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Musings of a Fool

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With the nearing release of TEW2013, it comes to my attention that I really did not do anything of note with TEW2010. The last thing I did that had any sort of relevance was TEW 108: I Can Be A Booker!?, a diary that was completely derailed by TEW'10 (BTW, I am still completely floored that people were even bringing it up during the nomination process for the End of TEW10 Awards). The reasons for this are simply my own. Sometimes I've lost interest, sometimes real life has gotten in the way, and other times I just hit a creative wall that I just couldn't break through.


In any case, this brings me to my point: I have a lot of ideas and half finished projects that I just have on my computer collecting dust. And while I know there are some things I would like to hang on to and use in future projects, there are others that I would rather share with the community. And this is where this "diary" comes in. It will be a place where I will post bits and pieces of projects past, half-baked idea, and anything else that I see fit (with some added commentary by me to give some added content and context).


While my posts will be more polished that what you would find in a "What are you doing in XXX" type of thread, please keep in mind these aren't finished projects and can contain errors and typos (more some than usual ;)). The format of the thread also might be a bit erratic as well in terms of timing as well as the focus of the content. While I am not going to do it on purpose, I'm guessing that there will be times where I am talking about one project and switch to another topic before going right back to the first one. Because of this I plan to set up a table of contents in this post that will be organized by project in addition to chronological order.


Hopefully these musings will be as useful to you as they will be for me as I "knock the rust off" before getting myself into god knows what with the upcoming 8 Rings of Wrestling game.

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Table of Contents


Table of Contents


Musings #1: CPP Initial Roster [Chase Paige Promotions]

Musings #2: CPP Project Concept [Chase Paige Promotions]

Musings #3: The Beginnings of the Last Tango in TEW2010 [Last Tango in TEW2010]

Musings #4: Setting the Stage for the Last Tango [Last Tango in TEW2010]

Musings #5: GLW's 1st Show! (January 2010) [Last Tango in TEW2010]

Musings #6: GLW's 2nd Show (February 2010) [Last Tango in TEW2010]

Musings #7: GLW's 3rd Show (March 2010) [Last Tango in TEW2010]

Musings #8: GLW's 4th Show (April 2010) [Last Tango in TEW2010]

Musings #9: GLW's 5th Show (May 2010) [Last Tango in TEW2010]

Musings #10: GLW's 6th Show (June 2010) [Last Tango in TEW2010]

Musings #11: CPP Initial Storylines [Chase Paige Promotions]

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Musings #1: CPP Initial Roster [Chase Paige Promotions]


The first failed project that I am going to talk about is the one that I most recently attempted to make. It didn't get far. I only got threw my first practice show before abandoning it, but I think it's a great kicking off point for this "diary" of mine.


That project was going to be based in the Thunderverse and for the first time in a long time was not going to feature James Heatly. Instead I would be using Chase Paige as my avatar. I'll go into more later, but right now I want to show off the initial roster that Chase Paige Promotions would have rolled out for their January 2012 show, New Beginnings.


Main Event


Ali Abawa - "The Sheik Theme"

Ares - "I'm A Beast" by TechNine

Dr. Texas - "God's Gonna Cut You Down" by Johnny Cash

- "Sell Out" by Reel Big Fish

- "AKA..What a Life!" by Noel Gallagher


Notes: The original concept of the promotion was going to be Chase Paige creating a promotion of free agents. And while the final roster went away from that just a bit, for the most part the main event scene remained unchanged. The main event aren't the greatest talents in the ring with the best overall worker being Terry "Dr. Texas" Rapada. That said there is a lot of fun in this main event. Not-Terry Funk and not-The Iron Sheik are both solid in the ring are would be insanely easy to book (not to mention write for) and Shay Kinsella can work a feud anyone on the roster thanks to his well rounded stat line. Ares and Kay Pasa might not be ideal main eventers from a talent stand point, but I like them a lot as characters and they have more than enough talent to be upper card performers.


Upper Midcard


Aaron Price w/ DeShawn Price - "I Get Money" by 50 Cent

- "Black Betty" by Spiderbait

- "F.I.G.H.T." by Unwritten Law

- "Man on the Silver Mountain" by Rainbow

- "Robot" by KRS-One


Notes: This group is a mix of talent and overness. My favorite wrestler in this group (and the reason I initially broke my FA only rule) is Bruiser Cassidy. This man is a beast in every sense of the word. He might not be able to talk, but that's what Shinji Onoo is for. Cassidy is a no doubt main event talent, with his impressive brawling skills, insane menace, and excellent athletic skill set. I don't think he'd be an ideal choice to lead a promotion right now, but he will be once he mixes it up with the veterans for a couple of months and increases his performance skills to the point where he could carry a feud. Aaron Price and Marcus Franklin are both promising young workers in their own ways and FJ Kendall is that perfect gatekeeper and in-ring "teacher" that will develop some of the prospects on the roster. Eric Lothario? Well he's got overness and is extremely easy to write for.





- "Change" by Deftones

Dirk Robertson

- "Uprising" by Muse

Mike Santorelli - "Bully" by Liquid Stranger

- "Uprising" by Muse

Richie Santana Jr. - "All Along The Watchtower" by Jimi Hendrix

Thomas Beaumont


Notes: This group is all sorts of fun, starting off with one of the finest characters in all of the Thunderverse, Chance Prophet. I am a sucker for these dark characters and usually have one of them in the roster in at least a midcard role (just off the top of my head I've had Morpheus (aka American Buffalo) in NYCW '97, "The Dark Star" Erik Strong in NEO, and Phoenix Oscuro (aka Ultimate Phoenix) in RPW 2012. The only thing holding Chance back from being a main event player is his starting overness. Another future in the main event is Richie Santana Jr. He's more of a project than Prophet, but once he works on his mic skills the sky is the limit. The final sure-fire main event player is "The High Sheik" Ebi Kadivar. I love everything about this guy. He's young, talented, and is part of an experienced tag team. While his tag team partner isn't as talented as him, Paul Crowley is a solid guy that has the performance skills that will be important to train up projects. He's also young enough to develop into something more than just Kadivar's sidekick. While somewhat boring (enough so that I hadn't figured out theme music for them), both Dirk Robinson and Thomas Beaumont are talented guys that with some inspiration could be really nice characters for any promotion. Even without inspiration I like them as midcard gatekeepers. Last but not least is Mike Santorelli. He's perfect midcard material with an easy gimmick to write and some talent to make him more than just a joke character.


