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TNA: Bound For Glory

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Current Champions:


TNA World Heavyweight: Austin Aries




TNA World Tag Team: Christopher Daniels & Kazarian


http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/ChristopherDaniels19.jpg & http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/FrankieKazarian10.jpg


TNA X-Division: Zema Ion




TNA World Television: Devon




TNA Knockouts: Ms. Tessmacher




Database starts: October 2012

Storyline catch up:


Bound For Glory Series:

After picking up 20 points in the Hardcore Justice tables match, and suprise winners of the other fatal four ways, Bully Ray began to dominate the series going undefeated from that point, at No Surrender the final took place with the top two facing of for the right to main event Bound for Glory, James Storm prevailed beating Bully Ray to win the series, only to be attacked post match by Aces & Eights proving that he wasn't the leader of the faction.


World Title:

Austin Aries drew with Bobby Roode in a last man standing match at Hardcore Justice after neither man answered the count of ten, they had a rematch at No Surrender which was interupted in the closing moments by Aces & Eights who left both men beaten down in the ring.


Aces & Eights:

Continued their attacks on random babyfaces and some heels over the weeks leading to No Surrender, after attacking James Storm and attacking both participants in the main event Aces & Eights were ran off by Hulk Hogan & Sting, only to return whilst Sting and Hogan were checking on Aries & Roode, four men returned and beat down Hogan & Sting, then unmasked to reveal themselves as, Jeff Jarrett, Bully Ray, Devon & the returning Abyss (putting an end to that stupid Joseph Parks charactor).



At Hardcore Justice Zema Ion won a six sides of steel match to retain the title and he kept hold of it right through to October, at No Surrender Kenny King won a #1 contenders match and will face Zema Ion at Bound For Glory for the title.


Claire Lynch:

This storyling quickly ended by Hardcore Justice by revealing that Claire Lynch was hired by Daniels to try and ruin AJ Styles image and try to get him to leave TNA, it was revealed that infact the baby's father and that the pictures of Claire and AJ were taking after she made sure he was heavily intoxicated with alchohol, AJ beat Kazarian at No Surrender, possibly setting up for a final match between AJ and Daniels or a tag match at Bound For Glory to end this rivalry.


Joey Ryan:

Joey Ryan gained alot of momentum and heat fueding with the gut check judges, he beat Al Snow at No Surrender to earn a TNA contract but is he done yet?



Gut check winner Alex Silva aswell as Dakota Darsow, Wes Brisco & Taeler Hendrix have been sent to OVW developmental to improve before being assigned a postition on the TNA roster.

TNA has built an arena called the Impact Zone 2012 it holds 9,000 people they're looking to build a new Impact Zone each year as the company grows.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p></p><span>http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/openfigh.jpg</span><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Impact Wrestling Preview</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:left;"><p>. Tonight is TNA Impact Wrestling: Open Fight Night</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:left;"><p>. Rumours all week speculating that Sting & Hulk Hogan will be in the Impact Zone to confront Jeff Jarrett and Aces & Eights</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:left;"><p>. James Storm did win the Bound For Glory series at No Surrender but was left beaten by Aces & Eights and inparticular his oppenant Bully Ray, will he call the Bully out?</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:left;"><p>. AJ Styles revealed on twitter that he is calling out Daniels tonight, he tweeted 'At No Surrender i beat Kazarian tonight i'll do the same to Daniels and finally end this'</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:left;"><p>. Plus the return of Gut Check, our contestant this time: 27 year old, Male, Jessie Godderz </p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:left;"><p>Confirmed Matches:</p><p>

Chavo Guerrero & Shawn Hernandez vs Kid Kash & Gunner</p><p>

AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels</p><p>

Doug Williams vs Kurt Angle </p></div><p></p><p></p>

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From the Impact zone 2012

Attendance: 9,000 (sell out)


http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/MikeTenay4.jpg & http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/Tazz6.jpg

Commentary team: Mike Tenay & Tazz


The show starts with James Storm coming to the ring:

"I should be out here celebrating, celebrating that i won the bound for glory series and will get a shot at the world title in just four weeks, but no see last night it was finally proved that i wasn't the leader of Aces & Eights when they beat the life out of me in this ring, i've never liked or trusted Bully Ray but i did respect the man, that was until i found out he was a part of all this, so tonight i'm going to do what i should of done at No Surrender and thats knock the hell out of Bully Ray!"



James Storm vs Bully Ray

http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/JamesStorm17.jpg vs http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/BubbaRayDudley13.jpg

This match had some great action from two wrestlers with a personal rivalry, Storm jumped Bully Ray the minute he got in the ring and began beating him down with left and right hands, Bully was able to stop Storm by landing a big boot to the gut, he got some momentum back and struck Storm with a powerful clothesline then a sidewalk slam and got a near fall. Bully kept control of the match by keeping Storm grounded, hitting a series of elbows to the chest but still only getting a two count, the tides changed when Bully went to the top rope for a elbow drop and Storm was able to move out the way just in time, the allowed Storm to hit two quick clotheslines followed by a scoop slam and then a double knee facebreaker but could only get a two count, Storm then went for a last call superkick but Bully ducked it and landed the Bully cutter and was miliseconds away from a three count, Bully had Storm in between his legs getting ready for a powerbomb when Storm chop blocked his legs, escaped the hold and hit the last call superkick for the win.

Winner: James Storm in 12:48


Post-match the other member of Aces & Eights, Abyss, Jeff Jarrett and Devon came down and helped Bully beatdown Storm in the ring, Jarrett had Storm set up for the stroke when the world champion Austin Aries came running down with a steal chair in hand and ran off the Aces & Eights.


