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Great Lakes Tag Wars Preliminary - Round 1


Friday: June 27th, 1997 @ Ohio Jewish Center

14270 Cedar Rd; Cleveland, Ohio

Doors Open @6:00pm EST

Bell Time @7:00pm EST



The Card



Richard Blood & Rolling Johnny Stones vs The Young Masters



The McWade Brothers vs Chronic Future



Wiley Coyote vs Larry Wood & Brent Hill




Whistler & The Hype vs Mammoth & Land Mass




Quick Card

Richard Blood & Rolling Johnny Stones vs The Young Masters


The McWade Brothers vs Chronic Future


Wiley Coyote vs Larry Wood & Brent Hill


Whistler & The Hype vs Land Mass & Mammoth

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Great Lakes Tag Wars '97 News & Notes

The Preliminary Rounds begin tonight as Eight of the Sixteen Team field will square off to help management determine seeds in the double elimination tournament.


Billy Jack Shearer has announced his intention to enter the tournament, but he has not revealed who his partner will be, all he will say is that it is someone from his past and he has all the confidence in the world that this man will help them go far in the tournament, if not win it.


Rick Sanders has also announced that he will participate in the tag team tournament and that his partner could make an appearance with him at the first Preliminary show tonight. We do know this much, his partner is not currently on the NWA Roster.


Great Lakes Champion, Jimmy Cox and Nathan Coleman have struck up a friendship that has led them to throwing their hats in the ring. Coleman said "You can never underestimate the importance of having a current champion on your side in these type of situations. I think we have a great shot at winning."


The addition of these three teams now has the field at twelve, who will the final four teams be? Our Tag Wars Preview Show is only two weeks away!

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Great Lakes Tag Wars Preliminary - Round 1


The Ohio Jewish Center

June 27th, 1997

Attendance - 192


*Pre Show*

-A video montage is played of different parts of the city of Cleveland and clips from the action at Rise of Champions set to

The video ends and the camera pans around the Ohio Jewish Center and then stops on our announce team, Rock Downpour and Shane Vandross...




Rock and Shane welcome everyone to the show and explain what the Great Lakes Tag Wars are. They run down the card and go over the 12 known teams that have entered the tournament. "We also know that despite having locked up the #1 seed, the Tag Team Champions, Soldiers of Fortune, are in the building and will speak later on tonight...." (Rtg=37)


'Come Out and Play' interrupts Rock and Shane and from behind the curtain comes Brent Hill and Larry Wood....




"Now now, just relax Rocky....Larry and I are not out here for your sorry ass, we came out to chat a little about our opponents tonight....Wiley Coyote. Let me first welcome you to the NWA...we have nothing but respect for you guys, I mean you have traveled all over the Tri-State area, sleeping with anything with a warm, wet hole...and judging by the smell of you two, it did not necessarily have to be human. So let me be the first to apologize that your first experience here will be such a painful one....oh and Rocky....don't think I have not heard the things you say about me.". Hill turns and slaps Rock across the face, laughs and walks to the back with Wood. (Rtg=48)




The Show Begins

Show opens with 'Thunderstruck' playing and first come Richard Blood and Rolling Johnny Stones, playing to the crowd. The music fades out and the lights dim and 'Big Shot' begins to play and Flex and The Natural come out to a chorus of boos and insults. The Young Masters make their way down to the ring and grab a mic. "Boo all you want, but you morons know you are looking at the next NWA Tag Team Champs!"


Match #1


Richard Blood & Rolling Johnny Stones vs The Young Masters


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, The Young Masters defeated Rolling Johnny Stones and Richard Blood in 7:31 when The Natural defeated Rolling Johnny Stones by pinfall with a Nature Calls. WINNERS - The Young Masters (Rtg=49)
"The Natural is well in control of this match...and there it is, Nature Calls..the cover...1,2,3...and The Young Masters get the win and these two men are on a roll heading into the Tag Wars....wait, what is Flex doing....awe no...not this again...someone stop these cocky bastards.".


Flex grabs a table and tosses it into the ring, The Natural sets it up while Flex grabs another one....Flex grabs Johnny Stones and The Natural grabs Richard Blood and both men are put through the tables. The Naturals are making the belt motion around their waists....sending a message to the Soldiers of Fortune. (Rtg=32)


*Backstage with Chronic Future



Poison and Giedroyc talk about their upcoming match with The McWade Brothers. "The McWade Brother may have only been wrestling as long as we have, but they have accomplished a lot. We know we have a huge challenge in front of us, but anyone that knows us knows that we never back down from a challenge. Win or lose, know this...we will always give 100% and we have a lot to prove!"(Rtg=39)


Match #2



The McWade Brothers vs Chronic Future


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Chronic Future defeated The McWade Brothers in 10:53 when Joey Poison defeated Dallas McWade by pinfall with an Antidote Web following interference from The Peak Brothers (Doug & Eddie). WINNERS - Chronic Future (Rtg=57).

"Dean McWade tags in his brother, Dallas...these McWade Brothers are working very well together....Dallas tosses Poison into the ropes and his a big boot....wait a minute....is that Doug Peak?!?! What the hell is he doing?" Doug Peak jumps the guardrail and pulls Dean McWade down to the floor and begins assaulting him ..referee Jay Flair is trying to break it up when Eddie Peak hits the ring and nails the Donte's Peak (Diamond Cutter) on Dallas McWade and rolls out for the ring. "Poison doesn't know what to do....Dallas staggers to his feet...ANTIDOTE WEB! The cover...1...2...3...Oh my god! Chronic Future pulls off the major upset!"


Chronic Future leaves the ring as The Peak Brothers climb back into the ring and just destroy both McWade Brothers. (Rtg=54)


*In Ring with Soldiers of Fortune


The Soldiers Of Fortune are in the ring with microphones. They claim that they are so good that they cannot be defeated by anyone, and so that is they they made an open challenge for any team on or off the roster to face them in a tag team match for the Tag Titles. "But since The Young Masters want to go around here and act like they can do whatever they want, whenever they want...we will gladly accept their challenge for our belts at Summer Bash...but we will sweeten the pot....if by some miracle you boys happen to meet us in the Tag Wars....why should we wait...we will put them on the line right then and there. So good luck boys, you'll need it!" (Rtg=33)


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Larry Wood and Brent Hill defeated Wiley Coyote in 11:33 when Brent Hill defeated Wiley Steinway by pinfall with a King Of The Hill. WINNERS - Larry Wood & Brent Hill (Rtg=53)
"Wiley Coyote has put up a good fight, the veterans really work well together and it shows....Hill back to his feet....KING OF THE HILL!! Out of nowhere! Hill covers..1..2...3....Hill and Wood win. Both teams are going to be a force come the tournament. Let's go backstage with Whistler and The Hype."


*Backstage with Whistler and The Hype



Whistler and The Hype are backstage and talk about their past battles with Larry Wood and Brent Hill. They turn their attention to the tag tournament and their opponents tonight. "Well kid, tonight we have a couple of monsters in the ring....they don't call them Mammoth and Land Mass for nothing."


"Why should we be worried about a couple fat tubs of goo....we are better than they are,,,you know it, I know it, the fans know it and even those pea brains know it...."


"Easy kid, I have faced both these guys before....they are not to be taken lightly..."


"Come on Whistler...stop being so damn P.C...."


The Hype walks off toward the ring leaving Whistler shaking his head and he eventually walks after him. (Rtg=41)


Match #4



Whistler & The Hype vs Mammoth & Land Mass


In a bout that had a good crowd but featured terrible wrestling, Whistler and "The Hype" Todd Cusson defeated Land Mass & Mammoth in 11:20 when Whistler defeated Mammoth by pinfall with a Rebel Yell. WINNERS - Whistler and The Hype (Rtg=39)
Whistler knocks Land Mass off the apron with a forearm shot..."The Hype is still down on the outside after that vicious slam by Mammoth, how he was able to make the tag to Whistler is beyond me....Whistler has completely taken control....REBEL YELL!!! The cover..1...2...3...and that's all she wrote! Whistler and The Hype with a big win over a couple of big men....well that is all for tonight...thanks for tuning in and we'll see you at the next preliminary show in a week...good night everyone!"


*The music starts playing and the lights turned on, the fans trickled out of the Ohio Jewish Center, stopping to get some merchandise along the way*

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Great Lakes Tag Wars Preliminary 2


Friday: July 4th, 1997 @ Ohio Jewish Center

14270 Cedar Rd; Cleveland, Ohio

Doors Open @6:00pm EST

Bell Time @7:00pm EST



The Card



Richard Blood & Rolling Johnny Stones vs Wiley Coyote



Land Mass & Mammoth vs Jimmy Cox & Nathan Coleman



The McWade Brothers vs Thomas Morgan & Adam Anderson




Whistler & The Hype vs Chronic Future




Quick Card

Richard Blood & Rolling Johnny Stones vs Wiley Coyote


Land Mass & Mammoth vs Jimmy Cox & Nathan Coleman


The McWade Brothers vs Adam Anderson & Thomas Morgan


Whistler & The Hype vs Chronic Future

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Great Lakes Tag Wars Preliminary 2


The Ohio Jewish Center

July 4th, 1997

Attendance - 300 (SELL OUT!)


*Pre Show*

-A video montage is played of different parts of the city of Cleveland and clips from the action at Tag Wars Preliminary 1 set to

The video ends and the camera pans around the Ohio Jewish Center and then stops on our announce team, Rock Downpour and Shane Vandross...




Rock and Shane are standing outside the Ohio Jewish Center decked out in Red, White and Blue...


"Welcome everyone and Happy Independence Day, this is Rock Downpour and I am joined by my partner, Shane Vandross and welcome to the Great Lake Tag Wars, Preliminary Round 2...live from the Ohio Jewish Center. We have some great action for you tonight as this is our final show before the Tag Wars begin. We hare learned that fifteen of the sixteen teams have signed on the dotted line and are ready for the parings to be announced later this week...but first, we have some business to take care of."


"Right on Rock, tonight we have some interesting match ups...first we have the veteran duo, Wiley Coyote taking on the youngsters, Richard Blood and Rolling Johnny Stones. Next the big men, Land Mass and Mammoth will face the Great Lakes Champion, Jimmy Cox and his partner, Nathan Coleman. The McWade Brothers were brutally attacked last week by The Peak Brothers and it cost them their match against Chronic Future...well, the McWade's will look to take their frustrations out on Adam Anderson and Thomas Morgan, and our Main Event will see the NWA Heavyweight Champ, Whistler and his partner The Hype taking on Chronic Future."