Lower Midcard


- "Peacemaker" by Green Day

- "Ghost N Stuff" by Deadmau5

Hunter Wolfe w/ Shinji Onoo

Príncipe Azteca II




Kotaro Taguchi w/ Shinji Onoo



Enhancement Talent


- "Spanish Spiderman theme"


Notes: The bottom of the card has a lot of projects, but with a talented midcard and solid main event scene that's ok. The best talent and my favorite character out of this group is Hombre Araña. I liked the character so much that I made sure to hire two more luchadors in Principe Azreca II and Ajedrez to make a nice low card trio and even took the time to find the Spanish version of the Spiderman theme (it was harder than you would have thought). Hunter Wolf and Kotaro Taguchi should be a solid heel tag team at the get go (potential chemistry aside) and Hunter has the ability to be something special in the long term. The Flying Vergomov is a cool spot monkey. And Mike Suzuki? Well he's young and made Ali Abawa happy when I signed him. Plus he's from Michigan, which made me happy when I signed him. :)





Alberto Rodriguez

Chase Paige

DeShawn Price

Elmer Haynes

Referee Josiah Crockett

Richie Santana

Shinji Onoo


Notes: The non-wrestlers are just about as good as you are going to get when starting a company from scratch in the Thunderverse. Alberto Rodriguez is a fantastic choice for a color commentator, though I didn't have a voice in mind for him. His partner in crime at the announce table would have been Elmer Haynes. Haynes isn't the best announcer, but would have gotten the job done just fine. As a character I think I would have written him like Michael Cole has been on RAW post-Lawler's heart attack: slightly jaded from being disrespected in the past, but overall still a babyface.


I hired two managers to start off with in DeShawn Price and Shinji Onoo. Price was going to play the role of Aaron's hype man while I was going to push Onoo in a more traditional heel manager role like Bobby Heenan or Shane Sneer if you want a C-Verse comparison. My initial idea with him was to play a twist on his bio (which had him managing Japanese based stables for WWWE). My idea for him was that he had been brokering deals with Japanese companies for the services of foreign workers in the past. So instead of managing workers from Japan, he manages gaijin wrestlers like Bruiser Cassidy, Hunter Wolfe, and Kotaro Taguchi (who just barely counts since he's been in the Sates since he was 18 on a football scholarship).


Rounding out the group is an A level road agent in Richie Santana and Referee Josiah Crockett, a solid referee that wears a fez at all times. And as we all know fezzes are cool!

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Musings #2: CPP Project Concept [Chase Paige Promotions]


Will be reading this. Your TEW 108 diary and your first '10 one were the ones that truly got me into the TEW series :)


Glad to have you on board! Always honored and humble to see when people are either purchase TEW or get into diary writing because of me (especially because there are a lot more people that are better at this than me).



For the second musings post, I'm going to back it up a bit. The first musing was focused on Chase Paige Promotion's initial roster more or less because it was a piece that I knew I could easily riff off of. However, from a storytelling standpoint it probably wasn’t the greatest starting point. So I’m going to try and correct that with going into more of the concept of the project.


Project Concept


When the Thunder-verse was released, one of the first things that caught my eye (besides at how insanely good it was) was the downfall of WWWE and the character of Chase Paige. I thought there was a lot to work with there from a storyline perspective and from a mechanical perspective I have never and probably will never use an active wrestler as my avatar. So, Chase Paige was a perfect fit for me in that regard as well.


So the plan was to have Chase Paige “reclaim his rightful place” on top of the wrestling world. However, there were still a couple of questions that needed to be answered before getting to the point where I could start hiring workers. First and foremost was going to be the question of “How big of a promotion would Paige start up”? Well, after talking to the creator about exactly how much money Paige would have to start up a company and thinking about the character I wanted to portray Chase Paige as, I went with a large regional company based out of the Tri-States.


While Paige could have created a larger company, I felt that at this point in the Thunder-verse, the wrestling world might not be too kindly to Chase if he initially went all out. So the plan was to have Chase go to all of the owners in an attempt to quell fears and make sure that they knew that Chase was not his father and would play ball with the other companies (for now :)). To go with this logic, the company Chase would open would be one that was big enough to get on National Pride TV in March, but would still be small enough to not look like an instant threat to the Thunder-verse’s US big four.


This leads to the question of the roster. After the going through the processes of figuring out the character of Chase Paige and the size of his new promotion, the concept of the initial roster just fell into place. Since Chase was going to play ball with the big four, using any of their workers were out of the question. So I decided to do what I did with my 2008 NEO diary and selected a bunch of free agents. And while this plan worked pretty well for the main event, the rest of the roster was a bit meh. So after thinking about it, I decided it would be alright to hire some workers that already had jobs with other promotions as long as it wasn't any of the big four.


With a plan concept for the diary, an overall plan for the promotion’s size and structure, and an initial roster, all that was left was to finalize the promotion (i.e. the product, name, logo, etc.) and figure out what stories I wanted to tell with the roster that I had signed. Something that I will go over at another time.

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Musings #3: The Beginnings of the Last Tango in TEW2010 [Last Tango in TEW2010]




And this is why I decided to write the table of contents the way I did. When I was driving home from work I decided that I wanted to play TEW2010 one more time. So let's change gears for the moment while I begin The Last Tango in TEW2010.


Since its the last game I am going to actually play, it's only fair that I'd run my specialty, a 0/0/0/0 challenge. But let's make it different from any of my earlier runs by changing the setting. Instead of the default's C-Verse I'm going to go with my personal favorite user created mod C-Verse '97.


