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WWF vs. WCW 1994

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It's a two player game where all the contracts and TV deals got deleted. It's gonna get weird.


January 1993: Vince McMahon is found guilty of selling steroids to his wrestlers. WWF shuts down.


May 1993: Ted Turner loses a game of stud poker to a young man named Octavio Del Norte. The bet: A colorized print of Citizen Kane, a night with Jane Fonda, and WCW.


Well, two nights with Jane Fonda.


WCW loses it's affiliations with Turner Broadcasting and goes on the road with heavy roster changes, though Sting, Steve Austin, and Brian Pillman remain loyal.


September 1993: Arnold Schwarzenegger uses his massive amount of PLANET HOLLYWOOD money to buy the WWF from Vince McMahon, deciding that it's time to get into the wrestling game. Only five contracts remain in effect at the time of purchase: The Undertaker, Bret Hart, Owen Hart, Crush, and Adam Bomb.

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From September of 1993 to May of 1994, it was a weird time to be a wrestling fan. Or a wrestler, for that matter. The two titans of the business had hit a total reset. WCW was running a tour of house shows, but the roster was in constant flux, consisting of a few big names and a lot of local indy talent...It was as if Del Norte wanted to keep the States aware that World Championship Wrestling was alive, and building towards...something.


It turned out that they were building torwards THE POWER TOUR, a grand reentry for the spiritual predecessor of the NWA into the wrestling scene.


Meanwhile, Arnold's WWF had five wrestlers on the roster: Bret and Owen Hart, the Undertaker, as well as Bryan Clarke and Brian Adams. Offers were being made and contracts were being signed, but the who's and how muches were being kept under wraps.




The only thing for certain was that Hulk Hogan wouldn't be signing with either company: "These guys think they can run the business? They've got another thing coming jack. Whatcha gonna do Arnold and Octavio, when Hulk Hogan buys a wrestling company and goes wild on you?!" This isn't an exact quote, but we're assuming it's pretty accurate.


Things were about to get interesting. Especially for Savio Vega. Because he was gonna die in a few months.

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The first big announcement for the WWF was a two week US tour leading up to the PPV Event WWF: End of Days at Madison Square Gardens, an oddly titled return show (Arnold really liked the sound of it) that promised to crown a new WWF World Heavyweight Champion. The following week there would be two huge live events in Chicago and Atlanta: WWF Superstars Reborn. The three shows would be packaged as a huge VHS collector's set and sold at stores near you.


Though Arnold was apparently extremely hands on, his knowledge of the business didn't match his passion for it, and for that, he turned to Bret 'The Hitman' Hart. Arnold flew Hart's family out to LA several times for planning retreats. With the celebrity pull of the biggest action star in the world paired with the Hart Family, fans were on their feet for the WWF, waiting for announcements of any kind from the organization. Members of the Hart family were being spotted at indy shows all over North America and the buzz was huge.


And that's when the first official talent announcement out of Arnold's WWF took everyone by surprise: At the Hollywood premiere of True Lies, Arnold hit the red carpet with his new announce team: a young and nervous looking play by play man named Joey Styles, heel color man Mr. Perfect, healing from a back injury, and in the 'pulling for the good guys' role, Mr. T.


The next week, Arnold and Mr. Perfect appeared on Jay Leno to announce that End of Days would feature a tournament to crown the WWF Champion...


Arnold: "Thank you. Thank you for your applause. Yeah. Thank you. I like it when there is clapping. Thank you. I am hear to announce the WWF End of Days pay per view which people will love. It will feature a tournament to crown the new WWF World Heavyweight Champion of the World. The tournament will feature the best wrestling Superstars in the entire universe, like a Macho Man, Bret Hart, The Undertaker and one called The Warlord who is very big and tough. There are many more but lets have some surprises for when you tune in yeah? There will also be a big tag team match featuring Ron and Don Harris taking on The Steiner Brothers, who the crowds will love because they are brothers and the fans will appreciate that connection and love them for that reason when they see them.


Do not forget to order End of Days on PPV next Sunday, especially if you like battle royals with Native Americans and Japanese and Mexican Parkas and warriors because they will all be there as well with a Macho Man."


