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NYCW - Time for a change!

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I started a diary about a year and a half ago using NYCW and unfortunately it fizzled out because I started my new job and more importantly, I accidentally deleted the save game. So I have decided to give another go at this :)


That being said....hope you enjoy.

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Day 1 and a little history lesson


January 2nd, 2010 - I walked to my office going through the motions of meeting my co-workers for the first time, I could not help thinking to myself "How the heck did I get here" and "Do I really have a clue as to what I am doing?". I turn the corner and bump into my new boss:


STOMPER - "Good morning Mike, how was the holidays?"


ME - "Not too bad, just did the usual multiple family functions...you know, dinner with my family then jump in the car to make desert with Jen's family. How about yours?"


STOMPER - "Ha! Sounds a lot like mine. Come to my office in a couple of hours so we can talk about some goals I expect and what ideas you have for Rush Hour and the roster as a whole."


ME - "Sounds good, see you in a little while."


I make it to my office and close the door. Again I ask "What am I getting myself into?". I sit at my desk and look at my computer....171 emails! "Ugh, this is going to be a long day". As I pan through my emails, my phone rings....its Stomper's assistant, looks like the meeting we had this morning has to be postponed, but he has scheduled a creative meeting this afternoon. "Good", I think to myself, "I still have some ideas to work out before I present them....not to mention the 10 phone calls I am waiting callbacks from."


Before we move on, how did I get to this point.....well lets look back at how my journey in the wrestling business began....


October 25th, 1999...Cleveland, Ohio. I walk into my boring day job, filling orders for corporate customers at one of the big box computer retailers, and see that we have a new training class starting. "Oh great, more newbies to annoy me with stupid questions...this day just gets better". I notice a younger guy in the group who I know I have seen somewhere before, I shrug it off and get to my day pulling orders and making my calls. About 2:30pm, that same guy comes up to me and says "Your name is Mike, right?" Looking puzzled I say "Yeah, do I know you?" He smiles and says "Yeah, my name is Al, and we met a couple weeks ago at the Odeon Theater, when DAVE was in town...if you have a minute, I would like to talk to you about starting a backyard wresting promotion."


May 21st, 2002...Akron, Ohio. That backyard promotion has grown from having shows in people's backyards, to monthly shows at the VFW's and middle school gyms and church halls. Our first show, Great Lakes Championship Wrestling May-hem draws a crowd of 350, a sell out at the Akron Chapter 5001 VWF Memorial Hall. We crown our first champion, a warehouse worker named Jason, who goes by Bane. One of the local newspapers was there to cover the show....not bad for a group of co-workers that just wanted to blow off some steam.


August 17th, 2007...Cleveland, Ohio. Al walks into the back office at the Odeon Theater. "2500 people are here Mike, we had to turn at least 100 away at the door." I looked up from the booking sheet, smiled and said "That's great man, do you believe we did it? We made something out of nothing.....but do you know where our World Champ is? He was supposed to be here an hour ago and he still isn't here! How the hell are we going to put on a show if he continues to treat us like this?" A scowl crosses Al's face, "What do you mean he isn't here? I just talked to him and he said he was in the locker room, I will go see". As Al walks out, a piece of paper falls from his pocket, I called out to him but he didn't hear me. I get up from my desk and pick it up....and to my horror, I see it's a contract with Richard Eisen and the SWF to turn GLCW into a development company. As I sat there reading the terms, I realize that not only am I getting pushed out of my company....my best friend stabbed me in the back.....all for a couple hundred thousand dollars.....I slunk back into my chair as the opening music plays, and the final nail is driven into the coffin of my dream and the GLCW as we knew it.


January 8th, 2009....Cleveland, Ohio. It's another cold and snowy night in my hometown. I just got invited to attend SWF's When Hell Freezes Over event. I have not attended a wrestling show since 2007, so I am not sure if I want to go, I walk out of the bedroom and ask my wife (Jen) what she had going on tonight. She say she was planning on sending out more thank you cards from our wedding. As fun as that sounded, I tell her about the invitation I received and she tells me to go ahead and go. "You deserve a night out, you can't hide forever". She was right, I call my buddy back and tell him I would be ready in 10 minutes.


We got to the Fan Festival about 2 hours before the show began. As I made my way through the crowd, I bumped into a guy in his late 50s, wearing a NYCW T-Shirt. I apologize to him but immediately recognize him as The Stomper. We strike up a conversation about wrestling, the details of which mostly escape me, but he looks a little surprised that someone living in the Great Lakes region knew who he was. I told him I was at the event back in 2002 when he lost the Empire Title to American Buffalo. I ask him what he is doing in Cleveland. He tells me that he was in town checking out a couple of young kids for a possible tryout but it seems the meeting did not go so well...something about the product NYCW uses being a little "outdated". I tell him "These young kids don't know a gift when they see one, wrestling today doesn't hold a candle to the stuff we had 15 to 20 years ago". With the show beginning in about 15 minutes, Stomper surprises me and says he has a couple of extra tickets to the suite he is sitting in, and invites me and my friend to join him.


Throughout the show we talked wrestling and I am not sure if it was the free alcohol or just the adrenaline rush I get when I attend any live wrestling event, but I started throwing out ideas on how he can modernize his product without losing the throwback feel...."Modern Traditional" I call it. I finally admit that I helped book a very small local wrestling promotion here in the Cleveland area. It lasted for about 7 years but it wasn't for lack of content...we just lost most of our wrestlers to real life...and that one event, which not only cost me my dream of breaking into the industry...but one of my best friends in the process. But that is a story for another day.


The show ends with like we all thought it would, Vengeance retains the Heavyweight Title and is challenged by Jack Bruce at Nothing to Lose....and if you know your history, Bruce wins the belt that night.


