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WWE 2012: Changing

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No real backstory here. Just WWE from Wrestlemania 28 on.


-Must note there has been one decently big rewrite. I have swapped out some of the combatants in the Long/Big Johnny. You shall see below.




WrestleMania 28


Sun Life Stadium

Miami Gardens, Florida

April 1, 2012


Once In A Lifetime

The Rock vs. John Cena


"End Of An Era" Hell In A Cell; Shawn Michaels as Special Guest Referee

Triple H vs. The Undertaker


WWE Championship Match

© CM Punk vs. Chris Jericho


World Heavyweight Championship Match

© Daniel Bryan vs. Sheamus


12 Man Tag Team Match For Control of Both Raw and Smackdown

Team Johnny (David Ortunga, Mark Henry, The Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger & Alberto Del Rio) vs. Team Teddy (Zack Ryder, Kofi Kingston, R-Truth, Santino Marella, Mick Foley & Rey Mysterio)


WWE Intercontinental Championship Match

© Cody Rhodes vs. The Big Show


One on One Match

Randy Orton vs. Kane


Divas Tag Team Match

Kelly Kelly & Maria Menounos vs. Eve & Beth Phoenix


Pre Show 3 Way Dance for WWE Tag Team Championships

© Primo & Epico vs. The Usos vs. Tyson Kidd & Justin Gabriel


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WrestleMania 28


Sun Life Stadium

Miami Gardens, Florida

April 1, 2012


-Preshow Triple Threat Match for WWE World Tag Team Titles: © Primo and Epico defeated Justin Gabriel and Tyson Kidd and The Usos after Epico hit the Backstabber on Jey Uso at 10:14. Gabriel injured his elbow during the match.


-World Heavyweight Championship Match: Sheamus defeated © Daniel Bryan to become NEW World Heavyweight Champion after hitting Bryan with the Brogue Kick following Bryan getting a pre match kiss from AJ Lee at 0:08 into the match.


-Kane defeated Randy Orton after a top rope Chokeslam at 11:36.


-WWE Intercontinental Championship Match: The Big Show defeated Cody Rhodes to become NEW WWE Intercontinental Champion after hitting the WMD on Rhodes at 12:45.


-Kelly Kelly and Maria Menounos defeated Eve and Beth Phoenix after Menounos rolled up Phoenix in a Victory Roll at 9:32.


-"End Of An Era" Hell In A Cell Match: The Undertaker defeated Triple H after 2 Tombstone Piledrivers at 32:11 to extend his streak to 20-0. After the match, Taker embraced both Triple H and guest referee Shawn Michaels. Both Taker and Triple H seemed to experience injuries during the match.


-12 Man Tag Team Match For Control of Both Raw and Smackdown: Team Johnny (David Otunga, Mark Henry, The Miz, Dolph Ziggler, Jack Swagger & Alberto Del Rio) defeated Team Teddy (Zack Ryder, Kofi Kingston, R-Truth, Santino Marella, Mick Foley & Rey Mysterio) after The Miz hit the Skull Crushing Finale on Zack Ryder after Eve low blowed Ryder at 19:27.


-WWE Championship Match: © CM Punk defeated Chris Jericho after hitting the Go To Sleep to retain the WWE Championship at 31:11


-The Rock defeated John Cena after telegraphing the Attitude Adjustment and landing the Rock Bottom at 15:09. The show would close with the Rock celebrating his victory while John Cena sit there in shock.





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WWE Raw Results

April 2nd, 2012


-Raw started with a pre recorded "Inauguration Address" by new GM of both Raw and Smackdown John Laurinaitis where he addresses the roster. He announces special "rewards" for the members of his WM team and then claims he's about "People Power" an initiative which would empower the WWE Universe and give them the show they want to see. WWE Champion CM Punk cuts in and congratulates Big Johnny on his win and proceeds to call him a tool. Laurinaitis announces that Punk would defend his WWE Title against Mark Henry later on that night.


-We go live to the arena where out comes The Rock to address the WWE Universe after his biggest victory of John Cena at Wrestlemania. Rock puts Cena over as being a hell of an opponent. Rock talks about how it was the biggest match in WWE history. He thanks the fans for all the support and reaffirms that he will be in the WWE forever. He then claims that it wouldn't be too long until The Rock isn't just referred to as The People's Champion, or the Captain of Team Bring It, but as WWE Champion.


- In our opening contest, WWE United States Champion Santino Marella took on "The Show Off" Dolph Ziggler. A decent back and forth battle saw Santino get the victory over Ziggler after locking him in a great inside cradle after a failed Zig-Zag. An angry Ziggler attempted revenge, but Santino high tailed it out of the ring, and straight to the back.