"My big question is what will the McWade's reaction be to what happened at the hands of the Peak's last week, knowing them I can't imagine them taking that lying down.....I have just been told that Billy Jack Shearer is here and will reveal his tag team partner in a tune up bonus match, so let's go to the ring!" (Rtg=31)


Dark Match



Billy Jack Shearer & ??? vs Aaron Hudson & Wolfgang Zimmerman


Back in Black (AC/DC) blares in the arena and Shearer comes out alone, he walks down to the ring and motions for Hudson and Zimmerman to move back. He grabs a mic..."Cut the music! The Tag Wars are in a week, and there are some great teams entered...so I figured it was time for me and my partner to get in a little workout" Shearer points at Hudson and Zimmerman, "And you two bozos were just sitting in the back doing nothing, so why not have you come down here and get an ass kicking...so without any more delay....here is my partner...hit the music!"


begins to play and from behind the curtain comes Lee Wright.



"Oh my god! Lee Wright is here in the NWA! Billy Jack Shearer has enlisted a great tag team wrestler to be his partner...this has to elevate them to one of the early favorites.

In a bout that had solid in-ring action and a decent crowd, Billy Jack Shearer and Lee Wright dominated Wolfgang Zimmerman and Aaron Hudson in 5:50 when Billy Jack Shearer defeated Aaron Hudson by pinfall with a Rhythm and Bruise. WINNERS - Billy Jack Shearer & Lee Wright (Rtg=37)
"Shearer and Wright have just destroyed the young duo of Hudson and Zimmerman...Shearer his the big boot to Hudson...picks him up....RHYTHM AND BRUISE!! The cover..1...2...3....Shearer and Wright win! These two look to be in sync already, clearly they have their sights set on the prize!"




The Show Begins


Show opens with

playing and the McWade Brothers come out both holding steel chairs.




"DOUG AND EDDIE PEAK!!! We always knew you two were cowards, but to attack us during a match is a new low for you sons of bitches! GET YOUR SORRY ASSES OUT HERE!!!"


"Relax bro, we both know they aren't here tonight...but, Dallas is right...you sons of bitches had to attack us from behind, because if you had the balls to do it like men, we would beat your asses back to mommy and daddy. Now, we have asked management and they agree that you two should be in the Tag Wars...so there is a contract waiting for you to sign next week at the opening rounds of the Tag Wars.....all you have to do is show up next week and you are in...that is, if you have the guts..."


"And I hope to god that you boys have the balls to actually show up next week, because if you don't...we will hunt you down until we get our hands on you and tear your asses apart!"


"So please...do everyone a favor....show up....but, I have this feeling you two will puss out because you know that we are the better team....and if you don't believe it....watch our match later tonight and see what will happen to you sons of bitches if we ever get our hands on you." (RTG=42)


Match #1



Richard Blood & Rolling Johnny Stones vs Wiley Coyote


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Wiley Coyote defeated Rolling Johnny Stones and Richard Blood in 7:02 when Coyote Dynamite defeated Richard Blood by pinfall with a Spinebuster. WINNERS - Coyote Dynamite
"Dynamite hits the Spinebuster...he goes for the cover..1...2...3....ring that bell...Wiley Coyote gets an all important victory and is guaranteed a seed in teh top 8."


"I have said this before, these two men know how to work well together, so don't be surprised if they go deep into the tournament....now lets go to the back and hear from Whistler and The Hype..."


*Backstage with Whistler & The Hype



"Last week, Whistler and I showed the world that we are an unstoppable force...we showed that if we put our minds to it, we can accomplish anything....but tonight, we have Chronic Future and all I can say is...WHO THE HELL ARE YOU CHUMPS? Neither of you have enough talent to compete with the franchise of the NWA and the Heavyweight...."


"Woah, slow down there sport....I don't need someone to talk for me...and besides, these two kids are on a roll...both of them can really bring it and I think we will be in store for a tough match."


"Really? Really!? Whistler....I think you are getting soft, or that belt you wear is becoming too big a burden for you to carry."


"Now hold on...who do you think you are talking to? I don't need...."


"...NO! I I don't need you telling me what I can and can't do....I am The Hype! I am the chosen one to lead this company to the next level...not Chronic Future, and certainly not you.....I'll see you out there, that is if you are up to it...pops!" (Rtg=44)

Match #2




Land Mass & Mammoth vs Jimmy Cox & Nathan Coleman


In a match that had an average crowd reaction but featured terrible wrestling, Jimmy Cox and Nathan Coleman defeated Land Mass & Mammoth in 7:36 when Jimmy Cox defeated Mammoth by pinfall with an Immortal Driver. WINNERS - Jimmy Cox & Nathan Coleman (Rtg=41)
"How the hell is Cox going to get the big man up? Oh my god!!! Cox has Mammoth up...IMMORTAL DRIVER!! The cover...one, two, three!!" The fans are chanting "Holy Sh*t!".


"What a great win for Cox and Coleman...I still have no idea how he got the big man up like that....okay...I am being told that Doug Peak is here and he has a response to The McWade Brothers...."


*Somewhere in the arena with Doug Peak



"Dean and Dallas....did we get your attention? From the sounds of it, I think we did. You can call my brother and I cowards, you can say that we are afraid to face you and you can throw out as many hollow threats as you want....it isn't going to change why we attacked you last week. We all need a haven, a sanctuary, a place to hide, a place to escape, a place to dream and hope, a place where the darkness won't seem so frightening. So it is written, so it shall come to pass. But for some the darkness is a relentless enemy that cannot be eluded. And once the darkness senses your fear, once it senses your pain, it is never far behind. We can empathize with you. We can understand your futilely, We can feel your hopelessness. We feel your pain.....you'll be seeing us...sooner rather than later...." (Rtg=51)


Match #3




The McWade Brothers vs Thomas Morgan & Adam Anderson


In a match that had some good action and average heat, The McWade Brothers defeated Adam Anderson and Thomas Morgan in 10:16 when Dean McWade defeated Thomas Morgan by pinfall with a Canadian Lariat. WINNERS - The McWade Brothers (Rtg=55)
"I am still trying to figure out what the hell Dean Peak was trying to say....it's almost like he and his brother have some hidden agenda with the McWade's. Morgan with a nice reversal...he and Adam Anderson are really putting up a fight....OHHH!! Canadian Lariat our of nowhere...the cover..1...2...3....The McWade's are victorious! Wait...look out!!!"


Doug Peak slides into the ring with a steel chair and levels Dallas McWade from behind with the chair. Dean McWade turns and attempts to land a punch, but Peak ducks it and hits Dean McWade in the gut with the end of the chair before landing a blow across his back. Peak give each McWade one more chair shot before he is chased off by security. Peak walks toward the back, pauses at the top of the ramp with the bloody chair in one hand and poses with both arms stretched out. He gives the camera a sinister smile and says "We accept" and walks off. (Rtg=56)


Match #4



Whistler & The Hype vs Chronic Future

Chronic Future enters the ring together, then Whistler comes out alone to 'Born in the USA' looking back as if he has no idea where his partner is. He gets into the ring as the music stops and the referee starts the match....but just as Poison and Whistler are about to lock up, 'Man in the Box' starts playing and The Hype comes down the ringside and climbs onto the apron and claps to the crowd to cheer on Whistler.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, "The Hype" Todd Cusson and Whistler defeated Chronic Future in 11:52 when Whistler defeated Jack Giedroyc by pinfall with a Rebel Yell. WINNERS - Whister & The Hype (Rtg=57)
"The Hype reaches back and smacks Whistler on the back to tag him in...boy Whistler does not look happy as he has been in the ring for 95% of the match...Whistler gets into the ring, picks Giedroyc up off the mat...he is just about out...why didn't The Hype go for the cover? Whistler with a body slam, Giedroyc rolls to the ropes as Whistler and The Hype are jawing back and forth....Whistler turns....REBEL YELL!! The cover...1...2....3....Whistler and The Hype win, but these two men are NOT on the same page....they better get things worked out before next week!"


"Right you are Rock....it almost seems like someone or something has gotten into The Hypes head."


"Well, that will do it for tonight....for Shane Vandross and the rest of the staff....this is Rock Downpour saying goodnight and we will see you at the Tag Wars!!"


*The music starts playing and the lights turned on, the fans trickled out of the Ohio Jewish Center, stopping to get some merchandise along the way*


Overall Show Rtg=52

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Great Lakes Tag Wars '97 Preview


The Inaugural Great Lakes Tag Wars is only 2 days away! Sixteen teams will battle in a three day, double elimination tournament to find out who will be crowned the kings of the Great Lakes! The teams are not only competing for the Tag Wars Championship, but the winners will receive a shot at the NWA Tag Team Titles in October at Collision Course, along with a cash prize of $5,000.


NWA Management has announced that they have received signed contracts from all sixteen teams, including Doug and Eddie Peak (The Peak Brothers), who have brutally attacked Dean and Dallas McWade the past two weeks. Management has used the results from the two Preliminary rounds to help them seed the teams accordingly. We have learned that there are a few surprise entries and that Rick Sanders has not yet revealed who his partner is.


Rumors are flying that the final team to enter consists of an owner of another promotion and his current champion, we are working to find out who this could be, but all we know is they have signed the contract and will participate in the event, but as of right now we will reveal and preview the sixteen teams in order of their seeding in the tournament.


#1 - The Soldiers of Fortune


Chance & Fate - Current NWA Tag Team Champions


*Tag Team Champions*


-Chance and Fate are the current NWA Tag Team Champions, which earned them the top spot in the tournament. They have successfully defended their titles against The Peak Brothers, and defeated two others (Chronic Future and The Young Masters). They are one of the early favorites to win, having the easiest opening opponents.


#2 - Whistler & The Hype



*World Heavyweight Champion*

- Whistler and The Hype formed an alliance at Bragging Rights after both men had their issues with Larry Wood and Brent Hill. They have shown the ability to work well together, but as of late it is looking like they are not on the same page. If these two men can get on the same page, they also are one of the favorites.


#3 - The Young Masters


Flex & The Natural


- Flex and The Natural lost in the Finals for the Tag Titles and have made it their goal to win the belts from whoever holds them. They have been on a nice win streak as of late and have been playing mind games with the champs as of late, goading them into putting the titles on the line at Summer Bash. Look for them to go deep in the tournament.

#4 - Larry Wood & Brent Hill



- Larry Wood and Brent Hill formed this unlikely alliance during Hill's quest to win the NWA Heavyweight Title. Both men have faced Whistler for the belt, and both men came up short. Their shared hatred for both Whistler and The Hype made this team a no brainer. They also have to be considered one of the early favorites.