The camera then cuts to Hulk Hogans office he's freaking out not knowing what to do about Aces & Eights then Bobby Roode enters:

"Hogan you saw what happend last night at No Surrender them damn Aces & Eights interferred in my match, i was about to win and take my world title back and they ruined it so your going to make things right and booke me in the main event of Bound for glory so i can get my fair rematch and win my title back"

"Let me tell you something brother, i can't change what them idiots did last night and i certainly don't think you would of won the match but know is not the right time to sort this out, i've got Aces & Eights to worry about so you've got the night off and i will talk to you about the title situation next week"

Roode looks angry with Hogan's decision:

"Look Hogan you best not mess me around, one way or another that title is coming back to the it factor, by the way good luck with Aces & Eights"

Roode laughs to himself and leaves hogan's office:



The Mexican Warriors vs Kid Kash & Gunner

http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/ChavoGuerrero11.jpg & http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/ShawnHernandez11.jpg vs http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/KidKash7.jpg & http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/PhilShatter2.jpg

This match had good tag team action, Chavo started the match with Gunner, Chavo quickly got control with two great armdrags and then two high dropkicks sending Gunner into retreat, Chavo chased Gunner around ringside until he recieved a stiff clothesline by Kid Kash, Gunner got Chavo back in the ring and began working on him wiht repeated knee drops to the head and then fistdrops, Gunner than irish whipped Chavo into a spinebuster and got a quick two count. Gunner tagged in Kid Kash, Kash set up Chavo for a brianbuster but Chavo reversed it into a brainbuster of his own and made jumping tag to Hernandez who came into the match and took control with two shoulder blocks on Kid Kash and then a big boot to Gunner sending him to the outside, he then hit a delayed verticle suplex and his trademark powerbomb before tagging Chavo back in who hit the Gory bomb for the win.

Winners: The Mexican Warriors in 8:07


Jessie Godderz came out for his gut check match before being assaulted by members of Aces & Eights, Abyss then took Jessie and hit the black hole slam on the entrance ramp, security and the paramedics came to check up on Jessie, Mike Tenay announced if he is medical okay he will get his gut check match next week.



Doug Williams vs Kurt Angle

http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/DougWilliams14.jpg vs http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/KurtAngle9.jpg

This match had some great technical routines and both men looked great in the ring, they exchanged in some ealry phycological taunting before the match and when it began Kurt quickly did a double leg takedown into a pin for a one count, Doug then lifted Kurt from a gutwrench to a snap suplex and got a one count himslef, Doug then ran at Kurt who tackled him to the ground and then went to apply a ankle lock to which Doug squirmed away and then out the ring. They soon locked up again and Doug drove angle into the turnbuckle and began driving his forearm into Angle's face, Doug then lifted Angle to the top rope and delivered a devastating suplex and got a two count, Doug then ran off the ropes to deliver a knee to Angle to which Angle moved out the way and hit a clothesline, gaining momentum Angle then hit a triple suplex, followed by a belly to belly suplex and got a two count, Angle then tried to finish the match applying the Ankle lock to which Doug held on briefly but soon tapped out.

Winner: Kurt Angle in 9:36


Jeremy Borash is backstage with Austin Aries:

"Austin we saw you early help out your oppenant James Storm and fight of the Aces & Eights, ae you and Storm on the same page heading into your match at Bound For Glory?"

"Me and Storm are far from on the same page, i mean he's trying to take the most important thing in the world away from me in four weeks, but i am not having him fight me when he's injured, i want to beat Storm when he's 100%, so yes i helped him but i did it for my own gain"

"Earlier tonight Bobby Roode declared he will get a match with you at Bound For Glory what are your thoughts on this?"

"Bobby Roode just can't accept that i'm the world champ, he's had two chances now to beat me and failed twice, granted i didn't beat him in either match but i still kept hold of my title, if Roode wants a match he can have a match but it won't stop me from being world champion going in and leaving Bound for glory"



AJ Styles vs Christopher Daniels

http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/AJStyles8.jpg vs http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/ChristopherDaniels19.jpg

This match had a great flow and great chemistry from the oppenants, as Daniels made his way to the ring he was greated with a attack from Styles who quickly looked to finish Daniels, he through Daniels into the guard rail and then the ringpost before getting him in the ring and getting a one count, Styles got Daniels in the corner and hit him with several chops and then irish whipped him to the opposite corned and landed a corner drop kick. Daniels then poked AJ in the eye to stop his momentum but was quickle met with a pele kick followed by a crucifix and then a diving elbow drop for a two count, Styles ran off the ropes right into a running STO from Daniels giving him time to recover, Daniels then hit a running kneckbreaker and a springboard mounsault but only got a two count from the referee, Daniels then slowed down the pace locking AJ in a cross face which the crowd got behind AJ to break out, eventually he did break out and then he landed a tornado DDT followed by an enzuigiri, AJ set Daniels up for the Styles clash when Kazarian came running to the ring, AJ went out of the ring and delivered a big left hand to Kazarian and then through him into the guard rail, AJ got back in the ring only to recieve a Angel's wings from Daniels for the win.

Winner: Christopher Daniels in 13:42


Post match Daniels celebrates with Kazarian and grabs a microphone:

"hahah, tonight AJ Styles was going to end this, i don't think so, AJ you don't decide when this ends i do, so i'm thinking Bound for Glory me and Kazarian will be there and if you actually have any friends who are willing to share the beating we'll give you then i suppose it will be a tag match but if not you going to have to face us in a handicap match and considering you couldn't even beat me alone what will you do when i've got Kazarian with me"

Daniels then grabs an appletini from ringside and toasts to the fans


Impact returns with Hulk Hogan and Sting in the ring:

"Me and HH here have been wondering all day what are we going to do about Aces & Eights, and i tell you it not an easy decision with someone like Devon who was like a brother to me and everyone in that locker room to join that group disguists me, and Jarrett for him to leave this company and then all the sudden decide he wants in again and he builds a gang behind our backs and gets them to attack all of us, i've had just about enough of Aces & Eights so were drawing the line here if that group ever appears on Impact again there will be serious consequences"

The four main members of Aces & Eights come to the ring, Sting goes to say something but they attack him and Hogan, Impact ends with Hogan and Sting on the mat bloodied from the attack.

