memphis says something chivalrous on commentary and the former Intercontinental Champion gets in the ring. He lasts two seconds. Because it takes her two seconds to execute a Saito Suplex.


All four of them eat Tactical Air Strikes. And then the Funeral March hits.


W.M.D. stomps up to the commentation station and sits down in Memphis' place.





DVD cameras catch Shay Kinsella backstage, strutting around on a hunt for someone, hackey sack in constant motion.



“Hey, Kyle!” he yells, seeing his quarry. Kyle looks up. “Think fast!” Kinsella calls, sending the hackey sack flying at him – and the Hart cousin catches it with a knee before converting to a dancing little play with it, before returning it to Da Commish with an excellent side kick.


“Good to see you,” Shay says, bustling up to him. “Listen, glad you've been enjoying the shows, but so long as you're here... I thought we might see about getting you a contract. Whaddaya say?”


“You know,” Kyle says thoughtfully, “that might make life simpler... Yeah, OK, cool. Anyone you want me to wrestle?”


“I figured seeing you go up against Kosmo Supreme could be fun.”


Kyle swallows. “I, uh... I think I need to scout someone like him before I can wrestle him. Rain check?”


“Come on, man, you're a Hart, you can-”


A stagehand in a POW shirt runs up to Shay and whispers in his ear. Shay's expression completely changes. “Damn,” he says. “OK, I've gotta deal with this. Excuse me.”


She turns and runs.



Best of Three Falls

http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/ElScorcho.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/SkyPanther.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/AllHallowsEvealt1.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/ChristianProphet.jpg

Slo-Mo Dojo © vs. Nightmares


There's some confusion, before the match starts, about who will referee the contest. When Charles Vine's music hits, the crowd seems pretty interested by that.


What's astonishing over the first fall is that he calls it right down the middle. That hurts the Nightmares a little more than the Dojo, but still, Charles Vine seems determined to live up to the referee's shirt he's wearing.


Which doesn't stop All Hallows Eve getting a fluke roll-up on El Scorcho to secure the fall.


She grins in Vine's face as the second begins – bad news, as she ends up bearing the brunt of a slo-mo Bullet Time. Prophet has to rush in to make the save – but Sky Panther's there, and he achieves the unusual stunt that is a huracanrana slowing down mid-execution. The Dojo stand back to back as the Nightmares circle them, then lunge forward – only for the Nightmares to be ready.


Vine's not a professional ref, and the second fall breaks down somewhat, but Sky Panther blocks a low blow from Prophet, shoving him clear. Eve tries the same thing, only to eat a Slo-Mo Stunner when Panther blocks that shot too. And that puts the teams level at one fall apiece.


The third fall absolutely breaks down. Vine makes what the commentation station crew – even the irate W.M.D. who has otherwise only used her announce table time to criticise Jess Gilmour-Hart and demand a rematch – agree is a fair count, and El Scorcho escapes, but Prophet isn't happy. He throws a punch at Vine, who blocks it and fires back.



And then both are knocked down by a man who hasn't been seen in POW since December. Kabuki Takao wipes them both out with a split-legged kamikaze dropkick, then goes for the Undiscovered Championship at ringside. Eve intercepts him. The match just... comes to an end.

Slo-Mo Dojo & Nightmares kind of derailed without a result

Rating: C






Ashmedai hits the ring to back Prophet and Eve up; a few moments later, Nevada arrives, now wearing the Cameo again for the extra power it seems to bring her.



All hell breaks loose – and then Mio Nawabe arrives too. She hits Nevada from behind, pinning her down and looking for the Cameo. Vine breaks off from Prophet to save Nevada. Prophet and Takao brawl over the Undiscovered Championship.


And as the show ends, the locker room empties to break this one up...


Show Rating: C-

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Much obliged.


Although, to be fair, you may not have to wait too terribly long; one of the three or four diary endpoints I have in mind is what would be POW's 50th show. Counting the year before the diary starts, we're only 12 shows from that...


It'll still have been one long strange trip. PS, I just want to say I love reading your writing, and I've followed all your projects, but this is the first one I think I really actively comment and predict on, so thank you for bringing the Thunderverse to life, it really perked up TEW2010 right before the launch of TEW2013. There's only so many ways you can take TCW or SWF or any of the C-Verse, so this was a well needed shot of adrenaline :cool:

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It'll still have been one long strange trip. PS, I just want to say I love reading your writing, and I've followed all your projects, but this is the first one I think I really actively comment and predict on, so thank you for bringing the Thunderverse to life, it really perked up TEW2010 right before the launch of TEW2013. There's only so many ways you can take TCW or SWF or any of the C-Verse, so this was a well needed shot of adrenaline :cool:


Thanks, man, that's genuinely appreciated.