-A Hype video recapped the Triple H/Undertaker HIAC match, then claiming that The Undertaker would make an announcement later on in the show. Lawler and Cole wondered a loud would Taker announce his retirement. They would also hype that John Cena had been MIA and would address the WWE Universe later on as well.


-In Divas action, Kelly Kelly took on Beth Phoenix. Cole and Lawler hyped Beth was particularly angry after her loss and planned on taking it out on Kelly. That she did as Beth Phoenix defeated Kelly Kelly with the Glam Slam in an uneventful affair. Following the match, Beth hit a second Glam Slam on a defenseless Kelly Kelly, again claiming she's the most dominant female in the WWE.


-We go to a split screen of CM Punk and Mark Henry walking to the ring in preparation for their upcoming match.


-In our main event, CM Punk defended his WWE Title against Mark Henry. Cole and Lawler hyped how exhausted Punk was and how his knee and ribs were in rough shape following his WWE Title match nearly 24 hours previously. A very good back and forth battle saw Henry take Punk to the limit. Following a series of vicious head kicks, Punk signaled for an improbable GTS on "The World's Strongest Man". But suddenly from the back ran Chris Jericho, armed with a steel chair. Jericho nailed Punk in the back of the head with the chair, ending the match and disqualifying Henry. Jericho battered the knocked out Punk with the chair, shouting how he was truly the best. Agents and wrestlers took Jericho away as medical staff carried Punk away. Lawler and Cole were legitimately concerned over Punk's condition.


-New World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus entered next to a decent ovation (crowd was chanting "YES" hard). Sheamus put over his title win and how he'll defend the belt against all comers. From the back comes Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio (along with Riccardo Rodriguez) puts over how he wasn't impressed with Sheamus' victory at WM. He then went on to announce that he's cashed in his favor with John Laurinatis and would challenge Sheamus for his World Title. Sheamus wishes Del Rio luck and then proceeds to KO the Mexican Aristocrat with a Brogue Kick .


-Backstage we go where Daniel Bryan and AJ are being interviewed by Josh Matthews (to the loud background of "YES" chants by the crowd) . Bryan claims last night was the worst night of his life. He promises he will enact his rematch clause this coming Friday on Smackdown. AJ patted him on his shoulder, and Bryan gave her a death stare before walking away, as AJ looked sad.


-Back to the ring we go for tag team action as the duo of The Miz and David Otunga take on Zack Ryder and Rey Mysterio. Lawler and Cole hype how bad Ryder must feel after Eve turned on him last night. A decent contest would end with The Miz blocking a 619 attempt from Mysterio and securing a roll up with a handful of tights for a nefarious win. The Miz leaves the ring with a diabolical smile on his face as his losing streak has come to an end. Meanwhile Mysterio is left fuming in the ring.


-Backstage we go where John Cena in walking to the ring. Again Lawler and Cole hype both his and The Undertaker's announcement.


-John Cena enters to a mixed reaction. He thanks the WWE Universe for their support last night and in general. He puts over that no matter how many fans loved or hated him everything he did was for them. Cena talks about how last night was the most important match of his life and he had to win. He claims he had never worked harder to prepare for a match in his life. it was the match of his life, and for him as a wrestler, for his legacy and for him as a man he had to win. But he lost. Cena put over The Rock as a great competitor and thanks him for the match and congratulates him. Cena then claims that now he needs to figure out where does John Cena go from here. Cena then thanks the fans and leaves his cap in the ring as the crowd begins a "Thank You Cena" chant. Lawler and Cole are dumbfounded, wondering what would this mean, was Cena leaving the WWE?


-Back from break, we go ringside for a bout between Cody Rhodes and Kofi Kingston. Lawler and Cole are still buzzing about Cena's announcement, and are further hyping the Undertaker's announcement which would take place following this match. A very good short match here between two men who last last night at Mania. Kofi attempts Trouble In Paradise but Rhodes doges the move and lands a rebound version of the Beautiful Disaster Kick for the victory. Rhodes still doesn't look please without his Intercontinental title, but a good win over all.


