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WCW-The Big Bang

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Whats up everyone. This is my first time I believe posting in the forums and I really enjoy the booking aspects of TEW. I've read some interesting TEW dynasties and I thought what the heck I'll give it a try. I'm prolly not the best writer but I'll do my best to get better and maybe trying to make and write out stories would add some fun to my game. I hope you enjoy. My TEW world has the Cornellverse and the real world combined. I believe I have over 4,000 wrestlers, managers, owners,etc....and over 200 wrestling companies. I will be a part of the BIG 3, WWE, TNA, and I will run the rebirth of WCW. I put SWF and TCW down to CULT status and will let them build from thier with thier original owners and some of their stars. Also I returned ECW with Heyman as owner, Shane Douglas and his Extreme Rising promotion, and Tommy Dreamer running house of hardcore. But for me my challenge is rebuilding WCW in September 2012....with former WCW stars (avalible ones). And Their old. LOL. But I have a few cornellverse youngsters and real world stars sprinkled in. Also ted Turner is the owner of WCW again. So it should be interesting to see if I succeed or fail as the Monday Night Wars begin...again.





Roster Male Wrestlers


Ace Steel/ Alex Wright /Big Vito/ Bill Goldberg/ Brian Knbbs/ Buff Bagwell/


Cassidy O'Reilly/ Chris Cage/ Chuck Palumbo/ Crowbar/ David Flair


Diamond Dallas Page/ Disco Inferno/ Dr.Wagner Jr./Elix Skipper


"The Cat" Ernest Miller/ Evan Karagias/ Jay Darness/ Jerry Sags


Johnny "The Bull" Stamboli/ Jushin "Thunder" Liger/ Juventud Guerrera


Kaz Hayashi/ Kenny Kaos/ Kid Romeo/ Kwee Wee/ L.A. Park/ Lance Storm


La' Mascara/ Lash Leroux/ Lenny Lane/ Lizmark Jr./ Lodi/ Magnum TOKYO


Mark Jindrak/ Maximo/ Mike Enos/ "Above Average" Mike Sanders/ Perry Saturn


Prince Iaukea/ Raul Darkness/ Raven/ Red Dragon/ Rick Steiner/ Robbie Rage/


Scott Norton/ Scotty Riggs/ Sean O'Haire/ Shawn Stasiak/ Super Calo/ Teddy Hart


Ultimo Dragon


Female Wrestlers/ Managers/ Valets


Anna Ki/ Daffney/ Desire/ Jessie Belle Smothers/ Issabelle Smothers/ Kissy Dyer


Melissa Bellin/ Michiko Omukai/ Sammi Lane/ Starr/ Torrie Wilson


WCW Staff


Stevie Ray/ Scott Hudson/ Larry Zbyszko ( WCW Annouce Team)


Lex Luger/ Magnum TA/ Stevie Ray/ Tonga Fifita (WCW Road Agents)


Ted Turner (Owner)


WCW Tag Teams


High Voltage/ Elix Skipper & Kid Romeo/ Smothers Twisted Daughters/ The Steiner Brothers/


Boogie Knights/ Vicious and Delicious/ Palumbo and O'Haire/ The Darkness Warriors/


The Mamalukes/ The Nasty Boys/ David Flair & Crowbar/ West Hollywood Blondes


WCW Championships:


WCW World Heavyweight Championship


WCW United States Championship


WCW World Tag Team Championships


WCW Womens Championship


WCW World Television Championship


WCW Hardcore Championship


WCW World Cruiserweight Championship


WCW Cruiserweight Tag Team Championships





WCW Developmental Territory


Midwest Pro Wrestling


MPW Championships:


MPW Heavyweight Title


MPW TV Title


MPW Tag Team Titles


MPW Womens Title


MPW Roster:

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WCW the Big Bang Pay Per View

@ The Georgia Dome Atlanta, GA ATTENDANCE 52,678




David Flair & Crowbar (with Daffney) vs The West Hollywood Blondes


Winners West Hollywood Blondes defeated David Flair & Crowbar in 9:40 when Lodi defeated Crowbar by pinfall with a Rocker Dropper.


Match Rating D


The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match benefited greatly from a hot crowd. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Lenny Lane is improving in Rumble skills. Lenny Lane is improving in Technical skills.