And yeah... POW was always intended as a change of gears between epics, and I feel like it's been that while staying 'the sort of thing PS does'.


In all honesty, POW show 50 is my show 38. It'll be over two years since the game began, comfortably over, and I don't think this one can count as a 'short' piece except by my rather skewed standards. Let's just say that I feel like I understand why some directors do light pieces between bursts of more serious work.


Still, I admit to getting psyched for the next one...

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Prediction Key:

Discotheque (Donny Chic & KC Summer) vs. Team WANG (Little Willy & John Thomas) w/ Jenna Talia


Stallion Stanley vs. The Great Juan w/ Alexia Dynamite


Charles Vine & ???? vs. All Hallows Eve & Ashmedai

(Vine's ally is a current POW contracted wrestler)


Nevada Van Sant vs. Mio Nawabe


Meido Machine, Richie Santana Jr & the Slo-Mo Dojo vs. DISCO Fox, Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II, Lance Van Der Beek & Scaremare w/ Jenna Talia


#1 Contendership Elimination

Kyle Hart vs. Shay Kinsella vs. Christian Prophet vs. Kabuki Takao


POW Grand Championship

Steel Cage Match - 1st To Escape Wins

Jess Gilmour-Hart © vs. W.M.D.

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Discotheque (Donny Chic & KC Summer) vs. Team WANG (Little Willy & John Thomas) w/ Jenna Talia

I think that Discotheque is more solid team as this particular WANG duo haven´t tagged that often plus Thomas looks like the weak link to me.


Stallion Stanley vs. The Great Juan w/ Alexia Dynamite

I would expect Juan to win this one maybe with little help from Alexia.


Charles Vine & ???? vs. All Hallows Eve & Ashmedai

(Vine's ally is a current POW contracted wrestler)

Granted, Ashmedai didn´t have particularly impressive debut but looking at who isn´t in the show yet I can´t think any big name guy who could be Vine´s partner, most likely it´s going to be Hot Dog, Popcorn, Wells or one from the Brat Pack or maybe Frightening if that "being dissatisfied" leads to quick Dreamscape break-up which I find unlikely but possible. In any case none of them seem like big enough name to help much against Eve and Ashmedai.


Nevada Van Sant vs. Mio Nawabe

So I´m guessing that this match about the ownership of Cameo? If so then having Mio gain control to it might lead to interesting storylines, more so than if Van Sant continues to hold it.


Meido Machine, Richie Santana Jr & the Slo-Mo Dojo vs. DISCO Fox, Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II, Lance Van Der Beek & Scaremare w/ Jenna Talia

Face side seems stronger overall plus with Slo-Mo there they likely have better teamwork too.


#1 Contendership Elimination

Kyle Hart vs. Shay Kinsella vs. Christian Prophet vs. Kabuki Takao

I expect Hart to keep the belt so that makes heel more likely to win here and Takao is "too new" to me for getting a title shot so I go with Prophet instead.


POW Grand Championship

Steel Cage Match - 1st To Escape Wins

Jess Gilmour-Hart © vs. W.M.D.

Like I said I expect Hart to retain and win condition seems to reinforce that as she doesn´t need to pin W.M.D. Maybe Hart will win when W.M.D throws her right through the cage wall?

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Discotheque (Donny Chic & KC Summer) vs. Team WANG (Little Willy & John Thomas) w/ Jenna Talia

Stallion Stanley vs. The Great Juan w/ Alexia Dynamite


Charles Vine & ???? vs. All Hallows Eve & Ashmedai

(Vine's ally is a current POW contracted wrestler)


Nevada Van Sant vs. Mio Nawabe


Meido Machine, Richie Santana Jr & the Slo-Mo Dojo vs. DISCO Fox, Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II, Lance Van Der Beek & Scaremare w/ Jenna Talia


#1 Contendership Elimination

Kyle Hart vs. Shay Kinsella vs. Christian Prophet vs. Kabuki Takao


POW Grand Championship

Steel Cage Match - 1st To Escape Wins

Jess Gilmour-Hart © vs. W.M.D.