About three months later, I receive a phone call from a number with a 212 area code. I answer the phone and its Stomper. He tells me that he has been doing a lot of thinking ever since we spoke last and invited me and Jen to come to New York City for the weekend. Jen and I make the 8 hour drive from Cleveland and meet Stomper for dinner. It was during that meeting that he tells me that he is hoping to retire by the time he hits 63 and would love nothing more then to see his NYCW get bigger and become more popular in other regions of the country....and the thinks I am the man who can do just that. Not sure what to say, I asked him if I could think about it....he says as long as he knows by the end of the summer, he has no problem with that, but he would not want me to start until the beginning of 2010...just so they can run the current story-lines out and he can weed out some "bad eggs".

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Creative Meeting


"It was great talking to you Tim, and I am looking forward to working with you real soon......yeah, I think the fans will be happy to see you and Don back in NYCW...OK...see you in a week at Rush Hour.". *click*


ME - "Well I am still waiting for a few more call backs, but it looks like we are about to bring back a couple of old faces for the Tag Division."


STOMPER - "That's great news, I really hope they can come in and hit the ground running, they have been out of the game for a while."


ME - "There is only one way to find out for sure, and that's to get them booked in a match.....only problem is Don wants a low level title run. I don't know if I want to put the tag belts on them. We need to get some of the younger tag teams over, and he isn't what I call Tri-State Regional material."


STOMPER - "Should we create a new, low level title?"


ME - "Nah, we are already bringing back the King of New York tournament, plus the Tri-State Tag Wars....adding another title will just saturate things and lessen the meaning of our belts, I'll think of something...even if we just put the belts on them for a week or two....anyway. before we begin, what did you want to tell me."


STOMPER - "I wanted to make sure that we are on the same page when it comes to hiring new wrestlers. The rules I have are simple. I do not want any out of shape, ugly guys....must be fairly athletic and be able to handle themselves on the mic and in front of the crowds. Other then that, you can do whatever you feel will help the company."


ME - "Ok, that's not an issue. The guys I have already hired fit within your rules...plus I think you will be happy with the younger faces I am bringing in, just hope we can hang onto them before one of the bigger boys snap them up."


STOMPER - "Ok, lets get down to business. I heard a rumor that Roger Cage has been in talks with the SWF. Is this true?"


ME - **Sigh** "Unfortunately yes, he has agreed to a deal with them so it looks like his last show with us will be at Rush Hour. "


STOMPER - "Well, I knew that day would come sooner or later....well, make sure to tell him that he always has a home here if things do not work out. Ok, lets have a quick run down of who you signed and the current roster."


ME - "When I found out that Roger was leaving, my first call was to Matthew Keith. I remember seeing him at a couple of house shows and thought he has some talent. I also wanted to get a little younger, so I also was able to get Cameron Vessey signed along with Mario Heroic, I have a few more calls out, and I am confident that I can get these guys signed...we are generating a lot of interest with some of our changes. So here is the break down of the roster right now."


Main Eventer



Steve Flash

Honest Frank

© - Black Hat Bailey - Empire Champion


Upper Midcarder


Lee Wright

Matthew Keith

Rick Sanders

Roger Cage (leaving after Rush Hour)




© - Sammy The Shark - Tri-State Champion

Wiley Steinway

The Masked Mauler

© - Marv Statler - Tag Team Champion

© - Dean Waldorf - Tag Team Champion

Dazzling Dave Diamond


Lower Midcarder


Mario Heroic

Cameron Vessey

Land Mass

Coyote Dynamite




The New York Doll

Animal Harker


Occasional Wreslter


Larry Vessey


STOMPER - "Ok, sounds good...but Rick Sanders as an Upper Middy? Not sure he is ready, plus we need him in the tag division"


ME - "Don't worry boss, I am not taking him out of the tag division....oh, I also agreed with Carl Batch to come in and manage Bo...and yes, I already cleared it with him....in fact, he seemed happy that he had someone to do most of his talking out there....which reminds me....I am going to let Nicki and Fern go....without Roger, I don't have anything for Nicki and Fern....well, she is just a bitch and brings down the locker room."


STOMPER - "I thought I saw Carl's car outside, that is great news....I know that Bo was complaining that he wants to slow things down and maybe hang them up in the next couple of years. And I am ok with letting the ladies go, but I will kind of miss Fern's behind....but I'm sure I will find something else to stare at...HA! Ok Mike, I'm off to some warmer weather...see you at Rush Hour."


ME - "Ok boss....have a good trip."

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NYCW Wrestling Minute


Change is definitely in the air over at New York City Wrestling. Reports of Stomper relinquishing some creative control of the company to a relatively unknown writer named Mike Apotsos shocked the wrestling world last month. Stomper said that "it is time for some new blood to come in and see if we can take NYCW outside the Tri-State area and see if we can grow a little bit before I retire to the white sandy beaches".


This news helped shadow the reports that Roger Cage will be leaving NYCW following Rush Hour to join SWF. Mike has wasted no time to try and add some new talent to the roster. So far he has brought in young stars Cameron Vessey, Matthew Keith, Gregg Rayne and Greg Gauge. One rumor is that former two time PSW National Champion, Steven Parker has been seen in the New York area.


On the tag team front, the former four time NYCW tag champs, Wiley Coyote are making one last run at the titles. They will receive a title shot at Rush Hour against the Old School Principals and The Ring Generals in a triple threat match.


Also, Roger Cage will face newcomer Matthew Keith in Cage's final match in NYCW. Will Cage go out with a win or will Keith get his first win over one of the companies best wrestlers. Sammy The Shark defeated Dazzling Dave Diamond for the Tri-State Regional Title back in October. Diamond is invoking his rematch clause at Rush Hour, but management is making things a little more interesting by adding newcomer, Cameron Vessey to the match. We also will name a new #1 contender for the Empire Title in a four way dance and we will also find out if Black Hat Bailey can retain the belt against Whistler.

