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NYCW: The Building of an Empire

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This is a fictional diary based on the Cornellverse database provided with TEW2010. Any reference to any real persons, alive or dead is usually a coincidence... but sometimes not.


This opening post contains all of the background information for the diary. After this the show reports will be done in a simplistic fashion, which should save time, whilst increasing enjoyment. this will take the form of a 'Booker's Diary' with comments about certain things working, or not working as the case may be.


Thanks have to go to Adam Ryland for creating this awesome game, but also to infinitywpi and BriFidelity, who wrote the two diaries that inspired this diary to be written in the first place.




The Genesis of the Future

New York City, December 29th 2009


It had been 6 years since graduation. Life was good. It was better than I could’ve hoped in fact. I had a dream job in marketing, was dating a beautiful genius and lived in a Knightsbridge flat, which was fully paid for. 2009 was drawing to a close and I was happier than I’d ever been and yet, somehow, inexplicably I found myself a month later, on New Year’s Eve, broke, alone and standing in the rain outside a hostel in New York City.


What the Hell had happened? Well put simply, I’d be stupid. Truly, stupid was not a satisfactory word for it, cataclysmically stupid, apocalyptically stupid, possibly the stupidest man of all time. Just as I’d achieved everything I ever wanted, when I was growing up, I’d self-destructed. “Sabotaged” a psychiatrist might say, my own happiness and here I was, having lost everything, with only one option left.


Things had started badly after a series of late meetings. My girlfriend had finally got bored of me not being around. I got home at 2.00am to find a note that said “I’m sorry, but I can’t be in a relationship with someone I never see.” I’d like to say there was a dramatic moment where I’d realised what I’d lost, but in reality, like all relationships it ended with a whimper rather than a bang. Life it seems, is not like the movies.


Having lost her, I threw myself into my work, but 5 years of long hours, with client entertaining and an unhealthy obsession with alcohol had taken its toll. I started to make some small mistakes, nothing too bad, but enough to irk my bosses. Marketing is a cutthroat industry and when the opportunity arose to stab me in the back, my colleagues wouldn’t hesitate. And they didn’t.


Having overslept after a particularly heavy night, I’d missed an important meeting with a sports clothing brand, which one of my colleagues had stepped in on and won them over. I had to admit I was impressed, but that account was the one thing that would give me a sure footing in the company. It was my safety net. When I found out, I reacted badly and started a fight with my colleague. My bosses, kind and caring as they are immediately suspended me without pay and filed a case for dismissal. Needless to say they won, I lost my job and couldn’t afford to make rent and my name was blacklisted among other marketing agencies.


Desperately I used what little money I had left to book a flight to New York. An old University friend of mine had suggested that he might be able to get me some work with him. With nothing left to lose, I boarded the plane and took off to the Big Apple. But even this was a disaster. When I arrived, my contact setup meetings for me with all the top marketing agencies, but news of my violence had reached them through the big sports brand and nobody would give me a chance. Then at my lowest ebb, with no one seemingly willing to give me the time of day, I got a phone call from my friend.


“Hey mate, someone wants to interview you for a job.”


“Really? Are you kidding? Who is it, haven’t they heard about what happened in my last job?”


“Oh they’ve heard, in fact that’s the only reason they’ve agreed to take the meeting.”




“It’s a unique company, with a unique boss.”


“Why are saying unique in such a pronounced way? Who is it?”


“Oh you won’t know him, but his name is… The Stomper.”




“See told you wouldn’t know him, but he’s becoming a bit of a name in professional wrestling circles.”


“Pro wrestling, that fake sport?”


“I wouldn’t call it that in front of the wrestlers if I were you. They don’t take too kindly to it. But if you want a job, this is the only one I know of where people won’t care about what you’ve done. Hey I didn’t know much about it, but now I’m getting in pretty deep with a company in California called CZCW. I might actually make a go of it there. We could rule each wrestling coast together.”


“Pipe dreams, plus what do I know about wrestling? I haven’t watched since I was young.”


“Just go meet the guy, he’s at a high school gym downtown.”


With that my friend gave my directions and off I went, things were looking up and The Stomper, a professional wrestler might just be the man to help me get my life on track. In fairness it couldn’t get any worse.

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Weston Gymnasium, New York City, December 29th 2009


I pushed the door and walked into the middle of a brawl. Actually brawl wasn’t a strong enough word. It was a battlefield, a war… a riot. There were around 15 large men throwing punches and angrily shouting. I stood staring, shocked at the violence when one of the older gentlemen stumbled out of the crowd and squared up to me.








“My name is Tom, I was sent here for an interview by William.”


“Ahhh. The new kid. Hmmm.”


He looked me up and down.


“Yup you’re a big fella, you’ll do. Can’t be worse than the last guy. Right you’re hired. Your first job as General Manager of NYCW is to stop this fight.”




“Well don’t just stand there. Get involved, I hear you like to fight.”


He grinned and launched himself toward a young, good looking man who was inexplicably wearing sunglasses. I summoned up all my courage.


“Err hello…”


Nothing happened.


“Excuse me…”


Still nothing.




The fighting immediately stopped. The old man looked at me and smirked before stepping forward.


“Boys, this is your new head booker.”


The next two days passed in a blur. It turns out the fight was caused when Roger Cage (he with the sunglasses) declared he was leaving for SWF (the biggest wrestling promotion in the world) and some of the boys had got upset with him. Jealousy, I thought, was a dangerous thing. The old man turned out to be The Stomper, I asked for his real name, but he simply responded ‘I’m The Stomper,’ it appeared they took these things seriously.


Cage’s departure had lead to a huge rift among the locker room, and my appointment had cemented the decision for half the roster to walk out of their contracts. Not the best start, but after a quick lesson (8 hours) in wrestling history from Stomper and a few chats with the remaining wrestlers I was ready to give booking (a term relating to writing the results of a wrestling show) a go. New Year’s Eve came and went and when I awoke, hungover on January 1st, having slept in Weston Gym, I has ready to look at what NYCW had to offer the world.




Main Eventers

Black Hat Bailey (NYCW Empire Champion)

Steve Flash


Honest Frank


Upper Midcard

Rick Sanders

Sammy the Shark (NYCW Tri-State Champion)

Lee Wright

Dazzling Dave Diamond



Dean Waldorf (NYCW Tag Team Champion)

Marv Statler (NYCW Tag Team Champion)



Michael Bull


Road Agent

The Stomper


I had a list of names of those who hard stormed out in what would later become one of the bigger independent wrestling scandals in recent years, Stomper had banned me from ever rehiring them:



Larry Vessey

Land Mass

Herb Stately

Rock Downpour

The Masked Mauler

Roger Cage

Fern Hathaway

Animal Harker

Cheerleader Nicki


So it wasn’t great to be heading toward my first show with the company, having lost half of my talent, although having seen tapes of previous events, I’m not sure if talent was the right word. The Stomper had given me the contact details of someone called Rip Chord, to speak about potential new talent and I’m sure my old friend Billy had some insight, even if it was from the West Coast.


Stomper also gave me some goals on how he wanted the promotion to be run:



At least be as Popular in USA as when we started - Fair enough, although if we were any smaller we wouldn't really exist.