Kid Romeo Vs Jushin Thunder Liger


Winner Jushin Liger defeated Kid Romeo in 5:47 by pinfall with a Brainbuster.


Match Rating C-


Jushin Liger and Kid Romeo just don't click at all, and it showed in their performances. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


A fireworks display goes off opening the show with our announcers Scott Hudson, Larry Zbyszko, and Stevie Ray.


Scott Hudson:: "Welcome to a historic event this Sunday night in this industry. It’s the big bang. It’s the return of WcW. I'm Scott Hudson here with my broadcast partners the legend Larry Zbyszko and former multiple time tag team champion Stevie Ray."


:::Larry Zbyszko stands and steps away from the announce table to acknowledge the fans in the Georgia Dome chanting "Larry".


Steve Ray:: "Scott this is what I'm talking about. It took 11 years, but WcW is back where it belongs as a part of this industry. I'm telling you its going to be a great night tonight. Can you hear this crowd Scott?"


::Zbyszko returns to his seat::


Scott Hudson:: "Oh yea you bet I do hear em"


Zbyszko:: "You know tonight, tonight is all about what drives this business. It’s about the fans. It’s about what they crave to see. Warriors putting it all on the line and doing what they love to do. And that’s to fight in that ring and earn the respect of the fans."


Hudson:: "You’re right about that Legend. Let’s head to the ring for our opening match-up. And it’s what WCW has always did and always will do, and that’s give you the best cruiserweight action in the world."


Stevie Ray:: These guys were nuts over a decade ago, and you know what they still are today"


Rating C-


Juventud Guerrera vs Lizmark Jr.


Winner Lizmark, Jr. defeated Juventud Guerrera in 12:18 by pinfall with a Sitout Powerbomb.


Match rating C-


Lizmark, Jr. was visibly tiring toward the end. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Juventud Guerrera is improving in Technical skills. Juventud Guerrera is improving in Performance skills.



Self High Five!!!!!! DDP's music hits and he makes his way to the ring. But he stops and jumps the guard rail and runs into the crowd and gives the Diamond Cutter sign and the fans around him join in. BANG!!!!!!!


DDP then exits the crowd and enters the ring and signals for a mic. Rating C+


DDP:: "Wow!!!"


The crowd continues cheering, then a DDP chant starts.


DDP:: Ya know...the last time I was in a WcW ring, it was in Panama Beach, Florida. Probably one of the biggest nights in our business. Ya know that night Vince McMahon........


The crowd boos.


DDP:: My sentiments exactly. Vince McMahon bought out this company and said...I mean he had the gall to say he had WcW's fate in his hands. And he did.


More boos from the crowd.


DDP:: "He took this company and all of its talent, and not only did he bury us but he made it his intention to make us look silly and inferior to everything he had. I mean come on WcW had one of the most lucrative runs in the history of wrestling and....."

Rating C+


The camera pans to the ringside seats and out comes Raven from the fans. He slides in the ring with a mic in his hand and is about to sit down in the corner but instead turns around and walks toward DDP


Raven:: "You’re really sad Page. You know that."


Crowd boos.


Raven:: "You come out here, you do your little hand signal, you run into this crowd of non thinking idiots and morons and do your little hand signal. These morons cheer and chant like the sheep they are. Just waiting to be controlled by someone like you."


DDP smiles and laughs it off.


Raven:: "But I guess after all these years, after all this time that has past you’re still the same. Except the faces in the crowd has changed while yours stay the same.


More boos.


Raven:: "But let’s forget about all that Page. And let’s discuss something else. This is about unfinished business between me and you. During our feud which feels about millennia ago, we beat the hell out of each other. And when we were done, you went on to bigger and better things, while I remained stuck in the stigmatism that was filled with the bottom feeders of this drivellers company. But not again. Tonight I say we rekindle the flame. We truly finish what truly wasn't done. Me and you in a match. A match by my rules. Raven's rules."

Rating C


Raven and DDP get into a stare down


Raven:: Quote the Raven........

Rating C


All of a sudden Scotty Riggs enters the ring and blast Raven in the back with a chair. Then picks him up and drives him down with an DDT. Rating D


DDP:: "It looks like you have some other unfinished business monkey boy....oh and NEVER MORE"


Scotty Riggs vs Raven (Raven's Rules)


Winner Raven defeated Scotty Riggs in 10:57 by pinfall following interference from Lenny Lane. During the match we also had Lodi run in and attack Scotty Riggs.