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Rush Hour 2010


Saturday: January 9th, 2010 @ The Weston Gymnasium

Newark, New Jersey

Doors Open @7pm EST

Bell Time @8pm EST


All Titles will be on the line!!!



Gregg Rayne vs The New York Doll



Old School Principals vs Wiley Coyote vs © The Ring Generals



Roger Cage vs Matthew Keith



Cameron Vessey vs Dazzling Dave Diamond vs © Sammy The Shark


Honest Frank vs Steve Flash vs Lee Wright vs ?????



Whistler vs © Black Hat Bailey

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<a href="

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Your Bi-Weekly Pro-Wrestling Publication

Issue #101


<a href="http://media.photobucket.com/image/swf/joehelmer/SWF Dynasty/SWF.jpg?o=19" target="_blank"><img src="http://i99.photobucket.com/albums/l296/joehelmer/SWF%20Dynasty/SWF.jpg" border="0"></a>


Brandon James defended the North American Title against Jungle Lord (SWF Supreme TV), Lobster Warrior (SWF Supreme TV) and Brett Biggz (When Hell Freezes Over)


Eric Eisen defended the SWF World Heavyweight Title against Christian Faith at When Hell Freezes Over


SWF signed Roger Cage (NYCW) to a written deal.


Agreed to terms with Premier Pay UK-TV to broadcast their shows on PPV effective immediately.


<a href="http://photobucket.com/images/tcw%20banner" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1214.photobucket.com/albums/cc482/dalreborn/TCW/TCWBanner.jpg" border="0" alt="Banner Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a>


No significant news to report.


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Agreed to terms with American Option to broadcast their shows on PPV effective immediately


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No significant news to report.


<a href="http://media.photobucket.com/image/czcw banner/TEW_Game_Player/CZCW Admin/CZCW2.jpg?o=0" target="_blank"><img src="http://i947.photobucket.com/albums/ad311/TEW_Game_Player/CZCW%20Admin/CZCW2.jpg" border="0"></a>


Fox Mask defeated Frankie Perez at CZCW Revolution 2010 to retain the Coastal Zone Championship Title.


Masked Cougar defeated Insane Machine at CZCW Revolution 2010 to retain the Coastal Zone Xtreme Title


CZCW signs James "Mainstream" Hernandez to a Pay-Per-Appearance deal.


<a href="http://s1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/?action=view&current=a0d873cf.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1076.photobucket.com/albums/w451/ohiodevil/a0d873cf.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


NYCW signs Matthew Keith, Cameron Vessey, Carl Batch, Wiley Steinway, Coyote Dynamite, Mario Heroic, Greg Gauge, Thomas Morgan, Gregg Rayne & Steven Parker to Pay-Per-Appearance Deals


NYCW released Cheerleader Nicki and Fern Hathaway


** Coming Next: NYCW Rush Hour **

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Rush Hour 2010 Preview!!!


**A new opening video is shows, highlighting the stars of NYCW**


Rock - "Hello NYCW fans and welcome to a preview of Rush Hour 2010, I am Rock Downpour and this Saturday night, right here at the Weston Gymnasium, New York City Wrestling is putting on it's first show of 2010. There is a lot of buzz around this event as all three titles are on the line, plus we have no less than four wrestlers making their NYCW debuts and two that are making their return to try and regain their glory!


Tonight, I am here to give you the rundown of the card and some exclusive, behind the scenes interviews and news that could affect the outcome of some of the matches. There is a lot to get to, so let's get started!


In our opening match of the night, we have a mainstay in New York City Wrestling taking on one of the newcomers in a singles match....The New York Doll will take on one time SWF top prospect, Gregg "Rayne Man" Rayne. The Doll is riding a bit of a hot streak as of late, he has scored wins over Animal Harker, Dazzling Dave Diamond and even the Tri-State Regional Champion, Sammy The Shark. The Doll definitely welcomes the challenge of Gregg Rayne, in fact he said to me that Rayne couldn't cut it in that cesspool up north, so why does he think that he can cut it here in NYCW? Well Doll, I think you may be in a little over your head...Rayne is a very talented wrestler and in my opinion, he will eventually be a player in the Empire Championship picture....so as you probably guessed, I am taking Rayne over The New York Doll.


In our second match, and the first of three championship matches, we will see a couple familiar faces to anyone that has been following the NYCW for a while, and of course I am talking about the team of Wiley Steinway and Coyote Dynamite, better known as Wiley Coyote. They get a shot at the NYCW Tag Team Titles in a three way dance against the current Champs, The Ring Generals and the former champs, the Old School Principals.


I had a chance to speak to the veterans last night, and here is what they had to say...."


Steinway - "Wiley Coyote are back in New York and it feels oh so good.....you see, me and my partner have been sitting on the sidelines for a little while now watching posers like Sammy The Shark, Roger Cage, Rick Sanders, The Masked Mauler, Dean Waldorf and Marv Statler wear those gold belts around their waists....well it's time that someone brings those belts back to where they once were...on top of the wrestling world."


Dynamite - "You see Generals and Principals....it's nothing personal, at least not in my eyes...it's just that your generation of wrestlers don't understand what it means to be champions. You don't have what it takes to bring class to those belts...and someone in management sees what I mean, otherwise we would not be here to get those belts back and make Wiley Coyote the FIVE time World Tag Team Champions...."


Steinway - "You can take THAT to the bank.....oh, and Roger Cage.....too bad you are tucking your tail between your legs and running to the Golden Palace....remember my friend...things are usually not greener on the other side of the fence...but you did save yourself one thing...."


