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Didn't get a chance to write the show tonight. Will be up as soon as i can.
Before The Show


Michael Bull felt jinxed.


Before him stood the half naked figure of Cheerleader Nicki which for most would be paradise, but the torrent of language coming from her ruined the illusion. Her usually well groomed hair was slick against her head and she was still soaking wet.


'Im telling you it was her. I saw her take them' she said.


'Are you sure it was her' Michael replied.


'Im sure. Was just showering before the show and I saw her. She grabbed my towel, my clothes and laughed as she ran out. I thought maybe after last week that things may have settled down, but i guess i was wrong'


'What about the stuff on the show?' Michael asked.


'That was a work. Something for the crowd who heard us to make it sound like we were rehearsing'


She shivered and wrapped her arms tight around the thin cotton shirt. 'Thanks for the lend by the way. Don't know what i would have done if you didn't come past'

'Run down the corridors naked of course' he said with a smile.


Behind them, they heard a knock on the door and a sheepish looking Fern was escorted in by Adam Barton. Fern held out a the bundle of clothes she was carrying to Nicki who snatched them eagerly.


'Thanks Mike. I'll take it from here' Adam said and Michael took his leave.


'So....' Adam asked. 'Someone want to tell me why im doing this again?'


'I never..' began Fern.


'Stop!' Adam cut in. 'I really don't want to hear it. I have about a thousand things that i need to be doing right now. I should be gearing up for a final run through tonight's show. I should have returned a couple of phone calls from potential new workers. I should be up to my arse with risk assessments and paperwork. I should be checking in with the stage crew to make sure the set fits tonight's venue.. but no.. IM STUCK HERE IN THE WOMENS LOCKER ROOM BECAUSE YOU TWO CANNOT GET ALONE!'


Nicki hung her head in disgrace. Fern had a do-not-care face.


'Nicki.. leave us a moment. Go use my office and get changed for tonight' Adam said. Nicki nodded and hurried out of the room.


'Listen up okay because I'm not going to tell you twice. This is going to stop. You hear me? I've only been here now 2 months and still gauging performances but right now you've got a big question mark next to your name. You've only got 6 months left on your contract. Do you really think I'm going to offer you a new one if i have to put up with this crap?'


He let her think about it for a moment.


'Fine, I'll be more considerate in future' she replied.


'So this is whats gonna happen. If i hear about one more incident involving you, then you're out the door right away. No more chances! Your also going to apologise to Nicki and accept the punishment'


Fern gulped loudly. 'Punishment?' she said meekly.


'Oh yes. But that's later on tonight'


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New York City Wrestling


Brooklyn Brawl

Weston Gymnasium, Tri-State Area

Saturday Week 4 Febuary 2011


'Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls. Welcome to New York City Wrestling!'


The voice piped through the gymnasiums speakers and a cheer went up from the crowd. 300 avid fans had waited in anticipation and now it was time for the show to begin.


From a projector hanging from the ceiling, light hit the wall and a video started playing. It highlighted Whistlers various triumphs throughout NYCW including his most recent title reign and the cut to The New York Dolls exploits. It ended with the words 'Whistler Vs New York Doll... Tonight'. There was a smattering of applause which increased when Sammy The Sharks entrance theme began.




Match #1

Animal Harker Vs Sammy The Shark


In a match that had an average crowd reaction but featured terrible wrestling, Sammy The Shark defeated Animal Harker in 8:03 by pinfall with an Ace In The Hole.


Rating: D-




Match #2

Jared Johnson & Larry Vessey Vs The Ring Generals


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Jared Johnson and Larry Vessey defeated The Ring Generals in 10:26 when Larry Vessey defeated Dean Waldorf by pinfall with a Sick Cycle.


Rating: E+




Fern stood by the partition with bated breath.


‘Your winners.. Jared Johnson & Larry Vessey!’


The crowd cheered as both teams heading backstage. Dean Waltdorf gave her an smile and whispered ‘Go get ‘em’ as he passed. She looked back at him and sighed. The music in the venue changed to her own so she took a deep breath and strutted towards the ring. As she climbs the ring steps slowly, she made sure she give a little wiggle of her rear to get the fans pumped. She lifted her t-shirt shooter up into the air and began took aim before gently squeezing the trigger and watching the shirt fly through the air. It was grabbed by two fans and promptly torn in two in an argument about who would keep it. She walked to the other side of the ring and took aim again.


‘Four Shirts.. That’s our limit today’. The recollection of the marketing executive still rattled around in her head. ‘We are cutting costs after all’


The 2nd shirt took flight and hit a fan right in the face. He looked stunned for a second and then burst into laughter. The 3rd and 4th shirts all flew without incident and it was now time to head backstage. She blew a couple of kisses to her fans and climbed back through the rings and hesitantly went down the ring steps.


‘Adam said it’s going to happen on the way back to the ring, but didn’t say what..’ she thought to herself


The train of thought was interrupted by Cheerleader Nicki’s music. She ran through the partition with a bucket in her hand before stopping and launching the contents. Fern tried to shield herself but felt the wave of freezing cold water hit her dead on. She tried to take a step backwards but slipped over.


‘Paybacks a bitch’ Nicki said and stormed back through the partition.