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/IW.jpg</span><p>

<strong><span style="text-decoration:underline;"><span style="font-size:12px;">Impact Wrestling Preview</span></span></strong></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:left;"><p>. With Hulk Hogan and Sting still not in good physical condition after attacks from the four main aces & eights members Taz takes control of the show for tonight.</p><p> </p><p>

. Jessie Godderz will get his gut check match tonight after aces & eights ruined his chance last week</p><p> </p><p>

. With Joey Ryan now having a TNA contract and Taz being the gm for the night will we see an appereance from him?</p><p> </p><p>

. Aces & Eights leader Jeff Jarrett has promised an explanation tonight from his group for their actions.</p><p> </p><p>

. Has or will AJ Styles be able to find a partner for his match against Kazarian and Daniels at Bound for glory</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:left;"><p>confirmed matches:</p><p>

Kurt Angle vs 'the pope' D'Angelo Dinero</p><p>

Bobby Roode vs Mr Anderson</p><p>

Jeff Hardy vs Christopher Daniels</p></div><p></p><p></p>

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<p></p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/IW.jpg</span><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;">From the Impact Zone 2012</span></p><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;">Attendance: 9,000 (sell out)</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><span>http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/MikeTenay4.jpg</span> <span style="font-size:12px;">& </span><span>http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/JeremyBorash2.jpg</span><p>

<span style="font-size:12px;">Commentary Team: Mike Tenay & Jeremy Borash</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:left;"><p><span style="color:#000080;">The show starts with Taz in the ring:</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#000080;">"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to Impact, as you all know Hulk Hogan and Sting both were attacked by Aces & Eights last week and can't be here tonight, i've checked up with both of them and they have told me they will be here next week and everything will go back to normal, now down to business..."</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#000080;">Joey Ryan's music interupts Taz and he makes his way to the ring:</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#000080;">"Look Joey i've got business to attend to, this ain't the time for little games"</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#000080;">"Well, look at you Taz, bet you can't believe it just a few months ago you were stoping me from achieving my dream to be an Impact star, and then i took matters into my own hands and know look were we are, see i got revenge on that idiot Al Snow but i still haven't got my payback on you"</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#000080;">"What do you mean payback on me, Joey i'm not going to fight you but since you want to fight so bad i've booked you in a match against Garrett Bischoff and it's next, go get ready"</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#000080;">Joey Ryan walks away shouting at Taz, Bobby Roode crosses him on the ramp and comes to the ring:</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#000080;">"See i'm not blaming this on you Taz, but tonight Hulk Hogan was going to give me a world title match at Bound for glory and since he's not here i was starting to get a little frustrated but then you said you were the general manager for the night, so your going to do what Hogan was going to do tonight and make the world title match at Bound for glory Bobby Roode vs Austin Aries not James Storm vs Austin Aries"</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#000080;">"Bobby i'm not going to be the one to make blockbuster decisions round here, i'm only the temp gm, don't worry i spoke to Hulk earlier and he said he will sort out the situation next week so until then you better worry about your match with Mr Anderson tonight"</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="color:#000080;"><span style="color:#000000;"><strong>Joey Ryan vs Garrett Bischoff</strong></span></span></p><p>

<span>http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/JoeyRyan6.jpg</span><span style="color:#000080;"> </span><span style="color:#000080;"><span style="color:#000000;"><strong>vs </strong></span></span><span>http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/GarrettBischoff2.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:left;"><p><span style="color:#000080;"><span style="color:#000000;">This match had some good action, Joey Ryan slowly strutted into the ring and was very cocky taunting Garrett then the fans, he turned around into a lou thesz press from Garrett and a series of punches, he then left the ring to re group. Joey then got back in the ring only to be armdragged to the other side by Garrett, Joey began getting frustrated, he went to lock up with Garrett and then quickly gut shotted him taking Garrett to the mat, Joey began to take control with kicks to Garrett, Garrett managed to get up only to take a superkick followed by a pumphandle suplex but was able to kick out at two, Joey then hit a double underhook facebuster for the win.</span></span></p><p><span style="color:#000080;">

</span><span style="color:#000080;"><span style="color:#000000;">Winner: Joey Ryan in 5:57</span></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="color:#000080;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#000080;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:left;"><p><span style="color:#000080;"><span style="color:#000080;">Backstage AJ Styles is seen going into Samoa Joe's locker room:</span></span></p><p><span style="color:#000080;">

</span><span style="color:#000080;"><span style="color:#000080;">"Sorry to disturb you Joe, but i need some help, now i know me and you haven't always seen eye to eye but i also know you and Daniels haven't either so i'm asking you will you help me beat him and Kazarian at Bound for glory?"</span></span></p><p><span style="color:#000080;">

</span><span style="color:#000080;"><span style="color:#000080;">"Look AJ i normally would but i;m sick of waiting for things to happen for the samoan submission machine, so i'm taking things into my own hands and i've got bigger things planned for Bound for Glory"</span></span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="color:#000080;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#000080;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:left;"><p><span style="color:#000080;">The Gut Check video of Jessie Godderz is played, it highlights his heel gimmick (The Perfect Body) </span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p><span style="color:#000080;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#000080;"> </span></p><p><span style="color:#000080;">

</span></p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong>Jessie Godderz vs Chavo Guerrero</strong></p><p>