Now that the setting is settled, let's move on to the fun stuff. Since NEO Championship Wrestling doesn't really fit in the 1997, I'm going to join the East Coast Wars by starting up Great Lakes Wrestling.



Logo by Kamchatka


With an awesome logo it's time to find a lovely title belt for everyone to fight over. As far as I know none of our fantastic renders have made specific belts for Kam's GLW logo. This usually means that I'd have to use a nice generic belt, but fortunately I made a belt for the promotion a long time ago.




Setting? Check. Promotion size? Check. Promotion name and logo? Check. Main title? Check. Alright time for the roster.



Black Eagle - Loner

Blue Sky - Comic Book Hero

Chris Perkins - Man On A Mission

Flex - Prima Donna

Jake Harvey - Old School Face

John Anderson - Machine

Jungle Jack - Raging Bull

Kurt Laramee - Street Fighter

Lance Henderson - Evolution

Little Bill Lebowski - Happy-Go-Lucky

Mad Dog Mortimer - That 70's Guy

Mean Jean Cattley - Bad Ass

Michael Cook - Fan Favorite

Roy Stephens - Extremist

Snap Dragon - Fan Favorite

Troy Tornado - Blue Chipper


Staff Members

Action Jackson - Staff Member

Chad Brent - Staff Member

James Heatly - Staff Member


Even with my normal play-throughs, I always try to give my workers theme music as it always gives me a bit of inspiration on their character, or hammers home a character that I already had in mind. So here's the music that I am going to be associating with each character at the start of the game.


Black Eagle: "Sex Type Thing" by Stone Temple Pilots -

Blue Sky: "From Out Of Nowhere" by Faith No More -

Chris Perkins: "Dead Souls" by Nine Inch Nails -

Flex: "Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!" by ABBA - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RJPV7oIiR8

Jake Harvey: "Flagpole sitta" - Harvey Danger -

John Anderson: "Sail Away" by Deep Purple -

Jungle Jack: "Welcome To The Jungle" by Guns'N'Roses - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ioIylqRPXU

Kurt Laramee: "Bring The Noise" by Public Enemy -

Lance Henderson: "Gimme Shelter' by Rolling Stones - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sM8ix0siRVQ

Little Bill Lebowski: "I Will Survive" by Cake - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5UBU7oPW7go

Mean Jean Cattley: "Orgasmitron" by Motorhead - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpqPR2Tv5Sc

Mad Dog Mortimer: "Love Rollercoaster" by The Ohio Players - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=etebeZDt7Eo

Michael Cook: "Tubthumping" by Chumbawamba -

Roy Stephens: "Mad House" by Anthrax - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-VtFJ0eMTw

Snap Dragon: "Curse of the Dragon Theme" -

Troy Tornado: "The Natural One" by Fol Implosion -


Now that's the roster is set it's time to figure out how to book the first couple of cards. Before losing interest in TEW, I was rolling with a two staged, World Cup styled tournament and that's what I am going to do here.


With RAW starting, it's time for me to watch some wrestling so that's were I am going to leave this musing. I haven't really decided who's going into which block and who's going to become the first GLW World Heavyweight champion so I'm open to suggestions. I might not use them, but I am open to them. :D

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Musings #4: Setting the Stage for the Last Tango [Last Tango in TEW2010]




After figuring out the first seven cards the night before, I planned on writing up this musing while watching the Tigers attempt to bury the New York Yankees as we know them. But with the Tigers getting rained out, yesterday seemed like a perfect day for playing some TEW! And play I did. I played through the entire round robin and even booked and played through GLW’s July show which ran all four quarter final matches.


This musing will be the final information dump before I start posting up show events. Right now the plan is starting tomorrow to post a GLW show every day until I am caught up to where I am in the game. The write ups will not be detailed and there will probably be a distinct lack of pictures as well. As far as musings on Chase Paige Promotions and my other failed projects, I think I will try and produce something on those once a week starting next week. The Last Tango in TEW2010 was not meant to be a part of this diary originally and now that I have gotten past the setup, the shows shouldn't really take too much time to produce, so I can’t see why I can’t do both at the same time.


Now with that all said and out of the way, let’s get back to Great Lakes Wrestling. Last time we created the promotion, hired the roster, and thought of a way to crown the company’s first champion. Now we have to actually execute that plan. With a blank canvas, I like to take a look at everyone’s overness to help me a quick jump start in the booking process.


Beginning Great Lakes Overness

D: Action Jackson



E: Lance Henderson

E-: Blue Sky, Chad Brent, John Anderson

F+: Jungle Jack

F: Black Eagle, Chris Perkins, Flex, Jake Harvey, Kurt Laramee, Little Bill Lebowski, Mad Dog Mortimer, Mean Jean Cattley, Michael Cook, Roy Stephens, Snap Dragon, Troy Tornado


Ok, so it’s pretty clear that the company’s main players will be Blue Sky, John Anderson, Jungle Jack, and Lance Henderson. So right away I put each one of them in a different block and locked them into winning each of their matches. The only way these guys aren’t going to be entering the knockout stages are if they leave the company because someone signed them away from GLW. I thought about not stating this, but it’s just so obvious that I thought it would be stupid not to point this out. All four workers are making far more money than the rest of the roster, so why would I want to mess with them unless I have a good reason?


But besides the big four being locked, everything else is up for grabs. The only thing holding me back from pushing any of the 12 other guys on the roster are my own imagination really. I’m not going to say who I picked to face the big four in the quarter-finals, but I will say that in situations like this (when I have four “aces”) I am looking for wrestlers that are the most ready to be pushed if one of the big four were to leave. I am also thinking of creating one or two storylines featuring the undercard that will run throughout the year in addition to the main event storylines.