Arnold always had a way with words. The crowd ate it up. And then, as an added bonus, Mr. T walked out from backstage to announce the official card, and then as bonus added to that bonus, Bret Hart appeared on the show and promised to win the WWF Championship! Mr. T shook hands with Bret, noting that he pitied the foo that tangled with the Hitman. But THEN, as a bonus added on top of all those other bonuses, The Million Dollar Man himself, Ted DiBiase, arrived, and promised that his newest client would win the title, and that he would prove once and for all that everybody's got a price!


The dirtsheets immediately lit up to predict the show, the new champ, and the identity of DiBiase's new client!


WWF: End of Days


Special Tag Team Match:

The Steiner Brothers vs. Ron and Don, The Harris Boys


The WWF Championship Tournament


The Warlord vs. Randy Savage

'The Rocket' Owen Hart vs. Haku

The Undertaker vs. The British Bulldog

Jacques Rougeau vs. Bret 'Hitman' Hart


Followed by semi finals and a final match, crowning the WWF Champion!

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WCW in MAY: The Road To Slamboree

With only a limited time before WCW's first PPV lead by Octavio Del Norte, no time was wasted.


In their first show a United States Champion was crowned. Greg "The Hammer" Valentine won a blistering bout against Dr. Death Steve Williams. though Valentine won with some underhanded tactics, he still proved he's one of the toughest wrestlers in the business. This is his fourth reign as US champion his last coming 11 YEARS earlier!


A world title tournament was set, with part of it taking place at Slamboree and the finals taking place at The Great American Bash. The Competitors would be Ron Simmons, Bam Bam Bigelow, Ricky Steamboat and the very narcissistic Lex Luger.


At the second show, the last before the PPV, the large and regal KING KOKINA made his debut along with his Royal Samoan Guard, Fatu and Samu. Kokina made his presence known by coming to the ring and decimating STING.


Later in the show Roddy Piper defended Sting's honor and challenged Kokina to a fight!


Greg Valentine made his first US Title defense with old foe Bob Backlund which ended in a time limit draw. After the match Backlund asked for more time but Valentine told him to head to the back of the line, punk!


Another rivalry heated up as the loudmouth Steve Austin called out veteran Tito Santana and talked at great lengths about how Tito was going to be embarrassed at the hands of the former Hollywood Blonde.


The following matches were set for Slamboree (with more action to come!)



Roddy Piper vs. King Kokina

Harlem Heat vs. The Nasty Boys for the WCW Tag Titles

WCW Title Tournament Semi-Final: Lex Luger vs. Ricky Steamboat

WCW Title Tournament Semi-Final: Bam Bam Bigelow vs. Ron Simmons

Also appearing would be Sting, Vader and Arn Anderson!




In other news, there are rumors going around that Octavio Del Norte is interested in another big star. Names like Hulk Hogan, Ultimate Warrior and Kevin Nash have been brought up. Many in the company are pushing for a certain multi-time world champion known the world over as a superior at stylin' and prolific at profilin'.


Negotiations between the Rhodes family, Dusty and Dustin were not fruitful as Dusty Rhodes decided to take overas booker of ECWA. Dustin was still looking to weigh his options. It's said that Octavio Del Norte had very large plans in store for The Natural, and is willing to wait for the 25 year old to continue working on his craft in Smokey Mountain Wrestling and Japanese promotion WAR


With Dustin out of the picture, Del Norte has turned his attention towards Scott Putski as a future star of the company. Putski is the son of legendary grappler Ivan Putski and Octavio plans on using that name recognition to his advantage. It may be the only advantage he has....


via Squared Circle Sentinel

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End of Days kicks off with the young Joey Styles welcoming the viewers at home, mentioning that he is joined at ringside by Mr. T and Mr. P, which Mr. Perfect doesn’t find funny. Styles shoots it to The Fink in the ring, who introduces the owner of the WWF, Arnold SCHWARZenegger!


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/BHfE682mm3c" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>


Arnold soaks up the cheers before welcoming everyone to End of Days, where they will be crowning a new WWF World Heavyweight Champion. Arnold tells the fans that purchasing the WWF wasn’t a weird publicity stunt: He loves the WWF and this won’t be the last time you see him in a WWF ring. In fact, he can promise the fans that he’ll be ba-


<object width="560" height="315"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOZC3LblyLk?version=3&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JOZC3LblyLk?version=3&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="560" height="315" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true"></embed></object>


Ted DiBiase interrupts the owner, and the Million Dollar Man somehow walks through the wall of boos in front of him to reach the ring. Mr. T is pretty annoyed about the interruption: “What’s that foo doing out here? No one wants to hear his jibba jabba!”