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Discotheque (Donny Chic & KC Summer) vs. Team WANG (Little Willy & John Thomas) w/ Jenna Talia

Chic and Summer are pushing for a title shot. I say, let them.


Stallion Stanley vs. The Great Juan w/ Alexia Dynamite

Stanley is a jobber. TGJ is punching well above his weight, and is managed by a former POW Grand Champion.


Charles Vine & ???? vs. All Hallows Eve & Ashmedai

(Vine's ally is a current POW contracted wrestler)

Vine is on a roll, looking to take the Undiscovered Championship. Ashmedai didn't take the win in his first time out. Also, never bet against ????


Nevada Van Sant vs. Mio Nawabe

The power of the Cameo doesn't work against women, but NVS is still looking at a push.


Meido Machine, Richie Santana Jr & the Slo-Mo Dojo vs. DISCO Fox, Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II, Lance Van Der Beek & Scaremare w/ Jenna Talia

There is a higher overall level of push on display here.


#1 Contendership Elimination

Kyle Hart vs. Shay Kinsella vs. Christian Prophet vs. Kabuki Takao

Kabuki Takao is new, Shay Kinsella is happy as a training guy, and Kyle Hart still has unresolved identity issues. I think he's Meido Machine. Prophet, meanwhile, is seeking more gold to power up his Championship. He'll get his shot.


POW Grand Championship

Steel Cage Match - 1st To Escape Wins

Jess Gilmour-Hart © vs. W.M.D.

She can flee faster than WMD, and she'll damn well have to.

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Discotheque (Donny Chic & KC Summer) vs. Team WANG (Little Willy & John Thomas) w/ Jenna Talia


Stallion Stanley vs. The Great Juan w/ Alexia Dynamite


Charles Vine & ???? vs. All Hallows Eve & Ashmedai

(Vine's ally is a current POW contracted wrestler)


Nevada Van Sant vs. Mio Nawabe


Meido Machine, Richie Santana Jr & the Slo-Mo Dojo vs. DISCO Fox, Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II, Lance Van Der Beek & Scaremare w/ Jenna Talia


#1 Contendership Elimination

Kyle Hart vs. Shay Kinsella vs. Christian Prophet vs. Kabuki Takao


POW Grand Championship

Steel Cage Match - 1st To Escape Wins

Jess Gilmour-Hart © vs. W.M.D.

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Prediction Key:

Discotheque (Donny Chic & KC Summer) vs. Team WANG (Little Willy & John Thomas) w/ Jenna Talia


Stallion Stanley vs. The Great Juan w/ Alexia Dynamite


Charles Vine & Kosmo Supreme vs. All Hallows Eve & Ashmedai

(Vine's ally is a current POW contracted wrestler)


Nevada Van Sant vs. Mio Nawabe


Meido Machine, Richie Santana Jr & the Slo-Mo Dojo vs. DISCO Fox, Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II, Lance Van Der Beek & Scaremare w/ Jenna Talia


#1 Contendership Elimination

Kyle Hart vs. Shay Kinsella vs. Christian Prophet vs. Kabuki Takao


POW Grand Championship

Steel Cage Match - 1st To Escape Wins

Jess Gilmour-Hart © vs. W.M.D.

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Discotheque (Donny Chic & KC Summer) vs. Team WANG (Little Willy & John Thomas) w/ Jenna Talia


Stallion Stanley vs. The Great Juan w/ Alexia Dynamite

Charles Vine & ???? vs. All Hallows Eve & Ashmedai

(Vine's ally is a current POW contracted wrestler) Kosmo Supreme


Nevada Van Sant vs. Mio Nawabe


Meido Machine, Richie Santana Jr & the Slo-Mo Dojo vs. DISCO Fox, Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II, Lance Van Der Beek & Scaremare w/ Jenna Talia


#1 Contendership Elimination

Kyle Hart vs. Shay Kinsella vs. Christian Prophet vs. Kabuki Takao


POW Grand Championship

Steel Cage Match - 1st To Escape Wins

Jess Gilmour-Hart © vs. W.M.D.

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POW: I Pin The Body Electric


Monday Week 4 September 2013


Perry Hall (Great Lakes)


Attendance: 1,152




Buccaneer * “The Chef” Chet Rio * Ford Memphis





The DVD crew seem to have a remarkably easy time of getting into WANG's locker room. The camera lingers on Jenna Talia.