Fern picked herself back up and pulled her wet hair from her eyes. She was cold, wet and humiliated in from of a live crowd, but as far as punishments went, it could have been far worse.



'We're going to take a 15 minute refreshment break. Please visit Nico at out merchandise stand if you want to purchase any NYCW memorabilia.'




<hr>Match #3

Dazzling Dave Diamond Vs Honest Frank


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Honest Frank defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond in 9:14 by pinfall with a Frank-N-Hurter.


Rating: E+




Match #4

Old School Principals Vs The Spinebusters

for the NYCW Tag Team Championship


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, The Spinebusters defeated Old School Principals in 11:36 when Black Hat Bailey defeated The Masked Mauler by submission with a Bailey Breaker.

The Spinebusters make defence number 1 of their NYCW Tag Team titles.


Rating: D




‘…and still champions! The Spinebusters!’


Both teams filed out of the venue and Roger Cage took his place at the partition. Looking at the NYCW Regional Championship on his shoulder, he noticed a smudge and took a cloth to it. He gave a thumbs up to the sound technician and his music began piping out the speakers. He jumped up and down on the spot to pump himself up, and slipped through the curtain sending the crowd into a frenzy. With a big smile on his face, he high fived his way ringside. A hand snaked out from the crowd with a pen and paper and the fan begged for an autograph. Roger knew him very well. It was Walter, one of the road crew who The Stomper had asked to infiltrate the crowds and make Roger look more popular. He signed the page and handed it back with a riddle on it. He made a mental note to see if Walter had figured it out by the time the show ended.


Hearing that his entrance tune was coming to an end, Roger picked up a portable microphone and rolled into the ring. He waved his hands at the technician and the music cut off.

‘New York. I am impressed. You all headed out into the horrible conditions outside just to see me! Really.. I love you all’


The crowd cheered and a chant of ‘New York, New York’ echoed around the venue. Roger waved his hands to silence the crowd.


‘Now I’m not wrestling tonight, but I’m far too great to let you come all this way for nothing. It’s only fair right as the people at the last show got to see me beat Black Hat Bailey and make my first defence of my belt. So get your cameras out and start snapping away’


A flurry of flashes came from in front of Roger as he posed for them in several different positions. He then repeated this on all sides of the ring allowing everyone the same angles


‘Alright the guys. Time for this photoshoot to end’


He launched the microphone at Rock Downpour who clumsily caught it and strutted back up the ramp




Match #5

The New York Doll Vs Whistler


In a bout that had a good crowd but featured terrible wrestling, Whistler defeated The New York Doll in 14:41 by pinfall with a Rebel Yell.


Rating: D-


Whistler watched as the hands came slamming down into the mat.


‘1…..2…..3.. That’s it. Its over’


He climbed off The New York Doll and raised his hands to the crowd who roared in appreciation at the main event that was before them. Sweat poured off him and he had to wipe his eyes a few times to be able to see still. His opponent rolled out of the ring and limped backstage knowing full well what was about to happen.


‘Your Winner! Whistler’


Suddenly, Bulldozer Brandon Smith’s entrance theme began and the crowd excitedly looked towards the entrance ramp but the champ wasn’t there. Whistler looked towards the referee and both men had a confused look on their faces. He dropped to the mat and rolled under the ropes to ringside.


‘Behind you!’ came a voice from the crowd.


Having jumped the metal fences that kept the crowd back, Bulldozer grabbed Whistler and threw him at the ring post. The sound of skin and bone meeting metal reverberated through the venue. Whistler grabbed his shoulder in pain. Bulldozer landed punch after punch into the gut before throwing him at the announcers table. Whistler bounced off and the commentary team of Rock Downpour and Herb Statley moved well out of the way. Staggering to his feet, Whistler tried to lock in the Rebel Yell, but Bulldozer broke free. Grabbing him, Bulldozer countered into Backdrop Driver and Whistler crashed right through the announcing table. He tried to lift his head but fell still.


Bulldozer towered over the fallen wrestler and spat on his prone form before walking back up the ramp. A series of backstage crew and first aiders ran down to see what they could do. A stunned silence fell across the venue.


Bulldozer had put Whistler out to pasture.


'Ladies and Gentleman. Thank you all for coming. We hope to see you next time for more New York City Wrestling'


The main lights in the Gymnasium came on and the crowd began filing towards the exit talking between each other at what they had just seen.

Final Rating: D-

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Western Australia

Saturday Week 3 March 2011


<blockquote>Lynx stood at the backstage door of Laird's Lounge - a hookah bar that had hosted tonights independant show - with the biggest grin on his face. Tonight he'd wrestled in the closing match and put on what he thought was his best ever performance against another local worker. Rumours of scouts for Australian Pro Wrestling in the crowd had reached him backstage and he hoped that his pretty boy act had won them over.


Picking up his gym bag, he walked over to the waiting Explorer and found Reed Buckfield waiting.


'Cmon mate' Buck said. 'We need to get on the road. I've got another show tomorrow and 6 hours driving to do first'


Lynx looked at his watch. 11:37PM.


Lynx threw his bag into the back seat and climbed in. Buck put the car into gear and sped off.


'Did you see them' Lynx asked.


'See who' Buck replied.


'The scouts. Owner told me that there was going to be APW scouts in the crowd together'


'Oh he did. Did he!' and laughed.


