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PSW: The Right Attitude Forbearing The Cross

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You really have to be born in NY to love this place, Philly has a bad rap, but at least we have a filter for our repugnance. Do anything to inconvenience these folks, in any way, and they'll hurl out the most vile thing they can think about you as soon as it pops into their head. The worst part is, the longer you stay, the more you unconsciously catch yourself doing it. It's like a disease.


Turning the corner, up the stairs, apartment... 666? It was 366 yesterday... No, I'm sure I'm in the right place... *Knock* *Knock*...


Mitch Naess answered the door with a huge smile on his face... "You like the new number? I talked to the landlord and he let me change it." Mitch turns around, motioning me in. " I had to give him a few hundred, but it's worth it just to see the look on Francine's face when she walks that poodle of hers twice a day." Mitch laughs, "It's priceless.. THE BLACK HAND!!!! YOU'RE THE BLACK HAND!" he crosses his index fingers to drive home the impression..."Anyway how's the new gig working out." Mitch asked forcefully. PSW was his baby, and it had been since Phil gave him the go ahead to "restart the revolution." Even sitting in his underwear on a Friday in January couldn't stop him from beaming. "The whole card is booked. I'm just waiting on John to hear if he'll be ready. Doesn't sound like he'll be in, they're touring on Friday and it's a 13-hr flight in, I've already written him out for now." But he tells me he'll be ready for February, I'll work with him, if I have too."


Mitch stops me. "You're pretty high on this guy, I've barely seen him and what I saw wasn't that impressive, are you sure he's the real deal." I smile. "I think you'll be happy once you see him here. His style doesn't suit USPW at all, but he's got a load of talent." Mitch wilts under the wait of my passion."If you're sure I'll trust you, we need new blood."


He says as he looks over the segment plan."And who's this girl here in the end of the first hour" He says quizzically. "She's another new girl, I found her out west, I think you'll love her when you meet her." He shrugs. "I know where you got her, Ken. I want to know if she's worth the sludge that comes with her." I pause."Well, I'm banking my whole midcard on her. That should tell ya something." He nods, halfheartedly.


"I like the card. But I have trepidations about the changes you've made to the product." He sighs. "We've always been a match heavy product, going entertainment based could pose problems with our core audience." I roll my eyes "Mitch, I haven't change the product at all. I've just added a few angles so we can handle build-up better." I sit down across from him at his salvaged kitchen table. "The matches are still the focus, and The Revolution is still the aim." Mitch stood up with fire in his eyes... "It better be.... IT. BETTER. BE."


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Stuck to a New Jersey street lamp on a cold, lonely road reads a solitary tattered poster.




Live from the forsaken halls of The Ministry, PSW will bring a NIGHT OF ANARCHY! PSW Champion Frankie Future will defend his strap against mortal rival Grandmaster Phunk who he shockingly turned against one year ago! This will be Phunk's final shot at the belt in a feud that has boiled over. Phunk will double down on his own terms as he's successfully negotiated the match to beTHE MOST INTENSE MATCH TYPE EVER CONSTRUCTED! A NEW YORK STREET FIGHT! ANYTHING WILL GO AND THERE MUST BE A WINNER!

Other action includes: Steven Parker vs. Johnny Martin, The Deadly Alliance vs. The Good Ole' Boys, JD Morgan vs. Teddy Powell, Matthew Keith vs. Nelson Callum, Dead Rage vs. Tank Bradley and Ash Campbell, Little Bill Lebowski vs. The Ant Man... PLUS MUCH MUCH MORE!


Tickets are $14 general admission Call 1-866-344-9566 to order now! Parental Discretion is advised.



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Employee's Only Beyond This Point. You tend to forget when you were kids and the mystery of what was behind that door inspired your mind to imagine wonderful tales. "Nah-uh, I bet there's a big black hole behind that door and if you open it you die." Age brings wisdom like that... It also tends to make the world far less exciting.


"Hey, Ken! Have you seen Mark?" Dil Smithson aka "The Wolverine" sat applying his iconic facepaint. His trademark muttonchops already groomed, the Just For Men box sitting right to the side of the only application mirror we had. "No. He's here though right?" Dil shifts trying to get a better angle as the unprotected lightbulb swings dangerously overhead. "Yeah, he's here. We came in together. But I haven't seen him since." Strange... Idaho usually spent most of his spare time driving everybody crazy with that laptop of his. He had no idea how to use a word processor, and would always ask the dumbest things to the weirdest people. "Hey Bill, how do I import this into my E-Mail?" " Hey, Nicole, you're young right! You know how to make a 2.2" indent in this f$$king thing right?"... I paused. " I'll go look for him, you finish up."


