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The Hunger For More; Troy Winner & 4C

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Troy Winner: I mean, we were kind of like a big group of misfits.


Troy grins as he puffs on a cigarette outside a locally owned Toronto coffee shop. The camera slowly switches focus to a banner advertising 'Little Turkey'. When the camera returns to Troy, he takes a quick sip of his coffee and begins to speak again.


Troy Winner: And I mean that literally. I mean we've got the stereotypical Asian Karate guy, we've got the Italian guy, and look at me, I'm a midget for crying out loud!


Troy lets out a small laugh in between puffs of his cigarette. After a much larger inhalation, Troy lets out a couple coughs before returning to his coffee.


Troy Winner: You know, it's funny. People always used to tell me that smoking was a stress reliever and I'd never really believed them because of all the effects cigarettes have on your health. I figured I'd be more stressed out thinking of how these little white sticks could kill me. But then curiosity kind of kicked in for me about three years ago. Me and a buddy of mine were sitting outside a bar and after a couple drinks, he starts throwing around his cigarettes basically asking everyone around us if they wanted one. He passed one down to me and handed me his lighter, assuming I'd wanted one. Usually when people offered me a cigarette, I'd just tell em' straight up, you know. But "I don't smoke" didn't really feel like the right response to this one. Sticking the smoke in my mouth felt like the thing to do. That's when I started coming around here, "Little Turkey" had just opened up and was offering a big deal on their coffees. I came by to try it out, and boy, if you've never tried Turkish coffee, it's strong. Nice pick me up for someone that's working in the hectic world of professional wrestling, like myself. A nice coffee, a cigarette, and depending on the day, I'd break out the laptop and start planning stuff out for the promotion, or I'd just check out the newspaper. A decade after 4C opened up, as the promotion was changing up, I was changing up.


Troy takes a slight pause.


Troy Winner: Moral of the story is, curiosity didn't kill the cat, no, not a chance. Curiosity is currently in the process of killing my lungs. And boy, it's not gonna' be stopping any time soon. I mean think about it. Almost fifteen years ago, fifteen years ago this baby was born. It was like raising a child. Like, fifteen years ago nobody knew who we were, now, it's just kind of crazy to think that our name is on the map of the professional wrestling industry. People think wrestling in Canada and 4C comes up in their conversations. It's just crazy to think about.


Pause to gather his thoughts, as he takes another puff of now almost finished cigarette.


Troy Winner: And the thing is, it just keeps getting bigger. And I want it to keep getting bigger. And I don't know whether that's because of I want to be more and more proud, or if it's because I just want more money, or even just because I've been here from the very beginning and I just want to see this succeed even more. I'm even just starting to think I'm power hungry, and power is everything in this business. I mean it really is.


A rather jittery Winner taps his fingers on the table and his foot on the concrete frantically, sipping on his coffee and trying to gather the last remaining bits of tobacco left in his cigarette. After ashing his cigarette, he continues on his train of thought.


Troy Winner: I've changed a lot because of this business. I'm always thinking about what's next, what's coming up in the industry, how the economy's looking, you know, all these factors that could have an effect on a promotion that's just trying to make a name for themselves. And I've always liked the idea of getting involved in the business of booking. Don't get me wrong, Jason does a great job at what he does, but I think he's so worried about how people would see him if he were to give himself a title run that he doesn't give himself enough credit and doesn't see the value and talent that he brings to this company. I had a little talk with him towards the end of last year, and I told him, you know, look at yourself like a competitor. He's in a position of power, and I didn't necessarily tell him to abuse it, but you know, if you see a situation that you can give yourself a chance to get more popular with the fans and better in terms of your personal growth, anyone would jump at the opportunity. If anyone deserves the opportunity, it's Jason.


Troy tips back his mug to drain whatever liquid is left of his coffee before taking another small pause.


Troy Winner: People are gonna' start taking notice of us now, man. Fifteen years, that's when this grunt work is going to start paying off, that's when we're finally going to get our shot at the big time, all of our fans are finally going to see 4C on the big stage of Canada, the bigger arenas, television, pay-per-view events, the whole thing. If we play our cards right, this whole thing can come together.