#5 - Chronic Future


Joey Poison & Jack Giedroyc


- Poison and Giedroyc saw an opportunity to team together and go after the Tag Titles. These two cousins have developed a great chemistry over the past couple months, including an upset victory over The McWade Brothers. These two young men have a bright future, but will need some help to be victorious in the tournament.

#6 - The McWade Brothers


Dean McWade & Dallas McWade


- The McWade Brothers are two time Tag Team Champions in another company and won singles and tag titles over in Japan and Mexico. They said when they heard about this tag team tournament, they wanted to prove that they are indeed the greatest tag team around. How far they go will depend on how they handle their recent issues with The Peak Brothers, if they can stay focused, they can win this.


#7 - Billy Jack Shearer & Lee Wright



- Shearer and Wright announced their partnership before the 2nd Tag Wars Preliminary Rounds in a dark match where they destroyed their opponents. Both men have experience and a lot of success as tag team wrestlers. They are indeed a force to be reckoned with, but will their inexperience as a team hurt them? They are definitely a wild card in the tournament.


#8 - Wiley Coyote


Wiley Steinway & Coyote Dynamite


- The veteran duo has been all over the world and have arguably the most experience of any team in the tournament. Their win at the last Preliminary Round earned them the #8 seed. They have the knowledge and experience to win, but the question is do they have the talent.


#9 - Rick Sanders & ?????



- Sanders is a very talented and accomplished singes wrestler, but he has been saying for the last month and a half that he has found a partner that should make them the favorites to win the tournament. The unknown factor gives them an edge because teams do not know how to prepare for them, but who could this mystery man be?


#10 - Jimmy Cox & Nathan Coleman



*Great Lakes Champion*


- Cox and Coleman are an interesting pairing. The Great Lakes Champion said he saw Coleman wrestle at a local show in Chicago and saw something in him that led him to believe that they could open some eyes in this tournament. Coleman has shown some skill in his short time in the NWA, but can these two work together against more experienced teams?


#11 - The Masked Maulers


Masked Mauler I & Masked Mauler II


- Little is known about either of these men, they could be wrestlers on the current roster or they could be newcomers. The sheer unknown factor makes them a dangerous team.


#12 - Land Mass & Mammoth



- These two giant men combine for over 900lbs of man. Their sheer size is going to be a tough obstacle for their opponents to overcome, but it also is their biggest weakness as smaller, more athletic teams have worn them down as the matches have progressed.


#13 - The Peak Brothers


Doug Peak & Eddie Peak


- The Peak Brothers are hardcore legends in the Tri-State area, and their surprise appearance at Rise of Champions paved the way for them to enter the Tag Wars. Their low seeding is not a sign of their skill and talent, they will definitely make some noise. The question is how will the McWade Brothers react to them officially being in the tournament, an will their sudden interest in the McWades be their downfall.


#14 - Unknown Team



- All we can go on is rumors here. We have heard anywhere from DeColt's to Keith's to even an owner of another promotion. The only thing we can say for certain is that whoever this is, they have a huge advantage by knowing who they are facing, but their opponents do not.


#15 - Adam Anderson & Thomas Morgan



- Anderson and Morgan have barely been in the NWA for a month but both have shown they have a lot of talent. But this being the first time they have worked as a team, it is hard to see them going very far in the tournament.


#16 - Richard Blood & Rolling Johnny Stones



- Blood and Stones are another very new and young team that has talent but has a lot to learn about working together. They have shown glimpses of being a good team, but like Anderson and Morgan, it's very hard to see them make much noise.


Round 1 Matchups

#1 - Soldiers of Fortune vs #16 - Richard Blood & Rolling Johnny Stones

#8 - Wiley Coyote vs #9 - Rick Sanders & ?????

#6 - The McWade Brothers vs #11 - The Masked Maulers

#4 - Larry Wood & Brent Hill vs #12 - Land Mass & Mammoth

#3 - The Young Masters vs #14 - Team Unknown

#5 - Chronic Future vs #13 - The Peak Brothers

#7 - Billy Jack Shearer & Lee Wright vs #10 - Jimmy Cox & Nathan Coleman

#2 - Whistler & The Hype vs #15 - Adam Anderson & Thomas Morgan

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Day 1


Grays Armory

July 11th, 1997

Attendance - 300 (SELL OUT!)


*Pre Show*

-A video montage is played of different parts of the city of Cleveland and highlights are shown of each of the teams competing in the Tag Wars set to Du hast (Rammstein). The video ends and the camera pans around Grays Armory and then stops on our announce team, Rock Downpour and Shane Vandross...




Rock and Shane are standing at the entrance of the Armory as the fans trickle in....


"Hello NWA fans, and welcome to day 1 of the Great Lakes Tag Wars! Over the next three days, sixteen of the top tag teams in the world will battle it out in a double elimination tournament to crown the 1997 Great Lakes Tag Wars Survivor! Not only will the winning team earn that prestigious crown, but they will win $5,000 in cash and be awarded a shot at the NWA TagTeam Titles at Collision Course."


"Right on Rock, there is so much at stake tonight and we have so many unanswered questions.....questions like who did Rick Sanders pick to be his partner. He has said it is someone that everyone will recognize and vault him into instant contention for the Tag Wars crown, but also tip the balance here in the NWA..."


"Well, I have my guesses, in fact I walked past Sanders' dressing room and I heard the voices of three men...one being Sanders, the other his manager Floyd Goldworthy, but I was chased off before I could make out the third person..."


"Well thank god we don't have to wait much longer....speaking of surprises, everyone is asking who the heck the final entry is. We have heard so many rumors, from two of the DeColt's to the Keiths and even the Vesseys....but my sources have confirmed that it is indeed not one of those famed wrestling families....and it is in fact two men that fans of the now famous East Coast Wars will be very familiar with."


"Like you said Shane, thank god we don't have to wait much longer....lets kick things off and go to the back and hear what The Young Masters have to say...this ought to be good...."





The Show Begins


*Backstage with The Young Masters



"Hello NWA!!! Did you miss us? Of course you did....how could you not miss the future of tag team wrestling and the men that will lead the NWA to the promise land. Now, Flex and I did not come out here to demand that management tell us who our first round opponent is....we are more than confident that we can, and will take care of business...no, we came out here to tell the champs that we're onto their game. Even these stupid people watching live in the arena and those watching at home know that you guys will do everything you can to make sure you do NOT face us this weekend. We know that you are afraid to lose those belts around your waists....well....it's just a matter of time before we get those belts. So enjoy them for at least one more month boys....because...."


"The Young Masters are THAT DAMN GOOD!!!"


Match #1



The Young Masters vs Team Unknown


"Well Shane, we are wasting no time in finding out who the final entry is....The Young Masters are in the ring waiting....." The video board starts to flash a logo that the fans recognize...then 'New York, New York' begins to blare over the PA....


MY GOD!!!! It can't be! The owner of New York City Wrestling, The Stomper is here and his partner is none other than the current Empire Champion, Corporal Doom!




In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Corporal Doom and The Stomper defeated The Young Masters in 11:55 when The Stomper defeated The Natural by pinfall. WINNERS - Stomper & Corporal Doom
"Stomper lands a right, a left, a right and another left....The Natural is dazed, he turns around to try and tag in Flex, but he is in the wrong corner! Doom with a shot to the face, SPINEBUSTER!!! Stomper covers as Doom rushes across the ring to keep Flex from breaking up the pin...1....2....3....Stomper and Doom move onto the next round!!! Oh my, what a way to kick things off!!"


*Backstage with Jimmy Cox and Nathan Coleman



Just a basic segment were Jimmy Cox and Nathan Coleman cut a promo hyping their upcoming match with Shearer and Lee Wright.

Match #2



Jimmy Cox & Nathan Coleman vs Billy Jack Shearer & Lee Wright


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Billy Jack Shearer and Lee Wright defeated Jimmy Cox and Nathan Coleman in 10:47 when Billy Jack Shearer defeated Nathan Coleman by pinfall with a Rhythm and Bruise. WINNERS - Billy Jack Shearer & Lee Wright


"Coleman and Cox have out up a good fight against the veteran wrestlers, but whenever it seems like they will mount some offense, Wright and Shearer regain the momentum...oh, here it is....Shearer sets Coleman up....Rhythm and Bruise....the cover...1...2....3....Shearer and Wright dispose of Cox and Coleman fairly easily."


"I am being told that Roger Pyle has caught up with Stomper and Doom...let's go backstage..."

*Backstage with The Stomper & Corporal Doom


"New York is here!!!! A lot of people asked us why we decided to make the eight hour drive from New York City to come here. People asked why would the owner of New York City Wrestling want to climb into another companies ring and compete....well this tournament was meant for the best to come and compete, so I grabbed the Empire Champ and made the trip. Young Masters...you boys really talk a big game, but you are nothing more than a couple of spoiled punks who don't know what respect is and what this business is really about."


"So like Stomper said...you have a lot to learn about this business....so consider that beating we gave you lesson number one. Lesson number two is one that only you can answer....how does it feel to be in the losers bracket? Maybe next time you will pay a little more attention to what is in front of you instead of looking ahead down the road."


"So before we go, one more word of advise.....don't lose again!"


Match #3



Soldiers of Fortune vs Richard Blood & Rolling Johnny Stones


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, The Soldiers Of Fortune defeated Richard Blood and Rolling Johnny Stones in 12:07 when Chance defeated Rolling Johnny Stones by pinfall. WINNERS - Soldiers of Fortune

"Chance has really dominated Johnny in the ring....he tosses Stones into the ropes....BIG BOOT!!! The cover...1....2.....3.....the champs have moved onto the next round!"


*In the locker room with The McWade Brothers



"So the Peak Brothers do have a set after all....I never thought I would see the day you sorry sons of bitch would man up and be in the same arena as me and Dallas....let alone enter the same tournament. You see, you guys had better hope that our paths don't cross, because there will be nothing left of either of you when we are done."


"Do you boys actually think that we would not give up winning this thing to get our hands on you? No! All it takes is just once chance for us to get to you...and then there will be no one alive to keep us from tearing you apart! Watch you backs boys.....watch your backs."


Match #4



The Peak Brothers vs Chronic Future


In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, The Peak Brothers defeated Chronic Future in 15:37 when Eddie Peak defeated Jack Giedroyc by pinfall with a Peak and Valley. WINNERS - The Peak Brothers
"The Peak Brothers have not once looked toward the stage to see if the McWades are coming.....they really must not be scared....OH!!! Great double team move....the Peak and Valley....Eddie covers...1....2....3....and the Peak Brothers move onto the next round....looks like Doug Peak has asked for a microphone...."