DiBiase taunts Arnold. “You may own the WWF, Mr. Schwarzenegger, but pretty soon, I’ll own the World Championship! My client is in the locker room, and there’s no beating him.”


Arnold tries to get DiBiase to reveal his client’s identity, but Dibiase just smiles. “You’ll know soon enough.” And then he does that awesome laugh that he does.


15 Man Battle Royal


Ian Richards vs. Brian Christopher vs. Marty Jannetty vs. Eddie Guerrero vs. La Parka vs. Adam ‘The Edge’ Copeland vs. Jessie James Armstrong vs. Tatanka vs. Hakushi Shinzaki vs. ‘Lionheart’ Chris Jericho vs. Kwang vs. ‘The Sabretooth’ Tyler Mane vs. Terry Funk vs. The Renegade vs. Sabu


Styles notes that Eddie and La Parka will be competing as the tag team Los Tecnicos, while Adam Copeland and Chris Jericho have joined the WWF as ‘The Party Starterz.’ Mr. Perfect complains that it’s completely unfair to have two tag teams working together in the battle royal. He also really dislikes Ian Richards, who looks like he’s way too into vampires. ‘He’s from Canada! Who ever heard of a Canadian Vampire?’ Tatanka shows his strength eliminating both Tyler Mane and The Renegade, while Brian Christopher gets massive heat playing the role of the chickenshit and cocky heel.


The final four of the Battle Royal: Brian Christopher, Eddie Guerrero, Tatanka, and Hakushi Shinzaki. Hakushi takes out Eddie while Christopher actually eliminates himself escaping Tatanka… Tatanka takes the win, pressing Hakushi over the top rope!



Grade: C


The Steiner Brothers vs. The Harris Boys


A squash match for the Steiners, establishing them as the dominant force in the tag division. All the major Steiner spots are hit, and the boys from Michigan pick up an impressive looking win. Poor Ron and Don Harris.



Grade: C-


WWF Championship Tournament Round 1

Randy Savage vs. The Warlord


The crowd is on their feet when Randy Savage makes his grand entrance, getting on the mic and promising to win the title for all the Maniacs in the building, yeeeaaayuh. The Warlord isn’t a tough guy to breeze past, however. The Macho Man has to move quick to avoid Warlord’s power game, and it’s almost over before it starts for Savage when Warlord locks him in a massive BEAR HUG. “OH MY GOD,” reinforces Styles. Eventually Savage makes his comeback, hitting the big elbow for the pin, but the match has taken its toll…


WINNER: Randy Savage



‘The Rocket’ Owen Hart vs. Meng


Mr. Perfect seems surprised that Owen isn’t Ted DiBiase’s client, as it would give him an opportunity to finally get out of his brother Bret’s shadow. Hart keeps ahead of Meng at first with rapid fire dropkicks and speed moves, but makes the mistake of trying to bring Meng to the mat too soon. Meng takes control and never really lets it go, scoring the win over the youngest Hart.





The Undertaker vs. ‘The British Bulldog’ Davey Boy Smith


Ted DiBiase comes out to interrupt The Fink, insisting that he’ll introduce his client himself.


British Bulldog gets a huge face pop, with the fans eager to see the sell out Dead Man lose. Despite a extremely back and forth match, once The Undertaker sits up after a running powerslam from Davey, it’s over. Undertaker puts the Bulldog down with a Tombstone.


WINNER: Undertaker



After the match, Ted DiBiase reveals THE URN, which Undertaker does the kneeling no eyeballs salute thing to. DiBiase reminds the crowd that everybody’s got a price…for the Million Dollar Ministry!


Jacques Rougeau vs. Bret Hart


Jacques makes his entrance to a mostly flat crowd- they’re still buzzing after Undertaker’s victory. A camera crew rushes backstage to find Bret Hart about to head out, asking him what he thinks about DiBiase’s new client! “This doesn’t change anything. Undertaker may have sold out, but the buck stops at the Excellence of Execution.” Bret’s music hits and the crowd wakes back up, getting to their feet for the Hitman. It’s a short crowd pleasure of a match, with some stalling tactics from Rougeau riling folks up, with all the usual Bret spots. Hart locks in the Sharpshooter for the win.