So with that said, here is how I divided up the rest of the roster for the knockout stages:


Block A

Blue Sky


Little Bill Lebowski

Roy Stephens


Block B

Jake Harvey

John Anderson

Kurt Laramee

Snap Dragon


Block C

Black Eagle

Jungle Jack

Mad Dog Mortimer

Troy Tornado


Block D

Chris Perkins

Lance Henderson

Mean Jean Cattley

Michael Cook


The only thing left to do is figure out which blocks will be run together and in what order will the wrestlers fight each other. I like to try and have a main event type match up each week, but at this point it really doesn’t matter too much as any card for the 0/0/0/0 promotion will be a good one. Right now all that matters is making money and getting the roster over (while looking somewhat like a real promotion). Taking all of this into account this is the round robin schedule that I have created for GLW.


Show #1 (Jan)

Block A: Flex vs. Roy Stephens

Block B: Jake Harvey vs. Kurt Laramee

Block A: Blue Sky vs. Little Bill Lewbowski

Block B: John Anderson vs. Snap Dragon


Show #2 (Feb)

Block C: Mad Dog Mortimer vs. Troy Tornado

Block D: Chris Perkins vs. Michael Cook

Block D: Lance Henderson vs. Mean Jean Cattley

Block C: Black Eagle vs. Jungle Jack


Show #3 (Mar)

Block A: Flex vs. Little Bill Lewbowski

Block B: Jake Harvey vs. Snap Dragon

Block A: Blue Sky vs. Roy Stephens

Block B: John Anderson vs. Kurt Laramee


Show #4 (Apr)

Block D: Chris Perkins vs. Mean Jean Cattley

Block C: Black Eagle vs. Mad Dog Mortimer

Block D: Lance Henderson vs. Michael Cook

Block C: Jungle Jack vs. Troy Tornado


Show #5 (May)

Block B: Kurt Laramee vs. Snap Dragon

Block A: Little Bill Lebowski vs. Roy Stephens

Block B: Jake Harvey vs. John Anderson

Block A: Blue Sky vs. Flex


Show #6 (June)

Block C: Black Eagle vs. Troy Tornado

Block D: Mean Jean Cattley vs. Michael Cook

Block C: Jungle Jack vs. Mad Dog Mortimer

Block D: Chris Perkins vs. Lance Henderson


Have fun figuring out the quarter-final matchups! :D As always if you guys have any questions, please post it here in the thread or in PM and I'll get back to you as soon as I can.

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Musings #5: GLW's 1st Show! (January 2010) [Last Tango in TEW2010]


So how is Action Jackson not one of your main players?


In the 97 mod Action Jackson is retired so I think it would be unfair to throw him against the young pups. :p


This would be the correct answer. Action Jackson is a main player behind the scenes since he's the promotions lead announcer, road agent, and has turned into the defacto authority figure in the last couple of shows I ran.




GLW Live! Show #1

Saturday, Week 4, January 1997

13 people @ Ohio Jewish Center


In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Flex defeated Roy Stephens in 9:29 by pinfall with a Romeo Is Bleeding. - E-

Notes: The bout dragged in the middle, with a lack of flow being noticeable. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Block A storyline has continued with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


In an extremely poor match, Kurt Laramee defeated Jake Harvey in 7:42 by pinfall with a Switchblade Powerslam. - F+

Notes: The bout dragged in the middle, with a lack of flow being noticeable. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Block B storyline has continued with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Kurt Laramee is improving in Performance skills.


In an extremely poor match, Blue Sky defeated Little Bill Lebowski in 13:49 by pinfall with a Phoenix Firebird Splash. - E

Notes: Little Bill Lebowski was really off his game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Block A storyline has continued with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


After the match, Blue Sky takes the house mic and thanks the fans for coming the show and says this is the start of something big. - D-

Notes: This segment brought the crowd's mood down.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, John Anderson defeated Snap Dragon in 15:20 by pinfall with an Ammo Dump. - D

Notes: The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Block B storyline has continued with this match.


Overall: D-


End of the Month Stats – Jan ‘97

Prestige: 0.2% (+0.2%)

Momentum: 2.5% (+2.5%)

Balance: $1,005 (+$1,005)

Overness: 1.2% (+1.2%) GL


Foolish Commentary: One show is in the books and everything looks real good so far. The psychology notes are going to happen sometimes in the early going since we are currently using a lot of young, inexperienced workers. What’s not going to happen always is gaining one thousand dollars each month. Thanks to some insane luck with merchandise, this game has given me a nice little cushion to work with in the coming month (something I was a little worried with considering Action Jackson’s $1,000 PPA contract).


While not a surprise, seeing the Anderson/Dragon main event get a D rating was really nice. Thanks to that match and Blue Sky carrying both the semi-main event and the show’s six minute promo, the show’s D- grade gave us an added bonus in both Great Lakes overness and momentum. Most importantly, no one was hurt and no one got signed away from me.



Round Robin Standings

for the GLW World Heavyweight Title


Block A (W-D-L)

1t. Blue Sky (1-0-0)

1t. Flex (1-0-0)

3t. Little Bill Lebowski (0-0-1)

3t. Roy Stephens (0-0-1)


Block B (W-D-L)

1t. John Anderson (1-0-0)

1t. Kurt Laramee (1-0-0)

3t. Jake Harvey (0-0-1)

3t. Snap Dragon (0-0-1)


Block C (W-D-L)

1t. Black Eagle (0-0-0)

1t. Jungle Jack (0-0-0)

1t. Mad Dog Mortimer (0-0-0)

1t. Troy Tornado (0-0-0)


Block D (W-D-L)

1t. Chris Perkins (0-0-0)

1t. Lance Henderson (0-0-0)

1t. Mean Jean Cattley (0-0-0)

1t. Michael Cook (0-0-0)


Show #2 (Feb) Preview Card

Block C: Mad Dog Mortimer vs. Troy Tornado

Block D: Chris Perkins vs. Michael Cook

Block D: Lance Henderson vs. Mean Jean Cattley

Block C: Black Eagle vs. Jungle Jack

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Musings #6: GLW's 2nd Show (February 2010) [Last Tango in TEW2010]



GLW Live! Show #2

Saturday, Week 4, February 1997

11 people @ Ohio Jewish Center


In an extremely poor match, Troy Tornado defeated Mad Dog Mortimer in 9:02 by pinfall with a Star Maker. - E