Lynx sat there confused and slowly a realisation came to him. What would be the best way to motivate people to give their best. Lie to them of course. Let them know a big promotion scout was in attendance so that they would up their game. Lynx felt the air go out of him.


'No scouts'


'Oh there could have been..' Buck replied. '..but there would be no way that you would have known'


They drove in silence after that, with a late night chat show coming through the radio and soon the miles began to blur. Lynx felt his eyes getting heavier and began drifting off.


He was awoken by a vibration in his pocket. He reached in and pulled out his mobile and saw 'Unknown Caller' on the ID screen. He looked again at his watch. 2.03AM.


'Who is calling you at this time of the night' Buck asked.


'Probably an ex' Lynx replied. 'It can go to voicemail. How you feeling Buck?'


'Im good.. Im always awake for hours after a show, but to be sure lets stop at the next roadside and get a coffee'


The late night chat show ended and was replaced by soft jazz and easy listening. Lynx was struggling to keep his eyes open and the urge to drift off was increasing with every passing mile. He rested his head against the window and closed his eyes for a second.


Lynx was awoken by a jolt as the car hit an embankment. It flew for a moment before landing at an angle and began rolling. Glass and metal exploded and flew all around him. He looked and saw Buck fast asleep at the wheel and he tried to reach out to him before another his head bounced off the dashboard and put him out. The vehicle bent and buckled around them as the car bounced along the road before leaving the road entirely and ending in a ditch upside down.




The voice was coming from far away.


'Lynx.. Are you alright'


He opened his eyes and saw Buck trying to free himself from the seat belt. Both men were hanging upside down.


'I screwed up Lynx.. I fell asleep.. I'm so sorry'


Lynx tried to move, but couldn't. His legs were trapped in the metal cage. Blood was pouring over his face and he could feel himself getting light headed.


'Buck' he weakly said. 'I cant get out. You need to get help'


Buck finally freed himself but even with their combined efforts couldn't get Lynx out.


'Go.. Get help' Lynx asked again.


'I cant leave you' Buck replied.


'You cant help me.. now go!'


'I'll be back. Just hold on' Buck said as he climbed out the wreckage.


Lynx hung there waiting for what seemed like an eternity. He looked at his watch but it was smashed and no longer working. He looked around for anything that may help and saw his mobile just out of reach. He stretched for it and a surge of pain came through his legs and the metal cut through his skin but he managed to get two fingers to the phone and slid it closer.


He felt himself getting tireder and numb. He reached out and pressed a button on his phone and heard it ring.


'You have.. One.. New message. Message received at 203AM'


'Nooooo' Lynx weeped. 'I wanted speed dial'. He tried lifting his hand again but all strength had left him.


The phone beeped.


'Hi Lynx. My name is Christian Brown and I work for Australian Pro Wrestling. I saw you tonight at the Laird Lounge and I was very impressed with your work. I'd like to arrange a meeting for a tryout so if you could give me a call when you get this..'


Lynx hung there alone in the wreckage of the Explorer and cried. He wanted to grab the phone in anger and throw it but he was so tired. He could feel sleep coming and didn't have the strength anymore to fight it anymore.


He closed his eyes for the last time.


'..Oh and sorry to ring you so late. Hope i didn't wake you. Talk to you soon. Bye'



December 1989 - March 2011

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April Folly 2011

Saturday Week 1 April 2011


Shark Cage Vs The Spinebusters

Tag Team Match

Dazzling Dave Diamond Vs Land Mass

Larry Vessey Vs ???

Crockett Tubbs Vs Jared Johnson

Honest Frank Vs Marv Statler

Dean Waldorf Vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith

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April Folly 2011

Saturday Week 1 April 2011


Shark Cage Vs The Spinebusters

Tag Team Match

Dazzling Dave Diamond Vs Land Mass

Larry Vessey Vs ???

Crockett Tubbs Vs Jared Johnson

Honest Frank Vs Marv Statler

Dean Waldorf Vs Bulldozer Brandon Smith





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New York City Wrestling


April Folly

The Ministry

Tri-State Area

Saturday Week 1 April 2011


As the crowds filtered in, they were presented with pre-show match which got a round of applause when it ended.


'Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls. Welcome to New York City Wrestling!'


The voice piped through the gymnasiums speakers and a cheer went up from the crowd. 788 avid fans had waited in anticipation and now it was time for the show to begin.


The lights dim and the projector screen lights up. It shows shakey handheld footage of Whistler entering The Ministry about an hour ago. His pace was slow and he looked beat up, but they crowd cheered for him none the less.


Match #1


Shark Cage Vs The Spinebusters


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, The Spinebusters defeated Shark Cage in 7:41 when Black Hat Bailey defeated Sammy The Shark by submission with a Bailey Breaker after blatantly cheating.


Rating: D


Match #2


Dazzling Dave Diamond Vs Land Mass


In an extremely short match, Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Land Mass in 5:06 by pinfall with a Dazzle Driver following botched interference.


Rating: E




'Is that who i think it is?' Rock Downpour said excitedly.


'Who else could it be with all that tattoos. Its Randall Hopkirk' replied Herb Stately.


'He just ran in to take out Triple D, but ending out knocking out Land Mass'


In the centre of the ring stood Randall Hopkirk, former TCW wrestler and ex Painful Procedure band member. He motioned to the crew for a microphone.