WINNER: Bret Hart





Randy Savage vs. Meng


Meng rips into Savage, dominating the match. Savage finds occasional windows of hope for comebacks, but Meng never lets the momentum shift for long. After a series of nearfalls, Savage rolls Meng up in a small package for the win out of nowhere! Savage picks up the win, but is helped out of the ring by officials.


WINNER: Randy Savage



Bret Hart vs. The Undertaker


A total war. Bret Hart keeps his focus on Undertaker’s legs, trying to keep the Dead Man off of his feet. The match spills to the outside several times. At one point, the ref is squashed in the corner behind Bret, and drops to the mat, out cold. Of course, wouldn’t you know that that’s when Bret manages to lock in the sharpshooter? Wake up ref!


Wake up! But wait…Is that Jim Cornette? And who is that with him?! Jim Cornette leads a giant of a man in a leather vest and shades to the ring, hitting Bret with a big boot and then knocking him out cold with a huge jackknife powerbomb! Cornette and the mystery giant leave the ring celebrating. Undertaker sits up, and hits Bret with a tombstone as the ref recovers for the win.


WINNER: The Undertaker



FINAL: Randy Savage vs. The Undertaker


Savage keeps up the gameplan of targeting Undertaker’s legs, but Taker controls the match until Savage manages to clothesline him to the outside. Savage takes a huge risk with a double axe handle from the top and it pays off BIG! Savage manages to keep the momentum up for a big elbow! The crowd is on their feet, but the Undertaker KICKS OUT! Savage can’t believe it! The battle rages on! Undertaker walks the ropes with a huge strike, but Savage kicks out at two! He reverses a chokeslam into a roll up, but Undertaker kicks out at the last moment! Undertaker hits a chokeslam! Savage kicks out! A second chokeslam! His shoulder is up! Undertaker connects with the Tombstone! 1! 2! 3! The Undertaker is the first World Heavyweight Champion of the Arnold Era!


WINNER: The Undertaker



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The Steiner Bros aren't from Michigan State! They are from Michigan. Michigan State University is a rival of the University of Michigan.


Anyways I will read more. I want to see how this plays out.


Ah, but in this alternate reality where Jushin Liger owns a company in Jersey, they went to MICHIGAN STATE!


Kidding. It's fixed. But Liger is working out of Jersey.


Thanks for reading!

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By: Luke Dinsmore


Dark Match: Art Barr vs. Alex Wright

Two young guys getting an opportunity. I've heard that Octavio Del Norte is a big fan of Art Barr so we'll see if anything becomes of him. I heard he was a kind of a rapist so not sure if this is a good signing for Del Norte or what that says about him. Alex Wright has a lame haircut. Couldn't pay much attention to the match because I was asking the people around me if they thought Alex Wright's haircut was lame too.


* 1/2


Dark Match: Rick Martel vs. Fit Finlay

Rick Martel was working babyface. No idea who Fit Finlay is. He's Irish, I think. He was nailing Martel with some upper cuts. Martel won with the Boston Crab. Weird to see him act all goody goody after his WWF run. My older brother says he used to be a good guy in the AWA, whatever that is.


* 3/4



Lex Luger came out with Mean Gene and started flexing his muscles. This guy blows. He says he's going to beat Ricky Steamboat and whoever else to become world champion. I hope not. I hate this guy. So stupid.

The Lightning Kid vs. 2 Cold Scorpio

THIS WAS AWESOME! Lightning Kid did a flip to the outside and 2 Cold Scorpio was doing all kinds of high flying stuff despite having a large bottom. So much fun. Now this is how you kick off a Pay-per-view! Kid won with with a moonsault.


*** 1/2


Ron Simmons vs. Bam Bam Bigelow

This is the semi-final for the WCW title. So stupid. Why isn't Sting in the tournament? I guess they're going to have him wrestle the Yokzuna, who's going by some other name. Apparently he's samoan now. Anyway. These guys are slow, unlike the last match which was faster. So I didn't care. Ron Simmons picked Bigelow up and slammed him on his face and won. Great.




Scott Putski vs. Bobby Eaton

Everyone knows Bobby Eaton around here and HATES HIM. My mom told me he came in the Denny's where she works and tipped her a nickle. He had a Grand Slam with orange juice and everything. Everyone has a story about Bobby Eaton. Anyway, Putski was okay. Kinda clunky, but everyone hated Bobby Eaton so much that we were happy to cheer for Putski, who beat him with a spinebuster.




