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[jhdverse] Paragons of Wrestling: Bring Me The Head of Kay Fabe

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Another Great show! Liked the belt angle.:D MINE! (Says The Prophet)


A great show but I think this is the greatest thing to come out of it. EL HOT DOG FOR TRIOS, SIDEKICK AND GRAND CHAMPION!


Ultimately, this whole diary grew out of seeds planted by the original idea for the Undiscovered Championship, which at that point (in C-Verse Zen) would've involved Maurice "Montana" Jackson. The jhdverse gave me some antagonists and other twists that just made it work.


As for El Hot Dog, I do intend to give him something more solid sooner or later. I have a fondness for the guy.

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Prediction key:

Slo-Mo Dojo vs. Dreamscape


El Hot Dog vs. All Hallows Eve


Discotheque vs. Glenview Bad Boyz


Shay Kinsella vs. Fargo Korben


Richie Santana Jr vs. Earl Ray Travis


Wrestling Royalty vs. Complete Package w/ Jenna Talia


Undiscovered Championship


Charles Vine vs. Christian Prophet


POW Grand Championship

Poco Loco vs. WMD ©

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Slo-Mo Dojo vs. Dreamscape


El Hot Dog vs. All Hallows Eve


Discotheque vs. Glenview Bad Boyz


Shay Kinsella vs. Fargo Korben


Richie Santana Jr vs. Earl Ray Travis


Wrestling Royalty vs. Complete Package w/ Jenna Talia


Undiscovered Championship


Charles Vine vs. Christian Prophet


POW Grand Championship

Poco Loco vs. WMD ©

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Slo-Mo Dojo vs. Dreamscape


El Hot Dog vs. All Hallows Eve


Discotheque vs. Glenview Bad Boyz


Shay Kinsella vs. Fargo Korben


Richie Santana Jr vs. Earl Ray Travis


Wrestling Royalty vs. Complete Package w/ Jenna Talia

Undiscovered Championship


Charles Vine vs. Christian Prophet


POW Grand Championship

Poco Loco vs. WMD ©

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Slo-Mo Dojo vs. Dreamscape

Slo-Mo are simply bigger names.


El Hot Dog vs. All Hallows Eve

Hot Dog might get his moment eventually but I doubt it starts here.


Discotheque vs. Glenview Bad Boyz

Bounce back win after title loss.


Shay Kinsella vs. Fargo Korben

Kinsella is simply bigger name and hard to see him losing to Fargo who so far has looked like a midcarder.

Richie Santana Jr vs. Earl Ray Travis



Wrestling Royalty vs. Complete Package w/ Jenna Talia

That point system that is needed for tag title shot pretty much means that champs need to lose some of these non-title matches and this looks likely case here as Wrestling Royalty has been getting wins so far.


Undiscovered Championship


Charles Vine vs. Christian Prophet

Could probably go either way but I think that Prophet getting the title might lead to more interesting story.


POW Grand Championship

Poco Loco vs. WMD ©

Loco is still quite new and thus little bit of a wildcard but I doubt he beats WMD on the first try.

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Slo-Mo Dojo vs. Dreamscape

The Dojo are top-level guys, Dreamscape are lackeys.


El Hot Dog vs. All Hallows Eve



Discotheque vs. Glenview Bad Boyz

The former champs fight to regain momentum.


Shay Kinsella vs. Fargo Korben

Da Commish is a top guy.


Richie Santana Jr vs. Earl Ray Travis

POW's resident straight man beats the lowest of the jobbers.


Wrestling Royalty vs. Complete Package w/ Jenna Talia

They'll need to cheat to do it, but they won't lose their first match post-championship win.


Undiscovered Championship


Charles Vine vs. Christian Prophet

If the Seekers get the Undiscovered Championship, they may well hide it for the good of mankind. If Prophet gets it, he'll certainly use it. That's more interesting, I think.


POW Grand Championship

Poco Loco vs. WMD ©

Poco Loco has shown his ability to disable WMD, but I still can't vote against the Woman Of Mass Destruction.

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Slo-Mo Dojo vs. Dreamscape


El Hot Dog vs. All Hallows Eve

Discotheque vs. Glenview Bad Boyz


Shay Kinsella vs. Fargo Korben


Richie Santana Jr vs. Earl Ray Travis


Wrestling Royalty vs. Complete Package w/ Jenna Talia


Undiscovered Championship


Charles Vine vs. Christian Prophet


POW Grand Championship

Poco Loco vs. WMD ©

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Slo-Mo Dojo vs. Dreamscape


El Hot Dog vs. All Hallows Eve


Discotheque vs. Glenview Bad Boyz


Shay Kinsella vs. Fargo Korben


Richie Santana Jr vs. Earl Ray Travis


Wrestling Royalty vs. Complete Package w/ Jenna Talia


Undiscovered Championship


Charles Vine vs. Christian Prophet


POW Grand Championship

Poco Loco vs. WMD ©

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POW: The Undiscovered Championship