“Well, on the plus side, no Frat Pack,” she says. “OK. Business.


“Willy, you've beaten Discotheque before. I know you can't exactly use John Thomas the same way you use Big Bo Lox, but my guess is that we can probably do this anyway.


“With that in mind, bad news, people – for some of you.


“Hugh, I think a Grand Championship shot's in your future, but I pulled WANG out of the four-way tonight. Nobody wants Hugh Johnson slammed in a cage door.


“Bad news for the Longhorn next. I pulled you out of the tag match because... No easy way to say this, Lance, but you've lost your grip on the S.H.A.F.T. I can't reward people who don't keep a firm hold. Too loose is not a good thing, people. We keep it tight, do I make myself clear?


“John's taken your place, Lance. Let's see all of you step it up, before anybody loses their place on the S.H.A.F.T. altogether.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/DonnyChic.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/KCSummer.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/CameronCody.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/ScottSeal.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/TatianaPetrov.jpg

Discotheque vs. Team WANG (Willy & Thomas) w/ Jenna Talia

Not a bad match at all. Willy is confident enough that when the music hits and the dancing begins, he tries to strut his stuff – but it's just nowhere near as good as the Discotheque boys. Willy promptly superkicks KC and hits his standing moonsault, but Donny breaks that up.



It turns into a bit of a back-and-forth brawl, fists flying everywhere. All four men are in the ring – and then, so is DISCO Fox! He ducks a lariat from Chic, fires back with a superkick – but Donny ducks that in turn! Little Willy is down! Dropkick from Summer catches Fox by surprise, sending him out of the ring before Tiny Jackson notices he's there – Chic and Summer give Thomas the Gone Platinum onto Little Willy – KC Summer scores a pin on Little Willy! That ain't easy to do!

Discotheque defeated Team WANG

Rating: D+





Johnny G Wells is backstage, and he's set up a chemistry experiment. The empty, discarded boxes of several Boy's First Chemistry Sets litter the desk beyond his various tubes and vials.


He's concentrating on the drips of fluid emerging from a tap at one end of the whole setup, collecting in a beaker.



“Ooh,” Alexia Dynamite comments, appearing at the edge of shot. “And what would this be?”


Wells doesn't look up. “Doing science,” he says absently. “Go away.”


She leans in close. “I think I know what this is,” she purrs. “This is your great-great-granddaddy's thing, isn't it?


“This is Tono-Bungay.”


Wells freezes up. After a moment he resumes what he's doing. “Go away.”


“That stuff really perks you up, doesn't it? Makes you more... flexible.”


“Lady, I'm not kidding around.”


“Maybe you're not. But Juan would love that kind of flexibility if he saw me develop it...” She smiles. “You've got til Oh, Wrestle And I'll Come For You, My Lad to decide to get me what I want, Johnny. Or you'll have so much trouble.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/StallionStanley.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/JoseAngelGarces.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/AlexiaDynamite.jpg

Stallion Stanley vs. The Great Juan w/ Alexia Dynamite

Poor, poor Stallion Stanley. If he weren't outclassed enough as it is, the presence of Alexia, whose outfits still seem to be losing fabric on every appearance, at ringside leaves him utterly, utterly out of his comfort zone, unable to concentrate.


Juan destroys him. He takes a lot longer than he might need to to get to the pin, and makes sure that Stanley will be able to see Alicia when he does.

The Great Juan defeated Stallion Stanley

Rating: D+





Freshman Patel has his ankles strapped to the wall, up above the doorway, as he does a series of inverted situps. Meanwhile, Darius King holds an open beer can, tilting it whenever Patel is horizontal enough to be able to drink from it. King is counting.


“...twenty-three... twenty-four... twenty-five! Break!”


As Patel reaches up to unstrap each ankle prior to backflipping to his feet, King skulls the rest of the beer and opens another can.


“Good work, Fresh!” he says cheerfully. “Alright, brah. You're doing good. But I'm thinkin' you need something to boost your confidence.”


Patel collects another can of his own. “Done,” he grins, chugging it in one.


“No beer foul. Alright.” King nods approvingly. “Yeah, brah, beer can help. But there's better around.


“Scott's bringing her in, brah.”


“Her?” Patel's attention sharpens.


“Brah, I need you confident. I need you a man.


“You going wild, brah.”



Scott Bingington appears, leading a college girl in shorts and bikini top.