<span>http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/JessieGodderz.jpg</span> <strong>vs </strong><span>http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/ChavoGuerrero11.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:left;"><p>This match had some good action, Jessie got up in Chavo's face and began flexing his body in front of him, Chavo smirked and then landed a standing dropkick to Jessie sending him down and to the outside he then springboarded outside the ring onto him. Chavo picked up jessie on the outside before he got shoved into the ringpost and then clotheslined, Jessie got Chavo in the ring and got a one count, Jessie kept in control kicking and kneeing Chavo, he turned to taunt the crowd then turned back into a hurricanrana, followed by the three amigos and then a Gory bomb for the win.</p><p>

Winner: Chavo Guerrero in 5:34</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:left;"><p><span style="color:#000080;">Backstage Gail Kim & Madison Rayne are attacking the Knockouts champion Ms Tessmacher they continue beating on her until Mickie James came and made the save, and chased the two off</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><span style="color:#000000;"><strong>Kurt Angle vs D'Angelo Dinero</strong></span></p><p>

<span>http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/KurtAngle9.jpg</span> <strong>vs </strong><span>http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/ElijahBurke7.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:left;"><p>This was great match, the two workers perform well together, they locked up to start to which Pope STO'd Angle to the grown and began laying into his face, Angle got back to a vertical base but pope irish whipped him to the corner and began chopping and slapping the hell out of him, with Pope in total control he hit a combination of punches to Angles midsection and face, he ran off the ropes hoping to deliver a clothesline to Angle but was reversed into a belly to belly suplex by Angle, Angle began brawling with pope, headbutting and uppercutting him to keep control of the match. With pope down Angle went up top and hit a frog splash for a two count, Angle then locked in the Ankle lock but pope quickly got out by kicking Angle off and then landed a double knee facebuster for a long two count, Pope then positioned Angle in the corner for the DDE but Angle moved out the way causing pope to land hard and allowing Angle to recover and hit the angle slam for the win.</p><p>

Winner: Kurt Angle in 10:11</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:left;"><p><span style="color:#000080;">After the match Samoa Joe comes down to the ring he looks at D'Angelo Dinero before delivering a over head kick to Kurt Angle followed by stealing Angles own finisher and getting him with an Angle Slam before leaving the ring.</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="color:#000000;">Jeff Hardy vs Christopher Daniels</span></strong></p><p>

<span>http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/JeffHardy22.jpg</span> <strong>vs </strong><span>http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/ChristopherDaniels19.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:left;"><p><span style="color:#000000;">These two wrestlers put on a great match, when Jeff got to the ring he was suprised by Daniels as he threw a appletini in his face partially blinding Jeff for some time, Daniels took advantage of this by hitting a running kneckbreaker and getting a one count, Daniels hit a unning knee to Jeff in the corner and then went up top and delivered a diving clothesline for anothe one count, Daniels then went for a split leg moonsault but Jeff was able to sense Daniels and move out the way. Jeff began to build some momentum hitting a combo of moves like a reverse side kick followed by a mule kick and then a diving leg drop of the top rope and got a quick two count, Jeff got Daniels up for the twist of fate but Daniels reversed it into a backbreaker, Daniels then irish whipped Jeff but Jeff change it into a whisper in the wind and then got a long two count, Jeff got Daniels set up for a twist of fate but Kazarian entered the ring to which the referee got distracted, this allowed Daniels to low blow Jeff then hit a STO and finally a BME for the win.</span></p><p>

Winner: Christopher Daniels in 11:08</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:left;"><p><span style="color:#000080;">James Storm is speaking to Jeremy Borash backstage:</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#000080;">"Now that i'm done with Bully Ray and that Hogan & Sting will deal with Aces & Eights i can finally concentrate on the match at Bound for glory and winning the title from Austin Aries"</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#000080;">Bobby Roode walks on screen:</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#000080;">"That's all well and good, this could be a movie about the superhero James Storm always fighting the evil, well let me tell you something James good guys finish last, after i beat Mr Anderson tonight Hulk Hogan will change that match at Bound for glory to Austi Aries vs me, if i was you i would keep watching that screen as your about to see the it factor in action"</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:center;"><p><strong><span style="color:#000000;">Bobby Roode vs Mr Anderson</span></strong></p><p>

<span>http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/BobbyRoode11.jpg</span> <strong>vs </strong><span>http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/KenAnderson11.jpg</span></p></div><p></p><p></p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:left;"><p>This match had great action, Roode entered the ring and almost walked right into a Mic Check but he was able to escape and retreat, Roode slowed the pace from the outset keeping on the outside argueing with fans until Anderson came out of the ring, they went toe to toe with punches until Roode planted a kick to Anderson's gut, Roode then took control rapping Andersons arm off the ringpost several times then hitting it off the steel steps on the outside and finally throwing Anderson shoulder first into the barricade. Roode got Anderson in the ring and got him straight to the mat for a one count, he continued on the arm of Anderson smashing against the mat and applying pressure hold to it, he then locked in a cross face and came closs to getting Anderson to attack several times, Anderson got to the ropes, and got some offence in with his one arm, he landed a snap DDT and then took Roode to the corner and began face washing him, with Roode down Anderson went up top for the Kenton Bomb but Roode was able to move out the way, Roode then hit the spear fo a two count, Roode then locked in Fujiwara armbar which Anderson couldn't resist and tapped out.</p><p>

Winner: Bobby Roode in 12:05</p></div><p></p><p></p><p> </p><p>

</p><div style="text-align:left;"><p><span style="color:#000080;">A masked worker, presumably one of the masked helpers of the Aces & Eights came to a production truck and handed a worker an envolope and said just play it, it turns out to be a video, they play it on the big screen in the Impact Zone, Jeff Jarrett is on the screen:</span></p><p>