Monday Week 4 November 2012


The Asylum (Great Lakes)


Attendance: 820




Buccaneer * “The Chef” Chet Rio * Ford Memphis



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/ElScorcho.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/SkyPanther.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/Frightening.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/Scaremare.jpg

Slo-Mo Dojo vs. Dreamscape

It's... actually a hell of a battle, this one. The Dojo can usually school Dreamscape with ease, but this rejuvenated Dreamscape are dangerous, maybe even deadly, and the Dojo have to struggle in places. What keeps them going is the slow-motion they can trigger; they are masters in that environment, and they can use it to isolate Scaremare, with the Slo-Mo Stunner getting the pin. Frightening can't possibly make it across the ring in time at those speeds.

Slo-Mo Dojo defeated Dreamscape

Rating: D





DVD presentations show Christian Prophet standing on a balcony watching the action, All Hallows Eve's face shadowed behind him. Prophet is frowning.


“They're flagging already,” he says. “They need a sacrifice, Eve. They need to feast.”


“It shall be done,” she intones hollowly. She throws her head back and cackles, drawing attention even from the fans in attendance who hadn't been aware.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/ElHotDog.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/AllHallowsEve.jpg

El Hot Dog vs. All Hallows Eve

Once again, El Hot Dog is pitted against a superior combatant. Eve doesn't use her usual taunting, slow style here, though; she screams like a banshee as the ring bell sounds, then cuts loose, hammering him hard, doing her level best to shut down fightbacks fast, and ultimately sinks him with the Creature of the Night.

All Hallows Eve defeated El Hot Dog

Rating: D-





Eve throws her head back and cackles, then calls “Mortuus bellatorum, attendite me!”



Dreamscape return to the ring at a dead run. They surround the prone body of El Hot Dog and lower their masked mouths... to feast?



The crowd catch on, and voice their displeasure as the fighting frankfurter struggles against his assailants – then cheer as Kadivar, Vine and Van Sant hit the ring to run the nightmares off.


Vine and Kadivar bear El Hot Dog to the back between them as he shifts in obvious pain.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/DonnyChic.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/KCSummer.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/BrianKing.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/LilSwag.jpg

Discotheque vs. Glenview Bad Boyz

The Bad Boyz have been learning, but the former champions still have them well in hand throughout – save for a few surprising moments, when either King or Swag shock them.


In the end, though, that's just not enough, and Lil Swag falls to the Gone Platinum. Donny Chic scores the pin.

Discotheque defeated Glenview Bad Boyz

Rating: D





Even as Chic is making the pin, Summer's left the ring. He swiftly collects a microphone, and while Donny cuts a rug in the ring, KC climbs to the top turnbuckle and poses. “That was the opening number,” he says, “of our new album. There's going to be seven tracks... all of them winners. And at the end of those seven tracks, there's going to be the first ever two-time POW Sidekick Champions.


“We're calling this one Sidekicks II: Tag Team Boogaloo.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/ShayKinsella.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/FargoKorben.jpg

Shay Kinsella vs. Fargo Korben

Korben's good, but Kinsella's better, and it really is that that this match is built around. Korben tries to outpower Shay, but Shay's fought powerhouses, and he knows how to twist clear and counterattack. In due time he hits the Urbana Native and confirms a win.

Shay Kinsella defeated Fargo Korben

Rating: D





We see another pre-taped segment on our DVDs, with Shay Kinsella walking backstage with a purpose. Out of a door on the way, Richie Santana Jr emerges to fall in step with Da Commish.


Shay glances at him. “Something on your mind, son?”


“This whole thing with the Undiscovered Championship,” Richie says. “It being here, I mean. Our new home.”


Shay grins. “Explains why we never discovered it before, right?”


Richie blinks. “Uh... yeah, sure, whatever. But... it was hanging over the ring.”


“What about it?”


“It's a bit... convenient, isn't it?”


Shay looks confused. “Well, a belt's either with the champ, or in a drawer somewhere, or it's above a ring ready for a ladder match. It didn't have a champ, so it was either going to be in a drawer or waiting and ready.


“Glad it was waiting. Made making matches for this show a lot easier, you know?” He grins, and claps Richie on the shoulder. “Anyway, you've got Travis tonight. Best get ready.”


As Shay carries on down the corridor, Richie stops, staring after him, still apparently befuddled.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/RichieSantanaJr.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/EarlRayTravis.jpg

Richie Santana Jr vs. Earl Ray Travis

A quite nice little go-round, but the outcome really is never in doubt. Travis tries hard, but he's never really caught on with the POW faithful, and he may well be the roster's weakest link. Santana Jr, on the other hand, is a hard-working young man with a load of talent and a famous name, doing his best to live up to it. A blitzkrieg eventually sets up the Flying Cross Body and Santana Jr takes it home.