Dynamite - "A beating from the greatest tag team in the history of NYCW.....see you at Rush Hour boys....and Generals....polish up those belts nice and shiny for us."


Rock - "Sounds like the former champions are focused and looking to seal their legacy. I still think that they have been out of the game too long and the way the Ring Generals are working together....they will be a hard team to beat. And don't count out the Old School Principals. This should be a good match....but I like the Ring Generals to retain their titles.


Rumors were flying around the internet that Roger Cage was spotted at the offices of the SWF....well, as we all suspected...Roger has indeed signed with the SWF and this match at Rush Hour, will be his last in NYCW. In what is being billed as Roger Cage's Farewell Match, he has the dubious honor of taking on another newcomer to the company....someone that comes from a very famous and legacy rich family.....none other than Matthew Keith.


Now Keith comes in with his sights already set on some gold....he had this to say...."


Keith - "All pleasantries aside....Matthew Keith has come to NYCW to show to the world, and especially my father, that the Keiths are still the top family in pro wrestling. Now I know that I have yet to set foot in a NYCW ring, but with a name like Keith comes certain perks that lesser men will never understand. My father taught me to never look ahead, so I know I have a match with Roger Cage this Saturday night...that's well and good, but you see...quitters never win...and that is exactly what you are Cage....a quitter. Taking the money to go up north and run away from real talented men, like myself. So after I dispose of you and show the Evil Empire that they made a grave mistake signing you....I have one person in my sights.....Sammy The Shark...what are you, some kind of fish? Or some low life scumbag poker player? How you got your grubby paws on the Tri-State Regional Title can be summed up with just one word.....FLUKE! You may have held that belt for a few months now, but don't get too comfortable. If you manage to keep your belt after Rush Hour, be warned...Matthew Keith is coming....coming to take what belongs to someone like me....a real champion."


Rock - "Matthew Keith has some pretty confident words for someone that is just now getting here, but he does have a point. He has been successful in other companies, but Roger Cage is not any other wrestler. I think we will see Cage come out on top in his final match in NYCW. And even if Keith does get by Cage and builds some momentum, will it be enough to get his shot at the Tri-State Regional Title?


And speaking of the Tri-State Title, will Sammy The Shark be able to overcome not one...but two challengers? In our second title match of the night, Sammy will put his title on the line in a triple threat match against the man he defeated back in October for the belt, Dazzling Dave Diamond and another wrestling family legacy, newly signed Cameron Vessey. Vessey is the son of our very own Larry Vessey and does come from a great background, but is he ready to take that next step? All I know is the last time that Sammy and Diamond met, it was a very physical match, and it took everything plus the kitchen sink, for Sammy to earn the gold. Now, this match is a tough one to pick, especially when Sammy has to be feeling the pressure of having a target on his back...so if you had to make me choose, I think we will see a new champion, but the question is...can Diamond regain the belt, or will the Vessey name be enough to propel Cameron to the victory....my prediction, Dazzling Dave Diamond regains the belt.


If you ask me, the top prize in pro wrestling is the Empire Championship! In our fifth match of the night, we are going to determine who the #1 contender for the Empire Championship is. Now, in a twist, we know who three of the four men competing in the match are, so I can only speak for the ones that we know. First we have the self proclaimed "most honest man in professional wrestling", Honest Frank. Frank brings a resume of gold to the table, he has held many different singles titles and he wants to add the Empire Title to that list. He had this to say:


Frank - "Hello New York!! It is I, the most HONEST man in professional wrestling! At Rush Hour, I finally get the opportunity to earn...I mean, take what is rightfully mine...and that is the number one contender to the Empire Championship! People have been calling me all week, coming up to me in the street asking me how I feel about being in this four corners match...well the answer is simple....I am confident that I will get the victory and face whoever the champion is at Gang Wars....Oh, and no need to worry, I don't have anyhing up my sleeve....and THAT is the HONEST truth!


Rock - "Honest Frank will be taking on a couple NYCW veterans in Lee Wright and in my opinion the real favorite in this match, Steve Flash. Now the fourth man is still a mystery, but i have been told that he is a former two time champion himself, and definitely a force to be reckoned with.


And finally, our Main Event will pit a couple of old rivals against each other.....the current Empire Champion, Black Hat Bailey, will put his title on the line against the Star Spangled Man, Whistler! Now these two men have had some legendary battles in the past....in fact, one was so brutal that Bailey was out of action for three and a half months. Black Hat has enlisted the help of Carl Batch to be his personal trainer and assistant, but we all know that he needs someone to watch his back and make sure that he hangs onto that belt. My heart wants to see Whistler hoist that title belt over his head at the end of the evening, but my gut is telling me that Bailey will retain and face Steve Flash at Gang Wars.


So there you have it folks.....we are surely in for a great night of action....and I am told that there could be a surprise match for those in attendance, but if you have not gotten your tickets for the show by now, I am sorry but it is sold out! So, for everyone here at New York City Wrestling, I am Rock Downpour....good night everyone, see you at Rush Hour!!!"

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NYCW Rush Hour 2010




NYCW Rush Hour 2010

Live to DVD - The Weston Gymnasium

January 9th, 2010

Attendance - 300 (SOLD OUT)





* The DVD opens up with some brand new theme music (Disturbed - "The Animal") and we go to Rock Downpour and Herb Staley sitting at the announce table.*

Rock - "Good evening and welcome NYCW fans!! The night has finally arrived, Rush Hour is here and boy do we have a great card in store for you tonight! I am Rock Downpour and this ray of sunshine to my left is Herb Stately"


Herb - "Thank you Rock, but I am sure that even these morons watching know greatness when they see it....and I am great."


Rock - "Ok Herb, there is no need to insult our fans."


Herb - "Whatever Rock, just get to down to business before you embarrass yourself even more."