<span style="color:#000080;">"People have been asking me ever since No Surrender, why Jeff why form a gang and attack everyone it's changed Impact, that's exactly what the plan was idiots, see last time you people saw me i was trying to change Impact for the better i was trying to get rid of that drug addict Jeff Hardy but no you people wouldn't have it so i left knowing one day i would return and change Impact again, time went along and i saw people weren't happy Abyss also left this place but you people wouldn't have that either you brought in his family member trying to find him but know we have removed of them and Abyss is back and better than ever. I also saw the two most overlooked superstars on this show Devon and Bully Ray, they were going to leave here and who knows where they would of went, they're contracts were up but you people didn't care you were just going to watch them leave, well know they've got personal contracts with me. And the last draw was when TNA announced the hall of fame, i hade messages, tweets, emails and texts saying will it be you as the first inductee and i said i don't know even though i knew it should be and then it got announced that Sting is the first inductee, i am the god damn founder of this place but Sting did more for this company than me? That's when i knew it was time to come back and fix this place, so i got a couple of buddies of mine from Ring Ka King to put on masks and cause havoc to build suspense for my return and then i recruited Ray, Devon and Abyss and i decided to come back and take TNA back, so there you go people, Aces & Eights are only getting started just wait until i get my company back!"</span></p></div><p></p><p></p>

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Impact Wrestling Preview

. Hogan & Sting return tonight how will they approach the Aces & Eights situation?


. This months Gut Check concludes, will 'perfect body' Jessie Godderz get a TNA contract?


. Will AJ be able to find a partner for his tag team match at Bound for Glory?


. Why did Samoa Joe attack Kurt Angle last week, how will Angle respond to Joe's attack?


. Hulk Hogan will make his decision on the world title situation heading into Bound for glory


. After Joey Ryan seemed to want to fight Taz last week on Impact will he be appearing this week


Confirmed matches:

Kenny King vs Robbie E

Samoa Joe vs Chavo Guerrero

Gail Kim vs Mickie James #1 contenders match for the knockouts title

Austin Aries & James Storm vs Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian

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From the Impact Zone 2012

Attendance: 9,000 (sell out)


http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/MikeTenay4.jpg & http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/Tazz6.jpg

Commentary team: Mike Tenay & Taz


Hulk Hogan and Sting start the show in the ring:

"Me and the stinger spent days thinking about how we were going to deal with these Aces & Eights and then they attacked us in this ring two weeks ago, they put ours aswell as many other peoples health in danger and that settled it for us, we're not just going to let this one slide we're here to fight!"

Jeff Jarrett and the Aces & Eights appear on screen, Jarrett responds to Hogan:

"Ooooh Hogan ans Sting are threatening us guys, they're going to beat us up haha, Hogan what makes you think we're going to have a sactioned match with you and Sting"

"I'll tell you why Jarrett, you say you want this company back, you beat me and the Stinger and you've got it, we'll leave and you control it"

"Your a stupid man Hogan, i thought i would have to do some serious things to get this back, but your just going to give it me, okay i accept"

Sting then takes the microphone:

"Wait, wait, wait, Jarrett, theres more to the match than just that, it will be at Bound for glory, it will be you, Abyss, Bully Ray and Devon vs me, the hulkster and two partners of our choice, if you win you get your company and me and Hogan will leave, but if we win your banished from TNA forever and Dixie Carter will get control over your three little helpers contracts again"

The other Aces & Eights member look at Jarrett worried and tell him to leave it:

"You think you two pensioners, and two 'Impact wrestler' will beat the most dominant group in TNA history, you don't know what you've got yourselfs into, i accept!"



Kenny King vs Robbie E

http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/KennyKing4.jpg vs http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/RobbieE4.jpg

This match was very physical and had some good action, the match began with Big Robbie T attacking Kenny King with a powerful clothesline before the bell, this allowed Robbie E to start with control of the match he kept King on the mat hitting elbow shots to kings head and then rebounded of the ropes and delivered a boot to Kings skull and got a quick two count, Robbie E then connected with russian legweep transitioned into a clothesline and got another two count. Momentum turned when Robbie E ran off the ropes right into a spinning heel kick from King, that was followed by a suplex which he then floated over and preceded to land shot after shot to Robbie E's face. Rob Terry began trying to distract King to which King answered by landing a suicide dive over the ropes on him, King came back in the ring and Robbie E went for a leaping DDT but King escaped and was able to hit the royal flush for the victory.

Winner: Kenny King in 5:50


After the match Christy Hemme asked Kenny King about his match at Bound for glory:

"Let me tell you something, i have never been more ready for a battle in my life, i've been training hard, working hard in the ring, beating my oppenants as you just saw and at Bound for glory the King will win the X-division championship"


After the break the gut check judges, Taz, Al Snow and Bruce Pritchard are in the ring with Jessie Godderz, they evaluate his match and then he is given a chance to sway the judges vote. After he has his one minute of talking, Al Snow votes Yes, Bruce Pritchard votes No and Taz voted No, meaning he didn't get a contract. Joey Ryan comes down the ring, he mocks Al Snow about beating him at No Surrender, he then goes to say something to Taz but instead uses the microphone to hit Taz in the head and then flee from the ring.



Gail Kim vs Mickie James

http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/GailKim9.jpg vs http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/MickieJames10.jpg

This match featured some great action from two workers who have pretty good chemistry together, from the minute the bell rang Mickie had a no nonsense approach hoping to finish it early with a shool boy and then a routine of varied roll ups all only getting one counts though. Gail got some good offence in after that when she missile dropkicked Mickie into the turnbuckles and than landed a splash in the corner, she then landed a sprigboard arm drag followed by a legdrop and got a two count. Mickie then reversed her irish whip and hit the thesz press followed by multiple punches, she than connected with a springboard bulldog and got a two count, Gail Kim went for a hurricanrana pin but Mickie rolled through and then landed a chick kick for the win.