"Dean and Dallas.....you guys are talking a big game from the back....but as you can see, we are not hard men to find. We all commit certain acts in our lives, of an unsavory nature. Some bad. Some worse. Some unspeakable. Sometimes we suffer in silence, sometimes we seek redemption. He's got what he wanted, but in attaining salvation, there is a price that must be paid. One must... give up a bit of one's self. The road; or the end of the road as it is, might not be quite as... not quite what you expect. The glowing light at the end of the tunnel may not be the beacon of righteousness that you envisioned. It may be some horribly disfigured fun house reflection of your own inner dreams."


"Rock, what the hell is he talking about?!?! I think he has lost his mind!"


"I have no idea Shane.....no clue....."

*Backstage with Whistler



"People everywhere are coming up to me and asking what the deal is with my partner. These last couple weeks have been a complete mystery to me....I mean, when we decided to form this little alliance, Todd was on the right path....he was humble, soft spoken and most of all grateful to have a chance here in the NWA to make a comeback. Well lately he seems distracted be someone or something....now I could care less about someone's personal issues...unless those issues start to affect me....so let me just say this Todd.....you cross me, it will be the last thing you EVER do! Now I hope I am wrong, but from my standpoint....I just don't know where you head is at.....but you better get it figured out quickly!"


Match #5



Whistler & The Hype vs Adam Anderson & Thomas Morgan


In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, Whistler and "The Hype" Todd Cusson defeated Adam Anderson and Thomas Morgan in 15:32 when "The Hype" Todd Cusson defeated Thomas Morgan by pinfall. WINNERS - Whistler & The Hype
"Well despite coming out separately, Whistler and The Hype have worked pretty well together....Whistler knocks Morgan down, he is setting up for the Rebel Yell....wait! Hype just tagged himself in......Death Valley Driver!!! Hype covers...1....2....3.....Whistler is just standing there dumbfounded....what a selfish move by Hype....I guess this thing is far from resolved."


Match #6



Wiley Coyote vs Rick Sanders & ?????


"Finally the wait is over....Wiley Coyote has made their way down to the ring...." 'Perfect Strangers" hits and out comes Rick Sanders with Floyd Goldworthy....


"Well...well....well....it is time for the world to see who Rick Sanders has recruited to not only be his tag team partner....but the man who is going to change the face of this company....a man who should be on the front cover of every NWA publication.....so.....let's not waste anymore ass kicking time......"


"Who the hell could it be......is that....holy shit!!! That's The Traditionalist, Eric Tyler! Is he really Rick Sanders partner? Things just got much more real around here!"



In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Rick Sanders and Eric Tyler defeated Wiley Coyote in 20:03 when Eric Tyler defeated Wiley Steinway by submission with a Tradition lift. WINNERS - Rick Sanders & Eric Tyler
"Tyler is working on Steinway's right arm....there it is! The Tradition Lift! Steinway is fighting it....NO! He taps out! Tyler and Sanders win....come on, Tyler won't break the hold....come on....finally....but this really has shook things up here. Sanders and Tyler have to be the favorites now."


*Backstage with Brent Hill & Larry Wood



Another typical promo, Brent Hill and Larry Wood cut a promo hyping their upcoming match with Land Mass & Mammoth making fun of the big mens weight and ability.


Match #7



Land Mass & Mammoth vs Larry Wood & Brent Hill


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Larry Wood and Brent Hill defeated Land Mass & Mammoth in 12:14 when Brent Hill defeated Land Mass by pinfall with a King Of The Hill. WINNERS - Larry Wood & Brent Hill


"Wood tags in Hill who delivers a shot to Land Mass....can he knock him off his feel....YES!! Hill taunts the big man as he slowly stands....KING OF THE HILL!! The cover..1....2...3....Wood and Hill win!


*Backstage with The Masked Maulers



The Masked Mauler and Masked Mauler II cut a promo hyping their upcoming match with The McWade Brothers, emphasizing that they have the advantage because of their hidden identity.


Match #8



The Masked Maulers vs The McWade Brothers


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, The McWade Brothers defeated The Masked Mauler and The Masked Mauler II in 26:40 when Dean McWade defeated The Masked Mauler by pinfall with a Canadian Lariat following botched interference by Eddie Peak. WINNERS - The McWade Brothers


"Eddie Peak runs in from the back with something in his hand....he missed Dean McWade and nails The Masked Mauler with the bottle!! Dean McWade with the cover..1...2....3!! The McWade's move on!!"


After a match, The Peak Brothers come out to the ring and brawl with The McWade Brothers.


"It's absolutely crazy out here!! Dean McWade and Eddie Peak are battling in the ring while Dallas McWade and Doug Peak are beating the hell out of each other on the outside" Eventually the Peak Brothers retreat to the back as the McWade's got the upper hand.


"Well we are out of time! See you tomorrow for what should be another great night of action!!! Good night everyone!


*The music starts playing and the lights turned on, the fans trickled out of Greys Armory, stopping to get some merchandise along the way*

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Great Lakes Tag Wars: Day 2


Saturday: July 12th, 1997 @ Grey's Armory

1234 Bolivar Rd; Cleveland, Ohio

Doors Open @5:30pm EST

Bell Time @6:30pm EST


The Card



Soldiers of Fortune vs Rick Sanders & Eric Tyler



The McWade Brothers vs Larry Wood & Brent Hill



The Stomper & Corporal Doom vs The Peak Brothers



Billy Jack Shearer & Lee Wright vs Whistler & The Hype




Elimination Matches



Wiley Coyote vs Richard Blood & Rolling Johnny Stones



The Masked Maulers vs Land Mass & Mammoth



The Young Masters vs Chronic Future



Jimmy Cox & Nathan Coleman vs Adam Anderson & Thomas Morgan

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Day 2


Grays Armory

July 12th, 1997

Attendance - 300 (SELL OUT!)


*Pre Show*

-A video montage is played of different parts of the city of Cleveland and highlights are shown of each of the teams competing in the Tag Wars and highlights from day 1 set to Du hast (Rammstein). The video ends and the camera pans around Grays Armory and then stops on our announce team, Rock Downpour and Shane Vandross...




Rock and Shane are standing at the entrance of the Armory as the fans trickle in....


"Good evening NWA fans, and welcome to day two of the Great Lakes Tag Wars...I am Rock Downpour and I am joined by my co-host, Shane Vandross. Tonight the tag team landscape becomes a little more clear, as four teams will be eliminated, and we will know which four teams will compete in the final four tomorrow night."


"Right Rock, but you have to remember that even if a team lost their opening match, they still have a chance to come back and win this thing....it's just a lot harder."


"Of course Shane, but I have to think that your best bet to win this is to come from the winners bracket....the team that wrestles the least as the best shot to win."


"Well obviously....looks like we are about to get started...lets hit the ring for the opening bout!"


Dark Match: Elimination Round



Jimmy Cox & Nathan Coleman vs Adam Anderson & Thomas Morgan


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Adam Anderson and Thomas Morgan defeated Nathan Coleman and Jimmy Cox in 6:52 when Thomas Morgan defeated Nathan Coleman by pinfall. WINNERS - Adam Anderson & Thomas Morgan


"Morgan lands a vicious right that staggers Coleman....Morgan levels him with a clothesline....he climbs to the top rope....big slash...the cover..1...2...3....Anderson and Morgan pull of the upset and stay alive...they get the loser of the Soldiers of Fortune and Eric Tyler/Rick Sanders match later on tonight."





The Show Begins


*In the ring with The McWade Brothers


The McWade Brothers is in the ring, cutting a promo hyping themselves up. The Peak Brothers comes down and crashes the party, putting The McWade Brothers down. Enraged, The McWade Brothers attacks The Peak Brothers, but The Peak Brothers is one step ahead of them and lays them out instead.


Match #1 - Elimination Round



Wiley Coyote vs Richard Blood & Rolling Johnny Stones


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Wiley Coyote defeated Richard Blood and Rolling Johnny Stones in 7:34 when Coyote Dynamite defeated Rolling Johnny Stones by pinfall with a Spinebuster. WINNERS - Wiley Coyote
"Blood and Stones have given the veteran team all they can handle...BOOM! Well, I think that may have done it...Dynamite hits the Spinebuster out of no where...he covers..1...2...3...that's it...Wiley Coyote keeps their hopes alive."


*Backstage with The Young Masters



"The Young Masters were ripped off last night...we definitely deserved better than to be facing a team we have beaten not once....but twice in the last few months. Neither of you freaks has what it takes to be in the same ring as Flex and myself. Well, The Natural means business.....so Soldiers of Fortune...we may not be in the winners bracket, but we are still here....watching and learning your every move. So when we destroy and more than likely hurt you...don;'t blame us....blame your poor wrestling skills and lack of talent....see you in a few boys..."


Match #2 - Elimination Round


The Young Masters vs Chronic Future


In a match that had some good action and average heat, The Young Masters defeated Chronic Future in 11:14 when The Natural defeated Jack Giedroyc by pinfall with a Nature Calls. WINNERS - The Young Masters
"Neither of these teams want to stop and let their dream of winning this tournament...The Natural has him locked in....he has him up...Nature Calls!! 1...2....3....That's going to be in! The Young Masters will await the loser from the Larry Wood/Brent Hill vs The McWade Brothers...now I don't know about you, but whoever gets to face The Young Masters....better watch out, these young men look primed and ready.



*Backstage with Whistler & The Hype



"Last night what you did is really poor sportsmanship....you don't tag into a match when you partner has the match well in had....you hear me?


"Oh relax champ....we got the win, didn't we? Just stick with me...and keep up...while you are out there with me as I make you look good. We go this...don't worry."


Match #3



Whistler & The Hype vs Bill Jack Shearer & Larry Wright


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, "The Hype" Todd Cusson and Whistler defeated Lee Wright and Billy Jack Shearer in 11:38 when "The Hype" Todd Cusson defeated Billy Jack Shearer by pinfall. WINNERS - Whistler & The Hype
"Whistler has gotten the upper hand on Shearer...these two men have had some great battle....OH! REBEL YELL! The cover...wait, no! The Hype tagged himself in.....he and Whistle are arguing....BAM!! Super kick from Hype on Shearer...the cover..1...2....3.....Whistler and The Hype win, but they really have some issues."