I'm not even sure he heard me, or cared. But we both had things to do. "Hey have you seen, Mark?" "No" Niccy seemed more interested in her hair at the moment. "Have you seen Mark?" I said, diving into the next changing area. "Yeah he was out with Dil a while ago, why?" Tank Bradley was warming up in his usual Devil gear... still clinging to that gimmick that got him over in DaVE. Then again, who around wasn't still clinging to Vilbert's baby in someway. His way was actually the least offensive in a lot of ways. "Just making sure he hasn't flown the coup." Tank strains out a "Check the parking lot" in-between some kinda yoga pose... "Thanks."


Two left turns later, I sat in the only free parking in the place. But it was always swamped with fans. Always decked out in DaVE gear. There'd always be the occasional "Honest Forever" Shirts, or the rare "Bling Style" SWF shirt but overwhelmingly DaVE fans, were still Dave fans. " "Punisher sign my belt!" And Mark signed the replica DaVE Unified belt... We didn't even own the rights to that anymore.


All seemed to be going well. "We need you inside in 3!" I shouted. "Got it boss."


"Hey, if it isn't the big bossman." Mitch tapped my shoulder. "First show tonight! Nervous?" He said, straining to stay cordial. Our relationship had been strained ever since Alex stepped down from the position last year. The writing was on the wall. Alex was thinking about stepping back from booking and recommended me for the position. I was a nobody manager on the indy scene at the time. But I had a short stint in DaVE during the 2007 death thrall. Everyone knew it was coming, but nobody could talk Phil into selling. He was just too invested. And he was going to go down with the ship.


It crushed Mitch most of all. And he idolized Phil, hell we all did. He was a genius. Sure he had his flaws, but nobody else could have taken that company to where it went. Just got greedy and pushed it too fast. "A little bit. Can't lie," I forced a smile. "It's perfectly healthy. I'll do what I can for ya kid." He said as he headed inside, and towards the commentary booth.


"Piece of SHIT!" could be heard from the parking lot. I scrambled with half the lockerroom, security rushed out ahead in just enough time to stop things from getting violent. "I'll show you who's washed up!" he said with fire in his eyes.


"I'm not the one wearing a T-shirt for a dead company... You..." ERR" Straining against security all the while. It was a pathetic site., something I didn't need more of right now. "Mark, settle down. We've got a show to do." Wiping my brow; rubbing my temples. "I don't have time to reprimand you properly. Consider this your warning," In full garb, "The Punisher" looked positively preposterous as he meekly replied "Come on! That was nothing." "The show is starting in :30. You're on in 60 on the dot." Walking away. "Try not to kill anybody until then."



The crowd began chanting... "WE WANT BLOOD, WE WANT BLOOD, WE WANT BLOOD!" The chants radiated through the converted church... God doesn't live here anymore.

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Great start so far Makhai.


I like your portrayal of Naess, the exchanges and you get an extra brownie point for typing DaVE with a small "A"... because I think it's wrong, but it feels so right.


Thank you. As to DaVE... DaVE is Danger and Violence Extreme... so the "a" should be lowercase, at least in my eyes. Maybe I'm wrong here. I'm sure someone will correct me as soon I give them a reason to care about this.


Event should be up tomorrow, or Thursday.

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Night of Anarchy

The Ministry, Queens, NY.

Attendance: 1,000



Commentary Team.





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Show opens with Frankie Future gracing the crowd with his presence. He shows off his "$4,000 silk suit" before starting his world famous talk-show, THE FUTURE IS NOW.




After no selling Phunk's threat, he brings out guest Matthew Keith who talks game about Future's backstage parties. Future then brings out Nelson Callum and Krissy Angelle...




Krissy plays the slutty girlfriend to perfection here, sitting in Frankie's lap as she fawns over her man, as the two staredown.


Segment Grade: E



Camera pans through the audience, before Doc picks out a girl in the crowd.



Doc comments on Mellissa Melons' skills in the film Natural Insemination 32... creeping everyone out... Mitch most of all. After everyone is good and perved out. The first match of the night gets under way.