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Too Hot: Talking with Troy, we've come up with a system that we try to bring in one new guy a month, and depending on the amount of disciplinary action that we have to take backstage with someone, if they're not worth the problems they're causing, then they're out the door. This month, being that it's a new year, we're trying to bring in a decently big name on the independent scene to strengthen our own main event scene. So far we've narrowed it down to:




Kashmir Singh Name Brendan Idol

32 Age 29

15 years Wrestling Experience 12 years


Too Hot: There is a big benefit to either of these men in to 4C. Kashmir having a couple years more in terms of experience isn't necessarily more an asset than Brendan's cruiserweight style. Neither man is super popular, nor a huge name in any right, but both could benefit our company and make it so more people feel like tuning in to our internet shows or actually coming down to watch them. I think what it's really going to come down to in this one is which one is a target for the bigger promotions and which one can wait.


The camera fades out and returns seconds later, panning to a sign on a door which reads: "Jason Evans, Head Booker's Office".


Too Hot: It's been a couple days and Kashmir was actually the first guy to respond to us so we brought him in for an interview. His goal, obviously is to get as many benefits and as much money as possible. My goal, is to make sure he gets what I want, not what he wants.




Troy Winner: Jason really likes to get the one on one feel with the athlete that we're pursuing, so he likes to just have himself, the athlete, in this case Kashmir, and whoever said athlete has brought with him, like an agent or something. Occasionally Jason'll come out here and ask me if the contract sounds good to me, but hey, it's his side of the business, I fully trust him to know how much is too much. I'm really excited for this guy, Kashmir could be a big thing for 4C, and for the new year. I have a feeling he'll be an exciting character for Jason to work with.


Minutes later, Too Hot & Kashmir Singh walk out of the office and meet up with Troy Winner.


Too Hot: Troy, you're looking at the newest member of the roster, I'd like you to meet Kashmir Singh.


Kashmir Singh: Nice to meet you, Mr Winner. I'm excited to get to work. I'll hang around as long as you'll have me.


Troy Winner: It's our pleasure to have you here, Kashmir, why don't you and Jason take a walk around our facility and check out the training area and the locker room.


Troy walks to his office, followed by the camera.


Troy Winner: That's a good guy right there, that's what 4C is looking for. Decent bulk on him, clean-cut, that's a superstar right there. Hopefully the fans like him as much as I do.

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...Canadian Charisma Championship Combat Presents...







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Other Matches Include:



Davis Wayne Newton vs Jacob Jett

#1 Contendership Match



The Gilbert Brothers © vs Thug Life

4C Tag Team Championship Match



Leftie Wilkes vs Canadian Crusher



Sayeed Ali vs Eric Blackley



Antonio Del Veccio © vs Rajah

Falls Count Anywhere Match for the 4C Hardcore Championship




Too Hot starts the year up, 4C style!

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No doubt the most exciting part of 4C's Cage Rage will be the two headlining bouts.



"White Angel", is the name that is associated with the champion going into tomorrow night's match between Frankie Dee and his challenger, Duberry Excess. Frankie Dee's unique style that has not been seen much in an environment like 4C, has opened up the doors for him to achieve the 4C championship on one occasion, as well as the Tag Team championships on one occasion, alongside the man in the co-main event, Davis Wayne Newton. Duberry Excess on the other hand, is no slouch. The first man to achieve 4C's Triple Crown - winning all three titles on separate occasions - has an immense amount of pressure riding on him going into this match. A reliable youngster, the twenty-three year old Excess comes into this match with his last title reign being almost a full year ago, losing it to the other man in the co-main event, Jacob Jett.



Both men are twenty-three years old and have been with 4C for around five years, coming into the promotion around the same time, give or take a year. However, perhaps the deciding factor could be the fact that Excess has wrestled in bigger "name" promotions while Frankie Dee, being that this is his first singles championship run, has had less experience with the belt and less experience under pressure. However, anything can happen in a cage.



The co-main event features two young men that are itching to pick up the number one spot in line for the 4C championship. Davis Wayne Newton, Frankie Dee's former partner, and the man who lost the title to Dee last year, Jacob Jett. Jett, a two-time 4C champion as well as a 4C Tag Team champion, has a much more documented resume than his opponent. Newton is trying to make a big splash in the industry by picking up his first singles championship, as stated before, he is a former Tag Team champion alongside Frankie Dee. As this match is not taking place in a cage like the main event, styles will come into play much more, as the technical wrestling ability of Jacob Jett is not on the level of Newton's, however, he holds an advantage when the action heads to the top rope. It will no doubt be an exciting match, and I, for one, will be on the edge of my seat the entire time.