Can't hire anyone who has had a problem with the law - Again, this is a common sense approach for us to avoid any trouble.

Can't hire anyone with athleticism or psychology lower that D- - Fine, no huge ex-bodybuilders then.

Shouldn't go below $60,000 in the bank at any time - This might be a problem in the long run, but with a limited roster and small show costs, I should be able to turn a profit from the start.


But as they say in wrestling, "the show must go on."With that in mind, I began work on an event I called NYCW Genesis taking place at the end of January 2010.

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With only a week to go until NYCW Genesis, I was kindly invited to go along and see Billy's promotion, CZCW in all its glory. At an event called CZCW Revolution (gotta love wrestling event names) at the sold out Snake Pit in California I saw something that blew my mind. Instead of the old school wrestling that I remember old promotions like Hollyweird putting on, this was fast-paced, with almost no interviews or melodramatic stories. These guys lived fast and according to Billy burnt out pretty quickly if they weren't picked up by one of the bigger promotions. In the main event, Fox Mask retained his title in a four-way match and I made notes the whole way through. One day I'd populate NYCW with this kind of action, while trying to retain the 'Old School' values which Stomper insisted we kept.


Then two nights before our debut show, Stomper took me to meet a wrestling legend. Rip Chord, whose company MAW was hosting the fifth annual tournament in his name. It seems that Chord hoped to create a generation of wrestlers in his mold to take the business forward and this tournament was one of the highlights of the calendar. In the final Citizen X defeated Mean Jean Cattley in mathc of night. Having spoken with Chord and Stomper, I had a plan for the re-invigoration of the roster, which while not original might prove worthwhile.


But then what did I know, I was just some guy who'd found himself in this business by accident. The night of Genesis had arrived and I was nervous. Hell I hadn't been this nervous since I first went to University. But everyone knew their place, my big plans for the new roster had gone really well and the storylines that would hopefully make us successful were ready to go.


The lights went down, 'New York, New York' started blaring out the speakers and I took my place at the announce table with Sammy. It was time for the Genesis.


NYCW Genesis 2010

January 2010, week 4, Sunday

From the Weston Gymnasium, Tri-State Area, New York City

Attendance: 67


We open with Lee Wright, veteran of the Weston, saying that after the losers walked out, they've taken all the competition. So he's throwing down an open challenge to anyone who wants to take him on. Larry Vessey's music hits, the crowd seemed... well underwhelmed, but it turns out its not Larry but Cameron, the next generation. But then some classical music hits and out comes someone else. "My name is DW Newton, and I'm the saviour of this backwater promotion. Tonight I'll show both of you that my rise to the top is not nature, or nuture, but simply. Newton's Law!" (D) (I figured wrestling fans loved a catchphrase, but the audible grown told me they'd probably have to be better than that)


OPENING MATCH: Triple Threat

Cameron Vessey def. Lee Wright and DW Newton in 8 minutes after DW hits his finisher on Wright, only to turn and overly celebrate, allowing Vessey to steal the pin. (D)


DW seems wholly unimpressed and declares that he knew people in New York stole from one another, but he won't stand for it. Because of this, he didn't want to have to bring out an insurance policy, but like any true great, he has one anyway, and his name is... OBLIVION. Out comes a 300lbs man wearing a striking black and white mask. (D-)


MATCH #2: Singles

Oblivion destroys and pins Dazzling Dave Diamond in 5 minutes via triple powerbomb and pin. (E+)


Out of the crowd come two young men who look familiar (actually they were noticed straight away because there's only 67 people) it's the two sons of legendary wrestling Sam Keith: Greg and Matthew. They announce they heard that NYCW needed some more wrestlers and are hear to tear the place apart because it's their divine right, so they issue an open challenge. Out comes NYCW mainstay Whistler to accept and his partner is MAW's own, American Patriot. (D)


MATCH #3: Tag Team

The All-American Made Men def. The Keiths in 13 minutes when American Patriot pins Greg Keith. (D+)


Honest Frank and Rick Sanders come out to boos. They announce that for too long they've had to hide the truth about them. They're actually brothers and from now on, you can called them Honest Frank Cipriani and Slick Rick Cirpriani. Tonight they're going to end the reign of the tag team champions. (D)


MATCH #4: Tag Team Titles

Cipriani Brothers © def. The Ring Generals in 10 minutes when Slick Rick rolls up Dean Waldorf and uses his tights for leverage. (D+)


After the match Patriot and Whistler return and challenge the Cipriani Brothers to a match, and they get it. (D-)


Backstage Black Hat Bailey runs down Steve Flash and tells him there's no chance in Hell he's going to take the title off him tonight. (D)


MATCH #5: Tri-State Title

Mean Jean Cattley def. Sammy the Shark © via DQ when Honest Frank and Slick Rick storm the ring after 11 minutes and lay siege to the newcomer. (D+)


Post-match the Cipriani Brothers turn to Sammy and are looking to attack, but they hug him instead and raise his hand with the Tri-State title. Sammy grabs the microphone. "In case you didn't know, my name is Sammy Cipriani and these are my big brothers." He puts the boot into Cattley and walks away. (D)


MAIN EVENT: Empire Title

Steve Flash © def. Black Hat Bailey in 19 minutes via Flashbang (D+)


After the match Black Hat Bailey launches a vicious attack on the new Empire Champion. (D-)


Show rating: D+


Not a bad start at all, and the best news was having checked the books, we'd made £3,616 profit and risen in popularity. Now, could we keep the momentum going in February with Rush Hour 2010?

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Welcome to New York City... Where one moderately successful show can be considered a 'good run' of them.


The first show was under our belt and it could be considered a success. The Stomper seemed pleased, well as pleased as a grizzled old coot like him could be. I’m sure the bank balance helped, a profit of £3,616 was fantastic and gave us a little bit more breathing room between that horrible $60,000 cut-off. I didn’t fancy squandering my last chance at a career, especially one so fun.


I had begun to bond to the guys backstage and, for the most part, they had given me a chance to prove myself. It helped that the new guys I had brought in seemed not to know my history and obviously just assumed I knew exactly what was going on. If only they knew. Steve Flash, the natural lockerroom leader of the group had helped too, he came and spoke to me throughout the show about little things I should remember next time. It turns out wrestling fans can be very forgiving on things like continuity as long as they felt they got their money’s worth, you could really get away with anything. This was obviously something that would be tested going forward, but it was reassuring. I wondered why he didn’t ‘book’ for any company, and so asked him. He simply replied, “I’m not done in the ring yet, and there’s always a temptation to put yourself over if you make the decisions.” As true as this may have been, it proved to me even further that this is the guy who should be doing my job.


So with everything up and running, attentions turned to Rush Hour 2010. It was one of the marquee NYCW events and I wanted to continue our run of good shows (could one show be considered a ‘run’? probably not, but PR and spin were essential to managing peoples expectations and if I could convince people we had momentum, it would pique interest in us and increase viewers. Either that or nobody would care and we’d stagnate before all losing our jobs.


Jesus, when did I get so miserable?