Segment Grade: E



http://img844.imageshack.us/edit_preview.php?l=img844/2117/littlebilllebowski.jpg&action=rotate vs. http://img513.imageshack.us/edit_preview.php?l=img513/4931/antman.jpg&action=rotate

Revolution Rules



Little Bill walks out with his custom bowling ball... The crowd chants for blood, until Ant-Man comes out. Then the crowd turns on the match. It doesn't help matters that Ant-Man is clearly nervous and is being asked too much of in this early stage of his career.


Crowd chants "We hate jobbers"


The match starts with back-and-forth action, until finally Bill exits the ring and goes for a table. Just as he finishes setting it up, he notices Mellisa in the crowd. This causes him to pause while he ponders what to do, Ant-Man takes advantage; hits him with his own bowling ball, which sets him up for a powerbomb through the table. The crowd seems to enjoy the raw power of the move.


This is a turning point in the match and Ant Man pours on the offense, using multiple weapons on the battered Lebowski... He motions for his finisher but the kid makes a fatal error of leaving a chair in reaching distance... Bill cracks him with it and as Ant-Man careens off the ropes Lebowski hits a small package for the pin.


Post Match: he walks back up the isle but stops to give Miss Melons one last gander.


Match Grade: F





Revolution Rules


Dead Rage enters to cheers, Tank Bradley and Ash Campbell aren't as lucky. As the match begins, and Bradley takes the center, the crowd starts shaking the foundations with a "Tank Blows" chant.


The match is largely one-sided early as Tank gets worked over for a few minutes. The experienced tag-team really earns their stripes here. Tank eventually gets the hot tag and Ash clears the ring, but a wily kendo stick toss from Dead Bolt puts a halt to that quickly.


Eventually, Ash tags in Tank, much to the dismay of the crowd. Tank doesn't fair much better and one Last Rites later Dead Rage is on it's way to a title shot.



Match Grade: E+


After a brief interlude where it is confirmed Dead Rage will meet the winners of tonight's tag-title match Mitch and Doc get us prepped for our PSW National Title match.





Revolution Rules


Krissy leads her man to the ring in a near see-through white dress, that lacks any kind of structural integrity. She gets Nelson a good sized pop, best on the show so far. Keith hits the ring in no-nonsense fashion getting a bigger pop than Nelson before him.


As the match begins, Keith sets the tone with some good chain-wrestling. Callum holds his own in the exchanges but ultimately if forced out of the ring to regroup.


Keith doesn't give him an inch and hits a missile drop-kick from the top rope. The action stays outside with Callum dipping into the weapons stash, find a strangely warped clarinet which he uses to great effect.


Callum presses his advantage and eventually the match spills into the crowd, Krissy calls for Nelson to come back to the ring. He doesn't listen. She doesn't follow, in that outfit, who can blame her.


Nelson lays on the offense, using the bare wood floors as a weapon in it's own right. The match turns when Callum frames a launch onto a decommissioned pew next to the emergency exit. Keith sloppily reverses it using the pew for leverage to apply the Proton Lock. Miles from safety Nelson submits... selling a neck injury.


Match Rating: D



Keith takes his title and celebrates smugly passing Krissy on the way out who looks worried about her man.


As he's taken out the back she flees off down the entry ramp bumping into Alex Braun on his way to the ring in street clothes.





The crowd sees him and gives him warm "welcome back" chants. He cuts a promo detailing the reasons he's making the decision he's making... just as he's about to make the proper announcement though, strange music hits...


Segment Grade: F



[credit to FINisher for the awesome alt]


As this strange woman makes her way to the ring, Mitch about flies through the ring with his outrage, nothing of which really give any inclination who this girl is beyond the fact she's not welcome.


As she gets to the ring, wearing a fur coat, she climbs into the ring to a chorus of silence. She cuts a promo telling Braun "nobody morns the tears of the widower." and then proceeds to talk about Mitch's unwillingness to sell "this shipwreck of a company." After detailing her many offers, she states the only way to show Mitch "the true value of the company" is to show him how easy it would be to take it from within.


She then motions to the back and her two "associates" make their way to the ring.



[credit FINisher again for the alt]


She gives a backstory of how she found these "savages" "The Smashing Machine" Rhino, was a prisoner of war in a refugee camp in Burma, rescued by her. And "EXILE" was a former Japanese wrestler who has been blackballed from every promotion for being "too unsophisticated."