'Well well well. Is this what American wrestling has reduced itself to. A long hair country boy and a blubbering whale. Are you seriously entertained by this?'


He let the question hang in the air for a moment. A chant of 'Go back to Japan' began spreading through the crowd.


'I'm putting the locker room on warning. Your not safe. I'm going to systematically weed out the lame ducks and sacrifice them in this ring..'


Randall was cut short when Larry Vessey's entrance music started and the aging wrestler appeared at the ramp.


'..Starting with you!' Randall exclaimed


Impromptu Match


Larry Vessey Vs Randall Hopkirk


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Randall Hopkirk defeated Larry Vessey in 7:04 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.


Rating: D-<hr>

'We're going to take a 15 minute refreshment break. Please visit Nico at out merchandise stand if you want to purchase any NYCW memorabilia.'





'What a first half of the show' Rock began. 'We saw the debut of Randall Hopkirk and the defeat of Larry Vessey'


'What about The Spinebusters winning against Shark Cage' Herb replied.


'Well, Black Hat Bailey blatantly cheated though. I'm surprised the ref didn't see it'


'Are you saying Michael Bull needs glasses?'


'We also saw Whistler arrive after the beating that he took against Bulldozer Brandon Smith at the last show' Rock said changing the subject


'Some people dont know when to quit' Herb stated.


'Wish you did' Rock said under his breath. 'Up next though. Crockett Tubbs against Jared Johnson'


Match #4


Crockett Tubbs Vs Jared Johnson


In a match that had an average crowd reaction but featured terrible wrestling, Jared Johnson defeated Crockett Tubbs in 12:48 by submission with a Carolina Crossface.


Rating: E+




'Double J wins' said Rock excitedly.


'He got lucky' Herb replied.


'He made Tubbs submit. How is that lucky'


'Who cares anyway, when i can see Cheerleader Nicki coming down the ramp'


Both competitors exited the ring and Cheerleader Nicki walked slowly towards the announcing table and picked up a microphone.


'This is going to be quite a departure from my old ringside chats..' Nicki began. '..but its time the fans knew how bad things are getting backstage. Anyone that was here last show knows that Fern and I don't get on, but there are some seriously negative people backstage. The morale is.. about 58 percent currently'


'Whats she talking about' Herb said. 'Does she think its some game that can be measured in percentages'


'Things needs to change as the tension hangs over everyone like a dark cloud of eternal darkness. People of New York.. Keep cheering. Things must get better'


Nicki dropped the mike, and began heading backstage hardly acknowledging her fans.


'Think Aunt Flo is visiting' Herb said.


'Jesus, Herb' Rock replied. 'Do you forget the mikes are on'


Match #5


Honest Frank Vs Marv Statler


In a bout that had a good crowd but featured terrible wrestling, Honest Frank defeated Marv Statler in 10:22 by pinfall with a Frank-N-Hurter.


Rating: E+


Match #6


Bulldozer Brandon Smith Vs Dean Waldorf


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Bulldozer Brandon Smith defeated Dean Waldorf in 14:44 by pinfall with an Inverted Piledriver.


Rating: D


'Smith wins by pinfall!' Rock said with a little more excitement than was actually necessary.


'Was there any doubt. Smith is the alpha dog in NYCW' Herb replied.


'Oh i dunno. I always thought there was someone else that topped him'




Bulldozer looked stunned as Whistlers entrance theme started.


'Him' Rock said.




At the top of the ramp stood the former 3-time Empire champion Whistler and the crowd rose to their feet for a standing ovation. Clad in a business suit, he looked a little shaky when he was given a microphone by a crew member. He waited for the applause to die down before tapping his mike a few times to make sure it worked.


'Thank you. Your words of encouragement this last month was amazing. I love you all'


The applause drowned him out again.


'Now onto matters. Our current Empire champion seems to think that he is better than everyone on the NYCW including us old timers. That may well be true, but does it try find out in the ring.. No..! He beats down men twice his age on entrance ramps and after their matches. Now I'm wondering just how well he would do in a ring.'


'Did Whistler just challenge Smith to a title match' Rock said from the booth.


'Is he stupid' Herb replied. 'He's only just recovered from the last beating he took. At his age, he should be slowing down'


If Bulldozer Brandon Smith heard them from the ring, he made no reply. He gestured for a microphone of his own.


'Still got some fight in you then old man..' he said. 'but I've already beaten you twice in the last few months. Theres no point showing yourself up again. You should just retire!'


'Well maybe we leave that up to fate. Lets say we have ourselves a little match on the next show. If i win, then i get the Empire Championship. If you win, then I'll retire'


'Oh dear lord' Rock announced. 'What a challenge'


Smith stood in the ring staring intently at Whistler and then nodded.


'Its on!' Rock said. 'Next month. Whistler versus Bulldozer Brandon Smith for the Empire Championship. If Whistler loses, then he retires'


'Ladies and Gentleman. Thank you all for coming. We hope to see you next time for more New York City Wrestling'


The main lights in the Gymnasium came on and the crowd began filing towards the exit talking between each other at what they had just seen.