Rock - "Anyway, we have had a lot of changes to the landscape here in NYCW. First, we have a new man in charge of things and he promises things will be shaken up around here. And second, we have a lot of new talent making their debuts tonight as well as someone making their last appearance here in NYCW."


Herb - "Right for once Rock, the new boss and I have had a nice chat about things and yes, things will be changing around here....hopefully one of them will be to my right."


Rock - "What is with you....oh never mind....tonight on the card we have ALL THREE TITLES on the line. First, The Ring Generals will be defending the Tag Titles against not one, but two teams! They will face the Old School Principals and a returning duo, Wiley Coyote."


Herb - "The Generals got lucky a few months back when they won the titles from the Old School Principals, so you know Sanders and Mauler are out for blood...but the former FOUR time Tag Champs are back! The Generals don't stand a chance."


Rock - "OK, well we also have the Tri-State Regional up for grabs as Sammy The Shark will defend against the man he beat for the belt, Dazzling Dave Diamond and one of the new faces here in NYCW, Cameron Vessey."


Herb - "Finally the legend Larry Vessey got his son over here and if I were a betting man....I wouldn't put money on the Shark."


Rock - "And finally the Empire Title will be on the line as Black Hat Bailey defends against Whistler."


Herb - "Whistler is too old to be in the ring with Bailey...the champ retains his belt."


Rock - "We also will find out who the #1 contender will be to the Empire Title as Honest Frank, Steve Flash, Lee Wright and a mystery man square off in a Four Way Dance to determine who will get a shot in 2 months at Gang Wars."


Herb - "Not that it matters, but there is only one man that deserves that shot..and to be HONEST, three of them don't have what it takes....HONESTly."


Rock - "Ok...and finally we will say farewell to Roger Cage as he will face another new face, Matthew Keith."


Herb - "Good bye and good riddance Roger...don't let the door hit you where the sun don't shine."


Rock - "Looks like we are ready to get things going, so sit back....grab a cold one...and get ready for some great wrestling action!"


Segment Rtg = E+


Dark Match

Land Mass vs Thomas Morgan

*This is Morgan's "try out" match**


In an extremely poor match, Land Mass defeated Thomas Morgan in 6:53 by pinfall with a Jelly Belly Suplex.


Segment Rtg = E+


**Backstage with Dazzling Dave Diamond**


Triple-D - "Cameron Vessey....welcome...welcome to NYCW. I know you could care less what someone like me thinks, I mean...you are the son of a man that I respect and look up to like a father. It's just too bad you are nothing more than a giant ASSHOLE! I heard how you think you are going to come in here take what you want...well tonight, you get to be in the ring with not only Dazzling Dave Diamond...but the Tri-State Regional champ...Sammy The Shark. Now Sammy, you beat me fair and square for that belt, but you remember how you felt the next day? You told me you couldn't get out of bed for 2 full days! Well, hope you stocked up on some DVDs, because it will be like you went back in time and relived that day...except...you will be missing that gold that sits around you waist....oh and Cameron...you may want to sit back and take notes."


Segment Rtg = E


Rush Hour 2010 Begins


Match #1

Gregg Rayne vs The New York Doll


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Gregg Rayne defeated The New York Doll in 7:52 by submission with a Rayne Fall.


Segment Rtg = D-


**The lights dim and Roger Cage's theme (Jay-Z - 'Empire State of Mind') blares out of the loudspeakers. The Fans all get to their feet and rush the railing to slap Roger's hand. Roger grabs a mic and is about ready to speak, but is interrupted by "Please Don't Go" chats from the crowd.**

Cage - "Thank you Newark....THANK YOU for that tremendous welcome. But you all know that there comes a time in every man's life when he has to take that next step.....and well, that time has come for me."


** The chants get louder **


Cage - "But I do have ONE more match here in NYCW.....and that match is against a man who is right about only one thing....he comes from a great wrestling family....but....Matthew Keith....yes, you have the Keith blood running through your veins...but you aren't facing just anyone tonight....you are facing MR NEW YORK CITY WRESTLING himself, and I am sure as hell NOT going down on my last night here! So, like I always say....talk is cheap, tonight....we do it for real!"


** Cage drops the mic and leave the ring with Empire State of Mind playing again and the crowd chanting and cheering for him **


Segment Rtg = D+


Match #2 - Tag Team Championship Match

Wiley Coyote vs © The Ring Generals vs Old School Principals


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, The Ring Generals defeated Wiley Coyote and Old School Principals in 12:30; the order of elimination was Wiley Coyote first, and finally Old School Principals. WINNERS and STILL NYCW Tag Team Champs - The Ring Generals.


Segment Rtg = D


** Backstage we see Carl Batch and Black Hat Bailey **


Batch - "Champ! Tonight, you get in the ring with a man who you have a long history. Someone that knows you inside and out....someone who put you on the shelf for a few months a couple of years ago. WHISTLER! In the past, you might have had things on a level playing field...well this time...the champ has something he didn't have before.....ME!"


Segment Rtg = D+


** Matthew Keith is standing backstage **

Keith - "Roger Cage....bravo...bravo....you really have these idiots here in attendance thinking you actually care about them. You are I are a lot a like....yeah...you put yourself ahead of everyone. Case in point....where is Nicki? She was tossed aside by the company because you decided to leave and head up North. Are you going to take her with you? I highly doubt that! See Roger....my dad taught me the inner workings of this business....if you don't take what you want, or in my case deserve...you will be tossed aside like that dirty whore Nicki. I sincerely hope you bring your "A" game tonight...because when I am done with you, The Evil Empire will know who they should have gone after....see you in the ring...bitch!"


Segment Rtg = D-



Match #3

Roger Cage vs Matthew Keith


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Matthew Keith defeated Roger Cage in 16:22 by submission with a Proton Lock.