Notes: Mad Dog Mortimer and Troy Tornado have great chemistry, and it showed in their performances. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Block C storyline has continued with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Chris Perkins defeated Michael Cook in 8:06 by pinfall with a Termination Kick. - E-

Notes: The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Block D storyline has continued with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Chris Perkins is improving in Rumble skills.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Lance Henderson defeated Mean Jean Cattley in 14:19 by pinfall with a Victory Roll. - E+

Notes: Lance Henderson seemed off his game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Block D storyline has continued with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


After the match, Lance Henderson cuts a promo in which hypes himself as an intellectual, man above like the common riff-raft that comes to these shows to see pure violence. He remarks that "slacked jawed mouth breathers" will love tonight's main event as a brute of a man (Jungle Jack) collides with a man without care for his own well-being (Black Eagle). - E+

Notes: This segment brought the crowd's mood down.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Jungle Jack defeated Black Eagle in 14:57 by pinfall with a Jungle Jack-Jammer. - E+

Notes: The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Block C storyline has continued with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


Overall: E+


End of the Month Stats – Feb ‘97

Prestige: 0.4% (+0.2%)

Momentum: 3.5% (+1.0%)

Balance: $909 (-$96)

Overness: 2.1% (+0.9%) GL


Foolish Commentary: After last show, this one is a bit disappointing. However I’m guessing this more has something to do with my own memories of playing 0/0/0/0 games in the ’97 C-Verse than the actual grades that were given out for this show. I really shouldn’t have had that much hope for the main event matches, with Lance Henderson facing off in his only heel/heel matchup and Jungle Jack not being as over or as polished as he was latter in a previous games of mine. In fact I should be pretty happy that two faces with an F+ and F overness respectively turned in a E+ rated match.


On the bright side, Troy Tornado and Mad Dog Mortimer have great chemistry! Err, well that would be great news if they weren’t both heels and if I didn’t know that Tornado would be leaving the promotion once HGC goes National and Tornado signs a written deal with them.


From a promotional standpoint, the “disappointing” show worked just fine as we gained almost a full percentage point of overness from the show. We ended up losing a bit of money, but I’m not really worried. While gaining $1,000 in a month is really rare, so is losing money (at least with the roster I have anyway). In fact I will be somewhat shocked if we lose money again.


In other news we had our first backstage incident when Kurt Laramee decided to come in late to the show. It’s still weird to have someone come late to a show that he wasn’t booked for, but with the way TEW’s incident system works it really can’t be helped. In any case I decided to go with a fatherly approach. It looks like Laramee had a positive reaction and said that he would try and be more punctual, but I’m not holding my breath.



Round Robin Standings

for the GLW World Heavyweight Title


Block A (W-D-L)

1t. Blue Sky (1-0-0)

1t. Flex (1-0-0)

3t. Little Bill Lebowski (0-0-1)

3t. Roy Stephens (0-0-1)


Block B (W-D-L)

1t. John Anderson (1-0-0)

1t. Kurt Laramee (1-0-0)

3t. Jake Harvey (0-0-1)

3t. Snap Dragon (0-0-1)


Block C (W-D-L)

1t. Jungle Jack (1-0-0)

1t. Troy Tornado (1-0-0)

3t. Black Eagle (0-0-1)

3t. Mad Dog Mortimer (0-0-1)


Block D (W-D-L)

1t. Chris Perkins (1-0-0)

1t. Lance Henderson (1-0-0)

3t. Mean Jean Cattley (0-0-1)

3t. Michael Cook (0-0-1)


Show #3 (March) Preview Card

Block A: Flex vs. Little Bill Lewbowski

Block B: Jake Harvey vs. Snap Dragon

Block A: Blue Sky vs. Roy Stephens

Block B: John Anderson vs. Kurt Laramee

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Musings #7: GLW's 3rd Show (March 2010) [Last Tango in TEW2010]



GLW Live! Show #3

Saturday, Week 4, March 1997

9 people @ Ohio Jewish Center


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Flex defeated Little Bill Lebowski in 9:01 by pinfall with a Romeo Is Bleeding. - E+

Notes: The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Block A storyline has continued with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


In an awful match that was completely devoid of heat, Snap Dragon defeated Jake Harvey in 8:04 by pinfall with a Dragon's Breath. - E-

Notes: The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Block B storyline has continued with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


In an extremely poor match, Blue Sky defeated Roy Stephens in 14:04 by pinfall with a Phoenix Firebird Splash. - E

Notes: Blue Sky was really off his game tonight. Roy Stephens was visibly tiring toward the end. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Block A storyline has continued with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


John Anderson cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Kurt Laramee. Speaking in a very cold, almost emotionless tone, John Anderson tells the audience that not even a dangerous fighter like Laramee will be able to stop the arsenal of offense that John Anderson brings to the ring each and every day. - D-

Notes: The Block B storyline has continued with this segment. This segment brought the crowd's mood down.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, John Anderson defeated Kurt Laramee in 14:57 by pinfall with an Ammo Dump. - E+

Notes: The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The performance of John Anderson stood out as being good. The Block B storyline has continued with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


Overall: E+


End of the Month Stats – March ‘97

Prestige: 0.6% (+0.2%)

Momentum: 4.5% (+1.0%)

Balance: $1,027 (+$118)

Overness: 2.8% (+0.7%) GL



Foolish Commentary: Ok, so I think I’m going to need to slightly readjust my release schedule for these show reports. Instead of every single day I think I’m going to go with every single week day and one show during the weekend. Most of the time that I have spent writing up these commentaries and formatting my posts has been during breaks at work and with me owning a house, my time during the weekends is far more limited than it was a couple of years ago. Now on to talking about the show…


I knew this card was going to be a step back from show in January. With a round robin tournament, you are going to hit a point where you have heel/heel matchups (which are still a pain even when the face/heel divide is set to medium). That said I am still a little disappointed in the main event. John Anderson is a stud of a worker and should be able to carry anyone to at least a D-. So seeing Anderson/Laramee getting a E+ kind of sucks. That said, it’s not like I thought Laramee was a good in ring worker going into this. The young man was only hired because of his mic skills. Hopefully he doesn't get scooped up by the time I hit small and can give more time to him and therest of the undercard.