Back in the ring, Kay Fabe announces the team of All Hallows Eve and Ashmedai, who come to the ring with... well, Ashmedai looks confident. Eve looks... worried, still rubbing anxiously at her throat.



Then Kay brings in Charles Vine “and whoever is willing to join him.”



After a long moment, with Vine watching the entrance anxiously from the ring, Nevada watching from ringside, preserving herself for her own battle later, clutching that wooden box in her hands, entrance music hits...



...and Frightening comes out, standing alongside Vine. Vine looks more than a little nervous at this, but Tiny Jackson rings the bell, and the match is on!




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/PaulCrowley.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/Frightening.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/SusieVanZant.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/AllHallowsEvealt1.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/Ashmedai.jpg

Charles Vine & Frightening w/ Nevada Van Sant vs. All Hallows Eve & Ashmedai

The contest is a surprisingly good one. Once Vine slowly starts to trust that his partner isn't going to assault him from behind, that side begins to do the necessary, focusing together to combine against the other new pairing opposite. Ashmedai remains an absolute beast, however, and both of his opponents rapidly learn to avoid him where possible, with Vine ultimately isolating Eve, making her tap to the Grapevine.

Charles Vine & Frightening defeated All Hallows Eve & Ashmedai

Rating: D+





As the Grapevine was applied, Nevada could be seen at ringside fastening the Cameo into place.


Soon after, the mists began once again to appear from under the ring apron where Nevada stood. Vine releases the hold, the match being over.



Frightening gathers up Eve, ready to toss her into the shrouding mist – but then Mio Nawabe is at ringside, hitting Nevada with a lariat. Immediately the mist ceases to become any thicker.


Vine cuts Frightening off temporarily simply by diving across him and out of the ring, catching Nawabe with a suicide dive. Ashmedai then blindsides Frightening – and throws him out on top of those outside. By this stage, the mist is dissipating.


Eve recovers, climbing to the top turnbuckle. She soars on her own into the melee, knocking everyone down in turn.


Tiny Jackson and the POW ringstaff pile into the dazed crowd, separating it out. Gradually, everyone except the two scheduled for the next match are eliminated from the area, and the match can get under way.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/SusieVanZantalt1.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/MioNawabe.jpg

Nevada Van Sant vs. Mio Nawabe

A knock-down and drag-out fight here. Nevada and Nawabe are both strong when it comes to beatdowns, but they're also very competent technicians, and as the match goes on, the brawling shifts into a technical display as both sides look for the advantage – and it seems that Nawabe has that edge, just barely; she ultimately sets up for the Fisherwoman's Suplex, only for Van Sant to twist in her grip and connect with the Edge of Forever!

Nevada Van Sant defeated Mio Nawabe

Rating: D+





Discotheque are kicking back in the Perry Hall cafeteria. Give It To Me, Baby is playing in the background, with KC Summer entirely lost in its funky beat. Donny seems a little distracted, however.


Ultimately, Donny reaches out and knocks the needle off the record. KC looks up, startled. “What gives, hep cat?”


“Man, I've been thinkin'. This whole business with the Fox cat is grinding my oats.”


“Yeah, my crackers are cheesed, too, cat. But I've been thinkin' myself.


“I'm none too sure we didn't make this bed for ourselves.”


“Hush yo mouth!”


“Wise up, cat. It ain't pretty, but you know what else wasn't pretty?” The ethereal-yet-funky beat first heard a couple of shows ago fades up again. Reed nods unwilling agreement to Summer's point.


“That night wasn't pretty,” he agrees, and the pair of them gaze upward. The camera follows that gaze, and the screen dissolves away.



Three children in disco-style clothes – perhaps three or four years older than in the other flashback we've seen - strut funkily down the street, while passers by turn and laugh.


“Man,” DISCO Fox's adult voice says frustratedly, “we're never going to bring disco back at this rate.”


“It was never gonna be easy, Fox,” KC replies. “We just gotta show people what it means.”


A bystander laughs. “Disco's dead, kid. You and your buddies go home and get a proper haircut, like mine.”


His hair is grown long on one side, pasted down the side of his face, obscuring one eye from view.


DISCO Fox's younger self squares up to him, puffing out his chest. “Disco beats emo hands down!” he declares proudly.


“Kid, you know nothing,” the bystander says. He shoves Fox down.


“You boys want the same?”