Winner: Mickie James in 5:59


Bobby Roode goes into Hulk Hogan's office:

"Hulk give me an answer, tell me the match at Bound fo glory is me not James Storm"

"Look brother, i've evaluated everything you've said and you are right Austin Aries hasn't beat you in a rematch for that title yet, but James Storm did win the bound for glory series so he will be the main event.."

"You've got to be kidding me Hogan i deserve this..."

"Let me finish Bobby, as i was saying, James Storm will be the main event, but i'm giving you the chance to be added to the match for a triple threat title match, but i still feel you need to earn a place so tonight you face mr thursday night Rob Van Dam, if you win i make the match at Bound fo glory a triple threat"



Samoa Joe vs Chavo Guerrero

http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/SamoaJoe18.jpg vs http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/ChavoGuerrero11.jpg

This match feature great action throughout, they began by locking up in the centre of the ring which Joe show his strength by shoving Chavo across the ring, they locked up again and Chavo began showing some of his speed advantage by rolling Joe up for a one count, the getting him in a frontface lock and irish whipping him into a standing dropkick which angered Joe. They got back in the centre and locked up again Joe immediately shoved Chavo away an connected with a CCS enzuigiri which got him a two count and control of the match, Joe put Chavo in the corner and landed kicks and chops to his midsection and then began facewashing him repeatedly. Joe slowed the pace, taking Chavo to the centre of the ring and landed a side walk slam and a exploder suplex and getting a long two count. With Joe in control Chavo got some room and manged to land a spinning tilt-a-whirl headscissors takedown, he regrouped and than went on to land the three amigos before going up top for a frog splash but Joe was playing possum and landed a high kick to Chavo on the top rope and then followed up with a muscle buster for the win.

Winner: Samoa Joe in 8:10


Post Match Angle ran to the ring and got revenge for Joe's attack last week, he headbutted Joe to the mat and then Angle slammed him.


Backstage Hulk and Sting are talking in their office before Garrett Bischoff comes in:

"Sorry to disturb you guys, is this not a good time?"

"No problem Garrett what do you want?"

"Well Hulk, me and Devon were a team, we wrestled together and he showed me alot of things in this business, and he told me that together we would help protect you and Sting from Aces & Eights and then it turned out he was one of them all along, so i'm saying let me be on your team at Bound for glory, i promise i won't let you down"

"Look Garrett your a young man and this is a dangerous group to deal with are you sure you'll be able to cope?"

"Hulk i swear i'll be ready for it, and i need to teach Devon a lesson he turned his back on me, you two, this company and the fans"

"Okay brother get ready though, this won't be a match this will be a war come Bound for glory"



Rob Van Dam vs Bobby Roode

http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/RobVanDam19.jpg vs http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/BobbyRoode11.jpg

This was a great match with lots on the line for Bobby Roode, Roode tried to wrestle very smart by not taking much damage. They locked up to start the match, RVD leg sweeped Roode to tak him to the mat and then he attempted to lock in a leg lock but Roode squirmed away, Rvd then connected with two clotheslines then a spinning side kick and Roode slide out of the ring to regroup, Rvd then springboareded to the outside to splash Roode but Roode dodged him. Roode took control after spearing Rvd on the outside, Roode took Rvd into the ring and landed a rolling kneckbreaker and got a quick two count from the referee, Roode then landed a cradle suplex and got another two count. Roode took his mind of the match and it cost him when Rvd connected with a step over spinning kick followed by rolling thunder and got a two count. Rvd then positioned Bobby Roode in the corner and hit the Van terminator, Rvd then went to the top but fell after Roode shoved the ref into the ropes, this allowed Roode to capitalize and lock in the crossface to which Rvd tapped.

Winner: Bobby Roode in 9:42


Backstage Jeff Hardy goes up to AJ Styles and asks him whether he still needs a partner for Bound for glory, Hardy says they've got to stay focus as that's why he lost to Daniels last week because he dropped focus, AJ says that with Hardy as his partner they will be able to win and end the problems he's had with Daniels and Kazarian.



Christopher Daniels & Kazarian vs Austin Aries & James Storm

http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/ChristopherDaniels19.jpg & http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/FrankieKazarian10.jpg vs http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/AustinAriesTNA2.jpg & http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/JamesStorm17.jpg

These four workers put on a great match together with both teams showing good chemistry fighting and teaming with eachother. Storm and Daniels started of the match with Storm gaining an advantage sending Daniels in the corner and chopping him hard several times before clotheslining him over the top to the outside, Storm played to the crowd drinking fans bear and beating Daniels in front of them, he lifted and dropped Daniels on the steel guardrail. They got back in the ring and Daniels was able to send Storm shoulder first into the ringpost and tag to Kazarian, he kept Storm in the corner and continued to wear him down with kicks and stomps, Kazarian then landed a corner drop kick to Storm followed by a elbow drop and he got a two count, he then landed a slingshot DDT and attempted a shining wizard but Storm moved out the way and connected with a double knee facebuster. Both men crawled to tag their partners in, Storm tagged in Aries and Aries was able to prevent Kazarian making a tag. Aries new Kazarian was hurt and quickly landed a brainbuster but before he was able to cover Kazarian, Daniels entered the ring and hit the Angel's wings on Aries, Daniels then got sent back to his corner. Kazarian was slowly recovering from the facebuster and he tagged Daniels in who set up Aries for the BME but Aries moved out the way on instinct and then connected with a brainbuster on Daniels follwed by a 450 splash for the win.

Winners: Austin Aries and James Storm in 12:18


After the match Storm and Aries celebrated in the ring for the fans, until Aries held up his world title in the face of Storm and the two began brawling. Roode then came to the ring and speared both of his Bound for glory oppenants and stood over them holding the world title.


ThePeoplesChampion: 3-1
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Impact Wrestling Preview

. With just three days until Bound for glory Impact wrestling will be electric!