Match Rating C


The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Raven looked good out there. The Raven/Riggs storyline has continued with this match. Scotty Riggs is improving in Performance skills.


Lenny Lane and Lodi are celebrating like they won the match while Raven looks on puzzled by their actions. Raven then leaves the ring as Lenny and Lodi try to continue their attack on Riggs but they turn around and Riggs levels them both and they roll out of the ring.(Rating F) Riggs then stares at Raven who is walking away up the aisle. (Rating C+)



Hudson:: Next up is a tag match and let me tell you WcW has some new young talent coming in and 2 of those talents are the Darkness Warriors, Jay & Raul.


Stevie Ray:: Let me tell you something, I saw these youngsters in the back. They don't like to talk a lot but I know one thing they like to get it on and tonight we get to see them in action.


The Darkness Warriors (Jay and Raul Darkness) vs High Voltage (Robbie Rage & Kenny Kaos)


Winner The Darkness Warriors defeated High Voltage I in 6:46 when Jay Darkness defeated Robbie Rage by pinfall by using underhanded tactics.


Match rating C-


The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Jay Darkness is improving in Performance skills. Raul Darkness is improving in Rumble skills.


All of a sudden Boggie Knights music hits and they dance their way down to the ring looking like idiots and Disco ask for a mic. (Rating C-)


Disco:: "Excuse me, excuse me fellas. I think me and Alex know what this crowd wants to see. A real tag team. One that not only can win, But one that can dance all night at any party in the city of the ATL" (Rating C-)


Jay and Raul look at each other and then attack Disco and Alex and leave them lying. (Rating C-)


Hudson:: "Well I don't know what the hell that was all about."


Zbyszko:: "I tell you. It was 2 guys clearing 2 idiots out of the ring."


Hudson:; "Well I'm getting word from the backstage area...someone is arriving. Lets go to Cathy Dingman too see what’s happening back there.


Cathy Dingman:: Scott we just had this limo arrive and we don't know....wait a second.


Camera pans over to the limos backdoor. And out steps Earnest "The Cat" Miller!" (Rating C-)


Cathy:: " Cat can we get a word with you?"


The Cat:: "You cure can sweet thing. Look here when the cat heard about WcW and the big bang I knew I had to arrive like only the cat can. I'm the most entertaining star in the world and a great dancer too. Now excuse me cause I gotta go to the back, call my momma, and tell her I'm gonna whoop somebody’s ass tonight!" (Rating D)


Kwee Wee (with Torrie Wilson) vs Magnum TOKYO (with Michiko Omukai)


Winner Kwee Wee defeated Magnum TOKYO in 10:52 by pinfall with a Piledriver.


Match Rating D


Torrie Wilson did some good work at ringside. Michiko Omukai did some good work at ringside. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


We go backstage and see Sammi Lane getting ready (Rating A) for a Tag Match when Kissey Dyer walks over and shakes her hand. (Rating F) Their tag team partners tonight.


Sammi Lane and Kissey Dyer Vs Smothers Twisted Daughters


Winners Kissey Dyer and Sammi Lane defeated Smothers Twisted Daughters in 7:26 when Sammi Lane defeated Isabelle Smothers by pinfall with a High Cross Body.


Match Rating E


Kissey Dyer was visibly tiring toward the end. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Isabelle Smothers is improving in Technical skills. Kissey Dyer is improving in Performance skills.


Sean O'Haire vs Cassidy O'Reilly


Winner Sean O'Haire defeated Cassidy O'Reilly in 7:35 by pinfall with a Seanton Bomb.


Match Rating D


The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Sean O'Haire is improving in Rumble skills. Cassidy O'Reilly is improving in Performance skills.


Sean grabs a mic. He scans the crowd and drops the mic and leaves.(Rating C-)


Graphic for tonight’s 4 way World Title match between Lance Storm, DDP, Goldberg, and Scott Steiner. (Rating C)


We go backstage for an interview about the match with Scott Steiner


Cathy:: "Scott Steiner what are you’re...."