*To be continued....*



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July 12, 1997


*During the show*

I stood in the back, behind the curtain watching the match between Whistler/The Hype and Shearer/Wright and thought to myself, "So far the Tag Wars Weekend was going great, we were able to bring in some wrestlers that the fans had heard of, the matches have been a lot better quality than I had expected and we had to turn about 300 people away from the event over the weekend...have I really turned this company into something that people will start to take notice?". Just then my assistant Julie walked over to me with a somber look on her face. I noticed that she was carrying a Fed-Ex envelop with a "URGENT" stamped in red on the front. "Thank god...there you are" she said, "I have been looking all over the place for you....and of course you don't have your pager on you. This just showed up for you". She handed me the envelope, I looked at who it was from and saw the address of our drug testing company....all the good feelings I had just went out the window. "Seriously?!? This had to come now?" I said. Julie looked at me and said "Sorry, I could have held onto it til Monday, but you told me that when we got something from them to make sure I gave it to you right away....sorry for doing my job!" and stomped away. "Julie!" I called...she either didn't hear me or ignored me...she just kept walking away. Either way I knew I had upset her, but I wasn't mad at her...I was mad at the name(s) that were in this envelope.


Just as I was about to open the envelope, Karl Jackson, our Road Agent, walked up to me, "Good, you are still here....we have something that needs your attention.". Seriously?! Now what happened. I sighed and looked at Karl and said "By the look on your face, this can't be good.". He frowned, "Nope...it's not. Before the show tonight, Rock and Shane were out front recording the opener for the DVD. A group of fans came walking by and one started heckling Shane over his past alleged steroid use and did not let up...and, well....Shane went after the fan...luckily we had some security around the scene and they broke it up pretty quickly...but we can't let this happen.". I looked back at Karl and then looked down at the ground...this was not the first time I had an issue with Shane Vandross....he had pulled a prank on Wolfgang Zimmerman at our first show and it caused a fight. "Okay....thanks. I will have a talk with him when the show's over". A fan....really? Of all the people to get into it with, he had to do this with a freaking fan!


I had planned to take a look at the entire roster six months into our existence anyway...but now it looked like I would have to look at the staff along with the workers. A loud cheer came from the fans and I looked back down at the ring and saw Whistler hit the Rebel Yell. I sighed again and opened the envelope and took out the letter inside....it read:


National Wrestling Association Drug Testing Results for June:


To: National Wrestling Association Management


Below are the results for the drug screening that we performed for you on June 11th, 1997. We regret to inform you that two of the samples taken have come back positive. The samples in question were batch # 2012 and # 2312. These tests are 99.9% accurate and we have listed which substances your worker tested positive for. Please see the attached documents for the results.


Thank you for your business and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.


I turned the page to look at the attached documents......"Really....you have got to be F***ing kidding me!" I yelled. I looked up from the paper and noticed Brent Hill standing a few feet away, "You okay boss?". I quickly put the papers back in the envelope..."Yeah...yes, I am fine...just some company business...nothing for you to worry about Brent". I walked toward my makeshift office just as the PA Announcer said "YOUR WINNERS....WHISTLER and THE HYPE!!"

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*Backstage with The Masked Maulers




The Masked Maulers cut a promo where they praise The McWade's for defeating them and bash their next opponents, Land Mass and Mammoth


In a bout that had a decent crowd but some bad wrestling, The Masked Maulers defeated Land Mass and Mammoth in 12:18 when "The Masked Mauler defeated Mammoth by pinfall. WINNERS - The Masked Maulers


"I don't know which Masked Mauler is which anymore....but whoever is in the ring with Mammoth is really working on the big man. Mauler has locked in a sleeper, Mammoth counters and throws Mauler into the ropes....BOOM! Out of no where The Masked Mauler slides under the big mans legs and nails a Death Drop....1...2...3.....The Masked Maulers move on!"


*In the ring with Eric Tyler and Rick Sanders



"The Traditionalist, Eric Tyler rocked the wrestling world when I showed up here in the NWA to team with Rick Sanders. When this man called me and said that he needed someone to be his partner to help him take the reigns here in the NWA, I had no reason to tell him no. You see the wrestling business is not what it once was, you have all these young guys running around here with no respect for those that came before them. A lot of the guys in the back have no idea who Rip Chord is....well, tonight we will show that there is a new dominate force here to take charge...and I can think of no better team to prove that against than the Tag Team Champs....so Soldiers of Fortune....make sure your little face paint is all nice and neat and that your bald heads are clean and shiny....and most of all....make sure you remember what it feels like to lose!"




In a bout that had a good crowd and some good in-ring action, Eric Tyler and Rick Sanders defeated the Soldiers of Fortune in 14:18 when Rick Sanders defeated Fate by submission. WINNERS - Eric Tyler & Rick Sanders


"Tyler and Sanders were not joking when they said they had something to prove...they have worked Fate down in their corner and completely cut him off from his partner.....Sanders is tagged in, he continues to work on the left knee of Fate. Sanders has him in a leg lock, Fate is really in some pain and all his partner can do is look on helplessly.....Oh! Sanders somehow has worked this hold into a figure four! Chance tries to break it up but Eric Tyler meets him half way and both men tumble out of the ring.....Fate fighting it....there it is, he taps out! Eric Tyler and Rick Sanders are only three wins from winning this thing! Oh my!"

Match #6



The Stomper & Corporal Doom vs The Peak Brothers


In a bout that had a good crowd and some great in-ring action, The Peak Brothers defeated The Stomper and Corporal Doom in 17:03 when Eddie Peak defeated Corporal Doom by pinfall. WINNERS - The Peak Brothers


"Doug Peak somehow has one of the McWade's flannel jackets. I have no idea where he got that thing....come on ref! Doug keeps using the jacket to choke Corporal Doom while Eddie is distracting the ref by taunting The Stomper. Eddie Peak puts Doom in the Dante's Peak....nails it! The cover...1...2....3....The Peak Brothers move on and are also just three wins from winning the whole thing.


*Backstage with Brent Hill and Larry Wood



Typical promo.....Hill and Wood talk about how great they are and how they are going to destroy the McWade Brothers.




In a match that had some average action and average heat,Billy Jack Shearer and Lee Wright defeat Wiley Coyote in 11:54 when Lee Wright defeated Wiley Steinway by pinfall. WINNERS -Billy Jack Shearer & Lee Wright


*Backstage with The Stomper and Corporal Doom


Both men cut promos where they tell the fans that they have crossed paths with the Masked Maulers and that if they can't beat them, they will leave the NWA and never return


The Masked Maulers vs The Stomper & Corporal Doom


In a match that had some decent action and average heat,The Stomper and Corporal Doom defeat The Masked Maulers in 15:32 when The Stomper defeated The Masked Mauler II by pinfall. WINNERS -The Stomper and Corporal Doom


Match #9 - Elimination Round



Soldiers of Fortune vs Adam Anderson & Thomas Morgan


In a match that had some good action and not much heat, The Soldiers of Fortune defeated Adam Anderson and Thomas Morgan in 12:22 when Fate defeated Adam Anderson by pinfal Calls. WINNERS - The Soldiers of Fortune



Match #10



Brent Hill & Larry Wood vs The McWade Brothers


In a bout that had a great crowd and some good in-ring action, The McWade Brothers defeated Brent Hill and Larry Wood in 16:22 when Dallas McWade defeated Larry Wood by pinfall. WINNERS - The McWade Brothers

"What a knock down. drag out battle....all four men are beating the hell out of each other, it will come down to who wants it more! Dallas McWade just nailed both Hill and Wood with spine-busters....all four men are down. Dallas and Wood are the first ones up. Wood and Dallas are trading blows, Larry Wood missed that clothesline, which has allowed Dallas McWade to get the big man up onto his shoulders and he nails an FU! The cover..1....2...3....this could have gone either way! What a battle...and what a night! We will see you tomorrow night as we crown our tournament champion! Good night everybody!


*The music starts playing and the lights turned on, the fans trickled out of Greys Armory, stopping to get some merchandise along the way*

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Great Lakes Tag Wars: Finals


Sunday: July 13th, 1997 @ Grey's Armory

1234 Bolivar Rd; Cleveland, Ohio

Doors Open @5:30pm EST

Bell Time @6:30pm EST


The Card



The McWade Brothers vs Rick Sanders & Eric Tyler



The Peak Brothers vs Whistler & The Hype




Elimination Matches



Billy Jack Shearer & Lee Wright vs The Stomper & Corporal Doom



Larry Wood & Brent Hill vs The Young Masters



The Soldiers of Fortune vs Young Masters/Wood & Hill Winner

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  • 2 weeks later...







Grays Armory

July 13th, 1997

Attendance - 300 (SELL OUT!)


*Pre Show*

-A video montage is played of different parts of the city of Cleveland and highlights are shown of each of the teams competing in the Tag Wars and highlights from day 2 set to

. The video ends and the camera pans around Grays Armory and then stops on our announce team, Rock Downpour and Shane Vandross...




Rock and Shane are standing at the entrance of the Armory as the fans trickle in...they go over the card and remind us that if the Soldiers of Fortune and Young Masters meet tonight, the Tag Titles will be on the line. We also learn that in a bonus match. Jimmy Cox will defend the Great Lakes Title against Thomas Morgan.


Dark Match: Great Lakes Championship Match



Jimmy Cox © vs Thomas Morgan


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Jimmy Cox defeated Thomas Morgan in 9:12 by pinfall with an Immortal Driver. WINNER and STILL Great Lakes Champion - Jimmy Cox. Jimmy Cox makes defense number 2 of his NWA Great Lakes Championship title.
"These two men had quite a battle last night when their respective teams met in the tournament....Cox throws Morgan in to the ropes....Morgan ducks....DROPKICK! Morgan with the cover...1....2....Cox kicks out. Morgan looks at referee Jay Flair and holds up 3 fingers....sorry bud, he kicked out....Cox back to his feet...Morgan misses a clothline....OH!!! IMMORTAL DRIVER!!! Out of no where!!!! The cover...1...2.....3.....Cox retains! What a match!"


*Backstage with Whistler, The Stomper and Corporal Doom



Stomper and Corporal Doom run into Whistler as he enters the arena. The three men embrace and give pleasantries to each other. Stomper tell Whistler that he has seen how The Hype has been acting toward him and the fans lately and that Whistler should be careful. Corporal Doom agrees and says that he thought he saw Hype out to dinner with Floyd Goldworthy last night. Whistler shrugs it off and says that he is aware of the change but feels they both have the same goal...win the tournament.



The Show Begins


*In the ring with Eric Tyler, Rick Sanders and Floyd Goldworthy



'Perfect Strangers' begins to play as all three men make their way down to the ring, jawing with the fans along the way. Tyler rips up a Whistler sign as a beer flies toward him, just missing him. Goldworthy grabs a mic and tells us that he has been having some meetings with potential clients to join Rick Sanders in an attempt to control things here in the NWA. Tyler then tells us that after he and Sanders win the tournament he is returning to Hollywood, but will keep a close eye on things here...but he has hand picked a man to take his place by Sanders side...none other than The Hype.