. Who will Hulk Hogan get to be the fourth member of team TNA heading into the four vs four, TNA vs Aces & Eights match this sunday


. With the world title match now being a triple threat match who will gain much needed momentum heading into the main event at Bound for glory


. Joey Ryan seems to be edging closer to fighting Taz, how will Taz respond to be hit in the head with a microphone by Ryan last week


. Oppenants at Bound for glory, Ms Tessmacher & Mickie James team on Impact, will they be able to work together or will there be tension building to the knockouts title match at BFG


confirmed matches:

Devon vs Garrett Bischoff

Crimson vs Magnus

Ms Tessmacher & Mickie James vs Rosita & Sarita

Kurt Angle vs Bobby Roode

James Storm vs Austin Aries

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From the Impact Zone 2012

Attendance: 9,000 (sell out)


http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/MikeTenay4.jpg & http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/Tazz6.jpg

Commentary team: Mike Tenay & Taz


Austin Aries starts the show in the ring:

"This sunday is my second Bound for glory, last year i was in the first match of the night, i walked in X-division champion and i left X-division champion, this year i will be in the main event and i'll walk in world champion and believe me i am walking out world heavyweight champion, quite a differance a year makes ey.."

Bobby Roode interupts Aries:

"Well done Austin, was that ment to inspire everyone, because and i think you already know this, no one actually believes you have a chance this sunday, i mean your not in my league, your not even in James Storm's league, and this sunday that belt is coming home back around the waist of the it factor"

James Storm runs down to the ring and him and Bobby Roode start throwing punches, Storm then knocks Roode down and sets him up for the last call superkick, Roode manages to duck the kick and it inadvertenly strikes Austin Aries sending him down, Roode scurries away from the ring and up to the ramp, he then looks back at Storm checking on Aries and raises his arms and laughs.



Devon vs Garrett Bischoff

http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/D-VonDudley10.jpg vs http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/GarrettBischoff2.jpg

This match had some good action, as Devon entered the ring Garrett attacked him and went straight into offence mode attempting to wear down Devon with plenty of kicks on the mat, Garrett kept up the offence but ran straght into a thrust spinebuster from Devon but was able to kick out a two. Devon then connected with two shoulder blocks and a leaping DDT but Garrett kicked out at two again, Devon then an at Garrett in the corner but Garrett was able to slide out the way and roll up Devon for a quick two count, Garrett continued his offence with a kneckbreaker then a dropkick, he attempted a second dropkick but Devon was alert and moved out the way. Devon then got momentum on his side with a thesz press and plenty of punches, followed up by a falling powerbomb and then a rope hung kneckbreaker for the win.

Winner: Devon in 6:32


Hulk Hogan walked into the TNA lockeroom and told the wrestlers he needs a warrior who will give it his all on sunday and someone who will sacrifice everything for TNA, Rob van dam walked over to Hogan and told him he will do anything to get rid off Jarrett, Hogan and Van dam shaked hands and confrimed Van dam is on team TNA this sunday.


Christopher Daniels & Kazarian are in the ring:

"At Bound for glory this sunday the most personal rivalry in TNA history ends, me and my partner Kazarian have been slowy destroying AJ Styles confidence, reputation and self belief for well over a year now, AJ is a shadow of what he once was and yes this sunday he is teaming with Jeff Hardy but he too is a shadow of what he once was and at the end of the match the real face of TNA will be standing tall in the middle of the ring Christopher Daniels. I've already beat both of them in single competition,i don't even need Kazarian on sunday i could beat them silly by my self.."

Kazarian looks at Daniels angrily about his comment regarding not needing him sunday, they then start to argue and Kazarian leaves the ring.



Crimson vs Magnus

http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/Crimson2.jpg vs http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/BrutusMagnus4.jpg

This match had a great flow all the way through, they locked up to start the match and Magnus came of better in the strength exchange, they locked up again and Crimson gut kicked Magnus to get control, he whipped Magnus into the corner and began driving his body shoulder first into the midsection of Magnus and then he layed plenty of kicks on Magnus on the mat. Crimson looked to end the match early when he whipped Magnus into a Red Sky but Magnus reversed it hitting a running big boot, Magnus planted three european uppercuts to Crimson sending him into the corner, he then climed on the second rope and began throwing punch after punch to Crimson's head to which the crowd counted the number of punches. Magnus then hit a powerbomb but only managed a two count, Magnus went up top for a elbow drop but Crimson moved out the way and connected with a spear and got a two count himself, Crimson slowly picked Magnus back up which allowed Magnus to get Crimson on his shouldersand land a twisting samoan drop for the win.

Winner: Magnus in 7:02



Ms Tessmacher & Mickie James vs Rosita & Sarita

http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/BrookeAdams6.jpg & http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/MickieJames10.jpg vs http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/DivinaFly5.jpg & http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/SarahStock7.jpg

This match had great action for a women's division match, Mickie James & Rosita started the match, Rosita started the better landing a slingshot dropkick followed by a standing moonsault and getting a one count, she then did a victory roll but Mickie rolled through back to a standing position and clotheslined Rosita, she followed that with another clothesline, then a bulldog and finally a thesz press. Rosita managed to tag in Sarita and they got Mickie in their corner and made frequent tags to keep fresh and break down Mickie's offence. Sarita hit a float over DDT and then went for a crossbody but Mickie countered it and was able to land a hurricanrana and tag out to Ms Tessmacher. Ms Tessmahcer came in looking great, she hip tossed both Rosita and Sarita, then corner clotheslined Sarita and followed up with a running bulldog and got a two count, she then landed a diving elbow drop and got a long two count, she set up for the Tess-shoker but Sarita countered into a backbreaker rack, she held Tessmacher in the hold for a while until she slide of Sarita's back and managed a school boy pin for the win.