Alex Braun makes the mistake of remaining in the ring. And after trying to finish his announcement our mystery woman lashes out and orders her minions to lay the legend out. Alex holds his own for a few seconds but ultimately "The Smashing Machine" earns his name and they beat Braun within an inch of his life.


Mitch comes to the aid of Braun in the ring after they make their leave to check on the fallen star. He calls for paramedics and they take Braun out on a stretcher as the crowd sits stunned(I can dream.)


Segment Grade: F


After a few moments Mitch makes his way back to the desk for the next match of the evening. Refusing to speak about what just happened.



Revolution Rules


The crowd is still cold after the last segment and neither guy gets much of a pop as they come out. The match begins slowly. JD Morgan doesn't look like he's in great shape and it's impacting his performance. Powell does his best to carry him and does a decent enough job of it.


The match is a solid if unspectacular match, but it's enough to energize the crowd as the match utilizes 2 table spots and a few judicious weapon spots which busts Morgan open for our first blood of the evening.


As we build for the finish Morgan is a bloody mess, and the blood is causing vision issues. This allows Powell to take total control and put J.D away with a Motion Control for the pin.



Match Rating: D-


The booth talks up the match before moving on to push our next contest.




Revolution Rules


The Good Ole Boys hit the ring first doing their standard crowd antics. This gets a decent pop from the crowd. The Deadly Alliance hit the ring next to a good pop.


The match gets underway quickly and holds a fast tempo through out. Thimblebly taking an early advantage in the grappling exchanges which quickly prompts Punisher into the ring and the whole thing descends into chaos... The four pair off with Punisher and Langton tumbling over the ropes. Wooton begins to be overwhelmed by Wolverine but the action in the ring takes a backseat to the brutality out of it as trashcan lids, and a weed-whacker are among the used items by the Punisher.


R.M can't keep up and soon nobody knows who the legal men are.


Punisher slides another into the ring, as the thoroughly bushwhacked Langton lays taken care of outside of the ring.


The match remains two on one for a few minutes before it becomes clear that Langton is down for the count. 2-on-1 are not odds Wooton can overcome and he eventually is finished on a botched double suplex, Punisher grabs the pin.




Match Grade: E+


The Deadly Alliance takes their titles and sprints off through the fans and out the emergency exit... Doc and Mitch put the Alliance over hard, taking a moment to set up the Co-Main.



Revolution Rules




Nicole Kiss makes her way to the ring, with her sole client Steven Parker. Parker has been on a roll as of late, being one of the key members in The Untouchables stable and a supporting role in the Grandmaster Phunk storyline. As he enters he gets some solid heat from the crowd.


When he hits the ring he orders Nicole to disinfect the ring, which she does. Johnny Martin hits the ring to raucous cheers. and he quickly interupts Kiss' cleaning efforts. Which causes Parker to attack Martin while he's on the far turnbuckle.


Taylor shoves Martin off the top turnbuckle and goes tumbling out of the ring. Parker hits a perfunctory suicide dive and it's one way traffic until Martin begins his comeback. They begin trading punches on the outside and Martin gets the better of it, giving him time to hit a power slam and go under a tarp for a table, much to the delight of the crowd. He sets it up outside the ring and rolls Parker in.


They continue to go back-and-forth for many minutes before Martin irish-whips Parker into the ropes. Parker goes for a clothesline but Parker ducks it, Parker jumps through building a tremendous amount of momentum. Parker tries to take advantage of this by throwing a cross-body block but Martin pulls the ropes down and Parker goes tumbling out of the ring landing through the set-up table on the outside.


Martin gets a pop from the crowd as Kiss runs over with another wipe. Which she uses to help clean the small cut he has on his arm. Which he sells as the most grave and mortal wound in history.


Martin comes outside and brawls with Parker some more, Parker gains the advantage and rolls him back into the ring after some more back and forth, Martin overwhelms Parker and sets him up for the Twist on the Rocks. But just as he calls for it Kiss climbs up onto the ring apron the spot has Nicole's back to the camera which is important because she flashes him and it's sold as a full, legit flash.(in actuality it's flesh colored pasties but it seems to go over well with the crowd)


Having clearly never seen a pair of breasts as fine as those, Martin is stunned long enough for Parker to reverse into a small package for the pin.