Having spoken to Billy and Rip again, I decided to make a conscious decision not to include them much anymore. It’s not that I didn’t appreciate their help, they’d been my rocks and inspirations, but I needed to stamp my own authority on the product and that wouldn’t happen with them advising me. So Rush Hour would be my make or break moment. I looked at our new and improved roster (there’s that PR again, I mean who is to say it’s improved?) and thought about storylines, which were the heart and soul of NYCW. Who would people pay to see and what would attract them? After hours of sitting in the ball closet of the gym I finally had a crumpled piece of paper with chicken scrawl all over it. It looked like the ramblings of a madman, but this would form the basis of the next year of events, stories, winners and losers. If we stuck to this breakdown, there’s no way we could fail. Right?


What could go wrong…

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NYCW Rush Hour 2010

February 2010, week 4, Sunday

From the Weston Gymnasium, Tri-State Area, New York City

Attendance: 71


OPENING MATCH: Triple Threat

Lee Wright def. Running Wolf and Masked Mauler II in 8 minutes via pinfall (D-)


DW Newton comes out with Oblivion and declares them the future of the business, they are... The Impact Players. (D)


MATCH #2: Tag Team

Impact Players def. The Ring Generals in 7 minutes when Oblivion triple powerbombs (now called The Reality Bomb) Marv Statler (E+)


'Fight the Power' starts to play and out comes Citizen X "Some of you may know me from the West Coast or the Mid-Atlantic, but in case you don't I'm Citizen X and I'm here to destroy the establishment." (D-)


MATCH #3: Singles

Citizen X def. Dazzling Dave Diamond in 10 minutes via pinfall (D-)


Mean Jean Cattley comes out for an interview when Sammy Cipriani sneak attacks him and beats him down. (E+)


MATCH #4: Singles

Cameron Vessey def. Kirk Jameson in 8 minutes via DQ when Kirk keeps attacking forcing the referee to act (D)


Post-match Jameson continues to destroy Vessey (E-)


MATCH #5: Tri-State Title

Sammy Cipriani © def. Greg Keith in 12 minutes via hidden brass knucks shot and pin (D)


Mean Jean Cattley charges down to the ring for revenge, but as he slides through the ropes, Sammy hits him with the brass knucks. Sammy then taps his head knowingly and walks away (D-)


MATCH #6: Tag Team Titles

All-American Made Men def. Cipriani Brothers © in 14 minutes via Countout when both teams continue to brawl outside the ring, but Whistler slips in on the count of 9. (D+)


Post-match the two teams continue to brawl all the way to the back (E+)


MATCH #7: Singles

Mean Jean Cattley def. Black Hat Bailey in 15 minutes via pinfall after Sammy attacks and hits Black Hat by accident (D+)


The Cipriani Brothers come out and demand a rematch, because they want a title defense in the column, not a countout. (D-)


MAIN EVENT: Empire Title

Steve Flash © def. Matthew Keith in 18 minutes via Flash Bang (C-)


Black Hat Bailey returns to beat down Steve Flash and poses with the title. (D-)


Show rating: D+


Another solid result and this is seriously becoming a streak now. I secretly hoped that the amazing main event might have dragged the rating up but the angles and the Impact Players match dragged it down.


Bad news was with the new workers and a low merchandise turnout resulted in a loss, but it was only small, so nothing to worry about. So the build toward March Madness would begin, but there would be some bad news, because someone was watching our main event with envious eyes and slowly, and surely, they'd draw their plans against us.

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Welcome to New York City… Where even our owner isn’t above the lure of the big time.


Following the success of Rush Hour, confidence in the locker-room had taken a turn for the positive. Everyone was walking around with a spring in their step and veterans were talking to the younger guys and giving them tips. With this in mind I asked three of the older NYCW regulars to look after the next generation. Lee Wright took Cameron Vessey, Black Hat Bailey took Oblivion and Whistler took American Patriot. The younger guys learnt quickly from the more experienced guys and working closely with hungry new guys seemed to give the veterans a new lease on life.

I was discussing the next show, the innovatively titled ‘March Madness’ with Steve Flash, when there was a knock at the door and Matthew Keith walked in. He told us that he’d been approached by SWF, who were on a recruitment drive. He apologised about it, but explained that it was a big deal. It was tough to argue, he was one of the best performers on our roster and had just had a potential match of the year for us. I told him not to worry and we shook hands. I got the feeling that it was worth keeping someone of his talent on our side.

Upon closer investigation SWF had been raiding a lot of the smaller promotions and had snapped up Steven Parker, Puerto Rican Power and… The Stomper!?! What the hell! I got straight on the phone to the boss.


“I thought you might call.”


“What’s going on? You’ve signed up with the biggest promotion in the World. Do I need to be worried?”


He talked at length about the benefits of being with the Eisen family, close to the heart of the biggest players in the world. Eventually I got bored and it seemed my job was safe, although he reiterated the importance of not going into debt. He seemed to forget that it was someone leaving for SWF that caused the initial rift in the roster. Either that or he didn't care.


I needed to rewrite some of my big plans, and I scrawled a line through the name Matthew Keith under ‘Stars of the Future.’ I had a sinking feeling that his wouldn’t be the only name I had to cross out, but I’ve been told it’s the nature of the business and above all else, ‘The show must go on!”


NYCW March Madness 2010

March 2010, week 4, Sunday

From the Weston Gymnasium, Tri-State Area, New York City

Attendance: 71


DW Newton comes out to kick us off, accompanied by the monster Oblivion. He talks about how no one can stop him because of the insurance policy he has. In fact he challenges anyone from the back to come down to the ring and see if anyone can beat him. Marv Statler runs down and attacks DW, but Oblivion takes over.


MATCH #1: Singles

Oblivion def. Marv Statler in 6 minutes with a Reality Bomb (E+)


Back in the locker room the All American Made Men want a fight, and they want The Ciprianis tag team titles too, so it’s on for tonight.


MATCH #2: Singles

Kirk Jameson def. Dean Waldorf in 8 minutes via pinfall (D-)


The All-American Made Men come to ring for their match, but The Ciprianis sneak attack them, giving Whistler a bloody mouth. The match gets postponed till later.


MATCH #3: Tag Team Scramble

Sammy Cipriani and DW Newton def. Mean Jean Cattley and Masked Mauler II in 10 minutes when Oblivion hits the ring and destroys Mauler, leading to Newton picking up the pinfall. (D)


Mean Jean gets on the mic and demands a singles shot against Sammy for the Tri-State Title. Sammy laughs and just walks away. (D-)


MATCH #4: Tag Team

Native Dazzle (Dazzling Dave Diamond and Running Wolf) def. The Old School (Black Hat Bailey and Lee Wright) in 11 minutes when the referee is forced to disqualify Wright for attacking Running Wolf with a chair. (D)


After the match The Old School continue using the chair to destroy Native dazzle. (E+)


MATCH #5: Tag Team Titles

The Ciprianis © def. All-American Made Men in 12 minutes when Slick Rick uses the brass knucks on Whistler and pins him while Honest frank holds American Patriot on the outside (D-)


Sammy leaves the announcing booth to accept Mean Jean’s challenge for a match at Gang Wars. (D)


MATCH #6: Empire Title

Steve Flash © def. Cameron Vessey and Citizen X in 14 mintues via Flash Bang on Citizen X (D+)


Matthew Keith heads to the ring, grabs a mic and talks about his offer from SWF. He says that tonight is his last night and he can’t think of a better opponent than his own brother and he calls out Greg Keith. The two men shake hands and bell rings.