Winners: Ms Tessmacher & Mickie James in 6:25


Joey Ryan comes down to the ring and calls Taz into the ring:

"I've been told to come out here Taz and apologise for my actions last week, so i'm sorry Taz, but i got to say you really do look like a bad ass with a little bandage above your eye so much for the human suplex machine it took one little microphone to the head to hurt you, you are pathetic"

"Look Joey if you were sent out here to apologise then what ever just leave it at that i don't need this crap"

"Oooh did i hit a soft spot with Taz, are you going to fight me now?"

"Look Joey for the last time i'm retired and even if i weren't i wouldn't fight a punk like you anyway"

"That's not really a suprise Taz, i think your afraid of me, i think your afraid of fighting on a big stage like Bound for glory, you never performed at the big stages in ECW or the WWF, if you think about your carear can be defined in one word, Flop!"

"I'm sick of this, i don't need some indy wrestler trying to make a name for him self at my expense, i've achieved more in my carear than you ever will, don't think by saying something your going to change my mind"

Joey Ryan looks away for a minute then strikes Taz again with his microphone, dropping him to the floor and leaves the ring, Taz slowly gets back up and grabs the microphone:

"That's it, you really want this, you got it! This sunday i will put a end to your sh**ty attitude and your sh*t carear, you wanted the human suplex machine you've woke hime up!"



Kurt Angle vs Bobby Roode

http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/KurtAngle9.jpg vs http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/BobbyRoode11.jpg

These two put on an excellant match, and have great chemistry together. They locked up, and drove eachother around the ring, Roode then whipped Angle off the ropes who fired back with a stiff shoulder block sending Roode to the mat, Angle then ran off the ropes and delivered a stiff clothesline to Roode, Roode rolled out the ring to regroup. Roode ran back in the ring but ran right into a belly to belly suplex from Angle, Angle tried to keep up the pressure but Roode left the ring again to plenty of boos from the fans. Angle followed Roode out the ring but Roode got back in and when Angle slid back in the ring Roode kicked him to the mat and gave him plenty of stomps. Roode got Angle up and hit a snap kneckbreaker followed by a knee drop but Angle was able to kick out at two, Roode kept the pressure on Angle by locking in a crossface, Roode kept the hold on Angle for a while until Angle made it to the ropes. Roode went back on the offence but Angle hit him with a powerful european uppercut sending Roode into retreat, Angle saw this as time to take advantage hitting a snap suplex and getting a quick two count. Angle then landed a double leg takedown and tried to lock in the bodyscissors but Roode managed to squirm away, Angle then ran Roode in the corner but Roode moved out the way and dragged the ref into Angle's way. With the ref knocked down Samoa Joe hit the ring and hit Angle with a overhead enzuigir and then locked in the Coquina clutch. After choking Angle for some time Joe left the ring and this allowed Roode to wake the ref and then hit a bridging cradle suplex and get a three count.

Winner: Bobby Roode in 11:54



James Storm vs Austin Aries

http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/JamesStorm17.jpg vs http://i1241.photobucket.com/albums/gg518/rooney114/ter/AustinAriesTNA2.jpg

These two put on a good match and the crowd really didn't know who to cheer for it was almost even but James Storm did have a bit more of the crowd behind him. They spent the first few minutes feeling each other out and trying to gain an advantage in the lock up, Austin made the first offencive move armdragging Storm from one sing of the ring to the other, he tried to follow up with a drop kick but Storm caught his legs and flipped him over and then followed up with a clothesline. Storm then hit a double suplex and got a one count, Storm ran at Aries going for a swinging kneckbreaker but Aries countered and scooped slammed Storm for a one count. Aries then hit three elbow drops followed by a slingshot elbow drop of the ropes ang got a quick two count, Aries went for a russian leg sweep but instead Storm whipped Aries of the ropes into a spinebuster, Storm then landed a double knee facebuster and got a two count from the ref, Storm locked Aries in the sharpshooter and had him in there for some time until he managed to escape. Storm set up for the last call superkick but Aries ducked it causing Storms leg to get caught up on the ropes, this allowed Aries to hit a superkick of his own on Storm, then follow up with a brainbuster into the last chancery, Storm held on but soon tapped out.

Winner: Austin Aries in 12:42


The four main members of Aces & Eights are in the ring, Jarrett has a microphone:

"Take it in boys, this is what life will be like after sunday, this show will revolve around these three gentlemen and the founder himself double J Jeff Jarrett, i would just like to send a message to everyone in the back with championship gold, starting next week they all come to the Aces & Eights"

Team TNA come onto the entrance ramp and Hogan has a microphone:

"Let me tell you something Jarrett as of right now this company belongs to Dixie Carter and me and Sting run this show and next week and every week after that it's going to be the same brother"

"Look everyone it's team TNA ahah, what a joke, if you boys really think you can stop the Aces & Eights then why don't we have a little Bound for glory preview right now"

Hogan leads team TNA into the ring and the eight men start brawling, Aces & Eights start looking the stronger, Sting recieved a Cutter from Bully Ray, Garrett Bischoff got a 3D, Abyss black hole slamed Rvd, after that they all start beating down Hogan and he is left a bloody mess on the floor, Abyss picks up and holds Hogan in the ring and Jarrett smashes a guitar over his head, Aces & Eights then all raise their hands.

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TNA Bound For Glory Preview


Kenny King vs Zema Ion (X-Division championship)


Mickie James vs Ms Tessmacher (Knockouts championship)


Kurt Angle vs Samoa Joe


Joey Ryan vs Taz


Christopher Daniels & Kazarian vs Jeff Hardy & AJ Styles (World tag team championships)


D'Angelo Dinero vs Mr Anderson


Team TNA vs Aces & Eights


Austin Aries vs Bobby Roode vs James Storm (TNA World heavyweight championship)

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