Scott Steiner:: Hold on just a damn second. First take a look at the largest arms in the world. Have you ever seen arms like this? No you haven't. That’s because I'm the genetic freak. The big bad booty daddy. I’m the only reason why this arena is full tonight. All my FREAKS out there want to see me bring the gold back home around my waist. And if Lance Storm, that idiot Dallas Page, or that muscle head Goldberg get in my way I'm going to kick their M&^&%&^% asses....now get out of my locker room!" (Rating C)


*Scott Steiner has now switched to a Asshole gimmick. The performance of Scott Steiner was fantastic. Cathy Dingman looked lost out there.* Writers Note…LMAO


Back to the announce table


Hudson::" Well that was...."


Stevie Ray:: "Pure Scott Steiner Hudson.


Larry Z:: "Well we all know you can never expect anything less from Steiner, but know this he wants the gold but can the 3 other competitors stop him from obtaining his goal tonight?"


Hudson:: "Well we will see and we apologize to our great fans for the language and we will go to our next match here with another exciting young talent, Teddy Hart."


Teddy Hart vs Kaz Hayashi


Winner Teddy Hart defeated Kaz Hayashi in 12:07 by pinfall with a Triple Bypass.


Match rating D


The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Teddy Hart is improving in Performance skills.


Teddy celebrates in the ring (Rating F)


Teddy then grabs a mic


Teddy:: "Come on people, you don't have to tell me. That was great wasn't it. I mean I'm a Hart...something these other so called cruiserweights will never be no matter how hard they try. I am the future. I am the benchmark. I have no glass ceiling because greatness has no ceiling. You might as well just award me the cruiserweight title right now so these people can cheer for real talent. A real champion. TEDDY HART!!!!" (Rating C-)


The crowd boos.


Larry Z::" Well the kid isn't shy isn't he?"


Hudson::" Are you kidding. I was waiting for him to tell us how he really feels." Up next is the return of The Cat Ernest Miller.


Ernest Miller comes to the ring as only he can and grabs a mic after all the dancing is done.


The Cat:: "Now I know you people came to see someone get their butt whooped tonight right? I challenge anybody back there, I mean anybody to come to this ring and challenge me. SOMEBODY CALL MY MOMMA!" (Rating D)


Out comes Mark Jindrak and he is ready to go


Ernest Miller vs Mark Jindrak


Winner Ernest Miller defeated Mark Jindrak in 12:12 by pinfall with a Superkick.


Match Rating D


The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down.


To the back with Lance Storm


Lance Storm:: Everyone knows I took this company by storm...pardon the pun...the last time I was here. The only title that eluded me was the world heavyweight title. But tonight I rectify that by bring it home. To CALGERY.......ALBERTA, CANADA!" (Rating C-)


Time for the MAIN EVENT all the wrestlers are in the ring and the talking is done


Shot backstage on the image of a door with the nameplate GOLDBERG


Random guy knocks on the door "Ready GOLDBERG"


Goldberg entrance, smoke breathing, arms punching, the standard entrance for him. (Rating C)


Michael Buffer is in the ring to announce the wrestlers.


Buffer:: "Welcome everyone to WCW The Big Bang and this is your main event for the evening"

Standing in this corner he is the pride of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The only man to ever hold the WCW United States, Cruiserweight, and Hardcore championships simultaneously. One of the best technical wrestlers in the world today. This is LANCE STORM




Buffer::" In this corner, he is the master of the Diamond Cutter, a former 3 time WCW heavyweight champion of the world, he hails from the Jersey shore...this is Diamond Dallas Page!!!!!!!"




Buffer: "In this corner, he is known worldwide for having the largest arms in the world. Known by women everywhere as the Big Bad Booty Daddy, he is a former WCW heavyweight champion of the world, this is Scott Steiner!!!""




Buffer:: "And our final competitor, he is the man who started 173-0. Winning the world heavyweight title right here in the Georgia Dome on Monday Night Nitro. A man known worldwide in the industry for being unstoppable destruction. He hails from Atlanta, Georgia. This is GOLDBERG!!!!!"




WCW World Heavyweight Championship Match


Lance Storm vs Scott Steiner vs Goldberg vs DDP


Winner Lance Storm defeated Bill Goldberg, Scott Steiner and Diamond Dallas Page in 13:46 when Lance Storm defeated Diamond Dallas Page by submission with a Canadian Maple Leaf. Lance Storm wins the WCW World title.


Match Rating C+


Scott Steiner was visibly tiring toward the end. Scott Steiner came out of the match looking good. Bill Goldberg is improving in Rumble skills. Bill Goldberg is improving in Performance skills. Lance Storm is improving in Rumble skills. Scott Steiner is improving in Performance skills.