MAIN EVENT: Exhibition Singles

Greg Keith def. Matthew Keith in 16 minutes by making him tap out to the Proton Lock. (D+)


Show Rating: D+


Not quite the barn-storming finish I was hoping for between the brothers, but it was still match of the night and helped compensate for the lower ratings. The roll continues.

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Welcome to New York City… Where gangs of oiled-up muscular men in pants engage in some gang warfare more often than you’d expect.


So with three D+ shows on the spin and a roster that seemed to be getting happier every month, I could be forgiven for thinking that things at NYCW were turning around nicely. The loss of Matthew Keith was a blow, but not one that would cripple us in the long run, plus despite his talent, it was another value off the bottom line as in March our steadily profitable company had seen money made decrease to a me $71. The loss of Keith did mean a quick shifting of future plans, but luckily we had a built-in replacement and I was confident… because I had learnt in this business, you had to be.


NYCW Gang Wars 2010

April 2010, week 4, Sunday

From the Weston Gymnasium, Tri-State Area, New York City

Attendance: 71 (again!!)


DW Newton comes out, as is becoming standard to talk about his future in the business thanks to his bodyguard, the monster Oblivion. Masked Mauler II interrupts claiming to be the best masked wrestler in NYCW (actually he’s third… out of three) and is ready to stop the monster’s run. (D+)


MATCH #1: Singles

Oblivion def. Maked Mauler II in 6 minutes via Reality Bomb (E+) Oblivion’s really stinking up the opening acts, I might have to change this in future as its killing our momentum out of the blocks.


The Cipriani Family come out, and they challenge the All-American Made Men to singles competition at the May Day Riots. But for tonight, they’ll settle for a GANG WAR in the main event. (D-)


MATCH #2: Singles

Citizen X def. Dean Waldorf in 8 minutes via pinfall (D-) I can’t imagine The Ring Generals will last much longer with the company. Simply put, they’re boring.


In the locker room the All-American Made Men assault the Cipriani Brothers ahead of the main event and introduce their mystery partner… AMERICAN ELEMENTAL (D-) God our angles suck!


MATCH #3: Tag Team

The Old School def. Native Dazzle in 10 minutes when Black Hat Bailey uses the ropes for leverage to pin Running Wolf. (D-)


Back to the locker room where Mean Jean prepares for the Gang Wars match and is sneak-attacked by Sammy Cipriani, using his patented brass knucks. (E+) Ouch!


MATCH #4: Tag Team

Kirk Jameson and DW Newton def. Cameron Vessey and Marv Statler in 10 minutes when DWN steals a pin on Statler from Kirk and then celebrates like he’s won the world title. (D)


Locker room AGAIN, as The Old School taunt Native Dazzle for being losers. (E+) Right no more angles involving Native Dazzle methinks.


MATCH #5: Empire Title

Steve Flash © def. Greg Keith in 15 minutes via Flash Bomb (C+)


After the match Keith attacks Flash. (D-)


MATCH #6: Tri-State Title

Sammy Cipriani © def. Mean Jean Cattley in 12 minutes by exploiting the damage done earlier in the evening (smell the continuity) (D+)


Sammy celebrates with his title while Mean Jean is carted off on a stretcher. (E+) Dammit!


MAIN EVENT: Gang Warfare

The Cipriani Family def. All-American Made Men and American Elemental in 16 minutes when Sammy uses his brass knucks on Elemental and pins him (D)


Show Rating: D


Poop, we should’ve used the Empire Title for the main event, but then the show is called Gang Wars, so what can you do? Unfortunately he made a loss as our merchandise went down, costing us £211. Not the end of the world, but something we’d need to look out for. This would officially end our truly positive run and the vox pop after the show told us that the fans thought our angles sucked.


We would tell them they suck, but we weren’t brave enough.

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Welcome to New York City... Stealing from others and claiming credit for ourselves since January 1st 2010.


An ever-expanding wage budget was a concern, as was our failing rating, but as with all these minor issues, they could be fixed with some hard work and attention to detail. So yeah, we're screwed. In other news Whistler's contract came up for renewal and his demands were not... modest. Still he was important for the next 6 months and he had a good relationship with American Patriot, so we stumped up the cash.


I received a call from Billy to inform me that he'd seen the last show and has signed American Elemental and Greg Keith based on their performance. Could it be true? Had I signed some workers who Billy thought could be good. This was exactly the ego boost I needed going into the May Day Riot 2010. On top of this, word had reached us that two of the infamous NYCW walkers had retired, having not been signed by another promotion. Thanks Land Mass and Larry Vessey, you will not be missed.


NYCW May Day Riot 2010

May 2010, week 4, Sunday

From the Weston Gymnasium, Tri-State Area, New York City

Attendance: 53


Mean Jean Cattley is out to start and he wants a shot for the Tri-State Title… at Empire City Showdown! (D+)


MATCH #1: Singles

Running Wolf def. Lee Wright in 7 minutes via rollup when Black Hat runs down to interfere. Wolf runs into the crowd after the match to escape the fury of The Old School. (D-)


Sammy Cipriani comes out and says he’s tired of hearing Mean Jean moan about opportunities, so tonight, he’ll give him another shot, because he’s just that nice, but he must beat Greg Keith. (D)


MATCH #2: Singles

Black Hat Bailey def. Dazzling Dave Diamond in 10 minutes via pinfall after Lee Wright and Running Wolf interfere. (D+)


Cameron Vessey comes out for his match and Kirk Jameson sneaks attack him while he’s walking up the aisle, he drags Vessey into the ring and the referee rings the bell. (E)


MATCH #3: Singles

Kirk Jameson def. Cameron Vessey in 8 minutes of a dominant performance via stoppage after Vessey was too beaten to beat the count. (D+)


After the match Jameson celebrates to the crowd, who don’t care, but if they did, they’d probably boo him. (E-) Hmmm, clearly not over enough for a celebration angle just yet.


MATCH #4: Tag Team

The Impact Players def. The Ring Generals in 8 minutes after Oblivion hits both Marv Statler and Dean Waldorf with Reality Bombs and DW Newton pins them both at the same time. (D)


DW Newton and Oblivion celebrate after the match (D+)


MATCH #5: Singles

Whistler def. Honest Frank Cipriani in 13 minutes via Old Glory (D)


Mean Jean Cattley out again to talk up his chances of beating Sammy tonight for the title and realise his dream. (D+)


MATCH #6: Singles

Slick Rick Cipriani def. American Patriot in 12 minutes via pinfall after a brass knucks shot (C-) Well hello chemisty!


Sammy stands up from the announcers desk and wishes Mean Jean Cattley luck, because he’s going to need it. (D+)


MATCH #7: Singles

Mean Jean Cattley def. Greg Keith in 15 minutes via pinfall after Steve Flash interferes and clocks Keith with a chair. ©


Sammy accepts the challenge from Mean Jean, they’ll get it on at Empire City Showdown. (D+)


MATCH #8: Tri-State Title

Sammy Cipriani © def. American Elemental in 15 minutes via DQ when Mean Jean attacks him and leaves him a bloody mess © It seems American Elemental can have a good match with anyone.