Segment Rtg = C-


** Post Match - Roger Cage remains in the ring and says his goodbyes to the fans. The biggest pop of the night came when The Stomper came down to the ring and the two men embraced and played to the crowd. **


Segment Rtg = D+


** In the locker room, Cameron Vessey is sitting in front of his locker **


Cam Vessey - "Sammy The Shark and Dazzling Dave Diamond....what the hell is it with this place? Can't people use just their name? Why do you have to be a Shark or Dazzling? You two should form your own Boy Band and name it Fruity Pebbles! You see boys, I am no stranger to winning titles....I know what it takes to be a champion. My Father has been one, and of course my Uncle has been on top. So Sammy and Dave....you will find out tonight, why it is better to be a Second Generation wrestler....oh and Dad....I am not 10 anymore, threats don't work on me....I will play any way I choose....you know what they say...if you ain't cheating, you're not trying."


Segment Rtg = E+



Match #4 - Tri-State Regional Championship Match

Dazzling Dave Diamond vs Cameron Vessey vs © Sammy The Shark


In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, Sammy The Shark defeated Cameron Vessey and Dazzling Dave Diamond in 15:05 when Sammy The Shark defeated Cameron Vessey by pin fall with an Ace In The Hole. During the end of the match, Matthew Keith ran in and attacked Sammy, but was fought off by Dazzling Dave Diamond. WINNER and STILL Tri-State Regional Champion - Sammy The Shark


Segment Rtg = D+


** Post Match: Matthew Keith eventually gets the upper hand on Dazzling Dave Diamond by laying him out with a couple of well placed chair shots. This allows him to get back into the ring and knock Sammy down and Keith and Vessey continue the beating. The crowd erupts when Back in Black blares and out runs Larry Vessey, clearing the ring of his son and Keith. Larry and Cameron have some words back and forth, as Larry helps Sammy to his feet...but out of nowhere, crushes Sammy with the Tri-State Title belt, then tosses the belt on the ground as Keith and Cameron enter the ring and continue the beating. Eventually Larry and Cameron embrace and all three men leave together **


Segment Rtg =E


**Backstage with Honest Frank**


Frank - "Hello New York!!! It is I....the most HONEST man in pro wrestling today. You see, tonight I have a chance to become the #1 contender for the Empire Title. Now, I know that I have to get past one of the great tag team wrestlers of all time in Lee Wright....and I have to face a man who I think should be dubbed the most overrated man in the business....Steve Flash....but it's that 4th guy in this match that has me puzzled. But being as HONEST as I am, I will have to say I don't care if it was the man upstairs himself....Honest Frank is going to win this match and prove that I am more than just another pretty face....of and Steve Flash....get a haircut you hippie!"


Segment Rtg =D


Match #5 - #1 Contender's Match

Lee Wright vs Steve Flash vs Honest Frank vs ?????


Lee Wright enters the ring first, followed by Honest Frank and finally Steve Flash. Everyone is waiting to see who the final man is in this match...suddenly Saliva's 'Superstar' blares and out comes Steven Parker!


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Steve Flash defeated Honest Frank, Lee Wright and Steven Parker in 16:02 when Steve Flash defeated Honest Frank by pin fall with a Flash Bang to become the #1 Contender for the Empire Title.


Segment Rtg =D


** In the locker room, Whistler is getting ready for his title match **


Whistler - "Black Hat Bailey....I always knew you were a coward, but even for you, this is a new low. Carl Batch....how are you my friend. You see, Whistler doesn't need anyone to help him win....I am good enough to handle my business on my own. But you gentlemen do what you have to do...just remember that I am coming for that belt, and I have no problem slapping the Rebel Yell on a manager....see you soon."


Segment Rtg = D+


Match #6 - Empire Championship Match

© Black Hat Bailey w/Carl Batch vs Whistler


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Black Hat Bailey defeated Whistler in 15:54 by submission with a Bailey Breaker after a distraction from Carl Batch. WINNER and STILL Empire Champion - Black Hat Bailey.


Segment Rtg = C-


**The fans emptied the arena slowly, still buzzing about what had happened tonight and the new style that the company is using. The general consensus was that things are going to get better, but they were still a little rough around the edges.**


Overall Show Rtg = D

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Post Rush Hour


It's been a busy week following Rush Hour, the media has given us a lot of praise for the show, the wrestlers are happy with how well Rush Hour went and are really getting behind the new signings. It seems all I have been doing is making and answering calls, but it has been a real productive week.


STOMPER - "Nice job on the show Mike, keeping the belts on the same guys was a bit surprising, I would've put money on one changing hands...but I like the feuds that are developing. Oh, and I really liked the way you handled Roger's departure was classy. And turning Larry heel! Loved it!"


ME - "Thanks boss, Larry actually came to me and requested that he be able to work with Cameron instead of my original plan of having them battle with each other. It turned out better than I thought....I just hope the next show will live up to the hype we created. There are a few things I wanted to talk with you about today."


STOMPER - "Ok, fire away."


ME - "First, I know you have been used to having only monthly shows, while that is great for keeping expenses down and allows our wrestlers pick up other shows and give them more free time. Well I have been thinking about running a very small show on the last night of each month. It would be no more then an hour and it could really help when we start to hold shows outside the Tri-State region....and also help us build some story lines and showcase some of our younger, lesser known wrestlers."


STOMPER - "Hmmm...I dunno....but I guess I hired you for a reason and you never know til you take that chance. How about we try it for 5 or 6 months and see if it draws and then revisit it. Oh, by the way, what will you call it?"


ME - "I was thinking of calling it NYCW Wrestling Showcase. It will be a 1 hour event that we put on on nights the venue is having a concert or some other event....we can piggyback on that."


STOMPER - "Ok, so are we going to hold one this month?"