Just as Tyler finishes, 'Man in the Box' blares through the PA and The Hype comes out and begins to deny these claims, calling the men in the ring scared of him and Whistler...Whistler comes out slowly and all five men begin to argue back and forth, with Tyler eventually asking Whistler if he has noticed a change in The Hype....Whistler says that the action in the ring will speak volumes and he walks to the back....eventually followed by Hype.


Match #1 - Elimination Round



The Stomper & Corporal Doom vs Billy Jack Shearer & Lee Wright


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Billy Jack Shearer and Lee Wright defeated The Stomper and Corporal Doom in 11:43 when Billy Jack Shearer defeated The Stomper by pinfall with a Rhythm and Bruise. WINNERS - Lee Wright & Billy Jack Shearer
"These men have battled each other all over the ring....Stomper looks a little woozy after that DDT from Shearer....RHYTHM AND BRUISE!! The cover...1....2....3.....Shearer and Wright stay alive." Shearer helps Stomper up and they hug, while Wright and Doom shake hands....Doom and Stomper raise Shearer and Wright's hands in a show of respect.


*Backstage with The Soldiers of Fortune



The Tag Team Champs are backstage and talk about their loss last night and being in an elimination match against Larry Wood and Brent Hill. They say they have not lost focus, because if they did then they would not be world tag team champs. They also warn The Young Masters that if they both win, then they will indeed be happy to put the belts on the line tonight.


Match #1 - Elimination Round



The Young Masters vs Brent Hill & Larry Wood


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Brent Hill and Larry Wood defeated The Young Masters in 10:36 when Larry Wood defeated The Natural by pinfall with a Running Big Foot. WINNERS - Brent Hill & Larry Wood

"The Young Masters have worked well together, but they have had a lot of trouble getting any momentum against Hill or Wood....OH! Running Big Foot! The cover...1...2...3....Wood and Hill move on....guess no titles shot tonight for the Masters!"



Match #3 - Winners Bracket



Whistler & The Hype vs The Peak Brothers


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Whistler and "The Hype" Todd Cusson defeated The Peak Brothers in 19:48 when "The Hype" Todd Cusson defeated Eddie Peak by pinfall following interference from Dean McWade. WINNERS - Whistler & The Hype
"The crowd has been treated to one hell of a match....both teams have brought their 'A' games....Hype tags in...and let me say that maybe this speculation of The Hype aligning himself with Floyd Goldworthy may be nothing more than mind games....OH MY! Eddie Peak just layed The Hype out....wait...who's that?! Dean McWade just came from under the ring and spit something into Eddie Peak's face....Hype covers...1...2...3....Whistler and Hype move on!"


Dean McWade yells from the top of the ramp that paybacks are a bitch to the Peak Brothers....the Peaks are not happy!


*Backstage, security keeps The McWade and Peak Brothers separated.



Security fights to keep The McWade and Peak Brothers apart after Dean McWade cost the Peak's their match.

Match #4 - Elimination Round



The Soldiers of Fortune vs Brent Hill & Larry Wood


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Brent Hill and Larry Wood defeated The Soldiers Of Fortune in 16:02 when Brent Hill defeated Chance by pinfall with a King Of The Hill after The Young Masters attached Fate and Chance. WINNERS - Brent Hill and Larry Wood


"If I didn't know better, you'd think that Wood and Hill were fighting for the Tag Titles...this has been a great match.....wait a minute....Flex and The Natural are coming down to ringside....what the hell do they want?" Flex jumps onto the apron and distracts Jay Flair, Chance sees this and comes after him only to be held back by Flair....just as he turns around, The Natural hits his version of the Stunner on Chance..."That bastard! Hill smiles at The Natural....King of the Hill....the cover..1....2...3....looks like the Masters didn't want their title shot tonight....Wood and Hill eliminate the tag champs..."


The Young Masters are in the ring taunting the crowd, when Chance and Fate recover and get back into the ring and destroy both Flex and The Natural...Summer Brawl will be interesting!


Match #5 - Winners Bracket



The McWade Brothers vs Eric Tyler & Rick Sanders


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Rick Sanders and Eric Tyler defeated The McWade Brothers in 13:43 when Eric Tyler defeated Dean McWade by submission with a Tradition lift. WINNERS - Eric Tyler and Rick Sanders
"Eric Tyler has really controlled Dean McWade...it almost looks like the McWade Brothers are okay with dropping down to the Elimination bracket....Tyler has been working on the back of McWade...TRADITION LIFT!! McWade is fighting...he taps...Tyler and Sanders will face Whistler and The Hype! Dean McWade made the right choice, they have another match later on, better to be ready for that instead of injured!"

*Backstage, Roger Pyle interviews Whistler and The Hype


The Hype takes over the interview and begins to bash The Stomper and Corporal Doom for their comments about him to Whistler earlier. He goes on to say that maybe he made the wrong choice for a partner and that maybe Whistler is the weak link. Whistler tells him that he better give 100% and if he stabs him in the back, that will be the end of him. Hype laughs and make another smart remark about Whistler's age and walks off....


Match #6 - Elimination Round



The Peak Brothers vs Billy Jack Shearer & Lee Wright


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, The Peak Brothers defeated Billy Jack Shearer and Lee Wright in 11:51 when Eddie Peak defeated Billy Jack Shearer by pinfall with a Peak and Valley. WINNERS - The Peak Brothers
"The Peak Brothers have isolated Shearer in their corner....they will not let him tag in Wright." Eddie Peak goes over to Wright and spits in his face...making him mad and charge the ring only to be stopped by referee Jay Flair, this allows the Peaks to hit the Peak and Valley. "I don't think Shearer will be able to get back up...the cover..1...2...3....The Peak Brothers stay alive and are on a collision course with Dean and Dallas McWade...."

*Locker Room with The Young Masters



Flex and The Natural are in the locker room tending to their injuries...they say that they have their reasons for costing the Solders their match tonight. They already have a title shot at Summer Brawl and can wait til then to get the belts...but they made sure that they sent a message to the tag team champs.

*Backstage with The McWade Brothers



Dean and Dallas are backstage and tell us that even though they want nothing more than to get their hands on the Peak Brothers, they know that in order to do that they need to win their next match against two great competitors, Larry Wood and Brent Hill. They say they will take care of business and then tell the Peaks to watch out....pain is coming.


Match #7 - Elimination Round



The McWade Brothers vs Brent Hill & Larry Wood


[in a bout that had a good crowd and good action, The McWade Brothers defeated Brent Hill and Larry Wood in 16:17 when Dean McWade defeated Larry Wood by pinfall with a Canadian Lariat WINNERS - The McWade Brothers.
"Both teams look pretty tired after having to wrestling at least one other time tonight...the winners of this match have to face Doug and Eddie Peak immediately following....OH MY GOD!!! CANADIAN LARIAT on Wood....Dean covers...1....2.....3...YES!! The McWade's will get their hands on The Peak Brothers....NEXT!"


Doug and Eddie Peak wasted no time running down to the ring and all four men begin to battle.


Match #8 - Elimination Round



The McWade Brothers vs The Peak Brothers


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, The Peak Brothers drew with The McWade Brothers in 12:09 when the referee lost control and stopped the match. Result - DOUBLE DQ


"Referee Jay Flair has not been able to get any control of this match...they are just beating the hell out of each other....WAIT, WHAT!!! Flair has called for the bell!! He is calling this a Double DQ! I don't think either of these teams care...they are just beating the hell out of each other!"


We cut to a preview for Summer Bash and then rejoin the announce table for the news that the match between Eric Tyler & Rick Sanders vs Whistler & The Hype will determine who is the winner of the tournament....it's win or go home!


*Backstage with Eric Tyler and Rick Sanders



Tyler and Sanders say that they got their wish...they wanted a one and done match, and against Whistler and The Hype. They tell Whistler that all will be revealed tonight.


Match #9 - Great Lakes Tag Wars Championship



Whistler & The Hype vs Eric Tyler & Rick Sanders


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Eric Tyler and Rick Sanders defeated Whistler and "The Hype" Todd Cusson in 20:48 when Rick Sanders defeated Whistler by submission with a Figure Four Leglock. WINNERS and GREAT LAKES TAG WARS CHAMPS - Eric Tyler & Rick Sanders
"Tyler and The Hype have taken each other to their limits....Hype goes to the corner and tags in Whistler....Whistler throws Tyler into the ropes and knocks him down....looks like he is lining him up for the Rebel Yell...YES!!! It's over!! Wait...what the..." Out of nowhere, The Hype gets into the ring and lands a Super Kick on Whistler...drags Tyler over to Sanders and allows him to tag Sanders who smiles and then puts Whistler in the Figure Four. "That bastard! Tyler and Goldworthy were telling the truth....awe no....Whistler is out cold...raises his arm..1....2......3....he is out....Tyler and Sanders are the first Great Lakes Tag Wars Champions...."


After the match, Hype gets back into the ring and beats on Whistler, asks Sanders for a table...sets it up and throws Whistler through it and poses over top of the broken Whistler. Tyler, Sanders and The Hype celebrate and walk to the back.