Lance Storm celebrates as the Atlanta crowd is shocked. (Rating C)


Hudson:: "Lance Storm is our new World Heavyweight Champion!"


Stevie Ray:: "Wow. I can't believe this"


Larry Z:: He reached the height he was trying to attain, he will be one of the toughest champions to knock off with his ability, in my humble opinion."


Hudson:: "Good night everyone, and join us tomorrow night for the return of MONDAY NIGHT NITRO" One again Lance Storm...the WCW Heavyweight Champion of the world!"


Final Show Rating C (Not enough Storyline and I used Cathy Dingman too much on the show. But it’s the 1st show and I’ll have time to develop some more storylines.)

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WCW Monday Nitro Monday Week 2 September 2012

Fed EX Forum Memphis,TN Attendance 14,226





Ultimo Dragon Vs La Mascara


Último Dragón defeated La Máscara in 7:39 by pinfall with an Asai DDT.


Match Rating C-


The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Último Dragón is improving in Technical skills. Último Dragón is improving in Flying skills. Último Dragón is improving in Performance skills. La Máscara is improving in Rumble skills. La Máscara is improving in Technical skills.


High Voltage (Kenny Kaos & Robbie Rage) vs The Mamalukes (Johnny The Bull & Big Vito)


The Mamalukes defeated High Voltage I in 7:41 when Big Vito defeated Robbie Rage by pinfall with a Luca Brotzi.


Match Rating D


The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Robbie Rage is improving in Performance skills. Big Vito is improving in Technical skills. Big Vito is improving in Flying skills. Johnny Stamboli is improving in Performance skills.



WCW Monday Nitro


The show opens with a replay video of the World Heavyweight Title Match that happened at the Big Bang PPV between Goldberg, Lance Storm, Scott Steiner, and DDP in which Storm came out the winner. (Rating C+)


Fireworks go off around the arena and the crowd is cheering as the camera zooms in to the announce team.


Hudson:: “ Welcome Everyone to Monday Night Nitro on TNT, and after a historic night at The Big Bang in which Lance Storm became the new World Champ what will happen tonight. All the fallout on tonight’s Nitro. I’m Scott Hudson joined by Stevie Ray and the Living Legend Larry Zbyszko.”


Larry gets up to wave to the crowd….as always.


Stevie Ray:: I’m telling you last night Scott was shocking. In my opinion I thought Lance Storm wouldn't come out on top but he did. But he beat 3 of the top stars in this company and he can call himself the Champion.”


Larry rejoins them


Hudson:: “Larry, Thoughts”


Larry Z:: “About what?”


Hudson:: “Last Night.”


Larry Z:: “Well I’ll say this Mr.Storm talk the talk, and definitely walked the walk and then become the Heavyweight champion of the whole world, but now he faces the toughest task that any man who has been champion will tell you. Its hard to win the title and become champion, but it’s much harder to keep it when the bulls-eye is on your back.”


Hudson:: “Well said my friend, and we start off Nitro tonight with our first match featuring Buff Bagwell”


Buff Bagwell walks out and poses and laughs and talks into the camera. Then turns and points as his pyro goes off and hits the ring ready for action.(Rating C-)


Match #1

Buff Bagwell vs Mike Enos


Buff Bagwell defeated Mike Enos in 9:31 by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.


Match Rating E


Mike Enos was exhausted by the end. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Mike Enos is improving in Performance skills.





After the match Lance storm makes his way to the ring and he has a mic.


Lance Storm::” If I can have your attention for a minute.”


Crowd boos as he scans around with a menacing look on his face.


Lance Storm:: “ I told each and every one of you that at the end of the night I would be the one holding this prestiges title. And its only right that a prestiges Wrestler such as my self should be the only one holding it. I beat 3 other men for the right to hold this championship.” (Rating C)


Crowd continues to boo and berate Storm as he holds up the title and walks around the ring. Then out of no where Goldberg’s music hits and he makes his way to the ring. He comes in and takes the mic away from Storm. Rating C-)


Goldberg:: “You know what Storm, I’ll give you credit. It was a brutal match last night and from one man to another you came out on top and you deserve to wear that belt. But now its time for you to step up and defend it….and I’m challenging you tonight for that….the World Heavyweight Title.” [b}(Rating C-)[/b]