ME - "Yes, I already booked The Weston Gymnasium...they have a Battle of the Bands scheduled at 9pm, so if we go on at 7:30 we can have the ring down by the time they start."


STOMPER - "Ok kid...I guess I need to get with the times a little. well, I gotta run...the Mrs is waiting. Keep up the good work...see you tomorrow.

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Wrestling Showcase 1


Friday: February 5th, 2010 @ The Weston Gymnasium

Newark, New Jersey

Doors Open @7pm EST

Bell Time @7:30pm EST

*Your ticket will get you entry to Weston High School's Battle of the Bands 2010


The Card

http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd99/chuck_jaywalk/The%20Blueprint/AnimalHarker.jpg http://i570.photobucket.com/albums/ss149/rayelek/PSW%20Diary/VS.jpg http://i596.photobucket.com/albums/tt45/Showtimet_s/Dynasty%20Pics/CameronVessey_alt.jpg

Animal Harker vs Cameron Vessey


http://i118.photobucket.com/albums/o109/hrdcoresidebrns/SCCW/MarvStatler.jpg http://i570.photobucket.com/albums/ss149/rayelek/PSW%20Diary/VS.jpg http://i801.photobucket.com/albums/yy295/SWF_Fan/TCW%20In-Ring/StevenParker.jpg

Marv Statler vs Steven Parker



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/RickSanders.jpghttp://i757.photobucket.com/albums/xx212/Cverse_Rerender/ewanite/TheMaskedMauler.jpghttp://i570.photobucket.com/albums/ss149/rayelek/PSW%20Diary/VS.jpg http://i190.photobucket.com/albums/z119/vaguelymarkish/SteveFlash.jpghttp://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j231/bsumystic/Whistler.jpg

Old School Principals vs Steve Flash & Whistler



http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/HonestFrank.jpg http://i570.photobucket.com/albums/ss149/rayelek/PSW%20Diary/VS.jpg http://i223.photobucket.com/albums/dd99/chuck_jaywalk/swf/GregRayne.jpg

Honest Frank vs Gregg Rayne



*Black Hat Bailey will be on hand and has a challenge for Steve Flash


Quick Card

Animal Harker vs Cameron Vessey

Marv Statler vs Steven Parker

Old School Principals vs Steve Flash & Whistler

Honest Frank vs Gregg Rayne

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Wrestling Showcase 1




NYCW Wrestling Showcase 1

Live - The Weston Gymnasium

February 5th, 2010

Attendance - 300 (SOLD OUT)

Pre Show


http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/RockDownpour.jpg http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x32/Kidbrit/TEW/HerbStately.jpg

*Rock and Herb sitting ringside*


Rock - "Hello everyone and welcome to the FIRST EVER Wrestling Showcase, I am Rock Downpour and as usual I am joined by my announce partner...Herb Staley"


Herb - "Rock, I have told you before...NEVER say the words Rock Downpour, Herb Staley and partner in the same sentence...if anything you are here to learn from a master like myself."


Rock - "Whatever, you and I are a team...nevermind...we have work to do. Tonight, we bring you the first of hopefully many Wrestling Showcase's, LIVE from The Weston Gymnasium..."


Herb - "Yes...we return to the toxic dump of Newark, New Jersey and the scene of Rush Hour....maybe if they fired you, they could afford to send us to a better venue."


Rock - "Are you done?"


Herb - "No, I can go on all night....."


Rock - "Don't, for everyone here in attendance...don't!"


Herb - "Will you just get to it...you know, do your job!"


Rock - "Grrrrr....well NYCW fans, tonight we will hear some of the fallout from Rush Hour, and we have some great in ring action...first, Cameron Vessey will take on a fan favorite, Animal Harker."


Herb - "Holy crap....you mean that moron with the green go-tee is a wrestler? I thought he was someone's slow nephew."


Rock - "You're horrible....anyway, our 2nd match will pit one half of the tag team champs in a singles match against a very dangerous man, newcomer Steven Parker. We also have a tag match, as the Old School Principals will take on the team of Whistler and Steve Flash."


Herb - "Steve Flash better watch his back, I hear Black Hat Bailey is coming for him after Flash won the #1 contender match at Rush Hour...and Bailey is not a man I would want to be on his bad side."


Rock - "Right you are Herb..."


Herb - "....don't act so surprised, I usually am..."


Rock - "...speaking of the Empire Champ, he will be on hand to make a challenge to Steve Flash....wonder what it could be? And finally, our main event will see Gregg Rayne taking on Honest Frank."


Herb - "Rayne bit off more than he could chew here....Frank is a force to be reckoned with here in NYCW...not to mention the most honest man in the sport..."


Rock - "Well there you have it, I am sure we will hear from some of the competitors about Rush Hour....let's get to the ring for some bonus action!"


Dark Match #1


Matthew Keith vs Island Boy Apollo


*Island Boy Apollo's tryout match*


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Matthew Keith defeated Island Boy Apollo in 5:45 by submission with a Proton Lock.


Segment Rtg = D



**Backstage with Lee Wright**


Wright - "Ring Generals....I have been around for a while now and have been watching you....the way you represent our company as the tag team champions....I have only one word to describe it...DISGRACE!!! You two punks walk around the back like you own the place....well I am sick of being treated like a second class citizen because I am a veteran....so how about this....you two pukes show up at St Valentine's Day Massacre with those belts, put them on the line against me....now I may or may not find a partner...but you will have to wait til then to see...ta ta boys"


Segment Rtg = D


Dark Match #2


Wiley Coyote vs Mario Heroic & Dazzling Dave Diamond


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Dazzling Dave Diamond and Mario Heroic defeated Wiley Coyote in 8:59 when Dazzling Dave Diamond defeated Wiley Steinway by pinfall with a Dazzle Driver.
Segment Rtg = D+



Wrestling Showcase 1 Begins!!


