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The Road To Glory

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<blockquote>Who am I. You sure you wanna know.


Over the years I've been known by many names; Ricky G, RTG, Sweet Ricky T, Tricky Ricky and Rick Geddins. I've worked all over the world for promotions big and small. I've been on TV shows and won championships. I've headlined Pay-Per-Views and suffered serious injuries. I worked with legends and had meetings with wrestling icons such as Tommy Cornell and Richard Eisen.


Before all of that, I was just Ricky though.


My story begins in 1997. I was 19 and living a day at a time. Life wasn't hard but it certainly wasn't glamorous. I lived in my parents basement in Queens and spent watching too much TV. Wednesday nights in was a tradition as our group of friends sat down to watch SWF's Supreme TV and HGC's Hollyweird TV. We would compare the shows and practice moves on each other. Another show we used to watch was Awesome To The Max, but that was more for the laugh factor. The show was awful and got pulled in early 1997. It was the beginning of the end for AMW and it spent a couple of months in court before their owner bolted with all the cash.


On Saturday's we would head down to the local gym where we once more practiced our moves. The gym was run by Rocky Streets. Rocky had been a SWF career worker who had been entered into the SWF Hall Of Fame in 1995. Upon retiring, he'd come back to the gym that he had trained in as a youngster to work with the next generation. We had bugged him constantly and eventually he had agreed to teach us.


We'd been sparring one day when a guy in our group came up with an idea. His name was William Fletcher. He thought that since the Tri-State area was buzzing by what came to be known as the East Coast Wars, that we should try cash in on it. The seventeen of us pooled our cash which totaled $1,000 and approached Rocky who was very open to the idea. He pulled a couple of strings and before we even knew it, he told us that we needed to name the company as the fliers would be printed soon.


We had no popularity, no momentum, no prestige & $1,000 behind us. What could have possible gone wrong?

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Impact Wrestling 1

Saturday Week 4 February 1997

Weston Gymnasium


Ricky Thomas Geddins Vs Tempest Appleby

Thomas Morgan Vs William Fletcher

Danny Petterson Vs Jack Giedroyc

Andrew Brookfield Vs Joey Poison


If there is a single highest prediction winner, then they can have a RTG character made to follow

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Looking back at that first show we ran, I wish I had written down more details such as times and types of finishes, but the team was too giddy. We had canvassed the neighbourhood with fliers but the attendance was underwhelming. 10 people in the crowd and most were just family members.




Impact Wrestling 1

Saturday Week 4 February 1997

Weston Gymnasium


Ricky Thomas Geddins Vs Tempest Appleby

Tempest Appleby defeated Ricky Thomas Geddins

Rating: E-


Thomas Morgan Vs William Fletcher

Thomas Morgan defeated William Fletcher

Rating: E+


Danny Patterson Vs Jack Giedroyc

Jack Giedroyc defeated Danny Patterson

Rating: E-


Andrew Brookfield Vs Joey Poison

Joey Poison defeated Andrew Brookfield

Rating: D-


After the show we looked over the finances. $60 was taken at the door and $40 of merchandise. I remember these figures clearly because Patterson came up and grabbed it for his cut. Rocky informed me that our sponsers had luckily paid out in our set-up month so even losing $926, we still had $3,367.


Road To Glory Accounts:



PPV Income: 0

Ticket Sales: 60

TV Revenue: 0

Sponsors: 3,123

Merchandise: 40

Misc: 364


Workers: 2,901

Show Costs: 700

Marketing: 250

Merchandise: 12

Production: 250


Misc: 400<hr>Prediction Results:

MichiganHero: 3/4

The Effect: 2/4

Trell: 2/4

Corki: 2/4


Looks like Disco Jack is making a comeback (im a poet and i didn't know it :cool:). If you want to roll yourself a RTG character and PM me the details.

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Impact Wrestling 2

Saturday Week 4 March 1997

Weston Gymnasium


Andrew Brookfield (0-1) Vs Ricky Thomas Geddins (0-1)

Panda Mask (0-0) Vs Richard Blood (0-0)

The Black Knight (0-0) Vs Zeus Maxmillion (0-0)

Nathan Black (0-0) Vs Thomas Morgan (1-0)


Tickets are available at The Weston Gymnasium or at http://www.impacttix.com


If there is a single highest prediction winner, then they can have the final RTG character for the first couple years

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Impact Wrestling 2

Saturday Week 4 March 1997

Weston Gymnasium

Attendance: 8


Andrew Brookfield Vs Ricky Thomas Geddins

In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Andrew Brookfield defeated Ricky Thomas Geddins in 13:15 by pinfall.