The future POW Sidekicks champions back away from the man ten years older, leaving DISCO Fox alone and humiliated in the street.





Meido Machine, Richie Santana Jr & the Slo-Mo Dojo


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DISCO Fox, Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II, Lance Van Der Beek & Scaremare w/ Jenna Talia

A remarkable match, this one – eight individuals, the weakest of them still pretty talented, plus Jenna at ringside.


One of the most notable moments, it has to be said, featured the Slo-Mo Dojo halting time while Richie Santana Jr was also in the ring – or, rather, it was the moments after, with a visibly panicked Santana demanding that Tiny Jackson explain “why the audience just sped up”.


That leads to him getting backjumped by DISCO Fox, but Meido Machine comes to his rescue. Fox ultimately falls to the Slo-Mo Stunner, ending the contest.

Meido Machine, Richie Santana Jr & the Slo-Mo Dojo defeated DISCO Fox, Lt. Geoffrey C. Westminster II, Lance Van Der Beek & Scaremare

Rating: C-




#1 Contendership

Elimination Match

http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/KosmoSupreme.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/ShayKinsella.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/ChristianProphet.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/KabukiTakao.jpg

Kyle Hart vs. Shay Kinsella vs. Christian Prophet vs. Kabuki Takao

And from a root few people would expect comes what is, to this point, the best match in POW's two and a half year history.


Kyle Hart shines in the early going, blindsiding Prophet before putting on a startling clinic against Kabuki Takao, almost eliminating him with the Akylator – but Takao kicks out! Shay Kinsella tries to add an exclamation point, but Takao ducks the Urbana Native and Kyle takes it to the face. He reels, staying upright – Takao follows it with a Thrust Kick and scores the pin on Kyle Hart!


Elimination #1: Kyle Hart


Prophet immediately levels Takao with a fast lariat. Shay and Prophet wrestle a quick exchange before Takao comes up fast, nailing Kinsella with a huge backdrop driver and taking it to Christian Prophet. The two brawl all over the ring, with Prophet ultimately buying some space for himself with an elbow to the head – he grabs the Undiscovered Championship – there's the spotlight – Shay and Takao both freeze. Prophet points at Kinsella. “VITIOSUS DESIDERIUM!” he bellows, and Shay connects with the Urbana Native on Takao, then collapses onto him for the pin.


Elimination #2: Kabuki Takao


Shay rolls clear of Takao, onto his back, after the pin – and Christian Prophet comes down with an uncharacteristic but highly effective top-rope legdrop. He makes the cover – and gets the win!


Elimination #3: Shay Kinsella

Christian Prophet defeated Kyle Hart, Shay Kinsella, and Kabuki Takao

Rating: C+


Steel Cage Match

http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/JessGilmour-Hart.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/WMD.jpg

Jess Gilmour-Hart © vs. WMD

It's surprising how much brutality there can be in a match like this. Jess plays edgy at first, looking to capitalise on WMD's anger, looking to bait her in and give her problems that way, but WMD remains dangerous, beating on her and brutalising the champion, looking for her opening.


Jess manages to stop the first escape attempt – a top-rope German suplex preventing the Woman of Mass Destruction's climb – but when she goes to climb herself, a dropkick smashes her against the cage, causing her to drop from the top rope, trapped in the steel.


WMD knows she has a trapped target, now, so long as she doesn't give the champion time to recover. She charges, looking for a huge splash, and Jess is nearly crushed again. WMD backs up and goes again, this time for a big boot.


The champion sidesteps, and the cage wall rocks. Jess tries to stagger the challenger with a chop, only to eat a huge left hook. She sags against the wall. WMD tries for the charging big boot again, and this time she connects – but the cage wall gives! Gilmour-Hart tumbles lifelessly from the ring! The champion retains!

Jess Gilmour-Hart won by escape

Rating: C-





WMD follows Jess out, grabbing her and whipping her toward the commentation station.



Shortly after that, however, three lassos descend around her shoulders. She turns to see that the men at the end of her restraints are the Legion of Snackfoods. They dig in their feet against her; she flexes, and they're pulled a step or two toward her.



Then Poco Loco runs out, grabbing hold of Kosmo Supreme's rope too, bracing his own feet.



A few moments later, out comes the Frat Pack, too. With seven men keeping the ropes strained against her, WMD is finally unable to pull away.


The last shot of the show is her putting her head down and charging toward them.


Show Rating: D+

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