Greg Keith comes out as special ring announcer for the main event (D-)


MAIN EVENT: Empire Title

Steve Flash © def. Citizen X in 18 minutes via Flash Bang (D+)


Keith gets in the ring and squares up to Flash as the show ends (D+)


Show Rating: D+


Well that’s disappointing for two reasons. Firstly the two pre-main event matches were much, much better than expected and then the main event itself was a disappointment because Citizen X and Flash don’t click. Even worse, we’d lost about $2,000 on that show and our attendance had gone down.


It wasn’t time to panic yet, but we would need to look into the problems we’d experienced.

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Welcome to New York City... When it rains, it pours.


North of the Border Pro Wrestling had seen a substantial boost in popularity and had come knocking to our door. Greg Keith and Davis Wayne Newton were both signed to written contracts, which forced us to once again change plans. This was becoming more than a minor annoyance, but when you have talent, those envious eyes with deep pockets will always be attracted to you. Luckily we had enough time before they left to squeeze them onto the card for Empire City Showdown and we were going to milk them for every bit of popularity they had. We also looked into new signings to fill the gap when an opportunity from Japan presented itself, and looking back it would be one that helped change the company forever.



NYCW Empire City Showdown 2010

June 2010, week 4, Sunday

From the Weston Gymnasium, Tri-State Area, New York City

Attendance: 132


Dean Waldorf comes out and he’s tired of being put in tag matches with a partner that drags him down. He declares it the end of The Ring Generals. “Now someone from the back, come and give me a match.” Out comes a debuting William Hayes. (D)


MATCH #1: Singles

William Hayes def. Dean Waldorf in 6 minutes after completely out-wrestling Waldorf and making him submit to a Kimura. (D)


William Hayes grabs the mic, “I’ve spent the last few years in Japan, making a name for myself there and honing my skills. Now I’m here, in New York City to make an impact. I keep hearing about Steve Flash, how he’s the best on the Independent scene, so I’m here to beat him and prove to the world that I am what I say I am, the best there is.” (D)


MATCH #2: Singles

Citizen X def. American Elemental in 12 minutes via roll-up (D+) I’m gonna test elemental against my workers to see if anything explosive happens. If it doesn’t then he’ll be back to his touring lifestyle before long anyway.


Steve Flash hypes the main event against Greg Keith. (D)


MATCH #3: Tag Team

Native Dazzle draw with The Old School in 12 minutes after both teams are counted out while brawling outside the ring. (D+)


Greg Keith comes out to address the live crowd and to announce that either he wins against Flash tonight, or he quits! (D+)


MATCH #4: Singles

Cameron Vessey def. Kirk Jameson in 12 minutes via pinfall (D+)


DW Newton comes down with Oblivion in tow. “Listen you great unwashed fools, me and my pet monster (Oblivion’s head snaps toward DW) are bored of having no competition here in New York. In fact I’m so bored I’m thinking of giving Oblivion here a chance to face me (Oblivion looms behind DW, getting visibly more angry). But then I know he’d be a good boy and lay down for his master.” Oblivion grabs DW and drags him into the ring as the crowd start to chant his name. (D+)


MATCH #5: Singles

Oblivion destroys DW Newton in 8 minutes and finishes with three consecutive Reality Bombs. (C-)


A hype video plays for the Tri-State Title match. (D-)


MATCH #6: Tri-State Title

Mean Jean Cattley def. Sammy Cipriani © in 16 minutes after avoiding the brass knucks shot and rolling up the prone Sammy for the win and the title. (D+)


A hype video for the Tag Team Titles match plays. (E+)


MATCH #7: Tag Team Titles

All-American Made Men draw with The Cipriani Brothers © after they brawl all the way to the back. (C-)


Greg Keith and Steve Flash meet backstage, square-up to each other and then head toward the ring. (E+)


MAIN EVENT: Empire Title

Steve Flash © def. Greg Keith in 19 minutes with the Flash Bang (B-)


Show Rating: C


What a difference a month makes. I was getting the hang of booking and our feuds were all coming together nicely. William Hayes was a big star in Japan, but his US career was almost non-existent, which made him reasonably priced for his level of talent. We'd sent Greg and DW packing, and helped get over two of our main guys. Sadly the rushed nature of the Oblivion face turn had cost him some momentum, but the 'Phenom' of NYCW still had plenty of miles in him, and the talent to back it up. Greg Keith and Flash had put on an absolute clinic and if he hadn't been signed already, he would've been after that.


Financially we'd lost $700, but with a show this good, our popularity and momentum were back, so it was well worth it. Still with $105,000 in the bank, I still had to be careful, so some changes to personnel had to happen sooner rather than later.

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Welcome to New York City… where loyalty can be bought and sold quicker than a burger from McDonalds.


After weeks of build-up and speculation, the truth came out. Yes wrestling world, we had fired The Ring Generals. They were decent enough all-round workers, I’d just grown tired of their faces. Petty, childish? Yes, but I’m the boss and those are the breaks.


In the other big news Dan Stone retired, leaving North of the Border Pro Wrestling open for his son Dan Stone Jr. to step up and take control. I was now unsure who to blame for losing DW Newton and Greg Keith, but the new guy seemed the best bet. I’ve always wanted a Nemesis (not the wrestler… although he’s actually awesome, so maybe him too!).


NYCW Independence Day 2010

July 2010, week 4, Friday

From the Weston Gymnasium, Tri-State Area, New York City

Attendance: 110


MATCH #1: Singles

American Elemental def. Masked Mauler II in 7 minutes via pinfall (D+)


Oblivion comes out to a mixed reaction (stupid failed face turn) and calls out Kirk Jameson who runs out and straight into a Reality Bomb.


MATCH #2: Singles

Oblivion def. Kirk Jameson in 8 minutes via Reality Bomb (D)


While Oblivion is celebrating Jameson attacks him with a chair and leaves him lying on the canvas.


MATCH #3: Singles

Whistler def. Slick Rick Cipriani in 10 minutes via DQ when Rick is caught trying to use brass knucks. Whistler then chases him to the back. (D+)


In the locker room Slick Rick meats up with Honest Frank and they demand a tag match to settle the score and they’re even willing to put the titles on the line. (D)


MATCH #4: Cage Tag Team

Native Dazzle def. The Old School in 10 minutes when Dazzling Dave Diamond escapes. (E) (being the fourth matchup and considering the lack of heat from one team, this was a disaster)


MATCH #5: Singles

American Patriot def. Honest Frank Cipriani in 13 minutes when Slick Rick tries to interfere, causing Whistler to follow him and Honest Frank gets rolled up. (D+)


Post-match the All-American Made Men accept the challenge from the Cipriani Brothers. (E+)


MATCH #6: Singles

Cameron Vessey def. Sammy Cipriani in 14 minutes via count-out when Sammy, realizing he’s losing walks out of the match. (D+)


While Vessey is shouting at the ref to get Sammy back, he is jumped by a returning Sammy. (D-)


MATCH #7: Tri-State Title

Mean Jean Cattley © def Citizen X in 15 minutes via pinfall (D+)


After the match Citizen X offers to shake Mean Jean’s hand, he obliges and X cheap shots him. (E+)


MAIN EVENT: Empire Title

Steve Flash © def. William Hayes in 20 minutes via quick pin ©


Hayes, incensed at the referees incompetence attacks him, leading to Flash fighting him off.