*The music starts playing and the lights turned on, the fans trickled out of Greys Armory, stopping to get some merchandise along the way*

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Summer Bash 1997


Friday: August 15th, 1997 @ The Odeon

1295 Old River Rd; Cleveland, Ohio

Doors Open @6:00pm EST

Bell Time @6:30pm EST


The Card



Nathan Coleman vs Jack Giedroyc vs Thomas Morgan

Great Lakes Championship #1 Contender Match




Larry Wood vs The Hype

Grudge Match




The McWade Brothers vs The Peak Brothers

Hardcore Rules Match





Billy Jack Shearer vs Brent Hill

Heavyweight Championship #1 Contender Match




The Young Masters vs Soldiers of Fortune ©

Tag Team Title Match






Whistler © vs Rick Sanders

World Heavyweight Championship Match


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August 7, 1997


*The NWA Offices @ The Odeon*

I sat at my desk and read the review of the Great Lakes Tag Wars in the Cleveland Scene Magazine; "If you missed the show, you missed out on some of the best wrestling in a very long time. The stars of the NWA have out-shined the superstars of the SWF and they are only getting better". Positive reviews are always a good sign that you are doing something right, I just hope that we can keep up this momentum. I put the paper down as Karl Jackson knocked on my door and came in. "Did you read the review of Tag Wars? Not too bad eh?". I looked him and smiled. "Yeah, just finished....not too bad for someone didn't know this business from a hole in the ground?". From the look on his face, I could tell he didn't know how to respond. "Relax, I'm only kidding. You were 100% right when you made those comments to that reporter when we first opened our doors....I had no clue what I was doing, but you have to admit, I learned pretty quick". Karl had done an interview with Pro Wrestling Illustrated where he had said basically that this business has no place for people that don't know it from a hole in the ground...funny part about it, he signed to be our Road Agent two weeks later. That interview made me want to hire him even more than I originally had, I wanted someone that wouldn't sugarcoat things and tell me exactly how it is...and that was Karl Jackson. "Obviously you didn't come up here to ask me about the article, what's up?" I asked. Karl sat down, "Well...rumors are flying around the locker room about a couple guys on the roster failing the drug screening. Guys are starting to grumble and make their own guesses as to who they are....you are going to have to address the locker room, or we are at risk of other incidents between the guys". I knew this day was going to come sooner or later, especially since I had only spoken in private to both of them, "Yeah, I know....I was planning to do this after Summer Bash since both guys are in matches and I don't want to change things a week before the show. Speaking of the show, I have decided that beginning next month, we are going to start having an additional show each month on Tuesday nights....Tuesday Night Fights I call it. We are going to start this as a one hour show and if it takes off, we can extend it. It will be a good way to get some of the lower card guys some action and work some of the major story lines". Karl nodded, "I was wondering when we were going to expand our schedule. And as far as the drug issue, if you ask me, both guys should be gone....but that's your call. Trust me, things like this always find a way to tear a locker room apart. Well, I got to meet with the sound guys to make sure this place is ready to host Summer Bash....talk to you later boss". As Karl left my office Julie popped her head in, "Robert Dole is on line 1 for you....something about marketing the company on the internet". "Thanks, I will take it now". Hopefully this idea and the pending roster review will make us more than just another Regional promotion.....


Next: Roster Review

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The Odeon

August 15th, 1997

Attendance - 691


*Pre Show*

-A video montage is played of different parts of the city of Cleveland and highlights are shown from the Great Lakes Tag Wars set to

. The video ends and the camera pans around The Odeon and then stops on our announce team, Rock Downpour and Shane Vandross...




Rock and Shane are standing outside the arena with a bunch of fans standing behind them chanting "NWA, NWA, NWA!" They talk about the renovations of the building, what transpired between Whistler and The Hype during the final match at the Tag Wars, and run though tonight's card. 'Marvelous Me' begins to play and we go to the ring for a dark match.


Dark Match #1



Zeus Maxmillion vs Adam Anderson


In a match that had some good action but not much in the way of heat, Adam Anderson defeated Zeus Maxmillion in 6:04 by pinfall. WINNER - Adam Anderson
"These two young men are really trying to make an impression. Anderson has looked the better of the two...DDT! Anderson slammed the cocky Maxmillion to the mat...the cover..1....2...3...that's it! Adam Anderson gets the win!"


Just as the match ends, 'Voodoo Child' blares and the fans begin to go nuts as Randall Hopkirk makes his way out from the back. After playing to the crowd for a little bit he grabs a mic and tells us that he is glad that he doesn't have to wear a mask tonight and that his experience in the NWA has been a good one, but tonight is his final appearance and he wanted to make someone famous tonight. He says he noticed a new face backstage and he wants to give him a proper welcome....out comes Kazuma Narato and the match begins.


Dark Match #2



Randall Hopkirk vs Kazuma Narato


In an extremely short match, Randall Hopkirk defeated Kazuma Narato in 5:11 by pinfall with a Randallism. WINNER - Randall Hopkirk
"Hopkirk is making quick work of the young Narato....it seems that anything he tries, Hopkirk has an answer for. Hopkirk really looks to be on his game tonight....BOOM! Randalism! The cover...1....2...3....Hopkirk wins the match."


In a show of sportsmanship, Hopkirk helps Narato up off the mat and raises his arm and helps him out of the ring. Both men walk to the back together as the pyro hits and Summer Bash begins.


The Show Begins


*The show kicks off with 'Perfect Strangers' blaring through the PA system and to the ring come Floyd Goldworthy, Rick Sanders, The Natural, Flex and The Hype wearing matching "Franchise Players" T-Shirts




Floyd Goldworthy insults the fans and the city of Cleveland and then introduces the "future of the NWA". He goes on to tell how he and Eric Tyler formulated a plan to get a group of select wrestlers to take over the company and finally create a wrestling company that "gets it". He then rips Whistler for being so stupid, that a couple of morons from New York City saw it coming and warned him, but he chose not to listen. He says it's only a matter of time before all the NWA titles are around each of the men in the ring's waist and he hands the mic to The Hype....


'Born in the USA' interrupts him before he can speak and out comes Whistler. He goes on to insult each man in the ring, calling each one a coward to have to stoop to the level at which they all are. He says that no one is entitled to anything and if someone wants to come in here and try to take over, then they will have to go through him. Goldworthy says that he would be glad to do that and says that tonight will be the first step as Rick Sanders will take the World Heavyweight Title easily. They go back and forth before Whistler walks to the back.


Match #1 - Great Lakes Championship #1 Contenders Match



Nathan Coleman vs Thomas Morgan vs Jack Giedroyc


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Nathan Coleman defeated Thomas Morgan and Jack Giedroyc in 11:21 when Nathan Coleman defeated Jack Giedroyc by pinfall with a Pioneer Twist. WINNER - Nathan Coleman
"Coleman knocks Morgan off the top rope and onto the floor. Giedroyc slowly pulls himself up using the ropes...I have no idea how he is able to stand after that spinning neckbreaker delivered by Morgan,,,,Coleman leaps over the ropes and lands a dropkick on Giedroyc....he climbs the ropes...Pioneer Twist! The cover..1...2...3...Nathan Coleman will challenge his Tag Wars partner for the Great Lake Title next month at Urban Justice!"


*Backstage, The McWade and Peak Brothers start to brawl.



The McWade and Peak Brothers begin to argue and then brawl, tossing each other over tables and using any weapons on each other they can find until security and Road Agents separate them.

*Locker Room with Larry Wood



Larry Wood is in his locker room getting ready for his match with The Hype. He reminds us of the past issues he and The Hype have had and that even though he has joined the Franchise Players, that does not change the things he said and did over the past six months...and tonight he will be reminded that he needs to pick and choose who he talks back to.


Match #2



Larry Wood vs The Hype


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Larry Wood defeated "The Hype" Todd Cusson in 11:32 by pinfall with a Running Big Foot following interference from Whistler. WINNER - Larry Wood
"Larry Wood has been taken to his limit tonight....The Hype may have turned his back on the one man who believed in him as well as the fans, but he still has tremendous talent. Hype lands a big uppercut that staggers the big man....Wood drops to one knee....wait!" Whistler comes through the crowd and hops the rail and lands a vicious clothesline on Hype. "Whistler nails Hype....Wood back to his feet...referee Jay Flair didn't see Whistler....BAM!!! Running Big Foot by Wood...1...2...3....Whistler just cost Hype the match and helped his old rival in the process...wow!"


*Backstage, The Soldiers of Fortune give interview


Chance and Fate are in the back with the Tag Team Titles over their shoulders. They talk about their disappointment at Tag Wars, but they know that the reason they lost was not because they are not the best team in the NWA, it was because The Young Masters cannot stand being irrelevant and that a new T-Shirt and some new friends can't change the fact that they are still not on the same level and the Soldiers of Fortune....and they look forward to showing them yet again why they are the champs.


Match #3 - Hardcore Rules



The Peak Brothers vs The McWade Brothers


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, The Peak Brothers defeated The McWade Brothers in 15:06 when Eddie Peak defeated Dean McWade by pinfall with a Peak and Valley. WINNERS - The Peak Brothers
"This match has been all over the arena...from the ring to the back to the concession area...these four men have beaten and bloodied each other with neither team able to capitalize....Eddie Peak tosses Dean McWade back into the ring along with a trash can, a rake, a no parking sign and a rubber chicken? Peak jabs the sign into McWade's gut and then breaks the rake over his back, leaving him down. Meanwhile Doug Peak has tied Dallas to the guardrail....now both Peak's are in the ring....OH!!! PEAK AND VALLEY!!! The cover..1....2.....3!!! The Peak Brothers win a bloody battle! What a match!"


*Parking Lot, Roger Pyle finds Brent Hill



Roger Pyle sees Brent Hill entering the building and runs up to interview him. Hill says that now that the Tag Wars are over, he can finally focus on getting his hands on the NWA Heavyweight title and he doesn't care if he has to face Whistler or Rick Sanders....either way he will become the Heavyweight Champion. He reminds us that he has never lost to Billy Jack Shearer one on one, so he is confident that he will win tonight and get his title shot real soon.


Match #4 - Heavyweight Championship #1 Contenders Match



Billy Jack Shearer vs Brent Hill


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Billy Jack Shearer defeated Brent Hill in 16:16 by pinfall with a Rhythm and Bruise. WINNER - Billy Jack Shearer
"Shearer kicks out at two...Hill is livid with referee Jay Flair and he is really getting into his face....this may not be the right time....Shearer slowly gets up to one knee and shakes off the cobwebs....Hill walks over...shot to the gut by Shearer....another one...and one more....Hill staggers to the ropes...Shearer up to his feet....RHYTHM AND BRUISE!!! Shearer covers...1...2...3!!! Billy Jack Shearer is the #1 contender to the Heavyweight Title!! Oh WOW!!!"


*In the ring with Whistler



Whistler comes down to the ring with the NWA Heavyweight Title around his waist, waving the Red, White and Blue. He take the mic and begins to talk about The Hype and the Franchise Players as a whole...calling them cowards and everything that is wrong with wrestling. 'Perfect Strangers' stops Whistler from continuing and Floyd Gothworthy and The Hype come out on stage and begin to taunt Whistler....Whistler invites both men down to the ring and opens the ropes for them....just then Rick Sanders comes from behind and lays out Whistler. Hype and Goldworthy join him in the ring and continue the assault. Sanders grabs the belt and cracks Whistler with it, busting him wide open....just then 'Back in Black' blares and Billy Jack Shearer runs down to the ring and levels Sanders. Goldworthy hides behind The Hype and escapes the ring just as Shearer lands a spinebuster on The Hype. He helps Whistler up to his feet as Goldworthy, Hype and Sanders make their way to the back....taunting Shearer and Whistler. Shearer picks up the Heavyweight Title and looks at it...he and Whistler have a stare down, then Shearer hands Whistler the belt and exits the ring.