Match Rating: D-



Doc Messing spends an unfortunate amount of time on miss Kiss' rack. Steven Parker sees if Nicole earns her surname as after they've both gotten further up the ramp. He immediately asks for a moist towelette afterwards though.


As we cut away from a fuming Martin, a backstage promo plays, but only for the DVD audience. Phunk shows off his street-wear before detailing the many ways he hopes to re-arrange Frankie's face...



Segment Grade: E+



[credit Marshall1 for the alt]


New York Street Fight


After the promo finishes it's a smooth transition to his entrance. Phunk comes out in a tracksuit, all business. No dancing, no girls, no Phunkette cam, nothing.


Phunk pounds his fists into his palms to loosen the tape up as he waits for Frank to show his face. Frankie's music hits but he's nowhere in site... This enrages Phunk who goes out into the back the camera picks him up in a minute in the parking lot... Frankie's 94' Ford Torus won't start and he's cursing his luck as he tries to escape the arena via taxi. Eventually, Phunk blindsides him, beating the holy hell out of him in the street outside the modified church as he drags Frank, back into the building.


The crowd roars to life as both men come through the curtain. Well, Phunk comes through the curtain... Future is more thrown through it.


When they both hit the ring, Frankie begs for his life as Phunk enjoys the whooping he puts on him. Frankie has moments of offense, but the first half of this match continues in this vain.


As we hit the mid-point Phunk begins fishing for weapons as Future struggles to regain his footing. He throws everything including a kitchen sink into the ring before climbing back in and setting up a table. It's at this point Future reaches into his pants and fishes out a pair of brass knuckles.


When Phunk turns around he's blindsided with the knuckles and Phunk falls against the table, dangerously, knocking it over. Phunk's head is busted open, and Future isn't winning any beauty pageants himself as his face is swelling above his eye.


Frankie celebrates before suplexing Phunk through the table. Frankie goes for the cover but Phunk kicks out at the last possible seconds. Both collapse seemingly spent.


Future gets back to his feet surrounded by weapons and objects. He tries to pick up the kitchen sink but finds that too unwieldy throws it out of the ring. He eventually finds a stop sign, nailing a recovering Phunk against the ropes.


Future continues to use weapons to wear down Phunk... As the match wears on, Future appears to have the match in the bag. Phunk is running on pure will at this point and Frankie gets cocky posing for a picture with a fan who has an smartphone ringside. Phunk takes this as a slight and he gets his 5th wind., blindsiding Future and taking control of the match.


Future is taking a beating, again, and he's again, begging for his life. Because it worked so well the first time, Phunk humors him then changes his mind; body-slamming Future though the announce table. Much to the delight of the crowd. The remainder of the matches DVD commentary is edited in as the audio equipment takes a major hit with this spot.


Phunk grabs a third table and throws it into the ring. Future is peeled off the floor and rolled into the ring... The crowd senses the end is near now as we hit 11PM. Phunk sets Future on the top turnbuckle, just as he does Parker and J.D hit the ring and beatdown Phunk laying him onto the table and reviving Frankie, who slowly rises before hitting a labored elbow drop through the set-up table. The crowd is IRATE, and Parker and Morgan soak it in. The three continue to add insult to injury before Future drops down and covers an unconscious Phunk. A dejected R.M Stones slow counts a 1-2-3 in disgust.


Match Rating: D+


The Untouchables celebrate in the ring lifting Future on their shoulders as the crowd rains down boos


Segment Grade: E+




Event Grade: D

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Breaking Kayfabe here for a second: I ****ed up and forgot to fix my product before the show... I only would have gotten a D+ anyway. This hurts Rhino and EXILE's initial momentum, which sucks, but it's not the worst thing in the world either. It's pretty clear, but that's why my angles tanked... If you're curious.
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Excerpt: Chapter 24: Southern [Death] Belles [Punishment: My 25 Years in Pro Wrestling by Mark Williams]





I was on my own in the world again, after tasting the first success in... well ever. Cash was still tight, my mom still hated me, and I still had an Idaho to punish... I contemplate retirement for the, jeez what are we up to now? Let's just call it 40-billionth, and decide stay on the road, the indy scene was far kinder to me than I remembered it. But the roach motels were still as appetizing as always and beer was still piss-warm. Can't somebody in this frigging industry buy a frigging cooler?



I remember during one of the shows, I was in Tennessee doing a show for Wesley Watts. Two-bit promoter, but otherwise a swell guy. He had me partner with this guy called “Snowplow.” We were called “The Idaho Snowplow” which was horrible, but that's pro-wrestling sometimes.