Show Rating: C-


A solid event through and through, and our new main event pairing appears to immediately be paying dividends. Things were hotting up leading into Summer in the City and I began to put together a plan for a big marquee tournament in October.


Financially it was another loss, but only $1,208 and most of that would be because of William Hayes’ contract, but he seemed worth every penny thus far, so we’d have to accept that we’d lose money each month and hope that we hit regional size before going under the $60,000 mark.

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Welcome to New York City… Respect your elders, providing they’ll put you over once in a while without moaning about it.


With so many successful shows, I was contemplating expansion for the company, but I’d need to reach regional level first. Also expansion would likely mean getting into a potentially crippling war with one of the other smaller promotions. I’d obviously avoid the West Coast, wouldn’t want to get into a struggle with Billy, and Mid-Atlantic seemed to be a great breeding ground for stars that I could pinch, before SWF, TCW or NOTBPW stole them from me. Hmmm, FREEDOM, could I take down the giant of Puerto Rico, in Puerto Rico. I needed to think this over.


But that was months, maybe even years away. I couldn’t even afford to run two shows a month yet, although that was getting closer. I considered testing the waters this month, but decided to wait a couple to solidify my increased attendances. Maybe I’d double-show October, the month of my tournament. That would make sense.


The more pressing matter was the happiness of Lee Wright. The former legend of Japan was tired and frustrated with having to job to the next generation, which wasn’t the best attitude in my opinion. But he’s earned the right to disagree with me. I tried negotiating a new contract, but he refused unless he won a title in the next few weeks. I promised him a title match and I’d decide on the night what to do with him.


NYCW Summer in the City 2010

August 2010, week 4, Friday

From the Weston Gymnasium, Tri-State Area, New York City

Attendance: 114


MATCH #1: Singles

William Hayes def. American Elemental in 13 minutes via submission ©


MATCH #2: Tag Team

Native Dazzle def. Black Hat Bailey and Masked Mauler II in 8 minutes via pin (D)


MATCH #3: Singles

Cameron Vessey def. Kirk Jameson in 11 minutes via pinfall (C-)


Sammy Cipriani comes out “Well what a start to the show, three matches starring the underlings of New York. Well done everyone, you were… below-par. Anyway, I’m issuing an open challenge to anyone in the back to come and try and make themselves a star…”


The lights go out… Oblivion is here! (E+)


MATCH # 4: Singles

Oblivion def. Sammy Cipriani in 7 minutes via Reality Bomb (D-)


Sammy awakens in the ring alone and Cameron Vessey comes down to laugh at the former Tri-State champion. Sammy, upset with this attacks him and the two men brawl to the back. (D)


MATCH #5: Tri-State Title

Mean Jean Cattley © def. William Hayes in 13 minutes via pinfall (C-)


Lee Wright inexplicably attacks Mean Jean Cattley after the match and grabs the microphone telling everyone that he quits. (D-)


MATCH #6: Empire Title

Steve Flash © def. Citizen X in 16 minutes with a Flash Bang (C+)


Post-match, Citizen X says that we may have lost to the better man tonight, but the Empire Title will be his and he’ll use it bring down the company from the very top. (D-)


MAIN EVENT: Cage Tag Team Titles

All-American Made Men def. Cipriani Brothers © in 18 minutes when Slick Rick tries to escape leaving Honest Frank alone, and he’s quickly dispatched with a Old Glory Bomb, giving the titles to the All-Americans. (C-)


The All-American Made Men celebrate with the crowd. (D-)


Show Rating: D+


Well, well, well. You maybe wondering, as the crowd were, why Lee Wright made a cameo just to beat up someone and quit the company. Well this is what happens when you rush through booking a show, advertise Mean Jean vs. Lee Wright and deliver a match featuring William Hayes. As it happens that was match of the night, which gives me a dastardly plan, but from a booking perspective we’ve disrespected one of our remaining legends for the last time and he walked out of the company the very next day, no time for renegotiation, not that we would have of course.


Goodbye Lee Wright, we horribly mistreated you, partly on purpose and partly by accident. Either way we wish you all the best in your future endeavours.


This did mean that the show took a hit and we were deprived of a C- overall show. Still nevermind, as my nan says, it’s better to be lucky than good. Although we weren’t actually that lucky. The show had cost us $1,500 and only slightly increased our popularity. Still, workers were getting over and the atmosphere backstage was good and everyone seemed excited to be part of the company… apart from those that had moved on… or walked out… Dammit, well I was happy at least.

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Welcome to New York City… Where lightning does strike twice.


Up-and-coming big-leaguer Valiant was struck with lightning, twice, and killed. I was unaware that could happen. I immediately worried about my boys and what a pain in the ass it would be if they died on me. I’m all heart you see.


Having looked at my main event scene, Flash had seen everyone he’d begun feuding with picked up by another company big feud. This had meant he still had the title, and was in fact on course to being the longest-reigning Empire Champion of all time. He also had ridiculous overness in New York and plenty of momentum. That would come in handy later. For now, I needed to make-shift a feud to last him until the end of November, and I knew just the man for the job.


NYCW Fall Brawl 2010

September 2010, week 4, Sunday

From the Weston Gymnasium, Tri-State Area, New York City

Attendance: 131


Sammy Cipriani is out to open the show. He says he’s bored of winning all the time (crowd chant “You Can’t Win” throughout the segment). He needs a new challenge because he’s bored of beating Cameron Vessey, so he’ll team with Kirk Jameson tonight and fight any two wrestlers in the back. Out comes Vessey along with… OBLIVION. They accept the challenge. (D-)


MATCH #1: Tag Team

Cipriani Brothers def. Native Dazzle in 10 minutes via underhanded tactics (D)


After the match Dazzling Dave Diamond and Running Wolf are mad and they beat the former tag champs to the back.


MATCH #2: Tag Team


Sammy Cipriani and Kirk Jameson def. Oblivion and Cameron Vessey in 13 minutes when Oblivion is kept outside the ring and a distracted Vessey is brass knucked into next week (D+)


MATCH #3: Empire Title

Steve Flash def. American Elemental in 18 minutes via Flash Bang © (Woo hoo!!!!)


The tag champs are out and American Patriot and Whistler talk about how good they feel and they’re ready for a new challenge. They’ll fight anyone. (D-)


MATCH #4: Tag Team Titles

All-American Made Men © def. Old School in 12 minutes when Whistler and Patriot simultenously pin Black Hat Bailey and Masked Mauler II (C-) (where did that come from?!?)


After the match, AAMM are celebrating when Black Hat and Mauler attack them, screaming about wanting a rematch. (E+) (that’s more like it)



Willaim Hayes and Citizen X def. Steve Flash and Mean Jean Cattley in 19 minutes when X rolls up the Tri-State champion following Steve Flash turning on his partner. X then rolls hims up. (C-)


Post-match Flash grabs the microphone and says he's tired of being associated with losers in these matches and it's time to reveal his real name. Flash Steve Cipriani (D+)


Show Rating: D+ (!?!?!)