Match #5 - Tag Team Title Match




The Young Masters vs The Soldiers of Fortune ©


In a bout that had solid in-ring action and average heat, The Soldiers Of Fortune defeated The Young Masters in 16:40 when Chance defeated The Natural by pinfall. WINNERS and STILL NWA Tag Team Champs - The Soldiers of Fortune. The Soldiers Of Fortune make defense number 3 of their NWA Tag Team Championship titles.
"Fate and Flex are both down after Fate reversed the powerbomb attempt into a piledriver.....Fate is too tired to make the cover....both The Natural and Chance are reaching for their partners....who will make the tag....both men are slowly making the move to their corners.....they both make the tag...Chance and The Natural in...Chance with the flying cross body....he picks The Natural up and presses him over his head...once, twice, three...FOUR times and slams him down....he pick him back up and gets him up in a standing suplex....holding him there while all that blood rushes to his head.....and down he goes...the cover..1...2....3....The Soldiers of Fortune retain their titles!"


*A video preview of Whistler vs Rick Sanders is shown



Match #6 - World Heavyweight Title Match




Whistler © vs Rick Sanders


In a bout that had a good crowd and good action, Whistler drew with Rick Sanders in 14:18 when the match descended into chaos after "The Hype" Todd Cusson, Flex and The Natural all became involved.
"Whistler has taken control....Sanders is staggering....REBEL YELL!! Awe...no! I knew they couldn't accept defeat.....The Hype and The Young Masters have hit the ring....Jay Flair calls for the bell....."


The Franchise players descend on the ring and attack Whistler, who fights them off one at a time but eventually it's too much and they gain the upper hand and begin to assault him. We see backstage where a bloody Billy Jack Shearer is laid out....just then The Soldiers of Fortune hit the ring and attack The Young Masters....this allows Whistler to hit a Rebel Yell on The Hype and a big suplex on Floyd Goldworthy....Sanders quickly grabs his manager and rushes to the back, followed by the rest of the Franchise Players. Chance, Fate and Whistler give each other a nod of respect and leave the ring to the back.


*The music starts playing and the lights turned on, the fans trickled out of The Odeon, stopping to get some merchandise along the way*

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Tuesday Night Fights 1


Tuesday: August 26th, 1997 @ The Odeon

1295 Old River Rd; Cleveland, Ohio

Doors Open @7:30pm EST

Bell Time @8:00pm EST


The Card


The Young Masters vs Adam Anderson & Thomas Morgan



Billy Jack Shearer vs Zeus Maxmillion



The Hype vs Jimmy Cox ©

Great Lakes Championship Match





Whistler © vs Dean McWade

World Heavyweight Title Match



Quick Card


The Young Masters vs Adam Anderson & Thomas Morgan


Billy Jack Shearer vs Zeus Maxmillion


Jimmy Cox © vs The Hype

*Great Lakes Championship Match


Whistler © vs Dean McWade

*World Heavyweight Championship Match

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August 19, 1997


I just arrived at The Odeon and noticed there were a few more cars than usual..."what's going on" I thought as I opened the door and entered the building. As I walked through the concession area and into the arena, I saw Karl Jackson, Billy Jack Shearer and Zeus Maxmillion going over match preparation for their upcoming match at Tuesday Night Fights. Karl looked over at me and yelled "Hey boss! You've got a couple of visitors waiting for you in your office". "Visitors?" I thought...who the hell was here now? "Thanks Karl, was heading up there now", I replied. As I made my way up the stairs I ran into Whistler and Larry Wood, they were talking about some investment opportunity just down the street in The Flats..."You've been down there on the weekends, it's nuts...we'd make our money back in less than a year....oh hey boss" said Larry Wood, "we just came down from your office....we had a couple ideas we wanted to run by you, but it looks like you have a couple of other guys to deal with first...so we can come back later on". I looked at them and said that sounded good, give me a couple hours and we would meet. I quickened my pace...I really had to know who was waiting for me and why. I finally made it to my office, Julie was not at her desk and my door was closed. I heard Julie's voice inside, I took a deep breath and opened the door. As I entered I saw Brent Hill and Flex sitting on the couch with two other guys in suits, who I assumed were their agents. "Hey boss" said Julie, "I tried calling you at home but Jen said I had just missed you...this is Jim and Jerry Eisen". I shook both their hands, I had met Jim a few years back out in California at a SWF event. "Nice seeing you again Jim and nice to meet you Jerry" I said, "I am sure you gentlemen did not come all the way out here just to meet me, and by the looks of it you have some business you need to discuss about these two", I said as I pointed to Brent Hill and Flex. Julie left the office and closed the door.


The meeting concluded about an hour later. I learned that we weren't invisible to the SWF after all, in fact they had taken quite an interest in our shows because as I just learned, they had sent talent scouts to the Tag Wars, Summer Bash and Road to Glory. I walked them out of the building, giving them a tour along the way and as we go to the the door, we all shook hands and said our pleasantries and they walked to their car and headed to the airport....we were now on the radar and we had just lost Brent Hill and Flex to development deals with the SWF...they would be reporting to New England Wrestling in a couple of weeks. I was extremely happy for both of them, but I just realized that I needed to make some calls and get a couple replacements on the roster. "Oh well...back to work" I thought as I closed my office door.

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The Odeon

August 26th, 1997

Attendance - 712


*Pre Show*

-A video montage of all the stars of the NWA is shown set to

The video ends and the camera pans around The Odeon and then stops on our announce team, Rock Downpour and Roger Pyle.




Rock and Roger welcome everyone to the show and go over the card for Tuesday Night Fights. They also recap the results of Summer Bash and show the known matches already signed for Urban Justice. We also learn that Flex and Brent Hill will be leaving the company after the show tonight as the fans chat "Sell out!" We then are taken to the ring for the first of two bonus matches.


Dark Match #1



Chronic Future vs Gareth Wayne & Aaron Hudson


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Chronic Future defeated Gareth Wayne and Aaron Hudson in 7:55 when Jack Giedroyc defeated Gareth Wayne by pinfall with a Crashing On. WINNERS - Chronic Future
"Chronic Future is looking to get back into the Tag Title picture, especially with the future of The Young Masters in doubt....but I have to say. Wayne and Hudson are really working well as a team....Giedroyc nails the Crashing On from the top rope...1...2....3....Chronic Future win the match!"


Dark Match #2



Brent Hill vs Fate


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Fate defeated Brent Hill in 6:40 by pinfall. WINNER - Fate
"Boy these fans are really all over Brent Hill". Throughout the entire match, the fans changed "You're a sellout!!!" over and over. "Hill with a hip toss, but woah! Fate just jumps to his feet! Brent Hill looks stunned...right and a left...but Fate is just laughing at him....Fate grabs Hill, and nails him with a spine buster! The cover..1..2...3....Fate with the victory!

The Show Begins


*The show kicks off with 'Born in the USA' and Whistler comes down to the ring.



Whistler has the Heavyweight Title around his waist, and slaps hands with all the fans. He climbs into the ring and grabs a mic and talks about his title defense against Rick Sanders and that the Franchise Players will never get their hands on the Heavyweight Title or control of the company. Just as he is about to leave the ring, 'Walk (Pantera)' begins to play and Dean McWade comes onto the ramp. He tells Whistler that he has been here a few months now and feels that it's time for someone other than the same people to get a shot at his title. Whistler and he go back and forth a bit and then agree to meet later on for the Heavyweight Title.


Match #1



The Young Masters vs Adam Anderson & Thomas Morgan


In a match that had some good action and average heat, Adam Anderson and Thomas Morgan defeated The Young Masters in 7:43 when Thomas Morgan defeated Flex by pinfall. WINNERS - Adam Anderson & Thomas Morgan
"Morgan and Anderson have taken control of the match. Flex and The Natural really look out of sync, almost like The Natural's mind is elsewhere. Morgan with a DDT on Flex who kicks out on two...Morgan picks Flex back up and lands another DDT...1...2...3...Anderson & Morgan win! Wow...listen to this crowd!" Just like they did to Brent Hill, the fans are all over Flex, calling him a sellout.


*Backstage with Billy Jack Shearer



Shearer is in the back and he talks about his upcoming title match against Whistler. He then talks about a recent altercation with Zeus Maxmillion over a radio interview that Maxmillion gave where he called Shearer "one dimensional". He then says that he will be happy to show him how one dimensional he is tonight.


Match #2



Billy Jack Shearer vs Zeus Maxmillion


In a match that had an average crowd reaction and some decent in-ring action, Billy Jack Shearer defeated Zeus Maxmillion in 8:58 by pinfall with a Rhythm and Bruise. WINNER - Billy Jack Shearer
"Shearer has controlled this match from the opening bell, but Maxmillion has mounted some offense....well...spoke too soon....Rhythm and Bruise on Maxmillion...the cover..1...2...3....Shearer with the victory!"


*Locker Room with The Hype



Roger Pyle catches up with The Hype in the back and he asks him about his match with Jimmy Cox for the Great Lakes Championship. The Hype says that even with the departure of Flex, the Franchise Player's plan to get all the gold in the NWA is still on as scheduled...and tonight that plan goes into motion.


Match #3 - Great Lakes Championship Match




The Hype vs Jimmy Cox ©


In a match that had some good action and average heat, "The Hype" Todd Cusson defeated Jimmy Cox in 10:14 by pinfall. WINNER and NEW Great Lakes Champion, The Hype.
"Cox climbs back into the ring...The Hype runs across the ring and knocks Cox back to the floor...boy, The Hype is doing just enough to not get disqualified...wait, did Floyd Goldworthy just hand The Hype something? I could have sworn...Awe no! Hype just nailed Cox with some brass knuckles as Goldworthy distracted Jay Flair...Hype picks up a lifeless Cox and drives him down with a DDT....no...1...2....3....damn it....that mother fracking cheating bastard...."


*In ring with Larry Wood


Larry Wood comes down to the ring and he talks about the past six months and how everyone should be happy for Brent Hill. He says that the goal for everyone in this company should be to cash in with one of the big boys. Just as he is about to scold the fans for booing, Adam Anderson comes down to the ring and starts to insult Wood. The two men eventually start to brawl after Wood slaps Anderson across the face.


Match #4 - World Heavyweight Championship Match




Dean McWade vs Whistler ©


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Whistler defeated Dean McWade in 12:15 by pinfall with a Rebel Yell. WINNER and STILL Heavyweight Champ, Whister. Whistler makes defense number 3 of his NWA Heavyweight Championship title.
"McWade has looked really good out there, we normally don't get to see a lot of tag team wrestlers in singles matches....Whistler regains control...REBEL YELL!!! The cover..1...2...3....Whistler retains the title!"

*The music starts playing and the lights turned on, the fans trickled out of The Odeon, stopping to get some merchandise along the way*

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