Richie Santana Jr defeated Earl Ray Travis

Rating: D



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/JessGilmour-Hart.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/MeidoMachine.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/MartinMcClane.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/CameronCody.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/TatianaPetrov.jpg

Wrestling Royalty vs. Complete Package w/ Jenna Talia

This one starts off as a savvy display of two expert matwork-oriented tag teams, with an edge of flying. And then the harrassment starts. Meido Machine's outfit draws WANG's attention.


The teasing escalates to taunting, then to outright mockery. In frustration, it's Meido Machine who throws the first closed-fist punch, driving Little Willy right out of the ring. The Package take that as full reason to fire back, and before long the battle is out of control. Tiny Jackson tries to restore order; it doesn't work. In frustration he rules it a draw.

Wrestling Royalty fought to a no contest with Complete Package

Rating: C-




Jenna passes her boys the championship belts and they pose with them in the ring.


“That's one,” she says. “There's three more. And we deserve them. We deserve all of them. Soon – very soon – you will see WANG stand proud. If you want to see the championships, you'll have to look here.”


Little Willy takes the mike. “Believe it,” he says. “Jenna Talia draped in gold is going to be the hallmark of the real champions here. You are going to see that sight, in the spotlight, every month. Every show.”


He drops down out of the ring and stands behind her, placing his Sidekicks championship belt over her shoulder. “This is a start. Get a look – get a d**n good look – and what's coming, because, my friend, it's coming. WANG... IS... COMING!”


Ladder Match


http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/PaulCrowley.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/ChristianProphet.jpg

Charles Vine vs. Christian Prophet

The ladder is almost incidental to the first half of this match; it's a brawl, full of innovative nastiness and dirty tricks. And that's before the ladder comes into play, and with it the weaponry and deeper-strength physical abuse.


A Male Gesserit off the lader puts Vine down, which allows Christian Prophet to finally claim the Undiscovered Championship he's craved... probably since Dreamscape started trumpeting the coming of their lord, back in summer 2011.

Christian Prophet defeated Charles Vine

Rating: D+



Best of Three Falls

http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/PocoLoco.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/WMD.jpg

Poco Loco vs. WMD ©

The first fall sees a furious WMD trying to catch a severely speedy avoidance play by the lunatic luchador. He nearly scores with the Loco Lariat twice, but both times WMD is just quick enough to dodge it. The second of those times, a haymaker of her own sends Loco crashing sideways into the ropes, and on the rebound she meets him with a big boot – and that's the end of the first call.


Loco starts the second fall out wobbly on his feet and apparently woozy. WMD seems confident, goes for him hard – and it looks like she was suckered in! The LWA standout struts his stuff, hits some serious moves, and finally connects with the Loco Lariat, evening up the falls at one apiece.


He opens the third by going for the Tickling Bearhug. An almost immediate backdrop driver demonstrates that this was perhaps not the best tactic he could've chosen; WMD seems to berserk. Against most wrestlers, this wouldn't be something Poco Loco couldn't deal with; he dodges well, he plays mind games well. He'd be perfectly placed to bait them into escalating until they made a mistake and capitalising. But he's wrestling WMD – he's wrestling a force of nature. In due time, as it had to, the Tactical Air Strike ends this emphatically.

WMD defeated Poco Loco

Rating: D+





As the Funeral March hits, WMD goes back to the top. Another Tactical Air Strike follows. A third has connected before the coffin is in the ring – and at that, the champion allows the dead man to be carried away with no further ceremony.


“If we learned anything today, it's pretty simple,” Buccaneer proclaims. “Don't tickle WMD.”


"You know," Memphis returns, "they say you get to learn one thing a day. We just wasted a day, uh-huh."





Shay Kinsella's music hits as the coffin passes out of sight. Da Commish heads down to the ring, passing the exiting champion on the way. There's a brief staredown, and Da Commish visibly thinks better of patting her on the shoulder.


He climbs into the ring.


“We're coming up on the end of my first year as Da Commish,” he begins. “And that needs celebrating. I'm told last year we ran a show called POW Christmas Special. Well, I like Christmas Specials. They remind me of shows I've missed... and this year I've been with POW. I've had no chance to follow a lot of other shows.


“This year, Christmas Special returns with our first sequel event, the Christmas Invasion. Every single match is going to have one side from POW... and one side from another company. And yes – titles will be on the line.”


He grins. “I'm really, really looking forward to catching up with all the action from round the country, POW-style.”