Rating: 22


Panda Mask Vs Richard Blood

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Richard Blood defeated Panda Mask in 13:02 by pinfall.

Rating: 32


The Black Knight Vs Zeus Maxmillion

In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Zeus Maxmillion defeated The Black Knight in 12:41 by pinfall with a Thunder Bolt.

Rating: 28


Nathan Black Vs Thomas Morgan

In a bout that had solid in-ring action but non-existent crowd heat, Nathan Black defeated Thomas Morgan in 12:37 by pinfall with a Black Dog Down.

Rating: 39<hr>Road To Glory Accounts:


PPV Income: 0

Ticket Sales: 48

TV Revenue: 0

Sponsors: 3,056

Merchandise: 560

Misc: 763


Workers: 3.600

Show Costs: 700

Marketing: 250

Merchandise: 168

Production: 250


Misc: 400


Money Left: $2,426<hr>Prediction Results:

MichiganHero: 3/4

The Effect: 3/4

Trell: 3/4

Corki: 0/4

Rayelek: 2/4


No overall winner, but The Effect doesn't have a RTG character yet. If you want one, then roll the details and PM them to me & and you might just appear on Impact Wrestling 4

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Impact Wrestling 3

Saturday Week 4 April 1997

Weston Gymnasium

1837 12th Avenue, NY


Mike Benson (0-0) Vs Tempest Appleby (1-0)

Ex-Junior Hockey newcomer Benson makes his debut against The Mover From Vancouver

Jack Glowson (0-0) Vs Nathan Black (1-0)

Disco Jack Vs Nathan Black.. Is Disco still dead?

Andrew Brookfield (1-1) Vs Wolfgang Zimmerman (0-0)

Brookfield's final match in Impact Wrestling. Will he go out on a high?

Mexican Beast (0-0) Vs Ricky Thomas Geddins (0-2)

One of the biggest fighters from Mexico takes on New Yorks own RTG. Will the home town hero win?


Tickets are available at The Weston Gymnasium or at http://www.impacttix.com

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Mike Benson (0-0) Vs Tempest Appleby (1-0)

I hate Tempest.


Jack Glowson (0-0) Vs Nathan Black (1-0)

Disco Jack will win this match. Once the party starts, there is no end!


Andrew Brookfield (1-1) Vs Wolfgang Zimmerman (0-0)

Is Brookfield retiring? If so, what better way to go out than on top.


Mexican Beast (0-0) Vs Ricky Thomas Geddins (0-2)

Mexico > RTG jobber.

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Mike Benson (0-0) Vs Tempest Appleby (1-0)

I hate Tempest.


Jack Glowson (0-0) Vs Nathan Black (1-0)

Disco Jack will win this match. Once the party starts, there is no end!


Andrew Brookfield (1-1) Vs Wolfgang Zimmerman (0-0)

Is Brookfield retiring? If so, what better way to go out than on top.


Mexican Beast (0-0) Vs Ricky Thomas Geddins (0-2)

Mexico > RTG jobber.


Brookfield isn't retiring. He just costs more than almost the entire other matches in total

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Mike Benson (0-0) Vs Tempest Appleby (1-0)

Ex-Junior Hockey newcomer Benson makes his debut against The Mover From Vancouver


Jack Glowson (0-0) Vs Nathan Black (1-0)

Disco Jack Vs Nathan Black.. Is Disco still dead?


Andrew Brookfield (1-1) Vs Wolfgang Zimmerman (0-0)

Brookfield's final match in Impact Wrestling. Will he go out on a high?


Mexican Beast (0-0) Vs Ricky Thomas Geddins (0-2)

One of the biggest fighters from Mexico takes on New Yorks own RTG. Will the home town hero win?

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Impact Wrestling 3

Saturday Week 4 April 1997

Weston Gymnasium

Attendance: 12


Mike Benson Vs Tempest Appleby

In an absolutely wretched bout that was devoid of action or heat, Mike Benson defeated Tempest Appleby in 12:31 by pinfall.

Rating: 12


Jack Glowson Vs Nathan Black

In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Nathan Black defeated Jack Glowson in 13:07 by pinfall with a Black Dog Down.