Final Rating: D

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Still Standing

Saturday Week 2 May 2011


Animal Harker Vs Honest Frank

Diamond & Johnson Vs The Spinebusters

NYCW Tag Championship Match

Roger Cage Vs Stuart Ferdinand

NYCW Regional Championship Match

Bulldozer Brandon Smith Vs Whistler

Championship Or Retirement Match

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Animal Harker Vs Honest Frank

Diamond & Johnson Vs The Spinebusters

NYCW Tag Championship Match

Roger Cage Vs Stuart Ferdinand

NYCW Regional Championship Match

Bulldozer Brandon Smith Vs Whistler

Championship Or Retirement Match

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Still Standing

Saturday Week 2 May 2011


Animal Harker Vs Honest Frank

Diamond & Johnson Vs The Spinebusters

NYCW Tag Championship Match

Roger Cage Vs Stuart Ferdinand

NYCW Regional Championship Match

Bulldozer Brandon Smith Vs Whistler

Championship Or Retirement Match




Great job on the last show, I enjoyed how you took the backstage incident that has been happening and turned it into a promo, I couldnt stop laughing when your announcers were making fun of her :)




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New York City Wrestling


Still Standing

Weston Gymnasium

Tri-State Area

Saturday Week 2 May 2011


As the crowds filtered in to what NYCW hoped would be their flagship event, they were presented with two pre-show matches featuring wrestlers in generic masks which got a round of applause when it ended.


'Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls. Welcome to New York City Wrestling!'


The voice piped through the gymnasiums speakers and a cheer went up from the crowd. 300 avid fans had waited in anticipation and now it was time for the show to begin.


'This is it. New York City Wrestling presents Still Standing' Rock Downpour began. Tonight, under the orders of head booker Adam Barton had been made to put on his best suit for the DVD recording. 'Tonight every belt is up for grabs, but also something else greater than that'


'Thats right' Herb Stately continued. Herb apparently never recieved the memo as he was wearing his usual jeans and sports jacket. 'Tonight we get to see Whistler's final match against Brandon Smith'


'Lets not jump the gun' Rock carried on. 'Whistler only retires if he loses. If he wins, then he walks away with the NYCW Empire Championship. However we have other matches before that starting with Animal Harker versus Honest Frank'


'Animal Harker is wrestling tonight?' Herb said.


'Shush you' Rock replied. 'Lets see as its next'


Match #1


Animal Harker Vs Honest Frank


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Honest Frank defeated Animal Harker in 5:35 by pinfall with a Frank-N-Hurter.


Rating: E+


Match #2


Diamond & Johnson Vs The Spinebusters



NYCW Tag Team Championship Match


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Diamond & Johnson defeated The Spinebusters in 8:38 when Jared Johnson defeated Black Hat Bailey by submission with a Carolina Crossface.


Diamond & Johnson win the NYCW Tag Team titles.


Rating: D


'Bailey Submits.. Bailey Submits. Diamond & Johnson are the new tag team champions'


Rock Downpour was definitely excited. The first championship match of the show was over and there were new champions. One of the first things that had been implemented when the new booker had arrived was to keep the announcing team in the dark as much as possible in regards to title changes. That way the shock and amazement in their voices was very much real.


In the ring, the new champions celebrated and patting each other on the back. Black Hat Bailey and Lee Wright took the opportunity to slip out the ring and backstage without much commotion.


'Its all very good winning them' Herb stated. 'But lets see if they can defend them'


Match #3


Roger Cage Vs Stuart Ferdinand


NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship Match


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Roger Cage defeated Stuart Ferdinand in 12:08 by pinfall with a Cage Rage after Cheerleader Nicki interfered.


Roger Cage makes defence number 2 of his NYCW Tri-State Regional title.


Rating: D


'Time for the main event ladies and gentleman’ Rock Started ‘and what a match we have for you tonight. In one corner, we have Whistler. 3-Time Empire Champion. 2-Time Tag Champion and 4-Time SCCW Champion. In the other corner we have Bulldozer Brandon Smith. Previously holder of the Tri-State Regional belt, before picking up the Empire Championship the very next month’


‘And what a champion he’s been’ Herb added. ‘Over the last few months, Smith has systematically picked apart Whistler and made it abundantly clear that he should give up and retire. Whistler is grasping at straws with this match as Smith will destroy him’


Both men paused for a second as Bulldozer Brandon Smith’s entrance theme kicked off.


‘And here’s out champion now’ Herb said.


From the entrance way, Smith appeared. Sporting his usual leather jacket with the Empire belt draped over his shoulder. He sauntered down to the ring mocking the crowd all the way and rolled into the ring. He raised the belt off his shoulder and shouted ‘Mine!’ as loud as he could. The referee handed him the prepared microphone to allow him to address the crowd.


‘Tonight…. You’re going to see history made in this ring. For years now, you’ve been cheering on a decrepit old man who has to get up three time a night to pee. A man who probably can’t even hear you when you chant his name. A man who is long past his prime and probably can’t even get an erection. I tried to do the right thing and ease him out. I then had to put him through a table but the ol’ coot has a stubborn streak and refuses to give up on the nostalgia even though he embarrasses himself every time he steps into this ring. Don’t get me wrong. I do respect Whistler.. or to be precise.. I respect the man Whistler used to be. Tonight, you will see me take him apart, wear him down and pin him. You’re gonna see him take the walk of shame backstage and never grace this ring ever again. You will see an end of an era’


The crowd booed as Smith handed the microphone back to the referee. Whistlers theme kicked off and it was time..