WHAT!?!! How the hell was that show only D+, we had a series of great, great matches, culminating in a good main event. If this wasn’t a C- show at the very least then I’m the head booker of SWF. Financially it was another poor month, even with Lee Wright off the books we’d seen a reduction in merchandise, which had hurt us. We needed more fans, quickly.


Still it was October and time for the big tournament and to try out a double-show month. This was exciting… for me at least.

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Welcome to New York City... Home of the King of New York...


Must work on those a bit more.


October was a big month for me and NYCW. So far I’d played it safe, used workers suggested to me by others, working a simple one show a month programme. October was were I’d step out of my comfort zone. I planned to run two shows, which would be constituting a massive 16-man tournament, the winner of which would be crowned The King of New York and be granted an Empire Title shot in the main event of our big event in December entitled Wrestlefest.


The first show would have the 8 first-round matches and would be held in our standard location, The Weston Gymnasium. The second at the end of month would be as medium-sized show held at a new venue, The Ministry and would include the second round, semi finals and final, along with a title defence for the Empire Champion who is exempt from the tournament. His match would be against a young superstar as a means of giving someone new a title shot who wouldn’t normally get one.


Here are the brackets:


Citizen X vs. Mean Jean Cattley

American Patriot vs. Black Hat Bailey


Honest Frank Cipriani vs. Dazzling Dave Diamond

Oblivion vs. Kirk Jameson


William Hayes vs. Running Wolf

Whistler vs. Masked Mauler II


Sammy Cipriani vs. Cameron Vessey

American Elemental vs. Slick Rick Cipriani


NYCW Welcome to New York 1

October 2010, week 3, Saturday

From the Weston Gymnasium, Tri-State Area, New York City

Attendance: 217


MATCH #1: King of New York Round 1

Citizen X def. Mean Jean Cattley in 13 minutes via pinfall (D)


Citizen X celebrates his epic victory and promises to win the tournament, beat Mean Jean in his rematch and then go on to win the Empire Title (E+)


MATCH #2: King of New York Round 1

American Patriot def. Black Hat Bailey in 9 minutes via pinfall (D+)


In the locker room Sammy promises to win the King of New York, but Oblivion appears behind him causing him to jump, panic and run away. Oblivion beats his chest. (C-)


MATCH #3: King of New York Round 1

Oblivion destroys Kirk Jameson in 5 minutes via Reality Bomb (D+)


Kirk comes to and starts to wildly celebrate. He looks at the crowd, jumps up and down and turns to Oblivion. He offers his hand, which Oblivion accepts, looking confused. Kirk runs into the crowd talking about how he’s the first one to defeat Oblivion. (E+)


MATCH #4: King of New York Round 1

Honest Frank Cipriani def. Dazzling Dave Diamond in 8 minutes by using the brass knucks (C-)


Slick Rick comes out and promises that it’ll be an all-Cipriani final in the King of New York (D-)


MATCH #5: King of New York Round 1

American Elemental def. Slick Rick Cipriani in 11 minutes when Slick Rick tries the same trick as Honest Frank, but Elemental catches him and uses the knucks himself ©


William Hayes comes out and says he wants a title shot regardless of the results tonight (C-)


MATCH #6: King of New York Round 1

William Hayes def. Running Wolf in 7 minutes via submission © (well that’s Running Wolf’s best match ever. Hayes is a wrestling God)


Hayes grabs the microphone again “You see that, this is what I do. I wrestle and I win. I’m unstoppable.”


MATCH #7: King of New York Round 1

Whistler def. Masked Mauler II in 8 minutes via pinfall (D)


Flash Steve Cipriani comes out, and talks about how he’s the best around, and he’d be honoured to fight any of his family, but God help anyone else who wins the tournament. But for tonight, there’s an open challenge for anyone who hasn’t had one before and out comes… someone new. The stranger grabs he microphone. “You may know me as Jett Stream or Jacob Jett, but you can call me Stunning Steve Jacobs. Flash punches him in the face and the bell rings (D)


MAIN EVENT: Empire Title

Flash Steve Cipriani and Stunning Steve Jacobs draw when the time limit expires at 20 minutes ©


Show Rating: C-


Well, not too shabby and nice to see the former Jacob Jett announcing himself on the New York scene in spectacular fashion. William Hayes continues to rule the ring and is becoming more and more indispensible to me.


The brackets for the King of New York Tournament now look like this:


American Patriot vs. Citizen X

Oblivion vs. Honest Frank Cipriani


Whistler vs. William Hayes

Sammy Cipriani vs. American Elemental

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Welcome to New York… Hail to the King!


NYCW King of New York 1

October 2010, week 4, Saturday

From the Weston Gymnasium, Tri-State Area, New York City

Attendance: 300 (our first sell out!!!)


MATCH #1: King of New York Round 2

Citizen X def. American Patriot in 10 minutes via count out when X ties Patriot to the ring post with an electricity cable and slides back in the ring. (C-)


The lights go out and Oblivion enters to a raucous ovation. (C-)


MATCH #2: King of New York Round 2

Oblivion def. Honest Frank in 10 minutes via Reality Bomb, Slick Rick tries to interfere, but Oblivion fights both brothers off (D+)


Sammy Cipriani comes out and runs down American Elemental and flashes the crowd his brass knucks (D+)


MATCH #3: King of New York Round 2

American Elemental def. Sammy Cipriani in 13 minutes via pinfall ©


William Hayes demands a rematch for the title at next months Last Chance event and Flash Steve accepts (D+)


MATCH #4: King of New York Round 2

William Hayes def. Whistler in 8 minutes via submission © (hmmm, Whistler is not a fan of losing. It’s that attitude that lead to Lee Wright being fired, plus his contract renewal had cost an arm-and-a-leg. We’d have to keep an eye on him)


Stunning Steve Jacobs comes out and calls out Flash Steve Cipriani. “You haven’t beaten me yet old man, so why don’t we have a rematch… tonight? With no time limit for you to hide behind. Flash Steve accepts. (D-)


MATCH #5: Tri-State Title

Mean Jean Cattley def. Masked Mauler II in 8 minutes via pinfall (D)


A video package plays on the 15” screen hyping American Elemental vs. William Hayes (D)


MATCH #6: King of New York Semi Final

William Hayes def. American Elemental in 14 minutes via submission © (there’s the main event I should’ve gone for)


Hayes celebrates his passage to the final (D)


MATCH #7: Empire Title

Flash Steve Cipriani def. Stunning Steve Jacobs in 13 minutes via Flash Bang (C+) (actually maybe that should’ve been the main event)


A hype video for the other semi final plays (D+)


MATCH #8: King of New York Semi Final

Oblivion def. Citizen X in 8 minutes via Reality Bomb (C-)


Oblivion stays in the ring, he doesn’t need to rest. He wants the final to take place now, William obliges the phenom of NYCW ©


MAIN EVENT: King of New York Final

William Hayes vs. Oblivion

In a back-and-forth match that lasts 16 minutes, Hayes locks in his patented arm-breaker submission, but Oblivion picks him up into a modified Reality Bomb. Hayes doesn’t let go though, so Oblivion does it again, but Hayes, like a determined animal keeps applying pressure. Oblivion, with the last of his strength hits a third modified Reality Bomb and this time lands in a pinning position. Hayes refuses to let go as the referee counts 3. Winner: Oblivion (D+)


Show Rating: D+


Awwww poo, any of the four matches before the final would’ve given us a better overall rating I’m sure. Still the first was in the books and Oblivion would face the winner of the Hayes/Flash match at Last Chance 2010 in the main event of the very first Wrestlefest.