Anyways, this guy was 4'10 523lbs... He was billed as the world's largest midget. Working with him was about what you'd imagine it to be. He didn't really wrestle, the apron couldn't fit him, so he sat in the corner and would be tagged in that way. His specialty was Battle Royale's he'd just stand around and then eliminate the final guy. The match was nothing special we did our 5 and hit the road.



But that night Jakki, who was managing Keith Vegas at that show, was traveling back to the hotel with us and I hadn't heard them say one word to each other up to this point, swear to god.



We had gone out of the way to get some “medicinal herb.” After we got lit up and I remember Snowplow asked her how long she thought his penis was? This got a laugh out of me, nut she answers with and I swear to you this is true, “I wouldn't mind finding out.”



Snowplow about jumps out of his clothes, if he had wrestled with half the athleticism he showed in the back of this Oldsmobile he'd be the USPW champ right now. She laughs, at this point, I laugh again, I think this was a rib. No way this girl is going to bag this guy with me around to tell the tale.



BUT HELL NO! She strips and they go at it in the backseat. It looked like a bowling ball made of marshmallow was trying to consume the poor girl, but she sure didn't seem to mind. I'm just sitting in the driver's seat watching this, no threesome for yours truly. I'm still scared to this day at what I saw that night...




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Press Release via PSW.com


PSW Hardcore Climax 2010


Pod A

Johnny Martin

Hell's Bouncer(FCW)

Tank Bradley

Nelson Callum

Teddy Powell

Little Bill Lebowski


Pod B

Grandmaster Phunk

Mad Man Cahill

Matthew Keith

Steven Parker

Ash Campbell

Sensational Singh(FCW)


Three night special event, February 19th, 20th and the 21st!


Tickets are $14 general admission. Call 1-866-344-9566 to order! Parental Discretion is advised.





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  • 5 weeks later...

A small moonlit stretch of NYC outside a grimy window sill, you forget how nice anything can look in the right light and the right mood. SLAM! "god damn it," PSW Owner Mitch Naess screamed. "What the hell are we gonna do now?" He's pacing back and forth, with a bottle of Daniels Jack in his left hand.

The entire thing is built on those two." Mitch gasps for breath as he slides the second of the aspirin capsules down his throat with a quick swig. "We traded Statler and Waldorf for that sack of shit... And now he leaves?" Sweat is pouring from his brow, his pace quickening. "I talked to Danny, the whole reason he left the SWF was to prove he was more than a slickback, no-future manager. When the offer came, of course he was going to take it." I say, shifting in the once abandoned chair. " Steven though... I thought we had a lot more time with him. He never struck me as an SWF guy. Maybe I just see too much Dark Angel in him."


Mitch is chugging the bottle with no regard for the shirt he's currently wearing, and the brownish-black poison runs down the crease of his lips. "He hasn't signed yet though. We just brought in his girlfriend last week, he wants to spend more time with her." I sigh, even I know the chances of him turning down an opportunity like that. "The contract is 305 dates, he said. 4k a month. He'd never see her again and there's no garrentee he isn't just optioned to developmental. He could stay. Nothing's in ink yet." I pause. " It's a good sign he called us before he made his mind up."


Mitch doesn't seem to be listening. The burning aftertaste of rot-gut bourbon will do that to you. "We've got plenty of talent to get us where we need to go. It's tough losing guys in storyline, but I can handle this. Besides Hardcore Climax is in two weeks And they both have said they'll be able to work those nights"


Mitch brightens up for a moment. It's tough to tell if it's the alcohol or aspirin. "Remind me again, what's your plan with this?" I shuffle through my notes. "Well the thing isn't booked out completely but it's a tournament. The idea is we'll have 2 pods, 6 men per pod. 4 matches over 2 days from each of them. A submission win is worth 3pts, a pin 2pts, a draw is 1pt. Every match begins with a spin of the wheel of death. Where it falls will be the match type. The bottom two in each pod are eliminated after day 2. Top 4 advance to the single elimination tournament on Saturday."


When I look up, Mitch is passed out on the sofa, the bottle lays sideways on the floor seeping fluid, the pool grows ever larger... His sprawled legs and loud snoring break up the grizzly sight. The Revolution won't be happening overnight. At least not this one.

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