Show Rating: D+

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Prediction Key

Undiscovered Championship

Kabuki Takao (REPRESENTING CWT) vs. Christian Prophet ©


Slo-Mo Dojo vs. Barrio Breakers (Herrera & Xero) (REPRESENTING CWT & DRAGON)


El Hot Dog vs. Joey Perez (REPRESENTING SWA)


Darius King vs. Lance Van Der Beek (REPRESENTING CWT)


POW Trios Championships

Frat Boys vs. Lance Van Der Beek & Dreamscape


Johnny G. Wells vs. Mio Nawabe (REPRESENTING AWW)


Cordero Calderon (REPRESENTING LWA) vs. Alexia Dynamite


POW Sidekicks Championships

Bollywood Knights (REPRESENTING PWI) vs. Complete Package © w/ Jenna Talia


POW Grand Championship

Best of Three Falls


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Undiscovered Championship

Kabuki Takao (REPRESENTING CWT) vs. Christian Prophet ©


Slo-Mo Dojo vs. Barrio Breakers (Herrera & Xero) (REPRESENTING CWT & DRAGON)


El Hot Dog vs. Joey Perez (REPRESENTING SWA)


Darius King vs. Lance Van Der Beek (REPRESENTING CWT)


POW Trios Championships

Frat Boys vs. Lance Van Der Beek & Dreamscape


Johnny G. Wells vs. Mio Nawabe (REPRESENTING AWW)


Cordero Calderon (REPRESENTING LWA) vs. Alexia Dynamite


POW Sidekicks Championships

Bollywood Knights (REPRESENTING PWI) vs. Complete Package © w/ Jenna Talia


POW Grand Championship

Best of Three Falls


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Undiscovered Championship

Kabuki Takao (REPRESENTING CWT) vs. Christian Prophet ©

Prophet just got the belt he isn´t going to lose it on first defense.


Slo-Mo Dojo vs. Barrio Breakers (Herrera & Xero) (REPRESENTING CWT & DRAGON)

Not much idea about Herrera so I go with Slo-Mo.


El Hot Dog vs. Joey Perez (REPRESENTING SWA)

Until Hot Dog starts winning I will be predicting against him.


Darius King vs. Lance Van Der Beek (REPRESENTING CWT)


POW Trios Championships

Frat Boys vs. Lance Van Der Beek & Dreamscape

Yes Beek is outsider but with all titles on the line it´s likely that one of them will change hands (good way to introduce new signing too, by having him/her win a belt and then agreeing to defend it in the future shows) and trios belt make the most sense. Besides Dreamscape seems to be tough guys to beat at the moment and Frat Boys are hardly considered top guys.


Johnny G. Wells vs. Mio Nawabe (REPRESENTING AWW)

Some POW guys need to loose too and Wells looks like a good candidate for that.


Cordero Calderon (REPRESENTING LWA) vs. Alexia Dynamite

If memery serves, Calderon is a big name in LWA so Alexia shouldn´t be hurt too much even if she loses here.


POW Sidekicks Championships

Bollywood Knights (REPRESENTING PWI) vs. Complete Package © w/ Jenna Talia

Too early for a title change.


POW Grand Championship

Best of Three Falls


I know I said that one title will likely change hands but I doubt it will be the main title as that kind of sends wrong message to public if your main champ is beaten by guy from other company.

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Prediction Key

Undiscovered Championship

Kabuki Takao (REPRESENTING CWT) vs. Christian Prophet ©


Slo-Mo Dojo vs. Barrio Breakers (Herrera & Xero) (REPRESENTING CWT & DRAGON)


El Hot Dog vs. Joey Perez (REPRESENTING SWA)


Darius King vs. Lance Van Der Beek (REPRESENTING CWT)


POW Trios Championships

Frat Boys vs. Lance Van Der Beek & Dreamscape


Johnny G. Wells vs. Mio Nawabe (REPRESENTING AWW)


Cordero Calderon (REPRESENTING LWA) vs. Alexia Dynamite


POW Sidekicks Championships

Bollywood Knights (REPRESENTING PWI) vs. Complete Package © w/ Jenna Talia


POW Grand Championship

Best of Three Falls


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Undiscovered Championship

Kabuki Takao (REPRESENTING CWT) vs. Christian Prophet ©

No way a title gets traded to another company.


Slo-Mo Dojo vs. Barrio Breakers (Herrera & Xero) (REPRESENTING CWT & DRAGON)

Your guys are Main Event Material, these guys are a thrown-together team.


El Hot Dog vs. Joey Perez (REPRESENTING SWA)



Darius King vs. Lance Van Der Beek (REPRESENTING CWT)


POW Trios Championships

Frat Boys vs. Lance Van Der Beek & Dreamscape

No change of champions.


Johnny G. Wells vs. Mio Nawabe (REPRESENTING AWW)

Considering that you're putting all your titles on the line against outside talent, you need to put the outside talent over a lot in non-title matches.


Cordero Calderon (REPRESENTING LWA) vs. Alexia Dynamite

I'm predicting almost all of these matches for POW faithful, so at least a few have to go to the outsiders.


POW Sidekicks Championships

Bollywood Knights (REPRESENTING PWI) vs. Complete Package © w/ Jenna Talia

Let's call a draw here - we can't have all of the title matches be too predictable.


POW Grand Championship

Best of Three Falls


The Woman Of Mass Destruction claims another victim.