We had to consider both events a step in the right direction with regards popularity in the Tri-State area, we even got mention in the local paper. Happily I went to speak to Stomper about what a great month it had been. As I walked in he scowled and through some finance reports at me. I picked one up and saw the figures for the month. We’d made a loss of $22,676, leaving us with an overall bank balance of $79,218. Dangerously close to the $60,000 ‘you’re fired mark.


Now it was time to panic.

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Welcome to New York… the home of the poor, the wretched and the unloved.


Pretentious, why yes I am. I was also feeling very uncomfortable with the poor financial performance in October. This was made worse by the fact that just before the King of New York event I had renegotiated the contracts of most of the main roster and most had got a pay raise. In some cases (Whistler) a big pay raise. In fairness I’d bottled the venue selection at the last minute because of the high cost of renting The Ministry. But still, it was a sell out and an event I’ll never forget, so we go ‘on with the show.’


Just before Last Chance 2010, we had received news that Black Hat Bailey, former Empire Champion and NYCW mainstay had become the Head Booker of Mid-Atlantic Wrestling. He agreed to stay with us, but now we’d have to be careful not to book him on the same night as one of his shows. It’d be interested to see how he did, vaguely aware, that this might cause a problem in the future. But we’d worry about that then.


NYCW Last Chance 2010

November 2010, week 4, Saturday

From the SOLD OUT Weston Gymnasium, Tri-State Area, New York City

Attendance: 300


MATCH #1: Triple Threat

Sammy Cipriani def. Cameron Vessey and Stunning Steve Jacobs in 10 minutes after pinning Vessey while Flash Steve fought with Stunning Steve at ringside (D+)


Citizen X comes out and demands a shot at the Tri-State Title at Wretlefest. Mean Jean Cattley accepts (D)


MATCH #2: Tri-State Title

Mean Jean Cattley def. the debuting Jared Johnson in 8 minutes via pinfall (C-) (well I like the new kid already)


The lights go out and the number one contender and official King of New York, Oblivion heads to the ring ©


MATCH #3: Singles

Oblivion def. Kirk Jameson in 6 minutes via Reality Bomb (D+) He’s made quite the point about his credentials as Empire Champion there!


But wait… The Cipriain Family hit the ring, all wearing brass knucks and swarm over Oblivion. It’s a vicious beatdown, there’s blood everywhere. But, Oblivion explodes out of the pile of Ciprianis and fights them all off. On the outside Flash Steve Cipriani looks on in horror as Oblivion stands tall (D)


MATCH #4: Singles

American Elemental def. Citizen X in 11 minutes via DQ when X refuses to stop using a chair in a beatdown © (wow and according to Stomper they didn’t even ‘click’)


A hype video plays for the upcoming tag team match (E+)


MATCH #5: Tag Team

Cipriani Brothers draw with Native Dazzle in 12 minutes when both teams are counted out while brawling (D+)


Hype video plays for the tag team title match (D-)


MATCH #6: Tag Team Titles

All-American Made Men draw with Old School via Double-DQ when the Cipriani Brothers and Native Dazzle hit the ring, leading to an 8-man brawl (C-)


After the match AAMM and Native Dazzle offer deciding matches against Ciprianis and Old School at Wrestlefest. Both teams accept (D)


MAIN EVENT: Empire Title

Flash Steve Cipriani def. William Hayes in 19 minutes via DQ when the rest of the Cipriani Family attack ©


Post-match, the beatdown continues and Oblivion comes to the rescue, only for Hayes to attack him with a chair (D)


Show Rating: C-


Another high-quality event, with the right match in the main event. Hayes was a trooper in the ring and we were surprised by the quality of the tag matches, plus another sellout is nice. But the important numbers were the finances…


$6,334… LOSS!


This meant we had $72,884 left. We desperately needed to hit regional size soon. I plain refused to cancel, or downsize our big December event, Wrestlefest I. I’d just have to go ahead and see what would happen, we’d come too far now not to give it our all. If that didn’t work then maybe, just maybe we’d run smaller shows, with less wrestlers.

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Welcome to New York… the home of the World Series of Wrestling… actually maybe it’s the World Tiddlywinks Championship of wrestling.


So our backs were against the wall financially, but it was our biggest event of the year. There was no point stopping, it was glory or destruction.


NYCW Wrestlefest I

December 2010, week 4, Saturday

From the SOLD OUT Weston Gymnasium, Tri-State Area, New York City

Attendance: 300


William Hayes comes out to the sold out Weston Gym. He claims it's ridiculous that it's the biggest night of the year and he doesn't have a match, so he throws out an open challenge ©


MATCH #1: Singles

William Hayes def. American Elemental in 16 minutes via submission (B-) (well that's an explosive start to the event, being the second best match in NYCW history and all)


Flash and the Ciprianis are backstage when Oblivion appears from no where. Flash sends Sammy, Rick and Frank away and offers his hand to Oblivion, who just stars at him ©


MATCH #2: Singles

Stunning Steve Jacobs def. Kirk Jameson in 12 minutes via pinfall (C-)


A hype video for the tag team title match later (D-)


MATCH #3: Tag Team

Cipriani Brothers def. Native Dazzle in 9 minutes via brass knucks and pinfall (D+)


MATCH #4: Tag Team Titles

All-American Made Men © def. Old School in 13 minutes via pinfall (C-)


Cameron Vessey comes out and demands that Sammy Cipriani fights him... NOW! (D-)


MATCH #5: Singles

Cameron Vessey def. Sammy Cipriani in 12 minutes via pinfall (C-)


A hype video plays for the Tri-State title match between Mean Jean Cattley and Citizen X (D)


MATCH #6: Tri-State Title

Mean Jean Cattley © def. Citizen X in 13 minutes via pinfall (C-)


Oblivion and Flash Steve Cipriani get extended entrances played by local bands (C-)


MAIN EVENT: Empire Title

Flash Steve Cipriani © vs. Oblivion

The big match of the year between the two most popular wrestlers in the New York independent scene is an all-out war as the reigning champion throws everything at the undefeated monster, but Oblivion bats it all away. The Cipriani Family then appear to help out Flash and the numbers game threatens to overwhelm The Big O. Then, out of nowhere comes William Hayes to a rapturous response. He slides in the ring and superkicks Rick, then Frank and finally locks in his patented arm-breaker submission, called The Hayesing. Oblivion turns to a shocked Flash, scoops him up and... REALITY BOMB! 1-2-3. We have a new champion (D+)


After the match Hayes slips out the ring, nods his head and leaves. Oblivion grabs the microphone. There's a moment of silence and then... "This is the AGE OF OBLIVION!!!" ©


Show Rating: D+


It turned into a really disappointing main event after all the hype and the two competitors in the ring. But backed up with a stellar undercard and I'm amazed that we only got a D+.


Next time, 2010 - A Year in Review.

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