Storm:: “I choose at this time to not defend the title. And I will definitely not defend it against you, Diamond Dallas Page, or Scott Steiner as I have already defeated you last night as my challengers.” (Rating C-)


Crowd boos as Storm leaves the ring holding the belt in the air walking up the entrance aisle. Goldberg looks on in disgust. (Rating C-)


Match #2

Juventud Guerrera vs Super Calo vs Jushin “Thunder” Liger


Juventud Guerrera drew with Super Caló and Jushin Liger in 14:47 when the referee lost control and stopped the match. During the match we also had Teddy Hart run in and attack Jushin Liger.


Match Rating C


tonight. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. The Cruiserweights go all out storyline has continued with this match. Juventud Guerrera is improving in Performance skills. Super Caló is improving in Performance skills.



Teddy Hart runs in the ring during the match and the ref calls for a match stoppage. Hart focuses his attack on Jushin Liger while the other 2 competitors are out on the floor. He then ask for a microphone. (Rating D)


Teddy Hart:: “Is this a joke? I was the star last night. The star of the show. And I’m not booked tonight but these nobodies are. I’m the showcase in this company. I’m the person this company needs to be highlighting. I………”(Rating C-)


Just before Hart finishes his tirade Liger, Super Calo, and Juvi jump in the ring, attack him and toss him out to the delight of the crowd. Hart leaves walking off in disgust looking back at the 3 in the ring. (Rating D)


Hudson:; “What in the world is wrong with Teddy Hart?”


Stevie Ray:: “He just comes out here and gets involved in a match, this guy is an airhead.”


Larry Z:: Apparently he is the showcase or whatever he thinks he is but it looks like Liger and company don’t agree with Hart’s assessment of himself.”


Steiner(Rating B) and DDP(Rating E) both shown walking backstage on their way to the ring.


Hudson:: “Well we got a great match coming up next, Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner in action, tonight he takes on DDP, Diamond Dallas Page.”


Steiner makes his way to the ring and we get ready for DDP.


SELF HIGH FIVE!!! DDP comes out does his thing and the pyro goes off.(Rating C) He slides in the ring and gets into a stand-off with Steiner.(Rating C)


Match #3

Scott Steiner vs DDP


Diamond Dallas Page defeated Scott Steiner in 13:46 by disqualification.


Match Rating C+


Scott Steiner was visibly tiring toward the end. The announcing quality lifted the match. The WCW Title 4 men storyline has continued with this match.



After the match ends in DQ, Steiner attacks DDP and has the upper hand(Rating C-) but DDP fights back and the 2 continue to fight all the way to the Tunertron until security and refs pull them apart.(Rating C)


A video of the DDP, Raven, Scotty Riggs segment fromlast nights PPV plays as the announcers talk. (Rating C)


Hudson:: “Well last night folks we saw Raven and the man who just was involved in a match DDP have a conversation of sorts when all of a sudden Scotty Riggs jumps in the ring and attacks Raven.”


Larry Z:: “ We know Scotty Riggs and Raven have a history from earlier days but I would like to know what made Riggs attack his former leader from the flock.”


Stevie ray:: “I always knew that Raven and his bunch of flunkies didn’t seem right. They belong in a mental hospital.”(Rating D)


Scotty Riggs is in the ring and holding a steel chair.


Riggs:: “It was over a decade ago. A decade ago when I went face first into one of these chairs.” That moment my life changed, my thinking changed. Close to everything……CHANGED. And that’s all because of one man. One demented mind. The mind of Raven. But I got better. But still over time it haunts me. Losing sight in my eye, listening to that madman and his thoughts. Still haunt me. I thought I would never get a chance a true chance….for payback. But now I have it. I have it Raven. And know from this point on I’m going to make your life a living hell.You can’t run from it, you won’t be able to talk your way out of it. You can’t stop it. It will not be done until I say its done and I’m at peace with myself……”(Rating C-)


Riggs drops the mic and leaves thru the crowd.


Hudson:: “Wow……well that was…”


Stevie Ray:: “Crazy?” I told you those guys were nuts then and their still nuts now. If I’m Raven I’ll be watching my back.”


We go backstage to Cathy Dingman who is standing by with Sammi Lane.