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Undiscovered Championship

Kabuki Takao (REPRESENTING CWT) vs. Christian Prophet ©


Slo-Mo Dojo vs. Barrio Breakers (Herrera & Xero) (REPRESENTING CWT & DRAGON)


El Hot Dog vs. Joey Perez (REPRESENTING SWA)


Darius King vs. Lance Van Der Beek (REPRESENTING CWT)


POW Trios Championships

Frat Boys vs. Lance Van Der Beek & Dreamscape


Johnny G. Wells vs. Mio Nawabe (REPRESENTING AWW)


Cordero Calderon (REPRESENTING LWA) vs. Alexia Dynamite


POW Sidekicks Championships

Bollywood Knights (REPRESENTING PWI) vs. Complete Package © w/ Jenna Talia


POW Grand Championship

Best of Three Falls


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Undiscovered Championship

Kabuki Takao (REPRESENTING CWT) vs. Christian Prophet ©


Slo-Mo Dojo vs. Barrio Breakers (Herrera & Xero) (REPRESENTING CWT & DRAGON)


El Hot Dog vs. Joey Perez (REPRESENTING SWA)


Darius King vs. Lance Van Der Beek (REPRESENTING CWT)


POW Trios Championships

Frat Boys vs. Lance Van Der Beek & Dreamscape


Johnny G. Wells vs. Mio Nawabe (REPRESENTING AWW)


Cordero Calderon (REPRESENTING LWA) vs. Alexia Dynamite


POW Sidekicks Championships

Bollywood Knights (REPRESENTING PWI) vs. Complete Package © w/ Jenna Talia


POW Grand Championship

Best of Three Falls


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POW: The Christmas Invasion


Monday Week 4 December 2012


The Asylum (Great Lakes)


Attendance: 838




Buccaneer * “The Chef” Chet Rio * Ford Memphis




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/Christmas%20Invasion/KabukiTakao.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/ChristianProphet.jpg

Kabuki Takao vs. Christian Prophet ©

Takao looks disinterested in proceedings... until he catches sight of the belt around the champion's waist, at which point his whole body language changes, he hits the ropes, gathers momentum, and flies out to meet the Prophet mid-entrance.


It takes Tiny Jackson's huge frame to separate them, and once the bell rings they collide again at speed. This one goes by fast, but the crowd aren't complaining at all, and Christian Prophet just barely wins with the Prophylaxis submission, with Takao fighting until he legitimately passes out.

Christian Prophet defeated Kabuki Takao

Rating: C-





Shay Kinsella's music hits, and Da Commish struts his way to the ring. He climbs in and looks around. “OK, I'm really glad that match kicked butt, because you're gonna get a whole lot more of that tonight.


“The one thing – we wanted to get a regular tag team in for this next match, but Garza couldn't make it. Thankfully, DRAGON were listening. They sent over Xero, a guy they believe can work with Herrera and wow you guys, so-”


Kinsella drops to a sharp blow to the head from the Undiscovered Championship.



Prophet stands over him, raising the belt above his head. A spotlight shines off the metal as he bellows “SERVI AURUM, VENITE ME!”



Christian Prophet grins as, one by one, the Bollywood Knights and Super TIGER emerge sluggishly from the back.


“Bring... me... the belts...” he growls, then stalks off.


“...Somethin's rotten around here,” the Buccaneer observes.





DVD presentations see Herrera and Xero backstage, standing beside one another. Herrera looks more than a little frustrated. He starts venting those frustrations in Spanish, but Xero stops him.


“Compadre, te escucho, pero no hay una cámara ahí y no todo el mundo habla Español.”


After a moment, Herrera shrugs, acknowledging that this is fair. “No offence,” he says. “But I should be wrestling these guys with Garza, not you.”


Xero nods. “It's not fair to you,” he says. “But these two... I've fought them, in DRAGON. I know how good they are.


“I know what you can do, compadre. If I wasn't here to wrestle, I'd be happy watching. But we need to fight together if we're gonna win this.”


Herrera sneers. “For the fans?”


“No, compadre. I'm already in DRAGON. I can get this match seen by the talent scouts. You're not doing this for the fans, you're doing this for the big leagues.”


“What about Garza?”


Xero shrugs. “Hard enough breaking the barrio's glass ceiling on your own, compadre. I can give you a leg up, but if Garza can't be here, it's his loss.”


Of course, regular viewers of CWT television have seen the Cholotariat having problems on and off for a while. Herrera gives it a moment, then shrugs. “Let's kick their asses.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/ElScorcho.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/SkyPanther.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/Christmas%20Invasion/Herrera.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/Christmas%20Invasion/Xero.jpg

Slo-Mo Dojo vs. Barrio Breakers (Herrera & Xero)

A close battle all the way here. Herrera is a very solid wrestler, and Xero brings the flash and the aerial style to dazzle the fans. Both of them even acquit themselves well during the slo-mo sequence – hell, Xero seems to slow down mid-senton when El Scorcho activates it.