Other matches of note will see Antonio Del Veccio defend his 4C Hardcore championship against Rajah in a Falls Count Anywhere match. This is a match that is most likely going to really hype the fans up for the main event, as really, the two men in action have the ability to do anything and everything to keep the fans entertained. Hopefully the two men will keep the action moving and who knows, maybe we'll catch some highlight reel moves in tomorrow's first title bout.



If you want to catch exciting Canadian wrestling, you can either tune into 4Cwrestling.ca, or you can even tune in to our website here at CanWrestle.ca to watch the live stream of the event. If you're in the Toronto area this week, tickets are still available. Purchase them now to see other wrestlers like Too Hot, Chris Flynn & Sayeed Ali risk their lives for your entertainment!

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...Canadian Charisma Championship Combat...















The 566 fans in attendance roar at the appearance of the beloved Too Hot. Too Hot calms them down a bit before he begins to play to the crowd even more. After the crowd finally settles down, Too Hot grabs the microphone.


Too Hot: Ladies and gentlemen, this is Canadian Charisma Championship Combat, and tonight is the start of a new year for us. The best part of the new year though, is the new talent, and tonight I'm going to "personally" welcome the newest addition to the 4C roster. Everybody in attendance, I would like y'all to give your best applause to the newest member of our roster... KASH.








- Too Hot vs Kash



The two men went at it for about ten minutes, a nice warm-up match for the new year. Too Hot focused on selling Kash's big moves, such as his wide array of manoeuvres from the top rope. The end of the match, however, came when Too Hot had clearly had enough of taking a beating, and finished it off with a combination of punches, finishing with the Heat Seeking Missile (Spinning Enziguiri).



Too Hot defeats Kash via pin following a Heat Seeking Missile




Terry Smith: A not-so-warm welcome for the newly signed Kash, as he fails to pick up a victory in his debut against the fun-loving Too Hot.

Ted Ross: We'll be moving on to our next match right about now, which features Leftie Wilkes. The big question with Leftie is will he ever be able to step out of the shadow of his older brother. Wilkes has obviously made efforts to step away from his family-relations here at 4C, opting out of big name matches because of his wishes to not be "carried through wrestling" by his brother.

Terry Smith: Right you are, Ted, and tonight, we'll find out if Leftie really has what it takes to carry himself through this business.




Terry Smith: Ladies and gentlemen, coming through the gate right now...




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- Leftie Wilkes vs Canadian Crusher



Leftie Wilkes and Canadian Crusher faced very different obstacles in their match-up tonight. Leftie faced off, of course, against the physically stronger Canadian Crusher, and Crusher faced off with the seemingly endless choir of boos courtesy of the crowd. However, love him or hate him, Canadian Crusher did what he had to do, putting away Leftie Wilkes after countering a desperate cross-body splash, switching it into a swinging side slam, sending Leftie to the mat, and picking up the victory for himself.



Canadian Crusher defeats Leftie Wilkes via pin




Terry Smith: Our next match is a 4C Hardcore Championship match between the champion, Antonio del Veccio, and his challenger, Rajah.

Ted Ross: And expect the action to spill outside the ring, because this is a Falls Count Anywhere match.




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- Antonio Del Veccio © vs Rajah for the 4C Hardcore Championship



Del Veccio and Rajah put on a solid match, and as expected, it was filled with high spots and big, highlight reel action. Almost from the start of the match, Antonio and Rajah took it out of the ring and even into the crowd at some points. The first big spot took place when Rajah tossed Antonio over the barricades, and hit a beautiful spring-board hurricanrana into the crowd. Antonio responded by brutally taking down the barricade, spear tackling Rajah directly into them. The match returned to the actual ring for a short moment, in which Rajah tried to pick up a pin, but was unsuccessful. The end of the match came when, once again, the action resumed near the announce table. Antonio was tossed onto the table by Rajah, but a counter resulted in Rajah standing in shock as Antonio flew off the table with an Italian DDT (Tornado DDT). Antonio picked up the pin and the victory, retaining his championship.



Antonio Del Veccio defeats Rajah via pin following an Italian DDT




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- Sayeed Ali vs Eric Blackley



Sayeed Ali wasted no time throwing himself, and Eric Blackley, into this match. Within seconds of the starting bell, Sayeed tossed Eric around the ring for a few moments before securing the finish with a brutal G.B.H Driver (Powerbomb). A disheartening performance for Eric Blackley, who was rather confident coming into this match. However, on the other hand, an incredible performance from Sayeed Ali.