Brian Pillman Interview

Brian Pillman talked to Bobby the Brain Heenan about how old time wrestlers were holding guys like him back, and he was sick of it. He said something about wishing Steve Austin look against Tito Santana. I can't remember, I spilled my soda on my shorts.


Paul Orndorff vs. Bob Backlund

UGH Bob Backlund is weird. His eyes are all buggy looking. Greg Valentine smashed him in the face with the US title, allowing Orndorff to win. The match was kind of fun though. Backlund kept hopping around and it made me giggle.


** 1/2

Harlem Heat vs. The Nasty Boys for the WCW Tag Title

Nasty Boys are fat and dumb, but they try to "get over" as Dave Meltzer says, by rubbing people's faces in their armpits. That wouldn't happen in a real fight. Dumb. Harlem Heat are the bad guys, and everyone was real excited until Booker T won with a top rope drop kick. He's kinda cool though.


** 3/4


This was a lot of fun. these guys were really going at it and punching each other in the face. Steve Austin is really energetic and kind of funny. Everyone hated him and cheered for Tito, so I cheered for him. Good guys are dumb.


This went to a draw, which was really disappointing, but I hope it means they keep wrestling each other.


*** 3/4



Kokina came out with his "Royal Guard". So stupid. I bet he's not a real king. Piper came out and everyone "popped". Kokina squashed him like a bug though. Everyone was booing so loudly after the match. He started beating up Piper some more and people started throwing garbage into the ring. Then STING came out and ran him off! AWESOME!





these guys looked like they were really hitting each other. I think Vader cut open Dr. D's eye with a punch. It was kind of cool. Vader won with a power bomb but this could have gone either way. Dr. Death looks like a real tough guy.


*** 1/4


This went over huge with the crowd. I think everyone was in love with Sting just because he ran off Kokina earlier. Really hot match, probably one of the best matches of the year. Arn Anderson was cheating a lot and one lady in the front row threatened to kill him. He laughed at her and wrenched a head lock even tighter. Some guards had to restrain her.


Sting won with the Scorpion Death Lock which is SO MUCH COOLER than a Sharpshooter.


After the match Sting got on the microphone and told King Kokina to bring it on any time any where. I hope he kicks his tubby butt.



UGH. Luger won. So dumb. The crowd was into it, but when Lex Luger won you everyone got so mad. He's can't wrestle at all. And he yells funny when he thinks he's hitting people hard. I bet he'd break his neck if he tried a moonsault. And he cheated too! The ref didn't see it but he punched Ricky in the face with a metal chain.


I give it Negative a million stars just because Lex Luger won.


After the match Luger was gloating and Ron Simmons ran out and ran him off. So I love Ron Simmons now.


Overall Show

Okay show. Didn't like some of the choices like King Kokina and Lex Luger winning. I guess it's Ron Simmons vs. Luger for the title. Luger better not win. I'll be furious.


Overall I'd say it was almost as good as Beverly Hills Cop 3 which my brother got me in to watch this weekend. It was funny.

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By: Phil 'Philly Cheesesteak' Chapman


So this weekend, my roommates and I drove to Atlanta, and up to Chicago for the two WWF Superstars Reborn events to celebrate the return of WWF Superstars on USA. Pretty sweet shows, even if you don't like all the stupid cartoon characters WWF usually does.


WWF Superstars Reborn Night 1: Atlanta

Ian Richards vs. Brian Christopher – C


Pretty cool match. Both guys fly around a lot. Ian's got cool dreadlocks like my buddy Nathan and Brian Christopher could probably be as good as his dad Jerry Lawler. He kept stalling and walking around the outside of the ring, really got people going. Richards hit a cool moonsault to win.


Rising Sons vs. OMEGA Supreme – D


This was pretty rough. The Rising Sons are two Japanese dudes. My brother says that they're Taka Michinoku and Dick Togo and that I should watch some of his tapes and that they should be the champs here. OMEGA Supreme were these two Rocker from North Carolina wannabes named Surge and Nero. They couldn't wrestle that well but they did some pretty sick bumps. Rising Sons hit them with double spinkicks and won.


After the match, Ted DiBiase came out and introduced the new WWF Champion. Dude, Undertaker's entrance is so awesome live. That guy is a boss. Nathan thinks he should be a biker instead of a dead guy. Nathan is an idiot. Ted ran down Savage and said no one can beat the Million Dollar Ministry.