But the Breakers have one problem. As Herrera said, they're not a regular team. This is their first outing together, and it's founded on very little. The Dojo, on the other hand, have trained together so long they've somehow cracked the path to using kung fu to adjust temporal physics in a localised area. And so, in the end, El Scorcho keeps Xero from interfering while Herrera eats the Slo-Mo Stunner and Sky Panther gets the pin.

Slo-Mo Dojo defeated Barrio Breakers

Rating: C-





The familiar entrance music that signals El Hot Dog's approach to the ring hits to a surprisingly strong reception.


The flying frankfurter is still sporting bandages where Dreamscape attempted to devour him last month as he climbs into the ring, accepting the microphone from Kay Fabe.


“Hola, amigos,” he begins. “You've seen me fight here so long, now. Tonight, we fight newcomers. Visitors. Challengers.


“To be chosen for this is an honour. An honour I shall uphold. So come, warrior of Seattle... come and face the Paragons of Wrestling!”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/ElHotDog.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/Christmas%20Invasion/JoeyPerez.jpg

El Hot Dog vs. Joey Perez

Joey Perez doesn't look particularly impressed with El Hot Dog as he comes out. And as the match goes on, he seems to have reason. It's not that El Hot Dog doesn't fight well – this may be one of his most determined battles of all time – but Joey Perez puts on a hell of a performance, and he finishes it with the Particularly Perez – a corkscrew senton from the top that puts this one beyond doubt.

Joey Perez defeated El Hot Dog

Rating: D-





DVDs next show Lance Van Der Beek standing in front of the POW logo. He smiles at the camera.


“Hi,” he says. “Back in CWT, they call me 'Varsity' Lance Van Der Beek. I'm collegiate trained. Former All-American. Former academic All-American. Amateur champion. For the last three years I've been wrestling for CWT.


“I've held titles. And I'm here to tell you, I owe it all to the Varsity. I owe it to UWT, my alma mater. Kids – I know there's plenty out there – you need to go to college. You'll grow as a person. You'll learn. You can earn awards, you can-”



Darius King stumbles into him while wearing a plastic hat with a beer can strapped to either side and hooked up into a straw.


He spits the straw out of his mouth to talk, spilling beer on Van Der Beek's letter jacket. “Sorry, brah,” he proclaims. “Didn't see ya there. In the middle of my match training routine, right brah?”


Van Der Beek stares in total incomprehension. With an expression of horror, clarity dawns. “OH, my God,” he says. “You're... Darius King?”


“'Sright.” King glances down and notices the beer trickle on Lance's jacket. “Oh, brah, sorry!” He shoves the straw back in his mouth, spits on the beer stain, and begins to rub vigourously.


The All-American shoves him back with both hands, snarling. “Careful!”


“Sheesh, OK, brah. I was just tryin' to clean it...”


But Lance's attention is all on the fabric. “You may have ruined it.” He's fuming. “You've...” He snatches the beer hat off King's head (“Hey! TOTAL beer foul, brah!”), throwing it on the floor and stomping on it. The sound of a can rupturing can be heard.


Darius King has to grin at that point. “Dude, sorry. Beer comes out of white leather boots, right?”


Lance stares at him. “You...” He growls. “I'm going to take something from you for this.”


King shrugs. “Only thing I've got is the Trios title, brah. And there's only two of ya.”



Lance decides to let that pass. But then Dreamscape emerge to flank him. “Match,” Frightening hisses. “Made,” adds Scaremare.




The Frat Pack ©



Lance Van Der Beek & Dreamscape

So this one's hastily assembled, but nonetheless it's well received. Lance shows his stuff, particularly nailing Freshman Patel with the VDB 2.0, but the Frat Pack's loyalty sees them break up the pin. Dreamscape are keen to get a title as per the Prophet's wishes, but Van Der Beek doesn't seem to have been affected by his magic. The connection isn't quite there.


Scott Bingington finds himself in the Varsity Stretch near the end, but Darius King sacks Frightening with the Three Point Stance and gets the pin. A second later, Scott starts urgently tapping.

The Frat Pack defeated Lance Van Der Beek & Dreamscape

Rating: D-





For DVD audiences, the next thing they see is Grand Champion WMD sitting backstage, staring at a photograph of Super TIGER, the belt over her shoulder.



She continues to stare at the photo, silent, apparently psyching herself up, until AWW teammate Mio Nawabe moves into shot... flicks a lighter... and sets the photograph alight.


WMD nods in satisfaction. She looks away from the burning image and to her erstwhile tag partner...


...and she begins to laugh, while Nawabe laughs along with her.





The scene eventually fades out, and as it does, the camera returns to a young man making his way to the ring, dressed fairly typically for a wrestler and trailing a Mexican flag behind him. He kisses Kay Fabe's hand, then snatches the microphone from her before entering the ring.