The match I am most disappointed in Blue Sky/Stephens. Granted this is a similar situation to Anderson/Laramee, but something tells me this would have been an E+ match if Sky didn’t have a bad night. In the end, I feel like I am nitpicking since the show made a profit and was good enough to bump the company another 0.7% points in the Great Lakes. The lack of injuries is also welcome to see as my last couple of games have been filled with ill-timed injuries.



Round Robin Standings

for the GLW World Heavyweight Title


Block A (W-D-L)

1t. Blue Sky (2-0-0)

1t. Flex (2-0-0)

3t. Little Bill Lebowski (0-0-2)

3t. Roy Stephens (0-0-2)


Block B (W-D-L)

1. John Anderson (2-0-0)

2t. Kurt Laramee (1-0-1)

2t. Snap Dragon (1-0-1)

4. Jake Harvey (0-0-2)


Block C (W-D-L)

1t. Jungle Jack (1-0-0)

1t. Troy Tornado (1-0-0)

3t. Black Eagle (0-0-1)

3t. Mad Dog Mortimer (0-0-1)


Block D (W-D-L)

1t. Chris Perkins (1-0-0)

1t. Lance Henderson (1-0-0)

3t. Mean Jean Cattley (0-0-1)

3t. Michael Cook (0-0-1)


Show #4 (April) Preview Card

Block D: Chris Perkins vs. Mean Jean Cattley

Block C: Black Eagle vs. Mad Dog Mortimer

Block D: Lance Henderson vs. Michael Cook

Block C: Jungle Jack vs. Troy Tornado

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Musings #8: GLW's 4th Show (April 2010) [Last Tango in TEW2010]



GLW Live! Show #4

Saturday, Week 4, April 1997

13 people @ Ohio Jewish Center


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Chris Perkins defeated Mean Jean Cattley in 8:58 by pinfall with a Termination Kick. - E+

Notes: The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Block D storyline has continued with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Mean Jean Cattley is improving in Flying skills.


In an extremely poor match, Black Eagle defeated Mad Dog Mortimer in 7:36 by pinfall with a New Jersey Turnpike. - E-

Notes: The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Block C storyline has continued with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Lance Henderson defeated Michael Cook in 14:11 by pinfall with a Sunset Flip. - D-

Notes: The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Block D storyline has continued with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


Jungle Jack is shown in the back hyping himself for his match with Troy Tornado. Not noticing the camera, Jack works himself into a frenzy before running from the lockeroom all the way out to the ring. - E

Notes: The Block C storyline has continued with this segment. This segment brought the crowd's mood down.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Jungle Jack defeated Troy Tornado in 14:51 by pinfall with a Jungle Jack-Jammer. - D-

Notes: Troy Tornado seemed off his game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Block C storyline has continued with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


Overall: D-


End of the Month Stats – April ‘97

Prestige: 0.8% (+0.2%)

Momentum: 5.5% (+1.0%)

Balance: $1,770 (+$743)

Overness: 3.7% (+0.9%) GL


Foolish Commentary: So who wrote and update to his diary and forgot to actually post it up? This guy! :o Now on to the rest of the commentary:


Now this is a show that a local company can be proud of. Considering it was just as good as the main event match from March's show, Perkins/Cattley has to be considered a nice surprised. Perkins is a really good talent for any smaller fed. The only knock on him is that he hasn't developed mic skills at this point in his career. And this really isn't a problem for me since we are only running one angle a show right now. While not as polished as Perkins, Cattley is also a nice prospect for a small/local promotion. With a bit of luck should be ready to handle a feature role by the end of 1997 (from a talent perspective at least).


Black Eagle/Mortimer and Jack/Tornado went just about as well as I thought they would, but I've got to say I was ready not expecting Henderson/Cook to get just as good of a grade as the main event. I've loved Henderson since Derek added him to the C-Verse and Cook is a nice project, but neither man has the talent of either Jack or Troy.


On a side note, the reason why Jungle Jack’s segment might seem a bit low is because I originally had Jack just giving a standard promo. However, when I formatted this musing I decided on the “hypes himself into a frenzy” idea, even though that sort of an angle should have probably been based on menace instead of entertainment. Oh well, that's what happens when you run a show before you have a concrete idea of what should happen within an angle.



Round Robin Standings

for the GLW World Heavyweight Title


Block A (W-D-L)

1t. Blue Sky (2-0-0)

1t. Flex (2-0-0)

3t. Little Bill Lebowski (0-0-2)

3t. Roy Stephens (0-0-2)


Block B (W-D-L)

1. John Anderson (2-0-0)

2t. Kurt Laramee (1-0-1)

2t. Snap Dragon (1-0-1)

4. Jake Harvey (0-0-2)


Block C (W-D-L)

1. Jungle Jack (2-0-0)

2t. Black Eagle (1-0-1)

2t. Troy Tornado (1-0-1)

4. Mad Dog Mortimer (0-0-2)


Block D (W-D-L)

1t. Chris Perkins (2-0-0)

1t. Lance Henderson (2-0-0)

3t. Mean Jean Cattley (0-0-2)

3t. Michael Cook (0-0-2)


Show #5 (May) Preview Card

Block B: Kurt Laramee vs. Snap Dragon

Block A: Little Bill Lebowski vs. Roy Stephens

Block B: Jake Harvey vs. John Anderson

Block A: Blue Sky vs. Flex

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Musings #9: GLW's 5th Show (May 2010) [Last Tango in TEW2010]




GLW Live! Show #5

Saturday, Week 4, May 1997

10 people @ Ohio Jewish Center


In an extremely poor match, Snap Dragon defeated Kurt Laramee in 9:09 by pinfall with a Dragon's Breath. - E

Notes: The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Block B storyline has continued with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


In an extremely poor match, Roy Stephens defeated Little Bill Lebowski in 8:15 by pinfall with a DDT. - E

Notes: The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Block A storyline has continued with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


Flex cuts a promo hyping up his upcoming match with Blue Sky. He calls Blue Sky a "little girly man" and tells him that he (Flex) is going to be the victor in this contest because he's worked out at the world famous Pumpatorium! - E+

Notes: The Block A storyline has continued with this segment. This segment brought the crowd's mood down.