Rating: 26


Andrew Brookfield Vs Wolfgang Zimmerman

In an extremely poor match, Andrew Brookfield defeated Wolfgang Zimmerman in 12:49 by pinfall.

Rating: 17


Mexican Beast Vs Ricky Thomas Geddins

In an extremely poor match, Ricky Thomas Geddins defeated Mexican Beast in 13:22 by pinfall.

Rating: 23<hr>Road To Glory Accounts:


PPV Income: 0

Ticket Sales: 72

TV Revenue: 0

Sponsors: 3,067

Merchandise: 600

Misc: 958


Workers: 2,109

Show Costs: 700

Marketing: 250

Merchandise: 180

Production: 250


Misc: 400


Money Left: $3,234<hr>Prediction Results:

MichiganHero: 2/4

The Effect: 1/4

Trell: 3/4

Corki: 0/4

Rayelek: 0/4


Nice work Trell. Effect, let me know if you want an RTG character still. Trell, MichiganHero.. Feel free to do a CRW staple and blog up/tweet in character

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Impact Wrestling 4

Saturday Week 4 May 1997

Weston Gymnasium

1837 12th Avenue, NY


Mike Benson (1-0) Vs Wolfgang Zimmerman (0-1)


Danny Patterson (0-1) Vs Jack Glowson (0-1)


Mexican Beast (0-1) Vs Nathan Black (2-0)


Panda Mask (0-1) Vs Ricky Thomas Geddins (1-2)


Tickets are available at The Weston Gymnasium or at http://www.impacttix.com

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Studio 54


Hello chilllllldren, it's the one, the only, the Messiah of The Dancefloor Jack Glowson baby! Last week wasn't so hot for me but according to this fancy new ratings system me and ol' Nate tore the house down and had the best match. And this month, I get a tea-sipping, fun-killing bore from England to contend with. If there is one thing I hate more than punk music and people trying to tell me that disco is dead, it's boring giants who can't wrestle or dance. So keep your eyes peeled for the debut of the Party Starter as I pin that big lump. And now for my inside scoop on who will win at Impact Wrestling 4!


Mike Benson (1-0) Vs Wolfgang Zimmerman (0-1)

I'm rooting for Benson to win. He's got some killer moves and someone with the surname Zimmerman will never win. Seriously, Zimmerman is such a bad name!


Danny Patterson (0-1) Vs Jack Glowson (0-1)

Do I even need a reason? It's painfully obvious to see.


Mexican Beast (0-1) Vs Nathan Black (2-0)

Nathan is evidently the top dog round these parts with yours truly being a close second.


Panda Mask (0-1) Vs Ricky Thomas Geddins (1-2)

Guys, gals, it's a freaking wrestling panda. I don't need to say anymore.


Keep on dancing baby!

Jack Glowson


(I would like to point out that Jack Glowson's views are not my own. I'm merely the man's official typist. ;):p)

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Impact Wrestling 4

Saturday Week 4 May 1997

Weston Gymnasium

Attendance: 10


Mike Benson Vs Wolfgang Zimmerman

In an absolutely wretched bout that was devoid of action or heat, Wolfgang Zimmerman defeated Mike Benson in 12:55 by pinfall.

Rating: 16


Danny Patterson Vs Jack Glowson

In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Jack Glowson defeated Danny Patterson in 12:59 by pinfall following a Party Starter.

Rating: 19


Mexican Beast Vs Nathan Black

In an extremely poor match, Mexican Beast defeated Nathan Black in 13:06 by pinfall with a Beast Breaker.

Rating: 29


Panda Mask Vs Ricky Thomas Geddins

In an extremely poor match, Ricky Thomas Geddins defeated Panda Mask in 12:49 by pinfall.

Rating: 31


Final Rating: 29<hr>Road To Glory Accounts:


PPV Income: 0

Ticket Sales: 60

TV Revenue: 0

Sponsors: 3,104

Merchandise: 590

Misc: 37


Workers: 2,176

Show Costs: 700

Marketing: 250

Merchandise: 177

Production: 250


Misc: 400


Money Left: $3,072<hr>Prediction Results:

MichiganHero: 1/4

The Effect: 0/4

Trell: 0/4

Corki: 0/4

Rayelek: 0/4


MichiganHero.. Feel free to do a CRW staple and blog up/tweet. You can even choose your opponent.

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