“People of POW,” he begins, with a flourish. “I have come. I am here to steal your hearts and win your championships, to give you the champion that I'm sure you crave.


“I will make this a promotion of the people. And I will be the people's champion.” He smiles. “Soon enough, you will all appreciate...








“...wait for it...”








“...The Great Juan!”


Juan's statement is met with a certain degree of skepticism, particularl from those who remember WWWE's own 'People's champion', Magnum “The Great One” Kirchart.




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/JohnnyWells.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/Christmas%20Invasion/MioNawabe.jpg

Johnny G Wells vs. Mio Nawabe

The exoskeleton returns to Johnny for this match and, while he fights well, it turns out to be a bad idea; Nawabe is almost as dangerous as WMD, if not equally dangerous.


In this particular instance, the rips the exoskeleton off one arm and wraps those glowing plastic tubes around his neck, briefly choking him. Tiny Jackson threatens to disqualify her; she releases the hold but then forces Tiny to back up three steps. Johnny tries a sleeper hold. This doesn't end well for him at all, but Nawabe nonetheless drags his limp body up and nails a Fisherwoman's Suplex for the pin.

Mio Nawabe defeated Johnny G Wells

Rating: D+





For DVDs again, Cordero Calderon is backstage, swaggering in front of the POW logo, wearing an LWA T-Shirt – and, perched atop his improbable trademark hair, a POW baseball cap.


“Well, hello Detroit,” he grins. “I flew in yesterday for this. You might've caught me out on the town last night.


“Oye, tequila... it makes a man do crazy things. But you know that, right?” He flashes a wink at the camera.


“Tonight, a man does crazy things again. The things I've seen here, backstage. I met El Hot Dog. Or maybe I'm still feeling the tequila, hey?


“But tonight, we fight for honour and respect. I honour your promotion. I honour the wrestlers who come here to entertain you every month, hey?


“And I'm here to wrestle. To wrestle Alexia Dynamite. Heh.” He grins. “See, if you want to see the volcano erupt, you go up to the caldera, and you throw in some explosive... and tonight, Calderon? I'm going to go... DYNAMITE!


“Oye... crazy things in the ring. And perhaps some tequila tonight, if you're with me. For you, the fans, and for the pride of Puerto Rico.”




http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/Christmas%20Invasion/CorderoCalderon.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/AlexiaDynamite.jpg

Cordero Calderon vs. Alexia Dynamite

This one's another very strong match by POW standards, with Calderon happily playing the face – a role he's always been excellent in – and the fans getting behind him, perhaps aided by the fact he brought two tequila bottles with him and passed them both to the first row.


Alexia tries her usual tricks, and they work – on Calderon, they work better than on any opponent other than Stallion Stanley – but when she nails the frozen Calderon with the Fist Full of Dynamite, he digs down and kicks out. And after that, the sheer shock Alexia's feeling allows Cordero to recover – and connect with the Pride of Puerto Rico, a spinning sit-out sidewalk slam, to get the pin.

Cordero Calderon defeated Alexia Dynamite

Rating: C-





On DVD presentations we see the Bollywood Knights involved in a complicated song and dance routine in Hindi within the darkened room occupied by the Nightmares. Christian Prophet's skinless skull is impassive. Behind him, All Hallows Eve yawns, then glances at her watch.


“Do you know what they're saying?” Prophet whispers. Eve shrugs. “I think they're promising to betray their own pride and hand you the belts,” she says. “I stopped listening in the middle of the second hour.


“We might want to send them out to the ring,” she continues. “It's got to be nearly time for their match.”


Prophet sighs. “I had no idea they did this. It never happens on PWI.”


“Well, what do you expect?” Eve retorts tartly. “Send them out...”


Prophet has turned to glower at her, and Eve seems to remember her place. “...my lord.”


Prophet nods, and turns back to the Knights.


“Enough,” he says, and the Knights stop. “Go,” he says. “Win me the title.”





A smash cut and we see the Complete Package standing beside Jenna Talia and her clipboard.


“Alright,” she says. “I don't have any notes or plans for this Undiscovered Championship magic thing. I'll have to go deal with that, but we can cover the Bollywood Knights issue.


“These guys are stiff competition. My advice is you beat off Ranjin Vidur – he's a little bit better out of the two – and then we isolate Amaan Singh. We get Big Bo Lox hammering Singh's face. In fact, I want Bo Lox up and down on both of 'em for as long as it's necessary, then we ease off and stick Little Willy where he can do most good. Got me?”


“Yes ma'am,” the Package chorus.



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/Christmas%20Invasion/AmaanSingh.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/Christmas%20Invasion/RanjinVidur.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/MartinMcClane.jpghttp://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/CameronCody.jpg w/ http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/TatianaPetrov.jpg

Bollywood Knights vs. Complete Package © w/ Jenna Talia

True to their word, the Package use Bo Lox heavily in the early going. And true to their word, they assault Vidur early and then look to wear down Amaan Singh, but it doesn't go as well as they might hope – the Knights have faced opponents who knew their strengths and weaknesses time and again, and they know how to combine against it.