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, John Anderson defeated Jake Harvey in 13:38 by pinfall with an Ammo Dump. - D-

Notes: The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Block B storyline has continued with this match.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Blue Sky defeated Flex in 15:24 by pinfall with a Phoenix Firebird Splash. - E+

Notes: The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Block A storyline has continued with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


Overall: E+


End of the Month Stats – May ‘97

Prestige: 1.0% (+0.2%)

Momentum: 6.5% (+1.0%)

Balance: $2,181 (+$411)

Overness: 4.4% (+0.7%) GL


Foolish Commentary: After taking a little time away from the diary writing world, I’m back and better than ever. Or something like that. In any case let’s get to reviewing this show.


The first thing I noticed in that I didn’t give Roy Stephens a finisher. You wouldn’t notice this since it says he won via a DDT, but trust me when I say he doesn’t have a finisher in the game. Usually I’ll pick what the finishers for everyone is before the running my first card, but since this wasn’t supposed to be a diary game didn’t think about it before playing. Meh…


This card is pretty disappointing, but I’m guessing that it might have been due to John Anderson just being too awesome. I would need to look at the game file to verify, but something tells me that Blue Sky/Flex would have been a D- match if Anderson destroying Jake Harvey for around 14 minutes wasn’t so well received. Plus, even if Sky/Flex was a D-, I don’t know if it would have been good enough push the overall card rating up any higher that it already is. On the bright side, Flex’s promo did pretty damn well considering he only had two matches to get his overness up.


Finally, this show marks the beginning of the end of round robin play as Block A and Block B finish up. Advancing to the knockout stage of the GLW World Heavyweight Title tournament will be Blue Sky and Flex from Block A and John Anderson and Snap Dragon from block B.



Round Robin Standings

for the GLW World Heavyweight Title


Block A (W-D-L)

1. Blue Sky (1-0-0)

2. Flex (2-0-1)

3. Roy Stephens (1-0-2)

4. Little Bill Lebowski (0-0-3)


Block B (W-D-L)

1. John Anderson (3-0-0)

2. Snap Dragon (2-0-1)

3. Kurt Laramee (1-0-2)

4. Jake Harvey (0-0-3)


Block C (W-D-L)

1. Jungle Jack (2-0-0)

2t. Black Eagle (1-0-1)

2t. Troy Tornado (1-0-1)

4. Mad Dog Mortimer (0-0-2)


Block D (W-D-L)

1t. Chris Perkins (2-0-0)

1t. Lance Henderson (2-0-0)

3t. Mean Jean Cattley (0-0-2)

3t. Michael Cook (0-0-2)


Show #6 (June) Preview Card

Block C: Black Eagle vs. Troy Tornado

Block D: Mean Jean Cattley vs. Michael Cook

Block C: Jungle Jack vs. Mad Dog Mortimer

Block D: Chris Perkins vs. Lance Henderson

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Musings #10: GLW's 6th Show (June 2010) [Last Tango in TEW2010]




GLW Live! Show #6

Saturday, Week 4, June 1997

9 people @ Ohio Jewish Center


In a bout that had solid in-ring action but not much in the way of heat, Black Eagle drew with Troy Tornado in 9:05 following a double count out. - D-

Notes: The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Block C storyline has continued with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


After the match, Black Eagle and Troy Tornado start to have a huge argument that eventually leads two the two getting separated. Before the situation can get more chaotic, Action Jackson gets on the house mic and tells both men to settle down because as of now both men will be moving on to the knockout stage next month in a Triple Threat match against Blue Sky. - E

Notes: The Block C storyline has continued with this segment. This segment brought the crowd's mood down. Black Eagle is developing better performance skills. Troy Tornado is learning to show more charisma. Troy Tornado is developing better performance skills.


In an extremely poor match, Mean Jean Cattley defeated Michael Cook in 7:32 by pinfall with a Mood Swing. - E-

Notes: The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Block D storyline has continued with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


In an extremely poor match, Jungle Jack defeated Mad Dog Mortimer in 14:07 by pinfall with a Jungle Jack-Jammer. - E+

Notes: Mad Dog Mortimer was visibly tiring toward the end. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Block C storyline has continued with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


In a bout that had a good crowd and some decent in-ring action, Lance Henderson defeated Chris Perkins in 14:39 by pinfall with a Victory Roll. - D-

Notes: Lance Henderson was really off his game tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Block D storyline has continued with this match. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


Overall: E+


End of the Month Stats – June ‘97

Prestige: : 1.2% (+0.2%)

Momentum: 7.5% (+1.0%)

Balance: $2,647 (+$466)

Overness: 5.3% (+0.9%) GL


Foolish Commentary: And we are officially out of the knock-out round! While I’m not that impressed with the final card’s overall ranking, I guess there could be worse things in the world. Hell, I somehow got through six months of game-play without someone getting stolen from me. In a situation like this, that is all you can really hope for. Now if people leave it's a little bit easier to find a way to transfer some of their overness to another worker before they go.


Looking back at the card, I’m pretty disappointed in ratings that I got from the two main event matches. Granted I should have protected MDM, but his solid performance skills should have meshed well with Jungle Jack’s power. Henderson/Perkins not getting a D was a little surprising to me, even with Henderson being off his game. On the bright side, Black Eagle/Tornado was awesome, pulling the highest grade of any match in the past six months that didn’t involve a worker costing more than $150. The angle between them getting a respectable E was just an added bonus!


Moving forward, the only thing that I am a little worried about is the financial situation. I don’t think there is enough money for me to keep using all of my main eventers each and every show. It shouldn't be too big of a deal though. The only time I’ve gone bankrupt was due what I think was a glitch years back where the game didn’t give me the full three months to get out of debt and I can't remember the last time I have to skip a month.