-Back from our final break and the lights go out. Out comes the Undertaker to a huge ovation. After a several minute "Under-Taker" chant, Taker begins talking about his legacy in the WWE. He talks about how he was called the conscience of the WWE and saw many men come and go. He spoke of burying every man who went against him at WrestleMania. He put over Triple H and his abilities and spirit. He then claimed it was indeed the end of an era. Taker would look down as a huge "Please Don't Go" chant began. Taker looked shaken as he thanked his "creatures of the night" for all of the support during his career. Taker dropped to one knee and did his signature salute to the crowd, stunned as they almost certainty believed they were witnessing the retirement of The Undertaker. But suddenly, as Taker saluted the crowd, a man wearing a t shirt and training pants hopped over the guardrail and jumped the Undertaker. The huge man nailed him with a running clothesline to the back of his head, flooring The Undertaker. The man's face is now in clear view and the crowd is in absolute shock (and are going insane) as it is revealed to be BROCK LESNAR. A now bearded Lesnar removes his shirt to reveal a more streamline physique. Lesnar flexes and has a sadistic smile on his face as he awaits Taker to get up. Lesnar then raises Taker and nails him with a vicious F5 as the crowd is unglued. Security is hesitant to enter the ring after the dangerous Lesnar KO's one guard with a hard right punch. Cole and Lawler have no idea what's going on and keep referencing this isn't part of the show. Lesnar raises Taker again and nails him with another F5. Taker's body crumples on impact. Taker is seemingly out cold. Lesnar is screaming at Taker and the fans now. Lesnar then raises the Undertaker by the hair, Taker is out on his feet. Lesnar begins to laugh as he shoves Taker into the corner and begins to hit him with several vicious heavy stiff punches to Taker's face and ribs, the same punches which made him such a threat in the UFC. Lesnar drags an out of it Undertaker to the middle of the ring and again holds him up by his hair. Taker is now bleeding from his nose and mouth (looking similar to Lesnar during his Cain Velasquez fight). Lesnar again is now laughing and shouts "How do you like me now" at the out cold Taker before pulling him into a third vicious F5. Lesnar briefly surveys the damage he's done before leaving the arena through the crowd, as security cautiously walk him out of the arena. The crowd is in a hush as Taker has not moved as the medical staff and agents quickly enters the ring. Cole and Lawler are nearly quiet, still in shock that of all people, Brock Lesnar has shown up and just destroyed The Undertaker. They say Lesnar doesn't work for the WWE and that this wasn't planned. Nobody knew Lesnar would be there and that the only reason security didn't pounce on them was they knew his rep as UFC Champ and being a monster and most likely feared for their safety after one of their men was legit knocked out by Lesnar. Several replays of the attack were shown as Taker was wheeled out of the arena. The show would close with Michael Cole claiming that we may have actually seen the last of The Undertaker at the hands of Brock Lesnar.



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WWE Smackdown Results

April 6th, 2012


-Smackdown opens with a brief recap video of the World Heavyweight Title match at Wrestlemania and both Daniel Bryan announcing he'd enact his rematch clause tonight, and also Alberto Del Rio's own announcement he would challenge Sheamus for his title.


-Ringside we go where Alberto Del Rio (and Riccardo Rodriguez) enter and cut a promo about Sheamus, calling him a coward for his sneak attack on Raw and proclaims himself the next World Heavyweight Champion when he announces when he'll be cashing in his title shot. Out comes Daniel Bryan and AJ (to a huge YES chant from the crowd). Bryan puts down the crowd for mocking him with their YES chants and claims only he can say it because unlike them he is a winner. Bryan claims Del Rio didn't earn his title shot like he did and claimed that he would be in fact the next World champion. AJ attempted to get a few words in praising Bryan, but Bryan told her to shut up and stand in the corner. Del Rio and Bryan went back and forth about who would be next champion (with a tremendous dueling YES/SI) chant off. As the 2 looked to come to blows, Bryan claimed he had to prepare for his title win tonight and slid out of the ring as the 2 had words as Bryan went back up the ramp.


-In our opening contest, the 2 losing teams at Wrestlemania's dark match Tag Team title match collided, as The Usos took on Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel (who's elbow was heavily taped). A very good face vs face tag team match here which saw Tyson Kidd lock Jey Uso in a new submission finisher called the Dungeon Lock, which is a Sharpshooter/Triangle Choke hybrid maneuver for the victory. The 2 teams shake hands and hug following the match.


-We go to a a pre taped vignette of a new Smackdown star:


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/QuKVQqv_NNM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


-Our announcers Michael Cole, Josh Matthews and Booker T announce that next week new GM of both shows John Laurinaitis will be on hand to discuss the fate of Smackdown's now former GM Theodore Long.


-Ringside we go again where local jobber Barry Stevens is standing by, awaiting his opponent. Stevens then grabs a mic from ring announcer Lillian Garcia and cuts a brief promo on the hometown crowd. Out comes the debuting Ryback (the former Skip Sheffield of NXT season 1). The massive Ryback absolutely destroys Stevens with his amazing power moves. Ryback mercifully ends the match after nailing a muscle buster dubbed "Shell Shock" for the dominating victory. The announcers hype the monstrous machine that is Ryback.


-Backstage we go where Matt Striker is standing by with new World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus. Sheamus puts over Mania being one of the biggest matches of his career and claims it's going to be a long time before anyone takes the belt off of him. He claims tonight he's gonna beat Bryan in less time than Mania then will go on to send Del Rio back to south of the broder. Sheamus says it doesn't matter who he's facing, either way they'll all lose.


-Backstage we see Randy Orton making his way to the ring, as the announcers hype the upcoming Wrestlemania rematch.