Match #4


Bulldozer Brandon Smith Vs Whistler


NYCW Empire Championship Or Retirement Match


‘What a match’ Rock began. ‘We are nearing the 18 minute mark and Smith just can’t put Whistler down. You can see the frustration on his face’


‘Michael Bull is really off his game tonight. I bet Whistlers paid him to slow count’ Herb replied.


Whistler had given his all and Smith had been unable to put him down. Sweat dripped off both men and they were visibility tired. Smith clotheslined Whistler and both men fell in a heap outside the ring.


‘1’ Michael Bull began.


Neither man moved for a while.




Whistler heard the count and shook his head to clear himself from the daze




Smith groaned and tried to lift his arm. His whole body ached. Whistler got to one knee and the crowd grew to a roar




Whistler rose to his feet.




Smith reached out and chopped Whistler in the back of the knee sending him sprawling backwards into the mats.


’10.. Ring the bell.. Its over’


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action…, Bulldozer Brandon Smith drew with Whistler in 18:21 following a double count out.


Rating: D


‘Wait.. What the..?’ exclaimed the confused Rock Downpour.


‘Who won?’ Replied the equally confused Herb Stately


'Ladies and Gentleman. Thank you all for coming. We hope to see you next time for more New York City Wrestling'


The main lights in the Gymnasium came on and the crowd began filing towards the exit talking between each other at what they had just seen.


Final Rating: D

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Monday Week 1 June 2011


The Stomper wasn't impressed. It was far too early. He scratched his greying beard and took a final sip of his cold coffee before finally opening the door to his office. Already inside was his booker Adam Barton who looked at his watch. It was 10am and this twice yearly performance meeting had been scheduled to begin at 9 but he'd taken an executive decision to spend another hour in bed. Being the owner had to have some benefits.


'Derek.. Hi.. Thought we would have to send out a search party for you' Adam said.


Stomper took up his position behind his old desk and the chair creaked as he climbed into it. He reached into the top drawer to pull out a cigar and proceeded to light it. His old computer had been removed and replaced by a smaller laptop, but The Stomper had never even switched it on. He couldn't figure out how even if he wanted to. Adam pulled over a metal fold out chair and took a seat in front of him.


'Right then' Stomper said. 'Your fired!'


'Eh.. What?' Adam replied. The confusion was apparent in his voice.


'Nah. Just kidding. You should have seen your face though'


'Oh right. Very funny' Adam lied.


'Onto business then. You've been here now 6 months. How have we been doing?'


'If there's one thing im good at, its crunching numbers...' Adam began.


'If there is only one thing your good at..' Stomper interupted. '..then it better be booking for my promotion'


'What im saying is that i've worked my way back through the weird filing system you use here and gathered data going back to 1997 to work out some trends.' Adam opened the folder he had been carrying and began handing some pages over. 'Financially.. You've been holding steady with $100,000 in the bank for 15 years now. With the economic downturn throughout the word, that's something to be very happy about.'


'Get to the point. I know this already'


'I'm getting there. Cutting the show length by an hour and making the shows every 5 weeks has meant that the sponsor money goes further and wage costs are cheaper. In 6 months, the balance has increased by $34,606'


'Damn' Stomper exclaimed. 'Thats the sort of news i like' You could almost see the dollar signs appear in his eyes.


'I also looked back through the performance reviews for the company. Its been pretty much level now since '97.


'Is that bad.. People say we're stuck in a time warp anyway' Stomper replied.


'Well you may not like this. In the last 6 months, reports suggest that our popularity has increased by 1.6% to an all time high.. or higher than i can dig through.. Seriously.. Who created that filing system. A blind compulsive hoarder'


'I did'


'Right then.. Im getting a temp in to get that computerised. Its a mess!'


Stomper knew that he had a point. The NYCW filing system had originally started off as a file on Stompers desk. As years went by, it became a drawer followed by a shelf before finally becoming a filing cabinet. When he 'filed' something, it was just a case of shoving the paper in wherever he could. Nothing was in order. Numerous pages were illegible due to coffee spills and large sections had just been binned instead.


'Ok. So as a company we are doing well' he said. 'Now tell me about the locker room...'

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Monday Week 1 June 2011 (Still)


'The locker room.. Its far better than it was' Adam began. 'I brought Nicki out to the ring last show to try and get some of the workers to listen, but there are some that may need to be reigned in or let go'


'Like who?' Stomper asked although he already had a good idea.


'The biggest culprit currently is Fern Hathaway. I've already had to take her aside twice since i got here. She's developed some sort of dislike to Cheerleader Nicki. It could have something to do with the fact that Nicki's managing the Regional Champ and Fern had Triple D. She claims to be more considerate in future, but chances are that i'll be dropping her very soon'


'That will be a shame' Stomper replied. 'She's very easy to look at'


'That's pretty much all she is though. Triple D can handle a microphone far better than she can. In fact, im going to call her in tomorrow and release her. The locker room will be better for her departure'


'Alright, if your sure. What about our big names?' '


Adam flicked through his folders and produced another set of graphs and reports.