Tatanka vs. Guido the Butcher – C


Why's Tatanka so popular? I think he sucks. He beat the crap out of this little Italian dude named Guido in like 2 minutes.


Party Starterz vs. Gods of War – c+


Those Party Starter guys from the PPV came out, and said they're here to win matches. They want any tag team from the back to come out and wrestle. Holy shit you'd think this was a New Kids show from the lady screams. Then these massive dudes came out. It's Crush and that guy who was Adam Bomb, and they get announced as Crush and Wrath: The Gods of War, and they completely beat the crap out of those pretty boys. They talked some smack about the Steiner Brothers after the match. Those dudes were awesome.


William Regal vs. British Bulldog - B-


This guy William Regal came out and said he was the best British wrestler in the world. So of course Davey Boy came out and got a match started. Bulldog put him away with a powerslam, but that Regal dude had some pretty rad moves.


American Made vs. The Harris Boys – c-


Can pro wrestling exist without patriotic stuff? The Patriot and this young Mark Bagwell dude came out waving flags and people ate it up. They've got this hot chick named Kim Page and that doesn't hurt. They beat The Harris Boys. Those guys get beat all the time.


Owen Hart vs. The Warlord – b-


Dude I love Owen Hart like Screech loves Zach Morris. He locked Warlord in the Sharpshooter and won. The Sharpshooter is so much better than the Scorpion Deathlock. It's not even funny.


Bret Hart vs. Sabu – b-


Bret squashes this guy named Sabu. Two sharpshooters in a row, and Owen and Bulldog come out to celebrate with him. It's awesome. Bret talks about that coward Jim Cornette and his big man that cost him the WWF title.


Meng vs. Randy Savage – b-


After Savage puts Meng away, Mr. T interviews him. He says he's coming for The Undertaker and that he's gonna win the title for the fans and don't forget to watch WWF Superstars next week on USA.


Pretty rad show. We haul butt to the car without buying tshirts so we can start driving to Chicago.



Here's a picture of us outside of Denny's.


WWF Superstars Reborn Night 2: Chicago


Guido the Butcher vs. Marty Jannetty - C


That Guido dude is pretty funny. Marty Jannetty is awesome, man. Also, where is Shawn Michaels? It would be cool if he showed up. Marty worked the crowd up and won with a Rocker Dropper.


Gods of War vs. OMEGA Supreme – d


Gods of War killed those two little jackasses. It was awesome. They talked more smack about The Steiners.


And then ARNOLD SHOWED UP! HOLY SHIT! He introduces Jim Cornette, who explains that he's not about to watch the Hart family buddy up to Arnold and run the company, so he's brought in his associate Diesel to prevent that from happening!


Venom INC vs. American Made – d+


Venom INC is these two masked guys named Scorpion and Cobra. Nathan says that their names are Al Snow and Jeff Farmer. I just like the name Venom INC. Anyway, American Made wins because of course they do.


That William Regal guy comes back out and reminds everyone that despite what happened in Atlanta, he's the best. And then TERRY FUNK shows up and gets in his face! And then the Undertaker gong happened! Holy crap, Taker jumps Terry Funk and Savage runs out! It was crazy. Regal was like hiding in the audience. Savage says that since Undertaker was supposed to face Funk, why don't they make it a tag team match? This is going to be awesome.


The Steiner Brothers vs. The Quebeccers – c+


The Steiners had this locked and then the Gods of War distracted them. Yvonne Rougeau rolled up Rick and you would have thought they had won the Olympics. All four guys beat down the Steiners, and then the Gods beat down EVERYONE.


Kanyon vs. Tatanka - D+


Tatanka beat this weird dude in a green cape and a skull mask. He was supposed to be an Egyptian death god or something. Well, he got his ass beat.


Owen Hart vs. Meng - c+


TWO NIGHTS OF OWEN HART. Bret wasn't there, but that's fine because OWEN IS AWESOME. He beat Meng in a rematch from End of Days and it was awesome. He gave some kid his shades and I wish I was that kid.


Randy Savage and Terry Funk vs. The Undertaker and William Regal - B


Weird main event because no one knows who this Regal guy is but he's pretty cool in the ring. He kept out wrestling Terry Funk and pissed him off until the Funk man just started punching him in the face. Cool match. Randy hit Regal with the elbow for the win and then him and Undertaker just WENT AT IT. Whole locker room emptied out to separate them. Finally it calmed down and Randy got back in the ring and said he's beat Undertaker anytime, any place and for us to have a great name. And then they shot a Slim Jim cannon.