-Wrestlemania rematch time as Randy Orton takes on Kane. A very standard brawl here between these 2 men. Kane attempts a chokeslam but Orton spins out of the attempt and lands a big RKO on "The Big Red Machine" for the victory. Orton celebrates over the fallen Kane. But Kane gets his hands back on Orton and the 2 brawl backstage as agents try to break the 2 up.


-After seeing more of Kane and Orton brawling backstage, we go ringside where Jinder Mahal is already in the ring. Out comes the new WWE Intercontinental Champion Big Show.Long form squash match for Show here. Big Show gets the win and the title defense after KO'ing Mahal with the WMD. Following the match, from the crowd out comes Cody Rhodes who nails Show in the back of the head with what appears to be a lead pipe, sending Show down to one knee, before hitting the Beautiful Disaster kick, putting Show on his back. Rhodes bails back up the ramp, all smiles, following his attack as we go to break.


-Back from commercial break, we go to what appears the Louvre in France. We get a brief look of some of the world famous pieces of art before going to a part of the gallery where a rather tall bald man is looking at some Monet's. The man, wearing a beautiful 3 piece silk suit, turns to the camera and begins to speak in French. Midway through he pauses and begins to speak English. He talks briefly about the Louvre and all of the legendary pieces of European art it holds from men like Michelangelo, Da Vinci, Picasso and Monet. He casually claims the best pieces of American art are dogs playing cards and comic books. The man then claims the greatest and most beautiful piece of art is in the Louvre right now is standing before you. He talks about his beautiful face, his custom made suit, his custom made scarf and his custom made Italian shoes. But the most beautiful thing about him is his skills in the ring and very soon the WWE will be treated to a taste of Europe and all it's beautiful culture. Because he's Antonio Cesaro....and he's Very European.


-Backstage we go where Cody Rhodes cuts a short promo on Big Show. He says Show didn't deserve the IC title, a title he alone made relevant again. And then claimed he'd keep taking Show out until he got his rematch for his title back. Show is then heard off camera yelling at Rhodes and Cody runs for his life as a pissed Show gives chase.


-Main event time as Daniel Bryan and Sheamus clash again for the World Heavyweight Championship. However before the match, Alberto Del Rio (and Ricardo) made his way ringside and joined commentary. Match wise it was a very good battle between Bryan and Sheamus. Sheamus nailed White Noise on Bryan and called for the Brogue Kick, but Bryan ducked out of the way and it hit the referee. Bryan then sweeped out Sheamus and locked him in the LeBell Lock. Suddenly, Alberto Del Rio and Ricardo Rodriguez sprang into the ring and blindsided both Sheamus and Bryan with chairs. The referee came to and saw what was happening and called for the bell with a draw do to Del Rio and Ricardo's interference . Del Rio would then apply the cross armbreaker on both men before grabbing Sheamus's World title and holding it over his head before dropping it on Sheamus' fallen body. The show ends with the announcers hyping that Alberto Del Rio has just decimated both Sheamus and Bryan and may have just made his title quest much more interesting.




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Pro Wrestling Torch Weekly Roundup


-Brock Is Back: In case you didn't know, Brock Lesnar made a shocking return to the WWE on Monday's episode of Raw, where he savagely beat down the Undertaker during what appeared to be Taker's retirement ceremony. We don't know exact details of his contract but rumor has it it's a year long contract. WWE is playing off Lesnar's segment as something unplanned, as it wasn't mentioned on Smackdown.


-Briscoes to WWE, more to follow?: Ring Of Honor's arguably greatest tag team The Briscoe Brothers are WWE bound as the former 6 time ROH Tag Team champions signed contracts with the WWE on Wednesday after being released from their ROH contracts. The Briscoes have been on the WWE's radar for nearly 2 years but their ROH contracts prevented them from jumping. The duo have already reported to FCW. However don't expect this to be it as sources in WWE have told us that several other major US indy names are being scouted including Sami Callihan, Johnny Gargano, El Generico and Adam Cole.


-FCW the new NXT?: Talk within the WWE claims that the company plans on ending the NXT brand show and renaming FCW "NXT". Rumor has it that the current NXT show is a major disappointment because of it's relatively small roster. The new plan is to cancel the NXT show as a whole, ending it's taping before Smackdown. FCW would then be renamed NXT and would use all FCW talent along with some WWE stars, most likely a few of the current NXT stars like Derrick Bateman and Johnny Curtis. NXT would then be aired exclusively on WWE's new Youtube channel weekly, showcasing the next crop of WWE stars.


-More call ups soon?: On Smackdown Friday, WWE debuted 3 new stars in Ryback, Damien Sandow and Antonio Cesaro. It appears these 3 are just the first of several developmental talents who will be brought up within the next few months.


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