'We have 9 workers who are currently seen as the upper workers of NYCW. Bailey, Smith, Frank, Wright, Hopkirk, Sanders, Cage, Ford and Gerrard. Of those, 6 of them are heels. The midcard 6 are primarily faces and the lower card are primarily heels. Its a mess and one that im working through with a report due soon on potential turns, free agents and possible pushes.'


'Onto the belts then?' Stomper replied.


'The Tag Team belts are the most troubling currently. We have 5 tag teams. Well 4 currently as Roger Cage is running solo with the Regional title. Its just not strong enough to have a belt to work for.'


'So you want to scrap it!' Stomper said with anger in his voice. He remembered fondly the 4 months that he'd held the belts with Whistler back in 2004.


'I think i do' Adam replied. 'Since its inception, it was given to Wiley Coyote 4 times. Once they were gone, the Old School Principals held it 3 times and Shark Cage held it twice. Besides them, you've had short stints by 3 other teams but nothing major. Dissolving the tag teams will give us more workers to play with'


Stomper grunted his disgust but said nothing.


'The Regional belt is fine as it. Im not planning on making any changes there, as is the Empire belt. Once the tag division is gone, and the final evaluation of staff is complete then some of them may well be dropped anyway'


'Who you thinking about?'


'The current cut list is Fern Hathaway, Herb Stately, Larry Vessey, & Land Mass'


'Who would replace them?' Stomper asked.


'Fern would just go. I would replace Herb and i've been in touch with a couple of workers to replace Vessey and Land Mass.


First one is Raphael. He's a young canadian that i saw wrestle Marshall Dillion at a RIPW event. He's got cracking technical skills, good stamina and cheap.


I'm also looking at Nigel Svensson. Young Swede who's been wrestling in the UK for Ring Of Fire. Like Raphael, he's got cracking tecnhical skills, very safe, consistant and cheap.


Third guy im looking at is Kirk Jameson. Same as before. Young and skilled and all 3 could be snapped up and their wage bill combined would be less than Vesseys'


'Do you have a design then' Stomper asked realising the pattern in the potential new workers.


'Yeah. I do' Adam replied. 'Im looking to make NYCW a place where new meets old. Where legends from the past can help the stars of the future by imparting their wisdom. Where they are not used as jokes but a gatekeepers passing the torch. Then in years to come, it comes full circle as they themselves help the next generation. It would be a beautiful thing'


Stomper felt it deep within himself. Something NYCW had always strived to do but never acheived.


'Alright Adam. I'll sign off on all hirings and firings you've mentioned. Lets see how far you can take this dream

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<table width="600" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" bordercolor="black"><tr><td valign="top" background="

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New York City Wrestling

June Event


Wrestling Tonight:


Bulldozer Brandon Smith

Rematch for the NYCW Empire Championship


Lee Wright
Roger Cage

for the NYCW Tr-State Championship


Diamond & Johnson
The Old School Principals

NYCW Tag Team Championship Retirement Match


Black Hat Bailey
Kirk Jameson



Also performing live before the show starts:

Animal Harker
Crockett Tubbs

Mike Benson
Nigel Svensson


Ticket are available for $10 at the booth in Weston Gymnasium or available online at

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New York City Wrestling

June Event


Wrestling Tonight:

Bulldozer Brandon Smith Vs Whistler

Rematch for the NYCW Empire Championship


Lee Wright Vs Roger Cage

for the NYCW Tr-State Championship


Diamond & Johnson Vs The Old School Principals

NYCW Tag Team Championship Retirement Match


Black Hat Bailey Vs Kirk Jameson



Also performing live before the show starts:

Animal Harker Vs Crockett Tubbs

Mike Benson Vs Nigel Svensson

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Bulldozer Brandon Smith Vs Whistler

Rematch for the NYCW Empire Championship


Lee Wright Vs Roger Cage

for the NYCW Tr-State Championship


Diamond & Johnson Vs The Old School Principals

NYCW Tag Team Championship Retirement Match


Black Hat Bailey Vs Kirk Jameson

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Trialling a new show format. Let me know what you think.

New York City Wrestling

Weston Gymnasium

Tri-State Area

Saturday Week 3 June 2011


Pre-Show Results:

Animal Harker defeated Crockett Tubbs in 8:28 by pinfall with a Stump Piledriver.

Mike Benson defeated Nigel Svensson in 6:23 by pinfall with a flash roll up.


Rock: 'Welcome everybody to New York City Wrestling. Im Rock Downpour and with me is my new broadcast colleague Adam Barton. What a show we have for you indeed'


Adam: 'Thats an affirmative Rock. Last show, Whistler finally managed to get his hands on Bulldozer Brandon Smith and a chance at the Empire Championship. However all hell broke lose at the end of the match and both men were counted out. Tonight we try again to get a winner'


Rock: 'We also have both of the other titles up for grabs. Roger Cage will defend his Regional Championship against Lee Wright & the combination of Diamond & Johnson look to try retain the Tag Team Championship against the Old School Principals'


Adam: 'Tonight's match is extra special. The team that wins winds up being the last holders of the belt before it gets retired. That's some honour. Before all that, lets have our first match. Its Black Hat Bailey against Kirk Jameson.'




Black Hat Bailey


Kirk Jameson

In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, Black Hat Bailey defeated Kirk Jameson in 8:25 by submission with a Bailey Breaker.