**The pyro pops and the ring announcer welcomes everyone to Wrestling Showcase! 'Love-Hate-Sex-Pain' by Godsmack begins to play and out comes Gregg Rayne, slapping hands with the crowd as he makes his way down to the ring. He calls for a microphone....




Rayne - "Thank you Newark for that welcome! I have been all over the world, but so far this hands down is the best group of fans I have had the pleasure of competing in front of. But I did not come out here to waste your time by telling you how great you are...no, you already know that...I came out here to address.....


**Rayne is cut short by 'Another One Bites the Dust' by Queen, and here comes Honest Frank**




Frank - "Woah woah woah....hang on there sport. Who the hell do you think you are?"


Rayne - "My name is...."


Frank - "....shhhh....that was not an invitation to talk. I know who you are, you are just another never will be that couldn't cut it on the big stage, so you came here to NYCW to try and make a name for yourself.....look, I get it....you want to make yourself feel better and come here and beat up little boys...."


Rayne - "...you sure have a big mouth...so how about this for an idea...why don't you get your gear on and face me later on tonight, and we will see who the little boy is...unless that is, you're too scared that this wash out can't hack it against someone like you."


Frank - "Honestly....that is a pretty good idea....see you later kiddo."


Segment Rtg = D


Match #1


Animal Harker vs Cameron Vessey


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Cameron Vessey defeated Animal Harker in 6:16 by pinfall with a Vessey Driver.
Segment Rtg = E+



**Post Match - Cameron Vessey grabs a microphone**

Vessey - "Ok, I have had about enough of this crap...Dazzling Dave, The Shark and now Animal Harker! Enough with the stupid names!!! But that is not why I am here....Sammy The Shark...you escaped with your belt at Rush Hour because we let you. We had a point to prove...and I hope we made it. So I had an idea....at St Valentine's Day Massacre....get yourself a partner and we can have a little tag match....and to spice it up, if we win...I mean, when we win....Matthew Keith and I get a shot at the Tri-State Regional Belt in a three way match at Gang Wars....but if we lose, then we will forfeit any title shot for 1 year. It's your call Sammy...but if you refuse...then you will wish you were never born....do the right thing Sammy....do the right thing."


Segment Rtg = E


Match #2


Marv Statler vs Steven Parker

In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Steven Parker defeated Marv Statler in 9:43 by pinfall with a Future Shock.
Segment Rtg = C-



*Backstage with Matthew Keith*


Keith - "Sammy The Shark....like Cam said earlier...you escaped with that belt because we let you....but next time you get in the ring with me, Larry or Cam...the outcome will be much different...I promise you that. You see Sammy, some of us are just better than most of the wrestlers...and it's not about skill...no....well, we have plenty of skill....but we have something your inbred ass doesn't....and that is...genetics. Some of us were born into the business and we have certain rights, and one of those rights is to get a title shot when we please. Now, Cam made a challenge to you and whoever is stupid enough to team with you at Valentine's Day Massacre. I will take this one step further....if we lose....I will be your tag team partner for the Tri-State Tag Wars....so not only will you be left alone by the Second Generation Superstars, but you will gain an advantage in the tag team tournament....think on it Sammy...but not too long."


Segment Rtg = D-



**Marvelous Me begins to play and the Empire Champ comes out to the ring**

Bailey - "I am not a man to beat around the bush, so let me get straight to the point...Steve Flash...congrats on winning your match at Rush Hour and becoming the next in line to face me. You and I go way back...we have had some epic battles all over the world...but never one as important as this one....no sir. You see, I am not going to be around forever, but the one thing I have planned is to retire with this belt around my waist. Now, I am not saying that I am hanging the boots up...not yet....so since I am putting something dear to me up for grabs at St. Valentine's Day Massacre....why don't you do the same.....your career! If I win, you leave NYCW....if you win, you get my title....the choice is yours my friend....I don't expect you to accept since you are gutless...but by the chance you do...it's been nice knowing you."


Segment Rtg = D+


Match #3


Old School Principals vs Steve Flash & Whistler


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Whistler and Steve Flash defeated Old School Principals in 9:51 when Steve Flash defeated The Masked Mauler by pinfall with a Flash Bang following botched interference by Carl Batch.
Segment Rtg = C-



**Post Match - Steve Flash grabs a microphone**


Flash - "Carl Batch....nice try...sneaking up on someone else during a match is real classy. So Black Hat....you want to make my title match a Title vs Career match? Yes, it is true, you and I have a history that goes back a long time...and we have had some battles around the world. But the one thing I would love more that beating the crap out of you, is taking that belt from you...and if you think that by asking me to put my career on the line is going to scare me off....you're wrong....so my answer is.....YES! Oh and one more thing....if your little handler gets involved....then not only will he have to leave the company...but that belt of yours....still comes over to me. Be the man you say you are Black Hat....I dare you!"

Segment Rtg = D-



**Backstage with Gregg Rayne**


Rayne - "Honest Frank....you think by coming out and interrupting me is proving a point? You act like we have never crossed paths before....well, let me remind you.....Memphis, Tennessee....The Rayne Man vs Frankie Future....one of us had to be taken from the ring on a stretcher....and, well....I....walked out on my own power. So Frank....we'll see who can't hack it."


Segment Rtg = D


Match #4


Honest Frank vs Gregg Rayne


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Honest Frank defeated Gregg Rayne in 12:01 by pinfall by using the ropes for leverage.
Segment Rtg = C-


**Honest Frank rolls from the ring as Rayne pleads his case with Michael Bull. Frank points to his head as Rayne challenges him to get back in the ring....I don't think we've seen the last of these two in the squared circle.


Overall Show Rtg = D+

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