Overall, cool two nights. Nice to see what kind of guys the WWF has on the roster.

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June 1994: The Return of Superstars and the build to King of the Ring


WWF Superstars made it's return to the USA Network on the first Saturday afternoon of June, and kicked off in a big way: with the in ring debut of the man who cost Bret Hart a shot at the WWF Championship: DIESEL. Insiders reported that Arnold and Bret were very high on the work of the man known as Glen Jacobs, portraying the silent man-machine from Detroit, and Bret had volunteered to help him debut in a big way. After completely dismantling by Diesel of a young high flyer from Japan named Taka Michinoku, Hart hit the ring and a brawl erupted that refs and security desperately tried to break up. In the end, Owen Hart and Davey Boy Smith had to restrain Bret and talk him backstage.


The first Superstars would also see Arnold make the announcement that the winner of the King of the Ring would also be crowned Intercontinental Champion, revealing a pretty average tournament line up: Marty Jannetty, Sabu, the Apocalyptic Kanyon, Owen Hart, Hakushi Shinzaki, Brian Christopher, Ian Only, and former US Marine Jessie James Armstrong would all be competing.


The Steiner Brothers continued their feud with Gods of War, looking dominant in their squash matches and talking a lot of trash about the cowardly heels, while Randy Savage demanded a rematch with The Undertaker, which the Million Dollar Ministry would 'take under consideration.'


In a very strange move, a series of tag team matches to determine a championship match at King of the Ring began at house shows, perhaps in an attempt to push attendance. Los Tecnicos would review footage and provide updates on the series with Mr. T each week on Superstars, though they themselves would lose their chance at the titles against a debuting team: William Regal and a new signing named Hunter Hearst Helmsley, wrestling under the tag team name Gentleman Grapplers.


Escalation for the PPV would come to a head with Undertaker striking Randy Savage with THE URN and Ted DiBiase dumping money on the fallen Macho Man's prone body, announcing that they accepted his challenge, while The Steiners Brothers vs. Gentleman Grapplers was announced as the tag team championship match (despite American Made promising to win the straps for Old Glory). Though they had yet to wrestle on television, William Regal and Hunter Hearst Helmsley began appearing in vignettes, running down their low class competitors.


People were predicting and arguing over the outcome of King of The Ring like a bunch of dynasty hungry mad dogs...


King of the Ring '94


WWF Tag Team Championship Match:

The Steiners Brothers vs. Gentleman Grapplers


King of the Ring:

Hakushi Shinzaki vs. Jessie James Armstrong

Kanyon vs. Marty Jannetty

Owen Hart vs. Brian Christopher

Sabu vs. Ian Only


WWF Championship Match:

The Undertaker © vs. Randy Savage

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WWF Newz and Rumourz

by Philly Cheesesteak Chapman


Apparently Jake Roberts signed with WWF last week. It's safe to assume he'll be feuding with someone who isn't a great talker- my money is The Snake getting involved with Bret and Diesel.


HOWEVER that isn't the only contract signing for the WWF roster- Barry Windham is reportedly in talks with the company as well, as well as Paul Levesque, who has been paired with William Regal as Hunter Hearst Helmsley. Rumor has it that his lockeroom nickname is Big Pastries, as he brought donuts for the boys on his first day.


A young worker from Mexico has had several dark matches this month: Lizmark Jr. has been wowing crowds with his Luchadore style, but apparently his backstage reputation is already horrible, having picked two fights backstage with Chris Jericho and Tatanka. His most recent in ring efforts have been getting killed by Haku, now wrestling as Meng: clearly a message to the young hothead.



Lizmark Jr. has been fired.

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SCS has confirmed from multiple reliable sources that mysterious Puerto Rican ninja Kwang was initially slated to reach the finals of King of the Ring and possibly win, but has been suspended due to drug issues. And by drug issues, we mean he got really high and did something really stupid, because it's 1994 and everyone in the business is on something.


He was replaced in the tournament by Kanyon, though whether or not Kanyon has the same push in the works or things have merely been reshuffled remains to be seen.


Our best wishes to Kwang to take this as a wake up call, as the business has a severe shortage of ninjas from Puerto Rico.

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