With six events in the books and half of the year over, lets take another look at how over our workers are in the Great Lakes Region:


Overness Post-Round Robin (June ’97)

D: Action Jackson


E+: John Anderson, Lance Henderson

E: Blue Sky, Chad Brent

E-: James Heatly, Jungle Jack

F+: Black Eagle, Chris Perkins, Flex, Mean Jean Cattley, Roy Stephens, Snap Dragon, Troy Tornado

F: Jake Harvey, Kurt Laramee, Little Bill Lebowski, Mad Dog Mortimer, Michael Cook



Something tells me this is the last time I’ll ever be getting an E+ as an overall rating ever again. :)



Final Round Robin Standings

for the GLW World Heavyweight Title


Block A (W-D-L)

1. Blue Sky (1-0-0)

2. Flex (2-0-1)

3. Roy Stephens (1-0-2)

4. Little Bill Lebowski (0-0-3)


Block B (W-D-L)

1. John Anderson (3-0-0)

2. Snap Dragon (2-0-1)

3. Kurt Laramee (1-0-2)

4. Jake Harvey (0-0-3)


Block C (W-D-L)

1. Jungle Jack (3-0-0)

2t. Black Eagle (1-1-1)

2t. Troy Tornado (1-1-1)

4. Mad Dog Mortimer (0-0-3)


Block D (W-D-L)

1. Lance Henderson (3-0-0)

2. Chris Perkins (2-0-1)

3. Mean Jean Cattley (1-0-2)

4. Michael Cook (0-0-3)


Show #7 (July) Preview Card

GLW World Heavyweight Quarter-Finals: Black Eagle vs. Blue Sky vs. Troy Tornado

GLW World Heavyweight Quarter-Finals: Lance Henderson vs. Snap Dragon

GLW World Heavyweight Quarter-Finals: Flex vs. Jungle Jack

GLW World Heavyweight Quarter-Finals: Chris Perkins vs. John Anderson

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Musings #11: CPP Initial Storylines [Chase Paige Promotions]


You know it’s been a while since I did something other than the Last Tango in TEW2010. That’s something that needs to change and change it will as we go back to the topic that started this whole diary concept, Chase Paige Promotions. The last time we left off I was showing off the initial roster and the project concept. And while that’s pretty cool, the best roster in the world doesn't mean that much unless you have some storylines to go with them (unless you are the AI, then all you need is a sweet roster. I’m looking at you WLW!).


As I stated before, my overall plan with CP Promotions was to create a regional size company with enough popularity to secure a TV show that would debut in March. Since the promotion would be stuck in regional battles I couldn’t just skip two months, so to get me to TV, I planned on running two shows, one in January and one in February. This would keep me from getting destroyed in the regional battles while also serving as “pilot” shows for TV companies to look at and material to be used in commercials, hype videos, trons, etc. (well that's the kayfabe reason anyway).


While I never got around to fully developing any of the storylines, there were a couple of ideas that I had in my head:


WWA World Title Tournament: This story is pretty simple. The promotion takes its most talent/known workers and puts them against each other to crown its first champion. You’ve seen me run a World Cup, dual stage tournament a couple of times, but this time I planned on a more traditional tournament structure. The tournament would have been a single elimination tournament featuring 12 of Chase Promotion’s finest, with four of the workers getting byes to the next round. It also would have been the main focus for both pilot shows as well as the first month of TV. Here is what the tournament would have looked like:


1. Dr. Texas

8. Eric Lothario vs. 9. Richie Santana Jr


4. Ares

5. Kay Pasa vs. 12. Dirk Robertson


3. Shay Kinsella

6. Marcus Franklin vs. 11. Bruiser Cassidy


2. Ali Abawa

7. F.J. Kendall vs. 10. Aaron Price


The Final Battle (Dr. Texas vs. Abawa): With a mixture of old and new, there would have definitely been a lot of generation based feuds. This feud is not one of them. My idea with this feud was based off of the idea that over the years, Rapada and Abawa have grown to hate one another and want to end the other's career. I'm not sure how this would have unfolded or if this feud would have pulled others into their fight, but I think I would of had them at odds till one of them actually retired. Plus who wouldn't want to see not-Terry Funk take on not-Iron Sheik?


2nd Generation Collides (Lothario vs. Santana Jr.): Even though I never really have gotten that far with bigger companies, I always try to plan for long term feuds. And I can't really see a better long term feud than this one (from a story telling standpoint at least). They would start in the midcard (like I don't know, fighting each other in the opening round of a title tournament?), but I could see this feud evolving into the main event once Santana became more over and Lothario improved his stats a bit more.


Kay Pasa’s Quest for Legitimacy: In addition to feuds, I also like to have some overall character arcs/pushes. One of the arcs would definitely be centered on Pasa, mainly his personal quest to get respect as a wrestler. Like many of the characters in the Thunderverse, Pasa has been used as a gimmick in his past (it’s pretty much the reason I gave him “Sell Out” as his theme). What’s interesting is that Pasa is the most over worker in the company. This would have forced me to be a little creative in booking him if I wanted to run this type of story.


The Rise of Onoo Enterprises: I love heel stables, so solidifying Onoo’s stable of Brusier, Wolfe, and Taguchi would have been a priority. The centerpiece of the group would have definitely been Bruiser, who would have dominated the midcard scene for the near future. I can’t tell you enough how much I liked the idea of him. He’s more or less redneck Umaga!


WWA Tag Team Title Tournament: While this wouldn’t have happen right away, eventually I would have wanted to create a Tag Team title. So in preparation of this I would have tried to find a couple of tag teams to showcase in addition to the one sure fire tag team that I have (Kadivar and Crowley).

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Just found this diary today! Good read. Keep it up foolinc you've got a new follower. :D


Always glad to have another reader. Works been unexpectedly busy, which is why there has been a lack of updates. I'm hoping to have an update this weekend, but if it doesn't happen then I'll be back on Monday with a new musing.

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