As the match moves into a new phase, then, the Knights combine and work over Little Willy, who comes to know the pain of being worked over by a taped fist. Eventually, Singh drops Willy's shoulders over the top rope and boosts his legs onto Singh's shoulders; Vidur hits the far ropes and hurdles Singh, coming down hard on Willy's back in the Knights signature Paisa Vasool!


Big Bo comes in to break up the pin and the match starts to disintegrate. Tiny Jackson holds it together as long as he can, but when Ranjin Vidur and Little Willy hit simultaneous low blows on one another, he feels the need to throw this one out.

Bollywood Knights drew with Complete Package

Rating: C



http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/Christmas%20Invasion/SuperTIGER.jpg vs. http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm75/trenchcoatbrigand/POW/WMD.jpg

Super TIGER vs. WMD ©

The first fall here is blindingly fast. The young masked Briton tears down the house and WMD can barely keep up with him to connect – but he works her arm, and works her arm, and works her neck, and goes back to working her arm.


Ten minutes in, the TIGER Triangle is locked in and WMD is forced to tap to save her arm and neck for the next fall. They break apart and circle, and WMD this time plays it cagier. She baits Super TIGER in, and he falls for it. The second fall is precisely even; hit and run versus devastating reprisla. To prove a point, WMD chokeslams him with her weakened arm, not getting the pin due to the pain preventing her from acting immediately, but a big boot does even the score.


In the final fall the intensity steps up greatly. Super TIGER pulls out every last stop; seeing WMD soar through the air, not of her own accord, but thanks to a Splash Mountain by a slightly smaller opponent, is one of the things people are going to be talking about for months to come – but she kicks out, and ultimately rallies, powerbombing TIGER from the top rope and turning around to execute another picture-perfect Tactical Air Strike to finish the match.

WMD defeated Super TIGER

Rating: C+




The Funeral March begins to play. Six men march down to the ring, slide the coffin in below the bottom rope, and enter after it... and Super TIGER sits up! WMD can't believe it! She makes off after him, but the DRAGON representative does the smart thing, bailing to safety.


Show Rating: C-

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Whoa... those were some surprisingly (to me) good matches from the invaders. I admit I'm not the most familiar with the jhd verse and how good particular guys are, but those were some very good grades.


Lance and King segment was brilliant, too, but I'm especially enjoying the sinister weird mind controlling type affair going on with Prophet and his zombie buddies, good stuff.


Liked the TIGER bit at the end, felt like a good piece of inter-promotion nodding. As in, 'okay we're doing an invasion but this is one of your top guys, so we'll have him 'survive' WMD even though he doesn't win'. Made it feel realistic in a way.



(The Great Juan! Marking out!)



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(Credit for the El Popcorn image is to Tiberious4, who has graciously permitted me to use it.)

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Whoa... those were some surprisingly (to me) good matches from the invaders. I admit I'm not the most familiar with the jhd verse and how good particular guys are, but those were some very good grades.


Lance and King segment was brilliant, too, but I'm especially enjoying the sinister weird mind controlling type affair going on with Prophet and his zombie buddies, good stuff.


Liked the TIGER bit at the end, felt like a good piece of inter-promotion nodding. As in, 'okay we're doing an invasion but this is one of your top guys, so we'll have him 'survive' WMD even though he doesn't win'. Made it feel realistic in a way.



(The Great Juan! Marking out!)




Yeah, I really did trade above my talent. Shay wrestled this month for CWT, LWA, SWA, PWI and DRAGON, and a couple of the guys on the roster used DRAGON-created overness to grab a few others.


But for all that, it was fun. I recently rewatched the 2011 King of Trios, and it's something I want the Christmas Invasion to grow into - but I think a key part of that is going to be establishing its rep as a major thing, and the other key part is keeping the POW flavour but integrating the newcomer. I must confess, I'm a little sad that I won't hit those results again for a while...


Here comes Year Two. Hopefully, here comes Regional.

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Prediction Key:

Los Cinematicos (El Hot Dog & El Popcorn) vs. Team WANG (Richard Ryder & John Thomas) w/ Jenna Talia


Shay Kinsella vs. The Great Juan


Discotheque (Donny Chic & KC Summer) vs. Earl Ray Travis & Lil Swag


Poco Loco vs. Little Willy w/ Jenna Talia


The Seekers (Charles Vine & Ebi Kadivar) vs. Dreamscape (Frightening & Scaremare)


Johnny G Wells vs. Big Bo Lox w/ Jenna Talia


Slo-Mo Dojo (El Scorcho & Sky Panther) vs. Nightmares (All Hallows Eve & Christian Prophet)


POW Grand Championship

Best Out of Three Falls

Jess Gilmour-Hart vs. WMD ©

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