Sayeed Ali defeats Eric Blackley via pin following a G.B.H Driver




Ted Ross: Now it's time for the Tag Team Championships to be defended.

Terry Smith: Right on! I don't know if the Gilbert Brothers have what it takes to take on the big and brutal, sometimes even downright scary Thug Life.




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Terry Smith: I'm actually just finding out now that the Gilbert Bros. have requested that this be a No Disqualifications match, and Thug Life has agreed!

Ted Ross: Oh god, this is going to be a whirlwind of weapons, I can feel it already.



- The Gilbert Brothers © vs Thug Life for the 4C Tag Team Championships



The Gilbert Brothers immediately pulled out their hockey sticks and started swinging. Hardcore Killah would have none of it, however, ripping the hockey sticks out of their hands and breaking them on his legs, tossing them out of the ring. Slim V and Hardcore Killah immediately took the opportunity and jumped the two champions, trying to weaken them early. Slim V took the bandanna off of his head and tied Joe to the ring post with it. Following that, Hardcore Killah picked Jesse up and threw him into his brother. This was looking like an easy win for Thug Life early on, but the Gilbert Brothers turned it around, picking apart the legs of the dominant team, and in the end, grabbing their title belts and hitting two Slap Shots (Leg Lariat to the Back of the Head) onto the belts. Just when the crowd thought the match was over, however...



The Gilbert Brothers defeat Thug Life via pin following a Slap Shot




Ted Ross: Oh my god! Jesse's got a razor!

Terry Smith: And with Thug Life out cold, oh man, I do not like the look of this...

Ted Ross: He's doing it! He's really doing it! Jesse Gilbert is shaving off Hardcore Killah's beard!

Terry Smith: The trademark of Thug Life's big man has been literally taken away from him, and now the Gilberts are running away with the shavings! Oh man, this is a crazy start to the new year.

Ted Ross: I'll say!




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- Jacob Jett vs Davis Wayne Newton



Newton and Jett went at it for a solid twenty minutes before a victor was crowned number one contender for the 4C Championship. Not many huge spots in this match as there was no stipulation, however, they still managed to make due with the ring, as Newton and Jett threw themselves around and at each other trying to come out on top. A big moment came when Jett ran up the turnbuckles, twisting around and sending Newton to the mat with a sunset flip pin, but Newton rolled through with it and sent a big punt into Jett's mouth. However, Newton's countering strategy didn't work out for too long, as Jett began to do the same. Newton became more aggressive, and in doing so, left many holes in his game, allowing Jett to capitalize. Jett dodged a big diving clothesline, leaving Newton on the canvas, and after a few stomps, Jett was ready to finish the match with the Jett Take Off (Shooting Star Press), to pick up the pin and position himself as number one contender.



Jacob Jett defeats Davis Wayne Newton via pin following a Jett Take Off




Terry Smith: Unbelievable, Jacob Jett will take on the winner of our main event next month.

Ted Ross: A short intermission as the cage gets lowered for our main event, as Frankie Dee, the champion, and Duberry Excess, the challenger go at it inside the steel cage.




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- Frankie Dee © vs Duberry Excess for the 4C Championship



Early on it seemed like Duberry Excess would easily pick up the victory, avoiding Frankie's strike-based attack and tossing him around the ring, into the cage, and into the turnbuckles, trying to slow the attack of the champion. Frankie came back with even more fire in his eyes, however, and started taking more and more of a beating from the challenger, who was making this look simple. Then, the cage really came into play. Duberry tried to pick up an early victory by climbing out of the cage, but Frankie thwarted his attempts every time. At one point, Duberry, halfway up the cage, met eye to eye with Dee, who with a swift dropkick took him right off the cage and brought both men to the mat, completely and utterly exhausted. The big moment of the match came when Duberry Excess was almost out of the cage, and just about to hit the top, but Frankie, with the reflexes of a cat, and the precise movements of a spider, quickly climbed up to the top of the cage and met up with Duberry Excess. Duberry, completely finished and exhausted, tried to throw himself off the top of the cage and to the floor below to win the championship, but with swift reflexes, Frankie caught the arms of the challenger just as he leapt, and left him dangling from the hands of the champion. Frankie, perched atop of the cage, pulled Duberry up to the top of the cage once again, and switched positions, leaving Duberry laying on top of the cage and Frankie climbing down the outside, jumping down, and picking up the victory. Frankie Dee remains champion in a huge match.



Frankie Dee defeats Duberry Excess via cage escape




Canadian Charisma Championship Combat


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