Rock: 'Black Hat Bailey secures a submission victory against newcomer Kirk Jameson'


Adam: 'Kirk is probably wondering what he got himself into. Its a far cry from the wrestling on a beach that he's used to'


Rock: 'Bailey will look to use the momentum gained in this match to put himself in contention for a championship.'


Adam: 'Only time will tell'


Rock: 'Only time will tell indeed Adam but for now, lets have a look at whats going on backstage'




Honest Frank is pacing around the locker room.


Frank: 'Cant believe it.. They said I had to be here today and then didn't even schedule me a match. Its not like I had anything better to do is it. I could have been at the exchange turning a profit'


Frank tried to slam his locker door shut but it bounces open again. He slams it again and again before it finally latches.


Frank: 'That's it. I'm outta here'


He grabs his gym bag and kicks open the locker room door. Without hesitation, he walks through and heads to the backstage exit.


Moments pass.


????: 'Owwwwwwwww'


The camera rotates around the locker room, but is unable to find the source of the noise. It slowly moves through the now open door and looks each way but no-one can be seen.


????: 'Anyone get the number of that truck'


The camera moves slowly around and sweeps to behind the door. On the floor holding her face is Cheerleader Nicki.


Nicki: 'I dink my nose is broken'


Rock: 'Ouch. That's gotta hurt. Nicki is probably going to need some medical attention'


Adam: 'I guess this means that she wont be ringside with Roger Cage tonight for his match'





NYCW Tag Team Championship Match




Diamond & Johnson ©


Old School Principals

In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Diamond & Johnson defeated Old School Principals in 8:44 when Jared Johnson defeated Rick Sanders by submission with a Carolina Crossface.


Rock: 'What an upset! Dazzling Dave Diamond & Jared Johnson retain the belts and go down in the annuls as the last tag champs. What a match. That could go down as a contender for match of the year'


Adam: 'With the teams now going their separate ways, i wonder if this result could have repercussions down the line'




Rock: 'Up next. Without Cheerleader Nicki at his side, Roger Cage defends the Tri State Championship against Lee Wright'


Adam: 'News from the medics is that Nicki has suffered no permanent damage and the nose is not broken'



NYCW Tri-State Regional Championship Match




Lee Wright


Roger Cage ©


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Lee Wright defeated Roger Cage in 13:22 by pinfall with a handful of tights.


Lee Wright wins the NYCW Tri-State Regional title.



Roger Cage slips through the curtain to be met by a bruised and sore Cheerleader Nicki.


Cage: 'Where the hell were you! Lee got a handful of tights and you weren't there to make sure the ref noticed. Do you know what that will do to my fan following. When they find out that I lost to an aging has-been, they will drop me like a sack of...'


Nicki: 'Roger.. Im sorry. Look at my face. Look at my bruised and swollen nose for heavens sake. Its not like i was in the back taking a nap. I TOOK A DOOR TO THE FACE!'


Cage: 'I.. just need some space.. Wheres my phone. I need to check how many Tewitter followers i still have left'


Roger walked off leaving a visibly distraught Nicki behind.



Adam: '..and unfollow'


Rock: 'You didn't just do that?'


Adam: 'Why not. He just talks about himself all the time anyway'


Rock: 'Ladies and gentleman. Is that who i think it is in the crowd tonight'


The cameraman jogs down to the ring and aims at the older gentleman sitting in the crowd. He looked at the camera and brushed his shoulder length hair away from his face before waving. The crowd nearby realised who is was and let out a massive cheer.


Rock: 'Looks like someones got a little lost heading back to the Mid Atlantic. That's Mean Jean Cattley'


Mean Jean smiled and waved a couple more times before they cut away for the next match.



NYCW Empire Championship Match




Bulldozer Brandon Smith ©




In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Bulldozer Brandon Smith defeated Whistler in 15:51 by pinfall with a Backdrop Driver.


Bulldozer Brandon Smith makes defence number 2 of his NYCW Empire title.


Rock: 'Smith retains the Empire Championship and this time there was no doubt who won. Ladies and Gentleman. Thank you all for coming. We hope to see you next time for more New York City Wrestling'


The main lights in the Gymnasium came on and the crowd began filing towards the exit talking between each other at what they had just seen.


Final Rating: D+

Quick Results:

Pre: Animal Harker defeated Crockett Tubbs in 8:28 by pinfall with a Stump Piledriver

Pre: Mike Benson defeated Nigel Svensson in 6:23 by pinfall with a flash roll up.

Black Hat Bailey defeated Kirk Jameson in 8:25 by submission with a Bailey Breaker. (Rating: D+)

Diamond & Johnson defeated Old School Principals in 8:44 when Jared Johnson defeated Rick Sanders by submission. (Rating: D+)

Lee Wright defeated Roger Cage in 13:22 by pinfall with a handful of tights. (Rating: D+)

Bulldozer Brandon Smith defeated Whistler in 15:51 by pinfall with a Backdrop Driver. (Rating: D+)

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Well i thought i had fixed the issue, but no such luck.


Had TEW10 on my PC for an age, and never realised upon playing recently that admin mode wasn't on.


It did bring up errors that i managed to work around, but it has finally given in and died.


Will attempt to bring a new diary to live pretty soon.

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