Cathy:: “Sammi tonight you are one of the 4 competitors going at it for the WCW women’s championship. Your thoughts?”


Sammi Lane:: “Tonight I just want to go out there and give it my best, and I know the other ladies are also going to do the same. I just hope…”(Rating D)


Out of no where Daffney, David Flair, and Crowbar interrupts the interview.


Daffney:: “Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”


They walk off leaving Cathy and Sammi looking confused.


Match #4 for the WCW Women’s Championship


Sammi Lane vs Kissey Dyer vs Daffney vs Anna Ki


Daffney defeated Sammi Lane, Anna Ki and Kissey Dyer in 14:50 when Daffney defeated Sammi Lane by pinfall after using a foreign object. Daffney wins the WCW Womens title.


Match Rating C-


Daffney was visibly tiring toward the end. Kissey Dyer was visibly tiring toward the end. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Daffney is improving in Technical skills. Daffney is improving in Performance skills. Anna Ki is improving in Rumble skills.




Disco Inferno And Alex Wright come out to the ring dancing.(Rating C-) They have a mic.


Disco:: “You know last night a couple of jealous jerks attack us for no reason.”


Alex Wright:: “They are angry, because they don’t have the moves!”


Disco:: Right Alex, so tonight, right now get your butts out here so we can kick it.”(Rating C)


Match #5


Boogie Knights (Alex Wright & Disco Inferno) Vs The Darness Warriors (Jay & Raul Darkness)


The Darkness Warriors defeated Boogie Knights in 12:02 when Jay Darkness defeated Disco Inferno by pinfall while using the ropes for leverage.


Match Rating C-


Jay Darkness was visibly tiring toward the end. Raul Darkness was visibly tiring toward the end. The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. This match brought the crowd's mood down. Alex Wright is improving in Performance skills. Raul Darkness is improving in Performance skills.




Commercial for next PPV featuring Buff Bagwell (Rating C-)


We come back with Cathy Dingman backstage with Goldberg


Cathy:: “Goldberg, Lance Storm refused your challenge and any other from you and the 2 other men from last nights bout. How do you respond to that?”


Goldberg:: “Cathy, Lance Storm calls himself a champion. But a champion take son all comers. Now I’m not going to stand here and whine and complain about not getting a match. But my time will come, and when it does….Lance Storm….YOUR NEXT!!!!” (Rating C-)


Match #6


Raven vs Prince Iaukea (Raven’s Rules)


Raven defeated Prince Iaukea in 7:34 by pinfall with a Raven Effect.


Match Rating C


The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Raven came out of the match looking good. Prince Iaukea is improving in Rumble skills. Prince Iaukea is improving in Technical skills.






After the match Raven grabs a mic


Raven:: “You know something Scotty, me & you…….”(Rating C-)


Riggs come out of the crowd and attacks Raven again and gives him an Evenflow DDT on a chair. (Rating D)He stands over him and does Raven’s pose.(Rating F)



Match # 7 Main Event


Buff Bagwell Vs Perry Saturn


Buff Bagwell defeated Perry Saturn in 10:01 by pinfall after using a foreign object.


Match Rating C


The announcing quality lifted the match. The colour commentary gave the match a boost. Buff Bagwell is improving in Rumble skills. Buff Bagwell is improving in Technical skills. Buff Bagwell is improving in Performance skills.



After the match we go backstage where Lance Storm and Elix Skipper are attacking Goldberg. (Rating D)


Storm: “You see this belt Goldberg?” You will never have it or any shot at my title as long as I’m holding it.”


They then jump in a car and drive off leaving Goldberg laying as security runs in as Nitro goes off the air.


Final Show Rating C- (The crowd feels the promotion is lacking any really hot storylines to follow)

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  • 3 weeks later...
just a heads up, popularity is HUGE on Sports Entertainment shows. more pop, better rating. especially in celbration segments. For interviews you obvioulsy want charismatic guys. the only guys that despite popularity put on decent matches are REALLLLY good in the ring (performance skills mainly) and help everyone out. Other than that almost all pop
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  • 4 weeks later...
Yes I do plan on continuing this. I just got really busy with work around this time of the year and really couldn't find the time to sit down relax and write it out. Things should slack up closer to x-mas though for me and I'll be back on it Tink. And thanks for the advice petecrimson, I was just trying to build some new guys up and of course they got low grades. It going to take a lot of effort to get them over.
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